The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, SECTION FOUR, Page 8, Image 68

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Accommodations for 150 Students Are Expected to Be Ready for Opening About September 2 Sisters of Mercy Again Will Be in Charge.
THE new "bungalow" school build
ing of St. Patrick's Catholic
church, Ninteenth and Savier
streets. Rev. Charles M. Smith, rectoi.
is rapidly approaching: completion and
it is hoped to have it ready for school
use about September 2. The improve
ment will cost about $1200. Father
Smith has general charge of the work
and 12. J. Oberle is builder and archi
tect. The Sisters of Mercy, as former
ly, will conduct the classes. There will
be accommodations for 150 children.
Si. Patrick's church is in the midst
of a thickly settled neighborhood and
last Sunday it was estimated that 1000
persons attended services there. '
Back in the early '"80s" a small one
story structure was erected on what is
now Savier street, just west of North
Nineteenth, which served as a church
Sundays and a sisters' school during the
rest .of the week. In 1889 the corner
stone of the new St. Patrick's church
was laid and about that time the origf
nal chapel was raised and another
etory built below. This combination,
with various alterations, did service as
& school until last June and during
its long term of usefulness thousands
of Portland's citizens acquired at least
part of their early training within its
In the little wooden belfry of the old
school hung a bell which was made in
London, England, in 1850, and sent out
to the "poor missions" in the then un
known west. It bears the inscription
of a London firm, is stamped with the
year mentioned and is marked: "Pau
peres evengelizantur" "For the evan
gelization of the poor." The bell came
in the possession of the late Archbishop
Blanchet, first metropolitan of the
province of Oregon; did service in one
or more chapels in this state and final
ly was relegated to the old St. Patrick's
school, from where it accelerated many
a. pair of tiny feet during its long
period of service.
Last June a crew of workmen began
to demolish the old structure. Many
sighs of regret came from hearts in
which earliest and tenderest recollec
tions were associated with the venera
ble landmark. It was found that much
of the heavier lumber and other well
preserved material in the old edifice
could be nised again in the new struc
ture. The new school will be a one-story
modern building with ventilation, san
itation and heating of the highest
standard. It is bungalow style, of
frame and cement construction, with
pebble dash finish on the exterior.
Creeping vines and a variety of plant
growth will serve to beautify the
building and give it a homelike Tather
than a school-like appearance. There
will be four large class rooms, a rest
room and a corridor. It is L-shaped
If desired another wing can be added
without appearing to alter the original
plan. In rainy weather the children
will use the lower floor of the large
stone church for a recreation halL
Saints and the Mark of the Beast," The
programme for the week follows: Mon
day night, "The Unpardonable Sin":
Tuesday night. "The Seven Last
Plagues"; Wednesday night, "The One
Church of the Bible Why So Many
Sects?"; Thursday night, "The Extinc
tion of Protestantism Will Rome Rule
Again?"; Friday night, "The Call of the
Hour, or Christianized Paganism Ex
posed"; Saturday night, "After Death
What? Where Are the Dead?": Sunday
night, "The Demon's Council." There
will be special music each evening led
by Professor I. C. Colcord. The public
is Invited.
Sunday school at the Fourth Presby
terian church will have an unusual fea
ture this morning when all the children
are to meet in the main auditorium to
enjoy a stereopticon lecture on Korea.
The topic at the 10:30 A. M. service Is
Those Who Worship God" and at 8 P.
M. "The Christian Fulfilling His Mission."
Moderator of Oregon Synod
to Preach Here.
Rev. L. Myron Boozes to Occupy the
v Pulpit of the B'irst Presbyterian
' Church Today.
REV. L. MYRON BOOZER, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church of
Medford, formerly of the Piedmont
church in this city and recently chosen
moderator of the Oregon Presbyterian
Synod, will occupy the pulpiti of the
First Presbyterian church, corner
Twelfth and Alder streets, both morn
ing and evening today.
--M. J. MacMillan Muir, the new tenor
of the First Presbyterian choir, will be
the organist during the month of Aug
ust, while Mr. Coursen is on his vaca
-Next Sunday the pulpit will be filled
by Rev. Hugh R. Walker, D. D., pastor
of the First Presbyterian church of
Los Angeles.
In the senior department of the Sun
day school, pictures of Japan will be
shown and talked about by Dr. C. R.
Templeton. In the primary department
Mrs. J. Hunter Wells, a missionary in
Corea for years, will give a picture
A letter from Dr. Boyd tells of a
three days' rest by Lake Pend d'Oreille,
after a very trying motor trip, owing
to the heart, and the expectation of
reaching Yellowstone park Thursday.
