11 SEASON BIDS FAIR TO BE LONG ONE AT ALL RESORTS September Likely to Be One of Gayest Months of Year at Beaqhes. THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 24, 1919, City sr. .njoytna" aa satins; at Njr Capps and alias Ruth Parsons are oc- Beach. Attorney E. E. Wilson was called to Corral lis Sunday on business and after a brief stay will return to Newport for Uie rest of August. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh and son Irrlns bars returned to Portland after a two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Appleman arrived from Corrallls Friday for a brief stay. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerns of New port have cone to Dallas for an ex tended rtslt with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crawford ar rived from Albany this week and are at Nye Beach. cupying" 8unset cottage. Mrs. Fred Porter and daughter, Flor ence. of Corvallls are domiciled In I Nye Beach cottage for an extended va cation. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Woodcock and children of Corvallls and Mr. and Mra Bryan McFadden of Loa Angeles mo tored over from Corvallls and ara at the Woodcock cottage for a week. Miss Lens Cherringtoa of Salem and miss Beth Brlrrs .or Portland are spending two weeks at Nye Beach. miss Myrtle Miller arrived from Phi lomath for a few days' visit with friends. Dick and William Graham arrived from Corvallls Monday for an indefinite Mra F. J. Coad and the Misses Alice stay. Mra Graham will Join them later. and Frankle Cryder returned Monday to Dall Mr. and Mra. Guy O. Smith and fam ily have arrived from Salem and will remain Indefinitely. - attorn W. L. Marks arrived this Miss Loretta Wise of Salem Is the guest of Mrs. Walter Smith. Mrs. W. H. Waterbury and children left Sunday for an extended visit with relatives at woodburn. Mr. and Mra Earl Harris of Cor vallis are paaslng their vacation at week from Albany to Join his family Ny Beaeh at Agate Beach ana wui remain xr . Mr an(J Mr Ben We,t of BaIera mr. abort rest. rived Tuesday for a brief outing in the Judge and Mrs. waae oaaiono " sea breeze, returned to Corvallls after a ahort- va- Mls, Marguerltte Appleman of Cor cation at Nye Creek. I vallis Is the guest of Miss Mildred John Welburg and Glenn Jackson motored over from Albany and were week-end guests of relatives. Mr Martha Peters and daughter, Vn w. L. Sham, returned to Cor- nllli Tuesday after a short stay. vr and Mra W. McGilchrlst and hild have returned to Salem alter an TajJ., Sunday" after a 1? vunue - " Charles Bilyeu of Dallas was ...w-a4 visitor with relativea. Mra Kate Nolan arrived from Cor vallls Friday and will spend ner vaca tion at this beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sloper of Stayton mw r Nva ReuK. Miss Ila Spaulding nas mum Porter at Nye Beach. Miss . "-Rinla Flynn baa returned to Portland after a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. William Matthews.- ' Miss Agnes Hunt has returned to Salem after spending her vacation at tne breaxera. W. K. Taylor returned home to Cor usiness visit. TILLAMOOK SEASON IS GAT Happy Throngs Engage In Many Summer Events. TWIN KOCK3. Or. Aug. 13. (6ne Salem after a short visit with her I djX) a quiet wedding was solemnised mother. Mrs. Charles K apauiains. wm ,t tB. Methodist parsonage, Tillamook la sojourning here for the summer. I Thursday evening. August 14, when Mr end Mra Edward Jackson ar-1 Mra Nettie Tomcsett and George rived from Corvallls Friday lor tneir w, Fosnot of Twin Rocks were united usual outing. I in marriage by Rev. Charles E. Gibson. m cl EL Howes. Mra Sallle Sevier I a number of friends greeted the counle and Mra Lillian Fellows marsnait n i at the train, upon their return Friday, returned to Dallas after visiting wltn Master Alex- Shilleto. on his cornet. Mrs. Fred R. Rich. rendering "The Sweetest story Ever Professor and Mrs: Fioya r no"" ToJd." A delightrul recepuon waa held Tt -hllri have returned to Corvallis I Fridav eVeninr in honor of Mr. and after an extended vacation spent n Mra Fosnot at their heme. Mra. Fosnot Newport. South Beach, w aldport ana i very well known, having been for Tachata I soma time postmistress at Twin ftocKS. Mr. and Mra F. J. Scott have gone to i x .njovabl. bonfire oarty was Albany, to be gone maerinueiy. i given on the beach last Thursday The Sunnystde cottage at iye dco evening by Mr. and Mra K. u. mc Is the present residence or air. ana i Mullen of Portland. The evening was if ....... . . . ! -jL--fX ' . : 'nil ' 1 - vtK w il , e ?0 ,;r ar-r xrsf I. K. Hastorf, Theresa Luchesi. Mar- Wlest and mother, Mrs. A. C Michael, . . .3b?frr rvfYY. J.Y A 3 WALK TO BEACH AT OCEAN PARK. WASH. Mra Clifford Elgin and Miss Katherine and Clifford, Jr., of Salem, wno wiu re n,i. fnr n extended time. Un j. p. Cvlde arrived this week fn,., mmlHi for a two weeks' visit. Mr. and Mra Dayton Walker of pleasantly spent in singing and toast' ing marshmallows before the embers. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McMullen and children, Mr. and Mra John E. Peter and daughter, Mr. and Mra P. F. Nolan and children, Mr. and Bcotts Mills and Mra Walker's sister I Mra M. L. Hays. Mr. and Mra C. A. .nA finllv of Portland motored over I Feenausrhtv. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Lyon from Scotta Mills Sunday, to remain I knd children. Mr. and Mrs. Culberson for a week. I and Mra Hart and son. Mra A. E. Frost and daugnter, miss Mr ul Mri- w H Markell and Dorothy arrived Friday and are o- daughters, Helen and MaveU of Port cated In a Nye Beach cottage. r. iandt spending a brief vacation la Froet and son, aieivin. ana jirs. r nm. i their cottage. brother. Charles Anaerson. jomeo in. Mr. and Mra E. Lucas and daughter. Tuesday. Mr. Frost Is the owner ana business manager of the Benton county Courier, published in corvauia Mr. and Mra Mason Bishop and daughter Henrietta have returned to Salem after a two weeks' stay at Nye Miss Hildegarde Splllman of Blodg- att la the guest or friends. Mr. and Mra Benjamin Cooper mo tored to Corvallls Tuesday, after a Mr. and Mra C. H. Sloughton arrived from Dufur Monday for a short stay. Mr. and Mra J. E. H'nkie nave re Mildred, of Portland, made a brief stay st this beach while on a camping tour of the various Oregon beach resorts. Portland business men who spent the week end at Twin Rocks are J. B. Middleton. Orrel Comstock, D. J. Bald- ridge and J. F. McNary. E. A. McGrath of Portland has Joined his family at the Halle cot tage for a week a outing. Guests of the Misses Mabel and Neva Elliott at their cottage are Mra Wilson and daughter, Mae, of Brighton. Located In the Kressraan cottage for turned to their home at Philomath after I the remainder of the season are Mr. I and Mra R. M. standish. son. John Hubbard and daughter, Peggy, of Port land. At the Caldwell cottage as guests of Mra G. E. Hoffman are the Misses Htien Wilde and Anna Hoffman and a two weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. McFadden of Cor Tallis arrived Tuesday for a short rest. Mr. and Mra M. O. Kent and family have returned home to Brownsville after two weeks sDent at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. M. Klinge and family Stewart Dewey of Portland. have departed ror Portland, wnere iney will reside in the future. Miss Velva Ctterbaek arrived Fri day and is the guest of friends. Mr. and Mra N. Keefhaver of Leb anon and Mr. and Mrs. E. a Plnn of White Salmon, Wash., are domiciled at the Mlzpah cottage for a fortnight. The Abry cottage will house Mra 8. L. Roberta of Portland for the remain der of the season. . Domiciled in the Richardson cottage onttl the end of the season are Mr. and Mra R. G. McMullen and daughters. Virginia and Mildred, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. M. U Hays of Portland . ... . , - I r. si Assistant r. .-""" motored In over the Grand Rbnde road Ml. r Oil l flaw iciuium i.v ........... Miss Helen Livingood and Miss Cyn thia Hart of Albany are guests of Miss Livlneood's mother. Judge Ryan and family of Salem are occupying their Nye Beach cottage xor their annual vacation. last week to spend a few days at Cosy Nook camp. They will make an ex tended camping and fishing trip before returning by way of Seaside and Astoria. Miss Helen Downs of Walla Walla Is eir annual vacation . . the guest of Mrs. Fred Wilson at the Mrs. Earlton Savage and raIlyof wil,n c6ttag.e. Waconda, Or., arrived Tuesday and will remain for an Indefinite slay. Hugh Hammerly, Norman Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hurst have returned to their homes in Albany after vacations at this resort. Frank J. McGettigan of Portland was a week-end visitor at this beach. At Rock View Villa are Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McAyeal and son, Harry, of Portland. With Mr. and Mrs. McAyeal. as their guest, is Mra A. E. McAyeal Mra F. C. Eddy of Independence and , . , ,.,.,, Mra W. L Reynolds of Buena Vista . . w . a,u-Bte- Er. are among the recent arnvaia d ,.. Mtss M.re.r.t Miss Esther Egelbort and the Misses v ... ' ".. Hilda and Dora Almsler of Salem are ;cmtion at H.;.itt eotUr9 Kcnnrui im oi u ....ti nf Mra W. E. Steele and Dr. and Mra O. D. Butler of Inde pendence were visitors of Newport on I ot portiand. daughters, Gertrude and Elizabeth, also their way to Waldport. Mr. and Mra Thorn Moulding of A party of Independence people n toring through on an Inspection of the Wheatland. Wya, are enjoying their Tsrlous Tillamook beaches made a brief vacation at this resort. I ltop at tha Le0nar(1 Sampson cottage. Recent