The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, Section One, Page 8, Image 8

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Ratification of No Import to
Oregon Women, Is View.
!8 Members Out of Total of 00 In
Both Houses Agree to Attend
and Waive Expenses.,
EALEM, Or-., Aug. 2.-r(Specia.L)
Representative S. A. Hughes of Marion
county, does not Consider action on the.
woman's suffrage amendment at1-this
time of sufficient importance to war
rant a special session of. the legisla
ture, but -nevertheless he says he
would be willing to attend 'without
cost to the state in the event such a
session is called.
"Referring to the advisability of
calling a special session of the Oregon
legislature to ratify the national wom
an's suffrage act passed by congress.
I will say that I am willing to attend
the session without cost to the state,
but as the women of Oregon have
nothing to gain I do not consider it
of sufficient importance to ask you to
call a session at the expense of the
state, neither do I think the members
should be asked to leave their busi
ness and sacrifice their -time and money
in a matter of no importance to the
state," writes Representative Hughes.
Few Bills Are Needed, He Says.
"I also believe that if a special ses
sion is to be called that the legisla
ture should not attempt to enact any
new legislation, but should remedy
any defect that, in -the opinion of the
attorney-general, exists in laws passed
at the last session."
Senator Gus Moser of Multnomah
county has informed the governor that
he is in favor of a special session and
will serve without cost to the state.
"Should you call a special session I
am personally willing to forego my per
diem and mileage," writes Senator
Moser. "So far as at present advised, I
also feel that your suggestion that the
session should be confined to action
upon this one subject, is a good one,
and ehould be adhered to, and as at
present advised, I do not know of any
other subject that is likely to be pre
sented. Moser Declines Pledge.
"However, there may be some other
emergency arise in the meantime, and
I am unwilling to pledge myself so long
in advance that I would not be willing
to act, or would not act, upon any
other emergency matter which might
be presented. For instance. It has
been suggested that additional legisla
tion respecting the Roosevelt highway
might be enacted, and this could, no
doubt, all be done in one day.
"There are some of the members In
each house of the Oregon legislature
who live a long distance from the capi
tal, and who cannot afford, for finan
cial reasons, to attend a special session
of the legislature without mileage and
per diem. They euffer a considerable
loss when they attend the regular ses
sion, and when they cannot afford it,
I do not feel that they should be asked
to serve at a epecial session without
receiving any mileage or per diem. I
feel, however, that the federal suffrage
amendment is of eufficient importance
that you would be warranted in calling
a special cession even if a considerable
number of the members do not waive
in advance their claimB for compensa
tion. Early Call Advised.
'I earnestly recommend and request
that you call a special session at some
convenient time, real soon, in order to
act upon this very important matter."
"I approve of calling a special ses
sion of the legislature for the pur
pose of ratifying the federal suffrage
amendment," writes Representative
David H. Looney of Marion county. "I
also favor consideration of legislature
in reg-ard to the Roosevelt highway, if
necessary. I am willing to forego my
per diem and mileage that the session
may be free of cost to the state."
Representative W. B. Dennis of Tarn
hill county, says he has received sev
eral letters from interested parties re
questing a special session of the legis
lature, and is willing? to attend such
a session without claiming per diem
or mileage.
Dennis Wants Ratification.
"I am heartily in favor of the ratifi
cation of the. woman's suffrage amend
ment at the earliest possible date,"
writes Mr. . Dennif.- "and living as I
do, near the capital, it would be no
sreat burden upon me, excepting as
to time, to render this free service,
and I shall be glad to do so if you
should see fit to call an extra session.
"It occurs to me, however, that It
might work a hardship on some of the
members in eastern and southern Ore
gon, and it would seem that the ratifi
cation of the amendment was the busi
ness of the state and not any indi
viduals. "I have noticed in the newspapers
some discussion of an amendment to
the Roosevelt highway law, and if the
statements made "in the-papers are cor
rect, and an appropriation by the fed
eral government to match state money
is jeopardized by the provisions of the
present law,. I would favor passing-the
necessary amendment at the extra ses
sion, otherwise tho business of the
extra session should be limited to rati
fication of the suffrage amendment."
Saffradats Auk Session.
Form letters prepared by the suf
frage campaign leaders asking for a
special session of the legislature have
been received by the governor from
Representatives Oren R. Richards and
O. W. Hosford of Multnomah county.
These letters are identical in construc
tion and indicate that an organized' ef
fort is being made by the women to
have Oregon ratify the national amend
ment at the earliest possible date.
