The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 6, Image 54

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3, 1919.
Jr., Miss Alice HIggins, and their niece.
Miss Helen Addy of Seattle, have just
returned to Portland from a two weeks'
motor trip to Crater lake. Miss Addy
will remain in Portland through the
month of August visiting relatives and
.Mr. and Mrs. Leslie H. Preston mo
Edward H. Greenwell, Veteran of Many Battles in Which Canadians Took
Part, and His Wife, Nurse in War-torn Area, Come to Portland.
tored from Fresno, CaL, last week, ar
riving here Sunday, July 27, making
the trip in five days. Mr. Preston is
the eldest son of A. J. Preston, 1903
Kast Washington street, this city, with
whom the couple" are visiting for the
summer. Mr. and Mrs. Preston are
thinking of locating in Portland per
Mrs. Leeds Lincoln Baxter of Holly
wood, CaL, is the house guest of her
sister, Mrs. Walter Jones, at Boring.
Mrs. Baxter was a resident of Portland
for several years and has many friends
here. Mr. Baxter expects to motor
north soon to meet his .wife. Mrs. Jones
will return to California with them,
accompanied by her children, and will
spend some time at one of the Califor
nia beaches.
Visit of Fleet to San Francisco to
Be Notably Celebrated.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 2. When the
Pacific fleet leaves here the resultant
celebration will be notable in many
President Wilson is expected to be
here and he, too, will be given a rous
Ing welcome.
Major-General Hunter Liggett, former
commander of the American 1st army,
also is expected to return to San Fran
cisco to assume command of the west
ern department of the army, and will
receive the plaudits of the San Fran
cisco noDulace.
It is also planned tb make the visit
of the fleet the occasion for a great
tribute to American women who served
during the war at home and abroad.
tPnH12IK lives intertwined as the re
I suit of the war, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward H. Greenwell, both veterans
of the Canadian forces, are in Portland
.visiting Mr. Greenwell's mother, Mrs.
Ajinie Godbey, 434 Mill street, and mak-
I ing: plans for establishing: their perma
nent home here.
Their war romance reads like the
i pages of a book, the two being brought
together at a hospital, where Mr.
' Greenwell had been taken suffering
from a severe shrapnel wound. Mr.
Greenwell was twice cited for bravery,
while Mrs. Greenwell was recommended
for two decorations from King: George,
and was only prevented from receiving
the decorations by illness.
Wife Goci as Nurse.
Mrs. Greenwell, who comes from
Glasgow, enlisted in 1914 with the
voluntary aid division of- nurses, an
organization of ' which the members
served without pay, and for four and
one-half years saw service in the hos
pitals of England and France and on
several occasions with hospital units
near the front-line trenches. At that
time she was Miss Kancy Wilson.
In 1918, however, after the great
battle- of Cambrai, when she was at
tached to field hospital No. 10, she was
called to the bedside of a wounded
Canadian, and the whole course of her
life was changed. Edward Greenwell
had taken part in the terrific conflict,
had been wounded by shrapnel and
gassed, and had been brought to the
field hospital more neariy dead than
They were married at the little town
of St. Albans, Just outside London, and
Mr. Greenwell brought his wife to
"Vancouver. B. C, and thence to Port
land, where they will make their home.
Blood Given Wounded Soldier. .
On one occasion Mrs. Greenwell voT
unteered for the delicate operation of
transfusion of blood, and gave three
pints of her blood to a Canadian soldier
who was at death's door. The opera
tion was successful and the nurse was
recommended for a decoration for the
self-sacrificing act. Early in the spring
she received notice that she would re
ceive two decorations from King George
In London on April 29, one for general
service and the other in recognition of
giving her blood for the transfusion.
Sickness prevented her from receiving
the decorations at that time, however,
and she came to America before a
second date could be set.
Mr. Greenwell was formerly of Salt
Lake City, but Joined the Canadian
forces at Nelson, B. C, in April, 1916.
