THE SUNDAY OltEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTE3IBER 7, 1919. 14 TO EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE. CENTRAL OREGON " STOCK RANCH." HEAL. STOCK RANCH. ABOUT HALF PKKK. ".-'I (OK o4" ACKKS. . -IK-!CHUTK3 COl'NTY. NEARLY HALf JiKADY TO FLOW. ALL KKXCfcD, KA1RLY GXD BUILOINOS. 1-LKXTT fD SOFT WATtR. 42 SETS BUILDINGS). NEAR K R. SURVEY. STAOE STATION, P. O.. STORE, PHONE. CHO L ETC. OFFER THIS LAND AT flO PER ACHE, i-N TERMS (ITS WORTH --.-.-I 'Ir8 COUNT FOR ALL CASH. JOILD fONSlfKK SMALL CITY HOME OR Sf BUR BAN HOME ON KXCHANOE. THE LEST LOCATION IN JH E W EST FK LIVESTOCK AND HAY RANCHINU. 8KVEKAL " tVKKNMKXT BUNCH .KAbS LDCATIONS STILL OPEN TO SETTLEMENT FOR PASTURE. toAME DISTRICT A ADDRESS PATTERSON. SELLING BLUO.. PORTLAND. PUNOALOW WANTED FOR HIGHLY IMPROVED. K-s crfK. all under high Mat of culti vation. d-p. rich auil. good buildings. In -nlr. lota of fruit and berries; right at tatinn uit Oregon Electric and close to Capital highway; only 12 milea out by auto. It a a snap h) $miO; clear of ln rumbrenrt. Will exchange for clear bun galow in rstri ted district. KASEK A KAINEY. nw 823- Oaacu bldg. Marshall 31. WANT CITY FiR BEAUTIFUL 40-ACRE FARM 40 acres, 2J mi lea northwest from Port land, aires In cultivation, balance tim ber and pasture; line soli, no rock; very g.rnd houe. barn, siio and outbuilding; pressure water in buildings: very fine or chard of ah kind of truit, on main road, school arrows road. This Is a wonderful little farm and you ran trade for it. Price incumbrance $1MH: want city prop erty, will - assume. J. . Williams, hJO Chamber of Commerce bldg. yR S LK or exchange, tf-room nlatered and paoered house, full cement basement, furn -. enrage, some fruit ire-, 2 lots Soxim well. Everything in the best of condition, locatfd clo in on Mississippi v ; will consider li or 2U acres improved farm on g d road and reasonably close in. Th house is well painted both Inside and out and has modern conveniences; price 4.Ko. good terms to cash buyers. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co.. ::.' N. W. Bank Bldg. TO TRADE" IN ON A HOUSE OR GOOD LOT IN WESTMORELAND ADDITION. Nice little 3-room cottage at Lake ilia Park, near Oswego lake, close to car line; 1 S acres land, nearly new house, wit h porch acrosa front : enough cleared for nice garden; this has got to be seen to be appreciated. STEWART A FUCK. SIS Northwestern Bank Bldg. CTvE iiie cash together with a lot small acreage, little furniture, rooming house or something for my equity In fine o-room mod. house which has large sleep ing porch for a beds, lovely porch below. lo( ,oxlo. all improvements in and paid, tne balance like rent ai t per cent, this is a bargain for someone, if sold within 1 days only So'."h. wry close in. Owner, Taylor. Hedge. WALNUT "RANCH. A wonderful 240-acre farm. 100 acres of which is in bearing walnuts. Iimi acres more cleared, H acres in orchard and the balance in timber. Owing to old ago owner will consider trading for city prop erty. Has great possibilities. Price 1 HO. 0H. ERNEST WELLS COMPANY. Tabor .VH'H 4Ul Couch Building. OPPORTUNITY OF LIFETIME. 87 acres, ail in cultivation; line soil: good improvements, abundance of fruit; fine water; s miles out. Want good house. five per cent of the purr has price in cash, balance on or before 2'- years. This is an opportunity of a lifetime to make your farm pay for Itself. R- F. Bryan, ,"jm: Cham. 01 Com. HM-ACRE NEWRERO FARM. 70 acres cleared, 10 acres prunes, bal. pasture, good house, barn for 4U cows, 4 horses and tt tons hay.- fine silo, on rock road, attractive and subs t ant la L Sell on reasonable terms or exchange for Mock ranch in south or southeast Oregon. C L fci V E LA X D -H E N DER SON CO. . 212 Railway Exch. Bidg. Main tf7.'2. 2o ACRES. CLOSE IN. Auto road, near Baseline. About 10 miles out. Dandy orchard. Practically all under cultivation. 3 dwelling houses, barn, w ell : engine and pressure system. Cash value S10.0OO. Will exchange up to even for modern home. Will go to suburbs. Offerings must be on cash basis, j. c. CORBIN CO, 305-0-4-it Lewis bldg. """MISSOURI 80 ACRES EXCHANGE." Have SO arres. Ho miles south of St. Louis. Mo., for sale or exchange; about 20 acres in cultivation; 4 -room house; 60 acres of timber: ttS acres tillable when cleared. What have you to offer in ex change? Owner. U. A. Sarlea, 733 North-w-tern bnk bldg. 44U-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. I have 440 acres in Gilliam county. Or., 1 miles Irom R. R. station, about 350 acres tillable, fair buildings, water, fences, gmid soil; this is worth $30 per acre. In cumbrance $37oii, some of which mutt be paid; 1 will trade and assume. What have ou? K 562, Oregon ian. FOR SALE or trade. 240-acre wheat or stock ranch. acres under Irrigation, water power pumping plant; will consider small place, 20 to 4o acres west of Cascades and sme cash, bal. to suit, might consider some income property. Give full descrip tion of property. Box 50 L Goldendaie, Wash. FOR SALE Fireproof concrete block; store and of lice rooms on first Door; rooming house on second floor; atso good residence, all in good town in Willamette valley. Will take residence in Portland as part payment. Owner. 791 Curb it at., Port land. Phone Mar. 24. FOR HoME in Portland, 261-acre ranch in Ihtwson county, Mont., 50 acres under cul tivation, balance clear and tillable, choco late loam, good water and Improvements. 1 ne pasture, also 8 head of horses, har Krss. wagon and etc. Call at 227 Broad way, downstairs, between 6 and 8 P. M. APARTMENT HOUSE. We have a dandy apartment house, showing splendid Income, that we can trade for a good farm. Must be up-to- dleERNEST WELLS COMPANY, Tabor 56n6. 4ol Couch Building. WILL TRADE. $7500 COUNTRY STORE doing good business; $L'ihi stock, balance real estate. Will trade tor Portland property, farm or acreage close to Portland. a. j. Lv forest a co.. Henry Bldg. Main 2ftft0. EAST-SIDE BRICK APARTMENTS. FAYING PERCENT NET ON $:t0.o00. 2-story brick apt., on east side, com pletely furnished, always full, built about 3 years, mortgage $14,000; will trade for clear farm, or what have you? Price $30. AG 145. Oregon lun. MODERN WEST SIDE FLATS. 4 f .Kis of S rooms each, fireplace and furnace for each; owner will exchange for residence with garage on west aide about ame value: pnve $12.Oo0. QQDPAKD A- WIEDK1CK. 243 Stark St. W ILL sell or trade, beautiful U-room bunga low with 10x20 grounds, fine garden, all kinds bearing fruit, lots of roses: a splen d.d home for man with family: could keep cow and chickens. See the place. 1305 E. Pth st.. N-, or call M. Billings. 50t McKay. "IS YOUR MORTGAGE FORECLOSED ? If your mortgage is foreclosed and your redemption time has not expired, you are fooiiaii to lose all. I will give you a good trade for your equity. AH 49. Oregon 1 an. MODERN S-room bungalow. Mt. Tabor. Portland, and 160 acres good Dakota land rlose to town and railroad. Value $55oo. Trade for ruit ranch, prunea preferred. W 43. Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS modern bouse; 10 rooms, value $15,000; will exchange for farm or timber lands, taking back new mortgage of $7500. S 125, Oregonlan. WEST SIDE 2i minutes out. 10-room house furnished, $3 Want small house up to $2oi. Details Mr. Metcalf, 617 Cham ber of Commerce. Mar. 2432. 4-RM. house. 150x140, Ontario, Or., will trade for acreage or house within 50 miles of Portland. Westengard, R. L Worcester bldg. FORTY level acres, best soil, neighbors, school, road, close to Portland and rail road : trade for house or lots. 324 Rail way Exchdnge. TOEXCHANGE $2500 equity in modern 7 room house for improved acreage. 1 to 4 acres on electric line. Sell. b48, D 617, Oregonlan. CORNER business lot, Sellwood district, to trade for acreage. Main 326, or G 443, Oregonlan. S LOTS on Willis btvd. 10 acres near Van couver. Wash all clear, for modern bun galow. Addres Oak Grove. Box 45. 320-ACRE wheat ranch 8 miles from Pay ette, Idaho, to exchange for smail acre age home near Portiai.d. J 227. Oregonlan. INCOME Portland property, value $7000. ant f irm near Portland. Owner. Oregnntan. E 45 L OWNER will trade 2 lots In Rose City for S-passenxer automobile, no dealers need apply. Sv2 Northwestern Bank bldg. IS ACRES. Forest Grove, all bearing orchard- Price $toK. Want house. J. Rob bmw. iW 1 Railway Exchange. WILL trade rlerr Taooina property for house rd lot ; pay cash difference or assume mortgage. Thomson. 513 Henry bldg. BOME-for sate in Alberta district, will con sider an exchange for Seattle residence. phone Wood lawn 731. LOT ;.'. blk. 6. Riverdale. to trade as first payment on 5 or 6-room bungalow. E 455. Oregonian. PORTLAND lots to trade for West Seaside rasi aviu iu a. TO EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE. 300 ACRES. NEAR JUNCTION CITY. CAN PI a t' BE DIVIDED; READY FOR GOOD SOIL SLOPES WEST TO CKEEK; LAND SUITABLE FOR LIVE STOCK. HOGST HAY, GRAIN, FRUIT, BERRIES. ETC.; NEAR K. K. Ut-fui; 10 MILES TO COUNTY SEAT; GOOD ROADS: POSITIVE BARGAIN AT 10 PEK ACRE. WORTH H0; EASY TERMS. MAKE OFFER EXCHANGE; WILL AS SUME: CONSIDER CITY PROPERTY. STOCK OK MERCHANDISE. OR WHAT HAVE YOU? ADDKESS "OWNERS," P. O. BOX I'L'J. PORTLAND. 88A-ACRE STOCK FARM. BM3 acres. 40 miles from Portland, near river and R. R.. mostly all fenced, wire, good modern buildings, electric lights, pressure water, good roads, telephone, neighbors, unlimited outrange, plenty in cultivation for feed; an ideal stock propo sition If stocked; can get plenty stock on shares: price 40,0o0, mortgage flO.uOO. long time; will trade and assume. What have you? AG 14-, Oregonlan. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO TRADE A BUNGALOW FOR GOOD WASH INGTON LAND. I want to trade land near Olympla, Wash., for a 5 or 6-room modern bun galow; 10 acres in cherries, pears and raspberries Just coming Into bearing; a money-maker for someone. STEWART A BUCK, SIS Northwestern Bank Bldg. 4 ACRES, located In town close to New- berg, with a good 1 -room modern piasierea house with firep'ace, bath, toilet, city wster. electric lights, all kinds of frull in bearing; price .'itou. will exchange for Portland property or close-in acreage; will assume. JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. VALLEY FARM FOR CITY. IBS arres near Eugene, near railroad station, school and neighbors; most alt tillable: 110 acres cleared; good soil; no buildings; price $90 per acre; inrum branre o50n, 7 per cent; will trade and assume. What have you? C 103, Ore gonlan. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FOR CITY. 10 acres, about 12 miles from Eugene; about two-thirds cleared; most all tilla ble; near town; good soil; no buddings; price SloO per acre; will trade for and assume. What have you? Incumbrance SK.toO. G 47. Oregonlan. 500-acre wheat ranch. E. R. Improved. 320 acres. Tillamook, unimproved. SO acres, Clarke county, close in, unimproved. 200-acre island ranch, well improved and stocked. Firing in your trades. ERNEST WELLS COMPANY. Tabor tmott. 4U Couch Building. IS ACRES, all under cultivation: gas, elec tric lights. 8-room home, garage and chicken house; Ideal suburban home; $32": SI 000 will handle or will exchange for modern ."V-room bungalow, near car. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO., 24H Stark St. Main 542. JS ACRES. 3 in cultivation; good 5-room house, $too or $S0o worth of good wood timber. 8 miles from Vancouver; will trade for good 5-room house in either Vancouver or Portland ; land all good. Price $2500. ' R. C. Osnurn. 112 Wash ington st., Vancouver, Wash. WHEAT LAND. 640 arres, HO acres cultivated; house and barn; running water; good spring; $7mm; will consider city property. J. Robbins. 3Ul Railway Exchange. Main 7!31. Res., Tabor o319. SIS PER ACRE G40 acres good sage brush land ; near school, store, postof f ice. Callow Valley. Harney county; trade for valley farm, stock and tools. F. D. War ren. 42S Oregon St. East 4090. FOR EXCHANGE 5 acres inside city limits of Vancouver: highly improved; will take Portland property of equal value. Price $4.o0. N. W. Merriefield. 810 Washington St., Vancouver. W ash. 40 ACRES, improved ; 4 -room house; 4Oxi0 barn. W 111 trade for clear income prop erty or seli on terms; very close in. Act quickly. Thomson, 315 Henry bldg. 320 ACRES Imp., near Hayrreek. central Oregon, or loo acres of timber 40 miles out for Portland or California property 614 Panama bldg FRUIT and alfalfa land; choice, unimproved 40 acres. N. E. Hood River, in Wn. Free and clear. Want to apply It on purchase house l can live in. a. hi, oregonlan. 3-ROOM bungalow, stationary wash tubs full plumbing; good location, near car $1500; $."o0 cash, $20 per month. SLETTEN, Main 5429. BARGAIN Sightly acre, Powell Valley and Buckley ave. ; very fine location for sub urban home; rash or terms. Main 4462 Monday Marshall 3205. 1915 5-PASS. car. In good running condition 4 new tires, and good looking; will trade for small house and give difference. Call at 896 Powell Valley road. TO EC HANG EM ISC ELLAN EOUS. CADILLAC bug. good rubber; price $300. con sider VKtrola or Brunswick machine, bal. cash, or a 30-30 Carbine Winchester and 32-20 Smith & Wesson; give phone num her. P 5S.I. Oregonlan. I HAVE one too many cows; can take your choice; one ruiioioonea jersey o years old. fresh; one grade Jersey 0 years old, heifer calf. 93 E. .toth. cor. Washington.' DOUBLE-BARRELED shotgun; new Ithaca hammerless. No. 12-gauge. good as new, $30. Will trade for early pullets. 5531 3!th avenue S. E. WATCHMAKER'S outfit, materials, trays, quantity gold rings, etc.; sell or take bonds or land to equal value of $1700. Box 222. Salem. Or. TWO horses. 1700 and 1RO0. good shape, for sale cheap, or trade for cows. Kelly Tire Sales. 430 Burn side. Broadway 46. WOULD like to exchange first-class lessons on piano or pipe organ for knitting. V 13, Oregon tan. WILL trade two Delta Col. lots with side walks and water In for piano. Address 972 E. 29th st. N. WANTED Reliable dental work done even ings In exchange for first-class custom tailoring. E 425. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Good six-room house, west side. Will trade for good 3-,-ton truck. J 244. Oregonlan. WANTED By professional teacher, print ing and dressmaking in exchange for piano lessons. Marshall 37S0. