The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 24, Image 48

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    o 1
Wood Vessels of Ferris Type
Are Disposed of.
Ten Per Cent or Purchase Price to
Be Paid on Signing of Contract,
Balance on Delivery. .
Tonnage, deadweight. 3500.
Length. 268 feet.
Beam. 46 feet.
Moulded depth, 26 feet.
Draft, 22 feet 6 inches.
Speed, 10 knots.
Coal consumption per day,
mated, 34 tons.
Engines, triple expansion.
Holds, two (.one forward and one
Capacity of holds, 149,000 cubic
Carrying capacity, 2800 tons.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 2. (Spe
cial.) The shipping board has received
a cable from its Lonaon agent an
nouncing that a purchaser stands com
mitted to take over 20 wood steamships
of the Ferris type; that the prospective
buver has deposited funds In bank
awaiting acceptance of his offer and
That he has been given a 30-days op
tion on the purchase of an additional
100 ships. The cable asked authority
to sign a contract for the sale of the
CO vessels and this authority has been
cabled to him.
Under the terms of the sale the
buyer agrees to pay 10 per cent of the
purchase price upon signing of the
contract, and the balance upon deliv
frv. Upon signing of the contract, the
buyer will name his American agent
who will represent him in the matter
cf deliveries.
All of the vessels to be sold in this
rroup are of 3500 deadweight tons,
which is equivalent to 2333 gross tons.
The purchaser pays $300,000 for each
:5S Sold Previously.
This sale will bring the total num
ber of wood ships disposed of up to 58,
a fleet of 3S having previously been
sold. In the last group of this type of
ve?sel sold by the shipping board were
seven 4500 deadweight ton vessels and
five of 4000 deadweight tons. They
were &old at a flat rate of $450,000
The sale of wood steamships by the
chipping board offers the only oppor
tunity in the world market today for
the purchase of seagoing tonnage at
a very attractive price, and when these
vessels are sold, the market for this
class of tonnage will be closed indef
initely and it is doubtful if another
such opportunity to purchase new and
serviceable ships will present itself for
years to come, if at all.
Wood steamships built by the United
Ptates shipping board were built for
the war emergency, but they were
built for service just as much as the
steel steamships were built for service,
and are performing excellent work in
overseas and coasting shipping at the
present time.
The shipping board buitt wood shipe
and Lloyd George insisted that the
British should build wood ships in
Canada, in Australia and in England.
A committee of British shipping men
called upon him and protested against
the government s spending money on
wood ships, making the claim that
They were not as effective as steel
t hips. etc. After listening attentively
to their protests. Lloyd George made
: h is statement: "Gentlemen, all you say
about wood ships being inferior to
Fteel ships is undoubtedly true, and
under ordinary conditions I would be
governed entirely by your judgment
But we are now a"t war, and we cannot
win the war without ships, whether
i hey be wood, steel, or any other kind.
If these ships will make but two or
three trips, build them. "VVe must have
Kaotory In Cloned.
It was under the same urge, but with
a decidedly higher opinion of the serv
iceability of wood ships, that the
shipping board entered upon its wood
shipbuilding programme. Now the
war is over, the factory is closed for
The further production of wood ships,
and the last opportunity is open for the
purchase of prof it -earning tonnage at
a fair price. Those who would pur
chase or build steel steamships will
have to pay whatever price may be
asked in the future, and then will be
Itjoky to get deliveries of ships in what
Is sure to be an epoch of unprecedented
demand for ocean tonnage.
Wood steamships at $i0 per ton are
good value at bottom rates for imme
diate delivery. With prevailing freight
rates in overseas trade and a growing
demand for cargo space for shipments
to all parts of the world, the purchase
and utilization of wood ships at this
Time might well be the first step in
the establishment of shipping lines
with unlimited opportunities for ex
pansion. The profits from the earnings
of wood ships might start a new con
cern in its growth.
Wood ships have their advocates and
their enthusiasts who may sometime
make extravagant cla tfns. The wood
Miips of the United States shipping
board are backed by no such argu
ments. It is true that wood ships
usually enjoy Ions and prosperous lives
when given proper attention and eff i
ciently operated, and that a number of
such ships. 40, 50 or even 60 years old
are stil! carrying cargoes at a profit
and carrying them dry. It is also true
that there is a reasonable prospect for
profitable operation of wood ships far
into the future.
Ship Offered on Merit.
The United States shipping board,
however, offers its wood ships for sale
on their merits. Many of them are in
active ser ice and can be judged on.
the sod ground of past performance.
Others are being fitted out in wet ba
gins, and are of the same type and con
struction of those in actual service
and similarly equipped. Others can be
purchased as bare hulls, and can be
fitted out as steamships or converted
Into barges as the purchaser may de
sire. As to performance there are now
1T4 wood steamships, of 614.116 dead
weight tons, under operation by the
shipping board in varied services to
all parts of the world. Most of these
steamships are of 3T00 deadweight tons
each. Three are of 4 000 and two of
4vJ9 tons each. Thirty-one are under
charter and 143 assigned for operation.
The services in which they are en
gaged, the operators and the type of
ehips employed, are given below:
Pacific to Atlantic service. 33 wood steam
i ips Pacific Steamship company, seven
ship?-, six Ferns and one Houch type. Colum-blH-t'acif
u- Shippins company, ix ships,
four -rns ami one Houish tvpe. Luckenbat-h
S:eimship company, four ships, three Kerns
and onn builder's type. W. R. Grace & Co.,
two ships, one Grays Harbor and one buiid
er's type. Matson Navigation company, three
(-hip-- of Kerns type. WilIKm Diamond
company, four ships, three Ferris and one
firavs Harbor type. W. C- Dawson, three
ynips. two Ferris and one Grays Harbor
Opt. Dan ton-leaxnsUip company, one ship
of Grays Harbor type. Struthers Sc Dixon,
two ships of Ferris type. Sadden & Chris
tensen. one ship of Ferris type, E. C. Evans
& Pons, one ship of Hough type. F. D. Dim
mick. one ship of builder's type.
United States to United Kingdom servipe,
34 wood steamships Pacific Steamship com
pany, four ships, three Ferris and one build
er's type. Columbia-Pacific Shipping com
pany, four ships, three Ferris and one build
er's type. St rut hers & Dixon, three ships,
two Ferris and one Hough type, Ly kes
Brothers, two ships, one Ferris and one Grays
Harbor type. J. H. YV. Steele & Co., two
ships of Ferris type. Page & Jones, three
ships, of Ferris type. hi. C. Evans Ac Sons,
two ships of Ferris type. American-Hawaiian
steamship company, one ship of terns ype.
