The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 44

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IGL'.NG man. well educated and experienced
in office clerical work, also experienced
in seltlng- shoes and buying and
groceries, would like position where inlti
arive and integrity will be appreciated;
was manager oi grocery for two years in
which I had half interest; have traveled
extensivelv and am at ease among stran
gers. Win consider anything in my line
where there is a chance to make good,
and will go anywhere. Am now em
ploved but can give good reasons lor
wanting to change. B 396. Oregonian.
Position wanted as salesman by one
- having had years' of practical experience
in designing and installing lumber plants,
can advise with lumbermen as to most
economical mat hod of increasing then
output or cutting cost of production, F 40tt.
CARPENTER will take contract to build
houFe I will build it better and cheaper
than you can possibly get it done eise
' where. Have ived 2o years in Portland
and can give you best of references. Can
also help you finance the building if neces
ary. hroadway 1 "".
POS;iTIONwante(i with chance of advance
ment by young man with good educa
tion: 'understand machinery, piumbers and
. neam fitters, hardware, drugs
or general merchandise can do clerical
work or sell gooes: best of references.
"Write to residence, 16o'i Kiske St.
COMPETENT bookkeeper,
wants re ponsibie posi tion.
Local ref
BJ 108, Ore-
Bond if desired.
IGfNG man with 15 years' experience,
possessing exceptional executive and sales
ability, is seeKing connection with, re
sponsible concern where there is an oppor
tunity to advance; very best of references.
AJ tiU6, Oregonian. tm
BALKS MANAGER of Rochester corporation
desires a position with Portland company.
Companies which place a premium upon
service, character and executive ability
can begin negotiations by sending a
ter addressed to Box i92. oeneseo,
N. Y.
POSITION as assistant or private secre
tary to business man who will recognize
years of piactical business exper.ence,
combined with ambition aud confidence to
handle an important position of this kind;
- Interview desired. P 4U2, Oregonian.
MARRIED man desires position in country
town, near Portland, in general merchan
dise store ; thoroughly experienced in
groceries, shoes, furnishings, etc.; best
of references. AO 45, oregonian.
"WANTED Experienced window trimmer,
card and ad writer, desires to connect
with progressive lirm in either Oregon
or Washington: first-class references. Ad
dress Conrad W. Pauison, Greeley. Colo.
ilXPEKlENCKD watchman, elderly married
man, wants position as watchman or care
taker; is experienced with tools or garden
ing, and will furnish best ofrefcrences.
Call "The Watchman," East 775.
LEGAL education, experienced in farming
and abstracting, always in business for
self in middle west. Position in country
bank attractive but will consider an
-1 h i n g. A J 577. Oregonian. ,
SALESMAN Several years' experience in
gen. mdse. line, wishes to make change to
outside position about August l.V. best ref
erence, can furnish car and cash bond if
required. L 449, oregonian.
IF YOU have work for a two-ton motor
truck, I would like to see and talk with
you at once. Call me at Broadway 476
or address 91 Ninth at. N., as I must get
busy immediately.
MARRIED MAN with 10 years' experience
in general store, small town. 5 years in
shipping room wholesale house. wants
work. What can you offer? AG 820. Ore
gonian. yOl'NO married man wants position as
cutter, foreman, or what have you? Ten
years' experience in men's and ladies'
neckwear and kindred lines. Phone Ta
bor 1336. ,
BOOKKEEPER, 3 years' actual experience,
wants position ; young man, 20 years of
age, willing worker. O. O., 812 Water fit.
Phone Main iUS'J.
MAN. married, experienced property care
laker, wants care of city or suburban
property, club grounds or ranch. A 320,
YOUNG married man wants position as
salesman, city or traveling, buyer or of
fice work; ten years' experience; what
have you? Phone Tabor 1336.
RELIABLE all-around handy man. middle
aged, wants position; janitor, watchman
tr anvthlng in or out oi city. -21 13Lh
st., Main
WANTED A position with some auto firm
to learn auto repairing; have had several
years' experience a general machinist
Wood lawn 6o55.
DRAFTSMAN wants steady employment
w ith chance for early ad ancement ; state
Kind of work, salary. Address AH 460,
EXPERIENCED logging camp timeKeeper
and commissary man desires position; can
furnish lirst-ciass references. BJ 1UU, Ore
gonian. FIRST-CLASS hotel chef -cook, wants sit ua
tion ; Al on meats and past ry ; good
reference; go anywhere. J 6S, Orego
nian. !
XOUN-G man with experience in mountain!
driving wants to drive motor party to .
Chicago vicinity for expenses only ; ref
erences. J 6!, Oregonian i
MAN, 30, address, personality, college edu
cation, business experience, wishes con
nection good firm; start at $125. AV 33S,
( regon ia n.
TRUCK, driver or chauffeur. 10 years expe
rience, well acquainted with city and coun
try; can do own repairing. W 3s3, Ore
gonian. ,
BANK cashier with ?5000 to $10,000 would
lik position in bank in town 5000 to
TtKlO; best of references; confidential. O
70M. Oregonian.
WANTED House painting and repairing;
best work; references. Alarshall 1226 or
A 1 76'J. ,
POSITION as salesman wanted, city or
traveling; can give reference. E 264, Ore
gonian. K.NPERI ENCED bookkeeper would like
small set books keep evenings, F 424,
IAN and wife would like employment; cap
able, industrious, economical; $175 per
month. E 232. Ore goni a n .
WA XTE L A ranch to caro for in absence
- of owner; experienced. Address 3s-l N. lutn,
room 4
CHEF-COOK wishes posit ion in or out of
citv; good meat and pastry cook; hotel
or "cafe; references. Y 43. Oregonian.
BY experienced traffic man. rail and water;
forceful, efficient: references former ein
ployers. Phone Main i23.
THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper, ac
countant who is tair typist, would con
slder making a change. C 7, Oregonian.
CEMENT and concrete work of ail kinds
by day or contract. P. B. Younger, 2u5
Stafford st. Phone Wood lawn 61i'..
Fl R ST -CLASS cook wishes job out of city ;
- either restaurant or camp. AF 51, Ore
gonian. .
SALESMAN wishes position with auto firm,
medium wages and com.; gle me chance.
G 372. Oregonian
"WANTED Registered pharmacist desires
work, good habits; city or country. AV
34B. Oregonian.
WANTED Small set of books to keep, by
experienced bookkeeper. Seven years
local references. Phone Tabor 2GOL
DRAFTING and designing by experts,
chanical. electrical and structural.
Spalding b'dg. Phone Main 3ns.
quick to learn,
truck. AN 697
y.i, willing to
w ant s w ork ;
work and
can drive
tvrFRIFNTKD erocerv delivery boy would
"like work driving delivery car or clerking
In st-jre. Wood lawn 232t.
WA VTE1) Carpenter work altering
- pairing residences by day or job.
4'0. Henry bldg. M.iln 724.
mil re
boarding house,
4T!. regonian.
a 11 -aru nd cook for hotel,
etc.. city or country. All
YOUNG married man wants steady position
as grocery clerk or something similar.
Tabor 7O07.
EX PERlENCEI- colored janitor wishes po
sition In apartment. I 'none Broadway
HoTEL OWN ERS Experienced manager
and steward open for engagement, city or
rountrv. AG 43, Oregonian.
