THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTT.AXD. SEPTE3IBER 7, 1919, 13 BEAL ESTATC For 9a le -Ftrmt- FARMS TO SUIT BUYERS DE MANDS. 13 W acres, near pavement to Newbern. 325 fruit trees, splendid home place and delightfully situa:ed. Price $35'0. Trade lor Colorado. 40 acres, handr to Portland. 20 a. culti vated, good buildings, orchard. spring and :.. church and schools. Price .".km acre. Newberg district, fine drive to tomn. on the border of the best developed district In Orejoa. 90 acres l:i cultivation, lo pat., 6 timber. 5 acres wainuta. eh-r choice fruit, finely watered, with springs ana creeks, has acetylene light and moo em improvements. Price $1 -5 per acre. Jt' acres, nr. Vancouver. 110 in cultiva tion . 2 pasture. A highly Improved dairy farm that i a moaty-Kftter. Oood build Inns, sfto; 24 L prune tree?; and enough other kind. Would consider res. up to $4m as part of first payment; 11 milk co s nt! other stock ; 3 horses a nd all machinery; price $ 2 .. 000. The above a re exceptional buys. We do not mention terms, but If you want the bet, can make arrangements to suit. If you are look lrn; (or your money's worth, see us about farm buys. B. S. COOK. W! Stock El. Bldg. Main 953. CANBT. OR., OPPORTUNITIES. Approximately 55 sort's of choice river bottom land, located near Can by and Har low, or., on the Molalla ri er, very close to the paved highway now being construct ed, partly sandy and black loam soil, rich and productive potato, cabbage or loganberry land; fair house, ordinary out build In gs, god wire fencing. 3i ai res in cultivation, grow Ins; the finest potatoes on the Pacific coast: .and eaMiy Cleared, can be had at the low price of $50o; very av terms. Hard paved road iroin fori land to Canby. Aiso 45 acres, distant from Canby 1 S miles, on Willamette river, mostly cleared, approximately 35 acres in cultivation, bal ance brush, rich b.ack loam soli, stream running through place, wire fences; 5-rKm lW-"tory house, good barn, other out buildings, very good condition; school close; price $ 6500, terms. Boat landing on place. FRED W. NKWEUL. OREGON INVEST.M EXT MTO. CO.. 2 1- lS-JO-lM -2- Cham:er of Commerce Marshall 203. BB-ST prune land In Washington ; irom fine grain and hay; on paved road. 9 miles Vancouver; 17 miles courthouse. Port land : 12 acres all good tillable land, lo acres fine Italian prunes; crop goet; now worth $,khmj; 5o acres in other crops, 10 acre timber. 43 acres good pasture, fine running water; land all good, tillable land when cleared; no riK-k or gravel and not hilly; 1 good cows, S registered Jerseys. 2 registered bulls, 3 heifers will be fresh soon. 4 heifer calves. 1 brood sow. tf pigs. 2 shoats, 05 chickens. 4 good horses with harness. 1 registered boar, all farm tools consisting of new Ford sn tractor. Ford 1-ton truck, binder, seed er, feed cutter, gas engine, harrow a rid ing plows. disc, roller packers, and all tools and machinery; 73 ton, hay. lots of feed and grain; personal property and crop with hay worth over $lo.ooi: fine home; money-maker; bargain at $35,0oi; half cash. J. B. ATKINjiOV. 112 West Sixth Street, Vancouver, Wash. tn ACRES irrigated land In central Oregon. 2-etory house, barn, chicken coop, granary ami concrete cistern all fenced and cros fenced . 14 head t cattle. 4 horses, all farm implements and. if sold Immediately, the sertT.d cutting of hay; 4 S acres of oats, 1 acre of potatoes, with famliy gar den and some household goods. This is a bargain, price $05ow. terms. 4 acres In central Oregon. Irrigated land; 3 -room house, barn, chicken house and cement cistern, all fenced; 20 acres in cultivation; tnis year's crop estimated al falfa 5. potatoes $5oo. vegetables $3UU, all Included . price $4000, terms. CALL ON US. H. H. URPA H L (Inc. , slain 6202, 322 Ablngion Bldg. FACT A BO IT ALFALFA FARM. loH acres, all level but if acres, vokanlc sh soli, deep and fertile. 264 Inches of f re m aTer : located 4 miles from Trout Lake In White Salmon valley. Washington: h-tiered by timbered hills which give extensive fr-e range; M acra ill make oi beautiful alia. la field atl under ditch; 6 acres of it now in a I. 'a. fa, wheat, oats, com. garden fruit : rpring water piped to house and bam : 1 welling, very large barn, mllkhous. outbuildings: first cutting of afafa went 2 'a tons, second 2 toos, third will make average over 6 tons to the acre; wheat planted in May went over 4 buf-hel to the acre; trees loaded with fruit, garden from watermelons to sweet corn; just the place for dairy, stock, hog and hay ; surplus hay now celling for - per ton at barn; price H2.6ot. terms, cah. A property with a hiti income. Let me show it. MacINNESS PRATT. Main SMW 413 Board of Trade Bldg. Cattle and stockmen, attention; 49 Sauvies island, only 12 miles I rout Poland, approximately inrki acre; of ex ceedingly rine land, suitable for dairying, tock raising, etc.. has over ttu buliel of wheat to acre. kale, cabbage, spuds, corn, eat, etc.. thrive in abundance, accent on aoundance; low price, easy terms. A o 141 acres, located In Ciarke conn tv. 22 miles from Portland, Lewis and Iake rivers adioin. 3'ki a re.H dked. many more ran be dvked at reasonable outlay; railroad through place, steamboat landing, finest land In the world, same quality sells for ni per acre at Ketso or x. is ksnte ; approximately w hesd stock ge w ith ptace, everything inciunea, wi per r' FRED W. NEWELL. o:kc.os investment a mto. co.. 2I8-15-20-21-22 hamter of Commerce. Marshall 2i3. RANCH FOR RENT STOCK FOR SALE 320 acres. 250 under cultivation: 2 lare barns. 7 -room modern house, electric tights and water piped to all Duiiaings; running water through place year round: acres In bearing prune orchard, also aaortei fruits; a silo. 2 larg hog houses, chick house and outbuildings. Personal prop erty. 50 head or rattle, w head or sheep. 20 bean of goat. large broofl bows. abo'tt 3" young pigs, 40 head that will weigh 1 - ft to 14)1 pounds each. 9 head mora horses. 20O tops of ha. Holt trac tor. 2 binders. 2 mowers, rake, electric feed cutter, hay pre, gas engine. 3 dynamos, milking machine. 3 wagons, tt eta of harness, and all small tools, tm piemen fa. etc. Will gtve 5-year lease If desired, prune crop alone will pay rent. Uill sell all or part of personal property. THOMPSON SWAN. Third and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash. IF YOU ARE LOOK 1 NO FOR A Pl,ACE YOU WOULD BR PROUD OF HKRB IT IS. 1 arre In htKhe. state of cultivation. "tthj good improvements, nothing nicer pear Portland, extra good 5-acre orchard Thlw place ta maVtng p ner monev each year but owing to family's discontent own er wishes to aro east so this la your op portunity to get the beat 10 acres within mlls of Portland, only short way from ped highway to Newber Price $H4nmi. but ou will more than get your money's w ort h. Don't phone, but come and let u show yoi wnat a rice place this is. We are not ashamed to show it. STF.WART A BUCK. 313 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 0 ACRES. 40 under high state of cultiva tion, balance In open pasture; new ft-room bungalow, fun basement, concrete floor, fair barn. 2 silos, all neceasary outbldgs.; water piped to hou.e and barn, large fam liy orchard, 2 a ore a of bearing prunes, mail fruits and berries of all kinds; spring stream through one side of place; in thick ly settled locality on good auto road, with II rural advantages. 