The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, Magazine Section, Image 87

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NO. 31.
Beautiful Little Lake, Three Acres in Area, Surrounded by Wide Variety of Choice Shrubbery.
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. , - ; t X- -,W" ' -L- K'-l-?-. "General Pershing" patrolling i -?jifSr TS -J I J U - L , ' J J
" "7 XZZXZ. i T v Laurelhurst lake at night. ZtS? 2 X ? X- - - - .- ? " A , tfc i
r -"-5 "-rnr.-- ZT.-aiV& Center show, vUU of park J ' ; ''V ''.V I i
T "V - i Si&T' - throughtalltreeswhichsldrt K'l Q ' , I ; C .-y . !
' . "V V-5" CfiSSS of the many picturesque ! 1 4 1 V - ' " " - i
" ' W " 'd? JT- W walks found in this natural I I $ I g '''I r., i "
l, -""5 .--C?C1 bower of trees and flowers. I 1 1 jV "
- " - --!"' X ;T th .. of the lake can b. dU- V' . . 1 " kLM ' .. X ' i
. '-"f - ' - 3-;tfei-!:',!'-r--i5- cened from a distance. As a result - HLi , -
'"Zx"" ' 1.',? r?f 2 'f-"" of hiS Wa tchfulneas, the official, of l-m " .V v, . X ' T - i
- . .-S-" " 'i, '-V:. the park bureau s.y. many children , ... "t 7 -M . J
I . i!t:- s': 4' 'X jepr ... s-rBi - have been prevented from falling: Into I ,-, - : . -:v '. ':, j, :v. . ;i.;'''::i.; ..-
I "- . " ' : --V. .v;. sr: 0&i tX . the lake and thus obtaining: an un- ? . 1, " - jf
fV". "''J' -SXS comfortab.e duck,ne or. possibly, even , . V& - -
-"- , --i t -rrJjer worse, loss of life. -w 5?" " - r . - -
w - ; " in addition to his "watch on the lake" " " - , v ? i 7C " " . - - - . 4 I!
lU-v 1, -i-j T"T.V - General Pcrshins assumes parental . .J- - ; ' t v. " -X ' "V I ii
lO) i..- .' Xf- ' attitude on each brood of duckling - ' Nw 7,, f ' - V " 4 J H
Vl i. .srS. - V V , ' . which appears at Laurelhurst. Acting 1 , . . . . . ' f . 4 t , - t- .J :i
- ,J ,t 7 !maia '"foW thoroughfares, the A over the nest, preventing .--XW..ASA V ' " " " :
V X ' ' i Pa"k ha. become one of the most pop- OVerzealous amateur ornithologists from ' - - '
- T- X- - ) r'ar recreatlon 8Pt8 ln Portland. On makin caKua, or other invcMigaUons. - ...WH......,, ., --
iT hot days, especially when Old Sol's h.. . , th. iif f
V .. ,,- 7 I"" are beating on the city's Pave- th reeoenlaed sunervisor of th lake.
VIRGIN forests which in bygone
days covered the area now com
prising? the large east sid-e of
Portland are brought to mind when one
enters Laurelhurst park. Standing on
all sides of a beautiful lake, augment
ed by a wide variety of choice shrub
bery, the trees f urn ish a picturesque
ecene difficult to surpass.
laurelhurst park is the mecca f or I
Nurse Lanyon Tell9 of Celebration in the Quaint Old English Town
Yhere She Resides.
IX COKXWALL, June SO. Peace at
We have been doing some prelimi
nary celebrating in a small way. As soon
as the glad tid.ngs came through, the
town band marched gaily tip and down
the streets playing cheerful tunes and
all the flags went up like magic. The
boys, of course, took to fireworks, and
discovered to their joy that fire
crackers let off in a cave make about
as much noise as a bombardment. The
rockets annoyed the gulls intensely and
their mews of dismay added to the
general racket. Later on, when the
proper time is fixed by headquarters,
we "hall lisht our string of beacon
bonfires and celebrate in good earnest.
Last night in church we sang a sol
emn Te Deum.
. .
This little Cornish town is not pretty
!n itself. The houses are balanced
on the edge of the cliff anyhow; seem
ingly so paralyzed at tM beauty of the
seavlew that they don't care how they
look. The sea is so tlue today that I
imagine the local washerwomen are
able to dispense with hlnwng" and rinse
their white clothes in the seawater.
