TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, AUGUST 3, 1919. REAL ESTATE. EASY TERMS. $1750 3-ROOM COTTAGE. Only 2 blks to Alberta car: modern bath; is- includes gas, water heater, also some iurmture and linoleum in kitchen and bath. Yard, improved with some fruit trees fcna berry bushes. Possession may be had St once. Terms only $40u down and $25 montn ."traisht contract. No mortgage. J. L HAKTM.AN COMPANY, No. 7 Cham or Commerce Bldg., 4th ana Stark. Main 20s. 200.0O0 " "WORTH OF HOJIKS BEING BUILT IX I RVINGTON. There are 30 fine residences being? built in Irving ton now, ranging in value from $rooo to .20.0i0. We have 2oO homesitee bftwpr-n E. 14th and E. 24,th. Tillamook and Fremont, at prices ranping ' from J 1 2O0 to $1500, in sizes 50xlO, 75-1O0 lOnxlOO. and entire blocks untouched. If you want to be one of the 200. inspect this property today. R1TTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3--7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. WILL. SACRIFICE FOR CASH. Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4. block 100. in beau tiful LaLrdlhurst addition to Portland, lots 1 and 2 for $3000 together and lota 3 and 4 for M250 each, or will sell all together for $5o0o. These prices are sub ject to unpaid municipal assessments. Will split a commission of 5 50-50 with any one making sale or if sold direct will al low 2:,'.'e- discount on sale price. Any offer subject to owner's approval. CLARK BROS. & KLEIN. 2 1 B ld Nat- Ban Bldg.. Spo kane, Wash BEST BUY TODAY. I f you wa nt a splendid residence prop erty, drive out and look at southwest cor ner 3.sth and Glisr.n, Laurelhur; rst, 75x95 at tlO0). This 10" ft Jeep practicaiiy property you may have fur much less thar. it cost me 8 years ago. Everything paid t" date. Have sold my adjoining resi dence and moved from Oregon. $ 1500 for a limited time. Notice the full-grown laurel hedge and shade trees. Fine neigh borhood. Telephone Vancouver 13F24, or ad dreys 5 Hi Broadway bldg. PARKROSE TRACT, CORNER SAXDT BLVD. AND CLARNTE. $1250 N. E. corner; paved street, ce ment sidewa'ks, gas, electricity, pressure water; terms. J. L. HART MAN COM PAN Y, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce biug., 4th and Stark. Main 2u8. ON SANDY BLVD. 1 acres on the Columbia highway (Sandy bivd.), near the intersection of Craig road in Parkrose. Ground all cleared; cement sidewalks and paved street ; no asses-am en ts. Also on car line. $:!00 win handle this beautiful building tract. Let us snow it to you. .J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Com merce biug., 4th and Stark Main -OS. $750 WILL BUY this beautiful lot, 174 -ft front, luO feet deep, all cleared, small or chard in bearing, planted to wheat, with crop, located on 05th at. 144 f-;t south from 65ih ave. (hard surfaced), with all conveniences, city water, gas, electricity and phone, between 2 car lines, Mt. Scott car ('Fremont station) or Woodstock car to end of line. $150 down, balance $10 per month. Call at 6303 ti-d ave. S. E. Tabor 7 12S. 119x150 TRACT. PARK ROSE. $t;50, $50 down, J 12.50 month: interest included at 6 per cent ; macadam street, pressure water, ground all cleared but few fine shade trees. J. L. HA HTM AN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4ih and Stark. Main 206. ALAMEDA. " $:no0 E. 31t, near Mason. $2000 for. on E. 21tth, etiual to 1 ' lots. 2HHf Choice corner on thi Alameda. $:jooo Dandy humesite on the Alameda, equal lo 2 J""tj. $1500 The choicest corner on the Ala meda, fine view. R1TTEK. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $750 ROSE CITY PARK. CORNER, Last front, close to car line: paved street and sewer; bonded assessments only SI SO. This is u snap. J. L. H A K T.MAN COM PANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4ih and Stark. Main 2u8. ROSE CITY PARK. CORNER. The prettiest location in this entire dis trict, jui-t off Sandy, on E. 40th, price $i::i;o. You'll have to hurry for this; al;o 5Oxlo0 on K. -t7th for s00: It's a bargain. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A SNAP IN IRVINGTON PARK. 3 clioice lots. 50x 10U. facing v. est on 30th st. N., between Killings wort h and Jarreti; an ideal humestte with 14-ft. al ley and all street improvements in and ail paid lor; saciiine price and terms, owner. BO 4M. Oregonian. LAURELHURST. Dtndy corner on E. 31'th. all liens paid. J 105", also inside lot on Vultuomah ioi $lu0u. We have many real snaps in Laurel liurst. See our lit-t before bu ing. KITTER. LOWE CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid?. BARGAIN I RVINGTON LOT. One of the choicest lots in Irvmgton. on 22d street, between Stanton nad Mskivou. facing east, 100x50. All improvements in ana paid lor. will matte- terms to suit. Address V 4 tj(), Oregonian. IVK SALE Choice Rose City Park lot, fine location, 1 blk. north of Ssmdy. bivd.. new houses being built in neighborhood. Car. be bought cheap. Go look at it. cor. 5Mii and Stanton St. Price 775 cash. Owner Tabor 0020. 60x100 LOT. with 9 bearing prune trees, South Mt. Taoor. 2 blocks from Haw thorne ave. car, free from incumbrance; will sell on very easy terms. Phone Eas! 2015 , or address 322 East 15th North. LOT BARGAIN. For cash sale, will take $315 for fine fill 1 lot near V oodla w n cur; improv nients paid. Owner. 72 2 Chamber of Com merce, f none East 2-ttit or .Mam 4ft2. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Look at S. W. corner liuh and Elm. paved sts. S5xl00, low price, terms. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MI ST sell to settle an esta loo, on 14th st., from Frs st., in Highland addition, ran, Campbell Hill hotel, ' streot. e, 550 feet by jott to Y gaat See John Aio '41 Washington A REAL BARGAIN. Corner on Hawthorne 66 2-3x100, price $1400. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I AM buying a home; will consider best offer on excellently located 100x200, 1 blk. from car. good section of city; see me at once. V 473. Oregonian. CORNER, looxluo, 2 blocks Irom cai good location for 4ti7, Oregonian. east front; sidewalk in; ; g-.od residence district; apt. house. Owner. AH K. PARK dist., fine lot oiXxluO on 76th, near Sandy bivd.. f! down, $n monthly. Fred W. German Co.. Cham, of Coni. Open evenings and Sundays. TWO cleared lots on 4th St., between Stan ton and Siskiyou. Ro;e City Park-, ai ! st. Imnro ements in and paid ; J TOO each. Owner, 05?. E. 47th st. N., Tabor 4211. COMPELLED to sacrifice 5 lots together, Laurelwood Park adiiitirm; 2o0-ft. front age: cement waiks. SlOoO; $500 down, bal. T erm s. Phone o w ner. Wood la wn 4737. I RVINGTON DISTRICT 5fxl0.i lots, including all street im provements, from 5750 Un. GOPPARD Ar WIEDKICK. 243 Stark sr.. I UVINGT "'N- 250 BKAl'TIF V L 5ox l f. i. 75x1 mi, 1 O x 1 to. $1100 AND UP. NEUHAUSEN LOTS, & CO. BE AL'Tl FL' L lot in Portland ; sell cheap or trade for Seattle or car. G. R., 3115 J.tmos- n st. S. W., Seattle, Wash. 1R v i.WiTON LOT East fac: Kii'Ut, $1500. Neur.ausen 80 7 S. 23d near Co., Main ROSS CITY PAKE lot Thompson, oast iront mann Co., 913 Chambt on E. 41st near S75'i. Luedde o:' Commerce. FOR SALE "lOOyiUO corner, paved streets on boin Miles; -room house. Price $2000. Gall at 7so mh st. north. will sell you 1 and help you linanc noLt. W. H. ROS. 1 t-0 N W. Bank Bldg1. ONE lot 50 by lo0. one block and half from S-ell w ood car. clear of all Incumbrances. Phone B 11 25. Ol iniCEST homes! te in Irvington district 9i?c-S. a snap at ls0O cash. Owner Taboi SNAP, $250. 