The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, SECTION FOUR, Image 61

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Dramatic, Photoplays
and News Features
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Your Hair Can Be
Permanently Waved
Waved so beautifully that it will look
naturally wavy and improve after treatment
by our new modern method. We have hair
switches in all the hard to get shades.
Rosenthal Sisters, Mezzanine Floor
Lamp Shade
Making Taught
Mrs. Hunt is an artist designer
of lamp shades and will teach
you without charge if materials
are purchased here.
c "Merchandise of cJ Merit Only"
Tip Top Inn
Bread, rolls, pastry electrical
ly baked before your eyes every
day. Buy your bread and pas
tries here. Eighth Floor.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Welcome All
Visiting Buyers
We greet you and your friends who are
visiting the Rose City this week. Come to
our store for information; meet your friends
here; make this your headquarters I
Exquisite New
Castleton Blouses
These are by far the loveliest
blouses we have ever seen, and that
applies to quality, style and novel "
adornment !
The overblouse is the thing; it may be of
Georgette (either navy with handsome dull red
wool embroidery and beads, or in the delicate
pastel shades, bisque, flesh, tan), or it may be
crisp ecru net with a vestee front of rich oriental
lace, with handsome venise medallions, crochet
buttons or fragile Bat
tenburg points to make
it new. There are the
waistline blouses, too,
that are very new.
Prices ranging
from $18.50-$60.
Third Floor.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Taffeta Hats
New and Very Smart
- The earliest autumn hat chooses as
its material taffeta, meire or gros
grain, either alone or combined with
duvetyn, beaver or velvet; navy or
white and combinations.
Patent leather hats with hand-painted trims
are new and much favored. There are won
derful Gage Goldlor
and Dahlia Hats for
street, dress, tailored
and evening wear.
showing the new
shapes- and smart
Prices ranging
from $18 to $30.
Third Floor.
Lipman. Wolfe & Co.
There Are Fur Sales and Fur Sales But
the Wliole Town Is Talking About Our
Martex Bath Towels in a Sale Extra
ordinaryPrices Those of 3 Years Ago
In these days of soaring prices it is surprising to find the price tickets on these splendid
Martex goods marked the same as those on similar Martex products of three years ago.
Every piece is new, perfect, fresh, and bears the Martex label. Surely this is the time to buy
1200 Martex Bath Towels
At 50c
Good medium sized towels in
an excellent assortment of col
ored borders and fancy effects in
pink, blue, lavender and orange.
The price is unusual.
Novelty Martex Towels
$1.15 $1.50
A big assortment of fine qual
ity bath towels, plain white and
with fancy borders in clear,
pretty colors.
New Fancy Martex Bath
Towels, 75c
Liberal sized' bath towels with
fancy colored borders in a great as
sortment of designs and colors in
plain and brocade weaves..
Heavy Martex Bath Mats
$1.15 to $3
200 bath mats in medium and large
sizes in colors of blue. pink, orange,
lavender, French gray, tan and
Large Size Martex Bath
Towels, $1.00
Fancy towels of an excellent
quality soft and absorbent. They
. are extra large size and the as
sortment is unusually good.
Martex Wash Cloths
18c 25c
Fine, absorbent wash cloths
with fancy colored borders to
match the fancy towels.
Second Floor, Lipman. Wolfe & Co.
AunMust Sale
500 Picture Frames Specially
Bought for This Sale at
These are the rich antique gold finish
frames of three-fourths and one-inch mould
ings. Sizes VzxbYz inches, 5x7 inches.
5x8 inches, 7x9 inches, 8x10 inches and
cabinet size (4x6 inches).
- Complete with glass and back. In some
instances the glass alone is worth the spe
cial price.
Picture Galleries. Sixth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
jj i
and Shades
T.rrT ' tn lamps
floor lamps, table,
davenport and boadolr
lamps In a host of new
dealrnn nnd shape.
