The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, Section One, Page 9, Image 9

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    AUGUST 3, 1919
Training' for Citizenship Will
Be Emphasized.
Dr. Joseph Schafer Is Chairman of
National Committee to Prepare
Xew Course for Schools.
Aug-. 2. (Special.) Reorganization of
the courses in history and civics in
th public schools, to make them more
serviceable in training for citizenship
is a work undertaken by the National
Education association, together with j
the American Historical association and j
national board for historical service,
through a joint committee of which Dr. i
Joseph Schafer, head of the department i
of history in the University of Oregon,
is chairman. 1
Dr. Schafer ha just returned from
the national capital, where he spent
nearly ten months in the position ol
acting chairman of the historical serv
ice board.
Campaign la Begrnn.
The committee which has been work
ing on a proposed revision of -the
courses in history is the result, Dr.
Schafer said, of a request made by the
National Education association last No
vember that the national board of his
torical service appoint a committee to
review the situation.
"The full committee had a meeting in
Washington for two days at the end of
May he said. "It was a great session,
and definite agreements were reached
on a historic course of study for tne
common schools and the high school."
The board then, undertook a cam
paign among the universities. "We de
cided, "said Dr. Schafer, "that the best
way to get at the opinions of the best
teachers was to carry the matter direct
to the summer schools and among the
teachers there." He spent the next
month in visiting leading summer
schools of the middle west. The Oregon
professor spoke in Portland July 30 and
at the University summer school in
Eugene July 01.
"Everywhere the sentiment toward
the proposed changes in the history
courses was good," said Dr. Schafer.
"Our largest and most enthusiastic
conference was held at the University
of Chicago, where the teachers attend
ing showed great interest."
War Changes Teaching.
"The whole subject of history teach
ing needed revision on general prin
ciples," said Dr. Schafer. "Then the
war interposed and has affected trie
teaching of history more than that ot
any other subject except geography. It
is desired to intensify every argument
for better training for citizenship. Ad
ditional emphasis will be placed on
recent and contemporary hstory. The
war stands as an important fact that
one would not think of failing to bring
historical study down late enough to
include it. The committee agreed that
there should be no gap between the
time reached in the pupil's study of
history and the time when he steps
out into the world of affairs.
"The whole history curriculum will
have to be reshaped.
Citizennhlp Training Chosen.
"In framing a plan for recasting,
some principles worth while were
adopted : Kirst, a complete round of
history and civics should be given in
the first six grades, to catch all the
students with a certain amount of citi
zenship training. About half of the
students in the schools drop out at the
end of the sixth grade. Second, the
junior hisrh school period seventh,
eiprhth and ninth grades should be
utilized, because the student then is in
the best stage, psychologically, to ab
sorb it to give the student an entire
view of world history on its human
side. Our general theme in these three
grades is American history in its world
setting. Ti the ninth grade civics is
"The last three years in the senior
high school the theme changes apain
to the modern world. In those high
school years the student can handle
this history as a civic matter on a high
plane. A hieh school student oujrht to
be considered more or less of a leader
and trained along these lines."
In the past Lr. Schafer said there
has been too much disintegration in
the separation of civics and economics
from history.
A meeting of the American historical
association is to be held in Cleveland,
and the committee on revision of these
- courses will meet there. Dr. Schafer
will attend the meeting.
Vinegar Company Offers Hi;
Price Paid in Years.
Summer Time is
Inner -Stayer Time
Warm summer evening friends over
merry chatting on the veranda
cool, refreshing lemonade.
Someone suggests a dance music by
the Inner-Player a snappy one-step
open the windows let the sparkling
music float out to the veranda.
First dance over next a waltz then
a fox-trot more and more music
snappy and full of life.
Time for home tired but merry a
wonderful evening.
The Inner-Player is shown
in this city only by the
Morrison at Broadway
Sacramento, San Jose,
Stores Alao at San Franclaco, Oakland,
Lob Aogelea.
-A-Inner-Player is the registered trade-mark name for a line of
Player-Pianos manufactured by The Cable Company a line
which, from point of construction and design, is without an equal.
control may be abandoned in England
hy the time the apple harvest Is on.