50x100 cement walk on ' V. of RC car. Mar. 4079. Sth st., 1 blk. A BARGA1 X, 1 good "uilding lot, good lo cation. Sell wood 234S. FO-t SALE Lare fc'ound. improved, by. Owner. 4 -t S Belmont a t - FOR SAL rZ or trade, 2 unincumbered A'.iuira addition. Phone hi. 7 . 10LS, $300 TAKES a 50x110 corner lot, sidewalks and curbing in ; clear. Phone Tabor Sl9tf. COHNER tiXft ar.ri Broadway, full lot S250. S.-U J-.-7. ."41 E S3'l LOT 50x100. Irvington Park. Phone Wdln. IRVINGTON district. fne, east-facing '.ot, $1000. oiear. Neuhausen it Co. CHOICE clofe-tn 100x1 no S. W. corner, 12th and Hall; terms. Owner, K 2. Oregonian. a'PELHURPT LOTS good lots. 50x120, at $300 and assessments. Tabor 2717. REAL ESTATE. ONLY $1000 LAURELHURST BARGAIN. BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE SACRIFICED Lot 10. Mock 24, Pacific St.. near E. 33d; soid by Laureihurst Co. for $135o, subjt to $470 assessment; total $120: non-resident now offers at Jiooo immediate sale; all liens paid in full; reasonable terms. A.B 23, Oregonian. WONDERFUL BAR? A IN. I am offering on East Stark Ft., close In, a piece of ground 50 feet frontage and 200 feet deep; hard surface, sewer and sidewalk all in ana paid for. In berries, and full bearing fruit trees. Many beau tiful homes close by. The price ? Now comes the surprise! $120o takes all. and on easy terms. No information over the phone. John E. Howard. 318 Chamber of Commerce. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS BARGAIN. A very choice lot, practically all level, on street grade, with 127 feet on paved street: unobstructed view of Mt. Hood and the city ; all Improvements paid. Could you imagine a bigger bargain for $2500; $1000 cash, balance to suit? KASER & RAINET. 823-6 Gasco bldg. Marshall 3125. 50X1O0 LOTS, exceptionally located just north of Peninsula park. $300; $30 cash, $0 monthly; located in Portland and con venient to Vancouver. Kenton or St. Johns. JORNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. ' For Sale Houses. IIAWTIi O R X I S ' 1 1 1 - 5 ROOMS GARAGE ASSTS. PAID. Folks, here is a real bargain. Five nice rooms, with exceptionally large living room. Furnace, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, fruit room, garage that just cost the owner over $250. Beautifully located on corner lot with all assts. paid. This is very close in. Owner needs larger house. Now hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO. 64 Stark St.. Near Third. Main 3516 Main 3012. Branch Office Suth and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) LAURELHURST. 6 Rooms and Sleepng Porch .. $5250. Here is one of those real good-looking super-attractive Laurelhurst homes, and it's in perfect condition, too. Hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, full cement basement, furnace. Not an old house; finished in old ivory and white through out. You would expect to pay over $0000 for a home like this. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark St., Near Third. Main 3516 Main 302. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday) $3250 INSIDE PROPERTY $3250. On Vancouver avenue, H- block f;om Broadway, just across the bridge is a very substantial 0-room home; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; good ce ment basement. This is inside property. Can arrange terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME. ABINGTON BUILDING, MAIN 1068. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $4700. MODERN ALAMEDA HOME. $4700. THE BIGGEST SNAP WE HAVE. 7 rooms, strictly modern, full cement basement, furnace, trays, fireplace, H. W. floors, all kinds of built-ins. in line con dition, lot 50x100. near car; H. S. street paid ; garage ; terms. Sunday and even ings. Mar. 5063. weekdays Main 7007. Mariela or Williams, S20 Cham, of Com. bldg. NOTICE. NEW BUNGALOW. ON -ACRE, of 4 rooms with bath, gas-, electricity, Dutch kitchen and good basement, cement walls; on one-half acre,; house just com pleted, 4 blocks from car. Seeing it is buving it. Price $2600. $50J cash, balance miTittttv navmcnts. See Geo. P. Henry, with Frank L, McGuire. Open Sundays and evenings. THIS I RVINGTON PROPERTY IS CHEAP. Fine music room, large living room. large dining room, kitchen with pass pan try, all hardwood, three bedrooms, sleep ing porch, large bath complete, full cement basement, ga rage, hrd -surf ace street. Price $5toO, $tO'to cash, payment. J. ROBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931 or ReH.Tabor5319. AN EXCEPTIONAL home, built by cabinet maker for his own home; the Interior woodwork Is all hand finished and hand rubbed, all joining and fitting done in a first-class manner; 7 large, light rooms; roses. 3 bearing fruit trees, berries; Rose City Park car; ?5&i0. terms. Let us show you this excellent home. JOIINSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. LAURELHURST $ 52 50. Six rooms and sleeping porch, close to car line, strictly modern in every par ticular. Colonial architecture. Interior ideally arranged and finished In white ena mel. Full cement basement, excellent furnace. Price set for a quick sale. Takes $1 Mm cash. Address owner, V 469, Ore gonian. $1700 $400 CASH, balance like rent; near Ockley Green school; 75x90 lot: good 3 room tent house. modern convenience, such as water, iights, gas, plumbing; also one-room tenthouse, good floors, garage, all kinds shrubbery and fruit, good law. n. all fenced. JOHXSOX-DODsjOX CO., 633 X. W. Bank bldg. 300 DOWN, MULTNOMAH, $ 1 2 25. o rooms and large bathroom, built this spring. plastered, electricity, gas. Buil Run water, beautiful view. Ji acre of ground, 0-cent fare, 15 minutes from Jef ferson st. EDWARD A. BROWN CO.. 3o:i Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 2P93. N L Y SNAP ROSE CITY PARK. Fine living room, dining room. Dutch kitchen, two bedrooms, large bathroom, extra bedroom if need; hardwood floors; hard-suriace street. For only $3500, terms. J. ROBBINS. 30 1 Ra i 1 way Exc han ge. Main 7131 or Res. Tabor 5319. -ROOM bungalow, ha rdwood floors. cement basement, la undry tra ys. white enameled built-in kitchen. screened-in porch, 3- bed chambers, lot 50xlu0; street paved; .2.i, ? jii casn EDWARD A. BROWN CO.. nG Bldg. Main ;J03 Railway Excha 2003. ROSE CITY. $3000 for fine five-room bungalow with finished attic, fireplace, corner lot, 50x100. with Al sara?o; J 10O0 down, balance terms. Marshall S20. F. L. RLAXCHARD. 53 9-20 Railway Exchange. $3 1 50 W EST M OR E LAN D $1750 CASH. Owner, leaving city, offers 5 -room bun galow for sale : fireplace, buffet, hard w oii floors. east front, hard -sun ace st reet included in price. J OH NSON DODSON CO., 033 N. W. Bank bldg. BEST BUY IN TOWN. Nice four-room furnished house, larce double corner lot 4xis.j. two blocks from car at 05th st. and littth ave. Particulars today, 45o7 TOth S. E-, or Monday, 12S Firt. near Wash. . KUSE CITY PARK, modem 5-room bun-ga.e-w, lull cement basement, gas, fur nat a, fireplace, break last nook, screened porch, double garage, cor. lot, 1 block irom car. on paved street; price $4750. Call owner. Tabor 506. SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW. $.5500. 6 rooms, modern, paved street, garage, all conveniences. Owner leaving city ; big sacrifice at price and on easy terms. Se Badley, with J. C. COKBIN CO.. 305 Lewis Bldg. 14500. Rose City, modern. 