0 1919 THE SUNDAY OREGOX1AX, PORTLAND, SEPTE3IBER 7, 9 REAL EST AIR. For tele -II $v50 DISTINCTIVE IRVINGTON HOME. In the heart of the Irvlngton district en E. 14th St.. near Tillamook, Is a O-rm. very modem home, best of material and workmanship, every built-in convenience? co.i the owner 5m0 under the old prices, mill stand clove inspection. If you are In the market for high-ciass home?, we have them In the best restricted district. We have over photographs of inspected homes In our office for sale. Ten ex perienced salesmen with autos at your service. See FRANK L- McflUIRE To Buy Tour Home. Abington Bids;. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. BURpS IS THE CLASS OF R'VE CITV PARK." On of the prettiest bungalows' in this elty with 6 rooms and large steeping porch; Is tocat1 on 49th street, between Han eoek and TUUmook streets, the Interior t ;i old ivorv and Diale c!au throu&h- out: large living room with hardwood fioors. beautiful sun room, all on one floor with large attic; full cement bailment and complete in every detail; price Soouv, tar ins. MCI.T GL'STAFSON. 9)5 Yeon Bidg. BARGAINS IX MODERN BUNGALOWS. 5 rooms, bath. built -in, fireplace, laun dry trays; one bloik Alberta car, $2300; I only S3'M cash. 5 rooms, hardwood floors, built-lns. at tic for 3 more rooms; one block Mississippi I car: 1330. terms. S rooms, nearly new. furnace, fireplace. paed street, a peach at $45uv; only $1000 Cash. ML'TL'AL REALTY CO.. Vain 164:1. 1219 N. W. Bank Bid g S0 YOU WANT A HOME AND A LIVING i ALSO? HERE IS A SPLENDID OFPOK- Tt'NITY: SIX 5 AND 6-ROOM FLATS. FINE CORNER ON WEST SIDE. WALK- : J NO DISTANCE; YOU CAM LIVE IN ONE I AND THE OTHERS ARE ALL KKMt D FOR $20O PER MONTH. WHY WORRY A BOUT BUSlN EsS W HEN REA L ES TATE IS SO CHEAP? PRICE $13.0AO. TERMS- E. H. CoLLlS, EAST SttOU. ONE OF THE PRETTIEST THINGS IN ALL "LAUKELH UKST." Beautiful 7-room house with "class I galore" from basement to attic; bult-in effect. 3 nue large bedrooms, sewing room and reaily in ideal hom?; this home Is but 2 blocks from the park and U oxlM; look at the price. $..roti. K1ELY GL'STAFSON. 5 Yeon Bldg. VACANT MONDAY'nE XT. $25o .-.h cash. LOOK AT 927 WILLIAMS AVE. 5 rooms, will paint to suit; consider lot as down payment; no mortgage, no lien, I balance $20 and Interest monthly. G. C. GOLDEN BE KG. Abington Bldg. Main 4S03. "33 Years in Portland.' ORIENTAL BL'NgVloW. In Irvlngton, fine elevation, beautiful view of city and mountains, living room 1 Sx30. in Ivory art nouveau, fireplace, French doors, conservatory with fountain, dining room In mahogany, beautiful bath room. luiiman kitchen, -v acre ground; cost I5,mh, will sell for 12,OoO. Dela- hunt. Eat 1347. FOR SALE Willamette Heights. My house. J069 Thurman. cor. 32d. hardwood floors. mahogany dining room. 4 bedrooms. 2 I baths; second floor. 2 bedrooms, bath. attic; It as and electric light; built by Turnbull and in FIRST-CLASS condition; possession October 1st ; may be Inspected in interim, w. o. McPherson. A ROOMS and bath; house completely fur nished : gas. electricity. Bull Run water. free wood, rood car service, garage if de- aired at rental of 93 per month; cheajwst place to live in i'ortiand. w ny pay rent when you can own this modern houseboat? Aa comfortable, complete and convenient as any bungalow. Price J 1750. -Including furnishings. Phone reil wood 3o4n. THAT VACA NTLOT Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, garages. residence, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We otfer bbC tKlTl, itiHV !(.!, OA I ISf AL I iO.V L. R. Bailey Co., Inc.. contracting archl- ! lects. V24 N. w. Bank bldg. ONE of Portland's best Heights homes. close in. h ull unobstructihle mountain I ic'. Four bedrooms, with two baths. dressing rooms, sleeping porches. Two I maids rooms, with one bath. Hot water I h-at. Mahogany woodworK. all oak floors. Price 4JO.OOU. Residence pho.ie Alain IKV INGTON DISTRICT For sale oy ownet. a-roum modern house, targe grounds, built- I in Dook cases, nrepiace, naruwood Uoors, hard -surface stree's. on corner; walking I distance; convenient to scnoot; with lit tle expense can be mini into flats; price I MKjy, terms, owner. r.ast oih North. cor. v -idler. Phone East Divi. louxloo WITH grape vineyard, cherries and I apples, best gurtien spot in Portland: 0-r. house with Urge closets. Dutch kitchen. linoleum, gas, electricity, clean and in fine I condition : walking distance; might con sider some trade or easy terms. Address I owner, room bl 1 Carlton hotel. ty you are looking for a real home in Lau- rtihursu rinisnen oown stairs in hard- wood. white enamel up, hardwood fioors I throughout, best location, large lot lOOx I'Kt, highly Improved, call up and we will go and look at it. Thomas Vigars Co., :'u Mark, juain FOR SA LE 2-story, i -room rettiaence with full lot with ail street improvements paid. I at o- v a sco. oeiween r.. ut n ana lst. Owner has lett city permanently and piace I will b sold at bargain. For price and terms sea representative of owner at lo- I ration. ROSE CITY PARK. Don't overliKik this. If you want a mod ern up-to-the-minute bungalow ; every convenience; oak floors; near Sandy road. o.'J fe.. 4.i tn st. rs. .now vacanu .New ly decorated. Full particulars. F. W. TORGLER. Iti Snerlock bMg. ANYONE WHO-WANTS A REAL HOME of 5 rooms, bath, gas, electricity, fine , large lot, all kinds of fruit, good sub stantial double constructed b!dg 2 blocks south of Gllsan-st. car line, on East 7th N . only $loo $25u: bal. $.'5 Including interest, call Tabo- 2711. 4VOR SA LE 6 lots. 4 -room cottage, with bath, large woodshed: Evergreen station, Oreron 1'iir line, half hour from Port land; terms, $20oO; cah, $1850. b;30 A. M. i until 5:3" P. M. call Main t40O 6-ROOM house. 2 lots, fireplace, fin view, with small house and chicken bouse In rsar; terms; 5c car fare; on S. P.: "NS" car. 1029 Kelly st.. near Bancroft ave, Bancroft Heights. " IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Modern 7-room bungaiow , built-lns. oak fToors, A-t furnace, new iy. painted, fuil lot, $4.oo. terms. 3-0 E. 44th st. Tabor Mm; I Owner. GOOD 10-room residence and corner lot in northwest part of city: nicely located and comfortable home; prRe $ IO.Oih); see us for particulars. Farnsn, at kins 4k Co. 106 Second mi. "OR SALE BY OWNER One lot. 3-room plastered house, semi-modern, gas, wood shed, chicken house. Take Mt. fjcott car to Firland station. 4S27 76th at. S. E. " H AWTHoRNE'bUNGALOW BARGAIN? & rooms, bath, basement. Improvements In and paid, lot suxioo. $2ti.o, easy terms. J. M. Paine Jc Co., Main 1HU2. t'OR SALE By owner, 7-rom houe. fur- nished or unfurnished; lot 75x1 OO, bear ing fruit trees and berries; casn or terms. 1326 Atlantic sL Woodlawn 5-3. CHOICE corner facing East Park, modern residence, tt large rooms, 2 fireplaces, fur nao; foreclosure price. $,.".tu. Terms. Owner. 21. Mohawk bldg. Mar. 12... loOxIOO 14 bearing fruit trees. large garage, chicken run, good garden spot, small house, cash payment and good terms. Owner. i.l iiruid st., corner rlunt. NEW .-roomed bungalow, a. so number of building lots, good dist., near good school and car service. No. J-rJs Clinton Terms. Owner. Tabor 5361. 1RV INGTON Modern. J rooms and sleep ing porcn. nara w oon r loors t nrousout. la rage; Dear club: $noh. Poindexter. Selling rung. .viain im. rtcsmence. i- nz. I-KOOM cottage, good plumbing and all fur nished; E. 24th. near S. P. snops: im provements paid; $1600, easy terms. Own er. East 3225. IRVLNGTON REAL SNAP. 7 rooms, large sleeping porch, enclosed. hardwood floor, finished attic, two blks. from irvmgton tcnooi. bast 41. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Modem 7-room house, los Vaughn st., ftOxIoii. all st. imp. paid. $4600; easy terms. Owner. East 3225. IRVINGTON FINE HOME. Almost new. 7 rooms, large living room, hardwood Loors, corner lot. garage, $72oo. East 41i. NEARLY new 2 -room and sleeping porch. near school and car. Kenton district: price $mm. Fhone sva.it 4v. between 8 and except Sunday. Terms. IRVINGTON COLONIAL, "new today-,; all Ivory finish, all oak floors, beautiful paper, garage: bargain. $7500. Neuhausen & Co., exclusive. (-ROOM houae. garage, corner lOOxlOA. 2 block St. John car. IliJlW; easy terms. 7-13 Girard st. BY OWNER. 7-room bouie In Piedmont, bungalow style with upntalr finished; no agents. Address 1203 Garfield ave. FOR SALE 5-room house. $'7o; large light rooms: $0O down, balance easy terms. 194 Fargo sL f ROOMS, modern residence, cor. E. 39th and Hoigste. 4xll5: only $30Ao; take good lot on deal. Ownr, East 3225. IRVIN'GTON" Dutch colonial. beautiful bal it for home : good elevation, heart of best district. $72m. Ejst 419. FOR $ J7.V Bt'YS a modern 5-room bungalow ; furnace, f I replace : corner lot; improve ment. Tabor aTpoOM bungalow and 2 lot, champ, by KAL ESTATE. For hale -Hous $4$00 NEW DISTINCTIVE BUNGALOW. Just completed. A new very modern un usually well-built artistic typical bunga low with very pleasing lines, best material and workmanship, double constructed, large front nnrrh. larce living room ex tending full width of house with art brick rire place, hardwood floors, built-in dook cases, indirect lighting fixtures, tapestry wall paper. French doors lead into a very pretty dining room with elaborate bunt-in buffet, woodwork finished in ivory and white enamel. 2 light airy bedrooms an an ideal Dutch kitchen, best white enamel plumbing fixtures: full cement basement, lurnace and laundry trays: ciose to cai and school; located in the beautiful Irving ton Park district, on Glenn ave.; never occupied, vacant; terms, bee FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. APPRAISED $14000. THE PRICK TODAY 18000. For a home or for an investment we firmly believe this Is the best buy in Portland: A duplex bouse consisting of I romulftfl houses in one separate en trances. 6 rooms on lower and 6 and sleeping porch on upper and 3 on the Inn floor: 4 fireuiares. 4 toilets. 2 built in buffets, hardwood floors In nearly all rooms, 2 separate basements, 2 high grade furnaces. You could live In one apartment and rent the other or rent both for 1115 monthly. Owner needs money in business. Will sell for $2000 cah. Your rentals will take care of bal me. Iet us repeat, this is really a won- aerrui nargain. f'OK A McKENNA A CO. 82 4th Ht Board of Trade bldg. Main 4522. $5000 WALKING DISTANCE. Just across the Broadway bridge on a full .toxiiH) lot is a very suosiantiai moa- ern 8-room home that could easily he con verted into a 4-family flat, solid-stone re tainlnr walJ and basement with double ga rage, which could be rented for $10 per month. This lot In normal times was worth .VHM and the house could not be dunlicated for less amount, but lor quick sale this property will be sold clear for f.VHto. An ideal apartment site, we nave over 7 Oil photographs of Inspected homes In our office fur sale. Ten experienced salesmen with autos at your service, FRANK L. M C G U I R E To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. " MT. TABOR BARGAIN. 1 acre near the Hawthorne cars with 6- room modern bungalow, cement Daaement. furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, large shady porches around two sides; K acre of apple, pear, prune, cherry and plum treex about eicht veara old. in good con dition; also grapes and berries. This is a fine home for $.oo for entire acre or will sell 4 acre with buildings for $3800. Ralph Ackley I -and Co.. 527 Corbett bldg. Phone Main 7141 or Tabor 604 Sunday. IARGE ROOMY BUNGALOW. $2500 EASY TERMS $2500. 3 rooms and full floored attic, fireplace, hall mirror, fall built in Dutch kitchen, good full basement, full lot. $500 cash, bal. like rent, 63 d st., near Oregon. Take a look at this. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 25 MINUTES FROM BROADWAY. Here Is a country home right In town; south slope of Mt. Tabor: one acre rich est early soil: half In orchard and hand some grounds; comfortable 6-room house. five blocks to car. near park, splendid view. Yon ran enjoy country pleasures without sacrificing city conveniences. Price $5500, terms. MacINNES PRATT. Main 3fis. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. I.ivinir room. flreDlace. bookcases: din ing, buffet, oak polished floors. Dutch kitchen. rine bedrooms, targe enciosea sleeolng porch, bath and toilet: Ivory and white; 50x1 no lot, east lacing. i Vi diocks R. C. P. car: lust a dandy home, only o years old: $4500. i2nn cash. I tiri LA V KCiSLb LU., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. OWNER GOING AWAY. On E. fith st. N. near the Highland school, close to the Jefferson high, near the car. Is a beautiful house or line rooms. All double constructed, batn room on each floor, nearly modern, and extra good in every way. 50xioo lot. t am going to sacrifice this property. I must have $1000 down, balance like rent. Tabor 14S5, or call at hj32 otn ave. a. a. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW SNAP. Nice larsre 5-room bungalow, electricity, bath, basement, newly painted and tinted; lot rnxioo: oaved street, an ens paia; fine location, some fruit and garden; on Mwrrnertte avenue, near Lincoln : price snap; $3150. about $1000 cash ana -o per month. GRUSSI BK.NMSTT. 31 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. 1-J400 NEAT BUNGALOW $2400. MOUNT TABOR DISTRICT. H rooms full basement, built In conv.. ground 50x144. abt. 8 good bearing fruit trees, abundance of berries and shrub bery, chicken house; 55th. near Ankeny. Terms. C. A. WARRINKK. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER If voi want a home with real Individual ity, this will stilt yu. It Is absolutely dif ferent from any other house in Portland. l;eautiful crour-.is and most artistic ncusf: with mamiftcent view from everv win dow. The price is only $13,000 and there Is not i. not her buy in the city like it. Phone v din. 2:42. HOUSE FOR SALE. "Will sell this strictly modern 10-room Irvineton home. lOOxlOO-ft. lot. paving all In and paid for, at the very low price of io,,uo, easy terms: me nouse aione wouia cost the Drice aked. M. A. OK I r. rv. "The Acreage Man," 508 Lewis Bldg. FOR SALE Laurelhurst bungalow. corner lot 66x160. 6 large rooms, all wit hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, hot water heater. All other modern convent' ences Including Dutch kitchen and ma hntanv buffet. Priced at JSOO0 for aulcl sale. Come and see this wonderful buy ai 1215 E. Burnside, or phone Tabor 4112. BEAUT I F U L6RO O M B U N G ALO W $4250. 50 x 235 lot: furnace, fireplace; 6 full bearlnc fruit trees 3 cherries. 1 plum. quince, 1 peach ; portion of lot on track and good s pec u I a 1 1 v e nuy. GODDARD WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. HAWTHORNE J3HOO. 7 rooms, bungalow style, bookcases, buf fet, fireplace, full cement basement, faces M.st. Donh extending across front. 50x11 lot. on hard-surfaced street, all liens paid $10Ou cash will handle. .iohnmo-uuo SON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. ROSE CITY HOME. $40OO. 6 rooms on 45th st., near Broadway, modern and in fine condition. 50x100 lot abundance flowers: best buy in Rose . It for price and on easy terms. Open even njC. CORBIN CO., 303 Lewis Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK. $3923. If you want a neat bungalow on easy terms let us snow you tnis. GEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO. See A. C. Galbraith. Main 7266. 