The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, SECTION FIVE, Page 12, Image 84

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H. W. Denis General Manager
of Company to Handle It.
Savers Pacific Motor Car Company
Formed With Oregon-Washington
, Territory for This Car.
FT. "W. Denis, "well -known Portland
femtomobile man, has brought the Sayers
Six into this territory. He returned to
Portland a week ago from Cincinnati,
bringing- with htm the first Sayers cars
to be seen in the northwest, though the
charged service men, a great many of
whom received a thorough training in
the handling of motors during their
service in the army. The motor indus
try, it is further reported, has utilized
the services of discharged soldiers and
sailors to the fullest extent. Practi
cally all of the men returned from the
service who before enlisting were in
the motor industry or trade have been
re-employed. t In addition a great many
men who have been trained along mo
tor lines while in the service have also
found employment.
On account of the labor tinrest in
practically all skilled labor lines, how
ever, and on account of the falling off
of immigration and apprenticeship dur
ing the period of the war, there are
still a number of excellent opportuni
ties open to ex-service men who be
fore the war were members of the mo
tor industry or who during the war
acquired skill in the motor trade.
Chevrolet One-Ton Vehicle Replaces
locomotive in Emergency
The motor car in its latest achieve
ment is cast in the role of a switch
W. L. Xaughland, Chevrolet dealer at
Vacaville, pal., recently received a car
load shipment from the factory at Oak
land, which was left on a siding some
distance down the track from the load-
Goodyear Expert Warns Not to
Deflate Tires.
They Are Made to Stand Several
Times the Pressure Advised
for Them.
"These hot summer days cost motor
ists a lot of money," says G. E. Brun
ner. manager of the service department
of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber com
pany, Akron, O.
"Most motorists have a wrong: lm-
jii . ' H;
ii . ' . ' r i f
ii: , i;i
Unless You Need One
Ij we don't try to sell a jf
nil V r 'H p:-i p
L;Lwiii. Ij8 ,
j. . . .. ...."".. : v.-- s.-fs- V TstPfrr. 5L&jr xvry-y . .. ... : :!
Standing benltfe the car la II. W. Denla, well known In Portland a sales manager for other lines, who will handle the
sayers m this territory as general manager of new Stayers Pacific Motor Car company. He has just returned from the
east where he closed for the agency here.
line la one well known in the eastern
The Sayers Six is no spring: chicken
In the automobile world, though not
before represented in the northwest.
It has been manufactured for the past
four years, but far back of that the
company making it had a reputation for
building vehicles and vehicle bodies
of merit.
The Sayers Six is a custom-built car,
made by the Sayers & Scoville company
of Cincinnati, which was established
In IS 7 6. For many years this firm
manufactured coach bodies, hearses and
ambulances. Twelve years ago it be
gun the manufacture of motor ambu
lances and hearses and its entry into
the passenger field four years ago was
only a logical extension of its busi
ness scope.
w Company Formrd.
When Mr. Denis returned from Cin
cinnati he made another announcement
of interest. This was that the car will
be handled for the Oregon and Wash
ington territory by a new firm, which
has incorporated as the Sayers Pacific
Motor Car company. Officers of the
company are A. Conn, president; H. W.
Ienis, vice-president and general man
ager, and Charles H. Farrington, pres
ident of the Western Bond & Mortgage
(Company, secretary.
The new firm has closed for a site
ton a fine location in upper automobile
row and has an architect preparing
plans for an L-shaped two-story brick
and concrete automobile building to be
erected at once.
This building will contain 24,000
square feet of space. The whole build
ing will be occupied by sales quarters
and service station.
Until other temporary quarters can
be obtained pending erection of the
new building, headquarters of the com
pany are with the Oregon Bond & Mort
gage company in the Board of Trade
Twelve Cars on the Road.
The Sayers Six has such standard
tenits as Red Seal special motor. Zenith
carburetor, Borg & Beck clutch, Hotch
kiss drive, with double universal joints
completely enclosed, selective sliding
Rear type of transmission, nickel-steei
gears and shafts and high-grade bear
ings, Delco starting and lighting sys
tem, Stewart vacuum feed tank and
1'edders radiator.
It has double-forged I-beam heat
treated front axle, with floating type
of rear axle, and spiral beveled differ
ential gears, ratio 4.75 to 1. The springs
are semi-elipt ic, 38 inches long in front.
