THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, POKTjLAXI), SEPTEMBER 7, 1919. 10 fUK SALE ACTOMOBI1J. WAIT A MINUTE. MR. MAJ. WOtTD TOU BUT A USED CAR TT . - . . . . -. . . . . . . . -r . . . . ii l' rt:iHA TKK O.N" IT YOU WOULD UtT O.N A IFSUCH A PROPOSITION INTERESTS TOU COME IX AND Uil US TELA. lOU AHCICT OUR PLAN. WE TAKE I.IBEKTT BONDS AT FACE VALUE WHEN APPLIED AS FIRST PAYMENT AND GIVE EAST TERMS ON THE HAUNC'K. ., HERE ARE THE CARS: 1919 Studebaker Big 6. 7 passenger inn Haynes. 6 cyl.. chummy roadster. JU1S Bulck. cyl.. 6 passenger. I'M Jordan. 8 cyl.. 8 passenger. 1918 Jordan. 8 cyl 4 passenger. 1918 Oakland 6. & paasenger. ll18 Chevrolet. 5 pafcR-niier. I:MH Maxwell. 5 passenger. l'.M Studebaker 8. 7 passenger. I'.MS Overland, model UO. . J17 Hudson Super 6. 7 passenger. lt17 Itodge. 5 passenser. 1917 Haynes. 8 cyL. 0 passenger. 1917 M.ixweil. 5 passenger. 1917 Maxwell roadster. 1917 Saxon 8. 5 passenger. 1'JIT Mitchell 8. 7 passenger. !HT Chandler Despatch. 4 passenger. 1917 Chevrolet, i passenger. JP17 Stephens 8. 4 passenger. 1917 Velle 8. S passenger. 1917 Ford. 5 pasfcugcr. 1917 Kord roadster. 1916 Havnes. 5 passenger. 3918 Hudson Super . 7 passenger. 1916 Kord. 5 passenger. 1918 Chevrolet. 5 passenger. 1916 Overland. 5 passenger. 1916 Overland roadster. S-3-too Denby trucks. Lota of others to select from. Open evenings and Sundays. LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO.. I-vnCAH DKPARTMENT. 11 GRAND AVE. N.. N EAR BURNSIDE. CAPTLLAC uro, ;. MARMON PUG. $385. FORD TOURING. 1917. $47S. These ear are all real bargain and run welL Pleased to ihow you all about In em. GUARANTEED AUTO REPAIRING, do good, honest work at lair prices. GUARANTEE ACTO REPAIR CO. ;x Front street, corner Jefferson. SPKl'l AL. Then car are In fine shape and must be old today. Each car carries our usual guarantee and free service. Term If de sired, our low price win mow mu .iil-Llv iuit V-.nni t- I09.V 191. Maxwell. good as new. C 55 big six Hulck. 1918 Lulck roadiwer. 1!US Chandler chummy, i n a Ktuile. rcadster. 1917 big tx Stude baker. 1917 Cole S roads'er. 1918 Dodge roadster. 101S Kord touring. 1818 big six Mitchell. 7 -pans. 1916 Hupmoblle. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. Mar. rtoo. 5th and Taylor. REAL TIRE BARGAINS. An flrst-grau tires, sot seconds. JSx.'t smooth. 3ix3 S non-skid. 32x4 J. D.. smooth. 2.1x4 S. S.. smooth. 3.".x4 i S. S.. non-skid. 3.'nlS S. S.. smooth. 3r,x4S S. S.. smooth. 3rtx4' S. S.. non-skid, a 7 x 5 s. S., non-skid. c v , :til nr rnL PORTLAND RETREAD VULCANIZING 429 Stark SL. bet. 11th and 12th. MAXWELL TOURING CAR. W'H'K. STl DEB4KER. yoni CHOICE FOR $275. TERMS. C, G. BLEASDALE, 530 ALDER. CHAS. C. FAGAN CO.. I.a DISTRIBUTORS Plerce-Arrow Motor Cars and Trucks. Fierce-Arrow 7-passenger, 8-68 $2250 Plerce-Arrow 6-paasenger. 6-48 2400 Plerce-Arrow Limousine. 6-3S -700 Exceptional values In used Plerce-Arrow cars. .Broadway 4693. Ninth at Burn aide. FORD ROADSTER. TN FINE CONDI TION: MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. C. G. BLEASDALE. 630 ALDER. IMMEDIATE DELIVERT ON MAX WELL TOURING. SEE ME. BE FORE placing Tour order. TERMS. C G. BLEASDALE. 630 ALDEK. 1914 Hup., the kind that are hard to get. g-d tires all around, A-l mechanical an ape. 2 light delivery cars at a bargain. We have on our list several used trueka In first-class shape at very moderate prices. P.ODHAIN-VOLLUM AUTO CO.. Broadway iU. 93 N. Park. Oregon distributor for Acme trucks. FRANKLIN SIX TOURING. 1850, TERMS C G. BLEASDALE. fiSO ALDER. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sunday. Goodyear cord tires for Fords, $21.55. Authorized Wi'lard sa station. I'MON AVE. TIKE BATTERT SHOP. t Union at. N-. cor. Sacrament. Phone East 1393. -CTL. OI.PSMOBII.E. 11330. IF TA KEN THIS WEEK. O G. BLEASDALE, 630 ALDER. LATE MODEL VELIE SIX Just think. It has 4 brand new Kederal cords and they are oversize. In fact, this car looks and run like new. Will take In a car a firt payment, balance long payments. Pacific Auto Co.. 623 Alder at. Broad ill 34 1 L 1KIS DOGE rondster. look like new, 4 good tires, extra tube and tire cover, bumper and chains; fine mechanical con dition; owner must sell at once; $'.HH, terms to n-sponsible party. Call Frank Smith. Broadway HUu. llOTORS. gear, bearings, wheels, axlea: w wreck all make of car and sell tbi part at half price. David 11 ode Cot. North Broadway ad Flanders. MAXWELL 1U1B touring, in best of condi tlon; nearly new; win sacrifice at 1U7., and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside CHEVROLET ISMS touring, with lots of ex tras: vacuum feed; good tires: a bargain at J some terms. 00 Grand ave. N., near Bumside. MAXWELL touring. 1913. In perfect condi tion; tires good: will sacrifice at 477.1 and give terms- 30 Grand ave. N., near Burn side MAXWELL 1919 touring. Just like new. only run a few thousand miles: will sacrifice at SIO'J, some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. I'OR SALE: On account or sickness, my 7-passenger Chalmers; new cord tire on rear wheel. Phone Woodlawn 18o4. or ca:l 16"" Derby street. FORD roadster, 1917. some extras. In fine condition: must sell: a bargain at S4S0, with term. 30 Grand ave. N.a near Burn ide. 1 1 S MAXWELL touring, good a new. ex tra tires: will sacrifice 800 cash. Phone East IHo. BUY MY 1918 BUICK TOURING CAR TO PAY Al CONDITION. GOOD TIRES. TA BoR 630. CHEVROLET touring. 