THE SUXDAT OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND. AUGUST 31, 1919. 18 EDUCATION AL BS A DoCTuB or CH;BOPrtACTTC. Tr ehlropra.t'c professioo offere the xrot anjiuA! o-portunitiea of ny fle.d In tne w-rld '.bdAV. Know about It great opportunities o : o deciding jour career, or ir you dwsiisned in our present position Id 'Iff cr '.is earnng capacity Is oi wen ou would like it ta be. investi gate to rrat -.ponunltle offered in This greatest of ii proiesslons CHiKC pR ACTIO- A tucst exceptional oppor-tun'-.y to study C-.-op-aciij and to become a Chiropractic pnsic.aa is one red ai tojs -time by oux coLege; both - aL OUrtfiiK HUNDRED THOUSAND C-lrupraclc pnjsitians neede United States today to supply tbe ae- B-.tPdi ol the niil.ions who , tuJ? tut area- method of tnelr uis IN V EST IG ATE-A-gmented Ab:e acuity. , racl.itie L atUeL w For particular address Ur. Oscar W- - PACIFIC CU1KOPRACTIC COLLEGER Park and Yamhill. -Main 1014. ".tiaTr. Yob cannot learn any part - this prs- feislon ihruugti ojrespndeoce. - EARN BUS MONET fn the auto and tra tor business: Tt n r-w wreka bv our sy-tem of practical io--trveiirn. All niro u.pmenL tt; . t,r.,r 150 tractor srnp offer now open. Era d a. nc room wh:l lerninS. Wrue for f cata log'!. inn wlh Ftgu--ro. Automotlvi School. WS Cal iVRX auto, tractor and truck mechanic We teach attain, - and eiectrlcai engin earing, niacbin. mP practice. oy-acty-lene weloing frsoi.a instruction on actua. woik in the twii-equaM school on me pac.fic coast. lay or night sesaiona and Jou can siart tn lime. Writ for free c-talog-e fceaiti- Lutf maeriiia c.tKJ. Seattle. Wash. LirtkUA KL Si. NESS COLLEGE. Twruir.g, OookKtMping. comptometer, all oittwr mod. buciam course. Pay, night kiiovL Aiuky b.d. au auC Alor. Main a. HITIATION! WANTED MALB- VhRV experten.d dairy and hog man, sin i(.e. ars of age. desires pv-sit.n on a larm whre a m-n with exceptional ex per.enre and abi.ny Is neeued ; wa-s .o prr month. on reauonaaiy permanent po sition constuered. W rite immediately to Itkt. cronian. lut ti marnt-d man ol wants p..Uoa with no.ele Doum or sml growing manufacturing plant, h years mercantile experience, stock, snipping, uowks and cor rtii&ancc . m not ai. aid of reaponal bi.U . AG 1 ' Or-gonian. "W ANTE Dal once, 3 or 4 hours' work after 6 P. M. by young man with family, tan fire, run eievar tr mo.l anylhtn will do; can giva reierwnce. re" gonian. AN epenenced wlesman and nalrs manager wishes position with a wil -established and reliable firm, which offers a good lutare; can furnish satisfActory reercn-. fail Tabv-r IH'U lor appotntnicnt. A rlR6T-CLA5rf uphtlstrer will upholster your parior suites. lounS'S. ofas. make over your mattressra at your own fPIt denre. Address I pholsterer. &1 N. Id st. il VN Jo address, personality, business ex perience, education. w ishs connection w ith future; start F 41. Ore- gonlan. . MVN with fsniio des.res position as night watcuinan or assistant snipping clerk or in) potion where there is cnance lor ad- unwmrni O M.ore g o ri l a n. tnr'ERLYman wants light work of ny kind. g.Kd worker and experienced. L u-s, Oregonian. WANTED Work for two-ton commerrial tru k; will consider out-of-town Job. O 84. Oregonian. AIAN- ndwife wish position on farm or wll. take shir ol farm lor a dependab.e party-lox-. rleppner. . TECHNICAL position by college man. ex perienced in mechanical and pub.ic serv ice work. AO 517, oregonian. bCHOOLBOY of 16 wishes to exchange ser -ice lor room and board in Benson scuooi district K .62. Oregonian. COMPETENT itrountaM wants unuil t of books to keep, h.ghest standard of rvice render-d. J 217. ur-gopian YUUNG LADY WISHES VW"? HI 1. 1. EH. GOOD REFfcRSNCES, lk PER MONTH. A 3 1 51. CHEF open for position: only firat-cl.iss cafe a la carte or vaieterta; go anywhere. T 12i, OivKunian. EXPERIENCED private chauffeur. wants position in town or traveling. A oi. Ore gonian. - WANT EH Position as furniture salesman round furnituru man: can fur- Bn1 nih bvsl of references. A -i".i. uregojuan. ANY kind of work that a middle-agd man can do who h-is to us- t rutches; lair education. AR 7-6. oregonian. n j"WILLINGoung men would like work where there are gn.d wages and a go..d chance for advancement. L 52j. oregonian. U N. mhld'.e-aged. handy with tools, wants position, city or country. BD olU. Ore gonian. . X 1 E R FENCED electrician wants a position as mamtainer. a. t or u. y . cunn.. give referencfS. S S3. Oregonian. COUP LB wants management of apartment houe. Reference Iurmhed. D 561. Ore ronlin. WANTED Of! tee work, insurance and real estate pref.-rred. best of reference. W 45. Oreizom in. ICI'NG MAN wishes to work reaonab.e lime af Ter school in exchange for room and board. AG loT. oregonian. "WANTED Any kind of trucking, day or contract: prefer long, steady Job in coun try. W 461. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC wants private Inuring or truck driving; reference. BC 11. Oregonian. EX-SOLDIER and wife would like a posi tion, soldier experienced chauffeur. 6333 HHith st. Lents D 61 and call for 2411. EVp E rTe N C E D watchman wants position; excellent relerencea C H. W., 370 First sL, Portland. m UOOD stout boy. pat 17. would work for room and board and go to school. L 526, Or-'gnntan. EX PER lENCED elevator man and all around hand man. Can give references. UK 3. Oregonian. PLACE for boy 14 on ranch for board, clothes and go to school. Phone Mar. l-j:n. AMBITIOUS young man employed two days a week wishes uiner work for remamder of week. BF 21. Oregonian. MAN and wife, verv capable, efficient cooks, wih mill or logging camp. AC OV, Ore Ionian. AIAN and wife looking for positions as Jan itors in hotel or apartment house. BC 66. oregonian. INTELLIGENT educ 4ie-l elderly man. obe "and reiiab.e wants Kght employment w:th m "derate w!ir;. Hand. Hotel Jefferson. SALESMAN wishes position with reliable firm, several years road experience. Best reference. w 41.. t'regonian. CARPENTER Ne jobs promptly cheerfully given. or repair work; small attended to; estimates Tabor 1113. 11 1 DI LE-AGED man as blacksmith or handv man around machine shop in city or -o'n'itr : state sa'ury. B 6:4. Oregonian. Tot NG hustler would like position selling for reliable real estate company. G 474, Oregonian. COMPETENT, reliable office man wants position. Can do bookkee-ptng and use typewriter. AC l-6. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by young marr.ed as light truck driver: am well acquainted witl r!ty. F O-ttiynian. M N. age .". wants Itcht. can work: small sa ar. S ll. oregonian. w.ii"hmtn; experienced; l. oregonian. 