The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 10, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 22, Image 46

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West Hartland Joins Coterie of
Floating Steel Carriers.
Columbia River Corporation Starts
Work on Last Hull Under Gov
ernment Contracts.
Mrs. Ben W. Olcott,. -wife of Gover
nor Olrott christened the hull of the
West Hartland, launched yesterday.
The vessel is the twenty-seventh steel
r-.irrier of the S800-ton type the Colura
hia River Shipbuilding corporation has
contributed to the government's mer
cantile fleet.
The ceremony took place shortly
after 1U30 o'clock. Though such af
fairs are timed quite accurately, the
hulls are not always controlled so as
to ttart at the precise moment selected.
The launching party was taken by sur
prise when Walter Brown, greneral su
perintendent, who was on the ground,
shouted a warning and raised both
arms to sip-rial "she is going.'
Mrs. Olcott turned from facing her
friends, chose the place, and broke the
bottle squarely across the stem of the
big ship, which began to gather speed
for its plunge into the Willamette.
Shlpynnl Men Shout Welcome.
Men in the yard were joined by col
leagues "over the fence" in the plant
of the Northwest Steel company. In ac
cording the West Hartland a noisy
welcome to the coterie of floating
shi lis.
The sponsor was roundly congratu
lated for her successful participation in
the ceremony. This was followed by
the presentation, on behalf of the cor
poration, of a platinum broach, set with
diamond. C. D. Bowles, vice-president
of trie corporation, made the pres
entation. On the platform were Mrs. W. C.
Knisliton, Mrs. Edmund C. Giltner, Mr.
find .Mrs. C. D. Bowles, Mr. and Mrs. J.
'. Bowles. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bowles.
Mrs. Alfred K. Smith, wife of the presi
dent of the corporation: Mrs. Smith's
mother. Mrs. G Jorge F. Fuller; Mr. and
Mrs. Charles C. Schnabel and Mr. and
Mrs.' W. Lair Thompson. Governo'r Ol
cott was unable to attend.
Work on xt Hull Begun.
With the hull overboard and the
lauiichinh' party gone, that particular
part of the yard again became a bee
hive, for men "turned to" to lay keel
No. 3, which is the last actually ar
ranged for under old contracts.
hether the corporation is to lay down
two additional hulls, under the rein
statement programme, is yet to be de
termined. Tmiby the plant boasts a combined
payroll of 4300 names, whereas at the
peak of its activity in the spring, KbOU
were employed. With the. last hull go
ing into place there is to be no further
pruning. Two ways on the south side
nf the plant are vacant, and of three
on the north side one will be emptied
the latter part of August, when hull
No. 28 is f lotted, and early in ceptem-
ter No. 2;i is to be out of the way.
Demand Created by War Give Idea
of Country's Need in Peace and
Work Will Be Done Here.
VANTOUVER, Wash., Aug. 9. (Spe
etal. With the acquisition of the
physica.1 property and business of the
Motorship Construction company, which
was one of Vancouver's busy war-time
institutions, the Reed Engineering com
pany, which has just been incorporated
by Merrill . A. Reed and associates,
making: plans for the extension of the
plant to take care of the big volume
of peace-time business.
The Motorship Construction company
was founded in 1917 by Mr. Reed and
S. i?. Hewett, the latter being subse
quently-succeeded by James W. Dough
erty. Later the Oregon Shipbuilding
company was consolidated with the
company, AV. M. Cmbdenstock being
chosen secretary, Mr. Dougherty treas
urer and Mr. Reed president.
During the war the Motorship Con
strut-tion company executed on account
of the United States shipping board,
emergency fleet corporation, the larg
est contract for steel lifeboats let on
the Pacific coast. The company com
pleted the contract in record time,
maintaining an average daily outpu
of ten completed boats. In addition
cutters for the bureau of construe
tion and repair of the United States
raw. the tug Shishaldin for the Alaska
Portland Packers' association. six
trawlers on private account and othe
mall craft were turned out by th
company. ,
One department, previously used a
an erecting floor for lifeboats, now
will be used for. the construction
The incorporators of the new com
pa nv are Merri 11 A. Reed, Dr. R. D.
Wiswall and W. J. Kinney, all- of Van
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Photo by Angelas Studio.
Fourth Carrier Is Assured for
Oriental Trade.