7 rooms, big attic. $4500. h. w. floors, cement basement, ele gant bathroom, fireplace, furnace, built-in 1 up boards, beamed ceiling; worth Ouo. Vi'n 3'T2. Mfrariar.d, 6'2 Yeon bldg. HA W THOK N E $ 35 '0 ; '"'0 CASH, BAL- ANCE LAS j . Five-room bungalow, partly furnished; fireplace, bookcas-es. but fet. full cement basement; one block from car. JOHNSON- TJvt?iLS CO.. t33 N. V.Bank blcgJ $3500 BUY your home from the owner. At- iractive 8-room home, uunga.ow t.pe, an buiit-in feature?, furnace, nrepiace, beau- tiful electric fixtures: bunt lor home. Snown only by appointment. Sell. FOUR ROOMS and bath. near Jefferson lugh and car line, paved stret and sewer, in 50x100 lot; nice fruit and shrubbery; price S220O; $500 cash., JOHNSON DODSON CO.. 635 X. W. Bank bldg. BUNGALOW rooms, modern. 2 blocks " J cnrline. near Laurelhurst park. $5150, Terms. Now vacut. Owner, 10SO Bel Tc.nrit. Tabor 139SV HOME bargain at 1502 E. loth North. Woodlawn car to uekum ave.. .-room cottage, newly paintea. moaern. oeanng f.uit trees, near schools, $300 cash. Main ;U".T2. McFarlar.d, 002 Yeon bldg. T.oO FCT. a 5 -roc bungalow, lot 40x100, "with garage. block from car, $500 cash, balance terms. Phone Mar. S20. F. L. BLANC HARD. 519-20 Railway Exchange. ' YOU OUGHT TO GET THIS loOxlt'O, modern home, fruit, garden, ei-v. s and. chickens, $00; terms. ilain ROSE CITY PARK, s'.rictly modern residence by owner; tarden, garage, $4000, terms, c.r.o E. .".1st N. T.bor 5940. S140O COTTAGE, acre, garden, shade trees. water, clec phone. Lake Grove ; terms. M n l:i 7 2. Mcf 'ariand. 0 2 Yeon bldg. t.V.11 BZAt'TIFUL, moirn bunpraiow cot tage, Hawthorne district. 7 rooms. $1000 e.s'.i. McFar:and. 0u2 Yeon bidg. BEAUTIFUL 5-rrom plastered house, near hi. 34th st. Seil reasonable for cash. Phone Seilwood 71T. WEST SIDE, MODERN HOME. 6 roor-a, fine garage, close in; bargain, $3750. Terms. Main 5231. KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. COLONIAL 7239 HOME. Very Bst Part of Alameda Park, COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Ivory finish throughout, center entrance. oeautWul reception hail. Large Living Room. Good fireplace, well lighted, hardwood floors on first floor except kitchen. Dining Room. Paneled, good buffet, fine oak furniture and floor coverings in hall and these rooms. Splendid Kitchen. Lots of built-ins. gas range and water heater, bast of linoleum on floor, com. piete set of kitchen utensils. First-class Basement, Good Furnace. Stairway from Reception Room and Rear Stairs from Kitchen. 3 Bedrooms and Sleeping Porch. One room has $75 brass bd, highly finished quartered oak furniture, excep tionally f ina rug; guest bedroom fur nished with Circassian walnut set of 5 pieces; other large bedroom used for sew ing room, good sewing machine, splendid large rug. Bath Room. Tile Floor, Pretty Design. Sleeping Porch. Furnished with white bed and small rugs. Large ciothes closets in ail rooms and upstairs haii. Draperies, curtains, blinds and portieres are of the very best throughout. Garage and Weil-kept Lawn. Lot 50x100. Read this over again and think of its fine location near the Broadway car. Furniture and ail, $7250; some terms. GEORGE E. ENGLE H ART CO.. See A, C. Galbraith. Main 7260, 624 Henry Bldg. $4200 BUNGALOW. 85x100 corner, improvements all paid ; fine shade trees and lawn, chicken house. Center entrance reception hall, living and dining rooms have fine bay windows, all plate glass, 2 large bedrooms; founda tion about 40 ft. square; all oak floors, fine attic with 2 Bleeping rooms ceiled in; furnace and fireplace; modern kitchen. Best buy in Hawthorne district. Go di rect to GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., See A. C. Galbraith, R24 Henry bldg. Main 7266. IRVING TON SACRIFICE. A REAL HOME. I Hardwood floors throughout, large liv ing room, 2 fireplaces, den, pass pantry, kitchen and dining room on first floor; 4 bedrooms, fine sleeping porch ; double garage, etc. ; house ne"wly painted ; this home is worth at least JlO.ooO, but will be sold if taken at once for $S5uO. If you want a fine home at a real bargain price be sure to see this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOME. $0a00. worth $75o0. Owner leaving city. One block from Laurelhurst park, b rooms and breakfast room, hardwood floors, ma.iy built-in conve liences, artistic ma hogany buffet with plate-glass doors and mirror, French sliding doors, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, station ary tubs with gas stove alongside: all improvements in. garage; ntire house in perfect condition, clear e incumbrance. Require substantial payment. Phone room S32. Multnomah hotel. , SEIJ3CT YOUR HOME. SOME CHOICE BUYS. ROSE CITY PARK.J3500 ROSE CITY PARK. $4750 ROSE CITY PARK.I6S00 HAWTHORNE $3250 HAWTHORNE 3750 IRVING TON $5500 IR V1NGTON $6000 LAURELHURST . . .$4000 AND MANY OTHERS. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. VERY BEST PART OF ALAMEDA PARK $4750. SUBSTANTIAL HOME. Beautiful shade trees and lawn, attrac tive reception room, cosy living room and dining room, fine oak floors, modern kitch en, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch. Every thing newly tinted and painted. Think of it, in Alameda Park for $4750. Go direct to GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., See A. C. Galbraith, 624 Henry bldg. Main 72B0. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOWS. If you are looking for a 6 or 8-room bungalow, built as it should be with every dollar put in that was possible and many unique features (including special party room and garages with turntable, look at Nos. 11S4-G E. Bumside st. Am not a builder, put these up by day labor and am not trying to make a lot of money on them. R. H. Torrey, owner. 103 Floral ave. Tabor 4U7. HAWTHORNE district, for sale by owner, two 7-room semi-bungalows, 410 and 416 E. 37th St.. cor. Grant ; all modern, fur nace, hardwood tioors and all built-in conveniences; beautiful location and sur roundings. These are fine homes. Come and see if this is not just what you are looking for; easy terms if desired. FOR SALE V beautiful hme at White Salmon Falls, out from White Salmon. Lovely view of Mount Adams; $600 w.ter plant; acres in best apples, 5 acres in wheat, about 7 acres in potatoes and gar den, rest in good timber, 24 acres in all. $ 1 0.Oou, part cash, balance easy terms. Phone East 2051. INCOME-MAKING HOME. Acre lot with modern 5-room house, cloe in. near schools and churches, cheap. Might take light car or small house 111 trade ; fruit is- paying interest on valua tion, not counting house. Owner leaving c-l.v. 721 E. 4Q th st. FINE location, Spokane. Wash., 7-room mod ern house, lot 50x152. lawn, fruit and shade trees, garage, sewer, sidewalk and all public improvements paid; clear title, no mortgage; for sale at bargain or will trade for Portland residence ; will pay cph difference if suited. Our address, T a bor 2251. HAVE bargain in a nice 8-room house, Van couver, Wash.. 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, ho water heat, garage, large grounds, close in; S2000 cash will handle, good terms on balance, must sell, am going south, let me tell you about it. Address owner. Box 382, Seaside, Or. A MODERATE priced, modern home in Irv ington; 4 rooms first floor, hardwood floors, deep cement basement, fine fur nace, big nrepiace. o sleeping rooms, Bleeping porch, complete every detail price jiOOOO. good trms. See L. K. Moore for goon noiTT's. 317 Board of Trade. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 5 -room house. 