15 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 7, 1919. FOB PA LB. Furnitar for tale. ESTABLISHED ON Tl'KSUA Y NKXT AT THE BAKKK AtTTIOX HfSK. MASONIC TK II PL 3 B!IL.niN';. XVK fHALL HAVE To OFFF. 11 TOf TUB FUKNIMTT..S FKfM - PlilVATK 3U.MKS. IF FL'KN .SHIN . pfN"T OVKR- l'-ok this salk. kcknitcke is ;kttinv; mokk costly and 8'arcer. btt i'ovt bi.amr the kltail mekchant. fallow is a partial, list for this auction: Compriainc act tonal hH.k-e. Ut-rary tahle. parlor riJt. l-rathr t rot-krg nd chairs. bra j.rdln.er pot, taborettca, r.r old picture ra. tare curt aim. As min ister and body Bru $ la rutr. ha!l mirror. Morris chair, uphointrrd pirlr furniture, nearly new dufol1 dav-nport, couch and runhmng. brjs peri, romplrt with rT:nr And tnattrfaitvg; aluo Iron bed In Vernls Uwrttn and enarn 1 finishes, ae viral pairs of wcoten blankets, feather p. Hows, bed dtnr. mahoraay and enameled dresser, romi in quarter-saw -d ak. viz. pedemal tables, china cabinets, dnnr ware, ilvr- ware, table linen, center Fiblrs. two good; ms ransea. wicr heater, ringer and urenlis. etv.. etc. No TK ALL THE ABOVE OOOD3 APE Ki W O.V V I K W A N I A WAIT YOl" K Jt'TCAKRKl L ATTENTION WHETHER TOU Fl'KCJtlASc. OK OT. AUCTION OV TUESDAY NEXT AT 1 A. M. OV WKPN KS1 A Y VKXT AT PRIVATE P.ESinENCrt. mt i nt- ; .v ki: V i;:ive. 't PFW AVE.; TAKE POKTLVND HEIGHTS CAR TO ISA BELLA STREET. MRS. C. F. CHOUKLL. WHO IS LEAVING F'T. THE FVTH. HAS FAVOR Et I S WITH IN FTRI CTIuNS TO SELL THE FI RSISH 1 ;S i K H E R PRIVATE Hu.Ml-i AT AHVE ADDRESS n.n prising quartered-oak Ifbrary table, with rockers and chairs to mui h. nifca Bine racks, phone stand, center tabie.. setter, with tapestry ejit. nt.in and fiber rockers and chairs, lare curtains. Axmin ter rjgs. h;i mirror, uinbrei ia ttnd. ro!umr, pictures. fumed oak dininir suite, as follow?: Fedtal tab.e, set oi leather seat chairs and buifet-t htna breakfast set. crockery anl flaatvam hall and stairs carpet. ma.5ive full-?ise bra.s be-1 and aixe bras bed. complete with springs and mattrescs; pillows, qui It, spreads, mahogany and oak dressing chif fonier, tonet ware. In ma.d's rom. Iron bed. spring and mattraes. drewr. table and chairs, electric lamps, tot.et ware. etc. Kitchen cabinet. table and chairs, Btenaila, usual laundry outfit, refrigerator, garbage and ash can, etc. Also wardrobe trunk, typewriter, man dolin and a Kt of toy. ALCTION ON WKHMiSDAI rCAi AT l' A. M. O.V THl'RSDAY NEXT We hold our week.y sale lor various con signment. of household good ALCno.N AT IO A. M-. ON THURS DAY NEXT. PUT HOUSEHOLD ;oons FOR CA5H OIK PlioNK No. MAIN Call Uf If you wnnt to scii or we Ul sell for you on commission W. t. BAKER A W. H. DEAN. Furniture de.ilers and aurtionetTi. Mn sonl Temple biug., Yamhill at Weal "Park street. USED HA.VJES AT L?;SS THAN HALF. Ue have over 1(H u( these fine ur;ics to choose from; here are a few striking examples: Buck range, wtrh gas attachment...?."' Nw Leader, steel range 3V frown steel range iCoyal Idal range 2.". Iajrstlc malleaoie range. 20-inch oven Burks range, almost new. with reservoir 47 Ail guaranteed same as new ones; easy ttrmi; no m'rest. OKVURT2 FURNITURE COMPANT, Th llig hi ore All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. LV KIIWT STREET Remember, 2 Dooig from lauihill Publi Market. MUSIC LOVERS. ATTENTION. With longer evrmjnes now and more time at home for mu.-i we can think of no greater pU-a-ure than listening to a grafonola. with Its full, rich and clear reproduction of Instrumental music as we.l as the human voice. We carry n ftiil line of new grafonolas. all sizes, sold on very easy pments. alo several good used one. W name two of these: I-ate model prafnna In walnut, the $1m stxe, and 24 selections, used eatl y 2 months; total value. 2". tor S'X 7.Y nd ?.' grafino!a. good as now. with selections. a!l for MISH F'R!TURE CO.. ls-lV Kirat tit. WONDERFUL OVERSTUFFED VELOUR. Set consists of great big conif ortabte Chair, rocker anil datcnpoit to m;il1t; all upholstered In delightful silk vel-mr. of mulberry shade, strip.d and figured; this t was made especially for the Fran cisco exhibition and thTfore extrt pains re taken in the construction and design; its worth $"." and we will sell it ior $3-"o and give you a year to pay for it; no interest. UBVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. The Big Store AH Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. is: FIRST STREET Remember. 2 Doors from Yamhill PuMi Market. HERE IS A BARGAIN IF THERE EVER WAS ONE. High-grade colonial bedroom suite In old Ivory, so slightly used that it could pas for new: It's a four-poster bed. a large chiffonier with French plate mirror, a pretty dreeing table with triplicate mirror and a dainty chair, all to match. This handsome suite is rn a class bv itself. All hardwood construction and five coat of enamel, each coat hand rubbed. We offer the complete suite at $110. terms if de sired. MISH FURNITURE CO.. isjj-l0 First St. DINING TABLE AND 4 CHAIRSFOR $32. .".ft We place on saie Monday I'm sets, each consisting of 42-mch round pedestal ex tension dining table and 4 chairs: all arc in the desirable waxed oak finish n: so! id hardwood; for the ridiculously lorv pne of $32 50; well worth $45; terms $5 Cash and $!. a week: no interest. OBVVKTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, Th Big Store All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. IV. FIRST PTRLriT Remember, 2 Dor from Yamhill Public Market. TOR RESTAURANT, hotel or camp, 6-foot Charter oak coal or wood rang, a.- good aa new; our special for this week. $72.uU. OWL FURNITURE CO.. I6-D First St.. near Morrison. Poultry. MOLTING HENS WON'T LAY! Shorten the molt by weeks, get the birds back on the Job earlier, have more valuable fall eggs to sell, by using Pratt Poultry Regulator. Costs about a cent a hen per month. "Your nv-ney back if YOU are not satis fled." There's a Pratt dealer near you. Sold by L rat -class dealers everywhere. KILL POULTRY LICE or they will eat up your profits. It's easy to exterminate the trouble makers. PrMt's Lice killers (powd ered or salve will surely do It. Easy to apply, inexpensive, but sure death to the lice. "Your money back if YOU are nut satisfied." Sold by all first-class dealers everywhere. FLl.LLTS We offer vou Barred Rock a. White Wyandot tea. Black Orpington and Rhode Island Red pullets. $1.23 to $2..0. according to age and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp 2d aU Jd to 74iu av-s. Southeast. WILL SELL one or all of 13 cockerels; Tan cred strain, from hens Uoganirvd 7 years; April hatch; $2.30 to $5 each; price on lot. T. B. Masters. Vancouver, Waah., R, No. 1, box i;.o c PULLETS FOR SALE. Barred ro(ks, R. I. Reds and Brown Leghorns. $1.25 nr.d up. Young white Leghorn hens, $1.30 each. J. H. Mag aire, 77 Oregon st. yOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn chicks. $ 12 per hundred: we ship by ex pre, C. O. D.; a little hatchery for the bet chicks and price from Hoganized stock. Welty's Hatchery, Petaluma, Cal. ELEVEN Barred Rock pullets for sale; 3 are 7 months old. laying: a are 4 months old; also 4 1 -year-old hena, laying, mixed. Call Tabor 213. FOR SALE I-arge 3-yuar-old fresh cow. 4 gallons, laying hens and pullet for sale, reasonable. Call Sell wood 32S. 4020 42d avenue S. E. 60 WHITS leghorns and Rhode Island red chickens and almost new range and heat ing stove for sale. J. Finley. Gu:snes st., east of Lents, on Gilbert road. FOR SALE A Barred Rock cockerels, reas onable E. C. Pier.