Contracts for Space Signed That
Extend Into Xext Year, but
- All Fleets Will Be Busy.
Portland Unions May Decide to Ne
gotiate or Possibly Accept
Puget Sound Settlement
Guesses are bing made along the
beach on the outcome of negotiations
with longshoremen as a consequence of
emands made for an increase in the
wage scale. It would not surprise many
the men discarded most of the spe-
ial charges included in the demands
nd decide to negotiate' on a basis of $1
n hour on all work, except bulk wheat.
which is rated at liO cents higher, and
1.50 overtime. " . -
Another feature up for speculation in
the situation is whether the longshore
men will consent to cast their lot with
he Puget sound longshoremen and ac
cept the same pay and conditions. On
he occasion of the last general long-
horemen's strike on the coast Portland
and Columbia river longshoremen were
ailed out in sympathy, although con
tented with their ' pay of 55 cents an
hour. In the end, Washington and Cal-
fornia longshoremen settled with their
employers Independently, and it so hap
pened that the pay was lowered, so
ongshoremen . In Oregon returned to
work at 50 cents an hour. There is said
to be a marked disinclination on the
part of some of the men to aim for a
uniform rate of pay, preferring to deal
ndependently with their own employ
ers. . .
The commission of public docks had
conference yesterday as to the de
mands. The interest of the commission
s not that of actual employers, but is
due to the fact they maintain four
deep-water terminals and the pay of
ongshoremen figures in the general
cost of handling cargo. As a result of
he conference the commission will no
doubt be represented in any future
movement dealing with the matter.
The attitude of the employers is tak
en to indicate they will be guided by
the action of the men as to dealing in
concert with Puget sound. If the men
refuse to participate actively in the
eeting, it is reasoned, they may de
cline to accept its terms.
Under the former agreement with the
men Oregon employers could negotiate
with the longshoremen and refer the
matter to the national adjustment com
mission at Washington. The probabil
ities are the longshoremen will make
known tomorrow their attitude and the
present week may witness an appre
ciable advance toward the goal of set
Is beinv towtd up the coast by the tank
steamer Atlai, which Is en route to Ketchi
kan. Alaska,
The taiiK steamer J. A. Chandler, brtnj:
Inic fuel oil for Portland, arrived from
California last night.
Two officials of the shipping board were
here yestegiay to inspect the two unfin
ished hulls at the Rodeers shipyard ways.
These inspectors, it Ls understood. wiM
recommend that the hulls be completed.
The steam schooner fnyMis was aue to
night for San Fedro with, lumber from
The lumbar-laden steamer Oktya com
pleted her crew and was scheduled to
tonisht for the Atlantic coast, after a 1--hour
trial run outside.
The steamer Westisleta will rinisn loaa
Inr flour at the Port dock tomorrow, and
will orooed to Portland to complete her
T A CO MA. Wah., Aug. 9. (Special.)
Present indications are that many deep-sea
vessels will arrive here within the next
week. Among the list to load is the Chi
cafio Maru, Korripan III. West Hepburn.
liny Eagle. Ardena. Manila and Arabia
Marus and the J s vary. The Celebes Maru,
with Atlantic coat freight, sailed this noon
on her "way to Yokohama. The Malay Maru
is due to sail Sunday evening for tuba, i na
Chicago Maru is due here Monday or Tues
day from 1 okohama.
Coast Shipbuilders 'Organize ".Move
ment to End Alleged Discrimina
tion in Favor or Orient. "
i rarr;c men of .Portland steel -8hip--l
Jaras are to "meet tomorrow morning
at the plant of the Columbia. River
snipDuncnng- corporation, with a view to
inlnine with thn Ponlfin
hiilMorV traffi,. n-o r, i o i movement
Deingr organized along the coast to
trive for an equitable freight rate on
tcel and other shin materials and
quipment from the east. ' - .-
The principal officers to be selected
ere will be a vice-chairman and vice-
ecretary, and those to participate in
he meeting include Steve Whitney.
Columbia River Shipbuilding corpora-
ion; George Thomas. G. M. Standifer
Construction corporation: William Cur-
tin. Willamette Iron & Steel works: T.
M. Oeoghegan. Albina Bngine & Ma-
Dojlcslown Yard's Last Vessel Vnde
(Government Contraets.