arrivals at the Grand are: Mr. and Mra S. S. Worley of Holyoke, Colo.; Mra T. B. Davis and Elinor Davis of Oakland, Burch Lynn of Dallas. Rev. and Mra J. R- N. Bell of Corvallls, Mra E. R. Miller of Cresco. Ia.; Mra M. G. Circle of Creawell. Or.; Mra. Cora Rhodes of Eugene, Clyde Stanton and Thomas Herd of Newberg and L. B. Weoley of Molalla. W. B. Summerville of Salem, auditor f the state Industrial accident commls sion. Is a business visitor this week. Mr. and Mra Thomas Tocum are guests of Mra F. M. Carter. Among the week's arrivals from Portland are O. H. Rieger, L. D. Phil lips. Jess Soesbe, J. O. Dengel, A. S. Hite and Mr. Pillion. Mra Hattie Farr and family arrived Friday from Oregon City for an ex tended vacation. W. J. Dryden, Herman Belt. Earl Rout. John Pinkerton. Clayton Stew art. John Taylor, Clarence and Russell Morrison are a delegation to arrive this week from Corvallla Mra Frederick Corrie and Miss Venla Corrie of Portland. Mra F. L. Reynolds and Miss Joyce Reynolds of Sleepy Eye. Minn.: Miss Ida B. Btxby of Salem. Master ward w. Leek of Missoula. Mont.: Mra C. Shelldahl and daughters Dorothy and Evelyn of Salt Lake City and Miss Ethel Ankeny of Iowa are domiciled at the Mizpah cottage. Mra Inez McWllliams and children have returned to Alpine after a month apent at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mra Jay Cooper passed through Newport on their way home to Corvallls from Wsldport. Mr. and Mra M. Heisler and grand daughter returned to Dufur Monday after several days' visit with relativea Mra James McGilchrlst and children ef Salem are at Nye Beach for a fort nlrht. Mrs. Minerva Kiger of Corvallls Is the guest of relativea Mra Collins and Mra Derrin of Acme are visiting their parents. Mr. and Mra S. J. Seymore of Newport Mrs. D. S. Dlmlar and Miss Gladys Plmler of Salem have this week opened their cottare and will remain Indefi nitely. Misses Lena and Eleanor Hucke ateln accompanied them. Mra McFarland. Mra. Newth and son Carrol are here from Philomath for their summer outing. A party from Salem, consisting ef Robert Hsnderson, Miss Gretall The party was composed of Mr. and Mra G. G. Madison. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Pencree. Miss Florence Burton and Chester Henkle. Occupying the Rountree cottage until Labor day are Mr. and Mra Jullns M. Johnson and sons. Myron and Milton. or Portland. Domiciled In Laurthy cottage for the coming fortnight are Mr. and Mra F. C Carlson and children. Spencer, Helen and Frederick. Jr., of Portland, and Mra. Carlson's sister. Miss Mildred Speteer of Seattle. Portland people who are at the Had ley cottages are Mr. and Mra C. V. Joi asson and family and Miss Marie Tunker. Miss Emma Rueck and Mra A. E. Anderson of Portland are at Rock View villa. JHadley camp la occupied for the re mainder of the season by Mr. and Mra E. Daniels and Mr. and Mra S. C Fletcher and family of Portland. The Tergen cottage shelters Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Touens, John and Frederick Youens of Portland and Miss Fern Re nick of Umatilla. For the rest of the season Albertin cottage will be occupied by Mra Sarah R. Robinson, Miss Clara L. Albert and T. G. Albert of Salem. Miss Garetta Welder 6f Portland waa a recent Twin Rocks visitor. Mr. and Mra J. Panck and daughters, Elisabeth and Eleanor, of Tlgardvllle. are having an outing at this beach. Mr. and Mra T. C. Allison. Alt and Charles Allison, of Portland, are regis tered at the Van scyoc apartmenta Camping In Spruce Grove are Mr. and Mrs W. Blbelhausen. Mra R. E. Mc Dowell. G. J. Dixon and Mr. and Mra Wilson, all of Portland. , Salem people at Sappington camp are Mra J. L. Munson and Miss Margaret Munson. Forest Queen Lodge shelters Mra Emma Cook and daughter. Vera, and Max McDonald of Portland and Miss Grace C Baglay of Salem. Domiciled In Daytonia cottage un til September are Mr. and Mra F. H. Schillho and son. Frederick. Jr., of Sheridan. Mr. end Mra Everett Moreland of Portland are occupying the Anderson tent for the remainder of the season. Mra C. K. Ti'hborn and daughter. Mary Jean, of Portland, are spending two weuks at tne Twin Rocks hotel. Ia the Spauldlng cottage for that rest of the summer are Mr. and Mra A. P. Gerrard of Portland. Purdy-Arden cottage will be occu pied for a fortnight by Mr. and Mra B. A. Mitchell and Ashford Mitchell of Orenco. Miss Inez V. Bozortb of Corvallls and niece, Virginia Nelson, of Portland, are spending a pleasant vacation in the Bozorth cottage. Mrs. C M. Andrews of Portland was tne guest last week of Mr. and Mra W. D. Murphy at the Ryan cottage. Mr. and Mra Leigh M. Hugglns and daughter, Louisa, of Hebo, were week end guests of Mr. and Mra Francis D. Curtis at Swain cottage. Mr. and Mr?. John L. Bozorth of South Sumss, B. C, are