1918, in best of condi tion: good tires: a bargain at $700; some terms. SO Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. FORD delivery, in fine mechanical condftion; good tires: will sell at $47i. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. L GOOD Mitchell four for $200. Will give easy I'm;. Has two new tires. Pacific Auto Co., 323 Alder st. Broadway 3411. 9 CHEVROLET Must sell quickly: make me an offer. Ak for "Jake." Pacific Auto Co.. 623 Alder st. Broadway 3411. 1917 PI:E. A-l condition, leaving tow willacrlfice $900. 43 N. 6th.. Bdwy 2168. USED rebuilt tires. The Finch Vulcanizing Co., 391 Stark, between 9th and 10th. ll MAX WELL. 2 new tire. 8 extrasTbar gain. Phone Tabor 6503. DODGE. 1918. good condition. r.114. 511 Glisan St. Broadway 191S CHEVROLET, good condition, worth f Too. Quick sale. $25. Klng-st. garage. 1918 FORD, perfect condition, cheap for ca.-h. East 4Q12. t yOR SALE l.te 1917 Oakland, good a new, :wh. Phone Woodlawn 408. PRIVATE GARAGE. Williams ave. and Beech. $1.50. Mala 1638. Hurry. FOR BALE AUTOMOBILES. TOIJ OWE IT TO YOURSELF to visit our salesroom and ee for your self the large line of LATE MODEL "used" but not "abused cars. Paige Light Six This car Is In the best or condition and la priced oeiow me mar keL Bulck Six Bulcks are all good, but this one I a little better than good, -rricea below the market. Hupmoblle We have aeveral of these. Tu get big value in all of them. TVlllva Six One of those cars that Is always "at your service." Model 00 Overland Just renewed and la ready to take you anywhere. Saxon Chummy Tes. one of those cosy nomelike cars, bee this. Studebaker We have a "Six" and a "Four." Both la food condition and priced low. Chevrolet touring This little car la Just alive with pep; fOoO la the price- Chevrolet roadster. "Most new tells the story. See It, Overland roadter Just renewed; good Urea; full of service. Maxwell roadster- Too know what they ay about a Maxwell more miles to the gallon. Ford touring; several late models, THE USED CAR EXCHANGE UPSTAIRS. & W. Cor. 15ia and Washington Sta, HOWARD AUTO CO. Broadway 1130. 14th and Davis St. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING USED CARS On Onr Floor All Flrat-Claa. TERMS IF YOU WISH. lf1T Bulck. ff-para. touring n IMS Bulck. 5-pas. touring . - 14O0 1!MS Buick. S-pass. touring Ljoo 1118 Buick. 3-pass roadater l-t.'O 1918 Bulck. 7-pass, touring ' 191T Franklin S-oas. touring !"" 1917 National, 7-pas. touring l-.0 1912 Packard. 7-pas. stater and elec tric light l'O 1!1S Dodge roadster ' 1918 Overland Club roadster "00 Come and look them over. HOWARD AUTO CO. Broadway 1130 phone. 14th and Davia CARS THAT ARE BARGAINS. 1917 Auburn, first -clasa condition. 1918 Ford roadster. 1917 Hupmoblle touring: S extra good We have trucks In all sixes: li-ton. 1. I'll 7 Saxon Six touring. 1916 Loxler. 7-pasa.. elf-tarter. C-pass. Overland, cheap. Make Easy Terms. AUTO SALES CO.. 6th and Couch. USED RADIATORS, for all makes of car All ear radiator are carefully gone over and made tight before sold. BURNESS at MARTIN, lain and Alder sta. PAIGE SIX 7 passenger; must have ISO0 on this car by sunoay nigm; win bm. term on the balance. Car looks verj good and mechanically perfect; ha four Goodyear cords and one U. S. Will con eider light car a trade-in. Pacific Aute Co., 523 Alder st. Broadway STUDEBAKER 4 5-passenger, new top, z new Royal cord tires, tnree koto innric tires; fne mechanical shape and looks very good. Will sell for $240 down and ten month to pay the balance of $360. Pa cific Auto Co.. 51:3 Alder SL Broadway 3411. HATNES six. In good condition, new battery. new tires, 31-uo. sotu casn. Daiance goou small car or terms or both. X 0004, ore gonian. MAXWELL ROADSTER. '18. excellent shape, run less than miles, lire ex tra good: must be seen to be appreciated. Will give good terms or take your car In on a trade. Pacific Auto Co., 623 Alder street. Broadway 8411. ALL kinds of high-grade auto rlnlshe and varnishes at popular price at me aiuubn PAINT A WALLPAPER CO.. 172 First t Call on ua for Information before you faint that car. Ceaollns. greases, oils. Main 68. Big Stock. USED CARS. Priest Right. No misrepresentation. COVET MOTOR CAR CO. MAXWELL TOURING $240 down, ten months on oatance oi sow. iiWM wsn and run better, five good tires, three practically new. Pacific Auto Co., 623 Alder st. Broadway 3411 BARGAIN IN LUXURIOUS HUDSON SE DAN; WiSSTI.Minul-Mi M1i rv w n SORBERS. Al CONDITION. RE FINISH ED LIKE NEW. CAN USE SMALL CAR AS PART PAYMENT. G 4S0. OREGON I AN. FORD ROADSTER. 