The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 9, Image 57

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CitT Editor Main TOTO. A SOBS
Sunday. Editor .-. .Main 7070. A 61195
Advertising Department. . .Main 7070, A S093
Superintendent of Ttuildinir.Main 7070, A 6U85
Subscribe with the following agents at
your summer resort to secure the most
prompt delivery of The Oregonian. City
rates. Subscriptions by mail are payable in
Barriaw, Or. ............... .F. C. Robinson
Bay City, Or O. E. Shelley
Bayocean. Or.......... F. E. Mitchell
Brighton. Or........... . . . A. "V . Rowe
Carson. Wash C. B. Smith
Kcola, Or.... Cannon Beach Merchandise Co.
Garibaldi, Or S. M. McMillan
Gearhart. Or w. s. Robinson
Long Beach. Wash W. E. Htrauhal
Manhattan Beach, Or S. F. Ansel
Manzanita, or
E. Kardell
....... H. J. Brown
A. C. Anderson
..Mrs. H. M. Cross
D. C. Perejoy
O. T. Herron
Emma S. Campbell
Burke Cole
. t. F. Edmunds
Frank Miller
. . A. J. Gillette
Nahcotta. Wash.....
Neah-kah-nle, Or....
Netarts. Or
Nehalera. Or.........
Newport. Or
Ocean Park, Wash..
Pacific Beach. Wash
Paclfie City, Or
Rockaway. Or
Seaside, Or
Shlpherd's Hot Springs, Wash
Mrs. N. St. Martin
Sea view. Wash George N. Putnam
Tillamook, Or J. D. Lamar
Wheeler. Or R. H. Cody
Woods, Or Charland & Deuel
Wilhoit Spring. Or F. W. McJeran
HEILIQ (Broadway at Taylor)" The Mas
querader." Tonight.
ALCAZAR Eleventh at Morrison) Alcssar
Musical Players in "The Red Ross." This
afternoon and tonight.
PANTAOE3 (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville; three shows daily, 2:30. 7 and 9:05.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and moving pictures, 2 to fi,
6:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays, Sundays and
holidays continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M.
STRAND (Washington street, between Park
and West Park) Vaudevll and moving
pictures, continuous.
COUNCIL CREST Free amusement park
Take "CC" cars, Morrison or Washington
First and Alder) Armstrong Folly com
pany In musical ootnedy,
COLUMBIA BEACH (Vancouver cars)
Swimming, dancing, amusements.
On Sals at
Business Office, Oregonian.
"Missing" Soldier Soon Dci Hose.
Though reported missing; In action for
three months. Max Goldstaub, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Goldstaub, 706 Van
couver avenue, has arrived at New
York and will reach home In the course
of 10 or 12 days. Private Goldstaub
served with the ISth field artillery.
"When seriously wounded he was taken
to the hospital without proper record
heing; made and a move by the hospital
furth-er helped leave him on the miss-ins-
list. He was finally located by his
commander and both he and the com
mander wrote to the parents. A tele
gram advises the parents that he ar
rived in New York Thursday. A
brother. Lieutenant Ted Goldstaub, has
just been mustered out of the spruce
division, in which he had charge of
Important sales work.
EjiPLOrsLNT Record Good. Port
land ranks well with the other cities
of the United States In securing em
ployment for the returning soldiers.
according; to word received from Colo
nel Arthur "Woods of Washington. D. C,
assistant to the secretary of war In
charge of employment work. Los An
geles, Portland. Philadelphia, Seattle,
Chicago and Baltimore have had over
2000 returned soldiers to place In em
ployment np to June 2 8. according to
the report, and all these aities have
placed over 70 per cent of the men,
except Seattle and Baltimore. Sixty-six
per cent of registered soldier and
sailor applicants for Jobs were placed
by the various governmental and vol
nnteer employment services during the
five weeks ending June 28, the report
Enlisted Men's Dinner Ttjesdat
Night. A dinner will be given for en
listed men at the soldiers' and sailors'
club Tuesday evening under the direc
tion of the men's department of the
War Camp Community Service. A pro
gramme of wrestling and boxing is
being planned and dancing will follow
the dinner in the club rooms. Girls of
the victory chorus will serve the din
ner. The men were waiters for the
girls at the mothers' and daughters'
dinner this week and now the men will
have their turn at being served. Res
ervations should be made at once by
calling the soldiers' and sailors' club,
since the seating capacity is limited.
