TITE. SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, POETLASD, AUGUST 3, 1919. f" " " " " -sl fCfTTL ' .... ftFy-t 1 pi i in , " ' , .W . , I '.' " . .-' . ajuie.. .- v xr If ' rSrr - S I Yi I k X' ? s r 1 1 5-- - f?:' f I 7 V ' J i A: , &"r t I ! J r I " ?1 . ' - . - - I . ' 1 l ' c I J 1 - ' 7 fj-irs cS7?&J2 OJj'te szrds, WjifJf&t TLiMC" - 5 - c - - . , - v ? - - - fry .-. x - a 1 i ,v -if ,- - - , ; . . ! "-f.-iV 4 (Continapd from Palte S.) blue with a corsaga bouquet of Cecil Brunner rosea. Miss Isabel Murphy was maid of honor and C. W. Creel, brother of the bride, was best man. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served on the lanai of the hotel. The bride is the daughter of Lorenzo D. Creel, special supervisor of the United States Indian service. Mr. Riker is a graduate of the Colgate uni versity. New York, and a member of Beta Theta PI fraternity. They will make their home in Yeringrton. 'Mrs. A. W. Clark entertained with an informal luncheon at her home. 900 Northrup street, on Tuesday, compli menting Mrs. A. L. Blom of Menominee. Mich., who Is the house guest of her mother, Mrs. S. Frost of Irvington, for the summer. Covers were laid for 12. Mrs. Robert Hyde, who has been the house guest of her brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Antoine G. Labbe, left Monday night for her home in Ta coma. Mrs. Lee Hawley Hoffman enter tained with a farewell dinner in her honor last night at her home on Flan ders street. Many affairs were given complimenting the out-of-town visitor last week. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Lab be were hosts for a motor trip on the Columbia River highway and an informal supper party. Mrs. Lee Hoff man and her daughter. Mrs. Ferdinand Smith, entertained with an informal supper at Mrs. Smith's etudio on the Barnes road Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Labbe were hosts at a dancing party Saturday night at the Portland Hunt club, to which about 29 guests were invited to meet Mrs. Hyde, and Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Warren entertained with an Informal supper party. Mrs. Andrew C. Smith is at Seaside for the remainder of the summer sea son. With her is Mrs. David Rober, who Is recovering from a serious Ill ness. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis I. Thompson and da'iorhter Jane and son Edward motored to Seaside Friday. They will stay two or three weeks In the . L. Thompson bjme there. Mrs. Charles Beebe entertained at dinner Saturday. July 26, at Log la Barre. Her guests were Mre. A. Max well. Mrs. Maxwell Blake, Mrs. W. D. Wheelwright. Mrs. H. C Cabell. Mrs. William Washburn and the hosteas. Dr. and Mrs. John Forest TXrkaAn entertained with a dinner party on Wednesday night in honor of Frank Dickson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ross Dickson, who has recentlv returned f rm overseas service. The Dicksons' guests were Mies Harriet Johnson of Pendleton, Miss Mary Guerin, Miss Elizabeth Wiggins. Frank Dickson Donald Tarpley, Henry Judd of Pendle. ton and Berkeley Snow. A theater party at the Alcazar followed the din ner. Mrs. Folger Johnson and her son will leave for Neah-Kah-Nie the first of the week for a viit at the beach. Miss Helen C. Booth of Pittsburg- Is visiting her uncle and aunt. Dr. and Mrs. William Wallace Youngson, at their home, 691 East Sixty-second street North. Miss Booth is a gradu ate of Mount Holyoke and has been teaching history in the high school at Charleroy. She came west with Dr. Youngson two weeks ago. He wiM re turn with her In the falL Miss Booth has been the inspiration for much in formal entertaining. Miss Catherine Therkelsen left Frl day nif?ht for Seaside to pass a fort night as the guest of Mrs. Jerry New man and Mrs. J. A. Veness. Miss Ther kelsen has been away two years in San Francisco, where she was active in war work as a member of the Red Cross canteen. e Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Glover (Grace Pompe) are being felicitated on the arrival of a son, born July IS. He will be named Frank Jr.." Mrs. Folger Johnson entertained with an Informal tea yesterday, honoring the jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiL XCngar's August Hughson has been in the navy as an in structor in the aviation section at Co lumbia university and the Great Lakes station and was joined in New York last year by Mrs. Hughson. Great clusters of lacy arrowwood blooms formed the chief decoration in the rooms at the McMonies home. Punch was served in a charming nook on the spacious porch, where colored lights were prettily combined with greenery. A feature of the