-o, Capitol Hiil Station, Oregon Electric. M 631. Oregon ian. FOR SALE Rhode Isand Red hens and pullets $1.3t to $2.0. Woodlawn 0323. 1 154 Simpson. FOR SALE 10O pullets, O. A. C and bfg Enctuh a trains, $100, Phone Sv 11 wood 2374 200 WHITE Leghorn bene, pure-bred stock, $1 up Wood.awn o274. 14&0 East Sixth street North. WE WILL pay you highest cash price for April, May-hatched pullets, an breed. Northwest Poultry Corp., Lents, or. FOR SALE White Leghorn pullets, from fine stock. Call Charles Reeves, East S2S2. "HENS and about 40 R. L Rd chickens 4 months old. Tabor 7202. 130 W HIT ELEO HORN yearling hens. TarT cred strain: Hoganiied. Call Tabor L'." 7 4. FOR SALE Wyandotte and Barred Rocks. fltQ4 4.":h ave. S. K. FoR SALE IS chickens, $23 or trade for fruit. Tabor 33. 22 YOUNG white Leghorn chickens. 441 Rftss str-et. 11 LAYING W. L. bens. 7 baby chicks. 10 N. Z. K. Rabbits, cneap. Tel. Alain tfuul. FOB SALE. Dos. Rabbit, BlrOs, Fet Stock. KAI6E KAHBI1S FOR MKAT We have H-Iian, New Zeallnd Flemish Giants. KriKtiah Lup Kara and Vh:te KneHsh, all ai- and .x a . utility stock aos well fancy pure-bred. Write for prira and cataJoRjf. KoutledRo Se-fd & Flor.il Co., H5 S" und m., Portland, Or. ORBWdOD KENNELS. Sensation Pilot II at etuu; weight 11 lha ; A. K. C. -J'-'Ctf-!; claaaieat littie male Bom on terrior out of champion stock in Portland; see him; small dons boarded. Mrs. Win. J. Smith. 3.4 Haasa.o mt, Phwne Fast ;, THKKS fine stnrs for aa!e at a sacrifice; Oolden Opera and St. Andreshera;; alao caK' s; must be tjld today. Call at 5.th at. S. E. Mt. Scott car to Stewart station. Tabor 7fi. Pi-JliltJKKKU ..y Boston buil terrier pup Iron, cha.npion stock. Sire KoDln- son's leroy. A. K. C. lt:i.t.I Fyie maik - p"4 "-iTl''W a Lniou ave 2 rMKUl iTHHRhD Lnglish a-ttcr pupa. p-.i1Kr.l dK. as well as companion lor your ehildr-n. Mi slit trad a fur Kerning- ton auio btiotKun or auto rifle. -63 tX. 7'ith N. Tabor 3 BEAUTIFUL PIT BULL PITS S WEEKS OLD; JUST THE DOG Foil YOUR CAR OR TO RAISE WITH CHILDREN; REA SONABLE. MAK. LML'tf. Kofi SALE 1 black female Persian cat 1 mon: ha old ana one black male Persian k.rtn 4 months old. 11211 Minneota ave. Wrtflii lawn u'! IF ou oti to buy ical size in Flemish ;i nt docs, gray and steel gray, with or without younc. also dandy stei gray uuck. wr-t- i. A. L'ur.fin, riao a i;iver. o r. Ft-lt fcAI-E English setter, lemaie. 2 y.-ara oUi; thorouRhly broke. Tabor 3i)JG, 7 n 1J A. M. aftr tt P. M. TlioROUOHBHED (lordon setter imps, 4' months old. I.'M and .'.". O. AI. lit u net t. .-..1 nth st., Oakland. Cal. TlioUuI'iiUKKKD FlemiFh and New Z land rahbus for sale 4 GO E. Washington. Ph.ne E. 7..JO. TWO Flemish does, and self-cleaning hutrh 7 mo.; fine s:ock; pets; sell chap to got thorn good home. $4. Main Jilt. ROY A L ESTIG PAR ROTT, talk, laughs and whist lt, $25 if sold today ; leaving city. ;;ia 13th'at., corner MarfceL ENGLISH setter, maie. broke. C. A. Pen- nan i. ave. t-'ciiwood Moorage, foot of Harnc BEAUTIFUL Alaskan husky. 1 i years old. Call Bil wy. 12ooo. loiai 7."(. Monday, be iwn ! and A. M.. or 1 and 3 P. M. FOR doj SA LB Thoroughbred pointer female broken to retrieve. Pricu $10. Call '5 Union ave. north. WANTED b : (mm 1 O I pnr.ian. -To hear from parties having foxhound at stud. P o-S0. Ore- M" AMiKBASBKRU r-ller3. vnunt and old. re.tonaile price. 4-Ul-j Stanton. East 4 "2!i. ' THiROU(;HRKED Belgian police dog; fine matcher. Wouid consider trade for trained bird dog. P 074. Oregon tan, THOROUGHBRED Belgimt and New Zea land ral.:it for sale. Columbia 755. 40U S. Deoatur ft. DR. M. HOWES, labor .". specialist, dog and cat. AIREDALES Select male puppies. $25 up. The Bush Karma, box M7-K. 3. Portland. W ANTE I John S 1 2 voung hounds or Airedale dogs. Beall. Woodhtwn 3171. TALKING parrot for pale or trade. Monday. Marshall 4724. (. NE rli ih rd puppy, $5. Tabor SbST. Call 2 1 0 East S."itn t.u ODD pieces furniture. Call Monday. Tabor !27. C 2"J.". TRADE singer for Angora or Persian cat. !;.- E. Aluer. Tabor 30 Ki. 4 lElBiHEED Persian kittens, $7 apiece if taken Sunday. Tabor Mniv WANTED Male Pomeranian spits pup. or address V27 Morgan bldg. For SALE RosMn bull terrier pups. C. li. Dan.ey, !.V. E. 34th N.. Woodlawn 5M1. FOR SALE Canary birds, fil fine singers, $5 each. Mrs. O. vt . Rhodes, bcappoose. Or. FOR SALE Persian Phone East 3007. kittens of quality. CLAS.-Y Persian kittens from registered Main 54.o. Hillside. Or., Box 22. Mck. NEW ZEALAND RED rabbits. Come and liet thein. $1 each. 110 E. 2Mb N. k R SA l.E taiu st. -Fresa milk goat. 201 W. Far- BELGIAN hare with nine young, one Bel iM.wi buck. Tabor .K1. Felt SALE Beautiful Persian kittens tiell wood li". WANTED Canary singer, will pay $2. East i ,mo. THOROUGHBRED Llewel.wi setter pups for watt'. $lo. 122 E. Salmon st. HI'JH-CLASS Irish water npaniel dogs for ale. Box 31, Multnomah, Or. FoR SALE- e:s. i 'ad -Beautiful Andreasburg siag- 'laoor a;i7 Monday. ENGLISH pet buil male. 72 E. Burnside. Good watch dog. 11 LAYING W. L. hens. 7 baby chicks, 10 N. A. K. Rabbits, cheap. Tel. Main 0101. Yol'NG Andr.burg rollers for sale. 3 sr. 2. East CANARIES for sale, cheap. Wdl. 4QUS. Launches and boats. MOTOR boats, fish boats, pleasure launches, row boats, barges overnauied and repaired; also knockduM a frame. Phone aid our reireeiuam e will call. REED ENGLNEER1NG COMPANY. Sth ajJ Lincoiu sis.. Vancouver. Waoh. 1'UuUM Woudiawn llbO. Vancouver 24a. BEAU1 IFL'L HOUSEBOAT. TWO BED lot.MS ELECTRIC LIGHTS. BULL liUN WATER. .;A.-. ETC.. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED; TERMS. No. 11 ORE G(jN YACHTCLUU. a ELL WOOD 1U2. 