The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, SECTION FOUR, Page 9, Image 69

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Multitude of Cases, Some Humorous, Many Pathetic and a Few Destitute, Sympathetically Handled by Small
but Big-Hearted Staff of Hard-Working Officials.
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Upper Waitingr line to b mcd dally in offices of women's division of the TTnJted
Mrs. lirnee Scott slarnine np one of her younger clients for the
T DEAR Mrs. Scott, I have a
very beautiful daughter.
Would you advise that she be
come an artist's model or a dry goods
No. the above is not an attempt to
be funny. It is just a sample of one of
the inquiries that come to the bead
of the women's division of the federal
employment bureau in Portland. Not
everybody is yet aware of the fat
that the bureau is in existence and is
here for the public to use. bm the mul
titude of people who have discovered
It don't hesitate to call up, write or
drop into the office to tret answers to
almost any question that may be puz
zling them at the time.
Seldom a day passes when the mail
does not produie an unusual inquiry,
euch as this: "Dear Mrs. Scott, being
in the business that you are. can you
tell me how my daughter can keep
from dressmaking and still make a
Or here is another: "I hear you are
Going on a tour to Hood River. Could
1 accompany you as nurse? Am not
working now."
And one more: "I live at Scappoose.
1 have six cows and ten head of sheep
and a Ford automobile. Please send
me a woman who can cook at 40 per
Mrs. Bruce Scott, who has been head
of the division since it moved into its
rresent quarters in the Lewis building
January 1, Is a woman of broad ex
perience and understanding- She is in
the work for tne love of it and would
rather trust her big home on the east
side to the care of a maid while she
puts In her play time downtown help
ing the less fortunate.
Cbief Has Long Day.
At 8:30 o'clock every morning she Is
at the offices ready to care for the
wants or the line or caners ini
sure to be on hand. Until July 15 she
had three assistants, but due to the ne
cessity of cutting down expenses two
of them were taken from her and Mrs.
Blanche Isherwood is the only one re
maining. Daily they receive from 150
to 600 visitors and get out possibly 100
letters. The office closes at :S0
With the decrease In the help there
has been no falling off of the business
and the two women are placing as
many people as the four originally did.
Orders calling for 700 women are to
be filled between now and September 1.
Hour after hour a line of people file
In and out, people of every sort of
condition imaginable, from scrubwomen
out of work to millionaire housewives
in search of French maids. When a
woman is out of a job she invariably
thinks of the United States employ
ment service.
When the offices first opened they
cared principally for domestics, factory
women and a few clerks. Gradually
every professional class imaginable
has been drawn in and Mrs. Scott was
scarcely surprised when not long ago
two toe dancers asked if she could find
openings on the stage for them. Even
girls with the movie craze seek ad
vice and are referred to the California
studios for information. Often mothers
ask assistance in helping their daugh
ters choose professions, while girls and
middle-aged women come in daily for
aid of this nature. Mrs. Scott patiently
asks them questions, tries to discover
their particular abilities and saves
many a heartache through her Impar
tial judgment.
One old negro mammy, who comes In
frequently for day work, has put it
aptly when she calls the office her
'haven of rest."
"Mrs. Scott," she remarked one day
she pulled a bread and butter sand
wich from her bag and prepared to
settle down and await a call, "yon
know I've just walked and walked and
my feet shuah am eoah and this am a
snighty big relief to sit hah."
Baby Tender Waited Job.
Callers range in age from kindergar
tri youngsters to eld women. Just last
Tuesday an k-year-old girl came In
f rnrj solmnij reo,nasted a poair
tion where she could take care of
babies. She had just come from the
Y. Wr. C A after having been told they
had no Buch jobs. She had gone home
and cried because she was so anxious
to earn the money. "I've had 'speri
ence, too," she told Mrs. Scott.
There was another chubby-faced ur
chin, a boy this time,' who wanted to
have a consultation on living expenses
while at a cherry-picking camp.
"Your board will cost you 60 cents a
day," he was told.
"Gee, he exclaimed in glee, "if that's
all it costs, guesa I can buy that watch
right soon."
