THE . SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, AUGUST 3, 1919. r 21 FOR BENT. House eplg Rooms. KEAT, clean, large front housekeeping apartment, with kitchenette, comfortably furnisaed ; prefer desirable employed couple, also pleasant sleeping room, easy walking distance. Delmunte. 167 Stout st., near 2rth and Washington. IHE CADILLAC, 3d near Jefferson, S4 week up, furnished .H. K. suites: single H. K. rooms $2.50 up. including "oaths, hot water at ail hour?, etc. Save carfare. $5 A MONTH and up. single pta;n heat, f re hot atej 2-room apt. $10 and up. Wdln. 4405. H. K. room, for laundry. 203 Stanton. FOR RENT Furnished h. k. rooms. 1 room and kitchenette. $18; 2 rooms and kitchen ette. $2.. ; 3 rooms, third floor, $ 10; also s'eeping r-om. Call 55Q Hoyt. SUITE completely furnished, 2 rooms, kitchenette, sleeping porch, hot and. cold running water, free cooking Raf, bath jtndphne. 141 N-16th st. cornerHoyt. TWO large rooms, gas. electricity, bath, partly furnished ; will arrange to suit party ; rnt reasonable. lbo Sherman. Marshall Mi FU RN1SHEL) housekeepin k rooms, walking distance, hot aT.a cold water. A 175V or over either phone, 5ol Harrison St., near 34tn. CLEAN, attractive front apt., thoroughly rnovatd. quit. central, summer prices; also sleeping rooms, summer prices. 247 Va 5th st. THE MONTGOMERY, " corner E. th and E. Morrison Completely furnished 1 and --room H. K. aptb. wItTsIDE-f large unfurni?hed housekeep ing rooms, ground floor, front and back porch. Call 44-S Columbia st. 2 FURNISHED houstkeepmg rooms. to woman or women, in exchange for light services dailv. 633 E. Ankeny. FURNISHED hoUFCkeeptng rooms for peo ple who play piano ; rent very low. ol Thurman st. . Si.VGLK housekeeping and sloping room : basement ho us-. keeping for bachelors. 150 11th st. ' FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping rooms, cheap rates; business center. Ibl West Park. 2 NEAT housekeeping rooms for rent first floor, corner Park and Salmon. See man ager of Nobby Cleaners. TRUN KS. BAGGAGE, delivered in down town district for 25c ; checks called, for. Auto Service, phone EAST 6434. 1 SINGLE housekeeping or sleeping room; light and airy ; very convenient ; $12 per month. 447 5th st. BAGGAGE and furniture moving; phone Broadway 401. Alert Transfer. 4 1 1 V Stark. FTRNIPHED housekeeping rooms; cheap rent. 267 Knott, near Williams ave. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, very cheap. The Oilman, 1 4 J 1st st. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms. -5 a Waslnn gt on i.. cur. Third. TWO-ROOM a part men is. large kitchenette, single rooms. 6i5 m and dt-rs st. $4, fS PLEASANT H. K. en suite. Hotel Norris. 1 1 r ii s. single an d ;; A.der. LARGE single houseke- ping room, walking distance. 372 '-2 Ha wtho rne ave . FOUR H. K. rooms for rent; no children. 23 West Blandena st. IN INEXPENSIVE housekeeping rent. 50o Jefferson st. LARGE front room with kitchenette; week. 351 Stark, cor. Park. FURNISHED H. K. rooms Sin Flanders. ONE housekeeping apartm-nt, 471 Alder st Hoti-fkeeping Room in Prixaie family. NICE housekeeping rooms in modern honv, all out iae rooms. furnished or partly furnished; light, t-lephoii, gas and water furnished. luu E. N .. 1 block north of Alberta. Phone Wood la wn 3o41. 2 NICELY furnished houseke-pin furnish lights, phone and watt nio. : walking distance to mill yard. 1 104 Portsmouth ave., 677. rooms I ; $ 1 5 per in il shi p hone Col. TO QU 1 ET of 3 Too i L-oiiple. second floor o insisting suitable for housekeeping in idence, good district, close In. required. 170 N. 1 M h st. private Hef-et re; 2 LARGE housikeeping rooms; lights, water furnished; ard wife preferred : no children. Call at 3'R Crosby, two blocks from Broadway bridge ONE room and kitchenette in modern home for man :-nd wife; also one sleeping room for 2 ladies employed. Phone East 1147, or call at 4 E. Taylor st. CLEAN housekeeping, double and single rooms, sink, el-c. light and gas in rooms; bath, light, uter and phone free. 32ii Clay M. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, all outside rooms; gas. electric light; refined neighborhood. 147o E. Giisan and 50th st No children. Tabor s: 107. TWO clean H. K. rooms, closet. as range, electricity; also single II. K. room and a neat basement room, very reasonable. 433 Market. . WOMAN employed wi;l find comfortable, neat front room, close in, all conveniences, for housekeeping. Mrs. Carr. Phone East S46S. HOUSEKEEPING attic, for working peo ple. $12 a month. Includes everything. :itM Fourteen th street. FURNISHED light Phone. TA.iter, lights Adults only. Call housekeeping rooms. 1 tj.ot w from :;.cars. Wood i a w n :7 1 5. TWO housekeeoing rooms, bark entrance; electri-try. running water; working men or women; Jl- per montn. 1' lth. RotMS for lisrht housekeeping ; neat and clean . adults only . a I so sleeping porch beds. -V.K Wiiiiiinis ave. VERY desirable well furnished rooms with board for gentleman. Walking dstance. 5H4 Hoyt. Broadway lOvi. SI N ;i,E H. K. room for refined g.nt leman ; bath; hot. cold water in room, sink; gas. flee; V2 blk. public library. 42S Yamhill. LA ll iE furnished housekeeping room. $15 per month, walking distance from town. East 127. t MCE. CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. CLOSE IN, WEST SIDE .PRIVATE FAM ILY. 44i TAYLOR ST. LAKi'.E front rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, very desirable: adults only 24 i N. 20 th St. T WO nicely furnished front rooms, sleeping porch, use of kitchen. 02 Ella st. Main 4iltVi. FO1 R furninhe -iidinis sleep 111 K. 34th. n Keeping rooms, in ch and kitchenette. elhur.-.t park. H. K. ROOM S. clean, floor, cook stove. ?a.i ; near car lines. 303 E. pleasant, ground walking distance. CLEAN, desirable houseke F'anders; adults only; roo m . t AND 4 ROOMS in private residence, with sleeping porch and garage. Tabor 426. 1117 E. Market. ON E larpe H light, phor furnished. K. room, p. water i A. 1 ot h. t irse private home. d gas for cooking: rner M a rket . 2 FURNISHED housekeeping at home, first floor, moder ave., phone E. 1327. noirs, in priv 1. 5U5 Rodney 12HS 16T1I rooms or fur: T. N. Three housekeeping ihed room. Bdwy. 4(4'.l. I. K. ROOMS. suitalO s.eepi 11 g room. for 1 person. Park. & ROOMS nicely furnished for housekeeping, all conveniences. 475 Clay st. N It" ELY furnished iront 1 enet te for one employed. wii ii kitch 2 loth st. 105 20TH. rOH FLANDERS Neatly fur nished house-keeping rooms. THREE furnished H. K. rooms, 2 or 3 adults. 5-5 Yamhill. Main 4415 FURNISHED Bdwy S6. H. K. rooms, StM Everett. adults only. FURNISHED month; 5SS hous Pctt; keeping suite. $pj grove. Broadway room for man. 4o: ONE housekeepir LARGE front room with k itchene 1 1 hot and old water. 473 Alder si., cor. 14th. $25 THREE furnished r phone, laundry tray. 4J A LARGE, clean, airy h. F ' a n d e r s . light. 7th st. Si.NtVl.E 1 Aider room. $H per monLh. FOR RENT -; TaUor 6rt5. furnished H. K. rooms. Phone .; ir;TH. larere front room with kitch.nette, prefer married couple employed. 