191S. mechanically new. has been over hauled, has 54-In. bed. extra demountable tires, nearly new, and has been well kept, 4o. 10 E. 82d St. UST COMPLETED 2 of the finest Ford bug ever seen in fomana: orana new 1919 motors and those high-class California bodies; one-man tops. Look them over. 129 10th t.. betweeh Alder and Wash. LATE model Saxon sx touring, fine shape. two new tires, some extra equipment, i.u takes It for quick sale; terms If desired. Pacific Auto Co., 623 Alder U Broad way 3411. STUDEBAKER six touring, 1918; just like new: good tires; must sen; a Dargain at $10.0. some term. Consider Ford In trade, balance terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. STUDEBAKER BIG SIX 7 passenger. In excellent shape ana gooa tires; win sen very cheap for a quick turn-over; make me an offer. Ask for "Charlie," Pacific Auto Co., 623 Alder St. Broadway 3411. CLASSIEST 1918 OLDS S: It's the best bug in town, lou must see mis car oezore you buy. Call Sunday, 120 N. Oih at. Bdwy. 292.1. FRANKLIN touring car. used only S weeks. left with us to oe sola; can oe naa at a substantial reduction. BRALY AUTO CO.. Main 4SSO. 601 Washington t. LATE OAKLAND SIX ROADSTER. Most powerful light car in city: classy appearance and In excellent shape; $!00. 209 Tenth. 1918 CHANDLER, In good condition: good tires and good paint, will take smaller car In exchange. Phone evenings, Eaat 3024. 1918 OLDS MOBILE. 7-passenger, 8-cyllnder; good tires, 1 spare; gone o.iu miles: car a good a new; terms to responsible party. 263 Morris st FORDS Several of them. Price right and terms that suit, fica me one you want at Pacific Auto Co., 623 Alder sL Broad way 8411 LATE 1918. 5-pass. Bulck as good as new: driven thou miles. - new corQ tire. Price $14oO cash. Call Woodlawn 5907. REAL BARGAIN S-pass., good tires, ready to go anywhere, (550. Lillian Apis., apt. No. 4. CHEVROLET 1916 touring In fine condition; good tires; a DarBmu i wim term. :;o Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 1919 CHEVROLET tourlng. driven only 2000 miles, like new; price siuu. -iuv ntn St., b-t. Wash, and Stark. CHANDLER touring, 1917, In best of condi tion; good tires: a Dargain at liuu, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. FOR SALE Ford chassis by private party; excellent condition: all new tires, new radiator. Call East 3906 Sunday. ' Toio oldsmobile" six. Best automobile buy in Portland; aee car. 650 E. 4tit h N.. evenings. DODGE 4. new tires, new top; motor in good condition. Call Marshall 1428. Ask for Baker. FORD touring, 1917, in fine condition: some extras; a bargain at $.11X1. with terras. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. BARGAIN IN 1918 CHALMERS SIX: RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR SAXON SIX. $575, terms. Will demonstrate. Call anytime after Monday. Me Ills. S blks. north of 50th and Fremont. FORD. 1916. Al condition, good tire, snap for cash: terms. Tabor 807. 1919 CHEVROLET $760; call 345 Williams avenue. 1916 CHALMERS, a light 6. $800 cash, or will g i ve some te rms. Wood I aw- n3 1 73. FIRST-CLASS FORD delivery, box-fittlnl shelves: must sell, $390. Main 1690. 1918 HUDSON. 7-passenger. good condition, good tires. Call Mar. 2766. $200 KIVE-passenger. touring, fine running order: sacrifice. H 127. Oregonian. BABY SAXON in good shape. $275. Bdwy. 1783. 1917 MAXWELL In good shape. Call Evans, Main 4940. NASH 6, run about 4000 mile. Just Ilka new; bargain for cash. F 60S, Oregonian. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. ARB MARKET FOR 300 CORDS OF WOOD and will talk business with someone who will take a truck In part payment. We have trucks In all sizes: 2. !. Six and 5-ton. U-ton. 1 and the pricea are very low. too. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Alder at ISth. "STUTZ." Tt. sou eh t-nf t er car In America the Stutx. Report from California state used Stut cars are bringing prices ue original coL We offer lor immediate uc livery: Slxteen-valve Stut. four-passenger. 1917 seven-passenger. U nm. I a I K a pk. f vmHl Stutx sedan; smartest car ever seen in Portland. I'.-onl ii-ria 1 lna nrlr.R All cars are guaranteed to be up-to-date Stutx standard. A AUTO REST MOTOR SALES CO.. - Tenth at Salmon. Stutx Distributors for Oregon. DEALERS You cannot dissipate your le gitimate profits through costly handling of vour paper on time sales. Our plan relieves you of the cost and assists in making both new and used car sales. Call or write for particular. WESTERN FINANCE CORPORATION. Capital 47.".. 000. 4U3-4-5 Pittock Block. Phone Broadwav 'J414. Portland, Oregon. Sales contract forms furnished. " BUICK. 1017. light six. 5 passenger, tires In an excellent condition, Al mechanically. Call Woodlawn 63S5. SAXON SIX. driven 6000 miles, good tires, 2 cord, guaranteed A-l condition; AN EX rvi.i pvt WITV. Cash or term to re sponsible party; private owner leaving city. QUICK ACTION necessary If you want this bargain. Phone Marshall lo.i. FIVE-PASS. HAYNES TOURING. Ijite model, run only few month mhnnlr-Bllv nerf ect : non-resident owner wire sell, 1S00. This is about $500 under real used-car value. -15 Tenth: vnn Gll.R Th, hKt old Cadillac bug in the world; good tires and ready to go any place: price $20O. half cash; make good service car. nawinume uata,, Ul Kth and Hawthorne. FREE. Costs nothing to see my light six touring car at S01 E. 37th st; practically gooci an new. Snap $K30. Come or phone your address. Tabor 1231. mv ioiq MAVWEI.L. GUARANTEED IN PERVBCT CONDITION. TIRES ALL GOOD. WITH ONE EXTRA TIRE. TERMS. TABOR 6532. 1916 OVERLAND touring, good tires and good paint: runs like new. $6..0: 1910 Overland bug In Al condition, J3o0. See them at 210 4th st. FOR SALE Ford touring car in first-class mechanical condition; will take X32S. no a -rents. Owner. 