THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTT-AXDf AUGUST 24, 1919. 13 R E A L t ST AT E For sl Urmi. .HOP AND EwIPMi-NT. 12 M ROAD mwiu. ami cultivated, balance pasture; n- rom huK. ronrrwtw bem-t. line barn. TBQchioaa or coma, outbuildings; wi watered. PERSONAL, PROPERTT Includes 6 cv a. yuiing ta:n well matched, 1 fat fcog. 6 dos'-n micatrns, new w n fcarcM. back, buggy, mo -r. rake, ptinu r. iw a. r.and !. about 4'0 bushels w h-at thrsnd. 15 tons of hay In barn, cvrn. aire of potato, garden, good or- hartl with plenty of fruit. If you tut a farm investigate this at once, at. J. Ldaards. GEO. E. iNuLEHART CO., ieln 7266. 64 Henry Btdg M Al'REH. alfalfa ranch. I,ora-d in (tmoui akima vailer. 1 "4 Willis frcm Vinton. W.t!. The n;lre ho trra la U in alfa.f.n and tr.e year's crop will turn over $lu.Ouf . ranch ha a a-w'.re barb fence: good 5-room houw. barn fr hor and ruom lor s-v-iai runs of hav; hoc pns and yards. good wll of water! and everything in finest condition; thta ranch la a.l under I n: ted govern ment ditch and plenty of water ml tha mail maintenance fe or 11 per acre. Pr yar; prue la $2vo. one-hif cash and li the gre:jt Hu ever offered, for It la the (meet alfaifa and corn In the west aud rlose to g"'i town and railroad. THE LAWRENCE CO.. yi3 Cornea h :d g Main 6'13. 40-ACRE JIOG RANCH WITH S OOD HOOS AND CORN Tt FATTEN THEM i mil from electric station. 40 miles from 'Portland. g-'d 0-roun houw, out buildings, famiiv orchard, splendid a at-r, sprtnr, well and rrtii running through trie pat urf ; nrp-i in .uiti bal ance nature and timber: corn e:iunh to fatten tha hoca, ao t( them 1 r old. 17 host- 3 Lie sow du to farru N"n; 2 good rn, 1 hter: hog a. one worth) now I"i. S-e S-n Jl-t at J. t 1IART.M A V t VPAN V. No. 7 Chamber of I'omnn'fre Bidg. au ACRES. 12 MILES V Koil COLKT- We are p'artr.g (n the market on of the best farma lr. (.', kum.n county. Th".s ftrm ta located Ju-st 12 from Port land on r od hur i surf. d hua J:ve-rrt-m hous. l..Tgc hrn. 3 a:d welia. IT-Mrt fruit ires all hfs-irs. -0 ktoi undwf e-iltlvation. pjtu: .ind som tlin br. This hrni Is wall "i t h pet r-e. Kor nun k fa'e wl: n-.k 1 Pr JUhi cash hand thin. bal. a to S years at ti pT cent, no tr.ies, P 1 W ! N K.SS S E R V IC E. 217 Henry H..1. Main 707 HEF.S ARE A '"RKS .IT'.-T A S !f jRT WAYS Ol'TSIt'E "F ' ITY IJVtTS. arrti clrd. 1" mor- ..ihri and asil cared. 4o acr-s Umr tf'.r. pi'. In. rat' road II. ear si'ls. h'ldc timbers, etc.; l-srir house. H rooms, barn a. id lot of outt-ullrliriff . sMnit u:ll!. mow ma marhine. pow. harrt.w and smaM toola. fpnr.c ami cr-k. ao-wi w a?r fhf y ir around. Alt tha for th xtedlnay row pn-a of .".. lom In -ind w will take you out and show )uu the bat bu vr. At At STEWART ft RI'CK. .tl" N-rrnw'rn !Unk H'-!g IRRI'ATKI I.A.VHS. We boy and aetl on own ount and aa a a-nt the t-t trri" ! lands to t found in reon. Wmhnn'on end Idaho. If o it want to huv. or if vou W.lllt sM nnv suh land In lnrjr or small trwrta. e me or write. Jut n-.-w have a splendid I'-a-re far. ii. ntir Vale. or., that tan he hid a trcciriiuoui barj.un and "u should know AlKuf it. Ctmie and 'et nv tel. yon how you run muke a big bunch v mony on th' r't'- U". S. I'AILEY. 1 1 T Yn Mit. o i-ArrTii. rrninu'w. i4 Ai'PK PRICK l'.'Mi M a r of fin lni r.chl on the PAVRI I:Al between P-rt:nd and New Kr ah., tit ha if In eulti V ttun 1 fair S of build pes Hrr ts a fin llttl farm on a wh-r you hava psv-ninl the wav into Purtt-.nd. n in w tr; will accept $ as first p- mnt. and reaaonabl terms on balance; no mortfu on this RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. ine v.tK f.c lirotda 413. ACRES .".I"H. tej arr in rule ivatioti. rali.-'e ftv to rlrar. 3 h ;irln r pr un, f a ml I v ort lin rd bst-:s. herr.. ate. 4-room hous. lure barn and othr our -mild in t. r - I w!l and prtn; ; ah"Mt 1 n: lie t F.nndu rar: I ml to Spr i g'A atr. a t-arvjut at prii e of t.N $ j ! cash. baUiu morts;ae. r. U E'v. wh l.t'KUrMAXX COMPANY. PIJ C.i.mter -f i"ontrrre. PI Y thie Hi-irr farm, it a rl;air (linn renting. n.. acrs In cut; a f l'i. hatanre in open p.tsture: H-roin piuxtered house, food hie barn, fine spring ut til Imuw, small creek til the ptuie: .1 good hur4a, 'J fin rows, about ." tons h.iy In hirn and : 1 1 lmplmeiits and tools. A II g . (or per a-re en vry eiisy term. You enit't rnt as c:.-p as you -nn buy this; 4 miles front railrn-td a-'d ffro-:i Port land. Address ownr AV 40. on-i-nisn ACRES. T m t s nort h of Aimnv, t mile from tvr station en th O. E. R. It., all un dr cuit:i:oB, g'Nid rt-r.nor.i hou? ami bam. tt had of i ov s. I '.'-vejr-old hrlf-e-s. 3 horses and .' chh k-ns. ail fnrm tmp.ements go alth tills paf. prh 1-. &nt. a can gne y-i guod terms on this SEE BCPINESS SERVICE. "17 Henry U:.ig. Ma'n Tf7 near xr.wn:Ra t ACRES. .V. it. EA RED. This la fin soli and .mlv 4 ml!ea from Xew erg on uood gravel road, has 3 -room house, woodshed, bam nrtv n tind silo. This la one of the t! farms around N w -br. prtL-e f!u. 4.'-l0 cash, balance long time ti tt Pr cent. RK!,IKIJ2 INVESTMENT CO. oak st. liroadwav 4 1 33. About So ares eultlvtted. 'n r w,h'rh ta crek Ktiom. ha ar. e Is tlrnh.'r. some lored-off. barn and other buiUHr.ea; this p.a.e lies at station, a. so fw N hnlm river, town Joins on on.-- side: plnti of work handy. prUe only ."otH. half cash 1- E.Mx. w Ith I.CKPI'EMANN COMPANY. I'hamhfr l Commerce. 40 T.KtS In central or-aon. Irrigated land. 3- room hioae. h-irn. hlcken hoii: and romant cit-rn. all fn'ed ; 2' a'rs In rulttrMnn; th's veir's crop estimated al falfa $"ifll. potetos ".'k. veretables $3ihj all included. pri e terms. CALL ON I S. TT If. IRDAHL i. INC faln 22. 32- Abmcton Ftdg " 1W ACRES. ll iounds funny, but Its t .-u : 2 acres, c tea rod end in rva; 13 rs tan b cul tivnre.l when Cleared. 4 miles from a town In Idaho; If there ever was a bargain, here tt W. EDWARH A. BROWN CO. SO": RjH-j ay Ki hange B-dg. Slatn2V3. " STUCkTaNI)" EvJl'IP.MENT. 1rt a-res. located 12 mtls north f f lii aboro : god shot soil, some ha verdarn la.1-1 : ro!llr r land . good hutldincA fanilij art hard. 30 a res tn crop: team. cow. fsrr-itrr lmp!-TientB. him fu'l of hav: pn-e H4m. ! rh. S I 'avis. wi;h Jnhn Kerg-ison. tir!ini;er bid. CLOSE IN FARM. 40 acrs. located ft miles from Van rouver. Wash . Clarke rnuntv; all under rulmattnn, orchard, rlcht In prune dt trict . no gra : nesy -rorn house county rtd . rural or ven :ence- : prt-- f'OH). roo raeh. Sm Davis, with John lfr;uJon. Geriir.ger MUt FY OWNER 0 acres lan l. IO cleared, btlanee stand ing umber, ed mi'e down Commbia on fal road. 2 miles from town; prl.-e .Ai, t..H' ca-h. w'll rake mortaag covwrtng rmam l.r r(u 8;n lay brweeo ! aid 4 or wrlve Mrs. Soph. a Enrkson, 13 Upshur at "WKT 5!PE. 23 ACRE. CLOSE TV."" Abtrnt t miles from tt h and Wjah., 1" r-i-n under p.ow. a-' deep ;.mm a vut l'w f'ii trees, .'-room houce, lamnf. ardw.xd f rs. fireplace. gAo. we;', c.ns.derab xM. reason-ib pa mnt do n J ' CAOHIN CO. anVft-T- lew s P dg. 2i At RES. lorad In Linn count.. Oreaon; all undr cultivation; all go-i mtl. reek. mile to hol . good 7- rem liou:, chieken h-,;e, woodaed . p-o f"..'J en erm This pa- tl'iir pranm!!. f;ne orchard county road. Jhn Krg'isor ;rltnr bl.Jg. 1 3 "A" R ES. NEAR PKAVKRT" N. fn Orrg n Ele. trtc n.r t: : a ta tlor. a!) In fit. -! t erv or soil, d room (I'lfBa'nw ar.d lar barn and "tlo. farr.iy or. -:J and b-rrl- pr'i J".2". i',"l'ARl A- WIEl'RI K. 2 i t i T ARK ST.. Jrtrt ACRES, botiom land. rm !ir houe and other Lii pro ement . J. on..iwu fa; ftibar Urge mraam turouh everv 40 . four mi;-i to r. r 'atioii pr:.