James T. Ewing. educational director
of the church, is attending the mission
ary conference at Seabeck. where he is
the dean of the faculty. Others in at
tendance from this city are Miss Vida
Nichols, Mrs. W. B. Osborne, Miss Agnes
Symington, Miss Myrtle Muir and Miss
Carrol cumxnings.
The evangelistic campalfm now going
en under the leadership of Evangelist
Lt K. Dickson in the big tent pavilion
at Thirteenth and Morrison streets
(west side) will continue through the
oming week. Mr. Dickson will speak
tonight at 7:45 on "The 144.000 Sealed
Oregon City Minuter Gains
Local Pulpit.
Rev. W. T. MUIikem to Preacn First
Sermon in Portland Today.
REV. W. T. MTLLIKEN. who preaches
his initial sermon as pastor 'of the
Highland Baptist church Sunday morn
ing, is one of the best known minis
ters in the northwest. He has been
pastor of the First Baptist church of
Oregon City for the past seven years.
during which time 230 members were
received through baptism and the mem
bership grew to more than 400, though
a larger number were dismissed to
form the First Baptist church of Glad
stone. The Oregon City church has in
creased largely in its contributions for
all religious .and benevolent purposes
and has been active in all forms of war
The pastor's two sons were among
the first to enlist for overseas.
Dr. Milliken was active in the Red
Cross promotion, a member of the home
guard, prominent in all war activities
throughout the country. In recogni
tion of his ability he was offered the
deanship of the Northern Baptist
Theological seminary of Chicago. He
has been much sought after as a lec
turer at teachers' institutes and miscel
laneous educational assemblies.
He came to Oregon City after being
pastor for 14 years In Minnesota, in
Mapleton, Granger, St. Paul, Detroit and
at Fort Collins, where the state agri
cultural college is located. He also
served on the board of examiners of
Ewing college. In denominational ac
tivities in Oregon he is recognized as
an outstanding leader.
Dr. Milliken's subject for 11 o'clock
Sunday morning will be "The Gospel
and the Old Age," and the evenolng
subject at 8 will be on "Things That
The First Spiritualist church at East
Seventh and Hassalo streets will have
a lecture and messages by Mae Celeste
Post at 8 o clock tonight.
In the pastor s absence from the city
Professor Thomas Dawes Eliot of
Northwestern university, Chicago, will
occupy the pulpit of the Church of Our
Father, Broadway and Yamhill, this
morning at 11 o'clock, speaking upon
"Unfilled Wishes." being a word of
practical help for those who would be
happy and useful in spite of great dis
appointments. Tha Sunday school and
evening forum are intermitted.
Vr -TS J-
three months, and is now returning to
China, accompanied by his wife and
The pulpit of the White Temple will
be occupied today by Dr. Ouy L. Brown,
pastor of the First Baptist church of
Wichita, Kan. He has been in Seattle
the past month preaching, and is now
In Portland visiting his sister. Tonight
he will leave for his home. The subject
of the morning sermon will be "The
Great Provider" and ia the evening "At
the Door."
At Centenary Methodist church, eor-
er East Pine and East Ninth streets.
where Dr. J. C. Rollins la pastor. Dr.
Lewis will preach the morning service.
At the evening hour, 8 o'clock, a spe
cial musical programme, with brief ad-
ress by the pastor. Is scheduled. The
music at both morning and evening
ervlce will include numbers on the
harp by Mrs. Roscoe C. Lyons and the
cello by Mr. Lyons. The public is invited.
The Spiritualist Church of the Soul,
nc, will hold services tonight at 7:30.
Rev. S. B. Seip lecturing, assisted by
others. The meeting is at 208 n Third
Oddfellows to Attend Church
Special Programme Arrangred at the
University Park Edifice.
THE subject of the 11 o'clock sermon
by Rev. J. T. Abbett. pastor of
the University Park Methodist Epis
copal church, at the corner of Lombard
and Fiske streets, this morning will be
"Conscience." The programme for the
day follows:
Sunday school at 9:45; devotional
meeting of the Epworth league at 7
P. M, topic, "Followers of a Joyful
Christ"; leader. Miss Sybil McClure. At
8 P. M., a young men's service will be
held with an address by the pastor on
"Belief of the Unbeliever."
The Oddfellows' lodge will attend in
a body. Special music, both instru
mental and vocal. The public is cor
dially invited. If you are a stranger
or have no church home you will find
a hearry welcome at this church.
Harold Humbert Hopes for
School Betterment.
Delegate to the rational Convention
Telia of Plans Advanced In-East.