American Shipping company, one ship of
Ferris type- McDonald & Truda, one ship of
Ferris type. Harris Maxill comoany. one
hip of Ferris type. Pensacola Shipping com
pany, one snip or Ferris type. J. A. Elliott,
one ship of Ferris type. Swayne & Hoyt, one
ship of Ferris type. Robert Hasler. one ship
of Ferris type. Earn Line, one shin of
Hough type. Texas T. & T. eomnanv. one
ship of Ferris type. Seabord & Gulf Steam
ship company, one ship of McClelland type.
McCormack &. Mcpherson, one ship of Hough
type. Pacific Mail Steamship company, one
ship of Ferris type. W. K. Grace & Co., one
snip or Hough type.
United States to Scandinavian ports serv
ice, wood steamships F. D. Dimmick. two
snips of McClelland type. Terminal Ship- i
Ping company, one ship of Ferris type. W.
R. Weist fc Co., one ship of Ferris type, W.
F. Spice, one ship of Ferris type. M. H.
Tracey & Co., one ship of Ferris type. Para
gon Shipping company, one ship of Ferris
type. Low ranee & Co., one ship of Ferris
type. J. A. Elliott, one ship of Ferris type.
Harris Magill company, one ship of Ferris
type. Export Steamship company, one ship
of Ferris type Luckenbach Steamship com
pany, one ship of Ferris type. Triangle
Steamship companv, one ship of Hough type.
United States to West Coast of South
America service, 13 wood steamships W. R.
Grace &. Co., four ships, two Ferris, one
Hough, one Grays Harbor type. M. E. Kins
ley, two ships, one. McClelland and one
Ferris type. Pendleton Bros., two ships of
Ferris type. Smith & Ferry, two ships of
Ferris type. A. D. Cummins, one ship of
Ferris type. Independent Steamship Co., one
ship of Ferris type. M. H. Tracy 6c. Co.. one
ship of Ferris type.
United States to West Indies service, 12
wood steamships Triangle Steamship Co.,
four ships of Hough type. Raporel Steam
ship Co., one ship of Ferris type. .Italian
Ship Agency, one ship of Ferris type. F. D.
uimmicK, one ship or McClelland type.
United Fruit Co., one ship of Ferris type.
Lykes Bros., one ship of Daugherty type.
Gulf & Southern Steamship Co., one ship of
Daugherty type, Harris .uagill Co., one ship
of .Ferris type, J. H. W. Steele &. Co., one
ship of Ferris type
United States to France service, nine wood
steamships F. D. Dimmick, three ship, two
Ferris and one McClelland type. Triangle
Steamship Co., two ships of Hough type.
Dale Universal, one ship of Ferris type. A.
D. Cummins, one ship of Ferris type. X. O.
& S. A. Line, one ship of Ferris type. North
land Steamship Co., one ship of Ballin type.
United States to east coast of South Ameri
ca service, eight wood steamships N. O. &
S. A. Line, three ships of Ferris type. Chas.
T. Magce & Co.. one ship of Ferris type.
Triangle Steamship Co., one ship of Hough
type. Northlajid Steamship Co., one ship of
Ballin type. J. F. Whitney, vne ship of
Ferris type. Rogers & Webb, one ship of
Ferris type.
Atlantic coastwise service, eight wood
steamships Triangle - Steamship Co., two
ships of Hough type. Mallory Steamship Co.,
two ships, one McClelland and one com
posite type. Wolvin Line, one ship of
Ferris type. J. A. Merritt, one ship of
Ferris type. Col. Pacific Shipping Co., one
ship of Hough type. M. E. Kinsley, one
ship of Hough type.
Other Trans-AtLantic service, seven wood
steamships Texas T. & T. Co., two ships of
Ferris type. Lykes Brothers, one ship of
Ferris type. J. H. W. Steele & Co.. one ship
of Ferris type. Struthers & Dixon, one ship
of Ferris type. N. O. & S. A. Line, one ship
of Ferris type. M. E. Kinsley, one ship of
Ferns type.
United States to Hawaii service, five wood
steamships Matson Navigation Co., five
ships, four Hough and one builders type
European tood relief service, four wood
steamships Cosmopolitan Shipping Co., one
ship of Ferris type. American-Hawaiian
Steamship Co., one ship of Ferris type. Wil
liams. Dimon Co.. one ship of Ferris type,
Luckenbach Steamship Co., one ship of
Ferris type.
United States to Spain service, three wood
steamships M. E. Kinsley, one ship .of Grays
Harbor type. Triangle Steamship o., one
ship of Hough type. F. D. Dimmick, one
ship of builder's type.
United States to Netherlands service, tnree
wood steamships W. R. Grace & Co., one
ship of Grays Harbor type. Gulf & Southern
Steamship Co., one ship or Grays Harbor
type. Chas T. Magee & Co., one ship of
Ferris type.
United States to Brazil service, three wood
steamships Low ranee & Co., one ship of
Ferris type. J. F. Whitney, one ship of
Ferris type. Rogers Sc. Webb, one ship of
Ferris type.
United States to Italy service, two wood
steamships Chas. T. Magee A Co., one ship
of Ferris type. Pendleton Bros., one sflip
oi Ferris type.
United States to Australia service, two
wood steamships Daniel Ripley, one nhlp of
Ferris type. Robert Dollar, one ship of
Hough type.
United States to Belgium service.
wood steamships Philip Shore, one ship of
Ferris type. Wolvin Line, one ship of Ferris
United States to Philippine Islands serv
ice, two wood steamships Struthers &.
Dixon, one ship of Hough type. Pacific Mail
Steamship Co., one ship of Hough type.
Sailing from "Portland. Or., two wood
steamships Pacific Steamship Co.. two
shins of Ferris type.
Recruiting service, two wooa sieamsnips
RecrultinK service, two ships, one Ferris and
one builder's iype.
United States to Copenhagen service
Triangle Steamship Oo., one ship of Hough
United States to Africa service F. D.
Dimmick, one ship of builder's type.
United States to Fannma service unitea
Fruit Co.. one ship of Hough type.
United States to Mexico service Lowrance
Co.. one ship of terns type.
