12 TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTT AND. . SEPTEMBER 7, 1919. KKAL ESTATE. fw iMlr Acreage. CITT ACREAGE. Why go tma the country when you can buy cio- in, Juki it Kat SiarK st., this side oi 00 to at.; two iinds of an acre, ai Ir: choice iruit. con.-iting of appies, tbernt-v. ffini, luganlrt-rr blackberries and ra.-pL-iries; ow n r nun-resident and v in sacrifice lor 2oou. a mai payment wiii handle and eay trms on tne balance. Juu K. HU.UhU, 31 CliAJuUErl OK LOJlMEF.CE. FINE U.D CHEAP. The fertile umm oi leatral British Columbia are inuauig horn ir tmu ana of s.tisfieu po.e tht could not finu what tue w aiueu giS nere. heaitn !u taniAie, aoou c. opi. anu line cat tie. llo an au ai.il lu tri to Day. Write r call at once lor literature uu full par ttcu.ars. W. G. IDE. 024 Henry fcflug.. Portland, or. J ACHES NEAR KD All under higa state of cultivation, beat Of aolL. small totlaje. (jvU barn, ihiceu house, imaii wcil kepi orcn rd and kaie, gaa in house. 2 tuna of hay. 3 dozen cuickeus. otny o minutu wai irom Tuums ataiion, nor to. Price lor all ou.y $1.hj. 9&ov cash, see owner. CHARLES LAHTI. Beaver to a. oivgon. Koute No. 4. " MUSTBESOLDATONCE. M acre, located at cove Oi chard on main road now being hard-f urtaced . close to school and store. Itrf iamiy orchard, fin creek and prinK. ooi tences, 2u aires cultivated, no rrk or graei and all tlllaole; price omy aouu and a snap; IOO handle. JOHN E. HOWARD. m 318CHA-UiiEK OK COMMERCE. fLVeHUBCRBAX TRACT AND HOME. aU acres; lucateU oniy t mi.es out fu 11 va.ier rto . lu air- In cultivation. 1 'i acres berries; food --story 7-rooru butiga low. tnoueru construct ion, tine cuuvi etc basement and lurnace; garage and barn. Pru Sl.'.uuu. or will sell o acres witn auiiain fur $ti50. LlEDDt..ViA.N'N COMHAXV, 1M3 Chamber of Comnirree. H SECTION, tit PER ACHE. Some improvements, mote loan hail ti;iat' when c. eared, line soil; springs and creeks, some mvrrhaiiinn timber, tnlck ly settled community. iounty road, ruiai route: 3 miles to riroaa. town and Colum bia river; 4 j miles from Portland. This Is a good buy. A. W. Kate. 22 McK.i building. , 6J ACRES, near Amity; 7" acres cultivated, hill land, fine for prunes $425o terms. V. T. Shelley, owner, Sol Halsey st. East 4?o. Homewteads. Relinquishments. L--ACRE homestead relinquishment ; 15 acres fenced. 10 acres cleared and plowea ready for crop, new house cost "oo; line spring; on good county road ; about miles from Portland. TALLMADGE REALTY CO., oil Henry liMg. GOOD level government land in Nevana ODtn for homesteading; fine soil, worm Per acre In cultivation, on railroad foreigners must have fwsi naturaitsatiot papers; stamps lor particulars, noriteseea err Inrormation burfun, facramemo. .a For haie Fruit Inds, HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. S7 acres; 10 acres In full bear ing standard appie, 8 acres in hay. 1- acres in -ear stand ard apples. acres uncleared; all under irrigation. Situated In Fine Grove dis trict. A fair dwelling, an ordinary barn, and an .xrellent fruit bouse. Other amall buildings. The Snbo-boJt crop on the 10 acres of full bearing has been s ld. The crop of ; boxes on tne 1"- acres of W-yar-olda rn go with the place, if stild be iore Sept. -u. The price on this 37 arre Is $ jn.HK. and can be hand .ed with f70M to $mu0 cash. bal ance at e per cent. A full com plement of tools and Imple ments, aiid a team, goes with the property. R. E. SCOTT, A gent. Hood R(cr, Oreaon. Licensed Ueaier. Insurance. ORCHARDS AT HOOD RIVER. HO acres, of which 27 are In full ben ring sta"rd varieties of apples and pears. Produced A.fl boxes in PH. and will prn d'tre ubsut SmM) t his year. A email house; vr s;od barn and fruit house: a pr:"' t prop erty. The price la Ju.mk with out the crop. 5 acres, alt In full benrlng orchard In excellent condition, with a small house and barn. Not far from tow n on a g v4 rond. Has lMWl boxen on at this time, but the crop dors not ro with the place at the price of R. E. srOTI, Ae-en. TToo 'Ur. Licensed Dealer. Insurance. Note: Nofhinc will be of'e-ed In the rolttmni -but what is f:rt clasa In e-very particular. In all rases thev will be lnTne prop erty, proven, and will he nor irrigation. I came to Hood River in 1311. and have sftfk throtich tha lan years. I know Hood River. READ THIf AD. ee-acro sacrifice, 4 mile south of The Talle; ;i."Vno 8 -year-old app'e trev H-vesr-old cherr". rrune and pech ree; aM fullv beasing and in Al condition: this and adjacent tracts have been held at I1n per acre; for quick sale r virlr of H0 oer acre, to include a!l c tinhereefed crop and 7nn worth of good machinery. Write at once for more par ticulars or see Main 1!7H GEO. M. REED. Fpaldlng bldff. t HAVE for sale ln acres In I.vle fruit belt : 4 acres In bearing New -wn and FpttX apples, now loaded: fully tlooo hofS pew on trees. Good biiftdincs. J-.Mn m. pie house just being completed. fco k and machinery. Wat-r piped into htilMinjr. Price tor all (MV Present rrop w ill sell for $12.nno to $l,,oon Good terms. I K. Moore, r. 1 7 Board of Trade. 3 ACRES red shot prune land, t cleared. S1 miles from New hers; and large can nery. 2 acres 3-year-nld prune trees, S acren black caps. 1 acre Wilson straw berries, small family orchard, fair 7 -room bouse, fntr barn and other outhuPdtna-s ; price $4?on terms $22o down, will tmke mortgage for balance; Interest 6 per cnt. Box 7 03, Newber g. Or. "brrORTUNlTT KXOKS ONCE AGAIN." 25 acres f Inejst fruit land on popular hard -surface road, w itMn radius where land Is selling from f :00 to liono pc gcr: If taken in one block, $ JTlHi; one half cash; take a friend or two and bu this. See Mr. Austin. THE BRONG CO.. 410 Henrv bldg. Main 1743. HOOD RIVER SNP. Mbm. To clore estate we offer the Buchanan rlar on Avaion way. walking distance rom tow n. on main ditch : 5 ' acres in trawberr!es and fruit, all tillable, perfect drainage; neat 5-room hinca!ow. See Gus M iller. Belmont road. Hood River, or T. Hart Gardner. Board of Trade. Portland. 1441 ACRES Fruit, hench'and. Flathead lake. Mont.; ft acres timber. 0 acres or chard; 3O0 grapevines: 1 2 acres atfatfa grnln ; 4 -room house: big barn. I rrl ac tion. B-autiful location. , rntle eie. tric power house. Big Fork. $13.oo0. E. Hunger, pastor. Big Fork. Mont. " HOOD RIVER. S400A will haidTe thts 3" acre fntll land : 2 acres In full beir1nir rnmmrri.i' orchard: this yr.rs crop Included If sold now A modern hois- and ail other prs aary buildings; 4 miles from Hood River East 2.VG. CITRUS fruit and vegetuble land on Isle nf Pines from. A to looo-rre tracts. Write Charges Hri.wn, 121 Wisconsin St., Mil waukee. Wis. ' ftae -Fsiema. 10w ACRES Oregon wheat I.-nd; all equip ment. 7-room houe. new burn : 400 p. re -summer fallow : mn sere: rood Port land property aa ft rat payment, balance terms. JOffV p WK8TON. ro 630 Northwestern Bank bldg. t0 ACRES. 80 In bearing walnuts, apple, pear. 2 acrea losanbern-: on countv road: running water, springs and weij. This Is a money-m:iker worth looking Into. B21 Chamber of Commerce. Eat M3H. 101-ACRE Willamette valley stock ranch, 1 40 per acre; will accept some trade. Graham. S25 Ry. Exch. b.dg. BEAUTIFUL 100 acres, 1 mtle Portland. $125 acre; good road. B750, Oreju.nao. REAL ESTATE. For San -Finn. GOOD FARMS PRICED RIGHT. $7000. 40 acres, located one mile from rail road station and eight mllea from Oregon City on main county road ; good house, very good barn and other outbuildings; family orchard of apples, pears, plums, prunes and variety of berries; also an exceptionally fine garden; terms, $30O0 cash, balance on time at 6 per cent in terest," $S5O0. ' 47H acres best kind of bottom land; 41 acres under cultivation, A acres pas ture, 1 acre fir grove; 2 seta of buildings, barns, chicken house. 8 wails." 2 good horses. 