The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 2, Image 26

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Nation's Best Dogs Are Due to
Arrive at Lebanon.
Northwesterners to Compete
in Great American Handicap.
Stellar Event of Sporting Canine
History of Pacific Coast to
Start September 15.
1919 High Gnns of Oregon and
Washington to Represent Their
Respective States.
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"Elaborate plans are being: formu
lated for the running of all-American
field trials at Lebanon. Or., starting the
week of September 15. The programmes
will be under the auspices of the Ore
ron Field Trial club, of which Mike H.
Butler is president It will be the big
gest event of its kind ever run on the
Pacific coast and :s attracting na
tional attention 2. m c r. c: field trial men.
The running will start with the derby
stake of the Pacific Coast Field Trial
club of California, members of which
will come north in special Pullman
cars. It is hoped to complete the Cali
fornia trials by Wednesday, September
17, so that the Oregon trials can be
started the following morning and be
finished by Saturday night.
That the stakes will have a very
large entry list is assured, as the Ail
American Field Trial club, one of the
largest and most prominent organiza
tions in the east, is corning to Glacier
national park, Montana, to run its trials
there and will come to Lebanon intact.
For years past tnis club has staged
its annual prairie chicken trials in
South Dakota, but conditions there
made it advisable for it to change the
scene of the competition.
Montana Itaces Are First.
Four stakes will be held at Glacier
rational park starting September 2.
Quite a number of Pacific coast
fanciers will go to Montana to attend
the all-American trials and to escort
the ail-American party to Lebanon
Over 100 of the best dogs in the east,
south and middle west will be brought
west of the Rockies by the all-Ameri-can
The purps of the all-American club,
coupled with those from Oregon, Wash
ington. California and British Colum
bia, will develop some keen competi
tion. Paul R. Whiteside, the Porttand
trainer, who has most of the Oregon
dogs in his string, expects to make the
trip to Montana. At present he is -hard
at work at his training camp near
Harrisburg getting the dogs in shape.
Among the best thoroughbreds in
Whiteside's stable are several belong
ing to Aaron M. Frank and last year's
winners of the Oregon trials, Proctor's
Belle, owned by George W. Bates Jr.;
Licky Kid. owned by W. K. Bates jr.;
Carlon, and Langley's Zed, owned by L.
L. Langley.
Publicity Will Aid Stole.
Publicity gained in the columns of
the American Field of Chicago and the
coming of field trial enthusiasts from
many different states will do much to
advertise Oregon's natural resources
and conditions. Included in the ar
rangements to entertain the visitors
will be a trip up the Columbia river
highway, with the possibility of some
of the party continuing on to Mount
Hood, and trips through the Willamette
valley. At Lebanon they will b shown
moving pictures of various parts of
Oregon. On the night of September
17 a sumptuous banquet will be given
by the Oregon club and on September
19 a bench show will be held for dogs
that took part in the field trial com
petition. The people of Lebanon are
takine an active part and it is large
ly through the interest shown by them
that it was possible to schedule an
event of this kind on account of the
large number of dogs competing. It
will require land on both sides of a
road over a course 25 miles in length.
The international association of Field
Trial clubs has mapped out a great
campaign for the coming season. At
the conclusion of the Oregon trials the
Washington Field Trial club will put
on its sketch at Mount Vernon, Wash
commencing September 22. The British
Columbia Field Trial club will hold its
annual classic at Ladner's Landing.
B. C, commencing September 29, and
the international championships are
billed for th same fields immediately
following. The windup of the season
will occu r at Yakima., Wash., with the
Yakima Valley field trials on Octo
ber 26. Thp all-American club will most
likely participate in all of these trials,
giving everyone an all-American aspect.
Multnomah Fly and Rait Experts
Are Bu5 Preparing Against
Koreicrn Invasion.
Fly and bait casters from all along
the Pacific coast will gather in Port
land to compete in the northwest fly
and bait casting champions-hips which
will be held on August 9 and 10 at
the Sell wood Park cast in g pool under
the auspices of the Multnomah Anglers'
Walter F. Backus, prominent Port
land caster and secretary of the Mult
nomah Anglers' club, has been in Se
attle the past week on business and is
expected to return today or tomorrow.
Although the trip was primarily for busi
ness. Backus, it is known, has been
spending a good deal of his time look
ing over the casting situation in Se
attle and Tacoma and getting a line
on the men who will compete in the
northwest championships from those
cities. Back us will have a lot of in
teresting things to tell the local cast
ers upon his return. Members of the
Multnomah Anglers club are practicing
diligently during the remaining time
left before the big event and Portland
experts are expected to place high in
this year's tournament. The winner
of the all-round title will be sent east
to participate in the national cham
pionships in Chicago this month.