Twenty-one representatives and sev
en senators, out of a total of 00 mem
bers in both houses, have . formally
asked Governor Olcott to call a special
session. It is not believed here that the
session will be held before October even
if the governor decides to issue the call.
by the soldiers, who wanted one thing
more than all else to get home again.
The men had been assigned to de
tachment men the old Third Oregon
was divided on its arrival in France.
First Lieutenant A. A. Schwarz, in
charge of the returning troops, had
been assigned to duty at Kazaire as
fire marshal of the town and wears a
distinguished service medal.
Accompanying the fire fighters was
First Lieutenant S. H. Levy of Camp
Merritt, who was medical attendant
to the contingent.
Members of the reception committee
received notice yesterday that 71 cas
uals from Newport News would reach
Portland some time today, the exact
hour of arrival being uncertain. How
ever, plans are being made for welcom
ing the troops, who will be guests at
the Benson hotel for luncheon or din
ner, and if time permits will be other
wise entertained.
Hons Refuse to Accept Offices as
"They Begin- to Realize How All
Other Xations Despise Them. -
AMSTERDAM, Aug. 2. (By the
Associated Press.) "W. A. Appleton,
secretary of the General Federation of
Trades Unions of Great Britain, who
today was elected president of the In
ternational Trade Union federation, was
proposed for the office by Samuel
Gompers, president of the American
Federation of Labor.
Leon Jouhaux, French labor leader,
was chosen first vice-president; Carl
Legien, German, chosen second-vice
president, declined as he said the meet
ing appeared to despise the Germans.
The Austrians also refused to partici
pate as office holders.
M Mertens, the Belgian leader, was
elected second vice-president.
Mr. Gompers declared later that
Americans might accept office in the
new orgEJiization when the South Amer
ican membership becomes ' etter organ
ized. The contest over national representa
tion and democratic control of future
international trades union congresses
resulted in a compromise which provid
ed that each country should have one
vote for 250,000 members, two votes for
500,000 members, three votes for 1,000,
000 members and an additional vote for
each 500,000 members above the first
1,000,000. Countries having less than
250,000 members would be entitled to
one vote.
Mr. Gompers, for the American dele
gation, accepted the proposition sub
ject to the approval of the unions he
It was the expectation that under this
system the votes would be distributed
as follows:
America, 9 votes; Belgium, 2; Bo
hemia, 1; Denmark, 2; Germany, 13;
Great Britain, 11; France, 4; Austria
and Holland, 2 votes each; Luxemburg,
Norway, Spain, Sweden and Switzer
land, 1 vote each.
Political Features Next to Be
Taken Up by Senate.
Legal Opinion Holds Directors of
Church Affairs Lack. x?wer to
Raise Salaries. -
BOSTON, Aug. 2. Evidencein the suit
of the trustees of the Christian Science
Publishing society to restrain the board
of directors of the First Church of
Christ, Scientist, from interfering in
their conduct of the society's affairs,
was closed today. The hearing, which
has been held before a master, has been
in progress for 27 court days. Argu
ments will be made September 8.
An opinion given the directors Sep
tember 6, 1916, by General Frank S.
Streeter. to the effect that it would be
illegal for them to increase their sal
aries from $2500 to $10,000, which was
introduced by counsel for John V. Ditte-
more, a former director, was the prin
cipal feature of the evidence today. It
was shown by records also that Ditte
more and Archibald McLellan had op
posed increasing the salaries.
Private Conversation Still Centers -on
Reservation Programme as Key
to Ratification Situation.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 2. Public hear
ing on the economic sections of the
Versailles treaty virtually were com
pleted today by the foreign relations
committee, and early next week Sec
retary Lansing probably will be ques
tioned by the committee regarding the
treaty's political features.
At today's session Bernard M. Baruch
and F. W . Taussig, ecenomic advisers
to the American peace delegates, ex
plained how the peace conference
reached some of its decisions regarding
German customs regulations and in
demnity. Their testimony was largely
The committee's meeting was vir
tually the only surface development
of the day . in the treaty situation, the
senate devoting its attention to legis
lation and ' reverting to issues of the
treaty fight only once. That was when
without debate or a roll call it adopted
a resolution by Senator La-Folette, re
publican, Wisconsin, asking the presi
dent why Costa Rica was "not per
mitted" to sign the treaty.