making a brief stay in Twin Rocks as guests of Miss ines V. Bozorth. Hasol-Bush cottage shelters Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Blackburn and Mra A. A. Blackburn of Pendleton and the Misses Helen LaChapello and Hazel Martin of Portland. Mr. and Mra George A. Downey and sons, Grattan and Thomas, of Portland, arrived Thursday for a fortnight s va catitn at the Hadley cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blackburn of Pen- aieion arrivea Tuesday and took up their vacation abode in the Hansen cottage. ROCKAWAT HAS KETXIOX Jr., and daughter, Beatrice, and Mrs. J. C Tompkins, also of Portland. - At "Big Spruce" camp for a ten days' vacation are Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Prud homme and children of Portland. S. a McFadden and Frederick Rekete daughters, the Misses Virginia and Mar garet Grover. No Man's Land cottage shelters Mr. and Mra C L. Bunn and daughter of Yamhill. Spending the remainder of the season People From AH Over Northwest Camped at - Beach. ROCKAWAT, Or., Aug. S J. (Special.) A reunion of the children of the late W. N. Vaughn, a prominent pioneer of Tillamook county, was held at Rock away, Sunday, August 17. A bountiful picnic dinner was served In the grove and after a pleasant afternoon on the beach the party repaired for supper to the home of Mr. and Mrs. w. H. Hosklns. Members of the Vaughn family in the party, were Mrs. W. H. Hosklns. . of Rockaway; Mra David Martiny, Mrs. J. T. Woodward, Guy Vaughn and Mra Verner Holden, of Tillamook; - Mrs. Egbert Goodspeed. Mrs. Anna Jacoby and George Vaughn of Bay City. . Other relatives In the party were David Martiny, Mra Guy Vaughn, Mra George Vaughn and daughter, Irma, Egbert Goodspeed and sons, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wtlkins and Charles B. Pye, of Portland; Miss Ida Longbart and Captain and Mrs. William Starr of Astoria, and Mr. and Mra W. B. Duncan of Salem. Reaching Nehalem by train and boat a party composed of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Euster, Mra E. Hershner and the Misses Beatrice Hebert, Celeste Foulkes, Lorena Marr and Frances Hershner, all of Portland, hiked over the Neah-Kah- Nie trail to Short Sand beach Tuesday. After a night spent encamped on the beach, the party made the return tramp the following day. Charles Pye, of the Immigration bureau. Portland, Is the guest of Mr and Mrs. W. H. Hosklns at their cot tage. Mr. Pye and Mr. Hosklns came to Tillamook county together 42 years ago. when Mr. Pye purchased the prop erty upon which most of the town of Mohler is now located. Hillsboro people who are spending their vacation at Hart's Content are the Misses Lucy Bloid, Gussle Sigler and Minnie Ziegler. Miss Eva Brandenburg and brother, Theodore R. Brandenburg of Portland, hiked in from Seaaide last week for a several days' stay at Hart's Content. Lake Lytls. They are making a hiking tour of the Oregon beaches and left Rockaway for Netarts, Thursday. Ann Aeleen cottage. Lake Lytle, will be occupied for the remainder of the season by Mr. and Mrs. G. F. White. Mrs. Chester and sons, Tracy and Bob, of Portland. In Mary Ethel cottage. Lake Lytle, until September are the Misses Leona Phllo, Beatrice Smith, Ann Playfair, Mabel Ray and Florence Hale, and Lyle Ray and Dan Hale, all of Port, land. During the remainder of August Nina cottage. Lake Lytle, will shelter It. A. Leonard, mother and daughters, the Misses Clair and Ellen, of Portland. A party of Portland people composed of Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Hanna and daughter, Elizabeth, Miss Gertrude A. Speer and A. Speer motored In from Seaside last week for an outing at Hemlock Inn. The party will return later by way of Grand Ronde after an Inspection of the Tillamook beaches. Mra George D. Young at the Ocean Crest has as her guests Mra A. J. Templeton and Miss Goldie Templeton of Wenatchee. Wash. Tuesday evening Mra Young rave a birthday dinner for Miss Templeton. The decorations were sweet peas and mountain ferns. The candlesticks were very cleverly fash ioned of rocka and shells from the beach. Judge and Mrs. William Daren and daughter. Amzel, of Goldendale, Wash., are spending the remainder of the sea son at their cottage. Surf View. Spending a ten days' vacation at Johnson Camp are Mr. and Mrs. Leon B. Lewis of Portland. At Cosey Corner Camp for the coming fortnight are Miss Mary Johnston and Miss Burns of Portland: Comfort cottage will house until September Kr. and Mrs. F. O. Shay, Laveme. Glen and -Doris Shay, Mr. and Mra William Beala and Russell Beala all of Portland. Domiciled In Forest Lodge for a three weeks' outing are Mr.