For these tots the bureau acts as an
adjusting board. They come in to tell
of their wealth and to consult about
collecting their money. Two little fel
lows were picking en a ranch and one
got sick. They hadn't received their
check and were very much worried.
Mrs. Scott fixed up. a detailed report
and was just about to send It to the
employer when they came dashing
back, eyes alight, to announce that the
money had just arrived. Boys like this
are accumulating miniature fortunes,
like that of one lad of 11, who cleared
$25 picking cherries.
If Mrs. Scott had her choice she
would prefer most to handle the junior
vocational section of a big bureau, for
the children are so eager to learn and
so willing to follow advice if it will
bring them riches in the end. Next she
prefers foreigners, Scandinavians and
Polish in particular. They don't under
stand English very readily, and quite
often an interpreter is needed, but they
are willing to trust their adviser, give
her their confidence and go to the jobs
where they are sent and make a success
of them.
In the last month the bureau has
placed six Philippine youths, who came
to the United States with a party of
25 students. One had been studying
law and acting as a court interpreter.
He is now a bus boy at a local hotel, as
are. also three others, while the re
maining pair secured places in private
homes. They are earning $60 a month,
and in the fall expect to attend school,
working part time. It was a circuitous
route by which they finally appealed
to the women's division for aid.
Over in the Philippines the boys were
well acquainted at the Y. M. C. A. so
they went to the one In Portland for
positions. They passed on to the fed
eral employment office and from the
men's department to Mrs. Scott, with
the understanding that she supply them
with places in the berry fields. They
were more than willing to go to work
in the hotels and have given such satis
faction that Mrs. Scott has a standing
order for all the Philippine students
she can supply. The youths come in
and report to her almost every day.
as they have no other friends in this
Destitute Cases Are Aided.
The office isn't a charitable Institu
tion, but quite often its occupants give
actual monetary assistance to the
needy. Many of the women are so
grateful that tears roll down their
cheeks as they express thanks for as
sistance. Early this week a destitute
couple came in, the wife seeking work
which would permit her to give some
time to her children. As there hap
pened to be no suitable position open
at the time, the bureau found a place
for the husband putting in slabwood.
A bystander would have thought he
had just been presented with a million
dollar legacy, he was so pleased.
Dally the women must listen to tales
of misery, principally from the visitors
sent in by the women's protective divi
sion and the travelers' aid. who are
saved paying fees to private agencies.
One woman 6S years of age had jour
neyed from southern Oregon to meet
friends in a valley town, bat failing
to find them, had continued her trip
to Portland. She had ridden 24 hours
in a day coach and had not even had
a meal when she came up to the fed
eral bureau seeking a housekeeping
position. Mrs. Scott gave her &0 cents
with which to purchase a lunch and the
aged woman span tba day in tha office
: 4 -
State employment sexvlce. Lower
berry-aiekinjf season.
waiting for a position to turn up. Tnere
is a great need for a small revolving
fund to be used for cases such as this,
for the women of the bureau use their
own money at present.
Another time a Spanish woman abont
40 with a ten-year-old boy dashed in
and excitedly began to recount the de
tails of a fight with her husband in
which she apparently had got the worst
of the argument, as numerous raw
bruises testified. She said' in her
scarcely Intelligible discourse that- the
man had beaten her because she was
opposed to saloons. After she had
calmed down the office sent her to the
protective division.
A sadder case than this was that of
a woman who recently figured in the
news when her husband cut her throat
from ear to ear. When she was able
to leave the hospital Mrs. Scott found
her a position in a home.
Telephone calls give the bureau an
Insight into the idiosyncracies of em
ployers. A woman phoned in one morn
ing with this unusual request: "Will
you send me a girl to sit in the parlors
two hours a day to wait until my hus
band comes home?" She never offered
any further details of the work.
Brunettes apparently are more popu
lar in offices. "Tell them not to send
me a blonde," 'is the frequent request
of business men in need of stenog
raphers or clerks. Sometimes, too, one
will explain, "Make it a slim girl, as
the space she will have to work in is
rather small."