2 blocks to car, finished In ivorv enamel and gray paper; large living room, fireplace. hardwood floors, bookcases, pleasant outlook, large porch ; $:5O0 ; terms. F H. DESHON, 613 Cham, of Com, bldg. BEAUT FUL u p-to-date six-room bungalow, old ivory finish woodwork, decorated pa per walls, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen fireplace, basement, furnace, fruit trees, fine lawn and roses, lot 50x100. on paved Ftr&t. By owner, 1077 Division. Tabor 47l. HOUSE BUYERS, Look at the new bungalows at B. B3d and Alameda drive. E. 41st and Mixter St., and No. 3'0 E. 40th. GEORGE A. ROSS, Owner, 404 Gerlingcr bldg. Marshall 85R. A SNAP SEE OWNER. $;on Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, complete in every respect, finished in ivory and like new : Rossmere district; large lot. paved street, sewers in and paid. Owner. 509 McKay bldg. $ 50OC ASH rVu RNI SH E D HOUSE. $1200. A nice 4-room furniahed hour, lot 50x 105. all fenced, fine garden, for sale by wnr. Take Mt. Scott car to 82d St., walk south to 70th ave, turn east one block to 7104 83d st. S. E. MODERN 6-room bungalow. lot 65x100, Piedmont district: hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, right up to the minute; price $4500: good terms. See L. Moore for good homes. 317 Board of Trade. MT. TABOR '-room cottage: electricity, gas. bath, basement, lot 50x135 ; 2 blocki to car, $2Ro0. $600 down. Tabor 1S1L W. H. 8 wtell. MY equity in 5-room bungalow with fruit and garden for S2-"0; balance of $1050 pnvable monthly. Furniture if desired. 245 E.'SSth St.. 3 blocks S. of M. T. car. FOR SALE Six -room modern home, hot water beat, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, large yard, fruit trees, etc. On Sandy bivd. Tabor 8143. " $2250 MT. TABOR $2250. To close an estate, view lot 68x100 with good 0-room bungalow; real bargain. East 25S1. FOR SALE Cheap, by owner, just outsid city limits, good 6-room house with sleep ing porch, 1 acre ground; gas and electric lights. Woodlawn 31S. b-Rv.OM house, between high and public schools, W3S Borthwick St., 2 blocks east Mississippi ave. car line. CaU Sunday between 1 1 and 4. FOR SALE Well-built modern 6-room house, ha fine sleeping porch; wtl! sell wav below cost, $3b00, terms Owner, 7M1'- V.. Fumide. MUST part te i my 8-room home, located In best Irvington; a bargain at $5500. ln l by appointment East 6049. j -1 ,ii o-roorn cottage, 1 bl rck f rom Sell - wood park; all city improvements; S00O down, balance terms. Owner. Tabor 3'.41. iM E. GRANT; house and full lot; all im provements pfiid; cash $110u. terms $lu, C:n tV.4 E. TOth st. Seilwood 2227. 5-ROOM modern house. 874 KilMn mworth, l block from Albert car. Wood. lawn G4S. jvr.oo WEPT " SIDE COLONIAL: 9-rm strictly modern; garage. Main 3730. COZY COTTAGE, price $1250; terms. P'kynu st.. ner 70th "RC" car. 1S00 r'OR SALE Modern 7-room house, Laurelhurst. $."r.on. East 3162. 6 ROOMS, furnished, walking distance, ftchooi. Owner, East 41 4 S. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. "NOB HILL" SACRIFICE. PRICE S500. Very -fine, large living-room with fire place, large dining-room with built-in buf fet, nice large kitchen. 4 bedrooms, etc, ; 2 verandas; 50x100 lot: fine lawn a-nd shrubbery. Located in the very choicest part of the "Nob Hill' district, midway between the two hospitals. A lovely home in a fine district, and Just the ideal loca tion for a doctor having hospital practice. See Mr. Lawrence. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 39 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. The purchase of a business in California forces me to effect sale this week of my cosy, strictly modern 7-room bungalow located in choicest part of Laurelhurst at loti Floral ave. Living and dining rooms In solid South American mahogany. 2 bed rooms and bath downstairs. 1 bedroom, small sleeping porch, large billiard room and toilet and lavatory upstairs, finest hardwood floors throughout. beautiful yard, flowers, vines and shrubbery. A real snap at $6750, terms. See my agent, R. H. Torrey, 103 Floral ave. Tabor 407. FOR SALE SEATTLE HOUSE. Fine 10-room house, $12,500. terms; Harvard ave., near Roy st; first floor has large living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen bu tier's pantry, reception hall and vestibule, large porches; second floor four large bedrooms, one with, pri vate tiled bath, also large family bath with shower; attic, four finished rooms; full basement well equipped ; also has servants' bath: place now rented by the month, $90; address owner for arrange ments for appointment 630 E. 16th st. N., Portland, Or. DO YOU WANT A HOME AND A LIVING ALSO? HERE IS A SPLENDID OPPOR TUNITY SIX 5 AND 6-ROOM FLATS; FINE CORNER ON WEST SIDE. WALK ING DISTANCE; YOU CAN LIVE IX ONE AND THE OTHERS ARE ALL RENTED FpR $200 PER MONTH, WHY WORRY ABOUT BUSINESS WHEN REAL ESTATE IS SO CHEAP? PRICE S1S.0U0; TERMS. E. H. CULLIS. EAST fcGGu. BEAUTIFUL HOME, EIGHT ROOMS, NEAR EAST TWENTIETH AND COUCH. NEW LY PA1XTED AND DECORATED IN SIDE AND OUTSIDE. ALL MODERN mWF.NIKNTKS AND BUILT-IN EF FECTS, TWO TOILETS. BATH. FUR NACE AND GARAGE. A HANDSOMB AND ATTRACTIVE HOME. JbOuO. TF.RMS. E. H. COLLIS. EAST 866a RIA'HA LOW. 5 rooms, bath, attic, fireplace, built-ins. beamed celling. Dutch kitchen. basement, laundry trays; paved street (paid); garage; just a lovely home in a fine neighborhood; best car service in city. 2 min. out; take MV aepot car to btu, 'limited' cars make few stops. Price only $2650 and 300 cash will do; 32.i0. inc. interest; quick possession. Don't fail tc see this. 2090 E. Giisan. Tabor 854 fore noons. . ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. Can give immediate possession of my modern colonial bungalow, on 100x100 lot. 901 Duncklev ave.. 6 rooms and bath on first floor, one of the best bungalows ever built in Portland ; price sio.uou, except will reduce to .DOoO if sold by August 5 requli es 1-3 cash; may be seen any eve ning after 6, or during day by appoint merit. Ben H. Hazen, Woodlawn 4097. 01 Marshall 1801. HAWTHORNE. A REAL BARGAIN. Dandv 5-room modern bungalow with fireplace, furnace, alt built-in effects, fine large basement and full-floored attic. Here is a real bargain at $31o. with $5oO pay ment down and easy terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. 18000 IRVINGTON REAL BARGAIN? Bungalow type, 8 rooms, 2 baths, best plumbing, fireplace, concrete porch, hard wood floors 1st fioor, best Wiiton through out 2d floor, fine s. p., 2 closets, Ruud in stantaneous heater, electric tLove, stair carpet, fine garage; lot 75x100, exclusive. East 419. THAT VACANT LOT. Whv not turn a burden into income ? We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE, SATISFACTION. L it- Bailey Co.. Inc., contracting axcut tecU, &J24 N. W. Bank bids. FOR SALE BY OWNER, Three So-foot lots, three-room plastered house, hot and cold water, bath, gas ranue. woou ana coai range, linoleum clucnens; 14 fruit trees, small fruit and good garden. Price 2000; Jluoo cash, balance $15 per month. t617 a4Ui ave. S- E. Mount Scott car. BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR HOME. J5250. West slope, substantial, 7 rooms. 4 bel chambers; turnace, nrepiace; massive out' fet. built-ins, attic. basement, garage. fruit; fine neighborhood. Owner, labor 8824. BUY from owner: beautiful bungalow in Beaumont district: s rooms and sieeo ing porch; 2 bathrooms, hard wood floors, a.l mode rn conveniences, furnace and garage. i-o cun win naniue. cee Air, olcott at Broaaway hotel, or call Tabo 4550. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE; FIREPLACE, BU1LI-J.N du f r LX A.NO BOOKCASES gahaue; C cj k , ci-ost; i;v on ea SIDE; BEST CARLINE IN CITY; i-ii TERMS, PHONE EAST 3069. 