- and Mra W. F. Snodgrass and daughter Marie, of Col fax. Wash. Encamped at Rockaway are Mrs. O. M. Ogle and son, Wayne Gurley. of Canby, and Mra F. W. Kobs and daughter, Ruth MUlicent, of Twin Falls, Idaho. R. Henry and son. Sergeant Verne M. Henry, of Portland, motored In to spend the. week-end with Mrs. Henry at "Big Spruce" camp. Sergeant Henry has but recently returned from active service oversea. Schraats camp shelters W. F. Ryan of Portland motored In to epend the at Rock Way cottage are Miss M. C week-end with. . their families at LaMar and Mra M. Lawdy, both of Scbrantz camp. Portland. At Nestledown cottage as the guest Mrs- c- p- Walker and son Kendall, of the Misses Kenney and Cutting, is f -Yamhill, are among Rockaway va. Miss Marv Jar.nha nf Pnrtlatiri. Misa Canonists. Jacobs has recently returned from George G. Kelly of Portland is the France where she has spent a year in uist of FreJ an Bin B. Abbott, at Rockaway cottage. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Abbott are Mrs. E. H- Tanner and daughter Lilah. or Chicago. Take-Em-Inn camp. Lake Lytle, Is occupied by Mrs. B. C Wever. Carollvn and Berryan Wever of Portland. Rambler cottage. Lake Yytle, doml Y. W. C. A. war work. Camping at Salt Air are Mr. and Mra Max Keener of Forest Grove. Mr. and Mra A- B. Starr and children of Portland are spending a brief vaca tion at Cosey Corner camp. Among Roekaway summer visitors ., rllana . ..If. cl,e ' the coming fortnight Mr. and " ..u4.ub . xV.wlBUb " Mra Fred E. Canister and son Hague. , Mra- Harriet A. Hague and Miss Tllllo Aojnicuea in one pi tne i wins cottages i r- auauali. all of SUverton are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Windier of Mr. and Mra John Sax and family of i-uruanu, ana wun tnem as guests lor Portland are located for the rest of the mo remainder or tne summer are A. summer at Jones camp. rica ana .artnur scneuner, also oi Mra F. M. Clark and daughter fun.io.uu. I uorotny or Portland will remain 'at Until August ZS Waverly cottage will IK-iiott Inn camp until Labor day. be occupied by Mrs. H. F. ChOwn and I At the Newcomb cottages during the son of Portland. . past week were registered Mrs. C. V. Heppner people who are making a Kuykendall, Mrs. Richard Baird, Mra short stay at the Beta cottage are Mr. Frank Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. C. U and Mra Percy Hughes and children. Banks, all of Yamhill; Mrs. Wilford and their cruesta Mr. and Mra W. E. Belshe and children, of Moro: Mrs. A. Straight and Michael Curran. Holden and children, of Tillamook, Registered at Jones camp for the a- """"t of ban Francisco. next two weeks are George Renter and ; "manaers wno arrivea last week for a fortnight's outing at Camp Take- r.minn were Mrs. J. j. McLean. Alan and Grace McLean. Mrs. Marietta Johnson of South Prairie is visiting her niece. Mrs. Bertha Newcomb, at Newcomb cot tage a At Brownie camp during the nresent week are Mr. and Mra W. G. Walker and daughter Emit ef Banks. John W. Kelly of Portland arrived last week for an outing at Frontier lodge. Thursday, at Tillamook. Ralnh .Tnhn. Brosia Merchant of sen of Rockawav waa. married in Pennington of Me- Cecilia Florence Johnson. son, Ernest, of Portland. Mrs. Emma Chandler and Mra Frank Markell, both of Portland, are at Schrantz camp until September. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Irwin at their cottage are Mra R. J. Vaughan and Mra R. T. Cochran, of Heppner. During the past week the following have been registered at Ocean Crest apartments: Mrs. Frederick T. Miles and son Robert, Mr. and Mra A. A. Euster, Miss Beatrice Hebert, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Baker and Miss Lucile Full-r of Portland; Mrs. Salem: Mra J. C. Mlnnvuie, and vv. il. Joos or ttlllsooro. 1 Anderson hotel registrants durtns- ixcated in tne sunnysme until Sep- tne past weeK were: Mra J. C Pen- tember are Mr. and Mra J. M. Wallace, I nington of McMlnnville, A. P. Gerrard, Ruth and Kenneth Wallace of Portland. M. Parker, Mra E. M. Nelson - and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace daughter, Marian, Mrs. & W. Nelson, were George Crabb and M. Tolkeln. Miss Alfie Nelson, Miss Antoinette also of Portland. Guaraseld, Miss Antoinette Fessler. Until September the second of the I MissOpal Mitchell, Miss Edna HlneBley, Roosevelt cottage will shelter Mrs. F. Twins cottages will house Mr. and Mra Jorle Brown, Frances B. Burnes, Mra C. IL Stout and son, A. L. Fenn, Mra J. B. Becke, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. -Will, Mra J. L. Morphey and daughter. Melva, all of Portland; Magnes Wooley of Brighton, H. W. Prickett and Alma Prickett of Banka , Mra E. A. Tiesdale and daughter, Louise and Harold Flesa, all of Port land, are located at Shamrock cottage until September. Registered at The Fireside during the past week were: Leslie Regula. Mr. and Mra W. L. Stevens, Margaret Stev ens, F. E. Miller, Bartlett