WHAT do you offer me for the use of my
new Overland and services? Phone Mar
Ehall 3671.
klUSKY boys wish wood jobs to help to
prepare for school; $1 per cord for haul
ing and piling. Tabor 4614.
BY experienced ianitor or porter.
Phone East 436U.t
WANT carpenter work.
way 33 U.
A. Eturson, B iroad-
PRINTER Combinat ion. desires situation in
- town or cur. L 457. Oregonian.
PLUMBING expert, repair any plumbing,
- gas; very reasonable. McCurdy, Sell. 1125.
cheap by contract.
bu: Ids and remodels
Woodlawn 126.
MARRIED man wants work, wife will work;
can run elevator. East 1136.
MAN. wife, good cooks,
AG 4S. Oregonian.
wish small camp.
ROoFS If you want
work, ca!' Marshal
.ngluig and gutter
MAN with 2 -ton truck wants hauling.
Olsen. route 1. Oswego. Or.
EXPERIENCED cigar .clerk or bartender.
Call or write Clayton Hotel, room 314.
Seven years' selling experience, retail
and wholesaling tire and tire accessories;
last three years selling solid and pneu
matic truck tires. I am well posted, in
the tire business, can give best of refer
ences, good appearance and know how to
close a deal. AV o51, Oregonian.
DISCHARGED soldier wishes position driv
ing private or sight-seeing car; best ref
er, nces; drove truck, ambulance and offi
cer's car at Staten Island, N. Y. ; have
lived in Portland and know city. V. R.
Morgan, La Grande, Or.
TWO ex-service men -tractor
driving; out
Y 495, Oregonian.
ant work, truck or
of town preferred.
boo k : ee per . Stenographers. Office.
WELL educated young man with executive
ability desires position in office or store
where honesty and perseverance are ap
preciated; pleasing personality, accustomed
to meeting the public; general mdse. ex
perience; references. AL 402, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as bookkeeper in log
ging operation, years of experience, cap
able of handling every detail ; purchasing,
scaling, time and book work: married. 33
years of age. P 318, Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT, at present employed, desires
position as auditor, paymaster or head
accountant with large corporation. R 15a,
PUBLIC accountant, will take charge of
your books, do your posting, make out
your monthly statements at a reasonable
c.iarge. P 437, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and office man of experi
ence, capable of being private secretary,
quick and accurate with figures; recently
discharged from army camp. .East 23Qi.
BOOKKEEPER, clerk, 35 years of age; 15
years' experience railroad, lumber and
shipyard; good references. Phone Wood
lawn 50.; 6.
EXPERIENCED timekeeper and bookkeeper
wants position in logging camp or saw
mill. Address AV 337, Oregonian.
BY EXPERIENCED accountant. 2 or 3 small
sets books to keep; satisfaction guaran
teed. East 0073.
HOTEL CLERK. experienced. wisnes to
change for more congenial place. X 94,
WANTED Position with automobile or auto
tire lirm as .salesman or office man and
floor salesman. E 231, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, competent, extensive experi
ence, good penman, would consider out-of-town
position.' O 768, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wishes work half the
day ; small salary. Phone Marshall 2603.
Soldi er and Sailors.
A COMMISSIONED officer of the naval
reserve flying corps, who was promoted
from ranks and who is now on in
active duty, desires position; 1 am a first
class machinist, know the automobile and
truck repair business thoroughiy and am
a skillful pilot; used to assuming re
sponsibilities and handling men. AH 472,
DISCHARGED overseas soldier with lots of
pep and ability wants permanent position
where there is a future; I am an ex
perienced salesman, age 25. with an ex
cellent past record; don't mind a position
with lots of hard work to it, and am
willing to learn, can I have an interview
with you? AH 479. Oregonian.
EX PERIENCED office man and salesman.
3 1 years of age, married. Just returned
from overseas service; thoroughly experi
enced lumber wholesale and manufacture:
will some Portland employer give me the
opportunity to demonstrate my ability? L
4 15, Oregonian.
RETURNED soldier. 28, prior to enlistment
employed by large concern as salesman.
ants situation; three years covering Ore
gon territory; would like line offering op
portunity to call on drug and general mer
chandise traiie. F 427, Oregonian.
KoDAK salesman and Al amateur finisher
desires position ; know led ge of d rug trade ;
several years" experience; references fur
nished. AF 42. Oregunian.
STATIONERY salesman and of lice supply
man desires connection: recently dis
charged from U. S. army; reierences fur
nished. A F 4'.i, Oregonian.
FORMER overseas soldier wants vacation
work lor coming month; billing, book
keeping or general office work. Call Ta
bor 62S1.
REGISTERED pharmacist, recently returned
lrorn overseas, wants situation, in or out
of city; permaaent or relief. P 447, Ore
gonian. RETURNED soldier, having had experience
as helper, wishes to work as apprentice
untler first-class mechinist (union shop).
J 70, Oregonian.
FORMER overseas soldier desires clerical
position with progressive business firm;
experience in billing, bookkeeping, or gen
eral clerical work. Phone Seilwood 236.
it v-sof .Diirrt rifKires nosition with auto ac
cessories firm to learn business, have had
some experience. Y 414. Oregonian.
KK LI A BLE chaui feur wishes position with
private family: 6 years' experience at driv
ing and repairing. E 241, Oregonian.
EX -SOLDI ER, youn
work or putting ii
Call 67M E. .Main
$1.25 .a
DISC H A RGED soldier wants work tn ga
rage; have had 2 years' experience. Call
Tabor 4 25.
DISCHARGED soldier wants
good chauffeur; references.
outdoor work.
Phone Wdln.
TEACHER can take two more backward or
dfticient children by the hour in their
own homes to teach or entertain. Terms
moderate. Refeiences exchanged. AL 47o,
Oregon iun.
POSITION wanted to cook for 2 or 3 adults,
or will do day work. 40 cents an hour and
carfare. Woodlawn 850. 1134 E. 13th sU
EXPERIENCED hand laundress wants work
by day, full days. call alter j.u o ciock
Sunday and evenings after 7. Room 3, f
East 1HS7
RELIABLE elderly woman, alone, wishes
position as practical nurse, plain cook
or housekeeper; references. G 37S. Ore
gonian. HOUSEKEEI'ER warned by working man ;
C S. pre! erred; small wages, but lit?nt
work. Address or call after 6 P. M. Vm.
Sargent, 4103 65th st. S. K.
DENTIST S assistant with experience wants
position in mlvertlsmg aenim oi rice sepi.
1 -aptble of taking charge. AG 49, Ore
ponii'.n. LADY with small girl would take care of
house for business couple in exchange for
houstkeepiner rooms. AG 51, Oregonian.
ELDERLY lady wants light work, whole or
part time: can use room as part pay. otis
f eld t. s her wood. Or.
MIDDLE-AGED lady would like position
looking after an apartment house for room
and small wages. Room 22, Main 6t37.
WANTED A place to take care of children
evenings while mother in away; references.
Woodlawn 1611.
POSITION by mother and daughter, cook
a nd w a i t res?, i n cou n t ry or at beach.
Call 5o7 Clay st., Sunday after 12.
HOME MILLINERY Ladies, let me make
your hats, reasonable. Satisfaction guar
anteed. East 466.
WANTED Position by experienced high
school teacher; references. L 456. Ore
gonian YOUNG woman, ex-teacher, wants office
w ork, no experience, willing to leaxn. E
22V. Oregonian.
