The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 7, Image 31

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Number of Participants More
Than Ever Before.
Visiting Merchants Who Buy $500
and More of Goods to Have Trav
eling Expenses Refunded.
On hundred and twenty-five Port
land manufacturers and jobbers will
take part in Victory Buyers' week,
which opens in this city tomorrow, the
number of participants being more than
ever before and including all the larger
wholesale dealers and manufacturers of
the city.
Under the regulations issued for
Buyers' week each visiting merchant
who purchases goods totaling $000 or
more during the week from the partici
pating Portland firms will have his
traveling expenses to Portland re
funded. This offer will hold good
whether he comes by train, boat or
automobile. A list of goods purchased
from each firm is retained and at the
end of the week purchases are totaled
to determine what buyers are entitled
to the refund.
Itesulations Are Issued.
The only regulation which is to be
observed in this respect is that the
goods in question must have been pur
chased from one of the 125 business
houses here which have banded to
gether to make Victory Buyers" week a
success. Goods purchased at other
Portland houses cannot be counted in
the total. Practically all the large job
bing firms and manufacturers have
joined the Buyers' week forces this
year, however.
Uoods of almost every description can
be purchased in Portland this week by
visiting merchants, so large and varied
is the stock which will be offered. Pro
prietors of clothing stores will find
probably the largesl line of these goods
here of any point on the coast, while
representatives of druggist firms, gro
cery houses, hardware concerns and
general stores will be equally favored
with large and varied stocks to look
over. Bathing suits, tobacco, musical
instruments and candy are among the
supplies offered by the jobbers here in
wholesale quantities. In fact, in look
ing over the list one comes to the con
clusion that there is scarcely any sal
able article which cannot be found in
wholesale lots among the Portland job
bers. List of Finns Given.
The complete list of 125 Portland
concerns which are taking part in Vic
tory Buyers' week is as follows:
Phoenix build-
Adrian Neckwear company,
iiiB, neckwear, suspenders.
Aibers Brothers Alilling company. Railway j
Exchange building, ct reals, tioifr. 1
Allen & Lewis, 40 N. Front street, whole
sale grocers, cigars, tobaccos.
American Brush Manufacturing' company.
Union and East Washington, brushes of
every description, corn brooms, street and
b table brooms.
Ames, Harris & Neville company. Fif
teenth and iioyt, burlap and burlap bags,
cotton and cotton bags. Hour bags and back
Atkins, E. C. & Co., 73 Kirst street, cross
cut saws, drag saws, hack saw blades, hack
taw frames, hand saws.
Ball .Manufacturing company. Fourth and
Couch, crepe de chine, georgette waists.
Bail, W. J. Waist company, Broadway
building, ladis silk waists.
Ballou As Wright, ho Broadway, automo
bile, truck and tractor supplies, motorcycles,
bicycles and supplies.
Beaver Glove Manufacturing company, 311
Pine street, leather gloves.
Bell & Co., 114 Front street, fruits, vege
tables, nuts, cheese.
Bergmann, Theodore Shoe Manufacturing
Couapanj , ti-l Thurman street, Bergmann
shoes for men and boys.
Blake, Met all company. East Third and
Ankeny, paper bags, twine, stationery, no
tions, wood eo ware, brooms, brushes, auto
mobile tires, etc
Blumauer-Frank Drug company. 355
Everett, drugs and druggists sundries.
Cigars, soda ion n tains and supplies.
Blumauer & Hocli, 1U5 Tweiith street, soft
beverages and fountain supplies, Bevo, Ruby
il ist, Bern on a, root beer.
Breyman Leather company, 323 Everett
street, saddlery and harness leather, shoe
store supplies, shoe findings, sole leather.
Bridge & Beach Manuiacturing company,
305 No. Seventeenth street, superior stoves
and ranges. Homer pipeies furnaces, Wayne
vacuum washing machines.
Carman M aitul ac luring company, 11 1 4
Macadam road, bedroom, dining room furni
ture, chairs, iron, brass beds, cots, springs,
bunks, upholstery goods, mattresses, pil
lows, etc.
