13 FOR STYLE! FOR QUALITY! FOR VALUE! THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 7, 1919. f . I BSCHBAOM CIOTHESl ffejiOaMPANYfr-".! QooB. Do 15wui ICmow Clothes Are Scarce? Men of the United States this Fall "will not be able to find enough clothes -good clothes to go 'round. Reliable woolens are too scarce. Skilled tailors too few. Production is far behind demand will be for months to come. In such, a situation is it likely every clothes maker will be "fussy" on the subject of quality? When he can turn out his product about as he pleases and still find a ready market for it, is it likely? Perhaps you have never before inquired about the origin of your clothes never before thought it necessary. Well, today it is the most necessary step in buying a suit of clothes to find out about the house which made it. Is it a house 'which aims to make clothes better -or merely to make them faster? Is it a house with the moral courage to shut its eyes to unfilled orders, but to keep them wide open in maintaining standards? Is it a house with a long, clear, steady record for qual ity? Is it a house you can trust? Copyright, 1919, A. B. Kiryhhanm Company The new Autumn models in Kirschbaum Clothes hare just arrived and are in readiness for your inspection CORNER FOURTH 8C ALDER STS. Pliegley 3