18 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. rOKTLAXD, AUGUST 10, 1019. 61TCATIONS WANTED MALE. NOTICE. STRAIGHTFORWARD YOUNG MAN, AGE 26. WITH GOOD EDUCATION AND CLEAN HABITS, WANTS WORK BE TWEEN 12 AND fl P. M.; SELLING AND CLERICAL. EXPERIENCE ; Al REFER ENCE FURNA6HED. R 195, OR EGON I AN. EMPLOYERS, do you want a hustler with five ft'ears stenographic, railroad, secretarial and Bill ing experience; employed now, but desire to connect with live concern offering a future; studying- law and Alexander Ham ilton nights; excellent references regard ing: character and ability ; ae 24; ao army volunteer. AL 405, Orcgunian. OCNG married man. 2fT. ex-soldier, wants work in country; desires a place where w if e may board if you haven't private quarters for wile and myself; consents! couple; can handle automot iies. tractors, stock, or what have you? Address Be 295. Oregon! an. lULDLE-AGED man with family, wants permanent position, have had 15 years ex perience as salesman, also familiar Wltjj figuring discounts and marking goods, and good stock keeper; now employed, have city references. O 774, Oregonian. PAINTER and decorator; 20 years ex perience handling stock wall paper and paints; know how to use material and men to best advantage in contracting; wl.l oe open for engagement soon. Address box 443, Salem. Or. 3lOL"NG man, completed one and about to complete second advanced course in chem istry, with high credits, wishes employ ment where tiiis knowledge may be made use -of. R. Eowernian, 29 E. 15th bU &., city. . MIDDLE-AGED, ail-around mechanic wants a permanent position : can do machinist work and general repairs; also familiar with steam hea timer. buiies, plumbing and gas. C 45. Oregonian. MARRIED MAN. ambitious and industrious, experienced in clerking and so.iciting, would like a position of any kind from about 8:30 A. M. until 3:30 P. M. ; best references. N 114, Oregonian. YOUNG rr arried man now employed, with spare time from 11 to 5. wis ties position with la. reliable firm to learn a business with possib'e future; salary no objecL. AM 442, Oregonian. : HAULING JOBS wanted for 1 V and 2-ton trucks; we have several reliable parties wanting jobs of this sort. MAXLEV AUTO CO., 11th and Oak at Burnside. Broadway 217. AXL-ROUND country printer and - machinist-operator, speed 3500 hour, married union, wants steady position at once. Ad dress E. J. Bettner, 55t State St., Salem, Or. CARPENTER contract, new or old work. I can save you money; estimates cheerfully made: house raising and concrete; best references. Marshall 1226, or A 1079. 258 11th st. SALESMAN wishes position with reliable firm, familiar with the mill, logger manu facturers trade, northwest territory pre terred. Box 133 Aberdeen. Wash. MAN and wif a want position, cook and waitress, cook and second cook, second cook and waitress; logging camp or small hotel. Phone Broadway 2504. BUSINESS man wants position as manager of general mdse. store; several years of experience; can furnish best of references. Address AV Uti5, Oregonian. CHEF, first-class meat and pastry; in city or out; best references; 48 years of age, 30 years' experience : American. Phone Broa d w a y 3822, room 32. Y experienced man and wife as manager for small apartment house for furnished apartment and some salary. Broadway 4195. CHEF-COOK, first class, wants situation; all-round man, Al on meats, famous for pastry; good references; hotel or restau rant in city. B uul). Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, thoroughly experienced, will do your advertising in spare 'time. Write copy, plan and manage campaign. R 167, Oregonian. XOL'NG man wants position running ele vator, or would like to learn a good trade: any kind of work considered. .Davis, room 329. Alder hotel. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes position in private family; Understand Pierce-Arrow. Cadillac and Packard; do own repair work; am not afraid to work. T 10. Oregonian. OLD man., active, good natured. reliable, seeks home, with good people, rather than salary. Can give references. AK 530. Oregonian. 1ST-CLASS carpenter's, building repairing, inside or outside; contract, day. Wood lawn 5760. BIDS on remodeling front and painting inside of bungalow. Sweet Shop. See Ahdy. Apply 320 Wash, st. EXPERIENCED apartment-house janitor and wife would like position. AP 330. Ore- EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion where there is chance for advance ment. Phone Tabor 1777. EXPERIENCED grocery delivery boy would v like work driving delivery car; well ac quainted with east side. Woodlawn 2326. IF YOU want a good painter ca 11 Haw thorne Construction Co. East 358. 354 Hawthorne avenue; we get results. WANTED Work on small place near city, or care taker. Can milk and take care of chickens. J S6, Oregonian. uUNG MAN, 19. wishes position as truck driver; can drive any make auto and knows the city. Tabor 8516. CH E F. A 1 dinner man and meat cutter : 25 years' exp. : very economical; out of town or city. J 87. oregonian. YOUNG MARRIED MAN, 25, selling and ex ecutive experience, wants position with future. W 301. Oregoniaik CHAUFFEUR wants private. touring or truck driving : am experienced man ; ref erences. L 410, Oregonian. CEMENT and concrete work of all kinds. P. B. Younger, 40o Stafford st. 1'hone Wood lawn 61!9. MAN. lame in one leg. wishes position in exchange for room and board. No. 6 Ev erett, 51 N. 2d st. MAN and wife, want positions i' K 43.1. Oregon! both experienced cooks, i camps. Good references. CHAUFFEUR wants touring t! riving ; is good mechanic ; P 456, Oregonian. NIGHT clerk with reference, ago SO. wishes position small hotel or rooming houe. J 90. Oregonian. PRINTER with 20 years experience wants pituat ton ; com poten t on ads, jobs and press- s. A V 571. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED logging camp timekeeper and commissary man uesiros position. & 294. Oregonian. PH YSICIAX As assistant to doctor, or in hospital; 6 years' experience in emergency practice. Is.I 1 2, Oregonian. 'DRUG CLERK, registered, flrst-clas- pre Bcription man or all around, afternoons. X 1 32. Oregonian. SALESMAN with car will ba open for po sition Aug. 15; locally or on road. E 285 oregonian. YOUNG COUPLE want positions, out of town, competent, reliaoie. 31 540. Orego GOOD truck driver; city and mountain ex perience; can repair. True, Broadway 3243. K X P K-' NCED t r u c : Mar. 60 OO between P. M. t driver. 6-S A. 1! knows city. or to MARRIED MAN. steady and reliable, wants office or light outside work ; can drive Hiito. E 33,. Oregonian. Oil EF First-class all-around man open for position; go anywhere. Address room 256, Hotel Oregon. FOR all kinds of brick work and cement work call E. 7068. fciH 1 NGLERS When you want reshing'.ing done call Wdln. 5206. ROOFS If you want reshlngMng and gutter work done,- call Marshall 1072. YOUNG man willing to work w ants steady job. ct'.y or country. A 445. Oregonian. PLUMBING expert, repair any Gas : very reasons hie. M cCurdy. plumbing, Seil. 1125. Hotk keepers. Menograniiers. Office. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. Let me put your records in condition to meet with tb new federal tax law. Now have facilities :o supervise several more sets of books at a reasonable fee, which includes regular reports, sugges tions, income tax service, etc C 36, Ore connn. BANK position wanted by experienced mar ried man who is willing to demonstrate his ability before accepting permanent po sition; can handle any part of work; want J 125 monthly salary to starL AV 3i3, Oregonian. AN Al accountant will be open for en gagement August 15; 31 vears of age, married, live wire, thoroughly experienced In all branches of accounting.! Call Ta bor 14S7. WANT position as commercial teacher or principal: capable, experienced all branches except shthjd.. tpwtg. W 410. ore gonian. ' TOl'NG man. general office experience, de sires position with future; lumber experi ence. C 4;. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS ACCOUNTANT and book keeper desires permanent position. AN 6S2. Q egor.ian. Soldiers and bailors. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Soldiers and Sailors. EX-SOLDIER, married, desires position with auto concern, experienced as salesman in New York; also service manager; had charge of government garage in Cleve land, O., 13 months. Would consider po sition in office with chance for advance ment. A-l references furnished. Phone Woodlawn 374. B 615, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 24, single, just out of the army, wants position with prospects; thor oughly reliable, trustworthy and indus trious; capable of handling men ; highly recommended. Alexander Morrison, 68 Trinity Place. Main 2021. YOUNG man. just discharged from the army, wants position with lumber firm. Small mill preferred. Have 10 years ex perience. 1332 Burragest. MARRIED man wishes to work as janitor or at some other extra work 2 or 3 days each week from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. F 458, Oregonian. OVERSEAS sailor would like position, office work preferred; best of references; expe rienced. W 4o2, Oregonian. RETURNED solder, experienced auto driver, desires position In garage. L 464, Orego nian. BITCATION WANTED FEMALE. APT. OR ROOMING HOUSE MANAGER. Position wanted by refined and capable middle-aged lady; salary or good business like arrangement satisfactory. Phone Bdwy. noo.'i. or East 6100. Mrs. Clark. K iii. oregonian. WANTED By cultured, well-read woman, position as practical nurse, companion or general housekeeper; capable of taking entire charge. Well go anywhere. AV 306. Oregonian. A LA DY of capability would like place In hotel as clerk; can run switchboard or oversee in dining room, or governess to young people. Can teach both instrument! and vocal. Main 4188. WOMAN of experience, who can give first class references, wants management of apt. house or hotel. No objections to leaving city. M 530, Oregonian. LADY wishes work in first-class family ho tel with room and board included ; small town preferred; state wages. 211 Cherry sr. Phone East 0394. PERMANENT position wanted by woman of wide experience and pleasing personality, as fitter of suits and gowns or manager of workroom. T 11. Or .-gonian. illDDLE-AOED lady w ants position as housekeeper for widower, or nurse for children ; talks English and German. N 154. Oregonian. DENTIST'S assistant with experience wants position In advertising office. Sept. 1; capable of taking charge. M 538. Ore gonian. YOUNG lady wants position with reliable furniture house to learn interior decorat ing with chance of advancement. P 466, Oregonian. ELDERLY lady would like a room change for work in nice family; ences. AK 544, Oregonian. in WOMAN wants position at beach (or two weeks, housework or care of children. 12U8 Carruthers el JAPANESE young woman, can't understand English, wants work for family and learn English. Write W 303, Oregonian. STRONG ' woman and "Jirst-class cook for camp or hotel or family, 75 to $s0 per month. Bdwy. 3230, 482 Wash. JAPANESE gir! wants position as second maid or general housework in small fam ily. J 8 oregonian. POSITION wanted, where one may assist with housework. Marshall 2167; in or out of city. D 4 Mi, Oregonian. LADY with Ford car wants position. Em ployed at present, but desires change. .51 4 ."tit. Oregonian. WOMAN wants laundry work, cleaning, and will get dinners. Phone Sell. 24&0 Sunday afternoon. WANTED A piace to take car of children evenings while mother is away; relerences. Woodlawn 1611. LADY wants house cleaning, other work, satisfaction guaranteed. Wood- hour, day; ; lawn 6305. COLORED oman wants place to cook din ner every eve. weeK days ana ao lanuiy iron i n g. Phone Bdwy. 20 1 2. WANTED By reliable young lady, house work in nice nome or lor laay empioyeu. W 412, Oregonian. MOTHER and son. 17, want place on ranch in southern or eastern Or.. lor widower; no children. W 413, Oregonian. WOMAN, experienced kitchen help, wants work in restaurant, tan isroauway im, room 67. EXPERIENCED laundress, with references. will work for nice ramiiies; nours: worn steady places only. E 311. Oregonian. LADY wants- washing by day, 6 to 8 hours; call Sunday arter ll o ciock; no morning call?. East 7741. SWITCHES and transformations made from hair combings, work called- - for ana de livered. Columbia 118S. 510 Allegheny. SITUATION WANTED Position as child's nurse. A 1103. MEN'S laundry work neatly done. 181 Mont gomery st. CAPABLE woman wants day work Monda Woodlawn 415,. STEADY day work wanted. Call 7u47 before 10 A. M. or after 6. MILDLE-AGED woman wants day work, plain sewing. East 2525. Mrs. Stratum. EX PERI KNCED woman wants day work, cleaning or ironing. Sell. 2063. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work, Mon., Tues., Wed. Sell. 1032. WOMAN wants day work not less than 8 hrs. Phone Broadway 2012. W A N T E D M en's Belmont st. clothes to repair. DAY WORK Cleaning or Ironing: no wash ing. Call Monday, phone E. 02S2. ALL kinds of crocheting quickly and rea sonably done. Phone Main 0053. CURTAINS hand laundered by expert, called for. 4o2 4th st.. Mar. 0050. CHILDREN ref fro nee. to care for by day or week; Tabor 3123. WANTED' Main 4 -Day work for competent women. SCOTCH woman wants day work; oughly experienced. Sell. 3453. thor- WANTED Day work. Woodlawn 4768. liookkeeperft, Stenographer. Office. YOUNG LADY recently from Los Angeles, experienced in cashiering, typing and clerical work, with, letters of recom mendation and best of city references, wishes permanent position. BJ 715, Ore gonian. ACCOUNTANT. stenographer. secretary, correspondent, open for position with re liable firm; preier lumber; can prepare detailed statements of costs, etc; assume re sponsibil ity ; highest references. AM 440, Oregonian. WANTED Position by a capable young woman who is accurate with Iigures, un derstands ty pine, can operate a switch board and has had considerable experience in general office work. Phone Miss Phelps, Tabor boo'. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and teller de sires permanent position in hank. Will leave city. Answering state salary. Will be able to commence work by Sept. 15. References. AV 364, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lumber stenographer and general office assistant desires light of fice work or part time. A.V 37S, Orego nian. LADY wishes steady position, bookkeeper In Portland; graduate of 2 colleges; furnish beit of references as to ability. Address Miss Etna Cook. Nampa, Idaho. AS ORDER clerk or telephone-exchange op erator or both, best of references, thor oughly acquainted with city, h, 282, ore gor.ian. t BEtllXN ER wishes position: has some knowledge ot bookkeeping, shorthand and tvpinx. Willing to learn general office work also. Reterences. labor 44s. POSITION wanted as assistant bookkeeper and general office work at S5 to start; references furnished. Call Woodlawn 5340. POSITION wanted as bookkeeper at $100 a month; references furnished. P 450, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER desires permanent or sub stituting position; quick and accurate, A-l c ity references. A 443. Oregonian. POSITION by young lady, finished sten ographic course, familiar with rhimeo grnpn. Broadway 3461. EXPERIENCED and competent stenogra pher desires permanent position. J V'J. i regonian. BOOKK EEPER desires a position in office of any kind; have had 0 years' experience. Tabor 72i2. POSITION as housekeeper by refined woman, or will take charge of apartment house. East 1440. PLAIN pn sew ing done by Phone East 542. day, reasonable SEWING done, prices reasonable, ferson St.. MarshHlI 1 --. 200 Jef- YOUNG LADY desires position, one-half day, office or saleswoman. AP 345, Oregonian. Al STENOGRAPHER wishes temporary or permanent position, tan Monday, Kaat 877 EXPERIEN-CED bookkeeper and stenogra pher. Bent of references. Main 2817. GIRL 20, wishes position as office assist ant: good references. East 2527. EX I'E li IE NCED stenographer wishes work few hours evenings. E. 72i3. ST E NOG RAPHIC position, have bad law office typing experience. East 360. STENOGRAPHER wishes th,1 Pha SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. STENOGRAPHER desires East 2151; 7 to 8:30 A. copy work ; phone M. D r e AMiruUt e rs. DRESSMAKING is an art, we are artists, fitting stout women our specialty, suits ard gowns. Mme. Burling, 22 i loth et.. phone Main 938. DRESSMAKING Plain and fancy, also children's clothing. Prices reasonable. 537 Montgomery. WANTED Engagement by the day; experi enced in suitn a nd gowns ; do remodeling reasonable. Phone Bdwy. 1567. PLAIN and fancy sewing, designings: prices reasonable. Main 6808, 62 N. 21st. DRESSMAKER will go out by day. Phone Broadway 2719. EXPERIE NCE D dressmaker $3 a day. Cal 1 Tabor 0205. ' DRESSMAKING, good work. reasonable prices. laoor 704. EXCLUSIVE gowns Tabor 8848. and suits, reasonable. WANT dressmaking, experienced dressmak er. Sellwood 3137. Nurses. MATERNITY AND SURGICAL HOSPITAL. 1005 Williams Are. Normal confinement cases taken care of for less than one-half the usual charges. Cases Including drugs, dressings. licensed physician's services, two weeks' hospital care, all for $50. All other surgical cases taken under same conditions. Phone Woodlawn 166. Main 7744 or apply 702 Dekum bldg. NURSE, quiet home In country, beautiful surroundings, on fine auto road and car line, solicits patients, mental unfortunates, confirmed, invalid, elderly. G res ham. Or., R. A, box 111. NURSE wanting work will travel and as sist as companion to make herself useful, taking confinement cases; will come ahead of time and be useful. O 772, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse wishes place to care for invalid; small family; good wages. W I!2, Oregonian. MASSAGE and medical gymnastics given in patient's homo by a graduate from Sweden. Misa Svenson, Marshall 4400. COMPETENT nurse will take charge of ill ness, aged, invalid, convalescence. Mar shall 2S63. PRACTICAL shirt maker, will make 11 kinds of shi ris, $3 aid up. Phono Ta'jor 4&4. WANTED a nursing baby to care for in refined suburban home; best of care; rea sonable terms. Phone Woodlawn 6,3 1 4. lable terms. Phone Woodlawn 03 1 4. TRAINElVnurse will take sick or conva lescent at her own home; mule er female; best care; manage given. Tabor 6320. UNDERGRADUATE nurse, general duty hospital. J 47t, Oregonian. WANTED Patient care ; reasonable. at own home, good East 1577. Housekeeper. REFINED, dependable widow woman wishes housekeeping, city or short distance, for school year or longer, help make good home influence, two children, well liKed. 2 years ref.; have furniture, home more than wages. Address till September 1, Mrs. T. care of I . B. Keeder, via btr. Ira Ida, Port! a n d. Or. REFINED widow (with young daughter) would like situation in nice home as house keeper for widower; references exchanged; would travel if necessary. W 300, Orego nian. YOUNG American widow, very refined, wishes position in widower's home at housekeeper where there is one small child; relerences exchanged. BC 320, Ore gonian. A MIDDLE-AGED woman, good cook, wants a njtition as housekeeper lor widower, working couple or one or two work in g women : a place where I can be my ow i, boss; no w.tshinjr, $ lo. X 131, oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper by refined lady in widower's home w here t here are one or two children ; capable taking full charge of home; best of relerences. n. uoU, ore gonian. REFINED, unincumbered, middle-aged lady wishes position housekeeper, for 1 or 2 gentlemen; good cook, and references; city or suburbs. L 4 Of, oregonian. POSITION wanted by refined lady in wid ower's home; no objection to one child. Call at 255 5th st. Sunday. 10 to 7 :30. A.-k lor housekeeper. WIDOW, unincumbered, wishes position as housekeeper; neat and good cook; no ob jection to widower with one child. J 154, Oregonian. CLEAN and neat refined German lady wishes to keep house for refined gentle man. Call at the Olympta Hotel, lol Va th St.. room 2. WANTED 11 v experienced woman, position as managing housekeeper, with widower with children or invalid laay. al. ouj. Oreguiiian. . KVPER1KNCED voune woman wishes house work and cooking w nere sue can nave ner boy, 3 ears, with her. 24 Montgomery street. REFINED, respectable widow, with boy 14, wishes a place as nousexeeper in oacne lor's or widower's home, where there are no small children. M o4 . Oregonian MIDDLE-AGED widow w Ishes position as housekeeper or practical nurse, ix. Oregonian. LADY with boy 8 years old, wants position as housekeeper; no objection to country references .required. ti lift, oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER, capable to take lull charge of rooming house or hotel, wisnea position. DC 321. Oregonian. ' LADY seeks position as housekeeper, com panion to elderly gentleman ; competent, good reader, pianist. AL 501 Oregonian HOUSEKEEPER, first class, wishes to keep house for respectaoie people or cook, in g. BO 325, Oregonian. POSITION, housekeeper, in city or near. where boy 7 years can go to scnooi. nruau- way 3700, room 60. UNINCUMBERED widow wishes- housekeep ing for one or more gentlemen on ranch. E 364. Oregonian. COMPETENT woman as housekeeper, good cook, widower s Hume, rancn preierrea. 