The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 19, Image 43

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Is not an employment asency, but & de
partment of the Y. 11. C. A., which aids
ambitious young- men in prying open the
doors of opportunity. In the past ten
years we have assisted 17,530 men in find
ing positions and. at the present time the
demand for men exceeds the supply.
The standing this department has with
employers is due to the discriminating,
service rendered, them over a period of 15
years, and they turn to the Y. M. C. A.
for men to fill the better sort of jobs.
All men seeking employment are cor
dially invited to consult with one of the
employment secretaries, room 307.
W'AXTED Chain men. rod men. transit
men. concrete and structural steel work
ers. and other ambitious mn, to qualify
as highway reclamation, concrete, struc
tural, bridge and construction engineers,
through spare-time study of practical en courts taught by I. C' S. Many
of the highest jobs are being planned
and executed by I. C. F. trained men.
Why not let us train you for som of
the ihous;inui of opportunities daily aris
ing in these lines ? For full particulars
seo, phone or write H. F. Woodhead
the I. C. S. man Monday. 9 A. M. to 9
P. M.. 1 0 1 Broadway, He i 1 i g bl d g
LAKO E corporation has several positions
open for men 20 to 3t years of ae rang
ing from general clerk to bookkeeper and
accoy ntant. A ppl i cants m ust be capable
of advancement, neat in dress, of a good
personal i ty and character, good penman
and willing to apply themselves. Applica
tions mut be made in i one hand writing,
giving age, re:rcntfs and telephone num
ber. A 424, Oregonian.
SPrXTXERS WANTED Night work. 48-hour
week, no woik Saturday or Sunday nights;
libera,! pay. Oregon City Woolen Mills,
Oregon City.
STEADY men wanted to take exclusive con
trol of good territory in Oregon and Wash
ington; money advanced weekly, oufit and
special training tree, experience unneces
sary ; our aciiv e men are ma King good
money, you can do the same; clean, hardy,
guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery
Co.. Toppenihh. Wash.
MEN Several for
tii'es. We teach
vulcanizing automobile
you in Id days, charg
ing: you f-it to ltarn ; many good jobs,
a i so locations open lor t nose wno wisn
to enter a prof ita ole business. Tnc An
derson Steam Vulcanizing branch school
and shop, 545 Washington. Portland, (Jr.
YOUNG married man for route in city;
more than ordinary pay to start with and
c nance to increase ; applicant must have
light car for delivery and furnish refer
ence and bond; no experience, but a wide
awake, energ-iic fallow required. Write
Grand Union Tea Co., city.
Wanted newspaper man for assistant
editor of trade paper; excellent opportunity
for development of permanent, good paying
position for one willing to start on modest
salary ; state age, experience and salary
desired. E 235. Oregonian.
WANTED Young man stenographer who is
willing to start on small salary to learn
salesmanship in machinery and auto truck
lines; steady position and good chanc for
RiivanteniPnt, Apply Heaver Motor Prod
ucts Co., IMG Hawthorne ave., or phone 33.
YOUNG man. who is experienced stenogra
pher, ran make desi ra tle connection with
good prospects of advancement, with ma
cn:nry hous..-; reply by letter
stating aye nl experience. Clyde Equip
ment Co.. ZU.t N. l&th st.. city.
UP THE RIVER Free fare, -carpenters,
common work. $5. S hours; carpenter help
ers, no experience required, $21.00 per
week. No blankets. Koom and board at
company hotel. Long jobs. Portland La
bor Agency, 11 N. 2d st.
CARPENTERS. painters. electric wirers,
exca vators, plumbers and brick la yrs. to
figure on contract in their respective line
in building a -story house. S. Peterson,
11Q4 Yeon bldg.
WANT ea-'sman now covering Oregon and
Washington to add automotive necessity
side line at good profit; eaay to sell;
sample furnished, weighs loss than two
ounces. P 407, Oregonian.
THREE first-class linemen wanted for light
and power work ; 00c per hour. Telegraph
at our expense your qualifications and
when you can come. Eastern. Oregon Light
Power Co.. Baker. Or.
J-'J RM that is w ell established requires
a talesman; a splendid opportunity for a
man who wants to make a permanent
connection. See sales manager, a to 11
A. M. 4i.O Mohawk bldg.
EXPERIENCED box factory men as follows:
Cutoff man. edger man and nailing ma
chine man, S hours, good wages. Apply
Chas. K. Spaulding .Logging Co., S05 uro
gonian bldg.
YARD men for our sawmill at Newberg at
night; good wages. Apply at office of
Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co.. New
berg, or 805 Oregonian bidg.. Portland. Or.
WANT young man as city shipping clerk,
alo do general work in wholesale fruit
house ; answ er in ow n hand w rlting. sta te
ex perience ; references. B 0u2, Oregon la n.
WANTED Industrious boy to work in gro
cery store and delivery; one not going to
school this fall preferred; good wages to
right boy. Apply in person, 2-'S N. l'.nn st.
WANT young man to assist in detail office
work, good penman, accurate at figures;
answer in own handwriting; state experi
ence, references. AR GhO. Oregonian.
LOOK Agents and hustlers; Oregon state
map (.in colors), 27x27; special price $5
hundred ; sample 10c. P. O. Box 205,
Spokane. Wa sh.
WANTED First-class fancy steam cleaner.
Write or wire United Dye Works, 1315
Eighth avenue, Seattle.
Help V tn tf d Salesmen.
DISTRIBUTER wanted in every town for
SnedoIiiv ; quart equals 53 gallons fhs-j-liiif
; mako $300 to J.M'0 pr month. Write
for particulars. Specdolme Cj., Dallas,
RESIDENT salesmen wanted to represent us
in their own city or town selling adver
tising sealing tape to merchants and
manufacturers, on commission. Ad -Lee
Novel t y Co.. Dept. 44, Chicago.
TRAVELING S A LESMAN. cal I ing on gro
cer . hardware and electrical trades, to
handle first-class side line; state territory
covered, also line now handling. BJ 115,
SALESMEN Sell gummed tape sealing ma
chines. luO per cent profit: extra commis
sion on tape; big seller; side line or ex
clusive. International Sales Co., 222 N.
Wahash ave., Chicago.
LI BE RAL commission, steady income, with
selling agency for Davis tailor-made
clothes from maker to wearer; write to
day; reference wanted. P. H. Davis Tall
cring Co., Cincinnati. O.
AUTO accessory s.ilosman fnr necessity;
reat as tires: sul'.s at sipht a.l auto
ownt-rs; scud 5 cents postage for small
sample. Tire Sole Co., 1243 Sutter, :an
I II AVE an opening for first-clays auto-accessory
salesman capable of selling to
dealers ; also nave halt of n ice little store
room to rent, fine location, for $25 per
month. O. J. Hull, distributer. 0o4 Wash.
WANTED Salesmen to handle as side line
throughout the Mate -of Oregon the snap
piest slier on the market in the way of
an auto necessit y. Vuiua. bales Agency,
32ft Oak st.. city.
EXPERIENCED salesman of 50. good ap
pearance, with reliable firm, to call on
millmen. loggers and manufacturers ;
northwest territory . preferred. Box 133,
Aberdeen, Wash.
