TJIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 7, 1910. 11 J A. REAL ESTATE. for aale -Hi IRVINGTON RESIDENCE DESIRABLE LOCATION: 20th near Stanton at., b rms., attic and grage. The rooms re largo. This la really priced right and for quick Ie. Jiut the aizcd liwng and dining room thai will please ou. fu: bawmtnt The furniture may b purchased with the pi are. Price ei ciusive or the furniture. o;.10. Terms If desired of $j75o taeii; balance mortgage - to j yrs. J. L. llartman Company, 7 Cbitmixr of Commerce bitlg. Main -OS. UL (.A.N T BEAT KM IN SUNNVS1DE. Dundy doub. (.--constructed b-iuom house en comer of Harrison at. 1 ou ii be su prirl at the prxe. B at 0-r.. ru strictly modern bungalow in Sunnwide, cor. of 4."tn. Fireplace, built-in ever thing thai gots lo make a prtei t midin home. Fine 7-riin home, cor 3Sth it., blk. from LaurlnursL park. Paved street. Ut to citr and school. A real buy tor J m your own terms. .-rom bungalow on K. Sherman St.. Pear L'Mh. K ery thing modern and r tit hi up to the minute. A real home lor $i:'u. If u don't like theje. I'll find ou n hat ou uu want. That a my business, bve J. E. Brad iey. J. C. I'UKBl.V CO.. fpn Kvnln?y. :t"5 Lew is Bldg. Mar. $hnm Ti $2oo rash, balance ot purchase price long time at per cent, will purchase an elegant et:-huilt and appointed LAURELHURST HOME. located ,ne block from nireet car, corner lot 5-tx 1 1 4, street improvement paid; ha?em-nt has laundry', drying, serv ant or criaut It-ur room. alo batn ; tirst f.oor ha.i iivin, dining and bed and bath rooms, den; fttM-ond lumr, four bedrooms. bat h. three artistic f trepiaces. hard od liiwr up and downstairs, hot-water heat ing iem, large com mod ious doUb.e ga re, if there ttr was a bargain, this is one. FKED W. NEWELL, OREGON INVESTMENT MTS. CO.. iri-19-20-2l-22 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 25. IHK PREMISES: Np. mol-rn bunulow; Beautliul. uiiobstru trd iew, !aed streets; ail paid. lot .V 1 2 Hard au, 1Mb t.CM,. 1 lO.N ; 3.13 Aspen -tt fwest side. Savler. Willamette Hta. car. THE PiiKt; IfVitf. THE TERMS: i.tsh. balance easy payments. THE OWNER: H. E. Poherty. 191 E. 52nd at. Phone Tabor 1:k2. hAWTliuKNK BUNGALOW, FURNISHED. An attractive modern - room hungalo thorouKhly well bulit. hardwood lioors. firepiace. furnace, bullet, taoliicl kilctien f till cement b.itnient ; living room across lront nt; 1 bedroom down ' H up J.m a ted in me best part of Hawthorne, close to car. This is one or tho.e ceptiotially well bulit homes. Built by contractor for his own home. Price $42' terms. Will sell furniture for $15o. Lhi Cot Uelav. Cail at o(:ice. CLE V E L A N L-1 1 E N KKHSOS CO. . 212 Hatiwav Exch. Bidie. Main l752. N O W V A r A N T V A C A N T V AC ANT. 5-RO M BUNGALOW $7,tt down, balance easy monthly pay m nts: Mi. Tabor ilistrict rest rlc ted resi dence district), hurdwood floors, fireplace and built-in e Meets. t me view ot nmun tains and alley ; a lit tie painting, tint Ing witl make someone a mighty cozy home. J. L. Hartnian 0nipany. i Ihatn ber of Commerce bidg., Jdam 2Ui. RooMS, HOME BARGAIN." MODERN FIREPLACE. BATH. CLOSETS. ETC "S P E TALL Y'" A TTR.V T 1 V E I Ei? IGN. IK LOCATION IHVT SUIT YCT. "WILL BIT Ll ON Yol'R OWN LOT. I PRICK BELOW MARKET.) LI HERAL TERMS. "WITH CASH PAYMENT ."rw UP WILT. FURNISH HOUSE .VXD LoT "READY TO MOVE IN." SEE US BEFORE YOl DEtTDK. ADI'RKSS BUILDERS AND OWNERS." 3"2 SELLING BLDG. RUSE CITY PARK. $0oM S rooms and sU eplng porch ; 1 bed room downstairs. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porcn up; furnace, fireplace and bui!t-lns; in fact, strictly mod ern except hardwood floors. , JOUxiJj iot. w ii n ..u oeari iig rruit tre s. oer ries. grnies; double garage. Home if double constructed, and a bargain at j.'tMW cash, hai. per cent. A. WI( KM AN CO. 2t Ky. Exchg. Bldg. tain office open Sun lay IN IRVING TON . A BIG. FINE HOME AT VERY MODERATB PRICE. Here is a p!ea.-ant home for a good-s!xed family, the entrance hall. living room and dining room are all iiht ana spacious; 4 bedrooms and sleeping porcn; full ce ment basement with good furnace; 3 blk, to Irvuigton school aud car. Only .'7."o. terms. Mac INN ESS ft PRATT. Vain 3&v 413 Board of Trade Bldg. JUST EAST OK IRVINGTON. ttiOO for a dandy ,-nom bungalow with large floored attic, full cement base ment; laundry trays. It has no fur nace or HiepUce. but even If you add this you are getting a downright bargain. At. Imp. In and pd. Terms. 9 A. W P. KM AN CO. 201 Ky. Exchg. BMg. If n in Pi. office open Sunday. FAMILY HOME AND GARDEN. Te troll ave. home, excellently improved 0Ox Iinj lot ; 14 bearing trees, btg grope arsr; 5-room bungalow, with an attic fixed for 2 bedrooms if desired; sidewalk, earn and garden a I In and paid for; 2 blks. to car itne. few blk. to school ; dandy place for family desiring big gar den. An tor 9hi, terms. See Marchina, J C. C.rMn Co.. 3". Lew is bldg. IRVINGTON CAR HOME. -A big. r-omy 7 -room house on 50x100 lot ; h rubbery, fruit and berries; cemenl basement; furnace and wash trays; 3 bed -rooms up. Price only $3.oo; $- or less cash. bal. monthiy. Call at oftice and see photo. . CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 312 Railway Exch. B'dg. Main tT.".2. .4.HJ iil'VS tf rooms and sleeping porch; 1 bed nom down. 2 and sleeping porch up. Hdwd. floors; fireplace, furnace, full cement basement; wash trays; fruit closet. On 37 1 h at. Terms. J A. WP'KMAN CO. 2H4 Ry. Exchg. Bldj. lain lo'.H. Office open sunua. FOR SALE $-'Hm FOR SALE. Modern 4 -rom house; bath, fuil base ment, larxe attic. Fruit trees, straw berries. ru.i Street paved, concrete side walk, all clear. . S block Woodstock car. All or part payment. See owner, b4l E. 2Mb st. S. t'uK SALE On E. Clay and th sts., 3 cottages, not" modern, but comfortable; citv water, gas and electric light and tileta. Bet bargain in city. One 4 rooms, IImhi; one 5 rooms. Jl5oo; one 6 rooms, 'Uh. Either cash or terms like rent. H. N. Scott. 601 Worcester bidg. $tM0. IRVINGTON. Modern and well -constructed home In choice part of Irvlngton. Don't fail to look this up. A. K. HILL CO.. 213 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $4600. Modern 7-room bungalow, hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace, cement base ment, built-in buffet and bookcases, ga rage, paved street: all modern conveni ences. Alameda Investment Co., 600 Cor bett bldg.. Marshall 63a. IRVINGTON. Between E. 14th and E. 24th. Tillamook and Fremont. lots $!2o0 to $2,100. All improvements In and paid ; evergreen ahade trees: easy terms. HITTER. LOWE A CO.. ;ni-3-.1-7 Board of Trade Bid g. $o700 BUYS an S-room bungalow, about 20 mln. out. Furnace, fireplace, bullt ins; full basement, wash trays. Sure, e have a lot more about the same price. Let us show you. "Wp-KMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exchg. Bldg. Main 14. ornce open Sunday ONLY $1.10 CASH. 1 1600 buys .1-room house on .10x200 lot; vacant: plentv of fruit. Don't delay. MAKE OFFER AS TO TERMS. J. A. WH'KMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exchg. Bldg. Mj in l't:'4. Office open Sunday. $ J" ) $ "H0 TH ) W N R. C. PARK CAR. Modern -room bungalow in fine con dition, fireplace. botkcars. eiectriclty, gs. full ptumhing. good basement, laun dry trays, fruit, shrubbery; real bargain. Tabor 6YM. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you; terms like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Main 203.1. vjl Morgan Bldg. :t.-,oo BUNG A LOW CORNER LOT. 7.1 too ; double constructed. 5 rooms; fine location: close to car line, on loth st. No. Do not overlook this splendid little home. JIinJO cash handles. MITCHELL A R1PPEY. 32H-2! Henry bldg. A G OO D V I EW. Will sell this neat and clean five-room bungalow. 