2 i:uOM burnished Phone Wood. awn $15; adults onlv. lu!o E. 15th st. N. 2 NICELY gas. bath furnished housekeeping rooms. 4 w eeks. tt;2 Front. ONE H. K. room, gas furn!h-d: ndu!t; $14. Small - it 1 g i e sleepin 3 r o oj n $ S . 325 1 II th. -ROOM furnished eny court. 1'hcn ousek ping apt.. Ank- F RON T si ngie hous hah. gas furnished. e.pjnc room. near 210 Market st. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. heat. bath, phone. 0'1 E. E-.ghta St.. near Stark. EX TR A large. well -furnished housekeep ing room, downstair.. 37 5 1 -it h st. NEAT single housekeeping room. $ week. 206 loth. .50 per HOUSE for rent: 102 Nebraska St.. unfur nished: no children; take Fulton car. MODERN 5 -room bun era low at Kendall sta tion. $12 50. Call Owner. Tabor ;!. T-ROOM. not bement. 2 m naern, ga. rat n, cement 1.- N. 'lst. .Marsiia.1 4440. S-POOM bouse for rent. 730 Kearney st. sv en-room house. $25, E. 706. FOB RENT. llontck. $.-. 4-ROOM MODERN FLAT $30. EAST 11TH AND DAVIS SANDY RD. Hall, living-room with fireplace, dining room, paneled wainscoting, buffet, bed room, closet, cabinet kitchen, basement, wash travs; adults. Will lease. "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN'.' S MITH-WAG ONER C P.. ST OCK EX. ATTRACTIVE 5 -room bungalow in good condition; vacant; 5312 East 41st St.; face Woodstock carline ; at reasonable rent to responsible partv. See property and then see owner at 427 East 49th st. N. near Rose City Park car line. A NEW SHACK. We will build. a shack or cheap house for you on one of our lota and you may pay us with small down payment, balance monthly. W. K. Ross, lluu N. W. Bank bldg. . THREE extra large rooms, newly papered, city water, gas. garden, fruit, $15; gar age, $5; barn. $5; chicken house. Apply ct-rner S!th and East Stark. Mt. Tabor (MT Sbth) car to end, four blocks north, one east. FUR RENT or sale, house, 7 large rooms, attic and basement, Belmont and E. 55tn. Fireplace, big porch, fruit, $50. month to " month. Key at 1UG4 Lewis bldg. Main S :(. STRICT-Y modern 7-room houe, good ward, fine neighborhood; preference given to family with children; bring on the kiddies. Will want 6 months' rent in ad vance. Phone Main 76, Monday. SALE CR LEASE by owner, modern 7-room bungalow . sleeping porch, fireplace, gar age. Richmond or Woodstock car. open Sunday. 327 East Kelly st.. near 31st. WILL rent homo for four or five weeks to responsible party: 6 rooms, nicely fur nished ; piano and sewing machine. Call Sh-il wood 1S. $.-.45 309 23D ST. N. Chance to make your rent tree by keep ing a roomer or two. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. KG Ft R E N T M od e rn -room gas range. 440 E. 17th st. mo. ; references. Main 763. bidg. house with N: 50 per 612 Gasco WHEN YOU MG'v Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 530. A 6747. FOR RENT Well located house. 2S6 N. 21st st.: will accommodate 3 families; $35 per month. Call Main 6U3 week days. "'ROOM house with stove for rent, part of furniture for sale. Call Woodlawn 6064 after It A. M. FOR RENT House on 66th and E. Harrison sts. Inquire at 52. Grand a e. Phone Sell. 751. MODERN 8-room house with sleeping porch and gunroom: beat residence district od st side. AF 57. Oregonian. KSE CITY PARK vacant bungalow, 6."6 E. fi'tth fit. N. ; -block from car. Tabor r;f,r Sunday. MOVING Piano, tance hauling i Service Co., 40 furniture and long-dis-. specialty. O. fe W. Truck 2d st. Phone Bdwy 5121. NEW furniture in a five-room modern house for sale, house lor rent, very reasonaoi e. 362 Knott st. 4-ROOM house, near shipyards. west side. IO. A. H. FIKKfciLL OO.. -l -.. w, Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4113. main liL lnt-a.1 and lone distance A 7261 Let our auto truck move you. Green Transfer Co.. 202 Aider st. 10-ROOM house, newly decorated ; went side. elec- 5u tricity ; Dekura good locauun, bidg. STRICTLY modern cottage, choice neigh borhood, with garage, by owner. .06 North western Bank bidg. -ROOM modern house, price $J7.0o. Oli Buchtel ; K. Stark. Call Sunday. partly furnished. Lve.. near 30th and 10 A. M. FO R RENT 0-room house, 426 Blackstone s: rfte t . North Portland. AL . Lee. bo j Corbett bldg SEVEN rooms, rent $27.50; electric lights. gas. nicely furnished; price s.f.iU spot capti. (ail Market st. today after 11 A. M. 5- IlOoSI house and garage for rent. $-U. 'a'il Main 2"J!7. 2oth and Upshur sts. FOR RENT ti-room colonial, cor. E. and Pershing, $J2. Pnone ell. 10.. 7-ROOM house. 404 E. Ash st. Rent $30 per mo. Phone Monday, labor stub. 8-ROOM house, partly furnished, for rent. furniture for saie zoa st. FOR RENT 5-room modern bungalow. 799 E. 7th st. N. -ROOM 2fi7 Sheridan at. 6:i4 4th st. Main 010. 9-ROOM inodrn house, blor-k to car. 71-S East Ash. Key at 71b. Phone Kast &Sd7. FOR RENT -7-room house, electric li.ght and gas. Call 2t)lS Giisan st- 6-ROOM cottagt. 231 Sacramento, cor. Williams ave. 5-ROOM cottage, garage and large work Inquire 44a 11th st. shop. BSEMENT rooms, plastered, lots light; ? in including water. 144 Curry st. $J5 MODERN 5-room bungalow. 677 Wasco st. Pho-ne East i-t. -ROOM cottage, east side, close in. East 246C. Furnished Houses. LA U R EL HURST home, 8 rooms, sleeping porch and break fast room ; every con -VHP ience : hot-water furnace, baby grand piano, niceiy furnished ; garage; $lu0. Main 0907. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale, west side, six large rooms, hardwood floors, pleasant home for family wanting near downtown location; furnitqre good and very reasonable,. C 579, Oregonia-n. 11-RoOM house near N. W. steel yard, con crete basement, first-class furnace, money maker as a rooming or boarding house, furniture now ready for sale at a bargain; call Main 4574. FOR RENT, $:0 PER MONTH. Nice newly furnished house at i"th St., 6th ave. Call 45U7 70th S. K.. Sunday. Mount Scott car, or Monday 128 1st. MODERN home in Waverly Heights, completely furnished: piano, sewing ma chine, electric sweeper, lawn, rosea and fruit Sellwood 344S. FOR RENT .-room furnished house. 2-bed- rooms. 4 blocka from Columbia shipyards. 2 blcks N. S. carline; $2o month. 126 Whi taker st. 10 ROOMS, nice place for family, rent only $3tt; 5 rooms sublet for H. K.. pay all expenses and some profit. Price $650 cash. 4t7 5th st.. near College. 9-ROOM hou-te, partly new, furniture for sale, making $115 per month; good fur nace and fireplace; walking distance. Call tt 52! Taylor and 16th St. FOR RENT For 1 month, nicely furnished little home, with' garage. E. T. B. Hill, Hawthorne ave. FURNISHED 6-room house in Irvington. to rent for one or 2 years, $75 per month. Km) Til '.amook st. WILT- share 5-room furnished house with couple, fin. including water, gas. ugnis and telephone. Sellwood 1418. -ROOM modern bungalow, furnished com plete, all kinds shrubbery, large yard. 955 Vancouver ave. N. E. w oodlawn bQ9j. 7-ROOM furnished bungalow, modern; two lots and garage. per montn. and at 7423 58th ave. S. E. Main 5367, MODERN, well-furnished home, desirable lo cation. 955 Clinton : rent $60. Phone Main 5762 or Sellwood 53 after 6 P. M. I WILL share my 6-room modern house. good location, nice yard, sleeping porcn; adults, references. Call Sellwood 2326. 