Central Ioor & Lumber company, 4S1
Glisau street, sash, doors, general mill work,
glass, mirrors, paint, varnishes, roofing,
building papers, v. a 1 1 board.
Clark, John, Saddlery company, 104 Front
street, harness, saddles, hardware, etc.
Clarke-Woodward Lrug company. Wood
lark building, drugs, chemicals, patent medi
cines, drug sundries.
Closset Devers, 1 No. Front street, cof
fees, teas, spices, flavoring extracts.
Coast Cigar company, i'2'.i First street,
cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, chewing gum.
Coast Culvert ac Flum company, Columbia
boulevard and Derby, culverts. flumes,
fmooth pipe, smoke stacks, metal grain bins.
Ice less Queen coolers. Common sense indoor
toilets, tanks and meta! specialties.
Columbia Mills, The, incorporated, Royal
building, window shades, shade cloth, shade
Tollers, sign cloth and lace curtains.
Conner 6c Co., s41 Macadam street, syrups,
tnoiasses, honey.
Crescent Paper company, 40 Front street,
wrapping paper, paper bags, twines, etc.
Cribben Ar Sexton company, 35 No. Seven
teenth street. Universal stoves, ranges and
fu maces.
Cronin, The P. J. company, fJ9 First
street, tires, automobile accessor les. harness
and saddlery.
Disston, Henry & Sons, incorporated, 91
First street, saws, saw tools, machine
knives, files.
iJwight-Kd ward company, 34 No. Front
street, cof I ees, tea, spices, extracts, baking
Failing-MeC'almat company. 8S Front
etret, hardware and sporting goods.
Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 15 First street,
Fairbanks scales, type Z engines, farm light
ing plants, motors, etc.
Fithian-Barker Shoe company, 30 North
Fifth street, boots and shoes.
Fleischner, Mayer Jfc Co., J07 Ash street.
ory goods. notions. men s lurnishings,
hosiery, ladies' ready-to-wear.
Free land Furniture company, 970 Macad
am road, library and dining tables, office
Fuller, W. P. & Co., Front and Morrison,
paints, oils, glass, doors, windows, millwork.
roofing, building materials.
Gill, The J. K. company. Third and Alder,
books, atationery, office furniture, holiday
Goodman Bros. Shoe company, 65 Fifth
grtreet, boots and sTioes.
Goodyear Rubber company. 67 Fourth
rtret. rubber footwear, rubber and oiled
clothing, belting, packing, hose, automobile
tlrs. tire sundries.
Gunst, M. A Branch, 64 North. Filth
Manufacturing company, E.
and O.-W. R. & N. tracks,
dining and bedroom furni-
street. cigars, tobacco, cigarettes, pipes,
smokers articles.
Harmon, F. S. & t Co., Fourteenth, and
Johnson, wholesale furniture, rugs.
Hazel wood company. Front and Ankeny,
butter, eggs, cheese, poultry, condensed milk.
Healy Bros., Thirteenth and Hoyt. whole
sale furniture.
Henninger & Ayes Manufacturing com
pany, 80 North Fifth street, home canning
outfits, commercial canning plants, canning
Hexter & Co., 480 BToyt street, stoves,
ranges, heaters, refrigerators, tinware, enam
eled ware, cooking utensils, crockery, alum
inum ware.
Heywood Bros. & Wakefield company, 148
North Tenth street, chairs, reed and rattan,
carriages, go-carts, mats, matting.
Hirsch-Weis Manufacturing company, 205
Burnside street, tents, awnings. canvas
goods, waterproof clothing, mackinaws.
shirts, overalls, workingmen's furnishings.
' Hochfeld Bros.. 170 First street, cigars,
tobaccos, cigarettes. confectionery, show
cases, cash registers, safes.
Honeyman Hardware company. Fourth
and Alder, general hardware, housef urnish
ing goods, mechanics' tools, cutlery, sporting
goods, builders hardware.
Irwin-Hodson, The, company. 115 North
Fifteenth street, printing, lithographing, of
fice supplies, steel, wood office furniture,
bank supplies.