2 very iroood cows, a boot-- 75 chickens. 2 wagons, harnesses and some Implements: located IS mtles from rail road station and a nice valley town and seven mtles south of Oregon City; suita ble terms. E. A. IJNDGRE.V. SAVON LAND CO., V3 S. W. Bank Bldg; ITS OCT! PTROrTS PALL KA KM CATALOG! You will never have seen the best until I you read the HH) pages of our big Illus trated catalogue. Just out. of unequaled money-making firm bargain in th most pmeperous stHtes from Maine to Florida and went t .Srbra.-lv. For example, on p itce i I. Mti-acre middle west producef. nrr n. k. town, gooci DllMl!nrs. . nornw, ( hoirjt, machinery, crops, all for I 4KMl, half caah. P.ige 12 details 170 acr-s. hornM. H hend registered stock. tools, crop, good buildings, silo, etc., for bcc picture page 10 attractive horn a on B0 acre, hordes, cows, hoics. im plements, furniture, 9)00. easy terms. Kuli deiuils page 33 of 345 acres. 75-cow dairy tarm, milk checks running $.M0 xr month, fine lil-room house, big basement oarns, noreea, . head stock. rtachin rs . crops, all for 700o. paj-t ca.ah. Write toituy for jojr frc?e copy sh?wlntr you tut farm you uanu where you want it. at the price you w ant to pay. STKOt'T I r ARM AGENCY, UUS BK, Plymouth bldg.. -Miniieapoi i s. - VALLEY FARMS. 14 acres, lNcres In cultivation. 2 acres pasture, good well water, close to Tualatin river; "-room nearly new house. o rods to I i nil way station. miles Portland; 4oo0; T"o aah, bai. B per cent; this la good vu.ue. o acres. 3s acres cultivated, bai. pas ture, fine creek, aiso Weil. O-room house. barn, garase. lots of fruit; at Tigard sta.; -."u: riuvu casn. oi. e per cent, a snan. acres. 14 acres cultivated, bai. pas ture, runmog water, 5-room house, barn. etc : sj.no. terms. M acres. 20 acres cultivated, bai. pas ture, running water, house, barn ; $uu0. terms. Hi acres, 50 acres cultivated, bai. tim ber and pasture, choice land, S-room house, barn, outbuildings. 2V miles good railway town : S1J5 per acre : terms. 4 acres. acres cultivated, good 8-r. houje, barn, out but. dings, running water; si.o. terms : rood value. It. M.T.ATEWUOD &. CO.. 16. 4th St. F YOU HAVE $5000 VOL' CAN SURELY lAKE tiOOD ON THIS. Boo acres, short way down the Columbia; from M0 to ho acres under cultivation, nearly all the rest tillable, all under fence and cro-s-f enced into four fields; 2 sets of building, one set In good repair: springs or creeks on each; 4 acres good pasture land; head or catie, 18 of which are dairy cows, all In fine condition; team hordes and harness, mowing machine, rake. potato diprffer and planters, all other neces jary machinery and tools to run place, crt-am separator, about 70 tons of hav In barns; everything to go right on and make money, price for all $.'J0 per acre. Let us tell you about this. STEWART & BUCK. 315 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. 15 ACRES EDGE OF NEWBERG. This Is a splendid litl.e faim home, practically .joining the city limit a or New bers und facias main highway. It if a n.Miwi ir:i t. ail in hich state cultivation. 8 -room piastcred house; good red harp and outbuildings: ph-nty bearing fruit, price oi i lus splendid 15-acre suburban home Is only s.....n. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North. BLh St. Uroadway 4uSL AN IDEAL SMALL DAIRY FARM. $si)iK; 4t acres, 24 in high state of culti vation. 2 acres in timber, tne rest in 1.M nature: verv beat of soil, no" rock or sravel. almost hvel; watered by rter and ionn creek, well at house; 0-room hnne barn. eaillnoed with hay fork. natani stanchions for S cows, all necessary outbaildlnss. fine family orchard; all fenced wilh woven wire; 2 miles to good , j-hv man mrith ereMmerv and condensorv: I 3 blocks from flag station on S. P. electric line Will take Portland residence to S2.0: S2.VHI cash, balance st per cent. Owner at MM in 4uh a vs. S. E. Mt. Scott car to Myrtle Paxk. RRJLD THIS AD. S-acro sacrifice. 4 miles south of The riaiiea: Jt.'.oo 8-vear-old apple trees, loon u.ic .p.ni.i rhorrv. nr nn and peach trees; all fullv bearing and in Al condition; this Hurt adtacent tracts have been held at xir.O oer acre: for ouick ssle will make ...j,.. cion nr acre to Include all of un- harvested crop and worth of good machinery. Write at once for more par ticulars or see Main i;76 GEO. M. REED. Spalding bldg. wriiRY ANl TRUCK FARM. win eil this beautiful 53-acre farm. fine soil, new barn, good 7-room house, liv ing water, all fenced and cross-fenced; located on good automobile road, close to 5-cent car tare and oniy n miies irom m heart oi Portland; price ItA.uOO, will con sider good city property or will sell on easy terms. H. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man," .Mi8 lw Is Bidg. HIGHLY IMPROVED 5S-acre farm on tne 1 bi line road, close in; lie line anu ioe h..t l in oreor.: over 40 acres in eul- i.uuiinn 'im he.irins: fruit trees; Svoom modern huie. full concrete basement, bath and toilet, hot and cold wator. large birn, spring and creek: only 40 minutes o-it of port'j'nd on the pavement; nothing fiier In thts locality; will bear closest in spection: price $11.0mi. Krtder & diking- tn. Greshnm. or. Tel. I FARM FOR SALE. Iflrt acres. 40 seres cleared. 7rt acres I more tan be cleared, fenced and cross fenced, good well, also creek: mile of; railroad station, store, school and church; amu:i houne and barn: orchsrd and small fruit; team, harness and stump puller goea with the place. Price gjr.ou: siwtu casn, balance your own terms at per cent. A d d re ss CARL 'I,1.K, Friend, or. 20 ACRES nrr Castle rtoca. wmi.. tm mjln man pet ween ronmnn x ... itndrr cultivation, balance in stuinns nd timber: best of soil; spring anC creek; new 7-room house; new barn 6uSO; other necessary buildings; horses, cows and all farm Implements go with the place at $12,300; oue-tniru casn, mo a nee on 'on? time. . . . TI CKER HTHHECK, 302 Spalding blrtx. FOB SAI.E or tr-1. t mrm war W.ph ouk.1 "0 In cultivation. b.Unco np.ll p.i lur. moatlv plow land whm H:ar-l: Rood k n. nrlf tl.VOiH). tnrlurtinif S horas. cow. all Implements nd about -0 tons hv will tak, timall amount down, bal ance ay or will tak city property for Orfg'nlH n. READ THIS AO. A CITY HOME. ALMOST IS THE CITT. 40 itcrrs. within S mlnutu of Ornn Cltv. on Pacific highway; beautiful 5-room hoiif. atrirtly modern and in ood con dition: laree barn and other out-bulldinca; excellent land, adapted for grain and ti rrdenlnv cood terma and will aell cheap. Write or see . M. Reed. Ppaldlng bldg. STOP. LOOK. LISTEN, t -Ideal dairy and general farm of 234 acres handv to Corvallls Agricultural col lege all crops, stock and implements for omv jiuo per acre: a great money-maker; i;,mn ca-h. rest 10 years or longer at fl ner rent interest; great opportunity for active farmer. K. Kucha, 420 Chamber of Commerce. . FOR8A"l.E I acres; Ml acres under cul tivation: suitable for prune orchard: SO acres graimg and woodland: house, barn, running water; 1"" miles from Roseburg; (Hi ion; terms. Must be sold at once Write Executrix. A. E. Clayton Estate. Melrose. Oregon. " j.-.-iHi ELM ON IC A STATION. 13 acres In Washington county on Bea-verton-Hillsboro line: ail In cult., new 0 room house, large barn and silo, young fruit trees and berries. GODDARD & WIEDR1CK, 243 Stark st. ' ' FOR SALE. 71 acres land. 23 In cultivation. 1 cleared timber on land to pay for It. Lebanon. John Bat hue. 327 Third St.. Port land, Oregon. HOGi and stocK irm nar trt-Miiii. 111 acres 4- In cultivation, running water. Iiou' barn, orchard, berrle. rravel road, i 1 01 tit K RIDER & ELKIN'GTON. Qre-ihnm. Or. FARMS, FARMS. FARMS of all kinds and sizes In the northwest. If vou want good value for your money, satisfaction and a square deal, see F. Fuchs, 420 Chhmber of Commerce. WII L SELL 23rt acres or 130 mostly cleared, tv'o ret of buildings. 