THE SUNDAY OREG OXIAN, rORTLAXD, AUGUST 10, 1919. O BEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hon sea. $25O0 EASIEST TERMS $2500. A 7-room house, bath, basement, etc.. 2 lots -ioxjoo each. In first -class condition. Vacant- $50 down, bal- iike rent. $3500 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 3.V0 A fi-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, oak floors. a!I built-ins. cement basement, wash trays, linoleum in kitchen and bath; $5oo down-, bal. like rent. 1400 ROSE CITY PARK J4000. A 7-room house, furnace, oak floors, good basement, wash trays, all finished in white ivorv and white enamel, built-in features. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION; $t00 tiowQ, bal. like rem. $4730 ROPE CITY BUNGALOW 4750 A strictly ino'.iern 5-room bungalow, floored attic, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, ail built-ins. cement basement, wash trays, parage, hard-surface street and sewer in and paid; tenue, $500O R OS EMERE BUNGALOW $ 50O0 A. 7-room biii.ealow. hot water furnace, all built-in coiiTt-niences, oak floors, ma hogany borders, best of plumbing, 70x100 lot, double g.irae. hard-surface street and sewer in and paid. $0500 I RVINGTON BUNGALOW $5500 A fi-room strictly modern bungalow in fine part IRVING TON, G2xlo0 lot, garage, etc.; terms. 4$6000 ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. An 8-ronm strictly modern bunga low, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, every b-.-in fratore, breakfast room, two com plete bathrooms, siiower bath, full ce ment basement, parage, etc.; house is fin ished in white ivory and in fine condition; ter uu ; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. KU.UMICLL Ai KL'-MilELL, -74 Stark tt. HAVK YOU SOME MONEY TO INVEST? Here Is positively the best Jncome-propo-ition we know of: A splendid duplex house n the west side, within walking distance; built like a private home for 2 families; 2 complete 6-room houses in one; separate entrances, floor plan down same as on up per floor; fireplace in den and dining room on both floors; 4 fireplaces in ail; two buffets, 2 baths, 4 toilets, separate base ments, 2 furnaces ; Dutch kitchens, bard wood floors in nearly all rooms. This housq is la the finest condition; only G years old-, fine houses around. House and grounds could not be duplicated now for $14,0oo. Owner wants to use money In business; anxious to sell; will take $v.00; only SJoOi) casii. Your rentals wi.l more than take care of the ba.ance of payments Investi gate quickly. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th St., Board of Trade bldg. Main 4522. $2000 " FURNISHED PENINSULA BUNGALOW. On Ainsworth avenue, on a 30xll0-loot lot with abundance of grapes, berries and fruit Is a nt-at 5-room modern bungalow; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, good cement basement; house sub stantially furnished with good, practically new furniture. Very easy terms. Street liens paid. We have a large list of homes for sale in this district. Photographs of every house in our office. Some real bar gains. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building, Main 10R8. "TPFTCE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $35C Strictly modern 5-room. bungalow, liardwood floors, cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, fine kitch enette, garage, paved streets, large Jot 5oxl25 feet, with berries and parduo ; immediate possession ; price $350o. To see this place Sunday go to 4'J7 4."th st., block giruth. of Sandy road. Phone Tabor 82'J. ONLY 2000. 4 rooms, large pantry, bath. toilet, lights. ga.i, hot and cold water, bast-men t, fjuxluo lot, 8 full-bearing I ruit trees, ber ries, walk and curb in and paid for; l block irom Woodlawn car; j000 cash, bal ance to suit. W. W. JORDAN, i with P. E. TAYLOR CO., Inside Property Dealers. Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. Marshall 8:'J. $1000 HAST OF PIEDMONT $1!M On G rand avenue, just 1 block east of Piedmont, is a substantial 5-room home; good cement basement, laundry trays, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. $200 down. Unusual opportunity. SEE FRANK L. McGl'i RE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 1003. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS NEW Irvington bungalow, just being com pleted, with 6 large rooms and garage; this is one of the choicest ana most com plete homes in the city. If you are look ing for a real cltssy bungalow, come and inspect thfs at 710 E. 17th st. North; one St 734 E. ISth st. We have others open for inspection today. Turner &: Winship, builders. 312 Henry bldg. Main 7t47, Ta bor .694. $4700 ONLY $4750. If you are looking for something extra well built, with every necessary conven ience, all improvements in and paid, beau tiful surroundings, 7 large rooms, large at tic, garage, al ley way. 1 5 mi nutes out, splendid e;ir service, see Mitchell Sc Kip pry. :j'J5-21t Henry bldg. Main 2534. $3300 M T. T A BOR BUNG A LO V $3500 A very pleasing modern bungalow, ef fectively located in a grove ot firs; Im proved streets, good location. 2 bedrooms and bleeping porch. Good furnace, gar age. MacINNES & PRATT, 413 Board of Trade Building. Main 3S68. WEST SIDE. $2400 buys a modern o-room bungaln paved street, full cement basement, la rge lot 40x170. fruit, near car, can buy furni- at a bargain. $.-oo cash, b;- lance a JOHNSON-DODSON CO., ti33 N. W. Bark I' Id ir. ROSE CITY ROSS ME RE. A Fnap, 6 rooms, hardwood, fireplace. rurnace. ouiit-ins. oux i ou lot ; rruit. ier Ties, rosea, all imp. in and paid; $47(d Hi'00 t'Bsri, bal. monthly. Main 1743. 410 Henry bldg. Mr. Austin, Willi the Brong Co. $500 CASH. FURNISHED HOUSE, $1200. A nice 4-room furnished house, lot 30x lf)j. all fenced: fine garden; for sale owner; good wood shed, can be used for garage; take Mt. Scott c r to 2d i v a 1 k s out h to . ot h avr., turn est one biock to 7104 t:id st. S. E. ROSE CITY PARK. Buy from owner; modern bungalow, five rooms, Dutch kitchen, breaktast nook ecreened-in porch, full cement basement. Gas co furnace, double gara ge. corner lot. block from car; price $23uu. Call Tabor b ROOMS, b with -wash jih and auk . basement is. electric trays, fireplace, t lights, corner lot. fruit and berries, tit choice rose Dusnes; pru reasonable. i wncr, 10o Wood lawn E. Emerson, corner uolti 207. 1 KYI N G TON B A R G A IN. Elght-Toom bungalow-style, white ena mel finish, hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms sleeping porch. laundry :ras. furnace fireplace, cas and elect ric J i g h ; s. full ce ment runc.iy to garage; $j-oo, $li0oo cash Phone Tabor 3 040. 11700 TAKES , this place if you can handle it at once ; 4-room nioilnrn bu ngalow, ; joo lot. small garage, nice, large yard. fruit trees. small berries. bushes; 5400 Owner in business ami must have in mime v. This is a snap. Call Simms, 4;;i Chamber Com. Main ti!2. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, $J.NOO Must be sold; $300 tash, per m rooms and sleeping porch. Oroplace. 1 cases, buffet, wash trays, ion; Divydn near h. Key at "04 Vs Oak st. Hi CHOICE IRVINGTON CORNER. Sichtly corner lot, all street improve mnts in and paid, street assessment: alone were more than v e a re asking for lot. For quick s:tle $1073. C 1 113. A CHEAP HOME. fl.'oo will buy 4-room cottage with lot 6f7lOO on corner, both streets paved and paid. 3 blocks from irvington car line. GOpnARD X- "WIEPRICK. 23 Stark St LIST your house or acreage with have clients with casli. SCANDINAVIAN- A M ERICAN RE A COMPANY, Main 3420. we CAR TENTER will build your house boner and cheaper than any one e'se . 