THE SUXDAY OREGOXIAX, TORTLAXD; AUGUST 3, 1019. OREGON SENATOR PLEADS FOR ITALIAN Clemency for Portland Worker Convicted Urged. jOFFENSE HELD NOT GRAVE Family of Antonio Verenziani, Who Made False Affidavit for Daugh ter, Reported Destitute. ' Or.EGOXIAN NEWS BUREAU, "Wash ington, Aug. 2. Clemency is asked by Benator Chamberlain in a letter writ '. ten to the department of justice in behalf of Antonio Verenziani of Port land, Or., convicted of making a false affidavit to get his daughter out of 3taly. The prisoner, who is said to be an Inoffensive Italian employed for var as a track greaser by the street railway company at Portland, found it difficult to ask anything of the Italian government because he still had status In the Italian army. He therefore made an affidavit that the child was his niece. He was sen tenced to five months' imprisonment, which Senator Chamberlain would have reduced to one month in order that the man may look after his wife and three other children who are in destitute circumstances. In his letter to the de partment Senator Chamberlain says: "The ol'fense was not a very serious one, and the man can render more service to the community by taking care of his family, which he cannot do if he has to serve the balance of his term." Some of the small independent pack ers who are trying to build up estab lishments in Oregon are protesting to the state's congressional delegation against the Kenyon bill to license pack ers. They contend that the provision requiring all concerns doing a business of J500.000 a year to take out a license will work a hardship on the struggling young concerns, placing the same re straint upon them that is intended to run against the big five. The sugges tion is made that the bill be amended freeing all concerns doing a business up to $1,500,000 from the license require ment. Patrons of the postoffice at Airlie, Polk county. Or., ask that their railway mail service be restored to the South ern Pacific railway. It was recently changed to the Valley & Siletz road, Which can deliver to Airlie only by a ptar route, besides delaying receipt by Airlie patrons for 24 hours. In rejecting an application of A. J. Whittaker of Grand liond;. Or., for an appointment in connection with the census enumeration in Hawcii next year, Sam L. Rogers, director of cen- us, says that these appointments will ! toe confined, to residents of the islands. Victory buttons similar to those dis tributed to former soldiers of the world war are being designed for men who served in the navy and marine corps and will be ready in a short time, ac cording to a report of the navy depart ment made to Senator Chamberlain. tA civil service examination has been ordered to be held at The Dalles, Sep tember 24, to qualify eligibles for post master at Moro. Or. The office pays t salary of $1400 a year. In response to protests the postoffice department has decided upon a recon sideration of the new postoffice site at Hood River, Or. The bid of W. E. Cass had been accepted, but business men et Hood River complained that the Cass cite was too remote from the business center of the city. V The postmaster at Barton. Or:, has resigned and recommends a discontinu ance of the office. An inspector who visited Verboort, Washington county, Oregon, reports that there is little ne cessity for continuing the office at that point because most of the patrons are served by rural route from Forest Grove. custody of her mother's sister, wu in a letter received by Misa Mabel Walter, her former guardian, from the girl, giv ing her address with friends. Miss Walter went to the girl and advised her to comply with the order of the court transferring her to the custody of her aunt. The 14-year-old girl is much afraid of her mother, Mrs. Edith Grigsbv, bet ter known as Mrs. Edith Hall, and ap pealed to Judge Campbell to "save her" from her mother. In the amendment made by the Oregon City judre to his decision In the supplementary divorce proceedings in which the custody of the girl was decided, he instructed her that if she was ever unhappy in her new home to write him and he would con sider a change. Prominent club women of Portland took much interest in the case and en deavored to have the court allow Miss Walter