Conference Is Planned.
Meantime the undercurrent of pri
vate discussion among senators con
tinued to revolve about the programme
of four reservations presented by seven
senators as a basis for ratification
of the league of nations. Plans were
made for a conference Monday at which
the sponsors of the plan hope to gain
the accession of other republicans "who
have been friendly to the. league.
It was made plain today that it was
not the intention to try to preserve the
exact form of the four reservations as
the negotiations to increase the number
of their supporters continues. . All of
the seven are said to be ready to make
some concessions- in phraseology in
order not to handicap the effort to bring
into a final agreement enough repub
licans to. hold the balance of power.
Should the number of republicans
subscribing to this agreement reach
20, it was pointed out, the group would
be in a. position to place in the hands
of the administration a definite offer
of support for a reservation programme
insuring ratification of the covenant.
Only Treaty Features Considered.
Forty-five democratic votes are re
garded by 'the leaders of this group
as standing now for unreserved rati
fication, but capable of being swung in
favor of reservation not disrupting
the league principles. The total r
auired for ratification is 64.
It developed today that the leaders
of the group of seven are making no
effort to consider features of the treaty
other than the league covenant. Some
of them believe that the Shantung
issue eventually will solve Itself and
that in the end serious opposition to
the treaty will be limited to the cov
enant. "
Although no decision has been
reached, members of the foreign rela
tions committee 'Keherally expect that
the meetings' at which Secretary Lan
sing is questioned next week will be
open to the public.
Norma Starr Dies From Blood Clot
After Operation on Finger.
Pulmonary embolism is held as the
cause of the death of Miss Norma
Starr. 27 North Ninth street, who died
suddenly Friday night in the operating
room of the Good bamaritan nospitai,
where she was undergoing an operation
upon her hand. Miss Starr, who was
employed at the American Can com
pany, suffered a crushed hand, which
was caught in a big machine which she
was operating t about 11:30 o'clock
Friday morning. The Injury waa con
sidered not serious. She was taken
to the hospital. While the injured fin
gers were being operated upon the girl
died suddenly. 'An inquest was held
yesterday and the decision was reached
that the injury to the fingers was a
minor contributing cause only.
Pulmonary embolism is a case of
blood clot In the pulmonary artery.
Death from this cause generally occurs
after some period of sickness, physi
cians say, and the case yesterday was
unusual in view of the suddennesA of
death. -
The girl, who was IS years of age.
came to Portland recently with her
grandfather, J. B. Starr, of Stockton.
Cal., and a small brother. She had been
employed for some time at the Amer
ican Can company. Her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Starr, reside In Susan
ville, CaL
tationery a.ncl Hooks
Specials for Tliis Week
Officials Say That Without More
Favorable) Terms They Will Have
to Tarn to Germany.
BRUSSELS. Aug. 2. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Belgian industrial and
financial needs are being discussed in
a series of conferences between Bel
gian and American officials. The first
meeting was attended by representa
tives of the Guaranty Trust company,
National City bank, American Interna
tional corporation and the Foreign
Banking company, all of New York, and
Henry H. Morgan, United States con
The meeting revealed that Belgian in
dustry has taken only $14,000,000 of
the $50,000,000 credits established sev
eral months ago because the loans are
too short in proportion to the high rate
of interest. .
The Belgians explain that there Is
great need of a long time loan at rea
sonable rates. The present exchange
on the dollar makes a 45 per cent in
crease in the cost to Felgian pur
chasers of American goodr.
This condition. It Dointed out.
naturally militates against American
exports. The condition of the mark
makes it possible to buy goods In Ger
many more than 100 per cent cheaper
than in America.
The Belgians asserted that if they
wum not get more xavoraDie loan terms
from the United States they would be
obliged to turn toward Germany.
Western Union Operators to Get
Bonus for Time Given Country.
Employes of the Western Union Tele
graph company are to receive bonuses
in the form of two special payments
aggregating the equivalent of half of
their wage for one month, for those
who have been in service continuously
for nine months prior to December 31.
