THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 10, 1019. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 61 TE 514 TO 510 SWETLAND BLDG. MARSHALL StfStf. ANYTHING YOU WANT FROM $500 UP Hotel ill. 000 Riant in the hotel district of the city, good 4 -story brWK building, 90 rooms that are well furnished, with ground-floor lobby, automatic elevator ; low rent for the loca tion, good 5-year lease ; will make good terms on this; owner has one of the best reasons for selling;. - Hotel $8500 Good hotel in nice location. Rood 3-vear lease, 52 rooms in nice brick building, making between $600 and $7oo a month; furnishings are in fine shape. This is a bargain and will not last long. Hotel $a000 40-room strictly , modern, 4-story hrick hotel, located in a high-class district, equipment and furnishings are absolutely first rate and will invoice twice this figure. Tele phone, hot and cold water and heat in eve-y room ; clearing close to $050 a month. The rent is low and is secured by a long lease, 7500 Located on upper "Washington st., a ti'-room house with a high-class patronage, doing a big business that is netting the owner $550 a month. The low rent of $275 is se cured bv a 3-year lease. This is a bargain for someone. Will Invoice about $12,000. $5500 A fine east side location, 44 rooms, house modern in every respect; neat, well-appearing a -story brick bonding, a long lease at a low rent has been fortunately secured; clears close to $300 a month. This (is a fine piace for the money. Act quick. Rooming House $5500 Good place of -10 rooms at a mod erate price that is making a profit of $350 to $40i a mouth ; good lease, low rent, good location; can give good terms on this. Hotel and Dining Room $45uo Located in one of the best saw mill and shipbuilding districts in the city ; five-story brick building, 150 rooms, large dining room, well owner is clearing up to $6no per month, but he has other business; a good lease goes with. it. $4000 Near city hall, 39 rooms. In a strictly modern, well-appearing brick building, furnishings and fix tures are fir&t-clasB and have been well taken care of. Is easily clear ing $225 a month. This place is patronized by a desirable class and has an excellent reputation as a in one v -maker. A long lease with a very low rent goes with. it. This won't last Ions- (2000 Boarding house. 36 rooms, all full. 30 steady boarders and transient meals; fine location, workingman's hotel, down by ixidustrial center. $1000 An 11-room house has been well kept, well furnished and worth twice the price; within o minutes walking distance from the center of town; the rent is only P per month, and the present owneV is easily clearing $7o above all ex penses. This is a good buy for bomeone looking for uch a place. Tvoomirg House $ jsuu Nice place of ten furnished rooms in good location, low rent; can get a good lease on this; good receipts. PACIFIC AGENCY, 514 S wet land Bldg. CAFETERIA $800 CASH. Well located little place, low rent, lease; cleared $10 daily past lour months. SOFT DRINK. Prominent busy corner, doing an aver age of $30 day; rent $50: price $12O0. WASHINGTON ST. CONFECTIONERY. Attractive place, busy all the time; rent 50; daily sales $50: fixtures $05O; lock at invoice, about $160O. APARTMENT HOUSE OROCER Y with six rooms and bath, doing $65 to $145 daily; fixtures 40c on the Collar; block at invoice, $2000. CASH GROCERY w.-itVt 13 hniisekpening rooms: rent $75, Muhlottinsr for $lo6; gives you store, four mnn-. nH bit i h i n d 1 for manage Tnent ; furniture and fixtures 1350; stock will invoice about $1350; daily sales aver age $60. rt CARL E. TUGGLE, 630 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3002. AN ' UNUSUAL OPENING" MENT ABOUT $L;0U0J. FOR INVEST' M N U KACTL'Rl N'G STAPLE PRODUCT, snow YOU PROPOSITION WORTHY THOROUGH INVESTIGATION. O'OU HANDLE YOUR OWN MONEY.) ASSURE "UNUSUAL" PROFITS, QUICK RESULTS. TALK WITH OWNERS, CARE OF S 2J. OREGON! AN. OUR list of-hotels and apartments, on Wash inzinn. Alder. Morrison. Stark and Burn side fttreets, also Oih and Burnside streets, ranging in prices. $40IH. $7ooo. ' $8.0O. t'Kinii ioooo r'(. 00. Slb.noo. and $L,O0O, all can be obtained on reasonable first cash payments. For good returns . on investments nothing better orrereu. Oregon Investment & Mortgii ge Company 222 Chamber of Commerce. .Marshall 2U5 PARTNER WANTED for auto garage, do repairing, sell gaso line, supplies, etc., and buy and sell used cars; can make large profits, experience not necessary if handy and willing to make yoursel f generally usctul : $ 1 500 re quired, which goes into the business to increase it. no one selling out. Call room 401 Dekum bitlS- $1500 will buy good grocery on the Boone Ferry road, including lot 80x 1 10. store bldg.. with 3 living rooms, stock and fixtures all goes for $1500. ACT QUICK IF YOU WANT THIS ONE. SEE. BUSINESS SERVICE. R17 Henry Bldg. Main 6707. AUTO GARAGE. Concrete building 50x100, low rent, under lease, fine location, has good storage and repair business, large trade in gasoline, oils and accessories ; $2750 required. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. HERE is the very best buy in the city, in grocery store ; rent $110 ; doing $lo0 a day business; will sell at invoice if taken at once; no fixtures to buy; stock will run about $30O0. Call Slmms. 41 Cham ber of Commerce. Main 6127. " A PARTNER WANTED In established machine and magneto shop to take charge of the business end and look after tne nooks, pavs salary $175 month besides profits; $120 required, ful Iv secured. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. $OUO TO M50t0, car. be doublod in I S to 2i months with tut services, and in much less time if you join me and are willing to work hard. Act quuk. This is an ex ceptional opportunity for a live one. AO 46. Oregonian. BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY. $650 handles this splendid proposition. Bee us at once. BUSINESS SERVICE. 517 Henry Bldg. Main 6797 I HAVE lease on 36-room hotel in small logsing town, dining room: this place al'. p lid, good $700 if you can ta ke it over. ' "Will be here for few days. BJ 706, Orego nian. AUTO SUPPLIES AND TIRES. A solid business lor tale, location extra good, profits J sou month ; will stand the closest investigation: price only $5250. Call room 41 I ekum bid g. $700 WILL buy this restaurant; well located on wsr side; rent $30. and is actually doing $40 a day busmoss. Call simms, 4.11 Chamber of Commerce. M.Hn 6127. WANTED Partner, old established manu facturers' agency, staple, exceptional lines. opportunity seldom offered, conservative Investment ; investigate. E 315. Oregonian. WAN TED 5 OtiO CO R D S OF SLAB WOOD. WANTED 5oo0 CORDS OF CORD WOOD. West Side Fuel Co., 414 Glisati. FOR SALE Wishing to return east, I.wish to sell one of best paying restaurants in one of best cities in state of Oregon; in vestigatc. AV 3'.t7. Oregonian. IF YOU ar" looking for grocery store. I have several, from $1000 up, t hat are extra good buys. Call Simms. 