entertain ment was a vocal selection by Law rence Woodfin. Mrs. Frank Busch Jr. and Mrs. S. McMillen assisted the hostess In serv ing ices late in the evening. Little Miss Iris Evelyn Saunders presided over the punch bowl. Mrs. L. W. White was hostess at a ltincheon Thursday, complimenting Mrs. Lockwood of Pasadena, Cal., who is visiting Mrs. Samuel P. Lockwood. Covers were placed for Mrs. F. E. Judd of Pendleton, Mrs. Jessie Stearns, Mrs. John Ross Dickson, Mrs. Samuel P. Lockwood, Mrs. Charles ChamberlaJn, Mrs. H. W. Dickson of Pendleton and Mrs. Moule. " Mrs. L. E, Chandler of Laramie, Wyo, accompanied by her daughter. Miss Lois Fitch, and son, Edwin Fitch, has been a bouse guest of Mrs. Roy Payne during the past week. Mrs. Chandler also visited Mrs. Frank Ira White at the home of her sister, Mrs, J. D. Du bois, 1814 G street, Vancouver, where Mrs. White is convalescing from a re cent illness. Miss Fitch will enter siotxe. Dame rn September. Mrs. Edna, A. Bell has as her guest fbr the- summer her mother, Mrs. E. B. PlaAk of Sacramento. Mrs. Plank, who ia 83 years of age. is one of Cali fornia's earliest pioneers. She made almost the entire trip across the plains on the back of a favorite pony. Miss Dorothy Louise Bliss, who Is now In Canada with the Chautauqua, win go to Chicago August 14 to study music for the summer. She will re turn October 1, after visiting friends In SL Louis and Denver. e Misa Marget Healy of Coeur dA1ene, Ttfaho. who has been visiting Mrs. Frank S. Healy at Seaview, Wash., probably will return tomorrow and will leave soon for her home. Her cousins, the Misses Healy, 774 Irving street, are planning several informal affairs in hex honor. Kiss Agnes McBride left on Thursday for Victoria, B. C. to attend the Brit ish Columbia championship tennis tour- - nament. She will visit in Vancouver, B. C, and In Seattle before returning home. The Knights of Columbus will hold their annual outing at Estacada park on August 10. A special train to con vey the Knights and their friends will leave East Water and Morrison streets at 9:15 A. M. There will be races of all kinds for men. women and children, with suitable prizes for the winners, and dance musio will be provided by Darby's orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martin (Lillian Mc Kay) are being congratulated on the arrival of a daughter, born Saturday. July i. They have named her Shirley year, having been stationed at Bazoll- les-sur-Meuse, in France. Dr. Rosenfelt is a graduate of Stan ford university and Johns Hopkins medical school. Miss Goldsmith is. the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerson Goldsmith of Los Angeles and was a much-feted visitor in Portland for the past six weeks. The wedding will be in the early falL Coming as a surprise to her friends, is the announcement of the engage ment of Miss Eva Levin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Levin of this city, to Bernard J. Endleman of Spokane, Wash. The date for the wedding has not been set, but it will be in the early fall. They will live In Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Denton left last Sunday for a visit to the eastern states. They will spend several weeks in New York city, where Mr. Denton will con sult musical authorities regarding mat ters pertaining to the future of the? symphony orchestra. Miss Virginia Tevls was hostess at a delightful tea Tuesday afternoon at her home, 835 Hancock street. About 35 of the younger set called during the after noon. Mrs. Horace W. Tevls (Fannie Chamberlain) and Miss Dorothy Kerns poured. Assisting about the rooms were Miss Jean Ekene and Miss Elizabeth Bacon. Miss Margaret E. Dazey of St. Louis is the house guest of her cousin. Miss Alvera Harry, for the summer. Miss Dasey is a recent graduate of Lenox hail, and will be one of the maids of honor at the Confederate Veterans' re union this fall at New Orleans. A wedding of interest to Portland is that of Miss June Creel and Oliver Perry Riker, who were married recently in Reno, Nev. Miss Creel formerly lived in Forest Grove and is well known in Portland. She Is a graduate of the Oregon Agricultural college and a member of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Rev. Brewster Adams per formed the ceremony. The wedding was held in the Riverside hotel. The bride wore a traveling suit of dark Aa engagement of interest is that of Dr.