14 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, AUGUST 10, 1919. FOR SALE. Mi c e 11 a no us. MILLMEV AN'D LOOOERS! Grasp This Opportunity to Purchase XEW AND USED MILL LOGGING AND HARDWARE SUPPLIES at a. fraction of the list prices. BUY FROM BARDE. Every purchase backed by our iron c'ad guarantee. "Every article so!d by ug must be exactly as represented, and U snipped subject to buyer's approval.' PIPE. Black, Slightly Used and Guaranteed Like New. 1-inch 9c 1 'i-inch .. .12 1 - -inch 2-inch . . . 2H-inch -:i-inch . . . 3 u -inch . 4-inrh 4 u -inch . .Vinch . . . -inch . . . . .one . .si.:!.-. . .it i 7. . .)-'. 25 1 o-inci. 12-lDCI, Pipe Fittings of AM Kinds. Get Our Prices Quick. WIRE ROPE. No. 1 quality. (Our Specialty.) ATI sizes from 4 -inch to 2-in-h. New We and S'-i OFF LIST. USE D. Guaranteed 90r New. 114-inch 2 On 1 V -inch 25o lSi-inch 30c 1 U-inrh 35c 114 -inch 55c 2-inch Special: On pieces under IOO feet of the above 90 Wire Rope, we offer an Extra 10 discount on the above prices. LOGGING BLOCKS. 3 carloads of Mallory, Washington. Ptw art, Willamette. Gilchrist. Smith & Wat son and other standard makes, from high lead to trip blocks. FOR ALL PURPOSES. NEW 20 OFF LIST. . USED 40 OFF LIST. You cannot afford to pass this bargain In Logging Blocks. CROSS-CUT SAWS. All Guaranteed. ROYAL CHINOOK BUCKING OR FALLING. New. Us"d. fi-ft $ 8.00 $ 6 25 fit. -ft 0.00 7.0O 7 -ft 10.00 8.O0 T'-i-ft. 11.00 8.75 K-ft 1-. "0 9.5u .ft 14.00 li.no 10-ft 15.00 12. 0O A Tip order Used New. -They're Almost AXES. Hand-made, double-bitted, Marshall Wells and other standard makes of Swamping, Falling and California Re versible. BARGAINS. New Hand-Made, $18.00 Dozen. BROAD AXES. 11-in. ll's-in. 12-in. 12'i-ln. New, per doz.$50.il(l $52. OO $54. OO $55.n0 Used, per doz 40.00 42.00 41. 00 40.00 PULLEYS. All sizes, from 4-in. to 84-in. Steel split 25' 'c off list Wood split 0o'c oil" list Cast iron 307b off list SHOVELS. All Kinds and Sizes. Long or Short Handle. New J 15 doz. Used 12 doz. Note used are apparently new in ap pearance and guaranteed like new. MANILA ROPE. All Sizes, U-in. to 6-tn. New 25c lb. base Used 15c lb. base "Wire, write or phone your order today. nd almost 1,000, 000 other bargains. tEK BARPE FIRST FO K ANYTHING. IT WILL PAY YOU. M. BARDE & SONS. INC. The House of a Million Bargains. FRONT AN D MAIN STS. PORTLAND. Or. oMPLETE LINE OF STORE FIXTURES. BUYERS' WEEK SPECIAL. Cash register, adding machines. safes, -howiases. wj-llcases, soUa fountains, Siiair ;iIi1pk r iiMures: we also cairy a. line of confectionery, cigars, tobaccos anil smokers' articles at discount. HuCHFtLU BROS.. 43 Fust sLreet. near Ash street. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, wold for less : no a cents employed; com plete lino of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented, .uani ihoi. SEWING MACHINE EM PoKIUM. 100 3a. near Taylor St. int von vki sizk ::o 3S OR 40? If you do call at our wholesale otfice and we will sell you a raincoat, motor coat or topcoat at wholesale price iroiu out regular sample line. UNITED RUBBER CO.. 7 JO Morgan Bldg. . 25 DROPHEAD sewing machines, complete with Httii.iniit'riu, in good sewing order, Si to $2; sew mg machines rented 5j pei month ; machines cleaned and repaired, iu. It. Steen, 152 Grand uve. B 3307. East 2359. SE W i NG MAC H I X ES. Drop-head Singers. Whites, New Homes, etc.: all kinds, only slighCy used, guaran teed; Io to $25; nev Singers rented p-r month. Fou n li -street Singer Sloie I Moose bldg.), 103 4th St. Main 0V13. fc AFES- Fire and burglar-proof sates, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought. old and exchanged. NoRRlS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Phone Main 2045. f HINTING FOR LESS We are not members o I any combination seeking to 1 aise or control the price of printing ; prompt service. Smith, printer, 204 Stark st. APPAREL EXCHANGE has ladies' suits, dresses, coats, party frocks, blouses, sight ly used, good styles and reasonable. Ta bor 225. LEAKY roof, eh: Very aggravating, indeed. Why not a permanent ana comtoriable roof ? We repair and Rubber Bund ail kinds ol lea ky roots ; work guaranteed. Main 7 i 76. FORMULAS Make "real drinks without us ing a atiil. easy, any formula, extracts, rups: particulars tree. Meriden Co., dept. H, box 1151, Tacoma, Wash. t't'l.L equipment standard plumbers' tools, A 1 shape ; a lo some carpenters' tools ; line chance lor some one starting in busi ness. O 773. Oregonian. TYPEWRITERS. CHECK WRITERS. NEAR LY NEW. DESivS. CHAIRS, TABLES, FROM WAK DEPT. D. C. WAX, US FIRST ST. MAIN 4031. fc AFES FILING SAFES DIE BOLD AGTS. Expert work done. Prices right. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY COMPANY. 40 Front st. Broadway ltftiti. hOT-W ATER tanks, new and second-hand. $12 to 20 installed; expert boiler repair ing, plumbing supplies cheap. 2u3 Adams St. East Sold. , GERMAN military rifle, captured in France; good condition; shoots American shells. 71 -N4, high -power, $15. Call at S7u E. Belmont St.. evenings. Tabor 252. i'OR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 2 00 Stark st- BILLlARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wall casvs, f ixtui es : easy terms. W. J. Wuigley, 227 First. Main 5399. BRAND-NEW 401 automatic Winchester, cost $4X75, sell for $35, or trade. Tabor 14 12. fcTOKE fixtures for sale at sacrifice; show cases, scales. counters, Xountain and glassware. 247 First si. MALT, hops, caps, cappers, cider, pure fruit punches and syrups for parties, dances, etc. J. H. DeLacey, 293 Yamhill it,. I HAVE several diamonds now to sell on commission, very low price. Belding the jeweler. 245'j; Alder st. Main 1092. DELICIOUS crabs. clams. oysters. fre?h daily. 12t Firtt St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. Western Fish Co. Marshall 5 1st. ON E Toledo computing scales, practically new, for sale at a bargain price. Bane Rite Bakery. 