9 miles from Van couver: price only $90oO. $.;5o0 cash, bal ance to suit at 6 per cent interest. THOMPSON A SWAN. . Third and Main Sts.. Vancouver, Wash. 12 ACRES, S cleared, feneed; good barn, fair house, good orchard, running water, 4 good cows. 1 horse, woodsaw, other tools; $33ou, $l0t0 cash, bal. 3 years at per cent. 60 acres. 27 cleared, all fenced, good barn, fair house, running water: Ideal stock farm: price S4300. $15o down, bal anco own time. These are excellent buvs; have smaller tracts on terms. Write Geo. Beis, Sandy, Or. ACRES NEW BUNGALOW. And a large new barn; IS acres In cul tivation tnew land. .14 acres stump pas ture, balance in timber. Living stream, lmr'ovemen ta worth more than price aki. 20 mlivs south from Portland. 6-room bungalow, worth half the price of the whoi- place. ITHE jb IT' H r.Lli A RlrPET, 2-2 Henry B!dg. 25 ACRES 2 acres In cultivation: 2 acres orchard; .Vrooti hous. barn, I 4 acres po tatoes. 3 bushels wheat, hay in barn, team horses. I cow. 8 small piga. 1 hog elchinr 50 pounds. 11 shoat. wagons, buggy, all farm implements ; $450; good term This place Is 5 miles from Ore gon City. Prsona'ly Inspected. MR. MILLERSHIP. Alder. Hotel. DAIRY RANCH. 140 acres, loo acres bottom land. 5 under cultivation. 4H acres from town, large barn, house, orchard. 11 cows, chick ens, horse and farm Implements: price $l.0no. f 10.04HI in Portland property or merchandise. See owner. Brooks, 325 Ry. Exch. bidg. rMt FOH SO-ACRE LEVEL FARM Joining the K. R. town of Friend. Or. 45 acrrs under good cultivation: balance tim ber: good 7-room house, bam. granary; fences, rich soil. Owner. W. Hbehne, Friend. Or. A 20-ACRE HOME. 4H miles from Clnakanie. Oregon. 4 room house, bam. w ood shed, chicken house: bearing orchard: land fays woli; fine soli, crtek and spring. Price nu w-iif caah. A. W. Eftea. 22 McKay bldg. 9 ACRE?, ft" In bearing walnuts, apples, pears. 20 acres logs n berries, on coun t y road, running water, rpring and well; this fai a monev-maker worth looking into. S21 Chamfraf ai Commerce. East 543& BEAL ESTATE. For Sale Farm. THREE GOOD ONES. $7000, 40 acres, located 1 mile from railroad station, and about 8 miles from Oregon City, on main county road; this years crops consisted of 4 14 acres wheat. IS1 acres oats. 3 acres potatoes. 3 acres corn and exceptionally fine garden; good house, very good barn and other out buildings; good well and a spring, fam ily orchard of variety of fruit and ber ries; rock road to comer of the place; terms, $3000 cub, balance at 0 per cent Interest. $8500. 47'4 acres; 414 under cultivation, 5 acres pasture and 1 acre fir grove: 3 sets of buildings, barns, chicken house; 2 vry good work horses, 2 good cows, about 75 chickens, 2 wagons, harnesses, some implements; located 1 to miles from Canby and about 7 miles from Oregon City; terms. $3000 WITH STOCK. $10,500. 7ft acres; 50 acres under high state of cultivation: 5-room house, barn, garage nnd chicken house: all outbuildings prac tically new ; good well by the house; creek runs 80 rods through the tana mat can be easily dammed to overflow 1 i acres for a fish or duck pond; 1 acres nanan prunes, apples, pears, etc.; 10 acres sowed to r lover. 1!! tons, hay in nam, smaii tools and all kinds of new machinery; 9 cows, 2 good horses, harnesses, wajrons,. etc. : this farm netted xaoou last year. miik and cream brought from $10 to $210 per month; this ears prune crop about $300; located 1 mile west of Laurel and 6 miles south of Hillsboro. If you don't-look these up. we bet The time will come when you'll regret. E. A. LIXDGREV, SAVON LAND CO., 94 N. W. Bank BIdg. EASTERN OREGON BARGAINS. ONLY $WOO. 4K0 acres, of which 320 acres are cul tivated and fenced in two 100-a ere tracts; 9) acres seeded. 1H acres more to seed, balance to summerfallow ; the cultivated land is practically level, no rock or gravel; located 2 Hi miles from Arlington, Or. : 4 -room bouse, bunk house, barn, chicken house. 9 horses, 4 volts. 1 cow. 1 calf, chickens and turkeys, header, ' thresher, drill, harrows, plows, wapons and small tools: terms, $:t"HM cash, bal ance at 6 per cent Interest. $10,985. 1H9 acres, all under cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced : about one-half with woven wire; 147 acres under one of the oldest irrigation ditches in the state: lO-room house, hot and cold water, horse barn, cow barn, ice house, sheds, chicken house and garage: located on Bend-Sisters highway to Portland and one mile from a school; terms. $0000, balance on time Both of the above are bargains and worth your while to Investigate. j E. A. LINDGREN. SAVON LAND CO., 13j N. W. Bank Bldg. STOCK, crop and equipment, ready for busi new., for only $rtHM; half cash, or will consider house and lot or small acreage, close In ; 40 r.cres. 7 acres fine timber, about KOU cords good old fir wood, 13 acres fine pasture, 20 acres in crop this year. 2 acres clover, 5 acres oats and veU a. 5 acres corn, 5 acres potatoes, 3 acres garden, ; orchard and berries and bui lding : 4-room box house, barn 30x30. silo, chicken house, hog house, extra good dr;lrd well, fine wajer; lots of berries and other fruits; 4 good cows. 2 fresh. 2 good h o single and double ha mess. 6.i chickens, 1 riding plow. 2 cultivator. 2 harrows. 1 good w agon, buggy, hack, cream separator, wood saw. gas engine, a II small farm IooIh. 18 tons hay. Per sonal property w orth over $2M; this Is a real nonie, ana cneap. All goon niiaoie land; no rock or gravel, not hilly. J. B. ATKINSON, 112 West Hixlh Street, Vancouver, Wash. SO ACRES, all tillable, very best of loam soil, no rock or era vol; about 28 acres in high state of cultivation : 3 acres more In open pasture and easy to clear; timber for domestic purposes; fair 0 rooni house, old barn, fine wen of water and spring in pasture; large family orch ard in full bearing; together with good tettin. wagon, harness. 2 sets of single harness, 2 cows. 1 heifer. 2 brood sows, ft p:g. mower, plow, harrow, gas en gine and wood saw, stump puller and hack. ' 12 tons of hay in the barn. 5 acres of po tatoes; contract let for pavement past this farm which la now under construc tion; all rural advantages; auto stage by the noor; hlf mile from railroad nd small town ; 12 S miles from Vancouver. Price $7m0; Jionn cash. THOMPSON SWAN. Third and Main Sts. Vancouver. Wash. SKLL FOR $2.5.HI WORTH $.".3,000. Com pint el y equipped going farm; 120 acres in high state of cultivation, 50 pas ture and uncleared land : live creek all year 4 trout stream i. several springs; roll ing land : good soil, first -class buildings; 9-room house, large barn, silo, granary and other buildings, water piped to house and barn; 2J cows, some registered, and reg lsifrd bull: some young- stork. 4 horses, about A5 tons hay in bam. 14 acres grow ing corn for alio, 1 acres kale. 7 acres late spuds. 2 family orchards, bearing: $1500 worth of all kinds of farm imple ments and tools: place well kept up; build ings painted ; cle to school, mall and milk route; 22 miles from Portland; Washington county, rock road most of t he w ay ; all for th Is price, except t his years nop crop and oata. If intcreated. rv .xi. regonian. LAKE LA RISH RANCH, Willamette Valley. 2M acres, near Beaverdam richness. Everything goes at $150 per acre. Liberal terms. New dwelling hme. 2 brn. 2 silos. 20 cows. Jersey bull. Holsteln hull. 6 horses, .in sheep. 