to retain guardianship of the girl. MEDALS GIVEN THURSDAY DATE FOR DECORATION' OF HE ROES AXD MOTHERS. Street Parade in Honor of Those Who Braved Dangers in France Will Form at Third and Oak. Fbrmal presentation of war decora- ions to two Oregon mothers and two Oregon soldiers will take place Thurs day, according to announcement made by army recruiting officers, the pro- ramme being conducted by the Ameri can Region. Former Major-General Martin will make the presentation, and w ill be .assisted by a number of army officials, as well as the French consul. The street parade will form at Third and Oak streets. Among the medals to be awarded is the French medaille militaire, which has beer: granted to Andrew Amacher, a member of company C, who, on Octo ber 31, showed coolness and efficiency as gunner, firing several hundred rounds from an exposed position into concealed machine-gun and snipers' nests unon a commanding hill, while under direct fire of the eneitiv guns. Mr. Amacher lives at 172 East Seven- eenth street, and is the possessor of a silver victory button for wounds sus- ained while fighting on another front. In the straw votins: at recruiting headquarters yesterday practically all contests were settled, save that as to disposition of the ex-kaiser and nation al prohibition. The league of nations and the universal military training questions seem to have little opposi- lon. totals reported last night fol low: For. Aept. Universal military training 1103 421 National prohibition 841 819 I.eapue of nations lil.l 343 Woman suffrage 101:8 569 ut the soldiers who have voted. 771 favor death penalty for the former laiser. 545 are for exile, and 122 for freedom. The American girl leads the French girl, 713 to 130, with 130 plac- ng them as equals and 572 not voting. 250100 SHOPMEN OF RAILWAYS ON STRIKE Indication of Immediate Set tlement Not in Sight. ALL' ROADS MAY BE HURT ASTORIA RAINFALL LIGHT Month's Record Is .31 of Inch With Only Four Cloudy Dajs. ASTORIA. Or.. Aug 2. (Special.) The rainfall in Astoria during the month ot July was exceptionally light according to the records in Weather Observer Rosenberg's offtcetfhe pre- t-iiiLALiun uuiiiig nits mourn was .4 L OI an inch. There were 21 clear, six partly cloudy and four cloudy days. The hottest day of the season was on July 14, when the thermometer registered 87 degrees, while the minimum tempera ture for the month was 49 degrees on the 18th. SHERIFF HUNTS 'ROAD HOG' 3:ugene Officials Have Warrant for Resident of Marcola. EUGENE, Or.. Aug. 2. (Special.) jonn Doe Landers, an alleged road Jhoe." is wanted by Sheriff Fred G. stickles on the charge of failure to cillow a vehicle to pass him. Landers lives at Marcola, but is said to have left for Coos bay immediately after the suieged orrense was committed. Dr. M. T. Schaffer, a veterinary erur preon of this city, who ewore to the complaint, alleges that Landers sig naled to pass him on the road up the Mohawk and Dr. Schaffer turned out. After Landers got ahead it is alleged jie drove at a slow rate and when Dr. Schaffer signaled to pass Landers would speed ahead. GIRL IN FEAR OF MOTHER Judge Campbell Asked by Child to "Save Her." Upon the plea of little Robin Grigsby uii iicr mwuicr ue not permitted to take her to the home of her aunt. Mr Jouise Trueb. of Tekoa, Wash.. Judge iamnhAll nf r c rr r ."... . . .!..: i . 1 .. - - ' . v-iij niuuiiiCU Ills order to that extent Thursday night and the girl left willingly. First intimation that the child had returned to x'ortland, after disappear ine on the eve of being removed to th Good Values Used Pianos Knabe Grand R5T Chickering Upright (Mah.) $300 Sohmer Upright (Mah.) $325 Kimball Upright (Oak) S285 Francis Bacon (Mah.) S295 JIason& Hamlin (Ebony) S22. These are in nice condition and are excellent values. Terms or cash. Victrolas Records Pianos fcFJOHKSOHPlAKoCO. 