6HIVGLK dope ci When you want reshlngllng Woodlawn 5tMi. BY capable head cook, 25 years' expe rience. S 114. Oregonian. lTxPERIKNCKP driver wants truck Job. a.l Mam 1473 W wtED Cm tract hauling cordwtod with team. H 121. Oregon. n. KAI-SOMIN1NG. palnttnc. plaster patching, reaonatle. Main 23. SAWYER with several year experience cir cular saws. 1. Oregonian. CLE KK w Ith small hotel experience wants poattion. day or ntghL B 7u. Oregonjan. PA INT1NG. kssomlrlng by contract; re liable man. Main 5v"Tl AUTO i repair lechanlc. work at flrwt -class. our home. :!' do Main 4737 TRUCK work wanted. Special rate to busi ness firms b month. Broadway 13i CARPENTFR. JOBBING sXD REPAIRING. ALL KINDS. Al WORKMAN. EAST 5316. WANTED Contract work for two-ton truck. Wood. a n iol 2. CARPENTER. A-l mechanic, remodeilng or new work. Phone Tabor ''49 fORD repairing done. SI per hour: save you money. 720 Division su EXPERIENCED creamery man deslrea posi tion. Call Woodiawn 27Jfl. ACETYLENE we'der. ears' experience. H 10". Ore soman. CARPENTER, experienced, wants city or country work. R 25U. Oregonian. BASEMENT discing erd all kinds of team work done. I hone Wood'awn 4M 1. PLUMBING expert, repair any p'umMnr. gaa. vexjr reasonable. McCuruy. SelL 1125. JtVMTION as niglit refer '1' a L ill HITCATION'S WANTED MALE. A MAN with family of 7 wanU a ranch to work, on shares with stock, or take charge of a place by the year. Experienced in stock raising and general farming In east ern Oregon. For reference and particulars address C. S. Whitten. 5o4 Haig St., Port land. tre. EXECUTIVK. General banking experience, also sales and office experience, level-headed hustler, age 29. married, covering Oregon territory lor large eastern concern at present; only permanent, high-class connection consid ered. H 123, Oregonian. YUNGMAN FROM NEW YORK. OF GOOD PERSONAL APPEARANCE AND WELL EMTATED, PES IRES POSITION AS OFFI'-E MAN. OAN HANDLE CORRE f pONUENi'-E. HIGHEST OF REFER ENCES. B 705. OREGON IAN. ROOF ATTENTION Don't watt until It rains. I have the only original webfoot tar and asphaltum roof paint that maks your old roof as good a new, as low aa 1 rent per foot. Call and I will examine roof. No chars;. Wood lawn 4451. YOl'NG man, experienced cashier, book kpir and stenocrapher. now employed. dt-s:res position with good fuiure with growing established concern; b-st of ref erence . aa to character and ability. T 1 11. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION WITH AL'TOMO HI LB OR At "TO MOBILE ACCESSORY FIRM AS INSIDE SALESMAN OH A3 OKFK'E MAN AND SALESMAN. AN SWER. BD 514. OREGON IAN. SALESMAN, AT PRESENT EMPLOYED, DESIRES A CHANCE; EIGHT YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN MODERN SALESMAN SHIP; PLEASING PERSONALITY AND A HARD WORKER. R 00. OREGON IAN. CIVII. mining and geologic engineer desires position with corporation requiring - serv ices of engineer with broad experience on engineering projects and examinations for investment. V 4s, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS mechanical engineer wants position; experienced in hoisting, convey ing and mining machinery; also In esti mating and coat keeping. AH 707, Ore gon lan. ; HIGH-CLASS chef, at present employed, wishes to change position, where economy and ability will be paid for. Must be given rompietti charge of kitchen. AV 5 J 4, Ore gonian. MIPDLE-AGED man desiring tosltion as bhU sui 3ii, bolicitor. collector or any Job demanding outdoor work, at least part of lny. Can give excellent references. AG Oregonian. WANTED Registered druggist. 2R. wants position about ?ept. "i0, now employed prefer southern Oregon; salary fltii. Ad dress AV 410. Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS salesman, correspondent and office man. desires connection with crow ing firm where good future will oe as sured. B 713, Oregonian. STEADY, reliable man wants to care for count rv or lulmrDan nliice: Is rood gar dener: ran mi. a and do housework. H in:t. Oregonian. JANITOR, single man. wishea apartment house work ; know how to paint, kaiso- mtne and do minor repairs. W 465. Ore gonian. BoY wants to work after srhool j.nd Stt Ur du y for room nnd bonrd and small waeet or for wages only. Phone East 146 after t A. M. Sunday. YOUNG man with good auto vMnts position as sa ten man or nwtti construction work, also has some capital. What have you ? H M. Hausm. Hroadway 4m0J ENGINEERING graduate desires permanent poMtion in office, draughting or computa tions. Can furnish references. R 257, Ore gonian. WANTED By experienced carpenter re pairing snd remodeling; prefer house or barn building in country; prices reason ftMe. East 1 t'l'i. ENGINEER desires position In lumber mitt. Sales esjMM-ially. Experience in lumber graies. Out-of-town position acceptable. H 25s, Oregonian. POSITION as superintendent and experi enced all kinds of mill work; practical w or k man. so del tan t, salesman ; good char acter, reliable. AG 1-0, oregonian. EXPErFencED country store salesman de sires position, thoroughly familiar with selling, buying, management, up to date. BU 5J1, Oregonian. MARRIED man on ranch, fruit, grain or stock, capable of taking full charge as foreman. D. F. Woollngton, 5415 64 tu ave. Southeast. SIT. By married man. experienced farmer; nice home and congenial surroundings con sidered before high salary. BF 15, Orego nian. WANTED By high school student, work after school hours and Saturdays; experi enced along mechanical lines, used to bard work. Phone Woodlawn 51W8. EXPERIENCED accountant wishes set of books lo keep evenings; also is expert cor respondent; owns t pew riter. R 272, Oreeonlan. Boukkeenern. .Stenographers, Office. DoKS your corporation require the services of a young, man 35 years of age? One who Is now holding responsible position with shipbuilding corporation, but wishes to get Into another line of work. Have college education and am now taking Alexander Hamilton modern business course. Understand real estate manage ment and values and am experienced in handling money. Am married, one child, gtiiHH) life Insurance, no bad habtts and can meet any business man on a business or social footing. Would want connec tion with reputable institution where ability and desire to serve would bring commensurate rewards. Would prefer connection with credit dept. of wholesale house or financial institution. Can fur nish bank and local references as re quired. J. 1 15. Oregonian. Bo tKKKEPER-ACCOUNTANT wants posi tion. 12 years experience, competent in t ortt accounting, financial st:iterf nts. etc.. f irt-claB lef-rences, would accept mod erate salary if good opportunity. B 704. ore-onian. WANTED POSITION AS ACCOUNTANT WITH PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS OR WITH CORPORATION; BEST REFER ENCES. ANSWER. N 212, OREGONIAN. ACCOUNTANT and stenographer, first-class, top-notch education and a hard worker; exter.M e business and executive experi ence. S U5, Oregonian. BOO KKEKPER-ACCOL' NT A NT with ten years experience, including cost and an alytical accounting, wishes position; good typist. AR 7 uo. Oregonian. POSITION wanted, accounting and office management: 12 years' experience; ref erences furnished. C 07. Oregonian EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office man stenographer, can take full charge BD 516. oresonlan: BOOKKEEPER, competent; disengaged early September. AO 516, Oregonian. VERY able bookkeeper seeks responsible position. T 126. Oregonian. Soldiers and Sailors. EX-SKRMCE MAN. 25 YEARS OF AGE, who has a good knowledge of Bookkeeping. lesires employ ment with live BUSINESS KIR M. 1 WILL TACKLE- ANYTIiLNG WITH A GOOD FUTURE. NOTHING BUT PER MANENT WORK CONSIDERED. AC 08, OREGONIAN. EX-SoLDIER wants a Job as mechanic or helper In garage or machine shop: has had lots of tractor and some auto repair experience; good references. A. J. Johanna, 4o4 East Morrison. DISCHARGED soldier desires employment for 31--ton G. M. C. truck. Automatic dump "body, first-class condition. E 43L Oregonian. YOUNG man desires position as office as sistant where there Is opportunity for ad vancement; has knowledge of bookkeep ing ar d typing. BD 525. Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man. young married man with years' experience driving and re pairing automooiies: garage preferred. East 670;. D I SCH A RG ED overseas sold ter. unable to find emplovment. desires clerical position; b-; city reference AO 515, Oregonian. sol.L'l K R M ECH A NIC. repairs automobiles at 7' Division at. Help repair your own car. Tools free. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS 17, IS, want, to work and attend Wash, high : small wages. 185 E 6th st. and Yamhill. WANTED Sweaters to knlL lawn 5767 evening. Call Wood- EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $3 a day. Tabor 62u5. A 12-YR.-OLD school girl wishes home for 100m and board. Cail East b3.0. DISHWASHING in large camp. Tel. Main 375. Room I. PLAIN sewing, crocheting and knitting. re i I w ood A 1 o'J. SWEEP, dust. iron, steady. Friday: no wash ing. 40c an hour, can are. laoor mms. WIDOW ladv wishes day work; not afraid of work. Tabor :t::iQ. Wt MAN ants cleaning. Ironing and dinners. Phone Sellwood 766. p re- WANTED House cleaning by day: no ma chinery. Call Main 5o77 any time. WOMAN wants T run-day. Fridi day work. Wednesday. ,-. Main 2018. PLAIN jewing done reasonable. Mrs. Ford, 4771 East Stark st. East 7128. COLORED young woman wants work by the hour. Call Woodlawn 92. WOMAN 3407. wants day work. Phone Tabor LESSON'S given in grammar grade studies. bKckward pupils a specialty. Main 5721 B. SMITH, hour work, 50c an hour. Phone Main 423 CURTAINS iaundcxeO. -t 35 6i SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. REFINED ADAPTABLE YOUNG GTRL STENOGRAPHER WISHES POSITION AS COMPANION TO LONS WOMAN, PREFERABLY BUSINESS WOMAN ; MUST BE REFINED, EDLCATED AND FOND OF MUSIC AND LITERATURE: OR WOULD EXCHANGE SERVICES MORNINGS AND CARE OF CHIL DREN SUNDAYS FOR ROOM AND BREAKFAST. WITH HOME PRIV ILEGES IN MERRY. ROLLICKING FAM ILY OH HOME OF ELDERLY COUPLE; WNT AN OWN MOTHER AND FAM- ILY RATHER THAN ROOM AND - BOARD. IF INTERESTED. KINDLY CALL E. 4rt'.3 EVENINGS OR ADDRESS R J7.'. OREGONIAN. WANTED Housekeplng Job in modern home, near school for widower or bach elor; I have boy 9 years; farm preferred. Call or phone to 215 St. Paul Hotel, 4th and Alder. GOOD congenial girl employed from 8 to 5 would like work for room and board. with no care of children. C-sui toimoay. - 10 to 2 o'clock, or before 8 of evenings. Mar. 44QC. apt. 34. ; m HIGH SCHOOL girl wishes to work for room and board in good home near Jef ferson high school: if any children, do not reply. Phone Taborl04l. Al DEMONSTRATOR, 18 years' eastern ex perience, best reference, no canvass; food or other lines, city or road. Call East lt4. . SCHOOLGIRL wants to work for room and board and small salary, near oiria xseu son Polytechnic school. AF 102, Orego nian. . BY an energetic, capable woman of 25 years' business experience as office mana ger overseer or information clerk. T 148, Oregonian. - EMPLOYMENT wanted as cook on a farm for small crew of men; wages from $1 a day up. according to size of crew; can give references. AF 0, Oregonian. WASHINGTON hiph school girl desires posi tion for room and board and small wages; am very fond of children. Call East 2164 after 10 A. M. Sunday. PROOFREADER and editor, recently with big Chicago publication, desires position; 12 years experience. H. Scott. 187 17th. HIGH school girl wants to work for board and room and some wages. Phone Wood lawn 55J6, mornings. ,ADV cares for children evenings; expe rienced and dependable with the aged and sick. References. Mar. o49. LADY wants housecleaaing; other work; day, hour; good work guaranteed, wain. 630 5. - CAPABLE woman will assist in fine family or resident hotel for room and board sell and son. AJ 630, Oregonian. GOOD home wanted for bright school girl; O. S. family of adults preferred. L 527, Oregonian. ' YOUNG woman desires position in doctor's r dentist office ; afternoons preferred. BK 3. oregonian. EXPERIENCED telephone operator desires position on P. a. ; reterences; state w sea- Address M. tvenneoy. m c f:mni!iTK N'TTRSE is prepared to take an Invalid lady with means at her private residence. Tabor 2!P. PiAMi lessons si veil. Will come to the house. Beginners a specialty 842 Rod n-y ave. C 1814. vnrvc wnmnn desires Dosition In millinery store; afternoons preferred. BF 24, Ore gonian. NEAT colored lady Broadway 471U. wants chamber work. EXPERIENCED woman would like day work. Phone Tabor '.'034. LADY wishes a position as housekeeper. Phone Marshall -i-in. room a. WANTED Day work by young woman. Tel. Sellwood 2U0I. Bookkeepers Stenorw.mers. Office. YOUNG woman . college graduate, wishes position; secretarial work preferred. Typist with shorthand training, but no experience. Three years' experience in business and auto work. Best Portland references. H tl, Oregonian. k GIRL desires position as sienogrupner. graduate oi uusme iuiirH. penence. good In letter writing and meet ing people; law office preferred. Phons East 8U3L ' . LADY experienced in stenography, book keeping, general onue " r sition with good firm or as secretary where strict attention to business will be appreciated. BD 5J3, Oregonian BRIGHT, experienced (legal) stenographer must resume work ai om-e, uc gen. office or clerical work; $do to start; Underwood or L. C. Smith machines. Call Main 21 M Monday or Tuesday. YOUNG lady wishes permanent posmuu i" stenograpnic or omer ur.. . Z n.r years experience: wages t0 or jiw per month. Call mornings. Woodiawn 4Q24. POSITION wanted by experinecea sie- nni.ritihr' two vears two years with railroad. BiS o-, orego- niar. CAPABLE stenographer and omce assist ant desires make change: experienced in law and various lines. 12o. R 2i0, ore gonian. - STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, 14 years ex perience, executive ability, desires posi tlon of responsibility. H l-SjQrSon'an YOUNG woman wishes clerical, general of fice, private exchange position; state sal ary. D 567. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHIC position wanted by young lady living with her parents. Phone Last 2-140. STENOGRAPHER would like copy w ork to do evenings at home; work called for and delivered. E 436, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by lady as assistant bookkeeper. Experienced wholesale pro duce. AL 4I1. Oiegunlan EFFICIENT bookkeeper and stenographer can take cnarge omcc. . .- Main 2S17. pt STENOGRAPHER, familiar, with law - lli.hle and accurate. Aliss Aioore, Brnjuiway 3085. POSITION wanted by young iaay; iinisneu stenographic course. laminar wnu graph. Call B 12S5. COMPETENT, experienced stenographer and bookkeeper opt n for position about Oct. 1; Kt citv references, senwoou mo, YOUNG lady desires, work In office, typing and general office work. A 5S20regonian. LADY wishes bookkeeping and general of fice work. East 1004. OFFICE girl with sales ability desires posi tlon. Tabor 761M. - STENOGRAPHIC position: have had law and real esta teexperience. Tabor 6715. nnnifk'KEPING position by young lady with references. S 118, Oreffonian. TVPivn miicklv. reasonably done. Miss Befk. East 3165 or Tabor 9068. Dressmakers. . v--r i.-t- Fneaepmenu by day; experi enced in suits and gowns: do remodeling rcasonaDif. rnuur ' " l' ,J - " - . T5 ciupun formerly of Ramapo hotel. is now at Cordova hotel. 11th and Jeffer son. Room -w-. DRESSMAKING Plain and fancy, frices reasonable. Prompt service. 537 Montgom ery st. nRESSMAKlNV.. p'.aln sewlng. designing reasonable; guaranteed. 62i N. -1st st. Mam 66". EXPERIENCED dressmaker will go out by day. Phone Bdwy. 2719. DRESSMAKING: work guaranteed. Belmont. East 5579. 808 1 will do vour washing and mending rVasonablejioL' 4th st. Mar. 6059. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work by 'the riay. Main Mt". urees. - MATERNITY AND SURGICAL HOSPITAL. 1095 Williams Ave. Why stay at home 7 Normal confine ment cases taken care f for less than one-half the usual charges, cases Includ ina drugs, dressings. Licensed physicians services, two weeks hospital care, all for $40 All other surgical cassi given treat ment and hospital care under same terms. Phone Woodlawn 1H6. 51ain 7744, or apply 702 Pekum bldg. , RHEUMATISM and fat reduction a spe cialty. Rates reasonable. WL. Sanitarium. 734 Hawtorne ave. East 1577. FOR an experienced, dependable trained nurse, highest references, phone Marshall 349. OLD people having no one to look after, address or call at 1494 First sL. room 112. Sunday after 10. EXPERIENCED child nurse wants the care of baby at her own home. Phone East 859. WILL care for weak-minded lady home Call Tabor 7101. EXPERIENCED practical nurse wishes con finements. Call Tabor 1835; EXPERIENCED practical nurse desires V-rk. Ctv references. Woodlawn 5224. EXPERIENCED and dependable nurse, con valescents preferred. Ref. Mar. 349. ukadi; Ai e East 6O.13. nurse wishes po-uuon. Housekeepera. WANTED By widow position as house keeper, city or country; no women boss. A 5mi. Oregonian. UNINCUMBERED widow lady wishes house keeping for one or more gentlemen, city or country. R 256, Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper Address Miss Katherine Knight. 465 N. 23d st.. city. DRESSMAKING and remodelinar, first-class work at 255 Holladay ave., cor. Lerabee. SITt ATIONS WANTED FEMALE. H ouaekeepers AS housekeeper in widower's home "where thern t one or two children by reliable woman; none but refined men need calL Sl Charles Hotel, room 120; call from 1 to 5 P. M. WIDOW wishes housekeeping on farm where boy who understands farm work can earn board and attend school. 265 11th. R 269. Oregonian. RELIABLE woman, with little boy. wishes position a housekeeper: none but with good intentions need answer. Mrs. E. Reed. 54tfe Morrison st. Bdwy. 2WB. WANTED Position as housekeeper by re liable and competent woman with 2 little girls; country preferred. Would cook for several men. 1352 Kelly. Marshall 2662. REFINED lady desires position in well-to-do widower's home with family; can oversee management of household, teach music; companionable In general. Main 4188. LADi wants position as housekeeper in wid- ower s norae or eiaeriy couple; no small children, city or country, no triflers. Mrs. A. E. H.. 247 Whitaker St. (WANTED A position as manager of apart ment nouse oy retinea married lady; best of references, experienced. AE 816, Ore gonian. HOUSEKEEPER Widow with girl aged 6, would like to keep house for a couple of gentlemen or for widower with child. Must be respectable. BD 528, Oregonis n. FIRST-CLASS housekeeper and cook; wid ower's home preferred ; reference ex changed. D 560. Oregonian. LADY, neat, reliable, past middle age. wishes housekeeping in good home. AG 146, Oregonian. YOUNG widow with baby girl desires posi tion as housekeeper. AV 4"ift, Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper. 201 ii Hawthorne ave. E. COLORED wjoman wants work of any kind, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, MIDDLE-AGED woman wants employment to do general housework. 1661 E. 8th St., Sellwood corner Tenino WORK wanted by experienced laundress, home and out. Woodlawn 4S99. FIRST-CLASS cook wishes position; hotel. caietena or camp. rt za, oregonian. WANT day work, housecleanlng, washing and Ironing. Call E. 7510 before 10 A. M. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau, Reliable up-to-date lists of desirable va cant houses, apartments ?nd flats with definite information pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great valus In helping them set properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. NOT OPEN ON LABOR DAY. MR. AND MRS. LANDLORD. We have parties who want 5 or 6-room .modern bungalows; will pay 335 to $45 per month and take year's lease. SL'BMIT YOUR HOUSE RIGHT AWAY. SM ITH -WAGO N E R OO. . ST OC KE X. LANDLORDS. NOTICE Wanted to rent, by responsible party, 5-room cottage or bun gaiow, adjacent to St. Johns car; can give best of references. We want a home for a long period and Will give lease or will consider buying; pay like rent in case we cannot find house to rent. Woodiawn 5613. REPUTABLE citizen possessing one wife, two kids and two sisters-in-law respect fully requests the privilege of renting an unfurnished house from some kind-hearted soul; can furnish full credentials, includ ing certificate of birth. Phone H. H. Bond, Tabor 2577. WANTED Unfurnished or partly furnished house, suitable for roomers and boarders; east side; either walking distance or on direct car line from west aide. Call be tween 9 A. M. and 12 P. M.. or between 3 P. M. and 6 P. M. Sellwood 605. WANT TO RENT furnished home with garage; three bedrooms necessary. Laur el hurst or Rose City preferred. Best of care guaranteed. Phone L. R. Prince, Tabor 15o3 on Monday or Prince Shoe Co., on Tuesday. WANTED To rent clean 4 or 5-room un furnished bungalow ; family 01 3 adults ; will buy desirable place inside 8 or 10 months; what have you? AG 131, Ore gonian. WANTED To rent a modern furnished or unfurnished house or bungalow