The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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ect of Duties at Home
Charged by Soions.
Republican:-, und Democrats Dc
. nounce Wilson for Order Keep
ing Cougress on Job.
1 Cont in i
id Km in Ki
the IMstricf of Columbia have been
espondinjfly high in price. Meats
him early in the war, and his control
of the food situation, like the railroad
management and several other impor
tant problems, is Mi pre me.
True, congress has done all that has
been accomplished to reduce the cost of
living in compelling the secretary of
war to dispose of the thousands of tons
of foodstuffs held in depot quarter
master warehouses. The holding? of all
of thi.s food, it is pointed out, consti
tuted one monstrous corner of food
stuffs, whi-h made it possible for deal
ers to hold up the prices.
Kaj on Profiteer Is Slop""
All that was done by the administra
tion, and Mr. Wilson cannot dodge
responsibility for every act of his sec
rrtaiy of war. was in the direction of
maintaining the war prices. It was no
secret that the government was hold
ing back all this food because of a
fear of break in the market, which is
a favorite phrase for cloaking a desire
to go easy with the profiteers.
It is a well-known fact that the plan
of the administration was to slip the
bulk of this food back to the dealers
at the price which was paid for it, and
there was nothing to prevent the dealer
in turn from selling again at his own
figure. Great quantities of food prod
ucts already have been returned to the
canntrs and the wholesalers at the
prices paid by the government early
in the war, with the result that there
has been no ripple in the market except
that the price may have gone up. It
has been frequently stated that there
is more food in this country now than
ever before in history, and that while
the 'poor people on the large industrial
centers have been clamoring for foods
the government has steadfastly with
held in storehouses in all sections of
the country all of these many tons of
foodstuffs, allowing most of it to decay.
Vettlect nt Home Charged.
Every day of the period food has
been withheld The administration had
the power to order its distribution in
a way to benefit the consumer. The
criticism heard among both democrats
and republicans since yesterday is that
t he president has been away concern
ing, himself with foreign questions
when he was more needed at home to
direct the solutions of domestic prob
lems. Certain absolute war powers
were conferred upon him to deal with
almost every economic question which
confronts the country now. He went
aw ay and took these powers with him,
remaining abroad for six months and
leaving the profiteers in food, shoes,
clothing and ever- other necessity to
romp at will. And he stayed away until
a time when only the most prompt and
arastic steps can save the situation.
Prices Highest in i:at.
On the Tacifie coast it will be dif
ficult to appreciate the exact condi
tion in the east. In pioneer days the
frontier country of the west knew
something of high prices, but there
a p pea red to be some reason for the
prices because most of the food was
shinned into the country from far
away. So it was in the Klondike dur
ing the gold rush of '97 and '98. but
i ho Klondike nrosoector never knew
what it was to pay 25 cents a pound
for tomatoes grown on the adjoining
claim. Tomatoes have been selling at
that price in Washington at the zenith
of .the vegetable season, and potatoes
and other vegetables grown just out-
of all oualities are selling in Washing
ion at prices about 65 per cent higher
than Portland. Or., and in some other
eastern cities the difference is greater.
CumoiinK" Sees 1 nrettt.
But Washington has an inside story
as to the cause for the president's un
expected action yesterday in asking
congress to stay in session, which has
not been widely published. This morn
ing's dispatches said that the president
acted upon the representations made to
him by the railroad labor organizations
regarding the desperately increased
cost of living. Another story which
Washington hears and which has been
published here is that when Homer S.
Cummin gs, democratic chairman, re
turned from his tour of the country a
few days ago he gav3 the White House
an entirely different story from the
interview published in the newspapers.
'nmmings is said to have told the pres
ident that there was no use to dodge
the facts regarding the attitude of the
public mind. Everywhere he traveled,
east, middle west and west, he found
the same general complaint that the
democratic party had made a mess of
The high taxes and high cost of liv
ing were grievances to which he had to
listen wherever he traveled, and the
voters appeared only to be waiting for
the first opportunity to smash the
party - which has been running things
for the last six years. He found that
the democratic party has not taken the
ticiln for winning the war, as was the
boast of Mr. MeAdoo. The fathers and
mo' hers of the country were also in
clined to let that party carry the bur
den of blame for the brutalities and all
norts of injustices practiced against
their sons hi!e in the service.
M ilxon Hear Dishearten! ns Tale.
