8 THE STJXDAY OREGOTAX, PORTLAND, AUGUST 17, 1919. SURF BOARD RIDING NEWEST SPORT AT NORTH BEACH Train Met Daily by Crowd of Cottagers Ready to Welcome Newcomers to Rough and Ready Vacation. SBfeH - ' , 3 " H " " " - - 'UjT . - H m 1 ' NORTH BEACH. Wish- Aub. 16. (Special.) Surf-board rldlnc ' the nueil sport to be developed t North Beach. With a speedy motor boat, a strong plank and a bathing' suit, one has only to learn the art of balance and the sport is frreat fun. A mer holiday. They spent several days at Iyoner Beach and left the latter part of the week via South Bend en route for Seattie. Ralnfcer national park and other interesting places will be visited before they return to their home in Portland. Mrs. Bert Erwln is occupying; her number of young people have tried rid- I cottae near the Breakers. Mr. Erwin ins; on the boards In the bay off II- vaco and claim that It is thrilling; to dash throueh the water on a narrow plank, to see the spray fly high, to f'ei the rush of the water as the board skims the surface. The "whole thins; seems to rest spent the week-end with his wife. At the E. Li. Smith cottage in the Meadows Hal White is a guest. Boating; on China Bay was the pastime of several North Beach young people Monday. A picnic lunch and trip about the bay formed the day's amusement. .The party was composed the start if one makes a good get- Qf Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ward. Mr. and avrar. the rent is apparently simple. Hoidicr the two taut ropes the rider lias only to stand firmly and hope for tl.e best. Wh. n one has ridden many times, all sorts of daring feats are possible, graceful dancing steps are executed with seemlnir ease, and pro' vide the spectators with excitement. The train is met daily by a crowd ef cottagers, clad In rough and ready Odtling clothes, bronzed with the wind end sun. ready to make the newcom ers into goofi vacationists Many are vow arriving for a stay of a few weeks. anxious to get in a holiday at the coast tefure the routine of city life is re sumed. , Mrs. Max Smith. Jr., is at the Mcln torn cottage in the Willows for the rst of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Ladd returned to their home in the city Monday. Will iitm Ladd, who spent the week-end at tlte coast, returned home with them. The Holman cottage In the Willows baa ben opened by the Misses Kate nd Fannie Holman. One rf the Jolly picnic parties to North Head light houe via enjoyed Alcnday by a number of Seavlew vtsl tnr. Those who hiked to the Head w-re Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker. Mrs. T. P. M.ivs. Joseph PoJd. Mrs. Grace Storey and George Storey and Mrs. 11 11 1 11 g. Mrs. Clarence Olmsted returned to her beach cottage Wednesday after week In Portland. Miss Mary Bacon Is her guest. Misses Jean Skene. Flor erce Holman and Elizabeth Baron, who have been giirsts at the Olmsted cot- tare, have gone to Portland. Mrs. U(r,e Conaay and son. George, at.d brother. Frank Bowman, opened their cottage at Newton station Mon day 'ieorsre Conway has recently re turned from trip to Austria and ex tended service in the navy. Mrs. W. S. Poulsen Is occupying her cottage at Tiosa for the balance of the season. Mrs. Ed Jeffery and son came to Tl era Friday tc be at their Ridge cot- tare. Mr ard Mrs. Frank Strauhal have as their guests the latter's brother-ln law and sifter, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. rvitcher of Oresron City. Mrs. John li'ibhard and two sons left the beach Tuesday after a delightful summer at their cottage. Mrs. Hilton. Misses Marguerite McCabe, Anna McCab. Beatrice Coffey. Nancy Fyne, Alice Sorsby, Amy Young and Roger Ward. K. P. Dove. Earl Dove. Harry Gevurtx. Miss Katharine .Daniels is the guest of the Misses Violet and Leona Frag. Mr. and Mrs. James Kadderly are oc cupying an attractive cottage. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kerlee, well- known North Beach residents, have motored to the coast from California. They are accompanied by thir two children. In the Waters cottage, which is hous ing Mrs. J. S. Fyne, Mrs. H. F. Saxton and two children of Portalnd are house guests. Miss Margaret Legg of Salem is spending tte summer with relatives at Seavlew. . Among the summer folk of North Beach are Mrs. Frank Yoe and son. Frank Jr. A fortnight Is being spent at Sea vlew by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace S. Swann. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rathbun are at the Rathbun cottage at beach Center for two weeks' vacation. Preston Prideaux has returned to the city after a week at the coast with Mrs. Prideaux and their two chil dren. Mrs. Fred Drake is summering with Mrs. Prideaux. Fred Jeffers is visiting Mrs. L. A. Harned and son Hal at their Seavlew cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osborn returned to Portland the later part of the week Mr. and Mrs. J. Sheehv of Portland came to the beach for a few days. They have a cottage at Holman station. The Joy cottage is occupied by Margaret Johnson. Leta Williams, Hazel Knight and Edith Williams. Sunset hotel guests are Vera J. Hen dricks, Grace Hendricks, Myrtice Fow ler. Joe Wlskerat. William K. Love. Mr. and Mrs. C H. Allehoff and Irma J. Mc Claran, all of Portland. Mrs. G. R. Lent and son, Marcelle Jackson. Mrs. C. H. Jackson. Mrs. Mc Mann and daughter. Mrs. William Tan- sing, Lloyd Tansing. Helen Krueger. Dr. and Mrs. George F. Koehler and daughter of Portland: Rev. C L. Dark. Woodburn; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dark, Knappton: Mrs. Laura V. Dark, Mrs. Lizzie Morris, Wichita. Kan.; Mrs. J. C. Kennedy, Eva Kennedy. J. A. Clancy Mrs. J. P. Bronaugh arrived at her and family. L. M. Smith and family, Tlita cottage Tuesday to remain until September. Her daughters, Anna May ar.i Margaret, are with her and Ralph Hurges of PenJleton was their guest for a few days. After a sojourn in Portland Miss Henrietta Baum has rejoined her sis ter. Mrs. Jerome Friedman, at her beach cottage anil will spend the rest f the summer there. Jerome Fried' Portland, are among recent arrivals at North Beach. A number of energetic women of the Ladies' Aid society arranged a food sale for last Tuesday for the benefit of the Long Beach restroom. From the sale of pastries, preserves, fresh vege tables, flowers and other articles, a large sum was realised and will be used to carry on the activities of the rest- man spent the week-end with his fam- I room. Those who had charge of the ily and R. Alexander of Pendleton was I sal were Mrs. W. M. Round, Mrs. J. B. also a guest at the cottage over the week-end. Leo Krause of Portland spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and airs. 1 Krause. Hen Greene came to Seavlew to spend he meek end with his family. Wi'.liam Irlsi;oll and Charles Kobinaon were also week-end guegi at the Greene cottage. Mrs. O. N Klocker and daughters. T-ene and Marie, have Joined the throng Pape. Mrs. W. J. Breyman. Mrs. L. C. Davidson, Hilma Jacobsen, Mrs. W. E. Dav. Mrs. August Greenblum. Registered at the Seaview hotel were Mrs. F P. Mays. Joseph Dodd. Mrs. Robert Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. William Crofton and son. H. E. Stemler. Mrs. U E. Gillette. Mrs. H. B. Fern, all of Portland; James O'Rourke. K. O'Rourke, Fulton. 111.: Mr. and Mrs. McCarty, Ridgefield: George Nelson. South Bend R. B. Radrtiffe, Palouse: Mr. and Mrs. esting many. Exciting diversions are the automobile and motorcycle races on the beach at low tide. In the evenings the -cottagers flock to the beach for bonfires or to enjoy the dances, thus rounding out the happy days. Among those who are summering at Ocean Park are: Mr. and Mrs. T. M Hurlburt, Miss Helen Hurlburt. Miss Margaret Hurlburt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burkhart, Portland; Mrs. Fred W. Gar- retson, Tacoma; Miss Sprague, Ruth Balhert, Portland; Myrtle Bumham, Ruby Evans, Ruth Hendricksen, Francis Price, Vancouver. Wash.; Mrs. C. L. Ripplt, W. W. Pillsbury, C. J. Osburn. J. B. C Osburn, J. S. Pickard and fam ily. Carl Bergeman, Portland; X A. Smith, Atherton. England: Mrs. O. O. Haga, Boise, Idaho; Hugh Montgomery. Dorothy Montgomery, J. K. Gill, Adele Dyott, Frances Gill. Portland: Char lotte Newhouse, Marguerite Hill, The Dalles; Clarence N. Ackerson, Margaret Ackerson. J. R. Managhan, Juanita Rushlight; Walter Fimmel, Portland; Mrs. R. L. Johnson, Albany, Ga. ; H. C. Stevens. Topeka. Kan.; Mrs. A. G. Ott, Mrs. Louise Pollock. Portland: Miss Mary E. Seally. San Francisco; Thomas Williams, Touchet; F. W. McCune, Phil Brinkcamp. Umatilla, E. E. Sturdier, Idano; M. E. Gray, Newton Gray, Fred erick Kettenring. Vancouver, Wash.; Clara Olsen. Walter Olsen. Victor Olsen, Mrs. P. Olsen. Raymond Bergeman. Mr. Pol8en. Portland; Mrs. C. A, Fox, Mrs. C. H. Fox, Miss Ruth Van Schoonhoven, Portland: Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Wight, James Spairldlng, M. H. Spauldlng. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Stearn, Mrs. Ethel Janchen. Gertrude Espey, Herbert Oliver, Helen Oliver. Mr.- and Mrs. Foy Flarety, Mrs. F. Bredemier, Mr. and Mrs. T. Thompson. Portland: Walter Shannon. Condon; Wesley Gray. Port land; Mrs. Arthur Seufert. Frances Seufert. Isabelle Seufert, The Dalles; Jay Oliver, Mrs. A. T. Perkins. J. J. Handaaker and family. Joseph C. Roberts, C. M. Peterson, G. W. Hoadley. Edmund Douglas. Bob Douglas, Flor ence Falrfall. Howard D. Schade, J. H. Schmeer, Arthur H. Mack, Mr. and Mrs H. Lewis and family. Mrs. M. Michelson and family. Portland; A. C. Walters, Flora B. Walters. Annabel Walters, Seattle; Martha L. Sugg, Vancouver; Mrs. J. G. Houston, Portland: Helen Voorhea. Herbert McNutt, Mrs. J. E. McNutt, Vancouver. rtr is t?r- I They will probably remain until the first of September. George T. Carlson, well known aa an O. A. C. football star a few years ago, is spending his vacation at Ocean Home Farm. Ambrose Crcnin motored to the beach last week-end to be with his family. who are spending the summer here. i'-lr. and Mrs. Arthur Morris are so journing at Gearhart, where they have a cottage. fjr&tir c?y -&ecJZ? Lr'osTt ttrSJ&jPxo t?