The steel steamer Doylestown, th
17th of the type the Albina Engine &
Machine Works has completed, and the
last to be turned out under contracts
with the shipping board, will go on her
-of ftal trip Tuesday. Aboard will be
men who have had to do with the suc-i-ess
of the plant, some not actively
connected with the establishment who
have been concerned in the govern
ment programme, and others who are
listed among the plant's friends.
William Cornfoot. president of the
organization, as host to the party,
feels that the final chapter in
the drive for tonnage against the Ger
mans should be commemorated as far
as himse-lf and associates are con
cerned, and that one of the best means
of indicating what the city has done in
building ships is to demonstrate their
speed and facilities by first-hand in
" spection.
Area of 2 3 Acres on Willapa River
Included Time for Ofrers Ex
pires September 10.
The Sanderson and Porter yard, at
Raymond, Wash., is offered for sale by
the United States shipping board emer
gency fleet corporation. Sealed bids
ill be received until 11 o ciock a.
September 10, 1919. at the orfice of the
district manager, 07 Securities build
ing. Seattle, Wash., or at the otrice ot
the manager of shipyard plants divi
sion, 140. North Broad street, Philadel
phia. Pa.
The yard comprises an area of 23
acres, located on the Willapa river.
There are approximately 25-O0 . feet of
waterfront, with a good cnannei to
deep water. Dredging is proposed in
connection with the contemplated es
tablishment of a destroyer base on the
Willapa river by the navy department,
which will 'enhance the ' value of the
shipyard. The property consists of a
comnlete five-way shipbuilding plant.
capable of the coifSstrnction of complete
hulls up to 4000 tons capacity.
The yard has ample storage space.
Boom grounds are maintained in the
river below hte plant. There is a aocK
and wharf SOxSO on the property
equipped with one 10-ton stiff-leg der
The yard is a new one. having been
completed January 15. 191S. It has built
and launched ten 3500 D: W. T. Ferris
hulls, an average of two hulls per ship
way in 18 months, which is considered
an excellent record when circumstances
attending the delivery of material and
confusion due to war conditions is re
membered. Maximum ship accommoda
tions are 350 fot length, 50 foot , beam
and 30 foot height.
Lovter Columbia Seiners Are Makin;
Heavy Hauls.
ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 9. (Special.)
There was improvement in the catch of
fish last night and today and the de
liveries at the packing plants were the
. heaviest reported, since the first two
weeks of the season.
The seiners are having the best luck
. of all and some of them are making
. big hauls. The quality of the salmon
taken continues good.
I'mtsual Bird From Mexico. Owned
by Henry Rothsf hild.
A parrot, owned by Henry Roth
schild. manager of Brown & McCabe
stevedores, has laid an egg after 2S
years of captivity and thereby earned
the right to be classed in the feminine
gendeT. In the past the bird has been
designated as "he." according to the
story that yesterday caused Question
able glances to be directed at Mr.
It was 28 years ago that Polly, then
a mere infant in the feathered sphere,
was presented to Mr. Rothschild by
skipper, who brought the parrot from
Mexico. Mr. Rothschild declares th
parrot has all the accomplishments in
speech of other birds and a few specia
gifts as well. One of the favorite ex
pressions of the parrot is to call for
"three cheers for Grover." which Mr,
Rothschild says, dates from the tim
of the first campaign of Grover Cleve
land for the presidency.
Tidr at Atori Sondar.
Hizh Water. Low Water.
A il....1.0 feet7:2T A. M. . . 0.7 fre
chine works, and J. C. Carr. Northwest
Steel company.
Mr. Whitney received notice from
San Francisco yesterday that the
chamber of commerce there is support
ing - the movement in the interest of
continuing ship construction on the
coast ' in competition with ewstern
plants, and the Portland chamber will
be asked to consider the situation. It
is expected that the FaVific coast cham
ber of commerce will act as a unit
in the matter. ;
The builders are campaigning on the
fact that the rate on steel bound for
the orient is 60 cents on each 100
pounds from point of origin in the east
to -Tacific coast terminals, whereas
coast builders pay $1.25 to $1.37Ms on
each 100 pounds. With the ocean rate
added, Japanese can land steel at their
, yards for $1.20. Identified with the new
movement is every steei jam iiuni
Puget sound to San Pedro, and it is
asserted that - the fight will be car
ried to Washington.