FI RST -CLASS hotel maid will work few
hours a day, 40c an hour. Phone Main
LADY wishes care of old people who have no
one to look after them. Call or ad. 140
1st st., room 12.
A COLORED lady wants day work, wash
ing and ironing. Call today, Mrs. Conrad,
East 4433.
VORK by day or ruur by e
an. Broad way 2.lli.
xperienced wom-
WoMAN wants 4 days" work a week.
LACE curtains, hand laundered by expert.
"all for and deliver. East 6196.
EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day
work. Call all week. Hroadway lt64.
TEACH E R would tutor adults or children.
E 22. regonian.
LADY Housecleaning or other work, hour,
tiay ; saisf action guaranteed. Wdln. 6305.
EXPERIENCED camp waitress wishes work
in camp or mill hole!. N 13. Oregonian.
SWEATERS, hand knit, to order, 45
up. Phone Woodlawn 4452.
WASHING done at home and out. Call
evenings Wdln. 4SP0.
LADY wants washing, ironing, by day. East
YOUNG woman wishes position evenings.
AL" iireffonian.
CURTAINS stretched: silk shirts and fancy
MEN. I will do your washing and mending
reasonaoie. o- tn st.. aiar. oo.i.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes six nours'
housework each day. Marshall 2471.
EAs r b.j.. Call up iu o clock In morning
or ' o c:ock evening. an l aay worn.
WANTED Work by day or hourl Ma
CH IUDREN to care for by day or week;
best oi reierences. i aDor 3i3.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes 6 hours'
housewurk each day. Marshall 2bl, rm. 2.
EX PERI ENCED woman wishes day work,
Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday. Sell. 1132.
EXPERIENCED tray waitress wants work.
Woodlawn 6256.
WANTED Day work. Bins Woodlawn 476S
A Y OC.N'G lady, capable home-maker, tact
ful, congenial, would appreciate a posi
tion having refined environment, with
opportunity for study and country hikes:
where high ideals and a personal Interest
will be valued and modern ideas of living
practiced. Please state particulars and
references. AF 6Q. Oregonian.
GOVERNMENT clerk In Washington, D. C.
wishes to exchange positions with gov
ernment clerk in Portland ; salary J 1200
plus J240 bonus for fiscal year 1919-1920;
treasury department; communicate with
G 376. Oregonian.
WANTED By young lady of experience, po
sition. reception room and doctor's helper;
pleasing personality; best of references,
AH 469. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers, hteuograpberi, Office.
CAPABLE young woman, familiar with
routings, claims, reports, etc., and now
employed, wants chance at transportation
or other1 office work with growing con
cern where salary is commensurate with
ability she can prove; references. K. 426.
YOUNG lady, experienced In cashiering and
clerical work, desires permanent position.
Have letter of recommendation from for
mer L. A. employer and can furnish best
of city references. AC 857, Oregonian.
EXPERT bookkeeper and stenographer de
sires position; thoroughly competent and
reliable. Capable taking entire charge.
Salary $125. AL 473. Oregonian.
PRIVATE secretary", able to take charge
of office, desires responsible position; ex
perienced purchasing agent. AJ 375, Ore
gonian. ACCOUNTANT, good experience, desires po
sition in public accountant's office as as
sistant; willing to accept moderate salary.
A 433, Oregonian.
A-l BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, ex
penenced, wants responsible position. Sal
ary $150 a month. East 3243.
YOUNG lady wishes position a-v assistant
bookkeeper, cashier or general office work;
reierences. AH 475, Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY experienced general office
woman desires position of responsibility ;
best city references. Eat 4911.
TEACHER wants position until Sept 1; good
penman, some knowledge of bookkeeping.
Call M arsha 1 1 489 after 1 o'clock.
EXPERIENCED ethnographer and lumber
invoke cleric desires permanent position.
AR.681, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHIC position by beginner; ex
perience more than salary. C 27, Orego
nian. GENERAL office work, experienced ; can
handle correspondence without dictation.
East 2401.
POSITION in doctor's office, experienced:
can assist in lat oratory, use typewriter,
etc. P. O. drawer 2ut4.
POSITION by young lady, finished sten
ograpic course; familiar with mimeograph
and adding machine. Call Broadway 3464.
EMPLOYED stenographer of varied experi
ence wisnes to maKe change. an uuu.
Cf regonian.
YOUNG lady wishes position as typist. flUnr.
office work, or switchboard operator.
F :iit.'t, Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY wants position in doctor's or
dentist's office as assistant or gen. office
work. B 605, Oregonian.
TYPIST employed from 0 to 5 will work
evenings and Saturday afternoons. A 336,
WOMAN stenographer wants copying, law
and architectural. East 32S1.
WANTED Bookkeeping and general office
work half a day. East 1004.
D re mi na Ice rs.
LADIES, don't throw away that old suit,
coat or gown. I can remodel it to look
like new and up to date; high-class work
guaranteed, old or new work at home or
by the day, $3.75. Phone Main 3038.
Room 15.
IF you admire work well done, try Mrs.
Bates at 1120 Division St., for alterations,
remodeling and making of ladies' gar
ments; reasonable prices; work guaran-
teed. Tabor bU12.
CHILDREN'S school dresses. 3 for $2; ladies
silk dresses, ; plain sewing, first-class
work. UsU E. 2uth N. Alberta car to 20th.
Call Mon. to Fri.. 1 to 5 P. M.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker would like
plain sewing. Call 1432 Lenore st-, or
phone Wdlu. 2491.
DRESSMAKING Plain and fancy, children's
sewing ; prices reasonable, prompt service.
537 Montgomery. 1
DRESSMAKER w ill go out by day ; dress
making, remodeling or plain sewing; work
guaranteed. Main 6476.
WANTED engagements by the day, experi
enced in suits and gowns, do remodeling;
reasonable. Phone Broadway 15(7.
DRESSMAKER will go out by day.
Broadway 2719.
DRESSMAKING and remodeling, work guar
anteed. Tabor b!04.
AN V kind of dressmaking, prices reasona
ble. Main 660S. 62 hi North 21st st.
EXPERIENCED cousetiere wishes position;
six years" experience. Alain 1041.
SEWING done at once; reasonable prices.
Call Marshall 4400. apt. 34.
RE LINING of jackets and coats; reason
ahle price. East 4 1 US.
DESIGNING and dressmaking at reasonable
prices. Tabor 8f4.
DRESSMAKING by experienced dressmaker.
Phone Seilwood 3137.
IN AL designs in gowns and ladies'
:ring, new models. Phone Alar. 2415.
GOOD dressmaking, $3 per day., E 3753.
NURSE, quiet home In country, beautiful
surroundings, on fine auto road and car
line, solicits patients, mental unfortunates,
confirmed invalids, elderly. G res ham. Or..
R. A. box 111.
WANTED Work by practical nurwe. In
valid and confinement caes preferred.
Tabor 1251.
TRAINED nurse will take sick or conva
lescent at her own home; male or female;
bst care; massage given. Tabor 632J.
WANTED Position as housekeeper by widow
lady; good cook and good housekeeper;
would prefer widower or bachelor; no ob
jection to one child. Call in person at
:t :id st.
POSITION as housekeeper in refined widow
er's home. by nndule-aged woman, or
would cook fur 3 or 4 men on farm; ex
cellent housekeeper and cook. 3 0O1. Ore
gonian. POSITION as housekeeper, where child 7
years old can go to school; must be per
manent for entire winter, Broadway 37i0.