of five or six rooms. Best of reierences. Phone Broadway 2M6 11 to 12 Sunday, ask for Bert Stevens. WANTED To rent an unfurnished or part ly furnished house, suitable for roomers and boarders, on east side, either walking distance or on direct car line to west side. Phone Sellwood 605, bet. 10 and 12 A. M. BETWEEN now and Sent. 12 want unfur nisneo nouse, about n rooms. waiKing distance preferred, up to $35. Will pay 6 months in -advance 11 suitanie. u 004, Oregonian. WANTED To rent furnished u to 7-roora house by party with best city reference, or would rent house while owner is away or would buy small house furnished. Tel. Tabor 4506. WANT to rent a 5 or 6-room modern bun galow : wll. keen your place as you would like your home kept: can give best 0 references. Phone Tabor o2bl. BUSINESS man who appraclates values wishes to rent and maintain 6 to 8-room house, furnished or unfurnished. AC 934, Oregonian. BY resoonsible adults, by Sept. 10. about 6 room house uniurmsnea. sdouc sa. win pay 6 months In advance if . suitable. Call Tabor 9213. WANTED 6-room furnished cottage bungalow by Sept. 15. or before; 3 adults. quiet, careful, permanent tenants; 25 to $30; references. Carmouche, i7 Johnson st. WANTED A 7 or 8-room furnished modern house with fireplace and piar.o, in walking distance of Lincoln hign, by lamuy 01 adults. Phone Tom Stevens. Rorerts Bros. WANTED Small furnished or unfurnished house or apartment by Sept. 15. Must be good neighborhood, not too far out C. J. Shipley, lotii cieveianq ave. WANTED To rent by young couple. 4-5-room bungalow by Sept. 1, unfurnished, not over $30, with garage preferred. Call mornings, Bdwy. 450. W A NT E D TO RENT at $25 per month; will pay 6 months' rent in advance lor gooa o-room nouse. aj 632, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE party wants furnished house, lour to six rooms, not over $35 per month. Phone Marshall 2310 or Mil waukte S7-M. - WANTED By family jff three adults, a home bungalow if possible- of 6 or 7 rooms, in good residence districL Broad way 1594, room 326 WANTED To rent by September 6, 4 to 6 room unfurnished house. Must be in good condition. Distance no objection. Good neighborhood. B 1320. WANT to rent a modern 8 or 9-room house, west side. May buy if price and loca tion are satisfactory, Telephone Marshall 132$. RESPONSIBLE couple, no children, want well furnished bungalow and garago, Irvington. by September 15; will pay $65 if suitable. AL 513, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT A five-roomed fur nished house; west side; Portland Heights preferred. Main 6462. W ANTED 1 or 5-room house to rent: east side, close in: aauits. tun st. rnone Broadway 5655. I WANT to rent a 7 or 8-room house in city or outside on acreage, permanent ten ant. Phone Tabor 5131. WANTE Dt 5-room modern bungalow near carline. Have cnevroiet in gooa con dition as part payment W 491, Oregonian. WANTED To rent furnished or unfurnished house in Alberta; no children. AG l-tf. Oregonian. WANTED Six rooms, new, modern house. fairlv close in; want to trade two lots as part payment. AC 939, Oregonian. FURNISHED rooming or boarding house. will buy ii terms wouia suil. iasc -eu after Sunday. RESPONSIBLE party wants 4 or 5-room modern nouse. not more man .iu. rnone Mil wauk ie 61 Y. B D 522, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE party wants R or 6-room house or oungaiow; can iurnisn reierences if desired. East 4712. WANTED Before Sept. 15, 5 or 6-room house: pay up to -u; lease 11 aesiraoie. D 578, Oregonian. - 5-ROOM modern bungalow, any time to Oct. 1, ny young coupie; no couarea: wiu lease. AG 1U9. Oregonian. WANTED FurnisUed house or h. k. rooms. preferably fieamoni or nainui raric. Woodlawn 1213. WANTED To rent, with privilege of buy ing. 5 to 7-room house. S 94. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished house or cottage, close in; adults only. AG 90, Oregonian. WANTED To rent by Sept. 15 or Oct. 1, 5 or 6-room bungalow. Phone East 8768. WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room bungalow with garage. Phone Sellwood 2823. WANTED Small 2 or 3-room house in the northwest part of city. 0852, Oregonian. WANTED Two unfurnished houses. 10 or 12 rooms, or one 20 rooms. Call East 1388. A 5 OR 6-ROOM modern bungalow; will pay cash around 13000. Call Eaet 2967. ADULTS wish to lease modern flat or bun galow; references furnished. Tabor 6952. WANTED TO BENT. HAVE no bull dogs, pet cats or parrots, but a fine baby boy. 1-year-old, who scores 100 per cent, and I want to rent by beptem- btr 15 an apartment, flat or bungalow in good district. S or 4 rooms, lurmsned or u n furnished ; private bath. Call Tabor Apartments. MAN and wife, no children, both employed. want apartment or housekeeping suite for ine tag ana winter; must be located wiui in 5 blocks of city hail; don't want to buy the place, but are willing to pay reasonable rental. If you have something that will fill the bill, send particulars to G 472, Oregonian. WANTED to rent, furnished 4-rom flat or 6-room house, not later than Sept. 15; 3 adults; references furnished. Address Washington hotel, 12th and Wash., or call from 8 AM. until 4 P. M., Broadway 3048, J. C. Leltch. V ANTED To lease furnished apartment, four or five rooms, by Portland business man. No children. Must be centrally lo cated and well furnished. AC 010, Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room furnished apart ment or flat, one child 2V years; on or about Sept. 10; no objection to short way out. Address 307 Title & Trust bldg. WANTED By two adults, mother and son. west side, walking distance, modern, part ly furnished apartment or flat: references If required. Phone Woodlawn 2151. 2, 3 OR 4-ROOMED-furnished apartment or flat; no children. Will pay rent 6 months in advance if rates are reasonable. BC 46, Oregonian. MAN and -"wife'-wish apartments for few hours' daily work; man is employed. Room 17. 414 Jefferson sL Phone Mar shall 5714. 2 OR 3-ROOM, furnished or . unfurnished, permanently. Call Tuesday, Marshall 3600. BUSINESS lady desires smAlI modern, un furnished apartments, close In; permanent; references. Call Main 561. WANTE D Furnished flat or suitable house keeping rooms. Marshall 1169. WANTED TO RENT 2-rbom apt., 2 to 3 rooms; good references. BF 14. Oregonian. REFINED. ; ADAPTABLE YOUNG GIRL STENOGRAPHER' WISHES POSITION AS COMPANION TO LONE WOMAN, PREFERABLY BUSINESS WOMAN; MUST BE REFINED, EDUCATED AND FOND OF MUSIC AND LITERATURE; OR WOULD EXCHANGE SERVICES MORNINGS AND CARE OF CHIL DREN SUNDAYS FOR ROOM AND BREAKFAST. WITH HOME PRIV ILEGES IN MERRY, ROLLICKING FAM ILY OR HOME OF ELDERLY COUPLE; WANT AN OWN MOTHER AND FAM ILY rather than room and BOARD. IF INTERESTED. KINDLY CALL E. 4B23 EVENINGS OR ADDRESS R -275. OREGONIAN. WANTED On or about Sept. 10, by 2 young women employed, 2 well-furnished sleeping rooms, one with private bath if possible, in modern residence or apart ment: ref. exchanged. Bdwy. 2u65 or P 542, Oregonian. WANTED By single man in responsible po sition, nice room with breakfast only: must be in nice neighborhood, close In. and have garage or one nearby; references ex changed. No triflers need apply. Box T 12 Oregonian. YOUNG woman, employed, wants one or two cosily furnished housekeeping rooms, on ground floor; would like fireplace in room. Phone Marshall 26 after 6:30 P. M. WANTED 3 furnisKed housekeeping rooms. aauits, ciean, moaern, warning distance. East of Broadway bridge. Phone Wood lawn 5727. 