12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, POKTXAXD, AUGUST 3, 1919; " WORK OF COLONEL v MAY GAINS PRAISE Three Generals Tell of Good ' Service Done in France. REGIMENT STANDS HIGH Character of Duty Performed of Great Valne Even if Not of Ex citing or Heroic Kind. "Warm prais of th work of Colonel John .1 May, newly appointed com mander of the 3d Oregon regiment of national guard, for the -work done by that officer while in France la con tained In letters received from two "brigadier-generals and one major-general tinder whom the Portland officer served during the war. The letters have been submitted by friends of Colo nel May. in view of opposition which has developed to that officer since his Appointment to the command of the wtate troops and which led to his resignation. unexpectedly submitted last Friday. Colonel May, who has been associated with the Oregon national guard since 1 300, returned to Portland in March after seeing service overseas. Among" the officers under whom he served were Brigadier-General Edward Voll rath Brigadier-Oeneral "W. S. Scott and Major-General Kobert Alexander. Vollrath Strong in Praise. Extracts from letters written by these officers which are highly com mendatory of Colonel May's work, are as follows: From Brigadier-General Vollrath, Bncyrus, O. "I desire to express to you my ap preciation of your services as they came under my observation and part of the time under my direct command. In the various positions held by men in the 41st division I had peculiar op portunities for observing the effect of the unfortunate adverse sentiment in certain quarters with reference to the national guard and the officers that came into the service from that source and I congratulate you upon being the only national guard regimental com- ; mander in the division who success- , fully, and in an eminently satisfactory manner, retained his position through- ; out the entire emergency. "Under my own observation and com mand, while In charge of the division, every requirement placed upon you was met promptly, efficiently and satisfactorily. The discipline of your command was always good and dis cipline was maintained without harsh ness. T especially appreciated the easy tact with which you handled a situa tion In which many another officer would have resorted to harsh methods. The work of the division in France was highly commended in a letter from the commander in chief, of which I have a copy. In this work you bore large and laborious share. Work Done Back of Line. While asa division we did not get fnto actual combat, we functioned as the backbone of the whole fighting line and the work we accomplished in keeping this line at full strength will always be regarded as of the highest importance in connection with the op eration of the American armies In France. Had the war continued, as we anticipated, into the summer of the present year, we would all probably have been sent to the front where I am certain you would have given a good account of yourself." Brigadier-General Scott of Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., writes in part as fol lows: "I wish to say o you that of all my relations with officers in France none were more cordial or more satisfactory than with you. While in command of base section 2. Bordeaux, your regi ment doing military police duty there, it was a continual source of satisfac tion to know that there was a well-behaved, well-organized and well-disciplined and courteous bunch of young fellows. I always felt that they did their duty up, to the handle and in a just and courteous manner. After they had gone I heard many remarks from people there that they wished the 16Zd was back. 'I recall when your regiment was relieved .md started to the front, how delighted you were and how 1 re gretted to lose-you. When I was re lieved from duty .with the base section and sent to command the 41st division J found your regiment there, largely skeletonized and performing duties o? training replacements to be sent to the front. When a large batch of green troops arrived from the United States and was sent for training to your regi ment I threw the matter off my mind, feeling that they would be properly . and efficiently trained. All Want to See FlgHtlnc 0f course this regiment wanted service at the front and often I recall your desire to be there, but those in authority willed it otherwise and I Know wnat a disappointment It was to you and the regiment. However, I felt all the time that the work which your regiment was dQing there was done more efficiently than any new regiment could have done it and for that reason I was glad to see you re main. Major-General Alexander wrote from Camp Mills in part as follows; "The idea that there was anything against you in r ranee is perfectly absurd. You were simply one of the unfortunate officers who were placed in most important positions in the S. O. S. and remained there during