Seilwood 194.
WIDOW lady, 31) years old, with boy 11.
wants position as housekeeper for widower
or cook for few men; fair cook. AF 41.
CAPABLE middle-aged lady wishes house
keeping position for elderly gentleman;
good housekeeper and cook. E 227, Ore
gonian. REFINED young widow with 2 children,
school age. wants housekeeping in wid
ower's home, can furnish references. AG
53. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED lady as housekeeper in mod
ern home for an elderly widower; no ob
ject i-n to 1 child. Call or write 2208 I
st. Phono 862-L, Vancouver. Wash.
MIDDLE-AGED lady would like position as
housekeeper lor widower witn cntiaren,
city preferred; beet of reference. H, W.t
754 East 27th st. S. E.
WANTED A place to assist with housework
by young woman with boy o, where boy
can be with her; experienced; state wages.
E 26. Oregonian.
WANTED By experienced woman, position
as managing housekeeper, with widower
with children or invalid lady. AC S05.
POSITION wanted by middle age lady to
care for child or tn ke charge or home as
housekeeper; reierences given. L 433, Ore
gonian. YoUNG lady wants position as housekeeper
lor employed couple. Marshall lbt. AC
&52. Oregonian.
NEAT woman past middle age wishes
housekeeping widower s home. Ar Jo,
Oregonian. ;
POSITION as housekeeper by refined wom
an with daughter employed. .Bachelor or
widower preferred. East 1449.
HOUSEKEEPING for refined
widower, where could have s
Hurt, Oregonian.
bachelor or
boy 13. AC
REFINED widow lady, 50, would
housekeeping in city or country. L
549 Love joy.
LADY of refinement wishes position manag
ing small apartment or rooming house.
Phone Main 4020.
WANTED Position as housekeeper In the
city, one child igirl), aged 3 years. N 100.
MIDDLE-AGE lady with 2 children, 9 and
12 years, wishes position aa housekeeper
or cook in camp. Tabor 9L
AN UNINCUMBERED middle-aged widow
wishes a position as housekeeper. Tabor
POSITION by middle-aged woman, genl.
housework; good cook. A J 57 S. Oregonian.
WORK by the hour by strong, willing wom
an. Phone before 8 A. M- or after tt P. M.,
Main 4390.
MODERN unfurnished flat, west side pre
ferred; will buy some furniture. -Call C
1124 after 11 A. M. Monday.
WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow, modern;
will lease for year. AF 5, Oregonian,
Information and
Rental Bureau.
Reliable up-to-date lists of der'rable va
cant houses, apartment and flats with
definite Information pertaining to each.
Newcomers to Portland will find thlf
bureau cf great value In helping them gt
property and quickly located.
Eighth Floor.
We have parties who want 5 or 6-room
modern bungalows; will pay $35 to $45 and
take year's lease. No trouble to you.
send in your house.
smith- wagoxerco., stuck ex.
WANTED .Furnished cottage at Seaside.
Gearhart or Cannon Beach; replys should
give full description, location and price
per month, or fraction thereoL 3u3 GascO
bid g.
WANTED To rent or lease for 1 year, &
4 or o-roora house, by Sept. 1 or 15; young
couple, no children; give good references.
Write to H. Hurzel, 651 Macadam st.. city.
RESPONSIBLE party would like to lease
for one year or more, six or seven-room
modern, unfurnished home in Irving ton;
no small children. Phone East fc7S6.
WANTED To rent a furnished 2. 3 or 4
room house; prefer Seilwood district.
1 hone after 12 o'clock Sunday. Seilwood
1 WANT to rent a 6-room modern home;
Laurelhurst, Rose City Park or other
good district ; will pay $40 monthly; best
city references. Tabor Slot.
BY SEPT. 1. furnished or partly furnished
bungalow in restricted district for winter
months, responsible couple; best refer
ences. Tabor 4!60.
BY SEPT. 1 -5-room bungalow with privi
lege oi ouying alter o montns or year;
must be on car line and in good residential
district. AR 671, Orejconian.
WANTED to rent furnished house, will lease.
I rvington, Rose City Park, Laurelhurst
preferred, about $.r0. Phone Mr. Robinson,
Main IBM). East 5643.
WANTED By young couple. both em
ployed. 4 or 5-room bungalow or flat;
$:io. will pay more. East 7215 Saturday
afternoon or Sunday.
WOULD lease modern 5, 6 or 7-room bun
galow, furnished or unfurnished and ga
rage preferred. 709 Broadway bldg., teL
Main 6477 or call.
A 5 OH 6-ROOM bungalow, with all modern
conveniences, on or before Sept. 1; adults
only; prefer close-in location. AC 60S,
WANTED By Aug. 10, for several months,
C or 7-room fu rnished house, good local
ity. Full particulars to AC bib, Orego
nian. FIVE or six-room furnished house by Aug.
15 or Sept. 1, for winter months; Rose
City, Laurel hurst or Irving ton preferred ;
best references. Phone Tabor 2526.
A 5 OR 6-ROOM modern home, bungalow
or flat; Irvington, Laurelhurst or west
side; $:"."-$ 4 o per month : three adults;
best references. W 3h7, Oregonian.
YOUNG couple wish 5-room modern bun
galow, unfurnished, within walking dis
tance ; best references. ('all Columbia
246, Sunday morning.
A SMALL "bungalow, two adults, 1 child 8
years, in Richmond. Sunny side or Haw
t home. Call Seilwood 325S.
NEAT, small house, nice yard; electricity,
bath; city or suburban: 0c fare; perma
nent. Marshall 2545. ask for Mrs. Roundy.
WANTED To rent, 7 rooms, furnace, fire
place, modern; near good carline; adults.
G 371, Oregonian
BY COUPLE, 5-room modern bungalow,
north of Broadway, near Union ave. Call
Marshall 60U, mornings.
4 OR 5-room furnished house, privilege of
buying in four months if conditions satis
factory. East 2146.
FURNISHED 7-room house, Irvington district
preferred ; will lease for 6 to 10 months.
East 4523 until noon.
WANTED 6-room unfurnished house on or
near Rose Citv car line by August 15.
East 34Uo or B I32Q.
BEFORE August 13. 5-room unfurnished
bungalow. Rose City preferred; adults. J
60, Oregonian.
RELIABLE person would like to rent 5 or
6-room modern house or flat between now
and Sept. 1. East t i
WANTED By responlble couple,
dren. 5-room modern bungalow;
AC SI 3, Oregonian.
no chil
fill lease.
WANTED S-roora modern house, furnished
or unfurnished. Phone Main 7964.
WANT BP A partly firnished or 6-room close In. Marshall 4JV--
WANTED. to rent. 3
or 4-room unfur
Woodlawn 2643.
nished house or flat.
I WANT a small, modern, unfurnished apart
ment, with bath and gas range, on or
shortly before September 1. Must not be
over 12 or 15 blocks from Oregonian bldg.
Will be permanent. Phone Mr. Fink.
Main 7070. or Marshall 4S61.
RESPONSIBLE family of three wants de
sirable modern xurnishea .i-room apart
ment, fiat or small house. Reasonaole
rent. Permanent. References. Aug. 13
or sooner. AH 476, Oregonian.
