The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, Section One, Page 7, Image 7

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Mouthpiece to Help Win State
v From Republicans Sought.
the holdings of the Oregon Oil company
at the Newman farm, nine miles south
of McMinnville on a test well belli put
down by Drake C. O'Reilly, H. L. Cor
bett, S. Benson,-and other Portland men
to determine the existence of gas and
oil in this section.
The Oregon Oil company is a corpor
ation made up principally of McMinn
ville men who have obtained leases of
several thousand acres of land in this
county and who were able, from favor
able geological reports, to interest the
Portland capitalists in the development
of the enterprise. An 80-foot derrick
has been erected together with bunk
houses for the accommodation of the
workmen and a standard rig capable
of sinking to a depth of 6000 fet has
been installed under direction of
George C. Scott, an experienced driller.
Adjutant-General Asks Colonel
to Reconsider Resignation.
Followers of Senator Borah Re&cnl
Flood of Pro-League of
Nations Literature.
' BOISE, Idaho. Aug. 2. (Special.)
Leading democrats of Idaho were in
conference this week considering the
advisability of establishing a state party
organ in Boise as a successor to the
New Freedom, until recently owned and
controlled by Fred Floed, prominent
democrat, whose persistent attacks on
United States Senator Nugent have left
a bad impression with members of the
democratic party.. It is proposed to
make the new paper a mouthpiece to
fight the political battles of the party
and aid in winning back the state into
the ranks of the democrats.
The democratic national committee
has been flooding the state with pro
league of nations literature which the
democrats declare recites the true sit
uation at Washing-ton, but which the
republicans declare places them in an
unfair light. One of the main pieces of
propaganda particularly disliked by
republicans is the following:
Wilson Is Defended.
"President Wilson is making it as
asy as possible for the republican sen
ators, who have taken an extreme po
sition in opposition to the league of
nations, to recede. He has shown that
ha has no personal feeling in the mat
ter, and no resentment against those
who have criticised him. He is ignoring
attacks on him that were uncalled for
and unjustified.
"Not only has the president said that
he will be at the disposal of senators
who are trying to understand the full
meaning and significance of the peace
treaty, including: the league of nations,
but has made it known through Sena
tor Hitchcock and others that he is
willing to disprove charges that he
would name delegates to the league of
nations of his own personal choice re
gardless of the wishes and views of
others. His proof of that should be a
.measure drawn by state department of
ficials, aided by Mr. Hitchcock, the
ranking member of the foreign rela
tions committee, providing for the se
lection of delegates to the league of na
tions by the president by and with the
advice of the senate. In other words,
any delegate wnrch the president will
select must be confirmed by the sen
ate, which, at this time, is controlled
by republicans.
Republicans Are Criticised.
"Before the president came back from
Europe he was criticised for standing
aloof from the senate. It was asserted
by republican leaders that h had not
taken them into his confidence and had
withheld information about the peace
conference. Now the same senators are
saying privately that he is trying un
duly to pursuade senators that he is
right and they are wrong. If he does
he is damned and if he does not he is
"The latest plan of this coterie of
partisians is to notify the president
that 35 senators called the 'im
movables' have pledged themselves not
to vote for the treaty until he agrees
to reservations. This story has been
given to the press, but none of the 'im
movables' will admit that he is a party
to the new round robin."
Idaho leaders are amused over the
efforts made on the part of the na
tional committee of the democratic
party for sending out this kind of a
statement. They assert that their
leader. Senator Borah, is within his
rights to demand the facts on the treaty
and covenant and he has been instru
mental in getting light thrown on both
on-Partisan Directors Clash.
Another interesting chapter has been
added to the fight amonfr the directors
of the Free Press, the daily newspaper
published at Nam pa, and organ of
the Non-Partisan league. Through an
amendment to the complaint they filed
against the company, L. I. Young and
C. M. Bumgrarner, m inority directors,
have renewed their efforts to enjoin
the Fress Press company from offer
ing for sale and disposing of stock
or bonds of the corporation without
first complying with the "blue sky"
law. The legality of the election of
the directors is also questioned. The
complaining directors allege in their
complaint they have cause to believe
that some of the directorswere elected
at a meeting at which a quorum was
not present; that W. G. Scholtz, man
ager of the paper, is endeavoring to
induce stockholders to exchange their
mock for bonds and that this is done
for the purpose of allowing him con
trol of the paper.