4-ROOM boathouse for sale, furnished, just below N. P. mills. hnise trimmed in red; will take $2'o; no rent; plenty of wood V ilO. Oregonian. BOATHOUSE. good condition; will accom modate 24 ft. boat; cull be seen at Port land Rowing club; no reasonable offer re: used. :o-FT. MOTOR BOAT with 6 horse heavy duty engine, first-class condition, suitaoie f r Ls'ai'.i- or pleasure. See Wilson dt McKay, 1st st. SMALL houseboat, suitable for 2, nicely fur nished, watt r and Ijtftits. rent reasonable. Phone Tabor 2-'30. LAUNCH for sale. $!.V Inquire at first hou.-t-iioat below Woodward-ave. docks. S.diwood 2110, ring 2. S. Stear. 24-FOOT 15-mlle-an-hour boat, very reason able if tiik-n at once 4s Willamette Moor age. Seii wood 00. HOUSEBOAT No. ar'ogon" Yacht" Club; modern, iirst-class condition. F-UR launrht-s for sale, cheap. Fulton boat ar1. foot of irsinia st. Marshall 2003. LAUNCH for sale or trade. 1062 Corbett st Machinery. ELECTRIC MOTORS. All standard makes and slzca of uced motors; every one guaranteed. Century automatic start motors, self stsruni;. high starting tongue, no compen satiou iiteued. Worth knowliig about. Motors sold, rented, exchanged, bought, repaired. All charges conaibtent w Ah first-class motors or work. R. R. POFPLETON. 71 Front St. Put our phone number down. Marshall 410. A 1410. 1 23 H. P. FIRE bos boiler. 2 .11x10 Tubular boilers, 1 t-'x!4 Tubular boiler. 1 tfOxlO Tubular boiier. 1 5u h. p. Scotch marine boiler. 1 loxI3 Ames engine. A number of good pumps, overhauled. O. & ft. MACHINERY CO., r.o.: Gcrtin'rer BMg. Phone Main 8201. SPECIAL. 1 70-11. P. At a tubular boiler. 150-1 b. working pr-ssuro. 1 12xiS Rusjel. automatic engine, com plete plant, including brick. Immediate delivery. THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. S3 lat St.. Portland. Or. SHINGLE MILL. , Small trac:in engine, shingle machine and other equipment of a small shingle mill that has been shut down for a few months and located about 7 mlies from Cnstcn. Oregon, near Sccglns creek. Must be sold at once and price vry reasonable. A. W. Estes. 2"2 McKay bldg. FOR SALE I small sawmill with 16 H. P. Russet tractor, complete, J!20. 1 double drum hoist, belt-driven, $4410. Fire box boilers, 35 to 70 H. P. Oregon Machin ery Co.. Eugene, Or. ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FOR SALE 12. h. p. Stover engine with clutch and magneto, mounted on truck; alrto ensilage cutter, Blirxard No. H. Cjcnl A Gah-scr. Ridgef ield. Wash. FOR SALE 15-H. P. Fairbanks-Morse type Y oil engine. Al condition. Murphy Gardner Lumber Co.. Staytun Or. FOR SALE WANTED Sheet metal tools: price. AJ 674. Oregonlan. give list and WANTED Planer, small, 3 or 4-sided. AK 5;.2. Oregonlan. 9-INCH four-side stitcher; J 2.11. Oregonlan. good condition. T pewriter. FINE visible Oliver typewriter. J10. ISO E. 12th st.. near Morrison. East 3833. FOR BALE. Typewriters. RENT A Remington; apecial rates to atj dents. Buy your new Remington now, im mediate delivery, reasonable terms. RqfQ Ington Typewriter Company. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriter ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments send for price list. The Wholesala Type writer Co.. retail dept.. Z21 Wash. bU FOR SALE OR TRADE. Remlnjrton and Oliver visible type writers. ' .Newmans 128 First, near Wash ington. ROYAL standard No. 10. good as new. will s 11 cheap for ca&h. No phone calls. Conradinc Hotel. FINK Royal typewriter and $25 sole-leather rase. Price ; sia down, ia montmy. H y att Talking Machine Co.. SoO Alder. NEW rebuilt, second-hand rental at cu: ra'es P. t Co.. 2'U Stark at. Main 1407 ,ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 .1th. Main REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. w. tease -o.. nu bixtn st. UNDER VOOD typewriter for sale. 101 E. ll'h st. Miscellaneous. MONEY SAVED CtS PTPE AND PIPE FITTINGS OF ALL KINDS. Black, shghliy used, as good as new. l-inh at IV, lln-h at 1 4-inch at . 2- inch at .. L -Inch at 3- inch nt .. 3 -Inch at 4- iuch at . . . . S-luch at . . . . . .10c .13 He . . . 1 o . . -4C .. .4.V; . . . ft.c .$1.50 lr gal. at . . lS'ac Shingle, lath and boxing nails 4c per pound. Wire rope, to -a at very low prlre. WOODSMEN, ATTENTION. We have on hand new wedges at 12c per rund. 3fMK slightly used axes at from $: to $12 per dozen. These are all double-bitted swamping and falling pat trn. Broadaxes ut $2 7." aach. Used wheelbarrows at $2 each: roofing paper and rope, new hay slings at $4 each, wire stretchors, tools, rails, engines, anvils, blowers, vlaes, tire shrinkers. lire bond ers, pot dnlls,-farm and garden galea, fire brick, belting pulleys, shafting, etc- S. ZIDELL A CO.. 20S Front St. Tel. Marshall 1332. ONE big rope and block tackle. - goats. 1 light, swift team and government wagon, top. 1 laundry wagon. 1 incuoator. 1 heavy new plow. 3 cultivators. 1 lot of farm junk, valuable. Come Monday to livery barn, 4Sth and Woodstock ave. Y1TI r?K TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesman samples to the factory we have placed same at the disposal of the public at wholesale prices, consisting of raincoats, motor coats and leather coats in our salebroora at i2o Morgan bldg. UNITED RUBBER CO. MOST everybody has been overchargea or their jewelry repairing has been non un satisfactorily. Try us next time. We guard ne-uiriwt iwh Krrnrn MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 3.V, Wash. St.. next door Majestic theater. 1 RUBY heating stove, excellent -condition, flit; electric reading lamp, neavy orv Kt:md. cold silk shade and fringe. $1; handsome black male ostrich plum, 24x10 Inches. it; collapsible card tan its. can Monday. 3il Clifton, Marshall 420. HAVE your diamonds reset into modern, up- to-date white gaia mournings; a wonuenm selection to pick from. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. Rrr Wash. St., next door Majestic theater. FOR SALE Tennis racquet, opera glasses. kitchen table, electric desk lamp, travel ing clock, all In good condition; quantity of bed and table linen and community silverware, almost new. Main 0101 FOR. SALE Premo No. 10 5x7 film-plate camera complete with case, six double plateholders and tripod ; perfect condi tion: a bargain. $35. Phone East 10"2. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Tent, automatic Hhotgun, auto rifle, double-barrel shotgun, 22 rifle, camp stove Newman. 128 First, r.-.-ar Washington. FOR SALE One Bosch & Lomb microscope complete with case and one each 4, 10 and 4R. m. m. objectives, 5 and 10 times eye pieces. Price $33, Phone East 1052. MUST sell this week, computing scales cash register, show cases, account- register, cheese, cutter. Fointon. 230 Washington NEARLY new soda fountain outfit, reason able, cash or victory bond. Portl..ad Cutlery Co., h fith st. Bdwy 11. FOR SALE Gas shades, asbestos Irons, fire screen, clothes basket. 