TIIE SUXDAT OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 7, 1919. KTW TODAY. FOR SALE A Gentleman's Suburban Estate MOST BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME IN OR AROUND PORTLAND OnTr twenty minutes" rMa from the tiv. Only a few rod from the Pa cific htirhwav. All laid out most artistically like a park. Rarest hrubherv. fountains, prottoes. very Jarre greenhouse of galvanised Iron eic.'i. romantic walks, plarles ana ncoks. A n-.aenificent nine - room rcsKience nrin, representing a vaiu? of Jl'S.Ont), mol modern In every respect. HardwooJ tloors. finished with solid oak old Ensrllsh firp!.ice. elegantly beamed, sealed and frescoed dlnln room, most ex pensive filed bathrooms and shower baths. In fact all a veritahle palace comt.letelv furnished with the latest pattern furniture end ready for im mediate iH.cupncy. Large, modern -ari?e with apartment and bath room abrve. The grounds are illum inated with electric lamp posts, all underground irinp. diving a fairy land effec- The place is enclosed with a wlra and steel fence and iron Kates. Owner will sell all complete FOR OSLT $so;ooo Improvements and bnlldines repre senting an outlay of over J50.000. It would pay you to inspect this fine home. If seen in the evenin. illirrn inated. you will never forget the magnificent effect. You have a c-hance of a ltfe'.ime to secure this rare piece of property at such a nominal figure, and ready to walk right Into without any additional expense. Place Cam Be ?ee ly Appointment Only. Goldsmith & Co. ST2 Stark Street. ar Fourth. Main 3051. ' ONLY $8900 BRAND NEW EIGHT-ROOM BUNGALOW READY TO MOVE RIGHT INTO larr llvlnfir room with hand some mantel fireplace and built-in bookcases, paneled dining room, uun-n kitchen, breakfast room, two splendid bedrooms and latest tiled bath, all on first floor. Two large bedrooms and a sewing room on second floor. Kle gant basement, self-regulating heating plant; garage adjoins house and has entrv to it. Paved driveway and street. Beautiful lot in very best loca linn in l j u r 1 h ii rs t. Best of construe lion and finest of Ivory finish, but Bust be seen to be appreciates Pitic f. sspoo mooo r.ASH. bai AM K TO BK AKBA.X.Kl). For appointment to see house Sunday call East 19SS. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS The time is ripe to Invest in gilt-edge Portland business prop erty. The shrewd man buys when the market is low and sells on a rising market, or holds property for permanent invest ment. I offer several downtown properties that warrant the closest Investigation of conserva tive Investors. Prices ranging from $15.ono to Janfl.OHO. Proper ties that are not inflated and are bound to increase in value. PHILIP V. W. FRY BISI'F. PROPERTY SPECIALIST, 11 l la Bids'., Fourth and Oak Sta. FRONT STREET Corner. 80x100; four-story modern brick huiMina. built for very heavy loads. Building would cost 150.000 to duplicate. Iease runs one year yet. 3jO per month. Rental value today I4au to s.iOO per month. No trades. This is a gilt tilce Investment, now paying S4 9r net. rni mill pny much belter when lease expires, t'nee tto.uuo. E. J. DALY 220-221 FAILING BIILDIG. FOR SALE BY OWER BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE FIVE ACRES. T n I.TIVATIOX, AT VAMOIVER. address Boa 63. Route 6, Vnneonver, a a. SAN'DT BLVD. BfslXESS CORNER. GREAT SACRIFICE, or trade for residence lota RITTER. LOWE & CO, 101-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT TWO FLOOR rlT4BI.E FOR COM MERCIAL PURPOSES. !n building formerly occupied by First National bank, First- and Washington streets. Donald Woodward 1M Second. Main 1436. TO LEASE APRIL 1. 120. Old Louvre, 4th & Alder Whole or In part. Peal direct with the representatives of the OWNERS SOt McKay Balldlag. Main 1004. JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance Surety Bonds 3tU Wilcox Btdff. Main 70S, A 3702. XEW TO DAT. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON THE ADDITION OF FINE HOME! 10 MINUTES' DRIVE FROM CENTER OF THE CITY We are selling the Hughes Estate holdings at reduced prices and on easy terms. They are going fast but we still have a number of choice corners, lOOx 100; inside parcels, 75x100, and 50x100 lots. Most of these lots have evergreen shade trees. The entire district is highly im proved with hard-surfaced streets, sewers, all in and paid; good schools, car service and the most desirable entrance to the city over the Broadway bridge. There are over $200,000 worth of new houses under construc tion in Irvington now. Better select your future homesite to day. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg EXCLUSIV HOMES EXCLUSIVE DISTRICT In Portland Heights, Westover Ter races, Irvington, Laurelhurst and Rose City Park we have listed many bunga lows and colonial homes. The prices range from $4000 to $35,000. We have many costly homes that, owing to the objection of the own ers, we do not adverttse. we win gladly show you these by appointment. Our efficient, courteous salesmen are always ready to serve you. COE A. McKENXA & CO. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522 Board of Trade Bldg. $5000 GASH, NET Map-Room Colonial House, 447 Eut Eighteenth Street North. Full lot, nice lawn, garden and fruit trees. Large artistic living room. For sale by owner. Reason leaving the city at once. Would exchange for home in Berkeley, California. Take Broadway or Irvington car. GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY PLACE A NATFRAL PARK OF 30 ACRES One of the Moat Beantiful and Attract, ive Sites for n Wealthy Man's Home Near Portland. Larire Creek and Springs, Swlmmlnj I'oolst Hunting and KiablnK. Beantiful Trees and Shrubbery. On Good Anto Road, Close to Hard Snrlace. Electric Station on Ground. Price $15,000 W 458, OREGONIAN. FARM TO TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 230 acrvfl. 25 mile from Portland; rood county road, fair buildings. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bide. Mortgage Loans Edward E. Goudey Co. . V. S. Bank Building 5 ijL:'&rit.-'M ocjJ NEW TODAY. OFFICE OPEN TODAY. R. T. STREET Exclusive Homes At Irvine-ton Headquarters, Eait 15th and Broadway. ALAMEDA PARK, Ivory finish. 3-yr.-old bungalow with 5 rooms and bathroom downstairs and 2 bedr. and large el. porch upstairs, on Dunckley. near B'way car. $5000, garage included: all liens paid. A very modern home. Really for sale and priced to con form only to the costs when built. PIOCfY 7-ROOM CORNER HOME. ltiJUo.ra HALSEY STREET. A big bargain. Fine basement and Fox furnace: three bedrooms. NC PflDWFP E. TWENTIETH . Li UUnilLn AND TILLAMOOK STREETS 100x125 feet and well built home thereon for non-resident owner. Reasonable offer takes it. Study this property. tREfTfl A STrNXING DUTCH CO 0U3UULOMAL IN LAUREL HIRST, just been redecorated, has six rooms and garage. Two blocks of car. ccor;n-Ro JJ0UlSth and Fremont, No. 749. corner lot. facing east, all on one floor and hardwood floors In every mom. See this sure and make offer. P JQflfl S44 BR A ZEE. 6-ROOM, 5 O'tOUU STORY HOUSE, full base ment, furnace, hardwood floors. A bargain. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. S.VtOO. New today. 6 or 6 rooms on 1st. floor. Excellently built; Ivory finish. 7 OR R-ROOM HOUSE. NO. 665 WEIDI.KR ST., 3I50 now rented as two flats good for larger family or for small family and income. $3500 706 EAST 30TH NO., a r w v w w c o m p ieie oungaiow en tirely iinisnea on cacn uuur; plumbing upstairs and down. Un locked today. VLTTf NEED HOUSES TO SELL, n JC Many dozen homes adver tised in this column recently are sold. I need your house (if for sale) to advertise in this column and I will sell it. I have "cashed" 22 out of the last 25 excliisive listings taken. Where else can you receive such a service? S5250 6 ROOMS, SL. PORCH and entirely finished at tic; extra plumbing; near 27th and Tillamook. Very modern. $5500 6 - R O O M BUNGALOW, 629 Halsey St., corner of 17th. Do not disturb tenant. The corner of ground alone is about worth the money. WANT SEATTLE, BERKELEY and similar San Francisco Bay and Salem homes in ex change for Irvington and similar realty here the owners of which have removed to such cities. MANY OTHERS in excellent buys but we cannot adver tise them all. Many of our offer ings are priced low, compared to intrinsic values now. Office Open Today. East SDL 'ISYIN8T0N" STREET, AGENT East Fifteenth and Broadway 13th Street Trackage Thirteenth and Davis Streets 50x200 FEET. Thirteenth and Flanders Streets lOOxlOO FEET. Thirteenth and Glisan Streets lOOxlOO FEET. Wakefield, Fries & Co. US FOURTH STREET. WANTED ON WEST SI Have client, with cash, who desires a close-in, west side bargain, from $15,000 to $30.0(10. Must at least carry itself. No inflated values considered. PHILIP V. W. FRY BUSINESS PROPERTY SPECIALIST, Phone Mar. 2864. 311 Lewis Bids. 3-STORY CONCRETE BLDG. NORTH PORTLAND. PRICE $00,000. Will take M in trade. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. To Rent for Ten Years ENTIRE Bl'TLTJINO, THREE STORIES ANU BASEMENT. BRICK. BOxlOOt GOOD RETAIL DIS TRICT, RO FEE I Or r B ASH INtiTON STREET. WILL LEASE TO NET 6 PER CENT ON ASSESSED lAtlli. P 57S, OREGONIAN. MORTGAGE LOANS Farm and city property. We loan our own funds. No delay. No commission. PACIFIC COAST MORTGAGE CO. 110 Rj. Exche Bids- Uaia 675. N DE KKA1. ESTATE.. ROSE City snap for sale by owner. Well built 6-roum house; fireplace, buffet;-ce ment bHsement. lurnace. 1 blocK to ca near school. Immediate possession. Be: buy in Hose City. Only $3300; 1900 cash, fnone laDor i.i-t. For Sale nicn lTopertT. GET A BEACE HOME now at Seaside, In beautiful "Cartwrlaht Park." al Or. duml Dries'.: SL'5 to S7C0. easy install menu, 6 p-r cent; aooa to be conaected bv a.il-nav'4 hlahway witb eastern an southern Oresroa. which, with proposed 2000-toot Pier, will mane "(.'ariwngn Park" oe ot the most attractive spots on Pacific coaet. Whltracr-Keily Co. 414 Plttocic bloca. Portland, oreson. or la quire F. ii- Cole, agent, 2J Broadway, beasioe, uregon. 