WANTED 3 solicitors to sll a tea and
coffee specialty line to the housewife;
good proposition for experienced men;
investigate at once. Apply Ideal Tea Co.,
711 Union ave. N.
LA. F'E KI EN'l'KD salesmen, permanent situa
tion, theatrical and bulletin advertising;
business producers easily average $100
w eekly.
ROBINSON, 207 Stock Exchange.
SAl.LS.M EN You iik men. Catholic, if you
are looking to the I mure for rapid ad
vance, big money, easy work, call 51 S
Yeon bldg.. 4 t- ri P. M.
SALESMAN who understands new and second-hand
machinery, mill and loaning sup
plies, not afraid of work. M Barde & Sons.
24Q Front st.
S A I. KS.M EN Inexperienced or experienced,
city or traveling; write t.t list n: openings
and full par: iculars. A d--; re?" Natl . les-tnt-n's
Tr. Assn.. dopt. 311. Chicago. I'l.
SALESMEN $i0 weekly and $50 On yearlv
f-nm re-orders: we give merchants S3
c he win it gu m vending machine free. Mil
lard.4t" Broadway. Nw York.
S YOUNG men who are neat and aggressive
for permanent position with a future: ex
perience unnecessary. Apply 01 4 Stock
Exchange. 1 to 6 weekdays.
WANTED- To live s.lc5mn to complete
force : raying $rtO to sluO per week ; rapid
advancement. AC 84 2. Orr?on:an.
SALESMAN wanted: live, wide-awake young
salesman with au'o preferred ; must be
good closer. 114 First st.
WANTED A high-class salesman with au
tomobile; salary and commission. B 5 SO.
EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for man or
woman with selling aMHty; unlimited pos
sibilities. Slrt Gasco bldg.
SALESMAN w anted wit h car to cov
r it ."ry or city: auto npfes?nry. Phon
f7 or call -Q Railway Exchange b.dg.
WANTED City salesman, so't drinks, big
commission, low prices. A K Si 7, Orego
nian. WANTED Two live city salesmen at once.
AC M;t Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced house-to-house so
licitors. S10 Eilers Music bldg.
WANT good, capable man to sell fire trucks.
P 4.1". Oregonian.
LIVE WIRE men with car, I have a great
moaey-av r. Broadway 3411.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
300 per month selling Underwood &. Un
oerwuod stereoscopic photographs of the
great world war 7 Liberal commission to
live-wire salesmen. Write for exclusive
territory contract. Underwood & Under
wood, luc, J-epu Gitf, 417 6th ave, Kew
MAN experienced in motor truck sales and
lactory branch operation desires connec
tion in northwest. Seven years with suc
cessful truck organization in middle west,
interview Monday or Tuesday. W 3t4.
Oregonian. '
Ten townsite salesmen, men and ladls,
new industrial town; U. S. government los
tering Sou.uuo structure as additional
equipment to plant that has paid nearly
j.0uu.oou to labor past 18 months; mov
ing plant, present equipment and new
structure estimates 70o.ouu; industrial
and residence work now going on for past
six week; no guess work, now worthing
ouo men, will employ iuuo new plant; wora
contracted that a&suies success ; a good
proposition to hustlers. D 475, Oregonian.
SALESMEN WANTED Local territory
hign-grade, aggressive men of ability, ex
perience; permanent, profitable proposi
tion. stap,e article; straignL merchandise; new; write contracts retail mer
chants to handle our line; capital and
goods f urniahed for extensive luture m
siailment t.u iness; Morse made 04u one
week, $440 . week; all salesmen making
money. Appiy with references, past rec
oru. detail first it-tter. Sa.ts Manager,
.us ictor blg.. KansdS City, Mo.
To an experienced roof cement man of
proven suits ability we oiler an excep
tionally at;raciLt; proposition for your ter
ritory; give full particulars about your
self and we will send on our proposition
in detail ; we are a selling organization
owned by a large Chicago maouiacturer.
2o West Jackson IJouievard, Chicago.
SALESMEN Learn about the New Calcu
lator Adding machine; retails $10; adds,
subtracts, multiplies, divides automatical
ly; does work of $300 machine; 5-year
guarantee ; sells on sight; carry in your
coat pocket; full time or sideline ; liberal
profits and protected territory. Dept. 40,
Calculator Corporation, Grand Kapids,
SALESMEN' New carburetor for Ford cars;
simple not a moving part, installed in ;u
minutes, guaranteed to double your mile
age and start in iero weather without
heating or priming, L-day free trial; our
St. Louis rn-n sold 20o0 in 8 months. Salt
Lake City man made $1200 in one week.
Write U. & J. Carburetor Co., 505 W. Jack
son blvd., Chicago.
CONNECT with real money-makers; 3O0
specialty manufacturers ad.vertise in Spe
cialty Salesman magazine; 300 safe propo
sitions to select from; chuck fuil inspira
tional selling talks by best salesmanship
writers; exposes frauds, forces square deal;
l.:2 pages; $j yearly, three months trial
2..c. Kobert Hicks, 63a Como bldg., Chi
cago. W A NT ED QUICK Advertising salesmen;
established line advertising signs, novel
ties; exc.usive territory ; expenses, saiary
and commissions; experience not essen
tial; state ase, height, weight, road or
business experience, give 3 late business
references. Stanf ord-Crowell Co., Ithaca,
UNUSUAL opportunity for live wire sales
man capable of earning $lou weekly; sta
ple line to general stores, drug stores and
hardware stores, in Oregon; uew proposi
tion or real merit; not easy Job, but one
with exceptional money-making features.
J. H. Williams, sales mgr., l'JO Euciid,
dept. luU31, Cleveland, uhlo.
AN EXCELLENT opportunity for two high
grade salesmen for work in the ciiy;
must be of neat, clean appearance and
capable of earning better than a salary;
to such we will give a weekly guarantee
with the certain Ly of lare returns for
honest efforts ; must furnish first-class
re; eronces. Apply 006 jjoodnough bldg.
WANTED Salesman for high-grade food
line for eastern Oregon territory; must be
man of high character and preferably one
who has had j.fes training; unusual op
portunity for man with aoility to make
income considerably above average ; state
age, training and present employment. F
4 17. Oregonian.
SELL "Tire Armor' for auto tires; doubles
mileage, makes all tires troubleproof ; low
cost, easily applied and outlasts several
tires; immense demand; big profits; men
with selling ability should net $loo to 3uu
weekly. The Motor Products company.
Inc., Chicago, 111.
TERRITORY will be assigned in states of
Oregon and Washington this week to mer
chandise for a "il.uoo.OOO Illinois corpora
tion. Write or phone for appointment
Address A. J. Waugli, factory representa
tive. Hotel Portland, Portland, August 4
to y.
SIDE LINE salesmen, we have attractive
line premium assortments for live sales
men; commission from $5 to $l'0 per;
if you want up-todate line, write today.
Caniield Mlg. Co., 4U03 Broadway, Chicago,
SALESMEN lor goods that back representa
tion; prompt shipments, pleasing custom
ers; specialty that greatly increases fac
tory output and materially reduces produc
tion cost, vitaly important to manui&c
turers. Box 1, Sta. E, Cleveland.