Chicago Pastor in Pulpit of
First Congregational.
Rev. Clement Clarke Will Speak in
Portland Three Sundays.
cago is here to occupy the pulpit
of the First Congregational church at
Park and Madison streets for three
Sundays. His morning subject will be
"The Adventure of Faith" and in the
evening, "The Biggest Thing Yet."
Rev. Mr. Clarke was formerly pastor
of the First Congregational church of
Minneapolis, going from there to the
First Congregational church of Peoria,
Illinois. He spent 17 months in the
army service under the Y. M. C A., five
months in this country, six in England
and six in France. He went from can
tonment to cantonment speaking to
soldiers and sailors and a the time of
leaving St. Nazaire, France, was ad
dressing 1000 men a day.
The public is cordially invited to
hear him while he is in Portland. The
Amicitiae Christian Endeavor holds its
regular session at 6:30 P. M. Preach
ing services are at 11 A. M. and 7:45
P. M.
Rodney Christian church will have
regular morning and evening services
today, with Bible school at 10 o'clock
and sermons at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. by
Rev. H. L. Ford. The Christian En
deavor meets at 7 P. M.. with special
music by the choir, directed by Mrs.
Maud Watkins Sammon.
HERE is no reason why the Sun
day schools of this county and
state cannot be among the best in the
country." is the opinion of Harold F.
Humbert, general secretary of the Ore
gon Sunday School association, who has
Just returned from Lake Geneva, Wis.,
where he attended the annual 10-day
session of the training of the Interna
tional Sunday School association. There
were 845 men and women' from 41 states
and provinces gathered to consider bet
ter methods of Sunday school work.
Mr. Humbert believes much of the
growth of the Sunday schools of the
nation during the past decade can be
traced to the Influences of this train
ing school at Conference Point on Lake
Geneva where county and state leaders
gather each year.
"I am anxious that next year a num
ber of other county officials go to Lake
Geneva," said the state secretary. "I
am ready to help local schools to the
extent of my ability."
The students at Conference Point
were instructed by a faculty of 30 men
and women, specialists in their field
drawn from many denominations and
alf parts of the country. Among the
instructors were Dr. Walter S. Athearn
of Boston university. Dr. M. A. Honline,
professor in Bonebrake Theological
seminary, Dayton. Ohio; Dr. H. F. Rail,
professor in Garrett Biblical institute,
Evanston, 111., and Professor H. Au
gustine Smith, head of music and pag
eantry work in Boston university. W.
C. Pearce, of the International associa
tion, has been dean of the school from
the beginning eight years ago.
The attendance at the school was so
large that plans are being made to hold
similar schools next year on the Atian
tic and Pacific coasts.
Midsummer communion will be ob
served at Atkinson Memorial Congre
rational church Sunday morning and
the pastor, E. E. Flint, will preach on
"The God of Love." At the evening serv
ice the pastor will have for his theme,
"Woodrow Wilson and the Bible." The
Sunday school and the church will hold
the annual picnic at Sellwood Park,
Saturday afternoon. August 9. The,
church is located at East Everett and
Twenty-ninth streets.
Florence A. Sullenberg will be the
speaker at the comforter center serv
ices at 11 A. M. in the Hotel Portland
assembly room. At 8 P. M.. Mrs. Melva
J. Merrill of San Francisco will talk
on "Prosperity."
Services will be held at Universlal
Messianic church at 11 A. M. and 8
P. M. today. The subject this morning
will be "Unity and Variety." Study
classes meet on Wednesday night at 8
o'clock. All services are held in room
818. Ablngton building.
Today's services in the Grace Bap
tist church (Montavilla) will be con
ducted by Rev. Fred Berry of Lincoln,
Neb., acting pastor. The Lord's supper
will be observed and new members re
ceived at the morning service. The
morning sermon at 11 A. M. is on "Sin
Against the Holy Spirit," and the 8
o'clock one on "The Supreme Question."
Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector of St.
David's Episcopal church. Is on his way
to Alaska, where he will spend two
months conducting a campaign for the
Armenian-Syrian relief fund. Rev. Mr.
Jenkins was in the northern territory
a number of years and his familiarity
with the country was largely respon
sible for the success of a similar cam
paign which he conducted there just a
year ago.
No definite plans were outlined for
his work, as the Portland minister
handles this entirely by himself, mak
ing trips over all of Alaska. He left
Portland Monday night.
In the absence of the regular pastor
Rev. Robert E. Gill, who has recently
been identified with the Loyal Legion,
will occupy the pulpit. Before enlist
ing in war activities Rev. Mr. Gill was
rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church
in Salem, leaving it about a year ago.