251 Yamhill. I WILL sell your diamond on commission. Belding. the jew eier. 24 Alder st. Mam 1012. ON B 11x14 Seattle roai engine, one clam shell bucket. Ry. Equipment Co., 235 Stark. BARGAINS in unredeemed guns and revol vers, all makes, cheap. J. J. Beauregard, 7"2 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. bl ITS to order on easy payments. Unique Tailoring Co., 104 Fourth St.. bet. Wash. Hiid Stark. POSTAGE stamps for collectors bought and sold. 301 McKay bldg. Main lou4. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning in your home, 3."ic a rug. Call East 15u. OAK. rolls, hearts or quarters. Oakland. Or. I. M. & M., VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bent ley Co., East 7050 FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcases. 43 1st tt., near Ash. THREE rolitop desks, 2 mah. rolltop desks, filing cabinets. Bushong & Co., 91 Park. fOR SALE, CHEAP 7x9 10-oz. tent, folding cajxip table, 2 camp chairs, 329 Alain st. FOB SALE. M Isce 1 Ian eo us. NOTICE. LOGGERS. MILLMEN. CONTRACTORS. J Leve makes an immense buy from the United States Spruce Production Corpora tion In the following goods, both new and she-htly used, that he wjil offer for sale this week at prices far lower than any on ft else in the city. So if you n-ed any thins? in Wire Cable, Tools, or Supplies, s-e us first before buying elsewhere, for we know positively we can. save you money, WIRE CABLE. Larce quantity new and slightly used plow steel w ire cable, long lengths, good assortment, various kinds and sizes at a low price. If you need cable. se us first. SIMON DS" ROYAL C H I NOOK. CROSS CUT SAWS. Large quantity brand-new and slichtly used Simonds' Royal Chinook -crosscut and failin? saws, all s wedged and filed, ready for work; various size, tt ft.. 6',: ft., 7 ft., 7 . ft.. 8' ft., up to 10 ft., at a Trice far lower than anyone else in the city. If you ned a saw. se us first. STEEL ANVILS. Laree lot slightly used steel anvils, vari ous sizs. at a low price. Try them with a hammer before you buy them. The larsrest assortment in Portla-nd. CH AMPIO.V. NO. 4MJ. BLOWERS, lree lot Champion. No. 4mi, blowers, with a 10-inch fan, slightly used. Al con dition, at a low price. The largest assort ment in Portland. BLACKSMITH VISES. Large quantity blacksmith vises, slight ly u?fd. Al condition, vaious cizes. at a low price. DOUBLE-BIT AXES, Large lot slightly used double-bit axes, Al condition, at low priee. CROSSCUT SAW HANDLES. Large lot slightly used crosscut saw handles, Al condition. Buy all ou need at 25c each. WEDGES. Large lot slichtly used wedges, Al con dition, at a low price. MANILA ROPE. Large lot slightly used manila rone, various sizes, Al condition. Buy all you need at 32c per pound. LUM BER DOLLIES. I.are lot slightly used lumber dollies at a r.v price. Besides, we have in stock the follow ing eoods at greatly reduced prices; BLOCKs. Steel, snatch, tackle and wood blocks at a low prKe. RUBBER BELTING. Over 1.1. oou . feet new rubber beltiner, from 2 inches to 14 inches, 4. 5 and tt-ply, frsii from the factory, at a low price. BRAND-NEW CHAMPION POST DRILLS, and forges, various sizes, at a low price. CHAIN. Large lot slightly used chain at a low price. CHAIN BLOCKS. Large quantity new differential direct drive chain blocks, sizes '-ton, 1-ton. l1 ton a-nd 2-ton, at a reduced price. PEA VIES. Large quantity brand-new peavies, vari ous kinds and sizes, at a low price. BENCH VISES. Large quantity brand-new Prentiss and Monarch bench vises, various sizs. If you need a vise, now is the time to buv it. BABBIT METAL. GEARS. PULLEYS AND SHAFT BOXINGS. Larc-e quantity on hand at lowest prices, WOODSMEN TAKE NOTICE. We carry in stock at all times the larg est and most complete assortment in the city of now and used Slmonds Roval Chinook crosscut saws, wedges, axes, split ting mauls, wooden wedges, sledges, files, broadaxes and other woodsmen supplies at prices lower than anyone eie in the city. ROOFING PAPER. Special prics this week on Diamond double sanded quality roofing paper, fres-h from the factory. Each roll contains loS square fct. includiner nails ami cement. Made extra strong to stand the roughest weather. You might be able to buy cheap er rooting paper, but it doesn't compare with our roofing" paper. Use double sanded roofing paper because it clings tighter to your roof than any other roof ing paper. 2-ply 51.40 per roll. ;t-p!.v $1.05 per roll. TENTS AND C A X V AS FLIES. I-arge lot new tents and flies at a low price this week. HOSE. HOSE. HOSE. T-arge lot new moulded carden hose and braided hose, fresh from factory, cut from rr-els and in 50-foot pieces, at a low price. 50 feet s -inch hose, cut from reele. with couplings ...$7.00 50 f.-et ai -inch hose, cut from reels. with couplings $7.75 Also lXO feet slightly used 1-Inch cot ton hose from the government at tic a foot. Reduced prices this week on all garden tort Is. 2 1-inch wheel cultivators $4.75 each lS-inch wheel cultivators $4.25 each J. LEVE. lSft-lSft1 -191 Front street, between Yam. hi!l and Taylor streets. Main 51uS. store and office fixtures, Consisting of Showcases and wallcases. Large tables and counters, candy jars. cash registers and safes. Scales, cheese cutters, meat slicers. Roll-top desks, flat-top desks. Adding machines and typewriters. One large and one small icebox. Larg uaa rang-, cider press. Two soda fountains; also one 20-foot front and back bar, with large miiror, work boards and sinks complete. GOODS SOLD ON EASY TERMS. HOC H F 1 ELD BROS., 43 1st at. MOST everyone has been overcharged or their jewelry repairing has been done un satisfactorily. Try us next time. We guard against such errors. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 3-.5 Wash. St., next door .Majestic theater. 2 &ALMON rods, reels and lines, 1 lineman's belt, sai ety si rap and pr. spurs, 1 .;i2-4l) Winchester ride. 1st and 2d year students law text books, also 1 set Lord's Ore. Laws. o25 K. 4'd st S., city. Foil SALE $5oo rug-weaving out lit Tor $l.u or exchange for phonograph or some thing u.seiul; past noble grand Keiiekah collar, nevor wed. cost $20, sell for $10. 4M E. 40th North. TA M E and wild blackberries, apples; pick them yoursei: ; kale and cabbage plants cheap; rabbits. Corner V.ith and East Stark. Mt. Tabor tMT fe.sth car to end, lour blocks north, one east. ONE set Encyclopedia Britannlca. 