73 S East 2Sth. Call Monday. ADVERTISE Helpful guide to profitable advertising. Free. Bowers. 210 S. Dear born. Chicago. FOR SALE Canadian skunk muff : six skins; can ea.-ily be made into beautiful throw. Call Tabor b717. COOKING apples aOc box; Italian prunes, 5c pound; bring boxes. 4 East 07th st- N. Tabor 34t'rl. - FIRST-CLASS splendid-toned Webster piano only $225; $2.r down balance easy. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3a0 Alder. FIVE-GALLON COFFEE URN. Co.st $."i5, sell for half price. Newman, 12S First, near Washington. LADY'S coat, gent's overcoat. Hoover elec tric cleaner, pictures, jardiniere and other articles. Phone E. 33-Mi. BEAUTIFUL velveteen coat, never been worn, $73; worth $225; bargain. Tabor 2S25. DIAMOND. UK. PERFECT BLUE STEEL; EXCEPTIONALLY FINE DIAMOND. BARGAIN. J 201. OREGONIAN. FL'KS Mink. seal, astrakhan, ermine, oppos- sutn, slightly used ; variety of sizes, styles and pmxs. Tabor lot" Ui'KIOHT gas mantles to highest bid der. Sample at 14 1 J t It. Ivigbl re&erved tn rej'-ct any or all Mds. SEE Herman Peper houses, acreage, farms, alt sises for sale and exchanga. &07 . Km-hanan bldg. - GULI'EN oak China closet or .boolir.e. Oilletle safety razor, like new. door. East 5S."7. Cottage NICEST, biggest Petite prunt 5c lb. Bring bnskt-t to 2J0 Fsrgo st. Momiay and Tues day evenings. Wdln. 4531. SMALL professional motion picture camera for sale; also combination home projector and ste reopticon. 14 11th. BEAUTIFUL set of finest mink in condition: scarf 2S yards long, worth $250 new. Tabor 2S25. good 3; BEAUTIFUL trlcolette dress, slue 36-38; worn three times; champagne color. Mar. 57 1H. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, THEATER EQUIPMENTS. P. SABO, 200 STRAND 11LDG. GOOD coal heating stove with pipe, $15; also oak mantel bed, $7.00. Call mornings. 671 Gantenbeln ave tsE WING MACHINE and stove. 474 Salmon St. Fefrectloa oil HOT WATER TANKS. 30 gallons, look like new. East FOR SALE Cheap, Banitary cot and set of andirons. Thone Woodlawn 1175. FOR SALE Sewing machine. White Rotary, drophcad. 766 Tillamook St. East 8741). FOR SALE Man's bicycle, almost new. 2 Ea.t 63d north. BEAUTY parlor equipments for sale: loca tion if desired. Call Mon. Main 8112. NEARLY new Singer sewing machine, cheap for cash. 474 E. Oak et Upstairs. ASTRAKHAN coat. 30 in. match. Bargain at $40. long; muff to Tabor 2K23. THOR electric washer, family size, 1 1 1 5. H 131. Oregonlan. VIEW camera, 6"isx8t4, for sale; bargain. Call 4 II th. FOR SALE 2 heaters; one has hot-water coll. Main 5555. . a" NURSERY chair and collapsible baby boggy for sale cheap. East 300. apt. 2L GAS ranee, breakfast table, kitchen treas ure, oil heater. 341' E. Glisan. near 3d. HANDSOME baby buggy, almost new; also refrigerator. Tabor 4550. FOR SALE: Range for coal or wood and and dinjng-rooni tiible. M. 6278. BOY'Swoo! overcoat, brown, size 10 to 12, $10. E. 3793 FOR SALE Gentleman's opera coat, almost new, medium size. 41)5 Williams avenue. FOR PALE Baby buggy. 890 6th st. Mar shall 581. FOR SALE Child's cot. almost new. Phone East 6465. JEWELER'S electric sign for sale cheap for cash. K O-'B. uregonian. WANT two single bods; give price, descrip tion. J 251. Oregonlan. SILVER SPOONS for sale; reasonable. East 423L . ELECTRIC heater, oil stove, tent, for sale or w hat have you : r.nsi piqw. 2d-hand brick. $5 per. M. 3 I;OZEN Economy jars, cheap. 347 Mult nomah si., . jisu Kord Sterling and lighting outfit like new: only 67.5. Call Main 8S04 Monday. SAVAGE 25o, $3000 new; will sell cheap. 536 Plttork biock. CNE fireplace set for gale. Call East 4695. FOR SALE 3 showcases. Call East 2788. WOODSAiV for sale. East 3931. FOR BALE. M I seel laoeoum, PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE PLUMBING FIXTURES, PLUMBING SUPPLIES, HOUSE-HEATING MATERIALS, IRON PIPE, PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS AJS'D -SILENT KNIGHT" COMBINATION AGENTS FOR WM. POWELL HIGH-GRADE VALVE AND STEAii SPECIALTIES, BOSTON BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. Showroom and salesroom, oS-70-72 Front at Pnone Marshall 1101. Portland, Or. STORE- AND OFFICE FIXTURES, CONSISTING OF Showcases and wall cases. Large tables and counters, candy Jars. cash registers and safes. Scales, cheese cutters, meat slice ra. Roll-too desks, flat-top desk a Adding machines and typewriter. One large and one small icebox. Large gas range, eider press. Two soda fountains; also one 20-foot front and back bar. with largo mirror, work boards and sinks complete. GOODS SOLD ON EASY TERMS. HOCHFIELD BROS.. 43 1st at. MAKE YOUR OWN GASOLINE SUB STITUTE. If you own a car, ever expect to own ene, or know anvone who does own one, get this formula of noted chemist for mak ing cheap- gasoline substitute; proven success a f tec years of research work; no machinery necessary; make at home or in any garage iu few minutes; big money saver: smells lite gasoline, non-carbon izing or harmful: for automobiles, motor boats and tractors: more mileage, more power; secret formula and full instruc tions sent upon receipt of $3 bill. Fi?her-McLaughlin-Putta Co., P. O. Box OttO, Bal timore, Md. ROOF LEAKS: WELL! Easy to repair, simply apply R E MO LIT E COATING and Stop-A-Leak Cement over your roofs vouirelf. See instructions. Black and also colors for composition roofs: cravel-tlght paints for waterproof ing gravel roofs, too. Write for prices and guarantee. Rcmolite saves you money. Or der now from the KEMOLITE PAINT CO.. INC.. Sa n Fra nc i sco, Ca L SEWING MACHINES. Singers. Whites, New Homes and other good drop heads, from $10 to $25; many machines like new; our prices lowest in city. New Singers rented. SINGER STORE tMoose bldg.) 193 Fourth st. Main 6S33. EITHER WAY If you have a diamond and want the cash, or if you have the cash and want the diamond, call in and talk it over. MILLER'S CLEARING II.OUSE FOR DIAMONDS. n.3 Wash. St.. next door Majestic theater. SEWING machines, nsw and second-hand, sold for lesi; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. Main 1431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 1f0 3d. near Taylor St. 10 AND 52-gallon galvanized tanks with faucets. Svia fountain, equipped, 204 acct., fire proof; short acct. system, drugs and fix tures; all or part for sale at sacrifice. ill'!) Belmont st. ; 25 DROPHEAD sewlnff machines, complete with attachments. inVood sewing order, $S to S25; sewing machines rented 3 per month; machines cleaned and repaired 'Til. It. Ptcen, 152 Grand ave. B Si07. Kat a.t.iit. DIAMONDS WANTED. Pawn tickets bought. Full market value paid for diamonds, gold, silver, platinum, old JeweiT. watches and false teeth. NATIONAL. JEWELRY C&.. 