THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 3, 1919. 11 NEW HIGHWAY LINK NIG OF ILL MOST SCEI Work Fast Progressing Along Hood River-Mosier Section. GORGE VIEW WONDERFUL Jfew Part of Columbia River High way Cuts Through Cliffs High Above the Great River. BY JOE D. THOMSON. HOOD RIVER. Or.. Aug. 2. (Spe cial.) Far scenic grandeur and the appealing views afforded from lookout points over the Columbia, the Hood been applied, holding the tread firmly in place. "As to the guarantee given with Thermoid tires, we believe it is the best offered, being 6000 miles on all sizes with the exception of the Ford sizes, on which a guarantee of 7500 miles is given. The tire is constructed to stand all hard knocks and is especially resistant to stone bruises, which have been the ruination of many tires.'" , AIRPLANES ARE SELLING FAST Chicago Auto Dealer Takes on Line and Sells 40 in Week. CHICAGO, Aug. 2. At the end of the first week of selling airplanes an au tomobile dealer who has added planes to his stock announced that he had sold 40 machines and declared himself satisfied there was a field for the com mercial planes. The dealer, a veteran on automobile row, added airplanes to his sales floor exhibits by purchasing 150 Canadian army training planes and made Chicago the first commercial air plane selling center in the country. INDIANA FAVORS MUFFLERS Driver Who Uses Cut-Out Likely to Be Stuck for 9100. There has recently been passed by the Indiana senate the anti-muffler bill, BETTER TIMES ARE AHEAD DEMAND FOR TIRES INDICATION OF PROSPERITY. Head of Star Rubber Company Sees Good Sign in Heavy Call for Quality Tires. With peace with us again,, it is fair to assume that the so-called reconstruc tion period has been successfully passed or at least the first phase of it. The Becond phase seems to promise an even more widely distributed volume of business. Many business men have felt that the reconstruction period was purely "mental" condition, and nowhere is this more surely thought than in the auto mobile tire business. A year ago production had been se verely cut and the reduced production could not take care of the demand. To day production is at top capacity, but the demand for pood tires outstrips the supply. Much of the "reconstructive prosperity belongs to the sudden im petus, or rather unrestrained impetus. of the automobile and allied industries. The leading tire men think there is much greater prosperity ahead. Crops CHEVROLET SALESMAN SELECTS .BABY GRAND CHEVROLET SEDAN FOR OWN USE. f - ' , l I fe,.v:i- - . f X i "if ' ' -1 : f ' mi -t 51 r ? I J: 1 I ' 1" F sV"- - r 4 i. jF- - - r it - ; . .- -- . : J. ' ' iVnilm l HWl " Ttfn HlMiWtfialMW'lf ' r ' " ' - ' x JK v. B ! . . . .. X PU1 B. Dana, aalesnuut for the Fields Motor Car company, likes an Inclosed car. So does Mrs. Dana. Here to the new brand tnnroltt aedaui they bought for themselves the other day. River-Mosier link of the Columbia River highway will be the equal of any stretch of the irreat scenic road between here and Portland. Emerging from a pleasant dell about a. mile and a half east of Hood River, the new highway route-to Mosier, now tinder construction, passes along" the precipitous side of the Columbia's rug-ged canyon at about mid-height. The view of the lowland farms of "Bingen on the Columbia." on the Klickitat county, Washington, side of the river, might almost be that from an aeroplane. As the traveler progressea east, the topography of the country changes, and the bare, brown hills back of Lyle and around Granddalles gives the motorist his first intimation of the arid regions of Eastern Ore gon and Washington. The contractors have completed the new six-mile grade, except for about a mile on either side of the Hood RIver-Wasco county line. Here the construction work is as difficult as any met with in Multnomah county. Indeed the entire six-mile stretch is the heaviest for its length ever un dertaken by the state highway com mission. At the east end of the two-mile link, which will be cut through almost solid rock in the side of the cliff, are twin tunnels. The smaller of the tunnels, a bc-re of 65 feet, is completed, and hard rock men are now well on the way into the second, which will be 245 feet long with two open windows, afford ing an inspiring glimpse of the Co lumbia. The new grade of the highway six months ago was almost impassable to a goat. Today it is walked over by scores of Hood River people attracted by construction work and the views from the new grade. prohibiting the driver or owner of a gasoline-propelled vehicle from using it without a muffler and forbidding the use of a cutout, providing for a fine of from $10 to $100. As a result of the activities of justices of the peace, a bill was introduced by Senator McCray, in Indianapolis, with a view to protecting motorists, to the extent of limiting the jurisdiction of justices, providing for a preliminary hearing