20 miles from Port lund only per Bi rr. nor m S34 Tlbbe'tts st. Phono Sell gQS7. CHICKEN. FRUIT. oaijub kahkh, near portiana, 10 10 '-. terms; best soil. Farms lor sale, all siaea. Mci-arland. 602 Yeon bldg.. Portland. LARGE Yamhill county farm, near highway; sacrifice; suit a Die grain, sneep. prunes; t.rms. some exchange. W 441. Oregonian. LOOGED-OFF lands. $10 acre, up; running water, gooa son. h tmaoie; employment; easy terms. Jasaa A. buarp, 63 ba M ab REAL ESTATE. OPPORTUNITY OF LIFETIME. 100 acres best land, 80 acres under cul tfvation, 40 acres pasture, some hardwood timber, mountain stream flowing through land ; good graveled road ; ?5 acres one side of road, 25 on other; two sets build ings, could not repiace for less than $4000; place can be divided, good modern house, barn and outbuildings, all fenced and cross- fenced ; mile from school and church, 1 mile from highway and town; free from all Incumbrances; IUOO buys, half cash, take mortgage on. p;ace lor balance. Ovntrs must leave and must sell. Also 140 acres, 0 acres under cultiva tion, good house and barn, So acres pas ture, acres timber; will divide m -'0 or 4o-acre tracts, either place best of berry, fruit, grain or dairy .'arms; also mountain streams llowing through land; good road, close to school, church and town; land is level. No man who knows land and sees this can help see- that this is an unusual opportunity. Address Charles Knapp, Grand Konde, Or. SPLENDID OLD DONATION' CLAIM. . Never oifered for sale before. 412 j acics of as fine land as you can find in tne state; periect Dot torn tana; lies rine; 2 mi lea south of Portland, 2 miles from town on good road. It la a handsome, well-appearing farm house and has never changed hands since being obtained irom the government. loO acres In high state cultivation, baiance all good land, ea to ciear and affords an abundance of puj tmo. Good. large 7-room house, 2 ba.r:s and numerous outbuildings, nicely saaded with stately maples planted over 50 years ago; is shares paid-up Irrigation slock ; abundance water in ditch for tree irriga tion.. This grand old farm home is offered lor only $mi per acre. HAKGHOVE REALTY CO.. 122 North Bin St. Broadway 4381. " 122 ACRE"si Every foot levei, dark loam soil. 100 acres In cult., the bai. -In oak and fir timber, living water. 7-room house, 2 barns, good cellar, hog house, chicken house, 2 hop nouses, wood house, fine well at house: all kinds of fruit. This fa on the famous Ortbble Prairie. 4 miles of Canby. Or. This Is one of the best farms In the coun ty. They toll you corn isn't doing good this year. It la 7 to 8 feet hich on this place; ears 12 to 14 inches long now. For wheat, corn, oats, hops, potatoes, logan berries, you can't beat it. There isn't a stone on the place except what was hauled there. Price $100 an acre; part cash. If you want a real dairy and hug ranch see this. E. P. ELLIOTT A SON. Seventh and Main Sta., Oregon City. Or. ARK YOU' FROM TUB MIDDLE WEST? THIS ARM SHOULD INTEREST YOU. ISO acres of farm land, 170 acres in cultivation. This land lies nearly all level with gentle rolls all over the place so that there Is no wet land or white land. Fine rich soil: good 7-room house. Fine barn 44x0: loo-ton silo; granary, bog house, hen houFe; complete water sys tt m; buildings well painted : all well fenced with woven wire; good gravel road; school on place; 4 miles from town. Price $125 per acre including equipment. This is as represented. For full description, write us. Wo have good farms for sale, KINNEY & CO., FARM LANDS. Corvttllis, Oregon, Home of O. A. C. FARMS FOR SALE. 16.65 acres of good land In Yamhill county situated about 4 miles from Willa mlna; this property can be easily increased In value; 40 acres at present in cultivation. 40 acres partly cleared and a small quan tity af good timber. Price $45H. 232 acres, about 3 miles from Ashland and close to the main hard-surfaced road way. This is an excellent farm and stock property ; about 120 acres at present in cultivation; well fenced and well watered, and an excellent neighborhood; price $70 per acre. For particulars address J 114. Oregonlan. BEST mi ACRES. 8 MILES OUT. There is not ?. better tio-acre tract in Oiegon. nor a better lying one. All In a high state cultivation, except very pictty fir grove In barn lot. ti-room plastered house, very lare red barn and outbuild ings. Choice fruit and berries. Facing on a prominent rocked highway, just S miles from the city iiinlis of Portland and right at school. Price $12,000 and have induced owner to Hi row in vehicles, im piemen is, hay, lea in and 4 cows. i HARGROVE REALTY CO., I 122 North kh St. Broadway 43S1. 30-A. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM $2250. This is the boat bargain we have in a small farm, all level black loam soil, has good 7-room. 2-story house, painted white, barn 30x40 ft.: chick en house, outbuildings and fences, 1 acre bearing orchard, fine stream runs through the place, located on a graveled road 1 mile from small town. Ralph Ackley. 527 Coroett bldg. 53-5. CENTRAL JOREGON STOCK RANCH. 12.SO acres, located on the htrahom rail road right of way, nothing better In ore gon ; both winter and summer range it abundance. We feed neither winter nor summer; not $1 expense to raise a 2- year-old steer that sells for S120. Come In and let us explain it to you. The price la $12,000, terms. WALDO K. STEWART. Merchants Trust Bldg., ft!1 Wash. St. 62 ACRES $5000. SO acres In cultivation, balance easv to clear; BOO bearing prunes, family orchard besides, berries, r tc. ; 4-rooin house, large barf? and other buildings; good well and spring: shout 1 mile to Estarada car: 1 mile to hpnngwater; a ha real n at or tee of $5000; $24011 cash, balance mortgage. L.. Edav with LUEDDH M A N N CO M P A N Y. 013 Chamber of Commerce. 40-ACRE farm : 15 acres under cultivation. some In stump pasture and ba lance in timber: house, barn and outbuildings, good well : 4 miles from county seat on rock road: this land is in sn old and well- settled neighborhood among good farms. rriee ijo per acre; moo" cash will give possession, or will take some clear prop- er:v in trade. TI CKER &SCHRECK. 502 Spalding bldg. 1K0-ACRE stock or d.iiry ranch In Beaton rou n ty. on the C. & h. r. r.. a miles north of Summit station. About J4 bottom land. 35 acres In cultivation, good soil, creek. unlimited outrange adjoining place, good house. large barn, close neighbors: 2 large mares, wagon, harness, plow, harrow, et". ; cows, l cair. trice ssjon, some cash. libera Y terms on balance. C. G. Irvine. owner. Independence. Or. AN opportunity for energetic farmers on the only Ij. government irrigation project m California, located at orland: no hard nan, no alkali, no killing frosts: rich. deep soil; land cheap, water che-ip and m ounnance, easv torma no cron fa Iturps. For information and frep descriptive lit erature, w rite George E. Nygaard, 3U2 First Nation! batik bltig.. Orland. Cal. FOR SALE Stock and dairy ranch compris ing rou acre; io acres unaer cultivation, ba.ance grazing: 3 acres juuni bearing or chard; pienty small fruits; modern build ings, practically new; 2.1 head dairy cows, two young teams; including all farming eoulpmtnt for J.iO.ooo. Address I. n Jackson, Bandon, Coos county, Oregon. FOR SALE CHEAP 320 acres near Junc tion i ny. on state nianwav. o acres mil. ject to plow and part seeded to rye grass ano ciover; nave an farm implements In cluding Moline tractor, about .o ht-ad ct cattle and 5 head of horses. Will sell with' or witnout siock. write owner. J. j. Ken- neay. leona. tr. 100 ACRES land. 40 acres clear, good soil. oaia nee timoer. enougn to pay lor land up to (20 or $2.i per acre; sawmill on Jlace ad toinlng : all level : $.,0 per acre ; ro00 cash will handle; also 5-room house In good condition, located in Silverton; $12uo. Write to or inquire S. H. Walker, Sliverton. Or. CMH to Gresham. 