Jacobs Hat and Cap works, Peoenix build
ing, cloth hats and caps for men and women.
Januen Knitting mills, 31 North Fifth
street, Jantzen bathing suits, jerseys, sweat
ers, toques, tarns and knitted hosiery.
Jenkins, T. W. & Co., 6O Front street,
wholesale grocers
KJlham Stationery A Printing company.
Fifth and Oak, stationery, office furniture
and office supplies.
King-Fisher Mattress company, 478 Al
blna avenue, mattresses, woven wire springs,
upholstery goods.
King Products company, Blake-McFa.ll
building, evaporated fruits and vegetables.
Kline." M. L., 34 Front street, plumbers'
engineers and heating supplies.
Knight Packing company, 474 East Alder,
pickles, vinegar, catsup, etc.
Krausse Bros., til Fifth street, boots and
Lang & Co., 1 First street. Royal Club
canned goods, glass goods, coffees, etc.
Lawrence, The Geo. company, SO First
street, harness and Saddlery, shoe findings,
shoe store supplies.
Lewis, Harry E., Manchester building,
Japanese silks, pongee silks, cotton crepes,
blue and white cotton table cloths, silk and
cotton kimonos, quilted robes.
Long, A. G., 249 North Sixteenth street,
fire apparatus, fire hose, fire department
equipment, street f I ushers.
Luckel, King & Cake Soap company, 642
Hood street, laundry and toilet soaps, laun
dry supplies.
Lutke. The, Manufacturing company, 140
North Sixth street, show cases and store fix
tures. Marshall-Wells company, Fifteenth and
Love joy, hardware, all kinds, electric goods,
paint, auto accessories, saddlery, sporting
goods, plumbing.
Mason, Ehrman & Co., Inc., 74 North
Fifth, wholesale grocers.
May Hardware company, 124 Front street,
wholesale hardware, stoves and tinware.
McMonies, W. H. & Co.. 440 Hancock
street, horse collars, saddle trees.
Meier & Frank company. Fifth, and Morri
son streets, general merchandise, toys, etc.
MilleF, Calhoun, Johnson company. Fifth
and Couch streets, notions, hosiery, knit
goods, etc.
Monroe & Crissell, 91 Front street, dairy
Mt. Hood Soap company, 270 Glisan street,
soap, washing powder, sal soda.
Multnomah Trunk & Bag company, 84 East
Water street, trunks, bags, suit cases.
Mutual Creamery company. 72 East Sev
enth street North, butter, eggs, cheese ice
Neustadter Bros., Fifth and Ankeny streets,
overs hirts. overalls, overcoats, leather vests,
mackinaws, hosiery, underwear, khaki, cor
duroy and cassimere pants, etc.
Noon Bag company, 32 North First street,
grain hags and flour bags, twines.
Northwest Auto company. Chapman and
Aider. Marmon, Cole, Reo, Dort automobiles;
Bethlehem, Indiana, Duplex and Reo trucks;
Miller tires and accessories.
Oregon Casket company, 101 North Fifth
street, caskets and funeral supplies.
Oregon Chair company, 111M1 Macadam
road, chairs, not jobbed but manufactured
and sold by the manufacturer.
Oregon City Woolen Mills, Sherlock build
ing, mackinaws, flannel shirts, loggers
shirts, Indian blankets, motor robes, blan
kets. 1
Oregon Eilers Music House, 287 "Washing
ton street, pianos, phonographs and records,
music, musical publications, small musical
merchandise, music rolls for player pianos.
Pacific Coast Biscuit company. Twelfth
and Davis streets, crackers, candy.
Pacific Coast Syrup company, 24 North
Front street, syrups, molasses, honey, pre
serves, jellies, mincemeat.
Pacific Paper company, 3 North Fourth
street, wrapping papers, paper bags, twines.
building papers, roofing, printers' supplies
and woodenware, specialties.
Pacific Phonograph Manufacturing com
pany, 45 Fourth street, manufacturers of
phonographs, jobbers of phonograph records
and accessories.
The Peerless-Pacific company, 72 Front
street, pipe, valves, fittings, plumbing and
mill supplies.