447 .Morgan Bldg., 4th Floor. SAFKS Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NOKWS bAKE LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Phone Main 2045. FOlt SALE Large fire and burglar-proof Mos er safe, steel, ined throughout anu steel chest: just the safe for jeweler or small bank not having burglar alarm protection. 130 Third St. PRINTING FOR LESS Smith, non-trust printers, moved to 216 Commonwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. Good printing at reasonable prices, no locaout nere. KEGS Hard and soft wood kegs and bar rels, new and second-hand; no country orders less than three.' Panama Cooperage Co., 22S Front. APPAREL EXCHANGE Ladies' coats, sulla, dresses, evening gowns; also furs, hats: slightly used, distinctive styles; rea sonable. Tabor 2b25. LEAKY roof. eh!. Very aggravating. Indeed. Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 7776 SAFES FILING SAFES D1EBOLD AGT3. Expert work done. Prices right. PACIFIC SCALE 4: SUPPLY COMPANY 46 Fiont st. Broadway 1S8 FOR SALE Large cash register, 2 counters, table. Dayton scale, coffee mill, safe and account file. 126 Killingsworth. Wdln. 2548, C 2744. HOT-WATER tanks, new and second-hand. S12 to S2U insialleJ: expert boiler repair ing, plumbing supplies cheap, st. F.ast 8516. Mi Adams FOR SALE 1 heavy, knee-length army overcoat, size 36; 1 poncho, good condi tion. E. L, Donnell, 94 N. 16th St., Port land. Or. AUTOMATIC shotgun, perfect shape, for sale cheap, can uawy. ,. o. aru, garage northwest corner 14th and Burn side. MALT. hops. caps, cappers, cider, pure fruit punches and syrups for parties, dances, etc J. H. DeLacey. 2fi3 Yamhill L FINE buggy, harness and other accessories dirt cheap, or will trade for anything can use. Woodlawn 16. TWO roll-top desks. 1 T. W. desk. 1 table. 1 flat-top desk, 8 chairs. 3 filing cabinets. Bushong & Co.. 1)1 Park St. WHITE enameled child's crib with springs and mattress; good condition; price Wdln. 170. BiLLlARD and pocket Di:nara tames, snow- cases and wan cases, lixmrea. eiy oiui. W. J. Qulgley. 227 First. Main 5308. DUCK HUNTERS Club wants members for fine shooting reserve near Portland. AE 346. Portland. . TXlLOR-MADE to measure, double service raincoats for ladles, men and boys; 2 coats for the price of one. Wdln. 1313. DETROIT Jewel gas range, white enamel, se'.f-llghter. glass oven doors: No. 1 con dition. 6047 i2d S. K.thea.r55t.11av. FOR SALE cheap, 500 pint tin cans, screw tops. See Frank Miller. Edwards Furniture store. t j CAST-IRON Peninsular wood and coal range with gas and water coils, gas connection. 325 E. 43th, Tabor 356. WHITE irotarv jewing machine, $35 cash. Faultless miUeble steel range, $55. 8419 84th st. S. a. Tabor i4i. CASH registers, showcases, desk, ice box, coffee urn. gas plate and plate mirror, 24Si4 Second et. . FOR" SALE, cheap 2 McCaskey credit reg isters in good condition. Call at 700 Washington St.. Fountain Grocery. BARGAINS in unredeemed guns and revol vers.' all makes, cheap. J. J. Beauregard, 702 Main st.. Vancouver. TV ash. SLTITS to order on easy payments. Unique Tailoring Co., 104 Fourth at- bet. Wash, and Stark. LADY'S suit and coat, size S6. good con dition, cheap. Phone East 8228. POSTAGE stamps for collectors Dought and sold. 301 McKay bldg. Main 1QQ4. FOR SALE Taupe fox fur, for $45; cost $100 last winter, rnwic -.'l UAH- tolls, h-iaria or Quarters. Oakland. Or. I. M. i M., FOR SALE Heating stove, like new. Phone Woodlawn 31)41. 1USB East 13th St. North. FoR SALE Tent. 10x12, 12-oz., almost new. Address T 114. 0e6onlan. ITOK SALE Good cook range. $20. Call Monday forenoon. 67 E. 78th North. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentley Co.. East 7030, $110 CASH register, practically new, $75. Main 16:16. 614 2d; FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcases 43 1st St.. near Ash. AjVga's range, 90 pe- cent new, cost $82.50, sell for 43. Eaet 1874. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning In your home: 35c a rug. Call East 150S. LARGE oleander; sell or exchange. Ta bor 5905. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, 24-hour day, $1, delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. FOR 6ALE Safes, one large and one small, fire proof safe, cheap. T 142. Oregoniac. SECOND-HAND plumbing fixtures; plumb ing installed cheap. Call Et.st 4852. CALLBajst3931 lor good slabwood at right price. , WOODSAW attachment cheap, fit any Ford. 1224 Missouri ave. Wdln. 2380. FOR SVLE One pink-trimmed bassinette and stand. 641 6th St.. or Main 1041. SMALL TRUCK, perfect condition, private party; reasoiiauiu. biwu.oj j. A BABY bassinette and ft long white coat for sale East 2667. POSTAGE stamps for collectors bought and sold. 301 McKay bldg. Main 1004. MALLEABLE steel range, gas stove. Sunday, before 12 or evenings. Woodlawn 2tT. BOW LEG brace for child. Sellwood 1953. FOB SALE. Miaeetta neons. ROAD CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT. 1 No. 2 Austin jaw crusher. 1 No. 5 Austin gyratory crusher. 1 8x14 all steel jaw crusher. 1 Chicago paver, cap. 20-ft. 1 Rex paver, cap. 18-ft. 1 Ransom mixer, cap. 30-ft. 1 Ransow mixer, cap. 10-ft. 1 Buffalo-Pitts, 5-ton tandem roller. 1 Buffalo-Pitts, 12-ton tandem, roller. rear wheels 18-in. 1 Monarch 12-ton, rear wheels 21-ln. 1 Monighan 2-yd. drag line excavator. 50 24-in. gauge dump cars. 100 3ft-in. gauge dump cars. 2 24-ln. gauRe Dinky locomotives. 6 3H-in. gauge Dinky locomotives. 1 Austin road grader. 1 Model 61 Marlon track shovel. 1 Bucyrus 45-ton track shovel. 1 8x10 hoisting engine. Pile driver hammers, gas, engines, pumps, tools. LOCOMOTIVES-CARS-RAILS 1 BO-ton Shay, wood burner. 1 60-ton Helsler, oil burner. 1 3S-ton Heisler, oil burner. 1 45-ton 6-drlver, low wheel locomotive. 1 11x11 Washington compound yarder. 1 12x12 Washington compound yarder. 1 10x13 wide drum Willamette. 2 10x12 wide drum Washington. 1 9x10 Mundy. Relay rails, B0-40-20-b. Russell all-steel logging trucks. BOILERS. 1 100 H. P. wot back maris, boiler. 150- lbs. 1 100 H. P. fire box boiler, 100-lbs. 1 550 H. P. fire box boiler. 160-lba. 1 30 H. P. fire box boiler. 2 60x18 Butt strap return tubular boilers. ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 66x16 Butt strap return tubular boiler. 1 3 6x42 Bafs CorllFS engine. 1 800 H. P. National feed water heater. SPECIAL. 1 Modern mill, cut 3-M in eight hours. 2 Scripps marine gas engines. 150 H. P. each. 1 Speedway marine gas engine. 50 H. P. Send us your inquiries for anything In Iron or wood-working machinery, ' logging, sawmill, contractor's equipment, locomo tives, boilers, engines, crushers, steel rail, cable and belting. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY, 52S Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1212. A2423. 