40 hoes and all farm ing machinery, tools and implements. A farmer can make this wonderful ranch soon pay ror itseir. W. B. STREETER AND J. II. KEATING, 17 Board of Trade. Main t3. FIRST-CLASS 55-ACRF FARM STOCK, CROP AND EQUIPMENT. All fine land and In cultivation: good crops this year: 35 tons of hay all goes with sale. Including complete set farm Implements. good cows, 3 horses, chick ens; watered by creek and well; mod ern buildings; (l-room bungalow; large barn; other outbldga.; family orchard: 24 mile from a good tomn: south of Portland; $S"ou Peo Sam Hewey at J I. HARTMAN COMPANY", No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. NON-RESIDENT'S FARM. 20 ACRES, $ 1 Sno. 72 miles from Portland. W. B. STREET ER AND J. H. KEATING, 617 Board of Trade. Main 13. HERE IS GO ACRES IN WASHINGTON COUNTY. 13 MILES FROM PORT LAND COURTHOUSE. One-half cleared; 5-room hous. barn and other outbuildings; 25 acres In good pasture, 3 acres timber: this is one of the best buys we have; price 500; terras. STEWART 4 RIVK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $10 AN ACRE. Down the Columbia, half way to As toria, three miles town and boat landing, one-half mile to logging railroad; will sell 200. 4K or COO acres at $ 1 0 acre on easy terms: fine creek; make good dairy or stock farm. W. G. Cox. 221 Falling bid. Main 533. " $Vh $3500 CASH, balance terms, for a short time only, will buy a fine 28-acre farm, 1 miles from Newberg. Or. ; 15 acres In cultivation, balance timber and pasture: good 8-room hous. good barn other building fair; owner. W. F. Hanna. McMlnnvHle, Or. 4 .MILKS from Portland. 20 acres, some im proved. mile from school, electric line and mail route. AM fenced, good well old buildings Price $J20i. Take n Ford and some cssh. balance terms. Write 626 E. Richmond st. WO desirable close-In farms, under Orhnc Irrigation project; 100 acres in stubble. 80 acres now cropped with alfalfa and wheat. For Information as to prices and terms wrttt R. W. Rea. Prinevllle. Or 320 ACRES eastern Oregon wheat farm and complete ouirn. turner Dullness compels me to sell Immediately. $;t.'.on will han dle. See me, lintel Madrns. room 16 and I will convince you. K 509, Oregonlan FoR SALE o acres In Coos county near .ini 1 wini. mum:?- nin tana; some good plow land; good house, hnrn. etc. A bar galn if taken at once. A 18, Oregonian. 39 ACRES. IS acres In cult. hnue, barn, nr- cn.irti. ctui.iui.uingH; price s.i.ou. Heynolds Rainier. Or. 51 ACRES, valley farm; all cultivated fenced; no nuiidtngs; sacriflc Owner Kofton, Main 5b5L 202 Para ' REAL ESTATE For Pale Farms. TWO BEST BARGAINS IX OREGON. 443 acres; about 265 acres cultivated; good 7-soom house, barn and other out buildings, family orchard, all-year run ning creek. g;ood soil, lies well, and located only about 8 miles from Rose burg on good auto road; an ideal place for grain, dairy on a large scale, fruit or stock ranch; anyone contemplating buy ing a farm cannot find a similar offer In Oregon or anywhere else for the price asked for this farm, which is only $13,000. making the price only $29.35 per acre, which Is less than asked for stump lands In many places. 47 acres, all under cultivation except about 5 acres in white oak along the creek that runs through the place; good 8-room house, newly repaired and paint ed Inside and out; good barn, painted red ; chicken house, brooder house, hog house, well, 1 acre variety of fruit and berries; Pacific highway and railroad on one side and graveled road on the other side of the farm and almost atl under hog-tight fence; located only a few blocks from a postoffice and railway sta tion of a good valley town; the Improve ments on this farm are almost worth the price asked; enough, water in the creek to irrigate the farm if so desired; price only $5500; terms, $3500 cash, balance at 6 per cent interest. " Either of above Is an exceptional buy; They are good, priced low; don't pass them by. E. A. LINDGREN. SAVON LAND CO., 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. HERE is a fine farm in the famous Beaver creek district. Consists of 20" H acres, just back of Oregon City; 55 acres under plow; Al soil; practically all level : 1 acre nriinea 1 rrm nnnlon: rood fences: 2 good springs; good creek with 25-foot) falls tor potter; tln new 9-room house, ail Dlaatered. Dainted. etc.: has beamed ceiling, paneied dining room, elegant built- j in bui.'et. "Dutch kjtchen, bathroom, book - house; personal property: 5 horses, 6 cows, 3 heifers. 1 brood sow, 9 pigs, tiu chickens. all farm machinery necessary, all house holj goods. Also fully equipped and op erating sawmill, witn steam ana water power, all new; 2.000.000 feet first growth ! fir. Just think of It. this place can be bought for $14,700. and will throw In fine Grant six auto. There Is timber enough to pay for two farms like this. Lumbei now selling $20 per thousand. A cash payment of $10,000, bat. to suit. See this it's a bargain. A. G. BENDER. BITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 15-ACRE SUBURBAN FARM, . ON 82 D STREET. 2 miles from city limits, and YOU NAME THE PRICE. In a grove on a knoll overlooking whole place Is a dwelling house, garage, granary, barn, poultry houses; perpetual stream, good well, small orchard; 12 acres richest sandy loam bottom land ; non resident ownes says sell at first reason able offer. W. B. STREETER AND J. H. KEATING, til 7 Board of Trade. Main 103. 40-ACRE WELL-EQUIPPED FARM, $4000. Eight milch cows, 4 heifers, bull, big work, team, wagon and harness, 4 hogs. 50 chickens.' 30 tons hay. big lot of kale, incubator, separator, all farm tools; 5-room house: water piped In; new barn; hay fork; good sol); 25 acres In cultiva tion, balance In pasture and timber; located in McMlnnvHle. See Sam Hewey at J. U HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. COLUMBIA RIVER DAIRY RANCH. 120 acres, located 3 miles north Va couver. Wash. All bottom land; 40 acres under cultivation; 70 acres pasture. Or chard. New house; barn 62x80; dairy house and silo. Good fences. Boat land l:ig on place. Price $7.50 per acre, half cash. Personally inspected. Anderson, with John frerguson. Gerlinger bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. MT. SCOTT LINE. Want house and lot on Mt. Scott line; prefer Stewart station. W. H. ROSS, 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. HOUSES WANTED. We have customers looking for houses In Sellwood. Westmoreland, also Alberta; list yours with us if you want to sell. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., loOft 4TH ST. $."1.0O4i WORTH of houses sold for all cash in last few days. We want a few houses for readv buyers. W. B. STREETER and J. H. KEATING, ui 7 Bourd of Trade. Main 16a WE WANT HOMES. For our clients: we are selling faster than we can Hat at reasonable price; give ua a trial and w will not disappoint you. Keemster & Udell. 2u Abington bldg. HAVE good view lot on Council Crest as first payment on good home up to $5000; can make a-"00" monthly paymnnts. Pre ferPiedmoiU district. M 630, Oregonian. WANTED Bungalow for $:iono cash. Also house or bungalow for $5000 cash and terms. Mutual Realty Co.. Main 1643. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. WE HAVE client with all cash who wants (S-room hous or bungalow, see us at once. Johnaon-Dodson Co., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. WE BUY stock ranches and range lands. If you have ranches, business or city property to sell : must be good. 301-302 Couch bldg.. Portland. C . 