United States to iireere service w. K. AYtSILK
Grace & Co., one snip or irays rtaroor type.
fiiiini i pii ms inm iniitrn
Cargo Will Be Protected
"Dunnage" in Holds.
board the McCormick line steamer
Tiverton. The lumber, which shows
not a flaw or knothole in the entire
cargo, was consigned to the Nicolal
N'eppaeh company. The Tiverton went
to Westport last nifrht to load fir lum
ber for the return trip to California.
Seamen's Demands Refused.
MELBOURNE. Aug. i. The Austral
ian government today rejected the con
ditions under which the striking sea
men agreed to return to work. The
government definitely refused to re
lease Secretary Walsh of the seamen's
union, which was one of the men's demands.
Longshoremen Expected to Do Work
Vnder New Scheme Formerly
in Control of Liners.
Shipliners of the Columbia river dis
trict, in striking- for hlchrr ni
ave simply worked themselves mi, of
employment. A shipping board order
-ssued yesterday, llnon the refusal nt
shipliners to return to work at their
oia wasres, abolished the practice of
linincr ships. Hereafter shipping board
vessels loading flour or wheat will not
oe nnea with lumber, but will have the
cargo protected by "dunnage," or loose
luniDer piled under and around the
nour or wheat.
Longshoremen sent yesterday to load
ciunnasa lumber aboard the wheat car
riers Tripp and West Harshaw refused
to work, under the impression that the
urr.Der was to be used for linincr. be
cause they did not wish to interfere in
the strike of the shlpliners. It is ex
pected, however, that when the purpose
of the lumber is understood by the
longshoremen it will be loaded without
Work Is Misunderstood
"We have no intention of going out
on strike in sympathy with the ship
liners, ' said F. E. Buchtmann, business
ent for vhe longshoremen's union
esierua. we are doing our own
work and that only, and are not con
cerned with whether the shipliners do
theirs or not. The men who were sent
down to the Tripp and West Harshaw
this morning came back under the im
pression that they were expected to
work a3 strikebreakers.
The shipliners. who are affiliated
with the riggers' union, have been on
trike for three weeks but no vessels
have been delayed because in that time
there have been none awaiting lining.
The workmen demand an increase of
pa"- to 87 cents an hour and an extra
compensation of $3.50 per day for'work
out of town.
I.lninc Apparently Abolished.
William F. Woodward, chairman
the state board of conciliation
speakinar yesterday of the strik
shipliners and riggers, said that the
board, if asked to mediate in this
strike, would do so only on condition
that the men return to work pending
the outcome of the mediation.
Inasmuch as the occupation of these
men has been abolished, and that they
could not now return to work if they
would, it is evident that the present
strike of shipliners will join the list
of strikes that were never settled.
The. "dunnaging" of ships is the com
mon commercial practice to protect
perishable cargoes from bilge water.
Lining ships with lumber nailed into
place is a more expensive procedure
which has grown up in recent years to
afford the cargoes more perfect protection.
te of
Four Steel Ships to Be Built.
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug:. 2. Th-e Skin
ner and Eddy corporation will con
struct four large steel carriers on its
own account as soon as vacant ways
are available. It is understood the
company contemplates operation of the
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aue. 2. Special.)
Large qualutities oi coai are being rushed
to this port and stored away to be utilized
for the coaling of the Pacific fleet when it
arrives here. The bunkering facilities of
the government are as good as any. but it
is oe.ieved they wiii not be equal to sup
plying the numerous craft which will con
gregate here in a few weeks:
The T. rV K llnpr Wcsr.-a Mcin. .oUi
this noun for Honolulu and the orient. She
carried a full Daen-'er list and u hie c-n-
eral cargo. The Nippon Maru of the same
line is due at daylight Sunday.
xmrry oirutners or Struthers & Dixon has
gone to Seattle to investigate the general
condition oi shipping. The firm is having a
lot of ships assigned by the shipping board
and numerous others are in contemplation.
J ne Japanese freighter Tsuvamn. Mam ar
rived from New York today and after
bunkering will proceed for Yokohama.
i ne ivayei Maru arrWed from Knbp tnriav
w-th t&no tons of general oriental- merchan
dise consigned to the Trans-Oceanic com
To enforce their demands for bAtr pps
the officers and members of the crew of
the steam schooner Celilo. which arrived
hore yesterday from San Diego and San
Pedro, are still out on strike tonight. Forty
passengers for Portland were compelled to
go ashore and seek other means of reach
ing the northern port. Charles R. McCor-
micK de CO., owners of the schooner, refund
ed the passengers' money.
coastwise captains, mates and sailors are
all demanding more wages and it may fol
low mat scores or vessels will be tied up
by walkouts before long.
Officials of tho Toyo Kisen Kalsha an
nounce that beginning September 5 a 13
day schedule between San Francisco and
Yokohama will be made by the Siberia
Maru. This vessel wilt not p it in at Hono- :
lulu, but will keep on the great circular
course, which will cut down the time be
tween this port and Yokohama four days.
. ASTORIA, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) The
tug Daniel Kern, towing barge ;0. laden
with boilers from the Willamette Iron Works
sailt-d today for British Columbia.
The steam schooner Santa Barbara arrived
last night from San Francisco and w. ent to
Westport to load lumber.
The steam schooner F. S. Loop arrived
today from San Francisco to load lumber
at Westport.
The steam schooner J. B. Stetson is ex
pected to finish loading lumber at the
Hammond mill tomorrow and Bail for C al
ia o, via Casper, Cal.
The steam schooner Halco should com
plete her cargo of lumber at the Hammond
mill tonight and sail early tomorrow for
San Pedro.
The steam schooner Willamette is due
toniKht from San Francisco with freight
for Fortland.
The steamer Coaxet. with a general cargo
from Portland for the orient, was sched
uled to sail tonight after being delayed
here for repairs to her machinery.
The steamer Braeburn. laden with lum
ber from St. Helens, sailed today for the
Atlantic coast, after taking on bunker coal
at the port docks.
Better Run at Mouth or Columbia
May Yet Appear, Say Old Heads,
and Prices Will Fluctuate.
ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 2. Special.)
The law of supply and demand is hav
ing: its effect in the salmon fisheries
with the result that at least one can
nery is openly offering the fishermen
13 cents a pound for chinooks. while
some independent buyers are said to be
paying; as high as 15 cents. The rutins
price since the opening of the season
has been ll1 cents a pound.