8 ALT AIR. TILLAMOOK. BEACH. Two choice lots, 60x100. at Saltair sta tlon. Tillamook beacn. near aeDot hotel, adjoins board 'walk, county road and railroad, faces 'Pacific ocean; suit aole for business or residence: value 950O will consider trade tor auto, property or merchandise. Address BU 20 J. urugoniaa. FOR SALE Two choice lots at Rocknway Beach. Inquire 1143 E. Main. Tabor 6136. Plat and Apartment Property. MR. INVESTOR. There are many money-makinp; opoor tunities In Klamath county today. Here is one or the ery best. Klamath Fall will justify one of the best apartmen houses between Portland and San Fran, Cisco. I have the choice location. 1 block from center of business district, with income of s-fOO. Desire to improve wuli modern minding and want right man with Slo, 000 to take halt interest. Or would sell outright on present valuation adjoining properties p-ovided same is hAudled within sO days. Investigate this at once. Ad dress A 2i26, Oregonlan, and give ref erences. SPLENDID INVESTMENT. VIEW PKOPERTY. Strictly modern, high-class duplex apartment nuuse. lloors. steeping porcnes, oeautuul location, close In, west side; can not be aupltcated today tor tju.ouu. uur price, ib.ooo. UPS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. FOR SALE. Cheap, on easy terms; a modern 2-flal house. G rooms each. Owner. .No agents. Broadway 251)4. ATTRACTIVE 2-apartment house, in Rose city t-ark: i rooms; every modern con venience, boo Ji. oist St.. orth. Tabor 503. For Sale Lota. STVIN'TON LAND CO. ARE SELLING OUT THE FEW REMAINING UNSOLD LOTS IN THEIR TRACT AT BIG DISCOUNTS IN ORDER TO CLOSE THEM OUT AT ONCE; LOTS THAT FORMERLY SOLD AT J900 CAN BE BOUGHT FOR $00, WHILE THIS SALE IS ON TERMS AS LOW AS $30 DOWN $6 MONTHLY; THEY ARE WELL LOCATED, BEING CON VENIENT TO PORTLAND'S CENTER VANCOUVER, ST. JOHNS, KENTON, ALSO NEAR HIGH AND GRADE SCHOOLS. CITY LIBRARY AND PARK, INVESTIGATE AT ONCE WHILE THEY LAST. REMEMBER $900 LOTS $300. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. ICf BARGAINS. Peninsula district, 60 l'-3xloo $ aoo Alameda Park, 105x105, assessments paid snmr 30th and Tremont, 10ilx200 3000 East HUh and Couch, 50x100 1500 67th and Yamhill, 100x100, assess ments paid 1S00 CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. Bldt,-. Main IS7.-L. EASTMOR ELAND CORNER. 100x111. Overlooking golf links, and beautiful sur rounding view. Street improvements all in; cost over $050. ONLY $1500. GEO. F. ENULEUART CO. See A. .C. Gaibraith . Main "208. 024 Henry Bldg. TERMS OR CASH ROPE CITY PARK LOT All improvements in and paid. Located on 52d st. between Alameda drive and Stanton St. Price $850. J. L.. Hartman Company, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main -:ua. IRVINGTON. IRVINGTON. IRVINGTON. East front lot on East 17th St.. SO-foot street, all improvements in and paid, price $1250, easy terms. KITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. It is to your advantage to see me if you want to buy on Portland Heights. Have nearly everything in the district listed, and have never had a dissatisfied customer. Mar. 4827. BROOKE A 3S39. 541 Montgomery Drive, cor. Elm st. IRVINGTON SNAP. E. 17th. near Siskiyou. 50x100. $1450. This is the prettiest lot in ail Irvington; the trees are beautiful, ul) improvements paid, l1 feet above grade; fine houses all around. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $9 DOWN. $9 MONTHLY. Splendid 100x100, near new 70th st. via duct. Total price $300. This property was taken by foreclosure and we have no u?e for it. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Open Sun days and evenings. REWARD OFFERED. $2.1 reward for the first arrest and con viction of any person carrying away, de stroving or mutilating any of our "For Sale" signs in Irvington or other districts. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-B-7 Board of Tra.je Bldg. IRVINGTON. Between E. 14th and E. 24th. Tillamook and Fremont, lots $1200 to $2500. All improvements in and paid; evergreen shade trees: easy terms. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. By owner Two 50x100 E. facing lots, one on E. 43d. 1 "4 blks. N. Sandy blvd.. $1025; one on E. 44th, 214 blks. N. Sandy blvd., $1125. Phone Marshall 5034 this morning or evening, WE HAVE some lovely building lots nortn of Peninsula park, wnicn we are selling al big- reductions, 50x100 ft. lots that were $900 now $.'100, $::o canh. $6 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 03:; N. W. Bank Bldg. 100x100 ON E. SSth, nr. Pine: no liens; water, light, phones and gas in street, o blocks to Mt. Tabor cars. $400 cash for quick sale. Owner. H. P. McCoy, 1251 Belmont st. FOR SALE At a bargain. Z vacant lots in Clocks addition on ;i.-un bt. r., near !th ave. For full particulars Vrite or wire Mrs. J. N". Calhoun, 203 West Madi son street. Fairfield. Ia. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON LOT, $1000. Corner E. loth and Stanton, all imp. paid. Dove & Gardner, 410 Board of Trade. ALAMEDA. For choice lots in this exclusive build ing district, get our prices for good buys. Alameda Investment Co. FINEST BUY IN WOODSTOCK. 100x100. $675; only $200 cash, balance $10 per month. Act quickly. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. FINE lot Alameda park, $S00, including streets. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 6.13 N. W. Bank Bldg. WILLIAMS AVE., near Russell St.. lot 50x TOO, on car line, all improvements patd for. $50O; U. cash. Oregon Inv. &. Mtg. Co., 222 Chamber of Commerce. CORNER business lot, Sellwood district. Best offer; will take liberty bonds. Main 5265, or D 550, Oregon lan. (- $1150rALL liens paid; 60x100, face north on Clackamas; 200 feet east of 22nd. R. T. Street. agenL LAURELHURST Tabor 3435. lot for sale by owner. 36 LOTS in bunch on Bast 412, 72d sL & E. Call EAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. 8 LOTS WITH TRACKAGE. ONLY S1200. N. W. corner of E. 81st and Halsey. with 279 feet of frontage on Halsey and 310 feet on spur track of O.-W. R. & N. This property joins storage yard of Twohy Bros, and is suitable for warehouse and factory purposes. Halsey street is ma cadamized, improvements paid. Biggest bargain in the city. Non-resident wants quick action. KASER & RAINEY. S23-6 Gasco bldg. Marshall 312S. EASTERN lady owning lot 12. block 4, seventh street terraces, 45x100 ft., must sell and will accept the highest cash bid made. This lot has positively - the best view in an Portland, having two front ages, and only 20 minutes' walk from -Morrison and Broadway. Also for sale Oregon tltnberlann, see advertisement today's paper. Address Zella B. Haynes, BUILDERS' OPPORTUNITY. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. H 2-3x100 N. E. cor. E. 51st and Haw. tnome, room for two houtres, price re duced to $1300, the biggest snap in Port- auu, act quiCK. RITTER. Lowre ro 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GOOD ALBERTA STREET CORNER. 75xS0. tooa 4-room house: this is a good imciuess corner ror store or small garage a" or nail cash. Can sell very GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO. See A. C. Gaibraith. Main 7206. 624 Henry Bldg. le you want to sell your house we can as. sist you. v e have buyers waiting; all Biven proper attention. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. THIS lot was $000. $aoo. We will discount You pay $300. $30 cash, $6 monthly; certainly a bargain. Investigate at once. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., N. W. BANK BLDG. Main 37S7. ALBERTA ST.. CORNER 90x100 In the business settlon: good loca tion for garage. We have a low price and aininse terms. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A REAL SNAP. Ground equaling three full lots on Mel rose drive and Overlook blvd. ; street on three sides; Improvements in and paid for. Price only $1500. Investors, look this up. E. A. LINDGREN, 9a von Land Co.. 935 N. W. Bank Bid sr. CHEAP, by owner. lots 10. 12 and 14. bik. 4. Richmond addition, one block from car. All modern improvements free from in cumbrances, cash or terms. Will take small auto as part payment. Investigate and make offer. Address Chnrlf k'nunn Grande Ronde, Oregon. PIEDMONT PICKUP. 50x100 on Monroe ave., near Holman, J000; cement walks and curbs, one block to pavement, only 3 blks to Feninsula park. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trwje Bldg. EXCELLENT GARAGE SITE. 100200. Owner has authorized a very low price on this with small cash payment. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO. See A. C. Gaibraith. Main 72R(i. 624 Henry Bldg. BROADWAY CORNER FOR $250. 50x100 on E. rSth and Broadway, no re strictions, east frorit: save rent; some snap. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ABOUT 15 lots In Irvington district" to se lect from: some as low as $750, Includ ing ail improvements; even 1918 taxes paid; call Monduy morning at this of fice. All bargains. GODDARP & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. IF you ever expect to live in Irvington vnu should secure your lot now. We are sell ing the remaining portion at low prices u ttLLiacuve terms. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NICE, clean, level lots; 1 blk. from 82d, 3 hiks. from car; JtiOO for all. 50100 on East 20lh. near Hawthorne; Imp. all paid; $1500. 50x100, Hawthorne and E. 7Sth, $350.. HARRISON, Gerlinger Bldg. IF you ever expect to live in Irvington vou should secure your lot now. We are sell ing the remaining portion at low prices aim attractive terms. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY CORNER LOT. 75x100, right off of Sandy on 41st; fine place for business, apartment house or residence; will sell mighty cheap and on easy terms. J. C. CORBTN CO., 305 LEWIS BLDG. ALAMEDA. 50x100 on Dunkley. near E. block to carline; a real snap :9th, H $1000; no liens. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOTS located convenient to Portland cen ter, ancouver, St. Johns and Kenton. 50.100, on special sale at $300. formerly $1)00. $30 cash. $B monthly. JOHNSON DODSON CO.. Jf. W. BANK BLDG. Main 3787. LAURELHURST. U00. 50x100 on Multnomah st.. all liens Dald. This is way beJow market. RITTER, LOWK & CO.. 201-3-,"i-7 Board of Trade Blfljf. V CASH buys two fine lots, lOuxftO, on B. Burnakle, on Mt. Tabor; improvements paid : prtty trees; lots lay fine, wonder ful view. Kaser & Rainey, 6-3-ti Gasco bldff. Marshall 3123. 