1.1 minutes' ride on the west side, close to school and stores, for $:;l'.'0. Terms. No mortaage air.iinsr property. Main T416. ll'.M Gasco bldg. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement: all built-in conveniences: full lot: on Mt. Tabor car: $l'6m: terms. ROGERS. 24$ Stark St. Main 5429. $20 Do you want a dandy 5-room bunga low at this price? Then see us. We have it. J. A. "WIKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exchg. Bldg. Main I'M. Off te open Sunday. 2 LOTS, small house; set to fruit; terms to auit. iUui ikitri. REAL ESTATE. For Sale PORTLAND HEIGHTS . . EXCLUSIVELY. High-class Jarge house, 17th and Elm, olid as the rock of Gibraltar and ex pensively finished. CouJd not be repro duced for twice the price asked, $16,000. v rooms, almost new, ivory and ma hogany, plate glass, hardwood, every up-to-date convenience. Owner gone. Now vacant. Beautiful unobstructed view. Great bargain at $11.5oo. room, fine attic, splendldlv built, only few minutes' walk from Washing ton street. Is a foreclosure. Can be picked up for $9000. 6-room house, modern, grand view, 7ooo. ' .Vroom bungalow, two lots, fine trees, , 5-room bungalow. Ivory enamel, beau- i uiui paper. ery easy terms. $3750. JUST SAMPLES. Have almost every thing for sale in the district lifted, and an tne bargains. Every customer Is a reference. . BROOKE. 31 a r. 427. A 339. ."HI .Montgomery Drie, cor. Elm St, TALK WITH PEAKR. If you want to buy a home it will be io your interest to do so. BUNGALOW SNAP. i -room, corner Auxlo3, above Ladd'a Ad dition; $.11MM. iooo carh. NEAR HAWTHORNE, ft -room bungalow, turnace and built-lns; , $310, gofd terms, nice place. ONLY $IS0. $50 CASH. rt-room corner house, with garage, 41st CLASSY BUNGALOW. 4 rooms, paved st. $15O0, $500 cash. CHEAP LOTS. 100x100. In cultivation, splendid home site; to the first customer Monday, $6oO, terms. A. E. PEA K E, 202 Wilcox Bldg. . Main 3. 17 or Tabor 1289. IT'S A JAZZ BABY FOR tstfto. NOB HILL BUNGALOW. r.xira nrsirabie. 7 rooms, cute. cosv. I comfortable, convenient to car line, few minutes walk downtown, select neighbor hood, every modern home Idea. Including u aiter ainner room witn fireplace, side scuts, hardwood dancing floor, mighty nice to entertain friends during the long rainy I W. B. STREETER -and J. H. KEATING. I7 Board of Trade. Maln HW. IRVINGTON. S42.0 6-room and sleeping porch, full I basement. East loth; terms. $2MMi 7 -room house, full basement, fur-I ai. duo iiancocK. near Williams: terms. S3250 li-room modern house near Wash. nisn scnooi ; easy monthly payments. $3.'h iJ-rooin house, sleeping porch, E. Araeny. v. or 4th; good terms. $-,,-,11 Nearly new bungalow, E. 54 th st.; narawoou floors, corner lot. fL'iMHj Five-room cottage, close in, east I sine, easy monthly payment.. j s;;.ih) tf-room house, 5oxl20, Union ave. south of Fremont st. F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock Bldg. 37."0 ROSE CITY. MOST WoNDERKUL OFFER. 5-room artistic bungalow, corner lot on I paved street, block from Sandy; beautiful interior finish with buffet and other built- in features which will astound you; best enameled nlumt nr. HARDWOOD FLOORS IN EVERY ROOM. l-uil basement with dandy cement floor: everything It completed to satisfy. Here Is I your cnunce. folks: don t wait too Ions:. It won't last. Main 403, Main 3730 fori our autos. G. C. GOLDEN-BERG. AMngton bldg. "33 Years in Portland." HURRY! HUSTLE! SPEED UP! B U N G A t O W I Willamette Heights 3U0. W. B. STREETER and J. H. KEATING. i nnarn or Trade. Main 103. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. I wish to sell quickly an unusually well- built 2-story. 7-room house In excellent condition, local aed at No. 325 E. 17th st. N., near Weldler. 4 nice bedrooms, attic, fireplace. full cement basement. good furnace, nicely finished floors (no I narawood). lot :;3I-xIl0; no Incum brances. Price $.12.10. Easy terms. DO NOT DISTURB TENANT. R. H. Torrey, i a onr -to t . NEAR JKFWKROV HICH 4uuu buys a two-story home on a corner lot. St. imp. all in and paid. 6 rooms and large sleeping porch; fire place; (,ull basement. Nice lawn, flowers and some fruit. This was built for a home, but is now toa larze For d resent owner. J. A. WK KMAN CO. 204 Rv. Exchg. Bldg Mnin BUM. Office open Sunday ROSE CI T Y PA RE THINK OF IT. $.VM) cash and the place is yours, rooms. 2-story house, fireplace full c mer.t basement, laundry trays, etc. Lot t4gxift; an Kinas or rruit; chicken run; 1 S blocks to car. Best part of R. C. 4uo; s.iou-casn ana . a mo. and Int paved street assts. paid. Call at 1314 sandy bivd. t. 4i. $4300 BEAUTIFUL GROVE LAND $4-100. a ciassy mociern oungaiow , large rooms oown, ana spacious floored attic. Large living room with fireplace and all built-in features, hardwood floors; full lot with east frontage; beautiful lawn ana natural trees; almost new and a bar gain; $loon cash. FEEMTER A ODELL, 2': Ablngton bldg. $325 CASH. Buy a real bargain near Vancouver ave.. 10x:7 ft- lot, with tent house, cement staewaiK, etc. rice Tor quick sale, I1.T2.1. See Mr. Chrlstenson, TH E BRONG CO., io rienry tiug. 3iain liHJ. Suburban Home. MULTNOMAH. That thriving wet side suburban dis- I trict, only 5 miles from the center of the I city. equipped with Bull Run water. eiecirie uicni ana power, gas, leiepnone. city scnoois, meal arainage and every suburban advantage. I have many houses and tracts for sale In this district. I am I just putting on the market South Multno mah Half Acres, Lunalilo, Primrose Place I and Allen "garters, beautiful tracts rang ing from 4 to h acre, with water, side walks and Kurfare traded streets to all the property. This is the time to pick I out a beautiful homesite before all the I choice ones are taken. I am selling on easy terms oc 10 per cent down and $10 I a month on dererred payments with 6 per j cent Interest. Don't let the landlord com- I p-l you to pay your last cent for rent. l ay it to me and get credit on a perma nent home. All It takes is a little effort on your part to get a start. For particu lars see me at my office. 404 Piatt bldg., I j.i I'ara si., cor. vtasningion. TIGARD BARGAIN. The biggest bargain around Portland we know of; 23 acres under high state of I cultivation: deep, rich soil, elegant spring j piped to all buildings, fine family or chard, Dutch colonial S-room house, with fine bathroom and complete plumbing, I house piped for furnace; beautifully sit uated with a wonderful view; near Pacific! highway, close to Portland; this price un heard of heretofore, but owner must have I quick action; only $ 12,500; $5000 cash and balance long time. KASER A RAINET. 82.1-6 Gasco Bldg. Marshall 3125. SUBURBAN home with modern conveniences, I locatea on one ot roniana s most promin ent boulevards, only 44 miles from the I center of the city: planted to fruit, ber- I ries. flowers and all thinss necessary for I a perfect suburban home. Ground slopes I craauatiy to tne souin. riace nas oeen I developed by owner, who has spent all of I his time on tne property lor some years. Large S-room bungalow. If you wish I something fully developed and ready to I enjoy, be sure and look this up. Partir- I ulars may be obtained from Ben Reisland, 4C4 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park street. FDR SALE. 4 -room bungalow. double-constructed, bath, modern plumbing, septic tank, water. Bras, electric light: cement basement with floor; chicken bouse, barn; 2 lots. .10x120 I each, with IS fruit trees, berry bushes: I oiose to school. poBtofnce and store. minutes' walk to Maple wood sta. on the O. E., 18 minute' out. Price $2250: some terms. Also 1 Jersey cow and 2 tons of hay. See owner, H. Olson. AV 741), Ore- ronlan. FOR SALE AT AURORA. OR. Six and fifteen one-hundredths 6 1.1-100) acres adjoining city, including large dwell ing and other improvements. Has lots of I fruit and berries. Good land and located I close to public school. Price $45oo. on easy terms. Address "H. 202 Alder street, Portland. Phone Main 760.V FINE HUBBARD. OR.. HOME FOR SALE. A whole block right In the heart of Hubbard, with lots of fruit and berries, good seven-roo ru dwelling with bath. Also fine cellar and aarage. This is a splendid home. Only $30oo, part cash, balance time If wanted. Address "H." 202 Alder street. Portland. Phone. Main 7605. CHOICE SUBURBAN .HOME and acres e. well located, near car line, from $1HOO up. Inquire third house notth of Rlsley station, on Oregon 'City car line, sign "A ider Bro;!k." FIVE-ROOM bungalow, bath, electricity, city water, gas; near station ; bearing fruit: a bargain for $19.50; terms. Ned Burke. Multnomah station. Main 1903. FIN B home. 13 lots In cultivation, abund ance of fruit, grapes and berries. Price $7000. Some down, balance like rent. Oak lirovr. Box 45. NEW fi-room house and 1 acre; 30 minutes out on S. P. electric; on paved highway; $2700. terms. E 4.10, Oregonian. FOR SALE 3 acres. 