The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, Magazine Section, Page 7, Image 93

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fj' t it a CejD Gionioui Ft ei i
JTAND up all The
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AMD On The S'k
5iR'l NexT Ti? Vo.
To Your homi all in
- anX Tpi SOS5 S
fob Ttxy - Oh - BoV !
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Seat sees a,
cono ow stag e
lb A ,Sin6im6 ACT
Sue Throw s a
ENfUf ATS Mim To
B5 MF A " iWfST
For fsa she wll.
.SimG ON6 .of Those
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now the r T-ow
A 4PtT LifiHT Mir
PRC TE si.D hC i
just eNou&H -S-
AT him - Tri6i To
hqP(h3 .Sri miSht.
PiCm j iOMC BcPf
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8vT HE
F(J?IOOSuV AmB Fteui
" HEM- MIM- TnAT'S IttCrt
NOvU -Sm I S ANim
fiSi-t' even ooTli6its
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ThuA UOw'T roo B A
Nice urrif, FMTLlTTtfl
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FOR THihKinO of
The eibarassin
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HE. COovD Co Something
That h6 CaRC
iijcf tv. t v closed Twer wiMETffW-H
ThSV Arte jotNG "To Follow awoonjD "To &ET a
T- . d.s er 5M SPoT
Visit to Various Points of Oregon Shows What Is Being Accomplished for Development of
Throughout State.
Rural Districts
(Continuftd From Tag 6.)
ways advances have been made In de
termining the soil requirements and
soil adaptation, and gradually, the
land owners are learning to lean on the
From Hermiston we went to Pendle
ton, where we spent the night at the
Hotel Pendleton and were well cared
for. The next morning we were away
about 8 o'clock for La Grande, which
place we reached about 1 o'clock, at
least some of the party did. to find the
Ad club awaiting them at the Foley
house in banquet assembled. Jefferson
My era and Mr. 'Weatherford made short
speeches; the ladies, under the leader
ship of Mrs. Bruce Dennis and others,
were assembled at the Hotel Summers,
where the ladies of our party were en
tertained. We were sorry we had to cut
our visit short, but we were due at the
Union station and could not tarry long.
"Ve went through the Grande Ronde
alley via the preat farm of Walter M
Pierce and were fortunate enough to
have Mrs. Pierce join us. None of us
had met her before, but we soon found
the was a splendid acquisition to the
party. Robert Withycombe is still in
charge of the grreat Ka-tern Oregon
experiment elation, and he has a fine
assistant. Little Bob. For Bob Sr. was
captured by a charming young lady of
Union a few years ago and their home
is now graced with one of the finest
little tots that any station can produce.
This station, usually called the Union
station, because it adjoins that town, ta
a veritable show place, for it has cattle,
sheep, oorses and hogs and not the
least of its efforts are turned toward
feeding and fattening values of various
farm products. But Bob. if anything,
ie a grain breeder, and he is doing
great work in improving the yield and
straw strength of various grains. The
station issues various bulletins on its
work and those interested, particularly
in feeding stock, would do well to send
for copies of these bulletins. They are i
free, but very valuable to every farmer.
Party Rcirhn Baker.
From Union we went to Baker, arriv
ing there about 10 o'clock. We were
"bedded down" at the Geyser Grand
and the Antlers; those at the former
thought they had the best of the bar
gain; those who registered al the
Antlers were sure they had the better
place but I know 1 had the best of all
for I went out to the home of my
dautnter, Ira. J. H. Batsley, and spent
the night with her and her husband and next day Dr. Kerr ana tha regents
some of my grandchildren.
Next morning we were away early
for Burns, but stopped for the night at
Canyon City. However, we had dinner
at tha famous caravansary of Mrs. Aus
tin, near the town of Austin. She had
not received the message sent her from
Baker to prepare for us, but she did the
best she could, on short notice, and
Mrs. Austin's second best is good
enough for any hungry travelers.
We reached Burjis in time for a late
lunch and then went out and looked
over Bill Hanley's little haying opera
tions. Bill is putting up some 10.000
tons of hay this year, which is a mere
trifle, according to Bill's imagination.