the active operations because they could not be replaced. Personally, 1 would nave oeen very giad to have had you with me in command of a regiment "As far as your services in command f the 162d infantry were concerned. they were eminently satisfactory to me and to everyone else who had the best Interests of the service at heart. Your regiment was excellently administered ana lurnea out replacements fully up 10 tne standard, which l desired. As matter of fact I think the country at large and myself in particular owe you recognition for your services. CAR STATION PLANNED Too Many Beat Taooma Out of Fare by Riding Roofs of Cars. TACOMA, Wash., Auk. 2. (Special The city and the Todd Drydock & Construction corporation will build Jointly a loading station at the Todd yard. M- Roy Harrison, city commis sioner, hopes In this way to keep the municipal street car line from being a losing venture. The line is losing money every month, but it has been found im possible to collect all the fares on the crowded cars. Conductors reported that many men rode on the roofs until after the fares bad been taken and then crawled into the car and obtained transfers to the lines of the Tacoma Railway & Power company, which cost the city 3 cents on each transfer in addition to carrying the passenger free. The loading station will cost J2475 and the shipbuilding company will pay 2000 fit this amount. Dear Friends: The back-yard garden should ko far towards replacing the corner grocery as the commissary de partment of the home at this season, and the change from canned goods to the fresh article is indeed welcome- to most of us, especially when we know that these vegetables were paid for by our own lame backs, hand blisters and sunburn. You remember the story of the Eng lishman who was so amazed at our raising such quantities of vegetables.' and was told, when he asked what we did with them all "We eat what we can and what we can't we can." Which so delighted him as a specimen of American humor that he retailed it at home as "so funny. They eat what they can, and the rest they tin, by Jove. Why don't you laugh?" Which reminds me that the other day I asked for some quart cans of a most intelligent grocer, who assured me that ho had none. Upon my point ing to them on the shelf he informed me that those were glass jars so names vary in our own country. Now Is tne Time to Can. But whether you speak of cans or Jars or "tins," now is fhe time to obey the spirit of the phrase "We eat what we can and what wo can't we can." Bring 'in the family washboiler and wrnh It m. fnrfiillv that no taste Of suds remain in it, as the water is liable to boil into your cans. For the same reason be very careful not to use wood slats, etc., under the cans In the boiler, whose sap will boil out and flavor the water in the boiler. I have wire racks for my cans, which serve as handles to move them by and keep them off the bottom. These did not cost much and will last a generation if cared for. Be sure your empty cans are most thoroughly sterilized in water that is really boiling, and that all funnels, spoons, cups, etc., you use, as well as the tops, are dipped into this rapidly boiling water before use. Buy new covers each year. The dozen package of the "Economy" caps has full directions for cold-pack canning of all fruits and vegetables, and this is the method always used for vegetables. Do not slight any step, it is all impor tant, especially the most careful steril ization of all utensils in boiling water, and leaving the cans in water that is really boiling the full time recom mended. Do not wait to get your full boiler full of one vegetable. Put in a few cans of peas, a few of beans, a few of the last young beets, if you have some yet uneaten, etc. As gas costs money and you might as well get the full use f it, if you have yet vacant space buy some cheap beef or any other meat and cook and process that according to directions. It is "mighty handy- have it ready for a picnic or un expected company, and long cooking renders the tough meat tender. Be sure to put up Plenty of soup stock also. Continuing our recent discussion or the summer culture of vegetables, we have considered all vegetables In al phabetical order down to peppers, so will begin with them today. Raining-- Peppers. Peppers need a well-tilled rich soiL The general culture is the same as for egg-plant and the plants need as much heat to produce them. Guano, hendung or any other bird manure hoed into the soil when the plants are about six Inches high will wonderfully Increase he yield and improve the quality ol the fruit. They are used green at any size de sired, in salads; as containers of mixed chopped vegetables pickled and known as mangoes or filled with chopped meats, etc.. and baked as stuffed pep pers and in other ways. If we learn to use them more commonly we will find them a welcome addition to themenu. When left to mature they ripen into brilliant