7-ROOM, 2-story frame residence, furnished round space aoxu ; garage Bpace 22x2: a choice view ; cioae in. on Portland Hts- foothills; cash JIOUO, balance easy; uppei same terms. uwoer, 4 utn t, corner Jackson. tii 5 0 D OWN , BALANCE $ 8 50 TERMS buys my equity in a 5-room house, 1 block to car, on nun bi soutn 01 uian; bath, gas, electricity, sleeping porch, basement, pear tree and roses. Tabor &304 alter 5:o0 P. M. FOR SALE House in one of the best local ities of Irvington ; 8 rooms, garage and modern throughout, completely furnished, including piano, etc. ; can oe seen by ap apuointment only. Phone East 347. BELMONT and 31st. good six-room house; electricity, gas. bath, lull basement, ce ment Iloor. LUbs; $2050, $5oo down. See this. Tabor 1811. W. H. Saw tell. MT. TABOR, 5-room house for sale, fire place, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, lull basement, laundry trays and Httic: just painted; $28uo; terms. Call 109 E. 54 th st. evenings. LiUY from owner, save agent's commission Modern 7-room Laureihurst home, 1 block irom car; garage and ail modern conven iences. Price $55u0, terms. Call Mr. Haas. Marshall 205. ATTRACTIVE, new, 6-room Irvington house and garage by owner; Boynton furnace, fireplace, French and mirror doors, hard wood floors; finished In old ivory; come and see It. 060 E. 14th st. N. Terms. HAWTHORNE district, $2650. 4-room mod ern house, lot 60x100, gas heating system, nice lawn, roses an i fruit trees, small payment down, balance like rent. Phone Tabor 9015. HAVE TO SELL 5 rooms on first floor and space for 3 rooms upstairs; attractive, modern, nearly new bungalow ; good loca tion, $3250, terms. 145 E. Lombard st. Kenton car. FOR SALE on easy monthly payments and take light cheap auto as firt payment. 6-room modern house in good neighbor hood. For information call SeUwood 1657; no agents. BARGAIN Close-in, semi-modern house, 9 rooms, gas, electricity, lot .1x190, paved street, lruit trees, chicken house. $2500, terms; no incumbrance. Phone Seilwood 24 S3. FURNISHED five-room bungalow. Rose City; this is a good buy; hardwood floors, fire place, all built-in extras; has piano; will gie some terms; price $3ooo. K 410, Ore goman. BUY from owner 6-room house, east front, on 30th st. ; furnace, gas and electricity; no hardwood floors; vacant Aug. 1 ; price $290, terms. CallMain 3238 after 10 A. ML. GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimates. B. T. Allyn. 243 Star st. Office hours 8 to 5 P. M. Phone Main 83L Res phone Tabor 194. J3Y owner, 5-room bungalow, corner lot; good basement: furniture lor sate aiso if desired; house built 4 ears. 75u E. 7Uth st N., 2 blocks from R. C. car. IRVINGTON 100x100, 17th and Broadway, $750. 1 fllB is u Li 1 iir-ps properly, dui mere is fine 8-room house, full basement, that eoes with iL East 419. FOR SALE To sell my rights and title place for $40; 1 lot and house; price Place, $360. Call 6434 E. g.ith su S. E. S000 ALAMEDA HOME $8000. Perfect bungalow-type, 4 rooms 1st floor, 3 rooms, s. p. 2d; garage. East 41!i. BY owner, bungalow )n best part of Irving ton, 3 rooms hardwood floors ; 6 rooms in all. Alt 60S, Oregonian. FOR SALE By owner. 7-room modern house; convenient to two car lines; leraib. rail at 'J!'4 E. 17th s t. N. LOV ELY home nr Mount Tabor with O rooms, den. sleeping porch and double garage. Owner at 1.79 Division su Terms. FOR SALE by owner, at a sacrriice. modern five-room bungalow, Williams avenue; terms. Phone Tabor 6643. BY OWNER Eight-room house, garage, walking distance. S5500; 50x100. 104 ES. East 4443. 5r OOM bungalow in Funnyside. good condi tion, blocks to beat car service; a bar gain. By owner. lOtiti E. Morrison. MODERN 6-room house. $600 down. cToTe to Peninsula park. Inquire 1240 Mississippi ave. Phone V oodla wn5o24. BARGAIN" Seven-room house, paved street, on carline, 5S 1-3 by 150: $2500. 2025 J&. Giisan at. Owner, East 4442. REAL ESTATE. I-or Sale -Hoif. -ROOM, bungalow on one floor, neat and clean ; lot ooxlOO corner, garage, iruiu flowers, 5230U; HOOo cash. bal. to suit. 5-room modern cottagg. full attic, base ment, paved st., all paid ; 50x100; iruit, flowers, shrubbery; near car; $250, terms. 5- room house 4 lots SuxlOO tu each in Sell ood, 2uoo; $2u0 cash, bal. mo., o per cent. 6- room cottage, modern ; 100x1 00 feet ; fruit. Lower, oerries; $2o00, $000 cash, bai. $15 mo. 6 per cent. This is in Sell- WOOQ. 5- roora house, lot 50x120 ft.; some fine trees; Knoti St., near 7th St.; paved St.; $2uuo, $250 cash, bai. 6 per cenu 6- room modern house, 2 large porches, nice lawn, garden; lot iSxiuu ft.; three blocks to 2 car lines ; o0U0, half cash, bal. 0 per cent. 5-room modern bungalow, full base ment, one blk. car; good locatiou; $lot0 cah; good value. C M. GaIEWOOD & CO., 165Va Fourth St. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Grand, large living room, line place, old Ivory finish, oak floor, Frenoh doors lead ing out to view porch, lovely dining, has fireplace, built-in buffet, natural finish oak floors and French doors. Dutch kitch en down, 3 grand, well-lighted bedrooms up, bath and toilet; ail oak floors, lull cement basement, fine heating plant. This is real Riverview home and most delight ful in every detail; $7500. reasonable terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915, A 2815. IRVINGTON $10,000. Fine residence with large grounds. 75x 108; 8 rooms with attic, central hall with large living room, dining room, fine li brary; everything finished in white enamel and in very best condition just like new; second floor has 4 bedrooms OJ very large 1, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, lull basement; house most luodern in type and arrangement; beautiful grounds; price Sio.uoo. GODDARD & WTEDRICK, 243 Stark SL ROSE CITY PARK. SNAP. Account obliged to leave Portland will sacrifice my five-room and sleeping porch bungalow. Hardwood floors in every room, including bath and kitchen. French bevel plate mirrors in doors in bedrooms. All built-ins, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, laundry trays. Large attic which can be converted into a bedroom. Lot 50x100. Price $3750; can be seen at any time, will go quick at una price. Phone Tabor 8687. LARGE GROUNDS AND SHACK, H A WTHOHXE DISTRICT. Almost 1 acre ot ground, about 20 good beaitng lrult trees, 3-room house, electrici ty, gas and water; 1 block irom Haw- t Iiorne ej.r lin : 11 rice 13H5U. easy terms WATCH OUR AOS : WE GET RESULTS. C. A. Warriuer, RITTER. LOWE Ac CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg- SACRIFICE to closo out a business. LAL KhLHL lis T nome, t rooms . Bleep ing porch, garage and hot-water heat, hanlwond floor. We will sell for $6000, uru lded cash J.J500 is received. The residence, loua E. Everett St.. Laurelhurst i'.-1hm; ii the lot this property cosi more than $60uu when built, about yeara ao. Full particulars, pnone uroaaway lio. Please uo not aistuio tenanL. LARtlE 7-liOOM HOME. This was built for a home and is in good district, on paved street, all paid, nrt l tliorouunlv modern ; 2 fireplaces. one block from car, a remarkable buy at $5000; small cash payment, balance 6 per cent. Immediate possession. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bidg. Main 6915, A 2815. GOING TO THE COUNTRY. Come out and see this six-room strict ly modern bungalow at o58 47th st. ; Al hardwood floors, artistic walls, excellent basement with steel concrete lining and splendid Fox furnace; $1000 cash, terms; $3tU0. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., 36th and Hawthorne. IRVINGTON $6500. Irith street, near Thompson, lot 50x100 3 very large bedrooms and sleeping porch (screened), also bath on second noor; hardwood floors and many built-in shelves and closets ; house vacant ana can give immediate possession, very easy terms. GODDARD 4c WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. 