The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, SECTION FIVE, Page 6, Image 78

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Eugene Folk Return From De-
troit in Chalmers.
r".TTi" hwav Commissioner Writes
.Entertainingly or Events and
Bead Lessons Gained on Trip.
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x-taLte blffhway commiastoner, now Cbal
mera dealer In Euffene.
In the early dawn of 1919 the can
x. . atT-nrtir nnnn na once asrain to look
nruMi th old scenes, sreet the ' old
friends and visit the relatives "way
back east," In Michigan and Ontario.
Desiring to motor one way but not
both, we arranged for the delivery of
an automobile in Detroit and employed
tha railroads to transport us hence.
Armed with a pair of yellow taes from
Oregon for the auto we started forth
on May 13 and stopped In Salt Lake,
Colorado Springs and Denver on the
way to take in the sights and visit
the last resting- place of the much
loved scout, Buffalo Bill, on Mount
In Detroit we received the new Chal
mers hot-spot six awaiting us there
and started forth to look, greet and
visit. We turned up some 1400 miles
on-the speedometer In vtsitins the old
familiar places that some how seemed
to. have shrunk greatly since boyhood
memory recorded them. And the old
friends we knew, so many of them
were gone and the streets filled with
strange faces in their places; it was
waJking in a strange land In the
shadow of the valley of death all the
tine, and the only place we seemed to
meet most of those we knew ws In
. the cemeteries. There we found many
fa&iliar names.
',' Following Tellowstone Trail.
iOn Friday, June 13, we started back
on" the westward trail. We took the
boat from Muskegon, Mich., to Milwau.
kee and there hit the Tellowstone trail
and followed it as far as Prosser, V ash
The little yellow splotch on stones,
stumps, posts and poles w.s a very
welcome guiding star for about 3000
We motored through Oshkosh, Ste
vens Point, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Aber.
deen. Miles City. Billings, Cody, wyo
i- i-'--'' !, ve - - - l ill' I
Aji fast as these' loganberries are picked on Sum H. Browas 130-aere loganberry and evergreen blackberry ranch at
Gervals, thin -toa Beo speed wagon, bought from the Morthweat Auto company, rushes 'em to the Jelly Tata
at Salem. '
Sam H. Brown, former member-" at the legislature, might be said to be an out-of-luck gentleman, having only 86
acres of this 120-acre ranch to loganberries yes, out of luck as a millionaire is out of luck. He has 275 tons of these
loganberries at 8 cents per pound, 200 pickers being required to pick them. He is only 15 miles from Salem, and as fast
tlr Yellowstone national park There I as the berries are picked this Reo speed wogan (shown above) with an overload of berries aboard) takes 'em to the Oro
wk spent three days in looking upon Son Packing company's plant at Salem, where they are made into Jelly. Below are some of the pickers at work.
th.0 wonders of nature that gave us a
v,rv ral nicture of the hell that was
nreached to our youthful ears. We I this or similar climate should be con-
conld see the plup plup or me mua siaerea
geysers and paint pots and imagine Maintenance Wisconsin is the only
th),poor sinner had just pulled a foot Btate of the ten we came through that
down at the prick of the devil's fork, seems to have this lesson learned,
and then the constant babel of groans There we found the patrol system in
titat came irom ooi nuieo b iuhubi i actual use ana its value cannot De
evidence the Satan of our youth was I overestimated
till there. I The state roads are divided into
We compared the mountain scenery I patrol sections and at the dividing
and waterfalls or the parK witn our una a board "marker is erected, giving
own Oregon, much to the credit of Ore
gon. This part of the park's offerings
has' no charm for the Oregonian, for
we have better by far at home.
W entered the park through the fa-
the number of the section and the
name of the supervisor, that every
traveler, whether local or foreign, may
reaTl as he goes the name of the very
man responsible for road conditions in
mous and beautiful Cody road from that section. A wonderful help in cuss-
Cedy, Wyo.. and left it at Gardiner and ing the right party if the section is
fqljowed the yellow trail through Liv- bad and pleasing to know the name of
ingston. Bozeman. Butte, Deer Lodge, the man entitled to the credit for a
Miasoula, Wallace, Coeur d'Alene, Spo- g-ood stretch. It is also a fine in-
kane, Colfax, Lewiston and Walla centive that sfirs each supervisor to
Walla. Leaving the trail at Prosser keep his section in the best condition.
vi came through Goldendale to White
Salmon and there, crossing the Colum
bia, river to Hood River, hit the Colum.
bla- highway the best piece of high
way In 4500 miles of travel.