2 68x16 BUTT strap boilers, 140 pounds. 1 66x16 Butt strap boiler, 125 pounds. 1 1H0 h. p. fire box boiler, 135 pounds. 1 SO h. p. fire box boiler, 135 pounds. 2 40 h. p. fire box boilers, loo pounds. 2 16 h. p. upright boilers. 125 pounds. 1 75 h. p. Scotch marine engine. It pounds. 1 250 h. p. Corless- engine. 1 2?." h. p. Corless engine. 1 12x10 Erie center crank. 2 10x12 Krie center cranks. 1 steam drag saw, 2 6-foot raws and 8-foot, complete. G. & R. MACHINERY CO., 503 Gerlinger Bldg. Phone Main 8201. DOfPLE-RARRELED 12-gauge shotgun, with duck case cleaner and shells. Good as new, for good automatic revolver; also American typewriter for canary. 5900 40th ave. S. E. BOOKKEEPER'S DESK. TYPEWRITER STANDS. TABLES AND CHAIRS FROM WAR DEPARTMENT. D. C. WAX. 8S Fl RST ST MAIN 4631. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Goerz and Folglander lenses on fichutz camera 4x5. M. lienar. Phona Sell. 2718. 1076 Mil waukie st. GOING EAST Almost new double tireless cooker, cost 34. will sell for $25; also have Sturgis collapsiblo gocart. very cheap. Call Tabor 5. KODAK, Eastman 8!. size 3Hx!H!,. with complete developing and printing outfit; also folding camp table and chair; very reasonable. Phone Tabor 1038. ADVERTTSE24wonls in 20 Sunday papers. $5; in 100 magazines, si: lists tree. fian ford Agency, 362 Shannon bldg., Pitts burg, Pa. WILL dispose of a lot of used sewing ma chines, nil makes and In good sewing or der. $12.50 and $15. 172 3d St.. near Y'amhill. BEAUTIFUL Bird of Paradise for sale cheap; also set or lox rurs ana royai er mine scarf to exchange for Icte style. Marshall 3576. fur coat of FINE Gravensteln apples, bring your boxes and pick all you want at 75c a box, wind falls 50c a box. Bowman farm. Base Line and Fairvic'w ave. ONE $25 folding gocart $1 0 One sulky '. 2 One 3S-55 Favage rifle 20 S44 WOODWARD AVE. A. B. GAS range: Ruud water heater; 9x12 rug: clothes wringer; all in excellent con dition: for sale cheap. Tabor 18. 1441 E. Broadway. FOR S LE Dishes, bedding- utensils and carpenter tools. Inquire 342 1st, room 22: leaving city. BOOSTER kitchen cabinet, like new. oak finish, aluminum top, $33. 662 E. 66th N. Tabor 851 . ORIOLE go-cart, good condition, price $10. Call after 2 P. M. Sunday at 178 K. 15th st S; FOR-SALE Adjustable $18 dress form. $7; small Whitney baby buggy, $3; good man dolln, $3. 1001 E. 7th St.. North. FRUIT jars for sale, milk bottles, lamps and self-henting Iron, cheap. Phone Wood lawn isno. HOUSEHOLD furniture for 5-rooms, com plete. Call Monday, Sept. 8. 335 Weidler St., cor. E. 2d. CHILDREN'S CLOTHES, knitted sweater, velvet coat, white, also black bloomers. Marshall 2127. GOLDEN oak bed, like new, $5; 25 feet 2-ln. band saw, new. $3: 1 pair portieres, like new, $5. 1027 E. 15th bL N., Sunday. FOR SALE A Stoll auto bed. days, a bargain. Sellwood 827. ton st. used ten 960 Clin- LADY'S black astrakhan coat, cut full and good length in very good condition. Phone Eist 324. 12x15 Shevelworth Wilton rug in good condition. Call Sunday from 10 to 12 A. M. only. 408 Knott St., near Union ave. MR. DEER HUNTER, 4 boxes 30-30 soft nose copper jacket cartridges, $5. Call Mondav, 304 'A Oak sL FOR SALE Kiddy koop and mattress, used only snort time: s-o. 108 i,. Lincoln, corner 58th. Tabor 9105. PRUNES 2c, bring basket, at 2ith St.. M:l- waukie. Or., opposite grade scnooj. j. x. Llewellyn. FOR SALE Fine selected ripe Gravensteln apples. $1.25 a box; bring a box. Call at 1513 E. Morrison st. TO SELL mahogany piano stool and buy piano bench and oversturtea cnair. Tabor 6163 GUITAR; make offer: Electric table lamp. cheap. wicKer couapsiDie oaoy ouggy. Broadway 4580. GOOD cedar doors, leather davenport and odd pieces or turnlture tor sale, jaain euxo. 340 Harrison st. DIAMOND RING One-half carat, perfect stone; cheap for cash. Give phone num ber. J 245. Oregonian. COOKING apples 50c box. Italian prunes 5c potind. bring boxes. 4 E. 57th st. N., Tabor 8464. FOR SALE CHEAP A second-hand fur nace. 1170 E. Taylor st. Tabor 1911. LADIES' slightly used suits, coats, evening d resses, waiBts; cheap. 456 Pittock block. FOR SALE, cheap, beautiful set of genuine Alaskan mink furs. Tabor 1)394. J150-SIZE Brunswick, mahogany case and 68 assorted selections. Marshall 1537. HEATING stove, a couch and bookcase, slightly used. Phone Tabor 9019. REMINGTON hammerless double-barreled shotgun, used very little. Marshall 1888. BLUE serge and satin dress, new, $14, size 36. 333 East 44th st. South. FOR SALE Leather portfolio, size 10x15, cost $11. will take $7. Phone B7113 JEWEL gas range, good condition. $30; Re liable water heater, $12.50. PhonaC1533. LINEN-and fllat luncheon set. 13 pieces; aiso luncheon cloth. Est 3622. $10. GENTLEMEN'S dress suit, size 30. Cali 506 East 50th st. North. FOR SALE Otter neck piece with ermine collar. East 459. FOR SALE Lot assorted steel floor mats and cooklngutenslls.Apply300 Oakst. FINEboftalo robe, suitable for auto or den; price $75. East 5188. i FOR SALE Sealskin jacket; Phone M. 3176. reasonable. FOR SALE 1 hot point vacuum sweeper; $20. Phone Main 7548. Al HEATER, can use briquetts, coal or wood; a real bargain. Call Sell. 2467. FOR SALE Collection of old rare postage stamps. East 7556. LADIES' black shoes, like new, size 5 or 0. Marshall 2127. BEES Ten hives for Bale. 310 E. 76th st, cor. Market. Phone Tabor 0273. FOR-SALE-Genuine white fox fur, $32.50. Phono Marshall 283L MARBLE same getter, $10. Phone Wood lawn 1763. DROPHEAD Singer machine, cheap. Last Webster st. . SET Encyclopedia Phone Woodlawn Brltannlca 2S5V for sale. SALADS and cakes for sale. Main 7839. WOOD or coal range. Call East 245. STJNGTYP1 for sale. Call East SiiS. FOK 6AIJE- Miscellaneous. M. BARDE & SONS, Front aad Main Sts, Portland. Or. "The house of a million bargain,." Here', your opportunity to buy guaran teed new and used mill aid logging sup plies at big money-saving pricesT WE CARRY THE LARGKST STOCK of new and usd mill and logging supplies in the U. S.: it wiil pay you to see us FlKSr. Every purchase made from us is backed bT the BARDE GUARANTEE of ALL GOODS SHIPPED SUBJECT TO ELM ERS' APPROVAL. Note these offerings. Read every one. Buy from Barde. Galvanized corrugated NEW ROOFING IRON. A carload of thi material at $7.50 per square. ROOFING PAPER. 3000 rolls, including "Certain teed" and "Major." "Certalnteed." S-ply $2.45 "ilajor," 3-p!y -00 WIRE ROPE. Six carloads just received, in sizes up to. 2-inch. Below are a few representative prices: H4 inch ". 30c foot 1 inch 31c foot 1 inch 4ic foot Hi inch 55c foot z men t-ic toot LOGGING BLOCKS. 