A lot of the boys are wondering what
Ray Winters does with all the money
he wins at casting. Maybe Kay could
answer that best personally.
The programme of the northwest
championships follows: August 9 Half
ounce distance bait cast, half-ounce ac
curacy bait cast, half-ounce miss and
out. dry fly accuracy and dry fly ac
curacy, unknown distance.
August 10 Distance fly. 5 ounce
rod, quarter -ounce accuracy bait cast.
f ith arm n' Yitiii- ainl d i v; a npp ha if u c t
accuracy fly cast and fisherman's plus:
f .V,.; V fe i ; h -4.. ' -i f . V '
F'r r 1 - ; t t 3 v -.J t- . . . v 4 ?, , ;
Cubs Drop Double Bill Pirates
Beat Braves, 4 to 2 Dod
Defeat Cardinals.
CINCINNATI, Aug. 2. The Cincinnati
team strengthened its hold on first
place by defeating New York.. Sallee
pitched one of his best games, avow
ing the Oiants only five hits, and
they never seriously threatened to
score. Benton lasted only five innings,
and Dubuc, who relieved him in the
sixth, was wild and ineffective.
It was Knights of Columbus day, and
before the game Governor Cox of Ohio
presented Manager Moran of the Cin
cinnati club, who is a member of the
order, with a costly diamond-studded
watch and fob. The attendance was
21.600, the largest weekday crowd of
the season. Score:
R. H. E. R. IT. E
New York..O 5 -Cincinnati.. .6 9 1
Batteries Benton. Dubuc and Sny
der; Sallee and Rariden.
Philadelphia 2-4, Chicago 1-3.
CHICAGO, Aug. 2. Philadelphia de
feated Chicago in both games of a
double-header, winning the first game
in 14 innings and the second in ten in
nings. As a result the visitors ad
vanced from last to sixth place in
the league standing. Scores;
First game
R. H. E.I R. H. K.
Fh 1 1 a 2 9 4 Ch ica go 1 9 3
Batteries Smith, Meadows and
Adams. Tragesser; Alexander and Kil
lefer. Second game
R. H. E.I R. H. E.
Fhila. 4 12 1 (Chicago 3 10 0
Batteries Rixey and Tragesser;
Bailey, Carter. Martin and O'Farrell
Brooklyn 3t St. Louis 2.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 2. A wild throw
by demons to catch Konetchy, who
had singled, stealing second in the
seventh put-.the runner on third and.
Hornsby's fumble of Ward's grounder
allowed Konetchy to score the deciding
run of Brooklyn s victory over St.
Louis. Score :
R. H. E.l R. H. E.
Brooklyn... 3 6 3 St. Louis 2 7 2
Batteries Cadore, Smith and M.
Wheat; Tuero, Woodward and Clemons.
Pittsburg 4, Boston 2.
PITTSBURG, Aug. 2. Pittsburg de
feated Boston. Fillingim held the lo
cals to two hits and no runs for seven
innings, but in the eighth he passed
two men and the Pittsburgers bunched
two singles and & triple that scored
four runs and won. Score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Boston 2 5 2Pittsburg. . .4 5 1
Batteries Fillingim and Gowdy;
Cooper, Mayer and Blackwell.
Winner of Marathon to Rest Before
Return East.
William L. W alien of the Illinois
Athletic club, who won the national
A. A. U. marathon yesterday, will re
main in Portland several days, accord
ing to his present plans, before re
turning to Chicago. Wallen will rest
up and look over the Rose City until
Tuesday, when he will leave for his
home to begin training for the na
tional A. A. U. 10-mile marathon, which
will be held August 16 in the Delaware
river under the auspices of the River-
ton Yacht club of Riverton, N. J.
Harold "Stubby" Kruger and George
" ' , ' j? y X .'Uk O. A. C. ANNOUNCES CHANGE IN
1 The mart- I, eft to right) U. .V. Hoiford, Mltrle Konoiraloff, naddle" W alien, Geo rite S broth, "Stubby" Kruger,
Harry Kddaa. McFarland, J. V. CiuwelL Official are Mhown behind the entrant. 2 t lose-up of the huttoii finhe:
4 1, eft to right Hoaford, Kruger, Konuwaloff, Eddaa, with Srhroth directly behind him; alien. Pobochanko. Mc
Farland. :i William L. Buddie' W alien, Illinois Athletic club, who finished flrnt. 4 A row of Multnomah Amateur
Athletic elub women fancy divers, who enjoyed the races I,ef t to right Mt Thrlma Payne, national womena
fancy diving champion; Mrt, Jack Cody, .Mrs. George Behrena. Mlaa Virginia Pfmbrooke, Mini Irene IVmbrooWe.