60x100 LOT, with bearing prune trees. South Aft. Tabor, 2 blocks from Haw thorne ave. car, free from incumbrance; will bell on very easy terms. Phone East 2015. or address 3 E 15th Nor '.a. LOT SNAP. 4 pood 50x100 lots in Woodlawn. $350. Small down payment and your own terms on balance. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. FOR SALE K block. 100x100 ft. East First and Washington ets., with building HO x loo ft. Must be sold at once to settle estate. Address 341 Ea&t Washington St., or phone E. Sol. IRVINGTON CORNER SNAP. Fine south exposure. 50x100. on Klickitat street; no liens; a real pick-up at $1700. RITTER. LOWE & CO., l'Ol-:i-5-7 Board of Trade B!dfi. IRVINGTON. 2 BLOCKS FROM BROADWAY. Choice 78x100 southeast corner. East nd and Halsey streets. East 6777. ALAMEDA LOT $1200. Fine lot 50x100 on Masnn near 20th, V blk. from car; only $;oo down. GOBvDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark SL NICK, cleared lots on 4th st., between Stanton and Siskiyou sts.. Rose City Park; $700 each. All improvements paid. Own er 658 E. 47th st. N. Tabor 4211. TWO 50-foot !otB by 82 feet deep, lots 2 and a in block 6, East Hoyt. between 3th and 31st. at $soQ each. By owner, 2050 Holladay avenue. ONE or two lots in Irvington Broadway dis trict, 50x100 or 75x100 ; give terms and monthly payments, all improvements paid. Knst 6550 or owner at 0-so East 26th st. jltioo ROSE CITY PARK LOT. East front on 51st st. ; improvements paid, surrounded bv fine homes. KELLY. Swctland Bldg. Main 7776. CHEAP, for cash, 60x200. E. 56th and Bum side; fine soil for garden. G 476, Ore gonian. WILL sell my lot al streets reasonable. Pine it. East 53d and Flanders Charles W. Olsen, 24.S FOR SALE Choice Rose City Park lot; all improvements in. Bargain lor casn. own er. E 402. Oregonian. FULL Jot on 4Sth, near Division; $500 cash with hard-suriace street ana sewer paia, 2200 E. Pine, near JiOth and Stark. 100x150, EAST front, near Vancouver ave. and Portland Diva., boo. lion, ore gonian. WILL BUILD to suit you on choicest Irving- ton location, 2 lots only, owner, labor 5540. FOR SALE At a great sacrifice by owner, lot 14. block 5S, Laureinurst aoaiuon. utti Journal bldg. LOTS, 25x100, 18 minutes center city; quick sale $400; paved street. D orego nlan. CHOICE $500 lot. Denver and Alnsworth aves. Will sacrifice for $350 on time. Wdln. 5068. FOR SALE 75x100 University Park lot. will sacrifice, part cash, balance easy pay ments. C 12, Oregonian. ALAMEDA PARK lot. 50x100. excellent lo catlqn, improvements paid to date. Call Woodlawn 1630. SOUTHEAST corner of 26th and Belmont; 100x100. house and double garage; snap. Inquire at above address. 50x100, cor. lot, $550; $150 down, balanc $10 a month. Cor. 57-E. Everett st. In quire 95 East 57th st. North. CHOICE building lots In Irvington . dis trict at a bargain for cash. See thpse Willis Magruire, owner, 407 Concord bldg. VERY desirable improved lot in Overlook addition, fine location ; $050; $600 cash, bal. terms. Owner. Marshall1133. IRVINGTON LOTS SEE OUR BARGAINS. NEUHAUSEN & CO.. N. W. BANK BLDG. LOT. 75x100 66th, near R. C. car, 100 xh 4th st. Main 1293. $475. IRVINGTON SNAP Fine lot, near car line, $1050, clear. Neuhausen & Co. KEAL ESTATE For Sale Lots. PENINSULA PARK. LOVELY HOME SITES. This property is located between Inter state ave., .Minnesota ave., Alnsworth ave. and Portland boulevard, from 3 to 7 blks. of one of the most beautiful parks In the northwest, convenient to churches, schools, stores and St. cars, Jefferson high school walking distance; lots 50x100, $rou. terms, $50 dowo, $15 per month. As a special in ducement 1 am offering 8 lots lor the price of 5, $2500 cash, nearly an acre in one of Portland's last and best building locations; deriminatlng people will in vestigate immediately. Alississippi-ave. car, get off at Alns worth ave., office 4 blocks west, Paddy Powers, agent, Woodlawn 2T19. Sunday and afternoons I specialize in Peninsula ana Kenton property. ROSE City park corner, 60x100; below the hill; close to Sandy blvd on 4ath St.; beautilul surroundings. Just the place for a fine home. Will sacrifice. G 501, Ore gonlan. For Sale Houses. NEW HOMES ARE SELLING WHEN BUILT RIGHT. If you are going to build on that va cant, tax-eating lot, our system will in terest you. A little money goes a long way under our methods of finance. No charges for Information, preliminary sketches, or loans. Attractive, money-saving plans, mak ing new construction cost you less. We are building for others who are both economical, exacting and critical. We can satisfy you. Let us put you into a new home before ChrlFtmas. PORTLAND HOME BUILDING ASSO CIATION. INC. O. H. Skotheim, Pres. and Manager. B2S-29-30 Henry Building. Main 5199. THIS SHOULD SURE SELL $7750 WEST SIDE. 8 rms., 2 sip's porches, 2 tiled baths, 3 toilets, vapor heating system, hardwood floors, fireplace, brkrst. rm.. built-in re frigerator, firelesa cooker, f. c. bas't, coal room, fruit room. CHOICE NOB HILL DIST. 60x100, garage, liens pd blk. car, 2 lots and house, cost $19.bo0. A genuine bargain. You'll admit it's the best you have seen. Terms. DON'T BE COAXED Get in one of our autos and let us con vince you of value and beauty of this bungalow. Main 4H03. Main 3730. G. C. GOLD ENB ERG, Abington Bldg. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH ROSE CITY PARK 1 V blocks to car. paved streets, hard wood floors, fireplace and built-ifl effects. Cement basement and furnace. Interior and exterior in fine condition. Place now vacant and may be occupied at once. Price $5250. Terms $1500 cash, balance arranged. J. L. Hartman Company, 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. $52T,0 TERMS $5250. MT. TABOR SNAP. FURNACE FIREPLACE HARDWOOD FLOORS 7 large rms massive buffet, bookcases, slp'g pr., f. c. basm't: choice fixtures, standard high-grade plumbing. 2 toilets, garage. On Belmont. $1750 cash. Malu 4S03. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington Bldg. "35 yrs. in Portland." 4-KUU.M bungalow with all modern con veniences, including large fireplace, Duiit-in book shelves, buffet. Dutch kitchen, sta tionary wash tubs, with tract of ground 145 feet deep on good street, with cement walks to the tar. $1800. You can't beat this bargain on todays market. .seeing is believing. Come to our office and we will show you the property. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park street. ON BUCKINGHAM HEIGHTS, near Mult nomah Station, modern o-room ounsa'"" with large fireplace and other conven iences, two sightly lots. Ownrsr leavinff town and will seil on reasonable terms at 'wun ir vmi nfcii a little home, be sure and look this up. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldtf., l-'7 arK at., or ai wuu- nomah office on cunoay. $250-jr6oCASH, balance terms; 3 rooms down. 2 upstairs; beats rent; 50x100. cor ner lot. .$300 Corner lot on East Salmon, close in, ti rooms, bath, large attic, complete basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. JOHN P. WESTON CO.. 630 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ALBERTA HOME BARGAIN. Splendid 100x100 modern house. 7 rooms and sleeping porch; full basement, plumb ing, electricity and gas: fine fruit, ber ries and grapes; a great buy at $3-0; only $500 cash. FEEMSTER & ODELL, 30t Abington bldg. LARGE 10-room house with big sleeping porch, in choice residence section on cor ner lot; ail street improvements in and paid for; price $tum0. One of the best buys that we have offered on the market In re cent months. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st., cor. Washington. cjU(,oBUNGALOW AND UAK.ift-Ni'. Nothing to equal this in the city tt-rootn modern bungalow with furnace, full base ment, white enameled plumbing; full lot with gam.-fl: Kirland. Some terms. FEEMSTER & ODELL, ;iu;t Abington bldg. 6-ROOM modern house, furnished with piano, good furnace, near tranKim niKii wumui, cn paved street; all street improvements in and pid; 2 blocks from carline; $4.00, $10ou down. MR. MTLLERSHIP. Alder Hotel. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. R rooms and sleeping porch, strirtly modern, paved, corner, garage, hardwood floors, etc.. $450. Terms. Assts. $1S3 to assume. A real deal. Call 1314 Sandy boulevard. 3 LARGE lots with new. modern, ,-room bungalow, near Mimnonmn j-umn. i uc sold at $2150 to first comer. This is a wonderful buy. If you need a little house and large vard, call Immediately on Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. MODERN 7-room house, close in on the east side, paved street ; except mnai n,r go.in for $3250; non-resfdent owner wishes immediate rale, hence the price. For par ticulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st.. cor. Washington. 6 ROOMS in perfect condition: furnace; near grammar and high school; fine corner 100x00; fruit trees; on car line: walking distance. Will sell or will sell att'-aetivelv furnished. No encumbrance. Owner, Shaver st. Woodlawn 1500. LAURELHURST. 5-room modern and sleeping porch, fur nace hardwood floors, etc. Real bargain snap; investigate. $4000. $1000 cash. Can you beat this? Call 1314 Sandy Blvd ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, modern. 5 room den and bath, screened porch. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace. Gasco furnace, full cement basement, double ga rag, lt 50105. 1 block from car. Owner, TaboV 506. No hardwood floors. 250 BRENT Vv O O D 1 25 0. 7-room semi-modern, well-built house, ronient foundation, gas and water, fruit; int SOtIiiO. chicken house and ga rage, i buiid. VTM alone woultl cost $20o0 Easy terms. Owner. M a rs h all 413S. IRVINGTON. nr semi-modern 6-room house and full lot on 12th street, near Thomp son Partly furnished. AM Improvements in and paid for. $3750. Terms. Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE. 4.TD ST. A five-room bungalow, one block to car, on lot -10x100. paved street, fruit and ber ries $337"; a small payment down and $-0 'per month and Interest: furniture in cluded. Main 54.-6. 