Wonderful new silk
and parchment shades
In coloring to harmo
nise Trith any setting.
Fifth Floor.
Lipman. Wolfe A Co.
You Can Save $243.75
On a Mole Trimmed
Hudson Seal Coat
You Can Save $196.00
On a Squirrel Trimmed
Hudson Seal Coat
You Can Save $109.00
On a Skunk Trimmed
Hudson Seal Coat
You Can
On a
You Can Sao X2t2.ffl
On a Long Hudson Seal
You Can Save $167.75
On a Nutria Dolman Coat
You Can Save $120.00
On a Beaver Trimmed
Sealine Coat
It is the Fur Sale par excellence of the season; a Fur Sale that is consistent with
the merchandising policy of Lipman, Wolfe & Co., the result of months planning;
a sale offered at a time when stocks are at the top notch of completeness, A Fur
Sale that YOU should attend if you are interested in buying good furs and saving
money on them.
We know that the city abounds in fur sales; we welcome
them. They make it possible for you to compare the pelts
in the garments we are offering with those offered else
where. We will be the gainers, for you will instantly reoj
agnize the savings to be effected through buying here.
After our first announcement was made, other store
"burned the midnight oiU' to prepare a fur sale hastily
but this same scheme was attempted during our Anniversary
Sales, to no purpose. We WANT you to SHOP AROUND;
that is how confident we feel that our prices are lowest,
quality and workmanship compared.
-Coats, Capes. Coatees. Scarfs. And do not miss the opportunity now
Throws every pelt that is fashionable. of buying elegant fur garments at rad
every style that is good here. ical savings at
Fur Prices TliatEnd With the Month For
After Aug. 30 TlieyMust Go Up to Normal
The extensive scale upon which we have gone into the fur business has been
encouraged by the tremendous growth of our Third Floor Ready-to-Wear Depart
ments. And this has been due to the fact that the most careful thought and attention
have been given to merchandising these sections. Women appreciate that our styles
are authentic and our qualities exactly as represented.
Thought has been given to the pelts used, the linings, the styles, the V
workmanship and the materials throughout. Every newest style trend will
be found in this group of furs.
Here A re Instances of How Yo u Can
bave Money by Buying Furs Now
Save $164.20
Jap Mink Coal Now
You Can Save $35.75
On a Coney Fur Coat
You Can Save $76.50
On a Moleskin Scarf
You Can Save $37.50
On a Nutria Trimmed
Sealine Scarf
You Can Save SI 09.00
On a Scotch Moleskin Coat
You Can Save $18.75
On a Brown or Cray
Coney Scarf
You Can Save $28.00
On a Squirrel Trimmed
Sealine Scarf
You Can Save $17.00
On a Manchurian Wolf
a -w .
Arrpm OTP J mir I Jwn Fprmc fr lilf Fr tne convenience of those who wish to buy furs now and
-0 wm. -w mi jl wtiiu t-vy cuil take thi
wear them, and convenient terms of payment may be arranged if desired.
em out later we will reserve furs until you are ready to
Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Favored by Dame
Fashion for Fall
Handsome velvet and velveteen will
play a very important part in the smart
autumn wardrobe; it fashions into won
drously rich gowns, suits and wraps,
both for day and evening wear.
The velvet is 40 and 42
inches wide, and the velveteen
is 27, 36, 44 inches in width.
Reasons why you should buy
NOW: Quantity is limited, it is diffi
cult to obtain, and the prices on the
next lot will be considerably higher
than present prices.
rich black chiffon velvet with
a moire finish.
Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Striped Silk Hose
Special $2
New as the season itself are the
striped silk stockings; black striped,
with green and purple; white with
black, and such fascinating combina
tions. Lisle tops, toes, soles and heels.
Pure thread silk stockings, with lisle
tops and heavy toes, soles and heels;
full fashioned, of course. Black and
the wanted shades.