Petti t Feather Bedding company.
Fourteenth and Johnson streets, bedding.
mattresses, comforts.
Portland Cheese company, 229 Oak street.
cheese, olive oil, fish, etc.
Portland Flouring Mills company. Board of
Trade building, family flour, bakers' flour.
cereals, mill feed, stock feed, chicken feed.
hog feed.
Portland Furniture Manufacturing com
pany, liMy Macadam road, mattresses, up
holstered furniture, overstuffed davenports.
chairs, etc.
Portland Rubber Mills, 368 East Ninth
street, rubber, leather belting, hose, packings.
mec nan leal ruooer goods.
Portland Stove W orks. Derby and Colum
bia boulevard. Colonial stoves, ranges. Opal
stoves, ranges.
Rasmussen & Co., Second and Taylor,
paints, oils, varnishes, glass, windows, doors,
lubricating oils, greases, beaver board.
The Rosenfeld, Smith Co., 281 Couch
street, cigars, cigarettes, tobaccos, pipes,
smokers' articles, Bunte Bros, candies.
Kops, Henry & Sons, 386 East Stark street.
wholesale candy manufacturers, chocolates.
Schwan Piano company. 111 Fourth street.
pianos, phonographs.
M. Seller & Co., Fifth and Pine streets.
crockery, glassware, household goods, toys.
silverware, stoves.
The Simmons company. 1180 Macadam
road, brass and steel beds, springs and
John M. Sinclair company. 109 Northwest
ern Bank building, watches, clocks. Jewelry,
diamonds, silverware, phonographs, electric
household utensils.
J. R. Smith company. 309 Everett street-
cigars, cigarettes, tobaccos, pipes, cards.
fetearns-Hollinshead company. East Seven
teenth and Sandy, manufacturing chemists.
Sunset Creamery company. 281 First street-
butter, cheese, eggs and Ice cream.
Swift & Co., North Portland, hams, bacon.
lard compound, canned meats, canned fruits
nd vegetables, butter, eggs, cheese.
Thanhauser Hat company. 53 Front street.
men's hats and caps.
Tru-Blu Biscuit company. East Sixth and
Davis, Tru-Blu crackers, Krause's chocolates.
Underwood Typewriter company. Pit toe k
block, typewriters.
United Mattress & Pad company. 971
Sandy boulevard, high-grade mattresses, wire
prings, Dreatciast tables, comforters, uphol
United States Rubber company. 24 North
Fifth street, rubber footwear, cloth in me
chanical rubber goods, druggists' sundries.
uto tires and accessories. motorcycles.
oicycie tires anu accessories.
Utility Garment company. Incorporated,
167 First street, American Maid dresses-
aprons and children's wear.
Valvoline Oil company, 335 East Wash
ington street, lubricating oil and grease.
ogan Candy company. Bast Eleventh and
Flanders streets, wholesale confectioners.
Wad hams & Co., 75 Fourth street, coffee.
spices, extracts, canned goods, groceries.
Wad hams Ac Kerr Bro., 4ftl Davis street,
all kinds of foodstuffs.
Walter. D. N. & E. company, 42 Fifth
street, floor coverings, draperies, bedding,
Xebster Manufacturing company. Fif
teenth and Thurman streets, chairs.
Weinhard plant, 475 Burnside street, soda
fountain supplies and accessories, soft
Weinstein, N. & S., 41 Fourth street, ladies'
coats, suits, dresses, skirts, waists.
West Coast Specialty company. 100 North
Fifth street, furniture, woodenware.
Willowcraft Furniture company. Central
building, willow furniture and baskets.
Zan Bros., incorporated, 52 Front street,
wrapping paper, twines, washing machines,
stationery, brushes, baskets, janitor supplies,
grocers sundries, brooms, paper bags.
You simply cannot help bat enjoy
the refreshingly delicious flavor of
N j ray a Iced Tea. This wonderful
blend of Ceylon -India -Java Teas is
truly a bouquet of the Orient.
the slaughter house of the Will meat
market, about one mile east of this
city, this week, causing: a loss of equip
ment and dressed meats of several hun
dred dollars. A number of the firemen
rushed to the scene of the blaze and
helped save adjoining: buildings.