It is a loveiy warm afternoon and
the whole beach is one big dressing
loom. Every nook and cranny hides
(to some extent) a disrobing bather. A
few rich people hire bathing machines
and hide their fairy forms within, but
ordinary people and their children un
dress in any old sheltered spot. If it
shocks you, don't look! Experienced
V. A. r. r.nrses like myself are r.oi
easily shocked. To see anyone dis
Tohing is no treat to vs.
Joe cream is no longer forbidden by
: 1
those who seek to rest, those who de
sire to commune with nature and,
above all, the delight of the kiddles
who love to romp without restraint
amid the natural beauties of the uni
verse. Thirty acres were obtained by the
city of Portland in 1911 for Laurel
hurst park. S?t as it is In the center
of a beautiful residential district, easy
of access from street car lines and
the food controller and a little ice
cream cart drawn by a white pony is
doing a roaring trade. I predict that
many small children will have tummy
aches before bedtime.
Some enterprising soul has propped
up a placard in the sand telling of a
war memorial meeting to be held to
night in the central hall. It will soon
have to be moved further inland, as the
tide is rapidly catching it up.
Everyone feels bucked up and en
ergetic because the war is over at last.
I even saw a limpet fired with enthus
iasm. It loosened up and took a walk
of at least a tenth of an inch. Some
promenade for a limpet. As soon as it
felt me looking it anchored itself to the
rock again as tight as ever. All the
king's horses and all the king's men
couldn't budge that limpet off again.
Ve are going to have tea on the
beach. At least, we hope so. Last
time we had a picnic the coffee thought
lessly stepped outside the vacuum flask
into the paper bag it was swathed in
and we had to Quench our thirst on or
anges. It is not easy to drink grace
fully out of a paper bag.
The country inland is looking lovely,
but for me each blade of hay lies in
waiting like a lion in the path. I see
the scenery through a thick blue veil
instead of through rose-colored spec
tacles. The foxgloves (digitalis), long
Ftalks of rosy bloom, are more numer
ous than usual and look gay in the
hedges. For the last few years they
have been busy war-workers, gathered
for use in the hospitals. Either being
plucked so closely has stimulated their
growth, or else they are celebrating
because they won't need to be sath
main automobile thoroughfares, the
park has become one of the most pop
ular recreation spots in Portland. On
hot days, especially when Old Sol's
rays are beating on the city's pave
ment, the breezes murmuring in the
trees in Laurelhurst bring comfort to
all within its confines. It Is said by
park authorities that there is never a
time when breezes do not blow in Laur
elhurst park.
Lake Covers Three Acres.
The lake in this park covers three
acres and furnishes the home of count
less ducks and geese. In supreme
control of this lake, its inhabitants and
Its trespassers is General John J.
Pershing, the all-white swan, whose
name, given him in honor of America's
famous military chieftain, is a result
of the swan's constant militant atti
Day or night. General Pershing
"polices" the lake, and either by in
ference or speedy action, forbids chil
dren or grownups from approaching
ered any more. Xo foxes need go glove
less this year, anyhow.
We have had Dlenty of hot, dry
weather and then drenching rain when
we most needed it, so the land Is very
fertile, farmers are in luck's way for
once, bnt slow at admitting it. The
gay little pigs -who went bathing with
out asking mamma have come to the
usual tragic end and are now pork and
bacon. -
The overseas men are wearying for
When the Australians do a thing they
do it thoroughly. I saw one hugging
a girl on the beach last night and he
certainly was doing that thoroughly.
When our big Americans, Canadians
and Anzacs go away the average height
of man will drop about a foot.
Several of my Americans are home
again now, mostly having Veft Just in
time to miss their parcels. Perhaps
the treasured cake will follow its owner
to the rich Enited States of America,
where cakes are no treat at all.
My friend the territorial nursing
sister is demobilized and back again
from France. She has been appointed
matron of. the hospital for disabled
soldiers and sailors here, where I may
be a nurse. She tells me that at one
time we had 5S.000 nurses in France,
most of them now demobilized. We
have been comparing notes on the food
we had in hospital during the lean
years. They had rice pudding so oftir.
that they called It "365 pudding," but
"cordite pudding" was a luxury only
known to munition workers. They had
heaps of cheese in France and here in
England w-e were hungering for a bit.
We both rejoice at the sight of good.
fresh butter, for we have been victims
to margarine for years.
She speaks quite Kindly of her
V. A. D. helpers. Most trained nurses
seem reconciled to their own particular
v. A. D.'s. but object to them as a
A dog that doesn't like cats will
endure its own family cat, but chase
off all the others.- I have even known
Lake Once Favorite Swimmlnjp Hole.