This increase was caused by the
slack run of fish here as well as at
every other point on the coast and in
Alaska and . the consequent enormous
demand for the cured product. Some
packers say the pack on the river is
fully one third below normal, although
there is yet time, should -big runs of
! Chinooks come, to make up a goodly
portion of this shortage before the
The first two. weeks of the season
were exceptionally successful ones,
with a steady-run of fine Chinooks and
a large amount of first-grade fish was
put up during that period. Since that
time the ca-tch has been slack with an
occasional spurt that' soon dropped
back again. During the early part of
the present week the catch showed a
considerable increase, but since then
the take has fallen off. However, as
the eggs in the fish now entering the
river are far from being developed,
knowing ones assert that owing to
weather and water conditions the fish
are late this year and good runs may
be looked for in the near future.
One peculiar thing this season is
that while practically every plant is
short in its pack, some of them have
the normal amount of first-grade
goods, the great shortage being in the
lower grades.
Ionian court, and Mabel Cote, legal, 6'J5
Glisan street.
DKDRlCKSOX-CARROLIi Elben-Dedrick-son,
legal. Moniesano, Wash., and Lutie
Carroll, 12, Morris hotel.
Vancouver Msrriage Urease.
24. of Benicia, Cal., and Pauline Herder. 18.
of Portland.
RINGLE-BAXTER Clifford RIngle. 22.
of McMinnviUp, Or., and Eda Baxter, 20, oi
McMinnviMe. Or.
DAVIS-TYSON John Davis. 21. of Port
land, and Faye Tyson, 17. of Portland.
ts l Lui.BiK-fLUTT 1 1 i la m Kuenier, a.
of Portland, and Pearl Scott, 22, ot Port
COATES-WORSLEY Maxwell Coates. 5-":.
of Portland, and Lillian Wore ley, 33. of
2H. of Circlevette. Minn., and CUace Uraham.
29. of Seattle, Wash.
PHELPS-PARSONS Clarence Phelps. 23.
of Warren ton. Or., and Dolva Parsons. 18,
of Stlverton, Or.
EDELM AX-PRESTON Walter Edelman.
20. of Portland, and Jessie Preston, 20, of
HOLLIXOSWORTH Wealthy Hollings
worth, July 31, 5627 Seventy-second, 77
years, senilitv.
KLOPFEXSTEIN APvin Ktopfenstein.
4008 Seventy -sixth. July 27, 41 years, general'
WOODWARD John H. Woodward, 11S3
wuiiams avenue. August I. a son.
KERNS Jacob Newton Kerns. 708 Alle
ghany. July 31. 59 years, myocarditis.
FOSTER Alice E. Foster. Portland Sani
tarium, July 31. 46 years, myocarditis.
Federal Reserve Board Reports
of $6,700,000.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. Gold stocks In
federal reserve banks continued to decline
during the week ended August 2, accordrng
to the statement of condition of the 12
banks at the close of Dustiness on that date.
the decrease amounting to $6,700,000. Loans,
both those secured by government obliga
tions and commercial collateral, dropped
approximately $20,000,000. The statement
fol lows:
Oold coin and certificates S
(jold settlement fund, federal
reserve board 641.6.000
Ttal gold held bv banks.... 90.viT1.non
Gold with federal reserve agents 1.071..7.nfn
Gold redemption fund ......... 11 1,997.000
tal gntd reserves ii n. iT.1;
Legal tender notes, silver, etc. 67. S5U
Total reserves .
Bills discounted. secured bv
government war obligations.. 1.612,639.000
All other
Bills bought in open market.
Tntal bills on hand
IT. S. government bonds
u. . victory notes...
TACOMA. Wash.. Aug. 2. (Special.)
Following several conferences between em
ployers and a committee from the black
smiths union employed at the Todd Ship
building plant, it was stated today that a
satisfactory working agreement had been
reached and that the men would go back to
... - rrr rviTF1 orK' ekiq inm an ummaium naa
31 1 L.L 1 1 s m. M. ml i been presented by President Wiley of the
company that the blacksmiths go to work
Monday or that the plant close. Following
a statement by him last week that the work
ins force would he redjerd, hut dented by
heads of the union here, lOOO men were
laid off today.
Ahead of schedule as the result of a strike
at Bellingham. the steamer Meriden arrived
here from Bellingham today. The vessel Is
loading for Honolulu in the triangle service.
She is expected to shift to Seattle Sunday
and may return to Bellingham if It is de
cided to handle the lumber cargo there.
Captain Guss Jesson of the vessel first
visited Tacoma some 40 years ago.
The shipping board steamers Colorado
Springs and Askawake arrived here today to
load flour for east coast ports.
. . $2,222. 7P.0.O0O
Resolutions Adopted Urging Imme
diate Ratification by C S.
At a meeting of Evening Star grange
yesterday at Grange hall. East Eight
ieth and Division streets, resolutions
were adopted favoring the league of capital paid rn
Total earning assets $2.46S. awvooo
Bank premises 11, SOI. 000
uncollected items and other de
ductions from jrross deposits. 739.617. OnO
Five per rent redemption fund
Bar a in st r . K bank notes 10.7..noo
All other resources 9..'t6.000
Total resources
Su mlus
Government deposits
Due to members reserve ac
Deferred availability items
Other deposits, including for
eign government credits
nations covenant and declaring that the
interests of the country would best be
served by immediate favorable action
Recommendations were made to the
state grange for the elective officers to
be voted upon in December who will
assume official positions next June, as
follows: For master, C. D. Huffman
of Union countv : for overseer. A. H.
TarbeJl. Columbia county; for lecturer. A11 other liabilities.
H. O. Starkweather, Clackamas county; Total liabilities
ior secretary, Mrs. m. n.. u iseii, wasn-
mgton county; for member of the ex
ecutive committee, R. W. Gill, Mult
nomah county.
Plans were discussed for the home
coming meeting of Evening Star grange I per cent.
October 4, the 4oth anniversary of its
formation. It is the record of the
grange to have missed holding this
meeting only once in the period. J. J.
Johnson, present master, has served
in that capacity for 16 years, during
which he has missed .only two meet
. $ R3.r32.0O0
. 1,742.478.000
1.16c; December, 20 96c : January, 20.25c;
March, 20 95c; Ma y , 20 90c.
Spot coffee easier. Rio 7s, 22 '-j c to 23c;
Santos 4s, 29 'c to 29 c.
Money, Exchange, "Etc.
NEW YORK. Aug. 2. Mercantile paper,
t 5 W c.
