THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 17, 1919. 9 K.L ESTATE. for Sale Hou BIGHT In the center of the city on the aids on K. Jidia St.. sol any lunnt-r vu tqaa lata; her is modern, up-to-aa -room bauM. very muusi anliar.y wlia every convenience tnat w desi Jc baa & tire place and a fu.i cement ua' menu witn m best furnace ana ii om fixtures and equipment indents hous of hish oruer: tuere i a mil lot wun assorted ariety ot (ruit in full bearin tart j a line garage. This la a beauti borne and i-u ciu buy It ail for oovU, atHJUt Dal" CuMTl. M. J. Ci-Uiit-aoV. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $18 for a rood ft-room hou with acre of land. The houe Is cated cioae in. ha all of the city con -. wun toe one assortment Irum t.O in cks.1 will handle it. J. CLuHEiiSY, ABLNoiU.N BLDG. Only 1 10OO for a good 6-room house 100 feet irora the canine on h.. U.iwn there are 3 lots, wnicn so Uh tie house auwut 9 in asa. A4. J. CLUHEi, ABINGTO.V BLDG. corner lot with a store building 2E. Glisan at.: there are 5 room over t star. This Is in a verv desirable lot Uon for a drug store or any tner kin a buir.u ind th owner t: a.n live on Ih prtm.s. The price la only $Juo; haif cash will handle It. U. J. CLuiiEdbY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $2000 for a practically new room house. Inside location on 1-th s streets paved, cement sidewalks. 3 bloc frm thr Irvin car. ciose to eVf convenience. Here ts a modern home ma no contractor or ca;pntt:r can repiace l day for a less price than $4200. litre a full lot whuh Koes with It. that, wl the improvements in and paid for. as they are. cannot be bougnt tor less man - Ail right, this p.c Is cheap at $i2ou. It was taken In on a debt. No more su inna: h.)U could be built tnan th Take it all with a perfect utie for $29uu. $5v0 cash will baad.e it. AL J. CLOHESSi'. ABINGTON BLDG. Ontw ?aso for a rood, brand-new bun r&iow located practically in the center f th city, verlooKing me nver. nan Kinric f.-nm th Lariine. This bungalo t. mlm nrl tin to date and If you bu It you can move Into it right away; $0uo In cjh is all you need. it. J. CLOHESaY. ABIXGTON BLDG. nnt .!15rt for a brand-new 5-room bun era low. This bungalow is also located In n renter of the citv. on the west Sid with beautiful surroundings; close to th Ajpiina mH rinM to th river: bai a IU cement basement and fireplace. You can move into this right away. $5uo cash. wit mjV montnly pa v men is win nu-i i n' M. J. CLOHESal. AiUNvilON BLDU, u r. c r riTV PARK- HOME. Lovely eutrance hail with French doors tntA iivinr room, which has grand fire- niai-o- dtninar room with magnificent built In buffet: in both these rooms there are large p.ate-glasa windows, rooms finishec in ir ivurv. mahozany trimmed; 2 cheer ful. liaht bedrooms; the bath and totle room have many extra built-ms; ru Iutch kitchen; down, 1 large bedronm n ir nr!A-ii!iiiiDin2 norch: the ha living and dining an 2 down bedroom; have oak polished floors; full cement base merit; hot-air lurnace; .h-ih'i cm o-t. . - n.vH all Paid: Ju a a rand new home. - blocks from Sandy -r and below hill, close to school and moat delightful district and simpty an ex Quiaita home: JW"1'. " ca.'ii. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 13 Cornell Bldg. Main 69l., A 2315 $0600 ARTIS TIG LAl'RELHURST i4i-i:Ai.iv. ic--r &-roo.n very dwtinrtive. attractive . 4,, l.t-ia- runinleted. Pur -h-k-r can i-Ict Interior colora 1-arge ti..,- mrh article ftrfoia-'e: Kre doora lcd into a very attractive din-nt K.h hnitt-ln buff.-t: hardwood furors: very convenient Iutch kltrhn with bre-ikfast alcove: Uirht. airy iwuroonm . k.. n.rvi.l hliiniMnir. floored at tic good cement baw lunt. furn.-e and laundry trays; rarae: all Mreet l'ens paid in fu'I; no mortiatfe to aasuiue. ca ax range trtns. bhb I KA.VK L. McGt'lRE, t .-. Unv Vri r Home. AMnffton hide. . Main 106S Of rice Open EvenlngsanctSundaya ALAMEDA BUNGALOW GAKAGE. 5 rooms and breakfast alcove, hardwood rvrs. fireplace, furnace, buffet, book m beautiful living room eTtenis front of house. French doors opn Into dining room, a lare. airy bedrooms ih rt n.m r inset room, a mmlel tat a room with built-in linen closet and seats . . t,t.K.n mnA hru f . at alcove are a I .nt enn.A rilre: the rooms are f lnishe-i iw whir throus-hout: there Is a f.o,red mifir.BtTh for 1 or a rooms: Z" lot with good carafe and cement drive- may, f'rl.-e .--l'io; t.-rm. r-t rviM i. V TV- HF VI )HEl.SOV CO.. ?- Rii'vir Exrh. F!'ig. Main 6TS2. BoSK CITY SACRIFICE. Tin,- nnER IS ( HAZY for seUmg this at this prue, but hts loss Is your gain. This is one of the Try bnt buvs that has been offered in that distrit-t this year; "-rm buniialow with abslutely every modern convnienr. white enamel throughout, hot water heat, f tne garage with solid cement runwav. This Is an honest buiit home, and a real -r: '!- Well worth $'."mi. but will set at iiO0. If vou want something extra .d. and In the very beM pari of this Fine district. let us 5h'w ou thi.. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO t OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. ROPB CITT BrVGALOW. S.V.hO. gtrictly modern 5-room bungalow, Tjardwood floors, cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, fire k.teh cnett. garase-. paed streets, large lot .Oxl. f-et. with berries and garden; immediate possession; pri'-e S U'Hrt. Ralph Ackley Luind Co.. .".J" Corbett bide., to s-e this plate., bun tay phone Tabor 604. AiMQ ROS E CITY DISTRICT .V.AO. On a full corner lot on E. 4."th street la a 7-room mod-rn bungalow-type home; living room with fireplace, music room, paneled dining room with built-in buffet. bardwooU floors, full cement basement. lurnat-e. 4 bedrooms, pavcu STre-!. i.eiis all paid: terms. We havw over fr'rt pho torraohs in our office of homs for sale. Tea experienced wlesmen with auto at Sour service. r. t. FRANK L. McH n RE, To Buy Your Home. Abtnctoo bid,;. Main 106S. Office Open Evnlnrs and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK BP NO A LOW. Just a lovely 5-room bungalow on rOx 10 comer lot. facing east, a blocks north f Sandy car. be!ow hill; larg rooms, full cement basement, hot air furnace, has grand fireplace, built-in buffet, nice ber ries, fruit and nut trees, lovely flowers and rosea, paved street all paid. Just a lovely horn at JVkVO; Jit rah. THE LAWRENCE CO.. OS Corb-tt bldg. Main fi!LV A IIS. j4.-0f 6 LARGE ROOMS Tke a look at N. E. cor. E. a 4th and Davn. If you like it. ca'l us up. It has a good flreplar-f . fur., full basement, ce ment floor, hard surface, stwers all in and pa d. living room J.xTi, co ed ceil ings: other rooms large and airy; a sub aiant'a' home: owner lives In t'.in.i la. CLEVELAND A HENDERSON Co.. r r.tilwjy Exch. Bids. Main ''T2. ATTRACTTVE J'lKI'MOXT HOME. T rooms and sleeping porch. molern to the minute, full lot. attractive yard, pa rage and a-ley in rear, paved at. and paid. V'ATH OCR ADS. WE OKT RESULTS. C A. WAF.KINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. oi-:i-5-7 Hoard of Trade H;:n1g. fOVKTHIN'l NEW. LISTING NO. rtul. Thta ! a dandy 7-room hou with a f'ne s.eep:ng porch, furnace, fir.'pl.ire. etc. W ould toft at least "J".o T Itl'M.D to dw. but fr quick action flT.'.o ar.d east terms will take It. Call us up and let us now you t his. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 59 ( xk Hroa1w ay 4 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. We have to ofrer 3 large fine residence proirties close to the Hawthorne line, ail In best of con-iitior, 1 1 roonis. 1 rooms and I 7 room, witn sleeping porch-. h1. wd floors,, and all full 60tl"Xi )ts and fine cement basement : prite IiioOO to f:., ea.-y t-rm at per cent. MITCHELL RTFFET. 