27-acre farm on fine road near school, store and car. all in cul tivation, famllv orchard, running water, 6-room plastered house. 2 barns, good team, harness, w agon, farm implements, 3 acres potato-a. garden, price $4200. KRIL'ER A ELK1NGTON. Greuliam. Or. FOR SALE Beautiful country home of 15 acres, highly improved. 1 mile south of Rainier. Or.; good new buildings, modern, beautiful view, lawns, roses. 400 fruit trees, plenty water, fuel, poultry, cattle: all clear; deal with owner; low price. Address Box 3ml, Rainier. Or. FOR SALE One section of wheat land near Mansfield, 000 acres under plow, 200 acres lummi-r fallow, new 5-room bungalow, large bam. water piped to house ar.d burn. Price $"" per acre; exceptionally easy terms. 4 00 acres averaged 20 bu. this year. L. T. Griswold. Mansiield, Wash. ta4-ACRE farm for sale; nearly ail in cul tivation. Stock, machinery and crop. 12 acres beaverdam on farm. Good house, lair barn. Running spring water. i miie t rom town ; aood market ; f mile to a high school. A bargain If taken at once. H. W. Prlekett. Banks. Or. "! FOR SALE. 20 acres located 3j miles south of Sycamore stutlon, turn south at grange hall : 14 acres in cultivation, gooa soil. creek." 2 wells, crop and 1 cow goes. On good road. No agents. A. Osttrback. owner, Bori n g. Oregon, rou t e 3. FOR SALE or exchange, 100 acres agricul tural land near Summer-Lake. Lake coun tv, Oregon : would consider I -a cash and mortgage for balance, payable in Install ments suitable to purchaser. Address c. H. Uncapher, 1312 Winfield St., Los Angeles, Cal. - AN IMPROVED an very desirable 40 acres of land in Lewis county, near Napa vine ; no reck or gravel; will sell with stock and Implements' or without them. For particu lars call on or write to E. F. Coulson. Napa vine. Wash. DESIRE to sell or trade 150-ncre farm in Aleea vauey. near uorvauis, or., includ ing bouse and barn, dandy view, for a ( home In Nob Hill or Irvintfton, o2 North- , western bank bldg. '4 KMl KrtTAT I. For Sale FarmsT" - LISTEN to this: A ral dairy proposition fciiL k l x-oruanu a aoor. anis line iarm Cannot be beaten at this price. Head this thoroughly, then come in and let me j show you this elegant farm in the famous PleaHnt Vullvr .iiurrlft i.i.r r ha Aihr side of Lents. SO acres, all lies with a gentle slope, 60 acres under plow, more ready for plow. 1 acre timber, few ber ries, A-l family orchard, all exceedingly well fenced: stores, school. P. o. right across road, H. F. O., te.ephone. 1 spring, 1 creek. Al road soil cannot be beat. 1 well, fine 2-story, 11-room house, hot and cold water, bath, toilet, sinks, etc.; all plastered and papered, modern and in ex cellent condition; 1 fine barn 4oxo0, ma chinery house, chicken house, etc. Per sonal property includes 2 plows, harrow, spring-tooth harrow, disc, disc drill, mower, binder, rake, walking piow, 1 cultivator, riding cultivator, wagon, hay rack, cream separator, hay fork and equipment; 3 Al horses. 3 Al Jersey cows, H Al brood sows, 5 pigs. 2 fattening hogs, luo chickens. You can't beat this buy anywhere. See it and be convinced; price $23,000, $6oo0 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent, A. G. Bender, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. . Listen to this: Only 3 miles from Van- couver, -Wash., on good gravel road. Where can you get land mo near Portland for $lo0 per acre. Including stock and im plements .' Z4i acres, an level Dottom land, Al soil: 50 acres under plow. 7 acres brush and stumps, assorted orchard, all fenced ; 1 well, good 5-room plastered house. 2 dairy barns 32xloo. 60x10, all outbuildings, 3 horses, harness, mower, piow, disc harrow, d rag, 2 cultivators, rake, tedder, wagon, all small tools; price for all 27.4"0, $10,000 cash, balance terms. Remember. I specialize In farms. We are the largest farm-land dealers in Oregon. See us before buying. ,' A. G. Bender. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Here is a beautiful 15 Vj -acre home place near carrolton. Or.; it has 14 acrea unner plow, 1 acre timber, family orchard, 240 apples, 'pears, peaches and cherries, 270 walnut trots, all bearing, soil is Al; all fenced with woven wire, oa county road, 3H miles from R, R., R. F. D., telephone; 1 spring, 1 well, I cistern, good 4-room bungalow (new), ham, etc.. good chicken house; this Is a dandy home for someone and is Just coming into money, is owned by a widow who Just lost her husband and must sell; see it; price $5500, cash, balance easy. A. G. Bender, RITTEK. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. This fine farm Is located in the Willam ette valley and consists of 314 acres; 200 acrog under plow, some oak timber, 5 acres assorted family orchard; aTl fenced, mostly woven wire; everything is in fine condition; IV- miles to store, school, post office, etc.; R. F. D. and telephone; Al gravel road, 4 fine springs. 2-story. 8-room house painted and plastered, good condi tion: large barn and-all outbuildings, all farming implements complete; 4 teams,! 50 sheep. 50 hogs. 2 cows, 24 turkeys, price for all $34,000. If looking for a real proposition thts can't be beat; $3000 or $10,000 cash, balance to suit. A. G. Bonder, RITTER." LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7' Board of Trade Bldg. SPLENDID, WELL-LOCATED FARM FOR $100 PER ACRE. In our long- experience in the farm line we nave always been conservative In our advertisements. We sincerely believe this is the best farm value you can find. 120 acres. 26 miles south of Portland. n mile to electric station and on good rocked road, and in one of the best facming sec tions in tne state. 75 acres In high state cultivation, balance best pasture ana ex ceptionally easy to clear. Not a foot of wiiste land. With 50 acres perfect bottom land with abundance of free water for irrigation. Good G-room house, barn and outbuildlnes. Price only $100 per acre. It will take a 50 per cent better price for you to duplicate this farm. HARGROVE REALTY CO. 122 North th St. Broadway 43S1. . KQUlPPEDr UP-TO-DATE FARM. SJrt acres, located only 25 miles from the heart of Portland, on a paved road and on electric line, adjoining good town. About 170 acrea undor cultivation, bal ance open pasture and timber; large mod ern up-to-date dairy barn, silo, good house, w ater system, fenced w ith woven wire; on main county road: horses, cattle, hogs, all farm machinery including trac tor. Price, complete, $HW) per acre. This is one of the best farms in the Willamette vniiev nd an ev.-entional barrain. If you are look in ir for a good farm, see this place. Will sell on easy terms, or will ceept smaller property as part pwy ment. H. A. DRYER. T)ie Acreage Man." 50S Lewis Bldg. 41 ACRES ON PLEM HIGHWAY. This is a perfect little farm home Pacing on one of the main highways between Portland and Salem. 41 acres, all in cul tivation. Neat r-room bungalow ; splen- 1 J I D, Ana1 vat-v best cows. 3 heifers. 1 calf, sow, 8 shoats.ff ion chickens, implements, hrs v. grain, in terrst in tractor and ensilage cutter, and S acres of rem to fill silo.. n both cream and milk route. Price $ooo. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North Ht h St Broadway -!381. FDR SA LE Willamette valley. 