Sireel Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Smart Plush
Chic, indeed, are the
new Wraps of fashion; seal
plush and pressed seal
plush, black and taupe;
made into scarfs, stoles and
cape effects. Street Floor.
Black Chiffon
56-inch chiffon broad
tloth so much in vogue for
suits and wraps. Its supe
rior quality is shown in
luster and texture $6 the
The First New
Shoes Brown calf, dull black
calf, bronze and satin ox
fords and pumps designed
on extremely long narrow
lines; slender French heels
and perfect arches.
High boots, built on the
same graceful lines of
French bronze and patent
kid combinations, are as
smart as one could im
agine. Lace and button
styles. All are bench made
Wichert make.
Second Floor.
Exquisite HAND -MADE Philippine Garments
In a Sale that Cannot be Repeated
for This Is the Last Lot Obtainable
Under Our Old Contract PriceBuy Now .
c were aDout io say mat these orlres are
the same or lower than those offered about
six months ago in a sale but better than
that they are the prices of two or three years
ago do you realize what that means in these
days of steadily soaring: prices?
r.'s ,these were taken out of their little Brass
j-mpiiiu oasiteis as tney are packed -by the
natives in the islands we could not help but
feel sorry that this is the last lot that can be
Bold at such low figures for they are being
cold at lower prices than coarse domestic,
machine-made garments.
the largest group of them we have ever offered;
every one PERFECT, every one embroidered and
made throughout by hand; all at low prices not
to be duplicated for a long time.
GOWNS $2.45
A very special
frroup of fine qual
ty hand-made gowns
of fine nainsook,
hand - scalloped and
GOWNS $2.95
Daintily hand-embroidered
gowns with
fine plain scallop and
dots. Put together
by hand and of fine
GOWNS $3.45
Four, dainty pat
terns in this lot all
slipover, short sleeve
models, dot. flower
and other designs.
GOWNS $3.95
Six very pretty
patterns in V and
fequare neck gowns
with exquisite punch
w-ork and solid em-,
GOWNS $4.45
An unusual opportunity to
duv gowns or finest quality
nainsook, heavily embroidered
in wreath designs and punch
GOWNS $5.45
Some of the most beautiful
gowns we have ever shown
of fine, sheer fabrics, elabo
rately embroidered.
Prettily embroid
ered scallops and
dotted designs make
these fin nainsook
envelope chemise un
usual at the pricel
Three pretty styles
at this price flower
and dot embroidered,
with fine scalloping.
All made of fine
. nainsook.
A group of lovely envelope
cnemise or soft nainsook, with
piain nand-scalloped top
sti very dainty:
Hound and square- .
necked envelope
chemise made In five
different patterns, all
exquisitely hand,
Four lovely pat
terns punch, open
and solid work and
of course exquisite
scalloping to em
bellish these enve
lopes! Floor. Ilpman. "Wolfe A Co.
New Beaded Velvet
These bags without the
beading would be worth
the prices we are asking for
them, since they are con
siderably below present
wholesale cost The bright and colorful beads give
them a very "expensive" appearance. Very new, very
smart and decidedly unusual in price.
Street Floor Lipman. Wolfe & Co.
New Imported Japanese
Oriental Rugs
At Special Prices
The craze for things oriental demands rugs m the lovely
Chinese and Japanese colorings and strange motifs. These
are all you could wish them to be soft and beautiful in
shade and of an excellent quality Jute.
Size 6x9. special $37.50 Size 8x 1 0. special $45
Size 7:6x10:6. special $42.50 Size 8x 1 1 . special $47
Size 9x 1 2, special $57.50
Tape Edge Curtain
Marquisette, 44c Yd.
Good quality marquis
ette. 36 inches wide; in
white, cream or ecru.
Fifth Floor.
Marquisette and
Scrim Curtains
$1.69 Pair
Firmly woven fabrics,
made with dainty lace
edges; white or ivory; 2
yards long.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Turn to Page 3 for
Additional Store News