C G. Knioht to Open Store in Taco
a. Airplanes may soon become the
universal mode of travel, but at present
walking laeme to be the most popular
with the general public, according to
J. l. K-nignt, who has recently doubled
the size of his Ground Gripper shoe
store, 381 hi Washington street, and has
gone to Tacoma to open a similar
store In that city. Mr. Knight reports
mat more shoes were sold in his Port
land shop during July than in any
other month since Its establishment
N. H. Atchison, who for the past two
years has been associated with Ben
Riesland in the real estate business,
tinder the name of the Multnomah De
velopment company, has taken over all
the business of the company and will
be located tomorrow m his new office
204 Henry bldg. Robert Shelley, well
known In the contracting business, will
be associated with him. The company
will specialize on Multnomah station
and west side suburban properties.
For Sale. An old established and
unusually profitable manufacturing
concern in Portland having a good or
ganization, all the business t can
handle, with a very bright future in
metal lines. Any good business man
can handle. "Will take about 150'.0O0
either cash or good securities. Owner
wishes to retire. F U2. Oregonian.
DnjEAOTs or rax Heart. The need
Is tor rest of body and mind above
everything else. Milk Is a perfect diet
trader these conditions. The milk and
rest ear at the Moore Sanitarium se
cures gratifying results In heart
diseases. Office 08 Selling bldg. Main
CA0L Adv.
The A. O. TJ. W. hi giving a moon
light picnic and dance at Rock Island
Monday, Ang. 4. for the members and
their friends. Take Willamette Flyer
at municipal landing, foot of Stark st
T:0 P. M. All expenses paid by In
dustry lodge Adv.
Dr. Ella K. Dearborn, 800 Union ave
north; office hours after 1:J0 P. M. Sun
days and mornings by appointment-
Jitnet Dance Saturday night at San
Rivera, one mile south of Troutdale on
Columbia highway. Adv.
Milk Diet Treatment The Moore
Sanitarium. Phone Main 101. Bast 47
Kekmbrer Coal. Carbon Coal Co
mine agents. East 118S. - 321 Haw
thorne ave. Adv.
Knioht'b downstairs dept. for beach
wear, a low heel white canvas oxford
special this week at J4.45. Adv.
Hill Military Academt. Portland. Or
has a splendid primary department!
Make reservation now. Adv.
Perfection Plaster Board or Beaver
board for walls and ceilings. Timms
Cress & Co.. 184 Second street. Adv.
D.x Gvllette returned. Main 1177
We Grind everything. Portland Cut
lery Co.. SS 6th it, near Stark. Adv.
Dr. L. G. McAloxii returned. 02-3
Selling bldg. Main 364. Adv.
Dr. Hubert F. Leonard has returned
Dr. R. B. Northritp. osteopathic phy
sician, 108 Morgan, returned. Adv.
Dr. Carl T. Ross returned; (Of
Stevens bldg. Adv.
Dr. D. H. Rand has returned. Adv.
Dr. A. D. Walks returned. Adv.
Forest Offenders Fined. Forestry ?
officers continue to enforce the laws
regarding fire control rigidly and
during theweek a number of arrests
and convictions have been effected.
William Bunch, Roy and Joe Dysert, all
of Kerby, Or., were fined 85 and costs
at Grants Pass for failing to extinguish
a bonfire at the head of Sucker creek.
W. W. Salsig, manager of the Salsig
Lumber company operating in the
Crater national forest, was fined 825 at
Medford for using a donkey engine
with inadequate screens for stopping
sparks. Other cases awaiting trial are
those or zera Dahack. charged with
leaving a bonfire burning at Griffin
gulch: J. J. Wlnningham and G. F.
Eckles. accused with setting fire to s
bee tree and thus being responsible for
a blaze which spread over 20 acres.
Insurance Writers Have Outino.
Insurance worries were relegated to
the dust of the storeroom shelf when
the 10th annual picnic of the Insurance
firm of McCargar, Bates & Lively was
held at Crystal Lake Park Saturday,
July 26. More than 150 employes en
Joyed the outing, which was marked by
an exceptional athletio programme, a
baseball game, swimming and danc
ing. The baseball game was won by
the Recken team, which defeated the
Ekwall aggregation. 8 to 4. The pic
nic has been an annual feature of the
firm since its organization and it
grows more popular every year.
Deserted Mother in Want. An ap
peal was made yesterday for clothing
and some financial aid for a worthy
woman, the mother of three children,
all girls, ages 12, 4 and 2H- The stork
is expected to visit the home shortly.