- Ktu. tr-ns It. E Wncht. T rnan. T FoR ; 4, LK 2-- -re l.ncol:i crun'v er dtiry firm. AA acres under i-uit vat.on. od spring and or- hard, a'l sfo. k. cT..y and frls wlh rlai-. 2 m;les from Eddy.-; 11 Call tM Sl-ktvou st. SJf I t:K:KD ar.d -.2- s-is-o-ujn. 4i ri a f s . v , r. o u . t l r ! n IT.'O C-l"t. IJM, ho;jC I". S. :r.. T iv'nr mi ! 'j sii ment. io '1 We. is. house, mi ' rn-it hv ...r. rrjge t a'u lIOoO. -tn. it .VI 14 VILFi f--.m enter p.-::s-!. 1". ,,-re. tei--. fir jof. : c4-'d. ha:n.- timber got roa-!. srhoM; $: s-t. s. rr. v ai-to-ny. Gus K En. keen. WII N. W. Rank )j.'nu-.O.A'KH FARM. 15 f.t for eulttva-t-on. ei.-;i'T hou"a irni hiikn h-tj--, spring and e". 5 nt f-om Es'aoada fron- Caxad E 1st K "Jl jl'v 'K s LK -"0 acr In Fatern Montana. 7o a-r w!tlTad. balaei-a paatu. good fenre, hou anj barn. II rllee to rail fail Write Joe Youieh, Muir, or. BEAL ESTATE, fur bails fifftt, HERE la a beautiful laHacr home piaca near carro.iuu, or.; it naa 1-t Mbcrw uuuar oww. l a. uiuoer. family orcnaru. du aptss, p i a, pa aba cruaa, a0 wa.uui utti, a. i bsaiiUg, soil la A-l , at. inuid w.i.i wo u w-i.a. un county roau, H utiitts .wm ri. R ti. '. i., taivphone; i w mg. 1 wet. 1 cieisrn, good -rooia buiiAA.u', Dvit, oarn. etc. gou enh nea afu.. 'ihla ta a uuay aotum lor aoms vue and la just Cwinmg into money, li uaneu uy a wuow no juat lot ar hua- banu auu must ail. tteo 1U -rive wuU, i uu, batabco asy. A. o. b.VDUK, Rl 1 i tri. LJVE c CO.. ihll-H-J-Z ooarJ oi arad xidau 1 1'0-aLre ai.ap. on Tualatin river. This Dla..rt can ow had at the price of fore c.osure; it u omqq by a bank and tuoy n.ut reaiLiv on it v ithout de ay ; I D.iit-i to eittcti ic railroad atauua: 1-0 a i. ra under p.o ; u bvltcr atl In the state, la all fii.u: it oractlcalty all Ie. bottom land and tscwmii.iiy well watered w it a ci e.k and Oie apt in g. piped to all buLaint;, wl.tch coiis.i ol line nw dairy ba.u 4oJU. two lua-ion ailoa. straw atieu. horao tia:n. hog bam. 8-room lair houe una baia, toui. hot and coiu waier; only lit mil- fr-m Portland, on goa gravel road. PrKe 4-0. uou, ouo0 down, balance long as wanted, 0 per cunt. St a tms al (Kite. We have soma 6V0 uua tarma e ua for bargains. A. I. BENDEi. RITTtH, LOWE ec CO., J01-S-i-7 Board of Trad ttiJg. :t20 ACRES. 1J.C00. 'J.".o acrt-a 1eel. lod icr-i pasture, 170 a-rt under piow ; lOUti a crs outrange; A-l soil, a to 1J feet deep; all lenced; -n.tirs to postoffice. 1 4 miles to school and church; springs, good read, small house, barn. le-d sheua. etc.; lIoot drills, 1 3-botToni oit-r ganir plow, a wagons, bjrxv. 3 header boxra, walking piow, dou-b.f-d:c utwilor, 4-srctlon narrow, light harrow. J4'io-alIun wair tank, I'-v-h. p gus engine, half interest in healer, It harsfi, 10 w ork hurscs. 44 head hogs, 6 S"a, J cows, yearling bull, Jrsy nil. I'rne for evt rythma ili.Gou; 40oo cash, h.ilanr terms. Tim place la located iu K 1 1- kit at county. Wash., only 2 miles from railroad. A. a, BENDER. RITTEK. LOWE Ac CO., -01-3-3-7 Hoard of Trad Bids;. This Hne farm la located In the, Wtl tt alley and coiinidts of 314 acres: "Ji0 aim unler plow, some oak timber. 3 arrs asMortd family orrhard; nil fenced, most'y a oen wire; every t hlng la In fine rotid.tinn; 1 miles to stUf, s.hool, poxt ortic. otc. : R. F. D. and telephone: A-l gravel rod. 4 fine aprings. J-story b-rootn house, painted and plastered. g"od condi tion: large barn and all outbuLdlnga. all farming Im uietnrnts complete. 4 tama, sht-p. ."o hoes. 2 cows, 24 turkeys. PrUe lor all If looklr.aT foi r-l proposithm, this can't h beat; SOud or iiu.uw oan. Da. ant to suiu A. 11. HKN1EU, R1TTER. LOWE CO, 20t-a-o-7 Board of Trade Bidg. Her is a dandy farm lor raising cattle or hogs or a dairy proposition, so thl It Is a r a) buy 1 13 acr. about SO acres I.;, 70 acrs under plow: some tlmher, balance pasture: all kinds smart fruit l-nr orchard: A-l sandy loam sol): al fm-ed wti h hoards and wire: '2 miles e.ectrlc railroad : R. F. D. and telephoue 3 springs, giod rrek. good A-l road. J lira welia. good 7-room house, barn Wx no. houiiouftf Itix.:. cook hous and work house 11x111. pmniry 14x.'o. hen- h -ui s 1 nx I it. wood h ouse 1 t'2. I'rlc $ I a. Omo. ".mii rsh. balance trms. 1 pr cent. .e utiiw t'is farm to prospective pur. ch;.srs. r bfore buying. We have many farma not ad v.tT!si A. C, BENhK'i RITTER. LOWE CO, 201-a-i-T Board of Trade Bidg. WILLAMETTE VAM.rT BARO'mV. StmU'il and equipped, rady to more nnt- ; tth n-res; all has hen cultivated : almost lv;; fnmlly berries. 2 acres or rhttrtl; s"H Is A-l, good and dep; all f Ttrd w ith an wire and boards : 1 mile to poftfofftc. school and church; H. f. u. and fe'phone: 1 orek: A rrn"l roail: 2 W''B. -room house, good ron'l-tlon. barn 3 .". all outbutidings. Ieronl proorty: Hinder, plows, wagons. harrows, drill, mower, rake and other t-wll 4 head work horse. milk cows, ft had young stoi k. ''o hend hogs and all crops. Price for all some terms. A i nrnK, TITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. T.lMn to this: OnTi It miles from Van couvrr. Warn., on good gravel road. Where rr n you ct tnd so nar Por: land for $lon pr a.-re. Including stock and lmrd monts? 247 acre, all l-ve) bottom land A -1 sl I ; o r rs nnnr plow. 7 acra brush and stumps, a snorted orchard, a'l f ened ; 1 we' I, good .1 - room pi astered hoo-. 2 dairy hams 32Oi0. 0xto. sil ot:t hulMlng.i. 3 horses, harness, mower, plow. harrow, 1 rag. 2 cult I vs tors, rake. tddr. wagon, ell small tools. Price for all. 7 4'Mi; SIO.Ono cash, balance trms. Rmemor. I special tse In farma. W are th lares fnrm-lsnd dealers In Oregon. fe l's be'or huvlng. A ti, RRVPRR. RITTEK. LOWE A CO. 201 -r-o-7 Board of Trade Bidg. One of the flnet cattle proposition In th west: se It and substantiate my itat ment. !'o acres, nearly all level; 340 acre .ialfa, Irr'gated; 2"h -ores scatter ing tlmNer. unlimited ou'ranpe; govern ment resrv 'eased for 'too head cattle go: A-t soil; 1 seotlon fnrrt w!h H-bar wovon wire fe.ire. balance .1-wtr: R. F. 1 and telephone: 4la miles from railroad and go..d tow n of lo it Ml; gravel road ; con crete reservoir and pond: good 3-room house, tool shd. caft'e shed, btinkhotise. Personal pronertv: 4"rt head cattle, con st.ttine of 120 cows between 4 and years old. 40 3-vear-oltl heifers. 2-vear-old hetfers. 140 yearling hel'ers and steem. R mires. 10 horses, 1 ret-fstered Percheros s-a'lion. I'rice for all, 17.500; some terms. A. r, PFVPEfV RITTKR. LOWE A- CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. $11. M AN ACRE. TAKE THTS 40 ACRK WHEAT RANCH. HTOCK, CROP AND EQUIPMENT. 320 trrea In cultivation. 9fi already sded. 140 mor to seed, balance sum mer fallow, cultivated land level, no ro-k fenced, crops fenced. 2 miles from good town on R. R. in Cdlllam county. Ore eon; house, barn, rhlrken house. 12 bon-en. cow, ntf. lot of chlrkns, turkeys, f nil I in of Implements, Header thresher, drill, harrow, plowr, w a cons, harners and email tools; pne tor all If taken In 10 days $" No trade. Se Sam Hwev at J !. HARTMAN COMPANY". No. 7 t'himbrr of Commerce Bidg. DO YiU WANT CNE OF TPR BEST TEN ACRE TRACTS BETWEEN HERE AND TI GA HP? 5 acres In fruit. 2 acres In tomatoes. 2 arres in ca hbage. 1 acre early potatoes, nne 4-room buntfalow with space for two rooms In attic, barn. chickn houses, hog houses and other outbuildings, orchard h.(S hern properly sprayed, pruned and t.iken care of snd O. A. C. men pronounced It on of the l-s young orchards In the state; short ways from Pacific highway pavement ; 6 mi.ts from Port land. If you want a nifty place, well kept and a money maker, com (n and let us show you this. STEWART V RUCK. 315 North- tern Bnk BMg. 40 ACRES. glOOO. .1." miles from Portland. 