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Chickens for heating stove, library table or rug. Wood lawn 3 7 OS. NEW Brunswick phonograph, cost $423, sell $250 or consider trade on auto. Address A V 552. Oregonlan. I HAVE 1 good range and 1 heater, will sell or trade for good trunk. X OO66, Orego- nian. GUERNSEY family cow; must be once: am leaving. 302 Front St. sold Good Cadillac bug. trade for or on good houseboat. .Millers ave. Paxton. TO EXCHANGE almost new bicycle for .3i Colt automatic. A b22, Oregonlan. CHALMERS auto for sale or trade. Price $3O0. E 487. Oregoman. FOR SALE Uorsee, Vehicles, Livestock. FOR SALE Fine, big team and wagon. $200; wood hauling contract goes with team if wanted. Phone Woodlawn 15S5. FINE family or dairy cows, fresh, cheap, heavy milk era, 55 E. 84 N. Tabol 641. WANTED Fresh milk cows giving not less than 40 lbs. and high test; give all particu lars. T. H. F.. Linnton. Or.. R. 2, box 44. FOR SALE Registered Holstein bull, ags 8 nine., at barn E. 6th and Ivon sts., Port land. Holman Fuel Co. DEAD tork removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Pood Mtlwaukl e B9-J for resulta. IF YOU want any fresh dairy cows of any breed at any time, see Mr. Bruce at the stock yards. North Portland. Or. GOOD family Guernsey-Durham cow; coming fresn next ovemoer. oiviug mis 01 miiK. 761 East 32d. MILK GOATS It will pay you to see out Toggertburg stock; a lew tor sale. 92 East 6-d north. WILL SELL black team weighing 3000 with harness. C M. Olsen Transfer & Storage Co. 4 COWS for sale, some fresh with calves; must be sold, nu- oat man su, tot. Johns car. I HAVE a number of choice ShctWnd ponies for S3le cheap. Z. P. Gordon. Metzger. Or. 5-YEAR-OLD Shetland pony, lbs.; gentle to ride or drive. weight 225 Tabor 14,". DEAD horses and animals hauled away free Portland Rendering Co. Call Woodlawn 20. DEAD horses taken quick, cowl Ta bor 4203 Cash for dead NICE pony and saddle, cheap. 1307 Seneca st.. Last st. Jonns. PIGS for sale. Thoroughbred O. I. C. pigs, S weeks old. F. J. Powell, Gresham. Or. FINE 7-year-old mare, will sell cheap Ad- Uressi- KaaQf, amwauKie. ur. ox 101. FOR SALE 2-year-old heifer. Inquire 6325 lst st.. S. E.. near twd ave. . JUST arrived, fresh dairy and family cows. Tj1 East Afn s. FOR RENT One 3-room and 5-roorn cot tage; close In. Phone Tabor 1432. 4 FIRST-CLASS milch cows, all fresh: must be sold : prices right. 1245 Halsey. FoR SALE, at a bargain. 3 cows. or h st. North. FRESH blvd. cows for sale at 711 Columbia TWO good buggies for sale. Tabor 37X0. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. AUCTION. PERCHERONS JEBSEYS. On the Dannen stock farm, on main Pa cific highway, 2 miles south from Shedd. FRIDAY, SEPT. 12, 1V1U. 14 HORSES. Eleven of the horses to be sold are either registered or eligible to registration. They are excellent Individuals, are ot the heavy draft type, good colors and very desirable. UKAUU J Cj itot. 1 a. The cattle are tne herd of 20 cows be longing to E. A. Siarnes and five heifers. These cattle are profitable milch cows, as the monthly milk check will show. Some will be fresh before sale, others in all stages of lactation. An excellent registered Jersey bull has been used in the herd, 36 SHROPSHIRES. Eleven head of registered rams, ages from one to six years; 20 grade ewes. DL'ROCS. Three registered Duroc boars of Golden Rod breeding. OTHER ARTICLES. One gasoline Maytag washing machine, one Oliver gang plow, heating stove, one dozen White Leghorn hens, O. A. C. strain, and other articles. TERMS Time will be given on approved security. Those desiring credit must ar range lor same with clerk of sale before buying. SALE STARTS AT 10:30 A. M. FREE LUNCH AT NOON. E. A. Starnes, Ralph Dannen, owners, Shedd. Or. Col. Ben T. Sudiell, auctioneer, Halsey, Or. E. A. Rhotcn, sale manager, Salem. Or. GOATS Leaving, must sell one full -blood Swiss doe, with 4-months-old doe kid ; one full-blood Anglo-Nubian buck, one year old ; one Toggenburg doe with 2-months doe kid ; one Swiss Toggenburg doe, 16 months old, fresh in 3 months; all for $175. On Powell Valley road, second house west of Buckley avenue. TEAM of bays, weight 3K0 Ids., best of workers and gentle ; also young team, weight 1!mo lbs., plenty of life and gentle, good workers; harness and wagon go with team ; also a good young single horse, harness and buggy. $7o. bOti Powell Val ley road. Woodstock car. WE HAVE for sale 10 head of good young farm horses. 4 to 8 years old. weighing from 13 . to 10 hundred pounds; also one 3 U farm wagon; 2 sets of single harness, one set of double harness. Reiser Trans for Stable. JO11 E. Uth st. North. FOR SALE. One 12-year-old Belgian stallion; one 5 years old; one 4 years old; one 3 years old; one 1 yeir old. STAR SAND CO.. 210 Board of Trade. rOLR extra good young milch cows, some fresh w it h calf: Drice from $55 to $'.' also a good milch goat and kid. $45 for iuick sale. V ooustocK car to Powell st 3 blocks east to Mo. ONE 1 200-1 b. gray horse for sa le. cheap. sound and gentle, true to work. Owner has no u.e for him. no reasonable offer refused. Call 5210 72d st. S. E. Tabor 7257. GOOD ranch team, weigh 2200 lbs., just from ranch, work anywhere, age 7 and 9 yrs.. with harness and wagon; also gentle horse, harness and buggy, $45. Tabor 634. 5024 HUth st. Mt. Scott car. TEAM of young bays, weight 3000 lbs., har ness and 3-fTich farm wagon. Price $22t Also 5-y ear-old horse, weight 1100 be. $5. Call at 9!N Powell st. Wroodstock car. YoUNG sound team, weight 1800 lbs., good workers in every way; too small for my work ; will sell reasonable or trade for larger team. 2Uth and Powell Valley road. WANTED To buy from 300U to MM 10 head of ranch cattle; will take some dairy rows. Phelan Cattle Co.. 301-302 Couch ni'ig.. iortiann. or. SIX fresh cows, $60 erfch, without their calves; also 10 heavy springers, consisting of Holsteina. Durhams and Jerseys. G.- K, llowitt, Portland Union Stockyards barn. IRON GRAY horse. 10 years old, wt. 105.) lbs., work all around. Hostner, corner E. 80th and Hawthorne; ML Tabor car; $40 rash today. 3 FRESH, gentle, young family cows. Gra din, 3 miles east of Gresham, t mile north, i mile west Orient station, on Bull Run line. FOR SALE Jersey and Holstein cows. Just fresh; most gentle breed for family. Mis sissippi car to Kusseu. 510 Jverby at. bam George. BIG Hoistein bull; registered and tested. He is 2 years old. Apply at Mr. I. Segel's place. Take Gresham car and get off at Luther station. YOUNG Jersey cow ; must be disposed of; can only keep ono cow ; very gentle and good milker. 114 V oodward ve., near 3iuh st. Tabor 637. WANTED To buy from 3000 to 5000 head of ranch cattle; will take some dairy cows. Phelan Cattle Co., 208-209 Abington bidg., Portland. Or. SIX fresh cows for sale or trade: 4 beef cattle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd. station, go one block north! FOR SALE Nearly new wagon, short time. Baker & Kinruey; ingtnn st.. Vancouver. Wash. used but a 701 Wash GOOD family cow giving about 2Vz gallons of milk; $60 if taken at once. 2Uta ana Powell valley road. 1 SAANEN DOE, fresh 5 mo.; milking about 1 H qts. now. See her after Sunday at 6S7 K. 9th st. $150 TAKES work team, weight 2600 lbs.; guaranteed ; $85 buys outfit, horse and wagon. 