11th edi tion, prinud on India paper, new, has not been in use, cloth bound; price $45. 1217 Tibbets s;.. 41st. FOR SALE Seven -foot special French range, two bake ovens, tirst-ciass condi tion; make otter. P. O. box 22, Ruz vtiie, ash. A FEW ready cut government houses, with w indows. doors, roofing complete ; size 14x4u feet; very cheap tor cash. Ship any where. out Spalding bldg. GO EKZ-ANCH I. TZ camera, 5x7, 7-inch Cel r, 0 plate holders, pack adapter, less than cost of lens. Main 4585. 41u Worcester building. M I ST sei I at sacrifice 3 small cash regis ters, 4 floor Lasts, 2 check writers, coi tee urn, lemonade cooler. 24S Va Second street. KEGS Hard and 1,0ft wood, kegs and bar rels, new and second-hand; no country orders less than 10. Panama Coopeiato Co., 22S Front. BARGAINS Tufts palmetto soda fountain and equipment, fire proof short account system, counters and show cashes. Tabor 155. lt;l Belmont st. WE will dispose of a lot of used sewing machines, all dropheads, all in good sew ing orur. 12.50 and 15. 172 3d. near Yamhill. FOR SALE 50 pint jars of home-canned jellies, .lams and pickles, reasonable. 1 aoue .viars.-ian io-io evenings. 50.000 CORRUGATED paper box. lx loxl2. 4xl2xl.S. 7xl2xl. Address Kola Neis, Hotel Oregon. TWO tons oat hay. cut and siarkpd nn Capitol highway, south of Multnomah Sta.. ."..". Main 7sil. SAVAiiE repeating .2 rilie. take-down, 2 magazines, cleaning rod, some ammuni- $K1 Call Main 4257 week da DINING ROOM set. good condition, price derate. Call forenoon today or Monday. 554 East Taylor st. any time FULL-SIZED white enameled bed. springs a nd mattress. $ 1 0. 757 E. Flanders B 13! HI. Foil SALE Bicycle. Premier, in tine condi tion; good tires; 20-io. frame; $20. Tabor 177Q or 1111 Division. A NEW Christian Science health book for sale-. E 323. Orego n i a n . FOR SALE 4x5 Premo film pack camera. cheap. 300 Lumbermen's bldg. S WE ATE RS. hand knit, to order; latest stv'.e. 05S OMsan. near 20th. BLACKSllTHools. full set for small shop. ADDING machine in cheap. :.s4 Stark s first-class cond it ion. Broad w ay 1103. FOR green 4-foot s abwood and dry 16-lnvb block wood, call Broadway 1760. CAMPING outfit, tent, stove, cot and bed ding Inquire 6128 52d st. Woodstock car. SEWING machine attachmentsgood con dltlon.P07E;Glisan st. WHEEL-CHAIR for sale, cheap. Call East 1 5 45. FOR SALE 1 14x10 14-oz. tent. Wood lawn 0140. Phone PICKED ripie apples. Liberty. 3 cents lb. Call 651 FOR SALE Two folding baby buggies, 390 6th st. Mar. 531. GENTLE M A V S g ray Phone East, 542. B E L daver. port 1 n good condiUoa, Monday. Pnone Tabor 03. FOB SALE. Mbcel lonpuub. ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. LOCOMOTIVES CARS RAILS. 1 5o-ton Shay,, wood burner. 1 BO-ton H eisler, oil burner. 1 .Is-Hjii Heisler oil burner. 1 30-ton, it-driver, low-wheel locomotive. Relay rails. 6O-40-2O-lb. Russell all-steel logging trucks. 2 11x11 Washington Compounds Yarder. 1 12x12 Washington Compounds Yarder. 1 10x13 Wide Drum Willamette. 5 10x12 Wide Drum Washington. 1 !xl0 Mundy. ROAD CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT. 1 No. 5 Austin Gvratory Crusher. 1 xl4 Ali-Steel Jaw Crusher. 1 Chicago Paver, cap. 20 tt. 5 Rex Paver, cap. lb ft. 1 Hansom Mixer, cap. 30 ft. 1 Ransom Mixer, cap. IO ft. 1 Buffalo-Pitts, GO-ton Tandem Roller. 1 Buffalo-Pitt 3. 12-ton Tandem Roller, rear wheels 18 ins. 1 Monarch 12-ton. rear wheels 21 ins. 1 Marion 2-yd. Drag Line Excavator. 1 Bucyrus 2-vd. Drag Line Excavator. 1 Mnmghan 2-yd. Drug Line Excavatoa SO 24-in. Gauge Dump Cars. 100 3rt-in. Gauge Dump Cars. 4 4-in. Gauge Dinky Locomotives. 6 30-in. Gauge Dinky Locomotives. 1 Austin Road Grader. 1 Model til Marion Track Shovel. 1 Model 40 Marion Track Shove L 1 Bucyrus 45-ton Track Shovel. 3 Marion 1 U -'d. Revolving Shovel. 1 7xlO Hoisting Eng. and Derrick, com plete. 600 All-Steel Camp Bunks. Pile-Driver Hammers, Gaa Engines, Pumps, Tools. BOILERS. 1 ino-H. P. Wet Back Marine Boiler, 150 lbs. 1 loo-H. P. Fire Box Boiler, 1O0 lbs. 1 250-H. P. Fire Box Boiler, loO lbs. 3 :tO-H. P. Fire Box Boiler. 2 O'-xlli ButL Strap Return Tubular Boil er. 1 00x16 Butt Strap Return Tubular Boil ers. ' 1 13x42 Bates Corliss Engine. 1 &uo-H. P. National Feed Water Heater. SPECIAL. 1 20AM. capacity Tie Mill, $1800. 1 Wooden Mill, cut G5-M. in eight hrs. Send us your inquiries for anything in Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging. Sawmill, Contractors' Equipment. Loco motives, Boilers, Engines, Crushers, Steel Kail, Cable and Belting. BURKE MACHINERY CO., 52 Kail way Exchange bldg. Main 1212. A 2423. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE PLUMBING FIXTURES PLUMBING SUPPLIES. HOUSE-HEATING M ATI. RIALS. IRC N PIPE. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS. A-ND 'UiLilNT-KMoHI" COMBINATION General Distributors WM. PuWELL HIGH-GRADE VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES. BOSTON BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. Show room and salesroom, $-7o-72 Front at Portland. Oregon. m WE offer for sale the following house-mov i n it t.iols und o 111 omen t : 23 dump screws, 2 dump caps, 30 dump DiocKs, wrencnes, a jacKscrews, - omen bars. 1 double wood bloek. 2 sledges, 31 wood rollers, between "iuo and 4oti feet of cable, 1 capstan. 25 house cribs. 1 trust header, 3 gruu hoes, tt house-moving 2-wheel trucKs. AD J I'STM ENT BUREAU, 04 1 Pit tock Block. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. If you need any plumbing supplies see t he Nur til western Pipe company before you let your contract, and we will save you money; estimates given free. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO., Between Yamhill and Taylor. Phone Main 5051. Ib7 Front St. EITHER WAY If you have a diamond and want the cash or if you have the cash and want a diamond, call in and talK it over. MILLERS CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 355 Wash. Et.. next door Majestic theater. A FULL DRESS suit and a Prince Albert coat; size about ;S, as good as new; you cannot get goods like these except at enormous cost; 1 will sell reasonable. 