2 acres In cul.. family orchard. 3-room house, on rock road; $300 cash, bal. monthly payments, 40 ACRF3. $1150. 21 miles f"om Portland. H acres. In ca?., 7 arres alashe I. box house, barn, some good timber. G"0 cash. bal. to suit. 6 per cent interest. 44 0 ACRES 11 COO. 22 miles from Portland. 2 miles from the e'ectric carl tne. lies fine; Al soil. $200 caah. ft:. o suit. BI'N'DY, 215 Railway Exchange bidg. IF YOU WANT A FA'IM WITH AN UP- TO-DATE HIM -H U.X IT. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS. 12S icri with a new $400 bungalow, good bm and outbul'dlngs. water sys tem with gasoline engine; .0 acrs under cu Mt.m. 2' acres mor easy to put under the plow, some beaver dam and bot tom land: right on the main road: tam of hones. 2 cows, hmod sow; 15 tons of l-.i V tn tne barn. I"i huf h. oats, some h: Leghorn chickens and farm too. a. All for 10oo. must have at least haf ash. STEWART RUCK. 31." Nnrrh wes-rn Bank BMg. small wrci.t. rgnrprn farm. 20 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 4 good cows, mate!) team of horses, r'urk-ni. n-sar farm Implements, family orchard a-'d berries. 2 aores In cultivation. 7 in pasture and 10 in timbr: ftTi soil, splendid pnin and berry land: spring wat-T piped to good 5-room house, rhlrken fun', -h!.-Hn hnu-. barn full of hav. w .hm!:iou.- ; pne- $ Take I25oh ta.-h. bal: P-r 'nt. See Sam Hewey at J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. No. T rb.-.T.l-rf of Commerce Bid CROP, STtH'K AND EQUIPMENT. Ht a- re, located in Jorphlr.e county, Oregon. 8 mile from railroad town. 30 aires ur.or cultivation, lo acres pasture, red shot eoll. creek and w ell. county road and rural conveniences; 5-room house, bam. ohirken house. 3 arres orchard, a-ood fenct-s. pri- $55oo with crop and 14 ow, 3 hordes, 2 ca.ves, 2 hogs, hull. 6s chu-kens. aP turkeys. 3 wagV-n. mower. 4 pl-'ws. cultivator. 2 harnesp, hay rake. ha arrow, i horc towr engine on trucks: io ft. galvanized ptj for Irritation and a i all tod. John Ferguson, Gerimger bidg MR. RANCHER, hr la some ehao wheat land; 3-i a-'rea, 6 to 7 miles to town: right in tne famous wheat belt of Saskatchewan, only lit an a re. tSe acrs In larne county, right on crk. some fins timber and good pasture land, and only 135"0. J. B. HOI. BROOK. 214-215 Panama b.dg. SEAL ESTATE. rr baie- -tsrtn. TALK WITH PEAK E. More than 20 years selling farma la the aorta west. A RRlt. HTOPK FARV. 2000 acre, fenced, everything needed produced on the place; XQ0 head mostly ereiords: one man does tne worn; run- ninar water for stock and Irrigation: rail- Way on tha ni&ce: owner has run It nearly 60 yeara, muat retire; splendid show for j the right man. rice lor everytning very lo; plsniy of time. TKLVK FARM. 2d acres, fine land, close In, lots of fruit, good buildings, atock aud Imple ments, only imx0. good term; will von aioer 1-acre home tn suburbs, and aoine casn; plenty of time on balance. 1UEAL VOR PKL'NEB AND WALNUTS. 60 beautiful acree, 48 cleared; 7-room bungalow, large barn, pring water; no ; beiter land in the northwest for this pur pose; SuO: tlovo caaa: long tliue; low In Lores t. HOG8. CHICKENS. FRUIT. Dandv ilUacra lurm: eraek: beautiful location: feueral loan $1500; will trade fjuuo equity for Portland bungalow equal t vatue, O. E. PEAKS, Evenlnga Tel. 12u. Wilcox bidg-. "a. DANDY LITTLE Id -ACRE FARM" NEAR PORTLAND. Bit miles from city limits; has good 9-room house, large barn and other good outbuildings, 50 bearing prune trees loaded with prunes, bo other fruit tree, such aa apples, pears, all kinds of cherries, plume, etc.; three good wells; this also Includes 2 cows. 1 heifer a year old. 1 calf 2 months old worth S5o, good team of horses, loo chickens. 2 wagons and buggy, I new cream separator: lo tons of hay. I ft.l bushels of oats, 8S bushels wheat; In i act, everytning goes with the place; you will have to hurry If you want this; price atuuv; sjauu casa win nanaie. Sue BUSINESS SERVICE, 81T Henry Bidg. Main C787. WILL SACRIFICE THIS OR EXCHANGE. I have 100 acres of fine hillside farm land 1 miles from Grants Pres. Oregon, that 1 must selL 10 acres bearing fruit, apples, peaches and cherries; Lwo acres strawberries, gooseberries, loganberries. black and raspberries. Hay. 6 acres, gar den 2 acres, wood. pine, fir and cedar. $1000 worth standing on land. Water, fine 1 weils, l spring mat will water 40 hogs the I year rounu ana eouugn to irrigate la acres, i Buildings, 9-room house, woodshed, chick en houfce. smalt barn and tool house. I am I compelled to offer this sacrifice for SG500, o0oo in cash ar.d tna remainder on terms, I or would take a good bungalow In Port- I land for the remainder. For Information I write Lloyd b. Perkins, otttO Piedmont bv.. Oakland, cai 11 ACRES and a complete poultry equip ment. 6-room cottage with bath, hot and com water, pantry and closets, woodshed. 3 poultry houses that will accommodate 5Hi hens, concrete egg room, concrete In dicator room, teeo room, douoie orooaet house, fruit cellar. 4 Incubators. 1000 ca pacity. Water piped to dwelling and all buildings, well, running water, gas en gine. F;ne milch cow. driving horse, hack. tools, etc. Big flock of white leghorns. iioganised stock, splendid orchard, apples. pears, prunes, grapes, berries, big crop In sight. Located 1 miles from town on grav eled road, near 'loadstone. Price $4U0. saouu cash. o. Jc. Freytag. Gladstone, Ore gon. FINE COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE. 18o acres, good buildings, family or chard, acres In cultivation. 12 head cows and heifers, span work horses, waaon. all farm tools, about 25 tons hay; road will te paved to Battle Ground this season. when completed this place will be Just 2Va ; mils from pavement on good gravel road, la on mall and cream route, telephone In house, store 200 yards from house, fine fishing stream rui.s alongside of place; In fact, this Is an ideal country home; price, including stock, tools and crop. io.- t-oo, half cash, balance long time. 6 per f cent. Call 502 Dekum. 3d and Washington. I Portland, or address W. B. McCarty Co., Battle Ground. Wash. CATTLEMEN AND STOCKMEN ATTENTION. On Sauvles Island, only 12 miles from r-oi tianu. iwo acres or exceedingly pro ductive land, suitable for dairying, stock raising, etc., naa grown wneat tnat aver aged bo bushels to acre, potatoes, cabbage. corn, wneat tnrive in aounaance. an op portunity or a life time, to get this place at a low price, and very easy terms. Good Dunuings, wet i re n ceo. FRED W. NEWELL. OREGON INVESTMENT c MORTGAGE COMPANY. No. 218-19-20-21 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall J0.r. ltk ACRES GOOD PART WASHINGTON COUNTY. This Is In the North Plains section. 2 '4 miles electric station ; Itio acres, choice son, iu cleared, balance very fine body timber and pasure, with living water; good 8-room house, hot and cold water. bath, etc.: good barn. 4Sx0o, silo, numer-I pus outtiuiiiiuigs. Fersonac io cows, heifer. bull, 4 hursea. harness, complete set ma- cninery ana crop tor siu.O". HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th st. Broadway 4381. FOR SALE About 20 m. with build Inrs and iruii. nan ciearea ana in crop. nne I black soil with best of water from 3 lfv ing springs. On rocked road with milk route, phone and R. F. D.. 3 miles fron good town on Red electric line. 3 minutes' walk to flag station snd shipping point. team ana narnesses, ouggy, automooiie. some Tanning implements. J doxen W. chickens and 3 fine Jersey cows go with piece ir taaen soon, trice '.tuo. Terms. Address owner, Mrs. J. E. Margeson, Jos- ton, Oregon. FINE 24-ACRE RANCH. 