2 2 13th st. Phone Marshall 2471. REFINED elderly lady wishes housekeeping lor wiaower Wlin nice nome. -wj, ore gonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper where I can take small child. N 123, Oregonian. YOUNG, unincumbered widow desires posi tion as housekeeper. P 458, Oregonian. WIDOW wishes position as houwekeeper in gentlemen's home. L 40o. Oregonian. Dometttics. COLORED woman would like a place as a kitchen helper or a second maid; can give reference. Call Sunday or Monday. . E. 0456. EXPERIENCED woman cook out of town in small camp, st. Telephone Marshall 5162. wants work 305 Yamhih A YOUNG lady will cook and do some house work; musL go home nights. D 485, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED girl desires position in small family. F 40S. Oregonian. EX PERIENCKD lady takes laundry. Tabor rso. NURSING at confinement cases a specialty: long experience: call Woodlawn lso!. WANTED TO RENT. MODERN unfurnished flat, west aide pre ferred. Call O li, iionaay. WANTED to rent a or larger, close in. nron.-es. E.uU S62" modern S-room house Can give best of ref- v A 'T lense on 5 or 6-room house in cood district near school with large lot and garage. P 448, Oregonian. rT-7-ROOM house, west side. Nob hill pre ferred. Before Sept. 1. Must be modern and in good district. AL 4'.t3. Oregonian. IF YOU are going away win rent your home for winter; married. in family, give references. Tabor i3(. WANTED to lease for one year, at $25 a month, a six or seven room im.dern house or bungalow. 5 614, oregonian. WANTED 2 or 3-room house, close in; gas, bath and electricity preferred; no chil dren. N 120. Oregonian. 5 OR 6-ROOM furnished house or bungalow, with or without garage. BC 300, Ore gntiian. WANTED To rent, six or seven-room house with garage, Irvington district preferred. Phone Last go4 a. WANTED A small furnished cottage Cannon beach, for balance of August. Call Tabor i52l. WANTED 5 or 8-room modern furnished house; best of care taken. A 44i, Ore' g o n ian. WANTED About 4 or 5-room house or lower flat, vicinity 4th and Lincoln. Main bicl WANTED Bv young couple, 4 or 5-room furnished house. R 163. Oregonian. WANTED 6 or 8-room house on Portland Heights; references. Bdwy. 3b2. 8-ROOM modern house, $30. Treves hotel. Call J. Kenny, WANTED 1 or 5-room house, reasonable rent, by Sept. 1st. T 24, Oregonian. WANTED 5-room house by September 1 best of references, give phone number. WANT to ltRe modern 6 or 7-room house. Stanley Myers. Marshall 410O. WASTE lease small bungalow in good district je Terences. Phone Ta Dor 541 WANTED Modern 7-room house with fur nace. fireplace and yard. East 3713. YOUNG couple want 4 or 5 room furnished f ,igJ'gw hj Au. 'A J-iH Un WANTED TO KENT. MEIER A FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable up-to-date lists of desirable va cant houses, part men La tvid flats with, definite information pertaining to each. Nevvcouu-rs f to Portland will find this bureau ot great value in helping them get properly, and quickly located. Eighth Floor. MODERN four to six-room bungalow or four-room apartment or flat, unfurnished, by Sept. or Oct. 1; will rent or lease for year or less, or with privilege of buying it suitable; any modern part of city; will pay good rental and furnish references ; adults only. Telephone A 2355 or AM 478, Oregon ian. WaNTED To leae for one year, with priv ilege of buying, o or o-room modern un furnished bungalow in desirable neigh borhood. Want place that lessee will tak pride In keeping up. as, good care will be taken of same. Phjme Broadway 52. local 2, week days between 9 and 4. WANT rr buy or rent from owner 6 to 8- room resiaence in goou wicauuu ' or wider lot, Irvington. Laurelhurst or Alameda preferred ; must be modern and in good condition; all cash if wanted; owner only. Write T 3. Oregonian. MR. AND MRS. LANDLORD, We have parties who want 5 or 6-room modern bungalows: will pay $35 to $45 and take vears' lease. No trouble to you. SEND IN YOUR HOLTSE. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. WILL pay up to $50 for comfortably fur nished o or 6-room nouse oy eept. x. either hot water or stove heat: Irvington district or en route to St. Johns; refer ences ; lease if desired. East 4473. WANTED To rent or lease by man and wife, 4 or 5-room partly furnisnea ounga low, with or without garage; for immedi ate possession or by Sept. 0; rent must be reasonable. Call Tabor 2330. WA NTED Hy Sept. 1. 5 or 6-room fur nished bungalow. Irvington preierren. xor family of 3 adults, permanent, responsi ble tenants who will take best card of property. Call Fred Spoeri, Eaat 1771. WANTED To lease, by Sept. 1. 5 -room bungalow, furnished or uniurnisnea. tor year or longer, prefer garage: Rose City preferred; young coupie. no children; will furnish references. Tabor 5202. FOR SALE Mt. Tabor 5-room modern bun galow; fireplace, bookcases, outlet, iuicn kitchen, full basement, laundry trays; $2SOO, terms; will take good car, part pay ment. Call 100 54th st. BY SMALL, responsible family, 6 or 7-room house, in good repair; mouern ana goou location; Irvington preferred; possession at once or by Sept. 15. Address AL 44y, Oregonian. . WANTED By reliable young couple with references, o or i -room uuiikhiuw winter or longer, furnished or unfurnished, in Irvington or Alameda, Newcomb. Main 113. . WANTED to rent for six months a finely furnished home in good neignoornooa ; will pay around $125. per mouth. John I. Wilcox, 414 Pittock blk. WANTED to rent, about Sept. 15, either small 4 or 5-room furnisnea nouse or apartment. Address 11. It. Peterson, care box 78, Portland. WANTED To rent, by responsible party by Sept. Is-t, a furnished, modern, t or -room house with garage, in good location. Phone after Sunday, Woodlawn 3804. MODERN, unfurnished o or 6 rooms, ounga- low, apt. or flat; must oe in gooa loca tion; 2 adults only: permanent; will pay good rent; references. Tabor 2623. WANTED To rent, Sept. 1st, 4 or -room house, modern conveniences, turnisneu or unfurnished, close in, adults; state terms. W 305, oregonian. 