scarlet and are used then in salads, pickles, etc. They may be canned for use in winter salads. The little firey red peppers are dried and used for seasoning in winter. Potatoes In Summer. Everyone who knows anything about gardening knows how to raise potatoes thinks he does. Tet the fact re mains that many home gardens prove to be "mighty small potatoes. The essentials for a good yield of good sized potatoes are, first, hoe well, keep- ng a good dust mulch, but do not hill up in this climate. Second Never irrigate (or water) after they first come into blossom. At this time give them a good soaking once, then loosen the top soil as soon as possible. Third Watch for potato hugs ana dust with Paris green, etc, if any ap pear. Never let them get the least start, as this means so much to the state and northwest generally as well as to ourselves. All remedies given against insects and diseases of pota toes should be energetically applied, as potatoes are the most valuable food crop we raise in our gardens. Early potatoes are ripe now and may be left in the ground and dug as wanted, but if they are all dug now to make room for another crop or for some other rea son, they will keep best if covered with straw or dried grass in a cool, dry, shady shed until autumn weather sets in. Pumpkin and Squash. These both thrive best in a warm. sandy loam and a keg, pail or large can with nail holes in the bottom, sunk near each hill and filled often with water to seep into the ground grad ually Is very beneficial to the growth of the vines. When there Is danger of their not maturing the vines should be pruned as described for melons. Confine each plant to about three runners and cut off the ends. If your squash or pumpkin vines threaten to take up too much room in your garden they can be trellised up on the fence or other support like any other vines, being sure that your sup port is strong enough to hold up the heavy fruit. The? should be cultivated often enough during the summer o keep the soil loose and to retain moisture near the surface. Care should be taken that the plants are not injured during cul tivation. Summer squash should soon be ready for eating. If you have more than you need as a vegetable, it makes good "pumpkin pies" and may be canned to be ready for this at any time. It is recommended that summer squash be harvested when they are so young and tender that seeds and skin can be eaten when cooked. In this state they can be boiled or steamed or cut in slices and fried like egg plant. Winter varieties should remain on the vines until they become firm and hard. The . control of Insect enemies has been given previously. Radish In Summer. Radish Is a hardy, quick-growing crop which needs rich soil, plenty of mois ture and a cool climate for its best de velopment. So as you replant radish through the summer plant It by some vegetable that needs much water and on the north or east side of a row of other vegetables, where your radishes will be partially shaded. One or two applications of nitrate of soda worked into the soil near the row helps their development wonderfully. The white icicle is 'best to plant now. and the maggots which infest them is guaran teed to be prevented and cured by the use of "Carco," for sale at all seed stores. Radishes may be sown quite thirk. as they are pulled as soon as they n large enough to furnish two or three bites, and the smaller ones left to de velon. Large radii Ilea ajra not nearly GARDEN SPRAY CALENDAR (Reprinted In response to many requests f ran The Sunday Oreconlan of Jan 22.) Time of Worst Crop. Naros of peat. Injury. Bllsnt..... Summer Leaf beetles. . . . Spring Sprint-... Cabbag-e. Cauliflower. . Other crops. . Green Mid-season Root maggot... . Just after tranaplantln g- Sprmff ...... Harlequin bugs. Celery.. Lat summer. Sweet coxa.. Ear waraM. . "When ears are In milk stage. Cnenrabtf. . Melons. ...... Squash. ...... Striped beetle. Just after lermlnaUoa . Flea beetlswa. . Spring - Late spring and summer BUht.... Late summer. Eggplant. Blirnt and xrult rot. .. Late summer. . Lettuee Dnp or wilt.. Early spring... Onions. Thrlps ... -, Mid-summer Peas Spring - Flea beetle. Spring Potatoes. Colorado- pota Late spring and to beetle..... lariy summer Blister beetle. Early summer. Tipbnxa Summer w Early hllrht.. Late bllsht. .. Summer, fall Radish . Root maggot. Soon after planting Fruit wens. All seasea. Sloaaom end rot Late summer In dry weather Leaf blixht... Summer . Cutworm he. Just sftr transplanting so good to eat as the smaller ones. I strongly advise you to grow some Chi nese or Japanese radishes, which have been previously described. These are very good and furnish a welcome vari ety for winter, when no other kinds can. be produced. Growing; Rhubarb. If you set out your rhubarb this sea son you have only to keep It growing, well. No etalks of it should be used the" first summer. None of the plants should be allowed to produce