17000 14500 CASH. 7 acres of fine orchard, mostly prunes: crop consists of wheat, oats, hay and 10 acre? of potatoes: good well at house and creek running through the place: 5-room house, good barn, chicken house and wood shed. mile to Lafayette. This is a dandy buy and If taken at once all the crops go with the place If purchaser will pay the con 01 Harvesting. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 8oOuk st. Broadway 4133. IDEAL FARM HOME ATNEWBERgT Just the 20-acre home you are seeking all In cultivation except 1 acre of nice nr; land naa slight roll. Insuring perfect drainage; 4 acres bearing English wal nuts, ;i acres young prunes, nice assorted orchard and berries, 7-room plastered house, hot and cold water, bath, patent toilet, sink, etc.. nice barn, outbuilding ana garage: 1 oca tea just out 01 rtewber on gooa rnsa. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 Nortn 6th st. Broadway 4381. SO ACRES close to Portland. 80 acres c he cultivated, balance pasture, 30 acres 1 rich bottom, w-ell watered with running streams and several running aprings; an Ideal stock and hrg ranch. 5-room houm and bam: only ir an acre for a short time, very ey tcrmc. Ato good young team, cow ana snecp ut a reasonable prlt-e; irsu.xt sen at once. ?ee owner. jo ngenis. Tak- Oreson Electric to WiWonvllle, jjo I a mi:s west. a. .1. r. uownmn. 30 ACRES, 12 good cows, good team, wagon. harness. 1 bull. hoc, chickens, all farm tools, all crops: 0:1 acres in crop this I year, balance good pasture; fair build ings: all well fenced: good water; on good road, near school. tiny tnls place unde value, all ready for business. $10,50n. cash. J. B. Atkinson, iu . tun at., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE OR TRADE Improved ranch, stocked, dairy, truck, rrutt ana nerries: seven nillt-s from oceun: navigable stream, county road, phone and mall, school on place, green feed ysr around. 24 miles from railroad station; excellent fishing I and hunting. What have you? Write j for particulars. Charles Pember, owner. Ada. Or. la; ACRHS on the Molalla river, 10 river bot tom land, 14 In cultivation. Splendid rich soil thst can be irrigated. Good buildings and fruit. This place is near Canby, on the main road, near schoot. Plant the bot tom land to asparagus and get rich. Price S4.oo. s.viOO casn. o. ti. j-reytag, Glad stone. BUY FROM OWNER. 40 acres, extra good, paying well; S acres prunes, 2 acres other fruit; fair buiidlr.fts, good road, fine water: 2 miles from Vancouver; all crop and stock f 1O.5O0. terms, P. Wms. H-mlle east Hnt'l Dell, on Taclflc highway. Clarke countv. Adresa Vancouver. Wash., R. 5. rn ca a Kottom Unit It In pulllvntlnn acre beaveraam ianu, gooa v-ronm house, woodshed, fruit house, barn 24x:irt. j Poultry house 12x36. spring water piped to no use. ail Kinus or rruit. r-rice jtn 1 H miles to atora. stone. Or. O. E. Freytag, Glad- 40 ACRES at Damaecue; good soli; about 20 acres under cultivation house and barn, springs, fine grove or fir trees, on good road; price $8500. J. J. ODER Grand ave. at E. Ankeny at. 13'tO-ACR E stock, irraln, hay ranch, east ern Oregon, os railroad; adjoins town; all Irrigated, sell with or without stock and equipment: $5o per acre; terms; owner. Box 213 North Powder. Or. FOR SALE, or will accept city property as pirt on 150 acres near Redmond: mo acres lrr:gited. 18 acrea cleared ; level, pro ductive soli, excellent for alfalfa or grain and potatoet: must sell. 4214 67th st. S. E. 52-ACKE farm. 33 in cultivation: nearly level : good buildings: fine water: near school; -4 mlJes from Portland. Owner, .W E. 5tth St. N. Phone Tabor 4M7. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS, of all kinds and sizes, tiee us If you wsnt good value for your money and a square deal. F. Fuchs. 42Q Chamber of Com. 4o ACRES, good hid Be.; mostly cultivated ; arvnoo; worth 7-mk; summ cash: other good ones. Fra nk McF a r 1 and ,Y eo n bl c g . WMF AT land cheaper than renting. 160 acres clou to town, ready for crop, great sacriflee offer. Owner going away. Al bert Jones. Lexington, Oregon. 51-ACRE Tally farm, all In crop, one mile from good town, will sacrifice f tr cash or equal rde. Owter, K of ton, 202 Park. Main 565L REAL ESTATE. For bale YAM HI I.', COUNT X BARGAINS. 42 ACRES, ft-rocm plastered bungalow on concrete foundation, outhouse In good condition, family orchard. mile ot paved road, close to scuool. o0 acres in cultivation, new silo, 3 acres timber, run ning water on one corner. No. 1 soil, none better. 4 miles from town; ;t bargain, and a well-improved farm. See thia at my ex pense, frlce SttoOO, terms. SO acres, all in cultivation, 2 miles from town, new hoiiae, barn and outhouse, on good graveled road, family orchard, a snap; no better land. Price $5000. terms. 00 acres, all in cultivation. 7 acros in corn, 7 acres in oats, go with place; also 1 team, uameaa, wagon, mov. er, rake, corn planter, drill, harrow, plows, about 75 cnlckens, all ferm tools are new. and 1 3-year-old Jersey cow worth S500. This place is on a good road adjoining town, naa electric lignts in building, extra fine dairy barn and out-house; a real bargain. Price $10,000 for all. One-third cash, balance terms at 6. See this and . win buy it; the building and implements and stock worth half the price of the farm. J. C GILBERT. T. O. Q. F. Bidg. McMlnnvllle, Or. BUY NOW! WONDERFUL BARGAINS! AtcMINN Y1LLE DISTRICT! $65 per acre, 100 acres, 90 cultivated; no buildings, good fences, springs. $07.50 per acre, 125 acres, 50 choice bottom cultivated, balance choice pasture; woven fences, springs every field, eood buildings, iruit, berries, mail, milk routes; $75 per acre Lakes stock, equipment. $S7.50 per acre, 208 acres. 100 choicest bottom and upland, cultivated, balance choice pasture; woven fences, comfortable buildings, water every field, frutt, berries, garden, walnuts; averaged $3U00 net over farm and family expenses each year past 9 years. Agree on price of stock and equipment II wanted. $100 per acre, 178 acres. 158 acres culti vated, hnest bottom and bench land; two eta buildings; woven fences, springs; very elegant laud; downright bargain. Best terms on each farm. OTIS C. BECK. .Exclusive Agent. 525 Henry Bidg. Marshall u5S. 142-ACRE SUNNT3IEAD KAKjI, . :500, WITH 8 COWS. 3 horses, 3 heifers, hogs, reaper, mower, sulky plow, sulky cultivator, harrows, gaso.lhe engine. wood-sawing outfit, horse-corn planter, fanning mill, complete list machinery, tools, wagons, harness, crops on farm, etc.. Included by owner to retire now. 2 miles r. r. station and near large city; lovely lake on farm. 50 J acres warm. loamy tillage. 20 cow, wire- fenced, spring-watered pasture, wood lot, estimated 60,000 foet timber, choice fruit. Good maple-shadod 10-room house, barns, siio, poultry, hog houses. $5500 takes everything, part cash. Details page 40 catalog. Jiargains 10 states, copy zree. STROUT FARM AGENCY, 208 BK Plymouth Bidg., Minneapolis, Minn. TALK WITH PEAKE about sound investments. Wheat raisers, notice, hi block on 4th at., west side busi ness district, leased long term for $o.'0 per month, lots only: rent secured by ex pensive brick building built by lessee. PRICE $50,000 CASH OR $20,000 may stand at 6'i ; pays better than 6 net; think of K. In the heart of Portland, between the Multnomah hotel and the new postoffice. ANOTHER BARGAIN. 50x100. corner Yamhill and 12th St.. next block to the Portland Library ; this is excellent business property; must ad vance rapidly; a real snap now. Let me sell your west side property. A. E. PEAKE. 