64 & inches in rear and two inches
"Wide. Power tire pump and motometer
are standard equipment.
Only two of these cars are as yet in
town, but 12 are en route. A special
feature is the body work, the bodies
being made in the Sayers & Scoville
factory, with 6 coats of paint, hand
applied, and best leather upholstery,
In addition to the Sayers Six, the
Sayers Pacific Motor Car company will
bandle the ambulances and hearses
built by the Sayers & Scoville company.
ing platform at the station. Moreover,
the car of automobiles was left firmly
sandwiched between two refrigerator
cars. As there were no more trains
through Vacaville that day, and as
Iaughland had promised to deliver the
cars that day, he solved the problem
with a one-ton Chevrolet truck.
Taking a truck from his showroom
floor, Laughland backed down the
track and made fast to a refrigerator
car. This was hauled beyond the sta
tion. He then drove back and made"!
fast to the car of automobiles, which
was brought to the loading dock where
it, could be unloaded.
By End of Year There Will Be
525.000 Autos in Operation.
ALBANY. N. T.. Aug:. 2. New York
fms passe dthe half-million mark in its
motor vehicles. Announcement to this
effect by Francis M. Hugro. secretary of
Etate, and head of the motor vehicle
bureau, carries with it the prediction
that by the end of this year there will
be close to 625.000 cars owned and oper
ated in this state.
Registration records have been
smashed week after week, the 463.700
cars of last year increasing: by leaps
stnd bounds, restricted only by produc
tion. until the 500.000 mark has been
passed. "Million-dollar months from the
registration of cars in this state have
become common.
Openings In Motor Industry for ei-
Service Men.
CHICAGO.'Aug:. 3. There is an acute
carcity of skilled labor in the motor
trade throughout the United States and
particularly in Chicago, it is reported
to Colonel Arthur Woods, assistant to
the secretary of war, by the editor of I
Mortor Age. There are therefore excel- I
. lent opportunities for skilled labor!
alon? any line connected with the mo
tor industry for finding- satisfactory I
This offers an attractive field to dis- I
Bnt TJ. S. Tiro Company
That Many Owners Do Not
Inflate Cords Enough.
Herewith is a new and up-to-date
table showing- the maximum loads and
proper air pressure for pneumatic tires,
as recommended by the United States
tire company for users of its tires.
Fabric tires for passeneger cars:
Maximum Air
Tire load, pressure.
-Inch 373 4i
4 -men . . . . .
t; -inch
7 -inch
8. -inch
Cord tires
3 -inch
4 -inch
. . si.-
. .ltno
. . 1600
passenger cars:
pression about the increase of air pres
sure in tires in warm weather." ex
plains Mr. Brunner. "In fact, the belief
is quite common that on hot days the
air pressure may increase to the point
of causing- a blowout. There really Is
nothing- to this belief, for the heat does
not come from the temperature of the
air outside, as is commonly supposed,
but from the natural flexing of the
tire as it rolls over the road or street.
"As this heat is due to the bending
of the tire, the same heat is created
regardless of the outside temperature.
Most tire users believe that to overcome
this effect the pressure must be de
creased, and the common practice is to
run tires at a lower pressure on hot
days. But this increases the bending
of the tire carcass and the motorist
actually aggravates the tire condition
that he seeks to relieve when he de
creases the pressure in his tires.
"It is true that on a very hot day the
air pressure in tires used continuously
increases slightly but never sufficiently
to cause any injury to the tire. Tires
are not as fragile as some persons
imagine, and are able to stand three
and four times the ordinary pressures
"There is more danger In decreasing;
the pressure than in permitting- it to
increase, for after the tires have rested
a while the air pressure will drop, and
there is always the danger that the
motorist will omit to put in enough air
to bring- the pressure to the required
"There is no condition in which tires
are subjected to greater variations of
air pressure than in automobile racing
on our speedways. Yet even on the
hottest days the terrific grinds of the
race tracks, with tires revolving- 20
times a second, do not cause them to
blow out And there is certainly no
condition in ordinary driving that even
approaches those of the speedway.
"The recent races at Indianapolis
New Starting Battery
WE Have tHe equipment and the knowledge to re
pair storage batteries as well as sell them. If
your battery can be repaired, we'll say so. Six
months more service out of your old battery is dollars
saved. Drive around and let us look it over.