1 WANT to rent a 5-room bungalow for 1 year or more; can give ueai reieiencea, -adults; must be in walking distance, E. side. AL 420, Oregonian. WANTED Before Sept. 1, a 6 or 7-room modern house with furnace, east or west side, north of Broadway preferred; will lease. Phone East 31S5. WANTED To rent 0 or 8-room furnished or unfurnished house; possession, not later than Oct. 1 ; family of 4; best of refer ences. Phone East 729 YOUNG couple, no children, will take care of house during owners' absence and pay rent; good references. Phone East 535 or Marshall 635. MODERN 7-room house or bungalow with sleeping porch, Sept. 1, for a term of vears; east side; references. BJ 713, Ore gon lam WANTED Clean, modern 5 or 6-room fur nished house, by Aug. 15; near car. not too far out: permanent. Tabor 5605. COUPLE, no children, wish modern furnished cottage, gonian. 2, 3 or 4 -room AK 542, Ore waxT to rent a five. six. or seven-room house, not on car line and good location. AV 304, Oregonian. WANTED year by district. -5 or 6-room furnished house for three adults, must .be in good Phone Main wix'ThMi to RENT 6 or 7-room house, with garage, Irvington district preferred. Phone East Bi4D. BY permanent adult tenants (7 years pres ent location;, mouern or u-iuum umui nished house about Sept. 1. Tabor 6330. ON OR BEFORE Sept. 1, 5-room, modern bungalow by rosponsioie coupie, uu tun dren. 20 Alisky bldg. Main 6702 3 OR 4-ROOM modern house, not to exceed 0-cent cartare. reimaueui. a-jo. io Oregonian. i 4 OR 5-ROOM house; east side, prefer Al- oeria; anii.it iniiiiij. c 72HO Mon., ask for Lotz. ki w 1 i i a nd ht h. modern, with all con veniences. 541 Fifth St., near Jackson. Call Sunday from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. SEPT. 1 Desirable 5 or 6 rooms, 0 montns rent In advance. taoor niao. 0-ROOM well-furnished house, 550 Clay st,. west side. Apartments. WANTED To rent Spt. 1, 3 or 4-room fur nished apartment, or soian xumianeu house, by young man and his sister; will take part of private house. Best of ref erences. Phone East 1383. WANT 4 or 5-room unfurnished apartment, fireproof building. walKing uistance, west side; reference best; permanent if auited. AL. 428 Oregonian. - EMPLOYED couple wishes two housekeep ing rooms, walking distance; piano yie ferred. Give phone. C 9, Oregonian. " - WANTED Unfurnished 3 or 4-room Kpt., West side, Dj a aouits, wiweeu uuw auu Aug. 15. A 441. Oregonian. A' a NT, Sept. 1, 5-room modern upper flat. self and wife ; permanent ana references, have own furniture. AL 429, Oregonian. WANTED By man and wife, 2-room out side modern lurnisneo apt. uy oeiL, j., from $35 to $40. Phone Mar. 1515. WANTED To rent five-room unfurnished apartment; irvington u is trie v iueiencu. Phont East 8545. WANTED TO RENT 5-room unfurnished apartment, irvington aistrict yreterreo, Phone East 8545. WANTED 3 or 4 unfurnished apartment or flat, walking distance, west siae. joruau way 5Q55. FURNISHED flat, 3 or 4 modern rooms. west side; small child, k. A6-. oregonian. WANTED Neat 2-room apartment with h?ith; rent reasonable. AG ca. oregonian. TWO rooms, kitchenette. September 1. un furnished apartment, rnone 31 ain Rooms. WANTED At once, pleasant well-furnished room in private family, nortnwesi uistrict. p.hone Monday afternoon. Tabor 4432. References. two r three lieht housekeeping rooms by young coupie, one cnnu, suimysiue or Mount 'l abor district preierreu. w . a. CcClelland, care gen, del., Portland, Or. WoULD like to share comfortable home with congenial lamuy. c an oeiore noon Sundays or evenings. 201 E. 3d North. WANTED By nurses, 2 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, private iamny. w esc siue, gas, elect., phone. BJ 724 Oregonian. FURNISHED room. Inquire 330 Fleidnei bldg.. loth and Washington, between 11 and 2 Sunday. BUSINESS girl desires room in private fam ily, close in, reasonable. BJ 708, Orego nian. wanted Room and board for couple in private family. Must be well heated. East 7W.i.. uaii ai :er :ou a. m. WANTED Large, well heated room, near boarding-house for couple. East 7935 after :S A. 31. - Rooms With Board. YOUNG married couple and 6-year-old girl want room and board in private family : Laurelhurst preferred. Tabor 2068. after Sunday. TWO gentlemen with large furnished room in private family, bath, use of piano, must b -"lose in; will consider bosrd; give full particulars. A 439. Oregonian. WANTED By employed couple, room and board with private family ; particulars in first letter. O 779, Oregonian. WANTED By working man. private room and board, walking distance from St. Johns: state terms. H2,Oregonian. YOUNG man wants board and room in pri vate family where he is only boarder. R 174. Oregonian. DESIRE room, in private home prelerred, L yMi. brwru, JL Orr gonian. WANTED TO KENT. K-.oriB With Board. YOUNG MAN" of good habits desire fur nished room in private home: must be strictly modern and In good location. N 124. Oregonian. "V WANTED Permanent home for 12-year-old boy; city or country; state price in first letter? Address Lewis, 103 North 16th St.. Portland. WANTED Place for board and room for l'-year-old girl. Bdwy. 5652, room 48. Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED Not later than Sept. 1. 2 3 neat housekeeping rooms, furnihed, close In. eaj-it side : 2 adults. 927 E. ith st. N.. Woodlawn 5737. liunineHs KMaes. STORE space, with window, about IS by is, downtown location. J S(t. Oregonian. BROKER desires office or desk room with pnone service. BJ 703. Oregonian, M iHcellaoeo us. WANTED To rent, during the month of October, a tent. 15x13 with 4 to 6-ft. walls. E 317. Oregonian. WANTED At once, housekeeping rooms private family. P 457. Oregonian. FOR RENT. LARGE bedroom, suitable for one or two, good bed, $2.50 a week; also extra single bed, free bath and phone. 141 X. 10th. Furnished Rooms. JOAN OF ARC HALL. 205 14th Street. Furnished rooms with or without board for business girls and ladv tourists. ALL CONVENIENCES. Home comforts; rates reasonable. -Phone Main 4110. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and Sixth. Hotel Clifford i the principal east side hotel and is a hotel of dignity and refine ment. Daily rates $1.00 up; -two in room, $1.75; weekly rates, $5 and up. HOTEL BLACK STONE, ELEVENTH AND STARK STS. Modern, up-to-date brick building. . pri vate phone in every room, elevator, lobby, S4.5Q per week and up: $1 per day and up. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th st., half blor.k from Morrison St., clean, modern rooms, centrally located; transient, $1.50; with bath, $2; monthly, $25; with bath. $30. CLEAN, well-furnished room, light cooking and laundry privileges free, lo month. 631 Marshall sU, cor. 20th. Tel. Broad way 4111. WORKING WOMAN would like middle-aged working mau to share home with her lor winter; close in. Phone week days, even ings, or Sunday all day. Broadway 578. HOTEL NAVARRE. 427H Alder st.. Corner 11th. Elegantly furnished, central location, clean and orderly. Rates by day or week. , KLICKITAT HOTEL, 328 14 Holladay. Clean, " modern, all outside rooms: $3 pr week and up. sleeping SUITE of rooms, well furnished, suitable for man ana wite with large child; also one large room, suitable for two; west side. Phone Main 4254. ANSONIA HOTEL, 14th and Washington clean, respectable nomr Tor business peo ple; transient, $1 up; permanent, $4 up; private bath, $8. ERY nice front room with every conven ience, also use of piano, suitable for two gentlemen, near Multnomah club. 575 Main st. Call or phone Marsh. 