Sterling. 60-day bills. $4.31 tc; commercial
60-day bills on banks. $4.31 U: commercial
60-day bills. $4.31: cables, $-ff 64 : demand,
$4.35 s. Francs, demand, 7.30; cables, 7.2J4.
.uilders. demand. 3 : cables. Si :n. Lire,
em and. S.591-; cables, S.54. Marks, demand.
: cables. 6.
Bar siler. $1.09.
Mexican dollars. SISc.
LONDON, Aug. 2. Bar silver, 56 -d per
Money. per cent.
Discount rates, short bills. 3 17-lfifl'3'W
per cent; three months' bills. 3 0-16 "g-3 per
Total gross deposits $2.505.79S.non
F. R. notes In actual circulation 2.506.S20.OO0
t. R. bank notes in circulation
net liability . 200.943. OOrt
V. 17.770.00O
Ratio of total ' reserves to net deposits and
federal reserve note liabilities combined. 50.5
per cent.
Kato or emn reserves to federal reserve
notes in circulation, after settine nsido
per cent against net deposit liabilities, 61.46
Large Credit to Belgium Is Also Being
Shipbuilding Plant and Sawmill
Plan to Join Krforts.
MARSH FIELD, Or., Aug. 2. (Spe
cial.) Negotiations are under way
whereby the Coos Bay shipbuilding
plant will be combined with a saw
mill to be erected upon the Reynolds
development's 26 acres adjoining it and
both plants will be in operation by
January. The shipbuilding plant.
which has just closed two years 01
successful work on government vessels,
was leased by the stockholders to A.
K. Adelsperger and W. J. Conrad of
this city. The new establishment will
be a stock concern in which Messrs.
Ad-elsperger and Conrad will be inter
ested with eastern timber owners who
have large holdings in this district.
The mill will be modern and capable
of a daily output of 100.000 feet. It
will be equipped particularly for the
sawing of ship timbers. The plot of
land obtained for the site comprises
ample area for railroad spurs and
yard room and several hundred feet
for boomage. The estimated cost of
the mill is $150.000.
PORTLAND. Or.. Aug. 2. Maximum tem
perature. 69 degrees: minimum temperature.
Oh degrees. River reading. 8 A. M., 6.3 feet;
change in lat 24 hours. o.2-foot fall. Total
rainfall 5 P. M. to 5 P. M. . none: total
raintail since September J. 1318. 41.33 Inches:
nnrmal rainfall since September 1. 44.30 1
inches; deficiency of rainfall since Septem-1
oer 1, mi . 1 t incnes. sunrise, o:o. A. M.
sunset. S :40 P. M. ; total sunshine. 1 hour;
possible sunshine. 14 hours 43 minutes. Moon-
rise. i:i P. M. ; moonset. 11:15 P.
NEW YORK, Aug. 2. The stock market
this week was perceptibly influenced by
sharp flurry in call loans, further weak
ness of foreign exchange, especially the Pari:
rates, and the nation-wide crusade against
the high living cost.
There were numerous neutralizing devel
opments. notably the quarterly financial
statement of the L nited States Steel cor
poration, which fully met general expects
tiona; further advances in prices of stee
and iron products and continuance of th
broad inquiry for copper.
Speculative issues under pool supervision
suffered only moderately In the occasions
wide fluctuations, but representative shares,
notably rails, were irregular when not dis
tlnctly unsettled
The situation respecting transportations 1
Inches. Relative humidity: 6 A. M., 82 per I likely to. become more acute in view of th
cent; 1 r. a., 00 per cent; o r. At., per
Movements of Ycss&ls.
PORTLAND. Aug. 2. Arrived at 10 A. M.,
steamer Oleum, from San Francisco.
ASTORIA. Aug. 2. Sailed at 7:20 A. M..
tug Daniol Kern and barse 31. for Victoria.
B C ; left up at 11 last night, steamer
Oleum, from Pan Francisco; left up at 6
last niRht. steamer Santa Barbara, from
San Francisco. Arrived at 2 and left up
at 3 A M., steamer F. S. Loop, from San
Francisco. Sailed at 4 P. M., steamer
Braeburn, for United Kingdom.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 2. Arrtved
Steamer E. H. Meyer, from Portland: ar
rived last nipht. steamer Kangi, from Port
land for Portsmouth, put in with engine
BALBOA. July 30. Arrived Steamer
Acuelo, trom Portland, for United Kingdom.
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 1. Arrlved-y
Steamer Boykin, from Portland via Balboa,
COOS BAT. Aug. 2. Arrived at 11 A. M.,
steamer City of Topeka. from San Francisco
via Eureka for Portland.
MAN ILA, July 30. Arrived Empress of
Asia, from Vancouver.
Firemen, Oilers and- Water Tenders
Are Included in New Scale.
Marine firemen, oilers and water
tenders of the Pacific coast are in
cluded in the general increase of wages
for sea-going men, according to a tele
gram received in the Portland office
of the firemen's union yesterday from
the union headquarters in San Fran
cisco. Firemen, according to the tele
gram, get an increase from $75 to $90
per month and are to receive allow
ances of $2 a day for subsistence and
75 cents a ntgnt for lodging ashore.
According to E. - Murphy, agent for
the Portland branch of the union, the
terms quoted in the telegram have been
agreed to by operators of steam schoon
ers and oil-carrying vessels. Negotia
tions are in progress, he said, to ob
tain the same scale of wages for fire
men, oilers and water-tenders on ves
sels of other types. lnc new wages
granted on the Pacific are the same
as have been in effect for several
months on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts,
27. Sailed-
Maru, for Tacoma.
KOBE, July 27. Sailed Tomei Maru, for
SAN' FRANCISCO. Aug. 2. Arrived
Steamers Tsuayame Maru tJap.). from Bal
boa: Balliett, f rom Mahuhona ; Koyei Maru
t J ap. ) , from Kobe.
Wash., Aug. 2
of Seattle, for
Steamer City
TACOMA, Aug. 2. Arrived Steamers Mer
iden, from Bellingham ; Colorado Springs,
Askawake. from StatUe, Sailed Steamer
Ketchikan, for Alaska.
Houe Passes Protective Tariff Bill
for Chemical Apparatus.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. The house
today passed the first protective tariff
measure to be acted upon since the re
publicans regained control of congress.
The- measure levies high duties on
chemical glassware and apparatus.
It now goes to the senate.
For Sale.