1 AM looking for a home In Hawthorne or 1 Richmond; "prefer bungalow; would like I something modern; fair down payment. - ' oregonlan. WILL buy 4 or 5-room modern bungalow in good neighborhood from owner; value not over $2700; state best terms. AK 579, Oregonlan. A MODERN homa in laurelhurst or Rose Cltv Park. 6 to 7 rooms. $4500 to $6000; prefer to deal with owner. A 621. Orego- n i a n . HAVE spot cash, $3000, for a 5 or 6-room nun ga low in At location ; location anu price first letter. For answer, S 158, Ore- con lan. HAVE $.Vi0 cash, want small Improved farm close to Portland: full description, price and location first letter. For at tention. W 510, Oregonlan WANTED A 5-room house, modern, price not over $1500, not too far from business section: deal with owner. 1022 Selling building. , HOUSE OWNERS. Wish to hear from owner who ha a modern 6 or 7-room houe and would sell on a basis like rent. East 638. WANTED 5-room bungalow; must bo bar gain: owners only; easy terms. Mar. S85, evenings or Sundaya. I CAN pay $100 as first payment on a house; will drv balance monthly: would Ilka to deal with owner. AG 141. Oregonlan HOUSES! HOUSES! HOUSES! We have clients waiting. 201 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrlsftn. I WANT to buy a house up to $2500; can pay $200 down, balance monthly. Owners. AL i i. oregonian. WILL PAY cash for your house equity. SCANDINAVIAN-AMEBIC AN REALTY CO., 24o stark st. Main WILL pay cash for lot, vicinity 42d and Sandy: phone after 7: 30 evenings. Mar. 5785 or K 563, Orgonian! T AM looking for a heme in R. C. : prefer bungalow; want 0 rooms or more; suuaoie down payment. AC 918. Oregonian. I HAVE $50 to apply as first payment on a cheap house, balance mommy; want to deal with owner. AO 142. Oregonlan. Ts YOURMORTGAGE FORECLOSED? I will give you good trade for your equity. Write me. AH 483. Oregonlan. I WANT a home In any good district up to $3?o0; would like two lots or more, with fruit; part down. BC A3, Oregonian. IF your property is worth the money we have the caah buyers for It. F. Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Commerce. WE have cash' buyers for bungalows. If you wish to aell quick aee ua. E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow In good district; will pay caah. Call Main 6372. No agents. CASH buyers for your bungalow. Also, we have money to loan. Reliable, long estab tinned.- A. K. Hill Co., 215 Lumbermens bid. I HAVE buyers for your Irvlngton home at top price if not too old. B. T. Street, Irvlngton agent. E. 804. WANTED Modern 5 or 6-room bungalow; nn Rzrnts. Tabor 7J103. JUST sold my home, want a 5 or 6-room bungalow In Rmc City. Main 1503. HOUSE or bungalow In good locality for cash and clear; vacant. East 6329. WlLL pay cash for Laurelhurst Iota Rlcharrtfon, Tabor 1761, or Bdwy. 2270. WANTED 3 acres or less on new highway. V j ."2 Orezonlan. To SELL your lot see Johnson-Dodson Co., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. I WANT the cheapest lot In Laurelhurst for snot cash. AG 76. Oregonlan. $atn CASH, want house under $2500; good I I monthly payments. V 552, Oregonlan. WANT good lot with livable shack; $100 cash. V 653. Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. G25 HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1, 1019. 50 homes in January 52 In February In March 69 70 in April. May 104 May June 72 Hi July 114 ONE HUNDRED FOURTEEN 114 in August, We find from our Bales that the demand Is for modern homes under $G0U0 in good districts. Naturally we need new listings more homes to sell. We have been es tablished since lSbO. We advertise exten sively, are in touch with the majority of buyeis. have a very efficient selling or ganisation. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM gets results. Every house listed is personally Inspected, appraised and photographed without charge and the photograph of your house is placed on display in our show room In its respective district. II you have a home for sate LIST IT WITH US We will get quick, satisfactory results xor you. ee. FRANK L. McGUIRE, TO SELL YOUR HOME. Abington building. Main 10('S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. WANT PORTLAND HOUSE. 9 acres fine land, all In high state of cultivation, acre orchard, berries; dandy 8-room house, large barn, several chicken and hoghouses and other buildings in cluding garage: cow, horse, buggy, wagon, all kinds of farm implements; ideal home where living can be made on place; all clear, price $4000, will trade for clear house. Mr. Badley, J. C. CORBTN CO., 305 LEWIS BLDG. WANTS LARGER HOUSE. Client- has attractive modern bungalow In good district. -worth $:150U, clear of debt. Wants to trade this for modern. 6 or 7 room house in Irvlngton or Laurelhurst up to $70i0. and will pay the difference. LLEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. WANT A 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. HAVE $1000 CASH. "Want about 5-room house or bungalow In good district; nothing over $300u; must have room for garage or one already built. Can make quick deal on something good. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak St.. Broadway 4133. ( WE WANT improved acreage, from 1 acre up. near Portland. Have calls and ciients and waiting; If priced right can turn a once. See F. L. Eddy, acreage specialist, with LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. 1400ft CASH FOR BUNGALOW. ft or rooms, modern. Rose City. Ala meda, Sunnyside or Hawthorne. Cash ready for house that suits. Marshall 31K). Open evenings. J. C. CORjBIN CO., 305 Lewis Bldg. I WANT a home in Irvington or Laurel hurst, which Is thoroughly modern, in fine condition and with not less than 75x100 lot, prefer corner. Price from $Mmm) to $15,000. Kindly describe fully. AP 3S9. Oregonlan. G OR 7-ROOM hour, about $3000, will iay cash; give full description in first letter of house, lot. improvements, location ana assessed value; no Inflated values will b considered; will consider 1 to 5 acres neai cariine. F 501, Oregonlan. AM looking for modern nouse or bungalow about 6 rooms. In good district, not over $4."00. Am new arrival and must get lo cated. Give location and price ana i will arrange to investigate if interested. F 500, Oregonlan. W E WILL buv or lease ranee land in Or egon. Arizona, New Mexico or Texas. Wanted for winter and. spring range. Pheian Cattle Co., 20S-209 Abington bid., Portland, Oregon. WANTED To buy or rent, for cash, from owner, 1 to 5 acres, improved, near city and electric depot. State price ana loca tlon. Call or address L. A. Norton, 137' East Sherman st.. Portland, Or. WANT 5-room bungalow with hardwood floors, furnace, basement; would prefer in Rose City or Laurelhurst. not far from car line; cash, not over $4.uu. a. a. jussna. 804 East Davis. WANTED. Your house to sell at once; we have a long list of buyers waiting: maybe your house will suit them. Call Geo. T. Moore Co.. Main 802. I WANT a anan in 3 to 5 acres within 1 miles Portland, for 3 or 4-room house; outbuildings; cn payment a $50 down, $20 monthly; total price not to exceea j..uu. Wilson. P. O. box 2007, Portland. WANT Portland bungalow; have brick sU-re building near Pendleton, Or., value $.0n vi lding $20 uer month, as first payment, balance $40 month. Answer by Tuesday evening. N 216. Oregonlan. WANTED Modern 5-room bungalow 011 Tin veri Kt reel . Hawthorne or Irvinffton dis trict preferred. Give price, location, and street number first letter. o agents AR 733. Oregonlan. W E BU Y stock ranches and range lands, if vrtit have ranches, business or city property to sell ; must be good. Pheian Cattle Co., 208-209 Abington bldg.. Port- laud. Or. I WANT to buy a 6-rooin home In Rose City Park or Laurelhurst. I can pay only $.".0 monthlv for 7 months; after that date, $1ti0 monthly. Best city references. Phone Tabor 8159. WILL pay cash for 5 or 6-room bungalow with Brood closets, porches and basement; lot 50x100 or larger, with some fruit; do not answer unless price Is right. Phone Marshall 1 3! 