5-ROOM furnished apartment; must be
modern: family consists oi myseii, wne.
and 2 girls. 9 and 12 years; have lived
in our own home heretofore. Address
V. G. Croissant, Carlton hotel.
WANTED A 4-room unfurnished apart
ment If you have one i or imniea iate pos
session or a prospect that you can give
possession before Sept. 1. Telephone
Tabor 53. .
FL" RN IS H ED or unfurnished apartment or
house, by man and wife only; 4 to 6 roomi
with garage near by. .Call Main 227U. or
Tabor !75.
WANTED to rent, an apartment by elderly
gentleman and niece. Call today between
10 A. M. and 12 M. Main 7568
BY SEPT. 1 Unfurnished 5 or 6-room flat,
muft be modern and on car line, in a good
neigh borhood. Alt 672. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent one or two-room modern
apartment, west side, walking distance
to business section. Y 4S4. Oregonian.
NEATLY-FUR. apnrtment; two beds; re
fined people. West Side. AH 474, Ore
gon ia n.
WANTED to rent 2 unfurnished, heated
rooms and bath, in good west side loca
tion, walking distance Oregon hotel; reply
giving location and description of rooms
and rental asked. AH 4S0, Oregonian.
ELDERLY woman wants home life In a
pleasant Christian home ; kitchen priv
ileges, reasonable, on car line. Wdln. 696.
REFINED lady, employed, wants 4 or 5 un
furnished rooms or small house. E 269,
Oregonian. m
WANTED Rooms suitable for ladies tail
oring, by lady, permanent : close in, west
side; ref. AF 56. Oregonian.
2 BROTHERS want room, 2 beds, hot water
heat, west side, where no other roomers,
preferred; state price. R 156. Oregonian.
YOUNG man desires quiet room with private
family, C. S. family desired. L 454, Ore
go n i h n.
Rooms With Board.
YOUNG MAN doeires room and board In a
modern, congenial Jewish home; can fur
nish references; walking distance pre
ferred. AL 469, Oregonian.
WANTED Room and board with refined
motherly woman who understands care of
children, for mother and child 1 V years
old; mother works. oienn ave.
YOUNG man wishes room and board in pri
vate family or might coneider a modern
small apartment, furnished ; give loca
tion and prjee. A 32S. Oregonian.
WISH to snend vacation, beginning Aug. 7,
In modern country home. Phone East
S034. or AN 119. Oregonian.
YOTTNG man wishes room and board in
private Iamily, Seilwood district preferreo.
AH 4tm, oregonian.
GENTLEMAN wants board and room In
some congenial home, east side preferred,
R 154, Oregonian.
WANT home with board and care for elderly
lady in Newport or t'oriiana. ou, ure
gonlan. BY YOUNG college girl, room and board In
refined home. Irvington preferred. AK
512, Oregonian.
Housekeeping Rooms.
TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep
ing, suitable for four. 424 3d St., corner
Hall. Phone Main 8S30.
WANTED 2 or 3
beach center or
weeks in August.
housekeeping rooms at
n vicinity for last two
Call Main 304S.
THREE neat housekeeping rooms in pri
vate family by refined people. Two beda
West Side. AH 473, Oregonian.
L..DY with girl three years desires two
housekeeping rooms. AG 56. Oregonian.
Basin ee X lce.
WANT to rent store building with living
rooms in residence district. Wdln 1031,
ask for Kramer. AK 52. Oregonian.
WANTED Office space with use of stenog
rapher. Main 6404.
HALL to seat 400 wanted by 3 locals; wish
to rent by month. F. SloCormick. 705
E. 21st st. South. Portland, Or. Phone
bellwood 1172.
PARTIES of good references who would
appreciate the company of a refined 0
y ear-old girl in exchange for her board,
please write; parents work out of city.
G 380. Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
265 14th Street.
Furnished rooms with or without board
for business girls and lady tourists.
Home comforts; rates reasonable. Phone
Main 4119.
25 14th Street.
Furnished rooms with or without board
for business girls and lady tourists.
Home comforts; rates reasonable. Phone
Main 4119.
A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit.
East Morrison and Sixth.
Hotel Clifford is the principal fart Hide
hotel and is a hotl of dignity and refine
ment. Daily rates $1.00 un; two la room.
$1.75: weekly rates, $? and up.
170 11th st.. half block from Morrison
st., clean, mod'rn roonib, centrally locat
ed; transient, $1.50; witn bath. $2; month
ly. $25; with bath. $30.
FREE room register, tor young men: listing
rooms In all parts of the ctly . also in
Y. M. C. A. bldg-: shower baths, tele
phones and club leatures. AK. toil. Oregonian.
3 bedrooms, large garage, 2 lots, corner
Tillamook, near Will lams ave.. $60. Geo.
E. Englehart, Main 7266. 624 Henry bldg.
427H Alder St., Corner 11th,
Elegant ly furnished, central location,
clean and orderly. Rates by day or week.
ANSONIA HOTEL, 14th and Washington
Clean, respectable home tor business peo
ple; transient, $1 up; permanent, $4 up;
private bath, $8.
new management ;
rooms by tne day
6th and Strk, under
thoroughly renovated;
week or month.
HOTEL OCKLEY. Wornwin st. Tenth
P.ates $1 per day up; weekiy. $4 up; run
n'.ng water free phone and bath.
PALACE HOTEL. 4 16 Wash, st.; downtown
location, respectable and strictly modern.
Bttam boat, rooms large, clean.
HOTEL NORRIS. 533 Alder Notice sum
mer rates; modern outside rooms. $3 per
week up: with bath, $5; come and see.
ELEGANTLY furnished room suitable for
one or two gentlemen, breakfast if de
sired, reasonable. 1145 E. Taylor st.
LARGE front room with dressing room, also
smaller adjoining room. 135 N. 23d, cor
ner Hoyt. .Marshall 043.
FURNISHED rooms, 1 large and 1 small;
$2.25 a week and 75c a week. 411 E. Piue,
near Grand ave.
PLEASANT we 11 -furnished room for busi
ness man, furnace, hot water, walking
distance. Broadway 2216.
LARGE, quiet, light and pleasant room,
with hot and cold water, for rent. $12.
24(1 E. 16th. cor. Main.
N ICELY furnished H. K. front room, newly
tinted, steam heat, bath, phone. 44a Colum
LARGE well -furnished front room for two.
Also single room. Modern. 7o5 Everett
st., 2 blocks from Wash. st. Main 1920.
LARGE, quiet, light and pleasant room,
with hot and cold water, lor rent, $12.
240 E. 16th. cor. Main.
FURNISHED parlor bedroom and sleeping
porch to rent. lose in. w est side, very
reasonable. MarK st. .Mar. -..
WOULD like one or two gentlemen to room
and board; home privileges; reasonable.
"aii from io:ao to i. Market.
THE PEN ROSE 149 Grand ave.. at Bel
mont; choice single rooms for men.
SARGENT HOTEL, 271 'a Grand ave., h
apt. a nd sleeping rooms. K;.st 291.
NICELY furnished
rooms for rent at 3S1
HI LLCREbT HOTEL Hath, phone; $22. 5U
month up; without bath, 518 up. 733 Wash.
LARGE two-room suite housekeeping rooms
4;t Jefferson. Main 3712.
HOTEL MADRAS, Washington and 12th
All conveniences, J4 and 5 week; fl day.
4 WELL furnished rooms, west side. Call
Hroadway 431 1.