3a-a,. Henry UNig. ! EMS.. lilO LOT. $l-'in Built fr a home. firp!aoe. buffet, but ler s pntry. Y'utch kitchen. 4 extra lrg b-lrioms. large ct'X-ois. Hrge b.ith. 2 tc-ilets, full b iie.nent. furnace, laundry era j. fine lawn and frutt trees. located in Jor.esmore. 1 blk. ilian st. car. MaL arintmnt to see tn.s Monday. CKi). T. MO."RR CO. l'7 Yeon PHr. RIGHT ON HAWTHORNE AVENTE. Candy eight-room house, full cemnt basement, and other mo.!rn features. This houe could not be duplicated today for .MhV and the lot la worth 2?6d. elX'O will oand. ERNEST WELL? CO.. SAO Henry Hide Mam fi$2V Evenings and Sundays Tabor 5Ai ;i0 Bl'TS dandy 5 -room bungalow, con venient to 3 car lines and Jefferscn huh. 242 Plandena ave. : look it over, then see us. Ca.l Monday, not open Sunday. J A. WICK MAN CO.. M Ry. Exch. Pidg. Mafn 194. f v) W HO D L A W N 1 22 0. $250 down. I -' month. 5-rtho-n modern bucgalow. Dut. h kitchen, buf't. book Mjwt, full basemen, 0xloo lot; a bar- A1IH- AKERSON. 420 HENRY BLDG. f -ROOM real de nee with 4 bedroom, on Carl ton ave., near 1 St h st ; price $2 . feODDARD A WILDR1CK, 2U Stark St. REAL KSTATK. "rr tal -Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. Never offered before. Beautiful eight room bungalow-style house, with all mod ern conveniences. This home is east fc Ing and b!w the hill. Price for quick action. S4S..O; iih-iO casb win nanuie. An eleTant east-facing corner, with strictly mod'-rn six -room bungalo w-styl house, with all the latest conveniences, beautiful lawn and back yard. Price. eluding ail. street assessments paid, ISSiU 1.-.mj w l handle. Rose City i'ark'a mot beautiful bunra low. Nine rooms, strictly modern to the dot : beautiful grounds. 15lxlou; wondei fully landscaped, having lake, rountal fails and other effective features. Large garage and living-rooms above, .Price J7U; f.loiMi cash w-ill handle. ERNEST WELLS CO., 300 Henry Bldg. Main M29. Evenings and Sundays Tabor 5t0tt. - -LAL'RELHURST HOME. ' An extremely large and attractive liv ing-room tn old ivory, line 1 1 repiace, Frnch doors leading out on porch; also aoor into uen: lovely dining-room in mi ural finish; buffet: Dutch kitchen, wit air and coil cooler: beautiful entrance nal with hall leading to den: 3 most cheerful large t-iroonia and sleeping porch, bat and toilet up; lower floors are polishei oak, upper maple; toilet on lower; full cement basement; hot-air furnace; 50x100 corner lot and fine garage. This waa built for a home and surely Is one. punt in i:ui and in good repair. This home would cost to replace today $10,000, and it is a sacrifice at V75UU, one-half caub. Do not fail to see this. THE LAWRENCE CO., 2Q5 Corbett bldg. Main t915, A 2R15. aS00 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BAR GAIN. On E. 37th street. In the Hawthorne District, on a pjaved street, with all liens paia. is a 5-room verv attractive buntra h-w; large front porch extending across .no iuii wiutn ot nouse. covered witn Vines; living room witn lireplace; paneled dining room with piste-rail and beamed cei.ini?; uutcn Kitcnen; good oasement launury trays, white enamel plumbing - light, airy bedrooms. Can arrange lern-s. FRANK L. McGTJIRE, To Buy Your Home. AMnrton bldg. Main 1068. urrice open Evenings and Sundays. A DELIGHTFUL HOME EN LAURELHURST. An unusual opportunity to acauire residence of unusual charm and elegance no detail was overlooked that would add to the grace and comfort of a real home large living room, dining room, bedroom, breakfast room, Dutch kitchen and bath with shower on first floor, two bedrooms, large sleeping porch, artistic ballroom with fireplace, bath on second floor; full cement basement, hot-water heat, garage the very best of construction throughout priced low at i.hhi, terms lr desired. MacINNKS & PRATT, Main 41.; Board of Trade Bldg. 1 BLOCK TO HAWTHORNE CAR, fi-room modern house, on beau tiful large lot, loOxluu, with maple hade trees. 0 bearing cherry trees, apples, peaches and berries. This Is a good-looking house with large, airy room front and rear porches extending full width of house, ce . mnt basement, near Franklin high school; price only K'fir.O. S120U cash. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 5J7 Corbett bids. To see this place bunday call Tabor tu4. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. A REAL HOME. Hardwood floors throughout, large liv ing room, 1 1 replaces, dun,, pass pantry, kltchen and dining room on first floor. 4 bedrooms, fine sleeping porch, double garage, etc.; nouse newiy painted; tnts nome is worth at least Jlu.uou but will be sold If taken at once for S$.00: if you want a fine home at a real bargain p rice i e su re to see l n l s. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3110 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. ROSE CITY HOME. This is one of the most beautiful homes In Rose City Park, on 5xlui lot, with large garage, paved streets alt paid, 2 blocks from Sandy, below hill ; large liv ing, fireplace, bookcases, dining, neat buf- oaK pr.u-.ned rioor. Dutch kitchen. 1 -nt and back stnirs, largo bedroom with fireplace, 2 medium bedrooms, bath and loiiet. A real home, in a lovely district aim splendid value: x.mhh); silioo cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., 203 Corbett bldg. Alain 0D15. A 2815. THE MoGCIEE SYSTEM ffr.kes home-buying easy. You can come to tnis otlico and s-e over Him photo graphs of honi's for sale, arranged In dis trifts: every one has been appraised ; 10 automobile; at your service; some wonder ful bargains. That is why we sold over aov nomes in .May. SKK FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. AMngton bhltf. Main 1068. Oirue Open Evenings and Sundays. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. Il7l HAIGHT AVKNT H. i!l'X(JAL(iV FIVE ROOMS. tTRN.ftlE. RATH. GAS, ELECTRIC LIGHTS. FILL-SIZE CONCRETE B XSEMENT, lo4.., TEIt.MS. OREGON POND & MORTGAGE CO.. O'J-- 2 SELLING R LLM M A I N 1 H00. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. $3000 BUYS 5-room modern home, full ce ment basement, furnace, wash trays; rooms all exceptionally large, light and airy, plenty of closet room: street improvements all In and paid; J.00 ca.h will handle; convenient to three car lines. Call Monday, not open Sun day. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 24 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. $S75. 01 $ S73. 00 $ S75 00 And you suggest your terms, for this splendid little three-room house, located not far beyond Laureihurst and within four blocks, of car line. Running water and gas In the house. Garden, iiurry for this snap. ERNEST WELLS CO., Sill Henry Bldg. Main 6R2TV Evenings tind Sundays Tabor O506. t HM 10 IR VI NG TON $ ioOi. 7 large airy rooms with sleenine norrh. mahogany finish, hardwood floors through out, built-in effects, excellent furnace and basement- 3 blks. Irvincton school, all Im provements m and paid, fine district, easj lerni. MITCHELL A RIPPET, 3-'-2 Henry Bldg. $::au ?0MO CASH. Drive bv No. !!.' Willamette boulevard. Tou are sure to like it. for it is a dandy loca tion and faces north on paved street close to cur; about 12 blocks to best high school In city: tt rooms, nice lawn, plenty of fruit, garjee: terms. EDWARD A. BROWN. rna-i Ry. Exchange Bldg. Main 2303. S-ROOM QUEEN ANNE $ 10. I his is an exceptional! v good house. half block from Alberta car. good uist.. houre in No. l shape, cement walk, nice lawn, full !M. A $.'00t home for 533O0. iou will appreciate this house for the money asked. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 12 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6732. NEAR LAURELHURST. LARGE GROUNDS AND HOUSE. S45U0 bu good 8-room house and ground 1" x10o. with abundance of good bearin ? fruit trees, hard surface sts. in ad paid. $1000 cash, ba.ance easy. C. A. WAKRINEK. