The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 10, 1919, SECTION THREE, Image 47

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Editorial. Society and
Summer Resorts
NO 32.
On Account of August 10th Coming on Sunday, S. &H. Trading Stamps WillBe Given on Charge Accounts if Paid in Full Tomorrow
Portland Agency for Gossard, Nemo and Bien Jolie Corsets Richardson's Quality Linens Carters Knit Underwear DutchessTrousers for Men and Boys Detroit Jewel Stoves and Ranges
Home Journal Patterns, Fall Book
of Fashions and "Good Dressing"
for September, now ready at the
Pattern Counter, on the First Floor.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman &
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
ale of Women's Capes an
Ml- FsMnft
The Garment Store announces the arrival of advance fall
styles in wearing: apparel, and extends a cordial invitation to all
women to inspect them at their first opportunity. New things
are coming in daily and are put on display as soon as they arrive.
Women's Fall Suits
Second Floor Excellent showing of Women's and Misses' New Fall
Suits in velour, bolivia, silvertone, broadcloth, tricotine and home
spun materials. Many beautiful fur-trimmed models, also em
broidered and tuck-trimmed. Black, navy and many new shades.
Prices on these Coats start at $39.75 and range on up to $250.00
Women's Fall Coats
"Women's and Misses' New Fall Coats in a representative collec
tion of the favored modes for the coming season. Plush, velvet,
velour, silvertone, bolivia, pom pom and polo cloth are the ma
terials most in evidence. Graceful draped models, yoke and belted
effects and new fur-trimmed styles. Prices range $28.50 to $225
Women's Fall Dresses
You will be delighted with the new fall Dresses, for the styles
are more attractive than ever before. We now have a splendid
selection in tricotine, serge and gabardine materials. Smart coat
effects, blouse and straight-line styles. Priced $25.00 to $8o.OO
Women's Fall Waists
Charming new Waists of Georgette crepe and crepe chiffon in
the rich dark tones to go with the new fall suits. New stenciled
designs, also embroidered, beaded and braid trimmed effects.
Ask to see these new waists. Priced from $10 to $21.50
New Sweaters
Latest models with tuxedo collars, belts and sashes.
Also the newest flare effects. Mohair and fine or heavy
wool yarns. Prices range from $12.50 up to $25.00
Royal Baking Powder
Special 39c
Fourth Floor At this special price
Monday only. Size usually selling at
43c 12 ounces net weight. QQ
On sale Monday at, 'the can
We give S. & H. Trading Stamps.
Second Floor The above prices average less than half what these gar
ments were marked to sell for earlier in the season. Many women will
avail themselves of this good opportunity to buy high-class Capes and
Dolmans at such savings. Very best of tailoring throughout. See these!
LOT 1 Women's Capes of good
quality wool serge military styles
trimmed with braid. Also Draped
Capes of gabardine, O Cft
and other materials wlO.UU
LOT 3 Women's Capes and Dol
mans of finer grades. GJOQ QC
Best of materials at )6VOD
LOT 2 Women's Capes and Dol
mans of satin, silk poplin, tricotine
and taffeta silk. Many smart styles.
Also a few Sport Coats. I- Q Of
Priced special Monday DA0J
LOT 4 F.eautiful Dressy Wraps,
of tricolette, taffeta (PO7 OPT
silk, and satin. Special I 00
Wash Dresses
Second Floor 222 Women's and Misses' Summer
Dresses are priced for quick selling at about cost' of
making. All late models and desirable in every way.
3 Notable Groups
GROUP 1 Women's Wash Dresses of (jQ QO
voiles and organdies priced special at 3070
GROUP 2 Women's Wash Dresses of JQ QO
ginghams and voiles. On sale Monday, at D0
GROUP 3 Women's Wash Dresses (1 O OK
of fine sheer voiles. Latest styles at 3J-iOtl
Smart Street Frocks
At Special Prices
my charming styles. Smartly CJ1 I QQ
ed. Specially priced Monday, at DXrxI0
New Autumn
A smart little Hat of blue taffeta
with effective hand-work in gold and
silver a feather trimmed model in
taupe and black a charming Hat of
brown taffeta, drooping brim, trimmed
with ostrich are among the many
new arrivals in the Millinery Store.