The story is that at no point were
there any delegations of returned sol
diers out to meet Mr. Cummings and
the. whole disheartening tale was poured
into the ears of Mr. Wilson. It was not
a pleasant thing to tell, but the na
tional democratic chairman thought it
wise to be candid. He told the presi
dent that the country was roundly dis
satisfied with the cabinet and that while
at one time the people had been willing
to oerlook Burleson. Baker and one or
two others whom they regard ed as
menaces to the well being of the na
lion. their patience had become ex
hausted. A special writer with a keen insight
into what happened sums up the White
House conference with Cummings in
the Washington Post a-" follows:
"The im.icession har gone out that
Homer Cummings. n c i d marshal of the
democratic national forces. made a
1 avorable report to the commander-in-chief
at the White House crown council
Ihis week. The impression is mistaken.
The report was anything but favorable,
except as a fire alarm is a favorable
Indication that a conflagration is to be
tackled and stopped it possible. Chair
man Cummings did not swing around
i he country to be deceived, but to learn
the truth. What he learned is what
other cunning politicians hae learned,
which is this: The country is out of
temper for various causes and is blam
ing everything upon the 'government.
Probe V neovers Problems.
"Before seeing President Wileon
Chairman Cummings conferred with
must of the democratic state chairmen
and checked up b isopln ions with theirs.
The confidential opinion was all one
way. Thereupon Mr. Cummings went
to the White House and told Mr. Wil
son the exact truth as he caw it. From
that time there has been a perceptible
change in the president's plan of action.
He is concentrating his attention upon
the domestic questions. As they have
been mismanaged or neglected by his
cabinet the deeper he probes into these
questions the more he finds to do."
David Lawrence, long .reputed to be
the official interpreter of the White
House, writes boldly that the opposition
to the league of nations has gained
much of its momentum from the dis
favor into which the democratic party
and democratic administration has
fallen before the people. This is shown
here in Washington, where a poll being
taken by the Washington Post among
the people of the District of Columbia,
SO per cent of whom work for'the gov
ernment or are dependent upon it. re
veals that the present league of nations
covenant has few friends. Out of a
total poll of 1704 votes cast up to yes
terday 333 were for the league without
change, 443 for the league with reser
vations and 300 opposed to any league.
This is believed not to be due to a
settled conviction as to the principles
involved, but because of the general
tendency to question any proposals ad
vanced by Mr. Wilson. Just let a three
line notice appear in either morning
paper that Lodge, Borah, Knox or some
other anti-league man will speak that
day in the senate and the senate gal
lery will be packed and jammed long
before the -stated meeting. When the
crowd leaves the expressions indicate
that it was made up of individuals who
came to the capitol willing and anxious
to be convinced.
Jt will be several days before con
gress can take any action along the
lines suggested by Mr. Wilson because
the committees which have the needed
legislation in hand will need some time
to work out constructive plans.
Better Optical Service
r t
' 1
Week Is Set Aside for Campaign to
Interest Merchants In Value
of Honest Methods.
An intensified campaign to make
Portland one of the cleanest cities in
America in the general field of ad
vertising: will" be conducted by the
Portland Ad club durinp the week of
August 11 to 16. inclusive. It will be
known as "Better Business Bureau
week" and its purpose will be to show
the thousands of bueysr of merchan
dise in the city, the prreat majority of
whom are women, just what an active,
atrsressive and public-spirited organ
ization like the ad club can accomplish
in abolishing fraud in advertising: and
in protecting- the shopping public
against misrepresentation.
The Portland Ad club is one of the
pioneer organizations in the United
States in tacklinp: this serious and deli
cate problem, and with its past record
of achievements in this field it already
stands well to the top among the cities
of the land. The effort in the coming
campaign will be made to set a still
higher standard in the way of adher
ence to the strictest truth and common
honesty in business practice.
Aside from arousing the interest of
the women shoppers, who buy approxi
mately 83 per cent of all the supplies
that go into Portland homes, the cam
paign will attempt to reach business
firms and advertisers of all classes
and show them the urgent need of wip
ing out fakers,- fly-by-night dealers,
wild-catters and dishonest sales pro
moters. '
The plans of the campaign, which are
now being outlined, will include gen
eral public meetings which will be ad
dressed by leading workers in the
'"better business bureau," and the cam
paign is also to be assisted by the na
tional vigilance committee of the As
sociated Advertising Clubs of the
World, the parent advertising organi
zation international in scope.
I 3
J Near-sighted, far-sighted, astigmatic or whatever the
visual trouble may be, this wonderful instrument reflects
that knowledge with unerring positiveness to the operator.