20 nercs, a. In cultivation and fruit, balan'-e in fine timber and pasture; all is choice pi-tine l-nd. proven prune orchard in f uH be ring; fin loentlon with above averiigf facilities f.ir getting out produce raised n R. with two stations within one mile river and good highway; well watered by strfanis ar.d springs: f-iir house; only $10f per acre : good timber proposition, saw mill on place. Will pell the whole thing: Is a good investment e.t the price. X can'l handle it a ion. Might ta k In welt located, desirable smaller acreage with improvements to $3000 or $4000. pvmu cash, bai. time. Address Lulu M. Lank f. rd. R. No. 3, Pox 212. Salem, Or. "jIR. AND MRS. MOMKS'RRKER JUST LOOK AT THESE: No. 1 . A new modern bungalow In a jrood residence district, close to good car serv ice, and In American 1iptrlct, just vast of La ur I hurst, for 13500. No 2. .-room house, full KOxlAO tot. fruit trees, fine garden, good car service, and In good American district, for only $ir.oo. I hsve many others from $2000 to $20.0on on w hich I can quote a homeseeker very desirable prices pnd terms. J. B. HOLPROOTC, 214-215 Panama Bid. IMPROVED RANCH ON HIGHWAY. M acres. In-ater1 in northern" Douglas foumv. Or: adjoining good town: highwav by place: 4." a-re (.an be cultivated: 22 acrrs cultivated: 1 acre assorted fruit; lojs of berries, creek, weft. 8-room colonic house. 00M 2ono: harn sOxHO. cost $1100: plae foiled with heavy woven w-ire. Prb-e. $2.1in. with 2 horses. .V cows. 4 nigs, 2 hogs. 40 hlckens. wacon. cultivator, plow, harrow, t buggies, 2 harnesses and fruit. 42"o cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger bldg. HOMELIKE 2A ACRES. Situated 0 a prtty rise; first-class "oil : acres In cultivation, with good orchard and berries: five in pasture; con venient to crllne; first-class 5-room house, bt.rn. silo, with some fine corn Jnd pqta tos Included: $3754. Thli attractive pmce south of Portland. 3R miles toward Salem. D. McChesney. 304 Oak St., Broadway 266, HERE IS A GOOD ONE. 100 acres one mile from Vale, Or. : 00 in cultivation 40 in alfalfa; 130-inch paid-up water: all the land can be Irri gated: fair buildings; good road: R. F. D. and telephone. This is one of the best located farms In that locality and will be sold at about half its real worth; good terms; owner a non-resident, and must sell. W. S. BADLEY, 1517 Yeon Bldg. NEAR GR EPH AM. JW ACRES PRICE $7MW. Fine 35-acre farm, alt stocked and equipped: crops a'so go with this: 19 acrs In cultivation, most of the balance eay to clear; no waste land, and all of the very finest aoil to be found ; $3000 will handle. reliable: investment ro., 300 Oak St. Broadway 4138. A FINE PLACE. 13 acres, adloining the c'ty limits of Oregon City; high state of cultivation: fine barn and outbulld'iig; family orchard, dnrk loam soli. rotl well nnd house; can hae city witer 'nd electric lights If so degired. Price $4000: god terms. MR. MTLLKRSHIP, Alder Hotel. 40-ACRB SNAP. Over half In cultivation and 1 '4 acres of orchard, mostly prunn: only 10 miles from courthouse in beautiful Tualatin val ley, w ith paved highway almost to door: buildings, running w ter; all tools and implements go with place at $10on : only J2.m casn requnea. uai 000 concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. CLACKAMAS COUNTY FARM. R0 acres. 2 miles from Aurora: 40 acres under cultivation : all the land can be cultivated; good orchard; 20 acres pasture: graveled road; v. miles to school: house. barn, chicken house: fine soft : rural con veniences. Price, aoorwi: Moon cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. 200-ACRE dairy and stock ranch. 35acres cultivation, good houae, 2 large barns, wire fences, located H mile west Nashville, Or. Price $75oo : good terms. Address D. B Hamar. 1377 Ent Sherman st, Portland. Or. Phone Tabor 9285. POULTRY farm and baby chick hulne well established and advertised, ptofttahle territory: 75.O00 chicks sold 2 yeara Freshlald Farm, Colfax Wash. - REAL KSTATE. For Sale Farms. R-U BUYING A FARM 7 147 acres, 7 timber, balance in cultiva tion, large barn, silo, tool house and chick en house garage and 5-room house good family orcharu, place wire-fenced. The best buy in the valley, $35 per acre. 00 acres. 45 in cultivation, 15 in good timber, fair improvements. A good buy at $loo per acre; $5o0 cash; bai. $300 annually. 130 acres, all under cultivation, with strictlv modern 8-room house, larfie barn. . 2 alios, large chicken house, woodhouse, machine shop, 12 milk cows, 1 bull. 1 heavy team, 4 hogs, 200 chickens. All hay and grain goes with place. Including 20 cords of wood. Price $17,500. A good 80 acres. 40 in cultivation. 20 m val uable timber, balance in brush and stump pasture, iair improvements, guou pnu, some fruit. A real buy at $60 per acre. 14 acres, 1 acre loganberries. 200 prune trees and a small mixed orchard. 4 acres In crops, balance pasture, fair improve' menta. This Is a real snap, $500. IS acres, fair Improvements, 11 acres straw berriea in the orchards. 7 acres prunes, 3 acres loganberries. 7 acrea of stump pasture. .iw per acre. i 62 acres river bottom. 32 in cultivation, fair improvements, all stock and ma chinery with grain and wood goes with sale. S5500. 60 acres. 34 in cultivation. 35 in val uable timber, modern farm house a-nd buildings, hop dryer, granary and garage. $125 per acre, one-half cash, bai. 3 years. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO., 404 Oregon bldg., Salem. Oregon. THIS WILL MAKE A GOOD DAIRY OR BLOODED-STOCtC FARM. 200 acres, w ithin 0 miles of Portland stockyards, between Vancouver and Wash ou trail 15 acres in hich state of CUlti vation. 40 more slashed, burned and in good pasture, balance in good timber, all under good fence ; fine 7-room modern plastered house, good water system, 2 barns, one has 32 cow stalls; plenty of otner outounuings, an m suuu icjiau , acre prune orchard in full bearing, an other fainijy orchard; new Moline trac tor. 2 mowing machines, rake, 3 wagons, gasoline d.aaaw. binder and drill, 2-horpe cultivator, many other tools, 4 horses and harness. Bear in mind, this place will bear closest inspection ; price $200 per acre, $15,000 cash, good time on baiance at G per cent. STEWART & BUCK, 313 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. EVERYTHING, GOES WITH PLACE. M acres, located 16 miles from Ridge field, Clarke county, Washington: 65 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated; 1W acres orchard ; good S-room house, with plumbing; barn. 60x64. concrete floor and foundation, garage, chicken house, gran ary; good road, schojt and fine soil. 1 team horses, 1 team mules. 2 sets harness. 14 cow-V heifers. 3 calve. 5 iugs, 20 chickens. 40 tons of hay. strr w$ 1 acres corn, 10 acres potatoes, self brm.er. mower, rake, cultivator, steel roller, plos. har rows, trucks, hack, buggy, gram drill, potato planter, ensilage cutter, platform scales, manure spreader. 2 Incubators, cream separator, fanning mill, feed grind er a-nd hay fork. Price $20,800; $5000 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger bldg FOR SALE 50 ceres, nearly all fine tim ber, some fiuit and cleared land, on Will amette river, 58 miles from Pert. und on O. E. R. R.; 2 stations less than one mil' from the house, which is a beautiful u bungalow with wide porches unci contain ing 12 rooms and. full basemti.t; 2 baths, 3- toilets, 3 liivHtories. laundry tubs, fiir nace. Iare fireplice; grand view of the river and hills,-near golf links; good roads Just tliH kind or a place you'd love to own, but o hard to find; an ideal country home for people who love nuture; Gooe will handle it, bai. time. Might take in some coast acreage in desirable location. Address Lulu M. Lankford, K. No. 3, Boj 212, Salem, Or. GOOD 25 ACRES FOR $4000. This is a splendid piece of land; lies perfectly: there are 25 acres; 20 acres in high state cultivation, 5 acres nice timber. 