. When they need a new battery, our customers buy the
Gould. We handle it because we know the supreme im
portance of good plates. Gould Dreadnaught Plates are
the strongest and the most rugged on the market and are
made by the same men who build plates for the giant
Gould Submarine Batteries. For good repair work or a
good new battery, we are at your service.
Rathkey Battery Co.
389 Oak Street
We recommend The Battery with the DREADNAUGHT Plates
Square Deal
Repair Service
VqtM th
were held on one of the hottest days
racers have ever experienced, yet 38 per
cent less tires were changed than at any
previous race, nine of the ten winning
cars being equipped with Goodyear
cord tires. Racing drivers have learned
that after a tire becomes heated to a
certain point, the radiation of heat
from the tire is as great as the genera
tion of heat all of which means that
any increased air pressure due to heat
is negligible in its effect on, the tire.
"There Is no question but that motor
ists will profit greatly by keeping up
tire air pressures, no matter what the
heat conditions."
Chevrolet Closed Car Makes Trip
From Oregon City to San Francisco.
Accompanied by his wife and two
sons, George Rissberger of 1108 John
Adams etreet, Oregon City. Or., arrived
In San Francisco last week after a
tour of 830 miles In a Chevrolet "490"
The Rissberger party called at the
San Francisco Chevrolet establishment,
and reported an average of more than
25 miles to the gallon with the sedan
on the southern trip.
Rissberger said he had often heard
that a closed car would not answer the
nurnose of long-distance touring, but
he found it to be very practical, as
he could close the windows and keep
out the heat and dust, and by opening
them on the good roads they had plenty
of air, making the sedan ideal for tour
ing as well as town use.
TJse for Old Files.
Occasionally it becomes necessary for
the man who operates his own car to
file a piece of cast iron that has been
subjected to friction and has acquired
a glassy surface of "skin." The best
way to p-et through this Pkln is to use
the edges of an old file, as using a
good file on such surface will spoil it.
For the Tool Box.
A convenient addition to the tool box
is a small packet of wire nails of dif
ferent sizes. These nails may be used
to replace lost cotter pins and for
many other purposes.
To Clean Spark Flugs.
excellent method of cleaning
spark plugs, or. In fact, any mica sur
face, is to wash them first in a 10 per
cent solution of acetic acid, which is an
infallible solvent of grease and carbon
deposits. The plugs should then be
washed off with gasoline and finally''
dried by rubbing them with a cloth.
A mixture of flake graphite and
grease applied to the screw threads is
excellent in preventing the formation
of rust, which causes the part to stick
Just when it is most inconvenient.
Cord tires for motor trucks:
4 -inch pso
414-inch 100
-incn ii--'
-Inch "-"'
7 -inch
R -inch 40K)
It will be noted that in this table the
cord tire is given a slightly greater
carrying capacity than the fabric. The
difference between tne air pressure oi
fabric and cord tires should be care
fully noted.
There has been so much discussion to
the effect that cord tires did not re
quire as much pressure as fabric tires
that it has been touna oy taxing tne
pressure of a number of cord tires se
lected at random that motorists are
using conslderaDiy less pressure man
they should.
The result of this is that occasionally
cord tire is -injured, due to backing
into a curb or striking some other ob
struction with force enough to press
the tire down to the rim. which causes
Lee Line Way Makes
Motor Trucks Pay"
' u i iir i ii i 1 1 H
r IIm
Sizes and
One of Portland's largest
public service corpora
tions has placed an order
for three Lee Trailers of 5-ton
Big business men who
study transportation
costs are easily' con
vinced that the way to speed
up their hauling and to cut
the costs is to put Lee Trail
ers to work.
Ask for particulars.
Distributed by '
William L. Hughson Company
60 N. Broadway at Davis St.
Broadway 321
San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles
San Diego, Seattle, Portland
Lie- time- tried
To Control
Excess Oil
A special ring for
motors that are oil
gushers. Use in
the top groove of
each pistol. In the
lower grooves, use
McQuay- Norris
.Boo Piston
For nine years these rings
have stood the test made
good. And time is the
severest test of any prod
uct. Genuine McQuay-Norris vro
Piston Rings, by creating uni
form action on the cylinder walls,
have stopped piston ring leakage,
increased power, decreased car
bon and aved fuel and oil.
They are made in every size and
over-size to fit evey make and
model of motor. Your repair man
can get the proper sizes for you
promptly from his jobbers com
plete stock.'
McOua y-Norris Mfg. Oq.. St. Louis, U. S. A.