He is going to seed down some 8000
acres of alfalfa this fall another mere
trifle! He is in the market for about
160.000 pounds of alfalfa seed, which
will cost around JS5.000 trifle No. 3!
Of course we met Mrs. Hanley, or
rather she hunted us up and placed her
self and her Cadillac at our service.
Bill also has a machine, a Sedan, which
we were free to utilize. So we all went
out to the station, six miles east of
Burns. We found Director Shattuck
awaiting us and were soon shown over
the farm.
Harney Hard Hit.
1 hate to tell the truth about the con
ditions in Harney county, but It would
not be fair to the settlers who remain
or the settlers who have left to attempt
to conceal the fact that for two years
now there has been a heavy frost, or
more than one, every calendar month,
and the rainfall has been but seven
inches a year. There is no use in going
farther Into the details. Director Shat
tuck is doing as good work as anybody
could do. He will have on one of his
little tracts about S 3 tons of alfalfa.
after It had been frozen to death by
a temperature of 18 below freerin
simply by cutting it immediately after
the frost. We were entertained at din
ner by Mr. and Mrs. Shattuck and had
a very fine meal. Mrs. Shattuck Is
charming hostess and she made
friend of every one of our party. At
night we were given a smoker by the
citizens of Burns and were well enter
tained by oratory, both from Burns
people and our own spellbinders.
Next morning we got an early start
for Bend, ISO miles due west. We
stopped half way. at Brookings, for
dinner, and arrived early in the even
ing to find many of the citizens ax
pecting us, among them C. S. Hudson,
who is always on the Job when it
comes to entertaininar visitors. The
looked over the country somewhat, for
it is the aim of the board to have a
station in Deschutes county within a
couple of years. At noon we were en
tertained at a banquet and at night at
another, and I have an idea if we had
suggested a breakfast-banquet Mr.
Hudson and his followers would have
been right on the Job. The Bend peo
ple are built that way. They never
overlook even a white chip. That Is
the reason why Bend is such a big dot
on the map.
From Bend to Crater lake is a good
day's drive, but we got to the lake
early in the evening, taking lunch in
grove near Crescent. I will not at
tempt to describe the lake. No use to
try it, for I can't do it. Nobody can.
You must see it with your own eyes; it
can be visualized in no other way.
Parry Is Entertain.,
But I can say a word about Landlord
Parkhurst and his charming wife. Con
sidering the great-difficulty they en
counter in getting In supplies, every
blessed thing they use coming about
80 miles, from Medford or Klamath
Falls, the guests at the great 'hotel
are wonderfully well fed. indeed, but
few resorts anywhere set as good a
table as does the Crater lake house.
Not the least of the pleasing features
of tha service Is the lovely young
ladies from the U. of O., at Eugene,
who wait on the table, play the piano.
sing and entertain the guests, particu
larly during the evening, when the
dancers enjoy themselves.
The hotel is doing better this year,
than aver before. Last year was the
best year the house ever had, but this
season will far eclipse it. We were
there on. July It and up to that time
this year 332 people had entered the
park; last year on the same date tha
number was 2502. Last year the num
ber of autos for the same period was
637; this year, 707. So, you see, the in
crease is very large. Another fine
feature is the absence of mosquitoes
this year. Those of my readers who
have been feasted on by mosquitoes
can appreciate the present conditions.
On the 19th we made Medford by
midaf ternoon. after a fine lunch at
Prospect. Jim Grieve is the landlord,
and. let me tell yon the truth about it.
you will miss it if you pass Jim Grieve
and his big hotel without stopping.
At Medford we were quartered at
the Hotel Medford and, of course, were
well served. We visited the station,
called the Southern Oregon Experiment
station, and met the director. F. C.
Reimer. It waa expected by Dr. Kerr
that Mr. Reimer would be on his way
to China, where he is to go to study
fruit blights. But he has been unable,
to get his passports, though going
practically on government business,
and we found him at the station. If
Mr. Reimer never does anything more
than he has done, in finding the great
fertilizer for alfalfa, even then his
country should build him a monument
at the Medford station, for it is one of
the great agricultural discoveries of the
decade. And so simple. Just apply
100 pounds of sulphur to an acre of
old worn-out alfalfa sod and get from
three to five tons increase. I will
pass over the wonderful things Direc
tor Reimer Is doing with fruit trees,
but he is making his work count. He
must be doing so. else the govern
ment would not select him as the ex
pert to go to the far east to study
fruit trees.