149 6th, Bet. Alder and Morrison Jlehlin Packard Lindeman Pianos SKIN NEEDED TO SAVE GIRL More Volunteers for Grafting Oper ation Needed at Salem. SALEM. Or Anir fSnui Tn response to an appeal issued yesterday. several iaaiem people nave volunteered to contribute of their fckin to aid little Erma King, who is said to be in a precarious condition as the result of burns sustained while picking berries a few miles from this itv i..aniv If enough volunteers are obtained the gratung operation win be performed next weeK. Runaway Boys Are Found. SALEM, Or., Aug. 2. fSnprial Milton and Weston Coates and James Wilson, who recently disappeared from their homes at Coquille, were appre hended at Newberg last night. The ooys were Drought here today, where they are being held pending the receipt of word, from their parents. Dayton Company Incorporates. SALEM. Or.. Aux. 2. fSn.Htl w S. U'lten, J. J. Denson and R. npmo.iv have incorporated the Dayton Sand & Gravel company of Dayton, Or. The capital stock is J25.000 and the purpose of the concern is to conduct a general sand and erave! business. Leaders of Fight for Early Wage Rise Predict Employes Through out Xation Will Quit. r SHOPMEN'S STRIKE SITUATION J SUMMARIZED. , Denver. Strike declared in vto- 4 lation of orders by labor federa tion department. Springfield. 111. Efforts mads to induce electrical workers, who joined shopmen, to resume work. Norfolk, Neb. Tie-up of service threatened. Atlanta. Ga Strike continued in various parts of south. Des Moines. Seven hundred shopmen quit work. Havre, Mont. Six hundred walk out of Great Northern shops. that employes have walked out at many ' railroad shops through the southern reg ion. DES MOINES. Aug. I. Approximately "00 railway shopmen in the Rock Island yards at Valley Junction, near here, went on strike today in response to the can ror a m-.-on-wide strike. HAVRE, Mont.. Aug. 2. More than 600 employes of the Great Northern railroad shops and roundhouse here went on strike at S A. M. Walkout to Be Continued. At a meeting -of the striking shop men it was voted to continue the walk out indefinitely. Six different crafts arc out, includinr the boilermakers, machinists, carpenters and others. A strike committee. Including; representa tives of all the striking crafts, met with officials of the railroad here today in a discussion of grievances. No violence is expected, it was stated. Union leaders predicted that the strike would greatly hamper operation of trains over the Montana. Kalispell and Havre divisions of the Great Northern. WINNIPEG. Man., Aug. 2. With about 4000 workers still absent from its ranks, as a result of the recent gen eral strike, the Winnipeg Trades and Labor council was reorganized' last night by R. A. Rlgg. deputy of the president of the Dominion Trades and Labor congress. Ninety-two delegates who attended represented approximate ly 000 workers who stuck to their international affiliations during the strike. i; i CHICAGO. Aug. 2. More than 250.000 railway shopmen of the country were idle tonight as a result of the strike called yesterday by the Federated Rail way Shopmen's union, union officials of the organization said tonight, with the strike spreading and no indication of an immediate settlement in eight. i ne men are out to remain on strike until their - demands for 85 cents an hour for machinists and 60 cents for helpers are granted, John D. Saunders, secretary, said. Regardless of what the international officers of the various unions may be doing at Washington and they are making no announcements the rank and file of the men have determined not to recede from their demands with back pay to January 1, according to Mr. Saunders. ' Violence to Be Tabooed. No men will be removed from the wrecking crews, Mr. Saunders said, and no violence will be tolerated. Plans for a mass meeting of thou sands of strikers at a baseball grounds lomorrow were completed tonight. in the meantime union committees are touring the railway systems to see that the strike orders are carried out while hundreds of telegrams are being sent out. By Monday, Mr. Saunders said, virtually every railroad in the country will be affected. BOSTON. Aug. 2. Union railroad shopmen of the local district of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad, at a mass meeting tonight, voted unanimously to strike Thursday unless tnier demands are granted. Advice la Disregarded. The men who said they have received appeals from the Chicago union to join in a general strike, disregarded the ad vise of their international officers by voting to strike. ESCANABA, Mich., Aug. 2. More than 500 northwestern shopmen