SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 Editorial, Society and Summer Resorts VOL. XXXVIII. PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 3, 1919. NO. 31,. ' We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full by tlie 10th of Each Month. Take Lunch in Our Tea Room on the 4th Floor All Foods Prepared Under Rigid Sanitary Inspection Service, 11:30 to 2:30 Light Luncheon Served in the Basement From 11 to 2 P. M Welcome, Visiting Merchants We extend a cordial invitation to out-of-town mer chants and their friends to visit our store during Buyers' Week". Those who wish to go through the building will be provided with personal guides. SEE ADDITIONAL OF THIS STORE ON PAGE 4, SECTION 3, THIS PAPER PORTLAND , AGENCY FOR HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS TRY THEM FOR BEST RESULTS Ths Standard Store of the Northwest Any 3-lb. Can of Coffee Special at $1.60 Fourth Floor Choice of Dependable, M. J. B., Golden West or Royal Club brands. Here is a good oppor tunity tq buy coffee of superior quality at a low price. ROYAL BAKING POWDER, 12-OZ. CANS, 39 Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods .lo51ooCfl ERSARY SAUE-M9 Double 8. & H. Trading Stamps Monday With. Cash Purchases in All Departments, Except Groceries TOMORROW begins our 68th Anniversary Sale an event of interest to thrifty shoppers, not only in Portland, but throughout the entire state. Coming at a time' when prices on all lines of merchandise are high and with every indication of still further advances, thoughtful people will need no urging to take advantage of the many special bargains this sale affords. Practically every department of the store has something unusual to offer particularly the ready-to-wear sections, furniture and housewares. As an additional attraction we will give DOUBLE S. & H. TRADING STAMPS TOMORROW WITH CASH PURCHASES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS except Groceries. Watch our advertisements from day to day for special offerings and come to the store often new bargains will appear every day during the sale. 9 Linens and Domestics Anniversary Sale Specials Main Floor Housekeepers will save many a dollar by coming to this store for whatever they may need in the way of Linens, Towels, Sheets, Muslins, Pillow Cases and other house needs. Double Stamps with cash purchases. Table Damask 65c a Yard ENGLISH FINISH Bed Spreads with scallops and cut corners. Light weight, launder easily. PQ QC Alain Floor Mercerized Cotton Ta ble Damask 60 inches wide and beau tiful satin finish. Several CP, patterns. Priced, the yard "t-v MERCERIZED Cotton (?- r f Napkins, size 18x18 inches Di-tll HTJCK TOWELS with hemstitched ends. These are of good,' large size and quality. ' Priced special QCT for this great sale, at only Otlli NAINSOOKS 36 inches wide 10-yard pieces; at S2.95 Size 72x99 inches. Special BATH RUGS, size 20x fl-J rA 36 inches in the sale, each D1-0J BATH RUGS, size 24x rrr 45 inches, priced special Dl.ult3 BATH TOWELS, fancy D pink or blue borders. Special vJOV LONGCLOTH of good (PO OC quality; 10-yard pieces, at 0tl Special Prices on Sheets, Pillow Cases and Sheetings BLEACHED SHEETS of excel lent quality only 50 dozen in this special lot. Size 81x99 (J- ?Q inches. While they last . OX.Ui PILLOW CASES, size 45x36 inches and good firm quality ma terial. Linen-finish. Spe- QPI cially priced Monday, each BLEACHED SHEETING 1200 yards specially priced for the An niversary Sale. Width for AQg single bed. Special, a yard Ol PILLOW CASING of splendid quality; 42-inch width. Spe- Ofn cially priced at, the yard OvIVx 45-inch width, Special, yard $1.75 Wash Goods 98c Yd. Dept., Main Floor Beautiful silk-mixtures Sport Stripe Shan tungs Jacquard Chiffons Poplins Tussahs Tosca Brocades Silk Mixed Ginghams and many other high-class novelties for waists and QQ dresses. Fabrics worth to $1.75 a yard 'OC Hawaiiani Cloth 45c Yard This is a splendid fabric for