3704 A. M. TWO nicely furnished rooms in private , home with every convenience. laundry, etc. 575 Main st. Phone Mar. 3704. TWO furnished rooms, 1 large ajid 1 smaller. one one a w eeK. 411 Pine, near Grand ave. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison sL at Tenth Rates $ 1 per day up ; weekly. $4 up ; run ning water, free phone and bath. PALACE HOTEL, 440 Wash, st-; downtown location, respectable and strictly modern; steam heat; rooms large, clean. COMFORTABLE furnished room in apart ment. Nob Hill district; all conveniences. Main 2236. NICE, large room with kitchenette, fur East 2509, Todd nished; $4.50 per week, apartments. See this. LADY will share large, furnished room and kitchen with refined business woman; close in, west side. Broadway 2710. NOTICE the summer rates. Modern outside rooms. f3 to $0. Noma hotel, 53 hi Alder. With bath, $5 up. $15 VERY pleasant front room with fire place. 447 5th st., near College. HI LLC REST HOT E LBath, ph one, $25 mo. up; without bath. $18 up. 7o3 Washington. THE GEM. 6651-. 1st st., 1, 2, 3 rooms for housekeeping; transient rooms 25c and up. SARG"ENT HOTEL. 27U, Grand ave., h7k. apt. and sleeping rooms. East 291. HO TEL MA DRAS , WasMngto na n dl 2h All conveniences, $4 and $5 week; $1 day. 75c. $1 DAY ; - Hotel Cadllla S week up; outside rooms. 3d, near Jefferson. FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping rooms. Dormer apartments. 283 15th st. SL'ITE of well furnished rooms in private home, close in. 2l3 W. Park. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, close in. 295 W. Park. FRONT room suitable for two. cor. Clay. 321 6th st., ROOM for rent, suitable for : cor. Northrup. 254 N. 24th st LARGE! light, front sleeping rooms, va cant Aug. 15. 3.4 Montgomery, cor. Park. TWO nice distance. rooms, neat and airy ; 404 College. NICELY furnished room. 1043 Gantenbein, cor. Alberta. Williams or St." Johns car. AN elegant furnished front room, close in. atl East 3789. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE large, clean unfurnished house keeping rooms in good district, to couple giving references. 170 N. 18th st. Call Sunday after 3 P. M. or evenings. IRVINGTON 441 E. 13th N 3 large rooms and sleeping' porch ; use of bath and phone; desirable. THREE unfurnished or partly furnished onms: closets, pantry, bath. 6 I Kearney Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NEATLY furnished room, 775 C.Iisi and n t., quiet. gentleman, prelerred, clean Main 1040. NICELY furnished modern steeping room mitable for 2. 414 Mill in good location ; st. Main 4364- TWO front sleeping rooms for employed ladies ; two blocks from car line. Phone Tabor 4732, YOUNG man can have room for helping around house and vara; relerences re- quired. Sellwood 241 J. - NICELY furnished room with sleeping oorch. shower bath; irvington home.- t9 Last Broadway. 126 16TH ST. N. Clean housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Broadway 4649. NICELY furnished room, running water, $10 a month, av Montgomery. LARGE room, nice home, fine bath, light. pnone ; reasonable. oe 1 Utn st. LARGE airy room in private home. East 4J67 before noon bunday or evenings. FOR BENT 24th st, N. -Nice sleeping room. Alberta car. 095 E. 329 WEST PARK, a pleasant room for gen tlerr.an. nice location, walking distance SLEEPING room, J9 per month. 321 Vies Park. CLEAN, comfortable room; modern, walking distance, west sine. ow t.verett st. A FEW pleasant sleeping rooms. 1 a ith private oatn: close in. uroauway 2266. FINE furnished housekeeping rooms; conveniences. 100O E. Main. Tabor 87 FU RNISH EDoom for business man. Call after 0:3Q or Sundays. 326 10th st. FRONT ROOM in private family. Main 1240. 223 N. 21st st. DOUBLE H. K. rooms; way sort. 594 Everett. adults only. Broad- NIC E, clean room, reasonably priced, walk ing distance. 692 hx Everett st. Main 4496 FURNISHED f rrint room for woman em ploye d4 34 loth st. SM ALL front room with bath for gentle man : private apt. Marshall 4846. CLEAN attic room cheap. Broadway 1025. 120 N. 18th St.. A COMFORTABLE furnished room in a clean, quiet private home. Marshall 4423. FOR RENT A modern room within walking distance, west side, furnished. 443 11th st. FURNISHED front room, side st. 758 East Btirn- NICE furnished room, private home, 20 min utes out; references. Phone Wood. 6140. IRVINGTON 441 E. 13th st. N., lovely fur nished front room: use of batb, and phone. LARGE outside room, in west side apart ment; walking distance. Broadway 474-5. LARGE front room, sleeping porch. St., Main 499V. NICELY furnished room, walking distance. Call Main 7520 before 1 P. M. FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms vate home. 167 Page st. NI'"E clean sleeping room; reasonable. 385 Mill st. NICE sleeping room. Phoae MaxshaU 197, FOB KENT. Furnished Room la I'riTaie tamily. NEW priate home, front room with two closets, suitable for two ladies employed during day; can serve break:'ast: at so have sleeping porch with closet ; no children la house: no other roomers. Call Sunday. One and one-half blocks to Hawthorne cars. 334 East 24th st. ' FRONT bedroom in modern home for 2 people, man and wifo or 2 ladies em ployed, close to a home boarding house. Phone E, 1147 before 1 A. M. Sunday, or after 6 P. M. week days. Call at 54 E. Taylor. 1 FRONT room, also 1 sleeping porch with dressing room, steam heat ; for gentleman only ; walking distance ; opposite Mult nomah Athletic club. Call 5M Sal it in St., between 2 and 5. Main 3732. NICE large room with private lavatory and dressing room in a beautiful hoin;, all modern conveniences, largo veranda and lawn, west side, walking distance. Mar. 4'U. COOL pleasant rooms suitable for 1 or 2 women employed, modern, phone, electric light, yard, flowers, porch, use of piano, walking distance; reasonable. 254 X. 2oth su WANTED 1 or 2 girls doing office work to share 5-rm. house mvith young lady; gas, light, bath and phone; 1 block below Columbia park. Call Columbia 512 after 5:30. LOVELY furnished rooms with large dress ing room; also adjoining room if desired; yard, modern conveniences, use of piano. 135 N. 23d. Marshall W43. BEAUTIFUL, large front room In private family, walking distance. for refined gentleman. Call Sunday forenoon or any time during the week. 554 East Taylor st. NICELY furnished room in private family for midd le-afed or young lady emplo: yea ; rent reasonable. Call 008 E. Belmont, bct. 15th and 16th. CLOSE IN. For 2 gentlemen. 2 nicely furnished front rooms with twin beds, (5 per week. Main 1485. LARrE front room with porch In well-furnished home, especially fine location and accessible to three car linea. 