of cases pertain ing to the motor vehicle laws and giv ing them the authority only of binding the accused over to the circuit court for trial. THERMOID GIVES WEAR SFECIFICATIOXS SHOW ITS SU PERIORITY TO OTHERS. Tire Built by 3Iakers of Thermoid Brake Lining Guaranteed to Make Good. The best and longest wearing tire for the least amount of money to be spent in the long run was the slogan of the Thermoid Rubber company when tt set out to build a tire for the motor ists of the world," said Robert E. Allen of the Allen & Hebard company, dis tributor for Thermoid crolide com pound tires. "After several months of experimenting, the chemists and tire experts at the Tnermoid factory dis covered a compound which they call crolide. This discovery is compounded with rubber and adds greatly to the life of the tire. "A few Thermoid specifications will ehow the superiority of the Thermoid tire. In many sizes one more ply of fabric is put than in standard tires. For example: SVir-inch tires are built with five plies of fabric and 4H sizes with seven plies. The fabric used in Thermoid tires is woven from 17l4 ounce long smple Sea Island cotton and between each layer of fabric is a special blend of crolide compound rub ber. The cushion is made of a special blend of crolide compound rubber as well as the breaker strip, which is niade of specially woven fabric. "The tread, which must be especially strong, is of crolide compound rubber, extra thick, and because of crolide, toush and resilient. To add to the streiiglh of the tread a special Ther moid inierlockinir arrangement has BTASH 5LL GETS PROMOTION Walter W. Smith Advances to Assist ant Sales Manager. Walter W. Smith has been promoted to assistant sales manager of the Nash Motors company. This has been an nounced by Charles B. Voorhis, general sales manager. Motors company to dis tributors of the organization. Mr. Smith got his early training in the automobile business with the old Speedwell Motor Car company of Day ton. Later he became identified with the sales organization of the Thomas B. Jeffery company before that company was taken over by the Nash Motors company. Last January Mr. Smith was pro moted to manager si passenger car sales. His work won for him the high esteem of Mr. Vooris and resulted in his present promotion. are big, prices are high, and, although living is high, wages are also higher than ever before in peace times. Men and women have money to buy mer chandise hitherto out of their reach. President Firey, of the Star Rubber company, commenting on the situation, said: "Our faith in the future is shown more by our action than our opinions. We are building and extending as fas as we can, but still the demand for tires keep9 ahead of us. It seems like stern, never-ending chase to catch up with actual sales. "In that hive of the rubber industry, Akron, all the factories are working at high pressure from wnistle to whistle. "And more good tires are being bought today than ever before. People are buying the best they can get in spite of price, and that's a very healthy indication. IF YOUR AUTO GETS ON EIRE Keep Engine Turning Over by Means of Electj-ic Starter. Q. In case of a fire under the hood, ought the gas to be turned off and the hood then be removed? How else can the fire be checked? A. The gasoline should be turned off and then the fire extinguisher should be turned on the blaze. Try to keep the engine turning over by means of the starter. This will tend to draw the flames into the manifold and cylinders. Don't start your car with a Jerk. Always engage the clutch gradually, and see that the car starts off easily. ON THE NEW HOOD RIVER-MOSIER LINK OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. v - i PLAR1 The Superfine Small Car SEE IT at 90 North Broadway Wray Motor Car Co. 5 5. & Stretched as In the tire, good tabes do not rip when cut. They cat but do not rip. The slightest cut in an inferior tube Rip! and the tube is rained. Make your dealer prove that the tube he sells will stand the Norwalk test. The Scissors Test Reproduces actual service conditions. You hold the rubber at tension exactly as the air will hold it. The scissors snip is like the edge of a puncture. This test proves the truth of the Norwalk guarantee: Norwalk Tubes do .not rip as other tubes. Cuts can al ways be repaired. They do not spread. It proves before you buy, the mileage you can get from Norwalks. Norwalk Tubes, red and gray, are made of highest grade floating stock. And there's a Norwalk Casing too. If your dealer cannot supply you write to. QuaUhj Goes ClearTlwoitgh Toosiifo Cam $925 The Scissors Test Take sample piece of tube 14 in- by 3 in. Stretch to 9 in. or three times its original length. Cnt on the edge with scissors. The cut should not be feore than 'a in. across the sample. If the strip tears apart the rubber is inferior. BEARING RUSHED BY PLANE BEARINGS SERVICE COMPANY MAKES QUICK DELIVERY. Photos