Many of Portland's austere business
men remember Laurelhurst lake as
their favorite "swlmmin' hole" 30 years
ago. At that time it was much smaller
and was fringed with tules. Then, as
now, a spring fed the lake, preventing
stagnation and providing a clear, fresh
body of water.
The park bureau drains the lake
once or twice each year, after which
Bull Run water Is used in refilling,
it. At all other times the flow from
the spring is sufficient to keep
It in fresh condition. A few years
ago, when Portland was faced with
an unemployment situation, with thou-
sands of men seeking work, the old
swimming hole was transformed into a
lake by enlargement and deepening.
Portland lays just claim to the
a dog to protect Its own cat from
strange dogs.
Likewise have I known a trained
sister become fond of her own V. A- E.
and protect her from other Bisters. One
bad-tempered matron told a well mean
ing V. A. D. nurse I knew that she
considered the Red Cross on the bib
of an apron nothing but a sign of In
competence! "Wow!"
It makes us wonder sometimes
whether matrqns were born already
Sometimes we have even wished they
had never been born at alL One
surgeon we had would persist in giving
the instruments pet names very be
wildering to amateur nurses.
When he demanded "Alice" he wanted
the French volsalla forceps, and
"Percy" was his name for another pair
of forceps with a hook nose, I forget
the real name.
Another surgeon, whom we were fond
of because he livened things up a bit.
would expect you to hand him the in
strument of his fancy by mental telep
athy. If you gave him any other he
would fire it across the theater and
say things.
When theater-sister salemnly said
she never heard a swear word, "even
from the house surgeon,"-all the three
years of her training I was amazed.
Then I remembered that he went out
to Salonika before she became theater-
There was a day when we nearly
cut off the wrong patient's appendix.
When I left thai hospital I was
loaded with parting gifts. I remem
ber 'sister" gave me a surgical needle,
the dispenser gave me a box of aspirin
tablets and theater-nurse several odd
rubber gloves.
An Indian doctor we had there used
to say haughtily every time he got
"Ever since I was born I have been
in authority over a thousand." or "I
have a thousand ancestors."
It was most weird to be in the X-ray
room with him when the lights were
greatest variety of choice shrubs
planted In one place on the Pacific
coast, and this display exists in Laurel
hurst park. The planting of these
shrubs was done with the idea of hav
ing something In bloom at all times.
The shrubbery is augmented by an
nuals and perennials which add to the
color scheme and beauty of the park.
Asalea Display Extensive
"U'hat is claimed to be the greatest
display of native and foreign azaleas
in the northwest can also be found in
this park. The seed for the native
azaleas were obtained In southern Ore
gon and planted some years ago. .
Laurelhurst park is one of the city
owned parks in which automobiles are
not allowed. Xo automobile driveways
have been built, due to the small size
of the park. To "offset this, "however,
are broad, picturesque walks which
turned out because nothing showed of
him but his white teeth and his white
linen clothes just like one of those
black and white advertisements on the
backs of magazines, which leave the
features to the imagination. He was
very good to the children and after
their first surprise they usually liked
him, but I remember one small boy out
patient demanding:
"Who's taking out patients today,
I asked "Why?"
"Because if its yon black man, it's
me for home."
That boy was proud of himself be
cause he had five stitches in his face
and could swank about it at school.
He cut his face by falling on a milk
jug, and after it was sewn up I cov
ered the wound, which was alongside
his mouth, with Whitehead's varnish
and told him it looked just like a
Charlie Chaplin mustache.
That seemed a great comfort-to him
and he whispered:
"Shall I be able to go to school,
I said I thought he'd better take a
"But I want to show t" stitches to
the other boys, nurse," he begged: so
I let him go and glean what satisfac
tion he could out of his injuries. He
was a real little stoic and never shed
a tear.'
Xow that peace is really here I sup
pose we amateur nurses will not be
needed much longer. We shall all pre
tend that we are glad to retire to
private life, but mingled with our glad
ness will be very real regret.
Airplane Wood Tested by X-Ray.
LOXDOX. Airplane manufacturers
are now calling science to their aid
making their machines safe. All wood
used in construction in some of the
most important plants la being first
subjected to X-ray tests. In one in
stance the radiograph of a fine silver
spruce plank showed certain light and
dark spots. When the plank was split
open 1t was found to be honeycombed
by beetle t",-.-
wind around the lake and between the
huge trees throughout the park.