10 yea rs in Portland; best references. Phone Broad w ay ,M .". GOING east, we will sell at one ur room mo.irn house for 2 J0. and see it at East 2'Jt h st Ay terms; Alberta district. Come out N. Owner l-ROOM bungalow, attic, si. porch, built-ins. fireplace: 31st, K i; 1 in gswort h : $3100, $lt30 cash equity. Woodlawn 57H0. SY OWN KR st .. blk. kins. Sell. !" (O'ltrn house, : Bid well a vp, A. M. $3200. a ved Hos- BEAUTlFt l.LY Irvington hous bargain. tifiti finished new six rooms, and garag: terms; good Z. 14th. st- N. ATTRACTIVE, up-to-date 4-room bungalow, fireplace. built-in conver lencrs . $J0Mt, easy terms. Se!!. 244. 4 103 43.1 st. S. E. HAWTHORNE DIST. Pv owner. 3-r. bungalow, a bargain at tmo; f-rrr.y. 2's K. o2d st. FOR SALE Cosy 5-room cottage, two lots, near good school and car; must sell; will sacrifice for cash. Owner. East til4. FOR SALE 4-room mod. buncalow. MW nnukiP. Oak Grove :-V. BY OWNER, comp'ete'y furnished ft-ron-n bunga.ow. 1 0 Jl E. Broadway ; no phones. IF YOU want to buy ft4.V home, caU Tabor tjRiVE by ft. E. 21st North; 7-room bun galow, east iront, $dl50; terms. REAL ESTATE. I'or Salt- Huases. "THE PRETTIEST BUNGALOW IN ROSE CITY PAR K" We have sold many homes in this beau tiful district, but none as cosy as this lovely home. It is beautifully finished. In the living room is an artistic fireplace and built-in bookcases, in the arch be tween living and dining room are built-in bookcas-v and writing aesk; in the paneled dining room is an uriusually handsome buffer. There are two bedrooms, in one of which are built-in wardrobes with plate glass mirrors in 3 doors, there is an out side sleeping porch on the upper floor; there are hardwood floors in main rooms; there is a Dutch kitchen in white enamel the basement is full cemented with high grade furnace and wash trays: the lot Is exceptionally pretty with shade trees, shrubbery and rose If you've ever seen a real California bungalow you'll fall in love with this one. The price Is W500, $1200 cash, balance easy terms. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Main 4522. K2 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. LAUKELHUUST COLONIAL. 8 Rooms, all extra large, first floor finished in mahogany, specially selected, hardwood floors, lull cement basement with Andrews heating plant of best kind, works perfectly, 3 large bedrooms above stairs, bath room, tiled with pedestal lix tu res and special made tub. Ground is 60x100 on corner. This house was built by owner for permanent home and the selec tion of material and the work v as under the direct supervision of the owner. This is positively the best constructed in the entire city. The price is $ 12.50O and can not be duplicated for a.ty w here near the price asked. Can give possession Septem ber 7, half cash, balance easy. C. H. W OO I WA RD, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. 30-A, WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. $2l50. Thfs Is the best bargain we have in a small farm, all level black loam soil, has good 7-room two-story house, painted white ; barn 30x4O; chicken house. outbuildings and fences ; Al bearing orchard : fine stream runs through the place; lo cated on a graveled road, 1 mile from small town. Ralph. Ackley, 02.7 Cor be it bldg. ki-5 $3200. Brand new modern 6-room bungalow, Just completed, ready to move in ; all white enameled and bookcases, buffet, fire place, extra fine plumbing, full cement basement, wash yays, wood hoist, ironing board, electricity and gas, cement walks ar.d sewer all in and piid ir full. Terms. William G. Beck, 213 Failing bldg., S. K. corner Third and Washington sis. $2800 ADJOINING LAURELIIURST $2K00 Right across the street irom Laurelhurst on E. Stark street, facing the park, is a substantial attractive u-room modern bun galow; full cement basement, 2 light airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, elec tric lights and gas. Small down payment, balance easy terms or would take mort gage back. Unusual snap. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB TO BUY YOUrt HOME. Abington Building, Main 1003. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS $6000 REDUCED TO $0000. A tine large ten-room house in Haw thorne section, walking distance, vacant; newly painted; everything to make it con venient: 3 attic rooms finished; demand fr rooms grcator than supply; cannot be Duplicated tor much more. The owner will give you choice of either this or another equally as nice, cost of garage adWed. SEE US MONDAY OR PHONE AND WE WILL CALL FOR YOU. Main 2334. MITCHELL &. KIPPEV,32$-2y Henry bldg. $4OO0 ROSE CITY PARK $1000. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Here Is a dandy good bargain, nice lo cation, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, full cwment basement, lurnace. paved streets in and paid, fuil east front lot. 2 short blocks from Sandy Blvd. and car, $1200 t'a.vii win n ant ne. rial. easv. WATCH. OUR ADS. WE G ET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER, RITT E R, LO W E & CO., 201-3-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. RAKE BARGAIN BY OWNER. Strit tly modern 7-room Laurelhurst bungalow, corner lot. Ivory finisn. hard wood floors, fireplace, shower, tiled roof. garage. Rector gas heating plant, 1 blk. irom iaureihurst park. I'rice C75UO, suitable terms. This must ana will sell. Phone early. B 2h3ti. Aa fr-w.r weok days. T 0, Oregonian. QUALITY COUNTS. If you are looking for a home and like nice tilings; it you appreciate good archi tucture and honest substantial const ruc tion, large grounds with beautiful shrub bery. th-n answer this advertisement. Wo have wha you want and you will not be uitappointea. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. v. Bank Bldg. NIFTY NEW 2MM BUNGALOW. Just finished, fine buffet, floors hard woou ooruers. built-in Dutch kitchen, two bedrooms and bath, all finished in white enamel, nice light fixtures, full cement corner lot, street liens all paii IT'S A DEAR little home for some on .ic-i-.-NO-N-DODSON CO., t33 N. W. Bank $t;ouO SPECIAL $0 '00 for this beautiful strictly modern colonial 1 csiuuiicc on tast aM n st. North ; all i provements In and paid ; nine rooms and giasseu-in sleeping porch, hot water heat hardwood iloors. Speed up or you will be 100 iaie 1 or in is one. 1 ou can t beat it. Call Main 2334. M ITCH ELL &.RIPPKY. 32S-29 Henry bldg. SNAP NOW READY. Choice modern 5-room home; livlne Toom. dining-room. Dutch kitchen. 2 bed rooms, bath, furnace. Owner leaving city, offers place at real bargain ; only $ll3. See us for terms A. H. BIRRELL CO! 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114, . A 411. EAST BURNSIDE ST. $1 700 cash will buy S-room modern house with corner lot, balance payable $40 per month. Including interest at ti'i; you can rent rooms for more than sufficient to make all payments. t?o that you will onlv have to invest $1700 in cash; better come first thing Monday morning. OOPDA UP & W1EDRICK, 243 Stark St. S23WI. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW VACANT. MT. TABOR CAR LIN E. A modern, well built, cheerful homo, located In good neighborhood on East Yamhill street, right on Mt. Tabor car line just east of M t. Tabor: don't miss this bargain. Owner, Broadway 421. or even ings and Sunday phone Tabor 3038. HALF ACRE GROUND. Elegant 3-room bunga low. chicken sheds that cost over $ 1 ouo. fine chicken runs. "Wonderful garden. 2 blocks from ca-. All for 4000. Evenings and Sun day, Tabor ."t!ot;. ERNEST WELLS CO. 300 Henry bldg.. Main 020. ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful 7-rooni bungalow-style, hard wood floors, white enamel finish. fine built-in buffet, fireplace, steam heat. tub. shower and steam cabinet bath, full ce ment basement with outside entrance, nice lawn and garden, full cement runwuv to parage; $Qooo. terms. Phone Tabor lO-in. ALBERTA BUX6ALOW. Don't fail to see this attractive bunga low of 0 rooms and sleeping porch ; full cement ba se m e n t . b u i 1 1 - i rt s. dandy ron m s ; owner will sacrifice this lor $J!73; terms; half block south Alberta. 