Very seldom does What might be
termed a "haughty dame" apply for
work. If she objects to the office
rules and decides she can get a place
elsewhere, ten to one the will be
back in a day or two ready to sign
any document. A woman- curiously
watched Mrs. Scott going through the
box of cards in which she has an
index of situations open. After a bit
she remarked, "I don't want any of
them on cards. I want a job like
Romance Result From Office.
The continuous procession of life
that passes through the doors brings
with It joys as well as heafrtaches and
the women of the bureau have more
than once felt they had been parties
to little romances. An elderly man
came In for a housekeeper and was
referred to a woman in the waiting
room. One glance was sufficient to
interest him and It was not long be
fore word cam-e that the lucky woman
had a life position, made secure by a
marriage certificate. Another lonely
bachelor secured a housekeeper through
the division and the one on whom
fortune had smiled came in a month
later in her automobile to hire a maid
and spread the tidings of a happy
wedding. Tm coming back again
soon." she announced, to get some
prune pickers."
Some woman in need of a home may
still find a place If she has a daughter
between the ages of 10 and 12 years,
for a lonely man of no mean wealth
wants a companion and housekeeper
and has told the bureau about it. "I
want the little girl to educate," he said.
"I might even make her my heir."
The women who are hardest to place
are those between 40 and 55, many of
whom have had their homes, but are
now turned forth on their own re
sources through the war or the influ
enza epidemic Not a few have had a
whirl at society and are unskilled as
any from homes of luxury. Matronships
are the best positions for these women,
while others fit in as house managers
and housekeepers and a few can do
clerical work.
Many women coming in recently have
from one to five children and wish to
take them to farms, where the young
sters who are old enough to work can
earn their board. The women desire
from 930 to 940 a month and board for
their services.
A good many penniless and stranded
girls call in a week. Several times It
has been found out that they ran away
from homes. There is always a place
for a girl If she is willing to accept
what is offered on the spur of the mo
ment. Wages and protection are at
least inured bar until aoo&ethiaa; bet- j
ter turns np. None under IS are taken
unless they have permits from Mrs.
Minnie R. Trumbull of the child wel
fare commission. Complete records of
every applicant are kept, so she can
be traced from one place to another.
When one comes to register she puts
her name on the daily calling book and
signs a card with name, address, ref
erences and statements as to her char
acter and ability. This is then taken to
the personal examiner, Mrs. Scott, who
looks up employers' cards seeking the
best position. If one for first choice is
not on hand she trys second choice.
A card the girl takes to her new em
ployer Is then made out with a state
ment of the wages to be paid and other
facts. If she is given the position, this
card Is sent back and" kept as an of
fice record, so that the bureau can
tell how many times they have sent
one girl out and why she was rejected.
If she accepts the place, the length of
time she stays is recorded.
Personal orders are solicited by the
bureau and employers are free to ask
for consultations no matter how much
pressing business is on hand. The ser
vice is extended all over the country
and if a Portland girl is going to New
York to seek work, the local employ
ment bureau will send a card and ref
erences with her if she desires. Many
have been helped to positions in other
parts of the west in this way.
With the return of the soldiers who
have been in France the bureau has ac
quired a heartrending duty, that of
looking through its records for boI
diers' wives, who have deserted in their
absence. One man returned to find his
house empty and a seven-year-old boy
on his hands to care for. It is youths
like these who are contributing to the
collection of pictures of lost wives now
on file at the office, in the hope that
the women of the bureau mUit find
Then there are expectant mothers,
who have lost their husbands and are
destitute and unable to take up heavy
work. The best of care is found for
many of tbam, one going to the home
of a woman doctor, who needed some
one to do her housework. In return
she promised to give her the needed
medical attention and sufficient pay to
supply the girl's wants.