8-ROOM house, large living and dining rooms, kitchen, two bedrooms and Lata on lirst floor, three bedrooms, bath aud sleeping porch on second floor, concrete garage, lot 75x135, view propetry, select neighborhood; will include carpets and winter's fuel. Owner, Main 2268, 8 to No agents. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 6-toom modern house, good furnace, fireplace, full basement, all modern con veniences. lot 5uxl22; chicken yard, large rabbit house : beautii ui view. Best buy in city if sold this week by owner. E. 54th st. HA car, oft" at Market Phone Tabor 4542. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, paved streets in and paid; 1 block from car; price $45t0. easy terms. C. A. Warriuer, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MURRAYMEAD $6250. Beautiiul residence of 8 rooms near V.uttt 24Lh street : strictly modern, hard wood floors, tireplace, hot-water heat very easy terms. Be sure you investi. gate this. 00DDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. FOR SALE, by owner, a nice 5-room bunga low on corner lot 100x100; fruit trees, ber ries, chicken house and garage: two blocks from Woodstock car, stores and libraries; S blocks from Reed college. $3000. $1000 down, balance monthly. Sell 87. GOING ON TO ACREAGE. Will sell my 5-room bungalow with fireplace and bookcate-if taken within the next lew days for $3000; come and look it over at 1246 E. Harris; will take $6O0 cash, immediate possession. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. $2000. Well-built 5-room modern bungalow; large attic, lot .0xi0, 7 large bearing pear and apple trees; photo at office. Fred . German Co.. Cham, of Com. Open even ings and Sundays. FOR SALE Irvington bungalow. New mod ern bungalow locate a at 000 tu. iolu complete in every respect, built-in con veniences, fine place, hardwood floors, etc. Price $0600. Rico Construction Co., East 2132. VERY attractive modern 9-room bungalow, hardwood floors, mahogany and ivory woodwoik. two porches, two full lots, one block Irvington car. Two blocks Irving tcn school. By appointment. E. 713. EAST 47th and Belmont Bargain, 100x70, small cottage. If sold within 10 days, $2oU0 will take it; half cash. Tabor 11L W. HSawt $a.i00 BIG HOUSE. EASY! 5 rooms, base ment, fireplace, floored attic ; casn $150. trade $loO. balance $150 every 0 months. Alberta car to l.th, 1 block south to 100s. W o od lawn 29o 1 . SIGHTLY HOME PI E. 62d St., 9 rooms, cement basement, furnace, hardwood floors, lot 75x100, fruit trees, beautiful view; terms. Scott Bozorth, 7u2 Spalding building. $2800 BY OWNER. Modern 7-room house, cor. 100x100. garage, henhouse, fine garden, good resi dence district. 10 E. 70th st. ou cor. Market. Phone Tabor 9273. WILL pell my Irvington home at a sacri fice if taken at once. 8 room?, good con dition ; modern in all respects ; line loca tion, one block from BW car; buy from owner and save money. 6S3 E. 23d st. N. t0 E. HLRXSIDE Modern 8-room. periect cond it ion ; city liens paid ; $5uOO; small payment, balance, like rent. Owner, 414 Pittock bilv.. evenings on premises. FOR SALE East corner 100x100, lawn, snade and bearing lruit trees; 6-room house, Al condition. Hawthorne car. Terms. Owner, Tabor 4Z'J'd. 22."i0 5-ROOM bungalow cottage. built- ins full lot. near school, car: $300 down "W-W" car, 40th ave. and 44th st.; good district, be 11 wood douo. ONE ACRE. Listen, I can offer you one acre with cheap new house; E. 40th St. and Powell; terms. W. H. Ross, llOO N. W. Bank bidg. 5-ROOM modern house, bath, pantry and closets, just newiy papered, kaiomined, varnished and painted, lot 50x100 ; price $2500. C. Scott, 14 E. 45th st. 6-ROOM house all modern except bath. 7 lota, fruit and out buildings, 82d and Kendall station. A. D. Parrlsn. Call mornings. Tabor 60o8. FOR SALE Seven -room house with plenty of fruit and garage. 749 Miss. Call at 772 Miss. a e. TU ELVE housekeeping n.udrrn. Price yo0. Morrison. rooms, rent 151 17tn su. $35. cor. & KuOMS and kitchenette on fractional lot; easy walking distance, or wiil trade tor improv ed acreage. East 30r. SNAP Nice 3-room bungalow, nearly new ; lot SuxlOO, nice location, $700 casn. $7oO teimj. 5U14 84th st. S. E.. on -1st tv. jiO YOU WANT a home and an income? Two 3-room apartments upstairs ana 4 rooms below. Phone East 310-. BARGAIN 6-room house, modern, improve ments all in and paid lor. corner lot. easy terms. Owner. 142Q E. Hoyt. BUNGALOW, modern except furnace, 3 blks. from car; price $1U, terms. Phone own mr. Tabor 77-0. FOR SALE OR TRADE Modern j-room bungalow, fireplace and built-ins. Terms. Sell. 521. FOR SALE Irvington, strictly modern 8 rooms, between Knott and Brazen. Owner. Hast SU i2i. FoR SALE Good newly painted 5-room notice, 1 - blocks from car. Price $100. Tabor Co-'j. 3f4 71st .t. S. E. SIX-RoOM bungalow, cheap, at SO Buffalo street. Call Main 1143. MODERN house for sal by owner, easy terms. Cail CoL 327. REAL ESTATE. X0 NOT HESITATE COME RIGHT IN. If you want a good home cheap, fur nished and ready for immediate house keeping, close in. handy to car. school and Washington high school, paved streets, city sewer, no liens or indebtedness to as sume, eight large rooms. 5 bedrooms, ful: basement, furnace heat, fireplace, book case, china closet. Dutch kitchen, wood lift and laundry trays, modern bath and two toilets. It is equipped fro- basement to garret with gas and electric -Tghts. House .is in first-class condition. nat and clean H3 a pin. beautiful lots 50x1 3. with fruit, flowers and shrubbery, the best buy in Portland. $530O and terms -bsolutely sat isfactory. If you want a good home, do not hesitate looking at this one. Come right in and see. E. W. HUGHES. 5Q7 -Tournal bldg. Phone Main 2S58- LAURELHURST $11,500. Aery best section of Laurelhurst, beau tfiul view of Laurelhur?t park; 9-room residence, Dutch colonial type, center hall; first floor has living room, dining room, breakfast room, Dutch kitchen, 3 fire places, toilets : second floor 4 bedrooms w-ith inclosed sleeping porch heated same as bedrooms, bath, hot-water heat: house finished in white enamel, basement com pletely finished, with billiard room and fireplace: large grounds, 75x100, facing south; an unusual opportunity to secure a fine home built for the present owner, whose business interests have taken dim east: price 11,500. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 23 Stark St. TODAY. KENTON. PORTLAND'S CENTER OF ACTIVITY. LET ME SHOW YOU. SIXTEEN MODERN BUNGALOWS. PRICES $2o00 TO $3000 . CASH PAYMENT $150 TO $500. 23 MODERN HOUSES. PRICES TERMS SO YOU CAN BUY. Two modern five-room bungalows. $1450 each. $100 to $200 cash. $15 to $20 per month. a. c. Mcdonald. - 206 W. Lombard St., Wdln. 6273. Office open Sunday and evenings. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Do you want a real nice home, on cor ner lot. paved streets, below hill, couple of blocks north of R. C. Park car? Here It is: Large living, fireplace, bookcases, den, dining room, buffet, Dutch kitchen, 2 lovely bedrooms, bath and toilet in old Ivory and all on one floor; just a dandy full cement basement, fine hot air, furnace, fruit room, coal room and large finished room in basement; Just a real home; $465u, $10u0 ca.-h. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015, A 2S15. BEAUTIFUL AND COMPLETE. This is real cla.s. 5 rooms and large den, can be ftsed for spare bedroom, fin ished throughout in white enamel, hard wood floors, fireplace, all built-in con veniences, French door, sunporch, full ce ment basement, Ai furnace, garage in keeping with hout-e, beautiiul lawn and shrubbery; hard-suriace sts. in j.nd paid; all for $4500. easy terms. C. A Warriner, RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $00 ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. CASH OR TERMS. Practically new, in Al condition. 6 rooms and glassed sleeping porch on one floor, ail very light and airy, full attic, white enamel finish throughout. living and dmiiig room in mahogany trim, cove ceil ings and tapestry paper, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, laundry trays, garage. lawn, roses and shrubbery: -biorf Sandy bivd. and Rose City car. From owner, 040 05th St. Tabor 20. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. BUNGALOW. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. Come mid see this attractive bungalow at 102 E. 28th st. N., half block south Alberta car; dandy fixtures, nice light rooms, full cement basement, fine dis trict. Owner on premises from 10 to P. M. A great sacritice; total price S2'.t7." ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. rooms, f 11 1 1 cement basement, garage with cement tloor and approacn. I u mace, wash trays, hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, 3 bedrooms upstairs, lot 50xlO0. all as sessments paid, a most attractive home. $4750, terms; leaving for east, will sell some iurmture with house if desired Owner, Tabor 507. REAL BUY NOW VACANT. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace. iun cement oasement, iurnace, good ga rage, ground 122 ft. deep, fruit trees, hard surface streets in and paid; East Salmon, near 26th st. ; price $4200. C. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. A dandy new 5-room bungalow, all one floor, on paved street, all paid, 5xl00 lot, well arranged and well finished in white or dark; $3350, small cash down payment, balance like rent. Move rignt in. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915, A 2S15, VERY BEST OFFERING TODAY. The best is none too good wken your family is considered. 1 am able to oner wnat I lirmly believe to be the heft avail able home in the city today. Fine larg " corner with double garage; never occupied except ty present owner, tor aetaits cai W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. SAVE $500. I have a 5-room cottage with 50x100 lot, near 3!th st. : Al plumbing, 11 immense fruit trees. Do your own painting and re pair work and pave wnat t wm aud price when iinished ; cash $ 7 650. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., 36th and Hawthorne. FINE, large '-room home in Irvington dis trict on Clackamas St.. near tn. 1 ni house ought to sell for $65o0. but for good reasons will sacrifice ai 54oOO on terms. Ali assessments are paid; no incumbrance. See owner at 204 Henry Diag. FOR SALE By owner, modern five-room house, close-in on Woodstock carline. .OvKiO lots. 8 bearing fruit trees and ber ries. Paved streets in and paid. Gas and electric lights. Price $2400. 7S3 E. 2Sth st. Phone Seilwood 811. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., 621 Morgan Building. Main 203; 6-R0OM bungalow, $1750; lot 50x100; house Is plastered and has bath and toi., located at 0730 Whitman ave., ML Scott line; $300 cash. Fred W. German Co.. Cham, of "om. Open evenings and Sundays. CHEAP BUY. SO ino and eood S-room modern hou on 37th ave., bet. 71st and 72d sts. Will sell the above at a large sacritice. Mall Von Borstel, 104 2d st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $3000. 6-room house, furnace, fireplace, near Ford-street bridge; lot 50x104, terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. HAWTHORNE district. $2650, 4-room mod otn house lot 50x100. gas heating system nlr lawn, roses and fruit trees, small navment down, balance like rent. Phono Tabor JW15. SIX-ROOM house, 3 porches, bath, toile connected to sewer. $2500; garden, frui trees, nice lawn ; easy terms; $500 cash. 141 Sheldon st. Take Montaviiia car to and Giisan. 1 block north; V3 block west. NO 105 EAST 36th st., one block north of WS car line, large lot, 5 rooms and hath full basement, elec. lights, gas; pric $2100. cash $2' 10, bal. monthly. G. How ard. owner, 662 E. 42d N. Tabor 7884 VATA NT VERNON BUNGALOW. 6 large rooms and bath, full basement fruit trees. 2 carllnes. $20oO, terms. Owne on premises 065 E. 20th N., Sunday, 1 4 P. M. Main 923. For SALE 5-room house, modern; j-blk. to car line; nice neifrnoornooa; ou mm. out. Price $2000, small payment down, bal. on easy terms. 4330 64:h st. S. E. WILLI MS AVE. 2 modem K-ronra cot tages, income $i00; price $5250, $1000 down, or wiil sell one $-750, $500 down, terms. Owner. East 7722. MODERN 6-room house with sleeping porch, built-in conveniences, hardwood floors, bearing fruit trees and berries, garage. Owner. 5 E. 27th St. N ROSE CITY PARK. Buy of owner and save commission. 6 room bungalow, with sleeping porch and garage. 671 Club ave. Tabor SO'.'O. $2750. E. Main St., near E. 32d : a 5-room bun galow in good condition; terms if desired. W. H. Ross, 4 lQO N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE Three 5-room houses, each house on 33x50 lot; close in on east side. Will sell separate or all: reasonable. Own er, East 4-1' t. jN exceptionally tine home with beautiful "grounds and double garage is o'lered for sale by owner far below its real value. Address AL 4H0. uregonian, MoDERN, eight rooms, 2 fireplaces, sleep ing porch IOOjeIOo corner. E. 40th and Tillamook. Two bloclt -om Sn.dy bivd. Price fisnu. rnono 4iuwauniw $' EASY term, imp. paM ; nice fertile lot near Miss. car. Build shack or good house and 1 will pay your lumber bihs. Why rent?1645 Miss. ave. for SALE By owner, modern in every way. sleeping porch. concrete garage. round lOtixloO. Address 4J1 - sath North. Phone Tabor 8044. NEW 5-roofh bungalow. No. 432S Clinton, near 43d fet.. Richmond dist. Taken on mortgage. Sell at coat, Owner Tabor 5361. joso 5-ROOM modern house with den, fruit trees, chicken, house ian run. two blocks to car. 1057 Jordan st. FOR SALE, by owner, 5-room bungalow; ea" eiectricltv, full basement, corner 50x 100. Terms HGtt E. l-'th N. Wdln. 4903. HOUSE ot corner lot. rooms. Wdln. bath. 1475. MOVABLE 4-room house, cash $150. 4244. KEAL ESTATE. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGAXOW HOME. Here Is a beautiful seven-room bungalow with a full front porch, large living room, with fireplace and leaded-glass bookcases, very attractive paneled dining room with leaded beveled-glass buffet and white enamel finish throughout; hardwood floors, cement basement, steam heat and. laundry trays; fuil cement driveway to ga rage, fine lawn and nice garden with ber ries, cement walks and paved street; block from car; $0o0. terms it desired. Call Stockton, THE FRED A. JACOBS COM PANT. No. 104 Fifth St. Main 6S89. ONLY $3000 it will cost $4000 to replace the house alone. The lot should be worth $2000 without the house. Here is a prac tically new G-room house; the rooms are large, with full cement basement walls. This is a modern house, douoie construcid and ready to move into. The street In front and streets surrounding all paved. The lot is a tull lot; all improvements in and paid for. Cement sidewalks, sewer, cement curbs and cement steps with walk around the house. $.i000 takes it all. with a $5oo cash payment down; the balanca can be paid in easy monthly payments. M. J. CLOHE&riY. ABI.N G TO N B LDG. BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $4000 for