4-RuOM modern furnished cottage. 31 1 4 E. 9th st. S., near Hawthorne; $25. East A. YOUNG couple will share an exceptionally good bungalow home w-ith a young couple or young ladies. AL 4M". Oregonian. FURNISHED modern bungalow for rent and garage. 426 Webster st. Phone Wdln. 2456. Rent $4 5. WILL rent my home, strictly modern. 7 rooms, completely furnished, baby grand piano, etc.. adults. Call Sellwood 2667. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, furnished. Call Bdwy. 3050 from 10 A. JL. to . P. M. Mon day call Main 4107. BUNGALOW, for a year. furnished, for rent, or leaie or would sell. Phone Main NICELY furnished 4-room lower floor. 543 E 17th. 1 blk. from R. M. car; adults onlv,; $3'. Hb",H-iIASS 7-room Irvington home, fur nished ; $5: will give lease. 715 Multno mah st.. -ear 21st. Open V) to 12. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow and garage. 1 430 E. Lincoln, near 52d. can be had Aug. 7: $40. Owner. 3181 E. Lincoln. 5-ROOM fruit. furnished house for rent, close in; 736 M i-nnesota ave. NICELY furnished 7-room house in Laurel- hurst: 7 Phone East 5-M. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room cottage. Call Tabor 3tw. 5-ROOM modern furnished house $40; phone, lights, water included- Wood law n 6143. SHACK to let. furnished. 67 Minnesota ave.. Port. and. FURNI SHED 5-room cottage, st.. Sept. 1. $24 East Wash. 6-ROOM furnished house for rent. 14i3 E. Pine or call Tabor 474. Inquire 5 ROOM S. rent $20 50; good furniture, fuel; cash $4QO: Irvington. AF 4W, Oregonian. lngton. desirable location and attractive yard. AJ 60S. Oregonian. FOR RENT 5-room house, neatly furnished. Tabor 0f6. 5-ROOM modern furnished cottage. 31 1 btii S., near Haathorne; $ ast 52, FOR RENT. Furnished Houses. WJL-L lease for six months or longer beau- tiiuny lurnisned 6-room bungalow, fur nace, fireplace, lawn, etc., $0 month, first and last month's rent in advance, ref erences required; can be seen Monday 10 to 4. 352 E. 47th st. , Summer Resorts. MacLEAN'S CAMP. Oswego lake; camp cot- --s ior rent, rumiahed with essentials: swimming, boating, fishing. Appiy at camp, reached from Oswego station on Fourth-street red electric line. WANTED house st Seaside or Clearhart for August, small family, desirable tenants. Main 5951. COTTAGE on Ocean Ridge at Seaview. w ash.. Jiving room, dining room, kitchen and 5 bedrooms, fireplace, bath, electric lights. .Inquire mornings at 441 W. Park st.. city, or address Box 75. Seaview. LADY with 12-vear-old child would like furnished room with family, preferably on north board walk, at Seaside for bal ance of August. Give full particulars and Price. AK .")HI. Ornniun $30 !EWTON STATION, Long Beach, fur- iwrwitru uuiuLKe. corner, ocean front, very desirable; season. Main 2838, business hours. SALT AIR HOTEL, under new management. i oaiiair station: rooms SI. meals 5' i5 by week: good accommodations. Geo. E. Morse. Roc ka way. Or. WANTED Cottage at Long Beach or Sa- vnfw, witn accommodations for 6 per sons from Aug. ; will want for a week or 10 da. Woodlawn 5355. CANNON BEACH. 3-room cottaice. com pletely furnished, mountain water, close to beach, beautiful grove. Write Mrs. John Gerritse, Ecola. Or. WANTED TO RENT A small furnished cottage or tent house at Seaview or Long Beach, from Aug. 7. BJ 127. Oregonian, or s-ellwood 1205. MP sites now available at Columbia beach. to siz per month. Including; electric light. watr and wood; ask for Mr. Holm a: the beach. 5-ROOM furnished cottage for rent; Ocean Park. Wash.. $22.50 to Sept. 1. Phone Milwaukie 5S-M. Box 303. Milwaukfe Or. LONG BEACH, Wash., 1-room furnished cabin. $1 a day including electric lights, city water. Box 162. Long Beach. 4-ROOM furnished cottace. flrenlare. nice location; Long Beach, Wash.; $20. G. L. Ferd. 104 4th. fcEAVIEW Well-furnishert four-room cot tage irom Aug. 14. Three, bed; also house tent, $1 day. Main S9E8. WANTED To rent, a cottage at Cannon B'-ach for the first part of August, by responsible people. East 7607. WANTED Smalt cottage at Seaside August to 23: responsible party. East S636. K 38. Oregonian. THE b-TA HANA for nice rooms at the beach, 1 block south of Broadway, on 2d. Seaside. Or. A J-ROOM furnished houM with sleeping j i rem at uearaarL jail even inga. Broadway 646. H.UTEL MArNOR. Nye Creek. Nwport Cooking privileges; $J per da and up. r. rent at Ocean Park, furnished cottage WANT email furnished cottage at beach. Phone Kast 360O. 4-ROOM modern bungalow at Seaside, f ur jiwhed, from J3cpt. 1. Phone Ka-st 5S37. NEAHKAHNIE BEACH. 6-room furnished iuimSe uy weex or montn. Tabor 5-4. FOR RENT Cottage at Saltair, from Aug. . "-an lanor or laoor 2.1&7. SEAVIEW cottage, with fireplace, for rent xut muiiui 01 Augusi. Aiars 11 ail tjr. 1 O rooms itnd attic, furnished complete. FOR RENT, at Saltair beach. 2-room fur nished cottage, reasonable. Call Tabor 1S73. Store. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT BUILDING BUILT TO SUIT. SEE OUR LEASING DEPARTMENT. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX DOUBLE-FRONT storeroom on Killings worth ave., suitable for bakery, drug store, notions or delicatessen. 248 Siark bt. NICE store for rent, $20 a month. 4 at t;ia e. Morrison. See 2 to & J OKE building and living quarters. 1530 i num ave. . rnone woodlawn 3394. 2 SrTjRES 1st st.. 94 ft. long; $2o each. DOWNTOWN rentals. F. O. Northup. 1029 30 Northwestern Bank bldg. Office FURNISHED private office, telephone and Biriiograpruc service ana use or receptw room, public accountant preferred. 10; Chamber of Commerce bldg. roAir, 01 nee in suite in Oasco bldg.. use 01 reception room, telephone cnlls handled etc.; business man preferred $25. W Stw, orri;uiiian. OFFICE for barber, tailor or repair sho express, fruit, etc.. good location, cheap FOR RENT A nice furnished office room aiso aesK in another room. Room 3 01 T ri'e Dtlg-. Main 54 05. DL.MRABLE private office with use of re- 1 -puon room ana teiepnone. wo N. W r-.anK orng. DESIRABLE offices, modern rnnvnlnr.. Biar street, between 3d and 4th. Apply o-. nan way cxcoingft. L ri.N llir.I- desk room. $8 month : free pnone. au i onamber or Commerce. LODGE halls for rent. Main 3318. Miftcellsmeoti. ONE, 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms for offices or apts.: also sleeping. Room 501, Ra lefgh bldg. Phone 433. GARAGE for rent In Irvington. on E. 9th -eiw een 1 nompson ana Phone Main 4S41. LA RGE basement. 