21U1 Broadway. GAS range and water heater, air blast Uni versal, newest idea in heating; saves half fuel ; bargain. Have furnace, 1)01 Cleve land avenue. AXMINSTER CARPET 3 yards of Axmin Bter carget, all sewed and in first-class condition, used only short time ; price 4. J . tH. .Aletzger, ores nam, or., pnone o-ko. 1 IRONING board, electric iron, wash board kitchen table. 2 chairs, small rugs, iron bed and springs, birdseye maple dresser. Call after Sunday, East 510. BARTLETT PEARS Pick at 3c pound; l ourm-v station, on river roan, at box turn through iron gate and drive end of lane. R. R. Maytieid. ALMOST new. round Hendry brass bird cage ; co: lapsible go-cart, good cond it ion baby corral, and walker. Phone Wood lawn 1412. OFFICE roll-too desk, typewriter and desk adding machine, 2 chairs. 30b Concord bldg. WE ARE HERE The whitewashing of barns, basements and all kind. Call East 2200. 1 GASOLINE pump and tank for sale. 5-gaU throw. laluot .Auto supply Co., uroaa v. ay. DIAMOND pin; it's a beautv, 2 pearls, 1 coral, $ 100 cash, goniari. 5 diamonds L 442, Ore FOR SA I.E Used Mason 2-quart jars, or exchange 2 quarts lor 1 quart. H.ast 2lau, 020 E. Ankeuy. FOR SALE One 10-inch electric fan in good running order, $23. Fred Dundee, Broad w ay and Flanders st. CLEARING a lot; choice iris and phlox cheap. 364 E. 20th st. W. Phone East l2h. FOR SA LE High grade mahogany back bar fixtures and shelving. Anderson Candy Co., Hotel Oregon; Broadway CUO. FOR SALE Water-power washing machine wringer $1.50; in good condition. Call East 07ft. ALMOST new $:;0 serge cape, $ 1 s.5u, and $1(7.50 silk dress, latest style, $1U. Main 1330. H U N T E R S A TTEXTIOX. Get your Mallard ducks for decoys at "10 Cook ave. FOR SALE Bridge-Beach steel range. 0 hole; Jaeger vacuum sweeper; at a bar gain. E. oQ'... Add. 1)2. j L. Burnsidc. A S55 GAS range, been In use a year, ex eel lent condition ; will sell for $30. Ta bor 0125. BABY buggy, in excellent condition, for one third its price. labor oil.. SECOND-HAND buffet and bookcase cheap Wood. awn 2Jul. LARGE size Kiddy Koop with mattress, $1S. 1 54S E. Lincoln, cor, oMh. A FEW RARE stamps, album, hinges and cat, $20. lo4S E. Lincoln, cor. oSth. FOR SALE way 1563. -Furniture at bargain. Broad NEW white fox fur. day. Call East 1916 Mon RELIABLE gas range, cheap, $10. FOR SALE Rug, dresser, gas plate, lady suit. Marshall 3851. FOR SALE Rug, dresser, gas plate, lady' suit. Marshall 3851. 54-INCH oak dining room table. East 234. 254 East 10th, corner Madison st. 1-GAL- Inclosed Bowser pump for sale cheap. Phone broauway duou. 5-DROPS, solid brass electric fixture for living room. Tabor 8 1 2.. 10 RABBITS, light spring top wagon. llliams ave. SEVERAL jewelers' sample fraternity pins. ireeK ana otners. 1 o. Oregon 1 an. FOR SALE cheap. Columbia bicycle, nearly new. Anderson. Hi J -t n st. HOOVER special electric vacuum cleaner, $40, cost $05.50 Christmas. 100 N. 23d st. BABY carriage iwicker). practically new, 1st class condition. Phone Seilwood ,s.;. FOR SALE Silk floss mattress, good condi tmn. M.t hast Main. NEW electric sewing machine, electric lamp, coal range ana gas piate. labor FOR SALE $5 Fuller bath brush for $4. W oodiawn 6020. W I NCH ESTER carbine, 25-35, model $15. 52 Knapp ave. FOR SALE A Jewel range, burns wood or coal, good as new. Call 919 Tibbetts st, FOR SALE Invalid's wheel chair at 14! Michigan ave. 3o FEE T iron fencing w ith gate, like new, at less than half. Phone East 3S57. REED baby carriage, used very little. Will sell for $25. Tabor 320. HEATING stove. $12 50; library lamp. $3; reed baby buggy. $25. Seilwood 305O. FOLDING go-cart, in good condition, cheap. Phone Wood lawn 240. FOR SALE Good all-iron heating stove cheap. 6!4 E. 21st st. South. WIRELESS APPARATUS FOR SALE. MAIN 4SS1. ONE 100-1F). refrigerator $15. shall 1417. Phone Mar $45 COUCH bed, used Very little. $30. Call Monday. 8Q0 E. Ankeny. apt. 6. CAN SAVE woman some money going to St. Paul or east. P 465. Oregonian. One .22 Savage high-power rifle. Tabor 7241 WOOD range with coil; $ 10 Bdwy. 1'SlH. FOR SALE. M iscrllaneout. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. A large stock of black and galvanized pipe, properly fitted, threaded and coupled in first-ciass condition. Absolutely guar anteed. We nave an exceptionally large stock of pii, 2 V to 6 inches. About 200O saws. HENRY DISSTON, brand new, at M cents per fooL Price guaranteed for 30 days only. Sanded roofing paper, best quality, with cement and nails complete; 1 -ply at $1 per roll, 2 and 3-ply at very low price. CABLE AT BARGAIN PRICES. Several thousand feet, plow steel, 6-19 cattle in lengths up to 3000 feet, at great sacrifice. BLOCKS. BLOCKS. BLOCKS. A large assortment of all kinds of snatch and tackle blocks, all izes and all makes. Several chain blocks from 1 to 3 tons capacity. ALL KINDS OF CHAIN. Boom chain. to 1 V Inch. A large lot of logging chain, to 1 V inch, at a very low price. BELTING. BELTING. BELTING. We have secured a large lot of leather and rubber belting, all sizes, from 1 to 3o inches, that we are. going to sell at a clean-up price. If you are Interested in anything in the line of belting be sure to get our prices and discount before buying elsewhere. A large assortment of gears, boxings, shafting, rails and several complete winches. Be sure to Fee us. as we can save you money in anything that you may need in our line. Phone, mail and telegraph orders promptly attended to by our expert men. ALASKA JUNK COMPANY. 201 Front St. 3. Schnitzer, Main 4110. Wolf. H. J SPECIAL PRICES IN PIPE THIS WEEK, Pipe from to 8-inch, all good as new, every foot guaranteed, 7c per inch, all kinds of fit tings; blacksmith tools, all kinds of drills, anvils and tools. Big emery wheel stand; new axes $ 1 each; rail shafting, belting, farm gate, gasoline engine from 2 H. P. to 30 H. P.; station ary and marine engine. Seo our stuck before buying. ZEDELL-BERONSON CO., Phone Marshall 1332. 