the sweiiest bungalow in thie district at price; all woodwork the very best and very artistic; 5 rooms and breakfast room, attic, garage, . improvements all in and paid; hard wood floors, fireplace with artistic mantle, heavy Trench plate mirror, bufiet with French plate mirror and plate-glass doros; entire home in perfect condition; requires sub stantial cash payment, no mortgage. Sunday cail Tabor 1317. J."A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exeii. Blag. Main 1094. ARLETA STATION, S-ROOM HOUSE. $850 CASH, BALANCE EASY. 8 large rooms in fme condition, 5 rooms below stairs and rooms above; upstairs arranged with built-in effects for house keeping rooms, which rents for $15 per month. This is a special bargain, close to car, school and stores. Owner must sell and will give long time on balance at 6 per cent; price $3o00. C. H. Woodward, RITTER. LOWE CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LA R G E. MODERN 1 0 -r 00 m h o use w 1 1 double sleeping porch mat win conveni ently hold 0 beds; 2 baths and toilets, large basement with furnace. Ruud water heater and laundry, hardwood floor throughout first story: an ideal home for large family, sanitarium or rooming house, located on the N. W. corner of East Yam hill and East 2th st. ; newly painted and refinisshed inside and outside. For sale at the extremely low figure of $0000. For particulars, see Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bldg. LAURELHURST OPEN FUR INSPKCTION TODAY Meautiful new 7-room bungalow, close to park. I challenge you to find anything to surpass or even equal this piace. See me at one-. I have four others in course of construction you can select from and choose your own decorations. Come out to Laurel nurst tract office, E- 30th and Giisan sts., or phone for auto. Tabor 34o3, evenings East 20&0. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, ON CAR LIN E. We are ottering this beautiful 6-room modern bungalow at a reduced price for a quicK sale, owner leaving city ; strictly modern, garage, full cement basement, hardwood iloors. fireplace, handsome built in buffet and window seats, Dutch kitchen; good terms. Our cars are at your dis posal ; Ic-t os show you. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth St. $3850. HAWTHORNE CAR LINE. Modern six-room bungalow, full cement basement., piped for furnace, large light living room, nrepiace and piate-giass mir rors: dining room with beautiful built-in buf let. hardwood f loros, Dutch kitchen; best of bath fixtures and two corner bed rooms downstairs; corner lot: terms. J. L. KARNOPP St. CO., 319 Ry. Exch. Bidg. Main 675. ROSE CITY PARK. $400O FURNISHED $4000. G rooms and sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, furnace, paved streets in and paid, 2 short biocks to Sandy bivd.; $1200 cash will handle. Let u show you this reai snap. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. C. A. Warriuer, RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $3150. RICHMOND BUNGALOW. $3150. Six rooms and extra-large sleeping porch, lot 50xl0o; full si-e basement; good car service and close in ; if you can buy tiie owners equity for $1200 cash you will get a bargain. This home is in good condition and shown by appointment. Ask Keliogg. . TIIE FRED A. JALUU3 wu.irA i. Main GSBO. rJO. jih rum l. HAWTHORNE HOME. Nice, large 7 -room home in good re pair, lovclv lot, heaps 01 fruit, berries, etc. ; full cement basement, large rooms, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch and den ; & real nice home, close to car, on East Madison, between 45th and 40th; paved street, all paid; $4250. $louO cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main GW15, A 2S15. ' NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 4250 buvs a dandy new modern bungalow on lot 50x112, hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, linen cioet. 5 rooms and breakfast room; garage. Sunday call Tabor 9317. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094. " JUST $2200. Fine 1 -storv, tt-room house, S rooms and bath on first and 1 room on second floor; full cement basement, fireplace; an excellent buy. Call and get particu- GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE. 6 rooms, full cement basement, hard- surface streets In and paid; about, from car; price $3000, terms. C. A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. blks. HOME BARGAIN. Modern 5 rooms and bath, newly finished inside, full cement basement, attic, lot 54x124 hard-surface street, city liens all paid A bargain, $2500, $500 cash. See owner between 0 A. M. and 5 P. M.. Sun- day at 1205 E. Yamhill. ; m 6ROOM house. 1 1-5 acres. Palatine hill. J miles from city limits by electric line or paved highway, mile back from river on west side, lovely valley view, full bear ing fruit trees, chicken house and runs. $300 by owner. J. K. Cole. B-3031, or care Underwood Typewriter Co. 6-ROOM ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Strictly modern, hardwood floors, fire place, built-ins, Dutch kitchen, furnace, full cement basement, 50x100 lot, 1 blocks off Sandy, $425o; some terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. $250 CASH. $25 MONTH. PRICE $1950. 5 rooms and bath; corner lo; ; 424 Church street, near Union and Killings worth aves. A. H. Akerson, 420 Henry birig. Mar. 4079. VERY desirable 5-rm. bungalow, fireplace, full cement basement, gas. electricity, lot 50x150. If you are looking for a real home, see this at once. $1750 down, bal ance monthly, with or without furniture. Thomson, 515 Henry bldg. 2 5-ROOM HOUSES. Water, sewer, gas, electric lights, paved sts.. cement walks, close to fine school. 1 block from car, very close in; price $1500, $200 down, balance like rent. KM IT H-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. NEW BUNGALOWS I have several brand-new bungalows In Laurelhurst and Irvington which can be sold on favorable terms; also some 6, b and 10-room houses. Mr. Brown, Main 1700, evenings Tabor 59 " " MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. 1T)0x100 corner. 6-room house. 2 blocks from car. Convenient to Reed college. This is an extra good bargain. $2200. Small cash payment. Geo. E. Englehart. Main 726t5. 624 Henry bldg. $250 CASH. $25 MONTHLY". PRICE S2250. 5-room modern bungalow, Dutch k itch en. buffet, full basement ; lot 50x100, ii Woodlawn-Alberta district. A. H. Aker son. Henry bldg. Mar. 4079. in FOR SALE by owner. 5-room house. 15-min. walk from 3d and Morrison, west side. $1700, $70 down. $17 per month at 7 per cent. Inquire 1154 49th ave. S. .. near 30 1 h . IRVINGTON Be quick : $6000; could not duplicate for $So0 ; beautiful home, all oak floors, ivory finish. large garage. Neuhausen : Co.. Main S07S. HAVE an elegant home, modem, with ail built-ins. nearly new, 6 rooms, corner, one block to car: fine garage. $3100. $1000 cash. East 5771). $2500 A BARGAIN, good house, 2 acres, .fruit, 1 mile from Lents Junction. mile from station; $500 cash. Harrison 2G3Vi Yamhill. $l.-,0 BUNGALOW-COTTAGE. 5 rooms and bath: built-ins. cement walk and curb garsfr-, lot -SOxino. everything paid. 306 E, 73d st. N. Montaviiia car. IF you want a good home, here is & bar gain for $2200; seven rooms, 2 blocks from car and school; barn and fruit trees; hard s u rface street. Call owner. E. 4050. LEA'IXO the city. S-room cottage, corner Milwaukie and Martin ave. Telephone East 234. DESIRABLE modern 9-room house, well lo cated, east side, close in. 717 Board of Trade bldg- ST. JOHN'S houe and lot, $2O0 down, $20 per mo. nian. 5 rooms, modern. AH 470, Orego- 3