015 Elliott, E. 834 8. NICELY furnished room for 1 or 2 gentle men; near Multnomah club. 587 Madison at. Phone Main 5273. NICE light, large front room, next to bath, well furnished : a splendid bed : walking distance; men preferred. Main 3741. TWO beautiful rooms in private home, resi dential district West tide. All conveni ences. Mar. 1119. A VERY desirable room with breakfast, all comforts of a real .home and ideal sur roundings. 469 Clay st. Main 2228. 2 PLEASANT front rooms, suitable ffr men. walking distance. Main 5729. 743 Everett, near 23d st. NICE front room, with 2 clothes closet, in modern house, for 1 or 2. with board. East on 05. CLEAN, airy sleeping room, close in; suit able for boy 10-18 ears o!d: $5 per month. '474 Salmon. Marshall 14."9. LARGE front room, all home conveniences, on carline. east side, walking distance, $10 month. Call E. 7002. PLEASANT furnished room : waiking dis tance: reasonable. Broadway 3028. 6-9 Petty grove st. FURNISHED room, suitable for one or two men, close to shipyard. Inquire at bo5 First st. SLEEPING porch In nice home; fine loca tion and near three car lines; reasonable. E. 8348. TWO nice front sleeping rooms, gentlemen preferred, at 125; E. 28th st., or call Ta bo7 o 27 . - FURNISHED front room, private family; suitable for two gentlemen. 300 Vancou ver ave. A LARGE modern front room; prefer business gentleman. Main 1721 ; call week. FOR 1 or 2 gentlemen, large front room. private bath, west side, walking distance. Call M a i n 1810. FURNISHED room, home comforts; lady only; bath. heat. light, gas and use of kitchen. 353 Ross st., near Bdwy. bridge. ONE modern sleeping room, convenient to bath ; phone and living-room privileges; serve breakfast if desired. East 1519. FURNISHED rooms, close In. 00 N. 1 Ot h st. FURNISHED room. $2.50 week. 305 12th Bt. Room With Hoard. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel ; rcoms en suite or sinKla. with or without board, fi families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. SUITE of rooms, well furnished, with board; suitable for man and wife with large child; also one large room, suitable for two; west side. Phone Main 4254. ROOM und breakfast in fine home in Rose City Park for bachelor or widower who desires nice home, garage space also. Phone Tabor 1UU3. HE STE RBU R V HOTEL. 201 N. 20TH. American plan hotel; desirable rooms: excellent table; meals served transienta- THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 19th st. For business girls and stu dents ; reason a ble rates. Marshal 1 1251. ROOM with hoard. pleasant surroundings ; 25 E. 27th St. N., near $40 per month, i Brazee. ROOM and board for business girls. modern conveniences: waiKing distance; per week. East 4732. 12 E. 7ih st. ROOM and board ; home style cooking. Grand ave. hntel Tor men. ,iJ4 orand ave., 3 blocks south of Hawthorne ave. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th, choice' rooms and board, modern convenienses, walking dis tance. ' PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board. excellent table; close in. dbn Montgomery, near West Park. ROOM and board, home cooking; special rate to couples, transient meals. 201 i.ith st. NICELY furnished 3-room apartment with outside balcony: Call Main d8NJ price ; Iloo niH W i th Board in Private Family. ONE large well-f urnished room suitable for couple, excellent nome cook ing. one or finest homes in city, modern conveniences; shown by appointment only. East 8089. FURNISHED room, fireplace, light, heat, bath and phone, use of piano; breakfast or two meals If desired. 1071 E. 9th st. N. Woodlawn 91. FRONT room, attractively furnished, suit able for 2 young ladies : excel lent men Is. home privileges, moderate rates, 5673 Glisan. Bdwy. 2438. WANTED Board in private home for two girls aged 8 and 5. Parents prefer to room. Answer R. L. J. BJ 716, Orego nian ROOM and board fe 2 young ladies em ployed ; piano ; walking distance : home privileges; moderate late. 46.S Market. Main 7209. NICELY furnished rooms with very good board in small family. 3S5 Mill, near West Park. NICELY furnished room for 1 or 2 gentle men; breakfast if desired. 114o E. Taylor, near 39th st. ROOM and board for gentleman; home cook ing;; walking distance; price $7.50 a week. 525 Clay street. AN exclusive home offers nice rooms with good home cooking, home-made bread. Broadway 4314. 143 N. 19th st, VERY desirable well-furnished room with board for gentleman ; walking distance. 564 Hoyt. Broadway 1986. NICE comfortable room, suitable for 2. the best board In the city for your money. 191 11th st., opposite public library. CHILDREN boarded: also parents; furnished rooms ; all conveniences. 2d st. S. n e w 1 v 4SV, WILL board, room, sew and care for small girl of school age, $20 nio. 689 E. Everett st. N. NICELY furnished rooms with board ; ate home, near Broadway bridge. Ronton st. 408 WANTED Refined young man to board and room; good board, phone and home privi loges. Call Monday. 3S7 Mill St.. Mar. 483. NICE ROOM, good bosrd. garage if desired; walking distance. East 2f40. WILL board and room a man. 43o 66th st. Tabor 5933. ROOM and board for two men: home priv ileges. Marshall 2515. 428 Mill st PRACTICAL nurse will her home. Woodlawn are for infants in 224. CHILDREN to board in private home. Halsey. East 2440. FURNISHED room with board 407 Clay. Main 3H34J WIDOW will care for children and room parents in her home. Broadway 3717. ROOM and board, nice home, walking dls tance. 2 car lines. Irvington. East 5897. GENTLEMEN to board in widow's well furnished home. E. 7100. WANTED Children to board between 3 and 7 years; mother's care. East 2005. ROOM board, private home. 574 Ladd ave. near' E. 12th and Hawthorne. E 5145. 2 ROOMS' for rent, with board if desired. 6o4 3d st.. near shipyards. Marshall 1228. IF YOU want good table board, call at 081 Glisan. 1 OR 2 CHILDREN to board. Tabor 8775. Furnished Apartments. T WO-ROOM apartment, furnished ; $30 per mo. Marshall 2022. 704 Hoyt st. 2-ROOM furnished apart menus, $:i0. Marshall 4 i . 3W 12th st. GARFIELD 4 rooms, porch. 37.50. FOK KENT. Fiirnisned Apart ments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five nunutes' walk to Meier & Frank's tore. good surroundings. stncCy modern. 2 and 3-rooin furnished apts.j all outside with Fro n c h doo rs and ba i con v. RATES BY W EEK OR MONTH. ALL MODERN. 5 rooms, furnished elegant ly, an up-to-dare apartment f '.the right person th.-it wants a nice home; lease can 0 be had from 1 to 3 years; owner can be sien on premisos Monday om 2 to 4 P. M. and 7 to 8 evening. Apply 342 10th street. VILLA ST. CLARA. Tw e.f th and Taylor. -Most modern furnished apartment on the Pacific coast. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking Distance. References. STELWYN APARTMENTS. HIGH CLASS. 3 and 5-room and sleeping porch, beau tif ully f urnlHhed in Chinese and TurkiCB russ and w:l.ow, available at once. Mar. BE A L'Tl FUL f urnished 3-room apt. in pri vate home, on Broadway carliue: in very ref:ned neighborhood; rent 45. including light, wator. heat and phone, and use of piano. Call Tabor 3146. THE ELMWOOD. 