208 Front St. 1'EACHES FOR CANNING PEACHES. Oet your canning peaches directly from the grower. Come right to the orchard with your auto, bring your boxes and pick them yourself if you like; the quality was never better than this year. Place your orders now and have them reserved; the supply is limited. Phone or write to Gerd Eilers, Aurora, Or. It. F. D. route 3. OFFICE and household, roll-top desk, chair. aoctor s operating chair, section bookcase, cabinet, also other office fixtures; house hold goods consisting of dishes, library table, heater with coil and numerous other thinKs for housekeeping. "all 44 Fiiedner bldg. Monday, lu A. M. to U MACHINERY FOR SALE OR RKNL Air compressors, concrete mixers, der ricks, pile drivers, donkey engines, etc. See our stock. All kinds of machinery. COAST STEEL & MACHINERY CO.. 48 First St. Broadway 164. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIXES. LIGHT. POWERFUL. ECONOMICAL. If you want a light car that will not cost you a fortune to operate, you can't beat the OAK LA N D S EN S I li LE SIX. 1 S to 25 miles on a gallon of gasoline, sot mi to 32,0uo miles on your tires. If you can't conceive of a car doing this, let u con vince you. A few choice used cars todav They will not last long. o don't delay seeing tl.em. Open all day Sunday. 1918 Oakland In perfect running order, never off the pavement; 3 new tires and two us good as new; plate gias back, cushion covers. A big bargain at S110U. BUS. Another almost as good, but not so many extras, $1000. 3917. Plate glass back, extra tire; we will overhaul this car and put in perfect con dition; A '17 model, but a cracker-jack good ca; for $750. LIGHT TRUCK. . A Chevrolet delivery car with a n. nwA of power. In fine shape except in need of u. coat 01 paint; tires good for all season. i ue uei ouy in town at 32o. 1018 MAXWELL. Don't judge this car by the price. Tires are good and motor perfect, but the owner is badly bent. He must have money and have it at once. A gift at $025. Any reasonable terms accepted. DON'T FORGET. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. COME EARLY. WILLAMETTE OAKLAND COMPANY 344 BURN SIDE ST. BDWY. 82. 101 S MITCH ELL6, in fine condition; run only 3uu0 miles; $1250. Overland. '16, In fine order: looks like ne w ; motor iu Al condition ; $0.0, terrnt 1013 Ford, 5-passenger; $325, terms. 1013 Ford, 5-passenger; good order; $325, terms. 1016 Dodge. 5-passenger, in best of con dition ; price rigiit, terms. BUTLER & WOOD. "Selling Used Cars." 367 E. Burnside st., at East Approach Burnside Bridge. ON E 1V1S C hevrolet, 2 Overland touring cars. 1 Ford roadster. 1 Ford touring. 1 litis Oakland light six. has no four-ring pistons and no rings; 1 4 -top G. M. C. truck, with body, top and new 30x6 cord tires and 2 extras. Prices low and terms. 420 Belmont. East 1575. WE DO NOT charge you any brokerage when you buy through us. AUTO SALES CO., NINTH AND COUCH. JORDAN SIX. run less than 7000 mi.. cord tires, wire wheels, bum per, motome ter, shock absorbers: body light green: in A-l condition. Ask for Princehouse or Er w i ry Lipman, Wolfe & Co.. piano dept. 1917 MAXWELL touring, in lovely shape; original paint, good tires. AUTO SALES CO.. NINTH AND COUCH. RARE BARGAIN. 7-passenger Chalmers, newly painted and overhauled; has some latest improvements; Al condition; looks like new; $675 takes it. Call today, E. 8451.. .apt. 1. 925 Sandy blvd. CLASSY Chalmers bug, oak finish, with modern equipment, including starter: will consider light car In t rade. See me at Sandy Road garage, 24th and Sandy, B. F. Wclier. GOOD, old Buick roadster; splendid condi tion; tires nearly new; over 100 spent in overhauling; good for 4O.U00 miles; $275 cash. Call before noon. Western Newspaper association, 220 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE--Ford bug. with fenders, wire wheels, good paint, Strom berg carburetor, Atwater-Kent ignition, pood tires; for quick sale, $400. Phone East 2432. 1U17 model Marmon, good condition, very good for stage car; sell cheap or trade for light car; prefer roadster, 2U5 VV. 12th, Ya ncouver. Wash. 1918 FORD, 5 wire wheels, shock absorbers, cutout, other extras; a bargain. 404 DAVIS. DODGE SEDAN" New paint, in fine condi tion every way ; see this one: $1 275. SMITH AUTO CO., Park and Couch. 1917 FORD FOR SALE in good condition. 1224 North Eighteenth St. Braadway 320b. MUST sell my Chivrolet. 1917, 4-90, today, am going away; Al condition, cheap lor cash. 941t Vancouver ave. litis 5-PASS. Liberty six; good as new; $1400. Seilwood 36o7. 1916 FOR D TOURING Here is a real buy. SMITH AUTO CO.. Park and Couch. FOR SALE at a bargain 1 1915 Oldsmobile, in perfect condition. 41 4th St., at Glisan. HUDSON SUPER-SI X This can't be beat. SMITH AUTO CO.. Park and Couch. 191 s FORD. Al, new Ke-lsey bodv. Call Monday, W. J. Maxwell. East 8118. ONE Ford delivery. $250 cash. Call room 242 Yen able hotel before 7 P. M. 191K SERIES Franklin; best of condition throughout. Owner. Main 223". PACKARD 30 In good alia pe7c neap.' 521 Jef ferson ftU roft SALE AUTOMOBILES, FORDS, CHEVROLETS. LATE MODELS. LOW PRICES. EASY PAYMENTS. We have a large assortment of Ford and Chevrolet touring cars and deliveries. Thes cars are trade-Ins on new Chevrolets. We are not a "used car" concern and do not buy and camouflage second-hand cars. You can have any one of these cars for approximately the trade in al lowance ; small payment down and easy monthly payments. A few liberty bonds will make your first installment. Before ou buy. come in and look our light cars over. We can SAVE YOU $50. Ford touring cars. $300 to $S2R. 8 Chevrolet touring cars. $425 to $750. 6 Ford express delivery cars, $250 to $400. 1 Ford 1-ton truck. $425. CHEVROLET AGENCY. Alder and 14th sts. Open evenings and Sundays. Phone Broadway 240. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. MODEL 90 OVERLAND. Don't miss this. Its one of the best we .have and only $Suo. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington sts. Upstairs. FOR SALE One 5-passenger auto, newly painted, 2 new rear tires, complete set of tools ; price $200; bargain; look into this. Phone- East 105U, alter 5 P. M- FOR SALE By owner. 1019 4-passenger Cadillac, like new; oversize cord tires, one new extra, full equipment; will demon strate and guarantee car to be in A-l con dition; save $500 cn price of new car. E 202, Oregonian. OVERLAND Country Club Model 90, used oniy as a demonstrator. terms f(S2.. 