1109 E. Harrison. Tabor 6SIIH. FOR SALE Cole 8, 1918 model, excellent condition, snap If bought at once. See at Auto Laundry. 449 Burnside St., or call room 211. Franklin hotel! FORD roadster, newly painttd. two new .imm itcu ahuorhers. chains, and in first- 1xim' shnne throughout. Call between 5 and 7:31). 75S East Pine st FORD sedan, electric starter, wire wheels, extra tire and wheel; first-class shape. Phone East 5.198 Sunday 8 to 10 A. M. or 1 to 3 P. M. . 1917 BUICK six touring, 2 brand new tires, car in fin shape, looks fine: price $1050, terms, call Montgomery at Howard Auto Co.. Bdwy. 1130. MUST sacrifice, leaving town, 1918 model fi ihi. at Overland, cord tires. In good condition all around. looks like new. GS32 S4th t- S. E., bet. otn ana mtn aves. 1917 SIX-CYLINDER. 3-passenger Stude baker roadster. Just painted and over hauled. New tires. $300 cash. Tabor 8061. LATE model Maxwell touring car. re finlshed like new. some extras. Owner must have cash, but will consider terms. Can be seen 123- 16th at-, off Washington, upstair. . MUST sell at once my late model Saxon Six at a great sacrifice; seeing 1 believing; will be at garage at 10th and Eait Burn side. Sunday. LARGE Packard, 8-cylinder. cheap: In first class condition: an ideal car for passenger service. Scats 0 people comfortably. Call East 1088. HUDSON 1917 SUPER SIX touring ear, in first-class condition; good tires. $1600 net. The W. G. McPberson Co.. 19th and Wil son St. 1918 CHALMERS HOT SPOT, u-passenger touring, run only a few thousand miles. Looks like new, good tires. A bargain. Terms. Call Marshall 1900. apt. 42: FOR SALE by owner. Overland 83. good me chanical condition, just been painted, looks like new; price $700. Shown by appoint ment. Phone East 3530. . A REAL BARGAIN. Cad. 8, newly painted, new top, excel lent condition: owner going eaat; must sell at once. 644 Clackamas. A fl-CYLINDER Page-Lenwood model, just like new, in Al condition: a real bargain for cash, $1250. J. M. Jocelyn Grocery, 503 E. 11th st. 5-PASS. Dort. 1918. In good condition. Only $800. Cash or terms. Phone Wood lawn 5907. Owner. FOR SALE Packard 4-30 H. P., cheap at $350. East 0770. H. Truscott, 295 Haw thorne and Water. 1913 MODEL Ford, electric lights, has just been overnauieo; am leaving town, must sell at once. $u25. Call Columbia 356. I HAVE a 5-ton truck and 10-ton trailer; want a haul or a contract in or out of city. A 025, Oregonlan. BY' owner, baby grand Chevrolet. 1918 model, look and runs like new, 34x4 4 cord tires, almost new. Call Columbia C.7. 6-CYL. touring, good mechanical condition. very powenui motor, uarguin tor quica sale. $350. Tabor 3350. evenings. FOR SALE 1918 Dodge, S-passenger tour- i ing car, gooa condition, uuu. can juon day evening. Tabor 2343. 1917 KISSEL KAR, 101 Pofnt 6: 2 extras, first-class condition. 1917 Buick six, cord tires, today at $1050. Used Car. Palace. FORD touring. 1915, just overhauled: good tires: will sell at a. no, witn terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 5-PASSENGER 191S Briscoe touring car. usea AO mom iib, imu it Laikea in i dpys. X 25. Oregonlan. SERIES 7 Franklin, first-class shape. $13C0. Call mornings. i. J narrett, namapo hotel. 1918 CHUMMY roadster, like new; $850; $250 down, balance terms. Phone Bdwy 411. ask for tailor shop. HUDSON 640 touring, in fine condition; good tires: a bargain for $1100, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. MAXWELL bug: new torpedo body; in best of condition: will sell at $425. some terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. MY late 1917 Paige touring, looks like new. runs perfect; must sell. Call between 9 and 6. 2fti rront at. Mam -t-o MAXWELL touring. 1919, in fine condition; good tires; will sell at $983. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 1915 BIG 5-passenger. in A-l shape. $325; by owner. 253 E. 39th st. s'.pASS. car, in good condition, for sale cheap. Phone Marshall 1344. BY owner. 1919 Oldsmobile sedan. In excel lent condition: 5 months' use. Main 7474. 1915 FORD with 1918 block; $350 cash. 826V E. Pine FOR SALE 1917 Hup, Al; 41150. 711 E. Broadway. FOR SALE: AUTOMOBILES. USED AUTOMOBILES. Terms given. We will accept your liberty oonds ai fare value. Here are a few of our used cars we offer for your approval: 1914 white 5-passenger White. over- hnnlH BTtt nainted. 1918 Jordan 4-passenger sport mode liberal discount. 1919 Overland 6-paesenger Knight, almost new. 1918 Mitchell 5-passenger. 6-cylinder, over- hnnlH and nnirtpri. 191S Studebaker 7-passenger. 6-cylinder, overhauled and pamted. 1916 Chevrolet, 5-pasenger, 4-cyllnder, A condition. 1917 Snvnn. K-nassenorer. 6-ovIinder. 1914 Overland, 5-passenger, 4-cyllnder 1917 Mitchell, 3-passenger, 6-cyllndcr 1916 Overland, 5-passenger. 8-cyllnder, overhauled and painted, 1917 Oldsmobile. 7-passenger, S-cylindcr, overhauled and painted. 1916 Chandler, 7-passenger. 6-cyllnder. Several others to select from. Used Car Department. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO., East Second and Morrison streets. Phone East 7272 Broadway 1216. P-A-R-T-S P-A-R-T-S P-A-R-T-S -P-A-R-T-S for almost any make of car at 5 0 LESS. .MAIL ORDERS GTVEN BEST OF ATTENTION. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO. Third and Glisan. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Cars taken in trade for new cars are d'fferent from the real second-hand or fourth-hand cars. -We have 1918 ELGIN 8. like new. 1017 ELGIN 6, excellent shape. 1917 OVERLAND, better see it 1917 OVERLAND 90, barqain. 1917 STUDKHAKER' 6. looks like new REGAL ROADSTER. 5200. hum itARRfitTN H. oracLlcallv new. FRANKLIN express! truck, good body onH tirR- XlOO. See our new Elgin and Wescott sedan and roup?. MOLTZNER-WESTCOTT MOTORS. Washington and Burnside at 16th St. 531, IF YOU need a light delivery car ana can pay $2oO as a down payment, you can save money by seeing any of the boys at the PORTLAND USED CAR STORE, THE BUSIEST CORNER ON BROADWAY AT ISLKaJLUH.. MOST beautiful home In Irvlngton. not 5 years old; ii-room nouse, at-ncn inu- ern. 2 fireplaces, 2 baths with snowers, hardwood floors throughout; mahogany, nut ,-nri t.-ioestrv finishings; full basemt-nt. hot watir heating plant, Ruud heaters. electric vacuum cleaning plant, etc.; uou ble garage; 100x100 lot, location E. 17th BnH nr,M t. Will interest only those desiring one of Irvington's highest-class homes. write, u oi-i, urtKuintiii, PASSES ALL INSPECTION. LYTE-RITE. Price $2. Applied to all cars. Saves you fines; gives full driving light on road: not a lens. No. 12 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1403. SIX-CYLINDER ROADSTER. 1918 AlOOHiL,. This machine in perfect mechanical shape; has 5 brand new tires and tubes, wlrn wheels, is equipped with Red Seal Continental motor. Tlmken bearings; has one-man victoria top. seir-staricr. iuu ei of tools: machine cost S19O0 last August. Will sacrifice for t'J."0 on very easy terms to re3pollHluie puny. runup vwi. CHEAP, 1916 SAXON 4. SELr-STAKTEK AND LIGHTS. rlliM-LLAM tu.ui TION SEK FOR YOURSELF. 1S.1H E. YAMHILL ST.. NEAR 71ST. SUNDAY BEFORE 3:30 OR AFTER 6 P. M. WEEK DAYS. OLDSMOBILE eight, 1918, 7-paseenger, like new, Victoria side curtains, o tires, part cord. A-l mechanical condition; owner must sell and will sacrlsice: car can be seen Monday at 120 N. 6th, or phone Broadway 2925. OLDSMOBILE-8. early 1919 model, 7-pass enger, 5 cord tires, iuny equipped, in per fect mechanical condition; new paint: wonderful buy, on easy terms If desired. Ask for Mr. Ames, bS N. Broadway STUDEBAKER, 6-cyl.. i-pass., first-class condition, brand new tires ana spotngnt. $."75 terms: owner must sell today. Call Mar. 150; can be seen at 20th and Wash ington: r OWNER drove Cadillac car to California through sand and oust: mecnanicany per fect: finish was restored to original luster by use of "Auto Brite Polish." Ask your dealer. HERE'S your chance Hup 20 two-pass. roadster, good ruODer, running conattion, $175. 1052 Macadam Et, Sunday, or Mar shall 1072. 5 FORDS, demountable rims, shock ab sorbers, speedometer, nearly new xires, i extra; electric lights: other extras; $37 651 E. 13th at South. FORD panel delivery, 1917, new tires. Ford touring, new ooay, une runner, o-io wui iams ave. Sellwood 1965. 1918 MAXWELL in fine condition: five good tires; bargain for cash. Phone Wood lawn 1779. 194 West Terry st. NE w T919f6rD touring. If you want a car today see this one; extra equipment. Mar shall SOUS. FORSALE 1919 Dodge delivery car, drove only 2M)0 miles; must be sold at once. Sandy Road garage. FOR SALE 1915 Ford touring car. good condition. Call Sunday after 2 P. M., 483 E. 37th st. N. Phone Tabor 5566. FOR SALE Wlnton 6. 7-passenger; $2400. If interested, make appointment. F 61S, Oregonian. SNAP Nearly new 1919 Chevrolet, fine con dition; excellent tires and extra equip ment; $760. 1458 Fern St., Woodlawn car. FORD BUG Neat body, new tires, engine averaging 35 miles to gallon. 190 N. 22d near Kearney. "W" car. STUDE BAKER-FLANDERS bug: $175 cash $200 terms to suit. 961 Cantcnbein ave. Woodlawn 4954 ' CADILLAC BUG. good condition; $350. 462 Millers ave., Sellwood, 0 to 2 P. M. Sunday. FOR SALE Delivery body with top, for Ford roadster. 850 Halsey. East 6142. LATE 17 Oakland 6 touring,-good tires, $700. 757 E. Stark et. FOR SALE 1017 FORD. $375. Call Sun day, 191 Va Union ave.-North. 1915 FORD, best offer takes it. 244 M Kil I i n gsworth ave., a pt. 7. Woodtawn 4984. CHEVROLET touring, first-class condition; owner must sell. 589 Montgomery. WILL take good piano as part on Baby Grand Chevrolet. Alain 3113. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. A-l AUTO WORKS AND PAINTING CO. We have Just received another fleet of late-model lightweight cars, consisting of almost every popular known make. 1918 Dodge, 5-pass., run very little and win serve you same as new car. small payment down, balance easy. 1918 Maxwell, looks and runs like new We can guarantee tbls car, $750; $200 down, balance long terms. 1917 Maxwell, a grand car. taken In on larger car. Thjs Is a real Dargain at toou siou aow-n, oaiace easy. 1919 Ford sedan, good as new; electric starter, etc.; a enap at i2o. -fc-asy terms. 1918 Buick roadster, run Just enough to break it In; 6 new tires; a bargain; on terms. 