Cole, Jeanne F. Lamp. Mrs. W. H. Hallopeter, Bertie and Jeannette Cooper and C. H. Harry, all of Portland; Mrs. F. J. Brobst of Caldwell. Idaho; Mr. and Mra Jack Sutherland of Seattle, H. H. Furly of Cottage Grove, Mra W. E. Downs of Vancouver, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Moore of North Plains. Mrs. J. E. Jacobson and Misa Emma Ash of Timber are among Rockaway visitors. At the Twin cottages are: W. S. Campbell of Portland, C. C. Brooks of Jacksonville, Fla., and B. Brown of Wheeler. Mra Dan Goodspeed of Tillamook is a guest at the Maryanne. Dahlia Bungalette shelters Mr. and Mra R. C Bernier and daughter. Char lotte and Mr. and Mra R. C. Wilkinson and son, Robert, all of Portland. In Oceana cottage for a fortnight are Miss Mary Worrall and Mra J. T. Reinertsen, both of Portland. At Camp Comfy are Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stevens and daughter, Margaret of Portland. Domiciled in Kloshe Illahee Mitllte for the present and next week are Mr. and Mra W. M. Romacly and daughter. Ellen of Portland, Guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wood at the Rockaway studio, are Mra Wood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Van Horn of Chicago. Sheltered in Enmore cottage. No. 2, for the entire summer, are Mra C C Russ and children, Paul and Muriel of Portland. At Oceana cottage for the present week is Mrs. F. Brobst of Carlton. Mrs. Andrews and daughter of Port land are occupying Enmore cottage for the rest of the season. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Davidson and son. Clyde of Portland, are camped for the summer at Rockaway. Guests of Mra L. E. Shrader, at Eromle cottage, during the week, were Mrs. Burt and Mra Napier, both of Portland. At the Elmore hotel during the past week were registered: J. A. Fanner of Seattle, J. W. Donovan, Mra M. Dranga, Miss Lena Dranga, Mrs. F. G. McPher son, R. F. Ross, Mrs. F. E. Taylor and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Ro macly and family. Miss May Eller, Miss Margaret Romacly, Cressle Baker, Ros coe F. Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mul holland, Burt Phillips, Herbert Fick. C. M. Plerson, James Elliott, Jeanne F. Lamb, Mra Hollopeter and son, BilUe, Mr. and Mra A. L. Levy and family, Victor Dautoff, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bollam and family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Branin of Portland. Mra Percy Hughes and Mrs. W. Straight of Heppner, Mr. and Mra F. R. Beals, Grace Wade, Hattie Buckles and Howard Trout of Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Johnson of Spokane, Mrs. F. S. Gordon of Forest Grove, Miss Eva Weatherred, Mra W. G. Hare, Dolores and John Hare and Thomas Shales of Hillsboro, Aurel R. Clark of New York, Mr. and Mra J. M. Cutbertson of Hood River, Mrs. XL G. Warner and son. Laurence of Pendleton, Mra Walter Williams and Mrs. . Edward Shaw of Dallas, and Mr. and Mra L. K. Grimes of Vancouver, Wash. Thomas Ireland and - William Em erick. both of Hillsboro, are guests at the Maryanne. Mr. and Mra C. W. Blancher and daughter. Margaret of Portland, spent last week at Taft cottage. Taft cottage will be occupied during the remainder of the season by Mr. and Mra C T. Van Wagner and son, Howard of Portland. Until the middle of September, both of Portland. Paul R. Kelty of Portland Is erecting an attractive cottage at Midway beach Salt Air hotel registrants for the past .week were: E. W. Wlckstrom. Palmer A. Nelson, O. A. Ritan, C. M. Plerson, W. F. MacKenzle. Miss Wilms Bruechert, MIes Bessie Rudberg, Miss Ruth Klrkpatrlck. Mr. and Mrs. a W. B. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. A. - A. Euster, M. T. Haney, B. M. Hervey, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Laird. J. F. Lamb. Mr. and Mra G. J. McKay, Thomas Lock las, Mr. and Mra O. J. Mlchaud. Miss Ethel Adam son, Mrs. Ella Schneider, Misses Clara and Eva Schneider, Miss Anna Adam sen, F. D. Wheeler, Mr. and Mra Mc Croskey, Mr. Bosler, G. W. Messinger. Frederick -Wright. Charles H. Johns and Fred H. Thormoehlen. all of Port land. Mr. and Mra S. McMlnis and daughter, Avoca. Mr. and Mrs. R, C Black and Charles N. Black of Wichita, B. E. Roberts of Jennings Lodge, Mra Charles R. Myers of Mohler, M. W. Ehlon of Amity, Mra H. C Palntin and children, Martha and Morse of Van couver, Wash., E. F. Mcintosh of Bay City, Ewlng Dodge and Mrs. Blanche Bride of Hillsboro. At Hart's Content, Lake Lytle, ar Mr. and Mra C. R. Tolbert and daugh ter of Portland. Miss Jessie Elliott of Portland spent the week-end with the Misses Cutting and Kenney at Nestledown cottage. Leo Munly of Portland waa the week end guest of Mra Quackenbush at May- Bea-Mar cottage.. Spending a 10 days' vacation at the Rockaway Studio are Mr. and Mrs. K.