1017 Ford, good rubber, good mechanical condition. Some extras. A bargain at $475. These cars must be moved. Sunny- siue v-iarage, 4-t1.11 anu layior. laoor Vila. ALL kinds of nlgh-graJe auto nnishes and varnishes at popular prices at the MILLER fAJ.N 1 at W A L LI APh.lt CO., It2 First St. Call on us for Information before you paint that car. Casoiine. greases, ous. Main 66&S. SERIES 8 FRANKLIN 1017 5-passenger. in fine mechanical condition, ail cord tires and spare cord ; bumper and a new paint joo ; motor r.as just ueen overnauiea. Lai M r. Knox at Bdwy 130. No trades con sidered. "PASSENGER Mitchell sedan, run 2 '-i mos.. will discount 20re for cash for quick sale. A-l condition. Also a 5-pass. Mitchell touring car, late model. Phone Bdwy. 702. 1 ne 1'uciiey 00., inn ana liurnside. BY OWNER 1!17 Ford; demountable rims, spotlight, storage battery. Union piston rings, extra tire ana tube; best 01 con dition. Call between U and 2. 64 E. 14th st. N. ll17 UL'ICK 6-cyI. 5-passenger; tires and mechanical condition are good. Car can be seen at Howard Auto Co.. 14th and Davis sts., Bdwy 1130. Call for Mr. Knox. No trades considered. Big USED CARS. Prices fctock. Klghu No misrepresentation. COVEY . . . MOTOR . . . CAR . . CO 101!) BUICK SIX, five-passengVr; used through June and July; mechanically per fect; spare caning, motor meter, chains, etc., $14mo; act quickiy 1 you want perfect car. First Okia. car as you drive into e:imp grounds, 2th and Thurman. Do DOE sedan. 101 s, only run 3om miles, just like new ; extra tire, w ire wheel. A bargain at $1SUO. some terms. Consider sin a I ier car in trade, bain nee terms. 30 lira ml av e. N.. near Burnside. MoLEL 31 5-passt-nger Buiuk in first-class cond itioii ; would make tine delivery; k od tii es all around ; priced to sell, $325. Woodlavvn ulo'i. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axies; w wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. North Broadway and Flanders. WINTON 6 roadster, a classy looking car with lots of power and speed; electric lights; $35o. Piedmont garage, Albina ave., near Killingsworth. 1!10 OAKLAND, wire wheels; will take Ford as part payment. Cail 2 E. 62d st. N., hei w een lo A. M. and 5 P. M. Sunday. Tabor 077o. WILLYS SIX, touring, in best of condition; good tires; a bargain at $lu50, some trade. Ow ner lotil East olst st. N. BARGAIN in 101S Buick 6. 5-passenger. 4 new tiree, A-l mechanical shape. Cai,' Marshall 1050. apt. 42. FOR SA LE Paige cabriolet, condition li;ve new Silvertown cord tires, fine lady's tar. Phone East MOO. 116 CHEVROLET, 5 good tires, good shape, new paint; $OOU. easy terms. 4su3 70tU st. S. E. OVERLAND, S3 mode!, best condition, new tires, 1 spare; $0o0, cash or terms. East 8731. HUI'MOBI LE 32, touring; good paint, top, side curtains, lots of power; spare tire, spotlight. East 713 MYTol :fC AS E FOR SALE TODAY. $ 1 7o7T; CASH OR TERMS. SEE M It. BENNETT. MtRRlS HoTEUloTH AND STARK. DEA D storage space for rent. We have room for two more cars at reasonable rites. Apply 124 N. fith st. Htl7 BL'ICK light six, model D 45. newiy painted. 4 new tires, by owner; half cash, balance terms. Mar. 157. OLDSMOB1LE S. 101 S. run ebout 50i0 miles; Cloverleaf model. 5 new cord tires. A V 36. . Oregonian. FOR SM.B 4-10 CHEVROLET. NO REAS- nVAHI.E OFFER REFUSED. CAl.l o N A RLE OFFER WOOPLA WN 4693. FORD bug body, very ciassy ; will trade for Ford touring body. Bramlage, E. 491 or E. 6300. THE best buy in a --cylindor roadster in the city is to be found at Fashion Garage, for sale by owner. Liberal terms. $350 BUY S 30 -II. P . 5 - p ;isT car tri fine shape, new battery and tires. Good terms. See Shorty at Covey Motor. 1918 CHEVROLET, new tires and spotlight! 1917 Ford, looks like new; cash or trade. 474 E. Ash, cail Sunday. MAXWELL roadster. 1917. in best of condi tion: good tires. Will sell at $750. with terms. 30 Grand aye. N.. ntar Burnside. OV KRLAND roadster, run only 8000 miles; fine shape. 404 DAVIS. DoDGE SEDAN, wire wheels, cord tires, new paint, Al shape; terms. A 438, Oregonian. MUST SELL l-ton Denby furniture truck, good condition. Owner, call Coi. 433. 1915 MITCHELL roadster, in exceUent con dition. $30Q. East 8122. PEERLESS bug Tor sale. Apply 203 12th st., apt. 503. Main 77S1. CH MVROLET touring, in gaod condition. $425. M2 Water st. IS FORD will demonstrate, $450. Owner, Tabor 8537. 1U14 FORD delivery in Al shape, $350. Water st. FORD bug, top, windshield and fenders: cash. Thomas, cor. 27th and Flanders, Sun. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each "vul canized. 25c; tire repairing 207 Madison. MUST sell Overland 5 passenger; make me an offer. Woodiawn 4o36. CADILLAC Bug A-l condition, $275. 170 4th st. WHY pay more? I have It, best little road ster in town ; $250. 20 '.3 N. 6th. M ITCH ELL O. 5-passenger, $5O0 : consider trade for roadster. 3l5 V Grand av.. R. 2. $-,191s CHEVROLET touring, fine" run ning motor. 315 Williams ave. USED Ford touring body, special top. wind shield. 34 5 Williams ave. LITTLE roadster, 1913 model, good order. $200. 205 Eas t34 1 h st . HIGH-SPEED bug for sale, new tires. 414 C.lisan. $ i 50. ; 2D-H AND rebuilt tires, all sizes. See "Flan ders," at 540 Alder, cor. 17th. f Too BUYS 191 S Maxwell touring car. re painted and overhauled. Call East 1962 1916 FORD in good condition. Price $375. Discount for cash. M 548. Oregonian. 1STUPEBA KER roadster in good shape, $125 takes It if taken' at once. 414 Glir-MTi. 1919 OLDSMO BILE-SIX Practically new. Phone Sedan; 7474. 1918 FORD In Al condition for $500 cash. Call 2ti4 3d st. IF Y'OU want a car for $2O0, we have it. 4o4 DAVIS. 1917 CHEVROLET by private owner; leave t i t y. 21 E. 13th st. Fo P. D touring; If you want a good car. look this Up today. 4 E. Third st. FORD' lor sala. Call 329 Main kL -AUTO MO BILKS. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. li16 Cadillac. 7-pass,. special color, good mechanical condition, good tires; price $17, 1910 National. T-nass.. good mechan ical condition, good tires, with ex tras; extra price 1650 191 Chandler. 7-pass.. good condi tion throughout, good tires with extras; price 1450 Col 8. 