4 -room new bungalow. Owner, Tabor REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. ONLY $6500 is all we ask for this river-front home. Here are 2 big acres very well improved with a good substantial 7-room house, rustically aesigneu '" - - ... Tnls is one of those beautiful suburban homes on the river front, out the River dale way, in a district which is known as the high-class and elite settlement, fc-very-b-dy In this district owns their own home. This place is on the red carllne, right at the station; you hr: ;,r across the road onto the land. Th s car Iine gives excellent service. It is one of those places which a person desires to reside In, being on the west side; you drive to It on a paveu ru. ... bines all of the city conveniences as well s being located on the river front in the highest class suburban diati ct. This house has city water, gas. electricity, nothing more to be desired for three times the price asked. When we say this place Is a bargain, we mean all we say. About jruiOO pa).h will change ownership. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. On the Columbia boulevard, right in the city, close to a carline. Here are 44 big acres of land, very highly improved; there are 2'4 acres of this tract in full bearing- fruit, large and small, of the very best varieties that grow in Oregon. The cherry crop alone sold last year for more than $1000. There are pears, prunes, plums, quince and apples in wholesale commercial quantities: there are now about 300 boxes of spuzenncrK r'iy for harvest. There is a good substantial houe of rooms, modern, has a full re mom hsement. furnace, wash trays, bath. toilets, electricity. In fact everything you have In the city, city water Included. Take It from us. that this place is of fered at a great bargain: it is in the right locality, down where all the b g works in the city are located and only 6 blocks from the carllne. here can you get anything like this for the small sum of $12,000? Half of this land alono 1m worth more than the price without buildings, fruit or other Improvements. AM it takes to handle this is $"') in cash and the person who buys it can pay the balance of the purchsse price from the , Income of fruit alone In less than 3 years: otherwise they are no managers. You will have to move quickly if you want this grest fortune. M. J. CLOHEbS Y, ABINGTON BLDG. On the. I.ake mad on the paved road from the busineps center. Here Is one of those beautiful gentlemen's country home with lake frontage for a long dis tance. This Is one of those high-class suburban homes on the ast side, about i 1 mile from the cnrnne. mere are io acres or more of the best land in Ore goo, which goes with this place, all of the natural trees are there in a grove; there la nn orchard In full bearing of mi-mr, Uin.l nf fruit of the bft OUalitV. This Is a location where the boating pleasure is combined with all other con veniences. On this 13 acres of land is a nracticallv new 9-room house, hardwood floors, fireplace, paneled rooms, sun par lor and sleeping porch, full cement base ment, fine furnace, electric lights, run ning water. This place is such a place as would Interest a person desiring a beautiful suburban home with all of the city conveniences and at the same time one in which considerable money can be made from the land Itself. Call and in quire about this place if you have in mind mo Investment to make which means up wards of $20,000. AI. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $10,000. right at Milwaukle. Tou cannot get off the paved road from the business center to this place. All right here are K4 big acres of land, all of it in cultivation, all of it in ready money: the fruit crop alone of the larger fruits Is immense, of the very best quality; there are almost 2 acres in grapes and vnu know what that means in a dry zone; that nlone is a rav of the greatest hope, This piace, every Inch of it, lies to charm th person who wishes a view of moun tains and valley unexcelled by any other location so close in. There are Duiia lops of a substantial character and num erous of them. The house is a plastered house, large and roomy; it has running water, gas and electricity. You are close to schools and not far from the carline. This nlace is srofng to be sold, even thouch it Is sacrificed at less than half its value. Call ,ln and we will tell you the terms on this place. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. On the Base IJne road, on the main highway to the Columbia highway. Here a re 6 bi g acres of land on the paved street and on the electric carline as well. This place is one of those suburban places In which a iamiiy or large proportions can acquire an independent living as well as money besides. You have all of the city conveniences on this place and the distance from the business center is only about 7 miles; there is a gooa o-room house with a full cement basement, barns. irra ce. chicken houses, concrete mi IK house. Take it all for the small sum of $1SM); about half cash is all you need. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON ULDG. Only $.1000 buys all of this: Five big acres of land on a pavea nignway to me gate from the business center. There is more fruit on tnis iana or ine unesi nualitv than you ever saw- before on acres. The income from the fruit alone from now on should be yearly enoucrh to pay the entire purchase price. The berries alone, and you know what we mean when we say berries at the prevailing prices and the cnxiety or canners to con tract for this crop for 5 years, in ad vance, means something. All right, here are more than 3 acres of berries alone and the income from that source could not be estimated less than $3000 per year. Let all of this be as it may, take the land, the house, the barn, the big chicken house, and all of the fruit for the small sum of $500. Come around with $2000 cash and that's all yori will. ever have to pay outside of what the land will produce. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. At Jennings Lodge, right at the station; you go all the'way from the business cen ter to this place on a paved road. Here you nave it 4 big acres of land In the very highest state of cultivation, with a large assortment of all kinds of fruit In full bearing; there is with this land a 6-room modern house with a full cement basement; it has running water, gas and electricity, bath and two toilets; the plumbing is nil of the best class and the only reason for selling is that the pres ent owners are leaving this section. Every thing goes for $K500. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $29B0 Why should this place not be Immediately taken ? Here is one big acre of land on the highway, on the river road, the paved thoroughfare from the business center: right at the station : practically In Milwaukle; with the land we throw in a good substantial house of 6 rooms, all of them plastered, all of them large; all of the city conveniences you can have In this house such as city water, gas and electricity. This fa an immense speculation outside of a good home to live in at the price this place is offered at. There is a large quantity of fruit, of fine quality, on the place. The English walnut crop is immense; the land alone, from the way it lies, should sell in lots for at least $4000; so everything else you get for nothing and we don't want $4000 for the land or improvements: $2950 is the price for everything; $500 cash, balance on easy terms. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. I Three blocks south of Wilcox's mag nificent country home, just a step from Council Crest, on the west side. In the best part of the Tualat.rt valley. Here are 8 big beautiful acres of land; if you don't want all or it lor a suouman nome. there is ready sale for what you have to sell. It in a district where values will increase as the years go by. It is in a district where the demand will always be great, This 8 acres of land, all In cultivation, with orchard, can be bought for $12,O00, or will consider as part of the purchase price a resiuence in irvintrton or laurel hurst. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $4400 Nothing like this will be picked up soon again. 8!4 big acres of land; half of this tract is beaverdam land. Its location is where you want it, right in the city of Tualatin, only about 4 blocks from the station and business; there is a new 5-room bungalow with a brand-new chicken house large enough to accommodate 600 chickens; there is a large orchard loaded down with ap ples, prunes, etc. You drive to this place on the delightful paved highway Capitol highway. Half cash will handle this, M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. . Only $5500 for 1 H acres of land; no richer soil to be found: oh the river road and on the paved highway; this place is finely improved, all kinds of fruit In full bearing, a large number of English wal nut trees coming into full bearing; there is a practically new 7-room bungalow, modern and up-to-date in every respect, sleeping porches, fireplace, beam-celling, screened-in back porch of large, dimen sion, a double garage, barn and chicken house. The present owner is leaving this part of the state and offers this beau tiful suburban home very much under its value; $1500 cash will handle this. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG.. Only $5500 will buy this place a most modern suburban residence, close In to the business center, out the Capitol high way: only 3 blocks from the station with a 5-cent carfare, and about the same distance from a city school. Here is a very up-to-date 7-room house, double con structed, hot-water heating plant, full cement basement, hardwood floors, de lightful fireplace. It is such a home as ! you find in the best city district; you I have all the city conveniences combined I with the suburban living: about $3hi0 cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $1200 for more than U-acre of land with a good enough 3 -room bunga low, out the Capitol highway, close to two boulevards, close to city school and station with 5-cent carfare. This house has city water, gas. etc. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home Only $3000 for all of . this, right at Courtney station on the Oregon City car line: 1 big acre of land with an abuna- ance of fruit in full bearing; there is at least -acre of grapes, the crop now immense. With this goes a 7-room plas tered house, bath, electric light and gas. The rooms are large and the house is very well constructed; there is a barn and chicken house; about $1000 cash w-ill handle It. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABING TON BLDG. Only $5000 buys 25 big acres of land close in on the Estacada carllne; 17 acres) of this land is in cultivation: there is large orchard with a well selected variety of fruit in full bearing; there is a house, barn and chicken house, plenty of water of the best kind on this place. You drive to it on a paved road nearly the entire distance. The roads in front of this nroD- erty are hard surfaced; this property is oeing oirereu tor aoout one-nair tne price I you can buy the cleared land alone for I The owner is obliged to sell on account I of leaving the state; $2000 cash is all you nave to have. Alt J. CLOHESSY, AOIAUIUN BLDG. ' MULTNOMAH. . That thriving west side suburban dis trict, only 5 miles from the center of the city; equipped with Bull Run water, elec tric light and power, gas, telephone, city schools-. Ideal drainage and every subur ban advantage. I have many houses and tracts for sale In this district. I am just putting on the market South Multnomah half acres, Lunalio. Primrose Place and Allen Quarters, beautiful tracts ranging from H to it acres, with water, sidewalks and surface graded streets to all the prop erly. This is the time to pick out a beau tiful homesite before all the choice one are taken. I am selling on easy terms of 10 per cent down and $10 a month on deferred payments with fi per cent inter est. Don't let the landlord compel you to pay your last cent for rent. Pay it to me and get credit -on a permanent home. All it takes is a little effort on your part to get a start. For particulars see me at my office. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park St., cor. Washington. $2700. 1 cre with all kinds of choice fruit. 7- room plastered house, near station and I scnoolnouse. $4500. 1 acre, new six-room house, basement with furnace, electric lights and gas. near j scnooinouse. s3rtfMV 3 lots, 5-room bungaiow. $1000 down, $25 a monjn. $0000. 14 acres, 7-room house, absolutely modern, only 3 years old; all kinds of fruit; two blocks from station. Inquire 3 houses from Rlsley station, Oregon City car line. Mrs. F. M. Youngs. MULTNOMAH STATION ACREAGE I have for sale 0 of the finest building sites on the hard-sunaced boulevard at Mult nomah station. This is a new tract nev- I er before offered for sale. Beautiful grove j or iir trees on every tract; city water, gas. electric lights and telephone avail able. The first home now being built on this tract will cost $6000. This is high class property. Terms can be arranged. See N. H. ATCHISON, EXCLUSIVE SALES AGENT, 204 Henry bldg MAPLE WOOD STATU) N. PRICE ONLY $1350. Good 4-room house, electric lights, city I water ana gas, 100x100 ground with lots of berries and 16 fruit trees; less than five minutes' walk to 6c car fare; $800 down ana easy terms; let us show you tnis. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 Oak St. Broadway 4133. A BEAUTIFUL HOME NEAR MULTNOMAH. 2, 1 or U acre, 8 -room bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace; hot water heating piani. lawn 1 lowers; assortment of bear ing fruit; a bargain; terms. 1 4-5 acres, 3-room new house, gas. Bull Run water; electric lights; 5 blocks to station. $400 win nanuie. NED BURKE, MULTNOMAH STATION. ; Main 1903. 5 ACRES. 3 acres cultivated, bal. pasture. lots of fruit, running water; 6-room house, barn, garage, near Tigard station, O. E. Ry.; $2750; $1600 cash. bal. 6 per cenL 7 acres level land, all cultivated, good road, 8 miles from heart of city; $1500, f terms. One acre at Metzger station, price $400; your own terms. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 th St. TIGARD. " OX THE PAVEMENT. 2 big acres, all i-n fruit. 