It is understood that the new or
ganization will suggest to the United
States railroad administration that
rates on steel be about 4 cents fiom
Atlantic ports. 81 Vz cents from Pitts
burg and 69 cents from Chicago. Since
December 31. 1916, it is asserted, freight
rates on steel have advanced 92 per
cent prom Pittsburg and 105 per cent
from Chicago. Under existing charges
the cost of laying down steel for an
8800-ton vessel . here is said to . be
Assignment yesterday of the 9500
ton steamer Wawalona to load flour
for the United States grain corporation
does not alter the programme for the
Pacific Steamship company to obtain
fourth carrier of the same size ior mo
Portland-oriental service, says
O'Connor. Portland agent lor me com-
"We had expected the completion of
the Wawalona Vould be at a time that
would Ot into the oriental schedule, but
the truth is she will be ready in ad
vance of the sailing date next month
rr ikb wat Miinham. which we hoped
to replace with the Wawalona. so to
ho. hn turned over to US tO load
finF" TninnMi Mr. O'Connor.
The Nismaha. the next ot tne
ton ships to be finished at mo ino
fer plant, .might prove handy to Join
the fleet, but, at ar.y rate, we are .-
.r a fnnrth one of the type ana
those are the vessels the company pians
to nnrchase. as A. F. Hines, vice-presi
dent and general manager of the cor
poration, announced Friday."
Monthly Schedule Planned. ,
A 'schedule being worked out for the
permanent operation of the oriental
vessels provides for a steamer leaving
Portland . at daylight every tourin
Saturday. . Mr. O'Connor figures trial
with four ships, allowing for detention
at times, it will be 112 days from the
time a ehip leaves Portland until sne
starts her next voyage from here.
During the past week the company
was compelled, to decline to contract
for 30.000 tons of cargo offered In Japan
for transportation to Portland, an
space having, previously been taken.
On outbound shipments the company
has managed to .contract for consider
able business extending into 1920, while
the bulk of the outbound freight tor
steamers scheduled up to the. opening
of next vear is largely provided.
. "Ooeration of American ships .for
American trade is proving itself and
to my mind there is no reason to ex
pect the United States fleet will be
called on during the next few years
to make a. greater division of business
than is the case today, says Mr. o con
Everybody Has Good Chance.
"It is the first time an all-American
line has operated from the northwest,
and so long as American shippers will
accord their patronage, I am sanguine
there can be no question of its perma
nency. During the war period thn Pa
cific trade was largely controlled by
the Japanese, due to that country hav
ing an abundance of tonnage, but with
the entrance of other flags Into the
peace time- trade it is being demon
strated that there is no such a condition
as full control ' being in the hands of
one flag. s
"There will undoubtedly always ex
ist a condition through- which a certain
percentage of the general trade will be
controled, that from Japan by Japanese
and that from - the United States by
Americans, but all of it cannot be held
by one fleet. American owners can
compete so long as rates permit reve
nues that will offset expenses.
"Marine Xotes.
LlKhtvesmel No. 88. the station of which
in off the entrance to the Columbia river,
left Astoria yesterday for the Bremerton
navy-yard to have a radio set installed.
She will be the first of three lightships in
northweit waters to have the wireless ap
paratus made available.
Work of installing new sates in the locks
of the Yamhill river has been finished, and
an Inspection of the property and repairs
will be made tomorrow by K. B. Thomson,
assistant engineer in charge.
The wooden steamer Collnda was moved
yesterday from the drydock to the plant of
the Pacific Marine Iron works for finishing
touches: ,
To take on stores and supplies for sea.
the steamer Cabura, turned out by the Coast
Shipbuilding company, shifted yesterday
from the yard of her builders to the Fifteenth-street
terminal and leaves today for
Grays Harbor to load ties.
Carrying a full cargo of lumber for San
Pedro, the steamer Phyllis sails today from
The steamer West Celina, built by the
Northwest Steel company, reported at Bal
boa yesterday, 17 dcys from the Columbia
liver, which is the average time being made
these days by the 8800-tonners.
More than two-thirds of the frames are
In place on a new- wooden steam schooner
the McCormlck line is building at the yard
of the St. Helens Shipbuilding company.