Thompson Optical Institute
J Patrons of this institution have shown marked
appreciation of the good work we have accom
plished. A large majority of our new patients
come to us on the recommendation of some one
we have successfully fitted with glasses some
sufferer from headaches and strained nerves
who has been relieved by our skill.
J Care of the eyes is one of the most important
duties of everyone who aims to do his or her
best in life. Good eyesight is essential to one's
best efforts and good glasses often lead to
J Nowhere in this vast country of wealth and
resources will you find better facilities for a
correct solution of your eyesight problems than
here. The Thompson Institute is the most com
prehensive optical establishment in the west for
the betterment of your vision through the
medium of properly fitted glasses.
Eyesight Specialists
Exclusive Optical Establishment ' ' m
-10-11 Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison
Since 1908
Lieutenant Judson Returns After
Year in Transportation Service.
CENTRAL! A, Wash., Aug. 2. (Spe
cial.) Lieutenant W. V. Judson. who
received his discharge at Camp Lewis,
has returned to his home here. Mr.
Judson had been in France one year as
railway transportation officer at Tours. !
civie cuiciiiig iuc miiiLary service' ne
was a civil engineer in Centralia for
the Northern Pacific.
Lieutenant Carlton Hampe, son of
Rev. and Mrs. John Hampe of Port
land, returned to Centralia last night
frjm overseas, where he went in te
cember. 1917. with company M. lBlst
infantry. Lieutenant Hampe has been
granted a 15 days' furlough, at the ex
piration of which he will receive his
discharge a tCamp Lewis.
Sergeant Loren Stephens, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Thad Stephens, who recently
returned from overseas, received his
dicsharge at Camp Lewis yesterday and
returned here last night.
Corporal Charles Laonard, son of Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Leonard of Winlock. re
turned to his home this week from
Rudolph Overly, son of C. H. Overly
of this city, arrived in Centralia Thurs
day after 18 months' service overseas
with the 24th aero squadron. Ha will
make his home here. Mr. Overly en
tered the service from Portland.
$8,000,000 CROP IN SIGHT
Yakima Reservation Has 68,5 0 0
Acres in Cultivation.
YAKIMA, Wash.. Aug. 2. (Special.)
Figures compiled by L- M. Holt, su
perintendent of irrigation on the Yaki
ma reservation, bhow that 65,000 acres
ar-e in crops on the reservation this
season and that the total value of all
crops grown on reservation land will
be close to $S, 000,000. The principal
crops are:
Hay, IS, 6 00 acres. $.167,000: fruit.
$o4S0 acres. $1,740,000; wheat and other
grains. $1,000,000; potatoes, C538 acres,
$S50.0u0: sugar beets, 2S95 acres, $454.
0U0. Oth-er large items are the can
tcloupe and melon crop and livestock.
Ultimate development is expected to
bring. 200. 000 acres of reservation land
under cultivation.
Total Bids for Work Aggregate
$15,137,211 Nearly Every
County Is Represented.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.)
Some idea-of the magnitude of Oregon's
good roads programme can be gained
from the report just issued by the state
highway department. The report in
cludes all state highway, post and for
est projects under contract July 19.
The report shows 302 miles of paving
under construction or contract, 146
miles of macadam and 480 miles of
grading. Total bids for the work in
cluded in the report aggregate $15.
437,211.02. Practically every county in
the state is represented in the list of
contracts, the various projects ranging
in cost from $42,370 to $3,887,473.0.
Following is the summary of the
projects under contract, together with
the price bid on each.
"Price hid.
Columbia river highway 3.3l3.tVJR."'l
Pacitic highway 3.hh7.4730
West side Pacific li ij?h way . . . . I,:i3,"i. 137.40
Sat em-Dalian Itighwa v 3'J(.742.."0
Yamhill-Xestucca highway 4L'.J 1 1
Coast highway Wll ,o.i4.00
Portland - Forest drove-Mc Minn. 740,S7i.0u
Ashland-Klamath falls 177.415.5(1
Crater lake hitch way "4i.OrO.0(
John Day highway 330.4(1 4. 60
L.a lirande-h-nterprisc highway. 4J.37u.ou
McKenzie river highway D7.5oo.00
Old Oregon trail 30b.HbH.H4i
Oregon-Washington highway, . L7.".I3.0O
BiiKer-Lornucopia Highway ... i.431.7.
Klora-Knterprise highway 73tioo.ou
Mount Hood loop highway.... 2-7.5i7.JO
Grants Pas s-Crebcent City Hl'-DsS.;.!