Letter to Governor Says Newspapers
Controlled by Disgruntled Offi
cers; Major Drake Landed.
Abolition of Oath Formerly Required
for Home Guards Does Not to
Any Extent Allay Suspicion.
COBLEXZ, July 30. (By Courier to
Paris..) (By the Associated Press.)
The plan of Gustav Noske. the German
secretary for military . affairs, to re
tain the home guards throughout Ger
many by transferring them to the civil
authorities and calling the guards "lo
cal police reserves," is going into ef
fect, according to Information reacn-
ng the American area of occupation.
In connection with this procedure the
German newspapers are carrying ad
vertisements which say that recruits
for the home guards no longer are re
quired to take an oath to defend the
country against invasion. In American
circles, it is said that the abolition or
this pledge obviously is a result ol
Noskes new plan, for if some of the
eruards were bound by such an oath.
they would clearly be prohibited under
the terms of article 1T or tne peace
An American army bulletin comment
ing on change of the guard to police re
serves, says:
"This is the first confession that such
a pledge had been taken by the home
guards. It confirms suspicion tnat tne
home guards were lntenaea to oe a
great reserve army ana justmes fur
ther suspicion of the home guards un
der their new guise of civil police reserves."
Action on $500,000,000 Appropria
tion Is Taken After Ex
haustive Hearing.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. Passage of
the Mondell bill embodying Secretary
Lane's project for farms for soldiers
and sailors, was recommended in a re
port submitted to the house today by
Representative Sinnott, republican. jre
gon, chairman of the public lands com
mittee. The measure carries an ap
propriation of J 500,000,000, and was re
ported after exhaustive hearings.
The minimum age for public land
homestead entrants would be reduced
from 21 to 18 years under a bill by Sen
ator Smoot, republican, Utah, passed
today by the senate. The measure is
designed principally to aid discharged
soldiers and sailors.
Amendments recommended by the
committee, provide that no conscien
tious objector can become a beneficiary
and that soldiers are to be favored in
administrative positions in connection
with the development of the various
colonizing projects.
Test Well Begun on Land Near Mc
Minnville. McMINNVILLE. Or., Aug. 2. (Spe
cials The drill was started today on
Aberdeen Jail Comedian Does Damp
Role With Night Sergeant.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Aug. 2. (Spe
cial.) Slapstick comedy is not always
confined to the screen nor to the
vaudeville stage. In the city jail dur
ing the early morning hours recently
a man calling himself John Doe se
cured possession of a hose and Kept
the night sergeant and shivering pris
oners at bay for hair an hour.
The sergeant, prisoners and jail were
drenched before the hose could b
taken from him. following the inci'
dent his bail was doubled, his liberty
costing $d0 instead of 2o.
Explosion Victim Is Better.
Swan Bergquist, a contractor em
ployed by the Wind River Logging
company, who was severely Injured at
camp 9, rpper Wind riveu, Thursday
by a premature explosion of dynamite,
was reported as improved last night
and hope was expressed that his eye
sight, which was endangered by the
accident, could be saved. Bergquist
lives at 414 Mill street and is being
treated at the Good Samaritan hospital.
in an accident at the Hecla mine last
Friday when the hoistman sent a cage
loaded with seven miners up through .
the top of the shaft instead of lowering
iU. died yesterday, bringing the death j
list to five as a result of the tragedy.
Two other miners are still in the hos- j
pital. but both will recover. One of j
these has a fractured skull and the I
other a deep scalp wound and several j
broken bones.
Dry Boston Has More Crime.
BOSTON. Aug. 2. Records of the cen
tral municipal court show that 764
persons were arrested for drunkenness
during July, 1919, as compared with
2996 in July, 1918. The records show,
however, that the number of criminal
cases is again increasing.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.)
With the statement that the voluntary
retirement of Colonel John L, May aa
commander of the 3d Oregon Infantry,
national guard, was due to criticism
of a email portion of the etate press,
apparently controlled by a very few
disgruntled officers and does not re
flect the wishes of the great majority
of military men in the state. Adjutant- j
General Stafrin today sent a request
to Colonel May asking him to recon
sider his resignation.
Likewise, the repeated attacks of
certain newspapers on Major Francis
Drake are charged to difficulties aris
ing between a press representative and
Mr. Drake, while the latter was serv
ing as a member of the Portland school
board, rather than being based on any
legitimate grounds of inefficiency or
Colonel May's Retard Landed.