He and his four brothers, Tom, Joe,
Norman and Will, could not wait for
Uncle Sam to take up. the gauntlet, but
all went to Canada together to enlist.
Three Kf the brothers,' E'd'ward, Joe and
Norman, went to France together and
were in the trenches most of the time
from Ypres to Vimy ridge, a period of
two and one-half years. During that
time Greenwell was twice wounded by
schrapnel and three times gassed. He
fought at the battles of Vimy Ridge,
Passhendaell. Arras, Mouchy, Cambrai,
Hill 70, Somme, Le Quesnoy. St. Olle.
Hensies. and finished up at Mons.
have been touring California for the
rast month. Mrs. Abrahamson recent
ly returned from Hoquiam, Wash., with
her daughter Pearl.
Mrs. E. P. Harwood (Roberta Killam)
who has been visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Killam, will
leave Portland this week on her way
to Seattle, whence she will sail August
7 on the steamer Alaska for her home
in Cordova.
Dr. and Mrs. Julius Sture have just
returned from their wedding trip and
ore domiciled at the Thompson apart
ments on Monroe street. Mrs. Sture
will be remembered as Miss Carrie
Steffenson, whose wedding was an
event of June 30.
Judge Samson Lachman and Miss
Rose Lachman of New York are guests
at the Portland hotel. They will be in
the city .for several weeks. Judge
Lachman is a nephew of the late Solo
mon Hirsch. He is touring the United
States with his daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall, Heiry Hall
This "Over the Top" Event at the
Grocers Picnic.
Just what the over-t he-top race
for ladies is going to be at the grocers'
picnic next Wednesday at Bonneville
nobody knows but the sports commit
tee and they won't tell but a dozen
prizes will go to the winners, including
Vogan chocolates. Gratton peanut but
ter, a case of Dickinson Jelly, a case
of Knight's table delicacies and the like
Besides which the grocers' picnic is
"the greatest good time of the year.
anyway. Dancing, 'n' everything. "Ask
your grocer." Adv.
Red Feathe,
is more than a cosmetic
because it contains certain
f ineTcdients which 'tend to
I . .t r -t. .
i contract uic pores ui uic
skin; producing that velvety
softness, and because of
peculiar transparent and ad
herent qualities which cause
it to blend with the - skin.
(V not a mere surface coat
ing. The result is a natural
land genuine effect.
White, natural and brunette.
In hinged-cover boxes 50c
Sent postpaid anywhere in
? the U. S.
lThe Remiller Co.
r a3o W. 1 7th St. New York
Sold in all OmlDrug Starts,
Other good drug J tores and
Department Stores
do you prefer buy now during our remodeling sale
and save on good shoes or buy later and pay more?
We must remodel store at once to accommodate the
increased demand for
Victoria. Shoes
Our entire stock of corrective comfort-lasted stylish
shoes in complete run of sizes and widths
At a Saving of From
Professor Back From War.
Corvallis, Aug1. 2. (Special.) Lieuten
ant W. J. Chamberlain of the depart
ment of entomology . of the college,
who distinguished. - himself in airplane
service in France, has returned to Ore
gon and will resume work at the col
lege as an instructor In entomology.
Lieutenant Chamberlain has been gath
ering specimens for the department of
entomology in various parts olf the
country since his return from overseas.
wishes to call your attention that this
is the time to attend to the remodeling
of your garments. Do not wait until
the busy season, when you can get
your thines made eo much more satis-
. factory and at a smaller expense. A I
new wise scale goes into effect August
I 15th, which means thirty per cent ad
vance and you will have to pay the dif
ference. This place is In charge of
a competent designer and fitter. You I
do not have to fit a half dozen .times
and then be disappointed, or run the
risk of having your goods spoiled.
Main B357.
$-1 $
On Every
During Our
322 Washington Street
Near 6th Streel
Continued from Pago 5.)