Schroth, who placed second and third
respectively, in the one-mile marathon,
will leave for the east tomorrow,
where they will compete in several big
racfs, including the 10-mile marathon.
Harry Fischer, member of the board
of trustees of Multnomah Amateur
Athletic club and prominent in swim
ming circles, received a telegram from
Frederick Rubian, secretary of the
American Amateur Athletic union, yes
terday, stating the A. A. U. would pay
$100 towards the expense of sending a
representative of Multnomah club east
to compete in the distance race at
River ton. It is not likely that the
Winged M institution will take up the
offer as the club has no one of enough
ability at that distance to send east.
Don. Vickers. swimming and diving
instructor at the Crystal pool. Seattle,
who accompanied Mitrie Konowaloff,
the young swimming star here, is plan
ning on holding a Washington state
championship swimming meet in the
Crytal pool tank, next month.
Helen Martin. Pupil of Miss Grace
Kadderly. Attracts Attention.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 2. Two girls.
16 and 17 years old, and
a year ago, was unable
third who.
to swim a
stroke, are engaging the attention of
followers of aquatics on the Pacific
Miss Helen Martin. 16 years old, of
Honolulu, in a recent swimming meet,
lost only by a few inches in the 60
yard breast stroke event to Mrs. Terie
Desch. Miss Martin's performance Is
the more remarkable by reason of the
fact that in this race Mrs. Desch cre
ated a new Pacific coast record of 1
minute, 39 3-5 seconds for the distance
Ruth Crane Is the 17-year-old mer
maid. In the same meet she won both
the 50 and 100-yara sprint events. She
is an Alameda girl and her friends are
predicting a brilliant future for her in
swimming competition.
Lillian Snowgrass. who a year ago
was unable to swim a stroke, placed
second in the diving events to Miss
Gladys Boehmer, the Pacific associa
tion champion. She has competed only
a few times. Under the circumstances
her ability is considered quite remark
able. Local swimmers are interested in the
performance of Miss Helen Martin, as
she was a pupil of Miss Grace Kad
derly. swimming instructor in the Port
land city parks two years ago. While
here she lived in the Peninsula district
and swam in the Peninsula park tank.
George Sisler Roosts Average
Points in American League.
Ty Cobb Close Second.
CHICAGO, Aug. 2. Jim Thorpe, the
Indian outfielder of the Boston Braves,
has suffered a slump in hitting, but
not enough to cause nim to give up his
position as leader of the National
league. According to averages released
today, Thorpe is hitting 366. Manager
Cravath of Philadelphia continued to
be the runner up to Thorpe, with a
mark of 353.
Benny Kauf f. New York, tied Cra
vath for home run honors by making
his ninth circuit drive. Kauff also is
high man in total bases with 155 to his
credit. Jake Daubert. Cincinnati, main
tained his lead as a sacrifice hitter
with 23, Cutshaw of Pittsburg passed
his team mate, Biffbee, in the number
of bases stolen. Cutshaw has pilfered
25 to Bigbee's 23.
Other leading batters for 35 &r more
games: McHenry, St. Louis, 319; Wil
liams, Philadelphia, 317 ; Rousch, Cin
cinnati, 316; Burns, New York, 314;
Doyle, New York, 311; Kauff, New
York. 310; Young, New York, 309; Dau
bert, Cincinnati, 306.
In the American league, George Sis
ter, the St. Louis star, has boosted his
average from 346 to 362. Sisler also is
leading the league in total bases, hav
ing to his credit ISO, made on 119 hits
in 85 games. The St. Louis man also has
taken the stolen bases honors from
Johnston of Cleveland, having 22 bases
to Johnston's 21.
Roger Peckinpaugh, New York, Tias
broken the tie for scoring honors by
pulling away from Sisler. Peekinpaugb
counted 68 times to Sister's 61.
Babe Ruth of Boston tied Seibold's
American league record for home' run
honors by cracking out his sixteenth
circuit drive.
Tyrus Cobb is hovering near the top
among the batters with a mark of 355,
nine points behind Sisler. Witt, Boston,
continued to be the best sacrificer with
a mark of 37.
Other leading batters for 35 or more
games: Veach, Detroit, 351; Peckin
paugh. New York, 343 ; Jackson, Chl
,cago, 338; Flagstead, Detroit, 332; Rice,
Washington, 325; Chapman, Cleveland,
321; Kewster, New York. 316; Heilman.
Detroit.. 315; Oandill, Chicago, 314 ;
Kulh, Boston. 313.
All These Champions Wear
"Jantzen" Bathing Suits
WILLIAM ("BUDDY") WALLEN, Illinois A. C, National Mile
Champion, winner of yesterday's race.