1917 Buick-Six, 5-pass.: extra equipment sucn as seat covers, extra tire, etc, euo. bniall payment down. 1917 Hupmoblle, 5-pass.; a grand car, refinished better tna-n a laciory car $1050; $300 down, balance long terms. Late model 5-pass. car, just out of the paint shop. This is an excellent lamny car. with seat covers, $!0 top and 7 tires $550 for quick sale, with easy terms. 1918 Chandler 7-pass., If you are a Judge of good dependable cars, you know the Chandler. A fine rent car or for a-nj purpose; will sell at a bargain and make terms to suit. 1914 Buick 5-pass.. elecrtlc starter and good shape; $4io; easy terms. 1914 Studebaker. small model 5-pasa a good car; $350; easy terms. rTnrlv-Dnvldson motorcycle. 1917 model. good shape, $175; $50 down. bal. monthly. Remember, we buy our cars for cash from DeoDle who need the money, so their loss is your gain. Our mechanic inspects every car before purchasing, therefore we know the exact condition anu. co-u u- antee every car as representea. A-l AUTO WORKS AND PAINTING CO., 525 Alder St. B-U-G-S B-U-G-S B-U-G-S B-U-G-S-r- CLASST FORD BUGS, painted any color you want $100 CASH. The Balance Terms. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO. 3D ST., CORNER OF GLISAN, DO YOU WANT A TRUCK? Can you pay S200 as a down payment? If so, see any ot tne ooys at the PORTLAND USED CAR STORE THE BUSIEST CORNER ON BROADWAT AT BURNSIDE. Phone Broadway 616. CARS OF THE BETTER KIND. Dodge 5-passenfrer, cords on rear, n r.jiiri,.ii f mnt firt-clss condition. Cadillac 5-passenger, cords all around; a real buy. Overland 6, 7-passenger; just the thing for hire car. See this 1917 Grant six. Chalmers Little Six, 5-passenger, 7 tires tirvt li condition Baby Grand Chevrolet, a snap at $650. See the little bug for S2io. USED CAR PALACE, 01 Union avenue Norths FIRST SERIES PACKARD TWIN 6, 7-flassenger. This car has been thoroughly overhauled and refinished. WHITE OR JONES, 421 Burnside Su Broadway 521. FORD DELIVERY BARGAIN. 'J7.1 Hrnd-made metal body, first-class tires, rood mechanical condition. Also several first-class tires; snap. Broadway 1903 Owner, 90 11th St., PRACTICAL!.!" new Case-Six. a wire wheels. r. fires, cord eauioment. spouisiii. uuimjci m.tur clock. Merwin gas-saver. glass wind deflectors. Vittorea side curtains- never been off the pavement: run less than 5O00 miles; just in fine running shape, mechanically periect; owner -.crifice and nay for real car service: terms given. Ask for Mr. Kerr. 88 N Broadway. FORD FOR SALE. vini.i.i-in hane: u. & J. carburetor, shock absorber. Stew.trt spotlight, electric side, dash and tall ugnis. run on oi o ,.n enm.n imt. : cut-out. new tires, extra tea nufl tire rack. You will have to see it to appreciate it. A bargain at $550. 1134 Sandy blvd 1U1S DODGE roadster, looks like new. 4 good tires, extra tire, tuoe ami tire vwvci, bumper and chains; fine mechanical,i,.- owner must sell at once; $900, rmi' to resDonsible party. Call Frank Smith, Broadway 1130. FORD roadster, Al shape; 1917 body; 1916 engine; also delivery Doay. ii you i.i. a Ford you can't heat it. $375 cash. Call K.mihiv before 2 o'clock. 18114 Whitaker st.. Front and Whitaker CHEVROLET. 1919 model, new tires all around; Jul). iaae bouui rmiuuu i, get off at Caruthers, walk two blocks east, one diock. uuuiii. n", ... today or after 4 o'clock evenings. BUICK "6" roadster, just overhauled and in excellent shape, equipueu nu uu...- front clock, Warner lens, cord tires, spare ... j . ...Kn. eoiiu To Iiiif la.v.', laoric anu eiim m-'c OVERLAND, MODEL 90, CHUMMY. LIKE NEW IN rK tic M r t-u.uiu. r i . c WIRE WHEELS, $800; TERMS. TABOR 7325. OR CAL.L. AI i c. a.u. iri?n TOURING FORD. Fine shupe; looks like new; run less than 12.000 miles; lot of extras. MOuia villa car. 92 E. 63d st.' North. CLASSY BUG. newly painted, engine In per fect condition, eieciiiu iisNis, j batterv. good tires, a obi gam. uu lawn 1587. S57 Grand ave. .V; terms. FORD, good looker, speedy and powerful. demountaDie rima, u Woodlawn 5762. 191S FORD for $475 in A-l condition, cash: Drivate owner. 250 Taylor St.. call for Hicks. CHALMERS, in splendid condition, new cora tires and extras; iv mM 147, or 574 B. 24th N. 1910 VELIE at a sacrifice by owner; car like new and in aosoiuteiy penri-i. vuuui tion. Call Mr. Smcad at Main7584. CHEVROLET light delivery In first-class condition. -ou jecwii ot lawn 5350. 915 STUDEBAKER 5 passenger, 4 cylinder; owned by a mecnanic anu m ime i-uunuuu, need money and must tell- Tabor 5. OR SALE 1 Reo 1917 auto. In fine shape, 6 tirt-s. Owner, 55 N. 20tn St., phone Main 6057. gBY Grand Chevrolet in good condition. Good tires anu yam. .... Main 3113. NEW "18 Buick, in first-class condition; also Hudson Uper, lliai-Liaoo 2866 , FORD complete, electric starter, fine con dition. Tabor 3143, 402 E. 43d N.. Sunday morning. REO touring car at a sacrifice II taken at once: gooa meciiaiiitAi muuiuvu. ...... Sellwood 62L FOR SALE3 5-passenger r ora touring car. Call 151 rtanaau au wiui. . No dealers. 1915 FORD roadster; ivia engine; wnn or withsnit qenvery oouy. kj. iwi. FORD 1917 tourng 1545 E. 9th sL N. AVoodlawn car. FOR SALE Tfll-t Oakland car, $350; good condition; a bargain- Sandy Road garage cTrANT-67"llke new. Call Monday. 402 Washington st. ; 1917 MODEL 75-B Overland, good condition, for $000. 