NICELY" furnished front room, walking dis
tance. 17 Morton apt., Marshall 32t).
ic. $1 DAY. 2
Hotel Cadllluc
r ." week up . outside rooms.
3d near J efTerson.
FURNISH ED sleeping
bath. 745 Hoyt.
room with private
HAVE good sleeping room, suitable for gen
tleman. Main 3st. 260 Chapman.
$2.50 A WEEK, large sleeping room;
housekeeping rooms. 141 N. 16th
NEWLY furnished rooms with gas. 288 Clay
street, west; 2 week up.
FU RN fsH ED rooms for rent at 449 East
Yamhill. Phone East 8115.
ONE large front room for light house
keeping. $10 per month, 673 Kearney.
Unfurnished Koo'ms,
UNFURNISHED room In private family.
Unfurnished suite of rooms on first floor;
fireplace, furnace heat, electricity. Un
furnished bed rooms second floor. 698
Overton st. Main 2736
unfurnished rooms, cheap; refer
653 Washington st. Main b376.
iiiniihlied Rooms in Private Family.
DESIRABLE rooms, housekeeping privileges,
walking distance; no children; references.
Main 3U1S.
PLEASANT room in private family for gen
tleman, walking distance. 3d8 Park su.
Main M03.
NEWLY furnished rooms in home of refine
ment, all conveniences; first-class board.
C. S.. S3 E. 23d st. N.
FOR RENT One larce furnished room, near
Jefferson high school. -44" K.11 lings worth,
ask for Mr. Drown.
FURNISHED room in private home for
gentleman. Call after 6:30 or Sunday,
326. loth Ft.
CLOSE-IN furnished bedroom for gentleman,
with bath. Call Sunday or evenings after
6 P. M. 701 J, Hoyt st., take W. car.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front bed
room: also erarage if wanted. 263 Fargo
Ft., near WHllame ave. car.
FL'RN. iront room, good location; home priv
ileges: young man preferred. 611 Max
shall near 21st. Marshall 422.
1 FRONT room, private family, modern
house; 2 beds; $7.50 each; Irvington, 1
block from car. W 3S2. Oregonian.
FURNISH ED front room in modern home ;
bath, phone, lights. ue of piano, rent $10.
Phfrte Woodlawn 01.
FURNISH ED rom with botrd if desired,
employed preferred, walking distance. 406
Clay. Main 5023.
NEATLY furnished rooms in modern home.
565 Hoyt st. A 1761.
FURNISHED room in apt., reasonable, close
in. Marshall 18. 305 llttu
LARGE nicely furnished room for 1
people. 414 Market st.
ATTRACTIVE room, reasonable; walking
distance to city. East 40S3.
354 MONTGOMERY, corner Park. 2 front
steeping rooms, heat: walking distance.
2 NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 1
or 2 adults, close in. Mar. 1459.
TWO nice, front rooms, suitable- for men;
walking distance. 743 Everett, near 23d.
SLEEPING room in private family, walk
ing distance, gentleman only. Main 4441.
NICELY furnished. large, airy room. In s
beau tiful Irvington home. East 4S52.
XICE. clean, furnished room for rent in
private family. 573 Irving St.
NICE, clean furnished rooms for rent in
pri vatc family. 742 W. Kearney st.
ATTRACTIVE front room for 2: walking dis
tance. 55 N. 2th. Main 66t3.
LARGE modern room, block from car
line. 777 Irving at. Main 4358.
FURNISHED room. bath. 889 E. 10th st, N.
Alberta car.
PEOPLE accustomed to refined modern
home, near Mult. club. Call Main 6532.
FURNISHED front room for business
woman. 434 10th at
ONE furnished sleeping room,
trance. 66 E. 19th st. East
private en
2122. FURNISHED room, close in, cheap.
way 578.
NICE, clean sleeping room.
244 Broadway.
private home.
ONE room for ladies omly; home life. 347
Montgomery st.
MODERN, furnished room, In apartment,
close in. Call Marshall 95.
BEDROOM with sleeping porch attached.
Call Marshall 319.
FURNISHED room in large private home
on west side. Broadway 34tt.
2 BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, in Nob
Hill district. Call -Main u.
$6 PER mo., room for man, good bed, nice
home, close in. mtn st.
NEWLY furnished room. 094 H Everett st.
FURNISHED room, East 23d &L
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
NEAT furnished room, home comforts, lady
only; heat, light, gas and use of kitchen;
walking distance. 353 Ross, near Bdwy.
CO MFC R TABLE room for gentleman. aTl
modern, bath adjoining, no other room
ers, very close in. furnace. 322 Vi Broad-
way. west side. Main 3211.
$25 LARGE well-furnished front room In
modern home, 1 block from library; suit
able for two adults. 215 11th el., cor.
Salmon. Phone Main o 7 S.
TWO dandy rooms close in with pleasant
surroundings, all home comforts, use of
piano; breakfast served; reasonable. 469
Clay st. Main 222S.
FURNISHED sleeping room. large. cool
room ; walking distance ; 1 block from car;
reasonable. 642 Belmont. East 7009.
FURNISHED room to gentleman who would
appreciate nice home; will furnish some
meals. 746 E. 15th. corner R hone.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in private
family at 4U4 Clay st.. five minutes' walk
from postoliice; In private family.
NEATLY furnished sleeping room, use
phone, piano, home conveniences.
Marshall st. Main 1079.
NICELY furnished room in private family
for gentlemen; 15 min. walk to centr of
city. 205 E 1st N. Phone C 1066.
NEATLY furnished sleeping room, use bath
phone, piano, horn conv eniences. 7 79
Marshall st. Main 1079.
DESIRABLE room in very fine lm-i
floor, gentlemen preferred. Re
54 N". 16:h. near Washing-tn.
on. lt
NEWLY furnished sleeping rooms, laity pre
ferred. No. 42 Chetopa apus., Flanders
a lsth st.
FURNISH ED room in modern flat to lady
employed; home privileges; west side.
Main 5113. 616 HoyU
FURNISHED sleeping room in private home.
suitable for 2, walking distance to center
of city. East 151tt.
FRONT room in modern home for 1 or 2;
also room with kitchen privileges. Phone
TWO LARGE H. K. rooms, light, phone
and heat; walking distance. 4u6 East
FURNISHED room for gentleman. $10 mo.
A. so 1 room lor boy. Jo mo. 44 fcaimon
st. Mar. 1459.
per month in pri
Broadway bridge.
vatc family, close tc
East 3iS.
A NICE, clean front room, nicely furnished.
mouern nome; no otner roomers; ciote in
East 4128.
well - furnished roc:n : walking d is
balh and phone ; reasonable. East
NEATLY-FURNISHED sleeping rooms, bath,
phone; gentleman preferred. 23 17th st.
Rooms WHn lioara.
NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown
high-cla3 family hot si; rooms tn suite or
single, with or without board, for families
ard business men and women. We give
you all the cvmorts of a home. Reason
able rates.
American pian hoiet ; desirable rooms :
excellent table; meals served transients.
3S0 19th st For business girls and stu
dents; reasonable rates. Marshall 1251.
432 Morrison, cor. 13th. choice rooms and
board, modern conveniences, walking dis
tance. ROOM and board for business gins, e 1.
modem convenience s. walking dlsta nee, $4
per week. East 4732. 12 E. 7th st
PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board,
excellent table; close in, 3s6 Montgomery,
near West Park.