Also new Velour Hats in mulberry,
brown and black. Don't fail to see
these advance modes now on display.
Millinery Salons
Second Floor
Slip-on Sweaters $2.98
Tub Waists, Special $2.98
Center Circle First Floor Extra
special offering for Monday. Odd
lines Women's and Misses' Slip-On
Sweaters of fiber silk in all wanted
colors. Roll or square collars, oth
ers have V or square necks or
without collars. Special- fl0 QQ
ly priced for Monday, at OA70
Center Circle, First Floor Odd
lines Women's Tub Waists under
priced for quick disposal. Colored
and fancy striped voiles with white
collars and cuffs also batiste, or
gandie and lawn materials. Tai
lored and novelty styles. PO QQ
On special sale Monday Dai70
New Figured
Crepes ,
Lace Department We . have just
received a new shipment of Georg
ette Crepes in a large selection of
the latest fall shades and patterns
for waists and dresses. These are
from a reliable maker and the qual
ities are f the best. Prices range
from $3.25 UP to $4.25 a yard.
Plain Georgettes
In Latest Shades
New Georgette Crepes in the
wanted plain colors. Now is a good
time to supply your needs for the
coming season. Prices range from
$2.25 on up to $3.75 the yard.
Mid-Season Clearaway
White Footwear
Main Floor WOMEN'S WHITE Canvas Pumps,
Oxfords and Shoes in laced style or with one or two
straps. Hand-turned or vulcanized rubber bottoms.
High, medium or low heels. Regular $3.98 J0 OO
grade. Priced very special at, the pair Pt.Ot
WOMEN'S WHITE CANVAS Oxfords, Shoes and
Pumps with hand-turned or . Goodyear welt
soles. Laced or strapped styles in the pumps.
High or medium covered heels, (f O QQ ' ,
Reeular $4.50 and $5.00 grades; pair
WOMEN'S WHITE Nubuck or Sea Island
Duck Oxfords with fiber or leather soles. Neat
pointed toe. Some with ball strap. Also
White Canvas Shoes. Regular $6.00 QA A A
so omifps. Snpcial. the tiair
WOMEN'S White Canvas Shoes
in popular laced style, with flexible
sole and covered military heel. Me
dium round toe last without tip.
Cool and comfortable. QA Art
Regular $5.50 grade; at wt.UU
WOMEN'S White Canvas Shoes
and Pumps in a large assortment
of popular styles for sport and
street wear. Not all sizes in each
style. Lines formerly Q" QQ
selling at $3.25; the pair O-L.JO
HV& t-lriY : : v y My M. -
NIPS' 4 Y lT--3QnQ"vr
' fl' -
Drapery Department, Third Floor
Monday morning the Drapery
Store will place on sale a great lot
of Single Pair Curtains at just
half regular prices. Only one pair,
of a kind. .Marquisettes, Filet Nets,
Swiss Points and Ruffled Muslins.
Shop early in day for best choice.
$ 4.00 Curtains on Sale $2.00
$ 4.50 Curtains on Sale $2.25
$ 5.00 Curtains on Sale $2.50
$ 6.00 Curtains on Sale $3.00
$ 7.00 Curtains on Sale $3.50
$10.00 Curtains on Sale $5.00
$12.00 Curtains on Sale $6.00
$13.50 Curtains on Sale $6.75
50 -Inch Brass -f '
Curtain RodsJLjuL,
Electric Sweeper-Vac
Clean your
rugs and car
pets at home on
don't tear up
the house and
tire yourself
moving heavy
furniture. An
will do
the work bet
ter and at far less cost than old way.
AUGUST BABY WEEK SALES start Monday morning and will
continue for six days. Mothers will save considerable on the babies'
needs by attending this sale, for we have reduced the prices on a
great many articles throughout the Baby Shop SECOND FLOOR.