819 Interstate ave. FORD light delivery, $250. Weber's Ga rage, woo Beimuiii. FOR SALE or trade for smaller car, Studebaker 6; 7-pas. Tabor 8242. 1918 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! SECOND HAND. WE ALWAYS HAVE A GOOD LINEUP. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. 1918 CHASSIS. 1915 sua. 1917 TOURING. . 1918 ROADSTER. 1916 DELIVERT, panel body. 1918 DELIVERT. curtain body. FORD BUGS! FORD BUGS! REMEMBER, WB ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR CLASST FORD BUGS. SPECIAL TOD AT, 191T OVERLAND ROADSTER, model 75-B, 5 good tires, new stor age battery, BARGAIN. PALACE GARAGE COMPANT. Authorized Ford Dealer. 12th and Stark' Sts. Broadway 1572. EAST TERMS ON ALL CARS. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANT.. The following cars have been taken In on trades on Dodges and Cadillacs, and are ofefred for sale at the following reasonable prices: iia xr a tinvi t. TOTTRING. run 6000 miles $1650 loia r-w A V"TT .w.n TOI7RINO. good .bin- 1350 iiio tj tt t v s-Afirl in r h H n c. al con- JJU4V"1' - dition X3oO loia tvMiRR TOTTTIIVG. rood shape. new tires 41150 mif TsTsririTT TVTTT? TT, new tOD. eood tires iait ttttrt VV run JXXX) mii .r.T..:.. x 1918 DODGE ROADSTER, special top siooo 1916 DODGE ROADSTER $750 1916 OAKLAND-SIX TOURING $750 1918 CHEVROLET, A-l shape .... $600 1918 FORD SEDAN, electric lights and starter er75 1916 GRANT-SIX TOURING, good tires 50 1915 BUICK TOURING, new paint.. $650 1915 STUDEBAKER, good shape... tOOO 1915 PAIGE TOURING. electric lights and starter j0 Terms if desired. Open Sundays and Evenings. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANT.. Washington st. at 21st. Main 6244. ANOTHER LIST OF THOSE GUARAN TEED USED CARS. 1918 Dort 5-passenger touring, very fine shape: almost new tires; Just been all overhauled; looks and runs Just like a new car. A bargain at $900. Terms if de sired. 1918 Chummy roadster. Overland; Just 'been repainted; wire wheels with extra wheel and tire: in perfect mechanical con dition: good tires. A good buy at $800; liberal terms. 1917 Jeffreys T-paasenger touring, a wonderful buy at $900. 1915 Chalmers, 7-passenger, self starter; good paint and upholsterery : a wonderful riding car. This is Just the car for a jitney. Has all new tires. A splendid buy at $900. 1918 Overland model 90 touring car in splendid shape at $750. 1917 Maxwell 5-passenger touring at the ridiculous price of $550. In perfect condition. 1915 Studebaker 6. looks and runs like new, good tires, priced to sell, $575. 1916 Studebaker 6, $600. 1915 Studebaker 4 touring, this has practically new tires; good paint and is mechanically perfect. $575. Many others in stock to select from. All our cars are guaranteed. WE ARE OPEN SUNDAYS. SIMONTON MOTOR CAR CO., 35 N. 14th St. Phone Broadway 121. IF TOU need a light delivery car and can pay $2O0 as a down payment. -you can sae money by seing any of the boys at the PORTLAND USED CAR STORE. THE BUSIEST CORNER ON BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE. JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT OF CARS SLIGHTLT USED BUICKS. DODGES. Ford Sedan, 1918 model, wire wheels, shock absorbers, and Ford trucks, we un dersell them all, and give terms. Many other good buys. PERKINS & WRIGHT, 335 Burnside St. Portland and San Francisco Used Cars. NICE-LOOKING Dodge touring car, like new; first-class mecnanicai cunumoii, new oversize Silvertown cord tires on rear and new fabric on front; brand new top and side curtains with plate glass in rear: can be yours for $900. East 4901. 334 Grand ave. LATE model Chevrolet touring cars, over hauled and in first-class running order; Spare tires, spotllgnis anu mum oh manj, priced low for trade in value; our price to you actual cost. Open Sunday. Alder and 14th sts. A REAL BARGAIN $540. Private party must sell 1917 Maxwell in first-class shape, new tires, 1 extra and rim. spotlight. Call Sunday after 11 A. M., 280 Front St., Main 525. BUICK, late 1918 model, perfect condition. tires aimOSl new, ima w letii uaiKain, $1350. Phone owner, Marshall 1813. on Monday, or Marshall 1849 Sunday after noon. 1919 CHEVROLET touring, never oeen ott Of the pavea Directs, m eiciiciit auntie. $725; terms if desired. Chevrolet Agency, 14th and Alder, will aemonstrate. I'HAVE Hudson car, run 20,000 miles; finlsl looks as new as day it left factory; reason for same, "Auto Brite Polish." Ask your dealer. 1918 CHEVROLET touring, good tires, ex tras; we will guarantee this car; some bargain at $050. terms to suit. Chevrolet Agency, Alder and 14th ts. See it today. 1918 NASH 6. like new, cheap for cash; will take terms or make trade. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. A NON-WAX, non-injurious auto polish for finest finish cars. Ask your dealer for "Auto Brite Polish." FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. AT HEADQUARTERS TODAY'S USED CARS WILL SELL ON SIGHT. SO GET DOWN EARLT. Just glance over this partial list of real snaps then get in touch with us right away. A Reo 5-passenger touring you will say it's a snap at $ 2T5 An American t Sport model), one of the best carl ever built, at 450 A Studebaker (6) roadster, wire wheels, the bargain of thorn ill at 950 Elgin light 6. 