202 Wilcox bidg. IRRIGATED BOTTOM LANDS IN PARCELS OK 20 TO 100 ACRES. 15 YEARS TO PAY. Here's a chance for you dry-land farm- era to start on the road to prosperity. These lands are just reclaimed, umii is alluvial loum and silt, now producing rec ord crops of alfalfa, corn, beans and all garden truck, adjoins city of Mi. 000. has concrete highway and rail and water trans portation, .una is cleared and level uiid ready to be cropped; under our easy pay ment termj it easily pays for itself. Get full information from H. K. Castle. 473 Washington at., Portland, Or. AT GRAHAM. 10 ACRES. PKICE $4200. 10 acree of the finest land in Oregon, all in cultivation, 4-room house, good bai large shed and good well. Bull Run water rignt past the door: good lamilv orchard and berries; hard surface road and only "j mile from Gresham; $1200 will handle: here la a big buy and you will have to get busy if you want it. There Is no bluff about this, it 1b a genuine bargain. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak st. Broadway 4133. DAIRY FARM ON COAST. 71$ acre at Yaqulna. over C0 acres high tide lands, of which 225 has been diked and Is In cultivation; finest of soil, a good as Tillamook dairy lauds; good buildings, big modern barn with silo, elec tric lights, milking machines, water piped to buildings: will Include dairy herd, some hogs, all necessary farm tools; price $t0 per acre, good terms. The dike lands alone are worth price asked for everything. LU ED DEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. CENTRAL OREGON STOCK FARM. 12MU acres, on the Strahorn R. R. right of way, on good highway, good roads to town, school 1 mile; land improved with 2 houses and 2 barns, 640 acres under fence; has well, cost $4000; all winter grazing land ; joins forest reserve, owner has per manent permit to graze 500 head of cat tU. There Is no equal to It in Oregon; price $10 per acre. Eany terms; will take $4000 house as part payment. WALDO F. STEWART. Merchants'Trust Idg., 320 Wash. St. 10 ACRES FULL-BEAR INGPRUNES AT NEW BERG. $2300 worth of prunes were sold from this tract last year; it is now offered for sale at only $2750 by young man leaving the state : 10 acres. S acres full-bearing prunes, 1 acre cherries, 1 acre open; It is j good soil; about 3 milts out of Newberg on good graveled road, 1 mile electric station. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North th st. Broadway 43S1. S00 ACRES IN LINCOLN COUNTY. 15 miles from Newport and 5 miles to the S. P. R. R 2 streams and a good highway running through this place, about 200 acres under cult! vat ion. bal. timber and razing, land: Ideal for sheep and goat ranch; 200 head of sheep. ISO goats. 4 cows and all farm Implements go with this plats; price $17,000, terms, 01 would consider a smaller farm up to $10, 000 In trade. See . BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 Henry Bidg. Main 6707 A BIG BUY IN A SMALL FARM AT NEWBERG. Exceptional value. 6 acres, all in culti vation except few native trees around hoiidinffs: rood 7-room house, barn and numerous outbuildings, family fruit and berries, amend id weil. horse, buggy, hnr ness and a mighty good crop, for only $2500. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6thst. Broadway 4381. " NEAR GRESHAM. 85 ACRES PRICE $7500. Fine 35-acre farm ail stocked and equip' ped; crop also goes with this; 10 acres In cultivation, most of the balance easy to clear; no waste iana, , and an 01 the very finest soil to be found; $3000 will handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 0ft Oak St. Broadway 4133 FINE FARM NEAR NEWBERG. 210 acres within 30 miles of Portland: paved road most of the way; all In cul tivation: good 7-room house, big barn and other buildings; some fruit and walnuts: fine water; worth $150 per acre, but in or der to make quick sale ta offered for $25.- 000. This is a bargain. LUEUDEMANN COM PA N IT. 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 1K0 acres of the finest bottom and In Coos county, witn a rrontage or k mile on Coquille river. 40 acrs cleared l.Aiit a aerea hteh land for hiiilrifn- nnot 3 miles from county seat, good road, also boat transportation ; I am offering this for $90 per acre; I will loan you MO.000 on the pla"; everything in this location is from 1130 to $350 per acre. Address Mrs. K. A.i Cole, Myrtle Point, Or. on i iwr wm .nv-.i?, u-rai iM vuj mr Willamette valley, loo acres. Improved farm, all In cultivation, one-half mile of the railroad station: good fences; $65 an arre: will lake some trade In Portland property and give long time on the bal ance at 6 per cent. See WEBSTER L. KINCATD, 526 Henry Rld, Portland. Or. $10 AN ACRE. Down the Columbia, near Stella, S miles to town and boat landing; 4 mile to log ging R. R. ; logged-off land; large creek through it : small amount cash, balance can stand 3 or 5 years at 0- Interest. 200. 4o0 or fl'0 acres. Will make fine dairy or stock ranch. W. G. Cox, 221 Failing bidg.. Main 53S3. FARM BARGAIN". OREGON CITY WAY. 160 A.. SO cleared and hne lying land, balance timber and pasture; living water, per Tei t water system, 6-room house, hot and cold water, bath, good large red barn, lu rge granary and machine shed. larpe silo. Tots fruit and berrlas; .lust 22 miles Portland: frice only $s.v0. easy terms. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th st. Broadway 4381. 40-ACRE country home. Vancouver. WashT: streetcar service passes place: good roads: new 7-room house, cement basement, good barn, silo, 25 acres cultivated. 2 acres fine orchard, bal. pseture; fine land, well situ ated: price $ROO0. CHAS. RINGLER ft CO., 225 Henry bidg. THE BROBST FARM. 186 acres on Willamette river, adjoin ing Wllsonvllle on Oregon Electric, 20 ir.ile south of Portland. Selling to close estate: might divide. Owners at farm or see Dobson. 808 Wells-Fargo bidg. 134O0 TIOARD: house. 44 acres, orchard; vu caso aw ai iwuu, vu a sua uiug. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms, FARM SO acres. 40 acres in timber, cruises $3(1.000 in tie timber; has large, fine 8 room house and small dwelling house, has 2 bearing orchard, apples, cherries, pears SaasV- peaches, ail kinds of small fruit. English walnuts, butternuts and black wamut trees,: hog house, hen house, two wells, large flowing spring running across pasture field, 2 barn?, 1 water tower, red wood, which holds 5000 gallons of water, giving running water in both houses. This place Is on Portiand-Mt. Hood highway; is going at $12,000. Cali me up or corne out and see me and will explain more about this farm and why It must be sold. Robe City Realty Co., 1418 San- riy boulevard. Tabor 0272. $1000 NET PROFIT PER MONTH. Only dairy in town of 3000 population; best town in Alaska: climate mild, not colder than freezine: no snow : Ideal sum mers; owner old and wants to retire: 320 acre;, 60 acres In cultiation; barn, house, 2 wagons, farming machinery, automobile delivery, bottles, extra dairy equipment; all for J J 000; $3000 rash will handle. Owner, 5il commercial st., -A. M. WANTED KZAL ESTATE. 