THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 3, 1919. 9 c H Four Miles of Concrete Laid Beyond Beaverton. ROADS STILL VERY ROUGH Bertha-Hillsboro Hard Surface to Be Completed This Fall, bat Much Still to Be Done. BT LEWIS A- McARTHCR. Paving work on the new highway between Portland and Forest Grove Is well under way, and by fall this road will be open for travel. Five miles of In the majority, get around ten months' 1 1 service.' ' i The writer then proceeds to explain , what "proper care means for the stor age battery In motor . car service. "Owners of battery equipped cars must fill each cell to level with distilled water, using the hydrometer for filling. In warm weather the cells should be brought to level once each week be cause the evaporation is greater than it is in cold weather, when once in two weeks Is sufficient. At the time the water Is added, a hydrometer test should be made. This indicates the acid strength of the electrolyte or so lution. At the same time the terminals should be inspected for looseness and any deposits of salt should be removed with a stick. The battery should seat firmly In its saddle or seat, so aa to minimize the vibration. In brief this Is all that is necessary, but It must be done regularly. "Men and batteries are much alike in their actions under certain influences and we treat them In somewhat the same fashion. "When a battery is over heated it burns up and starts disinte grating inside because it cannot stand high temperatures. So with a man whose system is designed to operate at a constant temperature. If he gets fever he 'burns up.' "At the opposite end of the temper ature scale the analogy still holds, for cold effects a battery as it does a man, reducing efficiency. Likewise a bat tery has to be kept at work or it will 1 die of laziness. It must be charged A MOOSE OF A MAN AND A MOOSE OF A TRUCK. A if , ' 1 a?, t - i The nan who towers alonarslde this bis; "Wlnther SH-ton, fonr-whwl-drire trues: lf Henry Howell of, Or-, who bears the diittintrHon of bring: not only a Urge wheat operator In point of acreage, bnt the largjest wheat operator In the Pacific northwest, no far aa personal size Is concerned. He stands 6 feet 7 Inches and weighs In proportion. Being a strong; man him self, he demands n atrung truck, and this Wlnther, bought from the Wasco agent of the Oregon Motor Car company, just fills the bill for hint. It la loaded with 104S sacks of grain, which la a real load. hard surface has been put in place this summer. This new highway leaves the west Bide highway at Bertha and follows the old road west to its junction with the Dosch road. It continues west over easy grades to Beaverton. crossing both the Garden Home road and the Scholls ferry road. From Beaverton west, the road is adjacent to and Just north of the Southern Pacific tracks all the way to Hillsboro. From there on to Forest Grove the old road Is fol lowed. Paving will soon be under way in Hillsboro and also on the Hillsboro Forest Grove section. The work will cover about seven miles. Pavement to Reedville. Work east of Hitlsboro was started early in the season, and already four miles of 16-foot concrete roadway has been put in place. The paving has reached Reedville, half way between Hillsboro and Beaverton. As fast as the concrete is laid it is covered with earth and wet down to keep it from baking, and it will be another month before the road from Beedville to Hills boro can be used. The concrete work Is being done by A. Guthrie & Co, and the plant is of interest in that it moves along just ahead of the paving on movable tracks. Its capacity is about a mile a week. It will take about two months for Guthrie & Co. to pave on through Beaverton to the Multnomah county line. Paving is in full blast in Beaverton. that town having let a contract to the Warren Construction company to pave all its business thoroughfares. The Warren company recently got under way on the Multnomah county part of the new road, and about a half mile has been laid from the county line east. Pavement has also been put down from the Dosch road to Bertha. "Weed Peony Road Best Kow, By fall there will be a second paved road to Beaverton, leading from