5-room house, barn and outbuildings. Plenty fruit. Team, wagon, implements and all of this year's crop go lor $4O00. Lesa than 3o miles south of Portland; 1 la miles to electric station, and In one of the very best farming sections in the state. H.RGUOE REALTY CO., 122 North Gth St. Broadway 43S1. VALLEY FARM. 113 acres extra choice rolling high land: SO acres cultivated, balance timber; run ning water; orchard, walnuts, hop yard ; 7-room house, barn, hop house, other out buildings; water In house, hath, toilets, etc. lis ml. ry. sta., 22 ml. Portland; 2 mi. New berg; good roads. This tarm la second to none In the valley. We defy you to show a hetter farm at the price of $140 per acre. $LVS20. Fair terma can be made. Stock and equipment are for sale. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO- 165 4th St. 80 ACRES, 33 in "cultivation, balance very easily cleared: all can be cultivated; all f.-nt-ert and erosw-fenced with woven wire; H-nori Moil: v. mile from school. 1 mile from church; gocM well and fine spring; G room bungalow, basement and furnace: 2-story barn, cement rioor ; moaern nog .iou and other outbuildings; good family or churd and smalt fruits; completely stocked and equipped; about 40 miles from Port land: good auto road; $H500, some cash. hHlance terms; might take city residence. Tallmadge Realty Co.. 010 Henry bldg. SO-ACRE F A R M. FAMPKR HOWELL PRAIRIE. 12 miles north Salm: you rnuld not ask for belter lying land or soil; all m cultivation exoept two ncres. part in clover: aood hous?. with fine shade trees, barn, lioghous", etc.; three miles station and town, on first -cln?s highway; 810.000. whioh Is. $00 an acre under surrounding places. If you want a goon Home, nee thin: owner Is old and crippled. D. Mc- Chesney, 34 Oak pt. Broadway 200. 40 AC iEr $.W0. 2.". MILES SOUTH. Toward Sale n, 1 H miles town; hat W:lnniette riv r frontage and on good road: about half in cultivntion, including two acres loganberries and two acres mixed orchard ; house is new, barn old. good water, including teum nnd some im plements; 3."VO0O: terms. D. McChesney. ;io4'4 Oak st. Broadway 206. SO ACRES. MO LA LLA DISTRICT. 30 acres under plow, some berries, family orchard. Al soil, all fenced, S miles from R. R., on good gra veled road. R. K. D., telephone, good spring. 1 well. 2-story. 0-room house, fair condition, barn, good team, all for $tjoo0: $2onn cash. bai. easy; this Is a fine place for hog raising or dairy. See it at once. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-.V7 Board of Trade Bldg. MR. RANCHER Here Is a fine improved ranch. 2.10 acres; lfiS In a high state of cultivation: good buildings: springs; creek; and In a fine farming district : about 3 miles from a good road, and only $14.m)o. I have man other farms, improved and unimproved, from $25 to $U0 an acre. On some l can quote very reasonable prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama Bldg. IS MILES FROM PORTLAND. 27 acres, 10 under cultivation, fine or chard" eniHll house and outbuildings: about 3 acrs potatoes; fine water at the house, several springs and creeks run through place Price $300 ; would consider trade. Personally Inspected. ' MR. MILLERRH1P. Alder Hotel. FOR SALE- -Castle Rock dairy farm, oit new Three - Rivers highway. Tillamook Co.. 100 acres, part bottom; six cows. fiv 1 and 2-year-old heifers. 3 heifer calves, 2 horses. 2 hogs, chickens and ail farm im- pletnents. Four miles from Hebo cheesr factory. Price $7000. For information write H. E. Hornschuch, Hebo, Or. loO ACRE-S, all In cultivation, extra good buildings, best soil, fine water system, stocked and equipped, only about ten miles from Portland and can be had at a bargain and might consider some trade. Positively nothing better. Might divide. Terms to suit. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. EQUIPPED farm ft miles from Portland ; 107 acres choice land; 40 cleared, balance timber and pasture: public road; creek through place; Vs mile to railway station; orcharrl. house, barn full of hav. granary and grain. All for $16,500; $3000 cash, balance long time at 0 per cent. Win gren, Bea vc rton, R. 2. BARGAIN FROM ABSENT OWNER, I HO acres near Ooldendale. Wash., on countv road: nearly level; five acres clear: 8-room house, 50 fruit trees: can all he , cultivated; good soil; for quick sale $13.75 per acre. See Mr. Austin. THE BRONG CO.. 410 Henry bldg. Main 1743. $25 AW ACRE, SOME SNAP. 325 acres. 70 cultivation, good bldgs., creek and springs, fenced and cross fenced, on good road near railroad in Linn county. WEIST & DOLLAR HIDE, 310-11 Lewis bldg. 34 ACRES on Pacific highway, 1 miles to town, V mile to school: in good farm district; will sell or trade; prefer St. Johns property. Call and see -owner. 1200 S. lvanhoe, St. Johns, Or. 80 ACRES. 30 miles out, all fenced ; 1 miles from Columbia, house, barn; fruit on place. WooUhiwn 1 ( t 3. 40-ACRE farm, good buildings, near Co lumbia highway. $125 per acre, easy terms. Main 3672. McFarland. 002 Yeon bldg. 55 ACRES on highway and 5 to 60-acre . farms near highway and Sherwood. S. T. Weatfn.ll. Sherwood. Or. EASTERN OREGON 480 acres, all equip ment near town; a snap ior casn; owner in town today. AN 753, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 10O acres level land in Central Oregon; a ob.ibh.iii irvnru at unto. Oft) J. Ss. Frarier, care Hoyt Hotel. BARGAIN 300 acres unimp., near Golden- dale; only $4 per acre. A u'-'v, uregoman. REAL ESTATE. F"or Sale Farms. LAND OF HAPPY HOMES. Those who do not know Prosser should bo advised that It is the county seat of Benton countv, a line little modern city or 2000 and that it U in the heart of the beautiful Yakima valley where there is a prosperous and happy home on aim .'t every 10. 20 or 40-acre tract, so that the entire country is almost a solid village dotted with fine schools and traversed bv nicely macadamized, shaded roads. It is vr;tablv a land of happy homes and on tented families. You will be surprised to know how easy it is to become one of them. Write us for illustrated price list describing these highly productive lands uider government irrigation, wntcn are oirerea at yn an acre ana up. SAMPLE BARGAIN NO. 63. 30 acres, 4 miles from Prosper, with good 7-room house, n-imerous outbuildings, fine wen and 15 acres of orchard ana aiiaiia. This year's crcp is estimated to be worth ooo. frlo:- of tract, without crop, xsuuu. Price is $11,000. including croo. Terniw. Other tracts any sino, similarly priced. we turn is n photos. CENTRAL YAKIMA RANCHES CO.. Prosser, Wash. 240 ACRES, 160 lu cultivation, balance pasture and small timber, three miles to gooa valley town, gravel road, rural route, telephone, land slightly rolling and A-l. woven wire fenced, good modern lath and plastered house, new barn 40xto and other out buildings. Price $20,000, $10,000 cash, terms to suit on balance. 100 acres. 00 in cultivation, balance ash timber and pasture, gravel road; no build in gs. all A-l land, 2 mi les from tow n. Price $7000, good terms at f7c. 100 acres all in cultivation and In clover, miles to good valley town, gravel road, no buildings. Price $100 per acre, $3500 cash, balance easy terms at 0. 320 acres, 160 In cultivation, balance vpasture nnd timber, 7 miles from town on - gravel road, mostly woven wire fenced, rural route, telephone. Near school, good 7-room house, with fireplace, fair barn and other outbuildings, family orchard and small fruit. Price $50 per acre. $5000 will handle and good terms. H. W. Bl'NDY, McMinnvllle. Or. EVERY ONE A BARGAIN. 40 acres 12 cultivated, orchard, build ihg?t spring, $1500. u cash. 40 acres 18 cultivated, orchard, good buildings, splendid teams, four cows, hog, chickens, hay, implements, $3500. Terms. 30 acres cultivated, good buildings, or rhard, artesian well team, $ltoo crops, $0500. Terms, valley farm 25 miles Port land. 47 acres, 43 oultJvated, good buildings, orchard?, team 2 cows, 2 hogs, 100 chick ens, $1800; crops, implement all $8500. Terms. SO acres 50 cultivated, good buildings, 5 acres orchard, team, 6 cows, crops, im plements, $:500. Terms. iN O .N - K K S 1 1 IS I Kl f H Ei. Will sell at half price, 553 acres of fin est grain and gras land In the Willamette valley; fenced ; part in cultivation; large house, big barn, outbuildings, orchard, beautiful trout stream; 20 miles of Port land; $35 per acre, terms. DUBOIS, H04 Spalding Bldg 30 ACRES CROP AND EQUIPMENT. 