seed, how ever, if they show a tendency to do so. pull them up as soon as started. When old enough for use. if the Etalks persist in growing ehort and stocky. urn a bottomless keg or old pail over the hill, thus compelling them to reach up for light and eend up tender, well blanched long stalks. It is always in order to enrich the rhubarb with a good dressing of manure, working some of It in around the roots. The richer the soil and the deeper it 1s stirred the better your rhubarb will grow. In general, it re quires the same care you give potatoes. Ihe vigor and fruitfulness of the plants of one season depend upon the spread of the leaves of the preceding season. For this reason, after the cut ting season is over, the plants are en couraged to develop leaves. The smaller and weaker ones being cut oft that the larger ones may grow still larger, and all seed etalks carefully removed as mentioned. Spinach la Summer. Spinach "belongs to the pigweed fam ily and Is first cousin to the beet." In order that the leaves be crisp and ten der quick, continuous growth is neces sary and if it is exposed to the heat and drouth of our hottest days it be comes tough and stringy. So it should have been planted where it would be partially shaded and It should be copi WII I ' 1 - I . lltA1 --felt '"v "-a I -Vr - S ' "-inHl fAr ii' 1 Rf "15': FirTf -i K- I 7 f 1 : J P i -.lre - 'i ' ; i, y' . -. . ........ h-JZr -- " ' 7 , V1 V Mrs. J. B. Moon, owner of the Albemarle apartments, at 383 William.-- dvi.i'. last wk r3-rrred them to P. FT. Licb. Spokane capitalist, the sale price being 35.000. The Albemarle is a moUern aparim i:t-lioiise with 16 two-room apartments. In the transaction. Mrs. handled by Mr. Peterson of the Fred A. Control. Brown spots on pods Plck and burn. Spray thoroughly and re peatedly with bor deaux mlxturs. with soap added. Spray every ten days lth arsenate o lead. Spray with nicotine, sulphate and repeat as necessary. Dust with Paris green and lime, or spray with arsenate of lead Place tar paper discs around each plant. Pour dilute carbolic acid emulsion around each. Sprey both sides ef leavea with nicotine solution or strong soapsuds. Hand picking. ana leaves. Holes m leav tviltrair of leaves and vines. Large boles in leaves Stunted plants, ta- jured WITtins; an . curling ef leaves. StOTitinr and wtttinc ox pianta. Gray ! b - patches oa and stems. Repeated and thor ough spraying with bordeaux mixture. Shucks and kernels Dust ears when silk ing with arsenate of ef corn eatea u: wormy ears. lead ana lime. Dust with any fine material or spray with bordeaux plus arsenate of lead. Leaves and eaten eft eleaa. Leaves riddle with Spray with bordeaux shot holea, . Stunting and wilting of plant, unusually dark green color, sticky honey dew on leaves. plus arsenate ef lead. Spraying with nico tine solution on un der side of leaves. Brown patches leaves. en Spray both sides ef leaves alta nicotine solution. Brown and yellow spots on leaves, brown rot of fruit. Spray with bordeaux mixture. Complete wilting and Replant en new soft. collapse ol pianta avoiding fresh ma nure. Straw -colored Spray with nicotine solution Plus soap patches drying up leaves. suds or w naieoll soap. Yellowing end wilt Spray with nicotine ing ol vines. bolution. Punctures ef leavea Snrav with bordeaux plus arsenate ef lead. Defoliation of stems. Spray with .arsenate r lead or dust wun Paris green and lime. efollatla ef stems. Spray with arsenate of lead, aouole ntrength. Browning and enrl- hpray with bordeaux lcg ol leaves. uicn or irrigate do- tween rows. Round brown or wa . ter-soaked spots. Spray with bordeaux mixture. Stunted plants and Carbolic add solu tion or Caxco poured cexorzned roots. around each. Punctures In fruit. Dust heavily with equal parts arsenate of lead and Ume. Black rot at ttp end Mulch plants with oz iruit. ptraw or Irrigate be tween the rows. Spray with bordeaux Browning and drop ping: ol leaves. mixture several times during the summer. Poison worms with Plants cut Just above grouna. bait: slip a collar of stiff paper around each plant when set ting. ously waiereu. as it la mostly a sur face feeder, the soil must be rich and well cultivated. Light application of nitrate of soda greatly imDroves Its quality. In general, it is very easy to grow., use tne larger plants first and let the smaller ones grow, but use the whole plant rather than Dinch off the I bottom leaves. Ton can grow more In succession and ehould have a larze amount in the ground for use In winter. as tne cold weather here does not in jure it. Swiss Chard. Swiss chard, also called spinach beet or sea-kale beet. Is another of the pot herb plants used for "greens." It is a variety of beet having large, thick, ten der leaves and a broad, white midrib. This midrib is cut out of the leaves and cooked and served Just like asparagus. wnne tne remainder or the leaves are cooked like spinach. The leaves may be blanched by tying mem