With much pride Mrs. Scott welcomes
these women when they come back
to tell her of the excellent treatment
they have received. When the Sunny
side Congregational church some
months ago presented a baby's layette
to be given to a deserving war mother
and-a 17-year-old soldier's bride was
picked out, she feels the gift was well
placed. The young mother called this
week to exhibit her baby and tell of
her husband's return. She is now liv
ing in a tiny cottage he built entirely
by himself after working hours
It isn't only the downs and outs that
appeal to the bureau. Many experi
enced office women are glad of a place
where their applications will not
merely be placed on file, but will be
referred to speedily. Over 80 per cent
of the clerical placements made have
been permanent
From January 2 to June SO 1-4.996
persons called at the women's divi
sion. Of these 11,961 registered 6863
were referred and 6175 reported receiv
ing places. The help wanted list con
tained 9839 names. Seasonal work
from May ?0 to the end of the follow
ing month was given 2786. according
to a report prepared this week for the
general offices of the department of
labor in Washington. Through this
the growers were given the most real
and efficient service they have ever
bad. Since July 1, 1918, when the
bureau was established. 76S0 people
nave been placed through it. Out of
this grand total from 40 to 50 per
cent of the situations have been per
manent, that is, applicants remained in
them from three months to a year.
Mrs. Scott's report contains the fol
lowing facts:
"The seasonal work as carried on by
the women's division has met with
splendid success, making placements
of 2766 workers. About a third of the
number sent out were formed in camps
with a supervisor in charge. A cook
was also supplied for the workers,
each worker paying her 15 cents a day
for her services. After I had person
ally interviewed the growers they were
induced to buy tents, build shacks or
furnish cooking utensils, cots, wood.
water and straw for the workers with
vegetables and groceries at cost. This
took a great deal of time outside of
office hours, but I earnestly believt
that we have solved the problem of
harvesting the fruit crops of Oregon
and we have now on file orders for over
500 bean pickers, the season opening
August 15. This order will be filled
mainly by girls and women formed in
camps. We also have orders for 800
cranberry pickers and 300 evergreen
blackberry pickers. Just how all
these placements will be made with
only myself and one assistant to do lv
I have not been able as yet to decide.
We two are now averaging 80 place
ments daily, but will not be able to
continue such heavy work during the
month of August."
Mrs. Scott Is always ready to receive
visitors and has been giving much at
tention recently to a delegation from
the University of Oregon extension
classes in social service. Twice a week
the students call at the office and go
over the methods used in the various
Much of the success of the bureau
the officials attribute to the better
class of women who are seeking work.
They are better equipped to care for
themselves and are capable of taking
responsible positions with remunera
tive ealarles. There Is scarcely a line
In which the bureau has not supplied
help, ranging from janitresses to mat
rons, principals of schools, playground
supervisors, companions, secretaries to
high officials and even employment
Employers are setting forth more in
ducements to keep their help, this
being the case particularly with do
mestics. It is not unusual for them to
be offered rooms with a private bath
and sitting room In which to entertain
their company. Girls no longer have
to stay in the places where they swel
ter in an attic in warm weather. Wom
en even worry about what to feed their
hired girls and one called up Mrs.
Scott to ask what was usually cooked
for lunch for day workers. They gen
erally seek advice on what the pay
should be, also.
So much has the bureau come to be
depended upon that employers now call
on it in preference to any other place
and some have standing orders In all
of the time for certain kinds of help
they need.
Stirnb Produces Bouquet of Flowers
10 Feet in Diameter.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Aug. X. (Special.)
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Early have what
they believe to be the record Oregon
hydrangea plant at their hqme on Co
lumbia street. The shrub, now 12 years
old, forms a Usass of bloom more than
10 feet in diameter. The center is
more than seven feet tali. Every 'one
of the several hundred branches is
tipped with a blossom, and the bush has
the appearance of an enormous bou
quet. The giant hydrangea has at
tracted much attention.
Mrs. Early believes that the shady
location on her lawn and the applica
tion of an abundance of water has
brought tbe hydrangea to Its unusual
' Plumbers Plan Union.
the co-operation of the orientals, there
is a plan on foot to start a plumbers'
union in Honolulu. The aim is to in
crease the wages of white men to 96-56
a day and the wages of Japanese and
Chinese to 95 a day. White men are
getting 94 a day and oriental 9264 a
day aa plumbers at present.