7. WANTED 4 or 5-room home. $2700 cash ; also 5 or 6-room bungalow to $35 0 cash. Main 1643. Mutual Realty Co., 1219 N. W. Bank 'bidg. S-ROOM bungalow between 30th and 50th at., not more than two blocks from car, from the owner. State price uni location. fi 41. Oregonlan. - HAVE client with 'i&OO cash, another with 13500 cash ror moaern o-room ounaiows. Pnlndexter, Selling building. Main 1800. Residence B-7120 WANTED Modern 5-6 or 7-room bungalow; prefer Mount l anor district; wouia con sider Hawthorns ave. if attractive. J 20J, Oregonlan WE buy good lots if priced right: also house under $3000. What have you? ERNEST WELLS COMPANY. Tabor 5606. 401 Couch Building. WE WANT HOUSES. Have buyers for several houses, up to $4000: If you want to sell, see us at once. Western Land Co.. 511 RatlwayExchange. RO3ECITY. west side, 57th st., modern 2- story house, a bedrooms, narawooa iioors. fireplace. Will pay $3750, 750 down, $45 a month. E. Joai. WEST side houses wanted south of Madison st. Handling west side property Is my spe cialty. John Singor, 42a Cham, of Com. bldg. 6-ROOM modern home, on improved street, with garage; must be real bargain; cash, balance terms; owners only. Y 33. O r egonian. IF" YOU hive a good bungalow for sale, either cash or terms. It will pay you to see Mr. King, 304 Oak St., Broadway 206, Monday. WANTED About acre with four or five joom modern house, close to cariine, with in 40 mnutes of Washington st, A. Ev Church. 1066 E. 15th st. N. CITY property wanted for sale. List by phone or personally; will inspect and photograph. Small farm listings desired. Main 3672. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. " WANT from owner 5 or 6-room modern bungalow In good district. BF 47, Oregu r ian. WANTED 50x100 lot In vicinity of 42d and Sandy; spot cash, but must be bargain. T 152. Oregonian. IRVINGTON HOME WANTED Have cash buyer for bargain; we make quick sales. Neuhausen A Co., N. W. Bank bldg. WANT CORDWOOD PROPOSITION Will consider small tracts near Portland. V 551, Oregonian. $3000 FOR 8-ROOM HOUSE. Any good location, four bedrooms. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305 Lewis Bldg. WANTED Modern 3 or 6-room bungalow in Rose City park. I Customers waiting. Hitchcock. SO 4th st. Main 113. WANT bungalow, 6 rooms; give all partic ulars and lowest cash price for your equity. S 133, Oregonian. WANTING to buy a 6-room bungalow, West moreland preferred; $500 down with monthly payments. Phone Sellwood "2728 I WANT 4 or 5-room bungjfow near good cariine, east side. Will pay $500 cash, bal. monthly. C 152 Oregonlan. WANT lot in fine district, have cash and $250 automobile stok. I mean business. D 622, Oregonian. WANTED From private party. 50 or 100g 100 lot In Rose City. East of 67th. J 240, Off gonlah. WANT to buy 5 or 0-room house or bunga low ; give full particulars. M 034, Ore gonlan. WANT to buy a Seaside cottage. Address G. W. W-, box 91, Seaside, Or. WANT a bungalow In a restricted district; must be cheap. AC 902. Oregonian. WANT a home In Portland not to cost over $30O0 AC i03, Oregonian. JOHNPON-DODSON COMPANY can aell your house, uaii tnem. aimn isiht. TO BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE PROP- WANTED Lot, Rose City Park or Bellt Crest, cash, al uregonian. WANTED 6 or 7-room modern bungalow, $1000 first payment. AP 300. Oregonian. WANT modern Alameda Park home; pay cash. Neuhausen it Co., Main 8078. WANT a modem home In any good dis- trict up to $30U0. BF 46. Oregonian. WANT modern bungalow. Will pay cash. Owners only. Tabor 1836. WANTED B.EAL ESTATE. SEVERAL BONA FIDE CLIENTS WAITING. We are unable to supply the demand for new homes. Many clients, with sub stantial payments, have asked us to find them a good home in some of the better residence districts. If you will come to our oftice and are not tied under options to other dealers we will sell your home. Let us know what you have. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., Fifth Floor Henry Bldg- WANTED REAL ESTATE. Have cash buyer for modern house, with small well, improved acreage on Oregon City car line. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HA HTM AN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of commerce sig.t 4th nd Stark. I NEED homes to sell; many dozen homes recently advertised in my column ads are soia ; out of the last 25 exclusive listing homes sold; where else can you receive such a service? If you will sell your Irvington, Alameda, Portland Heights or Laurelhurst home at a top price, If not too old, phone East 8lf4, R. T. Street, you list your property, especially east side property, acreage and farm property; why not list it with a reliable nrm, one that has been in business for inany years and will remain for several jo's. asK your Danger, he knows. A. W. LAMBERT & SON. 120 Grand Ave., cor. East Alder. WANT IRVING TON HOUSES. In handling Irvington homesites we naturally are In touch with buyers for nomes aireaay ouiit. L,ist your Irvlngton house with us. We are boosting this umil ILL. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-T Board of Trade Bldg. WANTS APARTMENT HOUSE. Have client with fine property, first class In all resneets. clear: nrice $35,000. to trade for apartment house. Will go to uu,ouu, aim pay airrerence. LLEDDEMANN COMPANY, H13 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE several prospective buyers for bun galows ranging from $3300 and up, provid ing they are well located. Would also like to locate the best 8-room house that $5000 or oouu win ouy in Rose city Fark or Irvington; all cash if desired. G. A. Sarlea, 733 Northwestern bank bldg. WANTED From owner, good farm, 50 to SO acres, Al land; must be 40 or more acres in cultivation, with crops, stock, imple ments, between 15 and 40 miles south or west of Portland; state lowest price, give full description and location. G. K... Bea verton. Or. BUNGALOWS NEEDED. We are in dire need of bungalows and small homes in Alameda. Laurelhurst, Rose City, Rossmere, $3500 to $4800. We have many buyers Vaiting. One of ihem wants your place. Phone us sure. R. T. Srreet. agent. East 84. HOUSES WANTED. We have a big list of customers for houses in Rose City Park, Laurelhurst, Irvington and other districts. For a quick sale, give us a trial. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. I MUST HAVE GOOD HOMES for many buyers waiting; $6000, $8000, $12,000, $20,000. Irvington. Portland Heights. Alameda, Laurelhurst. If you have a good home for sale for cash, phone and we will call promptly and Inspect strip. R. T. Street, agent. East 894. 1 MUST HAVE A HOME THIS WEEK. Willing to pay $4000 or more for a new, or nearly new, home In Laurelhurst, Rose City Park or Irvington: substantial pay ment down, balance monthly payments; mean business. .Call Monday or Tuesday, Mr. Phillips, Main 510!l. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you; terms like rent Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. J?n 2035. 621 Morgan Bldg. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. Price must be risrht and easv terms. We have sold over 400 homes in the last year. If you want action eee Fred W. German. 