3 carloads of Matlory Willamette Stewart Gilchrist Etc. Bull blocks, logging, moving, yarding, trip, etc.. AT 40 PER CENT OFF LIST. PIPE PIPE. Over 1. eon, ooo feet in stock, In sizes from 4-inch to 12-inch; new and used; ALL GUARANTEED. No. 1 No. 2 9c 12Sc 15c 20c 1-inch Sc 1 H-inch l',i-ineh .11c 14 17i,c 2- lnch . . 2-inch 3- inch .. . .. 3c 4"c . . . 6r.c ... y'c ...1.2S . ..$1.75 4- inch 5- inch 6- inch S-lnch What else- do you want prices on? Get BARDE'S PRICE F1HST. M. BARDE SONS, Front and Main sts., Portland, Or. I HAVE several diamonds that have been left with me by outside parties to be sold. You can buy them for 25 per cent less than the wholesale cost today. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 355 Wash. St., next door Majestic theater. EDISON CYLINDER MACHINE. Clearance sale of Edison cylinder ma chines; play 2 and 4-mlnute records; and 100 records. Price while they last, $12.50; $5 down. (3 monthlv. Hyatt Talking Ma chin eCo35j)A!ler SPLENDID SERVICE AND A PLEASLN'G PRICE. Jewelry repairing, watch repairing. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 355 Wash. St., next door Majestic theater. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA. We have just received large shipment of new Columbia Grafonolas; special terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE Adjustable hospital cot; Just the tiling lor one who can sit up; niiui be seen to be apprcriatetl. Call before noon Sunday. 5123 77th st. S. E. Take Mt. Scott car to Firland. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. Simplex and Powers machines soli! and rented. I .alley 1000 watt power plant. GENERAL SUPPLY' AND REPAIR CO. 213 4th st. near Salmon. Main 251S. SECTIONAL bookcase oak; steal range. trunk, good rocker, fruit Jars, Edison phonograph, 200 4-min. records, watr power washing machine, etc. Tabor 3325. WILL exchange new Brunswick, Gralonola, Edison or Vlctrola for peoples Amusement Co. stock. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. . . GOOD brass bedstead and springs, brazing torch, 22-cal. Stevens rule. caLcners m1;. new; fielders glove and bat- Jasi after 1:30 P. M. 0OS7 FOR SALE Brass lacquered bed. dressers, gas range, garbage burner, kitchen treas ure, etc. Bdwy. 2487, or 672 Kearney sL Basement apt j BLACK traveling bags, drummer's samples, slightly soiled. $; ladies' purses, mens wallets, soldiers', sailors- discharge hold ers. Portland Leather Co..-'26Wagh. st. SEND for free sample lessons and seen how easy it is to learn to play piano hy note wlhtout a teacher; easiest system on earth. The Delbridge System. Danville, III. FLOOR CASES. ONE S-FT. AND TWO 4-FT. FLOOR CASES FOR SALE OR TRADE. 12 FIRST. FOR SALE: Cheap. Singer sewing machine, oriole baby buggy ami nursery chair. Room 8. 471 Morrison st. MOTION picture camera, complete trlpod:6 magazines with covering cases cheap. 573 Union ave. Phono East 6tisl. AUTO, cider press, windmill and tank: auto in good repuir. Write full particulars first letter. A 623, Oregonia n. $120 EDISON Diamond Disc, like new, $115: $15. down, $10 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE or trade. United States Patent No 128S407: Canadian rights ponding. E. Lunberg, 604 Yeon bids. FOR SALE Prunes and plums. Harrison, 716 Col) blvd., hi mile east Union ave. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE 11)16 4-cylindor. S-pa-ssinser Studeliaker; 5 tires, almost new; spotlight, new top, plate glass, original pa.nt in fine shape; mechanically perfect; run iOOii miles. S-ie car at 514 Hancock St. Last 4610. FOR SALE CHEAP. One Stoddard-Dayton bug, in good run ning order. $31)0. Fred Dundee, Broadway ut Flanders st. 191D FORD COUPE, run 4000 miles, with wire wheels, electric lighting and rtartlnK system and all kinds of extras; $s.".o. or with new 3-passenger touring-car body. $725. Call Frohman, Broadway 321, Mon day. . BUICK touring car. model B25: owner elder ly man too nervous to drive car: In Al shape; 4 new tires: only run -'.". miles: car in Al shape; price $525. Take Sell wood car to Beacon Bt. Address 01.. 0th Bt. . $050. 7-passenger 1917 Studebakr 4 In excel lent condition, tires practically n-?w, spot light bumper, extra tire, has had best of care. Call Tabor 3015 after 2 P. M. 1919 PAIGE touring car, light six, five wire wheels. 5 cord tires, four of them br.'.iul new: car In A-l condition, run only C.Ono Miles; a bargain, terms. Call Marshall lwMt, apartment 42, HAULING CONTRACT. Have a contract for 3-ton truck, long hours, long-time Job, southern part of state. Terms to purchaser of truck. Quick nctlor. necessary. F 522. Oregonlan. 1911) BUICK light six with extra equip ment, spotlight, bumper, etc.; just like new: Immediate delivery. Phone D. M. Smith. C 1333, Sunday afternoon or Broad way 1130 Monday FOR SALE OR TRADE 1917 6-cyl., 7-pass Studebaker; good shape, or would take in smaller car as cash payment. 1U9 Colum bia blvd., M mile west of Union ave. A DODGE roadter for sale by owner, $700 cash; no trade. Owner going east. I can show you the car at' any time. Call 35014 Morrison st., spt. 410. LEAVING city; will dispose of $2500 auto mobile, nearly now, one-half price: con sider good diamond as part payment. K 568. Oregonlan. HUDSON SPEEDSTER, BRAND NEW CAR CORD TIRES. YOU CAN SAVE $100. 287 E. 44TH ST $450 3. PASSENGER STUDEBAKER tour ing car, in good condition; two extra tires and tubes. Tabor 8207. SPECIAL bargain If sold today: light 5 passenger touring car. only run 4000 miles 1672 Clarendon st.,St. Johnscnr. CVE rIND LATE MODEL, SPOTLIGHT, ENGINE. TIRE PUMP. NEW TIRES. TERMS. 393 OAK ST 1914 STUDEBAKER touring In good condi tion, $375 cash. Multnomah Garage, 2d snd Anneny. . CHEVROLET. 1018. In fine condition. Must sell car us have no place to keep it. 3U0 B. Montgomery st. WOl LD like to purchase first-class 191S or 1910 roadster for cash. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 80 Alder. 0'E VELIE bug In perfect condition; will sacrifice for $225. Corner of 10th and Glisan. ONE OAKLAND for sale cheap; In fine shape: all electric equipment. Corner of 10th and Glisan. 1017 FORD, good condition; $400 cash. Mr. Henry. 1734 Derby St., or phono Wood lawn 4219. ' 1018 FORD, good condition: brand new tires: oversize ail around; also shock absorbers. East 6530. BUICK1018 four touring, perfect condition, $J50. Sellwood 2100, Sunday aud eveu lr.gs. " MITCHELL light six touring. In perfect con dition, with seat covers; sacrifice $025. See week days. 304 East Morrison st. BUICK Big Six-49, 7-pass., 1918 model. Call Tabor 7070. FORD 5-passcnger for sale or trade lor coupe. Cali 329 Main at. rOR BALE A TTOMOBTLES. USED CARS. TV ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR SEVERAL CARLOADS OF NEW CAPS. WHICH ARE IN TRANSIT AT THE PRESENT TIME, WE AKE FORCED TO SELL THE FOLLOWING STOCK OF USED CARS WITHIN THE NEXT TKSJ DAYS. WE AKK NOT HOLDING THEM AT ANY CERTAIN PRICK. WE INVITE YOU TO MAKE IS AN OFFER ON ANY CAR. IF IT IS WITHIN REASON 1UE CVE1GlVELYKkY EASY TERMS AND ALSO TAKE YOUR LIBERTY BONDS AT FACE VALUE WHEN APPLIED O.N THE INITIAL PAYMENT. THERE IS NO Jl'Na HERE. EVERY CAR IS GUARANTEED TO BK IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER AND SOME OF InSJI ARE ALMOST NEW. HERE THEY ARE: 101S Haynes. 