The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, SECTION FOUR, Page 11, Image 71

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Buy exquisite things
rthey can be made
to last
Just tumble them into theLux suds!
Lux comes in delicate, white flakes pure and trans
parent. They dissolve instantly in hot water. You
whisk them into the richest, sudsiest lather, that
loosens all the dirt leaves the finest fabric clean and
new not a color dimmed, not a fibre weakened in
any way.
There is nothing else like Lux
Wife 77 f I im. IftltiWN rl I lW9KS-
i IkWa wvnm bwmmm
" -
he daintiest things are
now that they can be
Whitlc l-ux Into a rich lather 5b
ery bot water two tablespoon
ruls to the gallon. Add cold water
to nuke suds lukewarm. 8 with
your blankets about in the suds.
Wash quickly, pressing the cuds
through the blankets, but do not
rub. Rinse three times in luke
warm water.' Dissolve a little
Lux in the last rinsing to leave
our blankets soft and woolly.
Run them through a
loose wringer) never
twist. Hang in the shade
to dry in a moderate
"V 7"HAT has come over you! "
Win these days, it's wicked
to buy such delicate and filmy
"Oh, no." Til wear it and wear
it and wash it myself.
"Wash it! My dear girl, do you
think that delicately-colored cob
web will wash? It will go to
pieces the moment you start to
launder it."
"Nonsense. I have washed it.
It was a remnant and so shop
worn and grimy that I dipped
it in delicate Lux suds the mo
ment I got it home.
This year, in making your
choice among exquisite fabrics,
the'lmportant'ung'is to ask;
yourself, "Will it launder? You
can choose satins, taffetas, printed
Georgettes, printed cottons
even for sports skirts! Just make
sure you select the kind that you
can trust to water. Lux will
cleanse it for you repeatedly.
Lustrous silk undergarments,
dainty camisoles, fine silk stock
ingsnow you can wear them
every day and wash them over and
over again in delicate Lux suds.
Blouses! Pastel colorings!
Shimmering and sheer textures!
The finer the better 1 There is
hardly a blouse material today
that Lux hai not made it pos
sible for you to wash!
Just toss a tablespoonful of Lack
into half a bowlful of hot watcrj
Lux dissolves instantly. Then yon
whisk up the richest, purest lather
you ever saw. Add cold water
until the suds become lukewarm
for colors or silks and di
in the delicate fabric!
Souse it up and down In the
pure Lux lather squeeze the
suds through and . through'it i
never rub. Have it out again in a
few minutes so fair thatyou would
never know it had. been -washed
Cretonnes, curtains, blankets actually like new!
HOW many times have you longed for
filmier curtains and more colorful
cretonnes without daring to buy
them! You were afraid they would be an
endless source of worry and expense.
But now you know your fragile curtains
your dear cretonnes, your exquisite table
linens, even your w colics t blanketscan be
kept lovely and fresh with Lux.
Jumble your daintiest things embroid- -
ered pillow-slips, doilies -even lamp shades
into the Lux suds. There is not a tiny
particle of solid soap to stick to .the soft fibre
and injure it. Not a bit of rubbing to fray
and shrink it. Only squeezing the suds
gently through the fabric again and again.
Lux won't hurt anything pure water alone
won't injure. Get Lux from your grocer,
druggist or department store. Lever Bros.
Co, Cambridge, Mass.
Whisk a tablespoonful of
Lux into a thick lather in half)
bowlful of very hot water. Add '
cold water to make sud luke
warm. Dip the blouse up and
down. Squeeze the suds through
it not ruh. Rinse thrca
times in dear, lukewarm water.
Roll in a towel to dry 'partially.
While still damp, press with a
warm won ' never a hot oam.
For sweaters use tame direc
tions as for blankets, but do
not put through the wringer.
Just squeeze the water out. Pull
into shape, and spread on a
towel to dry in the shade, in a
moderate temperature.
Lux was made especially for all these
Fine Cortaina Batiste - Silk Glare
Silk Overhanging Damasks Fine Blouses
Laces Table Linens Blankets
Chiffons Babies Flannels Counterpanes
Organdies ' Sweaters Cretonnes
Crepes de Chine Silk Stockings Lingerie PiUc
Silk Underwear
Collars and Cuffs
Washable Spats
Men's Silk Shirts
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