DUKE KAHANAMOKA, Honolulu, 100 Yards World's Champion.
HAROLD ("STUBBY") KRUGER, Honolulu, Champion Back
Stroke Swimmer of the World.
GEORGE SCHROTH, Oakland A. C, Champion Long Distance
Swimmer of the Pacific coast.
Fancy Diving Champion.
MEIER & FRANK'S has complete new assortments of Jantzen
bathing suits in a multitude of colors and color combinations.
Get your Jantzen here tomorrow is a good time.
Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men. Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
"Every Man in Athletics" Sloran
for Coming Year Football Ma
terial Looks Gooj.
Corvallis. Aug. 2. (Special.) Every
man in athletics in the 1919-20 school
year at the college is the plan of the
department of physical education.
Dr. A. D Browne, head of the de
partment, who is director of athletics
for the summer school at the University
of California, is expected to come back
in the fall with some new ideas. He is
now instructing hundreds of students
in the art of teaching athletics.
H. W. (Bill) Hargiss. who developed
a large group of high school men in
football last season to the -point where
they are expected to get results this
year with a little extra seasoning, will
have charge of the varsity squad. He
will be assisted by Brewer Billie, well
known O. A. C. star, who will be as
sistant coach in athletics for the de
partment. !oach "Jimmy" Rirehardson, man
ager of student activities, will aid in
coaching the freshman squad.
Multnomah A. A.
Tut Quality' Store or- porj-lawo
James W. Seavey, 1919 trapshooting:
champion of Oregon and Frank M.
Troeh, Washington state titleholder, '
will leave for Chicago this wee, whera
they will compete in the twentieth an
nual grand American handicap trap
shooting championships, the scatter
gun classic of tne year In the United
Champions of eacn state are eligible
to compete for the championship at .
clay targets of America. Seavey ranka
with the best trapshooters in tho
country while Troeh holds more titles
with a shotgun than a cat has whisk
ers. Troeh won the world s double titla
at last years' grand American handi
cap but was edged out for the singles
crown by W. H. Heer of Guthrie, Ok la,
Frank Troeh went east in 1916 and
won the title by breaking 99 targets
out of 100. He has been shooting in
excellent form this year and besides re
peating winning the championship of
Washington at the tournament in Ya
kima recently has captured nearly
every big event that he has entered up
to date this season and has proved him
self the most consistent high gun in
the game.
August 11-15 Are Date.
The year's grand American handi
cap which will again be staged by the
South Shore Country club of Chicago,
will extend from August 11 to 15 and
embraces the most elaborate pro
gramme yet attempted. The national
junior championship for youngsters
will be one of the - features of this
year's shoot besides a number of other
chamuionship events such as the pro
fessional, doubles, army and navy,
women's, and others. Another event
which is coming in for a good deal of
attention is the East versus West team
match. The western team will likely
be captained by Frank Troeh. .
Nothing outside of a regular 50-tar-get
practice shoot is scheduled for the
Portland Gun club this afternoon. Ma,ny
of the members are out of the city
and therefore nothing in the line of
special shoots was billed for today.
The referee's decision will be final at
the grand American handicap tourna
ment. This is in accordance with Rule
2, Section 3, in the revised trapshoot-
ing rules of the American Trapshooting
association. The South Shore Country
club has engaged trained referees for
the shoot all of whom know the rules
and are competent to interpret them
The competitio.-s for final ownership
of the Hercules All-round champion
ship trophies, both of which are now
held by Frank Troeh, will be held Sat
urday afternoon. August 9, on the
grounds of the South tohore- Country
club. Chicago. The date, August 9. is the
Saturday before the start of the grand
American handicap.
These trophies were first placed In
competition at St. Louis on August 19,
1916. They were subject to challenge
and were to run three years.- The sec
ond open competition was held on the
grounds of the South Shore Country
club in Chicago, on August 18, 1917,
while the third and last open competi
tion was held at the same place on Au
gust 3. of last year.
Only previous wir ers of the trophy
are eligible to compete for final owner
ship on August 9 next. Frank Troeh
defended both of the trophies success
fully at the Portland Gun club the past
The South Shore Country club of Chi
cago over whose traps the grand Amer
ican handicap will be shot, will hold a
registered trapshooting tournament on
Sunday, August 10, over the same traps
that will be used in the grand Ameri
can handicap.
Commodore A. P. Bennett of the
New York Athletic club is credited
with the honor of being the first man
to send in his entry blank to the
grand American handicap.
H. H. Hilton, in his new runabout,
accompanied by his family and by Ray
Neuberger, made a cruise to II Iwaco.
The run was made in about 12 hours.
C, Woman National