Glad to B Bark.
;We were glad again to be back tn
While Wisconsin's roads are far from
the best in point of construction, they
are the best on the trip for actual
travel because all the "chuckholes" at
the bottom of the hill and at the bridge
approaches are wanting in Wisconsin
and a smooth, even speed can be main-
tAinAil iinhlll and riownhill and over
country where Intense and intolerable the many bridges. A wonderful com
heat by day and night, tornadoes, cy- fort to tbe man at the wheei and a
clones, thunder etorms and sand storms reiief from broken springs, bruised
are unknown. We never appreciated tlres and busted frames. . The rut
western Oregon so much or loved it s after rain are quickly dragged out, the
won berore. we speu it uujiji now thi!,t,.. .nrf weeds at the side of the
with perfect contentment. 4 road are cut and even a good hay crop
;At Cody we had a most delightful ln manv Diaces harvested on the
visit with Mrs. Cody, widow of the rieht of way. The patrol system in
gi-eat scout, looked with interest upon wimnin a ,i ,n. nH w.n
the relics, beautiful pictures, rugged worthy adoption in Oregon and other
rwCKS ana uroau prairies Liid.t but- i states.
rounded nis lire, ana too luncn at -a- Marking In the marking of the
haska (Buffalo Bill's tepee) just be- hfgrhWay. Wisconsin also excels all the
lore entering me pars ai me eafciern .th,r states. Her state roads are well
giteway. Two things alone are euf- marUed by number. Every state road is
fioient to mark the broad vision of this numbered on the road map of the state
rrjach-loved man and these are the (so are Oregon state roads), but in
way roaa into inn pars ana ine srtai Wisconsin the roads are also numbered
dam across the Shoshone river that
holds the water to irrigate the hun
dreds of thousands of acres of fer
tile land in the Cody and Powell basins.
This land was barren without the
wate but is now extremely fertile and
Being interested ln highway con-s-truction.
maintenance and marking,
we gave particular notice to this in
all the ten states we traveled through
and were firmly impressed with three
Pirst There is nothing between th'
gravel and macadam road and the best
tested and tried pavement that is
worthy the expenditure of money upon.
Any attempt to construct with a sub
stitute or medium-cost hard surface
la almost a criminal waste of public
fnnds, for. it will not stand up under
and there are no elements of value I ayf em'
by the adoption of a "V" design with
the words, "State Trunk Highway"
at the top, with the number in large.
plain figures ln the center and a large
'W" with a smaller "1" and still small
er to finish out tbe point at the
Every Detour Marked
This number design Is painted or
stenciled on nearly every telephone
pole along the road, and upon fence
posts and buildings constantly to guide
the traveler. By following these num
bers there Is no need for the stranger
to ask a question or drive a rod off
the way in going from one end of the
state to the other. If .you have ever
tried to find the right road by asking
the fellows on the village streets you
will fully appreciate thia marking
struction work where the road is
closed you find the road barricaded
and marked "Closed to Travel," but
you also find printed detour cards of
the same design as the permanent signs
but marked "Detour Road," that guide
you correctly around the section under
construction by way of the shortest
and best route.
Next to good roads a dependable car
under the severe test of cross-country
and mountain driving Is a necessity.
we were very happy in the selection
of the Chalmers, for It gave us real
When we ran into the garage at
home in Eugene the speedometer said
we had gone 417 miles, and during all
this time we had not touched a thing
under the hood, not even to tighten the
connection on a spark plug. .Just gave
it gas and water and oil and traveled.
No tire trouble worth mentioning. Just
changed tires twice between Milwaukee
and Eugene, a distance of 3086 miles,
and when we arrived had Michigan air
in three tires, isot a blowout on the
trip. Just two small punctures, once
from a nail and once from a small,
sharp gravel, quickly repaired in both
instances. ,s
We had no desire to make a record
and did not try to travel fast, for we
were taking in the sights and viewing
the country as well as the cities and
towns. We had seen the back door of
some of the towns from the train, but
we wanted to see the front door and
the motor way is the only way to do it.