31-J& oasco nmg. BY OWNER. East of Ladd's addition, on 20th St.. .urn R-ronm r.nrt sleeping porh. built-in winvpnlAticea: $60U0. terms. Phone Sell- wood 712 , SUBURBAN HOME. Island station, Oregon Citv line 100x100 highly modern 6-room hina!oA-. Reduced to $4000. Terms. Ore gon Investment & Mortgage Co., : Chamber of Commerce. NOW VACANT $3150. c-t Tiitott near E. 2Sth : fi ve room nodern, clean, st. imps, in and paid. East 871. IRVINGTON 11 rooms, thoroughly modern house hardwood floors every room; $10. 000, $4500 cash; no agents, no profiteer ing! X 65, Oregonian ON CORBBTT STREET. large. nlc 7-room hou on car Hne, near Bancroft st. ; lot 45x00; onlv $3500. Oregon Investment & Morfnep Co., 221 Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, j 3 $00 Two-story house, six rooms, re ception hall, bath, full basement, street Improvements in and paid; terms. Owner, 4g Oregon st. East 4000. 300 7-room modern bungalow, $1000 less than cost to build today. See owner at 7S"9 62d ave. S. E-. Take MS car to 80th street, walk 2 blocks south. IRVINGTON 7-room modern house with large sleeping porch, gaeaire, on Broad way. A dandy buy for $11000 terms. 821 Chamber of Commerce. East 5438. INCOME PROPERTY. 4-partv flat, on hard-surface street, the rents pay 18 per cent on price asked. East 2971. SEE, sure. "Irvington Street's" column of many fine homos for sal in New Today columns adjoining. A. 5-ROOM Mnln 5201. bungalow at 80 Buffalo st. $1950 SMALL well-built cottage, modern easy terms. nciwy. ii, uno immniii. 38 EAST SSth, near Pine; four-room house, $cro. terms. Main 6127. 4-ROOM flat at Gasco; facps St. Helens road, opposite St. Johns, $10. East 2871. HEAL ESTATE, for Sale llnunre. QUALITY HOME. Magnificent St. Frances Hill, ten room, three bath rooms, modern in all datalis, finest view, you would be proud to on this home, might take smaller properly for part; $22,ooo. worth $30,000; shown by appointment only. 9-room modern house In swell part of Walnut Park, a fine buy at $0300. Term. 6- room modern bungalow in fine condi tion. Piedmont district, don't fail to nee this at $4500. Tenna. 7- room modern bungalow. Pose City Park district, fireplace, hot water heat; 15250. Terms. SEE TAYLOR, WITH L. K. MOO RE. 317 Board Trade bldg. Main 867. Call Sunday, Woodlawn 1405. IRVINGTON BEST. Medium-sized and meuium-prlred borne Is now for sale; 1 know practically every home in Irvington which can be had at any price and I candidly believe this home is the best present-day buy for $7510; situated on an excellent corner; 6 lure rooms: living room Is certainly beautiful as well as exceptionally large: elegant fireplace; dining room has wonderful buffet; kitchen has every built-in feature; the 3 bedrooms are large, light and airy; the bath complete; in fact this is a thor oughly comptete and magnificent home; CEMENT GARAGE; it will sell quickly. For information call Mr. Cleaveland with THE 1'liED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th at. Main 6S3. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE. Beautiful 2-story house, consisting of reception hall, living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen add bath on first floor, second floor is dupltcata of first floor with sleeping porch; 2 homes in one. Well constructed, finished in white onainel and mahogany, full cement ba;soment, wish trays; must be seen to bo appreciated. $3150, terms. 1070 E. 2t!th St. N. Half block from car. Main b!77. FINE house on Mt. Tabor Heights, with beautiful view, surrounded by fir ttees. beautiful flowers and bushes; 4 bedrooms. 2 sleeping porches, screened and glassed, bath and toilet upstairs, birdseye maple floors, large living room with fireplace, dining room with built-in buifet. Dutch Kitchen and refrigerator room. ouk floors downstairs, large porch on three sides of the house, full basement, hot-air furnace, stationary tubs with gus stove alongside; price $10,000; situated at 101 E. UOlll su Phone 'labor 1550. BEAUTIFUL HOME. EIGHT ROOMS. NEAR EAST TWENTIETH AND COUCH. NEW LY PAINTED AND DECORATED 1NS1DH AND OUTSIDE. ALL MODEUN CONVEN IENCES AND BUILT-IN EFFECTS TWO TOILETS, BATH, FURNACE AND GARAGE. A HANDSOME AND AT TRACTIVE HOME. $0000, TEHA13. itt. H. COLL1S. UASf booo. ALBERTA! ALBERTA ! ALBERTA! 5-ruom modern bungalow, fireplace, book ca.ses. beautiful bullet Dutch kitchen, white enamel ; 2 large bedrooms, full ce ment basement; this house is double con structed ; if you are looking for a good value and a snap this will appeal to you; price $3!t00, with $hJ0 down, balauce $Ja per month and interest. KIEL Y & GLSTAFSON. 005 Yeon Bldg. $4200 ROSE CITY HOME. $4200 A genuinely good buy; six rooms, bath, furnace and well arranged ; the house ia modern and loca ted in the very beat pa rt of Rose City Park district; immediate pos session can be given; the owner lues out of city and is anxious to sell. Cull Kversun and see this. 101 5th st. Main CMil). THE FRED A JACOBS CO. $3iU3 ROSE C I TV BUNGALOW. $:i305 if you have $500 in cat-h. you ca n buy this new, modern 4-room bungalow in Rose City Park; this is a pretty and com fortable home for a small lamiiy; a good sized living room w 1th bca utif ui ti re place, hardwood floors, 'J bedroom., bath and fine kitchen with maple floor and breakfast nuok. If you are looking for a goud home cheap call Eveison, Mum t'WJ. MT. TABOR, Beautiful bungalow on corner lot ; mod ern and right up to dale; grounds and surroundings are wonderful; if you are looking fur a bungalow und 5 rooms are enough for you. lie re your wurrlca reuse ; price $4 -ioO ; u orth mre ; shown by up pointmeiit ONLY. See Petoron. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th st. Main tt.0!. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. OWNER LEAVING STATE. Modern 5-room bungaiow. uniMhed attic, sleeping porch, cor rr full lot. cement walks, street impro enient.- paid, near school; price J3000. worth HlH,; 7.0 cash, baiance j-ume as rent; will el turniture if desired. See owner at place, 1015 La.it 2'd North; one block boutii Alberta, car; uj agtnts. "thTs is an ' IR VI Xti TO N "home." With 7 rooms and striitly modern, m the very best part ot irtliigiun mi JOtli miv. l. exceptional large living room and dining room ; this home has t hive be,! rooms and sleeping porch. aLso large attic. l'ne, $0500, ith terms. RiELY GUSTAFSON, i)05 Yeon Bldg. WEST SI DM HOPSE, $1450. 4 rooms, plastered, hard -sun' ave Vtreets, sidrwulks, sewer, ail in and paid for; lot 5xl0O, one block to ad st. car; $;ttiO cah, baiance i-t a month. See owner on prem ises at Suit Kelly street, or 1. .J. Gordon, attorney, 631 Chamber of Commerce. iUm 1370. LAURELHURST HOME SNAP $6250. lleru's a mighty good buy in a two-Mory 8-room house with sleeping porcii, located on choice lot near car in pari; m-ci inn. House w.orth JMMto, lot JISOO; street assoi ments 4l5. but $6250 takes it on eay terms. R. 11. Torre, 103 Floral ave. Tabor 407. IRVINGTON 520 E. 24th st. N cor. Bra zee; lot 53xloO; berries, fruit trees, shrub bery; house 8 rooms, double sleeping por h. large closets, hardwood floors downstairs, two fin-places, lurnace. laundry, full base ment. For sale by owners. F. E. Bowman Co., 213 C. of C. bldg. Main 3u26. GOuD 7-room home, improvements ail in, 1 acre. l;;o feet front, cement wulk, street improved, lawn, roses, -S2 fiuit trees, good barn and chicken house, tprmg at back. I block from Crystal I-;ik park, be car fare. See Mr. Kiley at Mil waukie. or call Sell wood 644. BUNGALOW. Irvington, exclusive section, construction best, large living, dining, horary, 2 fire places, bedroom, bath first floor; second floor. 2 bedrooms, bath, sleeping porch ; corner, garage, 1 5x1 00, $7500. East 1347. 7-ROOM, U-etory frame residence, furnished; ground space &ux71i; garage space Jx-'2; a choice view; close in. on Portland His. foothills; caaa $1000, balance easy; upper &ux72 same it rms. Owner, 4.5 13th st, corner Jackson. IRVINGTON. Now building ft-ronm bungalow, will be ready in six wees; has all modern ap pointments, garage; if jon want to hold the house make deposit at once. GUDDA KD As WIEDlUCK. 243 Stark St. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE; FIREPLACE, BUILT-IN BUFFET AND BOOKCASES; G R AGE , COitNEK. CiSE IN ON EAST fclDE, BEST CARLINE IN ClTl'; $4-50, TERMS. PHONE EAST SU69. $12500. For sa!e. by owner, 3 lots, 50x125 each; la bearing fruit trees and berries, good 4- riiiiin House. i uiucivs uum iiiuuiiib a ve. car; terms. 2ill E. btth ui. Tabor 0474. IRVING TuN. Corner lot, modern, S-ruom houre, sleep ing porch, hard wood floors, hot w a tor heat, garage, $10,000. Poindexter, Selling bldg.. .wain lMjQ, residence B-7120. $51 oo. ROSE CITY New home, three bed rooms and sieeping porch ; strictly mod ern paved street. Terms. l'omdext-r, Selling bidg. Main ISOO. Residence it 7 I 20. ' $25U0. 5 rooms, complete, bath, electric Ugh ts, gas full-size basement. 1 urnace. Terms. Poindexter, Selling bldg. Main Ihoo. Residence. B 712Q. i' H LS W KKK Ow:,er S-ro-nr, toil bHse ment; billiard room in attic; furnace, fire place; all conveniences; garage; in laurel hurst. 1212 E. Glisan. I'bone Tabor Ult7. Price $6.iu0; terms. ALAMEDA SNAP. 7-room house In perfect condition, Mx 100 lot : garage; block to car, $5500. Ea st 410. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. S-room modern home; owntr; $10,0oo. terms. A 6uo, oie gonian. 6-RoM house, oier., gas, toilet; bnrg.ii $050; $200 cash. 416 Stock Exchange, op evenings. Main 327Q. MODERN 6-room house. : t steel bridge; terms. Ross st. 51 Adams tt., rbi Apply owner, 322 $200 FIRST payment, balance like rnt, buys 6-room house, close in, walking distance. Gee John Brown. 324 Railway Jchiifc bldg. Mar. 3331. GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas snd estimates. B. T. Allyn, 243 Star u office hours 9 to ft P. M. Phone Main SJL Res phone Tabor 104. 9-ROOM semi-modern house, on Powell st.. Brooklyn district, lot 51x100, paved streets. Fruit trees, berries, f lowers, no incum brance, 25 0 ( i, terms. Phone SHI. 2 4 . FOR SALE By owner, Irvington home. 7 rooms. 2 blocks from Broadway car; no agents. Call East 3211. FOR SALE 7-room house on 47th st., near Division; souu down, .'none owner. Tabor 4b 2. MODERN 5-room bungalow; extra sized lot. i-ruit trees bearing. block from Albert car line. Terms. Tel owner. E. lltoo. BY OWNER. 5-room modern house Killingsworth. Woodlawn 3tUS.