all sorts of tub frocks. Water-shed finish. Shown in all wanted colors. Special, the yard 45 Extra Heavy Outing Flannels 25 Yard i J. The Anniversary Sale Brings Great Bargains in Women's Suits Second Floor Drastic price-reductions on hundreds of Women's and Misses' Suits to clear the stocks in shortest possible time. See display, Second Floor. LOT 1 WOMEN'S SUITS of serge, delhi, and homespun, also a number of Sport Suits in linene, linen crash and cotton poplins. At- " A QQ tractive styles. Specially priced for Mondav's sell in c onlv 3irxI0 LOT 2 WOMEN'S SUITS of wool jersey, velour, serge, homespun and poplin. Belted, tailored and box coat styles. Also sport 1- Q OF models. Priced special 913OD Dressy Suits a Second Floor Many of our very finest suits are included in this of fering. Paulette, Tricolette, Poplin, Faille and Satin. Good range colors. $43.75 Fancy Suits, only $29.17 $47.50 Fancy Suits, only $31.07 $49.50 Fancy Suits, only $33.00 LOT 3 WOMEN'S SUITS beau tiful models made up in tricotine, wool jersey or serge. Many are embroidered and have C?OQ OCT fancy vesta. Special, at Special Prices $ 59.50 $ 72.50 $ 95.00 $ 98.50 $110.00 $135.00 $140.00 Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Suits, Suits, Suits, Suits, Suits, Suits, Suits, only $39.67 only $48.34 only $63.34 only $65.67 only $73.34 only $90.00 only $93.34 Coats, Capes and Dolmans At Special Low Prices CAPES AND SPORT COATS a special lot priced at less than cost of making. Short and medium length Serge Capes with surplice front or in coat effects. Capes with scarf collars, and a few Sport Coats CQ fif with box back. Priced snecial for Mondav's selling, at onlv v)jJM -LOT 2 Women's Capes of good quality wool serge military styles trimmed with braid. Also Draped Capes of gabardine, and C" O Cf other materials, Special DJ-0JU LOT 4 Women's Capes and Dol mans of finer grades. QOQ QP Best of materials-rat DV00 LOT 3 Women's Capes and Dol mans of satin, silk poplin, tricotine and taffeta silk. Many smart styles. Also a few Sport Coats. CJ1 Q Qft Priced special Monday DA00 LOT 5 Beautiful Dressy Wraps, tricolette, taffeta silk, JJO'7 OC satin. Priced special, at BOi OD 3 Notable Sales Women's Dresses $14.98 Second Floor Women's and Misses' Dresses a special assortment greatly reduced in price for the Anniversary Sale. Straight - line, blouse and novelty styles some embroidered, others trimmed with ruffles, fancy collars and cuffs. Georgette, flowered Georgette, serge, wool jersey, taffeta and C?" A QQ messaline. Priced at wl't.70 Sale of Pongee Silks THE SILK STORE offers for the Anniversary Sale 2000 yards genuine Imported Pongee Silks at special low prices. Every yard is from regular stock and is of dependable quality. Note prices. Our regular 98c 1m- CXn ported Pongee the yard Our regular $1.59 Q- 1 Q Imported Pongee; yard OXA5 Our regular $1.79 (PI OQ Imported Pongee; yard 3-L0 Our regular $2.18 Q-f CX Imported Pongee, yd. 3iD7 Wool Suitings $2.50 Yard At the above price we show the finest line of 42 and 45-Inch Wool Dress Goods in the city. Don't buy until you have inspected our stock. Our prices are 50c to $1.00 per yard under market values to day. 54-Inch Wool Jersey; all colors, priced, the yard $4.00 House Brooms, Special 98c Department Third Floor Extra special offering Monday in the Housewares Department. Medium size Brooms with polished handles, selected broom corn, extra well sewed. QQ. While any remain, Monday; special wOC Aluminum Steamers $2.95 Heavy quality Aluminum Combination Steamers lower pan may be used for broiling, upper as strainer, collender or steamer. Very handy utensil. PQ QC mil aim hi Punch Cedar Polish 50c Size 25c Punch Cedar Oil is unexcelled for furniture, pianos, autos, floors, mops, etc Regular 50c size. Spe- OP. cially priced for Monday, at J Priced very special in this sale Aluminum Polish Special 10c Brillo Aluminum Cleanser and Pol isher removes dirt and discoloration instantly. Gives brilliant fin- 1 A. ish. Priced special, at only J-V 25-ft. Length Garden Hose at $3.95 Dept., 6a b loor Black Rubber Garden Hose of excellent quality with seamless tube; H-inch size. If you need Garden Hose, oDDortunity to get it at a good saving. 