Effort to Abandon Price Control Is
Considered Probable Among
Xorthwest Growers.
HOOD RIVER. Or., Aus- 2. (Special.'
The Hood River Apple & Vinegar Co.
Is offering srowers $10 a ton for cull
apples for vinegar and cider stock. The
highest price paid for such stocks .on
previous years was JS. Growers are
permitted to select cooking apples from
their cider stocks and sell to process
and canning concerns for more than $12
a ton. Because of the high quality of
the crop of all parts of the valley, the
cull product will be of smaller per
centage this year than on former
HOOD RIVER. Or.. Aug. 2. (Spe
cial.) While representatives of Brit
ish importing firms here the past week
express strong optimism over the 191!
apple deal, uncertainty on the part of
the British food ministry, it is stated,
makes the present purchase of export
apples purely a speculation.
The past week northwestern sales
agencies'have received from the United
States bureau of markets requests for
prices of sales that have been con
firmed. It Is believed that this action on the
part of the government results from re
quests for information from the Brish
food ministry. England, it is eaid,
hopes to escape the condition that pre
vailed last year, when the markets
were flooded with poorer stocks that
sold at the maximum fixed price.
Under the existing exchange a pound
sterling is no longer worth $4.S6, but
has declined to $4.60. Under the con
trolled price of apples the maximum for
a box of apples, under the rules that
have been applied, would be $4.55. If
apples were purchased at $2, f. o. b.
northwestern shipping points, the max
imum profit to the exporter, it is
pointed out. would not exceed 55 cents
hest'under existing conditions. And if cars
were iced or neater service were em
ployed the profit would be cut to a
negligible percentage.
Respective items of cost in delivering
a box of apples to England are given
as follows: Transcontinental freight, 75
cents; handling charges. 10 cents; ocean
freight. S3 cents; insurance. 5 cents,
and dockage and incidental charges, 25
There is a growing feeling that price
Ye Oregon
its Service
You will enjoy eating at this
grill; it is the favorite of hun
dreds who dine out.
Sunday and Daily
Table d'Hote Dinner
5:30 to 9 $1.25
Weekday Noon Lunch
11 to 2 50c
Service a la Carte
11 A. M. to 1 A. M.
Mandarin Dinner, 1.50
An Epicurean Delight
, Music and Dancing Weekday
Orchestral Concert Sunday
Broadway at Stark Street
This Morning.
Remember, through train No. 18 of
the O.-W. R. & N. lines for Salt Lake
City. Denver. Omaha and Chicago, leaves
Portland. Union depot, at 9 A. M. in
stead of 9:30. Leaves Hood River, 11:02
A. M. instead of 11:33. Take this train
for Bend and other Deschutes branch
stations; also for Biggs-Shaniko branch
stations, and for Hcrmiston. Adv.
Cowlitz Roads Surveyed.
KELSO. Wash.. Aug. 2. (Special.) jl
Charles Signer, state highway engineer. I
has just completed a preliminary recon-
from Coal creek west of Kelso through
western Cowlitz county and Wahkia
kum county. An .appropriation of
$35,000 will be available for construc
tion work in Cowlitz county next year.
and a contingent appropriation of j
$75,000 will be available for work in
Wahkiakum county at about the same
Gold and
Wedding Rings I
DECREED by Fashion as the'
last word in wedding circlets,'
the jeweled ring continues to
grow in favor with a discrimi-
nating class of women.
Among the newer and better 1
things we are showing is an ex-
quisite platinum circlet set en-
tirely around with diamonds. 1
And then there are the plat-
inum overlay beautifully carved.
First Methodist
Beginning 8 P. M ., Sunday.
"What Christ Taught"
1. God and Man
2. Christian Morals
3. The Kingdom
4. Christ's Coming Again
The Pastor Preaches Both Morning
and Evening. ALL l.WITED.
CrI Accuses Restaurant Man.
SOUTH BEND. W.ash.. Aug. 2. (Spe
cial.) Charged with contributing to
the delinquency of a minor. Bert Flake,
former restaurant keeper here, today
was being brought back from Lane
county. Oregon. Flake is alleged to
have encouraged Hazel Lovelace, a 15-year-old
girl of Raymond, to drink in
toxicating liquors and smoke cigarettes.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Phone ilain 7070, A 6095.