Auto Breaka Down.
So far as business is concerned, tha
trip ended at Medford. We left there
on the morning of the 19th. Saturday
and came through to Roseburg, stop
ping for lunch at Glendale. At least.'
that is what the majority of us did.
But the Colo 6, in which Dr. Kerr and
four others were riding, refused to
coma through the canyon. It quit cold
about half-way between Wolf creek
and Glendale. The rest of us were
quartered at the Hotel Umpqua over
night. Dr. Kerf and his party were
hauled into Glendale in another ma
chine and Mr. Pierce took the train di
rect to his home, passing us at Rose
burg. where Mrs. Pierce joined him.
Dr. Kerr and the balance of his party
finally got the Cole started and reached
Corvallls Sunday night.
From Roseburg we drove to Cottage
Grove to lunch and to Corvallis before
night. And there the party dispersed
what was left of it.
Just a word about the leading busi
ness of the places we passed through
the hotel business. If you wish to go
anywhere far enough away from home
to eat a meal or stop all nlgnt. Just
wire ahead about a month. For the
hotela are so crowded that they can
not begin to serve all who apply. There
are exceptions to this rule, of course,
but almost all the hotels are filled
and running over avery night.
Oath of Allegiance la Required.
The oath of allegiance which natural
ized citizens of the United States take
before receiving their second papers
admitting them to full citizenship is
as follows: "I hereby declare on oath
that I absolutely and entirely renounce
and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to
any foreign prince, potentate, state or
sovereignty and particularly to (the
ruler and the country from which he
came), of whom I have heretofore been
a subject; that I will support and de
fend the constitution and laws of the
United States of America against all
enemies, foreign or domestic; and that
I will bear true faith and allegiance to
tiie aaua"
Why Does a Bird Sing?
Ornithologists Inquire.
What Originated In Fear Develops
Into Art of Accomplishment.
THE singing of the birds ia taken
for granted. Tet there must have
been a beginning of bird-song and
some real reason for iL Nothing mere
ly happens. It was not beneath the
consideration of Darwin, who held that
the discovery of the voice first came
from fear and pain, the agony com
pressing the muscles of the chest and
forcing the air through the glottis so
as to create a sound. What originated
in fear afterwards developed into an
art or accomplishment, so that grad
ually, during the ages, many birds de
veloped "calls" to others of the op
posite sex.
Ornithologists say that any bird-cry
which induces one bird of a species
to approach another of the same kind
s a call note, whether it do a com
bat-cry or an alarm, which were the
earliest, to be followed later by tha
At the beginning of the breeding
season birds of opposite sex call to
each other, and this vocal exercise is
especially performed by the males.
Songs were actually mere repetitions
of call notes, and only later came the
development of pure song as under
stood by men. When nightlngalea are
courting they utter a gentle, subdued
warbling. Duets are common between
pairs of birds of various species. Real
song, however, does not seem to de
pend upon the breeding season at all
Atmospheric Density Quickly
Absorbs Light.
At Mountain Stations Valnter Stan
Are Visible Than at Sea Level.
above the great part of the lower,
dust-laden layers of the atmosphere,
fainter stars are visible than at sea
level. Some recent observations at Mt.
Wilson by Van der Bilt show that the
limit of unaided vision there, without
even the aid of screens to shut off the
light of the sky, is at about the seventh
agnitude that is, the faintest stars
that can be seen in the mountain are
times brighter than any that can
be seen at sea level.
Lore of Wedding Ring Dates
Back to Prometheus.
Original Ffnarrr Band Reminder of
Salt Production Increases in
United States.
Total Yearly Ontpot IVow Reaches
" Tons. V allied at S-,40,.
of the ideal color, would doubt
less become invisible at a distance
much less than 20 miles, even if all
else was perfectly dark, because of the
absorption of its light in traversing
this great thickness of air, which is
fully four times as great as the amount
actually traversed by a ray coming
down from a star nearly overhead.