went on strike tonight in response to orders from Chicago headquarters. The deci sion was reached at a mass meeting after which night crews left the shops DENVER. Aug. rnat the strike of railroad shopmen, declared yesterday, is in direct violation of orders issued by the grand lodge of the railway de partment of the American Federation n f 7 U H l-l T w,3tK. a, aw. A... .. J . day by F. F. Miles, general chairman rtf H iiti-ift Vrt 9A , V. ta . : Association of Machinists. District No. 20 comprises Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico. SPRINGFIELD, 111., Aug. 2. Every effort of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers was expended today to cause electrical workers who have gone on strike with railroad shop men to return to work at once, accord ing to Charles P. Ford, secretary of the t,iectncai workers international union. Strike Declared Vnaut horiird. About 400 men affiliated with this crart nave gone back to their jobs in Chicago, Mr. Ford said. The strike, he saia, is unauthorized. NORFOLK, Neb., Aug. 2. About 130 snopmen of the Northwestern railroad walked out at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Officials predicted service will be tied up on this line. The strike orders fol lowed the receipt of a message telling the machinists' union that the strike was unauthorized. ATLANTA, Ga., Aug. 2. Union rail road shopmen were still going on strike toaay in various parts of the south - "Partial reports," said a statement from B. L. Winchell. director of rail roads for the Southern division, "show COXGRESS "HELD UP," CHARGE Texas Democrat Reminds House Three Increases Already Given. WASHINGTON. Aug. 3 Representa tive Blanton, democrat, Texas, charged in the house today that the railroad brotherhoods were "holding up con gress, much the same as highwaymen, for another unfair billion dollar wage increase." Representative Blanton said this was the fourth time the railroad men had asked increases. The first threat," Mr. Blanton said, resulted in the Adamson law. Then the four great brotherhoods forced Mc Adoo to grant an increase of J754.811, 000. Not satisfied with this, Director General Hlnes was held up for an other annual increase of $67,500,000 and now we must legislate so that they will get another billion dollars. They come like highwaymen and threaten to destroy the railroad activi ties of this country after October 1 unless their demands are met." Government ownership of the rail roads is proposed in a bill Introduced today by Representative Sims, demo crat, Tennessee. The measure embodies the plan which has been indorsed by tne lour brotherhoods and the Ameri can Federation of Labor, and which was presented to congressional com mittees recently by Glenn E. Plumb. Under the bill operating control of the railroads would be vested in a di rectorate of 15, five appointed by the president, five by. operating officials and five by employes. Holders of 4 per cent bonds which the government would 'issue for the purchase of the ines and the employes would share equally in the earnings of the roads. CHICAGO SERVICE RESUMED Four-Day Strike of Surface and Elevated Car Men Ends. CHICAGO, Aug. 2. Street car service was resumed today after a four-day strike of surface and elevated car men. Resumption of traffic soon followed announcement of acceptance of a wage schedule of 65 cents an hour for sur face and 67 cents for elevated men. Hearings were begun today by the state public utilities commission to de termine what rise in fares will be necessary to pay the 17 ents an hour increase in wages. It is said a 7-cent fare on surface lines and an S-cent fare on elevated roads will be granted. In addition a 1-cent charge for transfers may be authorized. oirrt Give Old Clothe 7? ! Awsiy You'll be glad to Have them in anotKer year, be cause the clothing and shoe famine is here. You can buy clothes and shoes mighty reasonable now in comparison with what you must pay later. COME IN NOW and buy a Gray's THIRTY FORTY or- FIFTY and thereby save $10 to $15 on the purchase of a suit or overcoat. Compare Gray's Compare Gray's S3 Suits With Suits Sold by Other Stores for $35 and $40 Compare Gray's S4-0 Suits With Suits Sold by Other Stores for $45 and $50 Suits With