390 ACRES NEAR JUNCTION CITY. CAN BE DIVIDED. HEADY FOR PLOW; GuOD SOIL. SLOPES TO 1UVER, ETC ; LAND b LIT ABLE FOR LIVfetiTOCK. HOGS, MAY AND GRAIN ; NEAR R. it. DEPOT; 1 MILUS TO COUNTY SEAT; GOOD ROADS. POSTIIVE BARGAIN AT oo Per ackb ( worth $100), EASY TERMS. MAK.B OFFER EX CHANGE; W ILL Abo U ME ; CONSIDER CITY PROPERTY. STOCK OF MER CHANDISE, OR WHAT HAVE YOU? ADDRESS "OWNERS," P. O- BOX 222, PORTLAND. ' AT ONCE, List with us your houses or bungalow, no matter want price or location, culier east, northwest, north or south side Either caah or terms. Just teil us what vou nave and want as to once and terms. All we ask is that you do not Inflate the value, aa our aim is to sell properties oi merit. Call ilain H0S. J. L. HAKlilA.N COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bla., -iia and stark. CITY LOTS WANTED. "PORTLAND HEIGHTS" SIGHTLYtLO C AT ION OR 'ROSE CITY" UNDER $1000. SUITABLE FOR .MEDIUM-PRICE HOME NEAR CAR. MUST BE REAL BARGAIN GIVE UR1CE, LOCATION, ADDRESS) OR PHONE TO GET ATTENTION. ADDRESS BUlJSK, K. 000. OREGON IAN. MORE HOMES NEEDED. QUALITY. NUT QUANTITY. We enueavor to keep a choice list of personally inspected homes, suited to the needs oi our ever increasing patronage. If you want to sell, call us and will tell you iranniy what we can uo. can u: Monday. R. F. FRELMSTER, 309 Abing ton bidg. I MUST H AVE GOOD HOMES for many buyers waiting; 0000, $8000, $12,ooo, . $i'o,ooo. lrvinton, Portlana Heights, Aiameda, Laurei hurst. If you hae a ood homo for sale tor cash, phone and we w ill call promptly and inspect same. R. T, Street, lrvmgton agent, Kat iS)4. m BUNGALOWS NEEDED. We are in dire need ut bungalows aid small homes in Alanuda, Laurelhurst, Rose City, RoBsmeie, $3500 to $4S0o. We have many buyers waiting. One of them wants your place. Phono us sure. R. T. Street, agent. Eaut 804. WANTED Income bearing downtown of fice or store building up to suo.uuo, or several smaller properties Buch as flats, aparfmenta, stores. Have casn on hand to invest for income. W. B. STREETER and J. 11. KEATING, C17 Board of Trade. WANT to lease or buy a 5 or 0-room, com pletely lurnished bungalow; must be mmii-m hhu tii-ut-claHs in every detail: best residence district and car line. P 5JI. Oretjonian. I WANT a modern tt-room bungalow in R. C. or Laurelhurst; must be one floor: might 5-room. Can pay $10oo down, F 451 ,o regon iaii. I WANT a bungalow or house in any good district; can make iair payment, balance monthly; will pay up to $o000. T 41, Ore gonian. 1 VNT to buv a good modrrn bungalow In Rose City Park. Want to deal direct with owners. Give description, price, etc. G 40I, Oregonian. I WANT-a home In R. C, Irvlngton. Laurel hnrr nr Alameda: must be modem: would like garate; satisfactory first payment. ' A K oi'O. Oregoman. 6-ROOM houee with sleeping porch, good" district, east side. not over 15000. Give full dlscrlptlon and price. AC mL Oregonian. WANTED Modern 6-room house, in F.oss mere. Beaumont or Rose City, below hili; fine lot on 44th. near W(Pterla"as part payment, balance cash. A 530. Oregonian WAVT ALBERTA BUNGALOW. Have cash customers for 5 or 6-room waiting. List at once and we can sell iL J. C. Corbin, 305 Lewis. Marshall .I'.w. WANT modern home under J.'OOii; $75C cash. ?o monthly, mciuaing interest; ir vington, Aiameu gonian. Rose City. W 447, Ore- WILL pay cash for modern six-room house, good location, for my own occupancy. West side preferred. Give full deails, lo cation and price. P 549, Oregonian. WANT Irvlngton home. $0000 to $10.onn cash: must be modern, garage or room for one: prefer to deal witn owners, out mean business. A E 2it9. Oregonian. HA VE live buyer for 5-room strictly mod ern bungalow with long living room and large attic; Rose City Park near Sandy preferred. Call Main 802 Monday. '.VANTKU A 5-room modern bungalow on lot 100x100, price around 32.1OO. desire to deal direct with owner. C 79, Oregonian. WA.VTED 3 to 10 acres wUh some build ings within 15 miles from Portland. E. J Geiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE $2500 and $2730 nearly new 6-room bungalow for small place near Portland ; no phone. Grievish, 1040 E. Washington. WANT Good modern bungalow with 2 lots, Mt. Tabor, Laurelhurst or Rose City, with tome view. S SO, Oregoniaru WE want houses to sell, have buyers wait ing. If you want to sell tiuick. see us. E J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. WALNUT orchard by private party, 5 to 10 acres, trees about 6 years, near Portland. J. 103. O regon ian. W ANTE D G ood building lot lrl restricted district: state price unu location. E 304, Oregonian. WANTED House and lot. between Haw. and ti. a. car. west or .iOth st. Give house number. K 404, Oregonian. WANT to buy for cash neat 3 rooms and bath, good district, near car, not over $1000. Tabor 7057. WILL buy 5 or 6-room modern bungalow, If In good district and price iu right, AC St'0. Orc-sonian. 1 AM looking for a place In Richmond or Hawthorne, can make suitable first pay ment, balance monthly. T 40. Oregonian. CO UN TRY CLUB O ve r ! and car. No. 90. for first pavment on home or for sale. 141 11th st. Brdy. 2560. IS YOUR MORTGAGE FORECLOSED? I will give you good trade for your " equity. Write me. AH 4fta. Oregonian. "WANT a cheap house from owner; can pay $50 down, balance monthly. P 470, Oregonian. WANT from owner a modern 5-room bun galow In a good district. K 497, Oregon ian. WILL pay to $n00 cash for home, Irving ton or Laurelhurst preferred ; no agents. H 5S, Oregonian. WANTED To buy cottage on boardwalk at Seaside. Or., for cash. John D. Wil cox. 414 Flttock block. WANTED Will pay about $4000 cash for 5 or o-room bungalow in good district; no agents. A 520. Oregonian. WANT 4 or 5-room bungalow up to $230; $250 down, oai. payments; state luiiy. a. 05, Oregonian. TWO housas, income $40 month, trHde- for improved acreage close to Portland. Owner, room 6. 253 Washington. 1 WANT a three or four-room house; can sell at once. zo Aiisay mug., aa and .Mor rison sts. 5-ROOM bungalow from owner only: must be a real bargain: no agents. Call Tabor 7547, bet. 8:30 and 2 P. M. Sunday. WHAT do you want for your Rose City bun galow? Phone Mr. King Monday, Broad -w av 206. WILL buy an equity, if It is a real bar gain. In 5 or 6-room bungalow; no agents. P 521. Oregoniaiu NEW 5-room furnished house for sale by owner: piano included; payment down, good contract. Phone Columbia 772. PORTLAND property for my giaafng and Irrigated land near Vale, Klamath, Bend, $50' h) to $25.000. S 51. Oregonian. I WANT a home. Have 37 acres good land for your equity. K 507. Oregonian. a I.AM ED A PARK wanted, cash ; must be bargain: owners only. E 308, Oregonian. WANTED To rent 20 to 50 acres In cultlva tirn nd some pasture. W 437. Orepon'rn. WANTE best moriern house will buy. T 60. Oregonian. WANTED Modern 6-room house, basement, not over $3QQ0. Sell wood 31S7. WANTED Two, four or six-room flat build ing. W 434. Oregonian. HOUSE or lot in Kenton; state price; leas than $2oC0. 140S East Market. WANTED REAL ESTATE. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR HOUSE? WE GET RESULTS. WE MUST HAVE MORIS HOUSES TO SELL. We do not require an exclusive listing. This oftentimes works a hardship on the owner. You only pay us if we sell your house. We get results because our hun dreds of satisfied customers constantly send their friends and acquaintances to us. Our reputation for fair dealing is our big gest a.-set. W'e have an experienced fore of trained salesmen not mere automobile drivers. List your house with us. We will tell you candidly whether or not we can sell It. Make use of the steam, the force and the pep of our splendid selling or ganization. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., near 3d. (Ground Floor.) Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Main 3092. Main 3516. HOUSES WANTED. We specialise in the sale of home prop erties and the many satisfied buyers In Portland Is the best evidence of our un excelled facilities for effecting quick sale. Owners having home properties fat sale will do weJi to consult us. THE CROFSLEY-VIGARS CO.. Specialists in Home Properties. 