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 20i-:i-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EAST BURNSIDE STREET. S17O0 cash w ill buy modern S-room resi dence on corner lot, bal. payable $40 per mo.. Including int. at 6 per cent, which payments can easily be made by renting me o: tne rooms, making your invest ment only fiiiM. DDARD WEIDRICK, 243 Stark St. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Located 5 blocks south of Hawthorne car. both st-: run cement basement and loor. good plumbing; nice grounds, roses nd fruit trees, waiks m ana paid. mxhhi, lear; price $11S0. $480 cash. John Fer uson. Gerlinger bldg. IRVINGTON HOME BARGAIN. $nf0. rooms, beside sewing room; furnace, replace, all built-ins. hardwood floors.. beam celling, full cement basement, fine ard with fruit and Jiowers. in fact. Ideal home and cheap. Mr. BHrilv. CORBIN CO.. 3i5 LEWIS BLDG. 7-ROOMS. p. HARRISON ST. Well-built 2-story residence, fine con- dCion. fireplace, buff-t. (Hitch kitchen. fh-e bedrooms, full cement basement, -nace. cor lot. room for enrage, full p-ice onlv $3H. $1Hm cash handles. CEO. T. MOORE CO. I'M 7 Yec.n Bldg. MYRTLE PARK $ 2300. A very attractive home with 6 rooms. splendid condition. TOxliw lot with fruit galore, an.l a lovely garden. iliTl H nurtl, 3'n-2: Henry Bidg. A I'TI FUL 6-room bungalow : steeping prrh. artistic bui!t-lns. hardwood floors. amei Kitcnen. tun re men i pwemfni ; st ir ser ue In city: a real bargain r foo: (hown by appointment. 5v7 Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $20.50. 5-room residence with bath, etc.; house well built and in good condition; cherry re.s and garden DOAKD U.UK1L N, iMS StarK St. j 3on BUNG A LOW $36O0. 6-room modern, furnace. firep!ae, dou ble constructed, large room, 55x100 lot. Fienmor.t district, oniy iiooo a own. H. AKERSON, Henry Bldg.. M. TIM jlMi 1-STORY house. macadam street. South Portland: terms: c ese to factories and plenty of work. L 45. Oregoniau. $2.".Hi. 4-ROOM bungalow, furnished, fire place, fuil cement basement, in Sunny dr old style furniture. Tabor 761. FOR SALE New. modern 5-room bunga low: hardwood floors, i iil E. 17th. Owner. jlODFRX colonial home for sals cheap; laavicg city. Call East 3368. REAL ESTATE. For stale -House. MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER Here are some nice, medium-priced homes which 1 have selected after examining many offers tor sale: NO 1. Fine modern 6-room residence; hard wood floors, furnace and fireplace, all modern conveniences, in Rose City Park, surrounded by good neighbors and in a very desirable district; only $47iO. NO. 2. 5 -room modern bungalow, south of Hawthorne, on Grant st,. surrounded by fine bungalow homes and good neighbors; oniy JjUU. I have manv others from 12000 to $20, 000. on which I can quote a homeseeker very reasonable prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROQK. 214-215 Panama Bldg. T4 A U'THflHVE. We have worked hard to get homes priced right for our customers. ixoa 5-room cottage, excellent plumbing, 50x 300 lot, 11 bearing irutt trees: improve ments in and paid, near 3th; liberal tprm. S't.'iO. 5-room bungalow, with all bullt-Ins; one block to Hawthorn car; Improvement paid; t"W0 cash, J.IU00. 6-room bungalow. 1 block from car on 48th, east facing; all built-ins, furnace; $500 ca?h, $3250. Beauty In a new bungalow, all In Ivory, artistically decorated, splendid garage; east facing: JUinn ca.'h, $4200. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., 30TH AND HAWTHORNE AVE. $1610 YOUR ONE OPPORTUNITY $1610. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. You will any so when you see it. On a paved street with cement sidewalk in and all paid and on a 50xia5-foot lot, is a substan tial, comfort ible, 4-room modern home : white enamel plumbing; patent toilet: electric lights and gas. On Portsmouth avenue, in the heart of the Peninsula district. Only 2 blocks from the car. The total price is $1610. only $2S5 down and the entire balance like rent. There Is a $.".00 profit in the house if you ever wont to sell it. SEE FRANK McGTJIRB, To Buy Your Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenl'igs and Sundays. IRVINGTON CORNER WITH STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE. HARDWOOD FLOORS. HOT-WATER HEAT. FOUR BEDROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH, MAID'S ROOM AND GARAGK; BARGAIN; SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINT MENT; NO TRADE. PRICE $10,000. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 209-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1&00, WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. .FINE BUNGALOW NEAR PIEDMONT. Swell, large bungalow, 5 rooms down stairs; . large attic, room for 4 more rooms; nice bath, furnace, china closets, laundry trays, full cement basement, nice barn for garage; lot 65x127 hi: no city liens to assume; 13S7 Rodney ave.: lots of fruit; near Portland boulevard, adjoin ing Piedmont; price $4000; $500 cash and $20 month : vacant; pnoio at our une. GRUSSI & BB-NftBTi'. 313 Board ofTradeBldg. Main 7452. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 0 ROOMS AND GARAGE. 9 rooms and sleeping porch, all on one floor, garage and cement driveway, naiu- .t finnca rirn: furnace, buffet, cabinet kitchen, dux 100 corner lot. all street Imp. in and paid; price $4380. terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. zi'j Kan way r-xen. cms- -j'-. w-l-st c xrr ni.' T. A I'RRLHURST. Beautiful 5-room bungalow, attic. long rrn nanoiori ritnine room, fireplace. hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, large bedroom with 2 plate-glass windows. lull cement basement, furnace, laundry trays. 50x100 lot, 2 bearing fruit trees, garage, st. paved: will sell furnished if desired; pr:ce $500, some terms. GEO. T. MOORS CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. tv- r vi-T parV HOSI E. A grand colonial 6-room home, with n firniae. full cement basement, fur nace, 5Uxl00 lot, paved streets, all paid, one block from car on Cleveland ave., In the most beautiful part of Walnut Park; a substantial home and extreme good value; $5om. one-half cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6IU0. A 2815. EAST YAM HI LL-ST. HOME. Fine modern 7-room house, furnace, fire place, oak floors, fine buffet, bookcases, cement basement, laundry trays, 3 bed rooms, fine sleeping porch, lot 50x100, liens all paid: SOO E. Yamhill, near 21Hh. Price $5200; $1000 cash, or will trade for bungalow. Rose City or Laurelhurst. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg! Main 7452.. NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE. $3600 REAL BUY $3600. Well-built 7-room house, full semi-cement basement, furnace, hard surface sts. In and paid, about 2"0 ft. from Bdwy. car. $1000 caah. balance like rent. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201 -."-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. OR KING MEN. you need not be home less, call at our office, we will show you how to procure a home and pay for it with rent money, located convenient to Portland center. - St. Jonns, Vancouver. Kenton and water front, investigate, the opportunity Is here now. take advantage of It. see us at once. j'n i-i'-;' CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN J.. ROSE CITY PARK. PRICE $4500 $1000 CASH. Beautiful 5-room bungalow in best part of Rose City Park, below the hill: has fireplace, furnace, all the latest built-lns. hardwood floors, garage, etc.; if you see tins vou will buy It. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. . 