'To the best of our knowledge and
belief Colonel May was the only colonel
of infantry in the etate of Oregon who
could qualify without examination, ow
ing to his . excellent record abroad,
where among seven colonels engaged
in the same work he was the only
colonel who because of his skill and
efficiency, retained his command," said
Adjutant-General Stafrin in a letter ac
quainting Governor Olcott with. Mr.
May s resignation.
"He was, therefore, ordered from the
unassigned list back to the command
of his regiment to function as the colo
nel thereof until federal recognition
could be secured for the entire regi
ment. In spite of the fact that this
officer was the only officer who could
qualify and in spite of the fact that
his military experience with the na
tional guard and regular army covers
more than 30 years and in spite of the
fact that it was only at the request of
these headquarters that he consented
to perform the arduous duties incident
to final preparation of this regiment
for federal approval, a portion of the
state press of Oregon, apparently con
trolled by a v-ery few disgruntled offi
cers and individuals attacked him so
shamelessly, he requested on August
1 to be relieved of all responsibility
whatsoever regarding this regiment.
Major Drake's Record Cited.
"As a result there is no regimental
organization in this state and Oregon
has only 11 separate companies. It is
a matter of keen regret to these head
quarters that the military and inci
dentally the civil welfare of the state
of Oregon should be so seriously
jeopardized at a time when the entire
country is under the sway of a cer
tain madness as illustrated by the con
ditions now prevailing in Chicago. Re
garding Major J. Francis Drake, who
was recognized by the federal govern
ment as a major in the quartermaster's
corps in the fall of 1917, these head
quarters desire to estate that Major
Drake, these headquarters and his
many friends were untiring in their
efforts to induce the war department
to employ this officer either at home
or abroad, as they should see fit, but
without success.
"Throughout the war Major Drake
has been untiring in his efforts in be
half of the military establishment of
the state, serving actively as the com
manding officer of the battalion of in
fantry located in Portland.
"Again it is a source of keen regre
to these headquarters that this office
should be so falsely accused by a por
tion of the press because of the diffi
culties having arisen between him and
a press representative while Major
Drake was a member of the city school
board of Portland, Or."
Colonel May's assignment to com
mand of the regiment was not in the
nature of an appointment. He was
elected commander of the 3d Oregon
February 19 last and was assigned to
the command March 10. On April 1 he
left the command to become adjutant
general of the state. Colonel North
again resuming command. Mr. May re
signed as adjutant-general May 30 and
Mr. North .again took command, which
he held until last Tuesday, when Colo
nel May was again assigned.
Although several persons have been
prominently mentioned as possible suc
cessors to Colonel May in the event h
refuses to reconsider his resignation
it is believed here that Colonel Car
Abrams would be acceptable as com
mander of the Oregon military. Colo
nel Abrams was identified with the old
Oregon national guard for many years
and only recently returned here from
Prior to going to Franc Colonel
Abrams was a member of the state
industrial accident commission.
Property Around Aberdeen Assessed
at $33,933,046 This Year.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Aug. 2. -(Special.)
Grays harbor real estate and
personal property is valued for assess
ment purposes this year at 13,933,046.
according to figures given out by As
sessor R. A. Wiley. Actual value Is at
least double that figure. Personal
property is listed at 58,035,665 as
against $5,360,200 last year, an Increase
of nearly $2,500,000. Real property is
valued at $423,695,621, or a decrease of
$193,705. The drop In realty is due to
the large cut of timber made in the
Assessor Wiley's report shows that
there are still 414,295 acres of timber In
the county. Timber was removed from
26,364 acres last year.
Official Casualty Report
flfASHrNGTON, Aug. 2. The follow-
Ing casualties are reported:
Dillree. Louis t tsgi.), Hillsdale. Or.
Killed In action
ale, James I-., Tacoma. Wash.
Wounded Hllirhtlv
High, Harold !., index. Wash.
Iled from accident
Davis, rharlcs W.. Ulackfoot. Idaho.
Wounded, liarhtiv
Kitchen, William J3., Rupert, Idaho.
Killed in action-
Thomas, Charlie H. Jasper Hoover, Merrill,
lied of wunnds
Grady, John J. sffO. Eirabeth, N. J.