ROOM and board, home cooking; special rat
to couples, transient meals. 2ti 13th sc.
ROOM and board near shipyard. 6o4 Third
St., Marshall 122t.
Rooms Uilh Board in ITivat e Fa in i ly.
WANTED A young lady to room and board.
home privileges, use of piano. $25 a mouth.
Mrs. L. Van Vleet. 4435 oUth ave. E.
W. S. car to 42d and Gladstone, blocks
north and 2 blocks east.
LARGE well-furnished room for 2, excellent
table board, all conveniences, in one of
finest homes in city. 223 E. 20 th sL
East b0h!J.
.BEAUTIFUL rooms for nurses and business
women. 4 blocks from liood Samaritan
hospiial; board ii you wish. Phoue 51aiu
A SUITE of rooms well furnished with ex
cellent table board will be vacant August
6 to business couple. 2 men or 2 ladies,
west side. Phone Main 4254.
ROOM and board for 2 young lad ies em
ployed, private home; piano; wanting ais
lance; home privileges. 46S Market st.
Main 72:9.
WANTED 2 gentlemen or couple employed
to board and room. No other uoaruers.
Good cookery a nd baking. 11&0 E. 33d
North. Call after Sunday.
BAIRN BRAE A delightful country home
for desirable children ; happy times; best
home care; tutoring. Main 3939. (
YOUNG workingman to room and board.
Small congenial family of young people.
I'iano. Main 698.
NURSE will give mother's care and atten
tion to small children where parents may
room. 1224 E. Main st
LARGE room in private home, breakfast if
desired. Gentleman preferred. P4 E. 16th
.-t. Phone East 7N22.
NICELY furnished room suitable for 2 young
ladies, separate beds, excellent meals,
close in. Main 9325, 547 hi 6th st,
AN EXCLUSIVE home offers rooms, with
good home cooking; home-made
Hroadway 4314. 143 N. 19th st.
jk. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room
and good meals for two you ng ladies.
ii tilisan street. Bdwy. 43.
A LARGE, clean, front room, good location,
ciose in ; breakfast if desired ; reasonably.
38tf 10th st. Mam 1263.
ROOM and breakfast to Catholic working
girl in suburban home, cheap. E 273, Ore
go 11 tan.
NICELY-FURNISHED room with board,
suitable for two; private home. 408 Ben
ton st.
WANTED Little girl to board, good sub
urban home, $15 a month. AF.36. Ore
NICELY" furnished room for rent, men only,
good table board, close in. loo 2d st, N.,
M. 7463. -
BOARD and room in private family for two
men. fe24 G-Qtenbcin ave. Woodlawn
NICELY furnished room with board, walking
distance, on Rose vity car iiue. qui im
two gentlemen. East 4514.
MOTHER'S care given little girls 2 to 7
years. East 2Qb.
FURNISHED room with board in private
f amily. East t j-.
ROOM and board for 2
lieges. Marshall 2515.
; home pnv-
; Mill St.
LARGE front room for 2, with board; home
privileges. 746 Irving st. Main 1331.
WILL give best care to baby under 1 year
old; no other children. Main HQS.
WANTED-Child near 3 to 7 years. Mother's
love, excellent care. A 1574.
ROOM and board in private family; terms
reasonable. 426 E. Grant.
FIRST-CLASS board and room in strictly
modern home. Phone Main 305.
ROOM and board; 1 or 2 gentlemen.
Ladd ave. East 2333.
ONE large room In modern home.
Park st.
IF you want a good place to board. ca.Il at
6sl Glisan if you live p'ose by.
WOULD like 1 or 2 children to board, the
best of references. Seilwood 2S36.
NICE room, good board, garage if desired.
E. 8th and Couch. E. 2&40.
FURNISHED room, suitable for gentleman,
with board if desired. 273 14th st.
LOCATED In Irvington. For further infor
mation call Main 2816
ROOM and board for lady, private family,
home privileges, reasonable. East 29 14.
ROOM, board in private home,
ave.. near E. 12th, Hawthorne.
OUTSIDE rooms, bath, home-cooked meals;
$6 week up. 284 Mainst-
FURNISHED room with board,
suitable for 2. 595 E. Ash st.
East 553.
Furnished Apartments.
BELKNAP apts.. completely furnished 2
room corner apartment, $33: also 2-room.
$16. including light. 187 17th at., near
PENINSULA. APT3.. 1135 Albina ve. Con
crete bldg.. 2 and 3-room apts. Wdln. 13'2
TH E GROVER 1 and 2-room furnished
H. K. apts. 1S1 Grover st. Main 9Q3-.
SUITE two rooms with kitchen and private
bath; no children. 390 Russell st.
COMPLETE apartment. $19: concrete big.
Union ave. and Killingswortjl.
BAGGAGE and furniture moving; phone
Broad. way 401 Alert Transfer. 411 Stark.
LA MB ROOK APTS.. East 7th and Yamhill
Two-room apt. East 4062.
GARFIELD 3 iwma. sleeping porch. $37.50.
3il East Failing, block west Union.
BOZANTA apts.. ISO N. 23d st. 3 and 4
rooni apartments, furnished.
COMPLETELY furnished 2-room apartment.
6'0 Lombard st.
FURNISHED 3-room apartment with private
rtath. 885 E. Main st.
2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apts., always hot
water; private phone. 210 Market st.
FOR KENT 2-room apt. Call 421 Vs 6th st.
Furntsned Apartments.
Fifth and Columbia Streets.
Five minutes' walk to Meier As Frank's
store; good surrounc.ings. strictly modern,
2 and ;-room furnished apts.. all outside,
with French doors and balcony.
Twelfth and Taylor.
Mo.t modern furnished apartment o
the Parifjc coast.
Roof Garden in Connection.
Walk n g distant, e. Ref ert ices.
YOUNG business woman wisnes to share
good apartment with some other busi
ness whiii.hi; a p; nmeiii 54. Hunt horn
apartments, on 12l h street, between Mam
anU Joiierson. Marshall 47; reference
exchanged ; close enough walk home for
lunch eery day.
Furnished apts., suite and single room
with la : n. Also 1 room and kitchenette
for bat lie lor or persons employed during
the day ; reference required. Mar. 2S30.
BE AUT1 FULLY furnished apartment for
rnt during August, possibly later, three
rooms, haih. dressing room, piano. $3N:
references required. Nob Hill apts.. 77!
Ghsi ns t . A 1 a r s h al 1 1 0 6 5.
2-ROOM furnished apartment, clean and
convenient, hot and cold water in each,
room, electricity and phone; also bache
lor qua riera. 245 Vs N. 17th st. Broad
way :.o42.
TWO small furnished apartments. $28.50.
incluuing heat, hot and cold water, light
and kart'age. 240 East 16th. corner Main.
East 3..M
G1KL employed wants roommate to share
3 -room apartment, w-ith piano; modern
convenience.-.; east side, waikmg distance;
rent I oummi ble. A H 462. Oregonian.
1UAI TlTl l.LY furnished 3-room apt., large
private ba th. lights, phone ; adults only :
tenant furnish own silver and linen; $30
per mo. mmi Union ave., near Beech st.
WILL SELL or rent furnished or unfur
nished a, 4 or 5-room flat, lower floor, all
modern, or nugnt rem whole house, s
rooms, walking distance. 529 E. Ash s.