SALESMAN for house-to-house campaign on
vacuum cleaners and washing machines:
liberal commu-sions. Stubbs Electric Co.,
Ulli and Pine sts.
WANTED Experienced tire salesman to
work in Oregon territory out of Portland
branch. Reply, stating age, salary, experi
ence and reierences. E 234, Oregonian.
ONE circulation solicitor for installment
magazines. Call between 12 and 1 today.
2s stock Exchange bidet
WANTED Two agents for house to house
canasing, on staple household arucle.
.Better than anything now being sold. Ar
ticle t peaks lor itself. Commission bais.
Good protits possible to energetic workers.
N 1, Oregonian.
AGENTS Big Pay and free automobile in
troducing wonderful new gasoline saver,
puncture-proof, 5-year spark plugs and
other economical auto necessities ; outfit
free. L. Billwey, ti-l sia, P, Louisville,
K. y
THE NATIONAL LIKE has several open
ings lor health and accident .agents in
tins state; liberal contracts. Inquiries
treated confidentially. 4u4 Railway Ex
change, Portland. Or.
AGENTS $25 a week selling guaranteed
hosiery in spare time. Position permanent.
Rapid advancement with increased earn
ings. Write quick for terms. Guaranteed
Hosiery Co., S27 A meg st.. Dayton, Ohio.
AG E NTS 200 per cent profit; wonderful
summer sellers; something new; sells like
w ildin e; carry ia pocket; write at once
for free sample. American Product Co.,
112 American bldg., Cincinnati, O.
A BIG MONEY-MAKER Quick-selling spe
cially, average proiit from $5uo to $1000
per month; a high-grade salesman s prop
osition; sells on sight. Write Yale Light
Co.. 540 W. Washington, Chicago, Illinois.
AGENTS $40-$100 week; free samples; gold
sign letters anyone can put on store win
dows; big demand; liberal offer to general
agents. Metallic LetLer Co., 435 N. Clark.
AGENTS maknis $200 weekly. Everyone
w an us it. Formulas for 20U, book form.
Send $1 for copy and territory proposi
tion. Buyers' Export Agency. Inc., 44 7
Broome St.. N. Y.
MEN operating sugar puff waffle machines
earn SiO to 7U daily; machines priced $-5
to $150. on trial. Talbot Mfg. Co., St.
Louis. Mo.
VGENTS Spiral curtain rods sell easy in
all homes; loo per cent profit; particu
lars free. Hub Specialty Co., Box 848,
Yakima. Wash.
) AGENTS make big money; fast office sell
ers; line proms; particulars, samples free.
The one Dip Pen Co., 120 Daily Record
bldg., Baltimore, Md.
LOO K Agents and hustlers ; Oregon state
map (in colors), STx7; special price 3
hundred; sample 10c P. O. Box 205,
Spokane, Wash.
AGENTS $1 an hour, newest kitchen tooL
Every woman will use 20 times daily. Easy
seller. Big profits. Sample free. Thomas
Mfg. Co.. 97 Bath st. Dayton. Ohio.
AGENTS 1 cent invested in a postal card
brings you clean honest employment pro
position worth .5-S10" a week. Specialty
Mfg. Assoc. Div. U4S. Madison. Wis.
BANKERS check protector, sells lor $3;
does the work of t-5 machine. Agents
wanted. 437 Railway Exchange bldg.
GOOD proposition for house-to-house; JS
to 10 a cay ; ladies or gentlemen. See
John Brown. 324 KaLway Exchange.
AG E NTS Send for our new selling plan,
$3.S weekly ; no canvassing. The arsity,
J,-. 7th St.. Oakland. Cal.
AGENTS with car to sell auto specialties.
United Sales Co.. 633 Washington st.
AGENTS at once. Sell 5oc per month bos'
pitaa ticket. 206 Corbett bldg.
0 nt Saturday Agents. Salesmen,
brand-new invention selling like wiidfire
everywhere; sell Speederator for Fords
o good it's used by 17 officials Ford Mo
4?r on,Pany: makes any Ford run like a
Packard; put on quick, no tools, no holes
to bore; instant satis: action : big pro! its
quick; sell lo to 12 a day easy. McAllis
ter. 111., sold 4 first afternoon, profit $12;
exclusive territory to hustlers. Write quick
for details. Address Perrin Metal Pans
Co.. 1004 Hayward bidg-, Detroit. Mich.
AGENTS Best seller; Jem Rubber Repair
for tires and tubes, supersedes vulcaniza
tion at a saving of over 600 per cent;
put it on cold, vulcanizes itself in tw
minutes, and Is guaranteed to last the
life of the tire or tube; sells to every auto
owner and accessory dealer. For partic
ulars how to make big money and free
sample, address Amazon Rubber Co., PMi
adelphia, dept 79.
ti Ja et n on th bis money line.
rlo-Ro Co. products sell fast and repeat
often; full line of guaranteed toiiet
articles, soaps and household specialties ;
established demand; quality and co-operation
ia our policy; free sample case of
fer; you makt a start at once; profits
from loo to 140 per cent; exclusive terri
tory. Write for particulars at once.
HO-RO-CO.. 117 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo.
MOBILE Either side line or exclusive;
w-e have that money-making proposition
which occasionally comes to every man:
all auto owners need it, want it, and will
buy it; 10 commission on each sale; waste
no time, reserve your territory while it is
open. A. J-i. Hanly, 32 Golden Gate ave.,
San Francisco, Cal.
E WANT three experienced salesmen ac
customed to country work, nursery experi
ence preferred, with car or other convey
ance of their own to begin work at once.
Good proposition to right men. Write
giving your experience and qualifications
or call in person at the office of Oregon
Nursery company, Orenco, Or.
MAN in each town to refinish chandeliers,
brass beds, automobiles by new method ;
$10 daily without capital or experience;
all or spare time ; every household, store
and office possible customer; field un
limited in this big money making busi
ness; write for free particulars and proofs,
Ounmetal Co.. 83 Elm. Decatur. 111.
EMMETT SGOTTS and Kel Ty" MiTleVs Negro
"A ar histories outsell them all ; $
Srties last week; agent wild over success;
best terms; patriotic pictures free; ex
press paid; either outfil free; both 5uc;
be quick. Mullikin Co., Como bldg., Clii
cago. 111.
ADVERTISE 24 words in 20 big Sunday
papers, r; in 80 country weeklies, $2; in
lou syndicate magazines, $1; time now to
plan fall ads; -lists and rates all leading
pullers sent free. Stanford Adv. Agency,
Inc., Canonsburg, Pa.
AOt.NTS $2 an hour selling guaranteed
waterproof kitchen apron. Needs no laun
dering. Sell to every home. Dainty, dura
ble, economical. Bl money. Sample free.
Thomas Apron Co., 1127 Bath' St., Day
ton. Ohio.