7-pass. good merhanical con dition, good tires; price 1250 1914 Cadillac. 4-pas., good mechani cal condition; price 500 DODGES. A few good buys in Dodge cars, ready to run: 1917 roadster $ 875 1916 roadster S00 1915 Dodge sedan, newly painted. 1 tire nearly new 1450 1916 Dodge touring 7S5 1918 Chevrolet 700 1917 Grant 6 600 1915 Buick C-25 600 On 1918 Ford touring, electric start er, demountable rims, with, extra rims and tire; spotlight, clock, speedometer, seat covers, etc 675 One 1917 Ford roadster, shock ab sorbers. Gray A Davis starting and lighting system 550 COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. Open Sundays and evenings. Washington at 21st. Main 6244. FORD touring, perfect condition, good tires, repainted, speedometer, auto clock, Yale switch lock, foot throt tle and seat covers. C. G. BLE ASDALE. 530 Alder. USED RADIATORS, for all makes of cira All our radiators are carefully gons otst and made tight before sold BURNESS & MARTIN. 15ta and Alder ata. HIGH-CLASS ROADSTER. I have a high-class Locomobile road ster, is complete in every way and looks and runs first class; will sacrifice for cash, but will give terms to right party. See rtie personally at Lyric theater. 4th at Stark st. Lonnie Keating. 1919 LIBERTY SIX. NEVER BEEN RUN. TERMS. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. AFTER 9 A. M. TODAY', CALL TABOR 6415 OR SEE AT 1200 EAST BURN SIDE ST. ATTENTION FORD OWNERS. W e recharge Ford magnetos, also clear short-circuits without dismantling the mo tor. Our work guaranteed. .AUTHORIZED LKCTKO SERVICE STATION. 324 N. 6th st. Phone Broadway 124. TIRE AND BATTERY' SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. Goodvear cord tires for Fords. $24.35. Authorized niara saies station. UNION AVE. TIKE & BATTERY SHOP, 4&S Union ave. N.. cor. Sacramento Phone East 1 303. BEFORE VOL SKI.L let us give your car a good washing and BEST WASHER ON THE COAST. Prices Right. WEBER'S GARAGE. Belmont at Sftth LATE MODEL PAIC.E By private owner, 4-passt-nger. 6-cyIin- oej . run o.i"" miies; exira tire. Dumper; cash and terms. Main 1 909 Sunday and e en mgs. 111 s rOHD sedan, m Al condition; good tires: if you have$l7. rash and can pay inu uaiHnce or ..i at me rate ot S.iT per month, you can have this car. See the owner at 430 Ivy. Exch. bldg. Main 455. FIVE BARGAINS. SEETHEM " All in A-l shape, 1 Buick bug. $225: 1 Mitchell bug. $225; 1 Warren, 5-passenger, $325; 1 Royal tourist, 4-passenger. N.'75, 1 Ford, 191 S. $525. Call Seilwood 2379. FORI) TOURING. 191H. Good tires, good mechanu-al rondition. owned and driven by private party, for luick sale $475. Guy Fieldhouse. Greshp-m. Or. Phone 71. A 1-TON Ford worm-drive truck with ex press body, all in tirst-ciass mechanical condition. Francis Motor Car Co., Bust 13th and Hawthorne. Ask for Mr. Dur ham. C-CYLINDER OLDS MO BILE, a practically new car. cond it Ion guarant eed : owner will sacrifice at $13oo; $450 cash will handle. Car stored at Fashion Garage, loth and Taylor. E LG I N 6, $1100; run only 33o0 miles and like new; have no use for car, will take liberty bonds face value. Can be seen 3d and Main, inquire Liberty cafeteria. FOR SALE 1917 5-passenger Overiand; runs line ; front tires 7o' ; new. rear tires new; worth $750, price $650 cash or terms. C 50, Oregonian. ESSEX. 1919, touring; only run 2400 miles, just like new. Owner must sell. A bar gain at $165o, with terms. 30 Grand ave. X.. near Bumside. 191 4 FORD touring car. In very good con dition ; reasonable ; can be seen Sunday or any evening after 5 o'clock at OSS E. Madison st. 19 1 F R A NK LI N. recently overhauled ; four cord tires and one extra. Owner leaving citv. Car like new. $1800. Call Main 6'"o. M r. M urphv. FOR SALE or trade, a Pathfinder roadster; a speed ball. In Al condition; for a light 5-passenger or a light delivery car. SOS E. Morrison. 1918 CHEVROLET; 2 cord tires, 1 spare; folding st eering wheel. spotlight. seat oveis; $025, terms. Apt. L. 394 Guild su Main 3705. CADILLAC Will sell my large touring car, in good condition, looks and runs like new, price $00. Phone East 6601 after 5 P. M. ABSOLUTELY" the best buy In the city. Oldsmobile Six. first-class condition throughout. Owner will sell at a sacri fice tor cash. Call Bdwy. 3500. 191S MODEL 5-passenger Mitchell car. In first-class shape; only been run 3oi0 miles; good tires and bumper; will sell cheap. Call Main 15ti6. REBUILT bug. Chevrolet transmission, elec tric lights, better than a Ford, yet at a Ford bug price. Call at East 3d and Pin e sts. for demonstration. RECONSTRUCTED OVERLAND. 1915 model. 4 cylinder, 5 passenger, fine mechanical condition, new top, genuine leather cush ions, good tires, etc.; $400 cash. .Main 3476. 1918 OLDSMOBILE touring, 5 Royal cord tires; a snap. 404 DAVIS. OAKLAND 1916 model, Houk wire wheels; terms if desired; in first-class condition. Call 2 E. 62d st. N. Tabor 6779. MITCHELL. 1914. 3 passenger, self starter, fine condition, or trade for Ford. Tabor FoR SALE Buick roadster; excellent con dition. Call at 6.S8 Northrup st. Phone Main 4436. FORD delivery, 1917. best of condition; full panel body. A bargain at $550. with terms. : Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. 1918 DODGE touring, by owner, in good condition, spare and bumper, price $1025, some terms. 345 Clay st., apt No. 3. FORD, 191 6, 5-pass., $325 ; shock absorbers and lot of other extras; good tires. 6420 52d ave. S. E. FOR SALE My 1918 Maxwell In first-class condition, including paint; will sacrifice for quick s a 1 . Apply 124 N . 6th sr.. 191 H FoHD touring ; first-class condition ; three new tires. Private owner. Tabor 671, 164 East 47th st. OVERLAND touring, F-60 special; excellent tires, one extra; line condition; $340 or liberty bonds. 145a Fern st. CHEVROLET Late 1918 model, cheap lor cash ; pract:ca:!y new. Phone owner. Tabor 5661. 351E. 55th St. N . 191 S LIBERTY, mechanically perfect; price $120o. For demonstration call at SOU South Jersey street. Marshall 2307. FoR SALE by owner, 1918 Chevrolet; first class condition, all good tires; must leave city, w ill sacrifice. W oodiawn 3406 LATB model Maxwell car; pep and economy; good tires; mechanically perfect: must sell at once; $525; no dealer. I'hone Tabor 2lo4. 