365 Union ave.. near Harrison. FOR SALE 29 pure-bred Lincoln ram lambs. E. J. Teerrnk, Emmett. Idaho. Pianos, Organs and Muwlcal Instruments. A. GREAT accumulation of very fine organs, parlor and chapel styles, some received in part payment for new pianos, others left on sale by people going away, all of thi-m closed out at a mere fraction of their real worth; among them: Kimball, cost $90, now $33. Another Kimball, very fine, 6-octave, retell price $135, now only $i5; this Is a superb Instrument in every sense of the term. Estey organ, the $100 kind, sale price $33. M. Schulr elaborate parlor atyle, fine tone $40. worth double. Story & Clark $46. Cornish $25; and others for still less. See Oregon Eilers Music house, entrance 27 Washington st., between 4th and 5th sts. Seven floors devoted to music and musicians. AN ELEGANT Weber upright, mahogany case. ' the best style of a genuine Weber made piano ever built ; will take $365 which is almost half actual value. Oregon Filers Mueic house, 287 Washington at., below 5th. VICTOR RECORDS. Try us for thnt record you cannot set elsewhere. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 123 4tL st. NEARLY new Bohning piano. mahogany rase, wonderful bargain. Soulc Bros., 166 loth st.. near Morrison st. THE Cheney Phonograph "Its voice is natural," Hear it at the G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th. FOR SALE Excellent crystal clarinet mouthpiece, also an ebonite tuning joint. -Phone East 2116. WILL PAT CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND BAND INSTRUMENTS. SIEHERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4TH ST. WILL exchange Brunswick or Pa the talk ing machine ior good used piano, otve or take difference. Soule Bros., 166 loth st GUITARS banjos ukuleles violins strings and accessories. G. f . Jonnson Piano Co., 149 6th. RENT A PIANO, i. st reasonable terms in Portland; no squares or thump boxes. Harold S. Gilbert. &K4 Yamhill st. SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. NJSWMAfl, X-'S rlnol. MAIN 4495, TABOR 6798. FOR SALE One Kimball piano. Victrola and Spanish guitar. 3816 E. t4tn at. . a.. Tabor SS3. WANTED Young lady would like to keep piano for its use; no children in no me. Phone East 75K3. PIANO PLAYER for sale, NS-note with lou records. ixw price to casn oisyer. uaii Broadway 2654. FOR SALE $750 mahogany piano, like new, $40; also mahogany davenport ana tw v chairs. 756 Wasco st. WILL buy for cash, a high-grade used piano, must be a bargain. K 540. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Edison Amoerola. diamond point, 74 records, first-class shape. Tel. Broadway 88, room 1. after 2 P. M. ABSOLUTELY new phonograph, regular price $200: will sell for $l.'o. Portland .Ho tel Pharmacy. HALLET & DAVIS upright piano, fine con dition, $1 60. Seiberang-Lucas Musto Co., 125 4th st. FINE player-piano, very reasonable, selection of music. 69 N. 23d sL, entrance. good aide $115, NEW Columbia Grafonola, slightly scratched; oniy iwi.v. Worcester Bldg. WANTED Stein way or Checkering, square piano or old upright, cash. Alain 3S64. PAY CASH for a piano. in good condition. Call Marshall o7TJ. FOR SALE A Weber piano, first-class con- dition. fine tone, no agents, bawy. -i.w. WILL PAY rash for slightly used piano; m ust be good make. Main 5113. FOR RENT Upright piano to responsible people. Broadway 52S9. PLAYER piano for sale. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th. NEW banjo and case complete at a bargain. Call E. 4933. COMPLETE set of trap drums. 14K4. at 906 E. Salmon. Call Tabor PIANO Ludwig player, practically new; a rare bargain. Marshall 3600, . FOR SALE. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY" Storage company closing out: $350 J. P. Hale Co. upright piano. $lo0 S:?.")0 Emerson upright piano S."00 Weber, best model v- 2 small uprights, $00 and S o $750 Weber player piano Parlor organs, $20. $2S and 109 4th st. at Washington at. $113 to $550 In saving on Pianos during Factory Clearance Sale at Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. $15 or $25 cash, $8 or $10 monthly buys good new or discontinued models. KEEP DOWN COST OF LIVING bv buying your piano or player piano at the Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth St., during time of Factory Clearance Sale. See display advertisements. $450 Weber for $160 cash at Security Storage Co.. 109 4tn st., ai wasumgiuii. a map at ttrcitmnintinn of vrv fine organs, nrlor and chanel styles, some received In nnrt nnvment for new ttlanOS. Others left on sale by people oing away, all. of them closed out at a mere fraction of their real worth; among them: Kimball, cost $!0. now $33. Another Kimball, very fine. 6-octave, re. tsii nrice si ::.. now onlv $65: this is 1 euDerb Instrument in every sense of the term. Estey organ, the $100 kind, sale price $35. M. Schulz elaborate parlor atyle, fine tone $40, worth double. Stnrv X- Clark. S4(t Cornish $25. and others for atlll less. pee Oregon Eilers Music house, entrance 27 "Washington st.. between 4th and 5th sts. Seven floors devoted to music and musicians. BARGAINS EXTRAORDINARY. Are the offerings in Used Phonographs at KUWAKUS. Columbia table Dhonoeraoh. horn type, good tone S 7.50 Columbia table phonograph, oak case 13.00 Lyric outing phonograph, excellent tone, plays all records 15.00 Concert cabinet phonograph, mahog any finish 35.00 Brunswick cabinet phonograph, light mahogany finish, equipped with Ultona. d laying all records, used very short time 125.00 (Guaranteed same as new machine)'. EDWARDS CO.. 5th and Oak. A Good Place to Trade No Interest Charged. HEAR AND SEE THIS ONE. Style 7. Brunswick nhonograDh in oak and mahogany finish. 45 inches high, 19 inches wide and l inches deep, equipped with newly developed single diaphragm. uitona ail-record reproducer. All-record tone amplifier: tone modifier, strone dou ble spring motor: 12-inch turntable, auto matic stop, sholf-flling system; 10 10-inch records d'O selections). 2 Pathe balls. Edi son Jewel point, steel needles, tone clear record cleaner, record album and book of instructions, all for $110.0. one year to pay and no interest. EDWARDS CO., 5th and Oak. A Good Place to Trade. PIANO BARGAINS. PRICES TO SPIT ALL. LOOK OVER THIS LIST. EMERSON STECKT WILLAKD STROHTER WINSTON BAILEY HALLET & DAVIS and others. All in fine condition. We give terms. ah in tine condition, we give terms. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th st., bet. Washingotn and Alder sts. WE ARE to sell for family suddenly leaving for the east a splendid Hardman upright piano cost $535. if taken at once it will go for less than half price or only $250. See Oregon Eilers Music house or write for actual photographs and complete descrip tion. Will ship anywhere subject to ex amination and free trial. Oregon Eilers music no use, toilers Music bldg., 287 Wash ington st.. below 5th st. FINE walnut case organ, exceptional good tune and ornament; Edison diamond-point manogany pnonograpn, caoinet, large size. with well assorted records; sanitary steel couch and pad, shotgun, double barreled iniaca, nmmeriess, i-gauge and case all in perfect condition; no trash; will sell cheap for quick disposal. 