270 Stark ut. Main 3052. WANT home in Irvlngton or Laurelhurst with large living roo:n, dining room. Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, den, S roomy bedrooms and sleeping porch or 4 bedrooms, hardwood floors, garage. 75x100 or 100x100 inside lot. must be In finest condition: would prefer In old ivory: will pay $10,500 cash and home must be ab solute value. J 168, 0 re gonlan. IRVINGTON BROADWAY DISTRICT. I have two 50x100 lots or 75x100 at 26th and Knott sts. Will ancriflce or take auto In trade. Phone East 6559 or call 530 E 20th street. HAVE $100 CASH AND $45 PER MONTH, extra money end of year; want house near SS or IJ car, west of 25th; business ref erences given; no children. Phone after Sunday, Main 4538. MR. PROPERTY OWNER, List your property with us. WE SPECIAL TY hi In cellins- hone- low. rotfaires and houses, cash or terms. Phone or write! HOAGLIN & BIP.D, Enst 3595. 565 Williams. WANTED FOR CASH 3-room bungalow around $2o00; 5 or 6 inom house or bungalow around $4000. Also all kinds of city property. If price is right, we sen it. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. WANT to buy modern house In Roue City, Laurelhurst or lrvmgton or good district. State how much ca.h required, number of rooms and complete information: want to hear direct from owner. Air 41)0, Ore gonian. WANTED 8-room bungalow on good street in res trie tea district, within b blocks ot car; will pay $4000, $1000, with good monthly payment; must be bargain. C. E. Adams, 507 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2575. WE WANT SMALL FARMS near Portland, stocked preferred. We are delivering the gooos and if your price is right we will do the rest; personal in spection. Write or phone. J. C. C0RB1N CO.. 305-6-7-8 Lewis Bidg. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Main 2035. 021 Morgan BMg. WANT to buy for cash, from 1 to S acres. partially cleared, for suburban home, eith er with modern home or no buildings: would like borne fruit and must be on good auto road, not over 30 minutes out. AF 62, Oregonian. HAVE parties waiting to iuy lots in Belie crest or Kose city Park ror cash or terms. What have you? Best price in ffret letter. Address L. L. Jeulss. 60 ti E. 6Sth st.. Portland. Phone C 1.".53. LIST WITH US. WHY? We personally inspect, photograph, ad vertise, shjw and SELL your property. Try uk. J. C. Corbin Co.. 305 Lewis bidg. Mar. 309. WANTED To buy about one acre of good tana, no tock or gr&v ei, with improve ments. Just outside of city limits and near car : water to irrigate preierred. T 07, Oregonian. WILL pay up to $.1500 In Al commercial stock ( Portland close corporation ), for modern 5 or 0-room home of actual value: 2 lots and fruits preferred, not too f;tr out: give full particulars. K 47a. Oregonian. SPOT CASH and quick deal for bargain in strictly mmtorr. ; or if-room bungalow, paved street essential. Rose City. Sunny side or Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 3058. Mr. Hill. No agents. ACREAGE WANTED. With some Improvements and buildings; we deal In this exclusively; have four autos to show It with and can sell It for you. John Ferguson. Gerllnger bidg. WE HAVE d'-mnnd for houses at or around $2000; list thom with us. GODDARD & W1EDRICK, 243 Stark L WANTED A 4 to 0-room bungalow or house in R. C. P. district, phone me to day and I vAll call. R. F. Feemster, Mar shall 4138 WANT 7 or 8-room house on west side, good bungalow cot tage; one block from I. J. car line, as first payment. AV 3h5. Ore gonian. WANTED-A 4 or 5-room bungalow In Hawthorne, Richmonr district; quick re sults guaranteed. R. F. Feemster, Mar shall 4138. HAVE beautiful unimproved acre near Lake Oswego for first payment on five-room modern bungalow, balance monthly, state particulars in full. Box 364 Newberg- HAVE customer waiting for modern un west Bice, io..ioo to gi.t.ur.n. rash buyer. GODDARD & W1ED.T1ICK. 242 S-ark st. WANTED To buy farm. 10 to 20 acres, good soil and spring or creek, not too far from Portland. Write particulars and price. E 399, Oregonian. IN LADD'S ADDITION. Wanted, 5 or 6-room house that small payment and about $50 per month can bundle at the present. J 201. Oregonian. WE want $5000 or $6000 houses In Irving- ton- Alameda I'ark. iaiireinurst. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon B 1 d g. WANTED To buy 5- or 6-room bungalow west slope Alt. Tabor; give lowest price, tems and location; no agents wantea. Ad dress N 187, Oregonian. WEST SIDE houses wanted, south of Madi son st., handling west side property 13 m specialty. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bidg. WANTED To buy good modern 5-room cot tage or bungelow in Sunnyshle; give low est price, terms and lotntn : no agents r. e t i a p p 1 y . A d d ress K 4 Sj. Oregonian. WANTED To buy good modern 6- or 7-roopi ' house, reasonable. Sunny side; give lowest price, terms and location; no agents con sidered. Address D 513, Oregonian. I HAVE the cash lo pay for a good modern bungalow; must oe in gooa district; give complete details in letter; state when can give possession. AG 59, Oregonian. WILL pay spot cash for best bargain in residence lot. Laurelhurst, Rose . city dis trict or Alameda preferred. E 809. Ore gonian. . WE have customers for bungalows. If you want to sell yours, please see us at once. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. $50 CASH as first payment on desirabl modern 6 or 7-room bungalow, reasonably priced: owners only: give description and location. G 439. Oregonian. FIVE or 6-room bungalow in Rose City Tark district by cash buyen GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 213 Stark st. LIST your bungalows and houses with Chas. Ringler A Co., 225 Henry bidg. We have buyers for quick sales. I HAVE buyers for your irvington home at top price ii not ioo oiu. rv. i. oLreei, Irvlngton agent. W 4 NTEM to buy 5-room bungalow . terms, interest not over 6'c. Box 452, OlndsUKie, Or. WANTED To buy small home on payments, on west or north east side; close In pre ferred. D 514. Oregonian. SPOT cash for lots In Alberta district, west of 30th St.; must be snaps. Phone East 6516. WANT lot with livable shack, will build good home later; $100 to pay now; no agents. AC S01. Ore gonian. WANTED To rent or buy 10-room modern house, west side preferred. Phone Broad way 3420. BUYER with $200 to pay down wants house under $2000; not particular as to location. Strickland. 201 Wilcox bidg. WANTED 2 to 5:acre tract wl. h":e. near town. Call iM AinwauKie St., or phone Sell wood 3227. WANTED to buy or rent house, lot and small barn, near Franklin hish. or Wash ington high. AV 452. Oregonian. WANTED 5-room modern bungalow. Rose City Park, Hawthorne or Mt. Tabor. Ta bor 5196;. IF you want to sell your home, see JOHN'-SON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. WANTED 5-room bungalow. Kenton or v onrilawn car. P 50S, Oregonian. IF Y'OU wish to sell your home, call Mars ters. 202 Wilcox bidg. Main 3517. WANT to buy 25 to 40 acres, partly clear. A- V- 461. Oregonian. WANTED Modern 5-room bungalow from owner. AF 7b. Oregonian, WANTED REAL ESTATE. AN OUT AND OUT CHALLENGE. We challenge any brokerage office In the U. s. to show a record of house sales equal to the following: 5i HOUSES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1. 1019. 