Y f
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Father Charles M. Smith and bnlldlns;
adjoining St. PatrfcK's eaurcb at Jiia
teeBtb and Savier streets, construc
tion of walca he la superintending;.
"Lot the Lingerer, Topic of
Rev. Harold H. Griff is.
Modern Meaning of Certain Ancient
Events to Be Discussed.
East Side Baptist Church
Continues Activities.
Twelve New Members Received Dur
ing; Past Week.
SUNDAY services at the First Chris
tian church have been unusually
well attended for the summer season
and it is the purpose of the minister,
the Rev. Harold H. Grlffis. to continue
his work during the month of August
without a vacation. This morning at
11 o'clock Mr. Grlffis will discuss the
modern meaning of certain ancient
events, taking for his special example
the story of "Lot the Lingerer," with
its striking illustration of arrested de
velopment in the moral and spiritual
At the evening worship at 7:45 the
pastor's sermon on "Why I Am a Chris
tian Only" will be an effort to present
a reasonable basis for the unity of all
Christians by way of emphasis of those
great catholic principles upon which
all Christendom Is practically agreed,
including a catholic name, a catholic
creed, a catholic book, a cathollo ad
ministration of church ordinances, a
cathollo policy of church government,
and a catholic brotherhood.
EVERY activity In the East Side Bap
tist church moves along as success
fully as though it were January and
not the vacation season. Twelve new
members have been received during thp
past week. The services on Sunday and
on Wednesday evenings are Just as well
attended as before the vacation season
opened, while the young peoples meet
ing and the Sunday school sessions are
full of encouragement.
This Sunday the church observes its
monthly communion, when newly re
ceived members will be welcomed into
fellowship. As the associate minister,
Rev. H. T. Cash, has returned from his
vacation, & day full of inspiration ia
Dr. Hineon will preach in the morn
iner from the theme, "What ia the
Sting of Death?" In the evening serv
ice he will speak again on the "Re
turning King." when the certainty of
Christ's imminent coming will be
Droved from the scripture.
The preaching services at this church
commence at 11 A. M. and s f. u.. tn
evening service lasting just one hour.
The church is situataed on East
Twentieth and Salmon streets and may
be reached by Hawthorne and Mount
Scott or Sunnyslde and Mount Tabo
All socialists are especially invited to
attend the Piedmont Presbyterian
church this morning to hear Rev.
George Edward Lewis speak on "Chris
tian Socialism; or. The Tangled Skel
of Life." He Is supplying the pulpit at
11 A. M. in the absence of Dr. A. L.
Hutchinson, the regular pastor.
"God's Providential Care" is the topio
of the morning sermon at 11 o'clock-at
Our Savior's Lutheran church, at the
corner of East Grant and Tenth streets.
The preaching, by Rev. M. A. Cbristen
sen, is in Norwegian, the theme being
taken from Mark vltL
Rev. Robert A. Jaffray of Toronto,
Can., who has been a missionary of the
Christian and Missionar yalliance in
Kwangsl, China, for 25 years, and also
has been in the French province of
Anam. will speak in the Gospel Taber
nacle, East Ninth and Clay streets, to
day at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Mr. Jaffray
has been in America on furlousrh only
Ward Willis Long, and he will discuss
world-wide issues challenging the
church. New members will be received
this morning. The church Is at the cor
ner of Graham and Gantenbein avenues.
Rev. Floyd E. Dorris preaches in
Mount Tabor Presbvterlan church to
day. The pastor. Ward W. MacHenry,
Is away on a month's vacation. Rev.
George L. Clark will preach the next
three Sundays. Mr. Clark has just r
turned from France where he spent a
year and a half as Y. M. C. A. secretary.
"Love" Is Sermon Topic for
Scientists Today.
All But Two Cknrehes of Group
End Evening; Services for Summer.
United Brethren Services Be
ing Continued.
"Setting- the Pare" and "Sticking; to
It" . Dr. Clark's Topics.
THE subject of the lesson sermon in
all the Churches of Christ. Scien
tist, today is "Love."
Regular service is held at 11 o'clock
and Second and Sixth churches hold
services at 8 o'clock Sunday evening.
The other churches having discontin
ued Sunday evening service until Sep
tember 1. Wednesday evening meet
ings are held in all the Christian Sci
ence churches at 8 o'clock. A part of
these meetings is devoted to the giv
ing of testimonials of healing in Chris
tian Science.
Sunday school for pupils to the age
of 20 in all 'the churches except Third
and Fifth is held at 9:45 for the older
classes and 11 for the younger classes.