Seventy Youngsters Included in Delegation to Enjoy Hospitality 'and Instruction of Institution This Tear. I
111 "" - . J 11 Mi ii 83 . ;
11 ' MH I
We are the boys from the city of Portland
Who take as our motto aim high.
We won't lsr buck and take a ions slffn.
But set in the collar and -try.
Rarly in the morning on a hike we go,
Eager to find out the things we don't know.
For it Is when we are young we should know
How a nation ought to grow. r
SUCH is the song the group of boys,
who go eazb summer to Big
Brother farm at Lebanon learn to
sing at their campflres.
Six years ago Mr. and Mrs. Chester
A. Lyon, who had done social settle
ment work in the east, experimented
on their little 20-acre farm and had
sent to them from Portland 12 delin
quent, dependent boys sadly In need
of care and good home influences. The
venture was a success and the follow
ing summer the number of guests was
nearly doubled and since has grown in
such proportions that 70 will be
handled this vacation.
One seldom hears of the farm, for
it has no tag sales for its support nor
does it conduct any other contribu
tion campaigns. Still. It certainly
would never refuse a gift, but, if this
were in money, the donors would be
expected to specify Just what it would
be spent for. Then in due time would
come to him a duplicate account from
the Lebanon store where the purchase
was made, for everything at the farm
is on a business like basis.
Parties Personally Conducted.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyon support their
summer home principally through
winter work, for the former Is princi
pal of the Oswego school and his wife
also has taught there. Meanwhile in
the cold months they contrive to visit
Portland churches and speak in behalf
of their establishment. By the time
school is out they have secured names
through the public wellfare bureau,
private families and the churches of
boys, between the ages of nine and 15
years, most needing care. They are
taken in groups for periods of two
weeks, Mr. Lyon coming to m Portland
for each outfit and returning with- it.
This summer Ben Selling is paying
the transportation.
All the young guests, no matter what
their past records may be, are taken in
on the assumption that they are
"gentlemen." This gives them a feel
ing of confidence and gets the morale
started off on the right track. It
likewise prepares the boy for the honor
system of government prevailing at
the farm. The results from this are ex
tremely obvious; out of 108 lads
handled up to this year, but four have
bean sent to the reform school, yet, as
a rule, when they are taken in they are
almost ready for the Juvenile court.
Bad boys, however, are not selected,
rather the mischievous one who has no
one to look out for him, is chosen.
Care is taken that homes are not
broken up unless they actually con
tribute to the delinquency of the child.
As often as possible brothers are kept
Habits Are Chanced.
As soon as the boys are old enough
to understand what has been done for
them at the farm, they appreciate it.
One boy wanted to pay the transporta
tion for his younger brother, whom
Mr. Lyon was contemplating adding to
the guest list. Another fellow, who had
spent a summer there six years ago
came back last month to visit his
brother, who had been added to the
flock. The former is 20 years old now
and is employed in the shipyards,
where he supervises the work of seven
men under him.
Many boys change their habits com
pletely after visiting the farm. They
are inspired with the idea of getting
an education and may go on into high
school. They keep in touch with the
Lyons through letters and one has to
correspond at a fearful rate of speed
in order to keep up with them. If a
letter is mailed Saturday night an an
swer is sure to come back the follow
ing Monday.
Each day a set programme is carried
out. At 6:30 the lads get up and are
ready for the morning meal half an
hour later. At 7:45 they begin their
chores, each having certain duties,
such as making beds in the tents
where they sleep, peeling potatoes and
preparing other vegetables. They milk
the cows, care for "Woodrow." the
pet horse, and work in the garden.
There is a regular squad of kitchen
police who wash and wipe dishes. An
other boy tends the little office and
has had this task for four summers.
Wood is cut, flowers and lawn tended
and all the farm work carried on by
the boys, to whom this wholesome
outdoor life is almost a novelty.
From 9:30 to 10 o'clock is a song
period when religious, patriotic and
old familiar tunes are revived. Then
comes the play hour when the lads are
absolutely free. Mr. Lyon Is of the
opinion that the time to find out what
is really in a boy is by watching him
when he is idle.
Bible Stories Told.