Steamers "Grahamona," "Pomona
and "Oregona." These boats were built
especially for the upper Willamette
river trade, are well equipped in every
way and the only boats on the river
suitable for the business. Also a good
stern -wheel towboat- A. B. Graham,
120 Grand ave., rortland. Or. Adv.
Pacific SteanisJiip Company Likely
to Oct Wawalona.
A new vessel will be assigned by the
shipping board to take the place of the
West Munham in the Pacific Steamship
company's oriental run, it was. an
nounced yesterday by R. W. Bruce,
manager of the foreign freight depart
ment in the Portland offices of the Pa
cific Steamship company.
The oriental schedule of the Pacific
Steamship company calls for a sailing
August 23. The steamer West Munham.
which was expected to leave for her
second trip to the orient on this date,
did not leave Hongkong on her way
home until July 18, so it will be impos
sible for her to reach Portland in time
to sail August 23.
It is expected that the vessel as
signed in the place of the West Mun
ham will be the Wawalona, now being
completed in the river by the G. M.
Standifer Construction corporation. She
is expected to start loading August 10.
Umatilla on Trial Trip.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Aug. 2. (Spe
cial. The Umatilla, a Ballin type
wooden ship, left the Standifer wooden
shipyards this morning at 8:45 on her
trial trip. The Waban. a 9500-ton steel
ship constructed at the Standifer yard,
will leave Monday morning at 9:30 on a
trial trip.
100,000 Feet of, Redwood Received.
Portland received its annua! cargo of
red wood from Cali fornia yesterday in
the shape o luO.uOO feet of this lumber
SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 2. fPperial.
Bound for Seattle, the steamship West Mun
ham of the Pacific Steamship company's
shipping board fleet, mailed from HnngkonR
for Seattle July 18 laden with a cargo of
general oriental freight.
The steamship Edmore, bound from Se
attle for oriental ports, wt 1 1 be due tn
Yokohama Augunt 8. The vessel is also
managed and operated by the Pacific Steam
ship company for the shipping board.
Because of light offerings of cargo for
Nome and St. Michael and the fact that
the vessel is needed on the Seattle-California
route as an extra carrier, the sallinfr of the
steamship Senator of the Pacific Steamship
company, scheduled for September lO. was
canceled today by officers of the company.
A BERDEF.N, Wash.. Aug. 2. (Special.)
No arrivals, no departures.
The steamer in port toniirht were Svea,
San Jacinto, Charles Christenson and Box
Sailers in port were schooner 'Defender,
barkentine Retriever. Makaweli. 1
The schooner Daisy Uadsby was scheduled
to clear tomorrow.
COOS BAT, Or.. Aug. 2. (Special.) The
steamship City of Topeka arrived today from
San Francisco, and after dtscnarcing freight
lied for Portland. A number of passengers
were landed here.
The Standard OH tanker whlttter arrived
todav from the south with a cargo of fuel
oil for the Mountain States Power company.
IT. S. Naval Radio Reports.
WAHKEENA, San Pedro for Portland, 140
miles Fouth of Columbia river.
IDAHO, San Francisco 10 miles north of
Cape Blanco.
CITY OF TOPEKA, San Francisco for
Portland. 13 miles south of the Columbia.
W. S. PORTER, Monterey for Everett, 305
miles north of Monterey.
D. O. SCOFIELD, Seattle for Richmond,
273 mile from Richmond.
C. A. SMITH, San Francisco for Coos Bay,
183 miles north of San Francintco.
J. A. CHANS LOR, Portland for Gaviota,
310 miles north of the Columbia river bar.
AIMWELL, 30 miles north of Point Reyes,
August 1. P. M.
SACHEM. San Francisco for Honolulu. Sfl
miles from San Francisco. August 1. 8 P. M
MONASSKS. San Francisco for Honolulu.
104. miles from San Francisco. August 1,
8 P. M.
- SILVE RSHELL. San Francisco for Shang
hai. 1300 miles west of San Francisco, Aug
ust 1. P. M.
BALLIET. 7." miles from San Francisco,
August 1. 8 P. M.
HEGTRA, Hllo for Balboa, 1010 miles from
Hile. August 1. R P. M.
OLYNDON. Hilo for San fVanclsco. 821
! miles from San Francisco. August 1. S P.
ADMIRAL DEWEY. San Francisco for
Lob Anweles. OO miles from San Francisco.
GOVERNOR. San Francisco for Seattle,
17 miles south of Point Arena.
RICHMOND, with barge 0.".. Ssn Francisco
for Honolulu. 1 if.O miles from Honolulu.
LYMAN STEWART. San Luis for Seattle,
off Point Peidras Blancas.
Francisco, 175 miles west of San Francisco.
Tide at Astoria Sunday.
High. I Low.
ft: 45 A. M 5.6 feet!l:10 A. M 1.3 feet
6:53 P. M 7.3 feeti0:43 P. M 2.4 feet
Columbia River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD. Aug. 2. Condition of the
bar at 3 P. M. Sea smooth ; wind north
west, 6 miles.
Additional Forces Sent Into Man
churia, Says War Ofice.
TOKIO. July 30. (By the Associated
Press.) A- war office communication
says reinforcements have been sent to
Chang-Chung (Manchuria) to guard the
railroad zone.
Dispatches received from Dairien
northeast of Port Arthur, say tha Man
churian garrisons are concentrating; at
Chans Chuttg.
Boston . . . . .
les Moines.
Eureka . . . .
Ualvf ston . .
t Juneau . . .
Kansas City
Los Angeles
Marshricid .
Med ford . . .
M inneapnlis
New Orleans..
New l ork . . ..
North Head . .
North Yakima.
Sacramento . .
St. Louis .
Salt Lake
San Diego
San Francleco.
Tatoosh Island
Walla Walla..
v innipeg .
1 44! 84 0.00,12 sw iPt. cloudy
i m ii, no i . . i n w j( lear
'! 7SO.OO,l2iN Jdear
fl 82'0.O2. . jSB Clear
2 o.on
NE 'Clear
2 82 '0. 1 ft' lO'NW" Rain
GO I 80 0.00.JS ICIear
r.2l O.rtfl.10 NW.Clear
7! SR'O.fW. .!S Clear
541 SO -O.OXilOiXE Clear
4 r.s O.on; . . w Pt. cioudy
vj iuhi . . tK if'lear
THrt.flfl 10 SW ICiear
72 O.oni. INWIClear
So 1 NWiClear
7S 0.00 12 S Clear
7Sj 94'fl.OO . .iNWlPt. cloudy
mi ,j u.ou'-'i'.-N w;ciear
M 60 0.12L .iNWtCloudy
last date submitted by the railroad admin
titration Indicating a deficit under federa
control for the first half of the calendar
year of almost $J."0. 000,000.