Gerngross, John A, (corp.), Philadelphia.
iied zrom accident and other e&uiMut
ubbe, George W., Quincy. 111.
SaufCer, John A. (mech.). Portsmouth, O.
Lavis, Charles VY., JBlackfoot, Idaho.
Marlin, William P., Mitchell, Neb.
Bradley. William J.. New Haven. Conn. '
Gouin, Philip O., Manistlque, Mich.
Larson, Clarence O., Midway, N. I.
Slmenoskf, Antoni, Paw tucket, R. I.
iied of disease
Catton, Richard H. (Heat.). Berkeley. CaL
Lanzer. Albert H.. New York.
Smith, Harold L... Liberal, Kan.
Returned to military control
reported killed in action)
Adams. Render D., Lagrance, Ga.
Killed in action (previously reoorted
Kinznerman, Penko (Set.), Chicago, 111.
Iied of wounds ( previously reported
Kirk man, George E;, Wheatcroft, Ky.
Killed in action (previously reported
miMfung') j
Gallagher. Edward (CpK), Wayne. Pa.
Kyle, Samuel (Cpl.), Brooklyn, r. T.
Musolfno, Lulei. East Rochester, N. T.
Returned to duly (previously reported
Buffum, Clarence L., Kansas City, Mo.
Lander. Edward Leroy. Whitewater. Wis.
Iied of disease (previously reported died
of wounds)
Tarantino, George, Washington. T. C.
Killed In action (previously reported
Accident in Mine Fatal to Five.
WALLACE, Idaho, Aug. 2. (Special.)
John Marti no, whose back was broke
1 For the Purpose of Keeping Our Shop Busy in August 1
Right in the face of steadily advancing prices, we shall on
Monday and Tuesday Only
at these prices -
I Make to Your Order
H Regular $ 7.00 to $8.30 Madras Shirts for S 6.00
E Regular $7.50 to $9.00 Silk Fiber Shirts for S 6.00
EE Regular $10.00 Silk Fiber Shirts for S 8.00
EE Regular $18.00 Heavy Silk Shirts for : S15.00
EE Regular $15.00 Heavy White China Silk for S12.50
EE Regular $15.00 White Jap Pongee Silk for S12.50
Regular $10.00 Jap or Shantung Pongee Silk for S8.00
Advance Showing of
New Fall Hats
Copyright 1919 Hart Schattnex 6c Marx
Clothes for Men
and Young Men
New arrivals just received in new
model for fall new fabrics, fine tailor
ingthey're direct from
Hart Schaffner
& Marx
that means that they're direct from the
style authority in ready-to-wear clothes.
We'll be pleased to have you come in
and try them on.
Big Values at
$40, $45 and 50
Some More Some Less.
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
The Men's Store for
Quality and Service.
Gasco Bldg.,
Fifth and Alder.
Hornbeck. Harrison K- rLO. Tankers, if. T.
Beatrd. Andrew E.. Lafayette. Ala.
Sptnner, Edwin, New York, N. V.
I)irl (previously reported missing)
Elenger, Joe A., Pt. Louts, Mo.
Investment Company Formed.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) The
Western Investment company of Port
land today filed articles of Incorpora
tion here. The incorporators are J. E.
Craib, Rosier B. Sinnott and Frank
Schlegel and the capital stock Is $1300.
It is the purpose of the company to
conduct a general merchandise and real
estate business.
North Bank Highway Good.
WHITE SALMON. Wash.. Aug. 2.
(Special.) The North Bank highway
from Vancouver, Wish, to White Sal
mon, is now in good condition and is
being: covered daily by many cars. The
entire route from Vancouver east.
through White Salmon has been marked
at every road intersection by the mark
ers of the Evergreen hishway, of which
the North Bank is a link.
The coldest Inhabited land on the
globe is the northeastern part of Sibe
ria. In the town of Verkhojranak the
mean temperature in January is SO de
grees below contigrade, but very often
there are frosts of much greater severity.
9.,mHt:! '"' ..... i I Mm mi i i l i iJ i i msiiifs; in min .inmun n t siiwh.wuiw..ijiiiii.iiiiii mi.
" y a HIT f 9 M i
ine.norneis nm
y 8
Mrs. Wilson Woodrow
Jazz Monkey"
Joe Martin
the: almost-human monket star.
The raaM Rremeat muraiteM this to be mm
of the elcverrat entertainment ever offered
to the people of Portland.