My Special $50 and $100
Have No Equal
Largest Diamond Dealer
in Oregon
334 Washington Street
Opp. Owl Drug Co.
The New No. 5 Woodstock
is & combination of the beat features
of six modern typewriters. See the
OODSTOCK before vou buy.
n4 Oak Street. Bdrjrr. 270
The most complete repair aaop In
the elty.
J - - -
For Headache
Quicker Than Tablets
'sed Wherever Heads Ache
JENNING' S - Washington at Fifth - JENNING'S
Important August Sales of Furniture
That Promote the Better Home Desire
Every week throughout this month one or more departments of
JENNING'S will offer merchandise for less, in order that you who
are weaving the Better-Home idea into your dwelling places may
receive the additional advantage of saving on those things which you
would wish to own, even if sold at full value. You will find our great
stocks, our moderate prices, and our liberal credit a
mighty help toward the realization of your ideals.
Solid Oak
Dining. Suite
This substantial suite is shown
today in our Fifth-street win
dow. The finish is golden wax;
every piece is solid oak. Six
pieces, as follows:
Dining Table with 48-inch top,
extending to 6 feet. Buffet
with beautiful panel mirror.
Six sturdy Dining Chairs.
Sold on Liberal Terms
10 Down $5 Monthly
Sale of Crockery
We have just received very large
shipments of both American and
English makes in table crockery.
This week we will offer the fol
lowing at reduced prices:
$22.50 Edwin M. Knowles' 54-piece
Decorated Dinner J- P7 pr "
Sets for DJ-I .OD
$42.50 Edwin M. Knowles 100
piece Decorated Din- CQC Cft
ner Sets for OOO.OU
$17.50 Edwin M. Knowles 54
piece Blue Line Din- A ?fT
ner Sets for
$28.00 Edwin M. Knowles' 100
piece Blue Line Din- QOQ QC
ner Sets for D&dOD
Unifold Bed Davenports
Upholstered in tapestry, velour and leather.
A handsome davenport by day a luxurious bed by night.
See display in Washington-street window.
Easy Chairs and Rockers to Match
Timely. Sale of
Kerosene Oil
Cook Stoves
Has patent Kerogas burner; burns
400 gallons of air to one gallon of
kerosene. Pre-eminently the stove
for hot weather. We show them
in 1-burner, 2-burner, 3-burner
and 4-burner styles, equipped with
automatic oil feeder. Finished in
white enamel and trimmed in blue
and nickel.
$22.50 Stoves for $17,65
$33.00 Stoves for $25.75
$45.00 Stoves for 34.85
Bluebird Special
42-piece Bluebird Breakfast Sets
priced special this week QQ QC
for only DV0D
Rebuilt Ranges
W ood and Coal and Gas
In our Exchange Department we
show a number of these rebuilt
ranges which we offer at a mere
fraction of their original cost. If
you wish to limit your expendi
ture for a range, it will pay you
to see these.
Gas Ranges $10 Upwards.
Wood and Coal Ranges
$15 Upwards
Individual Axminster
Rugs in an Important
Sale All 9x12 Size
This week we will offer Axminster rugs, of which we
have but one of a pattern, at incisive reductions. We can
not obtain duplicate patterns of these rugs; hence our
desire to close them out.
$53.00 Axminster Rugs; 3 patterns S40.75
$50.00 Axminster Rugs; 2 patterns S3S.50
$47.50 Axminster Rugs; 3 patterns S36.25
$45.00 Axminster Rugs; 6 patterns S34.75
These rugs are shown on the second floor,
is advised.
Early selection
Bridge, Beach &
Co.'s Superior
Gas Ranges in an
Important Sale
An opportunity to buy this week
these nationally used ranges at a
reduction from normal prices!
Equipped with high ovens, canopy
tops, sanitary bases, white panels
and splashers. If you contemplate
the purchase of a gas range, save
money by choosing one of these
at the reduced price.