The woman was deserted by her hus
band and has as her only support an
18-year-old brother who worked in the
shipyards, but was laid off and then
was ill. The family Is in straightened
circumstances and unable to buy clothes
or to pay the rent. Anyone having
clothing that would help this family
may leave it at 807 Broadway building
and it will be delivered to the woman.
Newport Woman Dies Here. Mrs.
Helen Jackson, 6221 Forty-sixth street
southeast, died July 15 at her home
after an illness of several months. She
came to Portland about a year ago
from Newport, Or., where she had lived
about five years. Mrs. Jackson was
born in Michigan and had lived also
In Colorado. She is survived by her
widower, A. I Jackson, one son, John
Tefft of Los Angeles. Cal.. and the
following daughters: Mrs. Lillian Hlx,
Mrs. J. E. Homer, both of Portland
Mrs. B. C. Hosselkus of Del Monte.
Colo., and Mrs. G. A. Schumacher of
Newport, Or.
Cancer, Tumors, Piles. Fistula.
Goiter. No knife and loss of blood in
cancer. No plasters and pains for hours
or days. Skin diseases treated by X-ray
and Ultra Violet ray. Nervous diseases
by Spinal Percussion and Vibration.
High blood pressure by Autocondensa
tlon. Female diseases by Galvanic and
sinusoidal currents. Portland Physlca
Therapy Laboratories, 412 to 417
Journal bldg. Adv.
Milk and Rest Cum. In this day of
specialism nothing is so Important as
excelling in one definite line of work
It is with this Idea the Moore Sani
tarium confines its work to the milk
and rest cure and because of con
stant attention to the slightest details
is able to give the maximum benefits
of this remarkable "cure." Phone East
47. Office 908 Selling bldg. Main 6101.
Church Choir Entertained. The
choir of Trinity Episcopal church in
eluding Dr. A. A. Morrison, the rector,
was entertained at supper at the home
01 -Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Corrucclnl
Ardenwald. last Thursday afternoon
and evening. Ball games and dancing
were also enjoyed. At supper Mrss
Ruth Grant and several assistants
served. Community songs were sung
Smith's Meats. 10c TJr.
Boiling beef, 10. Veal stew, 12 c.
Shoulders of real spring lamb. 15c.
Smith's prime rib roast beef, 15c.
Beefsteak. 15c. Hamburg stk., 15a
Smith's choice pot roasts of beef, 15c.
Smith offers you tenderloin steak, 20c.
Lamb chops. 25c. Spring lamb legs. 26c.
Frank L. Smith's is 228 Alder it Adv.
College Clinic Moves. Reed college
reconstruction clinic has been moved
from Nineteenth and Glisan streets to
the North Pacific Dental college. East
Sixth and Oregon streets. Clinical
work will begin at the new location
Tuesday morning. The telephone num
ber there is East 2471.
Mother Seeks Soldier Son. Mrs.
oeorge Lamb. Donald, Or., is attempting
to jocate ner son, second Lieutenant
Albert A- Lamb, who served with th
American forces. She asks that any
one who knew her son between the
dates of September 28 and October 14,
1918, please communicate with her.
Endeavor Delegate Leaves. Cline
M. Saiz left Thursday to attend the in
ternational Christian Endeavor confer
ence at Buffalo. N. Y., August 5 to 10.
He will be absent about two weeks and
will visit friends in Detroit and Chi
cago before returning.
Nisbeth's electro-hydro and Swedish
gymnastic institute, 533-35 Plttock bids.
i-none aawy. bis; res. Tabor 9535. Adv.
Rent a Bapett Box and safeguard
your valuables from fires and burglars.
Union Safety Vaults, 284 Oak. Adv.
Building Wanted. 100x100 or larger
in aowniown aisincL if you will build
or remodel mill constructed building,
can offer you substantial rental on
long term lease. AG 50, Oreeonlan.
an exceptionally fine home with
oeautnui grounds and double garage is
offered for sale by owner for below its
real value. AL 461, Oregonian. Adv.
Dr. Dorwin Palmer has returned and
will resume his association with Dr.
George F. Koehher, Stevens bldg. Adv.
Attorney Fred W. Brown announces
removal of bis office to 612 Gasco bldg.
Captain, A. K. Higgs Describes Con
ditlon of Refngees in Vladivostok.