togetner wnue they are growing, which makes them more tender. Thev grow like beets, maturing about the nrst of July, but the larger leave should be removed and eaten as wanted, so they will give a succession of leaves through the eummer, fall and the fol lowing spring. Growing; Tomatoes. Tomatoes need a warm, rich soil, but must not have too much manure, as that produces rank vine growth and is the fruit we want instead. They should be cultivated like all other gar den crops to maintain a soil mulch and not hilled up. With especial care plants may yet be set out of early varieties and will bear this fall. Mulching with straw, grass clippings, etc.. Is also often recommended, but it increases the tendency to rot. We will discuss the mulching of vegetables later. Pruning tomato vines, especially after the fall rains set in and during a Nature of Injury. SPOKANE. MAN BUYS ALBEMARLE APARTMENTS. - UtHS - tVEVCE PROPEHTV IIRIf; Moon becomes owner of an 800-acre wheat Jacobs company . .. long season of cold, wet weather. Is very beneficial. If the large leaves that shade the fruit too much are cut away the sun has a better chance at them. However, the 'tomatoes do not need the direct sunlight to ripen; often the finest fruit is produced in the shadiest places. The little extra leaves which come out between the large leaves and the stem will never amount to anything and should be pinched off. They are simply suckers and take the strength from the plants to produce them. Pollenizing tomato plants by hand is recommended where the vines do not seem to be setting enough fruit early In the season. One method of doing this Is by shaking the plants, or flowers that have recently closed petals may be tapped with a lead pencil. An O. A. C letter says: "Pollen may be collected on a spoon or a glass slide from flowers with petals expanded. The pollen receptacle Is then held up to the stigma of the pistil protruding through the center of the flower so that a slight tapping of the blossom la sufficient to bring the stigma into contact with the pollen." Staking; Tomatoes. Staking tomatoes is often recom mended and some go to the extreme of pruning off all but one or two shoots which they force to grow upright by tying them to a stake. I always feel sorry for them, they seem so tortured and unnatural, and I do not believe the results will warrant this in the usual home garden. Staking is usually practiced for In tensive cultivation where very early and very perfect fruit is to be forced. This Is usually In greenhouses for the out-of-season market. While early ma turity and superior appearance (and perhaps superior quality) are assured by this method. It cuts down the yield out of all proportion to the benefit ob tained. We who want an abundance of tomatoes to eat on our own tables and to can are not so interested in the per fect, shape and size of the fruit as we are in having plenty of them, especially as our' local climate is not the best for tomato culture and we must use especial care here to secure an abundant crop. However, it is an advantage to keen tnem up a little off the ground if you have the time to do so, as the sun and air can reach the fruit better and they will not rot In the wet weather of fall. though I have found very little trouble with this here even where tomatoes are left to grow naturally. A trellis may be made by setting stakes and tying string or wires along the rows over which to train the plants. but the strings will break with the weight when the vines get heavy enough to really need the support, and tne wires cut the tender vines. The best support I have found is a frame work of lath tacked on top of stakes around each plant, or a barrel stave may be put around each plant and held up rjy three short stakes nailed to it and driven into the ground. I would not nave tne eupport over a foot or so high from the ground and it will be some time before your vines will be grown long enough to need it. but when they are it does help a good deal to ripen your fruit and keep it in per fect condition. Tour racks should be preserved and used each year In the future. Turnips la Summer. Spring turnips should be forced to quick maturity and eaten young be fore they are full grown, like early beets. They do not do well in the heat of summer, though they may be grown. Use "Carco" for root maggots. winter turnips are sown in August and September and can be left In the ground all winter here to use as de sired, so I strongly advise you to plant them for use next winter. This is much better and less work than canning the early ones now. Tour garden neighbor. INEZ GAGE CHAPEL. SERBIA BECOMES NORMAL Many Evidences Seen of Bettering Conditions In Belgrade. BELGRADE.. Serbia. July 2. There are many evidences of bettering condi tions in Belgrade. Belgrade univer sity opened a short time ago. The American Red Cross is now erecting barracks to house the students during the summer. In the