927 East Seventh North. A HIGH SCHOOL teacher wants one or two furnished rooms with kitchen privilege in good district on east aide west of 40th st. BF 4. Oregonian. MUSIC te.acher desires 1 or 2 furnished rooms oh ast side; has own piano. Tabor 6375. WANTED Unfurnished room steam heat, nse of bath and phone. AV 484, Oregonian. A LADY wishes room in private family. Property owner preferred. Call East 2967. itoom With Boara. WANTED By a young woman, teaching in the public schools, room or room and board with a private family. AG 124, Oregonian. YOUNG couple want room and board in steam-heated apartment; must get located by Sept. 15 Nob Hill preferred; give price and location. Address AF 68. Oregonian. A YOUNG woman going to college desires a place to room and have breakfast and dinner in private home of refinement on the west wide. AJ 634, Oregonian. WE are a young couple: would like to board and room congenial couple In- modern bun galow; no objections to one child. R 273, Oregonian. YOUNG couple who have Just arrived In Portland wish room and board in private home, Irvington preferred; give price and location. Address AF 71. Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes board and room. Jeffer son high school district. Call room 229. Imperial hotel, between 10 and 12 o'clock. WANT room and board for father and Bon 12 years old ; prefer near Couch school. AF 91. Oregonian. NICE home with private family desired by voung ladv music teacher, employed. Best of references given. Call Wdln J691. BOARD within walking distance Portland Rubber mills; private family. A 559, Ore gonian. ALADY with girl 7 years old wishes room and board on west side near good school, prefer Shattuck. O 733. Oregonian. MAN. C. S. student, desires comfortable room, same iwor as Dam, gooa piain board; prefer first floor. P. O. box 254. MOTHER and two children, age 5 and 3, want room and board. Phone Mr. John son. Main 5386. YOUNG lady, employed, wishes ,airy room or room with sleeping porch and good board in private family. E 433, Oregonian. w a xrTED -Pleasant room and board in private family by man and wife. 4638. Main SALESMAN wants room and one or two meals; need garage also. AL 526. Ore gonian. WANTED A home for small child 3 years old. in private family; mother employed. Call Broadway BOARD and room for semi-invalid lady. Marshall WANTED A home for 5-year-old boy and room for his father, t lib, oregonian. Housekeeping Rooms. voiTNG man wants light, clean housekeep ing room in quiet section of either east or west side; would prefer a residence where I could park a light car in back yard or find reasonable garage close ; state terms. R 2o2, Oregonian. WIDOW with girl 14 wants two heated housekeeping rooms, furnished, or un furnished, where child would have care while mother works; close to Highland school: state price. BC 4. -Oregonian. BY COUPLE with 6-year-old girl, 2 or 3 H K. rooms in Irvington ; references. East 4S26 in A. M. HOUSEKEEPING suite, 2 rooms, private home, west side, lurnisnea or can xumisn; -would like porch. AC 937. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPING rooms where 4-year-old boy ca-n be cared loir TaDor uii. 2 OR 3-ROOM furnished housekeeping rooms, apartment or flat. i-'none laoor Brfoa. Business Place. FOR a list of many desirable vacant offices in Portland see air. aecora ai 00-01 uroau way, phone Broadway 1158; no charges. SUITABLE space for -small machine shop. P 532. Oregonian. . Miscellaneous. SUITABLE space for email .machine shop. P 532. Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ANSONIA HOTEL. 14th and Washington Clean, respectable home for business peo le; transient, $1 up; permanent, $4 up; private bath$8- : HOTEL NORRIS, 533 Alder Splendid modern outside rooms, $3.50 week up, with bath $6 week. Come and see. a" SUITE of 2 nice, light, front rooms; light and water; adults; $15 per month. 690 Irving st. . PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St.; downtown location, respectable and strictly modern; steam taea:; roomsjarge. clean. CHOICE rooms, 1 very large, with kitchen ette spacious, beautiful grounds; refer encea. 631 Hoyt st. Broadway6SX KLICKITAT HOTEL 328 H Holladay ave., large, clean, strictly modern, all outside rooms. $3 and up. Free phone and ath. HILLCREST HOTEL Bath, pnone. $25 mo. up; without bath. $18 up. 733 Washington. SARGENT HOTEL. 271 V Grand ave., X le apt, and sleeping rooms. East 29L 75c. $1 DAY; $2.50 week up; outside roonw Hotel Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson. SLEEPING ROOM 3d. 293 Vz Stark. floor Loeb bldg. BUSHMARK HOTEL, 565 Wash. sL. rooms $3 per week up; clean, modern. WELL furnished rooms, one double: also single. 705 Everett at., 2 blks from Wash. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. JOAN OF ARC HALL. 265 14th Street. Furnished rooms with or without board for business girls and lady tourists. ALL CONVENIENCES. Home comforts; rates reasonable. Phone Main 4118. A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal east sldo hotel and iu a hotel of dignity and refine ment. $1.25 per day; two in room, $L75; $6 per week. $22.50 per month. THE JOAN OF ARC HALL, 265 14th st. Furnished rooms with or without board, for business girls and lady tourists; per manent or transient: Ideal location; rea sonable rates. Main 4119. HOTEL BLACKSTONB. ELEVENTH AND STARK STS. Modern, up-to-date brick building, prt rate phone In every room, elevator, lobby. $4.50 per week and up; $1 per day and up. TO lady employed, nice room with use of parlor, dining room and kitchen, piano; $20. 173 East 33d. corner Yamhill. Ta bor 3310. HOTEL NAVARRE, 427H Aldar St.. Corner 11th. Elegantly furnished, central location, clean and orderly. Rates by day or week. 648 EAST STARK. 3 blocks east of Wash, high; bedroom, pleasant, home privileges; lady employed preferred. Call Sundays or evenings; $10. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison sL at Tenth Rates $1 per day up; weekly, S4 up; run ning water, free phone and bath. Unfurnished Rooms. TOP room in garage to party with refer ences. Broadway 4314. . 1, 2 OR 3 unfurnished room 653 Washing ton St. Main 8376. 2 CONNECTED unfurnished rooms, modern home. 6th and Market. Marsnan asv. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. COMFORTABLE room for business man, modern, bath adjoining; no other rooms, very close in, west side. 322 & Broadway. Main 3291. CLEAN, well furnished rooms for business men; hot water, electric light, furnace heat, walking- distance. Phone Broadway 2216. FOR REN T A n I ce a i ry f ro n t roo m i n Irvington. 1 or two gentlemen; two pre ferred. Breakfast if desired. Phone East 3316. WANTED Woman to take nice apartment. private home. 2 months. Give scnooiooy 2 meals, return for same. Everything fur nished, even garden. 409 Benton st. ONE or two young- men desiring nice, com fortable room in Irvington home, near North Pacific Dental college at a reason able price. Phone East 2015. FRONT room in private family with one or two meals for refined business couple. 827 Gantenbein ave. WA car to Failing st, two blocks west. FOR RENT A large well-furnished room, refined home; heat, bath, phone, walking ' distance, gentlemen; references; rent, $12. East 2173 . WANTED Women employed to rent bright, modern rooms, yard, 'porch, use of piano, home privileges, walking distance. 2o4 North 20th, corner of Northrup st. ONE large front room, first floor; home privileges; will board 1 or 2 congenial parties. Call 550 Hoyt St. PLEASANT front room, with board, for busi ness couple; also table board. 827 Ganten bein. Main 4416. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for one or two ladles. Apply Janitor. Dezendorf Apartments, 16th and Taylor. FOR RENT Room in private family for one or two men; with or without board. AG 125, Oregonian NICELY furnished rooms with phone, bath heat and use of kitchen; 1 housekeeping suite. Main 1640. Call at i:o .N. -jja. LARGE furnished front room, suitable for 1 or 2. 254 N. 24th st., cor. Northrup. Marshall 1699. DESIRABLE rooms. 1 double. 2 single business men preferred; also garage. 541 Tillamook E; 1 LARGE nicely furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen in lovely nome; iu minutes out. Call Tabor 252. FRONT room on third floor, water, electric lights, privilege of preparing ngnt meais. 68 Uiucretia at. rnone jaarsnau 0010. STRTOTl.Y modern, larsre front room, mid die-aged man, walking distance. Main 1721. FURNISHED room walking distance. 494 East Washington, cor. 10th. Phone East 70S. FURNISHED room in private family with or without board, suitanie lor two gen ' tlemen. Tabor 9043. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, furnace heat, shower bath, with board. i41 Glisan street. micki.V furnished room in private family for gentleman; home privileges. Phone East 8668. NICE. Herht- airv rooms, west side, close in. reasonable, gentlemen preferred. 391 Har rison st. or Main 4oo9. TWO attractive furnished bedrooms suita ble for business ladies of refinement. Close in; moderate. Main i89o. 351 W. PARK, large front room, handsomely furnished, board, porch, fine location lor 1 or 2 gentlemen aiar. ji-o. CLEAN, well-furnlshed front bedroom with all conveniences, to lady employed. Rea sonable. 877 Vz E. Stark. East 7128. NICELY furnished front room in private family, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 390 Vancouver ave., 7iear Broadway. THIRD-FLOOR room, private hornet walk ing distance; reasonable. 564 Hoyt. Broad way 1986. WANTED 1 or 2 gentlemen, employed, for clean rooms: walking distance; close to 3 carlines. -A 101 4. LARGE front room, beautifully furnished, in a swell private home, suitable for two young men, close in. 11 Trinity jiacc. XlfKLV furnished room with or without light housekeeping; ',4 block from Haw- thorne car. Tabor 7299. 296 E.32d st. CLEAN, light room. 5 min. walk; no other roomers ; use 01 oatn, etc. ; - per weea. W 4S3, Oregonian. LIGHT airy room with bath ; walking dis tance, 1 block from Sunnyside car; rea sonable. 642 BelmonL AIRY, clean room, third floor, modern home, residential district, west siae. oaii iion day, Marshall 1019. a i.iRfiR rooms: electric lieht and gas; completely furnished, garage. 923 Corbeit street. CHEERFUL attic rooms, suitable for wom an employed; can be fixed for H. K, rooms. 656 Glisan. NEATLY furnished sleeping room; use of bath. Main 4T4U. 77 .Marsnan st. LARGE front room with kitchenette and bath for lady employed. East 6327. GENTLEMAN to board In widow's well furnished home. E.7100. ROOM, alcove, for rent. 209 North 16th st. Suitable for two. FINE furnished housekeeping rooms, all con veniences. 1000 E. Main. Tabor 8769. LARGE - well furnished double room with breakfast, in Irvington. East 4852. CONVENIENTLY located with private fam ily. East 1276. IRVINGTON Room, modern home, 1H bflts. to I. or B. car; breakfast. East 419. CLEAN pleasant room for one or two young men. 1 60 X. 21st.: Bdwy 2US7. FURNISHED front room for business woman. 434 10th st. SLEEPING room. 1153. with garage. Call East VERY pleasant front room, suitable for man. 743 Everett St., near 23d st. Main 5729. PRIVATE HOME $7, $8, $10 housekeeping rooms. Broadway iiai . LARGE front room, well furnished, west side, walking distance. Main inao. LARGE, light, well -furnished front room. East side. raoor mu. ROOM and board in private family. 161 22d st.. cor Irving. FOLTR furnished rooms; Sunnyside car. Tabor 822. FURNISHED room In home. Marshall 4423. a clean desirable NICELY furnished room. 10 min. walk from postofflce. Cal 1 Main 4774. or 327 13th st. TWO rooms for rent on E. 11th st. S. ; with in walking distance. 430 B. 11th- ml, S. A NEAT, small front sleeping room. In pri vate family; $6 per month. Main 6195. LARGE porch with bedroom connected for 1 month. Call Main 5270. ' FURNISHED room, walking distance, home privileges, pianos 452 East Couch. FURNISHED rooms, close in, near Broadway bridge. 423 Ross st. WELL furnished rooms, new management. Nora Scott. 146 N. 17th. Bdwy. 2606. NICELY furnished room, walking distance, reasonable. 1S6 N. 18th. TO RENT Sleeping room for men. 122 . r v r a. 7 v..-a ! Graham ave., nr. Q.-W. R. A N. shops. SLEEPING room for gentleman, close in. Call at 335H Maingt. ROOM In beautiful home, hot and cold wa ter. sej-vebrekfjiL NICELY furnished airy room; $2.50 week nt 411 E. Pine, near Grand ave. FURNISHED rooms, Irvington, B. 7800. . FOB KENT. Furnished Kooms In Private Family. WEST SIDE, close in, attractively furnished, front room with 3 large windows, bath room adjoining, plenty of hoi water, sleeping porch If desired, suitable for 2 young men or 2 business women, break fasts served or would include use of kitchen, dining room and laundry. Mar shall 6013. HAVE two lovely rooms and sleeping porch with or without meals, for two or three young business men: nice home and home privileges. Near 20 th and Hawthorne. E. 6184. AN appreciative party can secure desirabla room, 10 min. walk to business centei, west side: furnace heat, electric light, bath end phone; reasonable. Max. 8-4'. - Broadway. EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant room with porch in well furnished home, especially fins location and accessible to 3 car lines; walking distance; gentleman only. 615 E'.iot. Ladd's addition. East S348. FOR gentleman, a large, cheery front slep Ing room; breakfast if desired. 