00 WEEKLY and
up. soiling Mexican dla-
monds; exactly
rainbow fire; a
repeat orders,
case offer free.
resemnle genuine; same
and tests; sell at siiu;
Write quick for sample
Mexican Diamond Import-
ing Co.. 2"i. Las
cruces, -New .Mexico.
iic worth equals
carbon; 'too per
Gas Amazes motorists,
gallon gasoline; eliminates
cent profit. Isom. Idaho.
wires: "Ship ."00
terday." Chas.
ledo. O.
packages. Made $70 yes
Butier Co., Dept. 43, To-
5O0 PER MONTH selling a new patented
fuel vaporizer, guaranteed to save up to
uO per cent In gasoline; 40 miles per gal
lon made with Ford car; sold on money
back guarantee: one sample free. Stransky
Vaporizer Co., Pukwana, S. D.
DON'T accept agency until you get particu
lars regarding our products; customers ex
cited ; agents coining money ; prohibition
assures quick sales ; wonderful opportun
ity; write quick. Illinois Mercantile Co.,
04o N. Dearborn, Chicago.
WE START you in business furnishing every,
thing; men and women, opportunity life
time earn SO to $lu0 weekly operating our
"new system specialty candy factories"
home anywhere; booklet free. Ragsdale
Co.. Box S. East Orange, N. J.
AGENTS make big profits selling our ex
tracts, perfumes, cold creams, lace pow
ders, spices, medicines, etc.; beautiful
high-grade line, exclusive .territory ; sam
ple soap free. Lacu&sian Co., Dept, 141,
St. Louis, Mo.
MAKE $2 an hour taking orders for Good
year last-selling guaranteed raincoats ;
proiit in advance, we deliver and collect;
sample coat tree; write for territory.
Goodyear Alig. Co., lla Goodyear, Kansas
City. Mo.
3 1 'RE-WINNER SIDE LINE Exclusive ter
ritory, sell to auto accessory, hardware
and general stores ; good for i200 to JMOU
month; pocket samples. F. Lawrence, 3t2
Golden Gate, San Francisco.
A LEADING mercantile Institution offers an
exceptional opportunity to a oung woman
of taste and refinement, whose associa
tion has giv.:n her a kr. w ledge and .ap
preciation of the finer things oi the home.
A particular knowledge oi furniture will
be an additional advantage. State full
particulars in reply to F 04, Oregonian.
requires the services of experienced beauty
parlor operators, experienced saleswomen
for waists, toilet goods and various otner
departments. Apply superintendent's ot
fice. U to lu:3o A. M.
requires the services of experienced sales
women for art needlework department.
Apply superintendent's office, it to 10:30
A. M.
SHORT-HOUR waitresses and dishwashers
wanted. Apply superintendent's office be
tween 9 and 10:30.
WANTED A girl or middle-aged woman
to ao general housework, in small family.
If you want a good home and be as one
of the family, phone Tabor 130U, or call
at 871 E. Yamhill su
MARRIKD or single woman to woric in
boarding hotel; cleaning and kitchen work;
must be experienced and able to do some
cooking Grand Ave. hotel. 334 Grand ave.
WANTED Young woman bill clerk by large
corporation, some knowledge of stenogra
phy desirable; state age. phone and sal
ary desired. American Can Co.
WANTED Dictaphone operators, those
with lumber experience preferred; state
experience, age and salary expected. AC
Sou, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer capable of
taking charge of office. Prefer one
familiar wiua city and state. AN ttoU,
WANTED Solicitors, men and women, good
pay, to to $S per day. Call and investi
gate. 209 Panama bldg.
BOOKKEEPER, capable of taking charge
of small set of books, to work half day.
F 361, Oregonian.
OFFICE woman half days. State experi
ence, references, wages expected. AL
477. Oregonian.
GIKL wanted as cashier, must have refer
ence. 2o7 Yamhill st., Washington meat
MILLINERY makers, J18 per week; only
3Si A.der st.
EXPERIENCED skirt maker and coat fin
isher wanted at once. H. Jonas on, 3o8
Stearns bldg.
ML'SICIANS wanted; amateurs for large
orchestra; practice work; no jazzera or
slackers. Y 485. Oregonian.
GIRL for finishing men's neckwear. Ap-rdy
Adrian Neckwear Co., bet. 8 and 9 A, M
6Q3 Worcester bidg.
PRACTICAL nurse, must be strong and will
ing, for nervous patient; small family.
bl2 Johnson sL
WANTED Young girl) about Tfl to assist
with light housework at 730 Flanders.
Main 4?t3-
AN experienced helper in dressmaking shop.
415 Broadway biag.
WANTED Second maid. Apply to Mrs. bur
rell. S2S Hawthorne ave. Phone East 37.
GOOD cook for small boarding house, good
wages. 261 13th st.
EXPERIENCED picture piano plaver. no
others need apply. AC 654. Oregonian.
WANTED Chambermaid. Call this after
noon, Linquist hotel, 248 2d st.
EXPERIENCED woman cook for plain food
in dairy lunch. East S7u6.
WANTED A waitress and kitchen helper
at boarding house. Marshall 1274.
WANTED An experienced chambermaid.
New Perkins hotel, 5th and Wash.
EXPERIENCED hemstitch, operator. Singer
Sewing Machine Co.. 402 Wash. st.
OL'NG lady to copy names. Answer in
hand writing. AC 799. Oregonian.
WANTED Lady u operate elevator. Aypiy
Henry Jenmng & Sons.
AJfo three girls for marking room,
fc-xperienced -National cash register in
spectors. ,
Short-hour waitresses.
Apply superintendent's office.
Between 9 and 10:30.
1 HRLE lac.ies for special child welfare
work: should be between 2 and 4."V well
educated, of good appearance and in posi
tion to trave: ; we instruct in require
ments; guarantee expenses: position pavs
40 per week to those qualified. It "is
the opportune time for this work. 314
Couch Jbldg. Appiy from 2 until 5 P. M.
WANTED By the Vlmedia company, cap
able business woman over 30. as local,
district, or traveling manager; salarv or
commission: prefer one having experience
In selling hih -class home treatment to
women. Address The Vimedia Co., Kansas
City, Mo.
STENOGRAPHERS We have several open
ings for competent stenographers. The
government has also requested us to fur
nish them with a large number of stenog
raphers and typists. Kindly register with
Royal Typewriter Co.. Inc. ; no charges.
AN exceptional opportunity for an expert -enced
millinery trimmer to take charge
of work room in large local retail store;
no limit to salary for the right party,
w rite to P. O. box 747, stating experience
ana where employed.
WOMAN to initial and embroider mono
prams: must be grood needleworker. Ja
cobs Shirt Co., Raleigh bldg 327 Wash
ington st.
WANTED Experienced stenographer for
steady position; dictation and dictaphone
work; In answering give previous experi
ence, also telephone number. AH 4S3,
FIRST-CLASS stenographer as private sec
retary in wholesale house: must be fast
and accurate; permanent position: oppor
tunity for advancement; give age and ref
erenceg. A J GQ3, Oregonian.
MILLINERY makers wanted ; clean, light
workrooms to work in; steady, year-round
positions for competent girls. Apply at
once. Wonder Millinery, corner Sixth and
A bier.
V ANTED Six ladles for outdoor selling. 1H
weekly salary and commission, with quick
advancement; success certain, exceptional
opportunity. Address immediately, J 803.
-.iic music, guarantee publication ;
submit poems on any subject. Metropoli
tan studios. Dept. 538, 914 S. Michigan.