Harry Blanchard. pioneer purser of the
Willamette, and Columbia, who has been
on annual leave, returns to the steamer
Undine tomorrow. Art Davis -is acting as
mate on the Harkihs steamer - while Cal
Bridges is on leave and another week will
witness all of the oldtimers back on deck
In an official announcement sent to Port-
landers from the New York office of the
1-oundatlon company, it ls made known that
franklin Kemlngton has been elected chair
man of the board and John W. Doty presi
dent of the company, with H. J. Deutschbein
first vice-president and .general manager.
Mr. Remington was in Portland last year
when hiu company was turning out wooden
team auxiliary schooners ior the French
I p f 1
r v, 1,1
Sunday Anto Trips Reported for
Pilots'AVho Must Stay on Duty.
Purpose of Dredge Operations Clari-
tied by Engineers. .
Because the government dredge Math
loma worked in the main steamboa
channel, off Salem, recently and infor
mation was not vouchsafed by her crew
as to the purpose of the work, coattid
erable speculation followed there, bu
Inquiry at the office of the federa
engineers brought the statement that
the digger only carried out the cus
tomary maintenance work and that
there was no secret as to her opera
tions. The project calls for a channe
there at low water of from 2 to 3
feet, that depth being sufficient ordi
narily to accommodate the shallow
Three shirm scheduled to leave Port- draft steamers which plied that far
3 e &fw'jK'h
i jrfcv -r 'l - I :
- ' ' " 1
h " .
1 ! TH ' - -
t land today. with expectations that
1 others now en route will enter the
l river, will . spoil Sunday, automobile
: trips for a few of tTie river pilots. As
j a matter of fact, should it happen that
fa Sunday passed without any of the
i marine guides having to be on duty it
J would be chalked in the official office
: log in capital letters.
! - The steamer West Ashewake, which
I lop.ded ' wheat here during the latter
I part of the week will shift to Astoria
'to take cn the balance. The Admiral
line steamer Aurelia, Captain J. O.
Farla. which made the harbor early
yesterday, leaves on the return today
for Marshfield, Eureka and San Fran
cisco, and the new wood steamer
Cabura, which the Coast shipbuilding
company turned- out for the shipping
board, leaves for Grays Harbor to load
ties for the Atlantic'
The West Salem,' Eola and Gray
Kagle bars were visited Friday by E. B
Thomson, assistant engineer in charge
He said there have been some change
since last year, but. in the main, the
are desirable. The upper Willamett
has offered engineers considerable in
terest at times because of changes I
bars and strong current conditions.
Various Methods
of Examination
OHri to tell, the lartre fact that
the eye is alive and not a rigid,
inanimate box is oply too often for
gotten by both opticians and
They think in perms of lenses
and anatomy, and tod often forget
muscular tension, tissue strain and
the other vital activities.
is not a dead device or a scientific
instrument of precision. It is a
pulsating, ' adaptable, living thing
subject to changes of humor.
health, tone, fatigue, vitality, foods
eaten and drugs taken.
Years of study, much practical
experience and keen judgment must
be used to determine the exact lens
to prescribe to assure Perfect
Fitting Glasses.
Here you receive the benefit of
more than 20 years' experience and
the best equipped and most modern
sight-testing establishment in Port
This unexcelled service costs no
more than for the ordinary kind.
Dr. Wheat
Eyesight Specialist.
Entrance on Washington Street
Movements of Vessels.
SAN FRANCISCO. Autr. 9. Arrived
Steamer San Jose, from Balboa.
Hailed Steamers Conqueror and Presi
dent, for Victoria; Hoyei (Jap.), tor , Yo
kohama ; Rainier, for Seattle.
YOKOHAMA. Au. 2. Sailed SteamfN
Tomei Maru (Jap.), from Kobe, for Seat m ;
Protesilaua, from Hongkong for Seattle; Ma
nila .Maru. for T a coma.
NAGASAKI, Aug. 2. Sailed Steamer
West Munham, for Seattie.
PORTLAND, Aus. 0. Arrived at 6 A. M
steamer Aurelia,, from ban Francisco via
Eureka and Coos Bay.
AS TO kia, Aug. 9. Arrived and left up
at xv last night, steamer J. A. Chanslor, from
Oaviou. Sailed at ;SO A. M., steamer Wil
lamette, from San Pedro, via San Francisco.
Sailed . at A. M., steamer Wahkeena,
for San Pedro. Arrived at and left un
steamer Segundo, from San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 9. Arrived at 10
A. M., steamer W. F. Herrln, from Portland.
Sailed at 3 0 last night, steamer Daisy, for
Columbia river. -
TATOOSH. Aue. 9. Passed inward at 4
A. M., tug Daniel Kern and barge liM, from
BALBOA. Aug. I). Arrived yesterday
Steamer West Colina, from Portland for
New lork.