In Third and Fifth churches the ses
sions at 9:30 and 11. The churches are
located as follows: First church. Nine
teenth and Everett streets (temporarily
Scottish Rite cathedral); Second church.
East Sixth and Holladay avenue; Third
church. East Twelfth and Salmon
streets; Fourth church, Vancouver ave
nue and Emerson; Fifth church. Sixty
second and Forty-second avenue South
east; Sixth church. Masonic temple, 388
Yamhill; Seventh church, Holbrook
block. St. Johns.
The churches maintain a free Chris
tian Science reading room in the
Northwestern Bank building. An addi
tional reading room has been opened at
266 Burnside street. At these reading
rooms the Bible and all authorized
Christian Science literature may be
read, borrowed or purchased.
A cordial invitation is extended to
the public to attend the church serv
ices -and to visit the reading rooms.
THE First Church of the United
Brethren In Christ, located at
Fifteenth and East Morrison streets,
with Dr. Byron J. Clark as the pastor,
is continuing the services through the
summer months, as are all the other
three churches of the same faith. Dr.
Clark announces for his sermon themes
the following: Morning, "Setting the
Pace"; evening, "Sticking to It."
Rev. Ira Hawley, pastor of the Second!
United Brethren church. Twenty-sev
enth and Sumner streets, will preach.
Sunday morning on the theme. "Tell
God," and In the evening his subject
will be "But Ye Do- Not Lack Oppor-.
At the Third United Brethren church.
Sixty-seventh street and Thirty-third
avenue Southeast, the pastor. Rev. E- O.
Shepherd, will address his congrega
tion ' in the morning on the subject.
"Condemnation Without Foundation."
His evening topic will be "A Precious
Rev. C. P. Blanchard announces for
the Sunday services at Fourth United
Brethren church, Tremont station, sub
jects as follows: Morning, "Manliness":
evening. Rev. Mr. Clark of Ohio will
conduct the services.
Dr. F. A. Lundberg, president of tha
Swedish Methodist Episcopal Theologi
cal seminary at Evanston, I1L. will
preach at the First Swedish Methodist
Episcopal church. Beech and Borthwlck
streets, this morning at 11 o'clock. Tho
pastor. Rev. Abel Eklund, will preach
in the evening.
Nebraska Singers Give Con
cert in Church.
Male -Quartet From Doane Collere
at the Sunnyslde Congregational
Church Tonight.
A TREAT is awaiting the audience
at the Sunnyslde Congregational
church this evening in the form of an
exceptional sacred concert. "The
Varsity Glee Singers," a male quartet
from Doane college, Crete, Neb., in
tour from coast to coast, will reach
Portland In time to take charge of the
evening service. Beside a number of
Inspiring vocal selections the "Har
monious Four" will also furnish
series of charming instrumental pieces.
The pastor. Dr. J. J. Staub, is in re
ceipt of the following programme:
"Still, Still With Thee" (Garrlsh), male
quartet: Instrumental trio (selected), Messrs.
Dredla, McCartney and S&meelson; "Jesus,
Saviour. Fllot Me (arranged by George ti.
AUer). auartet: Hawaiian steel ruitar due:
(selected). Messrs. Palmar and Dredla; "The
Rosary" (Xevla), quartet; baritone solo,
"My Redeemer and My Lord" (Buck), L.
Harrison Palmer: readlnc (selected). Joy A.
McCartney; "The Rose of Sharon" (arranged
by Georse H. AUer). quartet; "Grace Be
Unto You" (Trowbridge), quartet.
Dr. Staub's sermon in the morning
will be on "God's Earthly Reminders.'
A brilliant young Japanese Christian
educator. James T. Ishii. will address
the Sunday night audience at the
Forbes Presbyterian church at 8 o'clock.
He has Just completed his education in
an eastern university and is on his way
home to take the chair of English in
the University of Kobe, Japan. His
last public appearance in America will
be at the Forbes church, as he 1s to
sail within a few days from San Fran
cisco. "The Present Crisis" will be the
morning topic by the pastor. Rev.
Episcopalians Plan Campaign
to Wipe Out Debt.
Survey of Needs in Orejcon Is Re
ported to National Officials at New
THE parishes and missions of the
Episcopalian diocese of Oregon
have Just completed a survey of the
needs of the churches of this state, pre
paratory to submitting a report to na
tional officials in New York. In the
fall, the church will conduct a nation
wide campaign to raise probably be
tween $25,000,000 and $50,000,000 to care
for indebtedness, build new rectories.
parish houses and churches and wage a,
missionary campaign.