WANTED 5 bright capable ladies to travel
demonstrate and sell dealers: $25 to S.S0
per week ; rail road fare paid ; write at
once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 826
. fc ounsr lndy for factory office
unr nun rjy?ncnrR prererrea; state
In own ha nd writing- experience. ncr- ref
erences and salary -ixpected. P 423, Ore
gonian. WANTED 10 women for few davs work
and pood wanes; no fee for these Jobs.
Inquire v A. M. Monday Portland Employ
ment Office. Raleigh bldg., 327 Washing-
ni., I 'Jit II I oU
HOMELESS middle-aged woman who ap
preciates good home for years with wages;
foreigner or country woman preferred.
Broadway 2ftfifl.
tt.A,NTKD First-class experienced book
keeper and typist: must furnish reference;
state salary expected and hist place of
em ployment. AH 4:3, Oreconlan
WAKTFD Partner to act as treasurer for
musical comedy show. Mut have money
to invest; a guaranteed proposition. P
444. Oregonian.
B2K K F'EPE RS and stenographer" $Ton"To
5 12.; stenographer and d let. t phone oper
ator. 12,"; Wahl Adding machine operator.
301 N. W. Bank bldg.
WANTED by large corporation, assistant
rainier, must have knowledge of books
state age, salary and experience and refer
ences. C Ih, Oregonian.
5 EirfIOHT' n"at yunK ladies. 18 to 2.1 years
wi view wortv. a week salary;
permanent and dipnlfied Call 432 Cham
berof Commerce bldg.
EXPERIENCED clerk for bakerv and deli
catessen work, must be willing to work
Sundays and evenings: $12 and lunch, 8
hours. 147 Killlngsworth ave.
ANTED Competent stenographer fa
miliar with accounts, who can operate
comptometer. Apply Frye & Co., Seattle,
stating age and experience In detail
PIANIST WANTED to demonstrate sheet
music; must good sight reader; either
boy or girl. 324 Wash. st. Remlck Song
ANTED Housekeeper, congenial, steadv,
sensible woman; nice home and surround
ings, good place and wages for right party.
F 421. Oregonian.
WANTED Housekeeper in family of four
to take full charge where there Is no
woman boss; good wagea. to the right
party. Call Marshal! 3156.
If you are looking for a position, regis
ter with jur employment dept. Under
wood Type w riter Co.
WANTED Experienced salesladv for mil
linery store, city, over 25 years of age.
Call Monday between 10 A. M. and 2 P
M-. ."19 Williams ave.
WANTED Beginners for the vaudeville
stag-: good positions; write for free par
ticulars. Manager, 112 Turk st., San Fran
cisco. TE photoplays: $23 to Jt.100 paid any
e for suitable IdcHs; experience unneces-
sary; complete outiin
iree.. Producers
League, 21, St. Louis.
EXPERIENCED girl for office work in
creamery. steady position and good
salary. R 157, Oregonian.
IRONERS and girls "in other departments.
Apply State Laundry Co., 395 E. Broad
t. ay.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for dish
washer, chance to learn to cook. 241 N.
USth, between 10 to 2, Sunday.
WANTED Thoroughly experierred milli
nery maker; good wagres. Wilson's. 130
10th st.
WANTED Girls to sell candy at Hippo
drome theater. Apply concession manager
Monday, between 12 M. and 2 P. M,
SOMEONE to run kitchen of smalboard
Ing house for owner; board. Call Mon
day. Main 6407.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. to
woman or women, in exchange for light
sTvn-es dally. 633 E. Ankeny.
WA NTED Wa it ress; must be experienced ;
room and board. Mallory hotel, 171 Lowns-
WANTED A school girl to take care of
J41taby" CaM 2'12 Lincoln st. Marshall
WANTED Girl for billing: must ha good
typist: Underwood machine. O 741, Ore
gonian. ,
GOOD reliable housekeeper, small famllv;
must furnish references. Apply Sunday
morning. 1003 E. 10th st. N., Alberta car
WANTED A girl for light housework; good
wages. Apply 401 Dezendorf apts., 16th
and Taylor.
WANTED Good housekeeper, references re-
quireu. aii ai axo uroaaway, Sunday Aft
ernoon. SALESLADIES Catholic, -tired of store
work, can secure outdoot positions. Call
MS Voon Mdg. 4 to 6 P. M.
YOrNTr work in it man wants young, neat
looking German H. K. ; good home. AK 37
SCHOOL pirl for board and room; small
and easy place: treated like one of the
family. Call Vain 423.
APPRENTICE girl wanted who wants to
learn the fur work: cood chance for right
trirl. Hudson Bay Fur Co.
W ANTED An experienced girl waitress
from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. 875 North 3 6th.
at Thurman.
HELP wanted In fish cannery. Apply
Ptirke Fish Co.. Front and Overton sta.
EXPERIENCED fur finisher wanted, steady
v ork. Hudson Bav Fur Co.
WANTED Woman to do plain cooking and
woman to assist. 12 E. 7th St.
FINISHERS and sewer wanted. M. H
Schurek, 73 4 6th eL, Bwdy 2377.
WANT "2D Chambermaid at Hoyt hotel, 6th
and HoyL
HOUSEKEEPER wanted : no objection to
one child. AC S03. Oregonian.
WANTED Dining room girl. 1751 Derby st.
Phone Woodlawn 291.1.
GIRL for general housework. 709 Lovejoy
Main 73S.
WANTED Housemaid to go to Gearhart for
Angus t. Marshall 39 2 2 .
WANTED An experienced live stenogra
pher. Call !S30 Chamber of Com. bldg.
SALESLADIES and demonstrators! 614
Stn.-k Exchange. 1 to 6 P. M.
WANTED Counter girls.
Lunchroom, ia3 Park st.
OFFICE Rirl to work in ladies' tailor store.
S. Weiss. 12SH loth st,
SKIRT helper to work on tailored skirts.
. Weiss. 12R410th st.
JAXltRE:S for morning and evening work.
Apply Orepon building. Mh and Oak.
EXPERIENCED maker wanted at the New
York Millinery, at 248 Third st.
WANTED Experienced labelers. Apply
Burke Fish Co., Front and Overton sta.
Experienced one and two-needle oper
ators on overalls, coats, pants and p:ay
suits: also experienced girl for hand sew
ing on overcoats. We close half -day Sat
urday. Come In and let us explain our bonus
system to you. Mt. Hood Factory, 233
Couch st
WANTED Cook for country hotel; all mod
ern conveniences; must be capable of
planning own meals and a good bread
maker; no objection to woman with girl
old enough to be kitchen helper; wages
Tri, wit h room and board ; give phone
number when replying. Box 3. Dufur. Or.
UPMAN A WOLFE A CO. require the
services of an experienced saleslady for
their needlework department. Applv
superintendent's office between 9 and 10:30
in the morning;.
V. SL GOVERNMENT wtnti hundreds
women-e;lrls. IS or over; permanent posi
tions, $1000-$ 1200 year; paid vacation; ex
aminations everywhere coming; lift posi
tions free. Write immediately. Franklin
Institute. Dept. 704 IL Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED Woman of middle age. intelli
gence and experience, to care lor and be
companion to convalescing invalid; going
to the country near Portland, will pay
fair compensation. R 145, Oregonian.
positions, good salary and chance for ad
vancement. Apply THE DICTAPHONE.