624 Henry bldg. WEST SIDE 5-room modern house and aaraie. walking distance from town ciose to car. Our bank took this over for security and must unload at once. I Is a snap at $2650. Terms to suit. See ATCHISON, 2o4 Henry bldg. 1.VTH ST. NEAR ALBERTA. $2UIO. 5-room bungalow, 50xIOO lot, block from car. basement, modern plumbing, nice xix tures. Terms. EDWARD A. BROWN CO.. 303 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 2693. POPRTLAND HEIGHTS. Splendid uite for residence or apartment house. eautirui vuw, lot .kixou. rtts. ler race and College, temporary house, price $44HM, $ihmj down. s.'tO monthly install- mer-t. by owner. Marsnaii 3 jo i . MURRAYMEAD IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Strictly modern 8-room hous with hard wood floors, fireplace, hot water heat price $6250. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. WAVERLEIGH HTS., $2800. $600 cash. 5-rcom bungalow, rooms light and con veniently arranged, built-in features, full plumbing. good basement, nice lot. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. BANK BLIKJ. $4000 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5 rms. and garage, cor. Int.. streets paid.. $,-iS)MI LAURELHURST. Modern 8 rms. and garage, st. imps. paid. CHAS. RING LER A CO., 225 Henry Bldg. HOMESEEKERS. do not chase to rent, buy you a home: they wi.i never be cheaper we have all kinds and at all prices and ran give you the best for your money. F. Fuchs. 420 Ch. or com. OVERLOOK. We have several modern homes In this fine district ; the prices are very at tractive and terms are easy. . W estern Land Co.. .11 Railway Exchange. $2900. 6-room modern cottage, perfect condi tion. Beautiful lawn, fruit and shrubbery. Terms. Jorden with Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. BEAUTIFUL HOME. $20,000, SIX-ROOM HOUSE. $4000. AJ 661, OREGONIAN. SALE by owner. $220O, 7oora modern nous ana sleeping porcn. oo k. 37tn vt : take Woodstock car; call after 11 A. M Mot-day. SPLENDID 8-room house In Alberta district ror recently remodeled garage, $.VK cash, balance like rent. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. $I.H0O- COTTAGE, TTAGE. 6 rooms, block car, $5o0 AUFarland, 602 icon bid. cash. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 13850 REAL BUNGALOW HOME. On Hawthorne avenue, on 03x100, very sightly location. Is a typical bungalow with large front porch extending full width of house, brick columns, living room with fireplace, beamed celling, solid paneled dining room with, leaded beveled-glass buffet, hardwood floors, beautiful hand rubbed woodwork, full white Dutch kitch en. 2 light, airy bedrooms with large closets; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, full cement basement, fur nace and laundry trays. This is double constructed, very modern and a well-built home, best material and workmanship; terms. We have over 700 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. Ten experienced salesmen with autos at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. BARGAINS 7 -room house, Mississippi car line near Skid more st. 50x100 ft. with al ley, lots of fruit, price 12500. 7-room house near Vancouver ave, and Skldmore st.. 50x100 ft., with alley, rents for 30. fruit trees, price $2600. 6-room house near E. : Both st.. south of Hawthorne ave.. 50x100 , ft., modern, good condition, price $2600. j Same neighborhood, 7-room house, 100x100 I it, price $ 2 1 50. Same neighborhood, 5 room bungalow, strictly modern, 50x100 ft., price $2N00. Alameda Park 7-room bungalow, modern throughout. 50x100 ft. price $4250. Easy terms can be arranged on any of these. A. A. LIN DS LEY, 400 Henry bldg. DUTCH COLONIAL, LAURELHURST $9500. This is one of the finest colonial homes In Portland. The living room is 16x28, the dining room 14x17, the kitchen and breakfast nook 12x16. There are 4 large bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch on upper floor. There is an unusually large white tile fireplace. This home is heated by the American radiator heating system. Yes, there Is a fine garage. This splendid nome is practically new. May we snow you? COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. Main 4522. $7000 I R VI NG TON $7000. A RARE BARGAIN. While 1 do not know every house In Irvlngton that can be bought at any price 1 do know a good thing when I see It and this Is one on a good lot 50xloo cor., with a fine concrete garage is house that could not be built for $6500 today; seeing is believing; come early and do not loose any time ns this will go quickly; this place is modern In every detail and if you are looking for a good home at the right price see this. Phone jj. Lawrence. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., n09Oakst. fidwy. 4133; EAST BU RNSIDE ST. SACRIFICE. Fine 8 -room residence, living room, din ing room, kitchen and library downstairs, 4 bedrooms and sewing room upstairs; oak floors throughout, large attic, lurnace, fine garage, corner 100x100. with elegant shrubbery, walnut trees, shade trees, noiiy buffet, fine basement with laundry room. hedge fence, paved street; walking dis tance, on East Burnside and 22d : actual value $14,000; will sacrifice for a short time at $itO'o. some terms. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOWS. $2500 for a 5-room on E. 36th. $500 cash. $3200 for a fine 7-room, all modern, near 40th. $1000 cash. $3500 for a 6-room, modern, on 4 1st, $1000 cash. $3750 for 8 -room, modern except furnace, $1250 cash. $4000 for one 5-room; a fine modern bun galow, $1000 cash. $4200 for a classy 6-room modern, near 3Mh. cash. F. T. BLANCH ARD, 517-20 Rwy. Excju Main 1829. ONE OF THE PRETTIEST BUNGALOWS IN ROSE CITY PARK. Corner lot, 100x50; I am now living In the house ; 5 rooms, beautiful finish, hardwood floors, fireplace. In fact every convenience known; cement floor, garage, 82 rose bushes, flower boxes, etc. ; block from car, not further out than 46th st. Price $6500. $2r-00 cash, balance easy terms. Phone Tabor 6448 for inspection. $3000 GOOD 10-room modern house with two full lots, near car line, all plastered and painted, 2 baths, 2 toilets, fine shade trees, in a good neighborhood, near splen did school. $500 cash, balance can be paid like rent. Well suited foe large family or portion can be conveniently rented, mak lng purchaser's monthly payments easy t meet. Selling for less than actual cost of house. WILLIAMS LOAN & INVEST MENT CO.. owners. 422 Chamber of Com merce. Phone Main 447. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW TYPE. One of the most attractive homes in th Hawthorne district; 6 pleasant rooms and sleeolna Dorch: all modern features; liv ing, dining room, combination kitchen and breakfast room: 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; full cement basement and good fur nace: well-kept grounds. Best of construe tion throughout. $4750 Is the price; terms. MacINNES A PRATT. Main 3S68. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. GRAND 7-ROOM HOUSE. A splendid home with large rooms, ce ment basement. Dutch kitchen, all newly tinted and painted; hard streets, room fo garage: block to Ankeny car: surround ed by good homes and good neighbors: a splendid buy: $3000, only $uoo casn, Dai. like rent. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett bldg. Main 6915. $2100 NORTH IRVINGTON $2100. TERMS LIKE RENT. 6 rooms and sewing rm., 1 bedroom on first floor, 2 above, full built in Dutch kitchen, good full basement: blk. from irvmgton canine, ant. a blks. to scnooi $550 cash will handle. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CLOSING ESTATE. In order to settle an estate we are com pel led to sacrifice this modern 8-room house on 50x115 lot In the Irvington dis trict, street improvements, including pav lng. all in and paid for; price $4750, $1750 in cash, balance to suit purchaser. H. A. DRYER, "The Acreage Man,' 508 Lewis Bldg. NEW LAURELHURST HOME. Built on large beautiful corner near car line, nine rooms, sun parlor, break fast room, two b ith rooms, three en trances, extra large garage. This house is built witn th very best care and work manship throughout. Price $9200. See own'r on the premises, 1245 EAST FLAN DERS. MT. SCOTT CAR LINE. $1800. $4lH cash, balance like rent. 80x100 lot. 14 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries and shrubbery, good double constructed 5-room house, all newly painted and papered, good electric fixtures, gas, water, good chicken shed, runs, etc. JOHNSON DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8787. GOOD ALBERTA STREET CORNER. 75x80. Good 4-room house. This Is a good bus iness corner for store or small garage. For all or half cash. Can sell very cheap. GEO. K. ENGLEHART CO. See A. C. Galbraith. Main 7266. 624 Henry bldg IRVINGTON Owner's strictly modern home. seven rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood every room; fireplace in living and buf fet and beamed ceilin-j In oii.lng room; tile bath. lull cement basement, furnace, trays and fruit clcet; 3 blocks Irvington car or school; $6000. Seen by appoint ment with owner, p. O. ox 4lo2 city. 7-ROOM HOUSE 100x100 FRUIT. Good 7-room house, cement basement. rooms down. 2 upstairs; bath, etc., fine cor ner, looxioo. paved St., sewer and all paid 20 bearing fruit trees, close In on Missouri ave. and s Kid more, .trice stimuu, on terms. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. $1400 LITTLE COTTAGE $1400. 3 rooms and part basement, elect., gas, etc., full east front lot, abt. 1 blk. to good carline; $40u cash win handle, bal. easy. o. a. w akkia t;rt, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME $10,000. On lot 75x150: 8 rooms, hardwood floors. extra toilet; beautiful finish and in Al condition. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. FOR SALE 10-room house. Rose City Park, 1 io ieet rroniage, giassea-in sleeping porch, large veranda, fireplace, hot water heat, all modern throughout. Could be made Into apartments. Within a block of school. Call Tabor 3421. RIGHT NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. Dandy 6-room home, hard surface, nice neighborhood; $3000, with terms. Open evenings. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305 Lewis Bldg. LAST TIME OFFERED. Semt-modern 4-room house, lot 80x100. Small cash payment, easy terms. Price $1575. 608 Cham, of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL 5-room bungalow, located near Franklin high school ; a very at tractive home and In splendid con dition : only $3500. Lot 50x100. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. MODERN, beautiful home, immediate pos session, t -room moaem Dungaiow, rine full lot and garage. nice surroundings, worth $6000, for only $4600. Move right in. F. Fuchs. 420 Ch. of Com. HERE'S THE BEST YET! Strictly modern, brand newv 5-room bungalow and garage in Rose City park. $5HOO. Jorden with Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bldg. $10,000 IRVINGTON HOME. 75x150 LOT. Modern 8-rm. home, best psrt Irvlngton. CHAS. RINGI.ER A CO.. 225 Henry Bid g. IN I OR SALE 4-room modern bungalow, Mil- waukie. Or. Call 9W. Oak Urova, ,S1AL ESTATE. For Sale -Horn . ROSE CITY PARK HOUSE. A 7-room house, full basement, laundry trays, furnace, hardwood floors, all built ins. fine kitchen, large pantry, 50x100 lot. Price $4000; easy terms. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. A 5-room bungalow, good basement, wash trays, fireplace, all built-lns. glassed in sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen. 1 blk. Sandy blvd. Price 3700. Easy terms. 100x100 $2900. A 7-room bungalow, good basement, fire place, some built-lns. in first-class condi tion. All kinds of fruit and berries; 100x100 lot; garage. VERY REASONABLE TERMS. $2250 6-ROOM HOUSE $2250. A 6-room house, basement, bath, etc.. In fine condition, corner lot 50x100 feet, $300 cash will handle. This is a dandy home and worthy of your investigation. GET IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, $3500 MT. TABOR BUNGALOW $3500. A strictly modern 5-room bungalow, fur nace, fireplace, all buiit-lns, full cement basement, wash trays, all built-lns, 50x100. lot, garage, etc.; terms. $n700 6-ROOM HOUSE $3700. A 6-room house, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, gas stove. linoleum and stair carpet, sidewalks and sewer in and paid ; very close in ; easy terms. $3500 8-ROOM HOUSE $3500. An 8-room house, full basement, laun dry trays. furnace, etc.. 50x100 lot. fruit and berries; near Union ave: $500 cash will handle. RUMMELL RUMMELL, 274 Stark SL $4200 ARTISTIC HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. In an Ideal location, 2 blocks from the Hawthorne car in a large lot, paved st. in and practically paid for, is an ideal verv attractive modern 5-room bungalow; large living room with fireplace, built-in leaded-gla.ss bookcases, paneled dining room, attractive leaded-glass buffet, hard wood floors, white enamel Dutch kitchen with every built-in convenience; 2 light, airy bedrooms, full cement basement and laundry trays. This is a beautiful little home. We have over 700 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 10 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 10G8. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. WALNUT PARK HOME. Without question Walnut Park is one of Portland's attractive additions and Cleve land ave. is right In the heart of this most lovely residence district; we offer Just a grand, colonial 6-room . home with den, fireplace, furnace and all the built-ins, on a 50x100 lot, paved streets, an paia; one block from car and just a few blocks from Jeffer.son hiffh and grade schools : this Is certainly a splendid buy at $5500, on reasonable terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett bldg. Main 6915. COOK AVENUE HOME. Modern 6-room two-story house on Cook ave., near Williams ave., is nicely finished, has furnace, cement floor in basement, wash trays and many other modern conveniences. Price only $3450. 600 cash, balance like rent. J. F. HILL, 696 Williams Avenue. East 268. ALAMEDA IN THE CHOICEST SECTION I am ordered east and must dispose of my 6-room modern bungalow with sleeping porch, breakfast room and ga rage; price $6000: for a quick sale, will take $2000 as first payment and balance can be handled on monthly payments if desired. See my agent, Mr. Brown, at E. 39th and Glisan sts. Tabor 3433, evenings Tabor 59. UNDER THE MARKET. New, modern bungalow, 5 rooms, sun porch, hardwood floors, white enamel finish, fireplace, all built-in effects. Dutch kitchen, screened back porch; this bunga low is double constructed, and will make you a nifty home; price $3750. small cash payment with balance at 6 per cent. This bungalow is under the market. O. W. Bryan. 509 Chamber of Commerce. Majn 1903. Marshall 865. VACANT BUNGALOW. MOVE RIGHT IN. $500 takes possession of this 5-room bungalow, also 3-room cottage in rear, steady renter, ground 50x100, abt. 100 ft. from car. bal. like rent. Price for all $2000; this is a big snap. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NEW classy 5-room bungalow, large livins room, fireplace, bookcase, cloak room with bevel plate mirror door, dining rtfom has large attractive buffet, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, all built Ins, Ironing board, cooling closet, etc., breakfast nook, full cement basement, laundry trays, floored attic, windows In all closets; $.00 down, balance like rent; block south "RC" car. 43d and E. Broadway. ' FOR SALE BY 6WNER. OVERLOOK. 878 Colonial avenue. Brand new 6-room house, will be ready for occupancy in 7 days. Price $0000. Terms. Phone OWNER. Woodlawn 597. MODERN bungalow near Peninsula park, i block to car, $3350. $1000 cash. Full dressing mirror in hall, book cases, buffet, panel dining room, Dutch kitchen, 2 light bedrooms and bath, full basement, floored attic, 50x100 lot, fruit and berries. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. Main 3787. MT. TABOR SWELL HOME. Fine, modern 9-room house. 4 fireplaces, on fine corner 100x100. with elegant view; liens all paid; worth $14,000. will sacrifice for $9000, on easy terms. N. W. corner 53d and Morrison. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. BRAZEE-ST. HOME. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, built-in conv.. fireplace, furnace, paved sts. in and paid, 1 block from car; price $4500; terms. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1600 $400 CASH. 4 rooms and bath, built-in buffet, built in kitchen, laundry trays, screened -in porch, lot 50x100, walnut, pear and apple trees; also good garage. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG., MAIN 3 7b 7. OWNER No commission ; near Laurelhurst park; family cow, chickens, garden, iruit trees, furniture, modern 7-r. house, Vt block ground, outbuildings, paved st.. all for $3850. or $1250 cash, balance time; ground value $2500; niova right in; no agent?. Y 19, Oregonian. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW LAURELHURST, NEAR PARK Will be sold at actual cost if sold im mediately; garage: everything complete. Phone MR. DELA HUNT Y, Main 1700; Sunday and evenings. East 2086. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 7-room residence, $3600; spacious grounds, trees; tine place for children to play; on Pat ton road ; an unusual buy ; shown onlv by appointment. $2000 cash. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $3200. 5 rooms, modern, only few feet from Sandy and close in : best buy in the dis trict "for money: rents for $40; some in vestment. See Wattson, J. C. CORBIN CO., 303 LEWIS BLDG. WEST SIDE. 6-room modern house. 530 Mill st. at 16th; newly painted inside and out: walk ing distance; immediate possession; $4700, terms; room for garage or another house. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 4th st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Large bungalow, modern conveniences: 2 lots, level, with paved streets; on the corner. 2 blocks from car, 41 blocks from Ainsworth school. Main 7294. NOW VACANT, $2100, $250 cash, $25 month ly Including interest 0 per cent: 7 rooms and bath, gas, electricity, etc., 50x100 lot, east front, garage. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., MAIN 3787. 5-ROOM cottage, garage, with lights, bath; corner, east frontage, ne tr grammar school and college, price $1300. cash or terms. Address 502 N. ISth St.. Corvallis. Or. A HOME FOR INVESTMENT. Choice of two colonial bungalows, strict ly modern, $3150 and $5050. Jorden with Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. FOR SALE, by owner, at sacrifice, cottage at Wood lawn, close In; some terms. F 538, Ore go nian. 13:100 NEAT 5-room bungalow. 1234 E. uroaaway, rooms an iaige anu ngnt, ivory finish; block south "RC" car; $300 down. balance like rent; owner. fl-ROOM. modern, nice condition, unincum bered house, witn garage; Hawthorne dist.: special price, part time. Call at 325 E. 42d st. S.. Portland. MUST SELL my house and lot, fruit and berries, garage, iouu, 9 inn casn, easy terms. Tabor 5432. AP 3S5, Oregonian. MODERN 9-room house. Five down and four up; suitable ror two families. Call at house. 842 E. 30th St. WELL-BUILT 2 -room house; fine 50x100 lot ; fruit, berries, bargain. Address E. 460, Oregonian. 3-ROOM bungalow with water, gas. elec tricity, lot 32X3U. fu casn. 1008 E. 38th st., cor Raymond ave. K ENTON, modern bungalow, 4 rooms downstairs. 1 up. oox 100 lot, fruit. Easy terms. Call before 12 M. Broadway 2606. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Full basement, close, In; $2000. 100 la 4th L Main 1293. REAL ESTATE. For Sal i -Houses. GOOD -HOME BUYS. 6-room modern house, sleeping porch, garage, corner, fruit, flowers, near car, oimj; xooo cash, Dai. easy. 7-room bungalow, on one floor, modern garage, corner, neat, clean, $26o0; $12, cash. bal. easy. 6-room modern house, 2-story, lot 160x 112 feet, chicken house, fruit, berries. flowers; this Is a nice home; $4500: $1000 casn oai. month including interest. St. Johns, 5-room cottage, lOOxlOO-ft. comer, lots of fruit and nuts; $2300; an reasonable terms. 6-room house, cement walks sewer in fruit trees, 50xl00-ft. corner; $2300; any reasonaoie terms. 6-room modern house, double construe tlon, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, full basement, paved street, corner lot, near car in Hawthorne district; $4000; good easy terms. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 1654 4th St. $3400 BUNGALOW BARGAIN-3400."" On E. 35th st.. near Woodward ave, on a paved street, with all liens paid, is a 5-room typical bungalow, with large front porcn; living room, witn zirepiace; ouiit in bookcases, dining room; Dutch kitchen good cement basement. 2 light airy bed- . rooms; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; $500 down and entire bal ance at $25 per month. No mortgage to assume. Vacant. Immediate possession. This is a real bargain. We have over 700 Inspected homes in our office for sale. Ten experienced salesmen, with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office open evenings and Sundays. LAURELHURST HOME SACRIFICE. Owner wishing to effect quick sale for ousiness reasons win cut price or nil strictly modern 2-story. 8-room house, lo cated on choica lot near car and park (just repainted and decorated Inside and out) to $7500. You'll feel at home the minute you enter and will want to sit right down. Large entranca hall with French doors to large living and dining room, also to den, old Ivory finish; nice light kitchen with toilet an ft lavatory adjoining, 4 big square bedrooms, sleep ing porch and tile bath on 2d floor; full cement basement, good furnace, lots of room for garage, fine view of city; house wortn ximioo, lot $isoo, st. assessments 4o, but $7500 takes it. Terms. R. H. Torrey, 1 03 Floral ave. Tabor 407. BUY vour home from owner and save com mission; anyone wanting a 4-room house, take a close look at this one before buy ing. Large combination living and din ing room, outcn Kitcnen; large oearoom and clothes closet with built-in linen closet: bathroom with white enamel fix tures; sleeping porch large enough for two beds; nice front porch ; basement ; elec tric lights, gas and shades; insured for three years; lot 50x100. lots of loganber ries and grapes: chicken house and fence. It cost all of $2500; will sell for $2250 If taken before Oct. 1; $500 down, $25 per month and interest; located at 1301 Camp m bell st., St. Johns car HOTWATER HEAT. MT. TABOR BEAUTY. Semi-bungalow type, 0 rooms, sleeping porch and dark room, 1 bedroom on first floor. 2 and sleeping porch above, hard wood floors, fireplace, full built-in Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcases ana Duiiet, tun cement basement with first-class hot water heating plant, full lot. fine garage, paved sts. in and paid, about 100 feet from car. This is an ideal home; only $0000, easy terms. Let us show you this. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $0000 ROSE CITY FLATS. On E. 49th St., below the hill, Is a very modern, attractive two-family flat, one with sleeping porch; woodwork finished in old ivory and white enamel, full ce ment basement, 2 furnaces and 2 fire places; good income. We have over 700 photographs of Inspected homes in our office for sale. 10 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. GANTENBEIN AVENUE. Modern 7-room house on Gantenbeln ave., close to public and high school, large lot, street improvements in and paid. If you are looking for a good substantial home this will Buit you. Price $3400. Easy terms. J. F. HILL, 606 Williams Ave. East 268. FINE BUNGALOW. NEAR PIEDMONT. Swell, large bungalow. 5 rooms down stairs, large attic, room for 4 more rooms; nice bath, furnace, china closets. laundry trays, full cement basement, nice barn for garage; lot 65x127: no city Hens to assume; lot of fine fruit; on Rodney avenue near Portland boulevard; adjoin ing Piedmont. Price $4000. $500 cash and $25 month. Vacant. Phone at our office. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 313 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. " LAURELHURST BARGAIN. BEAUTIFUL LIVING ROOM. Fine S-room house with extra large liv lng room, fireplace, furnace, all built-in features, sleeping porch, den. breakfast room, etc.; also garage, 4 bedrooms with extra large closets and windows In them. Here is a real bargain and in the center of one of Portland s finest residence districts price $7000 Let us show you this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak st. . Broadway 4133. " $2650 ALBERTA BUNG ALOW $2650. On E. 8th st.. one block from Alberta Is a very neat 5-room modern bunsatow. new v oa n ted. weil-Kept lawn, nowers fruit and berries. Terms. We Jiave over 700 photographs of Inspected homes In our office tor sale ; in experienceo seiesme-n with autos at vour service. tb FRANK L. McGT'IRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ahineton Buildine. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. EAST Morrison, near 33rd. 7-room house, electricity, gas, bath, fruit trees, real bargain. $2400, $500 down. 43RD, near Harrison, 6 rooms, modern ex cept fireplace, garage. $4200, $2000 down SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and attic. $3000. $800 down. W. H. SAWTELL Tabor 1811. IN ROSE CITY PARK Near to school and car. a 6-room mod en house: large living- room, with fire olace. hardwood floors downstairs: full basement with furnace and fruit room; on paved street : nice location: price, in cluding everything. $4250; $750 required and balance like rent. MR. BROWN, E. 39th and Glisan sts. Tabor 3433: evenings Tabor 59. NEAR SANDY QUICK POSSESSION. $700 CASH $700. 5 rooms nnd full floored attic, full cement basement. fireplace, built-in Dutch kitchen, linoleum and range go with place, paved sts. in and paid, hi blk. from R. C. car. Price $3700. O. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A REAL BUNGALOW. Close in on Mt. Scott car. 5-rooms, 30x 100 lot, good garage and 2 large porches either can be used for sleeping. 1 M blocks to car line, cement walks, all double constructed, stationary tubs; in every par ticular a fine home, built only 5 yrs. The price on this elegant home is only $2500. $700 down, balance easy terms. Tabor 1485, or call at 8932 56th ave. S. E. VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN. DANDY HAWTHORNE HOME, $4500. 7 rooms, in center of finest district: dandy furnace and fireplace, hardwood floors, sleeping porcn, iuh lot; a mighty attractive place, no trouble to snow, open evenings. J. C. CORBIN CO., 303 LEWIS BLDG. ALAMEDA PARK. $4750. 7-room good substantial modern home on 26th st. In this beautiful district. Easy terms. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO. See A. C. Galbraith. Main 7266. 624 Henry bldg. WEST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE $4500. Good 5-room house, full cement base ment, furnace, hard-surface sts. in and paid. 1 block from car: terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. " NEAR PENINSULA PARK. Very artistically arranged 5-room bun galow, faces west on maoadam street. Is plumbed, has full basement, large attic, convenient to Kenton or Union ave. cars. 50x100 lot, price $2230. ?3oO cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. Main 3787. ROSE CITY IDEAL HOME. S rooms, in center of best district, on 46th st. Everything right up to the min ute, fne 50x100 corner. If you want a classy home you will like this one. Fine garage. Open evenings. Mr. Watson. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305 Lewis Bldg. $3200. Large new house, corner lot 100x120, modern ; your winter's wood In and in cluding furniture if wanted: this Is a bar gain; 30 minutes out on Woodstock car; ?so agents. owner, laoor o-tng. GOOD INVESTMENT. 4 Houses, rented for $120 per month, lot 100x100 feet, situated at E. 11th and Washington sts.. $18,000; $6000 cash, bal. 6 per cent, long time. R. M, GATE WOOD & CO.. 165' 4th St. $3000 SUNNYSIDE home: 6-room house, modern: lot 40x100: 1 block to car; $750 down. bal. like rent: owner leaving city. Call Sunday or Monday, 172 E. 31st st, near Yamhill. A SNAP. 4-room modern bungalow. Good loca tion. Freed of debt. $1500. Terms. Jorden with Wilbur F. Jouno, Henryhldg. 71 EAST Salmon st.. near ISt h. walking distance, give easy terms, 7 rooms, large lot, $3400. East 13U4. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. DON'T DELAY. Good homes are scarce, don't let oppor tunity pass you up. Listed below are some of our real home bargains: ask us about them: let us show you an easy way to find that home you have been hunting for so long, but whatever you do, act now: autos always at your service. $102u Peninsula park, 3 rms., white en ameled Dutch kitchen, lights, gas. water, 50x100 lot, 6 bearing fruit trees, chicken house, wood shed, garage; a comfortable little home for only $200 cash. bal. mo.; 4 blks. St. Johns car, close Ockley Green ' school. $1850 Kern park. 5-rm. bungalow, recep- . tion nail, large rooms. line Dam. situated between 2 light, airy bed-1 rms., American kitchen, good base- j ment, laundry trays. 40x100 lot, i with alley, 2 bearing fruit trees: 3 blks. Mt. Scott car; close to I school; $600 cash. bal. easy. . $2500 East Mt. Tabor; say here's a little oandy, o large rms., nardwooa floors, fine butlt-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full basement, 50x100 lot, nice lawn and shrubbery, hi blk Mt. Tabor car; $500 cash and move right in, balance monthly. $2900 Sunnyside, 5-rm. bungalow, in fine condition. large rms.. built-in buf fet, fine bath, handy kitchen, full cement basement; fine location ; convenient to 2 car lines, close in; only $500 down payment, balance easy terms. $3000 Hawthorne bungalow; no better value in city than this 6-rm. bunga low, extra long living rm.. rire place, French doors. 3 bedrms.. large kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, beautiful lot. 5 hear ing fruit trees. line snruboery, garage, paved sts., sewer; close in; here's a dandy, don't delay; some terms. $3600 Beautiful Mt. Tabor, one of most artistic bungalows for th price In the city; fireplace, hard wood floors, all built-ins. 2 bedrms., fine sleeping porch. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, beautiful lot, fine lawn and shrubbery, garage; $1000 cash, bal. monthly. $3700 Owner leaving city, will sacrifice beautiful 5-rm. bungalow, floored attic, fireplace, hardwood floors, ouiit-in Dutiet, outcn kitchen, n cement basement, laundry trays, 50x100 lot, 5 bearing fruit trees, perries. line lawn and shrunnery V blk. Richmond car, Waverleigh Heights; sts. paved, sewer; $1 cash, balance terms. $4500 Hawthorne, 7-rm. bungalow. 