90x40 feet, all cemented. Kept dry automatically, suitable for stor age. 331 Couch st. Broadway 3334. BUSINESS OPPO RTL'NITIES. CONFECTIONERY STORE. Some light groceries, the neatest little business in the city, doing from $60 to $l.O per day, good lease at $25 per month; price $2000. WEST SIDE LOCATION. Candy and ice cream parlor, best lo cation in city; rent, including steam heat, light. telephone and water. $150 per month: come in and make me an offr, as owner has other business. GOOD RESTAURANT BARGAIN. Now running night and dav, doing good business; rent $75; price $2500. COUNTRY BARGAINS. I have a good buy in country general store, about $ ttOt'O ; also country hotel and one 01" the best grocery and confec tionery stores on the Oregon coast, $3000; call and see me. F. RIERDON. RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $6u0 Confe aionery and cigars, doing $13 to $-0 daily; place should do $20 to $50 daily. Kent $25. West side corner. f 1200 Soft drink and confectionery: av erage daily sales $CO. Rent $50; very Dusy corner. $1600 Confectionery and grocery : aoart ment house trade; $50 daily. Kent $40; lease; will invob e. $200O Grocery with 6 rooms and bath: doing $75 to $125 day; fixtures sacrifice, sto.k at invoice; act quick! v. CARL. E. TOGGLE. 630 N. "W. Bank bldg. Main 3002. AN "UNUSUAL OPENING FOR INVEST MENT (ABOUT JUOu). M A N UP CTURING STAPLE P RODUCT. CN SHOW YOU PROPOSITION WORTHY THOROUGH J NV ESTIMATION. (YOU HANDLE YOUR OWN MONEY). ASSURE "UNUSUAL" PROFITS, QUICK RESULTS. TALK WITH OWNERS, CARE OF S 20. OREGONIAN. GARAGE. Down town location. 50x100, two floors, room for S' cars. 4 -year lease, rent $125 a month, clearing $7oo a month ; price $40O0. Atlas BusJness Agency A Realty Co., 716 Board of Trade bldg. Main 5315. PARTY with $3000 cash can earn $3O0 to $400 per week, be your own manager, handle your own money. An opportunity of your life. Call at 7203 54th ave. S. E.. on Mt. Scott car line, set off on Millard, walk back one block. AUTO STAGE LINE. Fatablished 6 years. Four good cars with fine equipment, etc. Net profits $400 month. $250 cash will handle it. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. ExTF.l.LENT oDOortunitv to rent a srood Lakery in a live town. For partlcu'nrs call Main 4T77. orwrite-:o- orbett bldg. MILLINERY for sale in a good location. In a brick building; living rooms in the baek. Reasonable if taken at once. Tabor 4 Ml-. WANT capable business man with $2O00 to associate with me in good business. J 5ft, Oregonian. FIRE truck apparatus business; small capi tal; great opportunity. P 436. Oregonian. HAVlf 150 and working Interest. What have you? O 764. Oregonian. r-OCEK Y- old stand : S0 a day; 6th st- dees SJUvti. ain ioe BrINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TRUSTEE'S SALE. COMPLETE HARDWOOD MILL. ELECTRICALLY EQUIPPED. 50,000 FEET LOGS IN BOOM. READY FOR IMMEDIATE OPERATION, Located at Harris burg. Copy of Inventory Sent on Application. Addreis Inquiries to Wtllfam Hutrhison, trustee estate J. Al Pattison Lumber Co., Inc., 1108 Northwestern Bank building. Portland.- Or. DON'T LET YOUR WAGES BE AT TACHED. Take all the time yon want to pay "back bills." We stop the preasu- of creditors, give you a chance to clear yourself and live without worry; keep your present lob. avoid attachments, satisfy your creditors, all on the money you ar now earning. Our plan and servlccts are free. We don't loan money or ask yon for one cent. If you need help, address box 192. citv. FOR SALEi-One of the best filling stations ana general stores in fortiana, now aoing a cash business from $4000 to $5000 per month: no soliciting, credit or delivery; a strictly cash business; reason for selling, owner has large farm and must take charge shortly; this is one of the best-paying businesses in Portland; located at 33 E. 11th st., corner Stephens. Jocelyn Grocery and Filling Station. No trade considered. SMALT HOTEL "WANTED. We have two customers for a small hotel of 40 to 50 rooms. If vou nave one for sale call Main 2035. Main 01P0. or make a personal call on . LEASEHOLDERS SERVICE CO.. 624 Morgan Bldg. DO you want stock in an industrial con tracting concern which has paid 25 dividends each year the last two years and from present indications will continue doing so? You can secure $16M) par value for $1 6.-.0 cash. Reasons for sacrificing is on account of financial condition of owner. If interested in this proposition it is im perative you communicate with me as soon as possible at K 429, Oregonian. WE WANT BOTER3 FOR Grocery -tore t-lgars and Confectionery. Restaurants. Garages. Hotels and Rooming House a Anything In the Business Line. If you wish to buv or sell call ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY St. REALTY CO.. 716 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 5315. BIO PROFITS In vulcanizing on the Ander son vuicanizer. or uttio money you can enter a most profitable business. We guarantee to teach you in ten days and w-e pay buyers $2 per day expense money while learning, because we sell the work they do. The Anderson Steam Vulcanizing Branch School and Shop, 545 Washington street. rornana, KJr. YOUNG MAN'S OPPORTUNITY. Want a man for established office .busi ness of unlimited possibilities. An oppor tunity or a lifetime for ambtious young man. Must have 1500 cash to out In. Give some particulars of yourself, age and at wnai employed ror the past J years. X 854. OREGONIAN. WATCHMAKER-JEWELER business, eslab- iisnea . years, same street: located in hotel on main car line; complete outfit of tools ana supplies; best patronage in city conditions, terms and reference on appli cation ; investigation welcomed. W rite watchmaker. Giisan St., or phone Broad v. ay SQQ6. tiU BSTAN'TI AL manufacturing corporation want.i capable men to establish branch and manage salesmen; $300 to $1500 necessary. You handle own money. Will allow ex penses to Baltimore if you will qualify. For particulars address Secretary. 416 N. Howard st.. Baltimore. Md. FOR SALE General merchandise stock in one of the towns in the best part of the Willamette valley. Ten thousand dollars will handle it, or can reduce stock to meet your requirements. No trades con sidered. A V H'J'J, Oregonian. AN EXCEPTIONAL business opportunity to represent l,ooo,oou liiinois corporation to merchandise in states of Oregon and Washington. Address or phone factory representative, A. J. Waugh, Portland ho tel.t Portland. Aug. 4 to 9. FOR SALE General merchandise store, $2500; 7 modern living rooms above, full basement; rent $25 per month; $40 per mouth income from other sources besides store. It will pay you to investigate this. ' R 148. Oregonian. ROOMING house for rent, furniture for sale, 10 minutes' walk from Broadway and Wash.: 6 rooms and sleeping porch; rent, including water, $33 per month; income, $150 per month and owner's quarters; some terms. Call Mr. Grice, Main 2U35. A BIG MONEY-MAKER. On account of poor health will sell my up-to-date bakery, with improved ma chinery; only practical bakers apply: no competition; will stand investigation. Sam uel V iereck, Tillamook. Oregon. $650 BUYS good restaurant, open day and night. Also .650 buys grocery store on Morrison st. doing $100 per day business. Must sell on account of sickness. Have others up to $5000. See John Brown, 32 Ry Exch. bldg. Marshall 8331. POWERS and Simplex machines and parts: Lally lOOU-watt generators for movie and larm Iignttng- write ior particulars. GENERAL SUPPLY & REPAIR CO.. 213 4th. near Salmon. Main 251S. FINELY equipped confectionery and news depot, on busy transfer corner; doing nearly $ IOOO day business. Owner can show you clears $5oo month: some terms to right party. Call 511 Railway Exchange. LOOKING for sure investment or business location? Have a new payroll town that's a certainty: don t let the future reproach you for your skepticism or shortsighted ness; get busy. - o, oregonian. LOOKING backward you can see what you have overlooked; let us show you another opportunity and see what you dp. It a certainty, backed by U. S. government and reliable company. K 430. Oregonian. MINING PROMOTER with reputation capable to promote, must be able to show proof, can get valuable information. Call In person 705 Couch bldg., Portland, Or., ask for Mr. Lorensen. FOR SALE Variety store in one of Ore gon s bet towns: good location, low rent, long lease; an Al proposition; about $5ouu required to handle; no trades; act at ouce. The Fair Store, Bend, Or. STEAM LAUNDRY, good plant, good busi ness, in center of farming district, must be sold for cash within 30 days, appraised at $40O0. Address N. N. Kins. Golden dale. Wash. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL OOWGILL. Secretary. FINELY equipped machine shop and garage, rent $40. 4 years' lease. Store steadily 25 cars. A big money -maker. Price $525o. some terms. Call 511 Rail wa yE xchange. SOLID grocery and confectionery store, with Mvintr room, rent $18: doing $5tt day: est. 30 years. Owner retiring. Price S2r4M). call room 51 1 Railway Exchange. BEST paying delicatessen, west ffide; owner will sacrifice; loss of partner cause; doing $45 day; low rent ; a pretty place. Call 5 1 1 Railway Exchange. $1400 WILL buy established garage, toola. etc.; clears $;ioo month, has 3i ears stor age. Iot us show you a bargain. Room 511 Railway Exchange FOR SALE by owner, grocery, house and goods, dwelling house same lot. owner wants to move east; if Interested call or write 111 E. o:a st. in. MILLINKRY business for sale, good loca tion. in town or -umj population ; good, proposition for any one interested. AV 327. Oregonian. irTS nnd entertainers, furnished for all oc caslona. An. aer. iii.dincii oooKing offices. Main 3473. 621 Henry bldg. Open day and evenings. MEAT market, eastern ashing ton : old- established Dusmess. tuny equippea ana doing good business: will stand close in vestigation. AV 3-8, Oregonian. FOR SA LE v ell located cash grocery do ing good Dusiness; block, nxiures ana building for quick sale, I3UO0; some terras. Owner. J 6.. oregonian. HOSPITAL for wle. $800 cash; balance on reasonable terms; gooa .location, good equipment. 25 beds, surgery well equipped. C 16. Oregonian. . FOR SALE Millinery store in country town. good locality. ror lniormauon aaaress box 178, Woodburn, Or. A DANDY transfer business, well estab lished: new trucks. Best of reasons for selling. Price reasonable. C 3. Oregonian. $250 BUYS half Interest in good-paying res taurant. oev I.I.4UWU, ' 3 . nuo, iBrina. P 431. Oregonian. BARBER shop for sale, 3 chairs. A-l shop; $450; must sell at one. AV 841. Orego nian. COM MISSION house, long established, for cost of fixtures; owner retiring. 414 G or linger BUSINESS and furniture of 20-room hotel must sell on account of poor health; will sacrifice. pnone coiumota d'.. GROCERY store for sale. 5 living rooms up stairs; rent $25 a month. 160 Porter St., south Portland. FOR SALE 2-chair barber shop; good busi ness, gooa location. -o. j. jersey 1 Portland. Call at once. SMALL restaurant in Vancouver. Wash. Do ir.i good business; well located. Call at 704 Wash, st. FOR SALE At once, bakery. $2500 cash or terms, city tiaKery. v ancouver. w aan. CLEANING and second-hand clot lies sh tor sal by owner S4. invoice. 30 k -N. 6t. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WE MANUFACTURE carburetor for Ford cars which is guaranteed to give double mileage over any other carburetor ever constructed, regardless . of name, make, price; money refunded if 15-day free trial does not prove it ; we are now ready to furnish carburetors for Dodge and Max well cars: will furnish them for other cars in a short time: entirely new principle; simple plain tube; not a moving part; guaranteed to start in lero weather with out heating or priming ; tremendous de mand; 25.uoO now in use In Chicago terri tory: reliable, energetic man who can guarantee sales and carry stock of to ?2oHt depending on demand, can secure exclusive territory and wilt easily net S2,- 00 this year; no special experience neces sary. Frank A. Urwan, 50a W. Jackson blvd.. Chicago. 111. . GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SELL AT INVOICE. Nice, clean stock of general merchan dise that will invoice about $5000. and good storebuilding with living rooms above and nearlv 1 acre of ground; this is located right at the electric station in the heart of a fine farming district, has ticket office and doing an average of $60 per day and up. The whole thing goes at $7500. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. GROCERY STORES. One with 5 living rooms, one with 4 rooms, two with 1 room each; prices from $1500 to $3500; cafeterias, a splendid downtown location wnicn siow casn win handle, it has always made money: an other on Washington St.. doing a growing business, which can be had at a bargain; soft drinks. 4 good ones, from $(50 to $16fH. John P. Weston Co., 60O N. V . Bank bldg. GROCERY STORE SNAP Doing $60 day cash business; located on ciose-in east siue corner: rent only $25; clean, staple stock; will invoice about $2400 for stock and fix tures; experienced grocery man can in crease business to $100 daily. Will sell at discount or trade for city or suburban home at invoice price. Call at 41S Fen ton bldg. . CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY. PRICE ONLY J2800. Right-In the very heart of Portland, and has 3-vear lease. This is a dandy buy and If vou want something In this line ou cer tainly will make a mistake if you do not see this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. EX-SOLDIER TN HOSPITAL MUST SELL SMALL CONFECTIONERY AND POOL HALL. SEPARATE; CENTRAL OREGON. NEAR BEND: DOING FINE BUSINESS; WITH 5-ROOM DWELLING. 2 BUILD INGS. 6 LOTS. RUNNING WATER AND GAS LIGHTS; BI 5 AUTO TRADE; $100 CASH. G 366. OREGON IAN. - CIGAR STORE. PRICE ONLY 20O0. Here is a dandy stand, on a nice cor ner, close in on west side, and rent only $45 per month; one of the beat stands in the citv for this price. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. SOf OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. BARGAIN if taken at once, old-establlsnea grocery store. Al location; money-maker for right party; 3 living rooms in con nection: rents for $3 per month; price $16O0, from owner; no agents need ap ply; call Sundav between 8 A. M. and 1--30 P. 700 E. Stark St. Phone East 342. BICYCLE and general repair shop, only shop of kind in city of 40O0, on mam business street; will invoice about HjOo or $1200; have lathe and grinder, besides small tools; will give bargain for cash; am going away and must sell at once. O. Cratt, McMlnnville, Or. LTT ""-' r- mrfrv doinir S60 a dav busi ness, good, clean block, buou i.