5-pass.. wire wheels, yours for 1050 Hudson super 6 of 17, a wonderful bargain at 1500 AND MANY OTHERS. SPECIAL TERMS. If you have enough money for a small down payment, we can arrange for you to pay the balance whila you ride. DO TOU NEED A TRUCK? We have Fords (l.ton) almost for a song. TOU NEVER SAW SUCH VALUES. DELIVERT CARS. OVERLANDS. CHALMERS. REOS. In fact, it makes no difference what yon want, we have it for LESS MONEY. Bring your hauling problem to at, THE PORTLAND USED CAR STORE, The Biggest and Busiest. CORNER ON BROADWAT AT BURNSIDE. PHONE- BROADWAT 616. Open Evenings and Sunday. LILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. OVERLAND. MODEL 85-4. A good five-passenger car. Just been re finished and overhauled; five good Urea, terms if desired; price $950. OVERLAND. MODEL 90. This Is a light five-passenger car: good mechanical condition; five tires. Terms. Price $700. OVERLAND SEDAN. Just like new; used very little for dem onstration; five good tires; easy terma price $1500. WILLYS SIX. CLU11 ROADSTER. Red seal continental molor, five good tires; this car was used a short time as demonstrator; easy terms. Price $1350. WILLYS KNIGHT. Here is a good car for a stage run; four ccrd tires: good extra: newly painted; good easy terms. Price $1375. 1917 CHEVROLET TOURING. This car has new top. good tires, good mechanical condition; price $400. FIVE-PASSENGER STUDEBAKER. Good mechanical condition, newly paint ed; terms; price $475. OVERLAND DELIVERY. This is Just the car for fast light de livery: good condition in every way; easy terms; price $450. WILLYS OVERLAND rACIKIC COMTANT. Broadway 35i!5. Broadway at Davia GUARANTEED CARS WITH FREE SERVICE AND FOR LESS MONEY. We save you from $50 to $150 on a car as we have no salesmen to pay comntls sons to. Each car carries our usual guar antee and free service. You take no risk In buying a used car from us. See these splendid buys. All in fine con dition every way: 1918 Maxwell, like new. 1918 Grant Six. 1917 Saxon Six. 1918 Studebaker Big 8. 191(1 Studbaker Big 6. 1918 Buick Roadster, cord tires. 1918 chandler chummy. C-55 Buick Big 6. 1916 Cole 8 roadster. 1916 Studebaker roadster. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO., Marshall 600. 5th and Taylor DO YOU WANT A TRUCK ? Can you pay $200 as a down payment? if so, see any of the boys at the PORTLAND USED CAR STORE. THE BUSIEST CORNER ON" BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE. PHONE BROADWAY 616. IN THESE columns are hundreds of cars for sale, each one of which ha from $75 to $150 depreciation on account of condi tion of finish. The use of Auto Brit Polish would have saved thousands of dol lars on these cars. Ask your dealer for "Auto Brite." ; SOME REAL GOOD BUYS. 1 Hupmoblle 5-passenger. 1 1918 Mitchell 5-passenger. 1 late Lozler, 7-passenger. Will give terms. AUTO REST GARAGE, 10th and Salmon MY 1918 Maxwell would almost pass for brand new; electric starter and lights, good tires: only run about 3O00 miles, just enough to limber It up: $350 down, reliance on payment. Call Tabor 8850. 1917 HUPMOBILE a regular automobile in every respect: first-class condition throughout, five good tires, two of them new cords: a real car at a bargain price, $1250. East 1S92. $750 7-PASSENGER TOURING CAR. Just the thing for stage line or for hire: mechanically perfect and in good general condition. Phone Tabor 3002. 1917 CHEVROLET touring, best buy in Port land, looks and runs like new; a snnp at $525, terms if desired. Field's Motor Car Co., Alder and 14th sts. BUICK light six, in good condition mechan ically and otherwise. $1050. Phone East 5128 or call 530 E. Couch st. for demon stration. IF YOU want a good 5-puss. Maxwell, w have several to select from 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. FORD BUG BODY FOR SALE. GASOLINE TANK AND NEW UPHOLSTERING. GOOD PAINT: I. A v en D t-j it ; aioo. cai iiiio. LATE 1917 Buick. 4-cylinder; good mechani cal condition. $700. 316 E. 36th; call Monday. Main 5936. REO roadster for sale for $150 if taken at once. 8th and E. Burnside. rhone E. 3504. FOP. SALE 1917 Velie in good condition, cheap for cash, good tires and paint. Call Main sr.5.1. FORD touring car; looks like new: lots nf extras: fur sale or trade for Ford road ster. Call 180 Wygant ave. 1917 HUDSON super six; 7 pass.: just out of paint shop: Al mechanically. Phone. Monday, Marshall 2021. 4-FOOT enclosed coupe body, suitable for largo auto or child's playhouse, cheap or trade. East 1705. FOR SALE 1917 Cole car: will sell cheap for cash. A-none inn. im-in aiuihw avenue. FOR SALE 1 Pair new Weed chains, sine 31x4: also 1 Ford wheel spike lock. Call Marshall 6OC0. DODGE like you want al the price you want. 004 DAVIS. N E.A K i fc,. I n. KORD SEDAN. BRAND NEW. RUN 2O0 M ILES. AT BARGAIN. M A RSH ALL34S3. " nnnr.t! HRAPOKA RTEHS. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. 1918 VELIE six, a bargain if taken at once. J. S. Frailer, Hovt nntej. 1817 BUICK light six. fine order. 404 DAVIS, M-.Att 1 rw i n. CHANDLER chummy, 191S model, for $1400. W 504, Oregonian. MICHIGAN touring, new paint Joh; $275. 404 DAVIS. ,-Nc.Art i bMn. A NEW Maxwell never heen run. Will take $75 less than present price. Tabor 2'.'."0 1918 SAXON six. guaranteed In every way. an r.,,.T x-lTAtt TI-VTH