Infants' Hand-Made Slips V2 Price
Infants' Knit Bootees, Special 29c
Second Floor Infants' Hand-made
Slips and Skirts in many dainty
styles. These are slightly soil-
ed from display. Reduced 2
Infants' Knit Bands; special 39
Infants' Knit Bootees, in QQ
white, and colors; the pair ?
Infants' Knit Sacques fTQ
priced special Monday at O.LeJ
Turkish Bath Aprons only $1.49
Arnold Shirts, Priced Special, $1.49
Zimmerli Slip-On Shirts, Special 49c
Second Floor Arnold Silk and
Wool Shirts in a broken JQ
rftnra of sixes. Special at
Infants Cashmerette Hose
priced special at, the pair
Zimmerli Silk Bands in Slip-over
style. On sale this week ,4Qf
at special low price of only v
Odd lines Infants' Shoes, FJQf
nrirpH in this sale? a Tiair K
Featuring New
Mam Floor Women who are fond
of dainty things ought not to miss
an inspection of these delightful
early fashions in fall neckwear that
have just come in. Real Filet, Lace,
Net, Georgette and Organdie Col
lars, ' Sets and Vests some are
ruffled, others in plain and em
broidered effects. Popular prices.
New Neckwear
Main FIoo r At the Neckwear
Counter are displayed the very
newest plaitings for making of fall
neckwear. Hemstitched, Van Dyke
and picot edge effects in all the
wanted widths. White and colors.
New Fall Ribbons
Just Received
Main Floor New Wide Satin and
Grosgrain Ribbons, of dependable
quality and wanted colors new
Hairbow, Bag, Vest and Fancy
work Ribbons in plain, brocaded,
flowered and striped. New Milli
nery Jlibbons in wanted colors.
Odd Pairs Lace Curtains V2 Price
Crepe, Wool Serge, Taffeta and Messaline Frocks
in mar
WOMEN'S DRESSES of high-grade taffeta,
Georgette crepe and satin. Styles appropriate for
street and afternoon wear. Good assort- fl"l O ftET
ment of colors. Priced very special, at
WOMEN'S DRESSES of fancy Georg
ette, taffeta and crepe de chine. Special
Special lot of Infants' Knit Gowns in the sale at low price of 890
Georgette Crepe Waists $5
Plain Colors and Fancy Designs
Second Floor Waists that are truly remarkable values at the price.
Great many attractive styles to select from with latest collars and trim
mings. We also include in this offering dainty Waists of crepe C?C ' ff
de chine and striped tub silks. Fancy tailored styles. Sale
I Men's New Fall Hats I
$5, $G, $7.50
THE MEN'S STORE has ready
for your inspection the latest blocks
in Men's Hats for fall and winter
wear. Black, and the new shades '
such as ivory, light willow, green,
brown, gray, pearl, seal, hazel, etc.
Men's Shirts
for Fall
Main Floor Our new lines are
rapidly filling up. Recently we have
received large shipments of Metric,
Savoy, Arrow and other well-known
makes. Priced $2.50 to $12.00
Men's New Fall Underwear
Celebrated Carter Make
Main Floor Thrifty men supply their underwear needs early in the
season while stocks are new and fresh and all sizes are to be had. We
are glad to announce our fall and winter stock of Carter's Knit Under
wear is now ready for your inspection. Very best of workmanship on
every garment. Cotton, wool, silk, silk-and-wool $5.00 to $10.50
Men's New Silk Hose, $1.00, $1.25 Pair
Girls' Summer Coats
Second Floor Unrestricted choice of any Girls' Summer Coat marked
at $20.00 or over at just HALF PRICE. Light and medium, weight
garments, very desirable for school wear. All are of good quality ma
terial. Ages from 6 to 14 years. Mothers, take advantage of this sale!
Girls' $11.50 Dresses at $7.49
Second Floor Dainty Summer Frocks for girls of intermediate ages.
These are made up in "Tru Blue" Cloth and are very attractive.