-y". garage and 4 nice living rooms, well fur nished, rent $25 per month, with two years' lease; will sell at a bargain on ac count of health. 69S East 77th at. North. Phone Tabor ;t34. o t t c- u,um laund rv in town 000, in Washington, now uom per week, eheap fuel and cheap rnV J?.7. voice at $6500; will sell for $4500. l5oo 1. wi .. will mii who e or i.rf- win hear full investigaUoD. AV 340. Oregonian. . WSPAPR One-man plant, witb suu P,iitnr r-a n f-l.nn' ud S150 a month. Price . v. ciniio ..h u nil 7uO one two years 'at 8 per cent. Located within 40 miles of Portland. AV 350. FOR SALE Barber shop, pool room, con .,. !..-.- tniiTA and ice cream parlor -.--r.ww.n in small country town. 50 ii bAr-iand riot ua: bic business sickness reason for selling. Write T. A. Bishop. Balston. Or., or G 3 .0,. Oregonian. A NEW v r-r.ii tnwn beiner built: U S. government fostering; quarter million dol lar loan: old company; paid to labor two million dollars past 18 months: will em ploy 20O0 men. Investment and business. O 755, Oregonian. CAPITAL wanted to promote combination . 1., .. ivi rocpnt.rioi for knife. fork. salt, pepper and butter: patented .n v c r-tit Inside nauer. r . ri-i w'nti New Huston. 6th St., Tide water, Or. WANTED A capable business man witn capital to take a substantial interest in a patented meritorious invention. This i a public necessity and should make a Tor tune for manufacturer. If qualified ad dress box 34H. St. Helens, Or. WANTED Partner for handling in this territory. Must have from $6000 to $10.0O0, and selling or automobile ex perience. :You must be clean cut. full or ivep and have business ability. No phone numbers answered. AK 516. Oregopian. FOR" SALE First-class confectionery store doing a wonderful little business. 1 -z blocks from union depot; a real chance for someone with the cash. 14 N. bth st. Broadway 34. , I F you w ill buv my 3 Vi -ton motor truck and trailer, wo me cash and terms, you can step right into a big-paying job hauling and piling: this is a real job. See Murch. 60 N. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 31. WILL sell a few interests in our crude oil and water burner. Saves SO per cent of fuel, and territory rights for contract. See investors demonstrating any old time. 372 East Clay srL , A REAL gasoline service station 2 gas pumps, 2 oil pumps, automatic air com pressor; grounu " building: live town on highway. Box boa. Forest Grove. Or. ORGANIZE youf business under declaration or trust; legal in an .---.. .- .-.- federal tax: stock easily sold; guaranteed service Infm. free. Nat 1. Org. Madison. Chicago. Co.. 1 23 BAKERY tor sale or rent, gooa paying ous- Iness, loval town 01 aooui x-.-r.., ....... ette valley. Owner has other business. Easy terms. Address AV 335. Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY and general store heart of Rose City Park, on Sandy bouleavrd. Am too old for tne long nou.. . v . cash. McNeal. 531 Alder st. Bdwy. 2.-6- OPPORTUNITY for active man as parmer in 'tri)A ana repair soou km !. 1 vestment; good trade, can fall 511 Railway Exchange be increased. d i ofii im t'tnoo irrocerv store for sale. ti .ahOm: will sen wilmoo. ii-i. cash business In valley town; rent 3o; will discount. Hurry. AV 347. Oregonian. CHANCE of a lifetime. We will contract pyH.irIv atate rights to handle our hiimAr: burns crude oil and water stoves ; demonstrating. 372 E. Clay. t-. 1- - r xt fnv mU ehean if taken at fin Good business, must leave city. Mrs. Weinberg, St- Francis hotel, Vancouver, W ash. CRACKER-JACK proposition on a wood 1 1 .r-nrH.h-nd truck &150O. $750 cash. hnionrA in 12 equal payments. Phone Broadway 1572. ask for Mr. Allen. -. -.i.-v mnA soda lountain : 11 ne lo cation doing good business; must sell mii.-k- will sacrifice. 6D4 Washington st. See this Sunday or call Marshall 662. HERE is your only opportunity to buy an ice cream parlor reasonable in the best block on Washington sL. Inquire AC 641. Oregonian FOR SALE Sawmill, boiler, engine, planers, donkev, cables (30,000 capac), set to run; bargain, $3foo, easy terms; act quick. Jim He as. a m hill. Or. FOR SALE Cafeteria. wes side. fully eauipped. doing good business; selling on a?.ooit of aicknesa. Price $350. See owner. 206 Stark. i- v 1? v ffn location at E. 26th and Clin ton SIS. tor a small prusnrr -n vr livi t work up a good business, fnone Jtsroaa way or call at 324 GUsan st. W ANT man to invest few hundred dollars In co-operative oox rac-iory ; mveiimtui well secured. n oer.mner mn. SOFT drinK establishment, rood trade, ehe-tp rent, fine location. s"- proiw uuu ior man and wife. Butts & oaKe. -'4i tou n X PAYROLL town is a certainty; it's being built now ; get ousy ; sfeing is Dru.vmg we can show you. F SH7, Oregonian. FOR SALE or rent, lunch house business tn one of shipyards, fully equipped and in running order. Call Broadway 2310. GROCERY store for sale. Phone Main 2419. 524 N. 24th st- FOR SALE Pool room, soft drink place. 61 cigars. 3d st. 22 FIRST ST. For sa'.e. O. K. restaurant. For rent. .$!. 2 rooms. LARGE CAFETERIA FOR SALE. WELL l,Ol ATt-f- A - 1 . un' -'. iAt. BAKERY and light grocery for sale. 3 fcU 3lHh St.. Liberty bakery. Tabor 61 9o. TV 1 1 i. r.v cash for dairy lunch or lunch room in good location. P 405. Oregonian. PLUMBING and sheet metal hop doing a good business. .an -Qiumoia V. PARTY with I1C0O to join In plumbing busl ness. AL 4ib. oregonian. TAILOR shop for sale, the best location I; city, large windows. v 4i0. Oregonian, IN STORAGE, imported millinery mock. 25c on th dollar. . vrejunuuL BrSIXESS OPPOKTCNITIES. PACIFIC EXCHANGE. I NT.. Suite 514 to 5tf Swetland Bldg. I Marshall 39M. GARAGES. $SO0 Loc-ated about 25 miles from Portland: 26 cars regular storage, good accessory, gssol 1 ne and oi ! trade, lots of work for a good me chanic: 2 floors, rent $75 on 5-year lease. Snap. t $1500-Gwrage and blacksmith shop lo st cated about 25 miles from Portland: fully equipped -hop, accessories and oil, good storage, reaonarl rent. This is in a good town where business is cash. Look this up. $1750 Half interest in good going (tarar where profits run from $500 to $u'0 every month: steady storage of from 55 to 60 cars; good trade in accessories and cils. Own-r haw other business is reason for selling. $2 $00 Well located garage in rood city In valley : good brick building 60o. rent only $."0 per month. leae for 4 years: agency for popular (.-cylinder car goes with this. Owner can show a good buinets. $360fJ Concrete building !Wxl25. well equipped shop, good location, good leae. rent only $30. Shop is work ing 5 men. Hurry if you want this. $4000 Excellent location on west side that is doing a good busin-ss: floor space 50x70 and always full of storage; nothing less than $10 and up to $15; a good, high-class trade where business is cash : can have entrance on Waahinton st-eet if wanted. Can show profit of $501 to S600 a month: low rent, good lease. A itr.e location. 24500 Two-story. 50x100 concrete build Ing; 60 cars regular storage, west side location. 