The information was received, yester
day by A. F. Schmidt, secretary, of the
Association of Western Union Em
ployes, Local No. 68, in a telegram from
Joseph Hayes, national president. At
a conference held in New York, of
ficials of the association obtained the
agreement with officials of the tele
graph company. The agreement calls
for all those who have been in service
continuously for six months prior to
October 31, 1919, to receive 30 per cent
of their monthly wage, and those who
have been in service continuously for
six months prior to December 31 to re
ceive 20 --per cent of their monthly
wage. This will mean from $65 to $75
for each operator entitled to both pay
ments, according to the secretary.
Secretary Schmidt announces that the
association has a membership of 100
per cent in every departcent in Port
White Salmon Valley Plants Doing
Heavy Business.
WHITE SALMON. Wash.. Aug. 2.
(Special.) The lumbering industry
throughout the White Salmon valley is
very active. A new operation, the
Fisher-Zener milir is about ready to
commence cutting at their Buck creek
1 location. The Underwood Lumber &
2d Floor Gift
and Art Shop
We still have several Stationery
Specials. Fine Box Papers with Envelopes
to match. Some as low as 10c per
box, 3 for 25c, some 25c per box,
some 33c and some at 23c All
good paper, some in colors but
mostly white.
Vacation Days
Kodak Days
Load ypur kodak here and have a
chat with Photo Phil. He will ex
plain to you the way to get good
pictures at the beach, mountains,
woods and streams. We still
make that splendid 8x10 enlarge
ment for 25c
Fountain Pens
All makes all styles. From $1 up.
We sell more Waterman Ideal
pens than any other three pen
stores in the city. Why? There is
a reason. Look up our pen man.
Office Table
Over Stock
To reduce we offer this week every
office table in the establishment
at greatly reduced prices. Now is
your opportunity to get a good
office table at an extremely low
All styles, all makes, all finishes.
The Golden Gem
Adding Machine
A perfect adding machine to keep
in the pocket, desk drawer or
wherever handiest. Will add. sub
tract and multiply. So simple that
anyone can operate. A little won-
Numbering Machines
made for accuracy. We guaran
tee these machines. The Bain
bridge or Roberta. High-class ma
chines and only $9 each.
Check Protectors
Demonstrators' models. Special
values. Protectograph $15.00. Todd
Check Writers $30.00. Also new
models of the F. & E. JS6 and $46.
In Fiction We Suggest:
The Haunted Book Shop,
Christopher Morley $1.50
"Dangerous Days,"
Mary Roberts Rinehart.$1.60
"Blood and Sand".
Vicente Balsco lbanez. .$1.00
"Saint's Progress"
John Galesworthy $1.60
"Christopher and Columbus" "
By the author of "Elizabeth
and her German Garden".$1.60
"The Arrow of Gold".
Joseph Conrad $1.50
Some Other Books
Worth While
"China and the World War". . .
W. Reginald Wheeler. . .$1.75
"Reconstructing America".....
Edwin Wildman $3
"Bolshevism and the "United
States," Charles Edward
Russell $1.50
Ireland's Fight for Freedom,"
George Creel $2
Will Help
Office Expert
Mail Orders Filled Promptly
The Businessman's Store.
The J. K. Gill Co.
Booksellers, Stationers
Office Outfitters.
Photo Phil
Kodak Expert
Box company, operating at the North-I
western electric dam on the White Sal
mon river, is making carload shipments
daily and is making arrangements to
operate two shifts to care for business
in hand.
Truck loads of lumber are constantly
rolling to the loading siding at White
Salmon from Trout Lake, Laurel, Hu--sum
and mountain eectione. The White
Salmon river Is being lorged by the
Underwood Lumber & Box company,
which has two large camps on the
upper river.
Acts by Troops at Odessa Last Three
Days and Nights.
LONDON, Aug. 2. Semi-official Pol
ish sources have received reports that
General Gregorieffs troops, which are
occupying Odessa, suarounded the Jew
ish quarter and began a massacre
II lull lanttvi t.ii u uu... u - -
Russian soldiers of Gregoriefrs com
mand, it is stated, carried out the mas
sacre. The Jews of Ukraine and
Bessarabia have proclaimed a mourning
period of 14 days.
Tuberculosis Work , for Week In
County Is Announced.
CHEHAL1S. WASH.. Aug. 2. (Spe
cial.) Lewis county next week will be
visited by the traveling clinic of the
Washington Tuberculosis association,
which will stop Monday at Wlnlock.
Tuesday the clinic will be at Onalaska.
It will visit Chehalis Thursday and
Friday will be at Centralia.