the present paving on the Canyon road. The contract for completing the re grading and paving the Canyon road on to Beaverton has been let, and one steam shovel has been put in service. Rough jokes about bad roads to Hills boro will soon be a thing of the past. It is expected that most of the roads will be completed this summer. While the paving is going on the old roads are bad enough, however. At present the best road to Hillsboro is the highway branching from the Can yon road at the Weed peony farm, run ning north of Bsaverton and Orenco. It is a little better than the road through Beaverton and Reedville, though there is not much choice. LIKE OWNER, LIKE BATTEKT Careless Motorist Who Xeglects Bat tery Will Pay For It. "Storage batteries of the average sort have an existence of about 14 months," says H. A. Tarantous in MoToR. the national magazine of mo toring. "Some automobile owners," he continues, "by properly caring for their storage batteries bring the maximum useful life to 21 months: others by far and discharged regularly. The charg ing current is, so to say, the battery's food. A corroded terminal may be likened to a clot on the brain. "And so we find that as a man's temperature and his pulse, his actions, his capacity for work give indication of nis paysictl cunaiuun, so ao me Dai- t tery's temperature, pulse and general ; lenavlor indicate its condition, which Is another way of Baying the care it has received from its owner." MUCKS IN ARMY CONVOY SIX HEAVT-DCTT TRUCKS ARE I'IRST-AID GANG. These; Vehicles, as Vanguard of Long Truck Train, Try Out Bridges and Roads. More than ordinary interest has been aroused on the Pacific coast in the coming of the United States army mo tor truck convoy that left Washington, D. C, July 1 to traverse the Lincoln highway. While this expedition is under gov ernment supervision and one of the chief reasons for it is to stimulate re cruiting, the most important benefits will be in stimulation of interest in the utility of the motor truck and need for improved highways. Heading the con voy in the service of the engineers are six heavy-duty Mack trucks. Upon these trucks and their equipment will depend much of the success of the un dertaking. According to the Itinerary of the convoy as received here by F. C. At well, manager of the International Mack corporation, distributor for Mack trucks, the train will make 55 stops and is due to arrive in San Francisco September 1. The truck train is to be self-sustained and self-maintained, car rying sufficient food, repairs and road building equipment so that it can pro ceed without assistance trrra outside sources. The six Mack trucks with the en gineers are to be the advance guard. It will be the duty of the engineers to inspect the roads and bridges and where they are not in condition to sup port the heavily laden convoy, repairs will have to be made. If there is no possibility of strengthening small bridges and detours will be necessary, it will be up to the Macks to stand by and give any assistance required. An interesting feature of the expe dition is that before leaving Washing ton a milestone was erected near the White House. It is proposed to have this known as the Zero milestone and to measure all highway distances from this point. A permanent granite stone to be dedicated by the president will replace the temporary stone now in stalled. The first transcontinental motor truck convoy includes two companies, comprising 200 men and officers and one detachment of engineers of SO men and two officers with one medical de- THIS HOTEL ON WHEELS IS ONE AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURER'S IDEA OF TOURING THE COUNTRY IN COMFORT. i 't? rj QUITE A NEW ISE FOR A.V INDIANA TRIXK. Jt was designed by and belongs to C. O. Barley of Marlon, Ind.. president of i net xnaiana Mowr inicn corporation. Mr. &aney, m wire and Mr. and Mrs. nenrv lioiatnwait nave started aboard It for a round trip from Marion. Ind, to California, Oregon and return. 