In a letter to Dr. T. W. Klrby, E01
East Broadway, Dr. A. K. Hlggs. for
merly eye, ear, nose and throat special
ist of this city but at present a captain
In the American expeditionary forces
In Siberia, gives an interesting de
scription of his trip from Seattle to
Vladivostok and his impressions "nf
the ports visited en route.
Captain Hlggs sailed from Seattle
May 9 on the Fushiml Maru. a Japanese
vessel, arriving at Yokahama after 15
days. After a short stop, his Dartv
crossed Japan by rail and sailed from
a small port on the western coast for
Vladivostok, landing June 2. There
Captain Higgs received his commission
and took command of the Vladivostok
hospital, where an eye, ear, nose and
throat clinic will be established. Cap
tain Higgs writes that he expects a
lot of hard work for at least a year.
as refugees are pouring into the city
Dy tne tnousanas without food or suf
ficient clothing and a great manv of
tnem sick. The Red Cross is doing
splendid work for these people. "I
think the Red Cross has murdered
10,000.000 'cooties' tn the- past few
months and still they come," writes
the former Portland physician.
Cool mountain air. fine clear
stream, with good fishing, no mosqui
toes, big trees nd good food make
Arrah Wanrta hotel In the Mount Hood
district the best place to spend your
vacation. A short, pleasant auto ride
brings you to the finest mountain hotel
in Oregon. Rates 820 per week either
in main hotel or bungalows. Daily
auto stage from Irvington garage.
Boatswain Meets Death, Within Two
Weeks of Discharge From Serv
ice in Xstj.
Just one hour after they received a
cheery message from their son Rex
saying that he would be released from
the navy and return to Portland within
two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Ap
pleby. Ardenwald station, got a second
telegram from the naval authorities
with the news of his death on July 29,
as the result of an accident while load
ing the U. S. S. Minnesota at Fortress
jxionroe, v a.
Appleby had Just completed his third
trip overseas with his ship when he
was struck by a crane while the vessel
was coaling. The blow knocked him
overboard, and a long search was made
for the body, which his parents hope
tvu recoverea.
rtex Apple oy was graduated from
Washington hlarh school in mi
had planned to complete his education
at Oregon Agricultural enlUr. wr-
made special efforts to get his release
from the navy for this nnrnnB t-r-
enllsted in the navy one week after
war was declared, and held the rating
of boatswain's mate. 2d class, at the
time of his death. He was a member
or Gamma Eta Kappa fraternity and
prominent In high school activities be-
weaving Portland two years ago
He Is survived bv his ni-n
ter, Mary AoDlehv. and v..--
Dr. Ralph Appleby of Mount Angel, and
Appieny or watervllle. Wash,
-A- - .
-"j auruier oiemDeri or Staff to
Return to State College.
i. 1 suj. (special.) The fac
ulty staff of the school of home eco
nomics Is being strengthened. Several
members on leave of absence will re
turn for the next school year and some
new faces will be added to the faculty.
Miss Lila O'Neals has been appointed
assistant professor of household arts
in the schoo of home economics Miss
Louise Schneider will return to this de
partment after a year's leave of ab
sence. Miss Lulu May, a 1918 honor
graduate of the college, has been ap
pointed Instructor.
Miss Sarah Lewis will return to the
department of household science after
a two-year leave of absence at Colum
bia university. She will be head of the
department. Miss Bertha Davis who
also has been on leave at Columhia
will return as professor of home eco
nomics education.
Plcnlo at Crystal Lake Park" la to
Include Sports and .Dances.
The building construction interests.
which are to have an outing and Dicnic
at Crystal Lake Park August 14, are
rapiaiy perfecting their plans for the
event. The general committee, with
George Klnea as chairman, has ap
pointed sub-committees to take cars of
the sporting events and the dancing.
tne sport committee, with A. W.
(Ike) Stanchfleld as chairman, has ar
ranged a programme that will .take up
nearly all the afternoon.
Pacific Phonograph Company to Re
ceive Visitors This "Week.
With the new plant at Thirty-third
street ai d East Broadway nearly Com
pleted omcere of the Pacific Phono
graph Manufacturing company an
nounced yesterday that the new home
of the Stradlvara would be open all this
week for the Inspection of visiting
merchants here for victory buyers'
Visitors will be welcomed mil will
be shown the manv features of the nw
Stradlvara Instrument, the tone of
which Is claimed to surpass anything
yet Invented In the talking-machine
Not long ago the comoanv. which had
been making Stradlvara machines for
about a year, was completely reorgan
ized and the new plant at Thirtv-thlrd
and East Broarway acquired. This
plant, which had formerly housed the
Jeffrey Airplane company, has been
completely overhauled and equipped
Commerce Sale .Deposit Vaults.