Machines for practice at office. 420 Spald
lng bldg.
POSITION open with large well-known
firm ; applicant must be well educated;
not office work ; state education, expe
rience and phone number. C tL Ore
gonian. WANTED 5 bright, capable ladies to travel
demonstrate and sell dealers: $25 to $;iu
per week ; railroad fare paid ; write at
once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 826,
Omaha, Neb.
WOMAN'S Protective Division, located at
room 03 Police Headquarters. 2d and
Oak sts., will furnish information. Biv
protection and assistance free to women
and girls. Interviews confidential.
EXPERIENCED saleswomen for our cloak
and suit department: positions permanent.
Emporium. 126 6th sL
LUMBER stenop rapher and bookkeeper.
$ 125; stenographer and D O.. $1 10 ; ex p.
S. O., $73 ; bill clerk, J So: (stenographer,
$i0 and $100. 301 N. W. Ba n k bid g.
EXPERIENCED millinery makers wanted:
high salary, all-year position to capable
workers. Apply Muller & Raas Co. of
Washington. 1513 5th ave., Seattle. Wash.
CLEAN cook wanted, work light. $40. room
with bath and board. Address Miss M.
Cold we II, supt Skamania Hospital, Ste
venson. Vah.
EXPERIENCED millinery trimmers and
jntt;i w wn icru mr poi nons in warning
ton, Oregon and Idaho. ApjJly to Lowen-
cart A- Co.
WANTED Applu-atior.x from girbs to work
in wood-workir.g factory at St- Johns.
Steady work and good wages. J 796. Ore
gonian. GI RLS wanted ; can use 1 girl on body
ironer; tw o girl on sak ing. Crystal
Laundry Co., E. 21st and Sojidy. Rose City
WANTED Girl to learn marking, experience
unneeesFary if quick, active w orker; good
wages whi.e learning. Yale laundry. 0u0
E. Morrison.
WANTED An experienced chambermaid ,
no phone calla. Appiy 406 Stark at..
ciyae notei.
WANTED Young girl for office work, state
age and saiary expected. Address, with
references and telephone number, R 144,
WANT girl to handle phone switch board
and do office woik, billing, etc.; answer
in own hand writing; references. C Id.
BuoKKKKI'ER for well-established busi
ness; permanent position and a good
one; a knowledge of stenography and
typewriting desirable. E 2li3, Oregon i an.
WANTED First-class cloak and suit sales
woman, also fitter, for out o" town. Phone
.Multnomah Hotel, room 424, between 11
and 2 P. M.
WANTED Competent woman for plain
cooking to work for belt and husband's
board and wages, at 740 Hoyt. Marsnali
A WORKING man wants & housekeeper,
good wages. Corner of 49th ave. and ith
st. S. E.. No. 4iu3. Call 6 P. AL. L. Wilcox.
f.oor Eilers M usic bidg. We teach from
melody; no drudgery.
WANTED An exptrienced wai tress. pri
vate family. Apply Miss Falling, 201 Jth
St. Phone Main 26. or A 4tti0.
GIRL with good experience In charge filing
department; state all particulars. J 64,
LADY w anted to travel with show ; experi
ence not necessary", when answering give
phone number. C 578. Oregonian.
GIRL over 2,2. sufficient experience to as
sume responsibility In wholesale line; an
swer fully. J .'(i. Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT Experienced, able to handle
department in established wholesale house
answer fully. J 63, Oregonian.
TWO LADY barbers wanted, call at 129
Grand avenue. Keystone apartments,
room 27.
THE Florence Crittenion Home Is ready to
help any girl in dipt ress. U55 E. GUiao.
M. V. car. East 316.
ANY g'rl in need of a friend aoply to th-
Salvation Army Rescue. Home, 392 East
15th st. N.. or phone East 123.
WA NTED- Girls to operate spinning ma
chines Apply Portland Cordage Co., 14th
and Northrup sts.
FIRST-CLASS makers and trimmers. Apply
Immediately for position. Long season,
good salary Muller & Raas Co.
WANTED Woman to patch second-hand
sacks. Apply Ames Harris Neville bail
Co.. l."th and Hoyt sts.
WANTED A girl to assist with housework
and care of two children; electrical ap
pliances. Call Main 5547.
YOUNG LADY CHEMIST or pharmacist to
take charge of manufacturing laboratory
in San Francisco. Phone Marshall 118 8 'J.
PERMANENT position for millinery sa'es
woman of long experience. Hoffman Mil
linery, 367 Morrison st.
WANTED An experienced girl waitress
from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. 375 North 10th,
at Thurman.
EXPERIENCED woman to care for baby in
her home; good pay; references. AH 460,
Oregon tan.
WOMAN to work in kitchen mornings for
self and husband's room and board. 412
N. ltuh.
TEACHERS Splendid positions open for
vacation ; give education, experience and
phone number. AR 475. Oregonian.
BRGHT young girl wanted : learn nursing.
AddrebS Holy Rosary Hospital, Ontario,
WANTED Experienced operators on power
machines; chance to make good money.
Waterproof Garment Co.. S2 'ja N. 5th st.
WORKING man wants reliable lady house
keeper; give age and address in first let
ter. AC 80S. Oregonian.
MAN and wife, cook and waitress, for
country hotel; also single waitress. Call
Marshall 3146.
WOMAN to work in shooting gallery at
beach. Give phone number. Write to A E.
Smith, box 3S3, Newport, Or.
YOUNG woman, capable of checking in
voices in large business office ; state ex
perience. BD 504. Oregonian.
WANTED Girl for mangle and hand-Iron
d apartment, experience unnecessary. Yale
laundry, 500 E. Morrison.
WANTED An experienced chambermaid.
Apply Nortonla hotel.
WANTED A lady flunkey for logging camp.
$62.50 per month. 241 Couch su
MARRIED woman to exchange light cham
ber work for room rent. 533 Alder.
EXPERIENCED saleswomen for our mllli
nery department. Emporium. 120 Sixth.
STENOGRAPHER, permanent position: good
salary: state experience. J 65, Oregonian.
FIR ST -CLASS pant finishers wanted
309 Peoples Bank bids., Seattle. Wash.
CHORUS GIRLS wages, long en
K Age merits; no travelirg. Casino theater.
EXPERIENCED telephone operators may b
ootained by calling Main 102. A 26S7.
WANTED A woman to work night snd
morning for room and board. Tabor 46u:i.
WANTED Al bookkeeper, some stenograph
ic work. Call Main 4491.
AN EXPERIENCED maker wanted at New
York Mr.lmer. 48 3d st.
WANTED Woman to work in small hotel.
Phone Woodlawn 40.7.
W. NTED A woman to do plain cooking.
Tabo r4 003.
EXPERIENCED ironer for hand laundry.
627 Washington st.
FIRST-CLAPS cook, wages $60; keep second
girl. Marshall 23.
WANTED Cash girls, Roberts Bros., Third
and Morrison sts.
ON waitress. Chiaa Inn L Lroadw y.