Dr. Raymond J. Cary Is in charge of
the exhibit. Others who will assist in
the work are Miss Laura Vogel, Lewis
county's nurse; Miss Edith N. Farrar.
R. N, and Miss Hilda J. Sollbakke.
state crusade director. The clinic trav
els by auto truck and its meetings have
been well attended.
Railroad Proyldes Relief for Yakima
Fruit Growers.
YAKIMA. Wash., Aug. 2. (Special.)
H. A. Glen, district agent of the
Northern Pacific, after taking up with
officers of the company the question of
refrigerator carsupply for the Yakima
valley, said yesterday that O. R. Mer
ritt. at the head of the company's re
frigerator service, has telegraphed as
surance that 2400 refrigerators were on
the line headed this way, and that the
situation would be satisfactorily met.
There has been considerable appre
hension here over the apparent scarcity
of "freezers' compared with the pros
pective requirements for the soft fruit
crop during the next few weeks.
Everett Employes Get Rise.
EVERETT, Wash., Aug. 2. Follow
ing a flat monthly increase of $25
granted the city firemen several days
ago, the city commissioners yesterday
granted a $25 increase to all city em
ployes. 14 Killed in Airplane Fall.
ROME, Aug. 2. (By the Associated
Press.) A Caproni airplane, flying
from Venice to Milan today with 14
persons on board, fell to the ground
from a height of 1080 meters near
Verona. All on board were killed.
Men of St. Nazalre Fire Company,
Who Left With Third Oregon, Stop
on Way to Camp Lewis.
Portland's welcome Eeemed insignifi
cant yesterday when J4 enlisted men
of fire nnd hose company No. 357 ar
rived at union station from Camp Mer
ritt on their way to Camp Lewis for
demobilization. All - but two . are Ore
gon boys ami the -way they scattered
for home after .th train steamed into
the yards upset all plans of the re
ef ption committee for a hilarious greet
ing. Offers of a, banquet vers .declined
to lovers of fine
Investigate the facts con
cerning the increased
prices effective on all fu
ture importations from the
orient. You will then be
able to fully realize the
importance of buying now,
before the increases are
felt here.
Our expert will care for
your storing, repairing
and cleaning.
Tenth and Alder
Largest Oriental Rug
Dealers in the West
Closing Out Summer Footwear
TOMORROW we begin a sale of desirable summer footwear for men and
women at reduced prices. We could not now replace these lines at the
prices, but we prefer to give our customers the benefit, rather than carry
them over.
Summer shoes can be worn for many weeks yet;
it will pay you to buy and wear to buy even for
next season's wearing, at the prices !
Take Advantage of Reduced Prices
on Footwear of Quality
Courteous, Helpful Service Perfect Fitting
Footwear for Men Reduced
Men's $9 and $10 Cocoa Brown Russia Calf Lace Shoes; On
English toes, Neolin welt soles; now : I"
Men's $9 and $10 Black Kid Lace Shoes; straight last, lea- P"7 q
ther welt soles; now DI mUtt
Women's Footwear Reduced
Women's $10 White Linen Lace Shoes with genuine leather welt soles,
broad toes and low heels; well arched to support the instep. Especially
adapted for nurses and women who are much on their feet. (Prj
All widths from AAA all sizes
Women's $9 Smoked Horse Washable Lace Shoes -with belt- Orj (r
ing leather welt soles; now .' 'tJ
Women's $12.50 Smoked Horse Washable Bluchers; 12 QQ
inches high; broad toes, low heels; now O
Women's $10 Patent or Brown Russia Calf Parkway Pumps; either
turn soles with wood Louis XV heels, or leather welt soles OPT
with leather Louis XV heels; now 1
Come Uptown and Save Money on Footwear
We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps
Men's Oxfords
S5.95, $6.95,
Short lines in broken sizes, in
cluding Hanan's and Boyden's.
Not a pair could now be re
placed at the price!
129 Tenth St., Bet. Washington and Alder
Initial Opening
One-Four-Eight Fourth Street
Aug. 5th
Showing the Most
Complete Line of
Men's .
and Young
1 WW
Various Types and
Weaves at Moderate
148 4th Street
Th very best and latest in modern dentistry. No more falling plates.
We extract any number of teeth without causing the slightest pain,
particular Attention Paid to Plates and BrtdRework.
Honrs r 830 P. M. Pbona M. 2020.
33 Years In Portland.