431 Cham ber of Commerce. Main til 7 FOR $25 I will show you how to make article cost 15c. sel Is for 2 ; you can make $20 per day and up with this. AB 29. Oregonian. RESTAURANT FURNITURE. Vse your own location; $300; $50 down. $10 per month, or cheap for cash. 15S0 K. Glisan st. DANDT little candy kitchen; good oppor tunity tor one who knows how 10 make home-made candies. . IMS W. 3d St.. Van couver. Wash. WONDERFULLY good established hair dressing parlor Vancouver. Wash.. for sale: retiring from business reason. Madam Adair. 1031- W. th st. MUST sell this week, small cah register, meat s'.ieer. computing scafes. Showcases, topper kettle, candy tools. American ac count register. 230 Washington st. PARTY with $500 to assist in promoting oil company in promising field. Only parties with ready cash need apply. We mean bus-ness. AK 54. Oregonian. $joo TAKKS this place: confectionery stand, doing ! 5 bu?ines a day. fall Simmi, 4 ;i Chaniocr of Commerce. Main 6127. FOR SALE Soft drink route, with or with out Ford. LVl Si&S. BLSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. GARAGE. Good west side location, " 50xlOO. two floors, room for 75 cars, concrete building, 4-year lease." rent $125; good repair busi ness employing 7 men. Price $4000. MOVING PICTURE SHOW. Good east, side location, established 7 years; 5-year lease; $50 a month. Selling account of sickness. GROCERY AND FILLING STATION. Good suburban piace. doing cash busi ness of $50 a day; rent $lo a month, with 3 living rooms. Price $3500. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Cash business, doing $75 a day; good downtown location ; rent $40 a month ; 2- year lease; invoice about $-750. SOFT DRINKS AND CARD ROOM. Money-maker ; o!d established business, west side: doing $00 a day. Rent $37.50; 3- year lease. Owner going east. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. Downtown location, doing $60 a day; reht, $40: 3-year lease; and living rooms. Price. $2300. Must be seen to be appre ciated. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. Light grocery on the east side, doing $40 a day; rent, $J0 a month, with 2 liv ing rooms, nce, -wu. ; GROCERY. East side, doing $1 25 a day; good loca tion; the same owner has been there for 5 years. W ill take $400 for the fixtures and invoice the stock about $1600. GROCERY. Good downtown location With 3 living rooms; doing n a day. Price, 31k0. CONFECTIONERY. Finest confectionery and ice cream par lor in the city; nets about 51000 a montn. Price, $7500; $:;500 will handle it. We have other business opportunities too numerous, to mention here. if you are loKing lor anything in the business lin drop in and see us. ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY & REALTY COMPANY.. 716 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. MAIN 5315 FOR SALE A country store, well located. no competition, doing a good business, about all cash, no soliciting, no deliveries, on two main roads. Groceries and several other lines, w'ith a filling station; one acre grouna. ail tenced, good building, o liv ing rooms, overything convenient; stocks, fixtures and furniture; fall garden ; fill ing station, chickens, all for $20OO; rent for all. $10 per month with lease. AV -400, WHOLESALE FRUIT AND COMMIS SION HOUSE FOR SALE. Portland's oldest-established house, lo cated on the most prominent corner ,on Front st. and doing a- profitable business, is offered for sale on highly favorable terms. Unquestionably, this is a highly desirable investment for some energetic person or firm. For interview address D 4.7, Oregonian. ONE OF THE BEST FISH MARKETS. CLOSE IN ON YAMHILL, DOING GOOD BUS1 N ESS : ICE PLANT AND ALL EQUIPMENT. WITH FOUR YEARS' LEASE. CHEAP RENT. CHEAP FOR CASH IF SOLD AT ONCE. 440 TAYLOR ST. OR MAIN 2175. P. O. BOX b6S, PORTLAND, OR. FOR SALE Steam laundry in town of 12,000. in Washington, now doing over $300 per week, cheap fuel and cheap rent. In voice at $6500; will sell for $4500, $1500 cash, bal. easy terms; will sell whole or l? interest; will bear full investigation. AV 3 . Oregonian. WE HAVE RESTAURANTS. CIGAR STORES. POOL HALLS. ICE CRUAM PARLORS AND OTHER BUSINESS OP PORTUNITIES FROM SS50 UP. SEE US BEFORE BUYING OR SELLING. 446 TAYLOR ST. OR MAIN 2175. P. O. BOX KS. PORTLAND, OR. GROCERY" AND CONFECTIONERY. -$1650 will buy good grocery located on Larrabee st.," do ing a fine business from $50 to $100 a day; rent only $.! ; w ill invoice. See BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 Henry Bldg. Main 6707. A CASH GROCERY. Corner, hrick building, low ren t, sales averaging $65 day, extra-good profits; this is an old established business, as good a tstore is seldom offered ; will sell at In voice. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. GENERAL store in growing irrigation cen ter, with established cash trade; can be handled for $50o0; some trade. Fine op portunity for profit. A V 407, Oregonian. Business Opportunities Wanted. I HAVE from $10,000 to $20,000 to Invest In a good dry goods or shoe stock; stock must be clean and price right. Give full particulars to AV 334. Oregonian. WE HAVE two clients that desire to buy th furnishings of an up-to-date apart ment house. One has $10,000 cash and the other has $6000 cash. If your place is for sh e see us as soon as Dossiblc. Metz ger -Parker-Ferguson Co., financial agents. 3o2 Oak st. 40 ACRES level land, good soil, build in; some cleared, balance logged off and tim ber; on county road ; clear title; price $16oo. To exchange for grocery or gen eral store at invoice to $2UU. At 00, Oregonian. WOULD like to invest a few hundred dollars and services in email restaurant, grocery or confectionery or anything, city or country, or would buy same if reasonable. Address, full particulars, J S2. Oregonian. YOUNG business man. sales and executive experience, desires to buy in or associate with live wire in factory representative game, machinery, auto accessory or ga rage business. E 349, Oregonian. WANTED TO PURCHASE FOR SPOT CASH. SAW MILL,- AND INTE KIOK. FINISH MILL. ADDRESS S. E. HAYES. 1203 Hoge bldg., Seattle. WHEN OTHERS FAIL to sell you out, list it with the old re liable J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch b 1 dg. M a in 4557. YOUNG, practical machinist wants paying business or interest as partner, can in vest $4000. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Commerce. WILL pay $100 cash for information of good downtown restaurant location now va cant or to be vacated soon ; will buy a business out. Y 525. Oregonian. WILL pay cash for your downtown restaur ant or small cafeteria if located right; must have lease. Y 526, Oregonian. WANTED Cash and carry grocery; have the readv cash. Must show good busi ness. Write fully. AV 377, Oregonian. WANTED Work for new two-ton truck, lumber hauling preferred. E 320, Orego nian. 1 f I WILL buy second-hand soda fountain. State price and size. M 551, Oregonian. THREE men want dairy farm on shares, all stocked up. D 466, Oregonian. WANTED Small vulcanizing and accessory plant. E 205. Oregonian. WANTED S M ALL STOCK OF SHOES. AM 451. OREGONIAN. WANTED to buy a giVcery about $1600. .1307 64th ave. S. E. Tabor 3266. MAN wants lady partner in confectionery store. AK 537, Oregonian. WANT to buy at once, small rooming house, cash up to $500. AB 30. Or?gorian. Hotels and Rooming Houses. JAPANESE ATTENTION. We have two hotels that we can lease to Japanese; one 40 and- one 50 rooms; modern brick buildings; west side; reason able rent; price $4250 and $5500. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. . 3-0-o'Jl Henry Bldg. Main 2630. MOVING PICTURE SUPPLIES. Aeon's for Lalby 1000-watt generator fr r independent lighting and moving pic tures. Complete lecturer's equipment on works of Christ and Joseph, aUo comics. Write for particulars. GENERAL SUPPLY & REPAIR CO. 213 Fourth st.. near Salmon. Main 2olS. WEST SIDE. CLOSE IN. $650 - buvs good little rooming house, f rooms with bath; electricity, gas. fire place and wash trays: rent only $30 per month: rooms well arranged to sublet. Call Sundays at 447 5th st.. near College, or Monday at 320 Henry bidg. !0 ROOMS H. K.. rent $00. close in. west side, $750 down. accident forces sale. 16 rooms, mostly transient, rent $25; own er leaving city, will sacrifice. 1 1 rooms H. K., rent $30, west side. $600 cash or torms. Thomson. M5 Henry bldg. WHITE TEMPLE district. 13 rooms, splen did furnishings: house well arranged; in come about $160. Rent $35. This is a bargain at such a price as $000. Don't deiay. See Hedges. 2S2 Taylor. 1 4- ROOM ROOMING HOUSE. CLOSE IN. WEST SI OF. CHEAP FOR CASH. OR MIGHT TAKE $ 3 5 O. BAL. EASY PAY MENTS. 446 TAYLOR ST. OR MAIN 2175. ROOMING house for sale, house for rent; $250 buys furniture 11 housekeeping rooms across from auditorium ; income $40 net. Will be at home Monday. 250 Market st. 3S-ROOM hotel, modern hrick. well located, fine furniture, lease : price $42o0. terms; bargin. Call 163 H West Park sL Wells & Anderson ;0-ROOM HOTEL Always full; w ife run while you wort; money-mn Ker; price $ Cascade Rooms, Mncouver, MONEY-MAKER: 0 rooms, 4 kitchenettes; close on Broadway ; clears $50 month. Price $550. 604 Spalding bids BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming floube. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320-321 Henry Bidg. Main 2630. BUYERS ATTENTION. If you wish to buy a business and haven't sufficient capital, see us. We will help finance any good proposition if pur chased through our office. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 90-ROOM APT.-HOUSE. West side, swell location. Modem build ing with elevator. Rent only $3uu per mo. Price $75 OO, part time. 50-R,OOM ROOMING-HOUSE. White temple district, modern building. Rent $200 a month. Price only $3650, some terms. Hurry; it's a real snap. 67 ROOMS AND APARTMENTS. West side, class A building with ee- vator. private bais and phones; rent 3uo, 3-year lease, an furnished throughout. Price $55oo; $2500 down, bal. to suit. 100-ROOM APT.-HOUSE. Centrally located, modern in every re spect. 35 apartments, 2s and 3s. All have private bath and phone. Rent $".50; 3-year leate. Good carpets and hardwood furniture. Price $00oo, part time. 36 ROOSlS A SNAP. Neat as a pin, beautiful rooms, modern brirk building, good location : rent only $150 with leas. Clears over $300 a month net. Good furniture and carpels. Price $4000. FOR WOMAN ALONE. 17 rooms. H. K., steam heat and hot water furnished by the landlord. All light rooms with eiegant furniture. Rent only $00 a month; 1S00 handles. CLOSE-IN LOCATION. 14 rooms, good furniture, corner, rent only $45, net Income $75 a month. 10 ROOMS, RENT ONLY $0C Well furnished, close in. 5 rooms rented pay all expense and some profit. - Price of furnishings $650. ? ? WHY WORRY? ? When you need capital, want a partner or wish to sell your business we can help you. Give us a call. WE BUY CHATTEL MORTGAGES.. HOTT2L AND DINING ROOM The beL.t buy in the city for a complete hotel, 185 rooms, steam heat, running wa ter, fine brick building, good location, IO year lease, low rent; owner connected with other business and will take city home w"i maae good terms. HOTEL BARGAIN. One of the best 74 -room hotels in Port land ; modern brick building, every room well furnished, nice lobby, good lease and cneap rent, on one of the best businebs bLrecis in city; iuoo wii do business. 50-ROOM HOTEL 50 - The ncalcstJittle hotel in Portland for and sale: elecrant fnmitnro hi.. re building, strictly modern, clearing $S00 per Tn (In I h - ti'J Itn nv4 APARTMENT HOUSES. One Of 145 rnnmv anrl ll-rsmm a- fine brick bldg., well located, walking u'a"c. cnryiiiing wen lurnisned, long lease, ies than $4 per room; if you have i uuw vu.11 aim see me. SMALL ONES. I have them from to 16 rooms in all paria 01 in citv. F. RIERDON, R1TTER. LOWE i CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GODDA R D HAS THE BARGAINS" TH E BEST T N FOR TLA N D. 75 rooms with lobby ; best lease in Port land ; rent $270 month. Price $3000; clears $400 month. 40 rooms, brick; steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms; 6 baths; $4200 takes l , a w inner. 40 rooms, housekeeping suites; rent $73, 'mp. rnce .uu, easy terms clears $250 month. 45 rooms on west side; $3000. terms; first time offered. 20 beautiful rooms. 3 baths, 2 sleeping iM.Mciie, terms. 15 rooms. $1200. IS rooms. $1650. V. rooms, $16no. 13 rooms, $lloo. 14 rooms. $1300. 17 rooms, S1400. 12 rooms, $ 650. 27 rooms, $20oo. OTHERS ALL SIZES. ALL LOCATIONS. on. 1 i.n y y AUTOMOBILE and T will show you these. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG al AfAi-t 1 MEN TS, modern brick corner west side, private balconies. hardwood floors, etc.; extra good furniture; clears over $400 per mo. Price $S5oo. Terms. 30 two and three-rm. apartments. Rent $300. Lease. Completely furnished. Modern brick corner; fine money maker Price $5000. Terms. 62-rm. modern brick apartment; best west side district ; rent $250 ; lease com pletely furnished and in very best con dition. Clears $425 per mo. Price $70U0. Terms. 2S-h. k. rms., five blocks from old P. O., electric lights, hot and cold water, fur nace, etc. Some elegant f urni lure and carpets. Clears $:;o per riio. Close in spection invited. Price $3oo0. 20 h. k. rms.. rent $55, lease, electric lights, call bell system, hot and cold water in rooms: $l!oo. terms. YATES REALTY CO.. 24i 4th. St. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. 38 rooms fully furnished; 3 years lease, rent $125 per month, doing an un usually good business; linen and silverware for sale ; tn a live central Oregon town : other business demands proprietor's time. Price $1S00. CAUL ON US. H. H. URDAHL CO.. Inc.. Main 6252. 322 Abington Bldg. LEASE AND FURNITURE FOR SALE. HOTEL BUYERS TAKE NOTICE. 55-room. modern hotel, brick building, neatly furnished, right in town location. Furniture for sale and lease to run for 2' years, and can be renewed; pays over 100 per cent on investment; price $0000. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., Phone Main 14. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, an v where, see F- RIERDON. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. HITTER. LO W E & CO. . 203-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. A BIG MONEY-MAKER. Hotel in one of the best towns in eastern Oregon; Columbia highway; only hotel in town; lot 100x200. Present owner getting .old; wants to retire; fine opportunity for energetic young couple." Price, $16,000: terms, $5000 cash; balance 1. 2 and 3 years. Gibson. 26S Stark. Marshall 12. DOWNTOWN HOTEL. One of the best located in the city. The furniture is for sale and no extra charge is made on the lease, which is for five years. Present tenant called east. Fur ther particulars at our office. METZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON CO., 302 Oak St. 15 ROOMS TRANSIENT. On Morrison tit., brick bldg.. clears over $100 a month, clean, good furniture, prioe 1005. $405 will handle. Peters, 15 N. 5th street. 33 ROOMS, MODERN. In heart of west side. White Buck steam heat, hot and cold water, all rooms always full and a money-maker, all for 52,300, on your cwn terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. SOME GOOD ONES. 11 rooms, splendid; rent $ 35.00 20 rooms, H. K 135O.00 30 rooms, excellent 3000.00 DA VI ES. Main 5231. TO BUY OUT housekeeping rooms. 12 or 15. $400 cash, balance monthly; desirably lo cated: owners reply. 181 Groves st. Phone Main 905S. Mrs. Payne. I WANT TO BUY direct from owner a rooming or apartment house; I have the cash to pay. Call Mar shall 727. flCELY furnished hotel in a good town; good buildings on two good lots, all for S5OU0: terms on part to right party. For further information phone Woodlawn 5006. WANTED -A small apartment house. 15 to 20 rooms: must be all housekeeping: will pay $1000 cash. Call afternoons. Tabor 94n. 50-ROOM rooming house, west side; good furniture; lease; If sold this week $3500, terms. Call 163 West Park st. Wells & Anderson. 17-ROOM housekeeping house, fine location; hirh.class furniture, cood build in sr. low rent : price $16mo. Call 163 Vs West Park rt. Wells & Anderson. FOR SALE or trade for farm, 13-room rooming-house. Owner, 709 Minnesota ave. 27 ROOMERS in 1. 2 and 3 apt., will sell by Sept. 1. best location in city; for gen era! particulars call 214 13th st. FO Ft SALE at a bargain, 25 housekeeping rooms, located at ly Grand ave. See own e r on premises. FOR SALE OR TRADE International hotel; MOO rooms: offim. dining room and kitchen on ground floor: rates reasonable. WANTED Rooming houses. 12 to for cash. Main 3fifi0. H. W. 2H 3d st.. cor. Taylor. i!i rooms. Garland. FOR best bargains in rooming or apartment houses see members of the Realty Board, Yates R e a H y C o.. 2 4ft 4t hs t . 11 ROOMS, housekeeping, west side, central location, brick, building, paying well. East 6320. WANT rooming house, west side, to 20 rooms; give cash price. Oregonian. from AB 45-ROOM hotel, money maker $11 00 terms, real bargain. Ciu Hood, Slain 62X BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Roomioff Houses. HOTEL AND ROOMING HOUSES. 30 rooms, cor. brick." steam heat, 2-year lease, rent $lo5 price $2000 40-rooms. cor. brick, on 3d st., rent only $100, 3-year lease; price 3309 24-rooms, brick bldg., rent $55. steam heat: $800 will handle; price 1500 6S rooms, hot and cold water in every room, private baths; terms: price.. 9000 70 rooms, on 3d st., steam heat, clear ing oven $4oO a month; price 73oti 22 rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat, rent $135; terms; price S100 25 rooms, on 6th st., rent $100. clear ing $200 a month: terms; price.... 230Q 51 rooms, hot and cold water, steam. heat, rent $150, cor. brick; terms.. 4203 We have many other good listings in hotels, rooming houses and apartment houses.- Come up and see us. BUSINESS SERVICE, Main 6797. 317 Henry Bldg. SPECIALS. $0000 52-room strictly modern hotel ; furniture and fixtures absolutely first c'.ass; elevator, phone exchange and lobby; an excellent buy ; easy terms. $5uoo 150 rooms; fine location; has a reputation as a money-maker; will Invoice at twice this figure; can get good terms or would probably consider some exchange. $4250 39 rooms; best location in town; can be shown that it is a money-maker; clears $275 a month; fine condition and a buy that won't last long; a good lease with low rent; terms. THE BIRCH COMPANY, MAIN 5616. 322 Y EON BLDG. A REAL BARGAIN. One of the best w or kinsmen's hotel In city; 46 rooms, furnishings far above the average; several rooms renting transient each night. Part 2-room bachelor apts. House practically full. Hot and cold water baths, electric lights, gas. phone. This hotel is a good close-in location, one of best in city, and is clearing close on to 2.o per mo. it will ao tne same ior you, Owner desires to go to California on ac count of other business, and will sacri fice. I have been Instructed to sell. Now if you want to buy right, see me. The rent is only $00 on a lease. I am going to start the price at $2.O0. Let me show you. Hedges. 2e2 Taylor st. t ROOMS, good west side location. Price SI5O0. Japanese -accepted. 10 rooms. 7 rooms furnished, in Nob Hill, with piano. $!00; rent $40. 22 rooms in. business district, price $2M)0. 37 rooms, west side, all full, price $330O. 72 rooms. 8 baths, with di.iing rooms, 60 ntidv board e rs. Drice 4200. ATLAS BUSINESS AGCY & REALTY CO.. 716 Board of Trade. Main 5315. j- ROOM apartment h.;use. w ell located, line furniture, low rent ; price $35o. Call lti:ti West -HarK st. ells Ac Anaerson. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOT responsible for bills contracted for after August 9 by my wife Leafie Schwartz. Signed, A. Schwartz Jr. Propowalw Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the Commission of Public Works of the state of Idaho at the office of the commissioner. Boise, Idaho, until 2 o'clock P. M. on the 22d day ol August. 101'J. for the construe tion of 31.5 miles of the north and south state highway, in Adams and Idaho coun ties, between New Meadows and White- bird. Bids will be opened and publicly read at tne auove-statea nour. Plans, specifications, form of contract proposal forms and other information may be obtained at the office of the Director of Highways, Boise, ldahovand at the Em ployers' Associat ion of the Inland Empire, Hut ton bldg., Spokane. Washington. All proposals must be made- on the forms lurnisned, ana must be signed by tne bid der with his address. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, or to accept the bid or bids deemed best for the state of Idaho. No bid will be considered unless accom -panted by a certified check, on some bank In the state of Idaho, made payable the Commissioner of Public Works, in the amount or 5 per cent of the total amoun 01. the bid. 1 tils certified check Is become the property of the state of Idaho, not as penalty but as liquidated damages, 11 tne uiuuer, upon acceptance or his bid 1 ail or refuses to enter into a contra or to furnish the required surety bond. within ten days (not including Sunday after presentation of the contract bv th Commissioner of Public Works to him for execution. A bond with a surety company author ized to do business in the state of Idaho, and satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Works, will be required for the faithful performance of . the contract, in the sum of fifty per cent (SO'r) of the -total amount of the contract price. It is the purpose of the commissioner to build the road In the shortest time con sistent with good construction, and com plete and weil-designed equipment and cflective, organization will be insisted upon. WM. J. HALL, Commissioner of Public Works. August 1, 1'JIU. BIDS for th erection of the proposed Women's building for the University ol Oregon win be received by the building committee pf the board of regents of the University of Oregon, until 2 P. M. on Tuesday, August 12. 1019. at the Adminis tration building. 'University of Oregon, Eugene. Or. Plans and specifications may be secured by applying at the offices of the architects. Lawrence & Holford, 1021 Chamber of Commerce building, Portland. Bids ara desired for th general contract only. The building committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Suc cessful bidders will be required to furnish bonds for the faithful performance of the contract. - 18 L. H. JOHNSON, Secretary Board of Regents, . University of Oregon. M iscel laneous. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. If you want to have up-to-date clothes, we are . tailors for particular neoDle. We make clothes as good as clothes could be maue. w e absolutely guarantee you that we make the best clothes in the city for less money. Come in and give us a trial M. WEINSTEIN. Tailor to Men and Women. 410 Stark st.. bet. loth and 11th. Portland. Or. I WILL not be responsible for bills made' by my wire. Lulu M. llollingshead, ftoru Aug. 2. W. A. Hoilingshead. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Black cow ; has four white feet. no brand ; between Burlington and Linn ton. Inquire J. Schmidt, near Burling ton, Or.. St. Helens road. LOST Between Jefferson and Morrison, West Park and 16th st.. a brown fur beit lined with blue satin. Bring to Pautages theater. Miss Hardeorth. Reward. LOST Aug. 7 or 8, one Smith & Wesson d-caliher revolver, bearing numbers 2531 and 17406. Liberal reward. American Railway Express Company, SI 6th st. LOST Friday night at New Republic grill or at Hippodrome theater or between these places, a panermlne fur, looks like mink. Reward. Call Marshall 4073. LOST Thursday, a manlla envelope, at Meier & Frank's containing papers rela tive to income tax, a gov't discharge, can- celled checks. Call Tabor 23 after 6. LOST At Meier & Frank's, one pair of low snoH nnd two ladies--' uder- vests. one camisole. East 7181, or 488 Williams ave. Receive reward. LOST A bunch of keys on cast side, some where on irvington route, about y or 10 keys, no name. Return to Palace Laundry Co. LOST Monday night, between Multnomah hotel and 10th and Washington. lady's Deaaca mesn oag. rnone t,ast 2UO 7 . PARTY who found bag containing pocket book, bank book and receipts, Tuesday, pnone jiain ; t u. Kewara. LOST Black lace scarf. Thursday. Aug. between 21st and Davis and 24th and Hoyt streets. Reward. Main 2S81. LOST From 411 Montgomery sL, canary; dark head, dark win as. . Main 4965. Re ward. LOST A small goldwrist watch, khaki col ored ribbon baud. Finder please return to receive rewara. uaii jsawy. jboa. LOST Eastern Star pin, J. B. Lee on back; reward. 72 Brooklyn at. Sell- wood 313 1. WILL the party who found large white envelope containing recommendations. kindiy ring East i-lo again. LOST Reward will be paid for the return of a cameo brooch. Phone Mrs. Fred Lockley. Woodlawn 6039. LOST Lady's Masonic Shrine pin. dull gold acimeteL. with red enamel crescent. Finder please return to manager Multnomah hotel FOUND Purse containing victory bond: owner may have same by giving number of bond. Call Marshall 54. 2. LOST Brown fox fur, on the Sandy boule vard, Beaumont hill. $10 reward. Phone Broadway 2(iO. LOST Female Airedale terrier, license No. 126: liberal reward for return. Call Woodlawn 20O4. LoST Small brown wallet containing money. Name is on cae. Kewara. rubor 3502. LOST A gold medallion pin with pearls and chip diamond. Reward. Tabor 15b8. LOST Aug. 6. topaz pin. prized as glfL Return to 4Q5 Central bldg. Reward. LOST Kodak pictures and films in Meier & Frank's store. Phone East 3397. LOST Large gray and white male cat in Laurelhurst in July. Tabor 5125. Reward. LUST pin. -Monday evening, an Eastern Star Call Woodlawn 1403: reward. LOST J uly 25. a cameo breastpin. Phone Bel lwood 1639. Reward . FOUND Lady's diamond ring. lunchroom, 133 Parity - Coffee Cup LOST' AND FOUND. STOLEN. $50 reward. Ford touring car stolen July 31, 1S19, from 2d and Taylor, Port land. Or. Oregon license 677H8. Motor 2U2l220; black body, black running gear, no bumper, no spotlight; lower half of windshield cracked straight up and down on right side; H. & D. shock absorbers on front, none on back; one extra radius rod; Goodyear AUweather oversize tires all around, front 3iix3 . rear 31 x4. $25 re ward for recovery of car and $25 arrest and conviction ot thief. INDIVIDUAL. UNDERWRITING CORPORATION,-821 N. W. Bank Bldg. THE FOLLOWING articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light A: Power Co.. August S; 4 purses, ring, locket, pin. bracelet. 2 keys, knitting needle, spectacle case, shoe, 3 gloves, music case, cap, coat, auto top. hammer. 7 packages, basket, 2 traveling bags, 2 lunch boxes, 5 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder. LOST Brown leather pocketbook. near N. v . Steel company s store, containing a $5 bill, some small change and a $50 vic tor)' bond. Return to J. P. Lsnox. E. 334 3d., cor. Mill, or No. 1S79 plate shop. Col. River S. B. corp. Reward. LOST Between Albany and Monroe, small brown grip containing personal ef lects. Finder please call Dulcy, Marshall l!o7, or address Broadstreet company, Port land. Reward. LOST Black silk crocheted handbay, con taining 2 coin purses, some silver money and a pair of glove, on Sit Tabor car or left on bench in Laurelhurst park. Reward. Call Main S657 or Woodlawn 2236. LOST Somewhere between East 28 th and 60th sts., metal clip book ; finder please notify Montavilla Auto Transfer Co., Main 1305, or Tabor 608S. STRAYED From Oregon hotel. Fox Terrier dog; answers by name of Rocksy. Call porter Oregon hotel, if located. LOST An army bag con tain Ins soldier's uniform; return to 5a North Park. Reward $5. LOST Masonic watch iiharm; reward. Wm. H. Brust. Courthouse. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you must sell your Liberty or Vic tory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from us. We buy and sell Liberty and Virtory bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE. On Saturday, August 0, we paid the following prices for United States Gov ernment Liberty and Victory bonds, which were the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued interest. N.Y. Mkt. Interest. Total. $'.m.SO $ .54 $100.34 1st 04. IO 13.14 2d 4s 2d 4'43 3d 4 s 4th 4s Victory 3s .... Victory 4 s .... .00 i'4.10 1.2 l4.3 04.04 1 72 00 66 03.33 1 37 ?4.70 00. Si .S4 JtMl.tiS 0O.S4 1.07 tM.!l Liberty and Victory in purchasing bonds we deduct from the above pries 37c on a $50 bond and $2.50 -on a Mono bond. In selling Liberty and Vh tory bonds we charge the New York market price plus the accrued interest. SK A ROUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN. Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for R"nt. M ORRIS BROTHERS. INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House. Morris Bldg., 300-311 Stark St. Bet. 5th and 6th. Telephone Broadway 2151. Established Over 25 Years. LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues Bought and Sold. Before Buying or Selling Get Our Quotations. E. L. DEVEREAUX & COMPANY, Government and Municipal Bonds. 87 Sixth Street. Between Stark and Oak. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. NEW YORK EXCHANGF QUOTATIONS WITH INTEREST ADDED FRIDAY AS FIRST 3' $100 27 SECOND 4"0 03.H0 THIRD 4 JMi.tW FOUKTFT 4 To 04.64 FIFTH 4e 100.b6 WE WILL PAY YOU THE MARKET PRICE FOR YOUR BONDS WE LOAN 00 ON THE FACE VALUE AT 7 INTEREST. - FINANCE SECURITIES COMPANY. STOCKS AND BONDS. 231 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG- LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OK BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. LfAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF ITS ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS, OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BURKITT. PRESIDENT OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 212 SELLING BLDG. 2D FLOOR). CORNER U1H AND ALDKR STS. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AND TRUST BLDO. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. MARKET PRICE. CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN you money on BUNDS, v . S. to., or make PAYMENTS on BONDS. 79fc. 725 Gasco Bldg.. Fifth and Aider. CELL A RS-MURTON CO. BONOS AND MORTGAGES. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. 284 Oak St. Marshall 756. PARTY with $500 to ansist in promoting oil company in promising field. Oniv parties with ready cash need apiMy. We 11 ean business. AK 543. Oregonian. CASH naid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate m asnmgton or Oregon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bldg. LUMBERMENS TRUST CO. Mock for sale. 2l shares, o"o dividends, it l'J'J. urego nian. . CASH paid for undivided Interests In real Ex- property ana estates. uerry, -u vy. change bldg Money to Loan on Heal Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS -On improved farm and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 506 Piatt Bldg.. Ma in 5371. TO LOAN, $5o0, $1000. $1500 and up on real estate, at 6 to 7 per cent. George P. Lent. 717 Corbett bid g; $300. $400, $500, $750, $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co., S32 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. $20,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; building loans, lowest "nates. W. G. Be.-k. 215-216 - Failing bldg. Phone Main 3407. $100. (M0 TO LOAN on farms. No delays, no red tape, no publiclt Willamette Valley Mortgage Loan Co.. Aurora. Or. MONEY" to loan. $1000 to $5000 to loan on improved property ; no commission. R 150. Oregonian. IF YOU wish to borrow money on real es tate, see Farm land Agency, 617 Board of Trade, Main 163. $75o6 private money to loan : city acreage or farm ; will divide to suit. 625 Henry bldg., Marshall 5858. $tiOo private money to loan. Phone Marshall JSSS8. Call 525 Henry bidg. WILL LOAN $2500 personal funds acreage or city. -AR 27. Oregonian $500. V-lnf. $1500. $1700, $2500. $3000. F. H. DESHON. 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. LOANS on city and farm property. 5 per cent up- F. Fuchs, 420 Cham, of Com. SEE OREGON INv! & MORTGAGE Co". 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. $5O0. $750. $1000. $2000. SOME 6 per cent money, no com. Ward, 407 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE loans. Harding. 312 Ral lowest rates, way Exchange MONEY to loan on farm and improved city property. K. K. Baxter, 704 Spalding bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SOLOMON & CO., 40S Selling b!dg Sll.Otm 3-5 YEARS; WILL DIVIDE IF DESIRED. EAST 5435. M O N K. i to loan on improvea reai estaie; -wiU make building loan. 002 Dekum blcig. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY, TITLE AND tV.UST BLDQ. OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. .2.oU per month tor 30 montns. or $21.24 per .month for 60 months, or $15.17 for 6 months pays a $lo00 loan and in terest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. From fiv, t r 7 ner rent for ffv Var. YOU MAY PAY" $100 or any amount on principar ana reauce interest. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also see us for lowest Interest rates on business pro pert v. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Phone Main 2541. 1524-20 Yeon Bldg FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan lowest current rates on Willamette valley iarms. .o commission. No delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, . S7 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. on real estate security; any amount, from $..00 up on improved city or farm prop erty. THE LAWRENCE? COMPANY, 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. A 2S15. MORTGAGE LOANS'. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 5H PER CENT. 6 PER CENT. 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bldg MORTGAGE LOANS. . Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H- BIRR ELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 41H. $1000 AND over at 7'. interest dences. Donald Macleod, 1001 hlrig. for rest Spaldln; $300. $4O0. $500. $65(, $750, $1000 AND UP lowest rats. quick action. Gordon Mort gage Co.. 631 Chamber of Com. Main 1370. $5oo ON GOOD vacant lots, also larger sums, reasonable rate. East o.20. WILL PAY cash or installment mortgage or contracts. 212 Board of Trade bldg. TO LOAN $.Mn. $1000. $1500. 1 to 3 Room 17. 153 4th st. TO LOAN on real estate $1000, $1500. $2500. H. ts. N icholas, 15 Oregonian bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 910. 304 Stark Street, Near Tenth. Loans on diamonds, watches, vlctro'as. Pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, must cal instruments and - anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OP PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOR ROWER. City and face value. county warrants cashed for CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN. Manager. DO TOO NEED MONEY? We make a specialty of loans on auto mobiles, furniture, victrolas. etc. , Security left in your posesston. Small weekly or mommy payments. ALSO Loans made to salaried people. Rates reasonable. Private office. All business confidential. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). Third and Washington Sts. 306-30 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 32S9. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or workln men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Eac transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSER, ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture. pianos, etc., witnout removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE." . COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 21S Fallinz Bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legs raies; nil articles lieio a year; estaonsne Since 1SSS. Dan Marx. 2S3 Washlngto: HATHAWAY' Loans on pianos and furn . ture; legal rates. Room 208 Washington mag. GEO. HARVEY loans money on household goods. Legal rates. Tabor 306. Loans Wanted. WANTED To borrow $8000 for 5 yrs. per cent, on 220 acres with 80 acres 1 - finest commercial orchard apples, cher ries, 8 pricots and pea-chs. Located in celebrated Pufur fruit district. Property valued $30,000. Present crop valued $5000. McClure & Schmauch Co., 3u6 Railway Ex. bldg. $500 Wl LL secure a profit-sharing interest in t horoughiy sare and highly proiitabie manufacturing business and earn better than IO per cent yeariy; full investiga-. tion courted; exceptional opportunity to invest small savings and earn profits ob tained by large capitalists. W 406, Ore gonian. W A N TED $3000 for one or two years at usual rate on personal security of an old established concern, worth about four times loan wanted and note signed by two financially responsible men of high standing. R ISO. Oregonian. $250 FIRST mortgage, 3 years, 7r, covers one acre or ground, modern N-room house, full basement, also new garage. Valued at $0000. See llr. Peek, 622 Corbett bldg. Main 66. $20 000 TO $30,000 loan wanted on growing city property; present value from $100. OO0 to !25.0tV; local developments .vlll double this before loan matures. Investi gate at once. AO 4S4. Orcyonian. OWN EH has $1504) coming on real estate contract, payable $15 month and 7 per cent interest; will discount to $1125. Fred W. German Co., 72 ChaTmber of Com merce bidg. WANT to borrow $125 for 45 days, will pay $10 bonus Hnd furnish good Portland rel estate security for quick action. AC 792, Oregonian. $50 DISCOUNT. Contract $1200 R. C. bungalow; 7C4 ; pays $35 and int. per month. AL 503 Ore gonian. WANT $1500 on $3500 modern bungalow. Want $50O0 on $12,500 residence. Want $7500 on $20,000 improved farm. Call 525 Henry bldg., Marshall 5S58. ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. $1500. $1000. $1750. $2500. $354)1 F. H. DESHON, 615 Cham, of Com. Bldg. WANT $3650. 3-5 years. 7 per cent, no com mission, good security. Income $S0 per month. AL 407, Oregonian. I WANT 4500 and $3000 at 6 per cent on first-class security ; prefer private party. R lit:., Oregonian. WANT from private party loan $2200, 3 years, 7 per cent, on Mt. Tabor 6-room house. E 847. Oregonian. WANTED From private parfty. $3500 on first-class 3 acres with house, on car line in city. E 2O0. Oregonian. WANT $uuo i 1 security. H Sb on income property; BJ 710, Oregonian. WANT $45 west side. 6'c, business property, 7O0, Oregonian. WANTED $3000 on good Income property. 3o2 PlattbldgJ Mam oiuu. s"EE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark PERSONAL. MAYONNAISE salad dressing, how made, and how to keep it from separating. Welsh rarebit, made without beer. Home mnrU fflnrt pa. elf. 1 ne inree area ior 1 riAiiar or anv single one 50c. Mrs. R A. Watson. St. James apts., 33 Va Grand ave.. Portland. Or. WILLIAM Would like to hear irom you incut 17. vour oirtnaay. am sau aiiu lonelv. Farm Is sold again. We may have to take it back. Am working in city. Ad dress me at dad's. Have a letter from vour brother. Your spitfire wife. Bubble, .o WORTH Dictures 25c each. Horses. scenes, im. paintings, all 16x20. 355 Mor- pthri. ADAMS ScalD specialist, manicur ing 407 Morrison st., office 216; hours 11 to 8. Sundays 11 to 3 P. M. MRS. ROSE BOWMAN holds circles Tues- rtavi. iliursaays anu ouuua-j , a l . . 35 4th si Readings daily. WANTED Y'oung man third Ford ; party for trip across continent one-third expense. Main 5879. tc vniTp rirtrk out of order ? If so call Bdwv. 1561, Portland Clock Co., we call and deliver. Y'OUNG man, wants trip Phone Main rood character, going Cal. jvith auto party; about 15th, 3702. W 408 Oregonian. np yivMELL. chiropodist, corns, bunions. in erown nails. -07 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. PRES. WILSON life-size photographs. 25c while they last; 0O others. .o Morrison. D MARGARET HAYNIE. 215 Swetland bldg.. Main 1765. ilau - j u very. busy. - bad. LAD All ore O K., doing fairly well. Burg PERSONAL. . GET WELL FREE. FREE. .FBE5 Every day. from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M.. and evenings on Monday. Wednesday and . -day. from 7 to 9. and Sundays faom IO to 12 THOUSANDS SUFFERERS "WHO HAVE FAILED to gef relief in any other way are invitea o Investigate Chiropractic methods, which are permanently curing hundreds every THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make a com plete diagnosis of your case and direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC Is the safe. sane, sure and modern science of curing and prevent ing disease. CHIROPRACTIC will permanently cure 05 Per cent of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause health returns. The above eervlce Is ell free to you at the college building and may be bad ta private if H-- PR IV A t'E T RE.- VM ENTS al so be had in college building by members of the faculty, by either lady or men practitioners PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, a Corner of Park and YamhilL Tel. Main 1014, HOSPITAL tn connection with college Will hade out-of-town patients- at a most reasonable rate in order to show what Chiropractic can do. Address all communications to DR. O. W. ELLIOTT. President. THE LAWYER. A lawyer gives and sells advice. To some it does seem funny: As money creates trouble. And trouble makes them money. Now he may draw a contract When you have him employed; That contract may be binding. Or It may be null and void. He tells the man behind the bars They cannot put him there; But the fellow is there already With plenty of time to spare. As lawyers are now needed. We know you wm tave more On each new SUIT, COAT, DRESS an WAIST At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORK. Second Floor Pit toe k Block. 