Dinner at noon begins the next part
of the programme. Regular chores are
continued, followed by hikes and na
ture studies. In the evening after sup
per is a bonfire and story honr. Mrs.
Lyon explains the Bible to the youths,
for each is given a small edition upon
his arrival. Before retiring all repeat
the Lord's prayer. There is no talk
in the tents after lights out.
Heart to heart talks are a feature
of each day and the boy is expected to
take an active part In these and volun
teer all kinds of information he may
have acquired or voice a desire for
more. One of the most successful
object lessons is taught on Peterson's
butts, two and a half miles from the
farm and one of the largest hills this
side of the Cascades. The boys pack
up supplies and camp over night on the
promontory. At sunrise while they are
there Mr. Lyon gives them a talk on
the llfa of Christ.
The holy book is a touchy point with
the boys, who as a rale came from
homes where it was seldom if ever re
ferred to. Mr. Lyon has a method of
teaching the parables in the garden
and before the youngsters realize it
they have learned a leseon from a cab
bage patch and can trace the under
lying points to some Bible story.
Pets are used to give the boys ideas
on proper living. They are extremely
fond of "Daisy," the cow. and "Wood-
row," the horse, and have in addition
a number of other farm pet a
Bay Scout work Is carried and. a
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-Kltehea poliee learning; the rndtaaenta of eeokleg. 2 Two trothri-af rem .
a family of 11 chlldrea, the father of whom committed suicide aad whose-,
mother la aa invalid, ehuaunlaa with Branny. S. Heady for a hike anderi
the dlreetloa of a Fortlaed Bay Seoul. 4 These two brothers, have tended
the office at fhe farm for four years. 3'hey are oat with the pet horse,'
number of lads are members of Port
land troops. Among the outdoor
pastimes they have is swimming in a
real old-fashioned swimming hole on
the- farm.
Cleanliness, however, is administered
in generous doses ontside of this re
treat. Not long ago when bath night
arrived little George, one of the boys,
came running to Mr. Lyon with the
announcement, "Freddy hasn't touched
the water."
"George, are you absolutely sureT"
the host inquired.
Come out and see him, was the
Mr. Lyon's policy is to never doubt
the boys, but sift any of their state
ments to the bottom He approached
Freddy's tent and found that young
man tucked away between the sheets.
Freddy is red haired and Irish and
he announced calmly, "Mr. Lyon. I've
taken a bath."
Boy Gives Explanation
The latter decided to take the young
ster's word and bade him good night. He
hadn't stepped beyond the door when
cry came from the bed, 1 haven t
taken a bath."
Then the boy explained. The trouble
with the whole thing was that you be
lieved everything I told you and it got
in on me. 1 remembered our motto.
Aim high' and knew I was doing just
the opposite."
And so Freddy took his medicina Mr,
Lyon holds that there is no virtue in
being good simply because a boy thinks
he has to be. He Isn t an advocate ot
whipping, but prefers the "think"
method. The culprit Is sent to some
beautiful spot to meditate on his
troubles. He never fails to come to a
reasonable attitude after a dose of this.
Lad la Observlas.
Quite often when a new guest ar
rives from Portland he has his hat
cocked on the side of his head with a
jaunty, confident air. One was asked
why he didn't keep his neaagear
Swelling np his chest Be repuea.
"Why, I've seen men do It."
"Do you think It looks fine?" he
was questioned.
"Why, yes, its very stynsn, ne
The boy was taken into the office
and politely seated on a chair while
Mr. Lyon took up his own hat. put it
on the side of his head and inquired as
to how it looked. The boy admitted he
had seen It worn in more attractive
fashion and took care to put his own
on carefully thereafter. It was a youth
just like this who. after leaving the
farm, wrote his benefactors telling
them upon his return to Portland he
was so interested in the hat proposi
tion he stood at the comer of Fifth
and Washington streets one Saturday
afternoon and counted 806 men pass
ing who had their hats on crooked. Of
these he said 605 had cigarettes in the
corners of their mouths.
Mr. Lyon told him of the saying of
the famous Bob Burdette, who declared.
"A man with his hat on the side of his
head and a cigarette in the corner of
his mouth makes me think of a dough
nut with the rim knocked off."