Suits Sold by Other Stores Save 7 Discount We give our patrons 7 per cent discount on men's furnishings and hats when purchase amounts to $4.00 or more, contract goods excepted-. Gray's Values Will Tell AY 366 Washington at West Park announced here today. The demands of the teamsters have been turned down by the employers, Mr. O'Connell announced. The threateed strike will include the stevedores, sailors, marine firemen and cooks, pile drivers, hoisting engineers and ship clerks. Mr. O'Connell said. The teamsters have called a meeting for Thursday to hear the final answer of the employers, if any is submitted. In the event none is received they will go out the next morning, according to Mr. O'Connell. The strike, if called, will paralyze the horse and motor transportation of the entire city and will hold up prac tically all shipping activity here, Mr. O'Connell said. 3 000 RELEASED AT TACOMA Todd Yard Announces Forces to Be Reduced Permanently. TACOMA, Wash.. Aug. 2. A thousand men were let out at the Todd shipyard here last night, bringing the total thrown out of work since the strike of blacksmiths began a week ago to about 3000. The yard management an nounced that the men were relieved fol lowing adoption of a policy of retrench ment. It was given out that the dis missals are permanent and htat the forces will remain reduced whether the blacksmiths return to work or not. The blacksmiths originally struck to force reinstatement of a member of their union dismissed in March. 20,000 TEAMSTERS MAY QUIT Increase in Wages of $1 a Day De manded, at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 2. (Special.) A strike of 20,000 teamsters and other crafts in the Vater Front 'Workers' federation will be called next Friday unless the teamsters are granted a $1 a day Increase over their present wage by that time, John A. O'Connell, secre tary of the San Francisco Labor council. 1 GREETINGS! To You. From Out of Town Who Are Here for Buyers' Week THE HAZELWOOD extends the hearty hand of welcome. We hope that during your stay in Portland you will find the oppor tunity to visit The Hazelwood, the place of homelike service. Here you will find the choicest of the season's fruits and vegetables, most excellently prepared and daintily served. Just a Word About The Hazelwood Special Chocolates These sweets, with their rich, chocolate coatings and creamy nut-filled centers are more deli cious than you can imagine. They most truly deserve their great popularity for. they are superfine and will not fail to rise to your highest expectations. 388 Washington 127 Broadway MICHIGAN SOCIETY FROLICS Picnic Is Held at Fairgrounds and Organization Is Started. SALEM, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) Members of the Salem Michigan society held their annual picnic at the state fairgrounds here last night. An out door dinner and business session were features of the occasion. Committees on by-laws and constitution were ap pointed and it is planned to perfect a permanent organisation at another meeting of the society. About 90 were present. As soon as the organization Is per fected it is proposefl to hold picnics and other entertainment features in differ ent parts of the county. Astoria Fire Insurance Reduced. ASTORIA. Or.. Aug:. 2. (Special.) Official notice was received from the state insurance department today of a reduction of aproximately 20 per cent in fire insurance rates on prop erty in the business section of Astoria. The reduction applies to all policies written since February 1 of this year and is the result of a survey recently made by the state department. A woman of Alameda, Ca!., has ob tained a divorce on her testimony that her husband had bought her only two dresses in 17 yenrs. Ell NOW! ...... 1 . v".l. SF- ' As the quick tempered dancing delight of an Oriental cabaret, over whom men go wild, she creates a characterization that fairly breathes the atmosphere of show life on THE GREAT WHITE WAY 1 A A ITil IT ii (to II ft f? I Pathe Weekly at, the Vurlitjzoi Concert. 1 :30 P. M. Today March from 'Aids" rdi fVPy Lov P-n. .Victor Herbert "Mrry Wives of - Windsor" (overture) Nicolul I.ttbesfreud Krlesler I la at lan Echoes, arranged by Mr. Tea goie I J Carter De Haven, too "In a Pinch" 3