100 PER CENT CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. Dr. McMahon. Macleay bldg.. Portland, a chiropractor of experience, a past ama teur, a loO per cent chiropractic specialist with highest testimonials from patients from eastern states, familiar with the best; also from western and local patients having unfortunately had less than loo per cent chiropractic elsewhere, with, of course. corresponding disappointment in delayed relief. Men and women are fully satiefled with my 100 per ceut chiropractic philosophy, long experience and superior ski II demon strated in consultation examinations; easy, careful adjustments, rates and, finally, re sults Tenth year in this city. Terms. 31 adjustments $15. Phone, call or write, FOURTH AND WASHINGTON. New Home. 647 East Salmon it DI A THERM I A. w4th proper equipment an 1 properly applied, is one or the best modali ties known in electrotherapeutics. Its use Is successful in all Inflamed (sure) condi tions and no part of the body is too re mote to-be reached with almost mathe matical precision. For this reason sore ovaries, uterus, prostrate gland, bladder, stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys, lungs. Joints In fine, any part of the body can be reached and the sore part healed. Tu berculous joints and cancerous conditions are no exceptions If taken in time. If suffering ironi soreness In any part of the body, come in and have this method of treatment explained. Dr. R. A Phillips, 905 Broadway bldg. COMPLEXION SECRET WORTH MIL LIONS Why wait till you look like 60 7 Gives the skin that charming glow of health; quickly eliminates crows' feet, fur- . rows, wrinkles, scams, sagging and ail other marks that portray the burden of age; simple process, lasting results. Par ticulars mailed in plain, scaled envelope. Truskin Laboratories, Calumet bldg.. Bui falo, N. Y. DR. W. S. LE ROY, S. T.. 615. 16. STOCK EX. BLDG., COR. YAMHILL AND 3D ST.. TREATS EVERY KNOWN DISEASE. MENTAL. PHYSICAL. CHRONIC OR OTHERWISE. WITHOUT USE OF DRUGS OR SURGERY BY "SUGG EST IV E THERAPEUTICS.' NO CURE NO PAY CON S U LT ATION F R E E. Dandruff and falling hair is THE SCALP'S CALL FOR THE EKDEE HAIR CERATE. $2.0O PER JAR. Get it at your druggist or THE EKDEE CO., soo Union ave. North, . PORTLAND. OR. INDIAN herbal baths, made of native roots and herbs; paraiysis. rheumatism, chronic diseases, nervousness and blood disorder and other ailments. Mrs. Dr. Wheatly Howe. Woodlawn 276. Herbal sanatorium, 252 Monroe St.. cor. Vancouver ave., east side. W. A. car to Mo 11 roe st. THE Independent Bible Spiritualist church and society opens iti the Woodman tem ple. 112 Lust 6th st. ..for 6 months Sunday, 3 and 8 P. M. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sehori, pastors. Free mceLins, demon stiations. ALL the latest rememes sold at tne Clem enson Drug Co.. 200 Morrison st.. St. Charles Hotel corner. At this drugstore you get just what you call for. We havs no substitutes. THE FUR SHOP invites your inspection of fine furs, ready to wear and to order, at upstairs prices; remodeling, repairing, redyeing. O06 Shet land bldg., 5th and Washington. THE ST1LLWELLS" spiritualistic meeLiiigs will be continued at Vj 3d st., corner Stark, every evening at S o'clock, Sun days at 3 and S P. M. : come and bring your friends. GENTLEMAN, stranger in city, wishes male companion afternoons or evenings; right man. don't miss your opportunity; state age and qualifications. A 446. Oregonian. DR. RUTH OLSSON, 552 Washington bldg. Swedish massage, electricity, exercises, steam, rheumatism, constipation; 12 years' experience. . Main Ovl4. EXPERIENCED hair dresser and manicurist will call and do work in your own home; appointments 8 to 9 and 5:30 to 6:3o. Sellwood 3745. ERIKSON's white snield maternity home for unfortunate girls; no publicity; babies placed In Christian homes. Address 7yS E. 72d st. N. Phone C 1279. $1 WJLL get both feet fixed up good at Dr. baton s, tne tnmuruuiM. w no coesn t hurt you; 5 years' here; exam. free. Globe theater bldg.. 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2S24, MRS. STEVENS. 25 years Portland's re nowned teacher of palmistry and crystal gazing, has crystals for sale: also her book "Palmistry Made Easy." C75 Taylor. FEB VET & HANNEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers, finest stock human hair goods, haird ressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 349 Alder. Main 546. RELIABLE Portland homes for three girls. 5, 6 and 14 years, boy 3 years; neaitny children. Call for Hurst at 412 Second st., between 5 and 7 even i fcss MRS. M. L. LAMAR. 235 FIFTH ST. SPIRITUAL ADVISER. Instruction in the theory of health, suc cess and harmony. MISS M. ARNESEN. scientific massage and medical gymnasium, graduate rrom .Nor way. Telephone East 2490, hours by ap pointment ' WILL allow $20 on transportation to Kan sas City, Mo. for company. B 611, Ore gonian. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORI, spiritual adviser. 15 East 15th st. N., cor. .tsurnside. ques tion meeting Tues.. Thurs.. 8 P. M. E. 3084. DETECTIVE United Service Detective Bu reau ; worn executed by lea operatives. 607 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 3M2. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago. etc. Hours 2 to 5, or bv appointment. Phone Main 1049. Office 30S-C Third st. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by multiple needle methods, inoorsea oy prty sicians. 5o4 Swetland bldg., 5th at Wash. TOBACCO or snuff habit cured or no pay; $1 If cured. Remedy sent on trial, toil perba Co.. W 314. Baltimore. Md. NEW medium at 144 11th St.: teach you planets that narmonize in marriage. Jany reading. 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Bdwy. 3253. GOITRE, enlarged glanas. cure yourself per manently. A. xC btracnan. Koute ri u la bor o. Oregon. v. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10 neodles method; trial iree. Josie r in ley. 614 Bush & Lane bldg. Main 63S6. DR. ELLA SORENSEN, 508 Panama bldg. Drugtess met node. stomacn. Kidneys, rheumatism, constipation, etc. Main 5086. DR. NELSON eures corns, bunions, ingrow ing nails without pain ; consultation Ireo; very r easonable. 503 Dekum fr's. SOPH I A B. SKIP, spiritual advise.. 200 Girodnough blag question meetings Tues days and Fridays. 8 P. M. Marshall 25o3. B. NOLAN, hairdressing parior. 326 Pittock bldg. Broadway 4537. 6 years with Olds. Wortman & King. LADY BARBERS Face massage, 35c; scalp treatment a specialty. 325 Gltsan. cor. 6th. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you ? See Viereck. collections. Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an op eration. Free booklet. P. O. box 1105 PILES CAN BE CURED without operation; send for free booklet, P. O. box 1105. PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 3"d. Sellwood 2213. mornings. GEKTR'JD E DANIELS, superfluous hair. manicuring, face, scalp. 322 Fllednerblrtg. MAY ANDREWS, phrenologist, card read ing. 2S2 Park st. Main 7548. GEO. R. FOREST Come home, you are needed as witness. Kong Loy. SHAH AN builds fireplaces that smoke at the right end, Marshall 1U8J.