7.'I2 Chamber of Commerce bldg. upen ounaayg ana evenings. I WANT IT AT ONCE. Wanted at once, 100x100 close In on hard-surface road with 6 or 7-room nouse; cash, if you have a bargain. I nave mmhi casn. ee .viarcnins, J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305 Lewis bldg. WE WILL buy or lease range land in Ore gon, Arizona, .New Mexico or Texas Wanted for winter and spring range, Pheian Cattle Co., 301-302 Couch bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED TO BUY What have you to of-' rer in 6 or -room modern house on the peninsula? Preier University park dis trict. Give description, location, price. 13 701, Oregonian. I WANT a home in Irvington, Alameda or t-aureihurst; 1 want bomething modern and at right price; would like garage; can make suitable down payment. AG 143. OregoniaTi. WANT home under 14000; J 1000 to pa Fa rm an tea. FARMS WANTED. I have many cash buyers for Improved farms from 10 to 100 acres. If your prices and farms are right, 1 can sell them. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark. 40 TO 00 ACRES WANTED. Have party with about $1500 to pay down on a place about 40-60 acres; would like about 2o acres in cultivation, with im provements, aiso can aell other siae farms. Draper & Calway, 526 Chamber of Com merce bldg. WANTS VALLEY STOCK FARM. We have customer wanting large stock farm In Willamette valley; 500 acres or more. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FARMS WANTED. Willamette valiey farms. large and smaii. We have many calls for larma in the valley. List yours with us. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 1651 4th St IMPROVED farms, with or without equip ment If priced right, we are pleased to advertise and show them. John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg.. Portland. Oregon. WANTED Improved 100-acre ranch, with in i't mtis or woodhurn. Or. Write full particulars In first letter. E. J. GEISER, 417 Cham, of Com. IF YOU wish to sell your farm, large or small. send full description. W. B STREETER 4 J. H. KEATING, 617 Board of Trade. FA R M wanted to work by experienced farmer, shares.- saiary or combination of both; piease give details. AR 731, Ore gonian. WANTED to buy . farm from owner, 30 to 50 acres, stocked and equipped. Wrltu care of Oregonian news agency, Silverton, Or. WANTED TO LEASE Duck Lake. sliuTiTs island or 1 otuinina river. See Geo. Man ning. Manning Fr. Co., 9th and Hoyt. Phone Broadway 703. 5 TO 20 BUYERS DAILY ' ' for acreage and farms equipped, sure sale if priced right. B. F. KELLY. 715 Swetland Bldg. WANT to hear from owner of farm or un improved land for sale. O. K. Hawley. Baldwin, Wis. IF YOUR farm is well worth what you ask for, we have the buyers. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED To rent farm with stock; can pay cash for stock and personal property. Write at once to Ralph Ackley, . 527 Corbett bldg., Port land. Or. , HOW about that ranch? Is it paying a profit? I have a plain, practical plan to make fhoney ror us both, no fake, mean business. Have experience and ability to turn your farm into a money-maker. Write E. Henry, Gresham. Or. IF YOU have a farm to rent, personal prop erty for rale or want to transfer your lease, send description to Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. WANTED to rent, s toe k. a I fa Ifa or dairy ranch, fully experienced farmer, equipped or shares. Phone Broadway 2928, Olson, 309 22d st. N. WANT Furnished farm, 80 acres or more, on shara basis: south of Portland pre ferred. AV 115, Oregonlan. FROM 5 to 10 Improved acres outside city limits, on good auto road, to rent, with option to buy. A 60!), Oreeonian. WANTED to rent farm for term of years; from 60 to loo acres; share or cash rent. Y 15, Oregonian. WANT to rent farm or privilege- of buy ing: give full particular. AE 31U, Ore gonlan. ANY person having a farm for rent, pleas send full particulars to James Gray, route 4. Hood River, Or. FARMER wants to rent farm; give descrip tion, etc. R. Whitman, 261 14th st. WANTED To rent 30 to 50-acre farm, near city. AG 112. Oregorian. TIMBER LANDS. 462 ACRES and 14,0ut om- inerchantaa.a lumber for sale. In Twp. 40. 1 West. Jack eon Co.. Or. AV 601. Oregonlan. WILL contract to plane output of your mill reasonably, out Henry bldg. MAN to saw by "1000; equipment furnished; small capital needed. A 570, Oregonian. WILL finsnce man with small mill to cut by 1000-. A 573, Oregonian. TIMBER, LANDS. TIMBER BARGAINS and the plain truth about them. Will start more than one man to get his first stake to a fortune. UNCLE SAM helped me to my stock with the timber claims that others have passed up "because it was onlv spruce," and 12 years ago spruce was not worth anything. Here are some BARGAINS to give you the beginning of a zortune : I) million feet and Land, six miles from railroad, for SaOuO. . 12 million feet and the land. 3 miles from railroad, for 16000. 20 million feet and the land, 25 miles from railroad, but new railroad surveyed to it, for SSimo. . A. DONELSON, 447 Sherlock Bldg. Portland, Or. TIE CHANCE. Have a 3.0O0.000 feet tic chance lying aiong tne railroad where tnere is a spur. Land is slonlns; to the railroad track Anyone needing a chance of this kind who has the money would be pleased to see mem. MATT CLARK, 515 Railway Exchange Bldg. 6.5000,000 FT. of the prettiest tie timber you ever saw: It has no equal. If yuu can see this you certainly will buy. Close to R. R. or can flume to the tract. I must sell this week. Buy it and take land and all or will consider trade for city prop erty or ranch. 322 Yeon bldg. THE BIRCH COMPANY. We have some of the most attractive small and large mill timber tracts that you would care to find. It you are lock ing for timber, why spend your money and time looking when I can give you what you want at less than j'ou will pay other wise? 322 Yeon bldg. THE BIRCH COMPANY. TRACTS of 10 million to 1 billion feet choice Douglas fir limber, easily accessible tor logging ana milling, see it. M. trails worth, experienced cruiser and timber factor, 1105-1106 Spalding bldg. No. brokers. Will you put in a 50 M mill and divide the proceeds if we furnish the timber and logs to mill? If you will, act quick. We have 75.000.UOO that we want to cut out. 322 Yeon bldg. THE BIRCH COMPANY. 17,000,000 'FEET of fine yellow fir timber, 1 miles to R. R., make me offer. Two Willamette donkeys for sale or lease, also sawmill for sale, $1400; will sell parts of mill or planer. 519 Henry bldg., Portland. CLACKAMAS county timber, E. of N. W. i and N. of S. W. H. Sec. 20. town. 5, range 4 E. ; 160 acres, county cruise 10 million feet; an attractive price for im mediate sale. B 722. Oregon ian. FOR sale or will trade for good rooming house, 40 acres of good timber land, IS miles from Portland. Good road, near R. R. limber cruises 1,300,000 ft. A good tie proposition. D 60S, Oregonlan. WILL sell to highest cash bid two tracts of timber 164 acres near Tillamook and 110 near YoncaMa. Will cruise 12.000.000 or more. For particulars address Mrs. Zella B. Haynes, Smiths Grove, Ky. PRACTICALLY new. 50M.capacity electric saw mill with plenty of timber; also rail road and logging equipment complete. A fine money-making proposition. Attractive terms. Principals only. AC 930. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Fine 2C-M Russell mil!: aiso 94 xlO Seattle donkey, full logging equipment, bargain price and terms. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. WANT to let contract for milling and log ging 16.000,000 feet of yellow fir timber; 1 Vi mile to R. R. Have logging outit. See owner, 519 Henry bldg.. Portland. FOR SALE About 8000 cords red fir stumpage, near Forest Grove, good roads; $1500 cash, balance as cut. AV 544, Ore gonian. WANTED from owner, small mill or timber suitable for tie mill. Ted T. Spurgeon. 713 Cherry at.. Seattle, Wash. WANT CORD WOOD PROPOSITION Will consider small tracts near Portland. V 551, Oregonian. S E CO NDG RO W TH timber; suitable for small mill; near station. J. Dahl, 587 Hoyt st. A" BARGAIN 25-M. mill. Dandy. AM camp equipment. 8 million yellow fir. Very easy terms. Call East 4665. 150,O0o7obo FEET high-grade fir timber, one miie from railroad ; price $2. C 15T, Oregonlan. FOR SALE About 200 piling, good condi tion, good size. AK 583, Oregonlan. SAWMILL for sale. For particulars write K, H. Leaf. Sandy, or. SAWMILL, making large profits: will sell one-sixth interest cheap. S 148, Oregonlan. PILING wanted; give sea is, price and wneo eut. O. V. Gamble. Couch bldg. FOB RENT FARMS. ON ACCOUNT of other business I am com pelled to lease my farm, located near New berg, consisting of 450 acres, 300 acres under cultivation, balance open pasture; two houses, three large barns, silo, electrin lights, water system and everything equipped to run a first-class farm ; will lease for five years and sell personal prop erty consisting of cattle, hog, horses, sheep, guats, hay, grain, tractor and com plete list of machinery; price $20,000, will sell part or all. If you want any up-to-date place see us. H. A. DRYER, "The Acreage Alan," 508 Lewis Bldg. bSfe-ACRE FARM TO RENT, IS MILES FROM PORTLAND. 37 acres under cultivation, acres timothy and clover. 15 acres wheat. 10 acres oats, good second crop of clover, potatoes, corn and 10 tons of clover hay in the barn. 2 horses, 2 heifers, buggy, hack, 2 wagons, mower, harrow, seeder, plows and cultivators, 3 eets harness, milk cans and dairy utensils, good water; price lor everything, including this year's rent, '$1000. Can be leased for 3 years more at $H75 per year. See Ralph Ackley. 527 Cor bett bldg. 189-5. 320-ACRE WHEAT RANCH AT BAKER, OREGON. 90 acres cultivated. 70 acres summer fallow ready lor fall rain: equipment and horses lor sale for $4U0. Rent is $700 per year; Va cash, bal. wnen crop is harvested; or will trade for Portland property. C. H. WOODWARD. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FARM FOR RENT. Also well established and equipped dairy for sale, including 70 head of fine milch cows, clover and votch hay in barn, 270 tons corn ensiiage and all other first-class equipment. Retail route has been estab lished for th past 29 years and on a pay ing cash basis. Walter K. Taylor, Corval lis, Oregon. $1000 NET PROFIT PER MONTH7 Best town In Alaska; not cold; no snow; 320 acres, 50 cultivation, six months pasture , will lease; personal property for sale 35 Holsteln cows, horses, farming machinery, dairy equipment, auto delivery. this year's crops; $3000 cash, balance $4000 on time. See owner, A. M., 51)1 E. Commercial st. 130-AC RE improved farm near Washougal, Wash. ; 100 acroa cult.. 5 acres good or chard, large frame house, barn 60x1 0U on county road, near school. The ownet will sell this place for $13.50(1; $3000 down, or rent for $530 per year cash In advance. Call and see Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett bldg. 95-20. 160 ACRES for rent, 65 In cultivation bal ance open pasture, good buildings, 3 horses. 2 cows and all Implements and hay for sale. 30 rrfiles from Portland. W, C. Becktell,' Washougal. Wash. AT WASHOUGAL 150 acres; 60 acres un der cultivation ; cash rent; some light clearing to do. At Oregon City; 60 acres; 45 acres under cultivation. W. R. Griffin, 737 E. Taylor st. Phone East 3158. THAT cash customer of ours has not yet found what he wants in a farm, about loO acres, well improved, not too far out. Owner write, telephone or see R. F. Bryan, 500 Cham, of Com. 100 ACRES, 70 acres In high state of cul tivation; near Newberg: good buildings; personal property including rent to March 1, $3000. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. BEAUTIFUL 16-acre place on Columbia, 2 modern houses, accefsory buildings for any purpose. East 2377 or 722 Selling bldg. 60 ACRES. 50 acres in cultivation, good buildings, near Butteville; rent $600. Wil luir F. Jouno. Henry bid s- FOR RENT or sale, 27-acre tract, well Im proved, close to school and electric R. R., paved highway J. Nelson, 1S3 1st st. FARM FOR RENT 60 acres In cultivation: stock, hay and implements for sale. Krlder & Elkington, Gresham. Or. EXPERIENCED farmer to take 200-acre Umatilla wheat ranch on shares; no stock nor imphemonts. W 527. Oregonlan. WILL lease my 10-acre country home. Just outside city limits, to responsible party. T 14H, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WILLIAMS-AVE. HOUSE. 6 rooms, large lot; price $4500; will ac cept auto, piano or grocery store. See owner. Brooks, 325 Railway Exch. bldg. NTTiW 4-room house on East 34th at. Will take a light car as first payment. Phone Sellwood 717. TO TRADE 2 lots. 50x100 on Kerney beaen as first payment on acreage near town or on residence. A. C. Philip. 754 E. Davis 7-ROOMS strictly modern, near Sandy-Rose City, for smaller bungalow toward 51 1. Tabor. Stratton. 217 Abington bldg. 30 ACIJES, good bottom land: near Kelso, Wash.; sell for $650 or exchange for good Ford. ROGERS, 24H Stark st. Main 54 2! . 20 ACRES In Clatsop Co. and some cash for light car or house equity. 614 Panama bldg. SEE Herman Peper houses, acreage, farms. rt!l rtzes for sale and exchange. 507 Puchanan bldg. L and 429. Call Main TO EXCHANGE REAL LUXATE. NEWliERG FARM Will sell on easy terms or exchange this 4.0-aere farm, located near Nevvberg. Or.; 350 acres under cultivation, the 1 a la nee open pasture and timber, all fenced with woven wire ; living water, which is a!o piped to buildings ; 0-ronm house with bath, large barn, lair condition; land lies rolling but not rough and le excellent prune land, also good for hogs, sheep and grain farm ; there i. a complete iiht of hogs, cat tie, sheep and horsey and machinery, including new tractor which cni-t 300, hay, grain, etc., all for J.'iU.OOo ; can ar range easy terms or will consider city property or Fmall farm. H. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man," 50S Lewis Bldg. N E W B E R G. 51-ACRE RANCH NEAR DAYTON. Money-making ranch with fruiw cows, hogs, horses and chickens: 51 acres near Dayton and Newberg, black loam soil with 20 acres under cultivation and 31 acres of pasture, 7 acres of good orchard, some of the finest cherries in the iau 1 acre Joean berries, some good timber; 8-rni.. 2 story houe with water and gas lights, barn 30x40, chicken house, nrkc-hop and milk house; payed road to Portland ; 1 team of hordes, 3 cows, hogs and chickens, 15 tons of hay In barn, good nt of farm tools, also cream separator; 2 miles to R. R. station and town; this is a good buy, price $7400, JiMOO down or pari trade. AH 406, Oregonian. SEE THIS WELL IMPROVED 70-ACRE FA R M ON ELECT R IC LIN E. 70 MILES SOUTH OF DOR T LAN D. Station, store and school mile away on hard road, milk route, phone In house, good 7-room white house, splendid barn, new chicken house accommodates 50 chickens, garage, granary, hog house and 50 acres in cultivation, 10 acres in pasture, balance timber; never failing creek through place, good well ; farm fenced with wire netting ; family orchard ant berries; a good and attractive place. Price $it.".oo. Owner might consider $4ooo Port land house Sopie cash. Balance 6 jer cent. E 302. Oregon tan. $11.50 ANT ACRE. TAKE T1U.S 40 AORE WHEAT RANCH. STOCK. CROP AND EQUIPMENT. 