Ambrose Beard Pioneer Settler of
Wheeler County.
FOSSIL, Or.. Aug. 2. (Special.)
Ambrose Beard, a pioneer settler of
Wheeler county and prominent stock
man, died suddenly Tuesday of heart
disease at his old home on Pine creek,
nine miles south of Fossil. Mr. Beard
was born at Albany, in Linn county,
on April 4, 1855, and was married to
Laura Reading of Albany on May 9,
1886. He settled on Kowe creek. Wheel
er county, in 1884, and had since lived
in this vicinity except about two years
at Albany.
Mr. Beard was a member of the Ma
sonic lodge of Fossil and of the Elks'
lodge at Albany. Besides his widow,
Laura Beard, he leaves a son, Thomas
B. Beard, and a daughter,
Brandt of Fossil, and
friends. Mr. Beard was buried in the . pices of the Masonic lodge. The funeral
Masonic cemetery at Fossil and the I sermon was delivered by Rev. A. S.
funeral was conducted under the aus- Simmons at the Baptist church.
1 Buyers, Make Our Office
Your Headquarters
1 Dinner Ware, Electrical Supplies,
. Auto Accessories
Plumbing Suppplies and Hardware
Mrs. Otto
larcre circle of
t m st.- pffySr
Our kegs are made of
the best assorted white
oak, it's what we call
grain alcohol stock. The
wood contains no sap
and it don't have to be
parrafine lined inside.
We have all sizes in
stock and our prices are
Office 327 Water Street
Phone Main 3147
Call Marshall 3700 for Our Autos
Slaughter Moose Is Burned.
DALLAS, Or.. Aug. 2. (Special.)
Fire of an unknown origin destroyed
Phones: A 1512, Main 779
640 HOOD ST.
Fourth and Conch Sts.
Manufacturers of Georgette
Crepe de Chine Waists.
Make Our Store Your Headquarters While in
the City Every Convenience No Obligation
Holiday Goods Books Stationery
Third and Alder Streets
Booksellers, Stationers and Complete Office Outfitters
Fifth and Couch Portland, Oregon
Make Our House Tour Headquarters
is a new and efficient cleaner. The discriminating
buyers recognize the merits of Mab. The pro
gressive dealers and customers want it.
Mab Sales Company
234 Worcester Bldg. Main 3308.
Portable Visible Listing
Adding Machine
THE MACHINE You Have Waited for. A
Model for Your Business.
$12o.OO TO $300.00
J 110 Sixth St, Bet. Broadway and Stark St.
Visiting Merchants Welcome
Beaver Glove
Mfg. Co.
311 Pine Street
Built on Quality for
4th Floor Phoenix Bldg.
Cloth Hats and Caps
in All Designs
Visiting Buyers Welcome
extends a welcome to the visitors for Victory Buyers' Week at
Portland, home of Albers Cereals.
Alb ens Bros. Milling Go.
u 5
Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles,
Visit ins Merchnnta Cordially Invited to Inspect Our Factory.
, 1. 1
Ik, jr. 1 1 i. i. -,.v
Office and Factory 474 East Alder St., on SunnyBide and Mount Tabor
Carlinea. Paonea Unrnt 68, B 1568.
Manufacturers of Harness and Saddles
Jobbers of
Saddlery in All Its Branches
Make our office your headquarters while in the city.
Main 1316
Wholesale Distributors
Automotive Equipment
Bicycles and Supplies
Bdwy. 307 Portland, Or.
For the Bergman n Label.
Bergmann Shoe Oil "The Life of Leather w
is being extensively advertised. Few peo
ple know of the wide usage of Bergmann
Shoe Oil on all' kinds of shoes. How is your
stock? It won't last long after our extensive
advertising campagn is launched. We are
going to tell the public the many uses of
BERGMAXX SHOE OIL the genuine non
mineral oiL
Theo. Bergmann Shoe Mfg. Co.