by Judson G. Ruggles. Above High above the Columbia the w srrsde exits its war along the cliffs mrsr the Hood Ktver-Waseo const? lime, snow lew, from the aew high way, of '", Wash BlBgc u the Colombia Auto Parts Supply Co. Portland, Or. Auto Parts Supply Co., 812 E. Pike St, Seattle, Wash. Distributors NORWALK TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY Makers of Cosines, Cord and Fabric; and of Tubes, Red and Gray. Norwalk, Connecticut 'Floating stock means rubber so pure that it floats. It is the stand ard. It meant what 24K gold means. To you it means mileage. File away dated sample of Norwalk Tube and others and compare them at the end of a year. You are going to learn lot more about Norwalk quality. But don't wait. Start saving your tnileagemoney now. Get the stuff - that's in the tube. Ask us for a sample of Norwalk rubber. (iJL- . Casings Adjusted &fZgy 8000-Mile Basis NOKWALK TUBES anaCASUSTGS You have observed that we frequently emphasize the accessibility and sim plicity of Dart design. We have good reason to believe that no car on the market is of more simple and accessible construction. Perhaps the best way to make clear the value of Dort accessibility is to say it this way: When you desire to "tune up," or "dope up," or adjust this or that part you can do it yourself easily and at little cost And of course mere's no need to point out that Dort simplicity means TPflTimnni freedom from mechanical trouble. Prices F. O. B. Factory Wire Wheels and Spare Tires Extra Northwest Auto Co. "The Line Complete Alder at Eighteenth COMPANY D O W.T MOTOR CAR. Airship Csed to Hasten Bearings to Tommy Milton in Time for Uniontown Race. How Tommy Milton, winner of the Independence derby at the Unlontown races on July It, was kept In the race by quick delivery of a front wheel bearing by airplane from Detroit. Is graphically described by A. K. Hebner. general manager of the Bearings Serv ice company of Detroit. The plane left Detroit at 6:30 A. M. on the morning of the race, and the bearing was deliv ered to Milton at 12:15 the same day. two hours before the race. The flight was the result of a last minute request by Milton's mechanician for a front wheel bearing to the Pitts burg branch qf the Bearings Service company, wnen it was discovered tnat the branch had completely exhausted its supply of this type of bearings, a request was immediately forwarded to the home office in Detroit to find means of supplying Milton with the needed bearing. The wire arrived late Friday night, too late for the bear ing to reach Unlontown by mail in time to keep Milton in the race. The emergency was met by J. T. Pat terson, general manager of the Uni versal Aviation company, who supplied the company with a plane and pilot, to take the bearing to Uniontown. The plane left Morrow field, Detroit, carry ing H. J. Detterlch, representing the Bearings Servioe company, at 6:30 A. M. of the day of the races. Landings were made at Norwalk and New Philadelphia. O. Near Wheeling the plane developed engine trouble, and a hazardous forced landing was made on a hill top about 50 miles from Uniontown. The bearing was then hurried to Milton in Uniontown in an automobile borrowed from a nearby farmer. The change of bearings was effected in time for Milton to enter the race, and two hours later he smashed all previous Uniontown track records when he drove his car around the course at a rate of 100 miles an hour. Don't get arrested for violating rules if you do, don't blame the police officer. Did You Ever Have a Blowout? IF SO THIS AD WILL APPEAL TO YOU Would you like to know that when you contemplate a trip you can make your tiree the least of your worries instead of one of the big worries? Would you like to feel that you can travel with safety without rim- cuts or blowouts 7 . Would you like to cut your tire bills H to H? If bo EQUIP YOUR CASINGS WITH MAXOTIRES Maxotire Sales & Supply Co. Bdy. 684. 522 Vi Washington Reliability In Motor Trucks You pick your employes for their ability and reliability. Why not select your motor truck the same way? You know what you want your truck to do. You know your own business better than anyone else can do it. If you will study the Atterbury Motor Truck design and construction you will see why other Portland owners are so completely satisfied with their Atter burys. Compare the Specifications ATTERBURY TRUCK SALES CO. Track Specialists 343 Oak, Near Broadway Phone Bdwy. 354 UICK : EXPERTS S BUICK REPAIRS EXCLUSIVELY 32,000 sq. ft. floor space. Live or dead storage. H Cheap rates. PARTS SUPPLIES PORTLAND BUICK . i REPAIR CO. N. W. Cor. Sixteenth and Jefferson St. Portland, Or. Main 3419 ii i is ii i siiii.1 HI I si ins in ii M iii i i I'il'l'";!!! ) ji "' 1 " " " "' ' ' ATTEpBURlf MOTOR TRUCKS OF V MAXIMUM SERVICE Howell-Swift Tire Co. and Pacific Tire & Rubber Co. 445 - 47 Stark. Street. Betwee Twelfth and Thirteenth. Phone Brudmr 3U0.