Oregon s share of the money win do
portioned in the east and will be
gauged by local needs.
Several Portland Episcopalian church
men are passing a portion of the sum
mer vacat'on at Seaside supplying the
pulpit of the church there. Rev.
T. S. Bowen. vicar of St. Michael
and All Angels, is taking the services
for the first and second Sundays of the
month and Venerable Archdeacon
Chambers has the last two weeks. The
Very Rev. Dean Hicks has returned
from the coast and will deliver a ser
mon today at St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral.
At the Glencoe Baptist church, comer
East Forty-fifth and Main streets. Rev.
F. E. Laslette will preach at 11 o'clock
today on the theme "Can a Mother For
get?" The Lord's supper will be ad
ministered. At 7:45 o'clock Rev. Mr.
Laslette will preach the ninth sermon
of the John iii:16 series, on "Everlast
ing Lite." The series is attracting;
much interest. By special request
Maurice Marl weather will repeat tha
Irish story. "How the Waif Was Helped
by the Text John iii:16." The ordinance
of baptism was administered last Sun
day. At the Third Baptist church at Knott
street and Vancouver avenue today the
pastor. Rev. W. J. Beaven, will have for
his topio at 11 A. M. A (jommunion
Study" and at 7:30 P. M. "Jesus' Rever
ence for Men." Bible school is at 9:45
A. M. and B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 P. M.
Services at Calvary Baptist church,
at East Eighth and Grant streets, will
be in charge of the regular pastor.
Rev. J. E. Thomas. The topio at 11 A.
M. is "The Blessedness of Sins For
given" and at 8 P. M. "The Old Ever
New Question." 'Sunday school meets
at 9:50 A. M. and the Young People's ao
ciety at 7 P. M.
Animal Fats Lose Favor for Frying and Olive Product as Base for Salad
Dressing to Late Discovery.
EVER since the Indians passed the
information along to our old
Puritan fathers and their equally
puritanical wives we. In America, have
acknowledged that corn is a wonder
fully nutritious and sustaining food.
It is only within recent years, how
ever, that we have come to realize that
tbe oil in the germ of the corn, hither
to retarded as a by-product, is one of
the most valuable of all the ingredi
ents of the corn.
For recent experiments have proved
that corn oil. pound for pound, is one
of the most readily converted and as
similated of all fats, and that it has
very high nutritive qualities by reason
of this fact.
'Corn oil is a true "made-tn-Amerlca"
product, inasmuch as its use has been
confined largely to America although
It is quite conceivable that, before many
years, there will be a very great de
TOnd created for it abroad especially
in the British Isles, in all the northern
rountries of Europe, and, perhaps, even
in the olive-growing countries them
selves. Corn oil has unique qualities, which
aive it a great advantage over olive oil
in. many respects. For one thing, its
r-iethod of preparation preserves it
frrm rancidity to which olive oil is so
liable, for fermentation processes have
bean overcome in the preparation of
corn oiL
Olive oil, as is generally known, is
merely the cil pressed from ripe olives.
It undergoes no process of refining or
sterilization. So there Is nothing, once
he oil has been exposed to the air or
even before, for that matter to pre
vent the action of bacteria responsible
for the development of rancidity. .
With corn oil. on the contrary, great
care is taken to insure thorough steri'.-
zation. The crude, yellow oil. expressed
from the corn germs, is purified by
filtration and eteamlng. Then the
water, protein substances, and glycer
ine elements, are removed. In the oil
thus sterilized any germs that may
have dropped around are killed. Fur
ther, tho oil is deodorized, and the fer
ments which later on might cause ran
cidity are completely destroyed.
The result is a. limpid, clear, light
yellow colored oil odorless, and with a
peculiar and agreeable sweet flavor
that satisfies a natural taste. For, un
like the taste for olives or olive oil,
the liking for corn oil does not have to
be acquired. It comes right along, and
makes itself "to home" with American
palates, anyhow.
In mixing" salad dressing It has been
found that corn oil is equal to the best
olive oil, and very much better than
ordinary olive oil and at a cost not to
exceed one-half the cost of the highest
grade of Imported olive oil. Indeed,
many discriminating South Europeans,
including Italians, now prefer the sweet
bland corn oil to olive oil.
Corn oil blends perfectly with the
various Ingredients used in "building"
a French or a mayonnaise dressing
making a perfectly smooth and homog
enous combination.
One Interesting fact In connection
with this Use of corn oil Is that corn
..11 does not congeal as readily as does
olive oil. It remains fluid down to
temperature of 14 degrees: whereas
olive oil becomes cloudy and solidifies
at a temperature of S2 degrees. This
makes a very great difference, for crisp
coldness is one of the first requisites
of a salad.