Dresses formerly selling at $11.50, specially priced this sale $7.49
Linens and Domestics
At Noteworthy Savings
The Aisle of Cottons will feature
many economy offerings in HOUSE
HOLD SUPPLIES for this week say
ings you cannot afford to overlook.
Table Cloths
Main Floor Mercerized Cot
ton Table Cloths in many
beautiful patterns. Splendid
for every-day use. Cji pTQ
58x58 inches. Sale Di-00
Huck Towels
$4 Dozen
Main Floor Extra large size
Huck Towels, full bleached
and of good quality. Spe
cially priced 35 &A ff
each, or a dozen 0xVU
Sheetings at Splendid Savings
Bath Towels, Special 36c
Bleached Sheeting of good firm
quality guaranteed to give most
satisfactory service. Note prices:
81 inches wide at, the yard 75
72 inches wide at, the yard 70 p
Single Bed Sheeting, yard 4Sp
Covered Dishes at only $1.73
Sugar Bowls, special at 1.00
Creamers priced special at 35
8-Inch Bake Dishes, special 75
White Pique
65c Yard
Main Floor Excellent quality of
White Pique for. sport skirts and
other wearables Full . 36 inches
wide. Supply your needs. CiVZr
Priced special, the yard WJl
Odd Lines of Dinnerware
At Greatly Reduced Prices
Third Floor In going through our stock of Dinnerware we have found
many odd lines that must be closed out at once. To accomplish this
we have reduced the prices to bedrock. People in need of new Dinner
ware will find this a good time to buy and save. S. & H. Stamps.
Dark Cobalt Blue With Gold Border
American and English Semi-Porcelain Dinnerware:
8-In.VegetableDish 63
7-In. Bake Dishes 45
8-In. Bake Dishes 6o
12-Inch Platters, special $1.30
14-Inch Platters, special $1.75
Bowls in the sale at only 3o
Pitchers in the sale at only 0
Bouillon Cup, Saucers, only 450
We give S. & H. Green Stamps.
Dinner Plates, each 35
Pie Plates, special 2o
b-ln. Vegetable Dish 45p
English Semi-Porcelain, Red and Black Border
Fruit Saucers,' special only 15
Dinner Plates special, each 35
6-Inch Vegetable Dish for 400
Bread, Butter Plates, each 150
Sale of Refrigerators
Entire Stock Reduced
Beginning Monday morning, we launch a great midseason clearaway
of Refrigerators involving every refrigerator in our stock positively
none reserved. An event of special interest to every housekeeper.
Knickerbocker, Automatic and Other
Reliable Makes All Sizes
But don't delay, for you may take our word for it they will move
out in a hurry, 60 low are the prices. Those who have been waiting
to buy a refrigerator will never have a better opportunity. All styles
and sizes $13.95, 15.89, $18.72, $22.50, $26.69, TO $42.17
50-f t. Length Garden Hose $13.50
jp-g-. -y "-v
i 1 1 11 i
If you take pride in your bak
ing the Detroit Jewel Range
will satisfy you completely. The
patented oven construction and
many other special features of
the Jewel Range are not found on
any other make. Our splendid as
sortment of the latest and most
improved models allows you a
wide choice of selection which is
the first essential to obtaining
satisfaction. We would like to
have you visit our new Stove De
partment, see our display and get
our prices and easy payment plan.
This is advance notice that we
have heaters in any style and size'
you may desire. Get our prices.
Stove Department, Third Floor.
Pure White Corded Athletic Bath
Towels of generous thickness and
good size. Only a limited quantity
in this lot. Special, dozen,
$4.25, or each, at, only OOL
Bath Towels, special, each 890
Heavy Twilled Toweling full bleached priced special, a yard 12'2 0
Crash Toweling 7591 linen 18 inches wide special, the yard 23d
Linene Pillow Cases size 36x45 inches priced special at, each 390
Hemmed Diapers size 27x54 inches priced special, the dozen $2.50
Lingerie Nainsook put up 10 yards to the box priced special $2.95
2 ' i