173 West 16th st.. between Morrison and Yamhill Call between II A. M, and 2 P. M. Sun. and Mon., Main 2410. TWO or three beautiful furnished rooms in strlctlv private home, west side, walk ing distance: must be seen to be appreci ated. Call Marshall 4040 DESIRABLE room for two gentlemen. Fine locality, heat and light, rent reasonable; references. 761 E. Main st. Call Suuday F. M. . EMPLOYED lady can find nicely furnished room, modern, walking distance, house keeping If desired, reasonable, 186 N. ISth. . VERY desirable large room, private bath, delightful surroundings, also single room, close in: refned people; Aen preferred. Phone Broadway 2266. 1 LARGE front room, modern, furnace hest use of piano. 327 Sixth st. Rooms WHh Board. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL 741 Washington. CAMPBPiLL HOTEL, 23d and Hoyt. Residence Hotel. American Plan. Excellent Dining Room Service On Car Line, Near Garag Reasonable Rates. Permanent or TransienL KORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en juite or single, with or without board, for families and business men ana women. We give you a!l the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. ROOM and board for men at reasonable rates; home style cooking. Grand Ave. hotel, 334 Grand ave., 3 blocks south of Hawthorne. - XHE MIGON NURSERY is where any child will find a mother's care and attention from an experienced nurse. 1224 East Mala street. ' CHESTERBURY HOTEL, 201 N. 20TH. American plan hotel; desirable rooma; excellent table; meals lerved transients. THB MARTHA WASH INCTON. 880 19th st. For business girls and stu dents; reasonable rates. Marshall 12ol. ROOM and board tor Business girls, all modern conveniences; walking distance; $4 per week East 4732. 12 E. 7th st. NICE large front room with board for 1 or 2 ladies or gentlemen, walking distance. 590 East Salmon sfr. . m PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board excellent table; close in. 386 Montgomery near West Park. BY DAY or month, also table board. 161 23d st. North. Main 7511. Rooms With Board in Private Family. SUBURBAN 1, 2 or 3 fur. or unfur., for con genial family or persons; meal ior quiei home life; poultry, cow, vegetables, etc.; modern; irarage; 10 min. to car line; 25 min. by auto. Main 3939. FURNISHED rooms and board, hot water, bath everything new and clean, quiet place home like and home cooking at modest price. 617 Marshall st. Phone Bwdy. 2881. TO rent. In Laurelhurst, to two business women, large, modern, well furnished tront room and enclosed steeping porch, with breakfast and dinner. C. S. preferred; U0 a month. Tabor 456. W XTED 1 or 2 children over 3 years to board; good home and care; near school and high school; ideal place for children; use oi piano; reierences exchanged. Phone Dn02. ; NICELY furnished rm. In exclusive home, waking distance, on west side, for re fined gentiemen. no others neeti apply, phone Main 7095, 2u0 13thst. To"rENT, in Laurelhurst, to two business women, large, modern, well-furnished front room and sleeping porch, with breakfast and dinner; 75 a month. Tabor 4oo. COMFORTABLE third-floor room, walking distance, on west side, table canuot be surpassed, excellent home cooking. Mar shall 3930. - LARGE, cheerful front room, neatly fur nished, with board; every convenience; suitable for one parent and child. Mar shall 2127. a - NICE double room, with board, suitable for two- also single moms; hot and cold water In every room; steam heat; reason able. 332 Tenth, corner Market. TWO rooms (with breakfast) in exception ally fine home in Rose Cuy Park, lo gen tlemen who appreciate a real home; ga rage for two ca Phone Jabor 1993. PLEASANT. well furnished room with board, suitable for two. 400 Monroe sL E. 8096- . A PLEASANT front room, suitable lor io gentlemen, close in; puono i -co..-. - Broadway ; - WILL be vacant Sept. 1. one ciean. cuuuwi- able room wun or hiivul . home cooking. 409Yamhiil. upstairs. WITH or without board, home privileges for lady who is empioyeu vi -bor 59t9. BOARD and room, will take one or two students or biupuuuuru., " ' on car line. BF 20, Oregonian. AN exclusive home offers rooms with good home cooKing; iiuinr-iiiuo North 19th st. Broadway 4ol4. BOARD and room In a lovely, modern home ior leacueio. -.. 6:30 P. M. m ROOM and board for gentleman; home cook ing; WaiKing uiaiuuce, ' 525 Clay. Call after Monday. NEATLY furnished rooms with board, for , .. n4 Airun 1 ir inAii I gentlemen; momma $8 week. Marshall 2127. ROOM for gentleman in strictly private Jewish iamny; reierentei. di uu PRIVATE home for children, 4 to 10; 20 vears' expedience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. ROOM and board in private home. 268 Beech st-, near w imams ave ROOM and board In nice home, walking dis tance, 2 carlines, irvington. u-ast usi.( HAVE a beautiful west side home; would liKe a lew High-Class poaruera. GENTLEMAN to room and board ; private home, Hawtnorne uibuici. mi "v . FINE room with breakfast, for rent; hot water heat; close in. casi oooi.. NICELY furnished room, with board, near Broauw-ay priuge. pq jj-hwh -. ROOM and board for 2 refined gentlemen. 689 E. Ankeny. rnone cast, toio. PLEASANT room with board. 59514 lavia. Broadway -idifj FIRST-CLASS room and board; 394 Colum bia st.. corner lutn. wain oot. WILL furnish good home and mother's ears for girl cnua aneuums o,nuui. WILL give children motherly care, including mending; state age. j m""""'-. BOARD and room, reasonable. Jo iw Glisan St. Teiepnone c-ast o i u. ROOM, board, private home. 574 Ladd ave. near . J-im anu hihuiu5. -. CHILDREN to board in private home. Call East 2446. 3Uo rtaisey si. FurnUhed Apartments. DIEL APTS.. 790 E. Ankeny si. .uoaern E. 3-room completely lurniJiueu. upw., m," clean and airy. E. 1SQ8. - 4-RQOM apartment, near Haw t hornc car; garage it desired. Tabor 7980. BAGGAGE and furniture moving; phone Broadway ui. Aiori. -h y COMPLETE apartment, fit concrete bldg. Union ave. ana Mii:ngworui. NICELY furnished :-room apartment. Columbia. BOZANTA APTS., 189 N. 23d. 4-room apart ment. furnished. XWO furnished housekeeping apartments St. Johns car. Wdln. 4219. THREE-ROOM apt. Jackson Apts. )35. Phone East 2816. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED housekeeping apar ments. Adults only. 649 L'nlon ave. N. LOWER floor, private residence. 3 rooms; no children; $25. 885 E. Madison st. BEAUTIFUL '.'-room front apartment, nicely furnished. Douglas Court. MHrshall 61. " ROOM apartment for rent, furniture con tract Eor sale. Call Marshall 3721. FURNISHED apartment, tanay ra. Rent $17. Rent SlT.oO. . WILL rent furnished apartment for 1 month. Call Tabor vwo. 3-ROOM furnished apt- Todd apts. E. 12th and Stark, E. 2599. ' FOR RENT A nic- nished apartment. clean, two-room fur. 421 th st; t LAMBKOOK APTS.. E. 7th and Yai-hilL -room apt. E. 4UG2.