12 MILES FROM PORTLAND SSfOO 20 acres cultivated, balance pasture. 6 room house, concrete basement. . fine barn stanchions for 8 cow;, outbuildings, well wateied. PERSONAL PROPERTY. Includes 5 cows, voting team well matched. 1 fat hog. 6 dozen chickens, new wagon, harness, hack, bu?gy, mower, rake planter, plow s, hand tools, about loo bushels wheat and oats mixed. I sacks oats, 15 sacks barley, 10 bushels of wheat. 15 tor. of hny in burn, 1 acre of corn. 2! acres of potatoes, garden, good orcnard with plenty of fruit, and all household fur niture. If you v;n,t a tarm. investigate this at once. Se M . J. Edwsrd4 GEO. E. EXGLJSHART CO.. Main 7260. 624 Henry Bldg. STOCK RANCH iloOO ACRES DEEDED AND LEASED GOVERNMENT GRAZING LANDS, INCLUDING 100 ACRES OF A LP' ALFA. Loch ted east of the Cascade mountains In Oregon, cut 3 crops of alfnlfa this rea son, free water right; abundance of wter for Irrigation; S00 hitch In cultivation; can nut uo feed ennuu'li to run about Soou sheep and 400 cattle. Leases run for 1) years, to 17 cents per ai re; controls both sides of a big river for .several mi les; J sets of buildings; all necessary equipriieii: for running the ranch. Price $72.0oo. terms. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg., 4th'Htid Stark. 1S MILES FROM PORTLAND. MUST HE SOLI) AT ONCE. 77 acres: 50 acres of this is black bot tom soil In a high stat of cultivation; this land will produce H0 bushels of oats to the acre; 4 tons of hay and other farm products in proposition; eery foot of this la nd can be cultivated und is well wort h $150 per acre; there is a H-room house, large burn with cilo. all kinds fruit, run ning water. R. R D.. telephone, milk route. Price $8000 ; good terms. Adjoining tlus Is SO acres. 5-room house, laro barn, :j 1 1 equipped for dairy misiness, silo, etc.; 2' acres extra good bottom land in cultiva tfon. Price of this SO Is $75 per acre good terms. Draper A Calway. 5 JO Cham her of Commerce bldg. ON PAVED HIGHWAY. ::0 acres. 1o acres in oreirtrd. bGance in pasture; new 7-room plastered house, built in effects a nd fine porch, large barn, ehicken b are. brooder room, incubator. husemtnt; tons of hay in burn; 2 acres not a toes. jome corn : ten 111 of hornes. cc.lt. 2 cows, 1 heifer, coming In fresh soon; 1 yearling. 1 calf, 2 hogs. 1."0 ehlck ens: sepurafor, Ineulvitor. mid hII (-irm im ptement. Price (0500. Terms (.'inon, bai a nee 5 yea rs, 6 per cen f. Person a 1 1 y in spected. MR. MTLLKRSHIP. Alder Hotel. 220 ACRES 4-Tbi miles from Amity. Or.. 10h acres in cultivation. blnnce pasture and timber; good S-room house. 2 barns nnd other outbuildings. Spring writer piped to buildings, family orchard, near school fair fences. Team, harnens and wngon, s milch tows. 1 bull. 1 brood sow anrl pigs 50 chickens; kitchen 1 ? 11 ge. heater. 3 bed steads, linoleum on floor, grain drill, plow hinder, hack, new buggy, 'i intereFt in threshing machine, small toots; ges engine and wood saw, on account of being alone and unable to handle wtit sncrtit'-e ror per acre ; $0500 cash, balance easy term at ' M US. MATT! E H ESS, Amity. rr. HER i3 IS A GOOD FARM AT THE RIGHT PRICE. 117 acres of good land right on good road. 8U miles south of Molalla. 4T aires In cultivation, blrnce in ;rd merchant able limber, whb h Is worth the price of the entire place, good R-room hous. barn and outbuilding, price of thia is only "00o which is less than $00 per acre. Half cash Now don't pass this up if you are looking fcr something worth your nion-.-y. STEWART A BUCK 315 Northwestern Bank Bids ARK ANSAS river -bed tom land, alluvia I .dl. prelected by leveo within three miles rmm , progressive town of 1 2 on. good roads. h'-nlthy location, u hen developed no fi"f.r corn wheat, alfalfa or cotton hind in the south. 40 acre' adjoining in cult 1 vat ten this year estimated to yield landlord 5 is per acre not for bin one-f.nirth interest Will sell Jn lots of 10 to Hto acres, or up to 2400 in solid block. Price $51 per acre cash, banks ble pa per t Li herty bonds H. A. Stro.'e. Glllett, Ark. 40 ACRES 30 acres cultivation, no rocks or srrn vel : 7-room house with hath, hot and cold watr ; water piped to house and haru: fair bnrn, .to tons of hny in barn. 6 milch cows, 1 calf. 3 hogs. 00 chickens. 3 geecte team of horses, all kinds of farm Implements, garage; one-fourth mile to school, postoffice. sto-e. on hard-surf fc-e road. Price $7Ti00; $.".000 cash, balance good terms. Personally Inspected. MR. MILLERS HIP, Alder Hotel. 24M-ACRE TRACT TO SUBDIVIDE. Adjoining the thrfty little town of Sher wood. Some tfm her. some stump land, some in cultivation. Running water. Win sell any amount from to acres up. Price ranging from $175 to $250 per acre. Easy terms. Act ouU-k and get vntr choice. MITCHELL A RIPPEV. 32S-20 Henry Rldg. t0 ACRES NEA R PORTLAND. 320 anrc within So mile- of pirtland. on fine road, all lays well. 2"0 in cultiva tion, balance timber, very f-ilr buildings, fine stream thrcugh farm, can put in stock and euulpment. This Is a snap at $30,000. one-thi.-d down, bain nee '. LU BUD EM A N N COMPANY. 0J3 Chamber of Commerce ( BAROAIN"; T00-acre stock farm In Willam ette vauey, inree urn.-.- tiwm o i 1( tii Mort wagon road, two miles to pav roan, two nines 10 paved rnmi- one burn, no bouse, all fenced: bouse, all good creek, several springs, small amount in cultivation, more could be; 200 acres r (iwk.r "III ucreo in oilr limlmi-' owner aick and nee. is money: (ifMmO. some i S5 cash and trade, m i-k, regonian 40 VCRKS STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 20 acres In cult! vat ion. 20 acres stump pasture: fair buiidings: gon1 spring; fine vouig orchard. Only 10 miles from Port land, iust erf Peel flc highway. Going At $4.".oo." easv terres at 0 per cent. -A fine place at n sT"-iflc price MITCHELL JMPTEY. 32S-20 Henry bldg. WOULD YOIT "Invest a dollar a weeU for ten weeks o" n chance to mse ft thousand dollars or mor't. Write for particulars, no obliga tions. J- A. Carlton, Box 070 Fort Worth. Tex. V ACRE. Good two-room bouse, chf Ken house and runs. All fenced with ehlcnen wire, city water. 10 minutes from car. Rig va 1 u e. $750 Terms. spe Peterson with THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. Main 000. WASHINGTON ST'H'K RANCH 45.000 acres, price $0 per acre, range grain, hny. Roy Lichty, Sunnynde, Wash ington. 400 TIGARD. house, orchard, 4A acres; $300 cash. McFarland. 002 Yeon bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. THERE IS A REASON Why you cm buy these fine farms at these bargain prices. Located near McMinnvllle, cn fine level road, close to school, stores, on cream and mail routes, etc, at BELLKVUE 124 acres stocked and equipped for 75 PER ACRE. 120 acres, lio Jn o;itiation with BUILDINGS BUT NO EQUIPMENT 170 PER ACRE. 201 acres witn good buildinirs all fine LAND. HAS PAID OWNER $3u00 NET PER YEAR LAST 0 YEARS. S7.5o PER ACRE. Easy terms can be arranged at n" per cent. Complete information at the office of OTIS C. BECK, Exclusive agent, 525 Henry Bldg. Marshall 6858. FINE FARM. EQUIPPED AND STOCKED. 12 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE $1450 MONTHLY INCOME $205. 41 acres practically all cultivated, no better soil along the Capitol highway (hard surface) in Tiitard district. PLENTY OF FRUIT. House 6 rooms, goc d barn, and other buildings. Including dairy house and 2 riloH. best of water In abundance from wellf. PERSONAL PROPERTY INCLUDED. 7 dairy cows milking. 2 hfers. 