1 Third street. Both phonsa. Adv.
The GASCO Series
Illustrated Advs.
in all the papers.
Some of the Subjects:
Portland's Streets
A Lovely Mess
The Overworked Husband
A Basement Scene
The Awful Splinter
Married Bliss
A Woman's Friends
The Servant Question
To rent, lease or buj. Ma
chine Shop suitable for job or
experimental work. Address
vith mscMnerv for himln. . -
delicate instruments.
At present ths new manufacturing
establishment is not quite completed
ana officers of the company stated yes
terday that the plant will not be open
for the general inspection of the pub
lic for several weeks yet. During buy
ers' week, however, visitors who would
otherwise not have ths chance to go
through the plant will be welcomed. As
soon as the new establishment is in
perfect operation the company will hold
an open house and reception for the
Portland public
So far as is known, the local talking
machine is the only one on the market
which combines the Idea of the piano
ahd the violin in Its sounding board
and tone producing arrangement. A
sounding device of thin spruce is pro
vided which radiates a tone which it Is
claimed Is not equaled by any other
machine. The best grade of Oregon
spruce is used for this purpose.
The concerri Is now occupying offices
In" the fifth floor of the Blake-McFall
building, and the territory over which
the concern Is jobbing Includes prac
tically everything west of the Rocky
mountains. A branch office was opened
a can r ran Cisco August 1.
At the' present time 100 men are em
viujiva oy tne concern, but within a
saorx time it is hoped to increase this
to 300 and to bring the output of the
factory to 50 machines per day. The
macnins is made in four models, rang
ing from 7 to $275 in price. All are
Brother and Sister Meet Arter 4 2
Years, at Gaston Reunion.
Separated for 42 years, Mrs. Fred
Oberar anil A XT C w .
in 1 1. uiui nur ana
sister, were brought togetaer last week
imuy reunion held at Mr.
and Mrs fthitt'a , . .
. " inues rrom
Gaston. Or. Mrs. Ob erg and Mr. Sarap
s2?.ilaa not en .ch other since their
childhood days In the east.
Children of Mr. and Mrs. Oberg sep
"T" by haIf the dlstnce around the
. aieo Drougnt Together for
the reunion, one son with his family
coming from ths mission fields of
corea and another son coming from
France, whum h. . . .. . ...
. uofc 1 CI I'.LLLiy U II-
charged from war service. Ar other son
and wife came from Minneapolis, Minn.,
while two daughters who are school
teachers in this state were also present
Mr. Oberg was for many years chief
or police at Astoria and retired to his
farm at Gaston some years ago
J. A. Scollard of Chehalis to Address
. Convention August 6.
YAKIMA, Wash., Aug. 2. (Special.)
T. A. Scol 1 rrt n f rkh.n. . j .
the United Dairy association of Wash
ington l tn V. A . i ,
the big plcnio of Yakima farmers on
Two days preceding the picnic will
he ilnvnlrf tk -
... - i i wiiveauan at
the rooms of the Yakima Commercial
club. State President S. A. Elmore, of
the Viriri.ri' nnlAn t - . ,
. awn cmvl ana IB
expected to get speakers of national
nine gr tne convention.
Wm ...'L
. , ' , u- u i apprecia
tion and gratitude. to our many friends
TAP tnlv flaAn Bi'n..V... J .,.
. - - f j i . i. w miii ainanes,
also for their many beautiful flowers.
" uur roteiu Dereavement in the
death of beloved wife and sister
Our Special Enlarged
have won distinct favor
in Portland and vicinity.
To see this new and
wonderful idea in dia
mond mounting is to
fully appreciate its
beauty. Priced
$50, $75, $100
and $125
For Exceptional Value
in Ladies'
see those with fancy
white gold tops and yel
low gold bands, set
with steel white dia
monds. Priced at only
Is Portland's Best-Known
Diamond Value.
The name Jaeger Bros, stands for
all that is dependable and worthy in
"diamond service."
Years of experience in buying and
selling; dose contact with the leading
diamond houses of the country, to
gether with the advantage of buying
in large quantities, places this estab
lishment in an admirable position to
serve buyers of diamonds and dia
mond jewelry.