320 acres- In cultivation, 90 already seeded, 140 more to peefi, balance summer fallow, cultivated land level, no rocks, fenced, cross fenced. 2 miles from good town on R. R. in Gilliam county. Oregon. House, barn, chicken house. 12 horses, cow, calf, lot of chickens, turkeys, full line of implements. Header thrasher, drill, har row, plows, wagons, harness and small tools; price for all $."i500. sme trade. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HA RTM AN COM PANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Hide. 80-ACRE FARM TO TRADE. This place is near the Columbia high way, three miles to R. R. station; all good loam soil, 20 acres cult., bearing orchard with all kinds of fruit; farm dwelling, large new barn, all fenced ; 2 linrsos, 3 cows, 3 heifers, 2 hogs, plenty of farm tools to run the place ; fine view of the Columbia river; owner will trade for city property worth $6000 or take any reason able cash offer. See Ralph Aekle. 5J7 Corbett bldg.. Main 7141. 98-ACRE DAIRY RANCH WITH TWELVE ACRES OF ONION LAND. All good, level land, 00 acre cultivated. 1 a,cre of bearing apples and prunes; lair buildings, wetl and spring water; place borders on the river, all fenced; miles to the R. R. station, 1 mile to school, on R. F. D. and milk route; this is a good ranch and In a thickly settled community near Wood burn. Or. ; price f 15,500, ea.y terms. AH 497, Oregonian, LARGE wheat ra nch. 1 tj0 acres summer fallnw, in elegant condition, close to R. R tractor, combine, other equipment: prfce S100.0O0; consider valley or Portland prop erty to $75.(oO. 1 100-acre Sherman county ranch, 4fl summcrfallnw, stock and equipment; price $55,000; consider valley farm to $:..". ono. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade bids. W A NT California slock ranch, Na pa or Sonoma counties. $;;n,ooo to $ in, 000. We o! fcr 456 acres, 50 acres cultivated, ba I ance timber and p.isiui 5-room houpc barn, outbuildings, running water, lame, volume. 20 mils Portland. Value $20, ohm. Will pa y difference in cash, or mortgage as you like it R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 1654 4th St. " GRAIN FARMFOR TRAPKT" 320 acres, 2 u miles from station. aM tillable and nearly level ; fair farm build ings ; 10 horses, 2 cows, 7 hogs, all farm tools. automnhfle. household furniture . everything for $1,000, will take trade to J 12.000. balance mortgage. LUEDDEMANN COM PA NT. 913 Chamber of Commerce. MOVING hack to city, will sell for ca!i or trade for city income property priced richt. 320 acres well-improved farm, tmnd buildings, good wo ter, perfectly level. 190 acres under cultivation fatuous wheat belt, land increasing in value rapidlv, thickly-set tied community, $H0 atl r'. Enc. $t;,ioo 6 per cent. Myron J. Dourte, Rothiemay. Montana. , WANTED to trade my equity in good H room house 11 nd 3 good lots, plenty of fruit, good location, for rent, stock and implements on small valley farm. wf!l consider any other trade you m:i v have. Frank E. Way. N. 3d and San Francisco, Olympla. Wash. APARTMENT HOUSE. Modern apartment house on west side, furnished, ft no location ; t he apartments pay big return?; price $; take prop erty up to $2.V0o0, balance mort sage. LUEDDEMANN CO M P A N Y . 013 Chamber of Commerce. FARM TO TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 230 acres. 25 miles f -nm Portland ; good countv road, fair buildings RTTTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE $10,000 Willamette valley farm, mort gage $mk0; will exchange equity tor good close-in vacant property II. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man," 5U8 Lewis Bidg. SELL or trade, 10 acres, 0 mi'es from cltv, all under cultivation and in crop : good house, barn and well ; value l too ; will take Portland residence to Jjonn or $.'.000, balance mortgage. JOHNSON-Pr 'PS N CO.. 033 N. W. RANK BLPO., MAIN 37S7. 4-ROOM house, 50x100-ft. lot, some fruif. line view of river, rented at $10 r.O; price JI500, mortgage $."00; want automobile or .mall truck. Tallmadge Realty Co., 619 Henry bldg. M 1ST sell, half value. 2 farms, TC0 and 2.S0, Fair buiLd'nir : running water; fine soil. 2" has S.OOo.OoO fert fine saw tim ber. $20 per acre. S. M. Venard, HJil (Mjnmher of Commerce. FIN E corner, lot 24 Mock 2 Westmoreland add., Portland, for property in or near San Francisco. Oakland or L Angeles. Henry A. Woodard, Hotel Marymount, San Francisco, Cal. FOR SALE or trade 40-acre Improved dairy, truck and brry ranch, with stock a nd "crop; wrte full part iculars what you have In first letter. Address owner, Chas. Pember. Ada. Or. FOR exchange as first payment on 5 or 6 rom bungalow. Large lot. Paved streets. A II Impi-ovemrni s in. In exclusive resi dence district, BelMngham, Wash. F 512, Oregonlan. 75-ACRE farm. 4' acres under plow, acre prunes, 5-room house, barn. No. 1 land, 20 miles from Portland, will take a nice bungalow and long time on bal. J. J. Fisher. 3531. WHEAT land for sale or trade. 1600 acrs at $25 per acre, small cash payment and rest in crop pas'ment, all pnod land with stock and machinery. C. H. V., Morgan, Or., Box 23. CLEAR Portland property and cash to ex change for income property up to $"(0,000. What have you ? Prefer to deal wl t ft owners. No commission to pay as I am the owner. F 513, Oregonian. WANT close-In acreage, will trade Incrm property, two-story nricg store hti lining, rent $ 1 25 per month ; located Jn Willam ette valley town, good surround In g coun try. Owner, 1734 Division st., Portland. 40 ACRES of Irriga ted land, unincumbered, perfect Iv level, loca ted near high school and station. In Walla Walla county, va' a $10,000. to Trade for Portland proper'. Marshall 1030 before 0:30 for appointment. 160 ACRES atilted for stork or goats; Im proved ; house, barn, woodshed, spring; city property or smnll acreage. E. C. Gol den, 440 Lexington ave. FOR sale or trade, my 7-ronm house on E. 11th st.. Eugnc. Or., near university, for bun n low in Portland. What have you ? K 466. Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchsnge. south California 70 acres cleared land, $40; 14 -section timber. $10 ;irre, nAr Goldendale. Own er. 1817 orchid. Los Angeles. WANTRr Stomp land, or unimproved s.tlt ablrt for cultiviti on. In exch an re for 100 seres with u.Ono.OoO f t tJ timber Yam hill county. Owner. 222 U. S. Bank bldg. WILL trade 321 acres Giant county wheat land with $1000 incumbrance for house nr good automobile. G. A. Rehder, 2027 E. Stark st., Portland. 1 ACRES near Mflwaukie. boose nnd ga raee; will exchange for house and pay cash difference. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. FOR PALE or trade, 20 acres sage-brush land in eastern Oregon; will consider city property or small tract. L. M. Birch, Parma, Idaho. $50ntt FQUITY In my im proved 40 ra close in for Portland property. What have you? Y 38, Oregonian. WILL exchange eqnltv In Unlon-ave. prop erty as first pavment on rooming house on west Fide. Main 7648. FoR exchange, nice bungalow nnd cash for small ejulpnd ranch. Address 1S4 IX Ifltn st. N.. Portland. Or. 6-ROOM HOUSE Furnace, garage lot an part pnyment. 100U 4th 120 ACRES. Improved, f city property: Oregon, Washington. 617 Henry bldg.