The landscape in Laurelhurst park la
especially delightful because It is not
flat and monotonous, and yet has no
hills of particular steep grade. The
park embodies beautiful nature in the
very zenith of glory, embellished here
and there by the hand of men.
The night scene there is of par
ticular beauty due to the lighting
system. The large highway lights,
perched on high posts, produce an ef
fect which attracts the attention
of all passersby. The lights are so
dimmed as not to produce a clare from
any point, yt furnish sufficient light
ing in the park at night, together with
making a remarkable picture of beauty.
Iuring a few weeks in the w inter
months the lake in this park is frozen
over and is considered one of the best
skating lakes in or around Portland.
The park is adjoined by a well-
Attitude of Those Who Stopped German Advance Taken as Tip by Paris
and New York That Strauss and Wagner Should Not Be Forgotten.
NEW YORK. Aug. 2. (Special.)
There is much speculation as to
the attitude of the public toward
the programmes and musical offerings
of next season. If one can draw a de
duction from the manner in which the
public received Clarence Whitehill's
beautiful singing in English of Wotan's
"Farewell." there will be no desire on
the part of the artists to hurry German
repertory back Into the public ear.
As an arttet Clarence Whitehill had
his usual very great personal success
His appearance was the signal for a
great outburst of applause, but when
he finished the Wagner number there
was no chance to misunderstand pub
lic sentiment. This was fortified when
be sang the aria from Gounod's "Faust"
In French because the outburst follow
ing that was as sincere and the tribute
was as great as any he has ever re
ceived. It may. be of interest to note what is
happening in France on this subject.
The bitter fight which is being and
has been wged by Saint Saens is the
topic of discussion in a recent issue of
that very admirable paper, Le Monde
Musical, and its brilliant editor, A.Man
got, sets forth some phases which bear
cogitating in this country. The French
army of occupation formed a vast pro
portion of the audience attending the
festival performance in Wiesbaden and
Mayence. "Thus," continues the editor,
"it is the poilus who captured the
Rhine, it is the army of General Man
gin who stopped the march of the Ger
mans on Paris less than a year ago,
who invite us to hear not only the
classics of Mozart, Beethoven and
Weber, but all of the .Wagnerian works
equipped and constantly supervised
playground. which throughout the
summer months is ln use constantly by
the youngsters who go to Laurelhurst
park. Virtually every kiddie in Port
land who is acquainted with park
activities is familiar with Laurelhurst
park, for every large pageant, com
munity sing or similar affair is staged
here. The natural beauty of the park
lends itself to pageantry far better
than any other of the municipal play
grounds and parks.
Laurelhurst park is bounded by East
Oak and Kast Ankenv and East Thirty
third and East Tn-rty-ninth streets and
can be reached by street car by taking
either the Laurelhurst. Montavilla,
Mount Tabor or Sunny side car lines.
Anyone who has not yet visited th is
beauty spot has missed something
worth while. An afternoon or evening1
spent in Laurelhurst park can be
listed as time profitably expended.
and the two most celebrated operas of
Richard Strauss. This Justifies suffi
ciently and far outdoes the end which
we proposed that once peace was signed
we should not be entirely deprived of
the masterpieces of Wagner and that
we find a modest place for them in our
opera-houses and concert halls.
"Let us have 'L'Ltranger,' by Vincent
d'Indy, 'Fils de l'ctoile," by Camille Er
langer. 'Astarte.' by Lerousi 'Scemo,
by Eachelet. But to renounce Wagner
for the purpose of doubling the num
per of performances, already exces
sive, of 'Faust,' Thais,' 'Samson and
Delilah.' 'Damnation of Faust,' 'Rigo
letto' is a peace treaty to which we
object. 'We must tolerate the whims of
great men." we were told by one who
was a trifle disturbed over our last
response to Saint Saens. But we who
are not great men what would we be
if we took from them nothing but
their whims? Wo do not pretend to
correct Saint Saens, but when he at
tempts to correct us in our love for
the beautiful in order that we may
prostrate ourselves before his legion
of honor, we who have been down In
deep waters, in the mud. in blood for
four long years to free the world from
despotism and tyranny, we cry out
against him with all our force no! no!
It must not be forgotten that France
never had Wagner in German. All op
eras are sung in the French language,
for which reason they do not seem so
aggressively German as in this coun
try, where they are given as written.
It is understood that "Parsifal" will
be given in English, as will "Tristan
and Isolde." and when it comes to that
.ICuuuiuied on i'afie