A selection from the important stock
carried by Jaeger Bros, carries with
it quality, character and value.
are always to be seen at Jaeger Bros.
The cleverest effects in all platinum
and platinum in combination with 1 8
carat and 14-carat gold, .-cluster and
solitaire styles. '
Jeweler t -Silver tmiths
Oregonian Building
The Fuel Problem Solved
Before Ordering Your Wood or Coal
Designed for Use
in Furnaces
Ranges and
Heating Stoves
and a Labor
Saving Device
jnakM Gas From Coal Oil
Water Heaters, Fruit Driers, or Any Appliance Where an Even Heat Is
Required. Made in Portland by
Portland Modern Oil Burner Co.
145 Grand Avenue, Portland, Or.
See Daily Demonstrations. Agents Wanted.
Our complete line of office furni
ture offers you any grade of desk
or filing cabinet to fit your purse.
We always have a few good
slightly used pieces.
It's a Wonderful Feeling to Have Comfortable Feet
Dislocated bones And ligaments of the foot
affect the sciatic nerve and cause pains in
different parts of the foot, legs and upper
parts of the body.
Corns, callouses and bunions are the result
of other foot troubles.
About 90 per cent of so-called rheumatism
is really foot troubles.
Why suffer with tired, aching, tender and
cramping feet?
Instant relief sraarasteed.
Foot Comfort Store. 255 Washington Street
Between Second and Third
"Now I can see both
near and far with
ONE pair of Glasses."
"The little rogue 'picked' my
pocket! Yes, hid my reading
glasses behind her and glee
fully watched me fumble and
search for them. How well I
remember it! It made me real
ize how inconvenient it was to
fuss with two pairs of glasses
one for reading, the other for
distance and caused me to in
vest in KRYPTOKS, which com
bine NEAR and FAR vision in
a single pair."
With KRYPTOKS you glance
np from your book just as
Brown is doing in this picture
and see objects at a distance as
clearly as you read the type on
me printed page.
flT A CCVr
Unlike other bifocals KRYP
TOKS are without the telltale
seam or hump. They cannot be
distinguished from single-vision
Kryptoks fitted the New System
y give better results.
(Another Great Bible Prophecy.)
.!(v.i;.v 'y :
Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070, A 6095
Play FaiiWith Yourself
How KiHiam's FIRST-HAND SERVICE will assist
Every Practical Office Man in
Satisfying: His Demand for
Inspect otrr most complete stock of Commercial Stationery, Typewriter Sop
plies, De Luxe Ledger Outfits, Blank Books, Special Forms and Books tol
Order, Loose Leaf Binders and Systems for Every Type of Business.
Office Furniture and Appliances, Commercial, Cutler and Jasper Desks,,
Tables, Etc, Wabash Wooden Sectional Filing Cabinets and the Natural
Index no waste, perpetual expansion.
B. L. Marble Office Chairs
Y. & E. Tire-Wall- Vertical Steel Files,
Wood and Steel Transfer Cases
Viking Sectional Bookcases, Weis Card Trays.
The World's Safest Safe" and Record Protection.
Engineers' Field and Office
Instruments and Supplies
Everything for the Office"
Fifth and
Oak Streets
Store Open 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M.
Hear KVlVRri.liit mvin, -. i - .
. . ? ......... . .... uuima
this great Scriptural prediction of the
near future. The programme for the
week follows:
Monday Nlsht:
"The Capardonable Sla."
Tuesday Night:
The Severn Last Planes."
Wednesday Night:
"Te Oae Church of the Bible Wit
So Slur Sects f"
Thursday Nig-ht:
T' TCx-tlnetlon of Prfttrstaatlsm .
1111 Rome Kale Aslsr
Friday Nlsrht:
"The Call or the Hour Chrlariaalsea
Pas-anlBsa Exposed."
Saturday Nle-ht:
After Death Whatt Where Are the'
laa f
Sunday Night: :
i m wr vrmun vsssgll r rem BCUSt
to SalcMe.9
s Tf TahI Dns,il, a
was, as M w itivii
Sperlal Mnsle and Crest Gospel
Sins; Ever? M(t
ptmin ivviTrn
to Loan
Good Farming
Low Rates
New World Life Insurance
Spokane. Washington
Suits French Dry Clesned or Steam
Cleaned $1.25.
Unique Tailoring Co.
104 Foarth St. Bet. Wash mm Stars..
We pay you to do your own deliveries-
3 ;"M