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY. 4133. 3 ROOMS AND BATH. $800. r.hxlOO lot. 2 blks. car and ready cut hout-e, 40x40, makes 3 good rooms and bath, complete with windows, doors and roof; good chance to save rent; $M0, $400 c;ish. Must be sold before Monday. Main :4 7. . YOU can't beat this good home and $ioo per month income Desiues ior tne smau sum cf $5010, $1500 cash, Lai. easy; in inriM lor and bldg. with 10 apartments. Buyers onlv no agents, owner, ooo iast J3d st. North. Portland. Or. vivw porxEK 50x100. with fair house, i rooms ana oam. lui ner East 14th and Aider sts. Easv walking distance. Only $4500: part cash. C. H. Korell, 20 Railway txenange, ATTENTION. VAdArn 5-room house, sleeping porch. garage, hard-suriace in ana paia ior; two blocks of four car lines; price $2650; $550 cash: easy terms, oui cnamoer oi com merce. SEVEN-ROOM BUNGALOW. floors, full lot. East 16th St hair block from Alberta; nice location and nearly new; price $11000. H. ROSS, HOO N. . iianK Biag. I R V I NG TON $ 6500. Can rive immediate possession of mod' ern 7-room residence with sleeping porch. on 16th, near Thompson. GODDARD At WIEDR1CK. 243 Stark St. S1650 MONTA VILLA $1650. Near Twohy plant, 5-room double con structed cottage, aoxioo lot, easy terms. A. 11. Alvt,ltau., Henry Bldg. Main 7248. ROSE CITY PARK $5200. Modern 7-room residence among the fine homes on 46th, near Sandy; hardwood floors; price $.200. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. . IRVINGTON. 7-room modern home, 50x100 lot, garage; all improvements in; close to Irvington school; price $5toU; terms. BDW. P. MALL, 30!) Cham, of Com. FOR SALE BY OWNER Modern 5-room house, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, on paved street. Call 630 East 3'Jth st. or phone bast .tr.'-t. IRVINGTON UNUSUAL B A RG A I N $ 60 0 0. $1000 cash. $60 monthly, including interest, 6 per cent; fine home, choice location. Neuhausen & Co. BEAUTIFUL Mt. Tabor home, V acre. 10 room house, all kinds trees and shrubbery. One of best homes in Portland. Phone Mr. Miller for particulars. Sell. 1714 P. M. MODERN 5-room bungalow with large sleep ing porch, close in, bearing fruit trees; rnce $4250. Lot ftix223. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. IRVINGTON BARGAIN $5500. terms, neat B" carline. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, oak floors. Neuhausen&Co. 4 ROOMS, bath, modern, $1500; $500 cash, balance $20. including interest, 5221 36th avenue, S. E. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $6000, 7 rooms, oak floors, garage. Snap. Neuhausen & Co. - FOR SALE 8-room house, modern Improve ments, first-class neighborhood, n-ar cars. Address 4419 E. 44th st. By owner, city. IRVINGTON- HOMES. DON'T BUY BE FORE SEEING NEUHAUSEN & CO. 7-ROOM modern bungalow in Laurelhurst, $2100 cash. Da lance easy, rnona owner. Tabor SI 15. l(vo LOT 50x100. with small house, in first-class condition; 20 mirtttes from 1st and Alder. AR Oregonian. NICE modem 5-room cottage, 66 Fremont st. ; price terms. inquire at oui Minnesota ave. MODERN 7-room house. $1600, easy terms. iiuimoiUHU si., uei o.u. .it u one coai 4056. - IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, $5250. term-, w roiv. 5 rooms, oak floors. Ivory fin ish, garage. Neuhausen & Co. Main 8073. LOVELY home. 7 rooms, furnished, newly painted outside and la. fine place, furnace, walking dls-tance. bargain. Phone E. 1134. IRVINGTON. fine home. $0?00: near 24th and Stanton: oak floors, plate glass wrn dowa, DON'T WAIT, Neuhausen & Co. REAL ESTATE. For Salo Houses. BEAUTIFUL PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. $4250 You do not, have to be in the 400 class to enjoy the pleasures of living on the heights. The fresh pure air, the wonder ful view, th close association with peo ple of refinffnent. can all be yours at a very nominal figure. We have just se cured a dandy six-room bungalow on Montgomery drive, only one biock from the carline. This home has every mod ern convenience one could ask. Rooms are large and well arranged; 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, excellent fireplace, full cement basement with good hot air fur nace. Street is paved and improvements paid. Much fruit and Bhrubbery help adorn a beautiful lawn. This is a won derful bargain. Call THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth Street. Main 6869. $2S7G REAL BUNGALOW BARGAIN $2S75. On E. Kelly street ks a typical 5-room ' artistic bungalow: large front porch tending; across entire front of house; re' ception hall, living room with fireplace and leaded glass bookcases, panelea can ing room with oiate rail and built-in. lead ed glass buffet, Dutch kitchen, 2 light. airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, good cement base ment. Can arrange terms. Unusual op pertunlty. see FRANK L. McGUTRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. AbiTigton bldg. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. VACANT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $ 4! 00 M OD ERN R. C. HO M E $ 49O0. DON'T" WAIT TILL SCHOOL STARTS. 7 rooms, strictiy modern, full cement basement, furnace, trays, fireplace, ti. w, iioors. bunt-ins. wondertui iignt Jutc kitchen, large living room across front of house; newly decorated, whole of house white enamel, omit aoout years; cor' ner. east iront. H.-S. streets; this is mighty well-built house and underpriced at S 41)00 and a little bonded: terms, sun day. Mar. 5I63; weekdays. Main 7967, Mariels or Williams, 620 Cham, of Com. bldg. SELLWOOD. A dandy little five-room home, within easy walking distance to the car line, lor only $1475; $500 will handle. ST. JOHNS. A real buy in a nine-room house. lOOx 100, fruit and berries, on a macadam street and close to the business district of St. Johns, all lor $3000, and $500 will han dle. ERNEST WELLS CO.. 300 Henry Bldg. Main 6829. Evenings and Sundays Tabor 5606. $22,000. Best buy offered in Portland today. home for the man who cares. Fine, large corner location, with double garage and beautiful shrubbery. The house is all that could be desired: hardwood floors finish, hot water heat, tile fireplace, beau tiful fixtures, two baths, four lavatories, fcAir toilets, every modern necessity and, one might almost say, luxury is there. Look this up; you wiil not be disappointed, w. i. Ross, lioo is. yv. ttanit liidg. SWELL BUNGALOW. COOK AVE. Fine modern 5-room bungalow, furnace, ; - n 1 nA ..II k,.llinu KaoamnT laundry 'trays, finely finished and built for a home; lot 50x108; some fine bearin fruit trees. lots of small fruits: city lien; all in and paid; 10 minutes' ride to wes side; 404 Cook ave.. near E. 7th st., ad' joining Irvington; price $45o0; $1500 cash, balance to suit at o per cent. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. $2050. ALBERTA DISTRICT, 1 BLOCK CAR, COTTAGE, 7 ROOMS. HATH; OAS, KLhU TRIC LIGHTS. FULL-SIZE BASEMENT NICE LOT; CONSIDERABLE FRUIT TERMS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 20U-212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SU0. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. LAURELHURST SNAP. PRICE $7000 S100O CASH. 8-room house, one of the finest In Laurelhurst: has 2 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, sleeping porch, fine cement garage, and all the very latest built-in features; here is a real bargain in one of Portland's finest residence districts. If you see this you will suie buy it. hee .Mr. Lawrence, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. ROSE CITY HOME. 7 ROOMS AND GARAGE. A beautiful modern home, west of 48th St.. close to car; 7 rooms, sleeping porch and sun room, hardwood fioors. fireplace, furnace, all built-ins, garage and drive way) an attractive, well-built home that will sell quickly at s .mi; terms. n.RVKLAXn-HEXDERSOX CO.. Hi . P ,iki-iv VvcK R'ric Main K77i. NEW BUNG A LOW LAURELHURST. 