SAN PEDRO. A uk. . Sailed yesterday
Steamers Fiavel and. Daisy Matthews, for
Columbia river.
SEATTLE, "Wash., Aug. 9. Arrived
Steamer Santa Ana. from southeast Alaska;
Ozmo, from Kuskokwim: tug Daniel Kern,
towing barge ill!, from Astoria.
Saiied Steamer Jefferson, for southeast
Alaska ; Jlexico Maru, for Yokohama; Colo
rado springs, for Newport News.
PORT GAMBLE, Wash., Aug. 9. Sailed
urey iuagie, lor united kingdom.
ABERDEEN,- Wash., Aug. 9. Sailed
Steamer Bo Butte, for London.
TACOMA, Wash. Aug. 9.- Arrived
Steamer Quadra British, from Britannia
ueacnt 15. k
Sailed Java Maru, for Seattle; Celebes
Jdaru, for lokohama.
and Cecetia Preston,
PI 1 1 more, Ky
Troy. y.
WEBB-DEATON Levi Webb. 'JS. of
Salem. Or., and Kona Deaton, ill, of Tupto,
KILE-EVES Frank Kile, legal, of San
Francisco. Cal., and Mrs. Caroline Eves.
legal, of Helena. Mont.
Chorus Picks Committee for Moth
ers-Daughters Kvent.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Aug. 9. (Spe
cial.) A committee has been appointed
to arrange for the mothers" and daugh
ters' banquet to be- grivdn by the arirls
victory chorus. The committee con
sists of Mrs. Helen . Kies. Helen Diet
lein, Mabel Metcalf and Theresa Flynn.
The banquet is to be held in about
two weeks, and only girls escorted by
their mothers or someone taking the
place of a mother will be admitted.
Soldiers probably will act as waiters.
The last sing: given by the girls
chorus was so popular that plans are
being made for another to bte held in
the park Monday night and one Monday
noon at the Standifer steel shipyard.
Sixty girls are enrolled. Walter
Jenkins of Portland is director.
Offender, After Serving Sentence
Faces, Xew Charge.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Aug. 9. (Spe
cial.) J. W. Spangler, who was re
leased from the county jail today after
paying a fine of $25 and serving a
three-day sentence in the county jail
for being drunk and disorderly, was re
arrested on a charge of having liquor
in his possession "and returned to the
Spangler was first arrested August 3
for causing a disturbance at the Klwell
rooming house. Two full bottles and
one partly filled with whisky, were
said to have been found in his posses
sion at the time.
C S. Naval Radio Reports.
(All positions reported at 8 I. M. yesterday
unless otnerwise indicated.)
LYMAN STUART, from Point Welle for
San Francisco, 338 miles from San Fran
cifcco. fc
WAHKEENA. from Portland for San Pe
dro, HO miles south of the Columbia river.
ATLAS, from Richmond for Ketchikan
-and Juneau, towing barge 93 to Columbia
river, 535 mile; from Richmond.
WILL AM ETTE, from St. Helens for San
Francisco, 25 miles north of Cape Argo.
WAPAilA, from San Francisco lor the
Columbia river, 120 miles south of the
Columbia river.
CELILO, from San Francisco for Port
land, l-'U miles south of the Columbia river.
Columbia River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD, Aug. U, Condition of the
bar at 5 P. M. Sea smooth ; wind north
west, 1- milfs.
Contract Let for Final Photographs
of AU Carriers.
The division of construction and re
pair of the shipping board has ordered
a final picture to be taken of each ship
she, appears ready for sea. A con
tract for the work has been awarded
from Washington to the Angelus Com-
j mercial studio. "
-For a- time during the active -construction
period of wooden steamers
jail photographs were taken by the gov
Li iimeaiL,. , v men esUDiibiicu a peuiat
department, while those of steel ves
sels in Portland continued to be taken
by h.e Angelus.' The new contract calls,
for. pictures of all completed vessels,
wooden .and,, steel. The plates are to
be sent to Washington with the prints.