But an even more desirable property
In corn oil is its correspondingly higher
burning point. While butter burns at
about 250 degrees, goose grease at 404
degrees, lard at 45 degrees, cottonseed
! oil at 53s degrees, and ouve ou &t 60U,
corn oil does not burn until it is heated
up to C50 degrees Fahrenheit.
It is the low-burning point of butter,
lard and other fats and oils, that fills
the house with smoke and stench, and
gives all the neighbors wireless in
formation as to what the family is to
have for dinner.
The great advantage of a higher
burning- point in frying steak, fish, on
ions, and other odoriferous foods. Is
that the higher temperature used with
corn oil makes It possible to cook the
food In a shorter space of time, and
thereby prevents the tougherftng of the
meat, the drying out of the fish, and
the diffusion of the perfumes not of
Araby from other comestibles.
Also, the use of corn oil at its tin-
usually high temperature "seals in'
Immediately the surface Juices of the
food, retaining thereby the flavor,
aroma and succulence which would
otherwise be lost, or else disseminated
all over the neighborhood. The food is
cooked In its own Juice, instead oi be
ing saturated with burnt grease that
would give the food a flavor and odor
anything but desirable.
This makes it possiDis xo iry oousn
nuts, fish, onions, or any food product
in one pan, and at one time ir it were
necessary without any one prouuci
taking up the odors or flavors or any
of the other products.
This Is carrying American einciency
Into the kitchen with a vengeance
right into the heart of the frying pan.
All of which makes for the conserva
tion of life and health also for the in
crease of happiness and the satisfaction
of being alive.
Italian Leave Trip Show
Wonderful Sights.
Clifford Masson Describes Jonrney
Throsgk Southern. Stuisaizie.
corps in France for the past IS months,
describes his trip to Italy while on fur
lough, in an enthusiastic letter to his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Masson,
1501 Milwaukie avenue.
With a friend Masson started from
Brest on leave April 21, stopping at
Paris, Lyons, Marseilles and Nice on
their way to Italy. After crossing the
French border they took many interest
ing sight-seeing tours in Pisa, Rome,
Venice, Milan. Florence and Bologna.
In Pisa they viewed the famous leaning
tower and the lamp of Galileo. Their
next stop was Rome, where they visited
the Coliseum, the Vatican, the cata
combs, the old Roman forum and nu-.
merous other renowned points of in
terest. Masson writes that he and his chum
were in Milan May 1, but their visit
was cut short by the military police,
who drove them out of tho city, an
ticipating demonstrations against
Americans. They were in Rome when
Premier Orlando returned from the
peace conference, but had no particu
lar trouble. -
Masson gives great credit to the T. M.
C. A. for their work in Italy in helping
men on leave to see as much of the
country as possible. This organization
made it possible for him to take many
pleasant memories back to his post at
Brest, which he describes as "the town
that makes Portland look like the Sa
hara desert for rain." Masson expected
at the time of writing to leave for
home August 1.
6(1 COULD write all day and then not
X give you the faintest Idea' of all
the wonderful things to see in Italy.
Mere pen. ink and paper cannot de
scribe the sights I've seen nor the Jolts
I absorbed on tnose third-class Italian
Thus R. Clifford Masson, who has
been serving la the auaxtermaster's
Speedy Completion of Xine-Btock
Stretch Is Promised.
WOODLAKD, Wash.. Aug. 2. (Spe
claL) Pouring of concrete for the
street paving here began thla week.
T. B. Bidwell, Portland, -who has the
contract, promise? speedy completion of
the nine-block stretch.
The work extends from the intersec
tion of First street with Davidson ave
nue north to the school building, thence
continuing three blocks to connect
with Goerig street in tho upper part of
town near the bridge road. A. diock on
Bozajth. avenue also wlU be paved.
Noli OvnseflkX" "
Letter No. 45.
ST. NAZAIRE, France. Two fire
companies on the docks have a
large number of northwest men. Ser
geant Pfeifer of fire station No. 1. near
dock No. 3, sent me the following
letter: 1
"We have Just heard that you are in
town and would like to have you come
down to see us. There are about 20
Oregon men here in the fire depart
ment. (Signed) Bunch from old 3d Ore
gon. Fire stations Noe. 3 and 6."
I visited both companies and had a
fins time talking with the men. They
have been on duty hers for 18 months.
Of course they are very anxious to get
home and the next best thing is to talk
of home.