5 beautiful rooms, breakfast room, base ment wash trays. furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace; finest white enamel and old ivory. Very large attic floored ; gar a?e: nrice $5600. Wiil take good buiidlns lot in part; pay $100" in cash, balance mortgage. Gibson, 2tfc3 Stark. Marshall 12. Owner on ground all day and will show property. 11S2 Hassalo street. J7.-0 HAWTHORNE. NR. DIVISION $.1700 7-ROOM B XGALOW WITH GAKMiK. 5 rooms first floor, 2 rooms and sewing mom unstairs: full basement, trays: naru wood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen; all In fine condi tion: raraee. hard-suriace street, near car east front: term?. Sunday, Mar. 5963; weekdays, Main 7H67, Mariels or Williams, 820 Cham, of Com. mag. MOUNT TABOR FINE HOME. R-room fine house, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins, oak floors, garage, cabinet kitchen, sleeping porch, full cement base ment, lot OuxlwO, paved street, liens all paid; 104 E. 68th St., near Yamhill; price $5250; about $1000 cash. Owner going east, must sell. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452 XEAT RUNG A LOW. Living room, dining room, hardwood floors French doors, lirenlace. white en ameled kitchen, ) bedrooms separated by hall and bathroom, 1 room and attic up Btairs. lull basement, well-kept lawn, cor ner, not quite a full lot; $3500, easy terms. GEO. E. ENGLEHAKT CO., Main 7266. 624 Henry Bldg. HERE'S ONE IN IRVINGTON. Clackamas St., between 17th and 10th sts.; 9-room modern home, close to Irv ington and Broadway car lines; immediate possession; price and terms satisfactory. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., 85 4th St. Evenings, see Mr. Tetu, 631 Clackamas st. 7 ROOMS,. 2 LOTS. $,".000. Dandy house in best repair, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast porch, the finest variety of fruit, berries and garden in Portland, garage, chicken house and runs for loo chickens. All for $H0O0, terma Kern Park. See Bad ley. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305 LEWIS BLDG. NEAR S. P. SHOPS. $1000 EASY TERMS $1900. 6 rooms, good basement, full east front lot, paved streets in and paid, small pay ment down, balance like rent. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TO LEASE. One of the modern homes, close In. Irv ington; has 4 bedrooms, hardwood floors, breakfast room, and all other modern im provements including garage; rent $100 per month. Owner leaving city for couple ot years. . EIV. P. MALL. 309 Cham, of Com. $0000 FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL $6000. . colonial strictly modern H-room house, large sleeping porch, hd. wd. floors, etc., on 3Sth st. in the pink of condition. This property is worth much more but conditions urgent, hence sacrifice. MITCHELL & RIPPEY. 32S-29 Henry Bldg. Main 2534. WHY" PAY RENT? Will sell you 00x100 homesites In Swin ton for $r00; $-'0 cash, balance $li per mo. You can take your time to build and build anvthing you want, act while the oppor tunity presents itself. JOHNSON DOD fiOX CO., 63 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. E. BROADWAY AND 43D. Nifty new five-room bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, artistic buffet and bookcases, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook in white enamel, full cement base ment; one block from car; like rent. Owner. A SACRIFICE Two fine lots 100x100, with 8-room nouse, i sleeping porch; concrete garage. Choice location on Overton near 24th. Only $$500; part cash. C. H. Koreil. Railway Exchange. $3000 WILL buy this 5 r. bungalow, strictly rnoaern. otixiu mi, ti wl imp. mi m, iu m in. ride from Third and Morrison. $300 down, easy payment of balance. Call Simms, 431 Chamber Com, Main 6127. MURRAYMEAD $6250. Strictly modern 8-room residence, hard wood floors, fireplace, hot water heat; an excellent buv. Immediate possession. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW with fine sleeping porch, newiy turnisned ; lot ooxioo, close to Rose City car; $2600 and terms. Tail madge Realty Co., 619 Henry bldg. MODERN 6-room bungalow in Albany, Or., to trade ior ir-ortiana property or ciose-m acreage. Phone Tabor 373 before 10:30 A. M. or after 6 P. M." $1950 BARGAIN $1950. Near Union ave. and Killingsworth. 5 rooms with bath, gas and electric lights, corner lot; only $250 down. A. H. AKERSON. 420 HENRY BLDG. IRVINGTON Beautiful colonial home, ivory finish, artistic papering. oaK i:oors, two porches, large lot, garage; $8500. Neu hausen & Co. HOME BUYER Direct from owner; nice seven-room house on Grand ave. N., near Prescotu at rock bottom; terms, 467 E. Taylor mt, East 35 SO. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. REAL HOME BARGAINS. MASON ST., 3 blks. east of Union. 6 rooms and sleeping porch; 100x100 very highly improved with all kinds of full bearing fruit and berries; corner location with paved streets all in and paid; full cement basement, extra good garage. A wonderful home for someone. Price only $4S00; terms SKIDMORE, near E. 9th good, modern 7-room house with ful! cement basement; 50x100 lot ; bearing fruit and berries; paved street; house in good condition. A real bargain for $3500; good terms. SACRIFICE Good Large 7-room house located on Michigan avenue, near Shaver, 1 block from M-A car; street imp. and sewer in and paid; worth about $32-j0, and we ll sacrifice for $200; $00 cash. . EAST DAVIS, near 32nd, 6 rooms, mod ern, $-2800; $1000 cash. EAST WASHINGTON, near 37th, AanAx; Cmnm hnnw S2S00: terms. EAST MADISON, near 37th, a good 7- room bungalow. 2-story. $Jli0. est salmon at 31st. We have (tnndv 7-room home with full cement base ment, large sleeping porch and excellent garage all for $4uoo; less tnan nam casn. LISTEN We've good home bargains all over Portland, and can show you the kind of a place you want at the price you want to pay. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 418 Fenton Bldg. 84 Sixth St. SUNDAY PHONE MAIN 9318. ROSE CITY PARK. 2 NEW BUNGALOWS. One of the most sightly locations in Rose City Park, corner olid ana xnia-n-iitok. onlv two blocks from car. Corner bungalow has 5 rooms down and two large, light, airy bedrooms up. This bungalow has hardwood floors throughout downstairs. beautiful. wide buffet, tapestry paper in living and dining rooms, nice iirepiace, oookc&scs, iuu v;b ment basement, furnace and earage. The other bungalow has 6 very large rooms on the ground floor and will be finished in the very latest. All we ask is for you to inspect these fine bunga lows, then for further information call Monday. J. A. HTJBBELL, Owner, 1088 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. $8500 WEST SIDE RES., CLOSE TN. Cost $13,500 6 years ago, strictly modern to the letter, f. rooms, 'j sip. porches, furnace, fireplace, 'aard-' wood floors, built-ins, even to re frigerator and fireless cooker; has best cement basement with laundry trays, instantaneous water heater, fruit room, coal rooms, 50x100, ga rage, paved sts.. Nob Hill dist., block car; widow must sell; terms ar ranged. Main 4803. G. C. GOLD EN BERG, Ablngton bldg. "35 Years in Portland." ROSE CITY PARK. BUNGALOW $4750. Can you pay $2000 cash? Then let us show you this beautiful home. The owner is moving from Portland and must sell at once. You will appreciate the exception ally large rooms and the real downright value; the street and sewer assts. paid in full. Beautifully located in the very best part of Rose City; hardwood floors, fire place, massive buffet, furnace, etc. Must be sold at once. There cannot be any de lay. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st., near 3d. Main 3516. Main 3092. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday). $2500 ATTRACTIVE HOME $2500. On Jessup, just east of Union ave. and Piedmont, is a neat 5-room house with unusual hsmeliko atmosphere; beautiful well-kept, grean lawn, loads of flowers and shrubbery, newly-papered with tapss try wallpapjr; light, Eiry rooms; white enamel plumbing, eleetcic and gas; good cement basement; dandy garage, equipped with burglnr alarm; good cement runway. There is a!s a comfortable 2-room cot tage in r-ar. Terms. S.E FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings Tand Sundays. WEST SIDE. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. New, Modern 5-room bungalow. Hard-surfaced streets, ail paid. Price $4500. Home Buyers' Terms. H. E. DOHERTY, Tabor 7992. 191 East. 52d St. IF THERE 13 A BARGAIN IN PORTLAND THIS IS ONE. GOOD 6-room house, close in on paved fctreet; bath, toilet, sink; large clothes closet; electric lights and gas; cement basement : lot is 40x100 : all street im provements in and paid. This is in a good district, and. is easily worth $600 or $S00 more than we are asking. Price $2350. If t&ken at once, we can take $00 down and monthly payments on the balance. jet us snow you tins. STEWART & BUCK. 3? 5 Northwestern Bank bldg. HAWTHORNE 8-ROOM HOUSE SNAP. Nice 8-room house, furnace, fireplace. bedroom down, 3 upstairs; cement base- -Ttient, laundry trays; o bearing irmt trees, small fruits; -lot 46x100, paved street and all city liens paid; 1 block to car; 257 E. 31st st., between Hawthorne and Main: fine location; price a snap, $4000; about $lo00 cash, balance to suit. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 313 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. LISTEN TO THIS. Good 6-room house, fireplace, all newly painted in fine shape, full basement, fine garage, fruit trees, hard surface street in and paid, close in on E. Yamhill. 2 short blocks to Mount Tabor car. $500 cash takes possession. Price $3200, balance about like rent. This is a real buy. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. - $2900. $500 CASH. Sunnyside bungalow of 5 rooms, located between Hawthorne and Sunnyside car lines and west of 36th st. This is a neat home, has built-in china closet, 2 nice, light, airy bedrooms, cement basement. Why pay rent when you can get a cosy home on these generous terms (Jail Monday. J. A. HUB BELL; 1088 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. JUST COMPLETED Beautiful Irvington colonial bungalow, living room, reception hall and dining room finished in solid mahogany, other rooms in ivory finish; tiled bathroom with shower, large billiard room in basement, two fireplaces, elegant fixtures, solid concrete fireproof garage, corner lot 65x100. 563 Stanton St., corner 13th. Phone East 2141. Price $13,500, terms. GROVELAND PARK. A cozy 6-room bungalow-style home, with large, airy rooms, on paved street with east front, near Franklin high school, thoroughly modern with hardwood floors. This is a beautiful home with nice shrubbery and shade trees. $1200 will handle this. Ask Stockton, THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Fifth Street. . Main 6869 $3000. A 6-room bargain on E. Broadway, near E. 24th. This is a snap; owner non-resident; improvements all paid on this cor ner lot ; here is your chance for an in vestment; owner has been holding for $3650. but has reduced price for a quick sale. BDW. P. MALL, 309 Cham, of Com. THIS BEATS RENTING. 3-Room cottage, elect., gas, part base ment, wood shed, full 50x100 east front lot, young fruit trees, good garden- soil, abt. 1 blk. from E. Gilsan on 63d street. $400 cash, bal. like rent. Price $1400. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. TERMS ON SOME OF THESE. 6-rm. bungalow. R. C. Park, fine cor. $5000 6-rm. house, R. C. Park, hdw. floors, $4750 5-rm. bung., Albina, water heated. . $3500 5- rm. bung., Piedmont district $2500 6- rm. house, SellwoSd, toilet, bath, $2100 rm. nouse, Kenwood, toilet, batn, auoo Onen evenings and Sunday. JOHN BROWN, 324 Railway Exchange. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Modern bungalow in sunny location, pro- i tected from east wind. large, level ground with shrubbery and trees, no steps to climb, just the place for children, large attic ior piay; z diockb to car, o o jocks from Ainsworth school. For sale by owner. Call Main 7294. LAURELHURST $5500. WONDERFUL NEW BUNGALOW. Hardwood floors, fireplace. furnace, built-ins, 51x100, garage,, paving paid. Main 4803. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Ablngton Bldg. '3o Years in Portland. $3250. Five-room bungalow, close in and good location: iruit trees, snruooery; lurnace, and all improvements paid; here is a bar gain and terms will be arranged. This will soon be sold because price is right. EDW. P. MALL. 309 Cham, of Com. HAWTHORNE. 5-Room bungalow, modern except hard wood floors, street improvements In and paid for, two blocks to car. West of Thirty-fifth street. $2700. See Peterson. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 Fifth Street - Main 6869 IRVINGTON $3200. 6-i-porn residence will be vacant this coming week on E. 8th, near Thompson; lot 50x100. garage. GODDARD &WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. 5-ROOMmodern bungalow, lot 50x100, gar den berries, 12 minutes on street car from city, nice neighborhood; $3500, $1200 cash. Will accept automobile as part of cash p ay m ent. V 485, Ore go n ian. FOR SALE BY OWNER 5-room bungalow, fireplace, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, garage ; $2750, terms. W. S. Clark, 601 Wail sL, Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE by owner, new, modern 4-room bungalow. Call M.ain 699, between S and 5. REAL ESTATK. For Sale Houses. GOOD HOME BUYS-5-room modern bungalow, partly fur nished, full basement, wash trays, garage; price $2300, $500 cash, bal. $20 mon th. Alberta. 7-room modern bungalow, neat and clean, fine condition, garage, 50x100 cor ner; $2650, terms. 5-room cottage, fine attic, basement, modern, paved st, close in, S. S. ; $2850; furnished complete, $3200, terms; a snap. 5- room modern bungalow, Dutch kitch en, attic, basement, 50x100 corner; $2500, half cash. 4-room modern cottage, attic, basement, shed for garage. Alberta; $1850, half cash. Hawthorne S-room modern, close in: a choice home in a choice location; $4850, terms. West side, 6-room cottage, 530 Mill st. at 16th st.; $4700, terms. 6- room bungalow, one floor, 100x100, paved st., cor., in Sell wood; $3250, terms. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th St. $6000 LADD ADDITION HOME $6000. A very distinctive 6-room colonial type home with man" unusial conveniences; living-room with art. tile fireplace; solid paneled dining room; beamed ceiling and massive leaded glass li-t'et; hardwood floors: 3 large, light, airy bedrooms on the second floor, one witl a fireplace; sleeping porch ; also trunk and maid's room; beautiful lawn, flowers and shrub bery. Owner is leaving for China and has placed this attractive price in this property for quick sale. Some terms. SKI FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. Officj Open Evenings and Sundays. $10,000 HEIGHTS PROPERTY FOR $S500. This wonderful view property never was offered before. The house is stucco fin ished, containing 8 rooms and sleeping porch. The downstairs is finished in oak and mahogany, the dining room has a beautiful solid oak buffet with a cosy little den overlooking the city and Will amette river. There is a cement garage and street car stops in front of your door. Thie is a choice, high-class home at a very conservative price, as the property was considered worth $ 10,000 In normal times. Call on G. A. Sarles for particu lars. 733 Northwestern Bank bldg. B. BURNSIDE-ST. SACRIFICE. Fine 9-room residence; living room, dining room, kitchen and library down stairs; 4 bedrooms and sewing room up stairs; oak floors throughout; large at tic; furnace; buffet; fine basement with laundry room; fine garage; corner, lOOx 100, with elegant shrubbery; walnut trees, shade trees, holly hedge fence; paved street; walking distance; on E. Burnside and 22d; actual value $14,000; will sacri fice for a short time at $9000; some terms. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. ROSE CITY. Strictly modern bungalow, 7 rooms and sleeping porch, extra large living room, dining room, large and separated from living room with French plate glass doors, cozy breakfast room, convenient kitchen, back porch, attractive bedrooms. Must be seen to fully appreciate its beauty and value. Price $5500, worth much more. Must have half cash. See Feter son. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 Fifth Street. Main 6869 $2600 HERE'S A SNAP $2600 BUNGALOW AND COTTAGE. Good 5-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, full semi-cement basement and 3-room cottage on ground 50x100. 100 feet from St. Johns car on Gay street for $2600, $-00 cash, bal. $25 per month at 6 per cent. Now figure this out and see if it isn't a snap. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. At WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. STOP RIGHT HERE. Here's ono of the niftiest little "i-room bungalows for only S3000 in Hawthorne you ever saw; fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases, beamed ceilings, Dutch kitchen, good basement, laundrv trays, beautiful lot and shrubbery, paved sts., sewer. 3 blks. car, 5 blks. school; If you have $1000 cash as first payment, don't delay ; bal. easy terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 10-ROOM house, strlctlv modern, lot ioo. on corner ot i. Maaison anu oui.ii, fine location and good neighborhood: there Is lots of fruit of all varieties and is -an exceptionally nice home, is one block from Hawthorne and 4 blocks from SS car line; two of the best In the citv: price $6500, including street Improvements. You could not build the house- for the price. Come and see. Owner, 901 E. Madison. Phone Tabor 8996. $3000 WEST SLOPE OF MT. TABOR. On a 50x135 lot on E. Marrison street, HOth. Is an unusual Iv substantial 6 loom bungalow type home; white enamel plumbing, etectric lights and gas, full ce ment basement; 1 block from the Mt. la bor cars. SET FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buv Your Home. Ablngton bldg. . Main 1063 Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $3800.00 For quick sale, a fine 6-room . bunsalow-strle home, with 50x1; lawn on the Hawthorne car line. All built-in features and all mod conveniences. Nice reception hall and large living and dining rooms. $1000 will handle this. Ask Stock ton. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY 104 Fifth Street. Main 6869 $100 CASH $100. BALANCE LIKE RENT. If this doesn't beat renting, what does Good 6-room house. ground 67 VfexlOO fruit trees, berries, chicken house, paved sts. in ana paia; jaissjssippi ave., near ura ham. Price $3400. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $3000. You must Just see this cosy 5-room bungalow; it is so clean and neat that it glistens; artistically aecoraiea wans, oaK finish in living and dining rooms, nice lawn, fruit trees and berries in back yard there is a garage. Call Monday. J. A. HUB BELL, 1088 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. You cannot find a better buy, 6-room modern house, with sleeping porch, perfect condition inside and but, lot 58x102, berries and fruit, on 3:th. one oiock to car, on paved street; $3000 furnished. "$750 cash. Main 6882. 1120 Gasco bldg.. Monday. $4250. Seven-room modern bungalow, lot 50x 100, with hard-surface street and garage good district, near school and owner is anxious to sell. Before you buy your home, consult my office; this home shown only by appointment. EDW. P. MALL, 309 Cham, of Com. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Five rooms, basement and attic, lot fi0v1oo nnt block to Hawthorne on 43d $3375 including paved street, $500 cash balance mon tiny oyo. aiain ooo. x Gasco bldg. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 60x100 corner lot. with double garage, . located four blocks from Killingsworth on Simpson street, just a nice walk to car barns. Will sell on easy terms for $2500 or for cash at $2300. Particulars G. A. SARLES, 733 Northwestern Bank. 5-ROOM plastered house, gas, electric lights. Dath, garage, lot, street improve ments all paid, two blocks to four car lines; $400 down, $30 a month. J. M. Dean, 420 Jessup St. SALE BY OWNER Store house and stock of groceries and dwelling nouse witn six rooms, toilet and bath, for sale, all or part;, price $3000 for job lot, or will in voice. Ill E. 82d st. N Montavilla. A COSY 4-room cottage, 6329 61st S. E-, east front, city gas, tiowers ana garden, partly furnished, four blocks S. E. of end of Woodstock car, block from hard surface road; $950, terms. 6 LARGE rooms, buffet and china closets, paneled dining room, oeamea ceiling, built-in window seat; full cement base ment. Garage $3150; $1000 cash. East 5779. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. New 8-room bungalow, fine city view, lovely grounds, bargain for quick Bale. Terms. East 1459. 3-ROOM house, plumbing complete, gas, electric lights, auto shed, full lot; price $1350, terms; sell furniture. Woodlawn 4807. 1107 East 33d st. North. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE Woodlawn district; full basement, bath, sidewalks paid; will decorate to suit; price $2650, or trade equity of $1350. J. N. Richards, 328 Main. LAURELHURST OLD ENGLISHh6mE 8 artistic rooms, velour drapes, Wilton stair carpet, stoves and water heater, lOOx 100; $11,500, $3000 cash. East 410. .BARGAIN for quick sale, 4-room cottage. 6 fruit trees on 50x100 lot, 49th and East Glisan. Phone weekdays. Main 6320. A 7160. GOOD 7-room house, north Mt. Tabor, lot 62x156, fruit trees, berries, garden, chick en park; $2750, terms; one block south of M on tavilla car. 94 E. 63d st. 6-ROOM bungalow, all built-ins, one-half f wnm R. C Park car. lot 40x1 25. fine garden and chicken house. By owner, j Tabor oaoo. IS IT POSSIBLE? Good 6-room house, close in, so. west, fine garden, only $400; some bargain, eh? 2S2 Taylor. Act quick. FOR SALE- 5-room modern bungalow half cash or substantial payment- down. 4623 61st st, S. E. Owner. FOR SALE BY OWNER 5-room bungalow, eas electricity, Dutch kitchen, full base ment, corner 50x100; terms. 1166 E. 12th N. FOR SALE-4-room house, $600, $300 cash, easy terms. Inquire 3403 N St., Vancou ver, "Wash. MT TABOR, 5-room house for sale; mod ern except furnace; terms. Will take auto part pa xaen. Call Xb . 04 Ui REAL ESTATE. For 8a le Houses ROSE CITY PARK $0000. 5 ROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH, SUN PARLOR. Xhe owner wants to sell at once. Jiist let us show you the interior of thia won derful iiome. Its very splendor and homelikeness will appeal to you strongly. There Is nothing in the way of a modern home that you will not find in this house. Fmished in rich old Ivory and white throughout. Thia is so far above the ordinary home that it is indeed diffi cult to write an ad to convey our thoughts and at the same time to do the house justice. Won't you let us show you? A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. , Main 3516. Main 3092. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) Sundays and evenings phone Tabor 8255. HOUSES FOR SALE. EASY TERMS. $1000 4 rooms, Carson Heights 13001 tacre, smtiii house, Northrop acres. 