4000 miles or more. The interior of this traveling palace is fitted out with many comforts. lllll!iH!!!nilll!lllllli!ll!llll!i:ill!l!l!i:!llilIlllllllin Anoooiicement Believing that sound quality is the bed-rock of good will between dealer and consumer, we take pleasure in calling your attention to Converse Tires. Most tire manufacturers are using the best rubber and fabric the market affords but the makers of Converse Tires have gone further than that. The Personal element enters into their manufacture, to & large degree. Handwork is slower and hence more expensive than machinery but it leaves little to chance or hazard. This preference for thoroughness, plus a rare tempering process, has put Converse Tires literally "Miles Ahead." JfAZKtC PLAiH TrUAlTK A FASHfC NOW SKIO 1 J OVfc A 51 Z' COftgly mmmikwm m wnnwiwmwwwiwiiiii iiihiiiiiiiimiiii Ttrmrr '1 miiirn viliniiw-iiiMiiM mmmn n mv iisiM.i i. nttsf",- n mi ' ' fc iwfciTOTfecaBi iai in in I i 'ii i ii We Converse people know our limitations. We freely confess the inability to make a cheap line of tires that will be an asset to our dealers or a credit to ourselves. BUT IT IS a fact that every Converse product whether it be a cord or fabric casing, a red or gray tube EACH IS THE VERY BEST OF ITS KIND. 11 1 1 I I i ll CISSs liiVlHIOI. r nrr?r i r ausal. Wwi L aaiiii fciai 1 ''asMhsU. ..-tTW.,ti We pledge this and we have PROVED it time and again. Made in New England. DEALERS WANTED Failing-McCalman Co. Hardware, Iron, Steel, Tinware, Metals, Paint, Sporting Goods and Automobile Accessories Front Street v Portland, Oregon H- .V -'elf rstiWTIslWsT1lj .!, Iiatls mi "l ITi,g1iittMiasi llll't lllllllllllstf IIMMsnarirBI' IHlWmiliWffr" jaCa?sP Si -' 5 ! s - J mint.. I i ? I f I t I I i i I i - i ' j -1 I fe '1 llHiniilllllllllliliilllllllllllillllllllillillllilllllliHllllHillllSllllllllilillllllllllllllllllllllllilHllIllIll lIlIIIHHillllllHl lllllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllim tachment. one field artillery detach ment and representatives of the coast artillery and air service. H. C Oster- man, vice-president of the Lincoln Highway association, is traveling two days ahead of the convoy in a pilot car. LCERI GATE THE CIUTCH OFTEN Antomoblle Men Asree That Oiling of Clutch Is Much Neglected. One of the most commonly neglected parts of the car. so far as lubrication goes, is the clutch-operating mechan ism. In the case of disk clutches run nlnnr In oil the lubrication of the thrust collar and the lever operating It Is au tomatic But with clutches that do not operate in a bath of oil the thrust collar and lever require oiling by hand. The service of these parts is exact ing, and frequent lubrication of the ball thrust bearing and of the end of the lever which actuates It is necessary. Furthermore, the bearing of the clutch pedal and the pins which secure the clutch operating linkage should be fre quently lubricated. Don't race the engine. Tou cannot abuse the engine worse than by al lowing it to race at high speed without a load. tmig2s experts AU' Guaranteed Servlca 450 Stark St, Near 13th STARTING LIGHTING IGNITION "Everyone Here an Expert Workman TIRES DIAMONDS KELLY-SPRINGFIELD Cords 8000 Miles Cords 10,000 Miles Fabrics 6000 Miles Fabrics. 7500 Miles DELCO-WAGNER REPAIR STATION QUICKsND ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION . Nash Service to Nash Owners Permanent, Prompt and Efficient The continuous and satisfactory performance which Nash trucks give their owners Is. of course, due primarily to their strong and scientific construction In the big Nash factory at Kenesha. But making this hlgh-rrade performance doubly certain Is the care and attention which Nash dealers throughout the country are able to provide promptly, when required. Supplementing the parts etock and service facilities of Nash dealers and forming for them a nearby base of supplies, are Nash wholesale distributors in thirty-one principal cities with many more thousands of dollars worth of Nash spare parts. And behind dealers and distributors, assuring the permanency of Nash owner service, are the resources of the Nash factory Itself, one of the largest truck and passenger car Insti tutions In America. Nsak Trackus One-Toa Chassis. $lsoi Two-Toa Ckasala, S21T5 Nash Quad Chassis, S32SO . Prices) t o. b. Kcsosbs PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO TENTH AJTD BCRHSIDB STREETS