The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, Magazine Section, Page 4, Image 90

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fTTi HROTJGH illness Miss Losalie The men were brought to this country slept beside the road wherever nlgrnt
Freedman of Philadelphia loBt the for protection against German revenge, fall overtook her. The hike was made
use of her arms, but has learned
both to write and paint by holding
pen. or brush between her teeth.
Mrs. Jules S. Bache of New Tork a
prominent society leader, has received
The lure of gold appeals alike to men
and women. Mrs. Alary J. Nunas, 80,
owns several mining claims located six
miles from Tonopah, Nev., and has
sunk about 20 shafts, doing all of the
to win a $2000 prize. She carried a
camping outfit weighing 18 pounds,
and was not allowed to accept a lift
unless asked twice.
Louis Martacal. Italian, and Ydes
an unusual distinction In having the hy-hmt Kioerino- &ya hn;t)nc itr:tf Detoapzou. French, professional one-
She refuses to sell for less than $50,000 K"" i. utiijuii.-uui,s
Belgium war medal awarded to her
for work for the Belgian war babies.
and declares she will not sell for less
than the claims are worth if she has
various American links that the loss of
one arm does not deprive one of the
William Pester, after living 13' years to .q,. them until she is 100 years old. Breat sport. Their scores make many
In the deserts of southern California,
has located in New Tork, where he pro
poses to show citizens of that metrop
olis how to live on $5 a week. As one
Capain Fryatt, master of a British
merchant ship, was a martyr to Ger-
two-armed players envious of superior
striking economy he goes without man hate- Because his ship rammed a
shaves and haircuts.
The United States submarine K-S is
the first ever to sail the upper Mis
sissippi.. It is cn a recruiting expedi-
submarine about to attack it. he was
Rhnt TV pnpmv jiftpr Cflntlirp. The
Press reports recently told of the body was taken to England from Bel- j""- accompanied by a complete flo
landing in this country of two German gium and appropriate services were llua OI war vessels,
prisoners. It develops that Alfred held at St. Paul's cathedral.
Scholz and Alwin Grothe. the so-called
prisoners, gave information to General
Miss Pauline Holt, yeomanette. who
T.ntil she had proceeded from Seattle Is making a trip up and down the Mis-
Pershing of Von Hindenburg's plans to a point east of Chicago. Mrs. J. N. sissippi river In a navy submarine, is
for retreat which greatly helped the Franklyn, 28, a nurse of Bellevue hos- credited with being the first woman
American forces in routing the Huns, pital, in walking across the continent ever to take a tour in a submarine-
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