25-foot length with necessary couplings (noz- I0 QC .1. flvir-iU nrippd Fnerial in this sale, at Square Willow Office Baskets special, only 90 Cowhide Bags, Special $10 Dept. 3d tloor Genuine Cowhide Traveling Bags in 18-inch size. Light weight. Black or brown. Sewed corners; f ff leather lined. Sale price D-LvfVU Traveling Bags Special $5.95 Keratol Traveling Bags with sewed frame. Cloth lined. Shown in good shade of brown. 17 and 18- r OPT inch sizes. Priced special tDJJ Fabrikoid Suit Cases, Special $10.00 -DUPONT Fabrickoid Gladstone f Matting Suit Cases of good qual- Cases in 22 and 24-inch sizes. Black only. These will give service equal "to any $15.00 leather" Q- f ff case- Anniversary Sale wlU.UU ity with straps all around. Just the thing to take with you to QO AO beach. 24, 26-inch sizes OAuftO Double Stamps on Cash Purchases. Basement Corset Sale 300 Women's Corsets, represent ing a very special purchase, go on a very special purchase, go on sale Monday in the Basement. R.W. Corsets $1.69 Royal Worcester and Miller makes. High, low and medium bust. Front and back laced styles. Some with elastic top and elastic insets. Pink and white materi als. AH sizes 19 to 32. Q- ?Q Basement Store special Ol. U7 $18.95 Many of the Dresses in this lot are from lines selling earlier in the season at much more than above price. Smart, attractive models for street or afternoon wear. Novelty high - waist effects, surplice and draped styles. Made up in taffeta 6ilk, Georgette crepe and satin. Good range of colors. J" Q QP Priced very special, at wlOtJ Dress Skirts i Special $5 Second Floor Women's Dress Skirts of taffeta, mohair and silk poplin. Smart styles for street and sport wear. Many have fullness at waist and are trimmed with sport pockets, novelty belts and pockets. Plain colors and novelty QfT ff plaids. Extra values, at DJUU DressSkirts$7.49 Skirts of silk poplin fashioned with wide crush girdle or yoke style with sport pockets. Some are em broidered in neat designs at bot tom, others are trimmed with but tons. Black and colors. 1Q On sale Monday at only D $28.95 Dresses of dainty flowered Georgette, soft taffeta, Georgette combined with taffeta and crepe de chine. Charming frocks in many delightful styles, including straight line, draped, tunic and belted ef fects. Many are beaded and em broidered. Various col- fl?OQ QCC ors. Priced special, at biOJD Double S. & H. Green Stamps. Odd Lines Georgette Waists Special $7.49 from regular stock. Only one or two of ia kind. Many novelty styles trimmed with ribbons, laces, tucks, buttons, etc. Excellent t assort ment of colors, including flesh. J?'7 ACk Priced in Anniversary Sale at only Middy Blouses $1.25 Second Floor Women's and Misses Middy Blouses of good quality galatea in plain white; also some that have colored collars and cuffs. Belted and loose effects. Priced special, $1.25 Boys' 2-Pants Suits $11.85 -Anniversary Sale Special! THE EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS practically doubles the life of the suit. This is one of the best suit specials the Boys' Store has yet offered. Parents who have boys to get ready for school should take advantage of this sale. Made up in novelty mixtures mostly in dark colors. Pants are full lined and coats are tailored so that they will hold their shape. All sizes for boys from 8 to 18 years. I"J "I CC Specially priced for our Anniversary Sale 2-Pants Suits D J--L0J All Boys' Straw Hats at y2 Price $12 White Boots Special $7 Main Floor Women's White Nubuck Boots in laced pattern, 8V4 inches high. Plain pointed toe, high cov ered heel. A beautiful perfect-fitting boot JfT ff for street wear. Regular $12.00 value; pair ' Uvf $8 Pumps $4 Gossard M.BA CORSETS f .1.2.1 Sizes 23 24 Quantity 1 1 S7..tO CORSETS S3.75 . Sizes 22 2 J Quantity 1 2 tO.SIt CORSETS $4.75 Sizes 21 22 23 24 25 26 Quantity. .. 