- R. Porter and daughters, Lucile, Beu- lah, Mildred and Margaret and W. W. Lunger, former member ot the stats legislature, from Yamhill county. SEAL VISITS BAB VIEW Denizen of Deep Enjoys Swim With... Beach Bather. BAR VIEW, Or., Aug. 2S. (Special.) While swimming In the ocean beyond the breakers Monday L. J. Tolls no- ' ticed a large seal or young sea-lion.'-, he was unable to determine which, dls-.-v; porting near him. The animal, entire-; ly unafraid, seemed to enjoy having t,. companion swimmer and allowed Mr. Tolls to approach almost within reach-"" ing distance several times before div-"T Ing. !' Edward Mlsener made a record catch ,;; of tomcod for the season thus far when.... he caught 212 from the Bay City dock Wednesday. This is the second large ' catch of these fish which Mr. Misener'"' has made recently. The tomcod. while ' long well known at other Oregon rc sorts, have only recently made their.-,, appearance In these waters. (l . Community bonfires have been of al- . most nightly occurrenec at this beach during the past week. The usual sing Ing, games and general merrymaking A, have been, enjoyed by the big crowds,-,, in attendance and the refreshments... consisting of Wienerwursts, clams, etc, gained an added savor from having J been roasted over an open ore. The Vincent Monte jazz orchestrate has been engaged for the remainders of the season. The opening dance.v. eiven by this organization the evening.... of August 15 was largely attended "nd greatly enjoyed. Registered at Villa camp during the" past week were M. N. Swanson, Hattie m M. Jolly, Nellie Rands. Charles Rich-e(f. anbach, Mrs. A. E. Westby and daughrj ter, Mra S. Louis, Mrs. A. Olson andr. son, Mra L. A. Klesel, Mr. and Mrs. ' "W. A. Duggan and family, F. R. Hall.--'-G. B. Murray, G. Brunander, Mr. and""' Mra O. M. Slegner, Mr. and Mra J. I.vt-. O'Gain, Mra W. C. Aylsworth, all otj, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. S. H. GlUen-r . water of Hillsboro, Mra J. D.. Fontaine , ana jura. - a. ... . t and Mra J. C. Simonton of Beaverton, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jewell and Ella k Paddock of Oregon City, Mr. and Mr... F. L. Featherston of CornelluB. Mra -Saunders and family, W. Van Dyke and ' ,. T. Van Dyke of Forest Grove; Millard'.'; Burnett, Dortha Burnett, Mra M. Lyy', Burnett and Lillian Parke of Banks;-,;;, " (Concluded on Page 13.) . Fred Windier of Portland. Mra J. M. Balrd and son Donald of Portland, are In their cottage, Seldum Inn, and with them as their guest is Mrs. Caroline Speer, also of Portland. Mrs. Van Duser and Mrs. Hanna of Portland, are spending a fortnight at Jones Camp. Miss Louise Slater of Pullman, Wash., Is at Haliau cottage as the guest of Mrs. A. A. Mergens until the end of the season In Evergreen cottage as tha guest of Mra M. A. Franklin Is Miss Josephine Lovette of Portland. C C Shaler of Portland was a recent Rockaway visitor. Oregon City people who are en camped for a two weeks' outing on the ridge are Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Theroua Guests of Mrs. W. B. Allen at K.ozy Kottage, until the end of August are Mr. and Mra Alfred H. Allen and Miss Eleanor Warren, all of Dundee, W. T. Howland of Portland, arrived last week for a brief vacation at this beach. At Cozy Nest as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Elderkin are Mra Nellie McClane and Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Wll kins of Portland, and Mra S. P. Brown and Miss Mabel Clare Brown of Kalama. Breeze Inn camp Is occupied by Mr. and Mra Arthur Olsen of Portland. Louis Frost of Portland arrived last week and is at Park View bungalow. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Nortwlck and aughter Minnie, C. H. Green and C W. Horst, all of Portland are at Cottage "Why," and with the Van Nortwicks as their guest is Mrs. Eva Jagger, also of Portland. Domiciled ia Ocean Some for the re mainder of August are Mr. and Mra William M. Croutford of Portland. Miss Alice C. Jordan of Portland is at Pollyanna cottage as the guest of her parents. - Camas, Wash., people at Bonnie Dun dee cottage for two weeks of recreation are Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Kennedy and daughters, Mildred and Bessie. Miss Beatrice Quackenbush of Port land was among last week's beach ar rlvala She will spend a week in visit ing her mother . at her cottage, May- Bea-Mar. Among vacationists at Rockaway are D. B. Osborne of Portland and guests. his three daughters, Mrs. D. C. Thorns and Mra Core W. Eichlnger of Sclo, and Mrs. George Jett of Washington. P. C The Rockaway cabin shelters Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Mulkey and daughter Zelda of Portland, who will spend the re mainder of the summer at this beach. Mra