-Z &&cSz SEASIDE MECCA FOR CROWDS SEARHART TALKS OF TOCRXET Coming Golf Competitions Interest Summer Visitors. of summer cottagers for the monm oi Kinnar. Boise: Cora Headley. The Aucust and are at .Newions. Dalles: Mabel Salt, Salt Lake City: Mrs. A. Burcham and daughters. Ellxabeth Mason. Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. lie and Ruth, of Portland, accompanied I q ,, s.ttl by their house guests, the Misses Mra a Crohn returned to her home jeanne nooses ana r.iva u.n oi n Seattle after five weeks' stay with Lake City. I tail, are occupying the Cramer cottage at Seaview. Mrs. H. Shea of Portland and daugh ters. Gertrude and Mary, and grand daughter. Thelma Hart, arrived last week and are In Dr. Templeion's cot tage at Newton station. Mrs. Nora McKenna of Portland Is domiciled at Day Dawn cottage. Beach Center, for the month of August. Her son Ross, who lately returned from overseas, is working on the seining grounds at Sand Island and spends the week-ends with his mother. James Manner entertared a number ef re'atives and friends last week end in celebration of his birthday anniver sary. Mrs. Manner received with her huhand. Mrs. Kthel Witmer. Arthur Manner and Jack Kerr spent the week end at the Manner cottage on the bouVvard. Juiiro and Mrs. Tawell visited the Ml 6. Thorsens at their home in Beach enter and returned to the city on Tuesday. Miss Acnes Corcoran, who spent st era I weeks at the coast with her mother Mrs. W. G. Corcoran, has left f.r Portland. She will go on to New York lo continue her work as a gov ernment nurse. Mrs. Ida Lowerson has as her guests Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Durkheimer. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Selling and Leland Lowenson. F. L, Waller spent the week-end with Ms wife and daughter. Miss Vivian Waller. The fami.y returned to Port land Wednesday. Miss Kate Protxman. well-known Portland teacher, is expected down shortly as the guest of Miss Henrietta ratim. - Mr and Mrs. F. W. Harmon have closed their cottage on the boulevard and returned to Portland. the Albee cottage Mr. and Mrs. Frurs Stewart and baby are sojourn ing Mr and Sirs. C. Harding are motor ing through Washington on their sum- her mother. Mrs. L, Gevurtx. at Beach Center. Mrs. Gevurtx Is visiting In Sea side for a few days. Lawrence Dinneen of Portland vis ited relatives here en route to Portland from Camp Lewis. He has Just been released after tVt years In the army, including more than a year overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Cook and two small sons. Roger Irving ana r reaer Ick Alvin Jr., of Portland, are in the Bathelomew cottage at Seaview for the season-. Mrs. T. J. Brandt of Portland Is the house guest of her sister-in-law. Mrs. Fred A- Cook. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wicke of Portland are spending two weeks with their daughter. Mrs. Fred A. Cook, at Seavlew. Shetburne hotel guests are W. Seton Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. James Sheehy. Mrs. K. D. Rood. Joe Howard, Portland: Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Karns. Denver; Mme. Lucie Valair. Grace Coffin Story. Ira K. Botten. F. McKercher. Miss Jean McKercher. Portland. The following people are registered at Welsh's hotel: Miss Margaret Daly. Miss Oertrnde Marpert. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Harding. Mr. and Mrs. P. Sullivan. R. H. Fisher and wife. G. F. Martin, wife and daughter, all of Portland. OCEAN' PARK TEXTS POPULAR GEARHAJIT. Or.. Aug. 16. (Special.) Over the breakfast coffee, afternoon tea or the supper chafing dish, the talk at Gearhart is of the coming golf tournament, to be held August 18 to 23. The event will be the ninth annual one, and eight numbers are arranged for the week. A large number of guests are expected down, several Portlanders who wish to enter having already been over the course in preparation for the event. Motor parties are expected to swell the crowd of spectators, especial ly In the last days of play, Portland and other Oregon country clubs will be represented and the tourn ament comm'ttee includes many promi nent men. Those arranging events are Captain Roscoe Fawcett, Graham Glass, C. H. Davis. Jr.; Henry W. Metzger, W. H. Nash, all of Portland; John H. Drehr. Seattle; L. Kershaw, Tacoma; W. J. Patterson. Aberdeen: C. W. Hol- derman, Astoria: E. W. Kay, Salem; Walter McCormack. Eugene: G. A. Hartman. Pendleton, and R. E. Allen, Walla Walla. Cottagers will take advantage of the events to entertain with house parties. teas and informal suppers. As many of the Gearhart folk will enter the events, a busy week is scheduled. Last minute entries will be very probable, as pott-entries are allowed in ail events. Mrs. James G. Wilson and son. Tom, of Portland, and Harold Peterson and Archibald Hapson are spending the re mainder of the season at Ocean Home farm. In honor of his sixth birthday, Henry Corbett, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett entertained with a party last week. The affair was given at the Elliott Corbett home and a number of wee maids and boys were included. Henry Ladd Corbett motored to the beach for the week-end. His family returned with him to the city. Rodney Glisan of Portland Joined the group of city folk who spent the last week-end at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Yeon were among those who journeyed to the beach for a brief outing Mrs. P. R. Hines returned last Sat urday to her Gearhart cottage. She went to the city to see Mr. Hines off cn his trip to Russia. Dom Zan of Portland was a week end visitor at the sea coast. Miss Margaret Therkelsen was en tertained by Mrs. Mitchell and her daughters, Dorothy and Lillian, who were in the Pfunder cottage. They re turnee to tr.e city on Wednesday. Hunt Lewis and Robert Lewis spent Aside From Sights of "Broadway," Many Features Are Held. SEASIDE, Or., Aug. 16. (Special.) After the traveler has unpacked his suitcase he Just naturally drifts out onto Broadway to sort of get his bear ings and to begin to "belong" to the town. Broadway, the main avenue, lined with shops, witf all parking spaces taken Dy motors irom many towns and states, with sidewalks filled with gaily sweatered crowds, is an ex cellent introduction to the popular re sort. After one has walked the length of the street, stopping to talk with friends from home, locating the movies, the dance hall and amusement places, one feels rather acclimated. The next thing on the programme Is generally a swim or dip in the surf if the tide is right. Then there are more walks, up the board walk, through the grove, in and out of the hotels, down Broadway again. This week there were other interests of which a ball game on the diamond by the river proved a drawing card for many. The diamond is surrounded by a sloping terrace which provides plenty of seating space for spectators and a game never fails to bring a represent ative crowd. Others witnessed a log rolling contest in the river, where men danced. Jumped and played the acrobat on logs with apparent ease. Several large bonfires were made and brightened the beach in the evening. making oases of warm bright light on the long stretch of gray sand. Bowling is interesting a goodly fol lowing each night both men and women being anxious to show their skill. Many summer folk go to the sands with Indian blankets, pillows, a sun shade, books and magazines, there to spend the entire afternoon. On a warm afternoon the beach is very interesting in its adornment of vivid Indian robes. brilliant sweaters, gay bathing suits and dainty summer frocks. Miss Lucile Shepard has as her guests Miss Leura Jerard of Pendleton and Miss May NelL Mr. and Mrs. Will lam Shepard are at their cottage for the remainder of the season. A group of young people spent a jolly evening recently on the beach be fore a big bonfire. Those present were Jane Fleckenstein. Betty Brink, Dor othy Dunne, Rudolph Palitszch, Curtis Dyer and Carl Mett. Mrs. W. F. Graham and daughter Dorothy are at the beach for the sea son. Donald Graham spent the week end with his mother and sister. A cottage at Seaside is sheltering Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCrillis and son. R. J. Powers has a cottage at the beach for the rest of the season. Charles Schnabel of Portland is visit ing relatives at the beach. Fred Jacobs spent the week end at Seaside. He has now gone to Berkeley to continue his work at the University of California. At the Carter cottage Mrs. Julius g Many Visitors Enjoy Bathing and Other Diversions Offered. OCEAN PARK. Wash.. Aug. 16. (Spe cial.) One of the busiest seasons has been in swing at Ocean Park this sum mer, with a variety of amusements for the many visitors. Houses and tents are filled with pleasure seekers, and hotels and restaurants are busy caring for crowds of townsfolk. Bathing has been very popular. clamming and crabbing ax also lnter- a few days at the Talbot cottage and then went to Cannon Beach to visit. Among those who are enjoying a beach summer are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schneider, who are in their cottage. Miss Edna Schneider and Airs. A. Kib- bey