70 Spitzenberg apples. S years old: 30 other apple trees, cherrlee. plums and berries: nice e rounds: 5-room bungalow, good plumbing; fruit basement : water sv stem : lars-e chicken nouse lor loOO chickens; garage. Price $4(KK: $irno cash. Personally inspected. joh.n r EnuLSON, Gerlinger bldg. BEAUTIFUL ONE-HALF ACRE. LOVELY VIEW. Has dandy 3-room house with basement; good gaftige, 3 good chicken houses, etc.; the buildings alone are worth $2000; price only $2700; see us soon about this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 Oak St. Broadway 4133. 102-ACRE SACRIFICE IN CITY LIMITS I faces paved highway on west side, 2 miles from city hall, covered with beau- tuui grove of shade trees, fine spring. Owner compelled to sell; worth twice I tne price: 1 2.10; terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. GLADSTONE CLACKAMAS CO. Fine 5-room bungalow, 100x100 lot, fire place. Dutch kitchen, garage, electricity. 5 minutes to Oregon City car line: might trade for unimproved property; $1000 cash. naiance iiKe rent. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. OSWEGO LAKE HOMESITE. ONLY" $.100. Beautiful trnct overlooking Oswego lake. water, good road, lights, boating, bathing. nice grove 01 trees. .io oown, ?io per month. Can you beat it? Owner, 500 concord biug., 2d and starK. FOR SALE Fine modern 8-room house. 2 blocks south of depot, at Multnomah: 20 minutes out on o. E. Ky.; garage, barn, chicken house, fruit and nut trees: berries. gooa ga raen, grounu iux lao; rine view of Mt. Hood and valley. Price $5250 cash. H. S. Cox. Multnomah. Or. $3000. Imagine. 6 acres, 8 blocks N. of Ramapo station on Estacada car line; 2 acres In cult., young orchard and berries, balance pasture: fi-ronm bungalow, plastered; ga- j rage: oniy casn. Daiance iiko rent. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. M Y suburban home, on Oregon City car line, near Jennings Lodge; 14 acres, all improved, bearing fruits, large modern ' e-roomed house, fine lawn and flowers; my own water all over place. Price $8000. D 556, Oregonian. OSWEGO LAKE FRONTAGE ONLY $425. 50x150 on lake shore, good view, water and lights, rock road, better than going to the beach and much less money. Call r.oo Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Tuesday. 8 ACRES, house and barn, at Tigard vllle. Land practically all In cultivation; fronts on county road: must behold by the bank to realize on their security. Terms to suit purchaser. See ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. 1 ACRE. 3-room house, garage chicken house, woodshed, fruit trees, all kinds of small berries, fenced, at Metzger station, 25 mln. ride on Oregon Electric from citv: $750. on terms. Call Tabor 1675, or 9906 57th ave. S. E. Lents. j NICE SUBURBAN HOME CHEAP. IV. acres on Oregon itv car line, all In cultivation with all kinds of fruit and berries, good house, fine water system; all tor J52. (", easy terms. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305 LEWIS 'BLDG. THREE large lots with new, modern. 3- room bungalow, near Multnomah station. to be sold at $2150 to first comer; this is a wonderful buy. If you need a little house and large yard, call immediately on Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. HOMESITE SNAP, $650. Half acre. 2-room bungalow, lights. water, fine view. Buy this on easy terms and let the other man worry about rent. 500 Concord bldg., Tuesday. SIGHTLY half acre and 3-room house, price! $1300: $l.0 cash, naiance $!.- a month. Interest 4i per cent. Apply J. M. Bonar. owner. Garden Home. Take Oregon Elec-1 tr?c car. $2100 NEW bungalow, trees, elec. water. acre, a oiocks station; casn; auto 1 wanted. Main 362. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. ONE-THIRD acre and 3-room new house on auto road at -Multnomah station, siriou. $.100 to $500 cash, balance monthly. See ATCHISON". 204 Henry bldr. TIGARD 4-room bungalow, nifty place. C!ofe to station and stores. Dandy buy at $2000; want $750 cash, balance monthly. ; See ATCHISON, L'04 Henry Diug. .BELL STATION. 110x200, near station: $500, terms. CLAUDE HALE, Main 3517. FOR 4 or 5-room bungalow or choice build ing site at Muitnoman station see Mrs. Ryan, or call Main 4253. ACRE, 3-room house, on paved road at "Oak Grove: 20 fruit trees, berries, etc.; $1750. Owner, Main 5977. FINE ACRE, neat 4-room bungalow; large chicken house : macadam road ; Oregon City car; $1050; Thomson, Mohawk bldg. $300 CASH, house, acre. Lake Grove. $1400. Main 3672. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. For Sale Bnslnes.4 Property. INCOME PROPERTY $12,000." 4-flat building, on corner lot. In good east side district; rentals $120 per month. See owner for terms. 307 Oregonian bldg. 1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale--Business Property. 15.100 WORTH XS000. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS AND BLACK SMITH SHOP UNUSUAL BAR GAIN ANT) OPPORTUNITY. : for stepping into a big paying business. The demand being more than the present is I o ner can nanaie. Plenty of work for S men or more. Blacksmith and auto repair shop In cludes large stock of materials, practically new. The business alone is fully worth Fill in e Station. This is a paying portion of the business. an in active operation. . Established IKlti! 11 vears. Modern home with hot and cold water on- both floors and in basement; electric ii go is; gooa Darn. Private Water System. Well-house, and elevated reservoir, gaso line engine supplying water to all build ings. About S -Acre. Fronting on hard surfaced street; abund ance or fruit. We have made a personal appraisal of the business and home and can establish the facts as stated as to Its making big money and being a de sirable home. See M. J. Edwards. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., Main 7266. 624 Henry Bldg. KENTON BUSINESS PROPERTY CHEAP. On Derbv street less than one block from the' Kenton bank, lot 50x105, cement building. 25x30, formerly used as moving picture show, fine location for garage and repair shop. Price $2750 plus about $130 bonded city liens; $1500 cash, balance mortgage on or before three years. bee E. AL Brown, with. X EI LAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermen's bldg., 5th and Stark sts. STORE ON UNION AVE. 75x100 CORNER. 6 good rooms furnished upstairs, good basement with furnace, complete store fix tures. Out of town owner will take mort gage back for half, aud good paper or cash on balance. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO. See A. C. Galbraith. Main 7266. 624 Henry Bldg. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. 75x100 with 8 apartments and two stores, on west side, corner, good location; most of apartments furnished; est. Income $1860 per year, practically no expenses. Price $10,000. Will give no phone Information and yoa must have $5000 cash. J. ROB BINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931.- CLOSE IN WEST SIDE PROPERT Y . SOxlOO on 16 th street, near Marshall, Income from old buildings. $S2 per month. Price $12,500, $5000 cash, balance on time, low rate of interest. See E. M, Brown, with NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lunfbermen's bldg., 5th and Stark sts. APARTMENT site, west side, close in, large lot. corner on two fine streets; now on the property one modern 7-room house, one 10 rooms; this lot alone was appraised - at $17,500; will sell all for $14,500; will take a good building site is part payment, balance terms. Thomas Vigars Co., 270 Stark. Main 3052. WELL ESTABLISHED confectionery and grocery business in II vo suburban place, large building, living rooms very conven ient, fuil lot, hard-surfaced street; clear of incumbrance; price $4500. Stock and fixtures at invoice. Wishing to retire. Will accept good residence or close-in acreage. O. E. Freytag, Gladstone, Oregon. WEST SIDE APARTMENT. Close to Washington street, one block from car, 36 apta., all apts. rented, with long waiting list. Pays better than 30 per cent net, $155,000. Am offering this for a few days at almost one-third less. F 523, Oregonian. FINE opportunity to secure a fine lase 12-rooin bldg., suitable for sanatorium maternity home or rooming or apartment. in the Ladd district, close in. 100x100. ail improvements included ; price $6000, C. R. DeBurgh. Tabor 2719. INCOME PROPERTY. Business block In Rainier, netting 10 per cent investment. Price $15,000; terms. 