H. F. Morrison and children of Portland are spending the present and next week at Ocean Home cottaget Spending the remainder of the season at Rockaway are Mra ti. 1 isngier and sister. Miss Beatrice Dixon, both of Portland. An interesting Rockaway visitor is Michael Quinn. a veteran of the Indian war. Mr. Quinn is sharing Advance cottage with his daughter, Mra William J. McGinnis, also of Portland. Mr. Quinn will later visit friends in Tillamook. - - Mr. and Mra W. O. Minor and son Stanley of Heppner are located at their cottage until Labor day. At Hallock camp are Mr. and Mra J. Schoenberg of North Plains, George L. Roundey of Bakersfield. CaL, and Mr. and Mrs. William L Davis of Port land. Guests of Mrs. Fitzpatrick at the Irwin cottages are Mra Transing and FOR YOUR VACATION Suggestions to Increase Your Comfort and Pleasure. rv Oregon's Finest Beach Resort HOTELS BUNGALOWS: NATATUH1UM ?i.m. crabs, rock OTatar. fishlntr. hunt! nr. surf bathing;, water porta In nat.. beach bonfires, exploring" caves of Cape Meara. Hotel iwocean. s l g n u y location, coiy xirvpiaco jui iai piatoo vo rc ana rovutvian t reasonable rates. Mrs. J. H. Martin, mgr. BCnWALOYVfl AND TEXTS, furnished, ready to occupy; dishes, bedding, linen, towels, S3 AO to $12 week, $16 to $20 for 2 weeks. Includes water, light and wood. Mr. and Mrs. Swan Hawkinson, mrrs. Take 8. P. train. Union depot, 8:15 A- M-, for Bayocean, Tillamook Bay. Write or telephone receivers, T. B. Potter Realty Co.. 25 Ch. of Com. bid., Port land. Main S405. Everyone Goes to M-CsVOttMCtMLB-MM-M' The best of every thing to eat, pre pared 'in the way you like best. The Hazelwood will welcome you in Portland. 388 Washington 127 Broadway a. W.m m. Crr'-aJssWa7t'rl.i.l.('i,a-.--a..al,'l lT ROUTINE DOB SEED A TLOltAT. CfX. 146 fcBCOND ST, phonea Main 173. A-SSll, for Arrab, VasnaJs, Welches, Tawneys and- Rhododendron. Round trip ft, Oovemmenc Camp $a.60. Owned and operated by irrtng ton tinraxo Auto Co., Inn, J. I & Snead, Prea,-MT. Phones K. 1-5, C-8182. &. 14th and Broadway. "ALnkn reservations ia i - HOTEL GTJX.EK. 7. K. Reynolds. Prop.. Gnler, WaaH. . IS TUB PICTURESQUB TROUT LAKE VALLEY, Side tripe by nuto or horseback to Lava Ca-es, Ice Caves, Indian Race Track. Steamboat Lake, etc MT. AD Aid 3 AUTO ROAI TO MORRISON VALLEY, at ox wie mounuia. uuuu fh vrv base TRfiTTT PISHING. Tennis. Croquet O rounds children. Jane and Buster, ot Portland. tfdS-rlmmm. Pool ta nnUo AMUSS- Among;" Rockaway visitors from Me. I Juilaro, near sotaL Rate,: '12.50 per 4ay. MinnvUle are lira Vlrsinl Grover and 113 par weak. Sunday dinsers. i&o. MT. HOOD LODGE AND ' CLOUD CAP INN h OREGON'S most seenlo resorts, nestled respectively 2800 and 000 feet up the slope of Mount Hood. Take auto, stag, or train via Hood Ktver and Parkdale. Come and rest and play. For r e s e r vatlons address .Homer A. Rogers, Parkdale, Oregon. Tele phone Hood Kiver JiicUtogt, Udell 314. gTCnuaarin. mm m.'. RHODODENDRON INN, MT. HOOD Or rem' most beautiful mountain resort oa the Ziza.c river and Still creek. In the ever preen forests near the foot of Mount Hood; Imxgm cemented swimming" pool, modern dance hall, saddle horses, tennis, croquet, fishing. Rates 4 per day. $13 to $21 per week. For Aato State Call East 135 or Main $S1 ntRn. JCM1L FKA.NZETTI, Proprietex. ZisTxac Ore son. Elmore Hotel Cnder New Owner. ROCKAWAY. ORKOON. Best hotel on the Tillamook beaches, new i rurnifched. full view of ocean from every room, excellent table; on S- P. Tillamook line and state highway. Good fishing in all the lakes snd tne sun. Aieo lurnisnea coiiages. For reservations and information writ to J. J. Krehs, Kocknwaj. Oresvn Portland and the North west's finest hostelry. Rates $2 and up Splendid giUl and fa cilities tor entertaifliUsT private parties. Portland. Oregon Main l22-Ajtorla and War lanillnga. Hit Str. Georgiana Leave. Alder St. Xock at T A. M. dally. -turnlnc, leaves aatorla f. U. dally ea- ,,t . pt Monday. , ' LuriJna leave. Portland dally, except Bus- " . day, at 8 P.M. Undine leave, Astoria daUy at T P. M. ' '. ST Conducted along line, nines Invitiua B B to men and women of refined tastes. B bend for Illustrated Booklet, B MRS. C. W. 3. RECKER6. Hoetes., 1 B White Salmon. Wwwh. Phone IHfc The Hoerlein Ranch For vacatfonlMta. Hood River, Or. T A country place in the woodland of seenlo Hood River Borsje. The runnine; river, fish- -lng. tramping. Unsurpassed view of valley r and mountains. Spacious rustic home with" individual sleeping porches, also tent ac-. commodatloni. Appreciative rutu pro nounce thl the Ideal place to spend a vaca tion in the Hood Kiver valley. Address tioerlein Bros. Phone 6770. mp Welsh's Hotel Llrht. clean rooms, facing; the ocean. r . ... 1 f.,t,h. XT ...j.r.t. rat.. V '- James Welsh. JLon Beaca. Was. "''