' We made the trip from Milwaukee
Co Eugene, a distance of 3086 miles,
in 17 days driving time, or on an aver
age of 181 miles per day. Tou will
pardon me, I am sure, if I tell you that
the Chalmers hot-spot Is the real cat
of quality and service. It has the
material to stand the roads, runs
Bmooth, is easy on tires and economical
on gas and oil, has ample power for
any kind of work. It thoroughly sat
isfies the demand for real every-day
auto service. We are delighted with it.
See America first and see it by motor,
are two good slogans for Americans.
ilm us m
People Demand Light Weight
Thousands of owners now
know that Jordan cars possess that
peculiar quality of balance which
cannot be attained in cars weigh
ing from twelve to fifteen
hundred pounds more nor in
extremely light cars of short
wheel base.
People demand lightweight
but not too light. There must
be no ruinous side sway no
jerky up and down vibration.
The new Jordan Silhouette is
the lightest car on the road for
its wheel base but perfectly bal
anced accurately suspended. Its
whole tendency is toward forward
movement without side swayl
Many a man who felt it neces
sary to pay a high price and get a
heavy car in order to attain re
liability has chosen the Jordan
because it combined quality with
light weight and perfect balance.
The body is all-aluminum.
Smart French angle at dash.
Perfectly flat top-edge without
a trace of bevel. Gun metal
instrument board. Artistic
hardware. Innovation intonneau
equipment. Tailored top.
Character in every detail.
The Silhouette finished in
Brewster Green or Burgundy
Old Wine is built in both four
and seven passenger capacities.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
Broadway at Oak
ln tt when, It goes to pieces. All Is
- Wormfl Tkaa Cordnroy.
We found these broken substitute
rn Michigan, Minnesota and Washing
ton, and in trying, to use them were
taken back in memory to the corduroy
roads of the east and the puncheon of
our own mountain roads. One was as
goo-d as the other to travel over. Noth
ing" for It but to tear it up and build
a- real road in its place.
.TThe one danger that looms in high
way, construction of today is the danger
of not providing ample base to carry
the loads of the future. The weight is
even now speedily increasing and will
continue to increase, just as the cars
and engines and loads increased about
three-fold in 15 years on our rail
The Important steps in highway con
struction I would enumerate in the fol
lowing order: la I'roper location and
gTade to give the shortest distance be
tween given points and the lowest per
centage of trade; (b) ample drainage.
-the ditches, if open, should be at the
extreme edges of the right of way that
the water may be quickly carried as
far from the wheel tracks as possible
and -they should be deep enough to
keep the high-water mark well below
t$e surface of the road proper. This
provides a roadbed, or base, that will
al in supporting the surface and the
traffic; (c) the crushed rock and grav
el, should be screened and laid in
effurses as if for a hard-surface road
and when the time comes for the hard
surface to be laid, which may be sev
eral years, all work and material up
te. this point will be available for the
surface and the cost of the rocking
will thus become an investment and
part of the finished road, instead of an
expense to be torn up and thrown away
when the surfacing day is reached;
(d) when tUe annual cost of maintain
ing the gravel or macadam road ap
proaches the annual interest on the
cost of a hard-surface or pavement.
then pave it. but remember, nothing
but tbe best by test ln actual usa in
When you come to a piece of con
Marsnfield Agency Changes. '
MARSHFIELD, Or Aug. 2. (Spe
cial.) Another change in automobile
distribution has been made in Marsh-
field. J. W. Gardiner has disposed of
his agency to L R. Tower, who handles
Fords and trucks of several makes.
Mr. Gardiner handled Dodge cars ae a
leading feature, but was unable to ob
tain shipments fast enough to satisfy
customers. The Tower firm employs
Mr. Gardiner as general sales manager
and may add new features to the busl
Stretch Xear Mabton, Wash., Is Ac
claimed Spring-Busting Cham
pion of the wVorld.
W. H. Wallingford. distributor for
Premier. Liberty and Briscoe cars.
swears he has discovered the roughest
road in the Pacific northwest.
This road says Mr. Wallingford, Is
the seven to eight-mile stretch from
Mabton hill toward Goldendale. Wash.,
on the Tellowstone trail via Walla
Walla, Kennewick, Mabton and Golden
dale. He declares it Is rougher than
any road he ever has traveled before
in his life or expects to travel again.
Imagine how it would be driving
over naked railroad ties, with a tele
graph pole or log to climb over every
30 to 60 feet for diversion," said Mr.
Wallingford. "Then add about SO per
cent to your most pessimistic estimate.
You will st'll not be giving credit to
this road for its true degree of roughness.