THE Meier A Frank ComjvinT require the
services of ten girls between 16 and IS
y-ar for apprentice positions in the
wrnppinsr department.
Ten girls btw-?en 18 snd 20 years a
apprentices for selling positions in differ
ent departments.
Twenty experienced saleswomen for per
manent positions in various departments
Six experienced makers for millinery de
partment. Permanent work.
We desire to notify all applicants that
the Meier Frank Co. have a graduate
of Mrs. Prince's School of Store Service
and Education in charge of the Educa
tional Department and Instruction " is
riven in all branched of store work. There
is no charge for this instruction, which
is given on the STORE'S TIME.
Apply Educational Department. Sixth
Floor, Meier &. Frank Co.
GOOD manager. Apply 40S Morrison st.
Wanted -Domestic.
WANTED Girl. IS years or older, to help
with housework and cooking in small
house; good wages, must be able to do
plain cooking and willing to learn more.
Phone Main t04.
GIRL or woman, general housework; good
cook, good wages, go home nigh is, family
2 adults, small bungalow-, lrvington dis
trict. Phone East Tool, or call iu2 Stan
ton st.
GIRL or w oman for general housework and
good plain cooking ; water-power washing
"machine, electric sweeper ; 0 children ;
wages $-0; pood home lor congenial par
ty. Tabor 2uuo.
GOOD woman for housework and ironing,
three whole days a week and three days
for two nours; living in neich borhood pre
ferred; reference. Mrs. Becker, 3o Mult
nomah st.
WANTED-: Young woman as helper in re
spectable family of adults; just out of
city; may have atternoous free for work
or school; good wages. Main Si'SL R
141, Oregonian.
WANTED At Reed college. a first-class
cook and assistant cook; also a dishwasher
and a kitchen lie! per ; references required.
Call Sliwood 1M4 before 2 P. AL
GIRL, about 20, wanted to help with light
kitchen work at gir.s' camp, for boara
and outing. Apply V. W. C. A.. Broad
way at Taylor.
MAID for general housework in family of 3;
good quarters with private bath; no wash
ing: wages $4.1 per month; references re
quired. Phone Marshall S;9.
WANTED Competent maid to take care of
child 21 months old. best of wages paid,
must furnish references. Phone collect
t;fn. Oregon City.
WAN 1 ED Girl for plain cooking and down
stairs work ; no laundry, good wages :
Portland Heights. Phone Marshall ls0.
t41 Gerald ave.
WANTED Competent, steady housekeeper,
family of three; fight work, all conven
iences; good wages. F. G. Sinclair. Bon
neville. Or.
WANTED Capable girl, not under IS, or
woman, to take fuil charge of year-oid
baby and assist with housework; no wash-
in?. Sell wood 2-7 7t.
WANTED Competent housekeeper. 3 In
family, very best of wages paid ; must fur
nish references. Phone couect tiUO. Ore
gonC i t y .
W NTKD A girl cr Toman to help w ith
housework; a good home room on ground
floor, no children, no washing, no lunch
to get ; w ages $2". Call Woodlawjl4210.
WANTED Young lady to help with house
work and take care of lti-months-old baby;
not under 17 years of age. Call Marshall
4 1" .".".
HOMELESS girl who needs a good, per
manent home and wages for help with 2
children and housework, may go to school
part of day. Broadway 2ituti.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for house
keeper on farm, can have 1 or 2 children
with her. Add ress Joiianson Bros., phone
Gresham 763, Boring, Or.
WANTED Housekeeper In family of two,
living on a farm in Washington county,
Oregon; easy piace, small wages. Address
Bantz Bros., Hillsboro, Or., Route 3.
WANTED. Girl for general housework, good
plain cook. Call between the hours of 10
and 12, 735 Glisan st., Main 852.
COOKING and housework a few miles out.
S2.5U per day, references. Write Y 473.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
to go to Gearhart for August: -wages $G0;
references. Main 7"i, or 21o Vista ave.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted for small family;
adults, good home, references. 02o East
Main st.
WANTED A lady cook for small camp,
about 14 men; $70 a month. Butts &
Oake, 241 Couch st.
CuOK for country place near Portland, ali
modern conveniences, no second work,
wages ?80. references. D 472. Oregonian.
GIRL for cooking and general house
work, no washing or ironing. Mrs. Chas.
McGonigle, 582 Clifton St.. Marshall !,".
WANTED Elderly woman for house wors;
4 adults; no washing; treated as one of
the family; $5 per week. A 429. Oregonian.
COOK for small family. No laundry work.
Good wages. Apply 312 12th st. Main
WANTED An experienced 2d maid, three
adults in family; 3 in help; rei. required,
high wages. Main 2'.h3.
EXPERIENCED girl of 16. housework help
er, farm home; 40; references. Write
AH 456. Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower; must
be able to speak German. AJ 5S4, Ore
gonian. WANTED Experienced cook and second
maid small fnmily adults. Call morn
lngs. Main 5524.
WANTED A Japanese girl to assist with
light housework In small family with
baby. Phrne Tabor S647.
W ANTED Girl for general housework and
plain cooking; wages $33. Call Tabor
." 303 .
WANTED A gir! to assist in caring for two
children; good home. East 641. 326 Mult
nomah st.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work. Apply 704 Quimby st. Main 4142.
GIRL for general housework. 1161 E. Burn
side et- Call Tabor 5GS1.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
Sellwood lib"-
GIRL wanted for general housekeeping; no
cooking. Apply 770 Northrup street.
WANTED Housekeeper; permanent home
for right party. Box 5. Mill City, Or.
WANTED A girl for general housework,
family of adults. 3S1 ICth st.
GIRL for general housework in family of 2;
good wages. 2H5 E. 52d st. Tabor 6241.
MALE machinist at $6.60 and up; planer
foreman. $1."; marker on change. $.".50;
3 mill carpenters. $3.30: woman cook. 12
men. $73; highway laborers. $4.30 and
$5; mill blacksmith at $6. 233 Burnside.
WE will soon be ready to sign up hop
pickers for our Independence yard; so
arrange your vacation to begin on or
about September 1st. Our former pickers
are kindly asked to come again, and w
shall be happy to have you with us then.
SOS First St., Portland. Or.
Steady work; 48-hour week; good wages
Apply Portland Woolen Mills.
HOP P1CKEKS WANTED We pay 60c per
box and furnish you tents, wood and btraw
free. Write and register now. staung
number of pickers in your family. E.
Clemens Horst Co., Independence, Or.
WANTED Al Invoice clerk and atenogra
pher for wholesale lumber 01 f ice ; give ex
perience. reference and salary expected.
lO'J. Oregonian.
RAI LW A Y mail clerk examinations August
23: $1100-51600 year; sample questions
free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 376 IL
Rochester. N. Y.
MAX or woman of good appearance and sell
ing ability to demonstrate a new electri
cal instrument which is being Introduced.
J 5'J. Oregonian.
WANTED Fruit pickers, packers, sorters
to register now for a long, steady Job.
Address L". S. employment office. Payette.
WANTED Boys and girls to make baskets.
Gates Basket A Veneer Co., 1436 Ma
cadam road.