$93.00 Ranges for $72.50
$78.00 Ranges for. ..... .$58.45
$72.50 Ranges for $56.75
$43.50 Ranges for $34.85
Entire Stock of Superior Gas
Ranges Similarly Reduced
Connected in Your Home Without
Extra Charge
" Wood or Coal
Steel Ranges
We show full lines which we
will offer this week at attractive
prices. Take advantage of the
present opportunity to buy a good
range at a saving.
If a man had to do
the washing just once,
his wife would have
Electric Washing and
Wringing Machine
Jthe next Monday."
Arrange for a Free Demonstration.
He'd Have an Eden on the Job the
Very Next Monday
As you know, most men ar simply not "up on" the appli
ances one needs about the house perhaps because it isn't
their business to be.
Take that most irksome of all household duties the family
washing. Where's the man who fully realizes what a Mon
day over the washboard and tubs and laundry stove really
The most effective argument in his ease is the one that
presents the matter in the light of plain, everyday business
sense. Show him that this antiquated, unhealthful wash
board drudgery wastes time and costs moiiri.
Begin by letting us arrange to have the KDKN demon
strated for you. We'll do this gladly at our showroom .
or we'll send "a machine to your home to work on some of
vour own washings just as you say and without trying to
obligate you to anything whatsoever.
Then, you will see for yourself what a source of comfort
and economy a really efficient washer can be: for. while
there are a number of them made to look like the. EDE,
we can show you the vital differences in a Jiffy. You will
be surprised at the EDES'S simplicity and still more sur
prised at the amount and kind of work it turns out. The
average family wash is on the line by 9:30 or X0 o'clock, and
all the pieces filmy, heavy or extra dirty are washed
cleaner than any human hands could possibly get them.
Tapestry Couch Cov
ers, $8.75 Vals. $6.45
These are full size covers; the
colorings are very pleasing.
Brass Extension Rods
45c Value 20c
Equipped with brass ends; extend
to 48 inches.
Curtain Stretchers
$2.50 Stretchers with ad
justable pins. $1.85
$1.75 Stretchers with sta
tionary pins ; . Jj! 1 .20
Dainty Cretonnes
5 to 15-yard lengths; handsome
patterns; rich colorings.
40c Cretonnes 28
50c, 60c Cretonnes 40
75c. 80c Cretonnes 45e
85c, 95c Cretonnes ..55
Filet Nets Reduced
Shown' in ecru, ivory and white;
both plain and figured.
60c Filet Nets 45
50c Filet Nets 35
Hoover, Frantz Premier Electric Sweepers Heisy Glassware Wearever, Lifetime Aluminum Ware Glass Baking Ware
Out on the Sandy Beach
Where Thousands Take a'JV eek's
Vacation All in One .) ay
Make Sunday a day of no
Columbia Beach is the uni
versally acceptable resort
that can't possibly "go
lame" with any member of
the party.
Sunday ' There's dancing, swimming,
Miller ' bathing, the Hydrb Merrie,
Goes the crowds of the Board
Balloon- Walk, the Water Toboggan,
ing, 4 P. M. the Miniature R a i 1 w a y
grownups and little ones
Fire all in a day.
Dept. Picnicking was never more enjoyable
Band than at this next-to-nature island in
PicniC tne Columbia.
Aug. 9 Vancouver Cars every minute or two.
. An Ideal
Visit Your np
sbjjS Canadian Cousins
350-Mile Motor Run to
Sl Vancouver
J British Columbia 1
J J Good going; over the Pacific Highway
new and interesting scenes every mile
SA7T' of the way.
f Vancouver promises the visitor beautiful Motor 1
Drives wonderful scenic beauties unsurpassed 1
bathing beaches a full programme of trips and I
beauty spots for every hour of your stay. I
Find Out All About This Magnificent Trip I
Literature Concerning Vancouver. Road Maps, etc.,
Sent on Inquiry to -i
J. R. DAVIDSOV. Pnhlirlty Manager,
402 Pender St. Vaneoaver, B. C. t
i- Brltl.a Colomhla'i ireat Kail Fair i
Vancouver ept. 8-13. irand Display A-
I of .Natural and Industrial Resources.
I t.ala Programme livery Day. jPlk