are with them. Mrs. Walter Cook entertained Infor mally at her summer home, her guests including Gearhart and Seaside folk. Dr. A. C. Smith came to the beach last week-end for a short outing. Mr and Mrs. William M. Ladd were among the arrivals at the beach last w.k. David Honeyman was among the Portland men who motored to the beach for the week-end. His family have been here all summer. Dr. George Marshall spent the week end with his family at Gearhart. Mrs. Alex C. Rae and daughter, Janet, are summering at Ocean Home Farm. Mr. Rae joined them last week-end. Louisson is entertaining Ann M. Lan of The Dalles and Mrs. Edmond C. Giltner. r Mr. and Mrs. James R. McCraken are at the beach. Visitors at the seashore include Mrs. S. T. Smith, Mrs. N. E. Ayer and Miss Laura Smith, who registered at the Hotel Seaside. After a few weeks at the coast with friends, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Merrill have gone to Los Angeles. Later they will go to New York for the winter. Tom Gorman was numbered among the week end visitors at Seaside. From Walla Walla Mrs. Oscar In gram and daughter have come to spend fortnight A month's stay at the beach is being enjoyed by Mrs. J. D. Walter and Ern estine, Helen Lelia and Camilla Walter. Miss Elizabeth Strowbrldge and Miss Elizabeth McGowan are house guests of Miss Margaret Peterson. Harold Brown of Canyon City was in Seaside for the week end. In the Hawkins cottage are Mrs. John Koezel and little son Jack and Misses Margaret. Helen and Harriet Hawkins. Judge Gantenbein came down for a few days' stay with his family at their cottage on the board walk. John Woods spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. John Woods, who has a cottage on the board walk. Miss Isabelle Steel and Miss Irene Steele visited for a few days in Sea side, returning to the city on Tuesday. At her summer home, Mrs. W. P. Crawford entertained Mrs. Minnie Eddy of v ancosiver. Wash. Miss Lucile McCorkle Is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Tracey Moore for a week. Mrs. C. M. Brink and children, Betty, Holden and Junior, have returned home after a lengthy stay at the coast. After two weeks at the beach Mrs. B. B. Fleckenstein and Miss Jane have gone to Portland. Mies Virginia McDonough was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Latouratte over the week end. Mrs. Charles Dunham entertained Miss Margaret Scbacht for a few days. Miss Schacht later went to the family cottage at Seaview for the rest of the season. Otto Winfelder is at the beach for his vacation. Mrs. Winfelder is sum mering here. The Breakwater association of Sea side is busy with a big programme of improvements and co-operative meas ures. At a recent meeting a purse was made up to be presented to the labor organizations of Astoria. The funds will be used for the Labor day cele bration to be held in Seaside by Astoria councils. Of interest to autor.-bilists will be the new Roosevelt drive, a 50-foot pave ment to be built from Wahanna bridge to the Spokane, Portland & Seattle de pot, parallel to the railroad track. There is also extensive work being done in the new sewer system of the town. Road contracts for improvement in the beach city are soon to ie let, thereby in creasing the area of good roads. Mrs. Harvey Scott and Leslie Scott enjoyed a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott at their summer cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Ervin entertained Charles Boise of Portland at a dinner party at the Hotel Seaside last Sunday. Mrs. Allan Welch Smith entertained informally at tea recently. Miss Audrey Gose has returned to her home In Walla Walla. Mrs. C. C. Gose and Miss Dorothy will remain for about two weeks longer. Prominent St. Louis folk who spent a few days at the Hotel Seaside were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lazarus. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Warner and chil dren are enjoying the month of August at the seacoast. Miss Thelma Campbell has as her guest Mrs. McMillan. Week-end visitors at the beach were Stanley Boquist and Elmer Hansen. Garnet Green of Portland enjoyed a week-end stay at Seaside. Mrs. I. Reuhen and daughter, Mrs. 1 S. Weil of Hillsboro, are at the beach for ten days. Ralph Reubln, of the Morning Astorlan. Joined his mother and sister over the week end. Miss Esther Merrill is the guest of Mrs. Weil. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Groo and daughter,- Julia, came to - Seaside for the week end. Mrs. R. T. Lyng and Dr. Ruth Hed- ley, who are summering at Cannon Beach, motored to Seaside for a week end visit. One cf the largest affairs of the week was Mrs. John Ray's bridge-tea. Sixteen matrons and maids shared in the delightful affair. Mrs. Ray is from Astoria. A series of three luncheons was ' given by Mrs. Lloyd Frank, who is so journing at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Baum and daughter spent a week at LocksJey hall. Miss Bessie Walch is visiting her aunt, Mrs. I. J. Waite. at her cottage, "Ozora." Mrs. I. Tauscher and Mrs. G. Jackson are also guests at the "Ozora" for a week. The entire party will go to Cannon Beach later. Miss Hazel Shattuck was the guest of Miss Viola Crawford for several days. Mrs. W. P. Crawford has re turned from a short stay in Portland. A fortnight at the beach is being enjoyed by Miss Imogene Letcher, who is the guest of Miss Atha Rogers. An outing is being spent at the beach by Mrs. Lester Richmond, who Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hanger. Mr. Richmond drove to the coast to join his family for a two weeks' stay. Among the cottagers at Seaside are Mrs. A. G. Cornwell and daughter. Mrs. Carl Genzel and baby and Miss Hazel Genzel. Mr. Cornwell and Mr. Genzel made the trip by automobile for the week end. Mrs. William Ebrman was hostess for an enjoyable affair Saturday at which many summer people from Sea side and Gearhart were present. The Marshland family is enjoying tent life at the beach. The party in cludes Electa, Maude and Mabel Col-vin. W. S. Trimble of Wenatchee is tent ing at Seaside for a short time. At the Ocean Wave cottage Eliza beth Turner of Tacoma is summering. Colonel David Dunne spent the week end with his family at their cottage. Mrs. A. C. Panton had as her guests this week end Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Da zell, who motored to the coast Miss Elizabeth Kirby spent a week at the Panton cottage. Mrs. Carl Leischner and Miss Lillian Hlrschman of Vancouver, Wash., were in beaside lor a week. After a summer at- the coast, Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson returned by au tomobile this week to their ranch home near Pendleton. Lloyd Dubois was at the beach for the week end with his family. The month is being spent at Seaside In a cottage by Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bracher. Among cottagers here are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warrack of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Capell and fam ily 8re at Hermosa Park. Mrs. F. H. Adams and children are enjoying the season here. Miss Alta Merriss has the Seafoam. a First-avenue cottage. Mrs. Golda Rae of Eugene was en tertained by Mrs. H. S. Haynes at her home In Seaside. Miss Margaret Garrison and Miss Mildred Garrison are spending the sum mer with their mother. A cottage is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Vorux and daughter of Ba ker. Miss Edna Harbaugh is spending three weeks in a beach cottage and is enter taining a number of friends. The Wells cottage is housing Mrs William Heusner for the month. Judge G. W. Phelps and family of Pendleton are at a Seaside cottage. William Peterson and family, who have been at Hermosa park, have re turned to their home In the city. At Necanicura Inn are registered: Mr. and Mrs, Ray L. Smyser, Mr. and Mis. J. P. Byrne and family. Portland; Mrs. Charles H. Smyser, Tacoma; C Oliver. Mrs. Fred L. George, Marian George, Lucile George. Echo; Mrs. A. Kern, Albert A. Kern, Karl Kern at the beach for a few weeks are Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoberg, P. D. Zeller, Mrs. E. P. Slovarp. Mrs. C. L. Mecham and Mrs. V. G. Chessman. A tent Is occupied by Mrs. J. H. Hunt, Bertha Hunt and Mrs. Martha Hunt. At Pacific View hotel the following are registered: E. Pi Bristow and family, Mrs. Kate Doughty, Eleanor Doughty, Helen Doughty, Mary Doxey. Mrs. W. A. Pettit, Portland: Sadie Smith, Spokane; Mrs. Percy Mobberly, Boise, Idaho. Mrs. C. M. Hall of Portland came to Seaside for a week-end stay, James O'Donnell of Portland is at the beach for a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. Max Fleischner have returned to their cottage. Ala-Bama, after a short stay in Portland. Hotel Seaside guests are: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hudson, Delvine Miller, Al bany; Margaret Murray, Seattle; Mrs. N. C. Mears, White Salmon; Mrs. G. H. Uhler, Katherine Mulvane, Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Eaton, Salt Lake City; Mrs J. N. Burgess, Madeline Burgess, Thelma Thompson, Pendleton; Ralph Burgess, Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Turney, Lethbridge, Alta.; Mary Mills, Russell, Kan.; L. E. O'Neill, Lewiston; Zoe Stockton, Salem; from Portland, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Wendell. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Flagg, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Helfrich. H. T. Willis, H. Barde, Maggie Crichton, Emily Sanders, Olive Towle, H. I. Idle man, S. J. Levitt, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hickey, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Felton, Mr. and Mrs. G O. Madison. Fred H. Tarbell, J. G. Fleishman, H. Webber, Mrs. H. R. Johnson, Rhea Leisses, J. C. Pilkington, H. C. Stevens, W. S. Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt, Joe Evans, J. A. Crowe. Thelma Hammerly, Laura Thompson, Eric V. Hauser Jr. ' Miss Dorothea Koerber, Miss Edna Mibnos and Miss Ruth Carlson are spending a fortnight at the beaches. They were in Long Beach for a few days, later visited Seaside, and are now at Cannon Beach. Miss Helen Goldman is the guest of Miss Belle Simon at Seaside. A week end at the Sandon cottage was enjoyed by Miss Myrtle Jacobson of Portland. Miss Grace Goodall is spending a i holiday at the beach. Mrs. Albert N-3lson of San Francisco has come to Seaside to be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Jackson, for the summer. J. H. Priest has returned from an in teresting motor trip through Califor nia. His family remained in the south. Among the prominent Portlanders in Seaside recently was Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sprague have as their guest Mrs. Frank Brandts of Portland. Mrs. Phil Metschan Jr. and daugh ters, Dorothy and Phyllis Jane, re turned to Portland after a week's stay in Seaside. Miss Dorothy will leave shortly for Oakland, Cal., to enter Mills college. daughter Jane of Seattle and Mrs. T. S. Luke are guests in one of Mrs. Max Smith's flats. Miss Marguerite Bush and Miss Helen Armstrong of Boise, Idaho, are among the recent arrivals at Ecola, Inn. v Misses Bernice and Eva Zimmerman of Portland are late guests at Ecola inn. Mrs. E. S. Sensenig and daughters, Misses Myrtle and Kathryn, were honor guests at a farewell party at the Gray Den recently. Miss Helen Armstrong and Miss Marguerite Bush of Boise, Idaho; Mrs. Preston Barton and daugh ters, Misses Amy and Mildred Barton; Miss Alice White of Portland. Mrs. J. H. Dakin and daughter. Miss Ruth, Miss Helen Huntly. Mrs. W. A. Gradon and daughter. Miss Florence, and Irs. H. A. Cornell participated in the pleasures of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Dodson and two children. Mrs. Mollie Noble. Jack Tug gle,.Mrs. G. H. Reed and Virginia Reed are at the Jones cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Tomlinson, Misses Erma and Gene Tomlinson, Miss Monta Maegly, Mrs. F. H. Lewis and familv are guests at Ecola inn. A. C. Funk of Pendleton passed two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wheeler at Thistle Down. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Rugg and fam ily of Pendleton are with Mr. Rugg'i father and mother In the Shaffer cot tage. Mr. A. H. Rugg celebrated his 83d birthday here recently. Mrs. N. Berkley, daughter Mildred and son Norman, are visitors here. Mrs. Berkley, and family are from Pen dleton. Mrs. T. C. Hallingshead and son Rob ert of Boise, Idaho, have returned horns after a month's visit here. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Benson, Mrs. A. R. Benson and son Guy passed Sunday with friends in Elk Creek park. Mrs. E. L. Pennock and daughter Dorothy are visiting A. H. Rugg of Pendleton. TWIXS VISIT CANNON' BEACH Children of Six Families Summer Resort. Are at Georgia English, Thomas Patterson, Mrs. T. J. Stuert, Fern T. James. Port land: Ada Decker, Lillian B. Hartshorn, Pendleton; Mrs. J. R. Humphreys, Genevieve Apgar, Marguerite Apgar, nny B. Baumhoff, St. Louis, Mo.; Ed ward Humphreys, Oregon City. Portlanders who are occupying tents ECOLA, Cannon Beach, Or., Aug. 16. (Special.) Among the many visitors at Cannon Beach during the early part of August were six pairs of twins. John and Florence Grimes, aged 14, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Grimes of Portland. Theodore and Edward Nickelsen, age 4, sons of Mr. and Mrs. John Nickelsen of Hood River. Robert and Ruth Sterling, aged 6. son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sterling of Gresham, Or. Alma and Alia Wheelhouse, daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. Wheelhouse of Arlington, Or. Richard Hutton and Gordon West Olcott, aged 4 years, sons of Governor and Mrs. Ben W. Olcott of Salem. Walter and Louis Bollam, aged 14, sons of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bollam of Portland. Judge R. S. Bean and family of Port land are occupying the Cornell home for August. Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Bean will return to Portland Sunday after two weeks visit here.- Mr. and Mrs. William Koehler are passing two weeks under the pines at their summer home, Sal-al-ko. Mrs. T. G. Frohn and little daughter Alberta of Hood River are guests of Mrs. J. N. Nickelsen for an indefinite time. Dr. C. H. Jenkins and family of Hood River are at "Green Barriers" for the remainder of August. C. N. Barton and wife. Miss Isabel Barton and Eleanor Rose Barton of BoiBe, Idaho, were guests at Cannon Beach the past week. Mrs. James A loung and children of Caldwell, Idaho, are recent arrivals here. Russel T. Foster, Mrs. W. T. Foster, with Faith and Barnie Foster of Reed college, are guests at Elk creek. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Anderson or soise, Idaho, spent the past week at Cannon Mrs. W. Sinnott and Billy Sinnott of Portland, Mrs. D. H. Detchon and Eileen Detchon of St. Paul, Minn., are also guests. L. B. Guptill and family of Portland are occupying one of the Shaffer cot tages for the remainder of August. Mrs. DeWitt Peake and Mrs. Nettie Meyer are located north of Elk creek for an indefinite stay. Dr. H. F. Shannon and family of Tygh valley and Mrs. Kate Mackay of Port land are housed comfortably in one of Mrs. Chapman's camps. Z. T. Banks of Portland is the guest of W. W. Banks' family at the "Bobolink." Mrs. Preston Barton and daughters, Misses Amy and Mildred Barton, of Portland are domiciled in one of Mrs. Dakin's bungalows. Miss Alice White is the houseguest of Miss Ruth Dakin. Dr. and Mrs. L. T. Nelson and daugh ter Ruth are visitors in Elk Creek park. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Byers and little MANHATTAN ENJOYS BONFIRE More Than One Hundred Visitors Enjoy Occasion; Town Captured. MANHATTAN, Or., Aug. 16. (Spe cial.) A successful community bonfire was held Saturday evening on the beach, where more than 100 Manhattan visitors enjoyed 1 various stunts and games. The latter part of the evening was devotea to a community sing, led by Professor J. D. McCall of Portland. A very young spotted fawn was cap tured Monday b" Mrs. L. G. Boyd of Portland in the woods back of Moroney town. Mrs. Boyd's dog discovered the deer and, making no effort to harm It, merely prevented its escape until It could be picked up. The fawn dines on milk from a teaspoon and is the pet of the beach. Two delightful social affairs were given last week by Mrs. E. Elder In honor of her guests at the Hotel Man hattan, a beach picnic at the Nehalem river jetty Tuesday, where bathing and fishing were the amusements most en joyed, and a pleasant evening at dan cing in the hotel parlor. A wild-blackberrylng excursion to the burns in the vicinity of Rector last week proved a charming and success ful outing. The party was composed of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Shearer, Mrs. Sappington and the Misses Doris Hus ton. Veda Sappington and Daisy Black burn. In a few hours one morning last week Frank Cole caught 46 large crabs ni the holes around the Nehalem river Jetty. A farewell bonfire party was given last Wednesday evening in honor of Charles Howard of Portland. Those present were Mrs. L. G. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Roberts, the Misses Burdette Angell, Margaret and Frances Walker. Kathryn and Doris Huston, Charles Howard, Kenneth Withers, Earl and Durward Boyd and Walter Roberts. A unique bathing hour was estab lished Thursday night when Mrs. J. S. Harriman and the Misses Sagorsky, Margaret Wills and Josephine Wallace, all of Portland, enjoyed a midnight dip in the surf. After they had had their fill of the exhilarating sport the party spent a pleasant hour around an aban doned bonfire. Portland people who are spending their vacation at Cole's Camp We-Li-Kit are Mrs. Lester L. Martin and son Donald and the Misses Huene Beattie and Bernadine Martin. Registered i.i the H-tcl Crescent dur ing the last week are the following Portlanders: David Carlson, Harlan M. Branson, A. P. Branson, Mrs. Percy Plo, Mrs. R. L. McKennett, Robert C. Mc Kennett and the Misses Minnie Graber and Kathryn M. Younger. Located at Merry Makers' cottage for the remainder of the season are Mrs. Marie Roberts and son Walter and Mr. and Mrs. Griffith Roberts of Portland. Beehive cottage is occupied for the coming fortnight by Miss Florence S. Warren, Mrs. E. W. Wallace and Leon ard O. Warren of Portland. , During the remainder of August Kill Kare cottage will shelter Mr. and Mrs. Jasper D. McFall of Portland. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Leitner at their cottage, Dolce Far Niente, are their daughter, Miss Emma Leitner, and Dr. Smith of Portland. Mrs. Minnie Rademacher and Mrs. Ivan Van Dusen and daughter Jean of Portland are having a pleasant outing at Camp Ruff It. The Demming cottage shelters Mrs. V. L. Venable and Miss M. Stevens of Portland. Mrs. R. L. Walker of Portland is domiciled In Reifschneider cottage no' til Labor day. Mr. and Mrs. John Washtok and Mrs. Langton of Portland are located for the rest of the season at Sea Shell cot tage. Mrs. J. G. Burness of Portland is the guest of the E. C. and E. R. Allman families at Belle View cottage. At Camp Takitezy are Mrs. M. Schmorl and daughter Dorothy of Port land. At Vista cottage as guests of Mrs. R.