J. Steinmetz, have just returned from
a two weeks' trip to Crater lake. They
made the trip via The Dalles and Bend
cicd returned through central Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Meier Casper, who were,
June 29 at the Benson hotel, left Port
land Monday after a few days' visit
with Mrs. Robert Abrahamson on their
way to their home in I,ind. Wash. They
For the Hot Days
You'll find no end of
genuine summer comfort in
these corsets.
The material is a wonder
fully firm and light-weight
grenadine mesh, shown in
medium low bust with elastic
Silk Underwear
Right-Fitting Corsets
Brassieres, Blouses
Hosiery, Etc.
346 Washington Street
Monday you shall have hints of what has been
decreed fo)r the coming season
in the display of newest and prettiest of
New Fall Apparel atLiebes'
All fresh from the wrappings, and charmingly displayed.
Amongst these
Fetching Autumn Blouses
in most charming variations of the style fancies are
Cassaques Over Blouses and Basques
and the colors! Well, the very, names indicate something of -where
the designers have sought their inspiration
French Blue, Sunset, Duck, Pekin, Peacock,
Jade, Volga, Mistral, Shadow, Callot,
Taupe, Brown and Silver '
The garments , are made of '
Georgette crepe, crepe de chine,
:repe meteor, satin and Paulette.
For trimmings new uses are
made of angora, wool embroid
ery and woo d-e n beads. The
elbow and three-quarter-length .
sleeves are being featured as.
well as the full-length sleeve.
$15.00 to $65.00
Dresses in the New Fall Modes
The charming display is an attraction
in itself just come and look at them .
S&jJW Management of S. B. Asia & &
Tjjr St0rC HUrS: ' 9 6 M r
fmm,'mi UOna "BIBaMiD'wymir awra tmai ummi liwtMtMiMiiii wcb '
Styles so varied as. for Instance, the clever use
of metallic embroideries, ostrich trimmings, ac
cordion pleatings, fringes, braids, buttons. Can be
adequately appreciated only when seen.
There are ser?e, tricotine. duvetyne. velour, taffeta.
Georgette crepe and crepe de chine, in colors of
navy, brown, tan, gray, henna, copen, orchid, flesh,
flame, rose, pink, peach, yellow, turquoise, black
and white.
'i vNVv )ltfit
w U,,
$25 to $265
Some Striking New Fashion Note
Distinguishes Every One of the
New Suits
Individuality and modishness sum up in two words the whole
story, yet so many and different are the details of design
and trimmings, colors and materials that one could quite
easily spend hours in merely looking over them.
Tricotine, 6ilvertone, tweed, plain and check velour and worsted in
navy, brown and tan are much favored.
$45 to $145
New Goats and Goatees Add Their Charm
to the Interest of Your Monday Visit
Silk Plush Coatees with self col
lars or collars of fur, please
your fancy in almost any length,
with or without belts, and with
a variety of trimming fashions,
$2950 to $165.00
The coata feature ripple and
pleated styles with deep yokes,
and collars. The materials in fa
vor are camels hair, crystal bo
livia, velour, ttnseltone and sil
vertone, in colors of Belgian blue,
gray, navy, brown, copen, terra
cotta, copper and taupe,
$59.00 to $325.00
Be sure to read
about Liebes
Annual Summer
Sale of Fun on
Page 5, this Section.
Established 1864
149-151 Broadway
So Delightfully Different
Toull Surely Lie It
WE simply had to make this talc de luxe to
please the . many users of Pussywillow Face
Powder. Our problem was how to give you a
Henry Tetlow quality talc with the expensive
Pussywillow odor at a moderate price. 35 cents.
We have succeeded and we proudly submit the
talc de luxe for your approval.
You'll like the handy box" doesn't upset easily
an ornament to your dresser.
Let us remind you of these also
Pussywillow Face Powder SO cents
Pussywillow Rouge 50 cents
Pussywillow Powder Tablets 50 cents
Pussywillow Toilette Cream 50 cents
Sold by the better class stores
HENRY TETLOW CO., Established 1849
Philadelphia, Pa.
ij--' ,.3