60S Chamber of Com. CORNER LOT, 100x100, both streets paved, small 6-room house on rear; $6510. Poin dexter. Selling bldg.. Main 1800. Resi dence, B 7120. SUNNYSIDE Income property, by owner; corner grocery and two flats; price $5500. terms. This pays 10 per cent net. Tabor 4725. APARTMENT house and furniture; 45 apts. and stores, $90,000. Terms. AJ 6oj, Ore gonian. WHOLE block, west side, with R. R. track age, this week, $14,000, cash. Owner. K 525, Oregonian. CLOSE in, 100x100, corner, on R. R. track age; few days, $0,500 cash. K 23, Ore gonian. ' WORTH $50,000. price today $:;2,500; month ly income $300. Sellwood 140. By owner. WEST SIDE, Vs. $1.8,000; terms. block terminal trackage; K 524, Oregonian. iDAin tin oon i..Anma t-iia Prio s.-; 000 r-rm. o.-ner 1 54:t Oresnnian. For Sale Acreage. 1 ACRE plot, highly improved, 4-room house ana bath, water ana sewer system, fruit trees, variety of berries. 1 blocks to fine car service, sidewalks, street lights, on fine auto road, gas, electricity, hot ana cold water; $1500 equity, balance at $25 per mo. including interest; price ojuu: will consider trade for clear property. D 532, Oregonian. SNAP ON EASY TERMS. 3 acres, all in cultivation, east of the city just off the Base Line road; 5-room house, barn, chicken nouse, iruit trees and berries, dandy location ; priuV only $2350, $500 will handle, balance easy terms. JOH.N Hi. hUWAKU, 318 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. AT JENNE STATION. 21 acres on Jenne rd., U mi. S. of Powell Valley; all in cult., easily irrigated; 2 A. In raspberries, some loganberries, family orchard, balance in garden; 4-room house, several building sites; Johnson creek runs through. Price $10,000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. 10 ACRES near Tigard, all under cultiva tion; fenced; well and everlasting spring; good orchard ; 4-room house ; good barn ; near Capitol highway; in fact, a very complete and attractive home in a splen did settlement. Price $3500; $500 cash and balance on easy terms. Main 881. TUCKER & SCHRECK, 502 Spalding bldg. IVz ACRES, just off Newberg highway, close to car, line location for country home; some buildings: the price is only $1400. terms; best of soil, plenty of water, close to school. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. SUBURBAN home, nearly 5 acres, on John son creek with private roadway to Powell Valley road, near Linnemann Junction, 4 room house, barn, some cleared, sightly, running water, good soil; $3500. Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co., 222 Chamber of Commerce. 26 ACRES, 1 miles from Ridgefield, Wash ington, on county roau; fenced; acres . nearly cleared, balance small timber, ali level, several good springs, about 5 acred bottom land, xaeai ior cnicKens. iruit and berries. Price $1200; $400 cash. A W. Estes, 202 McKay bldg. TO SljTTLE estate, 5 acres, Stanley sta tion; worth $5000. sell $2,100; $500 cash. balance to suit. W 2J, oregonian. CANYON road. 6 miles west of city, road now being paved, 25 acres, lo acres clear, soring water, making of a beautiful sum mer home, or permanent residence; $10,- 000, cash; may consiaer moaern city residence in part. Oregon Inv. A Mtg. Co., 222 Chamber of Com. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. 1 acre at Metzger, cleared, small house, " 10 minutes' walk to car; price only $600, $200 will handle, small monthly payments ou balance. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. A PROFITABLE investment A homestead relinquishment in an Irrigated district in Walla Walla county; improved land is selling for $3o0 per acre in thit immedi ate vicinity. Price $1200. Investigate. Phone Marshall 1999 before 9:30. HAVE LAND, NOT FAR FROM PORT LAND, FROM $6.50 PER ACRE UP. 446 TAYLOR, M, 2175. OR P. O. BOX 868, CITY. $2000 ORENCO ACREAGE $2000. 5 acres, all in cultivation, fenced, good 4-room house, gas, chicken house and barn, excellent soil ; $2O0 cash, balance easy. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. 2 ACRES, 11 CENT FARE. 4-room modern house, barn, chicken coop, fruit, grapes and berries; price $28oof $1000 cash. Graham, 325 Railway Ex change bldg. ' $100 CASH and $10 monthly. Choice, un improved tracts. N. E. Hood' River in Wn ; adapted to fruit and alfalfa. Ai.y sized tract wanted. Geo. Howard, owner, 314 Cham. Com. Tabor 7884. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Well im proved 160-acre valley farm with seed, feed and equipment. Easy terms. 642 N. Liberty St., Salem, Or. 80 ACRES. 12 miles from courthouse, good soil, 1,200.000 ft. fir and cedar timber, good creek, near R. R. ;$50 per acre. 327 Lumber Exchange. BARGAIN Sightly acre, Powell Valley and Buckley ave.; very fine location for sub urban home; cash or terms. Main 4462, Monday Marshall 3205. I HAVE an exceptional wood proposition as well as an Investment. Westengard, R. 1, Worcester bldg. SEE Herman Peper houses, acreage, farms, all sizes for sale and exchange. 507 Buchanan bldg. CULTIVATED acres near Ainsworth ave. and 37th st. Main 4789, Monday. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. MODERN 12-ACRE COUNTRY HOME FOR DISCRIMINATING BUYERS. "With 5-room plastered bungalow, fire place, woodlift, Dutch kitchen, concrete basement, good barn, garage; all pain tea alike; fine stream of water; splendid well ' with cement bottom; walled up with brick; fine dark loam soil; all in culti vation, except a small corner, where creek runs through, with 12 or 15 big fir trees along the creek, furnishing firewood for -.years; '35 minutes' run on electric west of Portland; one block to station on good road; price $6000; some cash, balance .tosuit at 6 per cent. See Sam Hex of t J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 34 ACRES. I offer my 34 -acre farm until September 15th; must close with renter on . that date; rich river loam. 20 acres under cultivation, 8-acre wire fenced hog pasture, 6-acre cow pasture, 8 acres in fruit. This place neis me for fruit this season $S0i; 100 pear trees just coming to bearing will increase income $200. Have peavhes, ap ples, pears, prunes, walnuts and filberts. It's only a mile from town and a paved highway to Portland 23 miles. People will come to the farm for the crop. Soil fine for tomatoes, melons, etc. Price $6,100. Would accept satisfactory small acreage near Portland In deal; no commissions. AE 362, Oregonian. 20 ACRES. All level. 15 acres in cult., bal. timber, good new 6-room house, new barn with hay fork, hog house, chicken house, wood house, milk house and cellar. 2 good wells. The buildings are all new and painted. hi mile to electric line. 4'i miles to Ore gon City; good roads, fine location.- Some tools and stuff go with the place. Price $5000; part cash. E. P. ELLIOTT Si SON. . Seventh and Main Sts., Oregon City. Or. ACRES BARGAIN. 15 acres, 1 i miles of Battle Ground, Wash., all fenced, 7 acres cult., 8 acres pasture, 2 acres In orchard, apples, prunes, pears, plums and other small fruit; some timber, 4-room house, not quite finished, small barn, chicken house and run; on good road. This is a fine, level piece of land, and with a little work will make a fine home; price $1S00, $700 cash, with good terms. C. E. Adams, 507 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Marshall 2575, forenoon. EXTRA good and very choice Improved 12 acres, including complete set of good buildings, fine water system and last ing running water, abundance of fruit, and located In fine close-in district, in SlPht Of Portland, This nlaee is nnln cumbered, stocked and equipped, can be bought for $&oim on terms to suit. Noth ing better. Hare similar proposition of aDout b acres for J.j2.0 and many others, SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 North-western Bank Ylldg. 