- Arthur S. Rosenfeld, a physician : of this city, to Miss Ruth Goldsmith of Los Angeles. CaL Dr. Rosenfeld is the son of Mri Sol Rosenfeld. He has been home from overseas service for about two months. Abroad he was with base hospital unit No. 46 for more than a MEIER & FRANK COMPANY Desires to Announce That It Has Secured the Services of "MRS. GINGER" Who Will Give, Beginning Tomorrow in the Sixth Floor Auditorium, a Course of Domestic Science Lecture-Demonstrations Lecture-Demonstrations Begin at 2:30 and Continue at That Time Daily A special feature of the course will be a down-to-the-minute Electrical Kitchen erected, on the stage of the au ditorium and equipped with every modern device. The purchasing agent of the home will be able to derive great practical benefit from this course either by attending' the lecture demonstrations in person or delegating someone whose immediate dutites are concerned. ,Admis8ioa is, of course, free. , . -i TO MY PATRONS: My recently advertised sale of FINE FURS being now in full swing, I wish to inform you that my factory is now turning out the latest creations in Fur Garments of that exquisite finish that has gained me your generous ap proval for many seasons. Being aware of the upward trend of prices in general, many of my Patrons have availed themselves of the excellent opportunity of this sale, when thejr secured Fine Furs at a Discount of From 10 to 25 The sale will continue during the current month, unless a change in the condition of the Fur Market shculd render it prohibitive. I COATS, COATEES, 1 CAPES and SCARFS m Hudson Seal, Mole, French Seal, Nutria, Natural E Muskrat, Mink, Squirrel, Fitch, Foxes and Lynx in all E leading and favorite shades. Garments Ranging From $25 to $1000 All Reduced From 10 to 25 Per Cent sf - . f- - 1 i H J E FURRIER E Manufacturer and Importer 141 BROADWAY 340 ALDER Southwest Corner of Broadway and Alder iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiii"iiiii"iiiiii V " v I- v L w g-uests of the Misses Marshall of Alex andra Court, Mrs. M. E. Marsh and her daughter, Mrs. C. V. Fairbanks, of New York. The Misses Marshall at Alexandra Court have as their guests their sister, Mrs. M. K. Marsh, and her daughter. Mrs. C V. Fairbanks of New York., who are being Informally entertained. Mrs. Grenville Vernon was hostess at an informal luncheon Thursday to a number of her friends. Malor and Mrs. Frederick A. Barker arrived in Portland the past week, and will be here for a short time. Major Barker has Just returned from France. Mrs. Barker Joined her husband in Van couver, where she has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Barker. Major Barker and Mrs. Barker will ro soon to Camp Lewis, where the The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Beginning Monday aiornini Special Factory Demonstration One-Minute Electric Washing Machines Beginning Trut Quality' Storr op- Portiahd All this week a factory representative will be in the Housewares Department, 3d floor, . to demonstrate the merits of this wonderful labor-saving machine. We have sold hundreds of these they have been put to the sever est tests and proven their worth. We extend a cordial invitation to you and your friends to attend this demon stration by an expert from the factory. The One-Minute Electric Washer not only thor oughly washes clothes but it does it in less time, with less labor and at far less expense than any other method.- Come and see a One-Minute demon strated. You will be under no obligations to buy. j "The Machine That Pays for Itself" Have You a Detroit Jewel in Your Home? Nationally known and nationally appreciated in thousands of Amer ican homes Detroit Jewel stoves and ranges hold first place for service and economy. We are indeed fortunate in securing this agency, and we ex tend a cordial invitation to our custo mers and the public in general to visit this new department and see these wonderful stoves and ranges. . Better Baking Good baking is, without doubt, the most essential attribute of a satisfac tory stove or range. Because of a plan of patented oven construction and heat distribution, demonstrated by years of service to be of a high scien tific standard and wonderfully effi cient, Detroit Jewel stoves and ranges are unexcelled bakers. The proof of ' this claim is substantiated by thou sands of satisfied users in every state in the union. Detroit Jewel Stoves and Ranges are made for gas, wood, coal and combination fuels and in styles for small apartments or cottage to the larger sizes no matter what your needs may be, there is a Detroit Jewel that will meet with every requirement. Detroit stoves and ranges never need to be polished or blackened just wipe the black ebon ite and white enamel with a clean cloth, and it's spick and span! YOU MAY SELECT ANY STOVE AND ARRANGE TO PAY FOR IT ON OUR "EASY -PAY" PLAN Housewares Department, Third Floor 0