1C4 SOLD ONE MONTH. S2 HOMES SOLD IN JULY. 78 THE FIKST 22 DAYS IN AUGUST. BY FRANK L. McGUlKE'S Sales force of 10 experienced real estate salesmen. UNDISPUTED HtCUKD FOR THE U. S. Naturally, we need new listings more homes to sell. We have been established since l&oo. We advertise extensive - r tn touch with the majority or ouyers, have a very efficient selling organisation. The McUutre system gets results. Every house listed is personally inspected, photographed and the photograph of your house la piaced on display In our show room in Its re spective districL If you have a home for sale LIST IT WITH US. We will get quick and satisfactory re sults for you. SEE FRANK L McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton building. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. "LOTS" WANTED UNDER $1000. MUST BE KEAL BARGAINS, WELL LOCATED, SUITABLE FOR MEDIUM PRICED HOMES. NEAR CAR. "BUILDER" WITH SPECIALLY AT TRACTIVE PLAN WILL BUILD AND GIVE SMALL CASH PAYMENTS ON LCT3. BALANCE 2D MORTGAGE OR CASH AND GOOD UTILITY R. R. BONDS F( R LOTS. GIVE LOCATION AND PRICE TO GET ATTENTION, ADDRESS "CONTRACTOR," P. O, BOX 22. PORT LA.N'D. WANT good Oregon farm for gilt-edge pressed brick hotel In fine Oregon town; pay over $o00 per month net; worth $37, 5oo spot cosh. WANT 50 to 80-acre farm In part pay ment for one of very best 17S-acre Yam hill county farms, worth $17,500 spot cash. OTIS C. BECK, 525 Henry Building. CAN" SELL TEN HOUSES, 1SOO TO $2OO0. ON TERMS $250 CASK. BALANCE MONTHLY; OUR CLIENTS WANT SELL WOOD OR ALBERTA DISTRICTS. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO.. 20W-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. SOLD HOUSE, MUST MOVE BY SiPT. 2. WANT 6-room bungalow or house; can pay $600 Cash, which must Include all payment of interest and payments up to July, 1920; after then can pay $30 monthly; pay $2500 to $3500: must be neat and well located. AH 495, Oregonian. H O USES WANTbK Have cash buyers and others wanting to pay $250 to $500 cash and substantial monthly payments for 5 and 6-room houses not too far from car line. See E. M. Brown, with N EI LAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bidg., 5th and Stark Sts. Broadway 2632. WE HAVE been established since 1905. Have operated in hard times as well as good and are thoroughly acquainted with values and have a large chain of acquaintances. List your properties wiht established firms, not with the Jump-in, grab-the profit kind. Ernest Wells Co., Main 6b29, 300 Henry bidg. WE will positively sell your home within 30 days if it iB strictly modern and priced right. We list houses from $3500 to $35,000 only. Irvlngton, Laurelhurst. Roso City Park and West Sido districts preferred. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. S24th st., Board of Trade bidg. Main 4522. WE will positively sell your home within 10 days if It is strctly modern and priced right. We list houses from $3500 to 135,000 oniy. Irvington, Laurelhurst. Rose City Park and West Side districts preferred. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade bidg. Main 4522. TWO-STORY' modern residence, at least 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; not over 16M0U. Any restricted district. Half OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 209 212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. WILL YOU BUILD FOR GOOD TENANT? We have several reliable concerns want ing building, with or without trackage. R1TTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bidg. WANTED To lease a few acres all cleared, but may be part pasture, near car line, in easy reach of Portland : muat have aood house and outbuil dines and plenty of good water; give full particulars. A 532, Oregonian. 5 TO 7-rcom house, Hawthorne district, around $:500: have modern 5-room house, good location, to give as first payment, or will trade Oar for your equity and win assume. Call Monday. Tabor 2782. LIST your east side property for sale with J. J. OKUER. Real Estate and Rentals. ( ; rund ave. at E. Ankeny st. AT CNCE, for cash. In detlrahie part ot Irvington. 6-i'oom bungalow; must be mod ern: prei'er garage. Donald Macleod, 1001 Spalding bidg. Phone Main 341. . w EN EEd'H OUSES HOUSES HOUSES HOUSES. Can sell at once. 209 Alisky bid., 3d and Morrison sis. $500 CASH FOR loO FEET with 6 or 7-room bungalow, any good dis trict. View preferred. .1. C. Corbin Co., 305 Lewis Bidg. Tt- BUY from owner, or rent, a good cot convenient to high school and Pres byterian church. Call Monday morning. Broadway 6S0. . Farma Wanted. m I HAVE a client wanting 80 to 150 acres, all stocked and equipped: muat be on Al good graveled road, must have Al barn and outbuildings, also A I house, not less than 2-3 oi land under plow; good spring or creek; no worthless land or inflated values considered. I have the buyers. If your land meot with these requirements, write me at once. A. G. BENDER, RITTEK, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. FARM WANTED. I have many cash buyers for Improved farms from 20 to U0 acres. If your prices snd farms are right. I can sell them. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bidg., 4th and Stark sts. WE 'HAVE clients with from $3000 to $10, oo0 in cash to buy personal property and lease farms, or ue can lease your farm It you do not wish to sell personal prop erty. DRYER & BLAIR, "The Aereane Men." 50S Lewis Building. FARM wanted 40 to 160 a-to, uood soil, mostly level, part cultivated, with eprings or stream, some timber: builders not necessary; must be within 40 miles Port land, on good auto road: "mall cash pay ment and easy terms. E. C. Huiimau, R. 2, Dallas, Or. WANT a good valley farm, not less than 200 acres; have client with $25,000 and will assume; give complete detail in first letter, as we mean business. DRYER & BLAIR, The Acrease Men." DOS Lewis Building. WE are having calls every day for im proved farms. If you want to sell and your price is right, we can find you a buyer; try us. . STEWART BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank Bidg. WANTED On liberal terms, about 20 acres, improved or unimproved within 20 miles of Portland, near electric car, good roads end school. Must have running water aud some timber. Wenger, 502 Selling bidg. Main 3603. WANTED A partly-cultivated farm, from 20 to 4o acres, within 25 miles of Port- - land, in trade for a fine residence lot r-.iar two carlines and $1600 cash and lib erty bonds. Owners only. O 851, Ore gonian. . HAVE YOU A BARGAIN In acreage or small farm with buildings? If go I have a lot of buyers waiting for it. B. F. KELLY, 715 Swetland Building. IM PROVED farms, with or without equip ment. If priced right, we are pi eased to advertise and show them. John Fer guson. Gerllnger Mdg.. Portland. Oregon. WANT California farm iand, please state your price and location, give particulars in detail in first letter; I want to buy, I am no agent. AV 400, Oregonian. VYK have calls for bargains in farm lands. Owner. Write, telephone or see R. F. Bryan, 5uo Cham, ot Com. FARM wanted of 100 acres, must be reas onable and from owner. Give full par tlpulars in first letter. J 183. Oregonian. FARM wanted of 200 acres, must be a bar gain as I have the cash. I will deal with owners only. J 182,Oreconian. WANTED -40 acres of loggea-off land, creek or spring, reasonable price. ray weii. H h4, Oregonian. Ranted to Rent Farms. I HAVE Just arrived from the east and want to rent a good farm of 100 acree or more. Will pay cash and purchase per sonal property and crops. Owners only. W 639. Oregonian. WANT to rent large farm on shares. Owner to furnish stock and equipment; life expe rience; references given. C. H., 327 17th street North HAVE a cll'nt wno wants to lease a modern dairy; will pay cajh for rftock :nd equip ment. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bidg. FOR RENT FARMS. FAMILY care for farm; rent free io right party. Main 7212 ai lei noons.