Burns-la wen ID 7,067.00
Total $rj.844. 342.52
10 per cent contingencies 1 ,1'88.434.1,5
10 per cent engineering 1 ,180.434.25
Total $15,437,211.02
Roeborj; Apple Growers to Learn
How to Handle Crop.
ROSEBL'RG. Or.. Aug. I. (Special. )
C. K. ScHUster, horticultural specialist
of the Oregon Agricultural college, is
In this city for the purpose of starting
an apple-packin? school to relieve the
local fruit situation.
It is estimated there will be 100 car
loads of apples packed in Roscburg and
vicinity this fall, and there is not a
sufficient number of trained packers
to care for this large amount of fruit.
Growers were becoming alarmed over
the situation when, through the efforts
of County Agriculturist C." J. Hurd a
packing school was authorized from
August 18 to September 23.
can work for his room and board and
have the opportunity of attending
Pendleton Has Xew Traffic Law.
PENDLETON, Or., Aug. 2. (Spe
cial.) Enforcement of a new traffic
law for the city brought 43 offenders
in police court. This number had not
been reached in more than a year.
Fines, however, $364.50. were exceeded
during Octoijer of last year.
Roscburg- Couple Marry.
ROSEBL'RG, Or.. Aug. 2. (Special.)
The marriage of Jessie May Goetz to
George I. Lamb took place yesterday in
the office of County Judge R. W.
Marsters. They reside a few miles cast
of this city.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Phone Main T070. A fi095.
Established 1906
Fords Prairie Tomorrow Will Decide
Formation of District.
I'KXTRALIA. Wash.. Aug. 2. (Spe
cial.) An election will be held Monday
on Word's prairie, adjoining Centralia
on the yst, organize an irrigation dis
trict and to elect three directora.
The area included in the district as
set forth by the lewis county commis
sioners includes 1940 acres. If the dis
trict is organized, 1S00 acres adjacent
may be included later. The proposed
district comprises ISO farms and it is
estimated that 250 votes will be cast
at Monday's election. Every man or
woman -owning property in the dis
trict is entitled tto a vote. A two
thirds majority is necessary ,to carry
the election.
Phone your want ads to The Oreyo
man. Phone Main 7070, A 609.
Allen Butts Had Resided Near Hood
River 1 7 Years.
HOOD RIVER. Or., Aug. (Spe
cial.! Allen Butts. Belmont district or-
chardist. died today, aged 78 years.
Following- funeral services at the An
derson chapel at 9:30 tomorrow the
body will be shipped to the old home
in Illinois.
Mr. Butts and his wife- have resided
heie for 17 years. The widow and. a
son, Robert Butts of Chicago, survive.
Orphan Boy Needs Home.
Unless a home can. be found for him.
a manly 14-year-old orphan . boy.
friendless, may have to be cared for
at the state reform school, according
to announcement of Mrs. G. J. Frankel.
superintendent of the woman's pro
tective bureau at the police depart
ment. The boy is willing to work.
Mrs. Frankel said, and she is hopeful
or securing a home for him where he
A ii Oriental
for Your Home
If you buy one or more of
our fine rugs at present prices you
will have made a positive invest
ment. Future importations which
come to our stock will be higher
in price.
We would counsel early selec
tion from our stock, which is re
. plete with fine examples of orien
tal handiwork.
Repairing, Wash - Cleaning:
and Storage
For Oriental Rugs
Bros. '
Washington at Tenth
Our Store Will Close at 1 P. M. on Wednes
days During July and August
In Order K.aahlv Oar KnpltiTM to KbJot m Weekly Mttlf-HIMny During;
These Hot Months. Help to Make ThU Movement I l rrwn I by ArransiiK
to Do oar awn-plns; In the Korrno4 ednewday .
Just in By Express! An Unsurpassed Showing of the
Celebrated Goetz Satins
Every New and Staple Color Included
A Rich. High -Grade Satin of Un
matchable Quality at
$3 Yd.
No Phone Orders
Come immediately to our popular Silk Section and see these beautiful rich, lustrous Satins they are
the celebrated Goetz Satins favorably known among good dressers for their unusual beauty and dura
bility they are shown here in all new and staple colors and have been most moderately priced at 93 yard.