Score of -1 0, 000-Tory, Craft to Be
Built for Steel Company.
s NEW YORK, Aug. 9. Contracts for
the immediate construction of, 20 10.-000-ton
steet .cargo shipsu suitable for
long voyages, have been, let by the
United States Steel corporation, it was
stated at the offices of President James
A. Farrell today.
The vessels will be built at the fed
eral shipbuilding plant at . Kearney,
X: and. the Chickasaw shipyards
at Mobile, Ala.
Photo by Angelus Studio.
Mn. John C Slattery.
'On the occasion of the floating of the
hull of the 8feu0-ton steamer West Rar
itans Wednesday, th'e Northwest St'eel
company prevailed otkMts. John C. Slat
tery, wife of Colonel Slattery, corps of
engineers. U. S. A., in charge of river
and harbor work in the second Portland
district, to officiate ,as sponsor for the
biff aMd. which was most successfully
t laumjied., Mrs. Slattery was made the
a feet 1 recipient o & platinum brooch..
Foreign Wheat Shipments Inspected.
SALEM. Or., Aug. 9. Special.)
Three shiploads of wheat leaving Port
land for foreign ports have been in
spected by the grain inspection depart
ment of the public service commission,
uncording to word received here today.
It'is planned by the commission here
after to keep at Salem "complete rec
ords of all inspections. Weekly re
ports will be issued for the informa
tion of the public. "
4 7 Steel Cargo-Carriers Sent Dow
Ways Within Vear,
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 9. A world
record for ship production was estab
lished at Hog Island the first year it
was in operation. 47 steel cargo-car-
riers aggregating 367.775 deadweight
tons having been sent down the ways
up to August 5. its first launching an
niversary. Thirty-six of these vessels with a
total deadweight tonnage, of - 281,700
tons, have been delivered ,to the gov
ernment' and several others are about
ready for delivery.
In making this announcement tonight
the American International fcnipucua
ing corporation said that the present
contract for 122 vessels will be -completed
about September, 1920. The
statement added:
"Since the Quistconck sailed from
Norfolk on January 2, 1919, with a
cargo of coal, the Hog Island ships
have covered 225.000 nautical miles and
carried over 400,000 tons of cargo to
practically every port of importance in
the world.
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
iemniA. Or.. Auk. 9. (Special.) Sand
is now being- pumped by the port dredge
Naloma to make the fill for widening the
dike road from the south end ot tne xounga
hv hrldee to Miles' corner. The dike will
i A a fui thu rpmovltll one
ue iuciicm v - , I w hsc o sireeu
of the most dangerous stretches of the state L-PRE NT rCK-K KLSO Gordon Prentice.
road ana also maaing room ior io .jt
of the belt line railroad.
With a cargo of fuel oil for Astoria ana
Portland, the tank steamer El Segundo ar
rived today from California. The lightship
Columbia sailed today for Bremerton navy
yard, where a radio plant will be installed
on her.
The coast guard cutter Algonquin left for
Bremerton navy-yard to be overhauled. She
is expected to return in about two weeks.
The steam-r F-oxbutte. lumber ladei fr m
Grave harbor for the Atlantic coast, is due
to take on bunker coal at the port dock.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Aug. 8. (Special.)
The Emergency Fleet steamer Boxbutte
cleared this afternoon for London with a
cargo loaded at the Hulbert mill, Aberdeen,
and the Or ay Harbor Lumber company and
Lytic mills, Hoquiara. .
i - V - -
ASTORIA. Or., 'Aug. t. Special .- The
steam schooner Willamette saiied today for
San Pedro, via San Francisco, with lumber
from St- elens.
With a cargo of lumber from St. Helens;
the steam schooner Wahkeena sailed for
San Pedro, via San Fraycisco.
Barge WCJ. laden with fuel oil for Aftorla
and i'uiUani, i due from California, bht
Oswego Lodge Buys Building.
OSWEGO, Or., Aug. 9. (Special.)
The Oswego Redmen's lodge has pur
chased a one-story building from
Charles Haines and has leased it to
Jones, who will open a. restaurant early
next week. .
Marriage Lie ense.
der. 27, Detroit, Mich., and Dorothy Cart
wright. 2-'. 3CO EusL Fifty-seventh.
TRACHSEL-li 1LLER Fred Trachsel. 3.
171 Williamt-'tie boulevard, and Lauisa Al'.llcr.
20, 5.14 I von.