LADY with nicely furnished 3-room apart
ment, cioe in on east aide, wishes to share
same w aft congenial, jolly lady. East
3-ROOM furnished apt., private bath ; 1
single runii-e keeping room and 2 sleeping
rooms; rent reasonable.
Klein apts.. 10th
and liurnsiue.
KlNiiSUL'RY apts.. 16 Vista ave.. one nice
ly furnished 3-room apartment with 2 dis
appearing beds aud outside balcony, 965.
TH PENROSE. 149 Grand ave.. at Belmont.
Three-room apartment. complete" fur
nished. East 4548.
FLORENCE APTS.l 3S8 11th st 1 front
3-room furnished apt.; 4-room flat; -room
housekeeping suite. Marshall 4174.
THREE furnished rooms with pantry, cloeet,
sink and laundry tubs. 1157 Williams ave.,
W ood lawn 4 5o 6.
THE BURNS apartments t
ein. clean, good location,
."o2 V liawuiorne.
ind rooms; mod
reasonable rent.
ONE nice large modern apt., and soma
small ones in the annex at the Kerrigan,
."2 E. Oth N. East 1150.
THE STAN Fl ELD, 24 Porter St., 2-room
apts. completely furnished ; reasonable.
Main 73i2.
THE CARLOIS Modern brick, outside apts.;
living room, kitchenette, bath, private
phone. $35; adults. 341 14th, cor. Market.
20S loth St.. Near Taylor St,
Completely furnished 5-rin. apartment.
FURNISHED 2 -room apartments, modern.
phone and bath, summer rates; also single
room. 347 Hall, near Broadway.
2-RoOM apts., $3.50 and $4 per week; not
modern but clean. l ne Alia ista, 044
Petljgrove st. Broadway 3340.
Tii REE-ROOM apts. with bath, toilet and
diesing room, i-t.ou to -o. .r none cast
2r4 6. J .tckson apts.
AURORA A PA RTM ENTS. 392 hx E. Burn
side J and 3 -room furnished housekeep
ing apart men ts.
2, 3, 4, 5-ROOM furnished apts., near North
west Steel plant, tnus nuua su tan .Mon
day. OOM suite,
itidow view
er eron St.,
very nicely furnished; bay
$32 per month; adults. 305
opposite city hall.
DESIRABLE one-room and kitchenette;
w.uking distance. 38 Mill near Broadway.
2 LARGE front rooms, private bath. $40 H
Mississippi ave.
PA RTL Y furnished downstairs apartment.
&65 Sandy rd. ; rent $15.
1 2-ROuM iH-atly furnished apt, for adults
o.ily. 3;i loth.
BA NNER APT., 4M Clay st.. near 14th
.Moiiern 2-room furnished apt.. $1S.
lot urnirtued Apartments.
2-ROOM front corner apartment with bath
and large dressing room, in modern brick
building; w a iking distance ; only $35.
Chapman apts.
UNFURNISHED apartments. 3 rooms, toilet
and bat h. Responsible parties only. Mar
sh. 11 4761.
UNFURNISHED 2-room apt., 1 block from
library. 215 11th st., cor. Salmon. Phone
Main &6T6; adults.
TWO-ROOM apartment, $25.
apartments, 319 Broadway,
Clay. Main 7462.
corner of
FoR RENT 4-room apartment, west side
steam heat and hot water: $22 a month
Inn u i re 3d tt. Main 7O20.
2 OR
3 large unfurnished housekeeping
rooms; gas, electric lights, bath; rent rea
sonable. 715 Everett t.
3-ROOMS furnished, adults only. cor. 27th
and E. Nelson, 1 block, south iSandy Blvd.,
vat. ant loth.
STRICTLY clean two and three-room apart
ments 'n tront, $5 and $7 per week. Phone
Mam oVJb or call 260 Chapman.
4ROOM unfurnished apt, with private bath;
also 3-room apt. 743 Hoyt.
40V Broadway S-;
4-ROOM modern, corner flat, KillingsworUx
ave., J2o. 24S Stark sL Main 255
E. Alder.
-room apt. ; electric stove.
East 7549.
Furniwbed or V furnished Apartments.
LA ROB rooms in private home ; separate;
ga range, use of kitchen ; fine neighbor
hood; beautiful view; west side; C. S. pre
ferred ; furnished. $45 ; unfurnished, $4J ;
including- gas, lights, heat. Main 1124.
$45 WEST SIDE. 3 minutes walk to
Washington and Broadway; 6 rooms and
bath. Upper corner flat.
$40 East side, one block to Irvington
and Broadway car line; 5 rooms; sleeping
porch and bath. Lower flat.
4-ROOM housekeeping flat, private residence.
$ 1. 94 1 E. 39th t. Take Woodstock car
to Hoigate. walk two blocks west, one
south. Phone Sell wood 1161.
FOUR-ROOM modern flat. IO minutes' walk
to depot and postoffice: also furniture for
sale; $250: rent $2S: poeses. si on August 14;
adults only. lfc9 Halsey st.
5 ROOMS, $15.50; gas, electric lights, bath.
screens, right on River view (Fuiton) car,
west side, 12 minutes out. 1295 Corbett st.
TWO modern flats, 5 rooms each, near car.
Sunnysiao district. A. H. HI FUR ELL CO..
U'17 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. A. 411S.
6 ROOMS, bath, gas, upstairs over shop,
close in. $20. Call at Grand ave. and E.
Couch sts.
3 R 4-ROOM, modem, 5 blocks sout h of
N. W. bank; electricRy and gas. Phone
Main 3744.
4-ROOM f lal
$20; close
and good bath, $15; 5-room.
In. 474 E. 9th and YamhilL
MODERN, lower, 4-room flat. 12 E- 14th sC
Adults only. Inquire 10 E. 14th st. S.
Ad ul ts. 91'
Larce, modern,
' hs Williams ave.
4-room flat ;
2, 4 AND
-room flaLs, $6 to $15. Tabor
5-ROOM modern flat, furnace heat; Dutch
kitchen, gas for cooking. 540 Kirby.
MO HERN! lower, 4-room flat. 1 2 E. 14th St.
Adults only. Inquire 10 E. 14th St. S.
FOR RENT 3 or 5-room flat, unfurnished,
131 E. 69th st. N. No children.
THREE-ROOM unfurnished flat, $20. 706
Vancouver ave. Wdln. 1933.
i uminhed Fiats.
$26.50 3-ROOM flat for quiet family of
adults; private bath, large yard, walking
distance; block to S. S. car. 671 Belmont
or East 51)43.
NICELY furnished modern 5-room flat. Has
a fireplace, porch, piano, etc Easy walk
ing distance: rent $45 month; adults only,
en!! 441 11th t.
6-ROOM modern lower flat, best of fur
niture, everything complete, you can have
income besides own apt.; rent $35; $550
handles this. Thomson, 515 Henry bldg.
NICELY furnished upper flat. 1 blk. from
car; walking distance; adulta only. 164
E. 12th. cor. Belmont.
NICELY furnished fi-room flat, modern;
reasonable. On lOth st- near Salmon.
Phone Main 5548.
3-ROOM for rent; clean. light, airy, ne
furniture ; adults only. Phone East 85S.
t- Roo M upper flat, walking distance, f ur
na e. wood lift, west side. Marshall 129.
GIRL to share flat who wishes to study
music; references. Main 3018.
3ROOM furnished fiat. 705 E. Flanders, $25.