spirit of the people there Is marked change for the better in the last few months. Social gatherings are more frequent and a few moving pic ture theaters are In operation. Shops in the city are grdually re filling with stocks. Prices are high. Reports from the interior indicate large grain harvest, with a possible surplus for export in south Serbia. These reports have had an encourag ing effect on life in the capital. Relief 'Work Not So Urgent. BELGRADE, Servia, July 5. Work ers of the Red Cross commission in Serbia who have numbered about 175 during the recent months when relief work was most urgent, now are being reduced to about 50. Captain Harry W. Erentz. secretary of the Red Cross commission to Serbia, announces that the 50 workers retained will - devote themselves to medical and institutional work. He adds that "the condition ofi the country is eo far improved that general emergency relief measures are no longer considered necessary. Padro Lascuran was president of Mexico for 26 minutes on November 19, 113. following the murder of Madero. Mri - OAO. ' ranch- in North Dakota. The sale was fl I rue 1 ,Xpfl r I ;, H ecause tKe"trrice or everv StegerPia.no "represents itr true value. It does not cov er a possible commissioro, icrr tKe endorsement of Kigk priced artists, or an exces sive trade-m allowance. Comtined ttritk wonderful musical quality, it males tke.' fie most vcduahle 'ear SCrMPMKO. Factory Distributors KLAMATH BUILDERS ACTIVE LUMBER COMPANIES ERECTING EMPLOYES CLUBHOUSES. Lively Construction Programme In cludes Structures 'With Hotel and Amusement Accommodations. KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Ang. 1. (Special.) Construction continues at a vely pace in and about Klamath Falls with unusual promises for the next few months. Announcement was made this week of plans for two modern two- tory brick buildings on Main street. hotel and clubhouse for employes of the Algoma Lumber company, and a clubhouse for jemployes of the Pelican Bay Lumber company at Shipplngton. A. F. Heide Is preparing the plans for all of the structures except the club house at Shipplngton. As soon as the present property of the "Western Trans fer company Is vacated A. B. Collins and L. W. Still will erect a two-story build ng with a full basement at the corner f Fifth and Main. Chris Blannas will construct on Main street, between Tenth and Eleventh, a modern two-story building containing 31 rooms. It will be of pressed brick and will be of suf- icient strength to carry an extra story with 16 rooms. Employes of the Algoma Lumber com pany are to be well taken care of in the future with the construction of a three-story hotel and a one-story club house which will be turned over en tirely for their use. The hotel .will be modern in every sense. Showers, bath- ng. pool and billiard rooms will be provided. Work on the clubhouse at the pen- can Bay Lumber company Is well Tinder way. It Is a two-story frame building and contains pool and billiard tables as well as shower baths and locker rooms. MAST SALES ARE RECORDED Grass! & Bennett Have BJg Call for ' Home Properties. Grass! & Bennett. 313 Board of Trade building, report a strong demand for moderate-'priced houses from actual home buyers in all sections of the city. particularly in districts lying east and northeast of the business center. Many sales are being made for spot cash. Within the last 30 days owners are showing a tendency to advance prices. and In some cases this has baen done on expiration of option. Here are a few of the late sales made by this firm: SOS Halsey street, six-room house, sold to Barbara Burtauski for Emma McLean, S25O0: 201 East Forty-ninth street, six-room bunsalow. sold to J. C. Hansen for Kelly Bros., $3150; 323 Mason street, five-room cot tage, sold to b. U. swanson lor K. ri. uarr, s:iimh: 40i Eajrt xnirlv-seventn street, six- room modern hoiise, sold to J. A. Klnley for R. Torallnson. sawu; isast j?orty-iirsi trMt. ili-rnpm bunn ow. sold to J. 1 1 bumn lor A., ai. jonnR, ... li-u r.aji Main street, four-room cottage, sold to r . E. Gil for R. H. Miller, 1900: 1467 East Hoyt street. 5-rooni cottace. sold to Mrs. Rose M. Johnson for C. . wane, jiiao: iw; tasi mav street, five-room cottare. sold to J. A. Kuhn for Elsie F. Michel. 1750: 1080 . rm.lil HtrMt. flv-roon bunnlow. sold Mabel J. rorier lor iuise m. urussi, S2750: 914 East Alder street, six-room house, sold to W. E. McCord for T. C. ItUKsell, $"250 ; 41 Bldwell avenue, five-room bunsra l. nlil to W. H. Moeller for F. A. Michael, S1600: inai Division sireci. live-room ounga- low. sold to Joe Jiowser tor Mmon oauoua. 12400; 4B4 East tjiay street. live-room coi , . ... anlil to A. A. ADnle for Elsie F. Michel, $lioO; 1801 East Madison street, five-room bungalow, sold to E. F. Krause for R. A. Sylvester, 20O0; 144 East Thirtieth street, six-room cottage, sold to W. G. Glasscock fnr h. Tanthet. lioao: toil vera avenue. four-room bungalow, sold to A. Jaunlts. for t w cnHe. S1S00: 1385 Rodney avenue seven-room hou, sold to W. A. McQuigKin for Ames Sullivan. 