Great Special Purchase and Sale of
About SO Pieces Each of Choice From All
6-quart Preserving Kettles
4-quart Lip Saucepan
4-auart Covered Convex Kettle
3-quart Covered Convex Saucepan
Coffee Percolators and Rice Boilers
Introducing Our New Basement Section
(J Through a very unusual and important trade event we were-fortunate in securing a splendid lot -of
"Betty Bright" and other well-known makes of Aluminum Ware at special price concessions at this
great sale you can purchase at the eame bargain price.
tfJ It is a brand new lot of Aluminum just unpacked and placed on sale for the first time oar only regret Is
that the quantity is limited about 50 each of the following items: 6-qt. Preserving Kettles 4-qt
Lip Sauce Pans 4-qt. Covered Convex Kettles 3-qt. Covered Convex Sauce Pans Coffee Percolators
and Rice Boilers.
(f It is a saving sale that few housekeepers can afford to miss. Remember, you have choice from the
entire assortment at $1.40.
We've An Exceptionally Fine Lot Of i.-.
Dainty Scrim Curtains
r?cfA' $2.69 Pair
To Close
a Lota Price
Sacrifice is just the right word to tell the story of this special sale of Dainty Scrim Curtains they are of
fine quality extra well made and are shown in lace edge and hemstitched styles. They come in white,
cream and ecru 2k yards long, and in regulation widths. Buy as many pairs as you wish as long as
they last at $2.69 a pair. ,
Cotton Blankets
at $2.48 Pr.
U An exceptionally fine lot of Cotton Blankets, 60
by 76 inches. They come in white, gray and tan
and in a good weight just the thing for beach or
country cottage or for outing purpose.
Attractive Curtain Goods
at 39c Yd.
tf An extensive showing of dainty new Madras,
Scrim and Bungalow Nets in white, cream and
ecru both plain and fancy colored styles. All on
sale at one price.
Mens Cotton
35c Pair
3 Pairs for $1J00
TTA- splendid' wearing Hose, made
seamless no seam across the toe.
They come with black top and white
sole or foot. All sizes. A bargain at
this special sale price.
Entire Stock of
To Close at
Without reserve you have choice from our entire stock of
Women's Vests at one-half regular selling prices. Included
are all styles and colors Gabardines Pique Linene Crash
Tricotine Poplin Corded Silk, etc. Come early for first and
best choice.
Best Styles and Best Materials in
Bungalow Aprons Underpriced
Five Great Lots to Select From
At $1.19, At $1.49, At $1.98, At $239, At $2.69
Every Apron in this sale guaranteed fast color. Cut full to size and well fashioned throughout. It is
well worth vour while to purchase three or four at the above special prices. It will be a happy shopping
for the woman who knows a good bargain when she sees it.
Asst. 1 at $1.19
. About twenty-one new styles in both light and
dark colors. They are made of heavy scout percales.
Asst. 2 at $1.49
Genuine Amoskeag Gingham Aprons in shepard
checks plaids stripes, etc., and prettily trimmed in
ricrac braids with large belt and pockets.
Asst. 3 at $1.98
Wonderful values in this assortment of Gingham
Bungalow Aprons dozens of styles in checks,
plaids, etc.
55. 4 at $239
These come in best corded Amoskeag and Bates
ginghams and daintily trimmed quite equal to and
much prettier than many expensive house dresses.
Asst 5 at $2.69
This value is phenomenal. The materials are of
the best and many of them are far below even
Store Opens
at 8:30 A.M.
at 9 A.M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P.M.
at 6 P.M.
Optical Institute
Malm SSS7.
SOS WuUlflra.
Over Strand .&f to Star
Demonstrated at Our
Salesroom, 69 Sixth St.
More than half the labor of
housekeeping is due to the prepa
ration and cooking of food. It
would be worth your while to save
yourself a large portion of that
labor and lighten the rest
wouldn't it ?
Designed especially for use in
Cook Stoves, Ranges and Heating
Stoves. Can be installed in two
minutes by any inexperienced per
son. So simple a child can operate
it. Flame can be regulated at any
heat desired. No soot. NO SMOKE.
Acti wasted wrrwtfr. Small
capital BrrnMrr. r dallx faetary
Price complete outfit with S-gallon
tank and all necessary fittings, $30;
mail orders solicited; send $5 with
order, balance C. O. D. express, with
privilege of examination at express
H. W. Manning
69 Sixth Street, Portland. Or.
Here it is for you to see, to examine,
to operate yourself
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The Personal Writing Machine
Take "Corona" on your Vacation Trip This Summer
You Will Find It a Most Practical and Enjoyable
Fold It Up Take It With You Typewrite Anywhere
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