6 -8 12 - 9 8 3 11.00 CORSETS fS.50 Sizes 21 22 23 24 Quantity 12 3 3 14.00 CORSETS S7.00 Sizes ....22 Quantity. 3 Women's White Nubuck Pumps with narrow toe, imitation wing tip, military heels. Soles and heels of Vaughn's ivory leather. Regular $8.00 ? A ff PiinriTis A nnivprcnrv Snip enecial. a Tiair 0VfVr WOMEN'S White Canvas Pumps and Ox fords with hand -turned soles. (PO 99 Pon.Ur 5 QS tmtAos thf Tiair DO00 Women's $5.50 White Sea Island Duck Boots, special, the pair $4.0O Women's $7.50 White Nubuck Shoes with fiber soles, the pair $4.00 Stamped Package Goods At Price '. Second Floor Cleanup of odd lines Stamped Package Goods Royal Society and Artamo makes. Vari ous articles in wearing apparel and novelties formerly selling at 25c up to $3.50 Monday 13 to $1.75. Art Needle 'Models At V2 Price Embroidered Articles used as models in our Art Needlework Sec tion. Pillow Tops, Scarfs, Centers, Children's Dresses, etc. Regular prices range from $1.00 to $15.00. Sale prices range from oO up to JJl.oO Department, Second Floor. Corsets V2 Price $ 6.50 Corsets $3.25 $14.00 Corsets $7.00 Second Floor Discontinued models in Gossard Front laced Corsets great many different styles for prac tically all types of figures on sale at regular prices. Sizes and Quantity 25 2S 27 2S 2A 30 31 32 33 254 463232 24 26 28 27 2S 29 30 3t 33 32 5. 321213 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 6 6 2342331 2 27 23 29 30 31 32 33 34 456641111 23 24 25 26 27 2 29 32 34 924112211 Anniversary Sale of Furniture and Rugs Double Trading Stamps With All Cash Purchases Third Floor People moving into new homes or anyone having need for furniture will find many splendid bargains here in high-grade pieces for bedroom, for kitchen, living room or library. A few specimens: r$12.50 Odd Dining Chairs, priced special $ tt.25 $15.00 Mahogany Arm Chair, special now $ 7.50 $35.00 Jacobean Oak denim-covered Rocker $17.50 $30.00 Mahogany Rocker, tapestry covered $15.00 $35.00 Mahogany Rocker, tapestry covered $17.50 $80.00 Tapestry Covered Davenport, only $67.50 $50.00 Tapestry Covered Rocker, special at JR39.00 $125.00 Sateen Covered Davenport, special $99.50 - $39.00 Tapestry Covered Chair, priced at $25.00 Oak Library Table, priced special $17.75 Jacobean Oak Telephone Stand, at $45.00 Mahogany Buffet, pleasing design $26.00 Oak Dining Table, priced special $42.00 Mahogany Dressing Table, special $19.00 Fir Dressers, well made, special, at $22.00 Oak Dressers in pleasing design, at --$56.50 Chiffo in the beautiful ivory finish $53.50 Leather Upholstered Davenport at $64.00 Leather Upholstered Davenport, at $15.00 Oak Rockers, strong construction, at $29.50 $19.50 $14.90 $23.95 $37.50 $16.75 $19.50 $49.50 $47.50 $56.75 $11.25 3Bi j $40.00 Leather Seat Rockers at $33.75 $17.00 Oak Rockers, special at $14.50 $17.50 Oak Rockers, special at $15.00 $14.25 Oak Rockers, special at $13.75 $18.00 Oak Rockers, special at $15.90 SPECIAL NOTE We sell furniture on the easy-payment plan. Ask about this at the Credit Office, on the Fourth Floor. All Porch Furniture At Special Prices -Oxir entire remaining stock of Porch Chairs, Rockers, Settees, etc, will now be closed out at substantial reductions. . Furniture Department on the Third Floor. Room Size Rugs $18.50 Wool Fiber Rug; size 9x12 ft. $110 Saxony Rug, size 9x12 ft.; special $145 Chenille Rug, size 9x12 ft.; special $60 Seamless Ax minster Rug, 9x12 ft $75 Royal Wilton Rug, size 9x12 ft. $45.00 Royal Wil- QQr? Cft ton Rug, size 6x9-ft. tJ tJf $65.00 Royal Wil- CCC ton Rug, size 8.3x10.6 J5JU. i O $95.00 Hartford Saxony Rug, size 8.3x10.6. Special- flJOJ rn ly priced Monday, at DOi:.Jl $35.00 Wilton Vel- (gO Kf vet Rug; 8.3x10.6, at " $50.00 Axminster QfO QK Rug, 8.3x10.6; only &fOO S14.90 S87.50 S97.50 S47.50 S67.50