THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, AUGUST 3. 1913. LIFE SKETCHES BY ARTIST WHO SENSES SPIRIT OF THE DAY PW3 1811 ( i it V 1 1 it MilAwMii IT; ( tfllll n id No ohe, unless tie has terfn right oil the spot, has any 'idea how hard all this prohibition is on the cabaret chorus. "Oh; how hard they have to work, exerting charm to the limit, screaming and squealing, jn order to get any attention from even the ringside tables I A double -Bronx used to lend 'a. certain glamour to the ladies of the ensemble that it seems impossible, to, get 'with, a glass of ginger ale or root beer as a stimulant. i '0m t& SIR Among Us . Mortals The Dry Cabaret By W. E. HILL Q ygin Tor TWtMiit fug. It's getting harder and haxlerj for Leo the waiter to gt away with mistakes in the ' change since t'e caurj.ry went dry. And the tips thy givel At this rata Leo never get the new tires for the fiiwer pai'd for. f II r m W V. V . -.5-1. E The comic young man who used to think "Wil son that's all" a great line. He is just about to convulse the hat check girl with the old, one about the two youths staggering out of Huy ler's. 0r The man -who is always given the worst table in the place. Whenever Mr. Clackner appeared the head waiters seemed to Jcnow by instinct that he would order a cheese sandwich and" a glass of kumiss, and they would lead him to a nice little table off near the kitchens, or behind the stand where the 'bus boys linger the butter. Prohibition has changed many things, but Mr. Clackner, leading light of Waco, Tex., is still get ting the worst table in the room. Here he is, facing a pink calcium used in the cabaret revue. V 1L - M :x iriv Jennie's flowers aren't going awfully well lately. So many of the patrons used to have Jennie fix them ia their buttonholes and Jennie can't understand the. slump, in business. a One of the most terrible phases of the restaurant cabaret under prohibition is the song Coodby Licker- GoodbBooze. with the chorus all nicely fixed up to represent soft drinks, being welcomed in the background by Columbia. Just as no self-respecting cabaret last year was complete without Joan of Arc and a martyred Belgium, so it u with the prohi bition farewell drinking song this summer. . ' mm S -7. II 1 18PM i - rl f.,-. 'viiJi 8.". 1. IS ill JTCeese ne -keese me hh-ain." ' as sung by Mme. Emma 1 utUe. used to be so effective in the good old days that very often as many as three young men. toward closing time, would have to be forcibly restrained from going right up and "kees- uig tnraa. cut now tmma can wand-r a!I nv tl, eci: 5? mi y 8 Some may argue that a restaurant cabaret entertainment t a pretty tame affair, what with prohibition and everything, but Aunt Norma, from Oswego, knows better. She is seen here standing up in order to. get a good look once and for all at the terrible things going on and especially that awful East Indian dancer, without any back to her dress. - ' mm VSS ... It's odd how much more interesting other people's conversations' usually are than one's own if you can overhear enough. The man behind Joe and Elsie is telling all about how if you go in and wink at the bar . I i u t . i mi ,u: : I take her out "Give Eloise a couple of Tom Collinses and she the cutest hdewterUmeTtocrejsj UftfortAmately, . ,i t;,l, . ; ft 1. , i,;. n .t,, ,AArM t seem to produce the same CuJCU 11.. " - " - . " Eloise was always known as the life of any after-theatre party, and all the boys from the office used to be crazy to take her out. Give Eloise a c acug of black coffee does not