Measurements made by astronomers
show that, even in the clearest weather,
20 per cent of the light of a star in, the
zenith is loBt in coming through the
atmosphere. At tha same rata,' an
object at sea level 20 miles away
would appear only 40 per cent as bright
as it would if the air was not in the
way and. if the air was the least bit
hazy, its brightness could be cut down
far more.
At mountain stations, where one ia
THE first finger ring is supposed to
have been worn by Prometheus,
who stole fire from heaven that man
might warm himself and cook hia food.
His act so incensed Jupiter that the
king of gods condemned him to be
chained upon a rock Where vultures
could constantly feast upon him. The
sentence was carried out, but Jupiter
relented later and Prometheus waa re
leased. ;
Then Jupiter ordered that Prometheus
wear a link or chain about his finger
as a reminder of the punishment. A
fragment of the rock to which he had
been chained was set in the ring, so
that he might still be regarded as
being bound to the rock.
The custom of wearing an engage
ment or wedding ring upon the fourth
finger is due to an ancient belief that
a nerve or vein directly connected this
finger with the heart, according to a
writer in the Pittsburg "Dispatch."
Macrobius said: "Because of this nerve
the newly betrothed places the ring
on this finger of his beloved as though
it were a representation of the heart.
And Just to show that the practice is
a very old one, Macrobius admitted
having obtained the facts from an
Egyptian priest, thus linking the belief
with the dim reaches of the past.
Little John Had Ideas.
Philadelphia North American.
Little John had heard all the rela
tives and friends saying day after day:
"He looks exactly like his father." This
night when reciting his prayers, after
saying the customary "Please make
John a good boy," he added, "and
please, God, make me look like mother."
The value of the exports invoiced at
tha consulate at Dundee, Scotland, for
the United States during 1918 was less
than one-third that of the previous
year, the amounts being $15,369,534 and
$4,405,818 in 1917 and 1918, respectively.
Decreased shipments of Jute burlaps, of
which there were $10,368,325 worth ex
ported in 1917, against only $1,689,259
worth in 1918, accounted for practically
tha whole decrease.
BECAUSE of the universal use of
salt in food and in food preserva
tion and the lack of any substitute its
output would be reduced only bv most
unusual conditions. There is always a
general tendency toward an increase
in production in the United States on
account of the steady increase in popu
lation. In view of the shortage of labor and
other difficulties which hampered many
industries during the war, a reduction
in the output of salt might have been
expected, but there was nevertheless
a considerable increase. Figures com
piled under the direction of R. W,
Stone of the United States geological
survey, department of the interior,
from reports furnished by all pro
ducers of salt in the United States
show a total output of 7.23S.744 short
tons, an increase of 260,567 short tons,
or 4 per cent over the ouiput of 1917.
The total value was $26,940,361, an
Increase of 30 per cent over the total
value- of 1917. which was - $19,940,442.
The production of, salt in 1918 by
States is shown in the following table:
Short Tnns.
California 2IM.H.V7
Kans S19.S04
MIchlirm 2.403. V-'5
New York 2.130.."sn
Nevada '0
Ohio 1,0S9.s;t
Texas 79,6.7
Utah 94.204
West Virginia 26.077
Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana. Xw
Mexico. Oklahoma. Porto Rico
and Virginia SS9.S33
The production of rock salt amounted
to 1,638.941 short tons, an increase of
about 6 per cent, but the value waa
$5,684.61, an increase of 46 per cent.
The output of evaporated salt amount
ed to 2,724,203 short tons, valued at
$20,010,435. an increase of nearly 10
per cent in quantity and 34 per cent
in value. The production of salt In
brine was 2,830,600 short tons, valued
at $1,245,265.
Father Keproarhei Son.
Boston Transcrtpt.
Father You ought to be ashamed of
yourself. Charles. You are now in your
25th year and you haven't earned a
penny. At your age I had already
married a woman with $50,000.
Jeweler Ia Experienced.
Louisville Courrier-Journal.
"That young fellow looks furtive.
Isn't he apt to try to pinch something?"
"Naw," said the experienced jeweler,
"he wants to buy an enjagmeent ring."