TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND. SEPTEMBER 7, 1919. 5 Smart Clothes for Men . . ..... and Young Men The season of soft rains of falling leaves of "alternating cloud and sun calls for new apparel. Here at this store I show clothes undeniably superior in quality; clothes designed and tailored with fidelity to the highest ideals; clothes pleasing in texture, pattern and color. My label appears on every suit every overcoat or . raincoat. It means something to me something to the man who wears one of these garments: Satisfaction or money back! Fall Suits $25 to $60 Men's New Overcoats and Raincoats JVomen's Tailored Coats $30 to $60 enSellin ' TODAY ALL BRAND NEW six DAYS HOOD RIVER CITIZEN DIES DI.VO.V M'DOXALD PROMIXEM IX CIVIC AFFAIRS. One of First Kxponcnts of the Co lumbia River Highway Held Re markable Masonic Record. HOOD RIVKR. Or.. Sept. 6 (Spe cial.) Dixon McDonald, born Novem ber IS 1958. at Stormont. Ont., who died Monday morninp and whose funeral services were held at the River side Congregational church Tuesday afternoon, for ZO years had taken a prominent part in Hood River civic and business affairs. Mr. McDonald had served as member of the city school board, mayor, councilman, trustee of the Congregational church, director of the Commercial club, president of the Merchants' association, president of the Hood River Game Protective associa tion and director of the First National bank. He. was always a good roads booster and was one of the first ex ponents of the Columbia River high way. Mr. McDonald had a remarkable Ma sonic record, having been master of the local lodge and having filled the high est offices of the local chapter. Royal Arch Masons, the council of royal and select masters and the commander)' of Knights Templar. His funeral was conducted by the Masonic lodge, and commandery members attended in uni form in m body. Mr. McDonald is survived by hi widow and the following children: Angus and Clifford McDonald, just mus. tered out of naval service: Mrs. G. L Schetky, Misses Ellen and Barbara Mc Donald and Malcolm McDonald. His mother, aged S3 years, resides at Hard man. Four brothers and sisters are living: Mrs. Klwood Thompson of Oregon City, Mrs. C. O. Thompson of Redmond. Mrs. Simon Overturf of Darby, Mont., and Mrs. Aaron Thom son of Spokane. Wash.; Neal McDonald of Moro. Sam McDonald of V enice. Cal., and George and John McDonald of Hardman. All stores of the city were closed for the funeral Tuesday. . Before coming to Hood River Mr. Mc Donald was O.-W. R. & X. agent at Biggs. He was also a wheat buyer in eastern Oregon. post treating-, good and bad lumbering, tim ber sale. In the national forests, box testing. wooa m-aste ana utilisation. Biological survey Migratory birds, fur farming, destructive birds, beneficial birds, rabbits, destructive rodents and predatory animals. Bureau of public roads Picturesque Amer ican niRnways. roadside treatment, farm drainage, farm buildings, road construction and relocation, planning; farmsteads. Bureau of markets Parcel post and grad ing of fruits and vegetables, city marketing and storage of the same products, grain grading demonstrations in the Important grain-producing states. Bureau of o Soils best adapted for cot ton, truck crops, wheat, fruit and other products; representative soils of the United States, with some of local Importance; meth ods of soil analysis and soli surveys: ferti lizers. Weather bureau Meteorological data, phe nomena and Instruments; Installation - of lightning rods. Division of publications Farmers bulle tins explaining and Illustrating all nhuti of the department's work. Selections may be made from the samples on display. The exhibit material consists of models Illustrating various activities; enlarged pic tures, charts and diagrams and miscellan eous samples and objects. Three types of Inntallation on panels. In caalnets and on tables give the exhibit a new and entirely distinct appearance. Representalves of the department will be with the exhibit to give visitors any explanations that may be desired. without being- redistributed at the main United States postoffice here. " All the big -trans-Pacific liners are used for carrying: mail to Japan and thence to Siberia and some ships make the trip direct from Vladivostok to America. Two boats leave. Vladivostok each week for Japan, connecting with the mail liners for America. "The sol diers in Siberia are a long: way from home and every letter from America makes the stay here that muph easier," says the United States postal agent. who urges that more letters be written. Three American postoffices have been established in Siberia at American troop centers. One is at Shkotova, 30 miles northeast of Vladivostok; another is at Spasskoe, 180 miles north, and the third is at Verkhne Udlnsk, 1704 miles north west of Vladivostok. These postoffices are for use of the A. K. F., the Ameri can Red Cross, the Y. M. C. A., and the Russian railway service corps. Ameri can civilians in Siberia obtain their mail through the Russian postoffice. Ingr this town without a daily for the first time since the stampede days of isas and 1899. In those days, when the gold seekers left the Seattle steamers here and climbed the Chilcoot Pass. Skagway then boasted a population of around 20,000. Aow there are only a few nunarea leit. I 4 Next Saturday Chas. Ray in "Bill Henry" S. & H. green stamps ror cash. Hoi man Fuel Company, Main 3S3. A 335J. Blockwood, short slabwood, Utah and Rock Springs coal; sawdust. Adv. 0. S. TO MIKE t OREGON' STATE FAIR TO SHOW GOVERNMENT WORK. Department of