106 E. 2Mth s t. N. HAWTHORNS. $.1300. $000 CASH, BALANCE EASY. 5-room bungalow, partly furnished, built in bookcases, buffet, fireplace, full ce ment basemen, hard-surfaced street in cluded in price. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. tS33 N. W. Hank Bldg. 11230 BUYS A HOME. SnxlOO with fruit and herries and 6 moni plastered houte with basemen t Don't fail to look this up. W. H. ROSS. HOP N. W. Bank Bldg. ROOMS and bath; cement basement, lights and gas. street Improvements paid: 1a hiock to car. 3 blocks to good school; newly painted inside and out; $2300, rea sonable terms. 142 E. 43th st. Phone Tabor 447. SACRIFICE 5-room house, full lot, $3iift suit, 1 blocks from 7th. price SlftOO. OMACKER. drwn. balance to Alocrta car on E. 1 E. D. SCi 417 Spalding Bldg. Main 103S. GOOD home in Waver'ey district; 3 rooms; lot 12"xlOO: fruit trees, berries and gar den: near car and school. If you want a good home, see th;s. Take Woodstock car to Ke:.y. 1.12 E. 2.ith St. -ROOM nionern cottage with garage, on corner lot .'x 1 0 : pa ved st reets and side walk: 7 bearing fruit t-oes; west side of Mount Tabor; price $273. Phone Tabor 34o;i.. -ROOM modern bungalow, H -biock from good car line. This wi.l interest vnu ''on; trms. tjo cash ana $.;i...o nr month, including interest. See ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. FURNISHED 5-room hu ngalow. Sunnyside furnace, l:rep:ace ; i .im to take over my contract, wnn payments :;. monthly furniture reasonable. Tabor 7 '31. LARGE 7-room home on Columbia blvd. facing Columbia university; best buy in the district at ?2..o; will take $300 cash and J JO prr month. See ATCi II SON. 204 H enry B 1 d s- $22541 REAL BARGAIN S2250. Six-room bungalow, lot 6xl00. two blks. from Mt. Tabor cariint, at top of the hilL East 2.1. 5-ROOM msHiern bunealow, innxloo corn $sooo. $S00 down, balance like rent. 4310 5&tn av&; W. S. car to 44th, bell wood 67. REAL ESTATE. LOOK THESE OVER: R. C. 5 -room bungalow, J 2600. 9600 cash; easy terms; 2 blocks from car. Beautiful 6-room bungalow, $3300; $1500 cash. If you want a real home, buy this; it won't last long. Suburban home, T room ; fru:t trees; $2500; $250 caah; Best buy on the market. 100x200; 23 easy terms. Good 5-room house cheap; here's your chance; $250. Very easy terms; good lo cation. We have many others, too numerous to mention. Give us a call and we will do the rest. Main S646. The Birch Co. 322 Yeon bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-Room Bungalow Large Attic S39SO. Folks you just can't help but appreciate the true value to be found In this splen did bungalow. Located in the paved sec tion of Rose City. Street and sewer assts. paid. Exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, wash trays. Dutch kitchen, breakfast alcove. Mind you, all this for $:;y,0 on liberal terms. Thoroughly double-constructed. Finished in rich old ivory and white throughout. It will be a downright pleasure to show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st- near 3d. Main 3S16, Main 3092. Branch office 50th. aud Sandy (open Sunday) . Tabor 95S6. ATTRACTIVE LAURELIIURST HOME $3730, Very distinctive Laurelhurst home: large living room with fireplace. leaded glass bookcases, solid paneled dining room, beamed ceiling, built-in buffet. white Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, fur nace, laundry trays, 3 light, airy bedrooms and sleeping porch with dressing room, birst white enamel plumbing, garage. House just repainted. Street liens paid in lull. Can arrange terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Buildine. Main lORB. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS $4000. $4000. $4000. WALKING DISTANCE. $4000 Listen, Mr. Renter! Make qs an of- ier on this w-room house, besides large reception hall and den. Yes. it also has a laree alee Dinar north: six large bedrooms will more than pay the monthly payments asked. When your rent Is raised in Sep tember you wiT. think of this offer. $.0u will hand'.e. Call East 2344 for appo-r.tment today. J- A. W I C KM AN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. ROSE CITY PARK1 HflMR Large living, fireplace, etc., dining, buf- iet. narawooa 1100.3. Dutch kitchen; one line large and 2 medium bedrooms, bath ana toilet up; full cement basement: fur nace; 50x100 lot, fine garage, paved street ail paid; 2 blocks to Sandy blvd. car a real home and modern to minute, only 4 years oiu. owner going east; quicK pos session given. Price $30uo; $12oo cash. See tins at once. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 2o5 Corbett bldg. Main 0yl3 A 2813. LARGE GROUNDS. ROSE CITY l'ARK HOME. Just the place for the man who cares for fruit trees, berries and chickens, yet desires to be close in. Bearing fruit trees ot various kinas. 7-room house, garage. large basement, also lurnace. Only 3 blocks to car line. Grounds 100x125 feet, Price $5750. Half cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce jJius., 4tn ana stark. Main 208, ROSE CITY PARK. NEW BUNGALOW S4250 - Splendid, new. double-constructed bun galow, located on 4d St.. near Sndv Exceptionally large living room, hardwood iioois, iirepiace. buttet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast alcove, etc. You would expect to pay a great deal more. Let us show yuu. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 204 Stark at.', near .Jd. Main 3516. Main 30ir2. Branch office 5oth aud Sandy (open $ 5 7 5 0 IRVI.NOTO N $ 3750. IF YOU ARE VERY PARTICULAR AND HARD TO SUIT, JUST CALL US l, 1 and let us take you to see this beauti ful i K V I N G TO N home. It is ac t ual 1 y worth more and the lot 50x100 thrown in. Has 7 mahogany finished rooms, with large sleeping porch, built-in burt'et, hard- ood iioors tn rough out. lull cement oase ment with splendid furnace. Iirepiace and you can move right in tomorrow. Call Main or see us at 32S-2U Henry bldg. .Ml U Hl'.LL. & Kirr !-. t . $275ft ATTRACTIVE WEST SIDE HOME, t large rms., en. plumbing. lull baa't, fireplace, elec. lights, paved st-. sewer pd. ; blk. to car; con v. to shipyards. In excellent condition; $u50 cash. Main 4sn;:. G. C. GOLD EN BERG, Abington bldg. "33 Yrs. in Portland. ROSE CITY PARK 6 Rooms and SlecDinic Porch $4000. Here is a splendid home, located on 4Sth St.. below the hill. Exceptionally . large living room; hardwood iloors, iirepiace, fnrniiee. etc. Modern to the last detail Street paved, $00 assts. to assume. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 204 Stark st.. near 3d. Main 3516, Main 3o'.2. Branch office 5utli and Sandy (open Sunday). Tabor Vti. ROSE CITY PARK. $430 Beautiful bungalow. 7 rooms and Sleeping porcn. uai u w oou 1 1001 ; fireplace, built-in features, full c ment basement, wash trays and furnace: street improvements and paid; this is on 37th st.. In Rose City Park and requires bu $1 100 cash. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. SWELL BUNGALOW. COOK AVE. Fine modern 5-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins, cement baseme laundry trays, finely finished and bull for a home; lot 5oxlOK. Some fine bear ing fruit trees, lots of small fruits; city liens all in and paid: lit minutes ride to west side: 404 Cook ave.. near a Seventh, adjoining Irvington: price $45oO $1500 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. G rt L HiS 1 & 1 1, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7432. $r.soo. OROVELAND PARK BUNGALOW. Owner leaving city and must sell once cosy o-room home. 3 rooms on ground fioor and large attic. This place in best of condition with hardwood floors. built-in buffet: bookcases, fireplace. Dutch kitchen in white enamel; full cement base ment with laundry trays: faces east. Terms. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. Main 675. 310 Ry. Exch. bldg. GROVEL AND PARK. Bungalow $4mo. You will like this splendid bungalow. it s nitty, modern and nomciiKe; nard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, etu Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 204 Stark st.. near 3d. Main 3516. Mai r.h;2. Branch office 50th and Sandy (open Sunday). Tabor '.'-u. COMPLETELY FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Hawthorne and ii.'.d St.: 7 rooms, every. thing right up to the minute, in the very best condition: fine furniture and a dream of a home: sun room, sewing room, sunke garden and all. SEE THIS. Will sell for much less than value, and on terms. Se Bad ley, J. i rORBTN CO.. 305 Lewis Bldg. WHY PAY RENT when you can have home built to suit you in Woodlawn on nice 5oxl00 sightly lot for a small casi payment down, balance mnnthly ? "Com tip and let us tell you about it. For lour home see BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 Henry Bldg. Main 6797. BUYERS. Look at East 5."M and Alameda Drive, In R. C. I.: at K. 4ist ana .Mixter ana No. 3i0 E. 40th, in Hawthorne district: houses open. Geo. A. Ross, owner, 404 Gerlinger bldg. Marshall h.iS. G-R. MODERN bungalow, cement basemen trays, fireplace, furnace, garage, hard surface street, paid : fu . ly carpeted. cant. Owner on pre nises Sunday. 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. ::550; terms. 3172 E. Madi son. Hawthorne car. $ 3-ROOM COTTAGE $!00. 3 rooms, bathroom, electric lights, gas, nice lot. 11 fru;t trees, all bearing; also chicken house. $150 cash, balance $15 pet month inciudir.B- interest. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. 'T50 Buvs a dandy 5-room bungalow, con venient 10 o cuimps a 11 u oeiierson rich. 242 Blandena ave. Look over, then p us. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg ' Main 1Q04 SUNNYSIDE. Small, modern 4-room cottage, bath pantry, electricity, gas, cement basement, nwly painted, corner lot, - $2300. terms. Geo. A. Ross, owner, 404 Gerlinger bldg. Marshall 83 $52"0 MODERN residence in Alameda park : a'.I conveniences : garage, with full cmnt mnw.iv. Poe W. L. Kobb. -WH1TM E R -KELLY CO.. 414 Pittock Blk. Sunday. Call Tabor 832s. BEFORE buying your lot. see Irvington; we hsve over 200 to pick from: the choicest residential section of the citv. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. goi -3-5-7 Board of grade BIJg $2 MODERN 5-r bungalow, fine place, F-t plumbing. $1000 cash. A bargain Main 3672. IcFARLAND. 602 Yeon bldg. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, larg -tttlc. love lv grounds and fruit. $2330. 687 Liberty st.. Woo! lawn car to ISth. FIVE-ROOM modern house, 874 Killlng-s-wnrth. Alberta car. Wdln. 364. A BARGAIN Rose City Park, fine lot. east frontage, easy terms- Phons owner. East & BEAL ESTATE. For hale Houses. $1200 THE LAW OF AVERAGE $1200 iou might look this entire city over ana not find such a bargain as this for the money. Just think on a lot 50x100 with abundance of fruit and berries. 1 Mock from the Woodstock carline, near E. 37th street and a 6-room substantial, comfort able home with garage. Has living room, dining room, kitchen, white enamel bath, patent toilet, lavatory, hot and cold water and sink, electric lights and gas, good basemtmt, 3 bedrooms on the upper floor; no street liens or mortgage to assume. $300 down, entire balance like rent. We have over 700 homes for sale and naturally some unusual bargains out of this large number. The law of average would hold good In this case the same as any other. Photographs of every house in our office. Autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abincton RniMinir 1ain 1 0A OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS ROSE CITY PARK. Bu n galow Garage $ 4 V0. Folks here is a real bungalow, located 425 E. 4flth st- right near Sandy; hard wood floors. fireplace, massive buffet, Dutch kitchen, furnace, garage, etc.. st. assta paid. The owner is moving from Portland, otherwise you couldn't buy it for $T3oO. This Is an exceptionally light and cheerful home. An inspection will convince you of its real value. Don't dis turb tenants. Call at office or phone Tor appointment. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark sL. near 3d. Main 3516. Main 80: 2. Branch office 50th and Sandy (open Sunday). Tabor &5S6. $2600 TWO FOR ONE $2G0O. On E. 0th street, near Beacon, which Is practically walking distance, on a 50x100 lot. are two very substantial bungalow cottages of 5 and 6 rooms, each with a full 5-set piece of white enamel plumbing; electric light and gas. The total price of this property including the two houses is only $2000 or $1300 apiece. $500 down. $30 per month. The rent will pay for them. You couldn't build these houses for $2000 each todav. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ahlrnrtnn "Ri t Irllrir Tdain IDAS OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS GROVELAND PARK. Bungalow $4500. Her Is one of those real nifty. Tiltra modern bungalows of enduring construc tion : hardwood floors throughout : real large living room. The little details that aoa so much to the comfort and conveni ence of the housewife will appeal to you. If you wish something way above the ordinary then for goodness sake let us show you this beautiful home, A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3516, Main 3002. Branch office 50th, and Sandy (open punaayj . Taoor yo&o. REAL BARGAIN, COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. 10-room residence, best construction and perfect condition, west of 18th street, near Division, original cost $10,000, must sell. 9 l.VJW. Good home, only $1800, lots of fruit, etc., 5 rootiw, bth, basement, fine location, must sell, on verv easv terms. 250 cash. $25 per month, including interest. See this. C. R. De BURGH, 174 Chamber of. Commerce. Main 1434. Residence Tabor 2710. $3500 REAL BUNGALOW $3500. ery artistic 5-room bungalow ; large living room with fireplace, built-in book cases, paneled dining room, built-in buf fet. hardwood floors, full Dutch kitchen. iignt, airy bedrooms, white enamel piuniblng. good basement, laundrv travs. electric lights and gas; abundance of fruit. i-iwou lo car. ir,c FRANK L. McGUIRB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablntrton HuiM i n s? Main iaaq OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS NEW, WEST OF LAURELHURST, 6-HM. RES1 DENCE. MODERN TO THE -MINUTE; FIREPLACE, FURNACE, HARDWOOD FLOORS. FINISHED IN OLD IVORY: MAG. BUFFET. NUMEROUS BUILT-INS, BK'KFAST KM., STANDARD PLUMBING. CEMENT P.AS'T; 5oxlOO; PAVING PD. 4 oO 1 KK.M S 5 47.iO. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington bldg. Main 4S03. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW Five rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors, garage; price $4250, terms. Jrtose City bungaiow. j rooms and den hardwood floors. fireplace, fruit trees roses: price $4su0. terms. Koe City district: bungalow, 5 rooms. uai n. etc., 1 .. terms. Four-room cottage with garage, lawn garden, electricity and gas: $135; terms. JOHN M. PAYNE &. CO., ; Main 0012. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Just a beautiful bungalow with large 1 living, fireplace, dining, buffet, Dutch kitchen, 2 lovely large bedrooms, all in white; full cement basement, fine hot air furnace; fruit room, coal room and large room partitioned off ttnd plastered and finished like living room; 50xl corner lot; lovely flowers, shade and fruit trees; $4050, $H00 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 2f5 Oorbett bldg. Main 0U15 A 2813. MOUNT TABOR FINE HOME, fi-room fine house, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins, oak floors, garage, cabinet kitchen, sleeping porch, full cement base ment, lot 50x100, paved st., liens paid; 154 E. 68th st., near Yamhill; price $5250; about $1500 cash. Owner going east, must sell. GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. . Main 7452. $3000 Buys 5-room modern bungalow, full cement uasement. rurnace, wasn trays; rooms all exceptionally large, light and airy. Plenty of closet room; street improvements all in and paid ; $500 cash will handle. Convenient to 3 carl in es. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bidg Main 1094. WEST SIDE HOME. 7-room mode-rn residence, in good condi tion; nicely located near car line. Willam ette Hts. ; lot 50x100. Owner miwt sell and will make very attractive price on deal for half cash. Full particulars apply A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bide. Marshall 4114. A 41 IS. laVINGTON 6-ROOM SNAP, $3500. Nice, nearly new 6-room modern house, furnace, iirepiace, buffet, built-in kitchen, laundry trays, 20 min. walk to west side; 466 Hancock, near E. 8th ; a real snap; $3500, some terms. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. $;i0OO $800 DOWN WILL BUY. Beautiful 5-room bungalow on 87th near Stark, must be sold this week; has fire place, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, etc.; this home must be seen to be appreciated, don't hesitate, our cars at your service. BUSINESS SERVICE. Main 6797. 317 Henry Bldg. $3750 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3750. 47TH STREET AND 45TH AVENUE. Swell front porch, large living room, full cabinet kitchen, nice bedroom, sleeping porch, full cement basement. See thi.. $1000 CASH ; BALANCE GOOD TERMS SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. FINE SUNNYSIDE HOUSE, $4500. 7 large rooms, large porch, full base ment, furnace, garage, fine lawn and flow ers; 45xlO0 corner; house perfect condi tion. BIG BARGAIN, see MR. BADLEY. T. C. CORBIN CO., 305 Lewis Bldg. . IRVINGTON. If you are going to my .1 future home site, let us show you Irvington; we have over 200 lots to pick from. RITTER. LOWE & CO., " 201-3-5-7 Board of Tra.le BMg. SNAP $5O0 cash, bal. like rent. R rooms, bath, basement, lot 50x110. 10 fruit trees. raspberry, logan and blackberries ; other small fruit and garden. 846 Denauw St., 3 blocks to St. Johns car and school. SUNNYSIDE BUNG ALO W $ 3650. 6 rooms, modern, all built-ins, furnace and fireplace, garage; dandy home, 3!th and E. Madison; easy terms. See Mr. Bad ley. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 3Q5 Lewis Bldg. 9-ROOM good house, with 5 lots, near Uni versity parte: win sen very reasonaoie. Inquire at 720 Overton St.. or phone Columbia 306. IRVINGTON Is the location for your home; we have over 200 lots to pick from; beau tiCul shade trees and fine homes. RITTER. LOWE t CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 7-ROOM house, well built, but not modern. East Belmont near 31st; a good home as well as business location. $3Oi0 this week. Easy terms. Owner, Main 213$ or D 4S1, oregonianu ROSE CITY PARK California bungalow. 6 rooms, front porch, furnace, fireplace, ce ment basement, Duiit-in teatures, $3750, terms. Owner, 641 East 49th North. Ta bor 4705. 1 jo ALBERTA COTTAGE $1400. 4 room and bath; has electric lights and gas: 50x100 lot. 4 block off carline: $5AO cash, balance $20 per month. Incl. interest. S M 1 T H - W A GO X ER CO.. S T O C K EX. FOR SALE Modern 7-room house, restrict ed district; good condition; near car; tern s. Call Tabor 368 Monday. NEAR Laurelhurst. 7-room new house, all modem conveniences ; East 31st st., near Holladay: cheap. Price $QQO. East 419. $23O0 COTT AGE, 4 lArge rooms, b I g lot. crnent walks, basement, fruit, berries V.iln 3672. McFARLA N D. 602 Yeon bid. IRVINGTON Modern home, 8 rooms, prac tically new : 50xl00 lot; terms. 2 blks. I-J car. East 419. HOUSEBOAT. 6 rooms, completely fur Lirhed: modern conveniences. No. 12 Ore- gor Yacht club. 5 ROOMS 5150. Sellwood car; vacant; new modem house, very easy terms. No mortgage. Sell. 270i. S-ROOM modern house. Nob Hill; splendid location. Wolfsteln. 112 First st. $1600 GOOD 4-room cottage, bath; fruit. Main 3072. McFARLA D. 602 Yocn bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Horn $5500 IDEAL BUNGALOW HOME $5500. On a large corner lot. close to the Haw thorne car line on E. Sherman t.. is a won derful 5-room modern bungalow. The living room being 15x26 extends across the entire front of house; French doors lead Into a very attractive solid paneled dining room with plate rail, beamed ceiling and leaded glass buffet ; heavy- brass lightlnfi fixtures: lull Dutch kitchen: lull cement basement with hot water heating system, laundry travs and fruit room ; best white enamel plumbing fixtures; 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch. Very attractive lawn, well kept up with a variety of shrubs and roses; garage- paved st. on both sides with all liens paid. Owner will sell for $750 addi tional, $1500 worth of new high-grade fur niture. You must see this house to appre ciate it. Can arrange terms. W have over 700 photographs in our office of homes listed for sale. 10 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. "SEE FRANK L. McOUIRE , TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 1063. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS -ROR CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH, SUN PARLOR $3500. Are you in the market for a real high class bungalow ? Then let us show you this remarkable bungalow home. This trulv expresses the very zenith of the builder's art. A better, classier, a more artistic home you could not hope for. Fin ished In old Ivory and white throughout. Price includes street paving. We know this will sell quickly, so please hurry. It will be a downright pleasure to show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 204 Stark St.. Near 3d. Main :0'J2 Main 3510. Branch Office, fioth and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) Sunday and evenings, phone Tabor 8255. FURNISHED HOMES, INVESTIGATE. 6-room house, 20th and E. Ankeny, fur nace and fireplace, paved street; $3050. " 6-room house, 30th and Francis, lot 56x148; $3000, paved street. 6-room bungalow, 43d and Hawthorne, 60x100; $3375; paved street. 7 rooms. 16th and Albert;' $4000. These homes are In the very best condition inside and out, can be sold on easy terms. Main 5450, residence. Main 6&b2. 1011 Yeon bldg. THE BT.1ST VALUE IN ROSE CITY PARK. We have just listed a big. handsome semi-bungalow of b rooms, living room, dining room, den, bedroom, pass pantry and kitchen down; 2 bedrooms, sewing room, sleeping porch and bath upper floor; fireplace in den down and In large bed room up; butfet in dining room, liardwood floors, full basement,, new furnace, wash trays, fine garage, built to match bunga low. The price of this complete home is $4050, $ 100O cash, $30 monthly and in terest. You'll search for weeks to find a home to equal this one for the price. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Main 4022. S2 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. HAWTHORNE $3Sno. 5 ROOMS GARAGE ASSTS. PAID. Folks, btre Is a real ha - . in Five nice rooms, with excentionalty large llvin room. Furnace, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, fruit room, garage that just cost the owner over S20. Beautiful iy located on corner lot with all assts' paid. This is very close in. Owner needs larger house. Now hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO., 204 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3o'.t2 Main 3516. Branch Office, 5oth and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) $2600 CITY BABY FARM $2600. On Buffalo street, 4 blocks from the Woodlawn car, on a 02x350 tract of land is a 4-room very artistic modern bunga low ; white enamel plumbing. Dutch kitchen: lireDlace. electric lights and gas house just completed. Vacant. Immediate possssion. This property has frontage on railroad ana is a luture iactory site, r-asy down payment, balance like rent. All under plow. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB . TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abincton Building. Main 100S. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS WEST MOUNT TABOR $4730. 6 Rooms. Sleeping Porch, Garage. Come ou folks, here is your new home You just can't help but appreciate the true value; hardwood floors in every room. Exceptionally large living room, fireplace, buffet, furnace, etc. Dutch kitchen, with breakfast alcove. Surely a real home at a moderate price. Let us shyw you. Only 1 block from Hawthorne car. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 204 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3516. Main 3002. Branch office 5oth and Sandy (open Sunday). Tabor 05b0. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 6-room modern house, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, cement basement. 50x 100 lot, asphalt street (pald., most beau tiful view of river and surroundings, splen did home environment. I'rice $40O0. con venient terms. Homes like th is on the heights are hard to find tor the price. THE CROSSLEY-V1GARS CO., 270 Stark St, Main 3052. $3673 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW $3675 On a full lot on Multnomah street is a 5-room attractive bungalow, has furnace, fireplace, full cement basement. white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; street liens- all paid. No mortgage to as sume. Terms. We have over 7oo photo graphs In our office of homes for sale. Autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablnston Building. Main 106S. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS SNAP ALAMEDA PARK. Large living room with fireplace, book cases, large dining room with large buffet, all in old ivory; breakfast room, kitchen all in white; three large bedrooms, bath; as a matter of fact the whole house is in old ivory; furnace, cement floor, hard sur face street and this place is in first-clasr condition; only $.ioo. 1 erms. - J. BOBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931 VACANT POSSESSION TODAY: " $ 3 S5 0 VERY EASY TERMS $ 3 S 5 0 . MODERN WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS. 6 large rooms and sleeping porch, full basement, trays, furnace, fireplace, built ins; just newly tinted. This is a mighty fine home and a snap. Could not be built for $50uo. Sunday, phone Tabor 81 s; week days. Main 7167; Marlels or Will iams. S20 Cham, of Com. Bldg. FOUR HOUSES. ALL CLOSE IN 28th and 27th, near Pine. For sale bv owner; 5-room house on 2Sth, $1600. 3- room house on 2Sth, $1250. 5-room house on 27th, $1300. 4- room house on 27th, $110. Small payment down, rest like rent, will sell at this price until August 1 3. H. A. Maddock, 511 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Wash. $3730. YEAR BUILT HARDWOOD FIjOORS THROUGHOUT. CREAM OF ROSE CITY BUNGALOWS. Elegant plumbing, furnace, cement bas't, hut It-ins. A genuine snap. Cor. lot, paving and sewer Inc. in price. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington bldg. Main 4803. OWNER LOST IT. Alameda district, 7-room modem doublw constructed house, strongly built; K-foot concrete basement, reinforced corners wash trays ; clothes chute ; piped for fur nare: snlendid plumbing: modern wiring large rooms. $l0O under value. Built 5 years. Be sure and go inside. 1004 32d st. North. VALUE X5500: PRICE $3050. This modern home of 8 rooms and bath with hot water heat could not be built for loss than $4500: the ground. lOOxloo, is easily worth $lo00; will sell on easy terms for S36.0. N on-resident owner wants close out. See O. W. Bryan. Main 1003. Marshall 865. 50 Cham. 01 Com. $2900 BUYS NICE HOME. rooms, large porch, fireplace, 45x110 lot, 1 biock from Russell Shafer car; but $300 down. MODERN BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, looxlio lot, near Columbia park, $4o0O: $5oo, bal. like rent. WILBUR F. JOL'NO, HENRY BLDG. $2000. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $2W)0. 6-room modern cottage on 32d street, full corner lot, fruit, garage: must sell this week: mortgage $1100. equity In cash: will consider light car to $500. Call Mon- R.aF. FEEMSTER. 309 Abington Bldg. IRVINGTON. Between E. 14th and E. 24th. Tillamook and Fremont; lota $1200 to $25O0; ovr 2oo to pick from; all improvements in and paid. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BUILD YOUR HOME NOW. Building cost will advance for years. We finance and build good homes, free preliminary plans. We build on your lot and guarantee to Fell at a profit for you. Portland Home Building Assn., 528-30 Henry bldg.. Main 5190. FOR SALE OR TRADE 18-room house, 2 lats, woodshed, garage; chicken house: rooms partly rented. One block from Co lumbia university. H block from Willam ette blvd.. comer 5th and Harding. Phone Columbia 391. $2000. FIRLAND. 6-room modern bungalow, menu bath, garage, SOxlOO lot $2000. full bast $800 cash. Call Monday. R. F. FEEMSTER. 309 Abington Bldg, IRVINGTON HIGH-CLASS HOME, near club, large living room, attractive dining room. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, good at tic, $7500. Neuhausen & Co. IRVINGTON fine home, $5R00 near 24th and Stanton: oak floors, plate-glass win dows: DON'T WAIT. Neuhausen & Co. IRVINGTON HOM ES. DON'T BUY BE FORE SEEING NEUHAUSEN & CO. BEAL ESTATE. lor Sa I e H ou m $9000 DISTINCTIVE LAURELHURST HOME. On Laddington Court, close to the car. In one 01 the choice locations In this beau tiful home district is a 7-room unusually attractive modern home with beautiiul lines; 2 fireplaces; furnace, fruit room. 3 light airy bedrooms and sleeping porch, tile bath room with b.-pt white enamel plumbing f ixt ures : woodwork finished in old Ivory and white enamel. On a sits equal to a lXixHH) with beautiful lawn, flowers and shrubbery. I-arge garage. If you are in the market lor a high-class home see our list of photographs in our office. 10 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SUB FRANK L. McGUIRB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 10RS. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS HOUSES FOR SALE. Mr. and Mrs. Hmeseeker. here fcre some nice medium-priced homes which I have selected after examining many of fered for sale: NO. 1. Fine modern 6-room residence, hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace, all modern conveniences, in Rose City I arK ; sur rounded by good neighbors, and in a desirable district: only $4750. NO. 2. 5-room modern bungalow, rout h of Haw thorne, on Grant st.. surrounded by fine bungalow homes and good neignbors. Only $3500. 1 have many others from $2000 to $20. 0OO on which I can quote a homeseeker very reasonable prices and terms. J. H. HOLHROoK. 214-215 Panama Bldg. $3000 A REAL HOME $3600. On a corner lot facing Division street, just east of I. adds Addition, is a very substantial modern 6-room bungalow-type home with attractive lines: reception hall, living room w ith fireplace, leaded glass bookcases, solid paneled dining room, leaded glass bufiet, full white Dutch kitchen, lull cement basement with hot water heating system and laundry trays: 2 light, airy bedrooms1, sleeping porch and white enamel plumbing on the 2d floor. Paving and street liens included in price. Can arrange terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main IOCS. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS ROSE CITY SACRIFICE. THE OWNER IS CRAZY For selling this at this price, but his loss is your gain. This is one of the very best buys that has been of fe -ed in that district this year ; 7-room buagalow with abs3lutely every modern convenience, white enamel throughout, hot water ho;it. fine garage with sol id cement runway. This is an honest-built home, and a real sacrifice. Well worth $0500. but will sell at $0000. If you want something extra good, and in the vt ry best part of this fine district, let us show you this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 300 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. $ 3204 R E P UC ED $ 1 000 $ 32O0. On Milwaukie avenue, north of West moreland, convenient to the S. P. shops and the Central Door and Lumber com pany, on a full 100x100, on a paved street is a very substantial G-room bungalow type home; white enamel plumbing, elec tric lights and gas; very attractive lawn with abundance of fruit and flowers. This house was reduced from 420U. $5o0 will handle. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB TO BUY YOU R HOME. Abington Building. Main 100. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS ROSE CITY PARK CAR. 4 -R OO M li V N G ALO W $ 2 050. BEAT THE HIGH RENTS. Here Is your opportunity to pick up a nifty bunga low. All built-in features. You would never expect to buy such a home for so little money. Has new garage, cement driveway, pergola over walk. Full 50xl0 lot, 1V2 blocks from Rose City car line. $750 cash, balance like rent. Now let us show you. Hurry. - A. G. TEEPE CO.. 2V4 Stark St.. near ".d. Main 3n;t2 Main 351 6. Sunday and evenings, phone Tabor 8255. bung low that is different. 6 rooms, rose city park. Most lively living, fireplace. French doors leading into nice large den. dining v. ith beautiiul buffet, oak polished floors, Dutch kitchen with Pullman breakfast nook. 2 grand bedrooms, bath and toilet, all f iuishe i in ivory and white ; cement basement, furnace, fine garage: 5oxlm lot; paved street below hiil. 2 -j blocks from car. A real home and certainly worth looking at, $5ooo; $15on cash. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 2Q5 Corbett bldg. Main 6'.H5 A 2S15. $1000, ADJOINING O. W. R. & N. faHOfb. on Aiorris street, wnicn i now a. mn tinuation of Greeley street cut olf, which is being improved by the county, ts a 5 room substantial house with white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. This bouse can be bought on very easy terms, and is an unusual bargain. Just a lew minutes' walk from the Rose City Park car. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB TO BUY YOU K HOME. Ahinirton Buildinar. Main 1065. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS A BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY 7-room, strictly modern home, possession at once. Verv lai ge living room, hand some dining room with built-in buffet that is different ; Dutch kitchen, linoleum on the floor. Best of plumbing, full ce ment basement, furnace, etc.; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; 5Oxl0o lot; east front; all bonded, paid. This place is below the hill, l1- blocks from car. Shown only by appointment. Price $4850, on very liberal terms. Phone Sunday, Tabor 81 S'.t, week days Main 7:67. Mariels & Williams, 82C Chamber of Commerce bidg. 5 ROOMS, "HOME BARGAIN," MODERN. FIREPLACE. BATH. CLOSETS. ETC. "SPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE" DESIGN. IF LOCATION DON'T SUIT YOL". WILL BUILD ON YOUR OWN LOT. 1 PRICE BELOW MARKET.) LIBERAL TERMS. WITH CASH PAYMENT $500 UP WILL FURNISH HOUSE AND LOT "READY TO MOVE IN." SEE US BEFORE YOU DECIDE. ADDRESS "BUILDERS AND OWNERS." 302 SELLING BUILDING. $3400 WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS $3400 5-room typical bungalow ; fireplace, many built-in conveniences; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, good ce ment basement, paved street ; liens in cluded in price: on 35th street. near Woodward. $500 down, entire balance. 7o0 photographs of inspected homes in our of fice for sale. 10 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 1008. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS ROSE CITY PARK $5250. 5 Rooms Sleeping Porch Garage. Folks here is one of those real nifty-ultra-modern bungalows. It's modern to the last detail. Splendidly located iu the very best part of Rose City. You couldn't imagine a nicer home and it couldn't be better built. This place should sell for $0000. It will bo a pleasure to show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3516, Main 3092. Branch office 5oth and Sandy (open Sunday). Tabor 95SH $4500 HOME WITH INCOME $4500. At 533 Linn avenue in Sellwood is a very substantial 7-rooni modren home, liko new, and a good 5-room cottage in rear, which is rented. The owner i going to California and will sell it at a bargain. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building, Main 106. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 6-ROOM NEW BUNGALOW, $500 CASH. Brand new ft-room bungalow, just fin ished, on corner lot, no liens to assume, no mortgage, 1 block to Glisan st. car, just bevond Laurelhurst, S. W. corner E. 50th and Flanders sts. Price $31 50, $500 cash and $20 per month, 6 per cent; -vacant. Act quick. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $4700. MODERN ALAMEDA HOME. $1700. THE BIGGEST SNAP WE HAVE. 7 rooms, strictly modem, full cement basement, furnace, trays, fireplace. H. w floors, all kinds of built-ins, in fine con ri ir i.n lot 5ox 10o. near car: H. S. street paid; garage; terms. Sunday, phone Tabor 81H9; weekdays. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams. S2Q Cham, of Com, bldg. 306U REAL HOME BARGAIN $3060. On 77x177 corner lot is a very substantial 6-room attracts e home; modern plumb ing: electric lights and gas; plenty of room for garden, fruit and chickens. Close to Woodstock car; garage; terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bull-ling. Main 1068. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS SlftM) YOUR OWN TERMS $1830. VACANT. MOVE TOMORROW. 5-room, semi-modern house, one floor, basement, good plumbing, electric lights. Just newly tinted and painted insidt-; in good condition: lot 50x1 OO. near car. Here is a chance to pay the rent to yourself. Sunday, phone Tabor 81i9; weekdays. Main 7'.;7. Mariels or Williams, 8 20 Cham, of Com. bldg. 6 ROOMS and bath, full basement, chicken house and runs, garage. 67x12 lot, fruit, berries, roses; on paved street. $2750. term-. ROGERS. SCANDINAVIAN -AMERICAN REALTY COMPANY, 219 Stark St. Main 5429. HOMESEEKERS See us. do not pay rent. We can sell you suburban homes, or ci; homes from $900 up to $50.(KiO. You never will buy property cheaper, there fore make up your mind and buy when you can get it at a low price. Eisy term if wanted. F. Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Com. jiO 83 E. 36TH ST. One block north of Woodstock car, lot 77x1 10, house five rooms and bath; price $2300, terms $2t0 down, bal. monthly. Owner, G. Howard, $14 Chamber of Commerce Tabor 7&S4. SKAT. ESTATE. For Sale -II on $2omi. EXCEPTIONAL HOME BARGAIN, our expert appraiser, at ter seeing this propertv, said: "This is one of the best buy? that we have ever had in this dis trict. Just V- block from the Wood law a car on a lull lot 50x100 is a ti-room, verv substantial modern home; looks jut liks new; unusually pleasing lines. French dor separate reception hall from living room ; wry attractive dining room witfi " built-in bufet and plate rail: convenient kitchen; 3 licht airy bedrooms, best white ' enamel plumbing fixtures; electric lights and pas; fuil cement basement with laun dry trays: abundance of fruit and berries. ery easy down payment, balance like rent. All street liens paid. No mortgage u assume. SKK FRANK L. McGUIRB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 106 OFFICE OPEN EVENINGSAN D SUNDAYS $750O DISTINCTIVE HO TE- $ 7 5 0 o7 " A beautiiul 6-room. very modern attrac tive home; largo living room with fire place ; dining room with massive 11-foot built-in glass bullet: full Dutch kitchen, breaktast nook ; screened-in back porch ; full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays: 4 liht, riiry bedrooms with sleep ing porch ; best white ei.amel plumbing fixtures; house just repainted and re tinted throughout; large garage; very at tractive lawn, abundance of 1 lowers and shrubbery, fruit and berries. This is truly an ideal home ou E. Sherman street, ad joining Ladd's Addition. Dun't fail to ses tMs. owner leaving city. Can arrange FRANK L. McGUIRB TO BUY YOl K HOME. Abincton Building. Main 106. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 'DUPLEX ' (DOUBLE) HOUSE SUITABLE TWO FAMILIES. 5 ROOMS EACH. HATH. ETC. ONE APARTMENT FURNISHED. BOTH EQUIPPED WITH SPLENDID GAS RANGES. NEW PAINTED, GOOD ORDER. ONE RENTED (BOTH CAN BE RENTED AT ONCE). OWNER LEAVING CITY, WILL SACRIFICE. $2660. SMALL CASH PAYMENT. ABOUT $500. BALANCE LONG TI M E. ( WOULD CONS1 IER WELL-LOCATED LOT AS FIRST PAY MENT). BOTH APARTMENTS WILL RENT EASY FOR $40. LOCATED NEAR CAR ON 62D (NEAR TWOHEY B K OS." PL A NT). ADDRESS OWNER. J. W. PATTERSON. P. Q. BOX 222. CITY. SUPERB LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Cold print cannot do justice to this won derful Laurelhurst home, generally con ceded to have the most striking interior of any bungalow in 1 'or t land. Located on a tnagnit iceut lOOxlou corner near th park it has the most charming interior 1 magi nub Spacious draw ing room with unusual lighting effect, cosy dining room, complete Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms, gar age, hot water heat, it is a home of marked Individuality. Offered at $75O0 for immediate sale, several thousand less than it the owner. Shown by ap pointment onlv. MacIXXES & PRATT, 413 Board of Trade Building. Main 8368 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $3650. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, on 44th street, has fireplace, fur nace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, two bed rooms. 4 nice closets, full cement basement, laundry trays. 5tx loo-foot lot with fruit trees and berries, paved streets and cement sidewalks. This is a very desirable place lor $;ii;.".o. Ralph Ackley. 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141 or Tabor 604 Sun day. $4230 ON EAST 40TII NORTH $4250. Thia is a 2-story. 7-room modern house with furnace and fire place, hardwood floors, nice grounds, full lot, one block to car. This must be sold and you ca u make your own terms. CO.. 3('2 Oak St. $20uo. IRVINGTON PARK BUNGALOW. Among the cool fir trees on E. 27th street is a very attractive 5-room typical bungalow on a full lot; large living room w ith iirepiace, built-in effects, 2 bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and pas. good basement ; street liens paid. We have many other homes in this district for tale. SEE FRANK L. McGUTRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abinu-ton Building. Main 1008. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY SELECT YOUR HOME. SOME CHOICE BUVS. Rose City l ark, $:i5ott. City Park, $475ti. Rose, City Park. S0S00. Hawthorne, $3 J5ti. I i u wt home, $.750. Irvington, $5500. Irvington. $0000. Lauit-lhiust. 4000. And nuii- others. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO, 3n9 Oak st. Broadway 4133. $3150 H AWTHORE BUNGA LOW $315 THIS IS A REAL SNAP. 5 rooms, one floor, st rict iy modern ex cept furnace; full cement basement, trays, fireplace. H. W. floors, built-in bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, everything fine con dition ; east front, near car, paved street, sewer ; this is wort h more money ; price $313o. and little bonded; terms. Sunday, phone Tabor S1S9: weekdays. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams, 82t Cham, of Com bldg. TH E McGUIRE SYSTEM. Makes home buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 700 photographs of homes lor sale, arranged In districts: every one has been appraised; 10 auto mobiles at your service ; some wonderful bargains. That is why we sold over 100 homes in May. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 106S. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS E. BROADWAY A ND 43D. New five - room bungalow, large living room, fireplace, bookcase, cloakroom, with bevel plate mirror door: dining room has attractive buffet with bevel plate mirror and leaded glass doors; kitchen with all built-ins such as ironing" board, cooling closet, etc.; breakfast nook, full cement basement, laundry trays, floored attic; block from car; like rent. $50 per month, small payment down. Owner. $t70n PENINSULA HOME $1700. On Forts mou t h avenue, j ust 1 '- blocks north of the St. Johns car. facing on a paved street, with all liens paid, is a very substantial 4-room comfortable home; has white enamel bath, patent toi'et. electric lights and cas. $350 down. A bargain. SEB FRANK L. McGUTRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 1068. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS $3050 MODERN R. C. HOME $3050. A B A R G A I N O N TERM S. 6 rooms, full basement, furnace, trays, f i re pi rice, buili-ins; a wonderful fine lot, 5i '.v 1 00. ail kinds of roses, sti rubbery. 3 prune trees. 2 cherry. 1 apple. 1 plum, 1 poach; near car. east front, bungalow type; near school and club: newly painted. Sun day, phone Tahor MS9; weekdays. Main 7907. Ma riels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Com merce bldg. $ I .( m 3t 1 00 C ASH. Real barcain In 6-room cottage on 70th st. S. E.. only 2 blks. to car line; living room, dining room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms, fine large lot 90xll3. House needs little fixing up and will make good, comfort able home; rpafiahlc monthly payments. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411 . RICH M 5nD B U NGALOW. Dandy. fine. 5-room bungalow with large rooms. :arg floored attic, run ce- basement; paved street all paid; 3 blocks from car; $35on ; $00O cash. Buy and move right in. THE LAWRENCE CO.. JQ5 Corbett bldg. Main 0915 A 2815. 430. GROVELAND PARK $4300. BUNGA LOW. Here Is one of the classiest bungalows In this beautiful district, thoroughly modern (except furnace), improvements In and paid ; rooms a!l large and surroundings a t tract ive in evcrv wa v. t'a 1 1 Monday. R. F. FEEMSTER. 3u9 Abington Bldg. REWARD OFFERED $23 for the first n rrest und convict! in of any person ca.ryi r.g nwa v destroying or mutilating any of our "FOR SALE" signs in Irvington or nthe- districts. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SELLWOOD CAR LINE. $3500 Buys rooms and sleeping porch. with furnace, fireplace, all built-ins-: full SoxlOO lot. Requires $1000 Cash. .1. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. $2200. R. C. P. DISTRICT. $2200. On 73d st., near Sandy, a classy gray 4-room modern bungs low nn 50x60 cor ner. See this by all means; $500 cash. Call Mondav. R. F. FEEMSTER. 309 Abington Bldg. BEAUTIFUL home in Laurelhurst. 4 bed rooms and sleeping porch; $2500 will cover this. HO Mirimar place. AO 481, Orpgonian. $1550. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. $1550 6-room. new modern bungalow, 50x100 lot: must seil. under forciosure; $850 casA newsary. Step live'tv. jr. F. FEEMSTER, .109 Abington Bldg. IRVINITON. Modem S-room furnished house, fire place and furnace; hardwood floors. 437 East 15th st. North. East 8748. $1900 BUYS NICE HOME. 5-rnom cottage, good location, only $3O0, balance like rent. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. 1KV INGTON SWELL HOME, cost $27,000, c!l for $ 17,000: perfect condition, beauti ful corner loOxl 50, or 10oxl00 ; biggest bargain ever ofiered. Neuhausen & Co.