1S5U 5 rooms, 1142 E. Clay, sr. 2500 6 rooms, 1138 E. llfth st. N. j75(j ;t rooms, looxloo, 0800 E. 46th sr. S. E. 2750 9 rooms. 100x200, 5S05 E. 46th St. 3750 6 rooms. 943 Weidler St. 3750 7 rooms, 3'.'0 24th st. N. 4000 7 rooms, 311 Dekum ave. 4500 7 rooms. 700 Market st- drive. 47,-Hl flats. 206 E. 24th St. 4700 7 rooms, 137x160 it. No. 1791 East Morrison st. 5000 6 rooms, cor. E. 29th and Weidler. 5500 8 rooms. 270 E. 28th st. F. V. ANDREWS & CO.. 6th floor Piatt blag., 1-7 Park st. Tel. Marshall 6025. ROSE CITY PARK. Bungalow $3950. You won't be able to resist buying this splendid bungalow. It's a humdinger, and more than modern. Exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, Dutch kitchen with breakfast alcove, etc. Located in the paved district of Rose City; all assets paid. Don't delay. $500 cash will handle. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3092. Main 3516. Branch office 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday). $4200 7-ROOM house, full basement. fur- nace, iirepiace, large lot witn, garage. 812 i. salmon; $o(o casn. $280ti 7-room house, full basement, fur nace, on Hancock, near Williams and E. end Broadway bridge; terms; snap. $3250 6-room modern house, near Wash, high school; easy monthly payments. $3500 6-room house, sleeping porch, on E. Ankeny, w. of 24th; good terms. $2000, 5-room cottage, close in, east side, easy monthly payments. $1600, 5-room cottage, full lot. Monta villa; sell like rent; $J00 cash. F. W. TORGLER, loO Sherlock Bldg. WEST SIDE HOMES. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, NOB HILL, CORNELL ROAD, WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Several choice selections from among the finest homes in the city. Some very wonderful bargains in the finer class of homes in the exclusive neighborhoods. Call us up and let us show you. W. B. STKKhiTKK and J. H. KEATING, 617 Board of Trade, Main 163. 5 ROOMS, "HOME BARGAIN," MODERN. FIREPLACE, BATH, CLOSETS, ETC. "SPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE" DESIGN. IF LOCATION DON'T SUIT YOU. WILL BUILD ON YOUR OWN LOT. (PRICE BELOW MARKET.) LIBERAL TERMS. WITH CASH PAYMENT $500 UP WILL FURNISH HOUSE AND LOT "READY TO MOVE IN." SEE US BEFORE YOU DECIDE. ADDRESS "BUluDEKS AND OWNERS," 302 SELLING BUILDING. ALBERTA DISTRICT. I am offering fur quick sale the best buy in Portland; a strictly modern bun galow. No. East 15th street North ; has hardwood floors, fine fireplace, mod ern plumbing, beautiful electric fixtures, large closets, cement basement, has u ring, on the first floor and 3 rooms on the sec ond floor, which are all ceiled, on a 80x100 lot. This place couid rot be duplicated today for $4250; price $3100; terms. The owner is leaving city Monday but will be at house today after 9 A. M. Call early. Chester A. Wagner, startc si. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW $4000. ' We want you to see this spiendid bun galow. Exceptionally well built and mod ern to the last detail. Located within block from Sandy. Hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, furnace, large attic, etc Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3092. Main 3516. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) Sundays and evenings phone Tabor 8235. MOUNT TABOR. 7-Room modern bungalow and sleeping porch, billiard room and billiard tabic, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. One of the best constructed homes in the city. A good wood range and some t furnishings go with the place, new garage with ce ment floors, house but 3 years old and in splendid condition. $5500. Terms $1000 cash, balance $50 per month. See Peter son. THE FRED A, JACOBS COMPANY. 104. Fil th Street. Main 6869 POSSESSION SEPTEMBER 1ST. $3650 MODERN R. C. HOME $3050. A BARGAIN ON TERMS. 6 rooms, full basement, furnace, trays, fireplace, built-ins; a wonderful fine lot, 50x100, all kinds of roses, shrubbery. 3 poach, near car, east front, bungalow typo; near school and club; newly painted. Sunday, phone Mar. 3963; weekdays. Main 7907. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bidg. ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT. A modern 5-room bungalow located on a 40x100 ft. terraced lot, with 10 it. alley, fireplace, hardwood floors, cove and beam ceiling, all built-in conveniences, fume hood, breakfast nook, fuil cement base ment, furnace, etc. This must be seen to be appreciated. $900 will handle, price $3350. See Mr. Chris tenson, The Brong Co., 41U Henry bldg.. Main 143. VACANT POSSESSION TOD.A Y: $3850 VERY EASY TERMS $3850. MODERN WAVERLE1GH HEIGHTS. 6 largo rooms and sleeping porch, full basement, trays, furnace, fireplace, built ins; just newly tinted. This is a mighty fine home and a snap. Could not be built for $5ooo. Sunday, phone Mar. 5963; week days. Main 7967; Mariels or Williams, 820 Cham, of Com. blcg. $ 1 5 rt o C HEAP ENOUGH $1550. Look at this 6-room modern bungalow, 50x100 lot; No. 3127 E. 53d st ; 3 blocks south' Division ; $830 cash; has full cement basement, wash trays, bath, Dutch kit-. chen, buffet, extra fine plumbing, street graded and sewer in. Couldn't build it for $2000. The price is ridiculous; step lively. R. F. Feemster, 3U9 Abingtoa building. TO CLOSE ESTATE. Sacrifice of thoroughly modern homes. $5350 Ladd Addition ; S rooms; terms. $4700 Irvington ; 7 rooms, garage; don't overlook this; terms. $4700 Alameda Park; very fine 5-room large bungalow; terms. $3200 Westmoreland; dandy 5-room bun galow. Above all bargains. 525 Henry Bldg. Marshall 0S58. $6500. A sure investment, on Williams ave., close to Broadway; an 8-room modern house that will pass inspection either for a home or for income property; lot 50x 100 and has Al location; for terms con sult me. EDW. P. MALL, 309 Cham, of Com. WALNUT PARK SNAP. 7-room house, 3 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor, fine cement basement, furnace and 2 fireplaces, 50x100 lot, on Rodney ave. Price $4250. See E. M. Brown, with NEIL AN & PA R KHILL, 219 tumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark sts. DON'T WAIT. $550 cash, balance $25 per mo. and int. at 7 per cent buys 2 lots and 4-room mod ern bungalow, fireplace, breakfast nook, bath, near car and school ;' price $2630. See Mr. Christenson, The Brong Co., 410 Henry bldg.. Main 1743. VACANT. 6-ROOM HOUSE. ALBERTA DISTRICT. J2500 1138 E. 19TH 'ST. NORTH. Easy terms. Call owner at Marshall 602 $3750 ROSE CITY $3750. 5-room, practically new, hardwood floors throughout, furnace, near car, a corner at GhCt GOLDENBERG, 215 Ablngton Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." $315U $3150 $3150; " 11500 ROSE CITY PARK $1500. Neat bungalow, 2 blocks from R. car- 4 rooms and bath, 3 large closeis built-in kitchen, complete plumbing, 5ox 100 lot; terms. See owner at 715 E. 7oth st. N. Call after 2 P. M. . NO REASONABLE offer refused for Dutch Colonial SIX rooms in iamcwiumw modern, artistic, garage, lot 200x50, 8 bearing fruit trees, also furniture for sale. Possession at once. Owner, 1195 Mult nomah st. Tabor 2037. BUY BEFORE VALUATIONS RAIBB. $500 cash, balance to suit buys a new modern 4-room bungalow, breakfast nook, large living room, sleeping porch, etc. See Mr. Christenson, The Brong Co., 410 Henry Bldg., Main 1743. $550 CASH $2750 WILLAMETTE HTS. 6 r., cor., good condition, vacant; non resident owner paid $4600. G C GOLDENBERG, 213 Ablngton Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. $3500 BARGAIN 5-room modern bungalow, garage, paved street, near HawUiorne. East 6329. A STRICTLY" modern 8-room house; two fireplaces, garage; Kings Heights;' $6i3& Wwirfld-1"1! room 1 Worcester bid,