450 East 11 tn st., near Sherman. GOING away; will sacrifice $50 my com paratively new Victrola fumed oak case, in excellent condition, including 70 selections of splendid records manj very latest, some Red stal, cost new over $155. See this in phono, dept. at Oregon Eilers Music house, 27 Washington St., below Cth, phone Main WHY" WIND YOUR PHONOGRAPH? See our new line of electrically-operated machines; prices $125 up; we also carry the Motrola, that attaches to your instru ment and winds It automatically; sold on easy payments. Hyatt Talking Machine jo.. 3,-u Aider. K.N ABE upright, like new, will sacrifice $265 for (juick cash sale. This is the finest mahogany style, cost new $675. See piano dept., Oregon Eilers Music house, entrance and elevators 287 Washington St., just oeiow oin. SAVE STORAGE ResDonsiblo familv own ing their own home in Laurelhurst, will store and take good care of a piano in exchange for its use. Telephone Tabor VICTOR RED SEAL RECORDS. We carry full line of Victor Red Sea! recoras; plenty or demonstrating rooms competent, courteous, employes. ' Hyatt jiacnine wo., jou Alaer. $85 ORGAN, with mirror, $3o. $400 Washburn, $218. . $400 Mendelssohn player. $338. Passed by the Harold S. Gilbert shop, The best In Portland, 384 Yamhill. EDWARDS will sell you a Brunswick nho. nograph, give you a year to pay, at vour own terms, charge you no interest, and give you excellent service. Edwards Co. 5th and Oak. RECORDS! RECORDS! RECORDS! Ar,e you looking for a particular Co lumbia record? Why not try THE RECORD SHOP, 1H9 Broadway, bet, Yamhill and Taylor. $yo UP, fine pianos, terms. Hallet & Davis, weber. Story & Clark, Emerson, Bush & Lane. Behning Est. Brokerage Co.. 312 W orcester Bldg. The only place in the city for a positive bargain. EDISON EDISON. Remember, we carry full line of Edi son Diamond Disc machines and also Edi son cylinders; send for catalogues. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. FOR SALE Slightly used pianos of the nignest grades ior yi'.i.'i. 5L',o, sitd. Save $150 by buying in Vancouver. Come in or write. Piano dept., 707 Main st., Van couver, Wash. WILL sacrifice my high-grade player piano with 73 music rolls for cash or will take first-class phonograph, Edison or Bruns wick preferred, in part payment. Call Main. 6278. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used upright or player pianos. Get our proposition. Sei-berling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main S386. PLAYER-PIANO SNAP. Fine genuine Melville Clarke player piano, plays 88-note music, and 50 rolls. Price $275; terms. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder. $750 WEBER piano, latest mahogany Queen Anne period design, , almost brand new with bench. Big bargain! Terms. 312 Worcester bldg. BRUNSWICKS TO ADVANCE. Buy your all-record Brunswick now and save money; special terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FoR SALE A genuine Decker & Son piano (established in ina6) In good condition; start your children on a real piano; a sacrifice at $225. Call Tabor 8S50. IF YOU wih to purchase a i;ood used piano or piayer-piano at a price far below its actual value, call at our store, 166 10th st.. near Morrison. Soule Bros., 166 10th st. TO TRADE Fine view lot in Fulton Park for standard make piano, must be first class instrument, and in good condition. Tabor 4468. EME RSON PIANO. Cannot be told from new at almost half price; terms given. Seiberi ing-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. SACRIFICE $110 Columbia graphophone and 12 records, perrect condition, ior $00 cash: act quickly as 1 am leaving town. Woodlawn 1037. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records. Best proposition of all. Seibcrling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St. Main 85S6. WE have several bargains in slightly used phonographs, victor, toiumrna pnn uni son, from $10 to $60. Soule Bros., 166 lth st. GENUINE bargain family car, $800 cash. See owner, 348 E. 3 an St., near haw thorne, Sunday or evenings. Tabor 1810. PIANO wanted at once, by party In south ern Oregon: cash; Monday. Main 3S64. VICTROLA Nearly new. with records; very reasonable. laoor uauo. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS HAROLD S GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhill St. SPLENDID upright piano, am leaving city. goes for $i(S rasn. rnone laoor et. WILL sell my beautiful piano cheap. East 190S- ; SAXOPHONE for sale (Buscher), melody C. G. r . jonnson riano to., oin. WANT to buy good used piano, must be cheap; will pay cash. Phone Main 4120. NEW $550 cabinet grand upright piano, $200 down. $150 payments. East 1874. GOOD, high-top parlor organ with chimes, bargain. Wdln. 1955. 960 E. 28th st. N. TWO violins, mandolin and arrordeon. 642 Tnurman st. Call after Sunday. GOOD mahogany piano and bench. E. Madison. Call 765 GOOD used piano good value. Johnson Piano Co., 119 61a, G. F. FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. BEAUTIFUL walnut latest Victrola design phonograph exactly like new; cabinet con tains large assortment of good records (over $30 worth), cost $130; will take $So cash or $90 on $S a month payments. Call 3d fl. Oregon Eilers Music house, entrance 2S7 Washington St., below 5th, phone Main 1123. ESTEY organ, fine tone, cost new $'.5, can be had for $35 if sold at once; will take payment $5 a month. See it at Oregon Eilers Music house, 2S7 Washington, be low 5th st. SMALL cook stove, $3; electric heater $2. B 2143. Furniture for Sale. BIG FURNITURE SCOOP. $7000 ALVORD FURNITURE CO. STOCK OF KERN PARK bought at a big discount and will offer same at about present wholesale pricese. Will quote a few articles as follows: 2-inch continuous post steel bed, any finish, large fillers $11.20 Reg. $11 all-steel springe 6-85 Reg. $16.30 all-felt mattress 10.45 Reg. $7.50 pure cotton comforters. fancy bordered edge, only 4.45 2-inch post genuine brass bed 13.73 .Reg. $23 round solid oak extension table, waxed finish, only 16.15 Reg. $43 4S-inch quarter-sawed ex tension table, massive pedestal. ... 28.40 Reg. $:5 solid oak buffet 24. Reg. $45 Quartered oak buffet 29.50 Reg. $50 beveled glass china closet. solid oak, very massive 27.75 Reg. $27.50 solid quarter-sawed oak library table, colonial base 16.85 Reg. $13.50 :t6-inch solid oait library table, waxed finish, only 9.25 Circassian walnut princess dressec, with large beveled mirror, only... 2R.25 Res. $19.50 dresser, beveled mirror.. 13.25 Reg. $45 blrdseye maple chiffonier, massive square lines, for only 26.65 Res. $23 leatherette overstfuffed rocker 15.25 Rer. $15 solid oak rocker, fumed fin ish, genuine leather . removable seat 9.85 Reg. $20 leatherette couch 12.90 9x1 2 Axrnin.ster rug, large selection to pick from, for only 34.25 Reg. $:(8.50 9x12 seamless Brussels rug, fast colors, all wool 25.85 Reg. $16.50 9x12 imported grass rugs, with plain or fancy border 10.23 Reg. $18 9x12 wool fiber rug 11.75 Reg. $15 Sx10 rag ruse 9.90 Beer. $20 9x12 genuine Gold Seal con- goleum art rugs, only 13.25 Reg. $10 Oxll.S matting rugs 6.25 Reg. $1 yard Feltex linoleum 68c yd. Reg. $1.10 genuine congoleum 72c yd. Reg. SL8v yard inlaid linoleum. .