It is the opinion or leading commercia
and financial Interests that foreign trad
nrosoects continue to be threatened seri
ouly by the inexpucaoie aeiay in siaomzin
exchange. Cnless remedial measures are
speedily applied. It is imeiy. t ney declare,
that heavy selling or loreixn-ownea securt
ties must ensue, with consequent impair
mcnt of values.
The Morgan offering of French treasury
bills along lines similar to that firm s pur
chase of British tceasury notes in the ear.
period of the war. is re ira rd ed as the pre
ud s to ot ner unorn m n in ki m i n c in m
character. It is understood a Belgian credi
Is well toward com pi et ion and Internationa
hankers make no secret or the report tha
negotiations, as yet tentative, are under
for a loan to ins new ucrmio
M O.Ol. .W
721 tt4'O.OiV. JW
firtj 8S'0.OO14S
.-.! 6! n.nni. .isw
501 72 0.00!. . NW
.VJ; 7fi 0.0012 S
H2I 82 O.IIOf. .E
72i 84 0.04L .IN"
02! 7o o.no1. .W
521 3S0.OO16SW
5t; o.oo; . . is W IPt. cloudy
.vji o4 0.uo. .i .. ..'Cloudy
82 'SW Iciear
3fi! 6tO.OOt.. W Cloudy
.-.21 ."lflfl.On .. S ICIoudv
r.s . . iCloudy
Pt. cloudy I
I Make
A Specialty
of Perfect-Fitting Glasses
The lenses are accurately
centered before the eyes the
mounting fits the nose com
fortably and the features are
studied in order that the size
and shape of lens may look
In fact you are here given the
benefit of more than twenty years'
study and successful experience in
testing the eyes and making and
adjusting Perfect Fitting Glasses.
Eyesight Specialist
Second Floor
Entrance on Washington Street
Naval Stores.
SAVANNAH, Cla., Aug. 2. Turpentine.
firm, $1.40; saley, lo, barrels; receipts.
MX buirels: shipments, 8 barrels; stocks.
11,472 barrels.
Rosin firmr sale?. 477 barrels: receipts.
Rrt2 barrels: shipments. 2S7 barrels: stock.
0;i barrels. Quote: B. $I6.!.V. D. $17.70.
K. S17.7.".'!j 7.iC; F, $18r20: O. $1 A.2.i4i 1 8.4.;
H. SIS. ...(.J ls.'.lj; I. J 13. 2.. '.i 10.4..: K, SliMM?.
M . $ 2 1 . 1 : ; N , S 2 2 . 6 b : WO. S 23 . 3 3 ; WW,
Eastern Iairy Produce.
NEW YORK. Auk. 2. Butter firm. Un
changed. Kcrs steady, unchanged. Cheese
steady, unchanged.
CHICAGO. Aug. 2. Butter unsettled.
Creamery, .".ft 'S l-c.
Errs Receipts. 1i..mO cases:" unchanged.
Poultry Aliv. lower; springs, JO'g 3c; .
fowls. 20 Vic.
Increase in Excess Reerres.
NEW YORK, Aug. 2. The actual con--
dition of clearing house banks and trust com- ;
panies for the week shows that they hold
Sti7.i:i0.S;t0 reserve in excess of lepal re
quirements This la an increase of $37,530,-
ibO from last week.
Advance In Turpentine.
An advance in turpentine of 6 cents a
gallon was announced yesterday. Cawcs are
now quoted at fl.72 and tanks at (1.62 .
a gallon.
Dried. Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK, Aug. 2. Evaporated apple
quiet; prunes, firm. Peaches, firm.
Cotton Market.
NEW TOR K. Aug. 2. Spot cotton, quiet.
Middling, S4.85C.
Duluth I.lneed Market.
OTT.T'TH . utr 2 Unsd. ?n7"71V
h o.oi
V M. today
gentle west-
Portland and vicinity Fair
eriy winds.
Oreeon Fair: gentle westerly winds
Washington Fair, except probably show
ers along coast; gentle westerly winds.
ldano sunaay lair.
MORE1.LE To Mr. and Hn. Joe Morelle.
Clifton. Or.. July 29. a son.
KLSTIU To Mr. and Mrs. CHarles IS.
Ristig. 424 Hall. July 25. a son.
JANSON To Mr. and Mrs. Jan Janson,
1117 fc,ast Twenty-eighth. July 31. a son.
CARSEN To Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Car sen.
atu bixty-tmrd. July 21. a son.
BANISTER To Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ban
ister, 613 Tag tart. July 18. a daughter.
BEIER To Mr. and Mrs. George J. Beler,
93S East Sixteenth, July 30, a son.
RODABAl'GH To Mr. and Mrs. William
D. Rodabaugh, 350 East Thirty -sixth. July
J, a son.
McAMEY To Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mc
Axney, Linn ton. Or., July 30, a son.
Marriage Licenses.
21. 3&7 rYamhill street, and Johanna F. Gar-
berg, . same addre-ss.
Prices Current on Kggs, Vegetables, Fresh
Fruits, Etc., at Bay City.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 2. Butter, 5fl
Eggs Fresh extras, 60c; extra pullets.
Cheese Ktrsts, 3-c; young Americas, aoc,
Hens 30 & ;3c per pound, according
iz: vounK roosters. 3SV40c: old. 20c: broil
era. 32JW34c. according to size; fryers.N G. 'v
37c. according to quality ; geese, nomina.
inuabi. S2.A0V3.50 dozen.
Vegetaoies nnu on r it, i.oki i.ov vox. ,
nlant. 60 ftf 75c lug boxes; peppers, bell, la
iiltygC pouna; cniie. i - xtc pouiia, sum
mer squash, 40 f 75c lug box; tomatoes.
7."ic4i ll.2." crate: potatoes, garnet. 2.2o$f2.50
cental; white $2.25&2.7o cental; onions, yel
low, 12.30(6 2.75 cental: green, $1.5&2 box;
green peas, 7&Sc pound: cucumbers, 40 fi Hoc
small box ; geen corn. $2 3.50 sack; okra.