10 ACRES PLASTH.RED HOUSE. CItOP $ou 00. Located 16 miles from Portland; land lies fin; 8 acres in crop; good plastered house, painted inside and out; good barn and chicken house, spring water in barn yard, well at house; all fenced and cross fenced; paved road to Portland except miles. Price $3500. reasonable terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY". 913 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 20 ACRES. All in cult, 7-room house, bam. granary, chicken house, fruit, water piped to all of the buildings and in yard, berries, 3 acres of spuds, some tools and straw go with the place; joins school; 3 ',3 miles of car line and trading point; Ofc miles of Ore gon City. A dandy buy at $500; $1500 down. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON. Seventh and Main Sts., Oregon City. Or. HERE IS THE HOME. 5 acres, all in cultivation, lots of fruit; good 5-rm. plastered house; good barn and outbuildings and chicken runs; 2 fine cows. 50 laying hens, all farm tools, cream separator, feed chopper, 4 tons hay in barn, all crop now on ground. Located a Tigard, 1 blk. from hard surface rond. Price $5000. Might take 5-rm. bungalow to $2500. 901 K. Madison. Phone Tabor CHEAP CHICKEN RANCH. 5 acres. 5 blocks East Durham station, Oregon Electric. 12c commutation fare 2 acres under cultivation, balance rock land in pasture, but can be cleared: 4 room house, good barn, garage, chicken house and runways; well: countv road rural delivery. Price $1290; $450 cash balance long time at 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. WHY worry about moisture when you can buy irrigated wheat land for $100 pe acre that will pay its value each year? Located in Alberta, one mile from good town, with r. r., fine schools, in fact modern up-to-date town of 3000. Have one choice 160 acres which can be had on good terms. L. K. MOORE. 317 Board of Trade. Portland. Or. CLACKAMAS RIVER FRONTAGE. 1 S acres, all under cultivation, except small strip along river; good soil : fine view; all fenced; county road; 2-room house; only 10 miles from Portland. Price, $ini per acre: verv easv terms. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts. 5 acres up. located within 30 mfles of Portland, on railroad : good soil. no rocK, pienty or water; worK near oy; ouy on your own terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. THIS IS UNBEATABLE. Fir.est acreage plat in the state of Ore gon and at farm prices, at Electric sta tion anu onty z mues rrom city or saiem This is all in cultivation and one crop will pav lor it. Kasv terms. B. F. KELLY. 715 Swetland Bldg. IDEAL HOMESITE. Beautiful homesite of an acre and a quarter of ground: 5c fare. Bull Run water. gas, electricity ; fine soil, many beautiful trees, gonri view. This is a bargain. Owner. Main . 1963. 509 Chamber of Commerce. Evening, Marshall 805. 6000 ACRES in southwestern Washmgtoi for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. ONLY $300 DOWN. 1 acres, close to electric depot. Oregon City line; fruit and berries; 4-roorn house, electric lights, gas. well. Price $2500, Easv terms on balance. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. 3Vi ACHES, all in cultivation; garden land: borders on creek ; good 4-rm. plastered house; good barn and outbuildings. Lo cated at Tigard on Ore. Elec. and S. P. Price $2500. Y'ou can't beat It. 901 E. Madison. Phone Tabor 8996. COME TO ORES HAM 10 acres good soli. an in cultivation, .vroom nouse, good barn, apple house, orchard, berries, pump and gas engine, plenty of fruit, potatoes and vegetables for wi.iter. Price $3600. KRI D ER & ELKINGTON. Oreshnm. Or. 3 ACRES, good 5-room plastered house, two wells, cmcKen nouse, woodshed and ga rage, family orchard, all kinds of berries, one mile south of Linnernan Jet., on Gresham car line; price $3000. F. M. Ro man, Gresham, Or. R. 4, box 139. ALMOST in Gresham on the pavement, fine 15-acre home, orchard, berries, garden, 7-room plastered house, concrete basement. Portland gas, water and electricity vari able, will bear inspection, price $8000. KR1DER v ELKINGTON. Or- s ham. Or. ONLY $400 PER ArRE. OREGON CITY LINE. Acre tracts, half . mile east Rothe sta tion; county road; nice building place; 1-3 cash; easv terms on balance. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. SIGHTLY acre tracts, water, no gravel city assessments; Alberta car; Kennedy school; .'0 caan, iu monin. izrj in, w Bank bldg. SU ACRES, adjoining station electric lint fine soil, no gra vel : house almost new $3000. terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Broad way 16.S. 12 ACRES near Woodland, beautiful build ing site for suburban home: good land. J. Lu sutton, tuuip st., iiew uneans, La. COUNTY sectional maps showing vacant government una in taiiiornia anu South ern Oregon: $2.00 per county. Homeseek ers' Information Bureau. Sacramento, Cal 2H-ACRE tracts, cleared, gas and elec tricity, oameiu ruau, uonuoni station, $7oo and Shoo per acre, inquire owner. Phone B. 2571. OWNER will trade 40 acres timber land in Stevens, Colvtue county. ash., for city lots or automobile, or part cash. Phone Main 51S9. 5 ACRES, all cleared, very best of soil, one block to station, $1700, terms. Broadway 165S. 209 Oregon bldg. 2 ACRES, all cleared, fine coil, no gravei, 2 blocks to station. $700. terms. Broad way 1653. 209 Oregon bldg. FOR Oregon City line acreage, impro.od or unimproved, see John Brown. 324 Rail way Exchan ge bldg. Mar. ? 331. FOR SALE Equity in acre. Lake Grove; ) fruit, berries-, wood, small house; balance easv terms. Phone B 6161; local 5S3. lu ACRES, good orchard, house, all outbuild ing. Bull Run water; located just south of Lents. 6131 92d st. S. E. Thomas Allen TWO acres with modern house, barn and chicken house, Milwaukle. Phone Sell wood 2219. FROM 5 to 10 improved acres outside city limits, on good auto road, to rent, with option to buy. A OOP. Oregonian. CHOICE suburban acreage. modern ad vantages: sale or trade; terms. Owner B roa dway 46S3. TENacres, clear, under cultivation. Base Line. I -l miles west Rockwood. Terms. Phone E. S281. 5-ACRE apple orchard, 3 miles from New berg. E. 3003. 7i ACRES. Orenco, house, well, orchard, $4400. McFarland, 602 Yeon bidg. REAL ESTATE. For Hale Acreage. 40 ACRES, $050. 26 miles from Portland; some fine tim ber: spring and -creek; c!oe to school and neighbors. $150 cash, bai. 3 years, 6 per cent interest. 40 ACRES, $1000. 36 miles from Portland, on rock road: 4 acres in cultivation, 10 acres bottom land; fine creek. This is a snap. $350 cash, bal. to suit. 40 ACRES. $1200. 22 miles irorn Portland, 2 miles from electric line; lies fine; Al soil. $JU0 cash, balance to suit. 40 ACRES, $1650. 32 miles from Portland; 6 acres In cul tivation; 4-room house ; barn and ot her outbuildings; good lainily orchard. One half cash, bal easv t"rms. 40 ACRES, $1000 $:iou CASH. BALANCE YEARLY. 35 miles from Portland; 20 acn s almost ready for the plow; fine lor stock. R. E. BUNDY. 215 Railway Exchange bldg. 60 ACRES, 14 miles from Vanrom er. 4 0 acres in cultivation; good hut Id i 11 s. run ning and well water; three cows. 5 heifers. 2 calves. 2 horses, 2 hos. all implements, etc. Only $6600. Consider small home as part payment. Five acres all under high state of cul tivation, dandy 5-room luing.iinw, cement fruit house, dandy barn and chicken plant; OrcKon Citv road. A h (k h -class place at tho low price of J1,".(M: terms. 