HOKCK-SNTDBR Alexander Hoec:, -M,
Montgomery apartments, and Hazel Sny.
der, 2ti East Thtrt -first street.
MIOCOKI-CLAPSHAW lecilio Miccoli, !S,
SOU Montgomery street, and Kva ClupMftaw,
nk. 34 East Pine.
' OUjON-RraSBI.L William H. Olson, le
gal. New Per tons hotel, and Alice M. R us
ee! I, lega 1. New Perkii-.s hotel.
H YAMS-WI.KF Leo K. Hyams, legal.
Bremerton, Wash., and Aline C. Wollf, legal,
tibti Kearney street.
McLAlN-SHOOBS Leo A. McLain, 26.
Marshfield, Or., and Pauline Shoobs. -5
Hotel Portland.
FLBTCKER-ORM Edward H. Fletcher,
legal. 1754 Bast Eleventh street South, and
Sarah M. Orn, legal. li4 Columbia street
NACEL-MOrfLBH Herbert E. Nagel. 19.
3(12 Sacramento street, and Ethel M. Mohler.
2, 331 Montgomery street.
HARFORD-TERRY Oml H. Harford, le
gal, Salem, Or., and Stella R. Terry, legal.
lmper':-l notei.
BANTAM-HANSEN William L. Bantam.
!egal. 0U2 Michigan avenue, and Olga M.
Hansen, legal. 12 Michigan avenue.
KIDWELL-ROM1G Albert M. Kidwell. 2.
673 Wusco street, and Oladys A. Romig, 22
Mfit o street.
S. S. "CITY OF TOPEKA" sail P. M.
August 1 5th for Coos Bay, Eureka. San
Francisco, connecting with steamers to
Los Angeles and San Diego.
It educed Kotind-Trip Fnre
Fares Include Mealn and Berth
San Francisco $36.00
liOtt Angelea. .......... 8.n
han Diego 63.00
Juneau $.72.00
Skagway 80.K)
Sitka 80. OO
Seward 122.01
Anchorage . 14o.lM
Ticket Office, 101 Third St
Main 14i A 3332
Freight Office, East 433X
i Seattle. Wash., and vera H- K.elso,
cal 47 East Twenty-third street north.
Seattle, Wash., and Harriet Moraman.
b5 Eleventh street.
AKI N'S-MELVIN WiMiam C. Akms.
Enterprise. Or., and Anna L. Mel via.
7000 S.xty-first avenue Southeast.
BR AG DON -GEORGE Leslie R. Bragdon.
legal. East Orange. N. J.. and Lucie M.
Gtorse, legal, 345 Clay street.
riwi.RV-VAN BIBBER Ray A. Rlnley.
legal 417 S Russell street, and Maude Van
Bibber, legal, 417s Ruspell street.
CARTKH-GAIN US Elvin M. Carter. 24,
331 West Broadway,' and Verna Gainea, .2,
2i9 Clay street.
1SAACSON-KCRTH William Isaacson. 5.
New Westminster apartments, and Hilda
Jean Kurth, IS, Eighty-econ.d and Haw
thorne avenue.
Vancouver Marriage UcenaeW.
AUSPLt'ND-DE FEHR Emll Ausplund.
legal, of Portland, and Donald De Fehr, le
eal. "of Portland.
BARN ETT-SH AVER John Barnett, legal,
of Seattle, Wash., aud Helen Shaver, legal,
of Seattle. Wah.
BOERNER-SETTJ1 Carl Boerner, 20, of
Oregon City, Or., and Ida Settje. 21, of
Oregon City. Or.
AaiEb-PitESTON: Hcrjnaa, Eates, 22,-of.
S. S. Rose City
Depart 12 Noon
From Ainsworth Dock
Fare includes Berth and Meals.
City Ticket Office, 3d and Washington
Phonea Main 3530
Freight Office, Ainsworth Dock
Phone Broadway 268
The Dalles and Way Points.
Sailings, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
. Saturdays, 7 A. M.
Ash St. Dock. - . Broadway 3454.
Honolulu. Suva, New Zealand.
The Palatial Passenger Steamers
20,000 Ton , 13.500 Tons
Sal I f rom V anrou ver. B. C.
For far and Milling apply Can. Pax. Rail
way, .W Third St.. Portland, or Canadian
Australasian Royal Mail Line, 440 baiuouc
bt utcouver: C. ; ..