2 horses, good brood row, H dozen chickens, barn full of hay. Thrifty growing corn to fill silos. Wheat, oats, potatoes. 13 acres of clover, and pasture Plows, drill, planter, mower, rake, vehicles and other teolB. Death of owner's wife cause of elling. See AL J. Edwards. GEO. E. EXGLEHART CO., Main 726. 621 Henry Bldg. HIGHLY IMPROVED AT BEAVERTON. 24 acres under high state of cultivation; 5 or 6 acres of beaverdam, balance very rich black loam; fine commercial bearlnff orchard paying big returns; the entire place in crop this year; buildings, fine well of water, creek through property: lies well and is a beautiful property for nice home; only 8 miles from and road is now being paved: only $10,000 on terms, and it's a snan ; you can't find a bigger producer around Portland; old age Is absolutely the onlv reason for selling. K A S E R & RAIN EY, R23-6 Gasco Bldg. Marshall 3125. IDEAL FRUIT, CHICKEN AND BERRY RANCH. 10 acres, all rich level land, and under nigh state of cultivation, about 2 acres in fine assorted fruits in full bearing, also small fruits; dandy 7-room plastered house with fine porches, large barn, chick en and outbuildings, fenced and cross fenced ; all rural advantages, on main county road in thickly settled local 1 1 y, ciose to school and high school, church, stores. R. R. and river transportation, also electric line, and 8 miles out on level auto road; price, which includes several hun dred dollars worth of fine hay. on ly $."." on. half cash, balance at 6 per cent interest. THOMPSON SWAN. Third and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. SO A (7 RES, ail level and -a under cult i v a tfon, balance timber and past u: e ; 3 acres orchard, good house nnd ham, two horses. r cows, farming implements nnd 20 tons hny. on good road rn'iir school; price in cluding h 11 crop, $400; terms. 200 acres 20 milea from Portland, "i3 acres cultivation, balance timber and pas ture: has running water: this farm is worth $"." per acre and can be bought fur $40 per acre. 27 acres. 0 miles from Salem. 1 70 In cultivation; fine set of farm implements. ," horses, a herd of cows, running wa ter, on three coup ty roals. school on place ; thi is a modot farm in every respect. Will sell cheap or trade for Portland property. A. W. LAMRERT.& SON. 120 Grand Ave., cor. Alder. East H40. 11 ACRES and a complete poultry equip ment. 0-room cottage with bath, hot and cold water, pantry, rln.set. wood g lied. 3 poult ry houses that w ill accoinmoda re 500 bens, concrete egg room, concrete incu butor room, feed room, doulde brooder house, fruit eel la r. 4 incubators, 10i0 ca pacity, water piped to dwelling and all building, well, running waler. gas en gine. Fine tnllch cow. driving horse, hack, tools, etc. Big flock of White Leghorns. Iloanlzed stock Splendid orcharrl. apples, pears, prune?, grape, berries, bin crop In siuht. Located 2 miles from town on grav eled Voad. near Gladstone. Price S4."oo. $:.00 cash. O. E. Freytag. GladMone, Ore- gon; 15 MILKS FROM PORTLAND. 20 acres. :iH in cultivation. 1 acre straw berries, 2 acrea raspberries 3 u, acres Italian prunes. 1 ' acres apples. 1 -tore chcrWoa. peaches and pears. 50 Frctyh walnut t rees a nd French chestnuts, a 1 1 heavily bearing; f acre In fine garden 1 a.-ro in grapes. 7-rootn plastered house, furnshed ; burn and outbuildings ; 1 hoi se, wagon and ha rtiess : 1 cow and 25 chick ens; loo-b.;shei prune dryer. Price $7ooo; terms $3."in0. This ranch Is clearing over $'OCO a war Personalty inspected. MR. MILLERSHIP. Alder Hotel. ("1 1 E LAT C HUC lR A I R I E RANCH. tic1- acre. 50 under cult., bai. timber and pastuie; good well and large creek, tl-room bouse, large harn. I 2-ear-od co)t ; 1 brood sow . 4 dozen chickens. 0 cows. 1 2-year-old heifer, 3 1-vear-o!d heifers, plow, cultivator, 2 wagons, haek, cream separator nnd all small tools. Tot wl price $7fOu. $5oo cash, ha la nee 5 years at K per cent. chelatchie Prairie is mie of the garden spots of the entire state of from Portland. Fred YV. Cenuan Co.. Washington and Is only about 45 miles 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sum days and evenings. It MILES PORTLAND. 102 acres west of city, south of Reed ville; 27 acres under cultivation. 40 acres good timber, ba lance slashed ; good fam ily orchard, house, barn. well, etc.; very choice soil and In fine dtst rtct ; a sna p for $10.0H0; $2000 cash; a real oppor tunity to develop a fine farm near the citv for a man with small tapttal. KASK.R A RAINP.V. . R23-6 Gascn Bldg. Marshall 3JJ5. LOOK ! Excellent 430-a'Te ranch. Douglas coun ty. 100 In cultivation, .loins good stream. Good fencing. Two houses, both new. 0 rooms and 4 rooms. Barn, Implement house, good well nnd springs. ft hordes, 3 cow st 0 goats, 35 sheep, 50 chickens, mower, binder, 2 wagons and other im plements. All for $20,000. Half cash, balance. terms. Close to school and church, and on good rond. Bo quick if you want this 1 n M or write. Room 303 Selling bldg., Portland. 2i A" llES STOC K I! W I ' I PM E NT $ 50(i. o-rtP. In use; new harn; rich bottom land ; t :4 miies r rom 'aitby. Alt crops; 2 horses. 1 good cow, all fa rin im pie men ts. Has a federal loan of $1000, rs. to pay. If you are looking for a first-dash little ranch in Al condition. vou will not miss investigating this one. MITCHELL & HIPPKV. -20 Henry Bidg. Main 534. I ACRES ON TUALATIN RIVER $0000. 30 acres under cultivation, ft-aere peach orchard, some titnher, good substantial farm house. large barn and other buld-i-igs; located 12 miles from courthouse; faces river; price $0000, terms, 12500 cash, balance reasonable. LUEDPEM ANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. DANDY LITTLE RANCH. 5 acres good land. 10 miles from Port land. 1 mile from paved highway; has small house and well; timber on the place will nlcelv pay for It; $S00 will take it If taken st once. Terms. Personally in spected. MR. MILLERSHIP. Alder Hotel. 155 ACRES. 35 miles to Portland, electric line: about 3 seres in cultivation. 50 sloshed, easily cleared: IS M. feet virgin timber; fenced and cross-fenced, mostly v. oven w ire ; creeks, springs, orchard, ber ries: lovely buildings ; 8-room house ; phone; stock; all Implements: good roads; S10O00; terms. I. Hassock, 0717 53d ave. S. E. THE best buy in the state of Oregon. 100 res s'.f-ck ind grrtfn ranch close to town, lots of water from 7 springs. 0 tanks hold fiOOO gallons each, water piped to build ings, gravity ry-te?n. 1 II woven wire fence. 11m acres in a If a If a. 0o0 in utth Ktlon Pri'-e Stio.non. Consider n;ood Portland property "n part Good friPi. Alex. H -'inter, Re-tl Estate, Moro. Or. ACRES, adjoining the town of Scotts Mills, ten acres In cuitivat Ion. two acre bearing prunes, remainder in timber and brush pasture ; fresh running water year rtind across tract; no gullies or canyons. AppIv to John S. Richie, owner, Scotts Mills. Or. BUY A FARM 00 acres of river bottom land. 47 In cul tivation. 13 t imber. new bungalow and barns, rich black soil, spring wa ter and river. Well fenced. $4200 worth of hulld ini;?: price $mhhi, S cash. See J. A. Mills, with Sperling A Hinna, 204 Corhett bldg. 13 ACRES OF FRUIT LAND. 0 miles out of Salem on a good road ; 5-room house and other buildinirs in lair condition; an excellent place; $123 per a. See J. A. Mills, with Sperling & Hanna, 204 Corhett bldg. SMALL dirv. running water, outside range, close to Portia nd ; cream route bv the door; f0O0; $2HoO will handle, hsb-nce at per cent interest. Ca II Main 1 721 be. fore 0 A. M. or after 4 P. M. 343 13th st. FOR SA LK Timber n::d stock r;'T-h. 720 acres, near Toledo. Lincoln Co.. o- A d-i-ess J. Bucli, 1722 C"r'eM ive , Chic-go, ill 5-ACRF farm, good bulldlnc. 10 miles out; eoultv to tiade for automobile. Mr. Moul ton, 711 Lewis bldg. Marshall 249.