4 acres with a dandy bungalow, fine barn and outbuildings, near Bearer ton; w ill sell cheap or trade in on a small dairy farm. 7 acres, 6-room house, fireplare and basement : good out buildings. 2 acres bearing orchard. 2 wells. 2m ft. from r. r. Stat ion, 12 miles out in Tualatin valley ; $3N00; easy terms. We carry a lartre Iter of arre.iqe, A. W. LAMBERT & SON. 12 Grand Ave., corner Alder. East 640. ' ACRES 5 in cult., balance brush a nd pasture, easily cleared; all nice level land, best of soil, no rock nor prael. inm fruit ; 6-room house, barn and ot her out buildings, only 12 miles out, Rood auto road, 1 miles from elect, tat ion. $3000, which is less than price of raw land 111 this district. 3ls acres, all In cult., plenty of fruit, 4 room house, barn, etc., about '1 miln from Ahloa station, 12 miles from Portland. $2000. 2 acres choice garden land, all in corn, beans and potatoes. Cn-ek crosses one corner; about 9 miles out, hard-surfae road, and right close to elect, station. $000. Thee are all choice acreage tracts and bargains; also have lots of others, all sizes. TALLMADGE REALTY COMPANY, 619 Henry building. PENINSULA PARK". L( V E L Y HO M E SITES. ThI.s property Is located bet ween Inter state ave.. Minnesota ave.. Aim-worth ae. and Portland blvd.. from .'1 to 7 blocks H one of tho most beautiful parka in th- northwest; convenient to churches, school, stores and street cars; .Icffcismi hisli school walking distance; lots 5"x!"M, $.m; terms, $50 down, $1.1 per month, as a spe cial inducement I am offering s Iols fop the price of 5, $2500 cash; nearly nn aero in one of Portland's last and best building locations. Discriminating people will Investigate immediately. Mississippl-ave. car; get off at Aim-worth ave. : o;f :ce t blocks west. Paddy Powers, agent, Wood lawn 2119. Sunday and afternoons I specialize in. Peninsula and Kenton property. PRICE CUT SlOflO ON TTTI? it'OT "T,Y IMPROVED PLACE NEAR THE CITY. Located on 2 electric lines and po-d auto road. 17 trains dally each way. 13 miles from Portland, new 5-room house, bi now chicken house, capacity 500 chickens. Good barn, other outbuildings. M4 acres, all in cultivation; nonie genuine beaver dam land; woven-wire fences, fi'ie water. 1 acre young bearing orc-.iard. 5 min utes walk to town, M'hool and station; price $t250: take and terms. o Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Cuiiiiiimtc bldg. I MUST SELL MY PLACE. ' Ten aeres. highly improved, only SO rod from station 011 Oregon Electric, take car at Jefferson st. and get oi f at t n em-o. only 40 m mutes' ride. Stat ion a gent will tell you how to fid to my place. Cutnn right out on the board wa Ik aud I will show you the place. 1 am compelled to raise money and will sell 11 nw for :'mm. This is $10O0 below its actual rash alue. See J oil 11 Holmanshun. owner, orciit o, Or. CLACKAMAS RIVER FR NTAGE. COO feet of river front a. go on this IS acres, of which 4 acres is bottom land; all good sol!. Magnificent view. Ideal sito for country home. Only 5 miles irmu city limits on hard surface road. N.n-r sld'-nt owner says sell for $loou. Easy terms. River frontage like this Is scarce. It's a great Invest men t . Ma.clN.VES PRATT, Main Sii. 413 Hoard of Trade TVdg. 7 ACRES HOUSE ANT) BARN $1100. Located on banks of nice creek, right at station and handy to school and P. O. : land lays level; line black mhI, no rock or gravel, all surface cleared; 30 miles from Portland; plentv work in logging camp handy. Price $1H0; terms, $500 cash, balance to suit. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. OREGON CITY DISTRICT SNAP Five acres, all cultvation, ' good 5-room house, barn, chicken house, woodshed, 4i bearing frut trees; good spring with gas engine with ank, water piped to buildings. Price only $1S00; $500 cash, balance terms. J. BOBBINS, 301 Railwuy Exchange. Main 7931. Res. Tabor 5319. LIVING SPRINGS. How would you like an attractive 4 acre farm with time, splendid living springs, a small house, all furnished and supplied with implements. Commands a beautiful view of the Columbia, near a paved mad. Al! for $25un. Terms. ERNEST WELLS COMPANY, Tabor 50O0. 4tH Couch Building. HU DSO N A C R ES "l I UP St N ACRES, ('lose in. good car service. Bull Run water, gas, splend id soil ; some of tho acre tracts partly in raspberries fully matured, full-bearing fruit trees on others; all in high state of cultivation ; the price is low, the terms a re easy. R. E. MENEPEE v CO, Main 4035. 416-417 Railway Ex bldg. 100 SMALL FARMS. We specialise in acreages and have at the present time over loo small farms and pieces of acreage to choose from. You would do well to call upon us before mak ing selection, as we do not list anyllunff but what Is priced right. ERNEST WELLS COMPANY. Tabor 5606. 4ol Couch Building. NEAR TIGARD. Six acres, located 1 mile from Tigard: all under cultivation: 3 good springs and creek; close to paved road; exceptionally fine soil; no gravel or rock: snmll house, woodshed and root cellar. Personally in spected. Price. $1050; $550 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bWff. PRUNE ORCHARD. We own a splendid 9-acre prune orchard in the heart of the prune district of Clarke county; never fails In producing; trees all healthy and very lew missing. $4000 for ijuiek action, one-half cash. ERNEST WELLS COMPANY, Tabor 5606. 401 Couch Building. ONLY 5-CENT CARFARE. Nearly 2 acres under cultivation, some fruit trees, good garden, 3o chickens, house, barn, chicken hoiife and st ore house; good soil, creek, city water, gas. Price. $1S75; $650 cash. Personally in spected. JOB N FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. 6 ACRES, just off the Base Line road. eios. to school and stores : almost-new 5-room bungalow, with fireplace, all built-m ef fects. Dutch kitchen, barn and chicken houses: the price is only $10011 and best o ail. $300 will handle, easy terms on bal. JOHN K. HOWARD. 318 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 120-A. RANCH for sale. 15 or 20 a. in culti vation: 5 a. in fruit, -with a good crop of prunes. On daily mail Ut., 4 miles from Sandy and 3 miles from Pull Run R. R. sttion. Fine soil and a good oui side .stock range. Only $3500. Part term. E. R. LEAF. Sandy. Or. FOR common sense thrifty people, 4'i-acre farm; fair buildings, excellent land, rrn ning water, handy to 12c. station to Port land, for only $20o0. Good terms. Wo hav different very attractive bargains 111 acreages around Portland. See us. F. Fuchs, 420 Cham, of Com. 8 ACRES. U MILES OUT. 7 acres in cultivation; on rock rond, neur west side highway. Price $1000; $2ou down. A Iso 2 very choice acres, only 17 minutes out; about 3 blocks to car. Pricu $1250; 30O down. Draper A Calway, 52tl Chamber of Commerce. OREGON ELECTRIC. 20 acres right at the station of Tonquln on the Oregon Electric, seventeen miles: out ; lays beautifully. Can sell at the ridiculously low price of $125 per acre. ERNEST WELLS COMPANY. Tabor 50IMJ. 4Qt Couch Building. IMAGINE a cherry orchard of 12 acres on 82d t. for only .,mio; mi. .v or Claekumas; orchard in very line condition. GODDARD Xi WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. 5 ACRES, all fenced, level, cleared; cabin. chicken coon : sttua tea lot . hud-ui vision 2. Delnshmutt A Oat ma's Little Homes, Write M. Scim. Astoria. Or. 14 S ACRES in cultivation. 1 'j miles to Ore gon City: good soil, lies, fine. 0:1 main road. $:ti;oo; $ 1 000 down. T. STA LEY, 3 IS Hall way Exchan sc. 5 AT!ES, ut acres beaverdam, clear, small house and barn, near Witchuta school; by owner. Main 3986. ACRE. Portland Heights, graded street, eit y water : terms. West en ga rd, R. I, Wjjrc e slt-r bldg. 20 ACRES Hood Ri er acrea ge near ode: I, $1600. A E f''nnhin 22i ACRES adjoining Hillsboro on high way; part trade. ELLZEY, 100 sUa. 1 l