1 1918 EMPIRE. 4-passenger chummy road ster for sale at bargain. Auto Rest garage, corner loth and Salmon. STUDEBAKER touring, 1918, in good con dition. A bargain at 75tj. some terms. M Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. l"STUDE BAKER roadster at bargain. Auto Rest garage, loth and Salmon. 1917 FORD touring car, good condition; r.f w t i rs. C! owner. Wood la w 11 4903. Fo R S A 1 . E Bug. A 1 shape. speed and class. Tabor 6192. FOR SALE OH SALE AUTOMOBILES. PARTS. FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS. 60 TO 80 OFF LIST PRICE. WHEELS. WHEELS. WHEELS. "We can refill yocr old wfcsl or cut them down. Expert, zxma In charge of all wheel work. MAIL ORDERS Given the Best of Attention. SEND IN TOTJR OLl PJLRT3 TO BE MATCHED UP. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO Third and Glisan tta. THREE REAL BARGAINS. 1916 Model N" Hup; rpatnted. new ton. good tires, at $950; terms can be arranged, 1917 Grant Six. fine mechanical condi tion, good tires. This is a light, econom ical car to run; priced very low. 1917 Studebaker Six, seven -passenger. We can give you a real saving on this one. MANLEY AUTO CO., 11th at Burnside. Bdwy. 217. USED CAR BARGAINS. Studebaker 6 Studebaker 4 3"r5 Studebaker 4 - - Studebaker 4 -OO Overland club R 00 Overland, No. (3 Overland No. 81 000 Overland No. 75 Overland No. 79 J ' Fords, from $3"0 to 500 Chevrolet. No. 490 $350 to 450 8 cars, all run $30 to 2O0 1 Buick ton truck 6J 1 Lippert Stewart truck - 2 Menominee 1-ton truck ... .$200 and 2-o 1 2-tOii Denby 4o0 1 3-ton White 100 LONG & SILVA, 462 Haw thorne. 1919 FORD coupe that is better than a new one. has A. B. C. dctric starter, storage battery, klaxon horn, spot light and special dimming device. Hassler shock absorbers all around, bumpar. 5 wire wheels, new extra tire and tube, new Weed chains, clock, speedometer. Y aie ignition lock. Car has only run 4100 miles, all on city pavement. Here's a chance to save more than $2'0. Call Mr. Knox at Broadway 1130 or Main 502 in evening. . FOR SALE BY OWNER, h-CYL. OLDSMOBILE. Is In tine condition and equipped with wire wheels, new cord tires on rear, front and extra tires practically new; has front bumper rail and spotlight; bought fall 1917 and run by owner about 12. .mo miles; has had careful usage; price $1700. Can be seen and tried out any evening this wek after 6 o'clock. W 409. Oregonian. MI'S T SELL 1918 Chevrolet roadster; good as new; fine engine, idles to three miles in high- alwavs carefully driven; cost with extras over $9imi; has spotlight, new guaranted tires, chains. 3 extra tires, addi tional equipment; $550 complete. A real bargain for someone. Phone owner. Main 4t;2, furt her information. IF YOU have an old car for sale, dress the top with Eureka auto top dressing and make it. look better than new. One quart will increase- the value of your car over 8100. 430 Ald'-r. Phone Broadway 2171. lino" OLDSMOBILE Touring in excellent condition. Only $250 down. 1916 Overland touring, perfect running order. Only $200 down. 542 Alder st. B roadway 1723. HAVE 1917 Hudson super, guaranteed per fect mechanical condition ; has too much power for family to drive; will trade for Frankl in ; give particulars of your car. J S-4, Oregonian. FOR SA LE By Southern Pacilic lines. 1 Studebaker automobile; 5 tires. Bosch magneto; price $3ou. See J. R. Hinkle, room 412 Wells-Faigo bldg. Phone Broad way 45no. CHEVROLET touring. 1918, in good mechan i al condition; good tires. A bargain at $775. with terms. 30 Grand ave. X- near 1 turnei de- M I ST sell at once, 4-cyl., 5-passenger Siudebaker; this is small car with smill tires, electric starter and lights; line con dition. Tabor 5 Monday. . FOR SALE Marion 5-passenger touring car Willi -t new iirt-f, i m.o . . . . v . condition ; snap buy for $275 ; will accept liberty bonds. Phone East 770O. BY OWNER 4-cylinder Saxon roadster; Iirst-c:ass conuiuun , i see it Sunday bfore 2:30 or Monday A. M. at 1H56 E. Y'amhill, near 71st st. PIE i ICE-ARROW, 5-passenger 6-36; West- mghouse starter, one-man v. tires; practically new; $1550, terms. Mar sh alJ4J:27jEvrtt i BRING us your car today and get your money tomorrow; our name is speed. 404 DAVIS. 191 MITCHELL, cheap; first-class condition with extras; will consider some trade. Gladstone Garage, Gladstone. Oregon City car. FORD tourms. 1918. in good condition. Own er must sell. A bargain at $525. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. MAXWELL bug. new body a-nd newly paint ed. A bargain at $450. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. SPECIAL bargain, light car; like new; run less than 5ooo miles. 1672 Clarendon St., St. Johns car. 191 S "MODEL 90 Overland, all in good Bhap j 700 ra.sh or can give terms. J . Free land, 1027 Huron St., St. Johns car. FOR SALE Buick C25, Al mechanical con dition, 5 good tires; snap if taken at onoe. Tabor 7202. BL'ICK B-25 $500 Cash, trade or ternit,. W. E. METZGER. Corbett. Oregon, Columbia River Highway. SAXON baby 4, $180; electric lights, new storage battery, lots of pep. 314 Mill. Sunday. O. T. Peck. FOR SALE 1917 Ford touring, in good shape; bargain at $400 cash or terms, Cali Main 521 6 Sunday. 3-PASS. OVERLAND CAR IN FINE CON DITION; $650 CASH; A SNAP. 1174 E. MADISON. TABOR 8179. 1919 CHEVROLET, model4-90; nearly new; I iberal discount. East 75u8. FOR SALE 1915 Chevrolet delivery car; will make tine bug. TaborJiot5 today. MAXWELL for $550. $350 cash, balance easy terms. 7O0 Irving. Alain 3364. FORD touring car, good mechanical condi tion. 842 Clinton. Seilwood 3349. 191S Ford sedan, excellent condition, with extms; $75'l. East 4 1 79. FL AX DELS bug. $200; good paint, good tires. Tabor 3224. 1914 OVERLAND with express body; car in rirst-class sha pe. 101 N. 6th st. 1916 DODGE, $675. 404 DAVIS. LATE 191S Maxwell; 7no Union ave. N. best condition. FOR SA LK New 1919 Ford touring car, only run a few miles, snap. 326 Sixth st. M ITCH ELL chassis for sa e, or will sell my part cheap. Main i::5S. Leonard. FuK SALE 1917 Dodge touring. Alain 72S6.