4 bed rms., fireplace, hardwood floors. Duut-in nurret, Dutch kitchen, run cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, fine lot, some fruit, nice shrubbery, garage: located in best part ot Hawthorne ; paved sts. blocks car: some terms. $5000 New Rose City Park 5-rm. bunga low. exceptionally well built, fire place, hardwood floors, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, full cement basement, laun dry trays, aOxloo lot; 2 blks. Sandy blvd.; in fine locality; $1200 cash, oaiance monthly. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. $2650 H AAV THORN 15 SNAP $26507" On E. 38th st., south of Hawthorne car. Is an attractive 5-room bungalow on paved street; living-room, soiid paneled I dining-room, built-in leaded glass buffet. convenient kitchen, white enamel plumb ing, electric lights and gas. .Modern bun galows at this price in good districts are rare. We have over 70o photographs of inspected home in our office for nale. Ten experienced salesmen with autos at your service. see FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. A BARGAIN. Modern 4-room bungalow on Michigan ave.. has good plumbing, electric and gas basement, chicken house and other I improvements. The lot is 50x120. Be j sure to inquire about this little place for It is a bargain. Price $2000. Terms. J. F. HILL. 606 Williams Ave. East 2G8. ROSE CITY PARK. Bungalow oak floors in all rooms, In- cl Jding halls and closets, fireplace, fur nace, large living room. French doors leading to dining room, fine buitt-ln buf fet, rooms finished in old ivory, break fast nook, finished rooms in attic ; block and half from car on paved street. The house will be vacant Monday; move at once. F. Vancluyn. 515 Chamber Com merce. Main 19oo. $65 00 PIEDMONT $6500. This is one of Piedmont's beautifu'. homes: 7 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern, Deautirmiy located, east rront. nice lawn, shrubbery, garage. uOxlOO and alley. block from car, paved sts. in and paid. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1 500 M ODE RN BUNGA LO W CO TT A G E on E. 48th st., near 4.th ave., on tne i Woodstock car; Is a comfortable 5-room cottage; white enamel bath; patent toilet; lavatory and gas; full lot; fruit, etc.; ga rage. SEE FRANK L. McGl'TRB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. FOUND AT LAST IN ROSE CITY PARK -A splendid 6-room. 1 -story bungalow, with fino jrarage; choice part of th dis trict: this Is no snap, but a genuine good buy; all improvements In and paid; price $5000. Phone Main lTOO: Sunday nnd evenings. East 2086. MR. DELAH-JNTY, 270 -! Stark st. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW, 2 LOTS. Ail for $3000 with $300 down; actually the best buy in Portland. All kinds of fruit, berries, place for 100 chickens, ga rage, fireplace, everything in fine repair and a real home, oiock to car ;ine ana business center. Kern Park. Open even ings. SEE THIS. J. C. CORBIN CO., 303 LEWIS BLDG. A GOOD BUY. Fc-ur-room bungalow on corner lot. TOOxloO; some fruit trees, lot of berries; full cement basement, cement floor, wash tiay, Dutch kitchen; 5 blks. of car. A1 good buy for $2100. Terms. C. E. ADAMS, 307 Cham, of Com. bldg. Marshall 25 $20,000 FORECLOSED property a half the cont lo former owner, lartje lu-room house. fireproof construction with steam heating plant, 2 tireoiaces, Detns ana toilets, qa- rfe. sleeping porch, streets on 3 sides, fine view, 2 lots, price $10,000, $25(10 cash. See owners' representative at 307 Oregon ia: bldg. INDUSTRIAL CENTER. Broadway bridge, new boulevard, short ens distance 14 miles; 2 car lines put you to any work in the city; It's truly the Industrial center; 22 small houses, ciose to car lines; $ti00-$,00; targe lots: on terms that you can buy. A. C. McDonald, Agent, 296 W. Lombard. Woodlawn 6273. SUNNYSIDE'?! chance bargain $2750, with $600 down: good b-room house, Iarfje, splendid sleeping porch, fine lot -0x loo. fruit trees, between both car lines: see this. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont, week Tabor 219. $3500, 2-STORY 7-room house with garage. noxju-iooi 101, on nawmorne car near 1 Franklin high, cement wafks and base ment, 7 bearing rruit trees, oerriejs and grapes. If you have $1000 and want a real home, call labor nju. HERE Is one you should grao 4 rooms. 50x100 lot, cherry trees, woodsnea. Darn ; $900, $350 cash, balance $15 monthly; In Montavilla. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG., MAIN 3787. LAURELHURST. 7-room bungalow, lour steeping rooms, fireplace, oak floors, furnace, modern in every way, close to car; $5500. F. Van duyn, 515 Chamber Commerce. Main 1955. (2300 Pretty 5-room, modern bungalow in irnnrl rfictrijt ner sf-hfiiil and car: cement ' basement; garage. A good buy for the money. Terms. j M. BILLINGS. 509 McKay. Main 1390. 1 HAWTHORNE ave. investment $10,000 fine quarter block with 3 very good houses on it, bringing 10';, close in ; look this up. H H. Staub, 1027 Belmont, week Tabor 219. IF interested in the most artistic new home in Laurelhurst, choicest location, that would cost you ?15,000 to duplicate, get r.iy price and particulars. 0 tier. Main 1528. . NICE eevtn-room house and garage, ear. 60x100, all city improvements in ana pnia. $3000, terms. Phone Wdln. 561 S. 33'i Beech st. FOR SALE 7-room house. 253 North Union ave.. bet. nassaio ana .viuunoman streets; $6000. Call 800 Journal bid. Main 576. TWO moderately priced homes, close in. by owner; a snap, as t am leaving city, oiuj Haight st. Sellwood 756. oOUTH Portland, 7-room furnished house good plumbing, gas. electricity, price $200(J John Singer, 420 Cham, of Com, bldg. VO'tt. SALE 4-room cottage at Grays Cross ing; plastered and tinted; $1200; good lot. H417 83d. Phone Tabor 2027. $T300 BUNGALOW, 3 rooms, fireplace, trees. Main 3672. McFarland, 002 Yeon bldg. 1 RVINGTON Modern, S rooms, center ha 1 1, large living room: white enamel. E. llol. IRVINGTON home. furnished complete; block from club; $6000. B 748. Oregonian. MODERN house for sale. Rose City Park. Call Tabor 4063. 6-ROOM furnished house on best part of Union ave., $5500. C 177, )rcgonian. BY OWNER Completely furnished 6-room bungalow. 1029 E. Broadway. LA RGB west side modern residence from owner. Y 26. Oregonian. 4-ROOM bungalow, modern. 2 lots. $2200; $300 cash. McFarland, 6U2 Yeon bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale lloue. $2900 UNUSUAL HOM K HA RG I V on a large lot on Franklin St., in the Wav erley Heights district; is an unsually at tractive 7-room bungalow-type home; very homelike; there is a larse Ii lng-room ; solid .paneled dining-room, with plate rail and massive built-ra buffet: white Dutch kitchen : good cement basement : f urnaca and laundry trays: 3 light, airy bedrooms; convertible .sleeping porch and w hite en amel plumbing. Recently tinted. This is a-n unusual bargain. You will way so when you ee it. Beautiful fir trees, fruit and flowers. No mortgage or street liens to assume. Easy terms. Don't tail to se this house. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. FARGO STREET. Modern 6-room cottage on Fargo street, near Commercial. Nicely finished, has fireplace, white enamel plumbing, etc., lot is 40x108 with alley, lots of fruit and fine shrubbery. Price $2000. Very easy terms. J. F. HILL, 6f6 Williams Ave. East 268. INVESTIGATE THIS BIG BARGAIN Eight-room house on a sightly corner lot; choice residence district; hot water heat, 3 fireplaces, 2 baths, hardwood floors throughout, garage; improvements all paid; built for a homo six yours ago; owner an Invalid and going to California to live. See MR. DELA HUNT Y. 270 1, Stark st. Main 1700; Sunday and even Ings, East 2086. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM makes home buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 700 photographs! of homes for sale, arranged In districts; every one has been appraised; 10 automo biles at your service. That Is why wo sold 114 homes in August. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. A'binpton Building. Main 108. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA HOME. 7 rooms, strictly modern, 1 bedroom on first floor. 3 above, hardwood floors, fire place, built-in bookcases and buffet, full cement basement, furnace, fine lawn and shrubberv. paved sts. in and paid; 2 short blocks to Broadway car, price $5250; terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. -r.n riH nnH a iot small acreage, fur- niture. rooming nouse or unyuuim .nu." to me for mv equity In modern 6-room house, very lare sleeping porch, with a lower porch ;is large; lot 50x100. nil improved; one block car; ne;ir fine grada school; the lot is worth $25uu; the house could not be built for less than $3Uihi; price for quick sale only $3950. balancn aftee down payment like rent; Interest U per cent. See owner, 282 Taylor st. THE Mc(TU I UES YST RM makes home buying easy. You can com to this offh-e and see over 700 photograph of homes for sale, arra.iced in districts; every one has been appraised: lo automo biles at your service. That is why wc sold over 114 homes in August. SEE FRANK I.. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main IMS. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. FUKNI SH EDHOUS K B A KG A TN. Completely furnis'ied modern bungalow, 5 room, iaree lot 76x100. gr.ub d st., ce ment sidewalks, cement basement; Homo f'uit trees; fireplace, buffet, white enamel Dutch kitchen; 5 blks. of car. If you have $IS"o cash as first payment will sell for $3175, balance mortgage. C. E. ADAMS, 507 Cham, of Com. bldg. Marsh a 11 2575. WASHINGTON COUNTY. 40 acres, located 16 miles northwest of HiMsboro, Or. All good land, fine soil, no gravel; 4 miles from railroad town: 10 arret) under cultivation, balance timber; good 4-room house, barn, chicken house, orchard; all khids of berries. Price. $1000; $1100 cash: balance In 1922. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger bldg. m $300 TAKES this 5-room bungalow. 50x1 oil lot. close in. on nasi viu bi. and $25 a month. $1800 takes this 6-room house. 50x100. lot block from car. Rented now for $20 a month; $:too cash, rest like rent. SIMMS, 4:il Chain, of Com. Main 6127. . VERY attractive two-story modern f -room houee Incited on choice corner nu in it.-i part of Holladay's addition, and run be bought at a bri;ain and on terms to suit, if you are looking for an extra good home in one of Portland's very best, close-in districts, see this. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 North western Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. A large well-built 10-room home, mod ern in everv respect, beautiful paneled din ing room, oak floors, trees, lawn, full basement. In exclusive district; $94. to, $4500 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N W. BANK" BLDG.. MAIN 3787. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow, oak Moors, fireplace, built-ins, French doors, garage with full cement runway, "below the bill"' on paved street : all assessments iaid ". block and hRlf from car; $4O00. f annuyn. Chamber Conimeice. Main 195 JUST LOOK AT THIS. $3400. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW in Rose CtlV Park, garage, hardwood floors, built-ins, fireplace; right near Sandy; mightv nitty home, glad to show you. Ask tor "Wattson, J. C. CORBIN CO., 303 LEWIS BLDG. SUNNYSIDE bungalow. $260. with $oo down: good, very c;ean. moocm -"" bungalow, paved street, one block Bel mont, close in: could not build house for the money. H. H. Staub. 1027 Belmont, week. Tabor 2 19. BY OWNER 6 rooms. partly furalshed. electrlcitv. gas. hath, lot -V'xloo feet to alley; sightly location, $U5n. Call at house No. 4452 41st ave. S. E. forenoons and evenings or telephone Mrs. Ledger wood at Main 220. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow "be low the hil!." close to car. oak floors, plHss-inclosed porch, fireplace. furnace, buiit-in ei ftcts ; all rooms in good condi - ' tion; $4000. K. Vanduyn. 515 Chamber of Cornm erce. I a I n 1 955 . $4090 Dundv 5-roo n. strictly modern bungalow in Rose City Park dist.; $l.oo cash, bal. to suit; new and nice, all ready to move In. M. BILLINGS, 500 McKay. Main 1-tQO. WESTMORELAND snap, vacant, modern. I) rooms; redecorateo; rine coimnion, nie place, furnace, buffet, beamed ceiling; paving paid : $435n; terms. Owner 1 IM E. Taylor st. Marshall 125. INDUST R I A L C E NT E R. Kenton and Piedmont districts: 15 strictly modern bungalows; $2 1 oO-js.'iooO ; on terms that you can buy. A. C. McDonald. Agent, 296 W. Lombard. Woodlawn 02P.S. BY OWNER, 6-room bungalow . ponsnen floors, fireplace, ennmeieu k.uciivm arm bathroom, lruit and roses, garage, paved street. 3 blocks to car. 4 blocks to school. 1303 Ea.st 1Mb st. Scllwood 2142. S2600 WEST SI l E S2600. 6-ron'in house with garage, walking rlis tmuc. on west ride. 5o.50 f loping hillside lot. but very accessible Siou ,-ash, terns on balance. Address K 555, Oregonian. $2250 TO CLOSE ESTATE $2250. View lot. 68x100, 5-room bungalow with sealed attic, new Boy n ton furnace ; 2 blocks from E. Morrison St., near 70th. E a st 258 1 "PR ETTIEST IN LAURELHURST." 7-room bungalow home, complete In eery detail. $7500. clear; $5400 cash re quired. 44 Meikle Place (42d St.). between Burnside and Couch. PORTLAND H KIG HTS HA RG A I N. 9-room modern house, on quarter block, with splendid view, fine roses and shrub bery: in bert part of Heights and offered much below value. Main 2471. ONLY $1500. HAWTHORNE HOME, TERMS 7-room house. 416 East 4.'td st. ; cement vnllcs. sewer, nard -surface street ail in and oaid. r?e owner at ou-t '3 ubk si., Monday. Broadway 200. WE specialize in Rose City and vicinity. List your home with us for results. Jlao buyers waiting. Wm. C. Murphy, 1314 Sandv boulevard. Tabor 49S. 5-ROOM cottage, in good condition; elec trlcitv, gas, wash trays. hard -surf a rs street. paM; lot ;;sxlol; at 93 K. Main St., near E. 33d. by owner. Tabor 89. 5-ROOM cottage, modern, close in. electric lights and gas, full-size basement. $22otit easy pavmenl. Inquire 111 East 35th sL. near East Alder, after 3 P. M. F U R rooms and hath, full cement base-n-ent. gas, elcc. lights, etc. ; nearly new ; vacant; a snap at $1050; easy terms. Ta- oor i.-. v 0 - "- 'j . FOR SALE i-roo.u nouse near itUFpeii ana Williams avenue. You can buy for one- half what lu n ter cost. Phone Wood- lrwn 1008. SUNNYSIDE Splendid buy in a 5-room cot tage on East A lder st. ; rooms ail large and in fine condition; $2250. Harrison, Oerlinger bldg. GREAT SACRIFICE. 2 good bungalow's. 15 min. walk from Broadway bridge, worth $50HU; price for 10 days $3600, ha'f cash Main 9451. $.",(10 I RVINGTON $5500. For sale 7-rooni house nnd full lot In choice part of Irvington. See owner, 307 Oregon bldg. F;R SALE Tent house. 2Sx14. with fly and 4-ft. walk and porch, sink and wash tray, also ebctric lights, at a barguiu. Call Main 2 1 04. NEW MODERN 8-room bungalow and gar age. 1179 E. Ankeny, near Laurelhurst Park. Phone B. 735 FOR SALE 6-room house, lot lOoxluO. lo cated on Thompson and ssth sts.; price $1350; easy terms. Call Tabor 8603.