SI 1.25 box; garlic. uw J.'c pound: beans.
string, 3&5c pound; wax, 35c pound; limas.
..!8WPt. cloudy I 69SC pound.
Flour o s, si- ": wneat. .ru; oats, rea
feed. $2.05 i 3. OS; com. California yellow.
$3.353.45: barley, feed, 3-15 4 3.25.
Fruits OraTiget, -na...o; nsmons. 4
6.50; grapefruit. S3.50ir-4.SO; bananas. 6'i0
7Wc; pineapples, J.50&4; apples, $l.SO&
2.50, according to Ue and tier: plums. 29
2.25 crate; pears, Bartlett, $1.50 3 box, ac
cording to grade; peaches, 1 i 1.25 small
lug box : apricots. $r 7c pound ; canta
loupes. $2 2.50 standard ; raspberries. $13
6rl6 chest; red loganberries, $1012 chest;
blackberries. (7&u chest: figs, $1&1.25 sin
gle layer: grapes, $1.251.50 crate.
Hay Wheat or wheat and oats. .$15617;
tame oats. S1517; barley. $1215; alfalfa,
$14 i? 18; barley straw, &OS0c bale; meals,
Receims Flour, 21 quarters; barley. 6O40
centals: beans. 303 sacks: onions. sacks;
potatoes, 2927 sacks; hides ju; hay. 413
. . I M4-t k rrN
S. S. "CITY OF TOPEKA sail P. M.
August 3d. 14th and 24th. for Coos Bay.
Eureka. San Francisco, connecting with
steamers to Los Angeles and San Diego.
Redncsd Round -Trip Fares
Fares Include MeaW and Berth
San KranciNCO fSfl.Ort
1 .ok Angeles 5s. 0O
Sn Oiego 63.00
Juneau $.71.00
Skngway 80.W1
Sitka go. Oft
Seward 122.0ft
A nclioraite 145.0ft
Ticket Office, 101 Third st
Main 14IK A 3332
Freight Office, East 4331
. .! w Clear
. . !SE (Cloudy
T M. report of preceding day
Butter Markets at San Francisco and Lead
ing Eastern Points.
Butter market conditions as wired to the
Portland office of the bureau of markets
yesterday: ,
BOSTON Market quiet, very little trade
noted. A few small lots sold at unchanged
prices but trade as a wnoie was inactive.
Feeling steady, on fine butter the light sup
nii wer makinsr a firm market.
. w AC.n Market steady to firm, pricea
tmha n rfd on !J-3COre.
LAM BEKSON-FLEC K Edward A. Lam- top grades at slightlv better prices, draggy
on seconas.
hereon, legal, 2168 Thompson street, and
Theressa Fleck, legal, 1 7!8 East Morrison.
OLSON-ROBINSON Einar Oison. 5, 2742
Fast Sixty-first street Southeast, and Clara
13. Robinson. 20. same address.
JOHNSON-H EDIN William P. Johnson,
legal, 1407 Borthwick street, and Mrs. Alice
Hedln. same address.
CHASE-SMALL Charles W. Chase. 23,
"m-'i Knott street, and Hazel E. Small, 21,
9 West Presrott street.
tleberg, 23, 367 Sammento street and
Manila HiRley. 21. 771 Macadam street.
rAMNFTZ-LAMBERT R. M. Camnitx. le
gal, Amsdon hotel, and Augusta Lambert,
lepal, 4s Columbia street.
IvENTw-XICKBSON Ralph M. Kenton.
25. 955 East Twentieth street North, and
Lura M. Nickeson. 21. same address.
denbaum. legal, 426 Pierce street, and Ida
Abeles. leaal. 411 East Twelfth street North.
KEVS-WULFER Edward W. Keys, legal,
673 Orrgon street, and Ruby S. Wolfer, le
gal, 10:r East Thirty-first street North.
KROPP-WHITXEY Albert Kropp. 26.
Terendorf apartments, and Leon a Whitney.
22 251 TwK f h street.
E.SLOE-CU1E Paul Vernva Enloe, legal.
Centralized cars easier, few
fine cars reported sold at 524c. Receipts
light with little change In street stocks,
v- tt-oj vork Market steady to firm
iroHinr lic-ht as usual on Saturday. Good
cars centralilzed selling at 5354ic. Re
ceiots moderate. Street stocks decreased
slightly and storage holdings show an in
crease. SAN FRANCISCO Trading more active,
prices advanced 1c. Ninety-three-score sold
in limited amounts at about 67c, while some
p4r-score sold for higher prices.
Coffee Futures Still Declining.
NEW YORK, Aug. 2. The market for
coffee futures was generally weak through
out the entire session, under continued sell
ing prompted by the efforts being made to
cut living costs, especially as to foodstuffs,
and a drop of 204 reis in No. 7s at Rio.
The opening of the market was 10 to 15
points lower and, while December subtle
quentW advanced 10 points to 21.20c, there
was active selling on all bulges and final
prices proved to be the lowest for the day
and 25 to 23 points under last night's close.
Closing bids: ... September, 21.26c i October,
S. S. Rose City
Depart 12 Noon
From Ainsworth Dock
Fare includes Berth and Meals.
City Ticket Office, 3d and Washington
Phone Main 3530
Freight Office, Ainsworth Dock
Phone Broadway 26S
Willamette Flyer
Fa6t, safe and comfortable pleasure
boat (capacity 200). Along the
scenic Willamette Portland to
Oregon City stops at Rock Island,
Oak Grove, Cedar Island, Magoon's.
Fare 25c Each Way.
Leaves Taylor St. Dock Tues, Wed,
Thurs.. Kri.. 9 A. M-, 2 P. M.. 7:30
P. M. Sat. and Sun, 8 A. it, 11
A. M.. 2 P. M.. 5 P. M.
Uave Oregon City Tues., Wed..
Thurs., Fri.. 10:30 A. M.. 4:30 P. M. ;
Sat. and Sun. 9:30 A. M. 12:30 P. M.
and 3:S0 P. M.
Kuns as far as Magoon's only.
Honolulu. Suva, New Zealand
The Palatial Passenger btemmer
0,000 Tons 13.500 Tons
bail from Vancouver. B. C
For fares and sailingn apply. Can. Pae. Rail
way, 55 Third tt., Portland, or Canadian
Australasian Royal Mail Line. 440 beymour
t Vancouver. B. C '
The Dalles and Way Points.
Sailings, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, 7 A. M.
Ash St. Dock.. . . Broadway 3154