Friday Inspection Day.
Lebanon people are loyal In their
support ot the farm, which is just a
mile and a half due south of the town
on Main street. The leader -of their
Boy Scouts is responsible for the great
Feet tired from
summer-sunned '
pavements? Use
for quick and sure
relief. Cooling and
always refreshing
Tkoe. Ltrwiei A C.. N. Y.
i( V'
204-foot flag pole, which distinguishes'
it from other dwellings in the neigh-,
borhood. Visitors are always welcome,'
particularly on Friday, inspection day.'
Mr. Lyon trained for welfare work
in Chicago and took unfortunate chiK
dren of that city on outings many
summers. Mrs. Lyon also was inter
ested in the work and taught school. 1
Portland Drill Team Visits and In
itiates Large Classes.
WHEELER. Or Aug. 2. (Special.)
Last Saturday 30 m'embers. including a
drill team of 19 women from the Grand
lodge in Portlands motored to Nehalem,''
where they held high jinks in the
Union hall there that night and 16 new
members were initiated into ths re
cently re-organtzed Artisan lodge. Th
vislting Artisans spent the first of the
week at Manzanita, where 'bonfires.
candy pulls and other diversions were
held on the beach. A large crowd at '
tended a free dance given by thexn Us
Nehalem Tuesday night.
The Portland party left for Tilla
mook Wednesday, where they initiated
a large class into that order.
Don't Spoil Your
Hair by Washing It
When you wash your hair, be careful'
what you use. Most soaps and prepared
shampoos contain too much alkali,
which is very Injurious, as It dries the
scalp and makes the hair brittle.
The best thing to use Is .Mulstfled
cocoanut oil shampoo, for this Is pure--and
entirely greaseless. It's very cheap -and
beats anything else all to pieceeui
You can get this at any drug store, and
a few ounces will last the whole family -for
Simply moisten the hair with water'
and rub it in. about a teaspoonful is all
that is required. It makes an abas '.
dance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses
thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The ,
hair dries quickly and evenly and is -soft,
fresh-looking, bright, fluffy, wavy
and easy to handle. Besides. It loosens
and takes out every particle of dust '
dirt and dandruff. Adv. 1
Gives Wife'
"My wife was pronounced Incurable
by physicians unless operated (compli
cated bowel trouble). I began giving'
her Adler-1-ka and she Is Improving
and I mean to continue until she is
cured." (Signed) J. H. Underwood, Ma
rion, Ala.
Adler-i-ka expels ALL gas and sour
ness, stopping stomach distress IN---STANTLY.
Empties BOTH upper and
lower bowel, flushing ENTIRE allmen
mentary canaL Removes ALL foul mat.
ter which poisons system. Often CURES
constipation. Prevents appendicitis. We
have sold Adler-i-ka many years. It is
a mixture of buckthorn, cascara, glyet
erine and nine other simple drugs.
Skldmore Drug company and Leading
druggists Adv.
I will cldjy send anjr rtaaainatljrm affrr
tUnpl Herb Rc.p Abaolutcly fr that 1
Cmptctlr CareU mm ot m. twrlbl atlac.
ot muscuistr MMd iniia.mxna.tory Hhtuman.m
of Ions taJidin aXtor vrythiQa; . X
trt4 bad fail ad m. I btvt fivmn U to
mJiir Buiorer wbo boliovod Uiir cmn
oplM, yet thT found relief from Uieir .
auiferlns by taking Uiea aimpla herb. It
alao relieve Sciatica, promptly aa welt aa
Keuraiffia and la a wonderful blood portlier.
You are moat welcome to tble ttarb Jiat-i
it yau will aend for It at once. 1 batieve
you wilt consider it a God-nd alter yon
kavo pot It to the taat. Tnera la netlUnc
Injurious contained in It. and you can a"
foi youraelf exactly what you are taJxtns.
X will jriadly tend tins Recipe absolutely .
free -r-to any eufferer wbo wtil sen' name -and
addrate plainly written. H. D. STTlOSi,
4w Magnolia Ave. Lea aeaelee. Caixioravta