Agriculture LUts Great Variety of Subjects of Interest to Farmers. SALEM. Or.. Sept. 6. Special.) The magnitude and scope of the work of the United States . department of agricul ture is indicated in exhibits that are to be shown for the first time at the state fair, which will open here Sep tember II. The exhibits are sent by the depart ment for the primary purpose of mak ing farmers better acquainted with Its work and to show them how they can make live of the investigational work that is going on in Washington and other places. To list" everything that will be In cluded In the department of agricul ture exhibit would mean the cataloging of huifrlreds of Items. Here are a few of the subjects to be treated: Rureau of animal Industry Poultry rais ing, meat Inspection, silo construction, dairy buildings, sheep buildings, methods of com Dating ammat Jiaeasea. i Bureau of plant industry Corn production, seed corn and breeding, cereals, forage crops, Irult growing, home Improvements. Bureau of chemistry Plant dust explo sions, farm treatment of hides, enforcement . vf food and drugs set. destruction of adul treated foods, vegetable drying, use of flour ubttiluua r'talea relations service Extension work with men women, boys and girls, from the national, state. county and community standpoint: making available on the farm the facts that are developed in scientific re search. Bureau of entomology Destructive In sects aod methods of combating them: weevil-proof graaary: Insecticides, fungicides and spraying equipments. Forest service Land erosion through de forestation, woodland Improvement, forest fir. effects and prevention, recreation In the national forests, growing windbreaks, fence- I A CORRECT ADDRESSES CAUSE SOLDIERS' LETTERS TO STRAY United States Postal Agent With Army In Siberia Explains Form to Be Followed. VLADIVOSTOK. July 15. (Corre spondence of the Associated Press.) Hundreds or letters intended for Amerl can soldiers in Siberia have gone astray uecause or incorrect addresses, accord ing to S. A. Cisler. United States postal agent in Siberia, who was sent here with the American expeditionary farces to iook alter the mail for the dougnbov. Many letters intended for Siberia were sent to Archangel when American troops were there, and many letters in tenaea ror Archangel were sent to ladlvostok. The correct address for letters to Si beria Is: Name, unit, A. E. F.. Siberia, via San Francisco. Writing the unit to which the soldier belongs In the address saves at least 24 hours in delivery of mall upon reaching the A. E. F. base in Siberia, Mail addressed to units is de livered from the ship at Vladivostok DANCING Guaranteed in eight lessons Ladies 12.50. Gentlemen $5.00 at De Honey's Beautiful Academy. 23d and Wash ington. New Claaaea for Beginners start M o n d ay evening, September 8. and Friday evening, Septem ber 12. Advance classes start Tuesday evening. September 9, and Thursday evening. September 11. All modern dances taught ii eigm lessons. I.ADIKS 2.SO. fiKMI.EMFV S.. This guarantee term is worth S15 and f you ever exDect to learn dancinsr von should take advantage of our cut rates. Secure your tickets this week, before prices advance. You can take one or four leo.ons a week. Tickets are good until usea. Tbe Only Sehool teaching each les son the entire evening, g to 11:30, where you receive the proper amount of prac tice. The Only School with a separate step room and extra teachers, where backward pupils receive special atten tion. The Only School with a svstem where you dance with dosens of differ ent partners, teaching the gentleman to lead and lady to follow correctly the only way to become a practical danrei ). The Only School where each pypil receives a printed description of an fiances tree. t e ao not leacn De fore dancing parties begin, or give short one-hour lessons, .n-t i conscien tiously believe one lesson from us is worth six in the average school. The most backward pupil will not become embarrassed and is sure to learn. You will enjoy yourself, as the social fea ture alone is worth double the price. PRIVATK LESSONS AT AM. HOI RS. If you desire the most KimnlA hu 11. room dance or most beautiful stage dance, call afternoons or evenings. SKLKCT DACU(i PIRTIKS every Saturday evening. That wonder- iui peppv. jazxy Murlark orchestra. Popular orices. Clin thin out ti i jour friends. Phone Main 7656. Daily Alaskan Becomes Tri-Weekly. SKAGWAY, Alaska. Aug. 10. (By Mail.) Skagway's newspaper, the Alas kan, the oldest daily in Alaska, recently was converted into a tri-weekly. leav- Shirts to Order New Fall and Winter Silk and Madras Shirting just in. Knit Underwear made to order. Jacobs Shirt Co. RALEIGH BLDG. 327 Washington Street Established 1888. for 82 years knox has been making exclusive hats for i . gentlemen who desire the best i a. ' If Q l1 5x oc-i A v. fisTfutimur it mrr - Eugene Walter's Noted Play "THE WAY 0 mm, ichel A W 0 M A N The favorite of all dramatic stars as a young south ern girl who marries into the New York millionaire set and finds herself enmeshed in a startling way. men's furnisher and hatter exclusive but not expensive 331 Washington street, near broad way mi ataTV rcuub. MURTAGH'S CONCERT On Our Giant $50,000 Organ MUKTAO-F9 CONCERT PROGRAM JlKt 1T of the Danube," (Walts) Ivanovlei "Serenade" Victor Herbert Irlah Diamonds," ( Fantasia i Moore "The Mlnatrel Boy." "Klllarney." "Come Back to Erin," "Garry Owen." Alabama Lullaby" De Voll March from "Tannhauser" Wanner AT 12:30 TODAY A HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY AND THE WEEKLY DE LUXE ki:;ograms 3 SIX NIGHTS