12700: f3 East Seventh street North, five-room cottage, sold to John 6mlth for Charles Arnholt, J3OO0; tuih.T East Eleventh street, two five-room cottages, sold to M. W. Rose for Homer Webber, sjooo: luw ast ininy-Bccunu street North, five-room bungalow, sold to n w Weir for 1 I- Helm. I2.SOO: 613i iwu..wnnri . vnnii. Southeast, three-room bunaralow. sold to Norris J. Young for rinnr. rii.nm.ii. s900 : 121 Bancroft avenue, four-room cottage, sold to Elmer Smith for J V. Lanktn. SUOO: 40 East Clay street, six-room cottage, sold to Mae G. Keegan for Elsie Michel, 1850, and several others. PART OP COUNCIL CREST SOLD Mrs. Ruth S. Carter Sells Third In- . terest for $50,000. One of the most important transfers of real estate during the past week was the sale of the one-third interest in the a0-Acre tract Known as Council crest. Mrs. Ruth S. Carter transferred her Interest to Mrs. C. A. Finley. Mr. irin ley is at present the manager of the Council Crest park. The consideration (50,000. CALIl'ORMAX BUYS FARM Pasadena Man Purchases Tract in Colombia County. B. A. Mills of Pasadena, Cal., closed a deal this week with the Northwestern Trust Company of Portland for a fine tract of farm and fruit 'and in Colum bia County, Or. Mr. Mills has spen considerable time looking- for a suitable ifl 1 low can a clano or I low can a clano or tone so-leautiful. of clesign. so artistio. b - -priced so lows wonders tke average piano Jauyer. a piano in tfie world Ill Fourth Si at Washington "j tract to be used for fruit and walnuts. He made the trip by auto examining the soil through California. Oregon and Washington and returned last week nd after a most careful Inspection made his purchase. He expressed great surprise to find such excellent soil, so- well and favorably located that could be bought at a fraction of what infe rior land was selling for in California. He has resided for 17 years in Califor nia, and it is certainly a big compli ment to Oregon to have such buyers coming to our state. Walnut Tract Sold. LEBANON. Or., August 2. (Special.) An important real estate deal in small acreage tracts here recently was closed when Miss Helen V. Crawford sold to Sigurd H. Landstrom a part of her 25-acre walnut and peach orchard tract. Mr. Landstrom bought close to 10 acres of the tract and pays 3600 an acre for it. This orchard is just com ing Into bearing and Is one of the finest walnut groves in the county. VETERAN TO OPEN STUDIO Charles J. Grimm Will Manage Acme Commercial Photographers. Charles J. Grimm, one of Portland's veteran photographers, will open a large and well-equipped studio under the name of the Acme Commercial Pho tographers in the Loeb block. Fifth and Stark streets. The studio, with a com mercial and portrait department, will have facilities for developing and fin ishing the work of amateurs. The studio will be arranged in inde pendent departments with separate de veloping rooms for each operator. Tha enlarging room will be furnished with devices capable of producing pictures of any size up to seven feet square. A gas drying drum in the finishing de partment and a specially designed light of high power in the operating room are said to be among the best articles of their kind on the Pacific coast. Mr. Grimm was formerly president and manager of the Angelus commer cial studio. LEMON JUICE TAKES OFF TAN Girls! Make bleaching lotion if skin is sunburned, tanned or freckled Squeese the juice of two lemons into bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very amall cost- Tour grocer has the lemons and any drug store or 4rllet counter will supply three ounces or orchard White for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fra grant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles, sunburn, windburn and tan disappear and how clear, aoft and white the skin becomes, xes: it is harmless. Adv. "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" te be gen nine must be marked with the safety -Bayer Cross." Always bay an un broken Bayer package which contains proper directions to safely relieve Head ache. Toothache. Earache. Neuralgia. Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of 11 tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores larger packages also. Aspirin la the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacldestar of Salicyllcaold, Adv. An Unfailing Way to Banish Hairs (Beauty Notes) Ugly hairy growths can be removed in the privacy of your own home if you get a small original package of dela tone and mix into a paste enough of the powder and water to cover the hairy surface. This should be left on the skin about 2 minutes, then removed and the skin washed and every trace of hair will have vanished. No harm or in convenience can result from this treat ment, but be sure you buy real dela. tone. Adv. . . . ' , .