4 passenger. llil.s Jordan, 6 passenger. litis Studebaker, 7 passenger. MM 3 Studohaker, T passenger. I'.HS Oakland. 5 passenger. l:tlK Chevrolet. 5 passenger. ISIS Buick. 5 passenger. 1:1S Maxwell, 5 pa it'i' ser, litis Jordan, 4 passenger. 1117 J-MIVrv, 7 passifngfr. 1D17 Hudson Super. 7 passenger. 3M17 Dodge. 5 passenger. IM7 Oakland. 5 passenger. 1H17 Saxon. 5 passenger. 1ST 1 7 Maxwell roadster. 11117 .Maxwell. 5 passenger. 1H17 Chandler 4 passenger. 1:117 Chevrolet. 5 passenger. 1017 Mitchell. 7 ras-oiiger. 11 1 7 Overland Country Club. 1M17 Yelle, " passenger. 1H17 Kord. 5 passenger. 11117 Overland. 5 passenger. 1117 Havnes. 5 passenger. 11116 Hudson Super, 7 passenger. 1116 Fold. 5 passenger. l:n Ford roadster. 11H6 Ford delivery. 101 OidsmoMle. 5 passenger. 1116 Saxon roadster. llilii Dodge Panel delivery. 1HI6 Chevrolet touring. Indian motorcycle. Davton motorcycle. 3-tim Denby truclc, 1-ton Ford truck. OTHERS TOO NUMEROUS TO MEK TION. OFEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO.. Broadway and Couch. FINE CLOSED AUTOMOBILE. HUDSON SUPER SIX SEDAN. GUAR ANTEE PERFECT MECHANICALLY. REPAINTED. :!T5. WEST1NOHOUSB SHUCK ABSORBERS. FAIR TIRES AND EXTRA TIRE. THIS IS REALLY A RtflE BARGAIN AT $2150. WILL CON SIDER TERMS O.V PART IF DESIRED. 1'UO.NE LAST Stil'S. USED CARS. Every one worth the money. Our motto. "Every Purchaser a Booster. 191S Dodge, a late one, pantosote top, plnte glass, special lenses, oversize tires; new cord spare. 101S Chalmers hotspot. T-pass., 0 ttres litis Vcllc. 0-pass., first-class througo- OU!17 Velie, 5-pass., thoroughly over- t. . ..1.. Ull I Velie. 5-pass.. elec. equip.. $375. 1H1S Peerless 8. 7-pass.. almost like new. Hint peerless, just new, some discount. Late mnilol Rco. D ' WAKUE.V MOTOR CAR CO.. ' 58 N. 23d St. Maln7S0. j!KI'i your selection from our stock of used cars. Prices are right. Terms If de sired : l'.UO P,ulck, 7 passenger. 11I1S Cole 8, tan upholstering and paint- '"P- . - 1019 Dotiglns S. 3 passenger. litis Saxon chummy roadster. 11117 King 8 sedan. Truck department Reo 2-ton, cab and seat. Chevrolet, 1-ton. slat body. DANIELS SALES ACIlNTl. M Broadway. I i.p. Benson Hotel. OAKLAND LIGHT STN. GOOD MK CHANTCAL C'iNIHTlON, NEWLY PAIWHU; TERMS. c c. m.i: SDALE, 530 ALDER. 6-CY L. BUICK 6-1 'YL. 5-pass. light 6 touring Butrk, used only In city, privately owned and well card for, o" cord tires, plate glns. rear lights, in top. curtains open with doors, clock and bumper; car runs and looks llko new, lust a vcar olii anil nicely broken In. See it nt Third and Ankeny. Mr. llosl of Schnffer ft Hesse. 1917 IIUrMOBILE. CORD TIRES, 100 PER CENT EFFICIENCY ON HILLS; TERMS. C. G. m.EASDALE, 530 ALDER. DO YOij WANT the best used Model 83 Overland In the city? It con be seen at the Pacific Auto Co., 523 Alder st. Broad way 3111. This car has been driven by one man exclusively since it was new and has had the best of care. Original paint, top and upholstering, live po.nl tiros and the mechanical condition speaks tor it self. Look It over. . MAXWELL ROADSTER. LIKE NEW. NEW TIRES. C. G. Bl.EASDALE, 530 ALDER. LOOKS CHEVROLET. LOOKS I.IKE NEW, ALL GOOD TIRES; $575. TERMS. C. i. BLIOASDALE, 530 ALDER. MUST have money, will sell cheap either of my cars: Ford roadster, has shock ab sorbers, speedometer, cutout, new tires. 3T: stinleliaker. 5-passenger. electno lights and starter, new tires, one-man top, car looks like new. J550. 434 Mill SU Main 4013. 1917 FORI) with 1119 top. good rubber, in good shape. liu lakes it. .au at cumoi of mth and Glioan. Bilwy. 213. VEI.I E si"c In fino condition, will sacrifice for $S50; also 11116 Dodge, fine shape, at a bargain. Call at 3 16 E. Alder st. FOR SALE Willys-Knight, nearly new. on terms, or trade for smaller car. Tabor 9-IU2: OVERLAND Country Club, new tires re finihed and overhauled, a snap. Call Broadway 1130. Mr. Montgomery. $510 DriWNWJLL BUY" 191 8 " CHALMERS A-l SHAPE; 4 NEW TIRES. CALL TA BOR 030. REPUBLIC 1-ton, used Just 11 months; fully equipped rendy to go to work and In ex cellent condition. See Nehl, 200 Second St. FO rfDroa (i 5 ter, 1916. in good running order; J3M5, terms. P. H. DUNN. 1652 E. 13th, Sc.ll.' 1393. . DODGE touring. 1917. In good condition; will' sell at $s73; some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near BurnHtie. yj4 BUICK. good mechanical condition, newly painted, new batteries, $Uu0. Co hinilila .'i7i. FORD truck. 1918, one-ton attachment; in fine condition; will sell at 6J0, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burn.slde. CHEVROLET roadster, 1918, In best of con dition; will (-acril'ice at $175. with terms. :l(l Grand ave. N., near Burliside. MAXWELL touring. 191S, in fine condition; good tires; a bargain at $725, some terms. 30 Grand ave. -W.iu-ar Burnsid B A RG A 1 N IN lot S HUDSON SPEEDSTER; RUNS WD LOOKS LIKE NEW; GOOD Tl I'iKS, CALL TABOR t30. 16 FORD roadster, very good condition. plenty extras, iiiciuuiuh - v-mii iiiui. iu. 11 in si., ut.. . . .. . w N asli. and Stark. vi-i fl lTKI.L HUDSON TOURING CAR. Al CONDITION; COR!) TIRES AND LOTS OF EXTRAS. B 7:13. OREGONIAN. sLlG HTLYused Franklin touring car. latest mood. Can be had at a saving of $550. Phono Mr. Therkelsen at Main 4SS0. lTtls CHANDLER, 7-passenger, flrsl-ciass iiihani''.'il condition, ucvv tiros. Call Mar. 27111; . FOR SALE Chevrolet roadster, driven 2S00 miles; 6 tires, 2 new; must oell by Mon day! Call Broadway4913. MITClfELL roadster, new tires, perfect run ning shape; $240. Corner loth and Gllsaa. B It G A 1 N 'IN-1 9 1 S M AXWEI.L ToVltlNG ' CAR. Al CONIHTION. EAST 1962. ADAND Y roadster. $230; In first-class run ning condition; terms. 371 N. 22d St. litis CHALMERS. RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. Al CONDITION. CALL TAHOHJ130. BY OWNER. Hupmoblle. 1917: excellent con- dilicii; curil tires. East 6450. 333 E. 21stN. GOOD bug, S175: must seM at once. 1411 Rodney ave. Woodlawn 5247. LATE model 7-pass. Studebaker; would nun- Elder light car in trade. Mars hall 47.19. BLIGHTI.Y used tires. $3 to $13 each; vul. canlzed. 25e;tllo repairing. 207 Madlion. WILT. SACRIFICE 1919 Maxwell enr, perfect condition, with extras, $930. Tabor 8 as 7.