WANTED- A dinner wai tress. 3 :30 to S
P M. Campbell HiU hotel, 741 V ashing -
Machine and hand repairing, patch
ing, etc ; good wages; permanent posi
tions; apply at once,
T. A. Llvesley & Co, yards, near Salem
nd independence. Or. We furnish tents,
tables, stools, wood, water, straw for beds
and baskets to pick In. There Is a store
cookhouse. butc?r shop and danceball on
the grounds. At 60c per box, you make big
money and have the outing. Register at
2SVi N. 4th st.. or phone A 1931 and get
reservations made tor accommodations.
Ag k forG u y Cru za n. room Ray hcuei.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker Is wanted- JEC &.
Ervin &. Co., 205 Selling bldg.
The chlropract'c profession offers the
most unusual opportunities of any field
In the world today. Know about Its great
opportunities be lore deciding your career,
or If jou are disatished in your present
position In life or its earnng capacity Is
not what you would like it to be. investi
gate the ereat opportunities offered la
this greatest of all professions CHIRO
PRACTIC. A most exceptional oppor
tunity to study Chiropractic and to become
a Chiropractic physician is oftered at this
time by our college; both a ay ana night
Chlrc-pracMc physicians needed In the
V'nited States tocay to supply the de
mands of the millions who have turnei to
thia sreaC method of healing their Ills.
Augmented Curriculum. Abie Faculty,
Clinical Facilities Unexcelled.
For particulars adaresa Dr. Oscar W.
Elliott, president.
Park and iamhlll.
Main 1014. Portland, Or.
Yoj cannot learn t it part of. this pro
fesslor. through correspondence.
D the auto and tractor buf-i-.iess; learn la
few weeks by our system of practical In
struction. All modern equipment. Ex
pert instructors. Free $30 tractor scholar
' ship offer now open. Earn board and
room while learning. Write for free cata
logue. National Automotive School. SIS
South Figuoroa. Los Angeles. CaL
in the big, practical automobile and gas
tractor school.
Classes now forming for fall term.
Apply at
Tot Haw thorne- Ave.
461 Hawthorne Ave.
Automobiles, trucks, tractors. Ignition
snd starter work. Vulcanizing and re
treading. Special summer rates. Day and,
evening clashes.
We teach Auto, Tractor, Gas Engine
and Auto Electrical Work BIG 100-PAOS
CATALOGUE FREE. Address Adcox Auto
& Tractor School. Dept. K. Lin ion ave. and
Wasco au. Portland. Or. Phone East 744S.
WELL-KNOWN reiined gentleman, formerly
in consular service, will give Italian les
sontt 10 person studying vocal who are in
terested in Italian opera or the beauti
ful 1 tat ;a n Ian gua ge AJ t00, Oregonian,
or call Main K20b.
" POSITIONS assured.
Business College, Portland. Enroll any
time. Telegrupny. stenography, banking,
bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue
Young men and women wanted. Call 218
Railway Exchange blug. Splendid oppor
tunity to learn a well-paid profession. Pre
b 00 K let. Rail w ay Teleg raph lnstltu te.
HI Gil -CLASS teacher will give Instruction
to advanced pupils in playing piano tor
the photoplay; all phases of the subject
taught; interesting, instructive and well
paid. Tabor 4401, Sundays.
SPANISH gentleman will exchange Spanish
lt't-.-ons tor piano instruct ionts ; references
exchanged; in answer give phone. N 10.
GOOD lectures and spiritual messages by
Mrs. Persis Wlllson Moore at 412 Holladay
ave. on Sundays aud Thursdays at 6 P. M.
Phone East O00L
SPANISH gentleman will exchange Spanish
les&ons for piano Instruct 10ns ; references
exiaangtd; in answer give phone. N lu.
Typewriting, bookkeeping, comptometer,
all other mod. business courses. Day, night
scho o 1. Al i k y bl d k . . ,ji da n d Mo r. Ma in o24.
pays you wiiile learning, gives you a set of
tools ; positions secured. Send for catalog.
Phone Bdwy. 1731, 2C4 Burnside st.
FranK K. Welles, ex-asst. State Supu, mgr.
N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly.
trade in 8 weeks; pay while learning; po
sition guaranteed. 24 Couch at.
MEN. WOMEN Learn barber trade frse;
wages while learning; position guaranteed.
Oregon Barber College. 23 Madison St.
M iss Bucket's private school ; individual
Instruction. 123 2 Grand ave. East 427.
PRIVATE instruction, shorthand, business
English, letter writing. Miss Rippey, East
MRS. HANNUM'S shorthand school open
during summer. East o&tio. 230 Tillamook
TEACHING position, free registration. Main
4:i3. Fisk Teachers' Agency, Journal bidg.
MISS MATTING LYS Shorthand, Typewrit
ing fchooi; ti mo. 2ty 14th. Main 3btf3.
THE International Correspondence Schools
can raise your salary. liil Broadway.
YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free
registration. Main 6J74. Broadway bldg.
WANTED A position by a competent black
smith and epringniaker, who is capable of
managing shop ; last piace of employment
16 years; can furnish best of reference;
I desire to locate here. AJ 619, Oregonian.
Al CARPENTER Contracts, new or old
work, get my figures; I will save you
money, plants and estimates cheerfully
given; riouse-raising and cement. Phono
Marshall 1223 or A 167D.
BANK bookkeeper, years of experience, best
of references, posting-machine operator,
understands window work, accurate, fair
ly rapid; $125 per month. AV HZ, Orego
nian. MAN and wife desire position as cooks
for summer, crew of men. railroad build
ing and bridge crew preferred. Mar
snali lt!4.
CABI N ET -MAKING, furniture, repairing
and refinish ing : painting and enameling
our specialty. Phone Tabor 94iiG.
BY experienced accountant and office man
ager, seven years in above capacity big
cV partmeut store. AE 2115, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED merchandise receiver and
chtcker wants position. B 606, Orego
nian. PAINTING. ;-aperhanplng and tinting done;
n a.sjjiable prices; work guaranteed. Phone
Mn.in9 :3 .
I WOULD like to get In touch with a good
watchmaker, 1 nave some experience. A J
5t-2, oregoniaru
RELIABLE married man, d mechanic.
can aujust sen to any kind of work.
What have you? AF 30. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, attending trade school, will
work for room and board. East 7445.
BAKER, first-class cooker, pastry, pies.
Drt?au una roiis. r 4oj, oregonian.
PAINTING. paperhanging, tinting: good
v. orK reasonau.e, rnone cast iUo.
CARPENTER, contracts wanted, for building
or a Iteration a Manny, Sellwood 2421.
I WOULD like to work tor a jewelry house
on per cenL AJ 5&3. Oregonian.
SMALL apartment house to manage. AJ
615. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED butcher wants.job manaf-
ing market. A 425. Oregonian.
LX P. auto driver wlshos steady position;
references Sell. 293.
SITTXGLERS When you want resh Ing ling
done call Woodlawn 5206.
GOOD all-round baker wishes position. R
155. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by cake baker; good on
pastry. V 47S, Oregonian.
ROOFS repaired i
Sled. Call East
painted or reshin-
CARPENTER wants day or contract.
East 533.
WALL TINTING. Manny. Sellwood K4-L