4-year lease ; shon working to capacity, employing men now. Here Is a wel 1 estab lished business where a man car make some money. " Better look this up. as it won't last long, j eludes $50O deposit on lease and service car. $4500 -Garage on west side. 100x100, with ruily eq ulpnea machine .nop : Pes west side location in town, all the work that can be taken care of. 50 cars regular storage at $8 per month. Thin is absolutely the best buy tn Portland ; better hurry, as it won't last long. $G000 F.ast Mde location, concT-'te build ing 50x100, long lease. SS5 per montn rent. hik n torK or ace sories and supplies; cleaning $500 per month. $17,000 Best garage In one of the best cities In Willamette valley ; good location, low rent. 2-storv concrete building 80x160. 22.006 feet of floor snace. Owner can shop you profit of $1000 per month. TIRE SHOP. $3000 Tire shop on Main street of good city in valley that is doing a good business and can show a good in coma on money invested. Lov rent of $25. Owner has more work than he can take care of. Better loov this up. CONFECTIONERY. $110O Soda fountain, candies, cigars and tobacco : living rooms I n rea r about $25(1 in stock: very promlnen suburban corner location, doing good business. RESTAURANTS. $800 Well located business in north pmrt or city ; fixtures and stock. v. 1 Invoice more than price asked ;-ren $45; brick building. Can show a good profit on investment. $100O Washington-street location. rent only $ro per month; doing a good buainchs. $1250 Yamhill market district, verv busy place; well equipped and doing a good business. $1S50 Morrison-street location, rent $75 per month. 3-year lease; $65 per day business. This is right. $2S00 Restaurant In central district of Vancouver. Wash. Long lease and will extend. All fixtures in good condition, some new. good location and old established business. $7004) Bakery In down-town district, long lease, very up-to-date shop with store in front ; everything is clear with no mortgage. A snap. $2000 Good cafeteria In business part of town Fixtures all new. A place to mpke money. Will make terms to right party. GROCERIES. $850 Grocery on east side, well located and doing a good business, low rent, owner has otlier business is reason for selling. $1000 East sids grocery and bakerv clearing $300 per month; rent only $15 per month: fully equipped bak ery in connection. $1500 Excellent east side location, grocer ies and bakery goods, soda fountain. Ice cream; doing a business of $50 to o per day. Can live in rear. Only $25 rent This is good. $2000 Grocery and confectionery, well lo cated on eat side; 2-story building rent $50; upstairs in rented out for S.'iH per month: good lease; receipts irom to sou per aay, average receipts for ice cream alone is $2 per day. This is a fine business. $2 00 Grocery and filling station; a store room and 4 living rooms, on high way; good business; rent only su per month. Would trade for small ranch and assume $1000 to $15u0 $3600 East side, rent $50: doing a busi ness of over $100 per day. Owner has other business and must sell $7000 This store In doing a good busi ness or over .'ini per day; excep tionally good location, low over head expenses For details make special appointment. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. Sulto 514 to 510 Swetland Bldg., Marshall 3'JMt. SALES MANAGER. $40O TO $13U0 MONTHLY. ORGANIZING STATE OR COUNTIES. Wanl a man of ability and good standing to act as distributor for a new automobile accessory, which sells to every car owner who has ever changed a tire. To appoint and train sub-agents and take ord.ra. Exclusive rights given. Selling plan perfected. Business would require state manager to make temporary in vestment of $1000 to $3000 depending on territory. Should net live manager $10,000 to $15,000 yearly. If you can qualify and mean business, write at once. Our first letter explains fully. We will also send factory re present ative to tell you how. THE HUG RO M A NUFACTUR I NG COM PANY. AUTO DEPT. WARSAW, IND. FOR a doctor who wishes to retire in a country home within 4 o miles of Port land, on highway, here is an unusual chance, where a good Income is positively guaranteed for the reason this is an In dustrial town; n competition; is equipped nicely as a hospital; small stock of drugv good residence and about an acre of high ly Improved land with an abundance of fruit in bearing. For full particulars a dress P. O. box 154, Cascade Locks, or. $12,000 STOCK general merchandise, close on electric line; nue nome town e miles from Portland ; will sell at Invoice with or without building; sales over 1. per day; groceries, ary goods, shoes, bard are. flour and feed, and men's work clothing: over $12.0oo. fixtures for $7ru; real estate men need not answer. AV 313, Oregonian. $100 UP TO $500 will secure a proflt-shar ins: interest in thoroughly safe and highly profitable business and earn bet ter tnan lu per cent yearly. r n invent! gation courted. An exceptional oppor tunitv for persons who want their smal savings to earn what big investors geu BJ 1 lu, oregonian. WOMAN wff partner. Nurse preferred. Business Is sanitarium with bright future. Partner who is willing to share respon sibilities as well as profits. S700 cash re quired or Its equivalent. Business will stand investigation. References exchanged. A 332. Oregonian. IF YOU HAVE FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS And want to make $15 to $25 per day and get away from day labor, be your nwn ho, call at 7.03 4tn avenue S. on Mount Scott car. One block north of M illard avenue. A SOLID CASH GROCERY. Brick building; rent $;5 month : sa'es average $65 day ; good profits : will sell at actual Invoice and give wholesale house as references. Call room 41 Dekum bldg. ON LY licensed Marinello shop in the busy city of Seattle; good location, established business,- Marineilo Shop. 3032 Arcade, Seattle. Wa-h. OIL LAND for sale In 1 Vi and 2H acre tracts, near Aberdeen, Wash.. $oO per acre, easy terms. J. T. Royston. 446 Washington street. LIGHT grocery and confectionery store for sale. 3 good living rooms, furnished, 69 East SOth N. Take Montavllla car. LONCrE-TAPLISHED , grocery business for sale bv owner ; good location : takes man and wife to handle. Bt" Oregonian. ISVMNKSS OPPORTUNITIES A. J. DeFOREST A CO.. 