"I'll tell you how rough It was.
With H. A. Endera, our territory man.
I drove over It last week. , We had a
used car, but one ln good condition.
Well, it was so rough that it broke the
windshield. Any road that will do that,
I maintain, is really rough road.
"To go seven miles took us two
hours. We were in low gear virtually
all this distance, yet even so the road
was so rough that we were continually
Jarred and bounced out of our seats,
and that at a speed of only three to
five miles per hour.
"I nominate this road for the spring
busting road championship of the
world. If any man can show me a
rougher road I will buy him a cigar,
but I won't ride on his road."
known men in the tire business, in
which he has long been engaged. He
comes to Ajax with an experience dat
ing from the early days of the lndusy.
Tire men remember Mr. Weston first as
a aalesman representing the old Mor
gan & Wright company. His success
led to his appointment as western man
ager for the United States Tire com
pany, with headquarters In San Fran
cisco. From that post Mr. Weston was
made manager of the central district
for the same company, with headquar
ters in r.hinaro. From Chicago he was
brought to New Tork and made general
sales manager. Then, in recognition of
his ability, he was made director of
sales and elected to the vice-presidency.
His coming to Ajax is taken as a fur
ther indication of the steady growth
and development of the Ajax Rubber
company. Inc., established 14 years ago,
and now one of the greatest automobile
tire manufacturers of the world.
nltion caused by too great a drain on
the battery when you are using the
starter. In cranking by hand you get
enough voltage. You can start by the
starter if the battery is low by quickly
releasing the starting button or pedal,
so that for an instant the engine is
turning over and the starter is not in
use. To test this the next time you
have trouble substitute for your own a
battery that you are certain Is up to
not operating, remove it from the eylla.
der without disconnecting the wire ter.
minal and laying the metal part of tha
plug on the engine. By turning the en
gine over slowly the electrical circuit
will then be completed by the commuta
tor and If the spark plug is working
a spark will jump between the two
points. If not. it is a good indication
that tbe plug is foul and needs clean,
ing or else Is short-circuited and worth-
less. - - -
Testing Plugs.
spark plug is suspected of
Don't fall to atop, look and listen at
railroad crossings.
Trouble Often Due to Too
Drain on the Battery.
Q. I have been having trouble in
starting my car, which is only a few
weeks old and still tight. The starter
works O. K-, but the motor doesn't fire.
The mixture is good, I know. I put the
starter on for about 20 seconds, get a
nrood mixture and yet the engine won't
fire. But If X get out and crank her
by hand I get a start first crack out of
the box.
A. Your trouble is due to faulty ig-
Do not slip the clutch, aa it wears
away the surfaces.
Widely-Known Tire Man Made Vice
President of Company.
Horace de Lisser, president of the
Ajax Rubber company. Inc. announces
the appointment of Joseph C Weston as
vice-president and member of the di
rectorate. Mr. Weston for a number of
years has been vice-president and di
rector of sales of the United States
Tire company. 9
Joseph C. Weston is one of the best-
I QoKzri in'iijrf . w- " .-it
Kdlnl - T I l -Twos- f" f ' I
K vi
V V w. ;
It'm the Kletber track, ha.mdled by the State Auto Sale compoij, of which J. H. Aroscoagli of the Kelly Tire Sales com-
pan 7 la president. Mr. JLinmcomH la at the wheel aad the other end of It la V. Aa LampMa of Sam Prmaciaeo
JbJelber lactory rep rosea tatlvc The iklelbox eosmea la all aoaea. froaa one to toma.
in the
is at the
Auto Co.
Alder at Eighteenth
1 il vy
; 1
We defy anybody to say and
prove the assertion that a M A C K
truck Model AB or Model AC
crankshaft or camshaft ever has
broken through
The Superfine Small Car
90 North Broadway
Wray Motor Car Co.
A fracture may have resulted
from collision with a railroad train
or by a truck falling dawn the side
of a mountain, but that doesnt
What we do say and without
fear of contradiction is that a
MACK AB or MACK AC crank
shaft or camshaft never has been
broken because of wear.
The same attention to details of
construction and the same high
grade materials that are repre
sented in these two essential parts
are characteristic of MACK trucks
in their entirety.
It is due to the reliability of the
components and the scientific
principles of engineering, such as
are incident only to the highest
grade trucks that make MACKS
superior in performance.
International-Mack Corp.
Tenth and Davis Sts.
Phone Broadway 691