$1.29 yd. Reg. $S5 Esttte white enameled side oven gas range $53.50 Reg. $75 polished steel range, sani tary -nickel base, only 53. 50 Reg. $5 solid oak dining chairs 3.35 Reg. $7.50 gen. leather dining chains 4. 85 Reg. $6 gen. leather dining chairs.... 3.90 Also a larse assortment of aluminium and granite kitchen utensils at a big sav ing. STANDARD FURNITURE CO., 1S0-182 First St. Cor. Yamhill. IMMENSE STOCK OF USED FURNITURE and underpriced new goods that we have collected at great expenditure of time and trouble in order to secure your ordeit You can pick out a houseful of fine used goods here for so much less than new goods that you will be surprised and pleased. And remember, we do not ask you to pay cash. Easy terms. No interest and a year to pay GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, THE BIG STORE. All JJnder One Roof. No Branch Stores. 1S5 FIRST ST. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. LARGE NEW RUGS AT 'LOW PRICES. 9x15 seamless tapestry Brussels $42. .0 11.3x12.0 velvet rugs 47.o0 11.3x12.0 Brussels rugs 42.50 11.3x12.0 Axminster 55.00 Do not take our word for It but inquire elsewhere the price of these rugs and then come and buy one here; easy terms; no intGEV'URTZ FURNITURE STORE, THE BIG STORE. AH Under One Roof. No Branch Stores. 183 FIRST ST. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. SPECIAL THIS WEEK. 9x12 GRASS RUGS AT $12.50. Delightful designs in blue and green. 10.6x12.0 and 11.3x12.0 PRO-BRUSSELS AND HENRY SCOTCH WOOL RUGS for S17.50 each (Today's price is $30 regular). 9x12 RAG RUGS FOR $15. Ensy terms. No Interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. THE BIG STORE. All Under One Roof. No Branch Stores. 1S5 FIRST ST. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill Public Aiaraei. PATHE PHONOGRAPHS have so many ad vantages over me 01a siyie iciom anu Columbia. For instance, they play all disc records without cnange 01 aiiacnmeiiL pfho disc records cannot be scratched Thev are guaranteed to play 1000 timei without deteriorating in any way. Easj terms: no interest. rtT-, GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, THE BIG STORE. All Under One Roof. No Branch Stores. T.MRKT ST. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill Public AiarKei. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH AND MORE. $75 S'ixlOV- Wilton velvet rug. new. but iiirtitiv imnerfect: very pleasing allover oirn in rnivd colors, with old rose pre Hminnrine-. We will take $55 for it, cash or terms. It is a snap. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 First St. BUCK'S COMBINATION KAAOiLh ieaa ine world. Two stoves in one. i m 11 11c In winter, cool in summer; save space anc expense. Bake in the oven with ooal wood nnd ens. We have them from $100 up. Easy terms. No Interest charged. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, THR iur, STORE. All Under One Roof. No Branch Stores. 1S5 FIRST ST. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill Public Aiaricet. CHARTER OAK RANGE, almost new; sani tary base, piain nicnen-u n and brlgnt; perieci conum-m, coil; set up and connected $00; easy terms no interest charged. . GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, The Big Store All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST STREET Remember, 2 Doors from Yamhill Publi. Market. THE CHEAPEST WAY OUT OF IT. !!' .Tnnanese matting bedroom rugs Boecial at $6.75. When they are worn out you've had more than your money s wortn. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 First St. THINKING ABOUT FURNISHING A HOME? It won't cost you near so much If you let us do It: easy terms; no embarrassing red tape; no Interest charged; come in and get acquainted. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-290 First St. USED BUNDHAR WILTON RUG. size 9x12: same as new ; d row 11 n nu ki u'b", $55: easv terms: no interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, The Big Store All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 1S.1 FIRST STREET Remember, 2 Doors from Yamhill Public Market. DON'T MISS THIS. William and Mary dining table. 45-Inch, round top. 6-foot extension and 4 solid oak dining chairs, with genuine Spanish leath er slip seate. all matched. $79.50 value for S59.75. If vou wish, easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1S8-190 First St. VERNIS MARTIN continuous heavy post bed. special price u. 10. ome eany xor this bargain. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-16S First St., near Morrison. COME to 1090 E. Couch St., Laurelhurst. Disposing or supernuous goon lurnnure, consisting of gas stove, $20; library table. $20; three rockers. $S each; dining room table $10; two dressers, one chiffonier, two beds, two rugs. THE BIGGEST bargain on heater stoves. from $-.;o up. UNITED FURNITURE CO., 173 1st st.. cor Yamhill. ' JACOBEAN mahogany library table; regu- lar sen ior OWL CO SELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 First Street. SPECIAL 45-inch dining table and six chairs; the set oetter ue eariy. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 102 1st St.. Near Taylor. EXPERT furniture repairing, unholsterlng. mattress malting; rurniiure oougni ana sold exchanged, at Webster's repair shop, 1105 Hawthorne. Tabor 3325 FOR SALE Leather davenport, rocker, rug; almost new; beds and kitchen furniture: reasonable. East 1646. HOUSEHOLD furniture, rugs, rockers, chair, dining table, chairs, etc -1000 East 16th st. South. FOR SALE Gas stove, dining table, side board, carpet and other articles. Call Sunday only. 71 N. ISth st. SIX -FOOT cigar floor show case for sale, $35. Plate glass top. 103 Sixth st. GAS STOVE: new bed; Wilton rug. 20 iA: reading lamp. 2:i8 E. 32d. 12 fe HIGH-GRADE oak Phone Bdwy. 4684. No dealers. GENUINE leather covered bed davenport; half price. $60. 533 Alder. Bdwy. 2S04. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. LADIES' WRITING DESKS. Two ladies' desks in oak, one of them quarter-sawed. 30 inches wide, with large drawer underneath writing table and two small drawers inside; priced at only $17.85. The other is a little smaller, but a swell little desk, with 2 drawers and French plate mirror, and only $12.75; easy terms. MISH" FURNITURE CO., 188-190 First StreeL HEATER SALE SPECIAL. Wood heaters, $5.50 and up. Gas heaters, $1.50 and up. Coal heaters, $3 and up. Electric heaters, $5.75 and up. Air-tight heaters, $2.50 and up. All kinds cooking ranges reasonable. OKI FURNITURE CO., 209-11 Second Street. CHOICE mahogany furniture for sale ; tea wagon with glass tray. Sheraton stand with 3 drawers, rockers with velour seats, colonial bookcases, "table 22x22 inches, extra large dressing table, antiques as follows, chairs, carved backs, upholstered seats. 3-drawer chest, carved empire sofa, console table, several Anglo Persian rugs. Marshall 5692. DAVENPORT DAVENPORT SPECIAL. Massive solid oak davenport In leather craft, steel springs, a regular $75; our spe cial price, $44. This is a real snap. OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 First St., near Morrison. St. SNAP! SNAP! Great Majestic range, slightly used. 18 Ich oven, in excellent condition and easily worth $75. for $47.50. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205-207 First st., bet. Taylor and Satmon. Do not mistake number, as there are other stores of similar name. CHIFFONIER, bureau, three-quarter cane bed, rocker, wicker table and rockers, heavy iron double bed, fine spring, crib and mattress; all ivory finish; gray wicker buggy, mahogany bookcase. 2 over-upholstered chairs, all first-class f urntture. excellent condition. Phone Mrs. Sharp. Woodlawn 264. PIANO BARGAIN. Howard cabinet grand piano, in splendid condition, beautiful quarter-sawed oak case. The chance of a lifetime at $150. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205-207 First St., bet. Taylor and Salmon. 00 not mistake number, as there are other stores 01 similar name. USED BEDS from $2.50 and up; used springs from $1.50 and up; used cotton mattresses from $5 and up; used dressers from $10 and up; used comforts from $1 and up. lmtku r L KM l LKifi CO., new and second-hand. 173 First st., corner Yamhill. Main 8878. A VERY nice used davenport, spring ede. upholstered in brown chase leather; a snap at 5.1. 3 oak roll-top desks, $25 and $30 each at Jv L 1 A E FUKMT U RE C O., 192 1st St., Near Taylor. FUMED oak buffet with mirror and oak sectional bookcase. $12.50 each; both bar gains. Owner Tabor 5665. 1005 E. Wash ington. FURNITURE FOR SALE. One fine library table, dining table, also several pieces of fine cut glassware; a few blankets, etr. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak st. Broadway 4133. USED special malleable South Bend range, polished top and nickel trimmings, 20-inch oven, value $85; you can buy for $59.50. united furniture Co., new and second hand furniture, 173 First St., corner Yam hill. Main 887S. SOLID OAK, large size library table, In the finest of condition, looks like new, wax finish, for onlv $13 50. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-16S First St., near Morrison. BIG bargains on dining tables, chairs, library tables and rockers for this week only, your credit is good. United Furniture Co., new and second-hand, 173 First st., corner YamhilL Main 8878. Small profits and quick sales. . DENTIST CHAIR. Wfll sell ver" reasonable; also one In valid chair. OKI FURNITURE CO., 209-11 Second Street. WE have a large stock of used heaters, just as good as new, cost you about half as much. Come in and look them over. STAR FURNITURE CO.. 204 1st The Store of Bargains. Main 5064 OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Cook stove, with reservoir, 4 holes, large oven, large firebox, for onlv $12.50. 1 66-168 First St., near Morrison. FURNITURE FOR SALE. Willow chairs, electric sweeper, oak table, pillows, blue portieres and draperies. Call Monday at No. 7 First street. Bdwy. 656. LA DY'S beautiful mahogany writing desk ; a big bargain at $12.75. STAR FURNITURE CO., The Store of Bargains. 204 Flrst St. "JH s? DRESSING glass, 57 by 27: solid mahogany snandard with polished panel bark; a very rare bargain, $75 ; also imported tea set, $25. Call after Sunday at 736 E Sal mon st. AJAX wood or coal range. In good condition, special $18.50. STAR FURNITURE CO., The Store of Bargains. J04First St Main JS064. Don't sacrifice your furniture If rmng east or to California. We ran save you money on your freight in our through cars. Fire proof Storage. C. M. Olsea Transfor A Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. 6-FOOT extension, round dining table, with six chairs, all for $22.50. This is a snap. STAR FURNITURE CO., The House of Bargains, 204 First St. Main 5064. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD. FREE DELIVERY. OKI FURNITURE CO.. 209-1 1 Second Street. ABOUT 20 single iron beds, springs and mattresses very reasonable. KLINE FURNITURE CO 192 1st St., Near Taylor. HEATING Rtove, center table, rocking chair, carpets, commodes, kitchen table, kitchen chairs, gas plate, extension table, dresser, cupboard. Sunday or Monday. 172 E. 45th. 1 DAVENPORT bed oak. $40. 1 cabinet phonograph, 75, cost $100. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE fe BICYCLE CO. 204-6 Third St. VERY fine Jewel side oven gas range; spe cial for this week only $22. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 1st St.. Near Taylor. WILL sell furniture- and rent my 6-room house, all clean and new. walking dis tance. 101 E. 11th st., corner E. Wash ington. USED good rugs, all sizes ranges and heat ers. United Furniture Co.. new and second-hand furniture. 173 First st.t corner Yamhill. Main 8H78. FURNITURE for 6-room house modern: rent $21.50; leaving Monday; $200 cash ; fine gas range ; kitchen range ; fine heater. 291 Crosby st.. East 2o:!4. VERY Interesting bargains at 3S16 East 64th st. S. E. : 1 Kimball piano; 1 Victrola, 1 safe. 1 settee. 2 stands, 1 china closet. 1 very fine guitar (Spanish). Tabor SS3. SEVERAL pieces furniture and rugs, firwt rlass condition; no dealers. 673 Johnson t.. apt. 26. CHILD'S bathtub, nursery chair, bassinet (large), good condition, clean, sanitary. 811 Halsey st. E. 2733. 50-IN. dark oak dining table, tapestry arm chair, vacuum carpet sweeper. South Sea Island canary bird. 1014 E. Main sL HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale: new oak furniture at cost; O-room, nearly modern. 172 E. 28th st. N. COMPLETE outfit for 5-room bungalow, part Jacobean and part ivory white, joos 3Sth st. FOR SALE Handsome fumed onk dinin room set. perfect condition. Apt. A, 01 Elm st. Main 6635J BOOKCASE, gas stove, oak rocker and mis cellaneous articles for sale cheap. East 3050. FOR SALE $o0 gas range, in excellent con dition: four burners. - ovens ana Droller. Call Main 1312 mornings. PILLOWS, quilts, clothes wrinpT, carptH, dining table and chairs, sewing machine, box couch. Marshall 2 to 5 FOR SALE 60-inch dining table and eipht chairs; also two uunanar w uion rugs. Main.3560. FINE mahogany furniture, etc., of four room apartment for sale. Parties leaving town. Phone Bdwy. 3oSl). FOR SALE Fine dark oak dining set. round table. 6 leatner seatcnairs. . iast FURNITITRE for six rooms for sale. 77H Tvon. S .11. iNo aeaiers. -KOOM house for rent, furniture for 4.i4 4th st. Main fl."41'. BILLIARD table, standard size, fine con dition ; reasonaDie. i-none i anor hmw. LIBRARY table and two chairs. Cull K. Madison. DISHES, rugs, pictures and numerous arti cles. Ask ior Air, pura, 1 1- iwinsi. w. COMBINATION' oak bookcase nd writing desk v oomaw n 3150. FURNITURE for sale for 5-room fiat. Call KilSt ( or - J v miuhum m ve. ONE good range and one coal heater. Call Monnay, n cnxi n n FOR SALE OR TRADE 2-ton truck. Rood condition. lmi r-i. morni-on. c. FOR SALE Two 0x12 rugs, fair condition. Brussels ana uion. woouiawn m.i. FURNITURE for sale cheap. 1U2 N. 3d t. Phone Broadway ..v. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SNAPS IN FUR N ITU It E, RUGS. R A NOES. 11 E A T I N 1 STOVES. DISHES OR ANYTHING F R T H E H O M E ? W E LL. ; LA NT E O V E 11 THESE BARGAINS AND JUDGE UR YOURS E L F W 1 1 ET H E R W E A it E MONEYSAVERS. DOES IT PAY YOU TO CONSIDER SECOND-HAND GOODS WHEN WE OFFER YOU VALUES LIKE THESE? REMEMBER. WE WANT THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THAT WE A 11 E THE LOWEST PRICED FURNITURE STORE OF PORTLAND. MAKE IT YOUR POINT TO COME IN AND COMPARE VALUE AND PRICE BEFORE YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER. These massive 2-inch post steel beds with heavy filling rods, in any finish or size, $18 value at $11. S3. 40-lb. guaranteed cotton felt mattresses. built in layers, with art ticking and roil edge, sold at most stores for $18.'C. our special price $11.95. 100 breakfast tablos wholesale cost; round value, at $3.15. less than the square; $4.50 $9.50 steel springs, a!! sizes. $.95. $26.50 20-year guaranteed double deck coil springs, $18.85. $5.50 supported wood frame springs $3.53. $9.50 sanitary couches. $6.95. Don't put off till the last mlmite Buy vour heater now. It will pay you. Save from $:t to $ on every heater in our stock; over 200 heating stovoa at a aao Tificing offer. Round solid oak dming room taMN. 42-in. top, 6-fL extension, regular $2.A value, at $12. S3. Combination ranges at a great aa-rtrtg. $225 all blue enameled Fridge A BencB combination gas. coal and wood raas with broiler, $169.50. $165 white enameled and nickel rrtmn4 combination ranges, $137.50. $95 steel ranges. 6-hole, polished top. nickel trimmed, with white splasher back and door, sanitary leg base, $69.50. RUGS RUGS. RUGS, Here is your opportunity; less than trta wholesale cost: 9x12 fine new Axminster rugs in a variety of patterns and t-nlor. to pick from; regular $50 values at $o4.S5- FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 174 1st St.. Cor. Yamhill. HEATERS AND R ANGER. They've been used but all are in good condition. 6-hoIe AURORA ACORN wood and coal range - - V,!', 6-hole NEW LEADER wood and coal 6-liole I.E(.-BAbiS ..... 1 r.M. njnnd LAUREL. 49.59 i.hnl Mill'ND CITY MALLEA- 63.04 4-hole' M O N AKCH MALLKABLE with water front ........ ; 6-hole M O N A K C H MALLEABLL (no water front) No. IS BEAUTY wood heater. - No. T-'O ION 15 CI1IL.I.-CHASU.R wood NohUa47 " DAISY " KCLjpSB " ' wood . . 75.09 10.75 12.00 9.7S heater - No. J4 BITK OAK coal heater. . No! ir, HEM HOT BLAST coal 12.09 heater i.t,-nr nniTil.E OVEN las rane. :i;i.23 4-burner OK OVEN ranjee, rF.kfkciibs and BON AMI oil boaters 4 cT. and 5.1.1 THEN! TOO. THEIiE'S FUUNITUKE nians door kitchen safe .' 1'? Ko7.y Kitchen cablneta $ 1 nl Ble mirror sideboards ana Huffets at tlMViin. J-M.Mt and Round dininK tables 1... 1 Kmmre dlnlnir tables l..0and .vj.:.n 2.r.o 2S.5U 3 mirror walnut dr.-ssinit table Golden .g'Tn m.7.1 Double bed mattresaea I7.-J5. ! and 12. nil Enameled iron beds. . -'.. $,.7.. and S ... Spring edge denim covered couch... 14" Revolving seat bed davenport 4V'-J White Cross elec. vacuum sweeper -l.txi 7-niece aluminum set (new) one only 1- ;J 4li-ploce whlto and gold dinner set., (j.ij fill-piece white and gold dinner set., l.od 50-piece decorated porcelain china EDWARDS COMPANY and Onk. A GOOD PLACE To TRADE bAS TEH MS NO I N T EREST. SPEC!!. BAR OA INS fx'sMr.HTLV USED FURNITURE AT WM. OADSHY or SONS. and Washington Sts. "A Better Place to Trade." Grtod parlor couch, upnoisiereu lour, alue $-.: Odd parlor chairs, upholstered $ 6.75 In 3.75 :7..10 plush, value 12..-o Kitchen cabinet. McDougal design, vniii. s.4-1 on Iron bed. continuous post, value 517 -.(( 1 1-' Folding bed. In good condition, a1"., . ft -,() ' Solid" oak 'llhrarv table, good Condi ti..n. value l". -"n ' RcrrK-erator. white enamel interior, ( -.n . .. 1(1.75 Solid oak hall tree, good mirror, value $1!.."' , V V Singer sew ing machine In good order, value $.-..-..00 J'''- Turkish leather rocker. In good con dition, value " Bissell's v a c ti u tn carpet sweeper, value $ Ut. 00 : Charter rak. 6-hole. steel range, .... I.. C.i 00 9.75 15 00 41.00 5 SS .11.50 Lar'e assortment of Hastings stoves " "'YOUR CREDIT- is ODOR ' u i r: v nsnY & son. 3 00 First and Washington Sts. USED GAS RANC.ES AT VERY LOW We cannot hegln to specify all. but her are a few examples that will you. Vulcan high oven A. n. range, high oven . - Ideal Superior. Larse - I nw"ovenrVulc'an.' 'white' splashers. . . . ".J guarantee them ho in satisfy you Our price Includes connecting Easy term rharse no iiui-irM, CFVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. All Under One Roof. No Branch Stored Remember. 2 door, 'from Yamhill Public Market. , THESE BARGAINS SPEAK FOR THE.MSEIA ES. GoM Coin" cast Iron combination cook love with large firebox and oven, for S or'wl Iml separate oven for gas; wiM sell this fine stove for $4... Installr d and guarantee It. We also have a h-ho, Buck steel range, good as new. with 2 hole gas n ate attachment and water coil; this one 17.00, Installed. Other ranges aj low as Slo. easy wa.. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1SS-100 First L GRASS RUGS. 1 large consignment of tnesa We have. serviceable rugs n several u n-u r bo not mistake number, as there are ot stores of similar name. BUCK'S PIPEI.KSS FURNACES. .lust a line to let you I know that .the best plpelcss furnace in the world is to be GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE DIG STORE. All under one roof. No branch store, ISO FIRST ST.. Remember, doors rrom lamniu x-uuu. Market. m EL1AHLB GAS RANGE. R a k.n.r. and simmerer, oven and rrnll- er. looks like new and is In fine cond SKI-LB FOR UKSS. trtft-lfVS First St., near Morripon. r ARIVF.T Victor phnnogrnpn ami rt- "r..r hoT-tedC,, and ' back' In t.pesirv: hi, , Mk life-time rocker, genuine leather , .omobile scat, and fine Ivory chiffonier. nlate Klas mirror; f-olne away, must se i, no reasonable offer refused. Marshall J4-t. .-IT. 2d st.. near J.lncoln. rttTG SPECIAL. T7.- Hnvu onlv we will sell good . i...... !)xio mattlnc rues. In all col- nrs renular $8 value, for ll.TV GBVl'llTZ FURNITURE STORE. OV'OT First St., bet. Tavlor and Salmon. Do not mistake the number, us there aia other stores of similar name. FURNITURE FOR SAI.K. For sale, household furniture. In pood condition, above the average. In quality, ii..,lino- lthriirv table, davenport, cl.f- rni,.r rue. office chairs, books. dishes. Falllnc hid sr. etc.: no aR-ems. ivoom Honrs, from Li to 5 Y. M., Sunday In- eluded. , ROI.lTOP desk and swivel chair, ins and tin; flat-top desk, like new. cost 4,-., sell 'i S' OKI FURNITURE CO., 200.-11 Second Street. USKD mahogany dresser and bed, colonial style, value $125; you can buy for ?(.. Your credit Is eood. UNITED FURNITURE CO, 173 First St, corner Yamhill. Main DROP-H EAD sewine machine, looks lika new in perfect condition: soeclal 114. oO. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. lflB-161 First St.. near Morrison. X BEAUTIFUL Chevall mirror encased in nirirtered oak frame, worth 75; our price '"S'""'KI.1NK FURNITURE CO., 1M2 1st St.. Near Taylor. COM Rl NATION R-as. wood and coal ran-j and some furniture and heater. Tabor ONE Sr. Steel range, f2.i. 714 Kearney st. NEW Davenport tor ale. 221) Madlsoa. tet-n nd. COlorS. WUM.Il " 1 ' the market for a (Ja!' at cost prices: SX'gFVUrVFL-RNITURE STORE. nni.....T T.-irt St.. bet. Taylor and Salmon. i. .. -I. n .fine on her if