First Sergeant E. W. Pfeifer of 908
Vancouver avenue, Portland, says he is
"badly bent. But not broken." Sergeant
Fred L. Normandin and Sergeant F. W.
Norraandin are both from 34 East
Sixty-first street. Portland, and are
now with the 301st W. T. T.. company
E, M. T. C. Private Irwin L. Abbott's
home is 118 East Seventy-second street
North, Portland, and he Is now with
the fire department at St. Nazaire, hav
ing been transferred from company B,
it2d infantry, 41st division. -Private
Frits H. Warren of Portland was in the
same company B. Sergeant J. H. Loop
of Amity came over with the 182d in
fantry and is now wita fire company
No 357. Sergeant Lee M. Wangeman of
McMinnville is also in this fire com
pany, coming over with company A,
l2d infantry. Sergeant Glen L. Pow
ell of Sheridan was also In that com
pany A, but is now with the 160th com
pany, transportation corps, at fire sta
, uon No. 2. Private Lee A, Laxehol.
Condon; Private Glenn W, Powers of
1215 Edson street. Hillsboro, and Pri
vate Emmett Nlcodemus of 1670 Wash
ington street, Hillsboro, were in the
162d Infantry and are now in F. T.
and HI company No. 357.
Several Washington men were -with
this fire truck and hose company from
companies B and C of the 162d. Private
Arthur E. Tice is from La Center. Pri
vate Henry L. Hangan is from Enum
claw. Private Guy E. Evans" home is
116 West Twenty-third street, Vancou
ver. Private Marcus Croft Is from Spo
kane, as Is also Private Brant Talk
Ins; ton of West 1425 Tenth avenue.
Private Frank Boleneus' home is Dav
enport. I also met two California boys,
F. J. Ewing, from the Kern hotel, San
Francisco, who came over with the
319th engineers, 8th division, and Pri
vate Carl Nygren of San Pedro. Nygren
has been a master engineer for years
and now is with the headquarters T. C
corps at large.
After leaving the docks this morning
I went up the line to see ths hospital
train. These fine cars were manufac
tured In England for the United States
government. The outside is painted
brown, with two big red crosses and
the letters "U. B." on each side. Long
lines of Red Cross ambulances were
lined up alongside taking off the boys
and transporting them aboard the big
ship at the dock. I was invited to go
on board the train and a nurse showed
me through. All the equipment was of
the best and very complete, including
kitchen, pharmacy, offices, etc It all
looked very fine and as though the
boys were having the best of care. Two
or three ships are leaving daily and it
seems as though all the boys will soon
be home.
As I sit here writing, my companion,
Albert Gale, is practicing on his newly-
acquired, century-old "viola d'amour,'
an, old-fashioned violin, of an, put-of
date pattern. Gale is an unusual man,
quite peculiar, but very interesting. He
has a wide range of talent. He is an
expert accountant and a graduate of
the University of Michigan. He be
gan life as a pharmacist and manufac
turing chemist. Later, as a musician.
he was head of the music, department
of the University of Washington. For
the past 13 years he and his wife have
been on the Chautauqua and Lyceum
circuits, first in a Japanese and Chi
nese skit, but now depleting; the life
and music of the American Indian. He
Is a personal friend of the Indian life
photographer, Curtis of Seattle. He is
a real musician, master of many kinds
of musical instruments: he has a collec
tion of over 200 kinds of old instru
ments. Gale is also a very able actor.
He has been giving his impersonation
of the Indian, witn a little French boy
as his accompanist, to the doughboys
over here under direction of the "Y,"
and he lias given good satisfaction.
Last night I was out at camp 1 and
heard Dr. Dyer of Tacoma, a Congre
gational minister, lead a religious serv
ice. He had the assistance of a band
and the hut was packed, boys even sit
ting in the windows. Dr. Dyer is one
of those who seem always to say the
right thing and say It in the right way
and in a few minutes. I followed htm
with my show and had a good Learing.
Unfortunately all the northwest boys
were tied up in their barracks, so I did
not see them.
Oil Boring Continues.
NEWPORT. Or.. Aug. 2 (Special.)
The oil prospecting which is being;
carried on at Waldport and north of
Alsea bay is creating a great deal of
interest. Two wells are being drilled
at this time at Alsea and the machine
ff.r the third is daily expected and will
be operated at the Moore brothers'
farm, three miles from this bay.
Coreans Urge Radical Reform.
TOKIO, July 2. Several prominent
Cereans who have arrived in Tokio are
urging the necessity of a radical re
form of the administration of Corea.
not only by abollshinr discrimination
between Japanese and Coreans, - but
also by providing for Corea, represen
tation in the Japanese Diet.