3-room apartment, front corner; large rooms, handsomely furnished; two disap pearing oeds: st rictly f irst-claas; $60; adults. Main 1621. 415 10th St. JEFFEKY APARTMENTS. 3 rooms, partly furnished; no objection to children; corner of Kerby and Russell, between Mississippi and Williams ave. Phone East 1504. $25 VERY attractive, nicely furnished front 2-room apt. w ith sleeping porch, steam heat, hot and cold water, etc. Close In. Call at 50 E. 8th N., or phone Eaat 2079 Sunday A. M. SM ALL. clean room for neat working girl or woman; use- of bath and phone; nice part of city; S per month; we of cook ing gas and laundry $2 extra. Phone Ta bor 14 so. CAR LOTT A COURT West side. Everett and 17th; save carfare, 5 min. bus. center, 2 and S rooms, new, clean; both phones frje. ref. 3-RoOM, large, nice, airy, partly-furnished apartment, including batn, touet, ema. walking distance down town. M ain 2874, 2H 4ih st. RELIABLE young ladies to shar an apartment above ordinary, walking dis tance; reefrences exchanged. Fhoca East 1730. 2 ROOMS, corner apartment, with bath and large dressing room, modern orica ouuu ing, walking distance, west aide. Chap ni;in apts., y,"5 Chapman st. 8-Room upartment house, close in, west side, rent only $14; furniture goes tor $200 cash or trade. What have you? Mam 752S. JEFFERY APARTMENTS. 2 furnished rooms, $lo month; comer of Kerby and Russell, between Mississippi and Williams ave. Phone East 1594. BEAUTIFUL furnished 3-room apt., large private bath, light, phone; adults only; tenants furnish own silver and linen; $30 per month. 800 Union ave., near Beech, CLE A N 2-room housekeeping apartments. $ !..".o and $4 week; sieepiug rooms, $2 week. The Alia Vista, 544 Petty grove. Broad way 354U. NICE, clean one two or three-room apart ments, with all conveniences, very reason able. Burns Apartments, 382 ft Hawthorne avenue. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment with private bath; possession immediately. E. Main. Tabor 8253. WANTED Young lady employed to share 2-roo:n apartment. Broadway 873 alter 0:;;o 1. m. AKCADIA, 700 Everett, near 22d St.. 3-room front apt. ; married couple; no children; references. AN 718, oregonian. THE G ROVER South Portland shipyard district ; 1 and 2-room furnished B-, a pis. 1 SI G rover st. Main 9058. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 16th St., Near Taylor St. Completely furnished 5-rm. apartments. THREE-ROOM apts. with bath, toilet and, dressing room, 27.50 to $40. Phone Eas- 2-itj. J ackson a pts. THE-STANF1ELD, 204 Porter St.. modersj 2-room apts., furnished; reasonable, Mai 73 02. THE CARL.OIS Modern brick, outside apis living room. kitchenette, bat h, privatv phone, $35; adults. 341 14th. cor. Marke TH R EE-RoOM furnished apt. in moderi private h"me. ground iioor, private ea trance. 350 Vancouver ave. Fl'KNISHED apartment, two rooms, kitchen, private bath ; no children. Kussei. with ;y 3- ROOM furnished apartment. $25. inciui$ ing light, phone and water. Call 228 Eaa 20th. or phone E. 7267. S U N N Y MON TA PTS." 2 -roo m furnished ftjit. Private bath and phone. E. 35th and l.l 1110,1 1. Tabor 1889. r 4- ROOM basement apt.. 2 bedrooms, prrate but h. all modern ; references. 561 Oiisan and 17t hst. . . HOUSE KEEPING apartments, steam lvated. clean, convenient, reasonable. 245 1 17th st. Broadway 2642. -ROOM MiM. n front apt., walking distance. ear Broadway. 3-ROoM apt., steam he a; private phone. 210 Market st. LA DY w ishes refined lady to sfaare apart ment. BC 302. Oregonian. PENINSULA APTS.. 1135 Albina v Con crete bldg., 2 and 3-ropm apts. Wutn. 13u2. BAGGAGE and furniture moving : phone Broadway 401. Alert Transfer. 4ll Sj.ark. PURTNOMAH, 4 rooms, walking distance. 20Q hardwood E. lath. COMPLETE apartment. $19; concrie bldg. Union ave. and Killingsworth NEAT, clean 3-room apt; gas, light ana fuel. 603 Johnson. TH REE-room apartment ; private bath ; hot Hid coin water. AdUits. .uarsnaii oiwj. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished. 840 MUssis- sippi ave. AI'ARTMENT for rent. Balfour pts.. 1163 Hi'lmont St., 'labor 14;t. Unfurnished Apartments. UNFURNISHED 3-room apartment. 64SH Thurman st., bet. 20th and 21st. Marshall Z - UNFURNISHED one room and kitchenette, or1 block from library: 215 11th gL, cor. Salmon. .Phone Main 8678. Adults. FOR RENT apartment. -3-room desirable unfurnished close in. 392 Va 0th st. -ROOM apt.. $30; about the 15th. Jackson apts. Phono East 2846. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. PARTLY furnished or unfurnished apart ment, private home, select neighborhood, wot side, beautiful view, fine air, house hold privileges, separate range ; business couple preferred: $45, including heat, gas, light. Main 112S. TWO rooms, front, corner apartment, with bath and large dressing room, modern brick building, walking distance, wwt side. Chapman apts., 355 Chapman st, FURNISHED or unfurnished apartments for rent. Stephenson Court, 515 Mill st. Phone Main M10. ; m Flats. j.v.O 4-ROOM MODERN FLAT $30. EAST 11TH AND DAVIS SANDY RD. Hall, living room with fireplace, dining room, paneled wainscoting, buffet, bed room, cl:set, cabinet kitchen, basement, wah tr.ivs; adults. Will lease. "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. FO R RENT Sept. 1, 5-room modern f :t : brick bldg.. largo porch, fine location ; 15 minutes to business center; to re sponsible parties only. Sellwood 2S95. 773 Milwaukee st. $1T. 3 ROOMS upper flat, large, light, clean, outside rooms, modern and nicely f ur nished. free lights, water and phone, 500-1 K0U1 st. S. E.. labor in.; , 0-ROOM flat" for rent, rental of 6 rooms would pav all expenses anu give siiiuh Income besides, also furniture for sale. 402 Vj. Clay st. O'BRIEN APTS., adjoining Waverley golf links; 3-room apts. witn giasseu-in sleep ing porch; also 2-room apts, 2363. Call Main -ROOM and bath flat for rent and furni ture for sale. Call at Cascade fish mar ket, on Yamhill, bet. 3d and 4th; rent $14. FIVE-ROOM modern flat, in new brick building. Rose City ParK. J. eiepnone .nam 454 9 or call at 274 Park. 4-ROOM apartment with two beds; 4-room Hat with phone and bath. Laurence Apts., :tvs 1 ith st. Marshall 4174. OR 4 ROOMS, modern. 4 blocks south of X W. bank. Pnone Main octi. rnoni Sunday. Marshall 196. 4 o'clock. 5-ROOM f-at fr rent- T318Vi Cc $20 per month. Marshall 2691 Corbett et.. or 31 a r- 4-ROOM flat : adults only; reference. In- u,.re at 310 Cay st. UP.ER FLAT, 4 rooms and bath, 20th and t . Morrison. East 4s52. UPPER flat. 5 rooms, close to car. 4S4 E. ith st. N. Rose City. Tabor 533. MODERN unfurnished 5-lwra flat, tower floor, $17.5oper month. 2QO Mason su FIVE lars 14. 1"71 rooms: upper flat; from August 23d. near Alberta. -i;ooM upper flat: gas and electricity. Oil i4 Borth wick. ?urDltied Flats. (is MODERN 5-room with garace. water A-l EXPERIENCED dairymen desires em- plftymsnl, married &U Orcgwnun, n