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 269a BUYERS, A TTENTI ON. Tf you w tsh to buy a bus-lnes. mrnS. haven't sufficient capital, see us; we will help finance any good proposition if pur chased through our office. SPECIAL BARGAINS. BAKERT. Good location; rent $25. with leaae; 1tt proved Barker system, revolving ovens; you can bake anything;: fine opportnnity; can handle groceries; $1000 will haniT . deal if. taken at once. CASH GROCERY. Well established trade; good YoeatieaB low rent; $2000 stock and fixtures. GROCERT AND CONFECTIONERY. Located in school district: cheap rrnf clean stock ; owner must sell on acootinS of sickness; living rooms; price $2000. WELDING AND PLUMBING. Old established weiding and Oxy-ae"4 lin business, 10 years in one location; has many regular contracts; two men can make $5oo per month net; have Ford truck, generator tanks, welding miduM and otner tools; will sacrifice to l teres ted party. ROADHOUSE AND RAXCS Coos county, at a good point, with ". stantial prospects of good business; flno buildings; furniture and complot- ranch) equipment, with 160 acres; ail goes lot $.500; part time. 4R-ROOM MODERN "HOTET. In city of 12.0O0; important ind-TT.a and education center: brick building with steam heat, running water in all th rooms, some with private baths; larcrs) dining room, sample and baggage rooms; price $40,000 Including furniture and depot bus. or might consider selling the furni ture for $5000 and leasing the buikircj for a term of years. COUNTRY STORE TO TRADE. Price $7o-o. of which $1500 Is a. 1 1 II 11 1 ! country merchandise and groceries; wants a home or other property in or neajr Portland. fon BT-YS CASH FrSTNT-S. Soft drinks, cigars, transient locationg a snap for $600 cash. GROCERY. x Good east side location: clean stoclc ael fixtures; low rent, lease; cottage adjoining? for $ 1 2. 50 a mon t h ; price $2000 ; w Hi consider trade; auto preferred. POOLHALI $O0 buys poolhall in one of the ert little cities in Washington of 150O popur lation with payroll over $200,000 a moa you can't help but get some of it S200 CASH BTTYS IT. Established cooperage business; .1 not taken 111. had to close down; has valua ble Icaso on building and lot of stock OH hand; all goes for $200 cash. CHANCE FOR GARAGE. Downtown valuable lease on brick bnlld- Ing, 50x100 with 50x50 balcony. W.VT PARTNER to handle the office end of an established", salvage busi ness : $5000 required ; big op portunity for right man. WHY WORRY? When you need capital, want a pare ner or wish to sell your business, wa can help you; give us a call. WE BUY CHATTEL MORTGAGES. IF laboring men and b tdnen men Ynew as murh an we do about the wonderful opportunities in GERBER thf big payroll town of th Southern cific, largest repair shops, there would bs surely a rur-h of people. You would ha va to fight your way into th Southern Pa cific cars to Ret there. Plenty of work for all classes; (rood offerings for business of all kinds. Send for pamphlets. Smit-B Sales Co., Gerber, Cal. WE WANT IDEAS for a new product for our factory. We ara equipped for wood work as well as light steel and have a good organization for elling our present product. If you havo a really good article to market or manu facture we will handle it on eithes a roy alty or commission basis, or you can tak an interest in the business if you have the ability and the capital. What we want is the article to sell or to make you can take your choice as- to the method of han-i dling it. Manufacturer. AJ 5S7. Oregonian. MERCHANTS ATTENTION! For sal below factory price, several thousand pairs of loggers' shoes: brands consist of Bergmans. Foresters, Stilson and Kellogg. Washington Shoe Co., Goodyear, etc. Also a lot of overalls. Aquapella clothinc. work shirts, lopgers' shirts, mackinaws. underwear, socks, etc. ThiS" merchandise is from the 17. S government. Come early, as 1 am selling these goeda very fast. W. ORE EN BERG. 100 2d St., corner Stark. FINE little restaurant, doing $50 per day; $40ij will handle this or will take in part ner, this Is a fine place. First-class oakery and light grocery, do ing $45 and $50 per day, will sell cheap if taken at once. Dandy grocery and general mdse. storo in city, doing $c5 per day; cheap rent; owner going-south and will sacrifice. See G. Nord at A Ider Hotel. AV I LL pay $400 a month salary, all ex penses, nnd share of profits for trurt-" worthy, competent man to manage estab lished branch: 'arge well-known company; staple line: good for $sitOo a year or bet ter, with splendid future. Must have $4000. cash for sh fe investment All letters strictly confidential. Address AV 791, Oregonian. $1500 will buy good grocerv on the Boone Ferry road including lot 80x1 10. store bldg. with 3 living rooms, stock and fixtures all goes for $150i. ACT QUICK IF YOU WANT THIS ONE SEE BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 HenryIgJ Main 6797. GENTLEMAN formerly In consular service wishes to represent a reliable lumber or any other exporting concern in Italy. He is in cloe touch with conditions and needs of industry in Italy and can establish a substantial business for any firm that is In need of a valuable man in that terri tory. Rt st references. AJ 601, Oregonian, FINE RESTAURANT IN CHOICE LOCATION. T have a fine restaurant i n a chotca location and doing a dandy business. Want to sell at once and will give you a real bargain. See my agent. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 30ft Oak St. Broadway 4133. FOR SALE Orecon selling rights to stand ard line electric Itgfit duios. i-resent own- er releasing account pressure business other lines. Requires $5fK cash. Factory carries accounts. Great proposition. Don'V answer unless you mean business. AK 515 Oregonian. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. --. it;.-,o will buy good grocerv located on Larrabee st., do ing a fine business from $50 to $100 a day rent only $30; will invoice. See BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 Henry Bldg. Main .5797. $nr,n will buy bakery, confectionery and grocery on E. Morrison St., with 3 living rooms, includ ing furniture; rent only $15. See BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 Henry Bldg. Main 6797. FOR SA LE Well -equipped, w ell -established; and W-cated wood working shop; a good business: owners leaving town; a good thing for two or three live men. Ad dress Box 2021. Station A. A SERVK-3 STATION. Selling 150 to X"i) gallons gaso'tne daily: also selis supplies, tires, vulcanizing and' good r-p:iir business. Profits large. Price on.v $20-0. Room 401 Dekum bldg. RESTAURANT and rooms with well-established trade, in good little town, nettinsr about $5o0 per month; about $h00 stock on hand : will tell for $1000. Box 614, Cottage Grove. Or. SUBURB A N cash grocery. Building, fixtures and Muck at a bargain for cash if sold by August Id. Important business forces me to s-- il. Owner AJ 581, Oregonian. GOOD paying hair dressing parlor In a town o.0oo inhabitants, no other hair dresser there. Inquire Monday 9 to 6. 404 Morri son, phone Main reasonable price. FOR SA LE $SOO cash, slot k. showcases, shelving, counters, etc.. of confectionery and grocery. Take 51. A. car to Sumner st. low A Ibina ave. Also some furniture. WANT lady partner with $450 for good pay inc restaurant. Money secured. See Air. Nord. Alder notei. BARBER SHOP. 3 chairs. In good town out side of Portland, for sale. This is a good buy. AV 354. Oregonian. PRo KIT A BLE location for an expert har 11. -ss repair shop; for information write to John J. Cramer. Harrisburg, Or. CAFETERIA, very reasonable, doing $50 a day: must sell at ome owing to sickness. No agents P 439, Oregonianj CIGARS, soft drinks and poolroom, clears $4mj month : J2oiMi cash required. Room 4t.1l Dekum bldg; $50o W ANTED for legitimate enterprise, lav quire O 733. Oregonian. (OR SALE Soft drink and lunch stand. 45v4th st-$::25. HALF Interest in vulcanizing plant. Caa produce bu-lness. AB 22. Oregoniaa.